#im gonna reblog it again actually i just really love seeing peoples names and results
kirby-the-gorb · 3 years
reply roundup!
thank you to the patrons! fleurdelis, lukeperiodsun, @heraldinthedark, hadbabits, kellie, natascha, kirbx14, and @technophage!
also kirby’s [pride preparations] seemed to be pretty popular!
it’s a long one this time!
on [road trip]:
@littlemousejelly said: oh the universal Displaced Smol Feeling. doesn't matter how tall you are you look at a menu like this. doesn't matter how old you are being on a roadtrip means you feel like you're nowhere and everywhere and that's OKAY
@thebreakfastgod said: in 8th grade i went on a roadtrip in the week long break for Thanksgiving. on Thursday we were driving home but didnt make it back until Friday, so that Thursday we had Thanksgiving at McDonalds somewhere out in Kansas. we had actual thanksgiving the next day with my brother. this drawing is so cute n it reminded me of this :)
@nikuknight said: so cute!! and yeah this experience is universal I think ^^ relatable
@indigowallbreaker said: this was me last Sunday, what a feeling
@sortofabetaiguess said: this is probably what i’m gonna be like. actually if my queue works this is probably what i /am/ like. #not twilight
oh I didn’t expect to get road trip stories out of this post but it’s wonderful that I did, I’m glad so many of you can relate XD (also I had to keep the “#not twilight” tag because there’s just something delightful about my kirby making it to a twilight blog.)
on [sandwiches]:
@salted15 said: ohmygoodness !!!!! them hamds !!!!! they full !!!!!!! blessed
@orion-flux said: TWO GRILLED CHEEZUMS!?
two of them!!! (also I love that two different people tagged the same friend in this drawing, that’s so cute :’> )
on [mirror]:
@littlemousejelly​ said: OH CUTE, I THINK THEY BOTH LOOK NICE! i'm Love mirror kirmby very much they are as much shaped as a friemd as right side gorb kirby
oh he is definitely equally friend shaped! he’s just not quite as round lol
@macro-microcosm​ said: the duality of man
man vs self
on [game night]:
@lavendarjevil said: girls night
pedicures! talkin about boys! pillow fight!
@poltergeist-draws-probably​ said: me and the besties on a tuesday afternoon
heck yeah dude that is exactly the vibe I was going for
using the color names like that is so cute :0 I just love the excitement in these tags it feels so nice ;u;
@toastycharmander​ said: 🥺 imma be honest i wish i could sit with friends and watch them play video games like this, just seems so nice. i’d probably end up as the blue kirby at some point tho
man, same. someday we will all get to sit with our friends again and/or make good friends to sit with.
on [incognito]:
@gingersducksandbubbles​ said: the brows remind me of the cinnamon toast crunch meme. either way, adorable until proven innocent and even then still adorable. yes im aware of what the last tag says. its the law duh
the crime he was wanted for was being adorable! there is no escaping that! (also I don’t think I’d seen that meme before, drawing angry eyebrows on things is just almost always funny huh)
on [hat]:
@dragonsandmollusks​ said: baseball hats or whatever this type of hat is called are way too hard to draw
ugh, they really are. especially in lineless art! (altho the person who said they’re putting this one in the art ref folder is funny XD )
on [small]:
@littlemousejelly​ said: OH TEENY!!!!! HELLO YOU ARE VERY SMALL!! OR VERY FAR AWAY!! OR BOTH!! I LOVE YOU!!!! littol teeny kirby are you cold?? are you rubbing your lil hands together because you have a chill?? WAIT I ZOOMED IN AND YOU ARE POUTING! AHHHHHH CUTIE I KISS YOUR LIL PIMK HEAD AND PATPAT! i hope you feel better soon!!!
a true journey :’>
@gingersducksandbubbles​ said: hi kirbo! why you so far away? did he have a snack? i see that lil cheek curve. he holding his hands or arm nubs so cute like an innocent lil guy so cute. is he innocent tho? not gonna get into tjat discourse cuz the end result is that he's always adorable!! Thank you kirby!
I like this interpretation too! just trying to play innocent after stealing a snack. :>
there was a lot on [pride prep]:
@lammiies said: Kirby supports Gay Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
@macro-microcosm said: BEST MOST SUPPORTIVE BOI happy pride 🌈
@rainbowmilk1996 said: Kirby is a good lad. That, and he probably likes all the colors
@neurokinetics said: my sweet gay child
you are all correct! kirby is gay, kirby supports gays (and the whole lgbtqia+ community! all of us!), and kirby thinks all the pretty pride flag colors are very neat. :>
@drummajor-isyourbandready said: this is the only pride post I'll reblog probably. look at this fella
ohh a high honor! thank you :> (although of course if you find other stuff also worth sharing that’s a good thing too!)
@kiwi-lynx said: Ok, I’m obsessed with your drawings THEY ARE JUST SO CUTE 🥰🏳️‍🌈
@pizza-equals-poetry said: op this is beautiful
awwh thank you both so much!
also @your-local-neighbourhood-kat tagged me in this [very cursed image] by a deactivated blog which, thanks I hate it XD
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incorrect-marauders · 5 years
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So, as many of our followers are probably aware, we recently did a survey to get a feel of what people thought of our blog. We got a total of 57 results and we are grateful to each and every one of you for taking the time to let us know your thoughts. Now, we’re here to share the general consensus of what people thought and how we will accommodate these opinions.
We’ll definitely have some changes to the blog, so read on to see what those changes are!
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Before we begin, we have a few things to briefly mention.
The results are pretty scattered. We didn’t want to restrict anyone, so most were free response or included “Other”. In hindsight, there were a few questions that could have easily been multiple choice without really restricting anyone. (Side eyes the first question.) Therefore, most of these will just summarize the results we got. Occasionally drop the graph for the multiple choice questions.
Because of the large amount of responses we got, not every answer will be listed here. We highlighted the things that were either most commonly mentioned or had us thinking the most.
If anyone would like to see the full results for some reason (par the names, to keep anonymity), feel free to email us at [email protected] and we’ll send it over!
And yes, we are making changes to accommodate these results! That’s what this survey was all about!
We’ll be opening applications for new mods within the next couple days as well.
We’ll have a tiny hiatus as all of this is going on.
Now, we begin...
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How long have you been following incorrect-marauders?
The most popular answer seemed to be around 2 months or 10 months. A lot of people filling out this survey seemed to either be relatively new or here since the beginning. Kudos to you incorrect-marauders veterans, and welcome newer followers!
How did you find incorrect-marauders?
Somewhat as we expected. Keep reblogging us, lovely people!
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What do you love MOST about incorrect-marauders?
"It's funny.” (x50)
No really, we got 50 variations of “It’s funny,” “It’s hilarious,” “The humour,” “The funny text posts.”
Thanks, we appreciate it!
“How weirdly in character the quotes always are.”
(Similar variations include, “How actually accurate your post are,” “That not every post is as funny, imho, but that they do keep true to the characters,” “How much they fit the characters.”)
“They offer new content to the Marauders 'franchise' as it were because some stuff within the fandom is constantly being reused.”
“How correct it actually is if Joanne made it canon.”
“McGonagall with the marauders and that the sources are listed.”
“Accurate representation, variety of ships and relationships, isnt toxic.”
“Very funny and can be great art/writing prompts.”
“The taste.”
These are all very nice, thank you all. Glad we hit where we were aiming.
What do you love LEAST about incorrect-marauders?
The most common response was, “Nothing,” or a variation thereof, but that’s no fun for this question, so here are some of the legitimate criticisms we received!
“Quote sources, I think, occasionally aren't there.”
Our original quotes often don’t have sources. But if there’s one where a mod forgot to credit a source, please just message us and one of the admins will fix that!
“There isn't a particularly nice aesthetic to the blog, e.g. a matching layout and profile picture or quote.”
Yeah, we’re working to fix that. I like pretty blogs too.
“Could be updated a little more.”
(”Not much posting in my opinion,” “Long time between posts.”)
Strangely enough, we got this a few times but our later poll about how often to post were contradicting this. So, unfortunately, we will not be adjusting this.
“I mean I would say that Peter is on it, but can’t really get rid of him...”
(Got a few of these, like, ”Peter being seen as a good person.”)
“Some are a bit too small.”
“I don’t like the long quotes.”
Well, then.
“Seeing my #notp but that isnt rly a minus?? Its called diversity so im not gonna hate or anything.”
