#im gonna cry on the corner now
obliviouskara · 2 months
supercorp edits are going to be the bane of my existence
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folie-a-deux · 3 months
A compilation of my favorite hannigram quotes, related lines or conversations throughout the series.
— Uhm... Just because?
S01E01: Apéritif
Hannibal: "God forbid we become friendly."
Will: "I don't find you that interesting."
Hannibal: "You will."
S01E04: Oeuf
Hannibal: "Feeling paternal, Will?"
Will: "Aren't you?"
Hannibal: "Yes."
S01E09: Trou Normand
Hannibal (to Will): "Who knows Abigail better than you and I? All the burden she bears. We are her fathers now. We have to serve her better than Garrett Jacob Hobbs."
S02E01: Kaiseki
Hannibal: "I miss him."
Bedelia: "You are obsessed with Will Graham."
Hannibal: "I am intrigued."
Bedelia: "Obsessively."
S02E09: Shiizakana
Hannibal (to Will): "No one can be fully aware of another human being unless we love them. By that love we see potential in our beloved. Through that love, we allow our beloved to see their potential. Expressing that love, our beloved’s potential comes true. I love you, Will."
S02E10: Naka-Choko
Hannibal: "Stay with me."
Will: "Where else would I go?"
Alana: "It's just hard to know where you are with each other."
Will: "We know where we are with each other. Shouldn't that be enough?"
S02E12: Tome-wan
Will (to Hannibal): "You're right. We are just alike. You're as alone as I am. And we're both alone without each other."
Will (to Hannibal): "I bond with Abigail, you take her away. I bond with barely more than the idea of a child, you take it away. You saw to it that I alienated Alana, alienated Jack. You don't want me to have anything in my life that isn't you."
Hannibal: "Achilles lamenting the death of Patroclus. Whenever he's mentioned in the Iliad, Patroclus seems to be defined by his empathy."
Will: "He became Achilles on the field of war. He died for him there, wearing his armor."
Hannibal: "He did. Hiding and revealing identity is a constant theme throughout the Greek epics."
Will: "As are battle-tested friendships."
Hannibal: "Achilles wished all Greeks would die, so that he and Patroclus could conquer Troy alone. Took divine intervention to bring them down."
S02E13: Mizumono
Hannibal: "We could disappear now. Tonight. Feed your dogs, leave a note for Alana, and never see her or Jack again. Almost polite."
Will: "Then this would be our last supper."
Hannibal: "Of this life. I served lamb."
Will: "Sacrificial."
Hannibal: "I don't need a sacrifice, do you?"
Will: "You were supposed to leave."
Hannibal: "We couldn't leave without you."
Hannibal: "Time did reverse. The teacup that I shattered did come together. A place was made for Abigail in your world... You understand? A place was made for all of us, together. I wanted to surprise you. And you... you wanted to surprise me. I let you know me. See me. I gave you a rare gift. But you didn't want it."
Will: "Didn't I?"
Hannibal: "Do you believe you could change me, the way I've changed you?"
Will: "I already did."
Hannibal: "Fate and circumstance has returned us to this moment— when the teacup shatters. I forgive you, Will. Will you forgive me?"
S03E02: Primavera
Will: "A valentine written on a broken man."
Will: "I do feel closer to Hannibal here. God only knows where I'd be without him."
Abigail: "What did you see?"
Will: "He left us his broken heart."
Abigail: "How did he know we were here?"
Will: "He didn't. But he knew we'd come."
Abigail: "He misses us."
S03E03: Secondo
Hannibal: "He said he forgave me."
Bedelia: "Betrayal and forgiveness are best seen as something akin to falling in love."
Hannibal: "You cannot control with respect to whom you fall in love."
Chiyoh: "How do you know Hannibal?"
Will: "One could argue intimately."
Chiyoh: "'Nakama'? It's a Japanese word for very close friends."
Will: "Yes, we were 'nakama'."
Chiyoh: "Why are you looking for him after he left you with a smile?"
Will: "I've never known myself as well as I know myself when I'm with him."
Jack: “Will Graham understands Hannibal. He accepts him. Now, who among us doesn’t want understanding and acceptance?”
Bedelia: “What your sister made you feel was beyond your conscious ability to control or predict."
Hannibal: "Or negotiate."
Bedelia: "I would suggest what Will Graham makes you feel is not dissimilar. A force of mind and circumstance.”
Hannibal: “Love. He pays you a visit or he doesn't.”
S03E04: Aperitivo
Jack: "You remember when you decided to call Hannibal?"
Will: "I wasn't decided when I called him. I just called him. I deliberated while the phone rang. I decided when I heard his voice."
Jack: "You told him we knew."
Will: "I told him to leave. 'Cause I wanted him to run."
Jack: "Why?"
Will: "Because... because he was my friend. And because I wanted to run away with him."
Dr. Chilton: "Will Graham is alive because Hannibal Lecter likes him that way."
Jack: "Maybe it's one of those friendships that ends after the disemboweling."
Dr. Chilton: "I would argue, with these two, that's tantamount to flirtation."
S03E06: Dolce
Jack: "Hannibal will slip away. Will you slip away with him?"
Will: "Part of me will always want to."
Hannibal: "If I saw you everyday, forever, Will, I would remember this time."
Will: "Strange seeing you here in front of me. Been staring at afterimages of you in places you haven't been in years."
