#im hesitant to tag characters with this
sketchy-galaxy · 11 months
Cybervore I - Dissection
Mandroid Cannibalism fic is complete! Happy Early Halloween!
I - II - III
Triggers include descriptions of human organs, dissection, and corpse desecration. Takes places after Episode 10 of ES
Word Count: 3044 words
Dr. Meridian could not believe his eyes. His arachnamechs, which had been tasked with finding and capturing any Cybertronian in the immediate area, had finally returned after a long day. He didn’t care if they brought him an Autobot or Decepticon, it didn't matter. So long as they brought him new specimens for his work he didn't care what badge they wore.
But tonight, they had brought him a dead Cybertronian.
The mech laid on its back, its arms at its side. It was silent. He smiled as he admired the new specimen. Yes, he thought, this would do nicely.
"Excellent work, though I would prefer they be brought in alive." He turned to his creations, disappointment clear in his tone. The large mechanical spiders glared at each other, clicking and whirling. One stepped forward and attached itself to the computer. The drone played a video from its perspective and the man watched with interest.
"How odd…" He said to himself.
According to the feed the Cybertronian had been found like this. It had been laying on the ground, its body was still. The arachnamechs had thoroughly investigated and when the creature failed to respond they brought it back here.
The fair doctor raised an eyebrow. His gaze shifted from the video to the specimen on his dissection table.
He stared at its light green metal plating. It was silver and shined like a brand new car, contrasting the dark metal table it lay on. The face was thin, the hollow cheeks made it appear like a skull.
The optics were dark.
Dr. Meridian hummed, realizing that it had no insignia.
His lips curled into a smile. Perhaps this was another Terran. The new breed of Cybertronian had only just emerged on Earth but the population only continued to grow.
"Well then," He said aloud, the mechs behind him standing to attention," If you truly are a Terran then perhaps it is time to learn what separates you from your Cybertronian kin."
He waved a hand," Arachnamechs, activate the sawblade. Perform a modified Y-shaped incision down the chest and prepare it for a dissection."
The mechs got to work and Meridian smiled. One thing he preferred about his mechs over humans: They never shy away from a dissection.
As the machines whirled above and the arachnamechs scuttled away Meridian searched for what limited information about Cybertronians and their anatomy he had.
During the war, the Autobots kept their anatomy a close knit secret. Only the most important organs, the processor, spark chamber, and fuel pump were known by GHOST. Even the dissection of dead Decepticons was forbidden by Optimus Prime, who howled that it was a desecration of a Cybertronian’s basic anatomy. That their 'funeral rites' forbade it.
Meridian scoffed at the idea then and he scoffed at the idea now.
He adjusted his goggles just as the razor blade touched the sparked metal. The light reflected in the glass but dimmed it from his sight. The grinding sound echoed through the building. The thousands of other robots inched closer and peered down from the shadows. A million red eyes stared. 
Sparks flew up from the metal, the light that was made was blinding. It illuminated the dark laboratory. Meridian watched with a smile. There was no struggle, no fight. This was too easy, he thought to himself. With how much he had lost recently, what with his previous lab now at the bottom of the ocean in pieces and his research left to rot, this was surely a step forward.
The metal blade made quick work of the metal chest plate. It cut through the outer layer but was careful enough not to damage the mechanical parts within. It cut down the chest, sawing through the abdomen, allowing access to the internals of what once was a grand machine.
Once the incisions were made and the body was still, Meridian gripped the controls to the claws above. Each metal claw gripped the edge of the metal plating and pulled back. It was a delicate procedure, the sparked metal was peeled away slowly and the human watched from behind his goggles. The metal cracked as it bended back. The noise echoed in the building but fell upon deaf ears.
Dr. Meridian smiled as the chest was opened further. Finally a step towards learning how these extraterrestrials worked. The man expected to see a spark chamber, whatever it might have looked like.
