#im in love with your honor
ashisgreedy · 1 year
Richard Jackdaw 🎶
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A moody playlist ~
Spotify Link Here To Full Playlist
Track 1:
So strange and beautiful How you gaze upon my bones A mistake, a tragedy Since we missed each other by a century
Track 2:
Touch me with no hands
Hold me with your eyes
Unwind me with your mind tonight
Track 3:
These are hard times for dreamers
And love lost believers
Track 4:
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream Make her the cutest that I've ever seen Give her two lips like roses and clover And tell her that her lonely nights are over
Sandman, I'm so alone
Track 5:
Oh, darling, my soul
You know it aches for yours
'Cause you're the reason I believe in fate, you're my paradise And I'll do anything to be your love or be your sacrifice
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Pic of Jack Source
Made it collaborative if you'd like to add to it~ (use this link)
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wr0wn · 1 year
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Oh, my love
I know, I am a cold, cold man
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sugawarassoccerlover · 10 months
do you ever love a ship so much you want to curl up into the fetal position and implode every time the characters interact
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
i have this headcanon that Bruce still calls Dick Robin or Boy Wonder when they work together and he still calls Babs Batgirl from time to time because to him they are.
Hearing Dick crack a joke while doing a flip and karate chopping a goon flies him back in time to when it was just the two of them, the Batman and Robin days
When Babs crackles in his comm with information and maybe a quick quipp, thats batgirl in his ear, scolding him for getting hurt
And Dick might not show any outward shift at the name, might not do more than follow the barked order of 'robin on your left!' and babs wont remark the different name, the 'thank you batgirl' instead of oracle, but maybe Dick stands a little straighter, maybe Babs sits up a little, preens
Because to them Bruce isn't this maniac who kidnapped express adopted a bunch of children, he's just bruce. their bruce. their batman. And they are his Batgirl and Robin. His Boy and Girl Wonder.
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windwenn · 6 months
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The sillies (they have consumed my soul)
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teletubbyinlipstick · 23 days
More Hybrid!Poly TF141 x Reader pleaaasseeeee? 🥹
(ps, love your writing!)
OwlHybrid!Poly TF141 X Reader
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Thank you for reading. You're all so sweet for the support! I'm negl. I didn't expect people to read it, haha. I'm so shocked by the love.
Thankyou @bina-passion-fruit for the morning after idea! See her reblog of the first part for the gist. And please feel free to send in scenarios you could see these birbs end up in!
The next day IS tense. The atmosphere has never been this suffocating.
Not in their own home.
Gaz sits curled up in Johnny's frame at the breakfast nook, head resting on the older mans shoulder, a deep frown setting into his face. His eyes are crusted a little, nose still deep red and cheeks puffy. He looks thoroughly exhausted, like he hasn't slept.
They all do.
Johnny has a cuppa sitting untouched. It's luke warm by now, but he can't bring himself to drink it. Face mirroring Gaz's, glaring down at the coffee like it has personally offended him. Every couple minutes, he huffs deeply, eyes darting away from the cup to glance around as if in thought, but he inevitably ends up gazing lost into his cup again.
Price and Simon are at the stove and counter. Quietly discussing things that need to be done for the day. There's lulls of silence in their convos, moments where their minds wander to the dove sleeping down the hall. Price feels guilt eating him alive. He's hunched a bit, chin tucked down in a clear sign of forlorn. Simon continues to run a hand up his spine soothingly, pressing closer to offer as much comfort as he can. But he can't deny the stabs of agony he, himself, feels.
It's raw. It sucks.
And Simon feels so fucking lost in this moment. He wants to gather all his mates in his arms (even you) and shush, coo, and coddle until there's nothing but purrs, chirps, and preened content lovers piled into a nest. He wants to scent you and rub you in their things to let you know you're safe and cared for now. He sees the trauma, the fear when Johnny reached for you. The self soothing you do by rubbing your arms.
He sees you. And in doing so, he sees himself. A scared fledgling unsure of the world, burned and bitten, spat upon by those who swore to love them.
Someone hurt you.
Tore at your feathers until you were too scared to take flight. And if Ghost ever gets a name he'd tear the motherfuckers wings from their spine.
The pitter patter of footsteps approaching the kitchen lifted them from their haze, four pairs of eyes snapping to you as you sleepily shuffled in. You wore a simple oversized t shirt and sweatpants to bed, hair rumpled from sleep, eyes and cheeks red and puffy from sleep. They can see the tear streaks dried from last night and it breaks their heart all over again.
Price makes the first move, taking a small step towards you with a plate held out. Buttered toast, sizzling eggs, and red srawberries sit on top.