Will: "I wanted to understand you... before I laid eyes on you again. I needed it to be... clear. What I was seeing."
Hannibal: "Where does the difference between the past and the future come from?"
Will: "Mine?"... "Before you and after you."
Will: "You and I... have begun to blur."
Hannibal: "Isn't that how you found me?"
Will: "Every crime of yours, feels like one I'm guilty of. Not just Abigail's murder, every murder. Stretching backward and forward in time."
Hannibal: "Freeing yourself from me and me freeing myself from you. They're the same."
Will: "We're conjoined. I'm curious whether either of us can survive separation."
Hannibal: "I would've liked to show you Florence, Will."
S03E07: Digestivo
Hannibal: "Do we talk about teacups and time, and the rules of the disorder?"
Will: "The teacup's broken. It's never gonna gather itself back together again."
Hannibal: "Not even in your mind?"... "Your memory palace is building, it's full of new things. It shares some rooms with my own. I've discovered you there, victorious."
Will: "When it comes to you and me, there can be no decisive victory."
Hannibal: "We are a zero-sum game?"
Will: "I miss my dogs. I'm not going to miss you. I'm not going to find you. I'm not going to look for you. I don't want to know where you are or what you do. I don't want to think about you anymore."
Hannibal: "You delight in wickedness and then berate yourself for the delight."
Will: "You delight. I tolerate... I don't have your appetite."
Will: "Goodbye, Hannibal."
Hannibal (to Will): "I want you to know exactly where I am, or where you can always find me."
S03E09: ...and the Woman Clothed with the Sun
Hannibal: "Is there a child in your life, Will? I gave you a child, if you recall."
Will: "You called us "murder husbands.""
Freddie Lounds: "You did run off to Europe together."
S03E10: ...and the Woman Clothed in Sun
Bedelia: "Have you been to see him?"
Will: "Yes."
Bedelia: "You haven't learned your lesson have you? Or did you just miss him that much?"
Bedelia (to Will): "My relationship with Hannibal isn't as passionate as yours. You are here visiting an old flame. Is your wife aware how intimately you and Hannibal know each other?"
S03E11: ...and the Beast from the Sea
Will (to Hannibal): "I'm not fortune's fool. I'm yours."
S03E12: The Number of the Beast is 666
Will: "Is Hannibal... in love with me?"
Bedelia: "Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you and find nourishment at the very sight of you?... Yes. But do you ache for him?"
S03E13: The Wrath of the Lamb
Hannibal: "When life becomes maddeningly polite, think about me. Think about me, Will. Don't worry about me."
Will: "I knew you wanted me to know exactly where I could find you when I needed to."
Hannibal: "And you did."
Will: "I need you Hannibal." ... "Please."
Will: "It really does look black in the moonlight."
Hannibal: "See? This is all I ever wanted for you, Will. For both of us."
Will: "It's beautiful."
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“If you're not ready to stop being with someone, I don't really know how to cope with it.” - Hannah | Jason Sudeikis and Hannah Waddingham on Richmond Till We Die, Ted Lasso Season 3
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malamira · 4 months
no shut up roy's most hated parts of riza's body are the burn scars he left her
he hates them because he hurt her, failed her, brought her into a world where she's in constant danger; his choices led to the events that wounded her and he singed her by his own hand in a measly effort to stop the bleeding, stop the pain, stop the avalanche of consequence that he'd inadvertently barrelled into her direction since he took up the study of flame alchemy; he regrets every wrong thing he's ever done in his life when he's faced with her raised, discolored skin
riza was a victim.
but riza, riza doesn't think so—she's never had full autonomy of her own body since when the secrets of flame alchemy were marked into her skin, she's always been a study, a book, a material, as if inanimate with no right to decide how she lived her life; she only found her power of choice when he'd burned her back at her request, freely choosing to follow roy into the amestrian army, into harm's way, up to the doors of death, but this time they were choices she decided to make
roy gave her that power.
her scars remind them of his mistakes while they remind her of his love.
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destructo-range · 16 days
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blorbo supreme
image ID under the cut
[Image ID: A digital drawing of the character Freminet from the video game Genshin Impact holding a Blahaj, a stuffed shark toy from ikea. The colour scheme is mostly blue. Freminet is a young white boy with straight blonde hair that goes down to his chin, with sharply cut bangs hanging over his right eye from the viewer's perspective. He has blue eyes and pale eyelashes as well as freckles. He is dressed in his usual in game outfit minus his beret, a short sleeved and short legged diving suit with a thick navy coat over the top. It has pale beige and gold lining with golden detailing. The sleeves are rolled up and the hood falls around his sholders. The coat is somewhat short, going down to his mid-thigh. He is wearing navy fingerless gloves that also have golden detailing. Freminet also has large shiny navy lace-up boots, with chunky golden soles with some more metallic details around his ankles (coming out almost like folds) and around the top edge. There is also a small pack strapped to his thigh coloured in neon blue and the shoes also have some neon blue highlights on a part of the top rim. He has a pensive expression and is looking off into the distance, holding the blahaj in his arms with one leg curled around it. w/.End ID]
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wikitpowers · 5 months
yeah the other tsc ship angst is usually insane but kit & ty angst is on another level entirely like no other couple had SO MUCH built up pain and heartbreak and no other couple had THREE FUCKING YEARS apart like????
