#im just curious tbh i dont actually care that much
wheres-your-paddle · 7 months
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ilylovelyz · 1 year
kenma fatherly headcannons
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i thought it would be interesting to think about what kenma would be like as a father 🤔
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look, im not even gonna be nice with it, i definitely dont see kenma being excited at the idea of having a kid 😭
definitely was like "are you being fr 😟?" when you told him
he obviously wasnt an asshole about it, but he couldn't help his feeling and indifference about the whole thing
the two of you had a long talk about it
the whole time he was more or less "are you sure about this"
hes not a horrible person/partner, he wasnt about to force you to do an abortion
he just wanted to make sure this was actually what you wanted to do and if you were actually serious about it
after you were stern about keeping the baby, he was fine with it
he was more worried about how he would be like as a father because he's very much scared of little kids and struggles to bond with just anyone
also a little peeved at the thought of his alone/free time being taken away
doesnt like the idea of his alone time with you having a literal permanent third wheeler but wont admit that to anyone but kuroo 🌚
during ur pregnancy, he was actually really okay with it
he would check up on you various times of the day, asking how you feel
yeah, he wasnt really excited for it, but that doesn't mean he wont try for it
would pause his games and go to wherever part of the house you were in, eyeing your baby bump with those wary cat eyes of his, all "..how are you feeling..?"
tbh i see you getting pregnant before marrying him because the two of you were kinda lazy with being careful 😅
he kinda facepalms because now hes like "why didnt i think of the possibility of pregnancy🤦🏽‍♀️"
while it doesn't speed up the whole process, he'll now begin taking the thought of marriage seriously
he'll bring up the idea of eloping, or a small wedding because he doesn't like the idea of a big and elaborate wedding ceremony/party
he didnt really care about gender, but he did care about baby names because he didnt want the baby to have a stupid name
now i see him being very curious tho
so he'll ask you a bunch of questions about how it feels to be pregnant, eyes wide when you tell him all the gruesome parts 😭
will also spend some time looking up more information about pregnancy and childbirth
now i do think he'd be aware about how he should change himself for the better
he grew up kinda isolated, and he 100% didnt want that for his kid, especially considering the fact that his child will most likely be an only child too
aw sleeping in kenma's arms while he plays video games cuz hormones made you sad
he'll like announce ur pregnancy to his followers/fans, it was so random he was like "yeah guys im having a kid 😪 kinda scary ngl" during one of his livestreams
really appreciates and is totally surprised when he's gifted money and baby supplies by his fans
maybe posts short little clips of you sleeping in an odd position or doing random things because he thinks its funny how you now do things differently because your bump prevents you from doing things in a certain way
i think it would interest him in the way your baby bump grows
he would be a little mortified at the way he would poke your bump's skin and watch his indent stay there long after he pulled his finger away
would be kinda "??? 🤔🤨" when he first feels the baby's kick/movements
he would "begrudgingly" walk to the store for you late at night if you were craving something
acts all annoyed but lets bffr kenma we know ur a softie 🤣
okay for the birth tho he's so mortified
definitely doesnt want to watch but obviously will be there for you because he knows better
the whole time he feels secondhand discomfort for you and feels your cries in his deep in his core cuz ur in pain and he doesn't like that 😕
this might sound weird, but i see him bringing his portable gaming system to the hospital so you can play with him and get ur mind off things
not saying his feeling towards the baby will change after the birth, but he'll definitely be like "oh wow 😳" when the baby is first born
have u ever seen that clip of steve irwin first looking at bindi when shes born and hes all amazed and awestruck by her?
its like that but its less noticeable and its more like "this is my child?"
a little scared to hold the baby at first because he's afraid to drop her
but once he does he'll look down at it and be like "ur not so bad afterall 😪"
DEFINITELY doesn't get any sleep during the first few months because he'll for some reason take late night feedings/crying upon himself
hes all "ur such a pain bro 😒" while rocking the baby back and forth to soothe it, all cuddly and gentle with it
tbh i cant decide whether it be a girl or boy so its up to reader to decide
omg hes mortified after the first belch spit hes gone afterwards
literally condemns the baby to hell
hates changing diapers but does it for the sake of the baby's comfort and health
when he's alone with the baby, he'd be like "ur kinda ugly 🤔" while playing around with it
tbh i see him getting random bouts of urges to play with the baby and speaking to it in a baby voice secretly
gets really embarrassed if hes caught and acts like it never happened
when ur not there to watch the baby while he's gaming he'll actually be okay with the baby sitting in his lap while he games
if he wins he'll be all "lets goooo 😝" all up in the babies face 😭 lifting it up into the air and just being such a gamer dad
also starts teaching the baby how to play games real early on, making them hold a controller or something and teaching them game logistics
the baby is like 5 months old and doesn't know about taxes but knows about dnd 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️
i see him like announcing the birth of his kid to his followers/fans a couple weeks after the birth
only shows what the baby looks like when its like 6 months old and crawling all in the background, he'll turn around and be like "wanna see my baby?", lift up the baby and put it's face all up close into the camera 😭
does 0.5 and only 0.5 photos on the thing 😅
does a couple more streams afterwards when he "games" with the baby and blame loosing on the poor thing 😅
aw i can see him and the baby having matching outfits when he goes out with it
he's not the best dad, but he'll try his hardest
on a sweet note, if kenma feels lonely when ur away, he'll allow the baby to sleep in the bed he shares with you as a "substitution" and cuddle with it
yk that tiktok audio that goes "leave me alone baby 😒" and then goes "ur my baby i love you ☹️☹️🥰😘" yeah that hes that
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writers-wrongs · 5 months
Hey!! Could you please do yandere hc's for Arkham Scarecrow x male reader? God I love me a man with a rotting burlap face 🖤🖤🖤
as do i. tbh, when i was playing arkham knight, id sometimes die on purpose just to see his little taunt thing :P
yandere!arkham!scarecrow x male!reader
-fuck it, im making you crazy. you meet him in arkham asylum, after wandering into his lab once you get out of your cell
-he honestly doesnt have any interest in testing on you, as most people in arkham all fear the same thing: batman. but youre not disruptive, so he supposes you can stay in his lab
-you start asking questions about his toxin, and while he doesnt show it, he really appreciates it. most people dont care about the science behind his work, they just want to weaponize the effects, so its nice to have someone curious about the work hes done
-eventually, he has to go do the "screw with batman and get bodied by croc" thing, so he leaves you behind. and then you dont see him for a long while
-ill be real, i havent played arkham city yet, so we're just gonna skip to arkham knight.
-its just before the attack is launched on gotham, and youre just doing your thing in the city when you get kidnapped. once the sack is finally taken off your head, youre at ace chemicals face-to-face with scarecrow (whos looking a lot worse for wear)
-"ah, there you are. ive finally found you, my little inmate."
-he explains that youve stuck in his mind since that one time you met and he couldnt get you out no matter how hard he tried. he gets fixated on things very easily, you see, and he hasnt been this obsessed with something since he first discovered the wonders of fear. so hes going to keep you secure at his side, whether you like it or not
-if youre ok with this (whether you actually like him or if you just want the safety from all the destruction), hes incredibly doting. whenever hes sitting, youre snuggled up on his lap. whenever he has to go out and leave you, hes got the nicest room he can find in a chemical plant ready for you, with multiple guards keeping you secure. as he works, he talks to you, trying to get all the information he can about you
-if youre not accepting of this arrangement, hes going to be more than a little pissed. you dare deny his protection? why shouldnt he just throw you back out into gotham and let the cloudburst consume you? he wont do that, hes far too invested to let you lose yourself like that, but he might just give you a dose of toxin. and another dose. and another. as many doses as it takes for you to start clinging to him for comfort
-hes not super physically affectionate (mostly bc i headcanon him with chronic pain after the croc incident), but he does love to hold you. seeing you secure in his arms, unable to leave unless he lets you... he loves the feeling of control. as for kisses... he cant do much in that department, since he doesnt really have lips anymore. but occasionally he'll sort of bump his mouth on you, which gets the point across
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faerishv · 2 years
psst..guess who has another req! Hanako, Nene, Kou, Natsuhiko, Sakura, and Tsukasa with a y/n that looks angry/sad as their resting face (also if u want me to limit my reqs, pls lmk i dont wanna overwhelm you <3!!) - 🐝
don't worry , reqs are not a problem , i just have a lot to study so im a bit slow !!
angry / sad resting face
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; hanako :
when he met you he always tried to avoid talking to you much because he thought about what reaction you could have towards him ( he was a little scared of just you tbh ) ; tho he has to admit that your face looks fascinating even if you look always angry / sad. When nene asked you gently if you were really angry / sad , hanako butted in the conversation , he wanted to have an answer about you face ; you explained that it was just your resting face , you weren't really angry nor sad. This explanation calmed down the boy , he began to have more conversations with you and actually noticed that your personality was far different from the "emotions " you show on your face.