Thank you for appreciating the diversity. We get occasional hate over it, but we also get hate over not posting some of the other ships. I suppose that’s what happens when you have lots of different followers of different opinions.
“If I send you a text post you credit the source in # but i'd like you to include a link to my tumblr in the post itself so people would actually find my tumblr. I doent send you text posts anymore, cause it doesn't really profit me and it feels like you get credit for my work.”
We’re sorry you feel that way. We always put it in the tags, just in front of the source. We are more of a mod-based blog rather than a submission-based blog. Anyone is welcome to submit, but about 98% of our posts are created by our mods.
“Sometimes I feel like the wrong characters were chosen or not well thought out.”
We can assure you our mods put a lot of thought into what characters to use, but you are welcome to message us with your own suggestion! (But please note that we are a Marauders blog; we got a few comments about how we don’t post enough Hinny or Romione, but that’s not what our blog is about.)
What makes incorrect-marauders stand out?
Once again, we got a lot about how funny we are, so we’ll skip over those and highlight the more unique answers!
"They don't use things from other people without credit.”
“The love and attention put in to everything.”
“Don't think there are any other blogs about marauders in this style.”
(We got this a few times. ”Like the type of blog and incorrect-marauders was the first one Harry potter themed I found,” also, “Its really funny and pretty much the only blog that just does this kind of post and i LOVE it.” But alternatively... “There are a lot of textpost blogs like it, but it is one of the only ones that I have found that consistently keeps characters in character in the posts and appeals to my sense of humor.”)
“I feel the quotes are in character and from multiple sources which Is cool.“
“How open it is.”
“The continuous content.”
“The posts arent so often that my dash is spammed like other blogs of the same nature.”
“Not sure but I like you.”
Not much to comment on these except we’re happy to see people think this about us!
How satisfied are you with the blog and the posts, in all?
So, you’re telling me, we opened a public, anonymous survey and not a single hater filled it out? Am I impressed or disappointed?
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Please explain your response to the previous question.
“I just love the whole blog.”
“It's not my favourite blog ever ever which is why it's not a 10 but i still love it.”
“You guys are just so awesome! But it'd also be cool to have a little, meet the creator(s).”
“Its good but I don't have or want notifications on.”
“It’s the #qualitycontent i signed up for.”
"Always room for improvement, and also there's no 9 3/4 option.”
Awesome! We definitely agree that we can always improve, which is what this survey is for!
How often should we post?
We got a lot of variety here. Some say once a day (which is how often we currently post) was ideal. Others put stuff like...
“I wouldnt mind my entire blog just being filled with your posts.”
While Once A Day is the most voted for, the rest of the options put together, which we’ll name Two or More Times a Day, do win overall. Since we have one new post followed by a reblog, we’ll compromise by posting two times a day, but with one new post a day (the second being a reblog).
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In UTC, what times do you prefer us posting?
As expected, not many people cared. But two people felt very strongly and voted for 12am, 1am, and 6pm UTC. So, we’ll consider that.
What characters, relationships, universes, etc. would you like to see more represented in our posts?
We got a lot of responses here, primarily being more Wolfstar, Jily, and BFFs James and Sirius. We also got a lot saying we should post about Hinny, Romione, next gen, FBAWTFT, etc. in which I remind you that this is a Marauders blog.
We also got the hilarious response that said we should maybe post about the “merauders”. Well, we can certainly promise you that.
We also got a lot of people saying more McGonagall. That’s something we can definitely do.
Would you like to see more original quotes from us?
For the longest time, the option 50/50 was at exactly 50%. Kind of disappointed that is no longer, but the 25% option is at 25%, so that’s something. Anyway, we’ll aim for 50/50.
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What else would you like to see us post?
This was one of the results that will make the biggest change to the blog. People seem to really love these ideas. So expect...
Marauder Mondays! Every Monday we’ll have Marauder Monday, where we’ll answer asks, reblog posts, and have a party! Probably when we’ll post the “extra” posts, like our GIFs, graphics, aesthetics, videos, etc.
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How would you feel if we did sponsored posts?
Combined, it seems like ~75% of those who took the survey are good with sponsored posts.
These results honestly surprised us. We’ve gotten a lot of offers of sponsorships in the past but have always denied them because we didn’t know how our followers would feel. We probably won’t do this in the near future, but it’s an option.
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What kind of projects would you like to see us host?
We got so many people suggesting merch. Shirts, stickers, pins, other merch... So we’ll keep that in mind! We’d love some Marauders shirts ourselves.
“Projects that other blogs can get involved with to help other accounts grow.”
“An art challenge maybe? like, 30 day challenge where you have to draw them as characters from movies/tv shows? like, friends, clueless, avengers, dc characters etc.“
Definitely interesting. Art challenges would be a lot of fun. Hopefully there’s an interest for this!
Which of our other accounts do you follow/would like to follow?
We’ll look into bringing on people to regularly post on other sites.
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What device do you use to browse our blog most often (whether through Tumblr or our site)?
Why are we bothering with a redesign again? Oh, right. Personal vain.
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How often do you visit the blogsite?
Those numbers are higher than expected...
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What kind of things would you like to find on our blogsite?
“Character aesthetics.”
“Fanfiction links.”
“Marauders fan art would be cool.“
We’ll be working on this! Thank you for the suggestions!
More meet the creator(s) (if not comfortable with should, maybe just telling a funny story)
We got a lot of people saying they’d like to know more about us. We are anonymous, but this particular comment had us thinking. We’ll be implementing something in the near future. We will still remain anonymous, but we will have “blog identifies”, I suppose you could say. More info to come!
Other than show, character, and ship lists, what would you like to see in our navigation?
We didn’t get many new suggestions for this, except for fanart, aesthetics, etc. which we will add as more people join the blog!
Do you have any additional suggestions for us?
"Maybe find a blog that could do fan art, but only if you’re comfortable with it. Also, you’re blog is already so amazing, and any redesign would just make it more awesome!!! Don’t let anyone get you down espically if some one puts something negative on the survey because it is so so great already.”
We got no negative feedback (just constructive criticism), but thank you for your concern!
“um. keep doing this. i like it. it helps fill the gaping void in my soul“
“Thanks for making the survey, caring about our feedback, and being awesome overall :)”
Of course! This is not just our blog, this is the Marauders fandom blog. Your feedback means everything to us and we hope you will like the changes we’ll make in response to it.
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And that covers all of it! Cookies to anyone who read all of that! Keep an eye out for those new mod applications if you’re interested in joining our team!
We’ll be taking a tiny little hiatus as we’re figuring some stuff out.
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skenpiel · 4 years
oh god i forgot to check and now 42 more people have taken my sans quiz 
0 notes
uiruu · 5 years
Okay so here’s a confession lmao... I kind of got into Loona because of Hunter x Hunter. 
I got caught up in the HxH manga, and there are apparently a lot of references to a jpop idol group called Keyakizaka46. There’s a nen ability called “Silent Majority”, which is like a doll thing with the exact same haircut as the main member of that group, who has a song called Silent Majority. Also Halkenburg’s bow and arrow nen ability has him make a pose from the song Fukyouwaon. So I saw that and was like “WHAT THE HELL TOGASHI”, and I checked out those songs. They’re okay. Nothing to write home about. I mean like, they’re fun I guess, I like Fukyouwaon better of those two (which are the only ones I heard), but idk. I listened to it a lot for a couple days, it was like a guilty pleasure thing haha. And then like I must have seen posts from some of my HxH mutuals (who probably aren’t mutuals anymore after... uh... the drama in late february lmao...) post about Loona, and I was like okay, if I’m listening to this idol group that I can kinda tell isn’t like the highest quality thing in the world, let’s see what a Real group is like. 
I wasn’t really attuned to the differences between jpop and kpop, though I think I have a better understanding of the prevailing trends and styles that differentiate them (not just language. theyre as different as hiphop from LA and UK grime rap. that’s pretty different). But yeah, I was interested to see what a really Quality group sounded like. I wasn’t really expecting much, I was expecting something very catchy but kinda bland, like a lot of American pop is. I was also expecting something a little exploitative because of just the nature of having a group of “idols”, and I’d heard stuff about the kpop industry that wasn’t pleasant. 
