#im happy youre interested anon
the-mask-with-a-will · 8 months
YAY IM SO HAPPY THAT YOURE EXCITED,, sorry I had classes yesterday and was too tired to respond D':
I THOUGHT OF QUESTIONS,, BUT ITS OK IF U DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT THEM SORRY UM UM so like,,, was the family like a big polycule then?? cuz u said that you were like romantic with everyone?? Im also curious of the dynamic of everyone ig cause usually ppl are really cold ab it </3 so like did everyone treat you nicely?? SRRY I HAVE MORE BUT IDK IF ITS LIKE WEIRD TO ASK AB ALL THIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
YES we were all very romantically involved we were banica and the 4 guys she picked up off the side of the rode and decided she wanted to kiss and then our two gremlin irregular children it was great
not sure if u mean everyones dynamic w each other or in like a family so ill do both
banica was the wine aunt, not the mom- arte and pollo called her mom but carlos fits the mom title more. eater fits as dad very well tbh. and my partner (who kins lich) said he called arte and pollo the cubs which i think is adorable. lich and i were like sassy gay uncles. and then ofc The Children
the twins were little pranksters to everyone but banica and eater. banica for obvious reasons and eater because uhhh. idk he big and nice :) lich and i had a mutual teasing sorta thing, banica liked to tease lich a lot esp b4 we were all actually dating bc he was SO obviously gay for her and carlos and she was just like "hm maybe we should try poultry~ <3"
,,,, there was a lot of erotic cannibalism taking place. since we were already dead our bodies could be fixed. there was a Lot of erotic cannibalism taking place. hence the poultry comment
everyone was very nicies to me. i was very undeserving of it but they loved me and helped me get better and i. sobs
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triglycercule · 1 month
I need to ask the mtt expert, do you think any of the murder trio would be religious?
ooooof this is a hard question to answer because personally i dont practice any religions specifically so i cant exactly offer the best answer to this DXXXX but i'll TRY. take everything i say with the fattest grain of salt. imagine the grain of salt is a salt lamp because i genuinely dont know that much about religion and belief
so i guess the first thing to consider is sans undertale since he's the one that all the mtt originate from. i dont think sans canonically is religious like at all. so if i wanted to take the easy route i COULD just says sans doesn't worship anything so its unlikely that any of the mtt would. but i wont because i have honor. i doubt that any of our surfaceworld religions wouldve made it into the underground since theyve been seperated from humanity for a long ass time. and i think undertale has its own belief based on the delta rune anyways so im gonna stick to that since it seems more plausible than just saying that dust is a hardcore buddist or something
for horror my answer like hell no. he mightve prayed for the angel described in the delta rune to save horrortale or something but i think those are just like desperate times call for shitty tries for ANYTHING to work. he literally describes horrortale as "living in a place like this is like living through an eternal hell" and i think that being in a place like horrortale would kill anyone's hope for some sort of angel to save them. plus i think he's too aware of the issues going on in horrortale to try and put his faith into something that doesn't exist AND also he wouldn't use religion as a moral guide. considering that he literally said in the horrortale flash game that he's "given up on figuring out what's right and what's wrong" (my king with an absolutely terrible moral compass LET'S GOOOOOO) (i love the horrortale flash game. i even have the quote saved because its such a good and important line for horror)
as for dust i think there's more of a possibility of him being religious (undertale delta rune based religion not any of the real world ones). the delta rune says that an angel who has seen the surface will descend from above and bring us freedom OR a harbinger of destruction as the angel of death, waiting to free monsterkind from this mortal realm. mostly gerson's words i stole this from the wiki because i cant be bothered to play undertale more than once. when translating dust's canon fics SPECIFICALLY the one called "a true hero appears" the topic of dust "liberating" the monsters of the underground and "granting their wish" to be free (even though he himself doesn't believe in the underground ever being free especially while hes in the middle of his "mad time") comes up. i dont think dust views himself as an angel at ALL like described in the prophecy but he could view himself as a "savior" type of person. it could be a really coincidental coincidence or it could be dust deciding to take up the role of the angel except a really really shitty one out of a desperate try for something to help like i mentioned with horror earlier. if we're going this route then him taking up the role of the angel could provide a sense of comfort that religion does and also shape his moral compass (i keep bringing these 2 things up because idrk why people worship. so i researched why so i can better support my arguments!!) with all the salvation liberation bullshit. personally i dont think that dust would exactly believe in himself as THE delta rune angel but more of just some sort of rouge savior but the possibility of going in a more delta rune religious way IS there