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; yashiro :
she felt intimidated by you but curious too ; even if your face looks angry / sad she still thinks you're really pretty. She tried to talk to you and realized you are actually a nice person. Seeing the people avoided you because of your face she introduced you to aoi , hanako , kou and mitsuba. Her favourite hobby is to squeeze your cheeks so that you look like your smiling ( with your consent ofc ) she loves your resting face but she also loves seeing a smile from time to time.
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; kou :
he was kinda scared of you because you kept watching him with your angry / sad look. Little did he know , you thought he was really cool and wanted to be friend with him , you just had a problem on approach him. Instead he thought you had some problems with him or you hated him. He asked some recommendations to teru and he said to try and talk to you , like civil people. He found you on the roof alone ; he felt bad for you , maybe you weren't a bad person like he thought at first. He asked you to explain and you admitted you just wanted to be friends ; he was shocked but accepted right away.
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; tsukasa :
he liked your espression and told sakura that he wanted to know you well. he bombarded you with questions of why you looked always angry / sad ; tho he was just curious , he didn't mean any harm ( for now ). You became his second ( third if natsuhiko is an assistant as well ? ). He began to be attached tto you much more than he does with sakura and he wanted to take parts of his evil plans 😦. He does the same thing yashiro does eith your cheeks but he doesn't ask permission.
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; sakura :
instead of an angry / sad face she has a tired resting face ( and it's so beautiful on her let's be honest ). She's silent most of the times but she thinks that your face looks pretty too and distinguishes you from all the others. The times you smile , you can be sure that she'll remember it. Overall she treats you like a normal human being unlike others .. ( i don't know what to write for her anymore )
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; natsuhiko :
he literally doesn't care about your resting face , he thinks everything about you is beautiful and treats you like a god / dess ( have you seen how he treast sakura ). He will not ask you about your face and try to make you smile by force. He gets all blushy if you look at him with your angry / sad gaze. If you smile at him he will literally faint please help him.
natsuhiko is so underrated ..
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wrongcaitlyn · 1 month
Genuine question, but do you have any idea why people ship Apollo and Percy together?
Like I’ve been pondering this for weeks now but I don’t want to end up offending someone bc idk if that ship tag is a safe space for inquiries because we should all be able to have our fun yk.
And I totally understand like ship whoever you want, I don’t really care, it’s not the end of any of our worlds. But nosiness has officially gotten the best of me and now I’m just too curious.
Like I’ve been trying to piece it together myself and see what they’re seeing but maybe my glasses just arent up to date on its perscription.
OKAY SO. when i first like joined the fandom i used to think the exact same thing. since then i've kinda gotten used to the fact that everyone's gonna ship pretty much anything, and even if you think it's the most absurd ship, someone has it as their otp. and tbh i just dont like bothering myself with stuff i don't like/have interest in, so i just filter out that stuff and call it a day - but honestly, the curiosity is valid!!sdkfjf
i don't ship them, but i think it comes down to two versions of the ship (and yeah, i know this because i accidentally once clicked on this social media fic that was perpollo and didn't read the tags, and then i got curious as WELL and so i scrolled through the tag for a while looking at the summaries. i GET THE NOSINESSSDKJF i have the exact same problem)
apollo as lester and percy seeing another side to him. i think that it's probably something to do with lester immediately going to percy after getting cast down from olympus? and then percy coming to save the day at the end? honestly, any ship can be done with even the slightest interaction, and they did have some interactions there.
percy accepting godhood/being turned into a god and apollo showing him the ropes. sometimes these two are combined or smth, but i think that since percy was this close to becoming a god, it kinda blurred the lines on like, "oh, i can ship a god with another god, and so if percy was a god, then maybe he'd get along a lot with apollo".
again, it's really not my preference, you know im a pollen shipper (though i also love apollo/hyacinthus, apollo/naomi, and the angst of apollo/commodus - i can even see apollo/lit which was pointed out to me), and also, i am just VERY picky with my age gaps. i find it really weird for percy to still be 17 in most of these fics, and apollo's. well. thousands of years old.
so i can't answer this question as well as someone who'd actually ship it, but that's the answer that i've come to!
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northsealight · 8 months
Hey, when you said RHATO Jason is the worst version on your last ask, were you referring to the first comic, second comic, or the Webtoon? (Honestly annoyed the Webtoon took that name, makes things even more confusing)
I have problems with all 3 (Webtoon most of all for sure, with the second and first switching places behind it based on what characters or plots I’m thinking about tbh), but I was just curious haha
oh. oh. oh you're not ready for this. I've been trying this entire week to find a good time to air out my thoughts:
so! in my opinion (again, this is not shaming anyone for liking what they like! if you happen to like RHATO!jason all the more power to you! dont read this!) all three reiterations of RHATO!Jason .. are not great. the one I think might have potential to be salvaged is the second one with Artemis and bizarro! (although roy harper is in my heart of hearts)
the way Jason is written in rhato... the rhato written by Scott Lobdell anyway, (who is actually a sexual predator and when you start to think even a LITTLE about how the women are written in RHATO makes so much sense) portrays Jason as yet another cookie cutter anti-hero-deadpool-esque personality who's mainly confined by the narrative restraints of his character.
I say this because hes so.... the way he goes about his vigilantism is so .. shallow. It's like the narrative is finding excuses to make him violent so the reader can be stimulated with Michale Bay explosions lol. You hardly see any stories in there where Jason is an actual champion for the people, and you hardly see his background as a street kid come into play... its like... he became... a vigilante because....he knows how the system can fail those... alienated and forgotten by those sworn to protect them... and thus channels his energy into said people through acts of radical protection... (also because the whole bruce thing yeah I know)
I keep thinking about injustice!Jason's monologue where he literally says something along the lines of "while bruce and clark were fighting I fought for the people who were being caught up in the whole thing" like if that doesn't just tell you who he is idk what will! and sure, injustice isn't Jason source material, so look at under the red hood! he literally becomes a drug kingpin TO CONTROL crime ... and then instead of getting these immense shows of care he has for the community in RHATO, we get panels like this:
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like ok get it I guess 😭😭😭😭
this is the new and improved Jason!! he's suave.. hes American... he's... just like every other antihero now!!
I don't know how to explain it without sounding like an idiot- best bet is to read the comics yourself to kinda get what im saying! but even rebirth Jason is (kind of) getting what RHATO Jason doesn't-- he's a product of his huge heart. rebirth Jason has countless stories where we see how Jason ACTUALLY operates as red hood, and what his symbol means to the citizens of Gotham!
if you pour too much grit and "edginess" into Jason, then you kind of miss what he's all about- he can still be silly and sarcastic! in fact, one of my favorite Jason moments is from red hood: lost days, a series where he's portrayed as an edgy, "misfit" ruffian:
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like. hello this is hilarious. and we can still have moments like these while balancing his emotional range as a vigilante that's motivated by his big fat heart! (ignoring the fact that he slept with Talia in the next issue 😭 Jason fans can't have shit 😭)
but anyway! ill likely add more when I'm not feeling so tired, but god!! is it so hard to show Jason's propensity for kindness!! is it so hard to realize that his character to the core is revolved around a deep understanding for others based on personal experience!!
there's a reason why DC (in the rare moments when they know what to do with his character) always writes stories with Jason consoling children, or Jason being good with kids in dangerous situations!