And like, I listened to Hi High (which was the top result at the time. i got into them about a week before Butterfly), and I liked it at first. I wasn’t ready to let myself love it, though. In the back of my mind there was that voice saying “lol what are you doing, you are not the target audience for this, i should keep this to myself cause it’s embarrassing. if i admit that i’m listening to kpop right now i’ll be laughed at haha”. But still, it was catchy as hell and I liked that. The video production was sooooo good too, that video looks like a movie.
I watched Egoist too cause I guess it was the top related video, and I thought that song was pretty good, but idk I guess a lot of it just didn’t like sink in or something? I don’t really know. I listened to some others but didn’t find anything that stood out, I think there was a point just before Butterfly released where I liked Hi High, Egoist, and Love Cherry Motion (though I was kinda iffy on that one). I remember talking to my friend Jaci about them cause I know Jaci’s a kpop fan, and they said that they were kinda into Loona but not especially, though Heart Attack is one of the best kpop songs ever made. After hearing that, I listened to Heart Attack, but I didn’t really like it, it was a bit too bubblegummy for me, I guess.
Then Butterfly came out, and by then I knew most of the members by name (not all), and I had watched videos from people like formoftherapy about the songs I had heard and so I felt better about liking kpop cause the illusion of it being completely shallow was shattered. Butterfly didnt wow me at first... I liked the video a lot but the song was kinda eh. The “wings, wings” in the chorus stuck out to me in a bad way lol, I didn’t like that. 
So anyway, by then I was like huh, I’m gonna check out some more stuff. So I listened to groups like Momoland and Blackpink and Red Velvet. And by listened to, I mean really just kinda one song from each of those. I listened to other Momoland songs after Bboom Bboom and they didnt really do anything for me. I listened to Red Velvet songs besides Peekaboo and they were okay, Russian Roulette was pretty good but not something that really wowed me, but I was super super super into Blackpink for about a week there haha. I don’t know, I really liked Ddu-Du Ddu-Du, and I liked the members a lot. They’re only four members, so it was really easy to get into them. I listened to more of their songs though and at first I liked them, but the more I listened, the more I realized how bad they are lol. The members themselves are fine but god, some of the other Blackpink songs besides that one are just really bad. To me, anyway. And I think that’s when I realized... oh... Loona’s really something unique, huh?
Like, listening to other groups made me like Loona more hahaha. That’s when everything started to click with me. Songs that didnt impress me at first, like Girl Front and Favorite and especially Heart Attack started REALLY clicking with me. Suddenly every song I listened to from them I liked. And I was noticing things in their songs that I didn’t notice at first. And like, that’s also when it hit me... oh, it’s not just that Grimes did a feature in the intro to one of their songs, they actually take a lot of inspiration from Grimes musically. Aaaaaand that was the nail in the coffin. See, I was one of the biggest Grimes fans alive before we all collectively realized she’s kind of a shitty person. So, to see the good aspects of her music translated and adapted and iterated on by another group is cool. It also kinda made me facepalm because like god fucking damn it, I thought I was free of Grimes, turns out even when I get into something I thought was totally separate, nope... I can’t escape haha. Then though I started noticing interesting and experimental-ish production EVERYWHERE in their songs. 
And that’s when I’m like okay... I gotta finally go through and watch all their videos in order. I knew bits and pieces about the Loonaverse already, so I was ready to sink my teeth in and see it all for myself. It takes about 2 hours to watch all their music videos but it’s really worth it, that was a cool experience haha. The next day, I watched some of formoftherapy’s reactions to doing that same marathon too, and that helped me notice and appreciate even more things, especially about the music video production, since that’s what they specialize in talking about. 
And then you know, two or so weeks later, here we are, and I’m all in, haha. It’s wild to think that I thought Egoist was pretty good and Heart Attack was not really my cup of tea at first haha. Egoist now blows me away EVERY time I watch that video... the song is sooooooo good and the video is maybe their best and most cohesive video aesthetically and thematically speaking. Heart Attack is also in my top 5 songs now.. so is Butterfly haha, that song grew on me a lot too. It helps for Butterfly that the choreo and video are so artistic and masterful. 
Oh, also, one last thing, in the part where I mention other groups... I don’t wanna knock Red Velvet at all. I love Red Velvet. I could write a separate post about my journey with their music too, and how there was a moment when their songs also started clicking for me, and I think they’re just as adventurous and eccentric as Loona. I like Loona more cause I’m more personally invested, and I think Loona covers a broader range of styles and themes and stuff, but Red Velvet are really, really good. I cannot overstate that lol. Also, there are other groups and songs I’ve gotten into since then too, I’m not just a fan of two groups lol. Though to be honest, if I had to pick the ones that I think are doing something really interesting and stand out from the crowd, I think there’s only three groups I would call myself a die hard fan of, and that’s Loona, Red Velvet, and Fromis_9 (who have sooo much potential, im excited to see where they go). 
That’s all! I don’t expect anyone will reblog this (cause its so specific to me lol) or even read this, it’s pretty long after all, but if you did, thanks <3 I just wanted to write about my journey with this. Cause like, it’s cool how this type of thing can happen. It was cool to watch myself start to allow myself to really get into it. I could feel myself getting more and more into it but I was embarrassed about that and I thought it was really lame of me haha. I don’t mean that I was sad or scared or whatever, again, I just thought it was really lame haha. But I mean, deep down I thought it was cool, and the more I got into it, the more that became the only way I thought of it. And now I just think it’s really worth checking out and like not all that lame at all. There are lame groups, yeah. It’s just cool that Loona isn’t one of those. I didn’t expect that the one I heard the most about was 1. not even close to the most popular, and 2. really deeply musically interesting and risktaking, and that’s something that’s always appealed to me about the music I like. Who knew that Loona of all groups would be like that lol. You know... Loona. From the “Stan Loona” memes. Huh. 
Go figure. 
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silent-violet-echos · 6 years
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Since @sarcastic-pasta-games is having a contest for what Cliff Smedley’s shirt in the next game will be and I know that not everyone is gonna be happy with the results, I thought “You know what, why not brighten everyone’s day by drawing everyone’s submissions?” and so I did, and a majority of it was done during @aquilacalvitium‘s JSEvening livestream! Some were easy, some were difficult, but it’s worth making people smile in the end. I can’t wait for both the results tomorrow and the game to come out! I absolutely loved the game.
(Edit: Congratz to thetwin125 & kenmarlenn! Honestly I didn’t think that they’d combine yours, but it looks so cool!)
From left to right, everyone who submitted:
Row 1: (My first submission!), @thetwin125,(Edit: TY for confirmation.) (UNKNOWN ATM)
Row 2: @d-structive, @polk-a-dop, (Me again!)
Row 3: @pollyanna94, @glo-stickz, @splish-splash-im-trash
Row 4: (UNKNOWN ATM), (UNKNOWN ATM), @kenmarlenn
Row 5: (The game’s shirt! Dunno who designed it.) @the-kit-kate(Twice!)
Row 6: @geekygirl0816, @purrsiacat, @emymodaboss
Row 7: @jennylagar, @pkvandy,(Edited so the eye is green like you asked!) @glitchytealatte​(I’M SO SORRY FOR NOT ADDING YOU IN THE ORIGINAL POST I NEVER SAW YOUR SUBMISSION UNTIL THE RESULTS!)
If you see yours in here and it’s tagged as unknown, please DM me!!!! I really want to give credit but due to the page’s theme, I can’t see your name! Signatures don’t help much cuz I can’t see the small writing well.
It’s recommended that you don’t reblog this(unless you’re @sarcastic-pasta-games) until all the names have been added! Otherwise you’ll have to reblog again!
(Edit: Hands? Torso? What are those?)
Comments on each of the submissions below the cut! Please read if you’re one of the submitters!
My submissions: For my first one, I wanted to have a pun, but I lack the ability to make puns. So I decided to just have sam on it. The original was kinda bright and hurting my eyes, so I turned down the green a bit and it looks much better. Sad it didn’t win, though. In my second one, I wanted something with a bit more PMA, so I added PMA in different colors, four times. The original idea was three times, with a septic sam below, but it didn’t work. I had a feeling the second one wasn’t gonna win, but I submitted it just to be sure.
thetwin125: Yours is bright. Pretty bright. I kinda like it though, it’s like it’s glowing in the dark kinda!  Congratz on winning! I actually drew yours second, right after mine. Thank you for confirming it was yours, the name was vague in mind forgetful mind.