killer is in a completely different situation than dust and horror here (i'm not like the rest of yall ahh. get back in the original fishbowl you goldfish fuck) because he's AWARE of what arguably could be considered god in an utmv context. and obviously that's US the creators (players in his eyes. smh dont you know i havent played undertale in forever. i needa go back and do a true pacifist run. i did neutral because im shit at dodging attacks. but call me a CREATOR you second dimensional FUCK. you are a lower concept than me call me by a name i DESERVE) because for some reason and i completely forgot why he's aware of the creators. i think this could go in maybe two different ways where since killer is very much so aware that there are millions of gods(/creators. every one of us that creates something for utmv is a god in their multiverse LMAOOO) out there that he could completely just avoid religion itself since the usual reasons of comfort and moral alignment are completely debunked and pointless once you know that the gods that you could believe in just view you as code or characters to play around with. no comfort or morals to align with there. OR it could go in another direction where since killer is aware of the creators that he actually does end up worshiping SOME sort of us-based religion??? (what would that be called. do you think that theres a religion for all the self aware utmv characters who believe in creators. creatism. creationism. idk but would ink be the leader of that??? prophet type ass guy for creatism. this would be a cool concept someone else steal this from me and make a cooler story with it.) anyways i got side tracked. doesn't killer already believe that he has to do things that the creators want or something??? which COULD provide the moral compass part of religion. its definitely not a good moral compass but whatever killer believes his god wants of him he'll do. and also it might provide some sort of nihilistic depressive comfort knowing that everything is out of his hands and predetermined by a higher being. he already has that whole "lowly servant who'll do whats ordered of him" type shit going on. not unlikely that that could apply to the creators (or chara possibly. that relationship would be interesting if killer viewed them as a god and worshipped them as such. HM.)
anyways those are my thoughts on if i think the murder time trio would be religious. this was actually way longer than i expected but maybe thats just because i ramble a lot and have a lot of side thoughts. PERSONALLY i dont think any of them would worship a god just because i dont practice any religion and it makes it easier for me to characterize them without the religious barrier there. but also i do think there are possiblities of the trio all believing in a god (with horror maybe hopelessly believing the in the delta rune, dust becoming a delta rune esque figure, and killer's entire schtick with knowing about creators) but everyone has their own fanon interpretations on these characters!!! so if you wanna make them believe in religion or something then go then ahead and do that. maybe those possible points i brought up where they could worship a god will inspire someone or something idk. triglycercule OUT (off to reread horrortale for the 20th time today)
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toothfairyofficial · 3 months
do you guys ever get emotional about the fact that someone (a character) is Out There, Somewhere. like it's ok that i don't even know them but it makes me happy to think about the fact that this person's in the same reality as me (again, in this case). Like whether in a kintype situation or a fictive or some combination or whatever. They're Out There and i hope to god happy. maybe they even have friends from the same source and they found each other again. Shout out to You for existing wherever you are
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dayurno · 11 months
cuties i love talking about kevin day with you and this blog is mostly run on asks and kekeing with you all but i must ask that you don't send me any more asks doomguessing about tsc. i understand and sometimes i even agree but it's just not something i'm interested in talking about! the world is so beautiful and large and kevin day has the prettiest wettest biggest eyes in the world. send me asks about him instead ok
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
would it be okay if u told me why u like aoki😭/gen😭😭😭😭BEEN TRYNA LIKE HIM FOR SO LONG I JUST CANTT but i love ur art so much so i still consume it otherwise lol
i liked tohru adachi in high school and tbh i think that alone is enough of an explanation for why i ended up liking aoki
#snap chats#haha see i told you last post's tags were relevant#anyway vLKVJEVLKAEJVLKJ IM CRYING ANON youre so funny. this is the funniest ask i coulda got thank you so much#i dont know why i like him either <- yes i do#fine lets get Real Talk about it#well first off all i thought he looked hot rolling out the elevator and i was playing the eng dub and i think his voice sounds hot there#and thats like. not athing that happens to me ever <- literally thought sawashiro was hot two frames into the game but anyway#i like politician characters. or characters that are in a position of power ESPECIALLY if they have to act like they dont suck balls#like i very much love the idea of the power of charisma and that type of thing not to mention the 'strategizing' as aoki puts it#that comes with politics. LIKE HE SUCKS DONT GET IT TWISTED HE SUCKS BUT //shrug emoji//#like its why i love the mine rggo stories i like seeing mine's thought process and how he uses his intelligence#smart's sexy to me idk what to tell you but moving on#its fun watching him lose his cool too ESP IN HIS FIGHT LMAO HE STOMPIN HIS FOOT LIKE A TODDLER SHUT UP#i also really love the arakawa family in general and thinking of aoki's relationship with each of them makes my brain explode#especially him and sawashiro that shit is painful to watch and i love it so much#i also thought him going from goth to republican was the funniest shit in the world like i howled at that AND i was distraught#aokis so interesting to me from the notion that he IS loved by his family but he has so much hatred for himself it eats him up#and as a result he cant be happy no matter what he does- how hes constantly seeking validation even if it's nothing meaningful#his lil. Dog-Eat-Dog world world belief to ichi also appealed to my edgy depressed high schooler brain. sorry.#his speech at the lockers also got to me. unfortunately. sorry everyone i empathized too hard it got too real it wasnt funny anymore#like as much as i complain bout the very end the ending is what solidified me liking aoki if not also cause of ichi's impact in those scene#plus... analyzing him and the environment around him is so much fun too....#idk reasons for why i like aoki also boil down to personal reasons. he still sucks tho so i cant be upset when people hate him LOL#i probably have more reasons or could elaborate more i love rambling but i mean. who really wants to read all that 💀💀#maybe for a character that WASNT the worst but. aoki is so LMAO#thank you for loving my art regardless :) im sorry i have to be attached to the worst guys ever
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finsterwalds · 6 months
I’m currently holidaying in Paris and my feed has handpicked me your BCS AU and I’m OBSESSED. The “Legall” name has me *rolling* 😭 please tell me more about the villains in your AU!