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it's because he's been there before. he's felt the grief and confusion of being helpless in a situation of his control. he's felt the consequences of adults who were supposed to protect and raise him! he's been killed for daring to cling on to the notion of trust even after all he's been through!
and I don't know, I think his dedication to the people, children especially, is his way of forgiving himself- his way of telling little Jason that it wasn't his fault.
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“ people on here r rly like 'attraction to big people is fetishistic, attraction to small people is pedophilic, having sexual thoughts about a real person is objectifying and basically harassment (and having them about fictional people is perverted), kinky sex is immoral, if youre open about your sex life in any way youre a pervert, if youre not open about them you are queerbaiting. basically you should be completely sexless while everything you do is sexualized and up for debate/speculation. this is good for the Igbt community' ”. Saw this post and it reminded me of the somewhat cold take you made the other day about bdsm being rooted in colonialism and militarism… Obviously not everything written in this post but yeah. Did you delete it bc you changed ur mind or? Just curious. Do you think something is “amoral” and should be avoided if its roots are colonial? What about reclamation by oppressed groups? Like historical queer subcultures? Leather daddies etc.
didnt change my mind, i deleted it bc in the comments i was talking about my own personal experiences and tbh i dont feel comfortable having it up publicly. i didnt say people are immoral for their preferences, that would be ignorant of how human sexuality actually functions. tbh i didnt say anything similar to the quoted post you sent me, just pointed out a historical reality. as i said in the post i dont pass judgement or think anyone is problematic for shit, or think they should try to avoid it, because i think its out of peoples control for the most part. even though of course sadism and masochism have been present in human society for centuries so much of it coalesced during specific periods of western history. i think its just stupid to brush past that and see sexual practices as just ahistorical things with no deeper psychic significance. a lot of practices that are part of bdsm now or have influenced themes, cultural icons, etc in bdsm shit today are connected to western culture, and, in non western cases to empires and imperial culture. the namesake of sadism was a french enlightenment writer and the namesake of masochism was an austrian romanticist writer. both of their writing is indicative of the historical context and people have written a lot about the philosophical influence theyve had. back to the colonial thing… what i was more specifically talking about was significance of military academies, colonial troops, and boarding schools- highly stratified social relations with specific relations to violence and control- in influencing the experiences of early s&m writers or artists, and their continued impact on aesthetics and themes of culture today. and also the popularity of sadomasochistic literature in europe during the 1800s, a period of time of heightening of imperial relations and colonial expansion. is it not interesting to you that the majority of older material concerning bdsm originated in france, germany, britain, and austria. still some of the main exporters today probably. can you really say theres no cultural drive sustaining that. so yeah its kind of cringe to me when people are like “bdsm is all about making someone feel loved uwu” like its actually so corny. maybe its just an cultural outgrowth of a psychic phenomenon thats been exacerbated by class society and western obsession with discipline violence control and subjugation. sadomasochism as a psychic phenomenon includes a lot of psychological and sexual behavior and bdsm i guess is one part of it, but cant be separated from the rest of its manifestations. this phenomenon as whole seems to me at least to be obviously a historical product, and a product of childhood experiences and one’s earliest human relations, also characterized by power relations and in the west, western culture ofc. im coming to this from a psychoanalytic perspective so tbh “reclamation by oppressed groups” doesnt really even fit into this. i dont care what people do and thats cool if it works for them. i dont get it though. im sure there are plenty of people for whom its just a fun thing and they compartmentalize whatever but thats not the reality for many other people. if you want to talk to me about this more message off anon because i have a lot of opinions but it honestly is a personal topic and i dont want share details about my life publicly to justify why i think all of this
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electronicobjectum · 9 months
hey dude I found your blog today (not sure why it was recommended to me but here I am)
I dont personally identity with objectum or finding that sort of pleasure from objects, but as I'm exploring the tags im finding myself really curious and I want to understand more. I'm hoping you can answer some questions for me.
the objects you have an attachment to (in your case I think its a keyboard), do you think you're naturally drawn to these objects, or do you think there is a deeper connection with these particular items? Such as a personal history with said item?
Did you "choose them" or did they "choose you", ig?
Do you think its an aesthetic attraction to said objects, or is there something more they bring to you?
How do you and others determine pronouns for the objects?
When did you learn objectum was what you identified with?
I want to be clear this is coming from a place of curiosity and a wish for an understanding! I find myself drawn to certain objects myself (mainly things with physical buttons and screens, particularly handheld devices) but for me its strictly aesthetic and not romantic. Take care and happy holidays ✌️
casually forgets this was sitting in my inbox 😳
my main object isn't a keyboard, it's an astrolite (made by hasbro in 1969), a "futuristic" toy that came with clear pegs that you could put in the holes on top and create a city (main draw). i feel like it's extremely obscure, there's barely any info online about it. the part of aster that i love is basically just a lamp, plug that sucker in (no on/off switch) and spin the wheel to make the pegs on top turn different colors. when i got aster it was just them, no pegs or information or anything. just a serial number on the back. finding that one ebay listing that told me everything i needed to know kinda solidified our relationship. it's definitely a deeper connection but lamps in general just kinda hit different.
i saw them in that store and it was true love at first sight but i'd like to say it goes both ways (has no idea how to explain this)
something about corners and shapes is what initially drew me in but they've been with me through everything ever since i got them. not trauma dumping on side but i've been through it.
i'm not sure how others do it but the way i do it is test pronouns with each object as i'm getting to know them. if it feels wrong i disengage with it, if they feel okay then i keep trying it out. i'm not 100% sure on what aster's pronouns are tbh; they mainly go by he/him but there are some occasions where he goes by they/them. including now.
it's kinda embarrassing to admit but that lamp in dhmis was what got me acting up about objects in the first place. thought it was just a character specific thing at first so i didn't think much of it. met/acquired aster and that completely flipped. i remember searching for stuff like "i love an object what is this called" and quickly came across the term. immediately applied that to myself.
also another thing, i actually have a few beloved objects (not as much as aster but they're pretty important to me): baby, my 2005 ford focus, and charlie, my gaming computer. ofc you probably know this already because i know i posted a list of them somewhere on this blog. but i've kinda been getting into nintendo consoles/controllers recently (corners and shapes <3)
i enjoyed answering these! if there's anything else you'd like to ask, go ahead ☺️ sorry that this took so long tho 😭
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herorkgk · 1 year
Now I'm curious. What's YOUR favorite OW2 skin??
i'll do you one better, here's my fave skins (that i own) for all the heroes
i opened up my game for this, if anyone reads through this good luck im sorry.
d.va - shin-ryeong
i can't even begin to describe why i love this skin so much but my fave part of it is the candles on her cannons
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doomfist - saitama
fun fact i became the very thing i hate for this skin (doomfist player)
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junkerqueen - zeus
i literally do not care this is her best skin and nothing that could come out for her will EVER be as good as this
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orisa - reindeer
another case of they can never make something for her as good as this
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ramattra - poseidon
honestly again. ik he doesn't have many but its just. how can they top this? i'm very into greek mythology so this event was really awesome for me tbh
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reinhardt - cardboard i've wanted this skin ever since ow1 btdubs bc my fave spray for him was always him as a kid trick or treating with cardboard armour and i wanted him to have a cardboard skin so bad. when they came out with it i caved... it was just everything i ever wanted
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roadhog - pachimari
i do not play roadhog.
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sigma - maestro
i like scuba too bc of his rock hard abs but this one is just so unique
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winston - werewolf
i also do not play winston but i love werewolves and i got this in a lootbox once
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wrecking ball - horizon
i don't play this stupid thing but i like lore skins
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zarya - totally 80's
DONT CAREEEEE best zarya skin
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ashe - little red
this has been the staple ashe skin for me. ashe has a lot. a LOT of really good s tier skins and i think she has the most best skins out of other characters aside from like. tracer and genji.
