#im in spideypool hell
dwritesit · 2 days
spideypool fic updated!
Chapter Three: Sticky
Tags: flirting, peter trying to get himself together, wade is so hot help, soulmate au, soulmate identifying marks, spideypool
Summary: Peter has everything under control! Nothing could possibly go wrong!
Wade is a flirt. Peter is a disaster.
Read the newest chapter HERE on ao3
Read from the beginning HERE on ao3
Chapter preview:
“Okay,” Wade said when they reached the outdoors. Peter stood to attention, staring up at Wade and squinting in the sunlight now fully risen overhead. Wade's figure was outlined by a bright halo, “If you want to pay me back so badly, give me your number. I'm making you pancakes. Maybe more if I'm lucky.”
Wade laughed warmly, a kind of fondness on the masked features, “You, Peter. Give me your number and then you come over. I make pancakes. Maybe some hanky-panky? Give meaning to that E-rating, right? Badda-bing-badda-boom. You don't owe me anything else.” 
Peter squinted at him.
“No hanky-panky. Just pancakes. We play three rounds of Mario-Kart, I whoop your ass, and then we’re even.” 
Giving Wade his number might have been his last chance to have his questions answered, without having to be too intertwined into Wade's life. He probably should have thought about it before inviting the man to breakfast, but he wasn't about to drop the opportunity on the basis of pride. 
Okay, he took a deep breath, attempt number two.
Peter held out his hand, “Two games, I beat you. The end.”
“You can try, baby boy. I was there when Mario was invented.” Wade grinned and dug into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He typed on it briefly, before placing it in Peter’s outstretched palm. 
Peter laughed as he accepted the device, typing in his contact information quickly, and then handed the phone back to its owner, “You wish you were that old.”
“Peter Parker.” Wade breathed as he glanced at the screen.
Peter’s heart stuttered.
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mustasekittens · 8 months
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all boxed in 📦
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virblaze · 11 months
normalize projecting your relationship onto ur fav ships
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cherryzlem · 1 year
If you ever ask me about what productive thing i did today I will tell you about the 27 spideypool fanfictions i read throughout the day.
I am not even ashamed
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chiniichee · 4 months
hi guys more spideypool!reddie au stuff cuz Yeah!
- richie is still blind as hell lmfao his regenerative abilities can do many things… but giving him 20/20 vision is not one of them ❤️
- dp!richie used to be SO offputting to sp!eddie, like who even is this guy and why is he SO similar to richie???????
- on the other hand, dp!richie was like “wow this guy kinda reminds me of eddie! we’ll probably be great friends let me annoy the living shit out of him.”
- neither of them catch on to the very real possibility that this superhero who resembled their best friend could very well just be… their best friend..
- since richie was born w his abilities, so his parents are aware of his abilities to an extent, but has kept how much he really can regenerate a secret
- its only because he accidentally broke a bone when he was 14 when exploring an abandoned building and at first was like “my mom is gonna be sooooo mad at me” and watched his bone just, unbreak and was then like “HOLY SHIT.”
- but because he’s yapper king number one, he obviously needs to tell someone about it, and who else other than stanley uris?
- stan was also exploring with richie and in his pov he just hears a scream, a crash, and a “HOLY SHIT”. he runs over and he just sees richie, completely unscathed and gaping at his own body and hes like “ok what did u do this time.”
- so stan ends up knowing the full extent of his abilities, but he does not become aware of deadpool being richie (although he’s SUPER suspicious about it. like he’s basically confirmed it in his head)
- when deadpool starts making appearances and one of the other losers brings it up, stan brings it up later in private like “so that deadpool guy. familiar huh” and richie just smiles at him like “HAHA YEAH thats twinnnn lol its so funny. wish i knew him.” and stans like Hrm. Im onto you.