I just *KNOW* Gus is even cuntier in French, and Lalo even more insufferable. The twins are serving judgemental and rude Parisians.
Hey anon, thank you so much for your message that totally inspired me to draw >:) I only fleshed out Gus so far, first of all because he's my favorite villain <3 but second because his transposition in the french AU feels very natural to me. I have no idea how the Salmancas would be and what they'd even do. I have zero knowledge of the european drug traffic in the early 2000s lol, and I'd have to make them spanish I suppose? The mexican diaspora is, as you can imagine, very circumstancial in France, but maybe it could fit? I have no idea, that's why I'm struggling to come up with anything about them... However, I can picture their lavish lifestyle fitting neatly into french society, with the Don's house and everything. Lalo's clothing style would be even gayer too that's for sure lol.
I hope you like my drawings about Gus. Sending you a warm thank you for your message and for inspiring me to draw more! Enjoy your holidays <333
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malleleothreesome · 10 months
I'm so late to this but thank you so much Knight!! 🖤💚🖤💚 I'm so happy you enjoyed Blindfolded Malleus... I was so excited for you to read it, and I'm very happy it lived up to the hype and anticipation!!! Truly, I am so honored and grateful that you would re-read something so long 🥹 it amazes me how supportive you are!! I hope I can continue to write things that you enjoy! One day in the [regretfully] far future I swear to you that I will put out an Idia fic just for you hehehe. I'm so overwhelmed by the amount of things I am excited to write, but I guess that is a wonderful problem to have! I only wish I had more time in the day to write, but alas, such is life. Why the fUCk am I writing so formal right now daiohssadoi;hdSAO not me saying BUT ALAS. SUCH IS LIFE????? It is so.
I'm actually taking a TWELVE DAY vacation from work starting on the 22nd so I might actually do a little request event where people can send me like kink prompts or something. I think that'll be fun!
Okay and FINE I'll do some fluff prompts too for the fluff people but please don't judge my fluff too harshly, I'm still learning!!! For some reason smut just comes naturally dhaDSAHIDDASijdsan I'll start gathering some prompts and we will do a little ask game or something.
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📣 By the way FELLOW HONEST THIGH RIDING ANON if you SEE this first of all, ONCE AGAIN: I wish to express my undying devotion to you and your exceptional thought process. I am positively frothing at the mouth over your request and I am PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE I am finally making good progress and it WILL be out soon. We WILL make him cum in his pants. We WILL make him cry, whimper, and moan.