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bastion - coffin
bird is a freaking skeleton. best skin
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cassidy - riverboat
i've been wearing blackwatch lately and i keep losing so i think its a skin issue. going back to tried n true
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echo - kkachi
she's actually the cutest
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genji - genos
i really like one punch man....
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hanzo - casual
i remember the controversy over this skin back in the day it was so funny how grandpa they made him look. i think i like this one the most on hanzo bc i just like him as a character. i also like how this skin is him finally just being himself and in a subtle way showing how he's grown into himself as a person. means a lot to me
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junkrat - dr. junkenstein
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mei - jiangshi
best mei skin ik melon exists but be serious
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pharah - orbital
pharah has a bunch of good ones too but i can't help loving her being bald
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reaper - lü bu
best reaper skin. do not care
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sojourn - cyber detective
people who pretend sojourn has no good skins are delusional this is peak
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soldier 76 - grillmaster
do i need to say more. i will this was the first skin i ever worked really hard for in ow1. when i started playing again i grinded for days to get enough coins to get the full set golf swing pose, highlight intro and skin. i prayed i would get it in lootboxes but i never did so i worked really hard for this. corny but it means a lot to me, that was probably the most fun i ever had playing this stupid game
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sombra - face changer
i wear bride a lot too but nothing can beat face changer. imo this is one of the top 10 skins in the game if i was rating them. i love the mythology, i love the colour palette, i love the animations as the face changes, i love that you can see which face she is currently wearing on her gun in real time. its a really impressive skin
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symmetra - oasis
best sym skin its so elegant and pretty and cunty
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torbjorn - cybjorn
kraft mac n cheese.....
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tracer - comic book
i loveeeeee this one the panels from london calling.... eats this skin
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widowmaker - ange de la mort
as a widow main this skin makes me hot
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ana - night owl
goth bird. best skin
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baptiste - funky
dude i will never not love this skin the custom music when you select it and the gun colours. groovy
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i've hit my pic limit unfortunately i will need to rb and finish the rest
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butcharyastark · 11 months
started black sails, mostly through s1. thoughts so far:
i LOVEEE characters who are definitely morally terrible and you know it and they know it and the narrative knows it but theyre fascinating to watch. im talking abt flint. that man sucks so bad but i love watching his scenes and dynamics.
that ^ would apply to miss guthrie (i forgot her first name) too but i hate her too much for that. consistently wish she was off my screen xoxo
oh my god im so glad the fucking beach camp plot with max is overrrrr. i already zoomed on her as a fave and ik from others she has great plots or characterization or themes later and im v excited for that and im very glad this bs is over
BILLYYYYYY NOOO what the fuck is going on he cant be dead yet can he??? also maybe im misreading but both billy and morley (?i think. i dont have everyones names yet lol) both dying technically offscreen in accidents while isolated with flint after its known they have reservations abt his leadership.... flint did you fucking do this....
honestly i dont give a shit abt mrs barlow or whatev i forgot her name but unexpectedly the priest seduction sideplot is kinda fun and hot. idk why.
i did not expect this to be a sorta game of thrones spartacus vikings etc type tv show but i am kinda vibing actually surprisingly.
i like that one dude (??? guy with weird sideburns) and anne bonny's whole Thing but i'd like both of them a helluva lot more if 1) he had had ANY reservations or morals abt the whole max situation and 2) if anne bonny had not immediately spurned max after getting her freedom bc hi what the fuck shes been thru enough what is ur fucking damage??? i thought u cared ???
i thought silver would have way more of role so far tbh i thought he'd be like the ProtagTM but so far hes kinda not passing the sexy lamp test. boyfailure? legend? idk but its funny and surprising
i want vain or vane or whatever the fuck his name is to die in a fire. unfortunately hes also kinda interesting onscreen. but i hope he dies brutally later heart emoji
wanna know where the mr. scott plot is gonna go... i thought his convo w the kidnapped woman in the ship hold was v interesting and ik from other ppl this show somewhat goes into discussion of the transatlantic slave trade (some handled badly and some well afaik?) and im curious if shes gonna be a recurring character now or if hes gonna be a pirate bc i assume he cant go back to nassau so like whats going on now??
veryyyy curious abt how this show is gonna end its seasons and do season finales.... i hope theres drama. may update this post w my thoughts after i finish s1 in fact
uhhh OH THE OST FUCKS SEVERELY and the intro (maybe just s1 intro idk if theyre gonna change it) is soooo fuckin cool.
salute emoji
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youremyheaven · 4 months
omg that's so interesting on Mars having a scarcity mindset- my mum had a Dhanishta stellium, I always thought her scarcity thing was more her Pushya rising but it being Mars related does make a lot of sense. Especially since Pushya is related to being nourishing so despite it being Saturnian I wouldn't think it's overly concerned with scarcity. My dad is Mrigasira Sun and he's to the point that he won't give us dinner and say 'you guys already ate' when we ate like 2 minute noodles or a bag of chips 💀 bro acts like it's a survival game. He always tells us how humans should only eat 1 meal a day and modern people eat too much hashdja
Anyway my mum was constantly panicked about money even when we were doing okay, like I'd ask for a $1 chocolate as a kid and she'd quite literally almost burst into tears. I'm lunar and I try to be careful with money obviously but after that kinda thing growing up I'm more inclined to go, 'oh well, you only live once' and buy stuff that I know will brighten my day. Nothing crazy, but just chocolate and clothes/jewellery/whatever lmaoo. I want to be mindful but I just don't want to feel so trapped by money in that way, besides money comes and goes yk; I was homeless for a bit and it sounds crazy but I miss those days sometimes, because every meal was so precious and it was kinda fun the way I had to actually put thought into my survival, go places to get food, etc. it felt so free.
Now I just uber eats everything lmao and a oop, I hate feeling tooo comfy, I feel like to feel joyful we need to have some kinda incentive to go out and really do something.
Went a little off topic anyway but yeah, love reading these anon convos as always 🤍
oh my god wow
all the Martians ik are hoarders tbh,, and i hateee it,, i hate people who hold onto things like they'll never ever have it again?? like ewww,, their scarcity mindset and tryna milk the most out of every thing/everyone is sooo yuck to me. i get it but i dont like it. i hate how poor they act??? kinda random but their wallets tend to be so cramped and messy??? i think it reflects their restrictive attitude to money/spending
but girlie what are your naks??? you seem to have had a very rags to riches esque journey?? are you Saturnian?? is this a Cinderella story?? im soo curious temme more!! pls!!
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marsgod · 2 years
How about cyborg!reader, who is emotionless, slowly begins to express emotions when they fall in love with the requested character? So then cyborg!reader, who doesn't know how it feels to be in love, confesses to them like this:
"I never knew what it was like to express emotions and yet...your presence alone has changed that. Why? How come I feel an absurd amount of happiness at the sight of you? And why do I feel so warm inside when you are by my side? Everything about you is dear to me and because of that, I fear that I may lose you... How did you become so significant to me? Do you know what this emotion is...?"
(Characters for this request: Idia, Deuce)
also I’m adding Kalim cus idk i’m thinking of him, what’re you gonna do? call the cops?
⇢ Idia, Deuce, Kalim x Cyborg! Gn! Reader
⇢Warnings; Platonic to romantic. robot/cyborg! reader, gn! reader,confessions, learning abt love
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Idia Shroud
Becoming friends with Idia is a task in of itself, so meeting him through Ortho, also a cyborg and determined to get his brother to make friends, drags you to Ignihyde.