Instead, as he gazed forward his eyes went wide and he ripped his goggles off his face. He couldn't believe what he saw! His jaw fell open as he stared in abject horror at what lay before him.
No mechanical parts sat in the chest cavity of the specimen.
Within the cavity were a collection of organs. Organic organs. They were a dull pink color in some parts while other organs were red or dark brown. With soft curves rather than sharp angles and edges, they were both foreign and familiar. There were no tubes or wires or circuits that might have been used in processing crystalized fuel.
Realization of what he had been looking at terrified him. He was too stunned to speak. Meridian knew the human body and what organs sat where. He was not an expert on it but he knew the human body intimately.
And, as he looked down at the Cybertronian laying bare before him, Meridian saw human organs. It was undeniable.
Large bright pink intestines that twisted and turned in the abdomen. 
Thick and heavy lungs in the chest with a heart in the center.
He recognized a liver and a stomach and spleen and a pancreas and-
The doctor backed away from the sight. His metal hand briefly touched his face before he reeled away in terror. His own stomach churned at the sight, simply looking at the disgusting mess made him sick. 
He wanted to speak but no words fell from his mouth. In his own chest his heart raced. What was this! What did this mean? He huffed, his eyes looking away from the horrific thing on his table.
It teetered on the edge of uncanny.
Through the pain in his head and shock Dr. Meridian shouted," Enough!" His voice carried through the building and echoed through the walls. His arachnamechs stopped. They watched.
He turned his gaze back to the Cybertronian. Despite the pain in his head he did not flinch from it. He only scowled. Teeth still grinding together, he adjusted his coat and stepped closer.
"No." He sighed, composing himself. He frowned," No, you are not a Cybertronian. And you are not a Terran." He'd seen the scans of their systems and internals. The new species were mechanoids, mechanicals. Advanced robots with trace elements of organic matter. But nothing like this.
The body was silent and did not move. The helm, which had fallen to its side during the dissection, looked ahead with its dark empty eyes.
Meridian picked up his goggles, gently lifting them to his face. Above him, his arachnamechs chirped and scuttled on the ceiling and shelves. They watched, eager to see their master's next action.
"I will know what you are," He gripped the metal railing," Even if that means I will have to tear you limb from limb."
As a scientist by trade Meridian was not one to step away from a challenge.
Finding, understanding, and using information was something he had done for his entire career. It would be no different with this creature here. He typed along the computer, goggles set upon his face to protect his eyes from the bright light of the screen.
It lessened the headache somewhat.
"Arachnamechs," He said absently and his robots scuttled closer," Patrol the area. Ensure no one disturbs my work."
He didn't bother to watch as his machines left the facility. Without them he heard the whirl of his computers and machines echo in the room.
A scan of the creature was… ineffective in determining its origin and revealed some conflicting information.
It was indeed made of sparked metal. It had some evidence of energon within its body. That much was evident as it let off a steady pulse of energy. It was Cybertronian.
But it lacked Cybertronian organs. It had no spark. Instead all of its internals were replaced and set in a way that was obviously meant to mimic the human body. It was organic.
Dr. Meridian leaned away from his computer. The data that he had obtained was useless.
He sneered at the results, frustration taking hold.
His eyes flickered back to the corpse. The building ache in his head had become a slight nuisance if nothing else. Slowly he took the controls of the claws above. They descended, clicking as Meridian thought.
Maybe this creature was neither? Perhaps GHOST in all of their ambition had attempted to make a Cybertronian and human hybrid. An abomination that rivaled Frankenstein's beast by comparison.
Perhaps that is why it was left to rot in the woods.
Meridian peered down at the organs below, humming to himself. Slowly the claws picked at the organs. One pinched at a clump before lifting it into the air.
No sinew or muscle clung to the organ. It wriggled and twitched as it was lifted higher and higher. The long organ spasmed, lurching and shifting in the air. Biologically, it was not so dissimilar in shape to a human small intestine.