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#sorry knight i took over your ask to make a desperate PSA for my hero: fellow honest thigh riding anon#ILYSM KNIGHT THANK U FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#does my millennial show when I key smash#as someone born in 96 i am actually right on the cutoff for millennial and gen z#so i choose to identify with whoever is getting the best press at the time#just kidding im sorry gen z i can't relate to yall at all...#i still like ugg boots and my hair will forever be side parted#most of my millennial cringe comes from being a tumblr user between 2010 and 2014#it is engrained#the cool thing about getting older (young people heed my words):#i am unbully-able (and one day you will be too)#you simply cannot make me feel bad about doing things i like to do and enjoying things that make me happy#take pride in what you enjoy and don't let societal norms stop you#also you don't have to worry about getting bullied anyway because adults literally don't do that to each other#everyone in their mid 20s and beyond have learned to stop caring about what other people do for their own enjoyment#because like... lets be real... seeing and learning about what makes people happy... is super cool. the world needs more happiness#this is also a call out: if your friends or online spaces make you feel bad about your interests... gtfo of there#thats not the norm. curate your spaces for what makes you feel good!!!#your 20s are shit enough without so much negativity during the times you are supposed to be relaxed and surrounded by loved ones#this post was made by ugg boot gang#‧͙+ ̊*・༓☾ Erica Answers ☽༓・* ̊+‧͙
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rosylix · 8 days
greetings, the highest spirit, our guardian deity rosylix! i has't not spoken to thee in a while! mine own lab'r is quite tiring and i has't hath found myself relaxing with mine own betroth'd oft these days. art thee well? i most c'rtainly desire thou art! i has't hath kept a watchful eye on thy oth'r asks and i am quite fain thy oth'r subjects art being kind to thee. i desire thy third chapt'r is coming high-lone fruitfully and i am sure the results of thy strenuous lab'r shall beest plentiful. much loveth to thee, mine own highest spirit, mine own guardian deity jem!
awaiting thy replyeth, your devoted subject,
𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖎𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖓
greetings and salutations my divine subject.... i doth look f'rward to thy writings, they brighten mine own day so 🫶 betroth'd?? art thee affianced? i bestow you both blessings and good f'rtune
i am well....! forsooth, it seemeth i hast just failed an imp'rtant exam.. such is life. at the least, mine own weekend is free for which i am quite joyous. aye, all of thou art too kind to me. pls await in excitement, the third parteth is coming!! until we speak again, i wish you well ヽ(´o`;
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warriorfujoshi · 1 year
As someone who hasn’t rlly played a BL game b4 do u think I’d still enjoy NTY
HMMM I’ve only played two routes out of four, so my advice is definitely incomplete!
That said… I think NTY is worth a read because it’s an interesting mystery/crime story and has really good characters!
However, it does contain standard bad yaoi conventions (like dubious consent/noncon) as well as general sexual wackiness, which may be uncomfortable, especially for those unaccustomed to BL as a genre. The protagonist likes to grope his male coworkers for fun, for example. But from the routes I’ve played, if you’re used to general yaoi fandom bullshit, you can probably handle it… I think!? The game is from 2013, which should give you a sense of how things are.
The other thing is that, as mentioned above, NTY is also a mystery/crime game, so it includes rather real-feeling dark content including drugs, violence, child abuse, and incest (not with the love interests)… off the top of my head.
Overall, I really like it! The characters are really a strong point and I feel that they’re written in a pretty realistic way. For example, because the love interests are all straight, not all of the routes end up in “romance”. (Though you do get to fuck. Multiple times even!) I think if you enjoy that sort of “more than friends, not quite lovers” relationship, you’ll enjoy NTY. The way the overarching plot is revealed was very gripping to me as well. You definitely need multiple playthroughs to understand the whole thing!
I think if you can handle yaoi bullshit and darker themes, you should definitely give it a try 🥰 If you’re not sure but still want to dip your toe in, I’d recommend “Lkyt.”, which is the third game from the same company! It is much more sombre in tone and has more explicit violence and gore (with visuals, though you can censor them via the settings), but importantly…! None of the noncon…! It also feels less dark somehow because it has a more fantastical setting. It’s also much shorter and simpler in gameplay!
I hope this advice helps a little anon!!! :D
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petra-dot-png · 2 years
Heyy would you ever be interested in selling prints?
(I am not a marketing bot or whatever look PENIS FUCK)
WAA THAT WOULD BE SO COOL I am honored to hear someone would be interested! To be honest I just don't really know how to lol, especially because I really don't have that many followers (on either my main or my art blog)
Tbh I'll keep this in mind though because it's really inspiring to hear people would want that kind of thing!!
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
Every time I read ur username I think of the song Dizzy by Waterparks and it makes me very happy 🩶
I listened to it and I liked it :3333 its so cool to see people's associations with me as well as listening to music that I generally don't listen to vfjsbdjsvksvsjsbsjdb
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angeloncewas · 2 years
Hi, do you mind explaining what neverafter is?
Hello yes ! (Or no, rather, I don't mind :D)
Neverafter is the newest season of CollegeHumor's D&D actual play show "Dimension 20." Most seasons are disconnected and have a distinct premise/set of characters; the main cast of 6 (+ Brennan the DM) are the most recognizable ones and are back this season. Neverafter is fairytale/horror and it's premiering right now on dropout.tv (the collegehumor subscription service) !