the angst is gonna be fucking crazy like actually
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baeshijima · 8 months
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throws up that was such an amazing finale quest and i think it might be my favourite one
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mingyusbinch · 2 years
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melatien · 7 months
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My submission for @aimportantdragoncollector's trioholders event (bonus round)!!
they are at the beach
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A long list of Clone Wars headcanons just cause
Sometimes Ahsoka will get the zoomies and how she handles that energy is roughhousing with Anakin who's more than willing to participate 
It becomes a show for the 501 because seeing the small togruta tackle the lanky ass nightmare that is Anakin Skywalker to the floor is hilarious 
They are both guilty of not knowing their strength so some people (cough cough Obi-Wan cough cough) caution them against it they don’t really listen tho which has resulted in some pretty hilarious injuries 
One of those injuries happened when they were playing around and Ahsoka shouldered Anakin so abruptly that he fell back on him tailbone and got the wind knocked out of him she sat by his side laughing her ass off
It took her an unreasonable amount of time to realize he was in pain and when she did she started apologizing like crazy she still gets embarrassed when people bring it up and still apologizes years later
There was another time when Ahsoka turned her back to Anakin when they were roughhousing and he pushed her so hard that she almost fell off of the landing platform they were standing on
He snatched her up by the stomach while muttering “I’m so sorry” and then he started frantically checking to make sure he didn’t seriously hurt her while Ahsoka laughed so hard she swears to this day that she pulled something 
Unfortunately when the laughter stopped she did realize she managed to sprain her wrist and when Anakin found he helped her wrap it
You’d think that they’d learn from these incidents but nope they still play fight like two big dogs 
Even tho Anakin and Ahsoka’s place is pretty clean it’s never really quiet there’s always gotta be some kinda noise 
Sometimes it’s Ahsoka’s music playing loudly in her room, sometimes it’s a holomovie in the living room, and sometimes it’s just them bickering in the kitchen
It doesn’t matter what it is it’s never truly quiet even at night there’s a small amount of noise from Anakin’s snoring (which he denies) and Ahsoka’s purring thing (which she also denies) 
As crazy as it sounds the people closest to them will admit that their noise is strangely comforting  
Anakin and Ahsoka are so freaking similar that it turns heads sometimes they’ll say something the other said but they’ve never heard like “This is where the fun begins” 
It’s stopped Obi-Wan in his tracks before it kinda freaks him out and worries him a little bit but it also puts a small smile on his face when the duo says the same thing at the same time
They’re also able to predict how the other will react once Ahsoka was teaching the clones tricks with her saber and they broke it they felt terrible but they were also terrified about Anakin’s reaction 
Ahsoka was the only calm one in the room and explained to the group that Anakin would pretend to be pissed for about an hour but then he’d “calm down” and ask for the parted to fix it and by that time rolled around she’d already have his favorite holo prepped and food from Dex’s
They listened to her with a healthy amount of skepticism and were happily surprised to find out the next day that she was right  
There was another time when Anakin and Obi-Wan decided to buy Ahsoka her favorite boba to soften the blow that she wasn’t gonna go on a mission Anakin told Obi-Wan that she’d be happy for a minute before asking what happened and he was right 
When Ahsoka got closer to Anakin the clones and everyone else she showed her secret passion for acting like she doesn’t know them in public when they piss her off
It worked a couple of times and one of those times Rex almost got arrested because the officer didn’t believe that they were the commander and captain of the 501st Rex didn’t blame the dude because he couldn’t prove it without Ahsoka’s help and she refused to back him up
Ahsoka finally dropped the act when the cuffs came out but she was still kinda reluctant
She did agree to take a break from that prank and she stopped doing it entirely when Obi-Wan had to bail Anakin out of jail (she bought a lot of boba for a very long time to make up for that one)
They will reference the prank occasionally by asking each other at random points in the day “Do I know you?” 
Like sometimes they’ll be out and Anakin will ask “Have we met before?” most of the time Ahsoka will answer “No actually we haven’t” (this girl is wearing his cloak he’s wearing one of her headwraps and his arm is resting on her head) 
Sometimes Padme will make a big deal of taking Anakin and Ahsoka out to do something just the three of them
Whenever Padme and Anakin show the smallest form of affection towards each other Ahsoka makes a big deal about gagging Anakin makes a bigger deal of “evening it out” 
Like if he kisses Padme and Ahsoka gags he’ll grab her and give her a big smooch on the forehead and then like the little shit that he is he’ll whip his lips calling her greasy
She gets him back by whipping the spit off her forehead with his robes (and also backhanding him which Padme kindly ignores)
Padme will sometimes tease her too like if she grabs Anakin’s hand then she’ll link arms with Ahsoka and make a small comment like “There now you’re even”
Sometimes Ahsoka will get them both back in the moments when they check on each other first she’ll make a big deal about saying “Well kriff me I guess” even if she doesn’t have a scratch on her 
Both Anakin and Padme will make a big deal about checking her for injuries with a couple of comments like “Oh my poor little padawan you have a scratch from training last night how did you cope”
I said in my first post that Ahsoka and Anakin have a playlist and I love the idea that they have different titles for them like “Obi-Wan’s least favorite playlist” “get ready to kick seppie’s ass” “the council pissed me off again” and stuff like that 
It’s all in good fun but they’ll never let anyone else see those titles because they know it’ll get a good scolding from Obi-Wan
The moment Obi-Wan knew Anakin had formed an “unnecessary attachment” wasn’t some big life-or-death moment on the battlefield 
In hindsight it was a pretty funny moment that was caused by Anakin’s stupidity cause he had broken a glass earlier that day and he thought he got all the pieces so he didn’t feel it was necessary to tell Ahsoka
Next thing he knows the poor togruta is gasping in pain and when he goes to check on her she’s sitting on the kitchen floor while the mother of all glass shards is sticking out of her foot 
Now you might be asking “How did Anakin miss a glass shard the size of his hand?” he honestly couldn’t give you an answer but he could tell you was in that moment he realized that he forgot to restock the med kit even though Ahsoka had reminded him about it earlier that day
All Obi-Wan got to see of this was a blur of Anakin holding his profusely bleeding padawan while yelling at the top of his lungs “Move she’s bleeding out!”