It was larger, fit for the frame it had come from but had the same light pink hue. 
Meridian didn't realize it but he had been holding his breath.
He exhaled, long and hard as he watched the squirming organ. It was a disgusting sight, watching the organ twist like an eel.
What compelled it to move? Dr. Meridian thought. Cybertronians lacked muscle, the way the organ shifted without assistance implied it was an involuntary response.
It twisted in the claw and Meridian tapped the keyboard and allowed the claw to shift towards the railing. The long organ trailed out of the still body. He left the side of his computer, stepping forward as the claw stopped right in front of him.
Meridian peered at the organs. Standing so close to the massive entrails he felt overwhelmed by the smell. It smelled like energon, the oily substance reeked of the earth and ground. It made him sick. Despite this, his eyes peered closer until he saw what appeared to be minute veins stretch just underneath the skin.
Meridian's eyes narrowed. They were bright pink as he assumed energon flowed through them.
Surely it was artificial.
He reached out to it with his right hand.
He hesitated. The dark green plating reflected the bright light above. He frowned and, after a moment, Dr. Meridian switched to his left hand.
His fingertips brushed the material. It was undoubtedly made of an organic material. The ‘skin’ was smooth, the veins underneath it were pink with energon. His thumb brushed over the skin as he lifted the organ in his palm. It was heavy and warm, thick with whatever flesh lay within. A fine layer of slime coated the organ, reflecting the light in the room.
The organ pulsed in his palm, wriggling like a worm. When squeezed the organ's skin dipped under the pressure. Whatever was inside of it, whether it was muscle or something else, it was firm. It shifted again. It felt real.
Dr. Meridian frowned.
He let the organ fall back. As it swung back and forth it moved as if alive, almost reaching out to him. He opened his mouth to whisper. On the tip of his tongue he tasted the stale air.
"Fascinating…" Was the sole word to escape his lips.
And it truly was. Whatever this strange creature was, it somehow had organs identical to that of a human. All the while, it had energon coursing through its body. The swinging organ slowed. It hung still but the muscle continued to contort and twist. Dr. Meridian turned away from it, walking swiftly back to his computers.
This would require a much closer analysis.
The rest of the dissection was a delicate and clinical process. Meridian watched the computers as data filtered through the screen.
It was going to be a long night.
The man's eyes narrowed at the screen. Another scan revealed that the organs were indeed connected. The small intestine to the stomach to a throat that stretched up the neck of the creature. Where the trachea separated he saw it connect to the lungs. Arteries and veins connected from the lungs to the heart, spreading throughout the body. It was impressive how well this creature had been able to replicate the human body. 
His gaze flickered to the corpse before focusing back onto the computer. The body was still, a sharp contrast to the shifting organs within.
Meridian absently rubbed his fingers on his palm as he watched the simulation. His metal digits were warm as they traced the lines on his palm. The slime was thin and wet within the grooves.
His gaze focused on the information. He did not look at his palm.
The ghost of the heavy organ remained. The soft curves, the tight skin, the warmth of it. His fingertips brushed over it. He wanted to reach out to hold it again, to feel it’s warmth in the palm of his-
He jumped, shaking himself from his thoughts. He had to remain focused. 
Meridian pushed a button on the keyboard and allowed the computer to run a simulation of the organs if they were to truly work. Watching silently, Meridian traced his palm again. His mind sank into itself. Attempting to make sense of what this thing was.
Perhaps GHOST had not made this creature. Yes, he considered the possibility of the Cybertronians being responsible for this abomination. After all, they had many disguises at their disposal. Vehicles, objects, animals, as far as he had seen. What was stopping them from using a human form?
Was this the Cybertronians desperate attempt to infiltrate human society? Had they not done enough damage, bringing their violence and war to this planet?
Meridian looked at the body and glared at it. Renewed hatred boiled inside of him. Was their invasion of the planet no longer a physical but a societal goal? Was this abomination simply a prototype?