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fadeintolight · 1 year
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iamred-iamyellow · 2 months
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Perfect All American
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♥ masterlist | request rules | based on this request
♥ pairing: oscar piastri x fem!american!driver!reader
♥ synopsis: you and oscar decided to make your relationship a secret in hopes to not stir up any “conflict of interest” rumors. however, he just couldn’t help being a proud boyfriend when you won your first race for williams as a rookie. 
♥ smau + written - fc: girls on pinterest - none of the pictures are mine
♥ warnings: swearing !!!
♥ a/n: once again, i’m so sorry this took so long for me to write but i really hope it was worth the wait anon <3
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-October 2023-
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, susie_wolff and 879,593 more
williamsracing We're incredibly pleased to announce that @/yourusername has signed a three year contract deal with us starting this following F1 season. She will line up alongside @/logansargeant and will be the first woman to drive a Grand Prix since Lella Lombardi in 1976. We are absolutely honored to have you. Welcome to the Williams family 💙
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yourusername its a perfect all american grid
user6 I understood that reference
user5 🦅🦅🦅
user1 USA USA RAHHH 🇺🇸🗽🏈
user8 WOOO
user2 following in susie's footsteps :')
prema_racing we’re so proud of you
yourusername <3
oscarpiastri I’ll see you in melbourne 😉
user12 it’s the wink for me
user4 im gonna miss prema era y/n
user5 @/user4 ok but the trio is back together !!! y/n, oscar, and logan
user6 @/user5 you’re forgetting about fred
user9 fred vesti always the bridesmaid never the bride
user10 need me some williams gear asap
user14 💙💙💙
logansargeant excited to finally have a fellow american on team torque
yourusername me 🤝 logan
alex_albon 😐
georgerussell63 and here I was thinking you were happy to join me at mercedes
user13 I’m a child of the britcedes-sargebon divorce
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-Williams' Rising Star: Y/n L/n-
Williams has announced that American F2 Champion, Y/n L/n will be making her Formula 1 debut next year alongside Logan Sargeant. She has been making waves in the world of motorsports for over a decade now, and it seems that all of her hard work has finally payed off. She's already been placed in the history books for her impeccable talent on track and her inspiring work off it. Not only has she broken plenty of records in feeder series', but she also contributed to the creation of F1 Academy.
From Long Beach a to Monte Carlo
Early in her karting career Y/n was scouted for the Mercedes Junior Drivers Team and she's seemed to have a close relationship with Toto and Susie Wolff ever since. She uprooted her life from California to London as a young teen, taking a huge risk in hopes to accomplish her dreams.
What does this mean for F1?
With rising representation in all areas of f1, we can hope to see young women getting more opportunities to make their mark on the sport. Let's face it, the future of F1 is female.
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
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liked by oscarpiastri, williamsracing, liablock, and 583,502 more
yourusername POINTS?!?!
tagged; @/bah_int_circuit
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williamsracing starting off this year strong!
frederikvestiofficial WOOOO !!!
yourusername WOOOO 🎉
arthur_leclerc way to go y/n
yourusername ty artie my favorite leclerc 😍
charles_leclerc hey ??
user1 @/yourusername what about oscar piastri-leclerc
yourusername I CHANGE MY ANSWER
oscarpiastri I'm so happy for you
yourusername <3
user2 ...
user3 👀
logansargeant lets gooo 💪
yourusername 🦅🦅
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liked by mclarenracingf1, landonorris, yourusername, and 983,012 more
oscarpiastri maiden win
comments are limited
yourusername never beating the polite cat allegations with that smile
oscarpiastri :]
yourusername I'm so proud of you btw 🫶
oscarpiastri 🫶
landonorris congrats
oscarpiastri thanks mate
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-Dutch Grand Prix-
"Plan A, Y/n. Plan A," your race engineer said to you on the radio.
"What about plan C? I think it will work," you responded.
"Uhm, as of right now we don't want to risk your position, so plan A, Y/n, plan A." they spoke softly.
"I can hold the tires, I swear. We're already at the back of the pack, we have nothing to lose."
"I think that's the first time I've heard a driver try to argue their way out of the main strategy," Crofty laughed on the broadcast.
"Box, Y/n. Box."
You sighed, thinking you've reached your defeat. You pulled into your pit box and noticed the green ring on the tires.
They're putting you on inters.
They're following your strategy.
You clicked the radio button back on, "Thank you," you screamed to your team.
You were briefed with everything a few days ago, but you couldn't help but come up with your own plan after getting the weather report for the weekend.
The rain was about a minute away now and you begged the team to put you on intermediate tires right at this time. You knew it would be difficult to drive on a barley damp track like this, but if it worked you could be looking at a podium.