Unknown Row 1 Submission: Yours is pretty cool! It’s the only sweater in the bunch of T-Shirts and Hoodies, making it the most unique! I like the smile with sam as an eye, but I kinda had a feeling it would be too hard to turn into a sprite, sadly. But remember what the sweater says, PMA! Your submission still gonna be in the gallery, just like mine! Also please, give me your tumblr url so I can edit this with credit.
d-structive: Yours is pretty interesting! I didn’t think it would be something Cliff would wear, though. The black outline for the PMA and the stripes are so frustrating to do in MS Paint, but I did it! If that hoodie were to actually exist, I might wear it!
polk-a-dop: I like yours, with the big sam and the 3d-ish PMA! It was really frustrating to do the PMA part, but it worked in the end! I wish I had more to say about yours, except better luck next time. At least we’re in the gallery!
pollyanna94: I really like the use of Sam as the P in PMA! Other than that, it’s a little bland, no offense. I also like the color you chose for the shirt, but I believe the mods said nothing mostly blue, as it’s Jack’s color, so I believe that prevented it from being chosen.
glo-stickz: Yours is pretty interesting! I like the sam on the shoulder, and the way you did the hoodie strings. The way you draw hoodie pockets is cool too! But I think you could use at least a few drawing lessons, maybe sometime I can give you some tips? I don’t mean that in a mean way! It’s still great!
splish-splash-im-trash: Yours is pretty unique! It’s a little too complicated for a sprite, though. Also, Cliff is kinda a laid-back ish character, I don’t think he’d wear something like that. And it took me so many tries to draw the jack on the shirt that I just gave up and decided to Ctrl + c and Ctrl + v. It’s still cool tho!
Unknown Row 4 Submission 1: Yours is pretty cool! I like the way you wrote PMA, and how Sam is the A! I really wish you’d give me your url so I can add your name here! Also, I like the shade of green you chose!
Unknown Row 4 Submission 2: WAPOOSH! This one is really awesome! The PMA on the shoulder, the sam on the back, this one might’ve worked really well! I assure you, this one did better than mine because of how awesome it is. I’d definitely wear that hoodie!! I wish you’d give me your URL so I can give you credit!
kenmarlenn: Congratz on tie-ing for first place!! I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t think i’d be able to draw the design so I just copy - pasted it. It’s still really good tho!!! ALSO, I know who you are on YT!! I can’t stop watching all those WKM MAPs you’ve done, especially Nightmare, it’s so good!!!! As soon as I saw your name, I wanted to flip!! I actually was watching it while writing this, what do ya know? :)
the-kit-kate: Hey! I really like the designs you did! I think they would’ve looked better with a few tweaks, though. The green w/ red letters would look better as a hoodie, and I think if you tweaked the shade of green a bit it would look AWESOME! As for the gray one, I think it would just look better as a hoodie. But otherwise, yours are really cool!
geekygirl0816: SO. AWESOME. I reeeeeaaaally like the shiny, puffy PMA! I think this would’ve looked cooler as a hoodie, if i’m to be honest. I would’ve drawn it that way, but I wanted to keep it as a shirt because that’s how you did it, not me. This one is definitely up high on the results list despite it not being shown!
purrsiacat: I like the way Sam is next to the M! I realize now that Sam’s tail isn’t drawn right, but thats ok rite? I had to improvise on color because the fact that you didn’t take a good picture of it, so the color picker didn’t work out.
emymodaboss: Yours is interesting! Too bad I couldn’t make it look exactly like the image, because I *think* it has a gradient to it. It’s still really nice!
jennylagar: Congratz on runner-up! To be honest, I really thought yours would win, seriously! That’s DEFINITELY something Cliff would wear, too bad he won’t be in the majority of the game. If I knew how to mod games, i’d make your design the sprite for the game!
pkvandy: Thank you for letting me know it was you, and what color changes to make! I hope I got it right! I already told you this I think, but it was so frustrating to draw it! It took SO MANY TRIES. I’m not trying to be mean, but I didn’t think yours would win, because of how complicated it is. I have a feeling it at least did better than mine, though.
glitchytealatte: I AM SO FUCKING SORRY FOR FORGETTING TO DRAW YOURS! I SERIOUSLY DID NOT SEE YOUR SUBMISSION TIL IT WAS SHOWN IN THE RUNNER-UPS! SOOOO SORRY! I really like how sam is in the teacup! I’m a bit sad my submission won’t get a sprite, though.
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
member: bae jinyoung  genre(s): high school!au, hoobae!jinyoung, fluff summary: all the matters regarding bae jinyoung’s grades is now placed in your hand but it seems like it’s not just his grades that you’re going to take responsibility for. (requested - bullet point format) word count: 2.3k 
note: a requested scenario by an anon! i’m so sorry if it’s really lengthy hahah but i really really hope you like it ;; thank you for requesting, once again it means a lot! as well as that, many thanks for the likes, follows and reblogs - words can’t say how much i truly appreciate it, thank you thank you ; ~ ; < 3
all a’s with a rank that never goes below than top five 
you wouldn’t be a member of the student council for no reason
warm, friendly, responsible and hardworking - you’re the definition of being a blessing 
esp to the teachers bc you’re one of those kids who actually help them and not give them a headache (unlike me smh) 
like tbh you’re not the school president 
but somehow people treat you like you are bc why aren’t you the school president??
you’re even more responsible than the school president and your attendance is better 
the votes are rigged!! jk it’s not 
a lot of students know you, not just because of the student council 
but because you’re a really great tutor 
like the greatest 
you could probably take over the teacher’s job bc everyone just comes to you and asks
that’s why the teachers love you so much lmao 
you have so much patience and kindness that you don’t mind getting bombarded by questions and taking your time to teach others
like forget the religion of hwang minhyun 
that doesn’t exist here bc the religion of the “angelic sunbae” does 
yeah you earned that endearment after some random seventh grade kid yelled that out loud when you were in tenth grade and somehow it stuck with you all the way till your last year of high school
now everyone just refers to you as that name 
and that’s how bae jinyoung knew you at first 
“jinyoung-ah. you see that sunbae? she’s the school’s angelic sunbae.” 
jinyoung looks at the direction of his friend’s point, the smile that lights up on your face and the way your eyes crinkle as you laugh with your friends causes his stomach to churn
but this boi isn’t really the brightest so he thinks he ate something 
yeh like his feelings oOHOOHOH 
“angelic sunbae?” jinyoung softly repeats to himself, his eyes never leaving you.  
that of course wasn’t really proven until his grades drastically dropped 
apparently it dropped so much that his teacher deemed it as concerning 
like the boi only went from 98% to 70% - at least he passes look at me i winged an aural test and if i get 50% i’ll be over the moon
but this cute baby did admit he was struggling with the topic they were currently learning despite feeling so insecure confessing it 
so the teacher was like “issok boi, i gotchu.” 
and by that his teacher meant “lemme hit you up with the only student who i know can do this bc im not dealing with your crap” 
idk if your life is all sorted or you just don’t seem to have one but you happily agreed tho bc why the hek not
hence why you enter the school library and start searching for this student
you weren’t really expecting much bc you’re obviously used to helping other people when it comes to academic things 
and bc he was the only person in that area, you assumed that he was the one you were gonna teach
i mean you were prepared to teach him 
didn’t mean you were prepared for the fact that he was really handsome
you walked up to him with an apologetic smile bc even if you came right on time, he still had to wait and you felt guilty for that 
“sorry, were you waiting long? i didn’t know you’d come earlier.”
meanwhile jinyoung’s just staring at you, looking all flustered and cute bc he’s freaking out on the inside 
he just doesn’t know what to do in front of you so he simply shakes his head bc sha sha sha yknow 
so there’s like this five second silence of awkwardness before you flash a smile at him 
and your smile makes him feel alive again like is that even possible when he’s been living the entire time 
“well i’m y/n and i’m going to tutor you from now on but don’t fret, i’m not that strict and as your tutor, i’ll do my hardest to make things easier for you to understand but don’t be shy and speak up if you have issues okay?” 
he’s not really giving you a reply bc he’s just listening to how nice your voice is since it’s really soft and gentle
after all he hears on a daily is daehwi whining and jihoon with his stupid aegyo experiments so your voice is something he could get used to 
but bc he aint answering, you’re just looking at him waiting for a reply and he’s making this entire thing more awkward than it should be so he just nods
apparently for you, that nod is enough to make you feel happy and giddy so your smile widens and he swears that the whole room just became brighter 
“so, do you wanna get started??” 