He’s careful with you at first, as much as he’s interested because of your robotic features, you’re still sentient and still have thoughts so Idia’s still.. Wary of you
Building up your friendship, Idia is quick to realize that you don’t actually feel emotion, even if you do that awkward fake smile you do that only screams “i haven’t had any emotional contact in years”
He does later realize he likes you, but buries it due to the fact that, well.. You can’t actually feel, and Idia doesn’t really want to confess first (that and the fact, yknow, YOU CAN’T FEEL LOVE)
Throughout the day, you’d seemed quieter than normal, you’d been staring at Idia with your unblinking eyes and he wouldn’t dare to guess what you were thinking about with your neutral face. All day, Idia could feel your eyes burning holes into him, and he doesn’t know whether to be scared or intrigued. At the end of the day, you two had gone to his room, per your usual routine, and you lied on his bed to think.
“You’re the only person who’d pull these emotions out from me, it hurts and.. it’s worrying.. What did you do to me?”
The day you had finally decided to pull him aside though, Idia couldn’t really compare you to anything other than a confused puppy. You sounded concerned (at least the words you used did anyways). Idia listened to your speech, your concern, tuning out everything but your words in surprise and hope.
Idia holds his breath because he’s almost sure this is a dream, and he’d hate to move wrong and wake up, but he knows he needs to answer. Dream or not.
In all honestly though, he’d hate answering this, even if he knows exactly what emotion you’re feeling, what if he’s actually wrong and one kr both of you end up resenting him..?
In the end, if he chooses to explain about what he thinks you’re feeling, you only continue to look at him but with a slightly more familiar and heartwarming twinkle in your eye
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Deuce Spade
It’s not hard to be friends with Deuce, not particularly easy either, maybe he’ll come up to you to ask about your robotic nature and to ask if you actually need to eat, maybe it’ll be Ace to introduce you because Deuce was intimidated.
Deuce isn’t awkward or anything, and as much as he doesn’t understand it, he’d be super curious to know how being a cyborg works in everyday life for you, so it’s a motivation to suck up how “scary” you are
Eventually, you become a regular (dare i say frequent) part of Deuce’s life, it might’ve him a bit to realize, as a robotic being, you didn’t exactly feel anything
including love
knowing that, he wouldn’t confess due to not wanting to force you, but he still admired and loved you regardless
You were crying, although you didn’t show much reaction, the raise of your eyebrows and parting of yours lips gave away just how shocked you were.
“I-I don’t know what’s happening, to me? Anytime I’m around you- Goddamnit, what are you doing to me? I’m not meant to feel.”
Deuce, as shocked and happy as he was, didn’t know what to say. Did he comfort you? Did you want his comfort, or was he just supposed to give you an explanation for what you felt?
He didn’t know why you felt it, Deuce was glad you did and was definitely bouncing on the inside, but what was he supposed to do when you were so scared of the new feeling that was so normal to him?
Deuce is happy, he feels like crying himself because of how lucky he is, he’s happy that you did what he probably wouldn’t have had done
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim, being ever the extrovert, was happy to meet you! He faltered at your slightly monotone exterior (and interior, apparently) but that didn’t last long as he invited you to the next party he was throwing
Kalim knows you can’t feel, but that doesn’t process in his head because he can feel, how can someone live without doing so?
You never had made sense to Kalim, but that’s what the attraction started with, curiosity and the want to understand
You’d quiet, ignoring Kalim for most the day in contemplation, and he wasn’t going to lie, he was kind of hurt and wanted to ask why you’d been talking to everyone but him.
Later, you’d finally, finally, talked to him, Kalim visibly brightened up. The look of happiness slowly faded to shock as you told and ranted to him, about him.
“How did you become so significant to me?”
You’d never know how much Kalim loved you at that moment, he’d love to here those words on repeat and nothing else. He was more excited and happy than anyone could guess, all he wanted to do was hug you.
Kalim is restless with his happiness, and cannot wait to see where this leads you in your relationship.
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
Do not apologise at all for responding late!! Holiday burnout is so real, theres sm to organise so I understand completely 😅. I hope youre getting some rest between xmas and the new year, or that at least whatever you have planned isnt too hard on you :)
I am 100% willing to believe you blessed my flight lmao, hopefully it works on the way back as well :D
Is it weird to say i dont think ive ever had a blackberry before?? Idk i might have had one when i was a kid but when you mentioned the blackberry jam I completely blanked. So um. Hope it was good?
Oh no your cat!! D: Hope he's all better now
YES I WOULD LOVE TO TELL YOU ABOUT MALAYSIAN FOOD!! I would show u pics but um 🧍->🏃‍♂️💨. Ur gonna have to google it king LOL. The first day back my dad and I went out to a mamak stall (basically just a restaurant for malay-chinese-indian food), and I had roti canai (a type of flatbread with curry) and teh tarik, which I have missed dearly. I dont typically like normal english breakfast tea so getting to have authentic teh tarik was SO GOOD. Teh tarik (translating to "pulled tea") is made with condensed milk and gets its name from how after the drink is mixed it gets continuously poured over and over from one container to another until it gets super frothy.
I've also been getting reacquainted with my favourite fruits 🥰 that you cant get in Australia like mangosteen and jambu air (ai-yer). Mangos and dragon fruit you can get in australia but. um. Theyre bad. They just taste like sweet water. Also unfortunately for me rambutan i havent been able to find rambutan 😔😔. Those look similar to lychee but they taste pretty different, less tangy and sweeter.
Ive gone out with a friend to have cendol (c promounced as a "ch") which is a cold desert with coconut milk and rice jelly, along with other toppings should you choose it. Im also in the process of convincing my bff to do a 3h road trip with me specifically for food in a city called Ipoh 😭 wish me luck.
AND, im getting one of my relatives to teach me how to make rendang and char kway teow. The rendang specifically because the one she makes i prefer over what's usually made in restuarants. I think it's a state difference in recipes or smtg? So the ones you'll find in restuarants are KL/Selangor rendang and she makes from Kedah. Thats just a theory tho im not actually sure.
🧍 i realise this ask has become like 70% about food so i apologise. But. In my defense you asked >:) /j
ANYWAY. I hope youve gotten a break from the holiday work or at least have one coming up <33 Take care of yourself; indulge in your cheeses :D
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SUN ANON HELLOOOOOO im so excited to hear you got those desserts, those sound AMAZING...... also i looked up all the foods you mentioned and MAN THESE LOOK GOOD.... im a shrimp lover im gazing so hard at the char kway teow...... 👀👀👀👀👀 also holy shit these fruits look so cool???? Thats WILD ive literally never heard of these before and im having a lot of fun looking them up online and reading about their flavours and stuff!!!! Incredibly curious about mangosteen, i was not expecting it to be white inside when i looked it up and just like, the contrast of the purplish rind vs the white insides is SO neat to look at, like that feels really good on my eyeballs if that makes sense JSDBEKDNMDD also also teh tarik sounds and looks amazing i want to try that SO bad now omg
Its so funny you say that about blackberries bc where i live we have them literally growing everywhere on the side of the road AKDNWKDNKWDN in the summer when they start putting out fruit one of my roommates will sometimes go out and just pick a bunch for the whole household, and they always taste SOOOOO much better than the store-bought ones. Im genuinely not sure how to describe the taste of blackberry other than like. Its very sweet but also very tart (i go for the slightly less ripe ones tbh bc i prefer tart things to super sweet) at the same time, and sorta pops in your mouth a little bit when you chew it. Honestly its one of my favorite fruits i would highly recommend them if you can find em anywhere!!!!