What other organs would it develop, he wondered with this new information. 
Would the metal plating slough and turn to muscle? Would the processor in the head turn into a brain, would the eyes curl and grow cones and rods? Would skin grow over the frame?
Would this half-breed worm its way into human society, furthering the future of Cybertronians living among humans not as warmongering extraterrestrials but as faux humans?
Dr. Meridian took a chair and sat down with a scowl. He leaned forward and watched the completed simulation as his hands folded in front of his face.
Everything perfectly mimicked humans' biological systems. The stomach, intestinal tract, and colon broke down material and expelled it. The lungs take in oxygen and through aerobic respiration converted it to water, carbon dioxide, and ATP for the body.
The only difference was the heart.
Instead of pumping blood through the body the heart pulsed and sent energon through the veins and arteries. Despite the fact that the body did not require four chambers, the heart still behaved as though it needed to oxidize blood.
The simulation of the body's functions played on the screen. The light reflected off the green plating of his hand. Behind his goggles Meridian tracked the flow of energon into the body. How the body would break it down, how the energon would flow into the 'bloodstream' and the energon would be delivered throughout the body.
There were still many questions to be asked of this creature. How long would it take for it to become a human? Why was it dead in the woods, alone? His head tilted and his gaze fixed back onto the body.
That was of very little concern to him. No matter what it was or why it was here, Meridian refused to allow these beings to slip into a society they did not belong in. He would find these creatures and purge them from his planet. He would protect humanity from these extraterrestrials and the world would be at peace.
He would rid the world of all Cybertronian-kind.
Something tapped his leg and Meridian leapt to his feet. His chair was pushed to the ground, clattering loudly against the metal floor. The man shouted, a brief bout of terror shocking him to his senses.
Standing still beside him was an arachnamech. It watched him with red eyes, tilting its head to the side. His shoulders relaxed, his expression softened. The mech tilted its head back and beeped once. He exhaled. 
The spider droid lowered the claw it had used to tap his leg. It hissed and then turned and walked away. He watched it. The click of its claws was gentle. It, like its brothers, had returned from their patrol. They must not have found anything, their behavior was quite lax.
Meridian huffed, straightening his shoulders and coat. Very rarely did he miss the sound of his approaching mechs. How much time had passed since he began, he wondered while ignoring the growing pressure behind his eyes. He turned his gaze back to the computer. The simulations continued to play over and over.
He removed the goggles, the band was squeezing his head and making his headache even worse. Unfortunately this did nothing to stop the pain in his eyes caused by the light.
With shaky hands Meridian stopped the simulation. It froze and he covered his eyes with his metallic right hand. It was quiet for a moment but the sigh that escaped his lips was one of pure exhaustion.
Meridian dragged his palm down his exhausted face. His eyes were worn, his hands was shaky and useless, and his headache grew worse by the minute. He was exhausted and a familiar sharp pain in his abdomen only pushed him to the brink of collapse.
Dr. Meridian was starving.
And unfortunately he had nothing to eat.
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lucapizzelles · 5 months
I just spent like 3 ish hours trying to figure out a floor plan for the Marcovaldo household (the things that writing does to you) and I think I've got something at least. Somewhat comprehensible. Gonna be under a cut because there's a LOT because I just love yapping.
So we can start with the kitchen area, as that's what we see most of.
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The first shot doesn't show much that's super useful, honestly, but it puts some perspective into play that I think is just helpful to look at. The next two, though, are VERY useful.
We can establish that the balcony is next to the stove area, which is adjacent to the wall with the window. I put a picture of the balcony from the outside, which faces the plaza, just to be anal tbh. So, now we can also establish that, in the beginning of the scene where they meet Massimo, the entrance Luca, Alberto, and Giulia enter into the kitchen is opposite of the plaza. And, as I noted a little, that window in the 4th image faces the sea. I've drawn out a mini kitchen floor plan (please excuse my handwriting):
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Made an assumption that that is Massimo's bed, and I also marked the tomato just to really drill in that the balcony was the same balcony. I don't know why I needed to put so much convincing.