okay so you’ve been tutoring for about a few months, three days a week
at first he clearly wasn’t the talker but that was okay
your social skills were as good as the visuals this boi was blessing you 
but bc you were really friendly, he opened up to you pretty quick 
and now he’s just being a little piece of r00d crap 
nowadays he’s treating you like you’re the younger one by patting your head and using his height advantage to tower over you before giving you that damn cheeky smile 
sometimes he even drops honourifics and calls you whatever he feels like
“did you just call me a little kid- ” “no, sunbaenim. i didn’t say that you must have been hearing things.” 
lol who says you were complaining tho, you’re growing fond of him 
but ofc i made you oblivious so you wouldnt really know that you’re not just fond of him, you like him ahah howbowdah 
meanwhile underneath cheeky!jinyoung is filled-with-anxiety!jinyoung who ain’t up for the fact that he could get busted anytime soon 
busted for numerous reasons 
cos for one, he basically knows everything you’re teaching him bc he’s outright smart 
that topic that he confessed he was struggling with? 
yeah that was highkey a lie, he just didn’t want to outright tell the teacher that he binged watch fancams and fan-made videos of pristin’s joo kyulkyung instead of studying for the exam (pls support pristin btw) 
and second, jinyoung may or may not have started liking you 
it was weird bc at first he thought he was just sick
but what sickness includes symptoms of making excuses to see a person, trying their hardest to make that person laugh and being restless at night bc all they to do is think about the person?? 
that’s right folks 
i mean,,,
love yeh that
so those marks of his that doesn’t necessarily show improvement?? 
lmao jinyoung purposefully answers them incorrectly to keep his scores down 
bc you tutoring him is the only way he can keep seeing you 
but haha guess what it’s that time of the semester again where he gets more exams 
this time tho you were gonna motivate him even more 
“okay, baejin.” you say to him, pulling out his favourite drink and placing it on the table 
he’s just looking at it with a cheeky grin, “wahh sunbae, i didn’t know you were the type to bribe people.” 
you playfully glare at him but a smile still reaches up to your face a nano-second later 
“i’m not really the type to and it’s actually my first time.” 
jinyoung just grins, his eyes never leaving you as he leans forward on the table, “i must be special then.” 
of course, you roll your eyes bc wow this kid used to be so shy towards you at the start and look at the boldness he has now tsk tsk
“you are special.” 
enter jinyoung’s heart going ‘dugeun dugeun’ (totally making a snl reference) 
ok ok why am i getting excited i know the ending to this wheezes 
“ever since mr. jung gave me the responsibility to tutor, your grades also falls into my hands,” you begin in a rather serious tone that is immediately contrasted when he sees you grin again, “and whilst there isn’t really noticeable changes onto your results, this test might determine things so i’d like to propose a deal with you.” 
jinyoung simply raises an eyebrow cos he aint taking you seriously after all the silly antics you’ve been showing him for the past few months 
“y’know, this would have been more effective at the start when i actually took you a little more seriously, sunbae.”
“well, i didn’t think of it earlier okay! i’m human too,” you slam your fists on the table gently with a pout, 
srsly not a good idea to be happily stuffing your face with food bc he took a lot of photos of you, reasoning that “you’re just too cute. i can’t help that.” 
jinyoung just watches you, laughing to himself bc you’re cute when you’re annoyed. “okay, okay i’m listening.”
“right, well if you get at least over 90% for two out of your upcoming exams - regardless of any subject, i’ll reward you by granting your wish.” 
lmao this boi was doing his best to maintain a poker face and not let out that mischievous smile of his bc he’s gonna pass these test with flying colours.
“well what if i don’t get a 90% for my exams?” he questions causing you to think about it. 
“i don’t know, you can be my slave for three months or something. i’ll think of the consequences later but do we have a deal or not?” 
he leans back on his chair, holding his chin almost as if he’s thinking about it thoroughly 
a huge lie cos he’s just damn pretending 
“hmmm, 90% for all exams and you have yourself a deal.” jinyoung says with a confident smile 
you let out a sound of approval, slowly clapping “since when was little jinyoung so confident? are you sure?” 
“of course! so deal?” he extends his hand 
grinning, you take his hand and firmly shake it, “deal.” 
you were waiting for him to arrive, casually sipping your favourite drink and his on the table 
once you see him enter the library, you instantly jump out of your seat 
his exams are finished and the results have been finalised, resting in his bag 
but he’s walking towards you with an unreadable expression 
suddenly you’re feeling anxious and worried bc he looks upset and you don’t like seeing him sad 
“baejin...did it not go well...?” 
he’s looking down, not giving a reply and just lets out a sigh 
your heart’s close to breaking bc he must have put so much effort and hardwork into studying 
yet the next thing you know 
there are these exam papers on the table and it certainly aint yours so you look over them
and all his exam papers were all marked with a’s and nothing below 95% 
so now you’re just confused and standing there frozen bc your brain isn’t processing it well 
five seconds later you look up at him, a fist raised in the air bc you were gonna punch this guy for tricking you 
your tears were gonna come out wth this guy srsly
but you see that smile of his, eyes filled with so much joy that you can’t help to forgive him
“yah! i got so scared - i was gonna start crying.” you whine, slapping his arm lightly 
jinyoung just lets out a laugh, ruffling your hair. “sorry, i just wanted to tease you a little.” 
you roll your eyes but still grin, “whatever, weirdo but i guess i have to keep the promise so as a reward, i will grant one of your wishes! have you thought about it yet??” 
he sends you a wide smile before nodding, “yeap.” 
“okay, what is it?” 
“spend a day out with me.” jinyoung says but instantly back pedals by stuttering a little, “i mean - if you want to though. i’m not forcing you or a-anything.” 
you look a him, trying your hardest not to blush and ignoring that slight skipping of your heart. “so, like a date basically?” 
“i-if you want to consider it as a d-date.” 
“okay. it’s a date then.” 
jinyoung just pauses then looks at you with widened eyes, “wait- what?! really? you’d go on a date with me?” 
so now he’s just freaking out mentally and emotionally bc he was expecting a cold-hard rejection 
he even practiced the situation with daehwi 
you’re just laughing, shaking your head in amusement bc this boy can be really cute, “yeah why not? it’s not every day i get asked out by a cute guy.” 
jinyoung with his red ears, blushing cheeks and grin that goes from ear-to-ear feels like celebrating 
he could go on the table and just dance right there and then if he had no self control 
“but can i ask you something?” you stretch your arm to poke his cheek and he immediately nods his head 
“how did you get above 90% for all your exams? i thought you were struggling with these concepts.” 
jinyoung sends you one hell of a mischievous grin and you can sort of tell that something isn’t right, slightly stepping backwards as he begins to explain, “i may or may not have been lying about my low grades...?” 
and hence to end the day, jinyoung blasts out the library and into the beautiful sunset, laughing away as you start to follow suit and beginning the chasing game.  
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soulsxng--a · 6 years
want new-and-exciting plots for your character? long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? fear not! fill out this form and give
your rp partners both present and future all the of juicy JUMPING OFF POINTS they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
be sure to TAG THE PLAYERS WHOSE CHARACTERS YOU WANT MORE CUES TO INTERACT WITH, and REPOST, DON’T REBLOG! feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. template here.
MUN NAME:  Aya OOC CONTACT: If I’m not on tumblr, then either skype or discord is best! (Just ask me for it, and I’ll most likely give you both)
Jaspern is a high ranking reaper that has a bit of a chip on his shoulder. He’s a widower, proud father, and also a workaholic that really has little to no clue how to relax if he hasn’t gotten a drink or two in his system. Jassie is calm and collected, with sarcasm for days and probably rolls his eyes more than his 22 year old son. Once you get to know him, he loses his sharp tongue and will actually try to joke around with you more. If he ends up developing any sexual or romantic insults, you also are going to get a batch of really cheesy (and very occasionally smooth) pick up lines.
His attitude. Jaspern can be very cold and even cruel seeming at first meeting. Don’t take it to heart; generally if you see him again after he was an ass to you, and you’re still willing to talk to him, he’ll warm right up. He’s just hesitant to get close to very many people.
His job. Jassie loves his job, and whoever interacts with him has to understand that there are going to be times when he literally has to run off mid-conversation to either take a new “mark” or to go knock some sense into the people working under him. The more important you are to him, the more likely he’ll be to ignore the extra calls if he’s asked to, but he’ll never leave his job for anyone.