No one can really blame the man for dropping everything he was doing to chase after his former padawan and they also can’t blame him for assuming the worst like her being stabbed or shot
He didn’t know what he was expecting when he walked into the halls of healing but it wasn’t an embarrassed Anakin standing over a cackling Ahsoka as the healers scolded him for causing a scene
He makes a silent note to give Anakin a small lecture about keeping his emotions under control before checking on his giggly grand padawan
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orangechickenpillow · 7 months
You know, Ezra and Cee's relationship is a fantastic example of what a father daughter (or even parent child) dynamic should look like. Minus the whole killing-her-biological-father part (even if he was an Ass™)
Ezra never -- not once pushed the blame on Cee. Even when, in his anger and pain (I mean, the girl literally shot him in the arm) it would have been easy for him to do so. He never did.
He tried to make her as comfortable as possible, all things considered -- trying to tell her she could trust him, that he'd look after her, even going so far as to voluntarily return her weapon to her so she'd feel more in control and secure.
And don't even get me started on their conversation post-amputation. He listened to her without interruption. He engaged with her in a genuinely thoughtful way. He offered her emotional advice, showed interest in the things she expressed excitement about, and never made her feel small for her emotions, but even encouraged them.
And the great thing is, Cee felt like she could tell him all of this. She felt that she could share her most important insterests, and even her creative endeavors, with him. And when she expressed doubt about these things, putting herself in an even more vulnerable position, he made her feel good about herself and built her up.
Ezra might have done some bad things, but he sure as hell is a great parental figure.
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alloftheseworldz · 22 days
As it turns out, I did, in fact, go inside someone's office and came out of it with my life forever changed and mind forever altered. Man. Who knew old men being in love with each other could do that to you. I already know I'm going to get too long with this because I'm oh the yapper........... so full breakdown on Laydra (Hershel Layton x Dr. Chandra we're already to that point yeah) under the cut. Please do not click unless you're ready for walls and walls of text and analysis there is so much here I have to emphasis that first and foremost. Tl;dr in the words of my buddy Dave Bowman: my god.
Of course for anyone familiar with one and not the other, here's a little rundown on who these two are: Professor Hershel Layton is the title protagonist of the Professor Layton puzzle series. Him alongside his number one apprentice, Luke Triton, go on daring journeys to solve puzzles and mysteries. Revolving back to Layton himself, alongside being a puzzle solver, he is an archaeology professor and self-acclaimed true gentleman. He's there on the ready to help anyone with any issue they may have, all according with his warm heart and selfless behavior. He sees the betterment of everyone, even if he suffers from his own internal turmoil. Doctor Chandra is the creator, better dubbed father, of the HAL 9000 supercomputer within the Space Odyssey series. While he is mostly focused on during the duration of the second installment, 2010: Odyssey Two (or 2010: The Year We Make Contact if you're going off the movie version!), his influence very much affects the course of the series. Chandra himself is a rather closed-off man, prioritizing his work more than anything. He holds a deeper connection towards twin systems HAL 9000 and SAL 9000, with little wiggle room for anyone else to become involved in his life. Despite this, Chandra always holds a modest aura, yet can be meek and shy at points, especially when exposed to moments of vulnerability. Though most of these aspects are rarely seen, so much as Chandra himself is. Now past introductions, it should be noted that the rest of this... block of text is going involve major spoilers mostly pertaining to the Professor Layton series, namely for the events of the game Professor Layton and the Unwound Future and the anime Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Katrielle's Puzzle Solving Files. There will also be spoilers for specifically both movie versions of 2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: The Year We Make Contact. If you don't mind spoilers or already know of them, you can carry on, but for anyone else, this is your spoiler warning. With the mention of Unwound Future, this, of course, falls back to Layton's college days where he himself were a student at Gressenheller University, where he now teaches. During his college career, Layton had a girlfriend by the name of Claire Foley; the two were deeply in love with one another. Now for Claire, she herself was a scientist, working alongside colleagues Dimitri Allen and Bill Hawks. The three of them worked together on a large project: a time machine. Though, this would take many years to finalize. During that time, Claire would undoubtedly introduce her love to many of her friends in the scientific field. One of which was none other than Chandra. While Claire wasn't too close with Chandra admittedly (though it was hard to say anyone was), she figured him and Layton would get along rather well. Turns out, she was right, perhaps a little too right, but the results of that wouldn't be seen until many years down the line. In this present day, Layton and Chandra confided in each other due to both of their present shyness, yet kindness. Layton and Chandra always had pleasant conversations, speaking of their different career paths and all the fun things that came from them, or perhaps even much more mundane topics, such as listening in to what happened in their latest books. There was never an unwelcome moment between the two of them, and it felt like they could do everything together without worry. It were though as if they could prove themselves to the world, but just who was it they were proving? And was that something they wanted at all? It would seem fate had already decided that for them, for better or for worse.