You only had to drive a single lap before it started pouring and your plan payed off. Almost the entire grid struggled with their dry tires in the new track conditions, giving you time to create a lead as they had to slow down and pit.
Every lap you completed as race leader made you more anxious than the last. You held your breath as you reached the last corner of the last lap, vaguely able to see the chequered flag. Tears filled your eyes as you crossed the finish line in P1, the Williams garage being shown on the big screen sprinting out to congratulate you.
Before you had the chance to jump into the arms of your team, Oscar was running up to you. He picked you up and pressed his soft lips to yours right in front of the cameras. You smiled into the kiss, happy tears still streaming down your cheeks.
He pulled you into a tight hug, "I'm so proud of you. I love you so much," he mumbled into your hair.
"I love you too, Osc." you laughed through your crying.
He pulled away, cupping your face in his hands, and kissing your forehead. You smiled as he wiped your cheeks with his thumbs.
"So... instead of us interacting with each other online to keep our relationship private, you decide to make out with me in public?"
Oscar laughed and hugged you again, "Just enjoy the moment.”
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
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liked by kimiraikkonen, sebastianvettel, williamsracing, and 6,394,625 more
F1 Y/n L/n makes history as the first woman to win an F1 Grand Prix and the first win for Williams since 2012. Well done 👏
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yourusername fact is walter white james vowles couldn't have done it without me 🗣️
georgerussell63 so true 🔥
logansargeant LETS FUCKING GOOOO
yourusername RAHHHH
susie_wolff I'm so proud of you 💗
yourusername <3
user7 the way susie was recording her on the podium like a proud mom :')
user4 🐐🐐
lewishamilton @/yourusername incredible drive today. congrats on the win, it was well deserved
yourusername tysm lew 🫶
jensonbutton thats literally my daughter
youruseranme DAD 🫂
user3 I thought she was supposed to be Toto's daughter...
user6 @/user3 toto, lewis, nico, jenson──they're all related one way or another
user2 family tree is a wreath
mercedesamgf1 all hail queen y/n
user9 y/n to Mercedes 2025 !!!
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, logansargeant, and 1,203,284 more
oscarpiastri y/n l/n. my best friend, the love of my life, and a formula 1 grand prix race winner. this is such an incredible achievement and I am so happy for you. I know you are out there inspiring so many young women and I couldn't be prouder. you are the most incredible girlfriend, driver, and person I have ever met. congratulations on the win, you deserve it. I love you ❤️
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yourusername osccc 🥹 you've been my #1 fanboy since our karting days and I can't thank you enough for all the support you've given me <3 I love you so much
♡ by oscarpiastri
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
end notes: tysm for reading <3 don’t ask me about the real life mechanics behind the tires bc im obviously not qualified for that 💀 i based that scene off of the strategy i use when i play gran turismo and i see the clouds get grey (it’s never failed me)
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lcriedlastnight · 3 months
Y/n agrees to be Oscar’s fake date to a wedding, but they end up actually getting together by the end of it
fake dating is the best trope i don't even care what you say. i'm not going to give it justice but i'll try my best, tysm anon. :)
tw: fem!reader, swears, pining and stupid oscar, lmk if you want me to add anything! not proof read cuz im lazy!
w/c: 2.5k
there was very little rules to liking someone, but there was one you were sure of it was to not agree to fake date in order to convince the boy you like's family that you are dating. you have read enough fake dating books to know how it goes down, although in the end they always get together, you are not known to have that kind of luck.
when oscar asked (more like begged) you to accompany him to a family wedding as his fake date, you barely hesitated. he didn't even get time to explain why you had to pretend to date him before you were jumping at the chance. it was embarrassing, really. oscar had ended up explaining that his family kept trying to set him up with his girl he dated back in australia but it hadn't worked out between them, she had ended up cheating on him with his friend. so to get back at them and her, he decided to invite you along to get his family off his back and to let her know that he was not interested because as his family had put it, she was more than up for reconnecting. oscar could seriously not think of anything worse.
it was one of those weddings that had an overnight stay attached because it was way easier than getting everyone to and from the venue.
"can you help me with my tie?" oscar asks. he was nervous, that much you could tell. you would be nervous too if you had convince a full wedding of people that you were dating someone you weren't. you on the other hand, you were buzzing with excitement. you were getting a glimpse into what it would be like to date the boy you had been harbouring a crush on since he had joined f1 last year. you knew it would break you by tomorrow by that was future you's problem. for now you were going to enjoy 'pretending' to be in love with oscar.
you spin around after you finish making sure you liked how you looked to face oscar. oscar wasn't tall but he was taller than you. the top of your head came to rest just under his chin as you carefully tie his tie for him. the boy was so fucking sweet, having asked for a picture of your dress so he could get a tie to match and it's like he made the tie from the same fabric the dress was made from. it was a perfect match,
"well look at you! don't you scrub up well, oscar!" you say after straightening his tie and taking a step back from him to get a good look at him. if you were really dating this would be the part where you jumped his bones. but you were not dating so you grin up at him and he gives you a nervous smile back.