His son. JJ is Jas’ everything. If you want to hurt the reaper, target JJ, but be prepared to be hunted down and attacked relentlessly. Otherwise, if you’re trying to earn the reaper’s trust or affections quickly, make sure JJ has a good opinion of you.
Mostly work and teaching his son. Keeping Ber and Lerato out of trouble. He’s pretty much the disapproving, over protective dad of all my muses.
Usually in the reaper realm, where he works and lives. Otherwise, he’s in the human realm and the crypts a lot, too!
I’m going to be adding his full backstory to his bio page soon here! It’s going to be a bit long, but it’s going to clear up a lot of stuff about him and hopefully open him up to more interactions or maybe even some pre-est stuff? We’ll see -u-)/
Jassie is extremely competitive, so I’d love for him to have someone (a friend, a lover, a rival, idc) that just challenges him to different stuff. And it doesn’t all have to be serious, character building type stuff, it can also be stupid stuff like “Oh, I totally bet that I could go longer without frowning than you.” and JASSIE WOULDN’T EVEN QUESTION IT, HE’D BE LIKE “Fuck that shit, I’m gonna beat you so badly at this!”
Otherwise, Jas is also my hate-shipping ho. You can’t go wrong with a good hate ship from him, though because that’s how his relationship with his ex-mate started, it sometimes results in an unrequited love type of thing.
I offer pretty much anything with him? Jas is one of my most (if not the most) developed muse I have, but I’m always looking for excuses to develop him further!
Umm...I haven’t actually made an open for Jas in a long time. I was planning on putting out one along with one for the other death elements probably over the weekend here, if not tomorrow.
Not that I can think of! I’d love to get some new thread out though, so if you’re up for it, just shoot me an ask or an IM! I rarely (if ever) turn people down, so~
TAGGED BY: @siiinuously TAGGING: @anyone that wants to interact with Jaspern? Or even if you just like the meme, go ahead and steal it from me!
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
doctor stranger; j.j.h
based off this post i reblogged,, and jupiter told me to write about jaehyun so thanks beb and also honestly im gonna be screwed for my prelims hahaha rip
starting line: “This isn’t covered by your insurance”
synopsis; doctor!jaehyun au,, uttering words you’d never think you would to your doctor, a very good looking one at that.
warnings; i’m the last person to ask for science advice,, forgive me for the lack of medical vocabulary,, ft slight mentions of the 97liners (Jungkook, BamBam, Yugyeom, Seokmin, Mingyu, Minghao)
genre; fluff
length: | a paragraph | drabble length | your average essay of less than 10,000 words | a fic too long but too short for a part 2|
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Cramming for finals isn’t healthy, but it was worth the grades, you thought.
Or so you thought.
The moment you completed your paper, you heaved a sigh of relief, contented that you had actually completed the paper before the end time. Your happiness was short-lived, as the room turned blurry before your eyes and your world darkened to a space of pitch black.
You had to be sent to the hospital, as you were running a fever of 38 Degrees. You didn’t need surgery, but it was a bad case of Pneumonia. You needed to be cooled immediately and hospitalised for a week. That means you would miss your finals, but it was good in a way, you didn’t need to “revise” for your other subjects and your results will be pro-rated. “Revise” meant you would stay up till 4am to make sure you had all the information in your head. Luckily, you weren’t lazy with your assignments and they were all pretty decent grades.
“Doctor Jung, we need you in the emergency unit right now.” the nurse paged Jaehyun through the phone, making him get out of his comfortable seated position on his desk.
“Why am I always paged to the emergency unit?!?!” Jaehyun complained as he put on his white gown that hung lazily on the rack. 
“No one asked you to take up pediatrics, Jaehyun,” another intern, Mingyu scoffed as he typed furiously on his laptop, “told you to take up neurology.”
“People should stop having babies honestly, they’re making my life more difficult.” Jaehyun sighed as he slung his stethoscope around his neck. “Neurology is boring and needs you to be married to your laptop throughout your internship. Just look at yourself.”
“At least I’m not being called to the ER every 20 minutes,” Mingyu retorted, reverting his attention back to his laptop.
“Someone’s gonna die because of you, hurry down before they die.”
“A student fainted in class with a fever of 38 Degrees, we suspect it’s pneumonia.” the nurse passed Jaehyun a folder, giving the details of the patient.
“Y/F/N,” Jaehyun frowned, “Y/N?”
“You know her?”
“She’s my classmate in high school,” Jaehyun sighed, “She’s always staying up late for her exams to study.”
“But why am I called down again? She’s not pregnant is she?”
The nurse sheepishly rubbed her neck, “Jungkook’s in the operation theater, Seokmin--”
“The residents are on leave, right?” Jaehyun laughed humourlessly, shaking his head. “It’s the intern’s job to take over the residents' job when they're on leave,oh well."
"I'm sorry Doctor Jung, but you were specifically requested to tend to her."
Jaehyun grimaced, "Poor Y/N,"
"You like him, right? Go ask him out!" your friend nudged your side, making you wince.
"Jaehyun doesn't like me, i'd rather give up already--"
"Jaehyun! Y/N likes you!" your friend shouted across the classroom, making you burrow your head in your arms in embarrassment.
The class exploded in oohs and ahhs, as Jaehyun smiled to himself, his crush actually liked him back.
You and Jaehyun were friends since middle school, close friends at that. It was no surprise that you developed a crush on him after all, puberty did him good.
But after that day, you stopped talking to Jaehyun as your classmates would tease you endlessly if you'd ever breathe beside him.
As you opened your eyes, you could faintly make out that you were in somewhere foreign, white lights nearly blinding you. You were on a bed, and some tube was attached to your arm. You were drowsy, and really really tired. 
“Y/N?” You hear someone call your name.
“Uh huh...”
“You’re still the same after high school, aren’t you?” the voice chuckled.
“Y-you know me?”
“I’m your doctor, Jaehyun.” You could see a blurry image of the doctor. He looked familiar, to say the least. He looked like your high school crush, was it Jeffery? Johnny? You weren’t sure.
“Being a media communications student isn’t easy,” You smiled slightly, “almost 20 reports need to be written everyday.”
“Being an aspiring pediatrician isn’t easy either,” Jaehyun chuckled. “I’ll leave you to rest, I’ll check up on you later.”
You weren’t exactly in your sane state of mind, but your eyes manage to recognise that your doctor was really cute. 
“I want you, doctor...” Your hands reached out to him, as your cold fingertips touched his warm arms.
Jaehyun smirked, then holding your wrists in his, “This isn’t covered by your insurance.”
The next time you woke up, you were definitely more refreshed and awake, though you had little recollection of what happened a few hours ago.
“Y/N~ I didn’t know you were so bold!” Your friend, Chaeyoung teased.
“What are you talking about?” You giggled as you bit on a strawberry.
“You told your doctor you wanted him,” Chaeyoung could barely stiffle her laughter, “Do you even know what you’re doing?”
“No... I don’t remember telling anyone I want them though,” You furrowed your brows struggling to remember if you had ever uttered the sentence.
“I remembered it,” 
“Jaehyun?” You frowned. You were pleasantly surprised to meet Jaehyun, but not at a hospital. Jaehyun changed, a lot. He looked really hot in his white gown, with both hands perpetually stuck in the pockets of the gown. He has a cute grin plastered on his face, with a cute dimple at the side of his face. 
“I’m gonna take it that the anesthetic did you bad,” Jaehyun chuckled as he took his seat at the edge of your bed.
“What are you doing here?” 
“I’m your doctor,” Jaehyun pointed to the board pasted behind your bed, that read, “Doctor: Intern Jung Jaehyun”
“W-what did I tell you exactly?” You fiddled with your fingers, nervous to what your own insane mind brought you to.
Jaehyun reached out his hand towards you, as he stuttered, “I want you, doctor...”
You snorted in disbelief, “I would never say that.”
“I can show you the CCTV footage if you don’t believe me,” Jaehyun shrugged as he poured a glass of water for himself to drink.
“Well then,” You cleared your throat, “What did you reply me to entertain my insane self?”
Jaehyun grabbed your outstretched wrist, “This isn’t covered by your insurance.”
You burst out in laughter, internally thanking whomever that admitted you into a private ward so no one could hear your psychotic laughter, “Really? You’re so funny Jaehyun, how are you not in Media Communications?!”