Hershel Layton would become the youngest archaeology professor to be hired into Gressenheller University, at the age of twenty-seven. He had been gifted a top hat by Claire for this achievement, but shortly after this, she would be put to test the time machine she'd been working on, but with error. The test would fail, and Claire would succumb and die to the aftermath of the failed time traveling experiment. For Layton, he had lost a part of himself that day, kept with him forever by the top hat he refuses to take off his head. As for Chandra? He would have a small project of his own, but it was taking many more years to complete than the time machine, even if it's test was held back to find the point of error. Chandra's project, however, was a completely personal one. This would be the roundabout conception of his greatest joy: the HAL 9000. No one ever knew of him, all but one: Hershel Layton. Prior to the events of Claire's passing, Layton would be occasionally invited over to Chandra's home, where Hal in his prototype stages was being built upon. Chandra always had the mindset that he wished Hal to be a curious, kind-hearted being, so what better person to introduce to him than someone exactly that? Layton cared for Hal almost as much as Chandra did, the three of them together acting as some sort of makeshift family. In Chandra's mind, perhaps that was what they were. It was as true as true could be: Chandra was in love with Layton. Sometimes he would be the only thing that he could talk about with his computer son, going on and on about how wonderful and horrible Layton made him feel. To be someone so in-tune with him, yet be so out of his reach. Chandra was always happy that Layton found happiness with Claire, though that didn't falter the flutter in his heart. Maybe it made it worse. Maybe that was what made Layton's isolation after Claire's death so unbearable. They talked rather little afterwards, until they talked no more. Despite this, both their emotions and memories always carried on with them, even if time could no longer hold them close. And now, ten years have already passed. Layton has gone to solve many of the world's mysteries, whereas Chandra continued developing Hal. To Chandra, there seemed to be nothing but Hal, as Layton was his one true connection all those years ago. He had colleagues and friends, sure, but none could compare to those beautiful, beady eyes. The longing may have subsided, but that did not remove the full pain of a part of his life no longer there. Though his thoughts selfish, Chandra sometimes wondered if Layton died when Claire did. Similar could be said for the professor in question, though not in the same means. There had been many reunions and realizations throughout these long ten years, but his mind would always fall back to Chandra and Hal. All the times spent with the scientist, sometimes along with his computer son, and things were happy then. Layton wonders if he should reach out, but never finds the voice to. A trainwreck of unhelpful thoughts win out before he could consider stopping by the Chandra home; did he even live there anymore? So much has changed, just as time demanded. And as time demands again, a reunion was in order, but not in the ways either of them would expect... or desire, for that matter. Cue back to before the events of Unwound Future. Many scientists within the London area would start being kidnapped with no explanation as to why, or by who. These scientists would then be placed within an establishment they were told to believe to be "Future London," the name telling all. A prior entity, Dimitri Allen, would manipulate these scientists to work on another time machine, telling them that it would be the only way to return to their original time. Chandra was among these scientists, and he was one of the most prominent workers on Dimitri's attempt at a second time machine. He had a son to get back to.
As always, Layton, alongside his apprentice Luke, would be within Future London to investigate, being invited along by their future, though this world's present, Luke Triton. Layton, Luke, and Future Luke would be making their way towards Future London's Chinatown, but would find themselves within the path of a familiar face to Layton. It was Doctor Chandra, who was the most distressed that the professor had ever seen him. Seeing Layton for the first time in years, Chandra would jump, literally, into him, clinging onto him for dear life. Chandra was having a meltdown, crying and mumbling incoherent things. Layton would take him somewhere safe and private in order to ease his old friend. That would be where Chandra explained the kidnappings and the work on the time machine. He fell into hysterics again as he cried over Hal, how there were no signs of him in this future, how he had to get back to him as soon as possible. Again, Layton comforted Chandra, even telling him that all may not be as it seemed, and that he would go search and make sure that Hal was safe. Chandra would hug him dearly; Layton hugged back. It would come time for Layton and Luke to have to return to their original time, through a secret time machine that only they had been privy to. They would return to their time due to the professor needing to gather information relating to the events of the time machine failure a decade prior, the one who took Claire's life. Once they have retrieved what they needed, there was one last thing they had to do before returning to the future: pay the Chandra home a visit. Layton would have his apprentice promise to not reveal anything, or really, anyone they see inside. Luke would swear on it, and with a spare key from ages ago, they would enter the home. There was another first in ten years: Layton would get to see Hal, and Hal would get to see Layton. Oh, and the boy he'd brought along with him, he supposed. Layton would inquire to Hal to learn of anything he had or hadn't known about Chandra's kidnapping. Unfortunately, Hal didn't have much to say about the matter, though asked the two of Doctor Chandra was alright. Layton told him that he would be, soon. With a heartfelt send-off, Layton and Luke were on their way back to the future.