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wiltkingart · 1 year
im a young black, queer, trans man whos been dealing with alot of things recently, which sucks complete ass dude. i’ve tried my best to find some sort of comfort in my dysphoria by going to the gym for years on end, trying to fit in to the cis man body standard.
but recently, i came across your page, not your trans art but your spideypool art, and i was actually so inlove with it. i was having a huge artblock and the time so i was so excited to see a new inspiration. and then i scrolled through your art and my heart just soared when i saw the trans comms youve made. the amount of care and detail, how beautiful those men looked, and i looked at myself in the mirror and i cried.
i thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart. for inspiring my art, for being kind enough to put this online, for being so sweet to others, thank you for helping me overcome one obstacle that has plagued my life.
im forever thankful :’)
hey man i appreciate you sharing this. and i really hope things start looking up for you soon. i'm intimately familiar with how dysphoria can creep into and exacerbate other issues, so i hope you can breathe easy (or easier) now, and focus better on living your life as you deserve. and making cool art - because all art by trans people is cool as hell :]
i do wonder sometimes how things might have gone differently for me if i had this kind of art to look at when i was younger. but i'm just glad that i'm able to make it now, and share it with others. if you can't beat it, wear it with pride and shape it into something beautiful. the world becomes a kinder place, for yourself and others, when you set down body standards and walk your own way.
all the best <33
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I have a spidersona but i feel i won't get accepted because I ship her with Miles...🤦🏾‍♀️
Honestly GO FOR IT - like RUN AT IT
The best part and root of fanfiction is exploring and expanding on parts of the character we don't get to see on screen. And OCs are THE BEST at doing that.
SO DO IT. GO FOR IT no matter who you are!!
TBH I've always been rather meh about canon couples because like.. I know they're gonna end up together so I don't really crave things like fanart for them.
To me Canon Couples are like a jumpscare. If I know it's coming it's gonna get less of a reaction.
That's why a lot of my Spidey-writing pre-ATSV is about dancing around MJ and keeping her platonic. I much prefer Felicia Hardy (The Black Cat) because she challenges Peter's character in a way we don't often see.
The same goes for SpideyPool too. It's so cute because Spidey is nice to everyone, but REALLY sassy with Wade.
Relationships and OCs can bring out so much color and variety in a character, that like...they're so useful writing wise. Not just in a fanfic sense, but expanding your writing.
AND I AM NOT ABOVE KILLING OFF CANON CHARACTERS - DO IT FOR THE ANGSTTTT and for the indulgence I'm genuinely surprised I haven't seen anyone kill off Gayatri and ship an OC with Pavitr cause like...nothing stopping you. That's a great fic opportunity.
And if Hobie gets a Mary-Jane: hell yeah I'd kill her in a heartbeat NO MERCY idgaf how happy she makes him and im deadass!!!! fjgdgjdgh
I will ALWAYS say OCs are the best writing practice, far beyond canon stuff. Because not only are you writing canon characters, but you're shaping and filling in gaps in your story, and reflecting how characters react when a whole new influence (your OC) is brought into the situation.
I know you didn't ask for this but
OFF-TOPIC SIDEBAR: Adults can ship their OCs with Minors - That's literally how all writing works
[below is a short rant where I beef about people who say 'Adults shouldn't ship their OCs with teenagers' - spoiler alert: EVERY minor ship in media is written by an adult.]
One final sidebar before I go cause I feel like this is such a weird thing people have beef with -
I find it SO WEIRD when people are like 'Oh adults shouldn't ship or write their OCs with minors that's weird and nasty'
Like ?????????? ?? ???? ?? Think about that sentence.
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So. Who you think wrote the movie then? You telling me a minor wrote ATSV?? They had a 16 year write the movie??
Or did an adult do it? Like how adults wrote literally every minor relationship you've watched..since the begininning of time?? Cause like - Wasn't....Gwen & Miles romance written by an adult?? Am I missing something?????
Stranger Things. Wednesday. Riverdal?? The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Leonardo and April?? MCU Spiderman 1, 2, AND 3???
TWILIGHT??? ALL teens dating, written by an adult. JOHN GREEN FAULT IN OUR STARS?? HELOO??