“I’ll take my leave first to let you guys catch up,” Chaeyoung stood up slowly, then exiting the ward.
“I find babies cuter than reports,” Jaehyun smiled, with his damn dimple.
“How have you been? I’ve haven’t seen you in a really long time,” You attempted to reconcile with Jaehyun, after abruptly cutting communications with him after your crush on him was exposed.
“Fairly good, I really like my internship here. Though I’m constantly called to the ER.” Jaehyun snickered. “What about you?”
“I like writing, so I guess I’m good too?” You nodded, “I’m really sorry I suddenly cut off all contact with you back in high school, I was just, really embarrassed.”
“It’s alright, I mean, I would do the same too.” Jaehyun comforted you, as you suddenly felt yourself falling for Jaehyun all over again.
A still but comfortable silence waved over the room, neither of you willing to speak up.
“Can I ask you something?” the tips of Jaehyun’s ears turned red.
“Do you still have a crush on me?” 
Your mind stunned at the sudden question, momentarily unable to answer.
“I actually asked my friend on why you would suddenly want me,” Jaehyun scratched his neck sheepishly, “He’s a neurologist, and he said it might be because you still have lingering feelings.”
“Its okay if you don’t Y/N,” Jaehyun interrupted, “he might be just spouting nonsense. He likes to mess with me all the time.”
“I still like you, Jaehyun.” it was now your turn for your cheeks to heat up, “I haven’t really gotten over you, really.”
Jaehyun hugged you abruptly, you stiffened in shock but slowly melted into his arms, “Thank you, Y/N, I was really scared that you didn’t like me back and all, I really really like you.”
You chuckled, “i’m your girlfriend now, are you happy?”
Jaehyun pulled away, as he placed a loving peck on your forehead, “I’m the happiest whenever I’m with you.”
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Episode 4 Replies
Man, Spore is a lot harder than I remembered it being. How hard can it be to be a damn military city? Anyway, some replies now, the rest later when I’m surer there’s none left.
@jackssims replied to your photo “Divided. i.e. in a part in which several musicians normally play...”
The bold on execution tho ��
Foreshadowing taking to its most literal level: putting a bold shadow in the forefront
@cafesimming replied to your photoset “¦ Lorelei: “Sculpting, then?” Lyra: “What?” Lorelei: “Tomorrow’s...”
me tbh
Sometimes, without prompting, it can be hard to remember that Lorelei is legally blind without her glasses - it’s just not at the forefront of her traits, as it were - so scenes like this help me as well as cause her pain
@tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Catherine: “…the air is crisp. Rich with magic. I can taste it. The...”
Catherine Axiom’s pseudo-evil twin: Cathernine
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Okay, is everyone ready?” Catherine: “As ready as I can be.”...”
Catherine: *brow furrowed* whats an art
Catherine: can you fight evil with it
jackssims replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Hmmm… Looking good so far on this end!” Katya: “Lyra, we have...”
I think you've got some clay in your hair, Felicity
See? There was already a clay explosion and Lyra didn’t even notice!
@sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Eden Lee: *taps out in a rhythm on the clay as they work* Lavandar:...”
contestant bonding
Whistle Ear Worms While You Work
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Kira: “Okay, almost… allllmost…”  Lavandar: “Nearly there, nearly...”
tosimornottosim replied to the same
Same Aww, just stretched out a little longer
@simstrations replied to your photoset “Toby: “And… there. Lorelei, I’m done with my sculpture! …at least I...”
Uh Scott, I know you were inspired by the entrance to the Mills College Art Museum but I thought you were going for unique?
I know we already had that private IM where I mentioned that his actually was unique, but I want to bring attention to this again cus I googled the museum and just 
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look at these sculptures !!
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “Yes… I think I’ve got it. I- the result, and the luck!”  ...”
im proud of ginerva and their pedestal
It’s interesting how the most expensive sculptures on both sides were pedestals... I wonder if this is symbolic of something.
cafesimming replied to the same
wait shit that means someones gonna die tonight
not woot
A Revelation, in Three Acts
simstrations replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Yours is definitely unique, Scott, but it’s also only worth...”
Betrayal! Betrayal of the highest order! You're supposed to be doing better than this Scott, I'm counting on you! (You are doing decent though Scott don't worry I still love you)
Me when I first saw that:
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tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Yours is definitely unique, Scott, but it’s also only worth...”
Catherine! You did it! You took all the fun out of art but you did it!
Catherine: What is this ‘fun’ you speak of? Is it the same thing as the ‘art’?
simstrations replied to your post “Scott’s Interview”
I was reading this over as a refresher and I have a comment for past me, a Harry Potter reference, really?
I’m not sure if it says more about Harry Potter or myself that I didn’t even catch that Barry Zotter was supposed to be a play on Harry Potter until you just there pointed it out... ^^;
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Well done on the pedestal, Catherine. I double-checked my...”
i like catherine a whole lot tbh
Respect for Paladins step in time
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Ginerva: “That’s more like it! Now you can have a better look at me....”
It's not a bother it's an accommodation is something I should actually remember thanks Lyra
Same TBH. When you’re already prone to feeling bad about needing things, the tendency of neurotypical and able-bodied people to either shame us for or try to steal our own accommodations is doubly irritating to say the least, so I wanted Lyra to Be A Countermeasure to that, however small
@futurecarrie replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “Hi, Lyra.” Lyra: “Heh, your next contestant up here too?”...”
Russian bb has the best insults
I know!! It’s one of the best things about writing people with other languages as their first tongue, being able to work out all the linguistic nuances. Have you heard “a penis from the mountain” before?
jackssims replied to the same
Poor Felicity (also what is with the trend of Carrie's sims going after mine in BCs lmao)
A rivalry as old as time... or at least as old as whbcx2
simstrations replied to your photoset “Toby: “Hm. Lyra and Scott over there, you and me over here, Lorelei…...”
I love it! So much. Now I'm going to sleep before I notice another picture pop up.
In Hindsight This Was Probably For The Best
cafesimming reblogged your photoset   “Lavandar: “–this is what you’re offering ♩ I’ll take the rain, I’ll take–” Lorelei: “Lavandar?” Lavandar: “EEK!”...”
jackssims reblogged the same
#Felicity is doing her best
The same post, two different creators, two very identical reactions~
cafesimming replied to your photoset “ohgod ohgod i’m gonna fffn…” *scuffling* Lorelei: “Nnn… what’s going...”
oh no
Fun fact: Toby’s transformation here wasn’t even planned on my part. Either I’d forgotten how quickly the moon cycle changes around and how close the moon was, or there was an error in the cycle settings, or whatever, but that completely took me by surprise. Still, given it provided its fair share of... chaos, it was a great thing to use to my advantage!
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “I’m j-just gonna… put your dinner down here. Y-you d’nt -...”
You're very Brave Lorelei
Lorelei: n-no, I’m a coward... but thank you for saying so.
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Okay. Let’s really think about this, Lyra. Let’s set this all...”
@ your tags: me too actually
I come up with half my best plot points and dialogue exchanges in the pool. ...granted, when I get out I can’t remember half of them,,,,,
futurecarrie replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Then again, there’s not that much between them, is there?...”
oh man the murderer's being pretty ballsy, throwing the victim right in the pool in front of Lyra jeeeeez
Well, technically behind Lyra, but let’s not split hairs
simstrations replied to your photoset “Lyra: “…Scott? Scott, how’d you…? Fuck!!”
Yup, that's what I thought. Great. This sucks. Oh well. (My exact reaction as I saw the notification pop up.)
Okay, a quick question to those of you who got this far... did I make it too obvious in Episode 3 that Scott was going to be first to die? IIRC I’d already played up to the end of the challenge and rolled for that first victim when I began writing that installment in particular, but I tried to keep the foreshadowing quite light on that score... IDK, I’m trying not to be ungrateful - I guess I was anticipating more of a reaction to the idea that Scott, having been accused in all but name, would die first, but then I’m set in my ways like that.
jackssims replied to your post “Episode 4: Divisi Credits”
Felicity you're doing great sweetie
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Mimi’s RomCom Fluff Challenge
I just reached 16,000 followers! Yay! 
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I have decided to host another writing challenge to celebrate.