My resolution this year is a bit silly but i wanted to go for a very fun easy one, so its to use every sticker i own this year :] ive already started by putting a few on the creeper minifridge that my roomie got me for xmas 😂😂😂😂😂😂 and i have some scrapbook ideas as well to use my fancier ones that my friends have gotten me!!!! Also you are so valid about the writing-- tbh if you wrote more than expected then it sounds like you succeeded instead of failed, so thats awesome!!! :DDD
I hope you're doing well on your travels, sun anon!! And when the time comes may your flight back to Australia be as peaceful and pleasant as the one you experienced when you left it :]
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cheolhub · 1 year
Sar darling, who do you see as mean or soft dom or sub in svt? i’m just curious
HOW FUN. ill go in order — also these are my opinions, don’t feel inclined to think how i think sbsdhdb and also dont hate my opinions pls lol
SEUNGCHEOL — i see cheollie as a very soft dom!! very doting and just loves to praise you :,)) he can be mean if you’re a brat, but he never forgets to tell you how well you’re doing. <3333333333
JEONGHAN — a switch through and through. i’ll say he’s dom leaning and he’s fucking bratty 🙄 as a sub, i think he’s fairly a good boy, but likes to rile you up from time to time. tbh i think he’s just a brat lol
JOSHUA — mean dom with a soft streak lmfao it’s like he’s saying all these sweet, condescending things, while fucking you so rough :/ but he’ll only be rough for your first round, after that he’ll be nice and praise you so much that you’re literally crying sndbdb
JUNHUI — THE SWEETEST SWITCH. SUB LEANING. omfg junhi is such a good boy like he’s so obedient and listens to everything you say T-T when he’s on top, tho, i’d say he’s a service top (he’s whipped for you fr)
SOONYOUNG — switch?? service top leaning. like jun, he’s doing everything you want whenever you want however you want <3
WONWOO — mean dom, idec. loves to degrade you! but he makes everything he calls you so pretty while he’s fucking you into next year 😵‍💫 “who’s my pretty little fucktoy?” (ME. PICK ME!!)
JIHOON — mean dom i fear. would also be into degrading you but like he’s more mean with how rough he’s fucking you. I THINK HE IS into choking. he’s so hot im gonna bdhsbs
SEOKMIN — subby service top if that makes sense? he literally will fuck the shit out of you if that’s what you want, but he gets soooo pussy drunk. like he’s hovering over you and sloppily pounding into you while you’re under him calling him your pretty boy. he’s GONE.
MINGYU — the s in bdsm actually stands for SLUT— ok im kidding. mingyu is a little switch idk 😭 he’s whiny on top and on bottom. when he’s the dom, i’d say he’s very soft tho
MINGHAO — unpopular opinion, but i think he’s a mean dom… just… so mean and loves to tease you and edge you and degrade you. that doesn’t mean he’s never soft tho, bc he is from time to time. it just depends on the situation and day
SEUNGKWAN — ANOTHER UNPOPULAR OPINION… but soft dom. i just think he’s so sweet :( calls you pretty things and makes you feel so perfect and loved T-T can be mean and rough if you like that tho
VERNON — idk bruh ive said it so many times, but i really think he just wants to fuck shebdb i dont think it matters to him as long as he’s getting his dick wet
CHAN — MEANIE MEANIE MEANIE I DO NOT CARE. god he’s so cruel… please don’t under estimate this man bc i really think he’s capable of sm. he does it all… manhandling, teasing, edging, etc.
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ajdrawshq · 9 months
Is there any non-spoilery way you could talk about how isat isn't just about timeloops? because like I do want to check the game out eventually for sure if only because indie fun times but I'm busy for a while before I get the time and tbh I'm just not as curious because I don't know how it's gonna break that formula (also ngl no colors makes me lose 50% interest because I like. looking at colors. lots.)
UHM OK WELL UM. hm. how DO i do this without spoiling anything. im very not good at describing things especially things i Really enjoy so how do i put this . hold on i might need to look at some reviews so i know how to words. ok
as a disclaimer i havent fully interacted with a lot of (if any??) media that has timeloops so i cant say for certain what it does differently from similar media that makes it stand out from others. at the same time ive never seen something that is so directly About Timeloops in this way even if i consider stuff ive heard about in passing but i could be wrong (madoka n utena come to mind ?). ill try to think abt the things that arent Just timeloop related plus the stuff u mentioned and hope that helps it feel more interesting and less generic?
i think one of the main things i can say is that it Really makes you feel what the protagonist is feeling. more than anything ive ever watched or played or whatever . and thats saying a LOT given how much i empathize with protags in games. and its not even just an empathy thing here. both the story progression and the gameplay work in such a way that you experience pretty much everything the same way they do, while still having their own personal stuff u can learn about of course
on that note tho. that is actually something to be careful of for a few reasons. i know ur generally pretty good with darker content so i doubt thatll be a problem for u here (its not that bad tbh but there is IS a warning when u open the game/look at the steam page and it aint lying) but. due to the nature of timeloops. it CAN get tiring and this is very much intended. and this helps a lot w the story and themes in a way that its. like. think how kh days does repetition on purpose. its a lot like that (although i had way easier of a time getting thru isat than days? i cant remember how u feel abt days' gameplay but i think it was positive ? either way getting thru isat was way more bearable than days imo). it does do a good job at balancing this with a couple mechanics that mean u dont have to repeat everything all the time (i had like. Very few actual full loops by the time i finished) and theres ALWAYS new things happening, even if ur super thorough with everything. its pretty easy to do things at whatever pace u feel like and if u wanna focus on the main story only to make it easier it wouldnt take too much away from the experience (tho i do encourage talking to the npcs at least a few times), and theres always a goal to work towards. also dialogue skipping and the banana peel are ur best friends
sort of adding onto that. it really, really helps that u are sharing the experience with the protagonist. not only does that help u relate to them (even if u dont share as many traits w them as i do akvdjsn) but theyre probably the most beloved character in the game and for good reason!! its really fun to see their interactions with the rest of the main cast and the npcs, and watch them all develop in different ways throughout the game. and my goodness all of the characters are beautifully written - at first ur kinda thinking ok its a ragtag group of sillies in an rpg whats new. but their personalities and relationships and hobbies and problems and everything about them is just so well done.. they feel so natural. human even. every conversation feels real to me. one of the main themes of the game is the concept of change, and each of them represent and approach it differently, both positively and negatively. its hard not to fall in love with them as individuals and as a group because they just have so much going on, even the ones i didnt expect to like at all!!
the worldbuilding is also a fun spin on fantasy rpg worlds. it mostly revolves around the area u play in bc well. of course it does. but its vv interesting to learn about all the different cultures within the world and how they interact with and build on the themes of the game. theres all sorts of queer stuff going on and its all handled like a love letter to people who relate, and i can feel it even with what i dont relate to at all!! the way "magic" works and the ways people use it in battle and everyday life is super cool too, makes the whole thing feel a lot more believable and realistic :3 i dont wanna talk abt any specifics bc its more fun to learn abt this stuff ingame
OH AND THE TEXT.. EFFECTS?.. idk what to call that but the way dialogue (both internal and external) is written and programmed is funky as hell (affectionate). it was weird at first bc oftentimes (mostly for humor) its like. almost the way i type actually?? which feels strange in a legit game but it Works. it works so well and adds tone and vibes and a Voice in a way u usually cant get in a game without any voice acting. deltarune is also good at that but this one does it differently enough for me to consider it unique
HAVE I MENTIONED THE ART STYLE i love the art style . its so charming and expressive especially all the talking sprites n battle portraits. simultaneously silly n adorable while fully capable of being serious. and creepy. anyway look at the sillies i love them n their designs dearly (especially Siffrin (1st on the left) and Mirabelle (2nd on the left))
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also on that note, the lack of colors....... i both totally understand being put off by that (i also love looking at colors n this part made me feel weird abt it when i was thinking abt getting it at first) and personally enjoy it? without saying anything spoilery (bc its really not), its just another part of the worldbuilding and themes that i now find really fun :3 should be noted that i usually have an anti blue light filter so it mightve been easier to look at w the yellowish tint going on. maybe it even looks better that way ? kinda reminded me of old films now that i think abt it.. neat!!
as a last thing i couldnt quite insert somewhere else. it is equal parts a comedy and a tragedy, and it is so, so effective at accomplishing this. the humor is fantastic and adds to the games' and characters' personality, every tragic moment is . for lack of a better word or phrase. absolutely fucking delicious. and i adore how well it can shift from one to the other gradually or in an instant, or just be both at once!!!! yippee!!!!!!!
aaand thats all i can say. i have no idea if that cleared anything up BUT i encourage u to give it a try bc i do think youd like it in the end. u probably wouldnt finish it as fast as i did but that might be a good thing jfbskndj but yeah!!!! in stars and time!!!!!! its good and i love it!!!!!!!!