So that's nice right? This is the room that I'm the most confident in out of everything. But there's a lot more to the house. I looked at Giulia's room next, since that's the only other interior room that we see in the film.
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So we can establish that that window of hers faces the sea, as it leads directly to the hide-out. Opposite to the window is her door, which you can see when she turns around in the scene where she shows Luca the woderful life of Education(tm) and also in that third screenshot a little bit. Also, based on placement of the windows from outside shots, that places her room behind the kitchen (if you are facing the house from the plaza).
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Also note that mystery window. I have no idea what that window is, but it doesn't appear in Giulia's room and it doesn't appear in the kitchen, so it's safe to assume that there's a room between Giulia's and the kitchen. In the second image you can see it a bit more clearly, but it is also one panel wide, whereas the windows both in Giulia's room and in the kitchen are two panels. Also, in the third image (and in the very first image of this whole post) you can see there's a space cutting into the kitchen as well, which I didn't really properly point out earlier.
Floor plan #2 (note: there's no entrance to the mystery room, that's on purpose for now, just one sec):
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In those notes I kinda skipped ahead a bit, so let's talk about that doorway for a sec.
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There is absolutely some doorway there. Leading somewhere. You can argue that maybe that is a window (which, note (love saying 'note'), it would be facing a VERY close brick wall of the house neighboring the Marcovaldo's), but this makes that less plausible:
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When Luca and Alberto enter the house, they come in from the right side, where that doorway would be. You can argue cartoon logic of appearing impossibly out of nowhere, but this movie hasn't really played into that too much (aside from the scene when Luca sees the alarm clock, but I'd argue that the movement he did there is definitely possible and not like rabbit out of the hat type of physics). It's pretty clear that the way you get into the kitchen in the house is by entering through whatever doorway that leads off to.
Also, in the image you can see I added some text. That's to point out that, not only is there a doorway to the right of the kitchen door (from the image pov), but there's also one to the left. It's clear that there is some light being let off from the left direction that is lighting up that little hallway they're in. Also, if you were to watch the scene in real time, the door casts a shadow to the right when Giulia opens it, confirming that there's definitely some light specifically coming from the left. So, that light has a high chance of coming from that mystery window room. I'm gonna say that that's where that room lies.
Going back to the doorway thing, something that that brings a bit of dilemma about:
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There's like no space at all for that doorway to fit. The house pretty clearly has an external wall against where Massimo's bed is placed. My solution was that, given that we never see a perfect shot of that side of the house (**IN LUCA (2021). I HAVE TO COME BACK TO THIS IN A BIT.), there's just like,, a part that juts out.
Floor plan #3 (also now there's an entrance to ? room):
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I also figured that there has to be some way to get up, so I was like "okay cool steps go somewhere in here."
Boom, Floor plan #4 and also where I was like "okay this is it.":
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(Quickly, because I forgot I even noted it, the alley steps is in reference to where you can see some steps in an alleyway leading up towards where I figured the building would jut out. So, just for fun, not necessarily accepting that it was actually a part of the house, maybe those steps led up to a door that also reached that landing there.)
Also quickly, there is a side room on the house that I haven't brought up yet:
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So, I originally saw that part of the house and then figured that maybe it simply wasn't apart of the Marcovaldo house because of the way those steps went up. I figured that if there was a structure directly above them, then there would be more shadow.
However, it wasn't until I saw THIS shot from Ciao, Alberto that made me go "oh shit."
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Because it's legit just pushed back, but it's definitely still apart of the house. So, it makes sense that the shadow cast isn't super strong. That, and the architecture matches the house.