"G'mornin' sweetheart, hope you slept well. 'Ve cooked some breakfast. There's coffee in the pot. Help yourself." Soft eyes gaze down at you. He's hunched inwards a little, head tilted down and the sweetest smile gracing his face. You feel very flustered, keenly aware of the 3 other sets of eyes intently watching.
Taking a deep breath, you offer a half smile, grasping the plate with slightly shaky hands.
"Uhm..t-thankyou, sir"
Wide doe eyes peer up at him, shock clear on your face. He feels his lips quirk at the sight.
"My mates call me John. Not sir. We're equal here, okay? You call me by my name." When his hand reaches out, you don't swat it away this time, only watching in marvel as he tucks hair behind your ears, crows feet aligning his kind eyes.
Taking a shaky breath, a soft, geniune smile spreads across your face, eyes darting to your feet and back up as you turn to the table. Johnny and Gaz are staring right at you, wings perked up. Gaz is quickest to his feet, pulling out a chair, a handsome grin settling on face. Pretty boy, you muse to yourself. Sitting down with a grateful smile and a hushed thankyou.
A hand reaches past your shoulder, jarring and unexpected. You whip your head up to see Simon offering a placate smile down at you, other palm face up to soothe. You tilt your head owlishly, blinking at him. It causes the older mans lips to quirk up on one side, brown eyes softening as he gazes down at you. He nods his head towards the table, and upon looking back to your plate, you realize he sat down a fork...oh.
Tears welled in your eyes, and a sniffle broke through. Simon's eyes widened a fraction, quickly backing away with both his hands raised, palm up.
"'M sorry luvie, didn't mean t'startle you."
It was sincere, filled with guilt. A small sob breaks past your lips. Johnny whines high in his throat, reaching out for your hand across the table, only to stop short, unsure if you'd appreciate the contact. His lips are once again pulled down, eyes saddened.
"Bonnie?..." Murmured so quietly into the air, the boys hold their breath, pulling their wings in to appear smaller. You wipe at your face again, sniffling, eyes glossy and cheeks rosy. And when you finally lifted your head, the last thing they expected was to see the brightest grin painted across your face, pure happiness shining, tear streaks lined with joy.
"No one's ever been so kind to me...thankyou. All of you."
Oh, dove, you haven't seen anything yet.
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another little barn for us all while we Anticipate <3
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sonofarathorns · 6 months
faramir. you agree. reblog.
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"You were worried if you still felt how much he loved you, you wouldn't be able to go through with your crusade."
this is a real quote that was really said to the real Erik Magnus Lehnsherr about his very real feelings for his 'friend' Charles Xavier.
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sheikfangirl · 7 days
Meeting Zelda in person for the "first time" ❤️
Link answered her question with a smile and a very, very tight hug.
The emptiness he felt waking up alone in the shrine of Resurrection, somehow knowing he "lost something...or someone"...it vanished instantly once he hold Zelda in his arms. He knew. and his heart felt full again.
Zelda can't believe Link is really is here. Alive, breathing, holding her. Knowing who she is.
The next shot of the sequence would be them slightly parting, Link takes Zelda's hand in his and rest them on his heart, saying "Yes. I remember you."
Extra Note
I always pictured the follow up to "do you really remember me" like the iconic Final Fantasy VIII Rinoa & Squall's reunion scene. FF8 is a milestone game title in my life. I doodled this in homage of the game's 25th anniversary celebration. Happy Anniversary FF8!! You are an imperfect game, and i dont care. I love you ❤️
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gldnstrngs · 12 days
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in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman <3
need an au of them in the modern day where arthur really is just a chivalrous guy and is trying to court merlin but merlin is Dumb and cant connect the dots
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silverv may not technically be "canon" but in actuality they are realer than all these other mfs
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that-sweet-jester · 2 months
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wanna explore space&time and eat chips together?
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katkafe · 11 months
no bc paul matthew’s is such an enigma to me. he’s literally just a normal guy. he’s destined to meet the love of his life in every universe. he called her “the latte hottay”. he’s destined to lose her just before they can finally be together. he doesn’t know what he wants. he’s consistently the first to notice or point out the activities of the eldritch beings that toy with his world. he knows it’s inevitable and he’s still trying to tell people. he hates musicals
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batcavescolony · 3 months
Haymitch: so do you have any skills?
Peeta: oh I don't have any, but Katniss hunts with a Bow and Arrows
Katniss: yeah guess I'm ok
Peeta: no she's amazing, she expertly places her arrow where it doesn't affect the meat and she can take down a dear
Katniss: oh this is how were gonna play? Well he can lift hundred pounds like it nothing and he can wrestle
Peeta: well that's no-
*they keep fighting*
Haymitch: are they fighting by hyping each other up?
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dawnbreakersgaze · 4 months
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