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jackienautism · 1 year
Now I’m really curious about your thoughts on the other counselors. I don’t really have any strong opinions on them much tbh idk why. Maybe it’s the whole “horny teenager” trope or something
(finally getting around to this. sorry for taking so long dfkldg)
yeaaaah fair enough dfgjndg thats exactly why i get pissed off playing the game tbh. it just becomes so convoluted with this romantic whatever bullshit that it gets SUPER TIRING...... but that's ok though bc silas kaylee and caleb need someone to love them unconditionally right?
anywho! i appreciate you wanting to see my other unfiltered opinions on the characters kdfgdfjg bc gosh do i have a lot. especcially for TQ bitches. as i just ssaid,
i AM going to get unfiltered and potentially brutal so if anyone is your ultimate bestie i recommend not reading (abi and laura are safe though of course<3) (mainly because nothing about either of them necessarily irritated me LOL and im easy to irritate)
im going to reference my thoughts on the characters from a note i wrote after playing through like ? chapter 4 for the first time. but honestly not miuch has changed. and just to preface this a good portion of my negative opinions come from the campfire scene in chapter 2 LOL like. when i first played the game i began disliking like more than half the characters here alone
dylan: talked about him here (its not positive)
nick: i just think hes a prick who doesn't deserve abi 🤷 of course he was given the short end of the stick in terms of screentime, but its kind of funny bc kaitlyn has a similar amount of Actual walk around time and she's there like. the entire game LMAO so yeah that pisses me off. nick has 3 moments where you play as him, and kaitlyn has 5/6, depending on how you separate her section in chapter 10. they both have the same amount of Get To Explore And Walk Around time though, which is a whopping total of one thanks guys. anywho. even before he began acting like a creep i didnt like him lol... and no surprise but it all stems from chapter 2...
long story short, i dont doubt that nick actually cares for abi and likes her but i think in the grand scheme of things it mostly has to do w/ him wanting tits and ass... sort of similar to mike's whole deal... and i believe this based on the bullshit he pulls w/ emma. yeah he says that "tHiS mIgHt NoT bE a GoOd IdEa" and yet he still plays along despite dylan saying that 2 people can kiss AS LONG AS everyone consents. he could've gotten out of the situation. and yet he fucking didnt. i dont care if he didnt realize the consequences of his actions, if he TRULY liked abi he wouldnt have done this shit in the first place. "ive had my moments, im not proud of some of the stuff ive done" DOG YOU JUST HAD A MOMENT AND YOURE NOT EVEN FUCKING APOLOGIZING TO THE PERSON YOU HURT!!!!!! idc if it technically wasnt totally his fault. he still was involved in humiliating and upsetting abi. all he blames it on is playing alonog with emma's plan to make jacob jealous and aside from that just being such a shitty anf fucked up excuse in general, its not even ???? true?????????? GOD. IM SORRY. THE WHOLE SITUATION MAKES ME SO UPSET
jacob: as said in my previous TQ / UD rankings... i really flip flop w/ him alot. however im def leaning towards neutral to dislike NGL. i HAAATED his whole thing w/ emma like incredibly so. however. i did feell real bad for him during chapter 1, despite already knowing that he was the one to bust the truck up and keep everyone there another night. i felt bad despite already having a reason TO dislike him. kaitlyn was being mean for no reason. nick and dylan were being mean for no reason. it's just... it's almost like he was being used as the group's laughing stock. but as time went on i just continually became less and less willing to sympathize . hell, he's just a INFINITELY less sympathetic josh... of course seeing him crying and upset in ch 3 was sad, but at this point i don't really know what he expected im sorry. he really dragged all these other people into his bullshit with emma. and it's more than clear how emma feels about their relationship, of course emma wasn't great either with him, but jacob isn't an angel ... EITHER in this situation. of COURSE he couldn’t have known that the night would go the way it does, but it doesn’t negate the fact that fucking up the truck was a shitty move regardless LMAO as said previously, i HAAATe how fucking possessive he is of her. like when nick tells jacob that he could see what emma wantss? and jacob just laughs it off? it's so fucking stupid dog. character wise though, he of course has a lot going for him and i can see why people find appeal in him. especially seeing hwo many stereotypes theyre subverting, in terms of jacob showing emotions and shit. but for me personally, it's a no
ryan: my man🤝 even after all this time.... i find him very respectable and i very much appreciate him. similar to my deal w/ abi, even his more "asshole-ish" moments / dialogue choices (aside from a few off the top of my head LOL) are like. justified... and in character... like. him being so pissed off at and wary of laura? like????? laura is my beloved but this random girl just popped out of nowhere, killed one of his closest friends, and now wants to kill what he has of a father figure? like yeah id be acting like ryan too if i were put into his situation LMAO yeah you can be annoyed w/ his actions and behavior, but in context? the way he's acting is understandable and justified. it doesnt DESERVE criticism, because there's nothing to criticize! he's acting as any normal person would! of COURSE it's annoying how he doesn't BELIEVE laura, that's a whole other can of worms, but overall he's allowed to be a pissed off little bitch. and him potentially going against the whole party idea? that line of dialogue is just more in character for him i will not accept any other answer. it makes no sense that he'd suddenly go against chris' word. and it PISSES ME OOOOFF seeing how the game still like ? has ryan show up to the party despite being adamant against it.
ANYWAY.... ppl don't appreciate his autistic swag like i do. "he has no character" "he's boring" TO YOU. y'all rly see a character mainly speak in a monotone voice and rarely smile / show expression and go. yeah he's boring . do you not see the like . connotations of that. like be for real. he’s like. one of the only few genuinely good ppl here lmao and seeing how chris says that ryan is one of his fave counselors and how he TRUSTS him enough to hold all this responsibility + have all these in depth talks w him it’s just. you see what kind of person ryan is just from that. and how so far ryan is the only character (while you’re in control) who’s able to interject whatever bullshit is being said at the moment it just. i’m sorry. he’s just a good guy. i respect how he’s willing to go against the bulk of the group during the whole party or lodge thing. i also respect that he’s willing to put a fucking end to dylan’s invasive fucked up truth question. i KNOW that it all depends on the Player to choose these specific options BUT. they just fit ryan’s character more so🤷 what can i say. fuck everyone else
max: my bf (real)
laura: my gf (real)
abi: me (irl)
emma: in my original note i said that i was leaning torwards neutral to dislike lmao....... oh have the turns havbe tabled. anywho. i think shes such a stupid dumbass bitch. she's so funny for no goddamn reason. i am shoving her down a flight of stairs. i love her character sooo much. i hate how she acted with jacob (despite most of it being her people pleaser side Showing but, that's a whole different conversation i am willing to have). she's suuuuch a beloved but gooooooood god i draw the line at being such a shitty friend to abi. that's my biggest complaint when it comes to emma and her actions. i understand that she has a moment where she's like "you're my best friend, i need you" and i fucking eat that shit up but almost everything else that happens and happens prior..... just goddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
to get started. most of this is gonna be nitpicky and personal shit, so if you think it's small and shouldn't be addressed, then you're probably right LOL im just ultra sensitive to this sort of stuff due to past personal experiences. ANYWAY!!!!!! you know the little teasy comment emma makes towards abi after you avoid hitting the squirrel? how she's like, "this is her first time asking a guy out like EVER"? it makes me wanna beat her up fr kldfggnfg bc it's like... it's not a thing to joke about... i see sooo much of myself in abi meaning i see her as autistic and that's just. you know how much being autistic hinders those sort of abilities? i obviously can't say for sure but, seeing how abi later talks about people wantingher to interact w/ others better? hence why she went to summer camp in the first place? i'd say that probably isn't too outrageous to think...