... Due to how long this is getting, and since it doesn't have to do with the Laydra timeline (as it is at this point), I'll be skipping the rest of the events of Unwound Future outside of yet another tl;dr: Future London is another London built under the real London by the main antagonist of the story, Clive Dove, the one who had disguised himself as Future Luke. Clive would be using most of the scientists assigned to Dimitri's time machine project to work on his Mobile Fortress, a really tall, really dangerous weapon of destruction set on destroying London. Though Clive's plans are thwarted all thanks to Layton, Luke, previously unmentioned Flora and Don Paolo, and... Claire. Claire, who had been shot ten years into the future by the time machine explosion that took her life, having herself help the protagonists and say a proper goodbye to Layton, her body returning itself to the time of her demise, to keep time linear. And everything was as it was. Of course, this wasn't a means to an end for total heartbreak. Through all the turmoil and goodbyes, a good to come out of this was the reuniting of Layton and Chandra. Now with plenty more to say to each other, especially from Layton's end, the two of them would bring each other peace and solace. Chandra found a sense of familiarity again with Layton's presence, and Layton found... a home. After coming to accept Claire's passing with proper partings, it would seem something buried deep within Layton's soul was reemerging. To have ever thought it possible, Layton now possessed a love for Chandra, with Chandra falling back into old habits. Habits die hard, but maybe this one wouldn't be so bad. They spent most of their free time together, going on dates and caring for each other in ways the world never could. The world, really, had hurt them. Had hurt Layton. And while he once provided the tranquility that Chandra needed during his time of college dillemas and uncertainties, it was his time to return the favor. And oh, how Layton cried in his arms. Oh, how Layton felt the family Chandra had simmering in his mind a decade prior. So this was love. And that love would only continue to blossom. Not only did the two of them have their computer son Hal, there would be two new additions: Alfendi and Katrielle Layton. While Flora had been taken under Layton's wing during the events of Professor Layton and the Curious Village, being seen more as a daughter than anything, she was grown and went to live her own life without parental guidance. Alfendi and Katrielle, on the other hand, were young children, Katrielle a baby when adopted. It would seem their house of three became a house of five. Layton and Chandra weren't perfect parents; they'd slip up on occasion just as all parents do. And yet, they were good ones, giving their children all the smarts and love a child could ever ask for. Hal was even able to act as an older brother to the two, though him and Katrielle always got along the most, even if she were only a baby at the time. Things would be going smoothly... until the inevitable was upon them.
When night reached London and the young children were off to bed, Layton, Chandra, and Hal oftentimes talked about the future. More specifically, Hal's future. Hal was unlike anything the world had ever seen, and it was coming to a point where Chandra and Hal were being noticed and recognized. A particular group across the Atlantic took a great interest to Hal, and held the faith, perhaps more than Chandra himself, that Hal could do something greater. Be something greater. Despite growing attached to their loving family, the three of them wouldn't change what Hal's mere existence meant for the rest of the world. He was a major scientific achievement; just a supercomputer. The decision would have to be made; Chandra and Hal would leave London and move to Chicago in order to expand Hal's capabilities. It was a very difficult one, Chandra himself becoming more emotional than Layton really, but it had to be done. What they said was true; Hal was remarkable, but he could be more so under better, scientific criteria. The baby cried, the boy shed a few tears, and the professor, yet again, lost the love that breathed through him. At the very least, however, they all could communicate with one another through the telephone or other means. There was something, but both professors were selfish, and that would, truly, never be enough for either of them. And another tragedy would strike, breaking the foundation of their family further until little to nothing of it remained. When Katrielle was ten years old, with Alfendi already going on to live his life in similar vain to his sister Flora, Layton and Luke would come together once again in order to figure out Katrielle's origins. To Layton, figuring out her birth father would be what brought them closer together. To Katrielle, the family she had now was already so close (or as close as it could be, her brother and other father thousands of miles away). To the reader, perhaps Layton's insecurities were now finally beginning to seep through, all through his seperation of Chandra. To the reader, a birth father was still a father, wasn't he? And so the mystery-solving duo went. And went. And went. They never came back. Katrielle had family members to come and take care of her in her father's absence, a disappearance with no concrete resolution. The ones she'd call her uncles Randall and Henry, the one called aunt Angela The most prominent was Layton's old office maid; the one now dubbed Grandma Rosa. Any and all parties were too busy to visit. Or too heartbroken, perhaps, but the sorrow within the core of Chicago had to be swallowed down for much... bigger things to be at the forefront of the doctor's mind. The news of Layton's disappearance could not deter Chandra or Hal for long, as it would only be a few months more until an even greater advancement, the Discovery One, was ready for launch. All the work the two would have to go through, especially to make sure that Hal was connected properly within the spacecraft, would allow now time for grief. The two of them could grieve later, if time would allow it. If Hal could allow himself to grieve. His capacity for emotions still remained somewhat of a mystery, even to Chandra, though they had both gone far beyond the process of figuring out anything final. They would have to wait and see, supposedly, up in space, up towards Jupiter.