Like.........99.5% of the relationships about minors you read is written by adults. Almost EVERY ship of fictional minors are written by an adult shipping their characters together sfhkjghkjdfgshkjdg
Are we arresting people for that now cause if so put the writers of Euphoria IN CUFFS and put a curse on their land!!!!!
idk it's just funny logic to me cause like ?????? my sibling in christ you are enjoying the adult written minor relationship as we speak djkgfdgjkf
"Don't write your OC in love with Miles, the only adult that can do that is the dozens of adults in the writers room getting paid to do just that, most of which didn't create Miles or Gwen themselves"
umm.. ok.
Make OCs, ship them, explore character relationships, WRITE. Ship them with canon characters, talk about your OCs like they're canon, let them build relationships and grow within the story nobody can stop you.
And last point honestly saying adults can't write stuff like that - HORRIBLE writing advice. HORRIBLE.
Because if you're a writer who can only write adults and you leave younger people out of your story - or you write teenagers as adults because you have no experience writing them... not a good look. How do you expect to write a character arc with a character that doesn't age or go through stages of their lives? You need range to write all ages. Half of romance movies out there start with them falling in love as kids and reuniting, you need to know how to write people at different stages of life. Telling adults they can't write anyone below 18 is just...not good advice. Like you can't just...refuse to write a large part of the population??
N E Wayyyyyy Once again this became a rant lol but this isn't like an angry one, it's like a '???why is the statement??? why it exist when it make no sense'
here hobie look at him wooo
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hes so sassy looking :3 i love him his shape up is so nice
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punch-love · 1 year
conflict anon here again and im SO GLAD you agree man. i think what really gets me about it is that i was specifically searching for conflict-packed fic and that's why i was so let down. i also feel like authors are entitled to write whatever they want forever but it just FEELS to me when im reading their fics like they would be happier writing something more domestic, and i want to find something where they're more feral.
i want the ID reveal and the relationship-confirming to cause MORE problems, hell i want them to get together and blow out into a massive argument and breakup then have breakup sex and get back together and then realize the sex didn't actually fix anything and then break up again but they can't stop being obnoxiously in each others space either way
but it feels like fic im trying to find like this fights the very concept of conflict so hard and wants one singular plot point to fix everything as quickly as possible without even walking me through the characters' insight as to HOW that fixed anything other than "problem over, let's be together forever now!" let alone the level of conflict that'd be so engaging like that with a million curveballs
im so aware its a personal taste thing its just been frustrating reading fic after fic after fic and finding so little of it. its no ones fault i can't find fic perfectly tailored to my tastes specifically, i just tend to ramble about my frustration. you and oprime and sci and a couple other authors are my favorite for writing it the way you do, she's not gonna die today will always be one of my favorite fics of all time because it gave me that ever persisting conflict driven by their obsessive need to stick together even when they're fighting every step of the way. i just always get into a longwinded ramble when this comes up and i was hoping youd like to share your thoughts so thank you for answering 🙏
I think this pairing kind of presents a unique challenge to writers (at least it did for me) that action and conflict is such a huge, borderline essential part of their canonical dynamic. If you're not used to writing/utilizing both physical and emotional conflict, your stories can often fall so, so flat for these two, specifically because that's the fuel that makes the engine run. The first true action scene I ever wrote was chapter two of love-punch, and I like, now I'm an action writer for life now (editing an action sequence as we speak) but I had to get out of my comfort zone because I realized that type of stories I wanted to write about them required them to beat the shit out of each other to work.
These two are definitely not problem solvers so much as shit starters. I feel like for them, the problems they actually have to solve are the ways they perceive each other (because both of them heavily project onto the other) and what that means long-term for their relationship - every other form of conflict, to me, is up for grabs forever when it comes to their relationship. The shit talking, ass kicking, and fire starting is what makes them, them.