"don't be nervous. i've been told i'm a great fake girlfriend." you joke with oscar as you spray some of your favourite perfume, grab your bag and head towards your hotel door, hearing oscar follow behind you.
"you've done this before?" oscar asks surprised as the door closes behind you and you walk along the corridor to the elevator.
"christ, you really are nervous, you aren't picking up any of my jokes." you say, your hand finding his as you both step into the elevator. you look up at him to make sure he's alright with you holding his hand. oscar's hand just squeezes yours in confirmation.
once you arrive you are greeted by a pair of doormen that seem to recognise oscar. he's greeted with a "hey, mate!" and "oscar!". it seems he's very popular within this wedding. or maybe it was because he was a formula one driver. you forget that a lot.
oscar greets them both of a couple of those hugs that men do. you watch along, feeling a little awkward but also happy to see oscar with people he's clearly comfortable with. it makes you smile.
"and who's this pretty girl?" one of the men asks and oscar is instantly back by your side. a protective hand wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his side a little. "this is my girlfriend." he introduces you, although you don't think he needs to because his actions spoke a thousand words. you try not to get too excited at his touch, you two had agreed to do anything that was needed to convince everyone you two were actually a couple, so you had to expect these touches.
the two men give their congratulations but you can tell they are trying their bests to not laugh at his protective nature. maybe oscar was better at acting than his nerves were making him out to be. they both and you glasses of champagne as they guide you to a room filled about halfway with people, chatting away. up ahead you can see rows of chairs and a gorgeous arch in front of a floor to ceiling window. it showcases the beautiful australian scenery behind it. you think it is a lovely place to get married. oscar hands you his champagne without a word from you. "champagne was only for podiums" rang in your mind, recalling the time oscar had told you that. most of your thoughts were oscar based.
oscar spots his family ahead and links your hands again, of course you recognise his mum, she was an icon in your eyes and you admired her, even though when you told oscar this he thought you were joking. she was standing with his dad, chris as they chatted away. with the way oscar had been talking about them this past week, with the whole ex-girlfriend situation, you would think they were devil spawn. to you, they looked lovely and you were itching to meet them. oscar had told you his sisters were not able to make it which made you sad as you had met before and you really liked them.
"oscar!" nicole calls over, catching the attention of a few other people around but they go back to their own conversations soon enough. you stand off to the side as oscar reunites with his mother and father. nicole's eyes land on you.
"well you must be the famous girlfriend we've heard so much about then." she praises you as she brings you in for a hug too. it is oscar's turn to stand off at the side and watch. "you look stunning." she tells you, which has you grinning.
the two most important people to oscar stare back at you as you suddenly feel shy. just as oscar thinks he is going to have to jump in for you, you say "thank you, mrs piastri. i am, i hope he hasn't said anything embarrassing about me.". you smile at her. oscar smiles at you.
"no, none of that love, you call me nicole and him chris." she signals to her husband whose holding a champagne flute. chris smiles at you too.
"sorry, nicole." you say but she waves you off. oscar comes to stand next to you, arm snaking back around your waist again. it feels so right, like he has been doing it for years.
"oscar hasn't shut up about you! when he finally told us you had gotten together i was over the moon. i've been desperate to meet you. osc made you sound lovely." the woman rants to you, she's clearly a little tipsy but it makes you like her more.
you beam at hearing this, eyes flitting to look at oscar who seems embarrassed. he has probably hyped you up so much so you seem better than that ex he was on about.
"i hope i'm as lovely as he's made me out to be." you are shy, oscar has never seen you shy. it was cute.
before nicole can say much more a couple, who you later find out are friends with the couple getting married, make their way to you with what seems to be their daughter. she looks about you and oscar's age.
nicole greets them happily, alongside chris. oscar whispers in your ear "this is the girl and her family."
you look up at him as he looks at you nervous. in your mind, it was game time. you shift slightly while the others say their 'hello's', moving oscar's hand from your waist to in front of you. you wrap both of yours arm his one arm, clutching it to your chest, cheek resting on his bicep. oscar grins at your rearrangement. just before they turn to you and pull oscar down, silently telling him to whisper in your ear, you pray he gets the message.
he somehow does as he's whispering all about car strategies, 'what a weirdo' you think to yourself with a smile graces your features. oscar's hand comes up to hold your jaw as he whispers to you, it makes you feel flushed.