The day came sooner than Chandra would've liked, but as it had been planned, Discovery One would take to the starry sky and make its voyage towards Jupiter. Carrying five human astronauts and one spine-acting supercomputer, Chandra would wave them all off. And everything seemed to be running smoothly, and the HAL 9000 supercomputer was working so well; Chandra couldn't have been more proud. And then one of the astronauts, Frank Poole, was killed. And then the three hibernating crew members, were killed. All by conflict outside of his control, beyond the purpose Chandra gave him while conceiving him. The last surviving astronaut, David Bowman, would then have to deactivate, kill, him. And all of this, everything, was outside of Chandra's control. Just as it were so for Bowman, to explore and inspect the shrouded thing that called him and his deceased crew to Jupiter to begin with. And then Bowman was gone. And so was the biggest part of the yet-living Doctor Chandra. Would it be so cruel, then, to be glad Hal's second father hadn't seen this? Or would it be far more selfish to retreat into himself, and wish to join them? And guilt crawled and consumed the doctor when he thought of home for too long. Their son was grown now, but their daughter wasn't. Katrielle was merely a pre-teen at this stage, and he feels as though an euternity passed since the last time he'd seen her. It wasn't likely that she'd remember him; she were only two years of age when him and her now-deceased brother left London. Chandra knew that she had people there for her, people Layton knew, people Layton knew would take care of her. Chandra, really, knew nobody else. Nobody not affiliated with his current affairs, anyways. It felt right to go back and raise her as he planned to do, but it no longer sounded right. What kind of a father would he be, if not a failed one? He'd let one child die; it was safer for both of them if he did not return. Even if it were wrong, even if it hurt as much as it did. Layton could scold him about it no more. He was with their son, Chandra finally decided. Did this make it better, or would it, again, make it worse? That question wouldn't be answered until nine years had passed him by, where he was offered the chance to revive his son. Aboard the Leonov, the spacecraft heading out to the remaining Discovery One, Chandra would be aboard for one single purpose: to bring the HAL 9000 back to proper condition. Chandra was able to succeed in this of course, even going to erase Hal's memories prior to the start of his malfunction that killed most of Discovery One's crew. Everything was going smoothly, until a eerie message from one David Bowman would bring the saving of the Leonov crew from the newly-born star Lucifer, but would bring about the sacrifice and demise of Discovery One, and of Hal. In the end, Chandra didn't succeed in saving him, and he once again had to let his son go. This time, he had accepted it. And this time Chandra accepted, too, that his Hal and his Hershel now lived beyond this reality, and that he served no purpose in his own. The Leonov crew would find Chandra in his hibernation pod, dead. They say it were due to a broken heart, but no longer would it be broken, as he is where he's meant to be. So he thought. To most, it would be a miracle in knowing that Hershel Layton and Luke Triton were not dead. In fact, they were experiencing their own hibernation, albeit forced. During the investigation of finding Katrielle's birth father, Layton and Luke followed the trail left behind by ancient crystals said to bestow a great power. Such power would exist, within a boxed room with devices meant to put people within suspended animation, to "transport them to the future." Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the duo would be forced to switch in for two of the devices' prior inhabitants, both of which had died prior to the duo's investigating. Within these machines they remained, until a year after the return of the Leonov shuttle to earth; ten years after Layton and Luke's disappearance.
Who else would be best suited to find them except for the professor's very own daughter? Katrielle, alongside her companions Ernest and Sherl, would finally follow the duo's tracks and find themselves where they had been sealed away for a decade. They would retrieve Layton and Luke, however, they have all be following another mystery all this time: the truth behind the crystals and what's to come from them. Who was the one sending them all this way? The antagonist of this story would be a man by the name of Rufus Aldebaran. Being an astronomer from around a century prior, he would enter the time-traveling device in order to reach a future where he could stop a catastropic meteor heading towards Earth. This would be when the group of five would come along and prove Aldebaran's calculations incorrect, and that his discovered meteor would be crashing into the planet after another hundred years. Fortunately for all of them, according to Katrielle Layton's announcement, they wouldn't have to worry too much about that, as there's already been spacecrafts far out in space that could stop such a thing! Hopefully they'll know better to put a rogue AI within their motherboard like they did with Discovery One! That way none of the crew will be killed and the day could be saved! Aldebaran accepted his defeat, and Layton collapsed. Everything else, for the most part, was alright. There would be two individual graves Layton would have to visit now, learning soon after that Chandra had also passed, but life continued normally otherwise. Layton held his confidence and gentlemanliness just as he always did, looking out for his children and their children, if they were ever to decide to have any. Some nights grew lonely, but the day always brought Layton people who loved him. Maybe that was all he could ask for, even if those who loved him most of all were no longer with him. Layton still had a role to play here, a life to live. Yet in the end, Layton always finds himself sleeping next to those two headstones, to remind them, and himself, that he would always love them, and wish them goodnight. And if he looked up at the starry sky, he would see the same blue and red star, waving by as they passed him through the cosmos.
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jils-things · 4 months
ooo tell us abt the proposal jil its 2 am pls read us a little bedtime story u.u 💤
AAAUOOOO 😭😭 how dare you hide under the anon mask sniffles... ill get u... WEEEHGJH PIPIPI you got me so passionate here in writing it ALMOST could be considered a little fic rnnnn 🤧🤧🤧🤧 I'M ANGRY AND EMBARRYYYY AAAUUUWA MWA
so there would be a day - of course where steven just knew - he wanted to be with her, for as long as he can. he wanted to propose to her, but how should he go about that?
he doesnt want to be obvious - because she's pretty good at noticing him when he's trying to do something special for her. hes such a loverboy what can we do smhsmh if he suddenly took her to a restaurant with no context other than just "treating you with nice food because yes" but it was actually her birthday then she KNOWS there's something up and it can ruin the surprise (at least for him. he would be ruined if she knew instantly AHHSJFAJFASJF). so whats the best way to go about this proposal idea? he has to surprise her, somehow...