I've said this before, but a lot of people write fanfiction as an exploration of their own ideal relationships. (which is absolutely fine) I think spideypool is a difficult sell though, for that specific fantasy, because their relationship operates on instability and violence primarily. I think most people aren't looking for a relationship where your communication consists of name-calling, beat downs, and moral differences so severe it makes you almost kill each other a lot. That, does not make a good, a good or healthy real world relationship but SUCH a fun fictional one. People are going to write their fantasies out, though, and that fantasy is that one kiss/one fuck/one confession creates relationship fueled bliss forever because many people, hate conflict - both experiencing and reading it. It sucks, if you're a reader who likes problems. I also always say this, but I encourage you to channel that energy into writing your own work. It's what I did, and it paid off so great for me because now I have 12 works specifically catered to my own personal needs exclusively. Fandom is always going to suck, but you can be the change! (and if you don't want to write, that's cool too, sometimes it's good just to get your qualms out into the world and find people who agree)
tagging @primewritessmut again so she can read your praise straight from the source.
It's a tough fandom if you really like their canonical dynamic more than their fanon one, I feel you man. I am always holding a prayer circle that more writers who like problems more than they like easy resolutions joins in and starts writing some real fucked up shit.
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arekayic · 1 year
thinking about a spider-man adventure time au…. like there isn’t a specific spider-man universe i’m using (it’s more of an amalgamation of TASM and mostly USM bc they’re my faves) but oh my god i’m going crazy….. details after cut. i do want to clarify that this is NOT a character analysis because im horrible at that, i CANNOT "read between the lines".
like like peter as finn obviously because of him being the mc,, i’m thinking deadpool being jake because (ignoring spideypool cause i don’t really care for it anymore AND dp’s flirting because finn and jake are BROTHERS.) spidey and dp have a similar dynamic as finn and jake also deadpool’s personality really fits jake as a whole. and copycat is lady rainicorn because dp deserves happiness hehe
gwen is totally princess bubblegum,, science girl,,, peter in this totally has a crush on her and everything happens the same as in canon. i'm also thinking felicia as marceline.. black cat the halloween queen hehe :3 she'll still be a vampire though but she's LITERALLY called black cat she's GOTTA be halloween themed.
next up is ice king i guess. i want him to be usm doc ock bc tom kenny lol, but the personality doesn't fit much.. but it'll be hilarious so i'm keeping it.. and since it's usm doc ock i want the gunthers or gunters or whatever to be the spider slayers lmaooo. kaine would the main gunter i suppose.
i kinda want USM miles to be BMO because i love both of them,, and usm miles feels (to me) kinda like a brother to peter and BMO is pretty much considered a brother to finn and jake (i think). NEPTR is random as hell but i kinda want amadeus cho (USM) to be him, probably only as iron spider though.
ok ok now my favorite casting,, HARRY AS FLAME PRINCESS... i'm a parksborn junkie and wow their personalities and relationship match up SO well with finn and flame princess it hurts.. and yeah i know that finn and flame princess break up but UGH they fit so well, so i must deal with it. i just finished watching s4 e1 so i'm FUELED on this right now RAAAAHHHH. i did draw something and i'll post it tomorrow if i remember teehee. this harry is totally based off tasm because i LOVE his design and character and they fit flame princess more than usm harry does. also flame king is norman because that fits GREAT.
i'm also thinking, on the subject of love intrests, mary jane as huntress wizard. now this mj i haven't based off of usm (and tasm doesn't have her) so i don't really have a basis for her. BUT. her and peter are always fated to be together so she of course would be what is finn's final love interest in normal adventure time ( :,) /pos) and i also feel mj's usual design would mix well with huntress wizard's. now i want to clarify i do not remember anything because i haven't watched adventure time in YEARS and my current rewatch is only in season 4.
USM ben reilly would be fern. i don't really need to explain why. *cough* 'clone' of mc *cough*
carnage is lemongrab because of that abhorrent screeching (that phrasing could apply to either of them lol). venom might be his brother but i can't remember him at all lmao so that might change
now now now i think that eddie brock would be peppermint butler (but make peppermint butler smile less) because of his general vibe and story. but i must say, i'm talking about eddie with NO venom. i think as a candy person he would be black licorice so his design could reference venom with his colors.