So, floor plan #6. I added in that little part of the house, but I still don't really know what it's for:
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I started going "yeah, okay, yeah, awesome, let me just watch through Ciao, Alberto to make sure there's not any other ground breaking-"
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It is pretty clear that there is nothing red jutting out from the side to allow room for the doorway I was talking about earlier. Remember this?
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That ** was future me crying and ripping apart my other floor plans. HOWEVER!! There is still a random staircase in that little alleyway which also randomly cuts off at a certain point.
My next, and final, idea is this:
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It's possible that that doorway they come in from is actually an external door leading into the house, and those steps lead to it. Also, in the scene right after Machiavelli attacks Luca and Alberto, the underdogs walk out of a side door leading into the backyard. It's possible that they went out that alley-door and then went back in through the pescheria's main entrance and THEN went out the side door, but they look pretty-freshly attacked aka little to no first aid and also they were leaving, so why would they go back into her house? I think there's still an internal staircase leading to that floor ALONGSIDE that external alley-door. This is also not even a rare thing, especially in houses where there's a business on the bottom and a living area on top. Even the house I grew up in actually had an external staircase alongside an internal one (granted, that's due to it being a somewhat-duplex, but still).
Also, I don't know what this area is.
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But I've seen a few fics where Alberto's room was in the attic and I don't know why, but that appeals to me for some reason (though he's seen in Giulia's bed in Ciao, Alberto. shhhh..). Also that may or may not have been what sparked literally all of this. The way to access that has to be through an attic ladder in the kitchen. We never see a shot of the ceiling of the kitchen, though, so unfortunately that's just up to my imagination.
Also that mystery room could totally be a staircase. In the final floor plan you can see I wrote and then erased where I thought there might be steps. I erased it because I confused the laundry outside of the kitchen window with that little window. That could totally also be a staircase instead of in the top right corner. Go nuts. Actually, I think that makes more sense than the top right, anyway. It's like 12:30AM though now and I'm pretty sure I'm keeping my roommate awake so I can't draw any more floor plans.
PLEASE feel free to discuss or dispute or point out anything you think I missed or got wrong. I made this mostly for myself because I couldn't find a render of the house and I'm extremely anal when I write fics and needed just some guidelines to follow.
(Except, please don't go "haha you're overthinking this" or "sometimes you gotta accept that they probably didn't plan out the house fully and there's some plotholes." I know. I'm just having fun)
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becauseplot · 1 year
Penciled Lines
(Cross-posted on ao3, if you prefer to read it there. Reblogs still appreciated!)
Missa wakes up, and he thinks he might be doomed. This doesn’t scare him nearly as much as it should.
Missa is awake early—by his own metric, anyway. His nocturnal nature causes “early” for him to mean “early night” and not “early morning.” Regardless, “early” means that Philza is not asleep yet, still going through his nightly rituals. “Early” means that Philza is sitting up in (his? their?) the bed, pillows propped up behind him, notebook in his lap, sketching away.
And when Missa wakes up to the soft scritch-scratch of a charcoal pencil on textured paper, his forehead just so happens to be brushing Philza’s hip.
Missa can hardly breathe.
Oh no.
He knows that if he gives any indication that he is awake, Philza will stop sketching, close his notebook, shift himself over until he is politely seated on his side of the bed, and greet Missa with a friendly smile. Philza has done it before, when Missa wakes up early. That’s how Missa knows he’ll do it again.
Thus, Missa can hardly breathe—his breaths have to be the slow in-out of sleep. He can’t so much as twitch, either. He has to keep quiet and play dead or else he’ll be found out. Seen. Caught living the lie.
“Husband,” Philza calls him. They’re not married. They share a bed. They’re hardly ever in it at the same time. They have a son and a daughter. Neither of them know Missa very well. Philza has had an extra set of armor and a skull on his backpack for months, waiting for Missa. Missa doesn’t even know Philza’s last name.