and sort of continuing off that same topic, when abi is having trouble choosing someone for truth or dare, how emma is just like. "ding ding ding, my turn!" LIKE. AS HER FRIEND. WHO PROBABLY KNOWS ABOUT HOW MUCH ABI STRUGGLES SOCIALLY. DON'T YOU THINK SHE'D BE LIKE? "OHH ABI JUST PICKK ME" INSTEAD OF HUMILIATING HER? LIKE. BC THERES SOOO MANY DIFF WAYS OF MOVING ON AND HELPING ABI OUT....... GOING ABOUT IT THW WAY EMMA DID ISN'T THE WAY TO GO......... ESPECIALLY KNNOWING HOW SOCIALLY ANXIOUS ABI IS.... anyway. while we're on the campfire scene, it's so fucked why she chooses to kiss nick lmao like ok yeah it may work in the end (potentially) but its still ?????????????? girl you know how much abi likes nick (SUPPOSEDLY) why go about this shit in the most destructive way possible? and what makes me even MORe mad is that. they dont even ever address this scene ever again???? despite it being such a huge and humiliating and probably traumatizing moment for abi??????????? YES they're able to have a more in depth andf heart to heart conversation about their relationship. but its not fucking enough! bc that fucking stupid ass dare and its outcome was the catalyst for the rest of the night's events lmao! imagine beign brushed aside and seen as a social fucking experiment for your entire life. which is something im SURE abi has felt and experienced. and emma, her best friend, LITERALLY CONTRIBUTES TO THAT!!!!!! ITS SO FUCKED AND IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY. i could probably go on about this topic but ill leabe it for a separate post i guess anyway if i were abi id be fucking pissed off and upset
her character means so very much to be like her whole people pleaser and "curate myself to each individual person ive ever met to keep them fromn leaving me" resonates so so much with me and i love it so much. ive talked about this b4 in a previous post but i can only imagine how lonely she feels, acting the way she acts. no one will ever truly know who she is. shes in a constant state of performance. every single person she's ever met has a different perception of her in their head. and, in one way or another, it's all wrong!!!! i love you emma mountebank i love you abigail blyg
kaitlyn: i wont even lie i instantly fell in love w her after hearing the INSANE shit she says fnsjfjsnf esp felt it after the “jacob go upstairs. jacob get bag. kaitlyn moves on with her goddamn life” fell in love fr. and her whole stupid monologue after jacob was like "yeah i mean, what did i expect would happen?" SHES LITERALLY INSANE. but. like. i was not and still Am not happy w how she treated abi during the campfire scene though. due to 1. her telling abi to basically hurry the fuck up despite seeing how much she was GENUINELY struggling, and also potentially knowing about her social struggles prior. bc they're friends. right? and 2. just coming up wiht the dare in general lol it was such a fucked up thing to do and as ive said w/ emma, the fact theyre unable to actually jhave a convo abt it later is suuuuper dumb and shitty imo. esp seeing just how upset abi got, and the most fucked up thing is, neither kaitlyn NOR emma seem to show any remorse for it!!!!! that's just so fucked up
anywho. hate how both of their asian girls (emily in until dawn) are characterized as bossy and very. my way or the highway. it’s actually real fucked up in that light. fuck you supermassive. y’all are lucky that these 2 characters are their respective games’ baddest bitches . i SUPPOSE it isn’t THAT as big of a deal in this game bc. there are like. objectively more unlikable characters (in the guys AND girls) so kaitlyn doesn’t stand out as much (as emily did. she was practically written to be hated. bc NO ONE ELSE was as strong personality wise as her. i suppose jess comes close but 1. i think ppl shit on her for other stupid shit anyway SO and 2. she effs off for more than half the game) but it still doesn’t make it ok lmao. bc it’s a trend that is very :/ mmmmmmm. even if it’s not that much of a cliche stereotype for asian women, seeing them write both of their asian girls ALMOST THE EXACT SAME WAY is a bit sussy goddamn baka. went off a bit there lmao. anyway. i’m a weak pussy bitch and after she softened after abi returned freaked out i 😭 i love you. more positive (and NON GUY related) interactions between the girlies please. i literally love her relationship w/ abi so much it's so interesting to me.
and just... to talk about her character real quick, i mmentioned in my tier list that her character frustrates me. and you wanna know why? ive talked abt this b4 but her character is basically a watered down emily davis. and i say this bc. they both overall are the same archetype. except. in kaitlyn's case. there's really no reason for me to like ???? feel bad for her? djjfggkj LIKE. THERE'S LITTLE TO NO SUBSTANCE TO HER CHARACTER.... AND THERE CERTAINLY ISNT MUCH TO FEEL SYMPATHETIC FOR..... i say this bc. almost all the other TQ characters have this moment of ): aw, here's why i should care about and feel bad for you. BUT KAITLYN????? NEVER REALLY OUTRIGHT HAS THAT MOMENT,..... it's almsot like they threw her in there and threw in her characteristics last second.... nothing's really established w/ her. you just. you just keeo finding new stuff about her as the game goes on. like. oh. shes a good shot. oh. she cares about abi. and shit like that. im probably explaining this so terribly rn but hopefully some sense can be made from this scramble. it's just.... thye toook away the interesting aspect(s) of emily'scharacter (her anxiety, her fear of death, her complex to be protected while being fully capable of protecting herslef in times of danger etc etc) and thus gave us kaitlyn. to me she just. she isnt that interesting character wise! there isnt much there for me to grow attached to! people only like her bc shes associated w/ dylan! like shes one of those characters where you sort of HAVE to mold and shape into something that's familiar and Good
re reading htis it really sounds like i don't like her fdjkdg BUT I DO I PROMISE.... i gotta stick w/ my asian girls
abi but for real: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 do i even need to say anything? its like supermassive made a character purposely JessCore or something like that. i like. haven’t gone In Depth abt why i got so fucked up over what everyone else did to her during the camp fire scene but. know that it hit a little toooooo fucking close to home. like. I Could See Me Sitting There In Abi’s Spot and it HUUUUUUURT!!!!!!!!!!!! like ): seeing her avert her gaze and how she was fumbling over her words i ))): LIKE. AUGHH. esp after being asked THAT question? since not sleeping w/ anyone by this age is seen as “abnormal”? i could feel that so bad man ): no one deserves to be singled out like that. esp not a VERY much autistic girl who is pretty clear to be on the “outside” of the group. bc she’s not “normal” or not “like everyone else here” and it’s just. fuck you all fr choke. enough of that. i just. she’s so fucking cute too? like girl i love you so MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her lil like. expressive noises and shit are so awesome and make me happy fnsjfjsf you only see them like twice BUT. you don’t really see that from the other characters. so basically: stims. autism. yeah. they rly made abi a little TOO realistic nd relatable fnsjfnnsf but ohhhh man do i love her oh so much. after the camp fire scene i was just. she’s my friend now fuck all of you
laura but for real: I MISSED HER AND MAX SOOOOO BAD WHILE PLAYING THROUGH CHAPTERS 1 - 6 SKLDDFJDF i was literally so upset and sad seeing that they werent at camp after the prologue. du eto like literallty all of the characters getting on my nerves I WANTED THEM TO COME HOME SOOOO BAD.... AFTER THE CAMP FIRE SCENE EVERYTHING WENT DOWNHILL AND I MIIISSSEED THEM SOO MUCH i needed them back for real. other than that though, i dont have much to say about laura. i mean of course she's my BELOVED i mean look at my user but. yeah! i think about her often and project some anger shit onto her<3 specifically towards travis for specific and personal reasons<3 even if it's not like character stuff or w/e i think about, i often just rotate herin my mind. i love her so much. plus she's literally a combo of emily and sam aka my 2 fave UD characters how could i not love her?
max but for real: i honestly dont have much to say abt him? and i suppose he and laura arent /technically/ a part of the other counselors since they never, yk, showed up. but w/e fdfjgndg i think he's neat. i honestly thought he was like one of the only Good Guys of the game when first playing through,. and that still holds true! i still see ryan as a great guy too though. max just seems like such a good partner and guy in general and i love him. don't necessarily think about him much but as i said before, he's my bf (real)
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