fast round now, flash should be lsp, prismo could maybe be played by doctor strange (USM!!!), mysterio could be magic man because LOOLLL, martin could be peter's dad in TASM?, billy should be iron man, cinnamon bun COULD be liz allen (cause of harry) but i feel bad doing that to her, abracadaniel could be USM moon knight just for the laughs. i have NO clue who the lich should be,,due to usm lore i want goblin but norman is already flame king soooo... ultimate goblin maybe?
and that is IT for nowww. i will keep posting more about this au under #rk's spider time au, and i will be reblogging this post if i have more info teehee anyways i am insane.. ALSO also most (not all) character relationships are ignored when i pick the roles because that fucks up some stuff (like marcy and simon being close even though felicia and doc ock barely have anything to do with eachother)
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kitratre · 8 months
im day dreaming about a funny/cute spideypool AU where peter was a child actor before his health took a dip. just lil 3-9 year old peter in different projects including being on the disney channel. health took dip just before he turned 9 so had to quit acting. and he found he really actually liked not being center of attention and going to regular school. the bullying sucked but he hadn't felt normal in years. but then at 15 he becomes spider-man.
cut to years later he's been spider-man about 20 years he's finally going to tell deadpool who he is cause they've confessed their feelings. first thing wade does is go "wait you're peter parker the child actor?!?!? From *insert disney show*??!?!?!? " and peter is like the fuck how?? "I haven't been recognized in over 30 years how the hell???" and wade just starstruck.
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dwritesit · 1 month
spideypool... peter who cannot stand traffic and hates driving vs wade who doesn't mind sitting in the stop-go-traffic blasting his music contently
- peter, who is so used to swinging through new york, practically scaling the city, that once he actually gets his license (4 years late), sitting in traffic is excruciating. peter "i could be in Brooklyn by now!" parker. if he had to go out as a civie, he preferred the subway even though it could take twice as long
- wade who enjoys actually taking a moment to slow down, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, singing loudly with the windows rolled down. he especially doesnt mind when hes got peter in the passenger seat - he even lets him pick the music (so generous!).
- after a long car ride with baby boy in the driver's side, on the way back from a wayward team-up, peter spewing out a long string of words wade never thought would come out of The Incredible Spiderman's mouth, they dedided wade would be the conductor on all future road trips. peter likes it. a lot.
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albino-pony · 2 years
Me? Searching for a Spiderman/Deadpool fic I read years ago when I still sucked at English and read it with a pocket dictionary in hand and remember nothing about it except that there was Identity reveal and Deadpool first fell for Peter rather than Spiderman?
More likely than you think.
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i have never been more of a multi shipper than i am with spiderman
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forgetful-nerd · 5 years
Deadpool: *dressed as Santa* looks like Christmas came early!
Spider-Man: if that’s the only thing that comes early tonight, I’m ok with it.
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sciderman · 3 years
Hey Sci
So, I was rereading the spideypool issues (don't know why I love this saga so much the writers just keeping mess up everything. I have so much complaining about this shit, anyway) and remember my favorite part of all saga
In issue #27 specifically, Wade is one more time trying to prove he is changed, he is a good guy and spiderman (not spiderman was a guy in disguise but wade didn't know) didn't belive him
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And then, in the rest of the series, everyone treats this scene as Wade's declaration to Spider (even me and the fuckying writers)
So I dunno if you read this series, if you did I would like to know your favorites parts and what do you think about this scene
you know I really do like this scene! i like everything about it - i like the plotting of the page, and i like the breathing room they devote to it. it’s a really good scene. just wish it was in a good series. 
i genuinely couldn’t tell you what my favourite parts of the spider-man/deadpool series are, because i genuinely don’t remember any of it - so that’s really not a great indicator of quality. generally panels will stick out in my mind when i read a book i enjoy - lordy, the c&dp series plagues my mind Every day, but i don’t remember a thing from sm/dp. i think i enjoyed the madripoor two-issue thing, that was kind of fun. had some fun moments. 
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i think where the series falls flat is that... okay there’s a lot of reasons why the series falls flat for me. 