Philza is a good man and a good friend—and Missa doesn't deserve him. Still, he takes what he can get. Curls around it. Hoarding every innocent kindness Philza extends like a starving creature: the generosity of a backpack fully stocked with equipment; the trust Philza places in Missa to watch the kids when he’s asleep; and now, the courtesy of not moving his hip from Missa’s forehead to ensure his “sleeping” isn’t disturbed. Missa clutches all of these little offerings in his greedy claws and hugs them into his chest, even as the guilt eats away at him.
Because, regardless of the lack of mutual feeling, he loves Philza. He loves him so, so much, and that is why he is doomed. He can’t afford to lose what little he has. He can’t cross that line. 
So Missa lies beside Philza, forehead pressed against Philza’s hip, pretending to sleep so he can imagine that they’re not just lying in bed together, but lying in bed, together; and later, when Missa truly wakes, he will sit on his side of the bed and look at Philza’s face soft with sleep and think about how lucky he is that he still has a side-of-the-bed to begin with.
Missa doesn’t mean to drift off. When it starts to happen, he’s hopelessly torn between shaking himself awake and thus giving himself away, or remaining how he is, silently fending off the inevitable. In the end, Missa clings to that scritch-scratch sound of Philza’s pencil on the paper for as long as he can before the fog at last pulls him under. 
Eventually, he dreams. In fact, he dreams of the calloused fingers he dreams of every night, hands like his own, an artist of Death, cradling and shading the contours of his face—a softness dashing charcoal across his jaw, and over his cheekbones, and perhaps on his lips, too, if he’s lucky. Defining every edge of him.
A deep sigh. Phil stops sketching as Missa shifts in his sleep. He tilts his head up so that the tip of his nose is now just nearly brushing against Phil’s hip. The motion disturbs the wild splay of his dark hair, revealing more of his face: eyelashes, cheeks, warmth. Tender blush of something Stygian and otherworldly. New.
Phil’s lips tilt upwards. He turns to a fresh page, and he starts again.
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barkingcrows · 11 months
pleaseplease tag your magnus protocol spoilers (any posts about the pilot) with a spoiler tag. i have #the magnus protocol spoilers, #tmagp spoilers, and #tmp spoilers blocked and i am still doing gymnastics to try and avoid spoilers
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keexshound · 2 days
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i find it interesting that bill is wearing exactly the farm ellie fit. knowing that joel and ellie toke some things, including clothes, from his place in episode 3 i wonder if they'll mention that ellie does in fact wear joels clothes in the show. it might also explain why so many of her outfits are baggy
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sketchy-tour · 6 months
Happy Easter if yall celebrate it!!!!! Otherwise I hope yall have an absolutely fantastic Sunday!!!!
Aaaa I feel like I'm not as chatty as I once was on here. Been a bit all over the place! Also feel silly making a ton of text posts with no art so I try and limit how often I blab on here.
But just know I still appreciate all of you who follow and like my art! Every bit of interaction I still see and it still baffles me to see such kind words. It means the absolute world to me!!!! 💖💖🌻
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moonsidesong · 2 years
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touhou guys but tge funny online objects haha. thinking about how characters woulg behave in game show settings is fun
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malk-with-tea · 8 months
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Character card for Clematis!
2021 version under the cut
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cak3o · 8 months
Cake please, I need to know the dynamic between Elec and Quick That new pic of elec yelling, and his little cheeky face in the corner is driving me crazy (in a good way) ^^)
HI i've been sitting on this ask for a while, and I think I finally have a proper response!
So- just to start things off- I love writing about families. Whether that be found families or blood related ones, I just love the dynamics that come from it and the universal but often unspoken messages you can send.
Feels a bit odd to start with that haha, but it's important I promise.
So. Let's start with Elec- throughout my personal interpretation of the canon I would love for Elec's personal journey to focus on where he finds himself placed in the DLN and how his natural sense as a leader impacts how he interacts with robots outside of their group. (I want to also show this in how he interacts with Spark and Fuse!)