"i'm sure you remember oscar. this is his girlfriend." nicole introduces you too. well re-introduces her and oscar.
the girl glares at you as oscar moves away to stand straight and say 'hello' to the couple and the girl, who introduces herself as molly.
as everyone gets talking about the soon-to-be-wed couple, the conversation topic changes to you and oscar.
"how long have you two been dating, then?" molly asks. if you had to say which of the people you were talking to at the moment didn't believe you and oscar, it would be molly. she would cause trouble tonight for sure.
"two months." you both say unison. you smile in amusement while oscar squeezes the hand he had entwined with yours. nicole and molly's mother laughs at the two of you. chris smiles at you.
"so not that long then?" molly comments. before you can react they are asking everyone to take a seat on the respective sides as the ceremony was about to start.
oscar guides you to the seats with one hand on your back. it must be made of fire though because your back feels like sparks are shooting through it. molly's father has the greatest of the kids sitting with each other so oscar ends up in the middle of you and molly. you are on the aisle seat.
oscar is holding your hand so tight, you know he is nervous.
"you're doing great. they believe us. it's alright." you whisper in his ear to calm him down, your free hand resting on his shoulder. oscar smiles and nods at you. your words seeming to have the desired effect.
the ceremony is beautiful and you watch on in awe as the couple seal their vows with a kiss. you are too focused on watching the brides that you don't notice oscar staring at you. it's probably for the better seeing as you probably would have freaked out.
once the ceremony is over you are moved through to an extravagant dining hall, for one of the best meals you have ever had in your life. you have a glass of wine as you converse with oscar's parents and the others assigned to your table. you had not stopped smiling. you were all then crowded to the room where the reception would take place.
you all find a table to sit at, including molly's family. as the night went on, the more the drinks poured. oscar had barely had anything to drink. you had drank a little more but you were nothing more than tipsy. spending the whole day with you had made oscar see you in a different light. you noticed all the small things about you: the way your nose scrunches up when you really laugh, the way your voice gets higher when you talk about the things you are passionate in, the way you talk with your hands when you are explaining a story you yourself would find difficult to follow if you were the one listening. oscar may have actually fell for you today, and he was not really complaining.
after you return from the bar with another round of drinks you hear molly talking to nicole.
"they just don't seem real to me. i mean it was so last minute and when does he tell you? as soon as you bring up me. it's suspicious, nicole that's all i'm saying." molly says, trying to convince oscar's mum of the authenticity of your relationship. even though you knew it was fake you had to pretend oscar was in love with you. you knew just how to do it. you return to the table like you had not even heard a word and wait for oscar to come back from the bathroom with his dad.
a slow song comes on and the dj encourages all couples to come up and slow dance, this is all falling in line with your plan. before you can even suggest you and oscar go up to dance, nicole is pulling you both to the dance floor with her and chris.
you rest your arms on oscar's shoulders as his lay around your waist and link at the small of your back. there is some distance between you but that would need to change for you to execute your plan of getting molly to shut the fuck up.
"molly seems to be having fun." oscar smiles at you, his words are cheeky and you can see the alcohol in his eyes. it makes you laugh as you nod.
"i think we've been pretty successful with this whole thing." he then says, his thumb starting to run across your back, the soft touch making you weak in the knees.
you sigh. "i hear molly trying to convince your mum that we were faking." you tell him. you see the way his face screws up in annoyance.
"i was thinking something.." you trail off, scared he would not agree.
"what?" he questions.
"we should kiss so that everyone knows we are real. i mean we've been here for hours and not kissed once. not even like forehead kisses-" your cut off as oscar does exactly that. a light, lingering kiss pressed against the centre of your forehead before he is pulling away, cheesy smile cemented on his face. thank god for the dull lights and makeup or else oscar would see how hard you were blushing right now.
"right- so, yeah?" you say, tripping over your words as you think about his lips on your skin.
"if you wanted me to kiss you then you should've just asked, honey." oscar says teasingly hand coming up to sprawl across your jaw as he leans down.
the kiss lifts you off the ground and throws you around, oscar kisses you like you are special goods, like you are fragile and he would not dare to think about shattering you. his tongue swipes at your lips and of course you let him, it is the boy you have loved for a whole year. you both realise that the kiss is much more than driving the fake dating point home. you were finally letting oscar know how much you adored him and he was just discovering the extent of his feelings for you.
nicole watches on before saying to her husband. "she's good for him." he replies, "they're good for each other."
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not rgg but 😨😨 im watching first penguin because of you and why is it so good 😨
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