1. the conceit of the first arc is that spider-man and deadpool kind of role-reverse and peter starts acting bad and deadpool starts acting good. cool. sexy. except we never freaking actually get to see them acting like themselves at any point. peter never acts good in the series. he’s a jack-off throughout. like, more than usual. he never acts heroic in the first arc so how am i meant to feel like he’s done any sort of fall-from-grace at all? context clues? shut up. 
2. ceo peter parker can eat my shorts 
3. imo the jokes just aren’t funny - come on, it’s spider-man and deadpool.  
4. dear freaking lord how contrived and nonsensical the plots are. what the hell. im just skimming all of this expository nonsense like idon’tcareidon’tcareidon’tcare. when will comic book writers know that readers literally do not care about whatever whackadoodle science or magic mumbo you’ve invented for the plot. i don’t care!! just show me my boys!! show me my freaking boys!!! was doing dramatic readings of it and the number of times we just said “uh. can we just skip this?” immeasurable. it happened on every freaking page. this series is SUCH a freaking SLOG to read. 
i’m not going to get into the healed wade garbage for the sake of my sanity 
bad series. objectively bad. can’t believe they got to 50 issues. blame it on brand recognition alone. there’s barely anything here to enjoy. 
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itsybitsybby · 3 years
TLDR; Looking for 18+ roleplay partner to do Spideypool with me on Discord. Im a Novella writer with a non-strict preference for Peter Parker. NSFW, gore, angst, etc. are fine, I have no triggers. DM for my Discord or for any further questions.
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For a further, more in depth explanation:
Hello, I am once again throwing my hat into the Tumblr void in order to find an rp partner that won’t completely disappear after, like, a week. So if you aren’t looking for anything long term or if you don’t think your mental health can handle it then please take care of yourself elsewhere rather than picking up another burden. Roleplay is supposed to be fun, not draining! Seriously, please look after yourself first.
Anyways, for the people that stuck around, I’m looking specifically for a Spideypool rp right now. I have a preference for playing Peter, but I’m totally cool playing Wade too. I was thinking more of an Andrew Garfield/Ryan Reynolds MCU vibe, but I’m again completely fine with going more comic book based. I don’t know enough about Tobey’s Spidey annnd isn’t Tom’s Spidey like, 17? yikes…
When it comes to plot, well, that’s entirely up to you lovely stranger reading this! Wanna do something dark, gritty, gorey and downright sickening?! Lets do it! If you want more of a fluff, slow-burn, gentle lovers trope then hell yeah I’m all for that too! I’m okay with smut, gore, fluff, angst, action— whatever. I’m okay and open to any and all ideas!
BUT!! and this is a HUGE ‘but’, you HAVE to be 18 or older. I’m sorry, and I know some of you fuckin’ kiddos are gonna read that and think ‘well I’ve faked being 18 before I surely can do it again!’ WRONG. I will figure it out because I may be fucking dumb but I ain’t stupid. No but seriously that shit isn’t cool okay, keep your grubby kid fingers out of my DMs. I don’t want any part of that and I will figure out if you’re lying to me and you will be promptly blocked. No minors, not even if it’s strictly a platonic roleplay, and that is final.
Lets see… have I missed anything else? Okay, let’s have a quick run down of important shit you might need to know!
• I’m 22
• My time zone is PDT
• I usually write between Literate, Advanced Literate and Novella. On my bad days it’s Literate, great days it’s Novella, you get the idea. I write a fuck ton. Don’t get overwhelmed, I don’t care if you match me perfectly. Just please be Literate at the very least.
• I am almost hardly ever busy so I will reply quite often
• I have no triggers, so angst it up all you want
• I prefer to roleplay on Discord, I won’t ever do it anywhere else
• I don’t roleplay with Oc’s, at all. This might change, but for now, big fat nope.
Aaaaand that’s all my tired 3am brain can think of right now. I’m pretty sure I got the most important shit down anyway, and if you have any questions my DM’s are always open!!
DM for my Discord if you’re interested and if not, I totally understand and I will totally NOT cry myself to sleep tonight thinking about it!! Joking, joking, thank you if you’ve read this far, okay I will stop boring you now byeee!!
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