A big way this shows up in how he behaves around Quick.
Quick is a DWN bot from top to bottom. Lives for the fight and has his eyes set on Elec ever since Elec actually managed to beat him during the events of the second game. Quick and the rest of the 2nd DWN group don't really have a sense of family (that they realize at least) and treat each other with a sense of distance. (as a bonus...I like to think Quick starts to feel a bit lonely back home. But don't worry, that won't be for long)
So, to make a long response just a little shorter-
I want Elec to help Quick realize his appreciation for his fellow bots, and for Quick to help Elec realize that he has incredible potential as even more than just a leader to the DLN.
There are many goofs and gaffs, I imagine this all being very lighthearted. (I am a woman who is so weak to funny stories with really sweet hearts at their center)
Also bonus, the comic i am about to post was originally meant for this ask lol.
Thank you for the ask!! It genuinely prompted me to think long and hard about these guys so much!!!
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kuruna · 22 days
Fun contrast between Lysandre and Xan... Lysandre sees himself as a Chosen One, which is part of what enables him to act the way he does. Xanthos explicitly sees himself as having not been chosen, as someone who is always secondary, who has never been "special" in any way... a lot of his actions are driven by the fact that he feels so unwanted.
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boosik · 24 days
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*tosses this like a grenade and runs away*
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animangalover-writes · 9 months
I love those brief moments we get where we get to see hannibal just be human. Like they're such simple scenes but I adore it.
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polterpumpkin · 2 months
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what's the point of having a character you can put in wacky situations, if you don't do just that
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Listen shout-out to all y'all who like moash and recognize he is a nuanced and flawed character bc I do not understand the little crowd of moash lovers that are like "he didn't do anything wrong ever and the people who dislike him are stupid" I just. No? And in the reverse props to any fellow people who dislike moash but recognize he is a nuanced character who has done good and bad and the narrative purpose he holds, bc I do not understand the moash haters that are like "I don't like him as a person so therefore he's a bad character" like. He's nuanced and complex!!! You don't have to like him personally to understand his importance to the plot and what his story is and what it means for people!
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on-leatheredwings · 6 months
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okay so what's this about sally/poppy propaganda
(context - the sally section in particular.)
i'm gonna be real a lot of the "propaganda" is just me making "why are you as a woman doing (x)" jokes and i'm not approaching it from the perspective of "this is definitely 100% going to be canon" so much as "oh my god could you Imagine" but oh, i do not say that without reason, dear anon.
like at first it was just "oh, huh, the intro to sally's bio seems to be referencing poppy for some reason, i wonder what that could mean." and then there was that pokemon au post where clown's like "yeah sally is poppy's manager and calls poppy her muse and trained her team to be bodyguards for poppy and poppy's not really about the supermodel life but she stays bc she loves sally and doesn't wanna ruin her dream" and i was like ... uh huh. and then there was the audition script that has a scene that Also involves sally thinking the world of poppy and wanting to bring out whatever potential she sees in her and poppy being like, only Very Cautiously on board with it (all in a playful context, but still) and i was like ... Uh Huh. and then i reread "at the occasional expense of her more cautious neighbors" and started gnashing my teeth like a wild animal because oh my god the drama. what if it's not that sally doesn't care about poppy or her wellbeing but that she cares too much about poppy to let her potential and/or beauty go to waste (why do you as a woman care so much about whether or not The World acknowledges the beauty you see in this other woman) and oh how would that play into whatever Darker Overarching Narrative is going on here and what would she do once she realizes she's been going too far and how would poppy even communicate all that to her and and and and-
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i've said before that i'm generally not a Shipping Guy - like it is not my primary way of engaging with media - and i know some people don't ship poppy with anyone bc they think of her as the "mom friend," which isn't untrue, but i'm different. I Believe In The Power Of Yuri. and also mil- [i am yanked offstage by a comically large vaudeville hook before i can finish my sentence]
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