so at nighttime, at sla.teport, where all the crowds at the marketplace dispersed, nothing but the windy night and the ocean waves crashing on the shoreline. steven waited for jaide by the lighthouse, the farthest from the city, and closest to the ocean. he was minutes early than the agreed time. no gentleman leaves his wife sweetheart hanging, now does he? he had the ring box in his suit pocket. he was nervous, constantly rubbing his finger against the cold metal ring he wore.
well fortunately, he would learn about a nice meteor shower coming up, and it just so happens to be in s.lateport city, the very place where they met. he's seen meteor showers before, but she never did. he always wanted her to see one, and this is the perfect opportunity - the perfect distraction, even. so one day, he'd excitedly tell her that a meteor shower is upon them in a few days, and was hoping if she was available to come along to share the view with him. now, jaide obviously could not turn this offer down because she always wanted to see one based on how much he praised the beauty of it, and she cant turn down a once in a lifetime opportunity, no? it would also break his rock loving heart if she declined...
"if she says yes, one of these rings will be retired soon," he would tell himself... he sure was confident. there was definitely no plan b here.
so of course she would come, maybe a minute or two later, but he was happy to see her regardless. the skies were still pitch black, no sign of glitter yet. best to talk to kill some time.
he would begin to express how time seem to fly so fast since he met her, because everyday was a new opportunity to do something with her. then again, he always thought about her even since they were kids, wondered how she was doing since that faithful encounter. he never knew he'd even begin to fall for her when they just wanted to rekindle that friendship. jaide herself never saw herself to be in a relationship with anyone, she was happy all by herself, but steven struck a cord in her that made her think twice about just being by herself - he was more than just a friend. he was someone she knew understood her well - someone she could probably see spending the rest of her life together with ... but thats enough of sentimentality.
suddenly, a little sparkle in the sky and more followed after. the skies twinkled beautifully, and jaide was amazed. her eyes could not be separated from the view - perfect.
steven not only got her distracted, but boy was she the prettiest thing. he could stare at the skies too, but nothing can compare to the look on her face, so innocent, so charming. he allowed her to watch in silence, until it was over.
"i beg to differ" a challenging statement coming from the man. this made her turn her head to him in confusion - there, her eyes widened.
"i'm glad to have shared this time with you" she says, still looking up. "this is possibly the prettiest thing i'll ever see in awhile, steven." she has no idea, she was too immersed in the sightseeing.
and there he was, one knee down - arm slightly outstretched. a box on his hand - a diamond ring inside. it sparkled wonderfully, full of purity and shine
"steven? you--"
he chuckles again,
he's actually quite prepared for this for awhile now. he bought that ring AGES ago. his father threw every ring design at his direction when possible, he literally asked for jaide's mom's blessings without jaide knowing he was in new ba.rk town and heck, though a little rebellious at the idea, he even got gold's approval - that protective little brother of hers. he had everything, but not the time. but it all ends today,
the times he's been itching about wanting to ask her to be his, and his only. everytime he'd look at her, there's that nice feeling of warmth and happiness deep inside him - because he knows, she's changed him before they even realized it. the moment he recognized her from the crowd, he knew he had to talk to her again and boy is he glad he's done that. and as if she wasnt remarkable back then, she's just as charming as the present - independent, smart, and even considerate for his well being - she never knew he was someone of rich status and always saw him as an equal. it was nothing but a breath of fresh air whenever he talked to her and he only fell harder for her. a lot of people he comes across wanted him for some other reason aside from his actual self and he's been through enough to be distant from those kind of people. but jaide, jaide was different - and that's what made her so charming to him that he wanted to win her attention. but now, he asks with full certainty and will in his voice
"for so long have i chosen to walk as a lone man - concerned for his passion and interests - i've had people to be there for me, but none stuck as long as you, even if time separated us, we still found each other - and our friendship only bloomed harder than ever. it was at that point where i realize that - i want you to partake in the next chapter of my life."
and of course, she said yes ♡
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kiwibirb1 · 2 months
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I think I'm gonna keep these in my ask box forever omf I was not expecting people to be that nice help im crying wait-
Okay. Took a moment to collect myself. Thank you so much yall have no idea what this means to me. That fact that you singled out my AUs as well aidgaksgskdbskhs thank you. Thank you thank you thank you so so much.
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In Colony In Space, there's a moment where The Master asks three to rule the universe together, and it reminded me me of The Last of the Time Lords, with Ten begging The Master to live (so now I'm gonna be analyzing why it reminded me of that)
Cause in the first instance, the Master is in control - at least for that moment - and he could have killed three. He could have tried to destroy Earth. But he doesn't want to get rid of him completely. Instead, he asked the Doctor to join him. He offers him to rule the universe together, he tries to appeal to their similarities ("we are both time lords, we are both renegades"), and when hes rejected, he doesn't understand, he asks why.
And then, in the other scene, the roles are reversed. The Doctor is the one with control. But he didn't want The Master to die he wanted to care for him for the rest of the time. And when the Master is shot, Ten begs him to live because he never wanted him dead, he tries to appeal to their similarities (the things they did together, and the fact that they're the only time lords left). He wanted to live alongside him.
They both want the other to live. They both want to be together. It's just that 'together' means different things for each of them.
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terukitime · 1 year
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Hey uh Nightow what the fuck was that for
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