I love me a good romantic comedy (aka the romcom). Love them. I also love some good fluff fics, the fluffier the better. I decided to combine the two and the end result is Mimi’s RomCom Fluff Challenge!
Below, you will find a list of some of my favorite romantic comedies, along with quotes from those movies. Your challenge, should you accept it, is to write a fluffy fic including the quote from the movie.
The Rules and Regulations:
Female reader inserts with Sam, Dean, or John Winchester only. No ships (no hate meant, it’s just easier this way).
Your fic can be as many words as you want; I do ask that you please try to make it at least 500 words. Please add a “keep reading” for fics over 500 words. If it doesn’t have a “keep reading” I will not reblog it.
Please make it a one shot or the first part of a series. AU’s are also okay.
Please tag me, @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog and use the hashtag #mimi’s romcom fluff challenge. Make sure the hashtag is in the first 5 tags. If I don’t like it within in 48 hours, I didn’t see it. If that happens, please send me a message.
Please mention somewhere in your author’s notes that it is for @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog RomCom Fluff Challenge and which prompt you had.
The most important rule, it MUST contain fluff. No angst (side-eyes a couple of my writer friends - you know who you are). I want the fluff. It can have smut, but it doesn’t have to. But, there must be fluff.
How to sign up:
Send me an ASK. Not a reply, reblog or IM, it needs to be an ask. Also, don’t send it on anon, I need to know who is participating. If it’s from your side blog, please mention the name of your side blog.
In the ask please tell me:
The number you want and whether you will be writing Sam, Dean or John Winchester. Please send at least one alternative in case your first choice is taken.
If you are writing from your sideblog, please give me the name of the blog.
One prompt per writer (for now).
Fics are due by Saturday, September 2nd. That is about two and a half months. If you can’t make the due date, send me a message to ask for an extension. I won’t be mad or upset. Life happens, I get it. I do ask that if you sign up and can’t finish the fic for whatever reason, please let me know. I may be able to find someone who would like to take your place.
Movies and quotes are below the cut:
10 Things I Hate About You 1.  What is it with this chick? She got beer-flavored nipples? 2.  Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.
13 Going on 30: 3.  I don't wanna be beautiful in my own way. I wanna look like these people! 4.  We need to remember what used to be good. If we don't, we won't recognize it even if it hits us between the eyes.
America’s Sweethearts 5.  Love is a bridge built between two people. We want what exists between them to be real. 6.  Except for the part about my penis. That's true. It's bigger than coins. 7.  How can you be in love with someone and not even like them at the same time? 8.  Your pillow's better than mine.   9.  He's a dead man. No, I'm serious. I know a guy, I'll make a call, and... he's dead. 
A Walk to Remember 10.  You have to promise not to fall in love with me. 11.   What's there to talk about? She's the best person I've ever known. 12.  I'm trying here, OK? Maybe... maybe I miss spending time with you. Maybe you inspire me. 13.  I'm scared of not being with you. 
Breakfast at Tiffany’s 14.  A girl can't read that sort of thing without her lipstick. 15.  Anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot. 16.  You could always tell what kind of a person a man thinks you are by the earrings he gives you. I must say, the mind reels. 17.  I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as well be dead.
Clueless 18.  Anything happens to my daughter, I got a .45 and a shovel, I doubt anybody would miss you. 19.  Anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good. 20.  If I'm too good for him, then how come I'm not with him? 21.  So, this flannel thing. Is that a nod to the crispy Seattle weather, or are you just trying to stay warm in front of the refrigerator?
Crazy, Stupid Love 22.  Will you take off your shirt... fuck! Seriously? It's like you're Photoshopped!  23.  I will never stop trying. Because when you find the one... you never give up. 24.  I'm wildly unhappy, and I'm trying to buy it, and it's not working.
Ever After 25.  She came to tell you the truth, and you fed her to the wolves! 26.  You have found my weakness but I have yet to learn yours. 27.  Besides, you claimed it was a matter of life and death. 28.  Are you putting me under house arrest? 
Failure to Launch 29.  And believe me, I did not want that because I had a good life before you. Well, not good... but... it was okay. Well, it... it was empty, actually, but at least I was blissfully unaware of how miserable I was. Whereas now... because of you... I am acutely aware of how completely and totally unhappy I am. Thank you for that. 30.  Guys who drink Kahlua and cream are not power guys, honey. 31.  Actually, it's... it's quite simple. You just have to decide. Do you want to spend the rest of your life having fun or do you want to spend it with me? 32.  Nothing like the threat of decapitation to make it a little more interesting. 
Friends with Benefits 33.  Why do women think the only way to get a man to do what they want, is to manipulate them? 34.  If you tell anyone about this, I will rip your ears off and staple them to your neck. 35.  It’s not you. Nothing is wrong with you. He’s a guy. You gave him a five date challenge, he got you and cut out. Forget the douche! He’s a dick. He’s a dick douche. 
Hope Floats 36.  Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome. 37.  Oh, I like all of God's creatures; I just like some of them better stuffed. And he's one of them. 38. Why does everybody keep asking me if I've been drinking? What? Is there like a coaster stuck to my... butt or something? 39.  People fall in love. They fall right back out. It happens all the time. 40.  I would have stayed with you forever. I would have turned myself inside out for you. 
How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days 41. You can't lose something you never had. 42.  Guys, a woman's purse, alright, it's her secret source of power. Alright? There are many dark and dangerous things in there, that we, the male species, should know nothing about. 43.  You see, the key to this game is being able to read people. 44.  Look, just give me back the necklace, then you guys can go on and kill each other. 45. Drunk and tone-deaf. Never a good combination. 
Leap Year 46.  Why don't you stop trying to control everything in the known universe. It's dinner. Have a little faith that it will all work out. 47.  Well, when my 60 seconds came around, I realized I had everything I ever wanted, but nothing I really needed. And I think that what I need is here. And I came all this way to see if maybe you might think so too. 
Moulin Rouge 48.  The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. 49.  He's got a huge... talent. 50.  You're going to be bad for business. I can tell. 51.  It's not that I'm not a jealous man. I just don't like other people touching my things.
Never Been Kissed 52.  That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time. 53.  The right guy, he's out there. I'm just not gonna go kiss a whole bunch of losers to get to him. 
Notting Hill 54.  I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. 55.  It's as if I've taken love heroin, and now I can't ever have it again. 56.  I don't know. It just got to the point where I couldn't remember any of the reasons why we were together. 57.  Oh God, this is one of those key moments in life, when it's possible you can be really, genuinely cool - and I'm failing 100%. 58.  Right, no one. I mean, I'll tell myself sometimes but - don't worry - I won't believe it.
Say Anything 59.  She gave me a pen.  I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen. 60.  The world is full of guys. Be a man. Don’t be a guy.  61.  One question: are you here because you need someone, or you need me? Forget it, I don’t care. 62.  So I’m single now, and everything’s changed. I hate it. 
Sixteen Candles 63.  I can't believe this. They fucking forgot my birthday. 64.  Would you guys please hurry up, I'm breaking like 30 major laws here. 65.  When you don't have anything, you don't have anything to lose. Right? 
Someone Like You 66.  There are few things sadder in this life than watching someone walk away after they've left you, watching the distance between your bodies expand until there's nothing... but empty space and silence. 67.  Wow, there's the cynical bitch we know and love. 68.  This is key to understanding the myth of male shyness. For while you think he is flattering you, he is actually flattering himself. Showing how open and honest and sensitive he is. 
Sweet Home Alabama 69.  I can't control her any more than I can control the weather. 70.  So I can kiss you anytime I want. 71.  The girl I knew used to be fearless. 
The Notebook 72.  I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me...everyday. 73.  Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we're already fightin'. 
The Princess Bride 74.  Have fun stormin’ the castle. 75.  There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours. 76.  No more rhymes now, I mean it! 77.  You keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means. 78.  That does put a damper on our relationship. 
This Means War 79.  Don't worry. If you're going to hell, I'll just come pick you up. 80.  Don't choose the better man, choose the man who makes you a better woman.
When Harry Met Sally 81.  I'll have what she's having. 82.  No one has ever quoted me back to me before. 
When in Rome 83.  This real enough for you? 84.  The whole point of love is to put someone else's needs above your own. 85.  Now, you could get your heart broken or you could have the greatest love affair the world has ever known, but you're not going to know unless you try. 
While You Were Sleeping 86.  $45 for a Christmas tree and they don't deliver? You order $10 worth of chow mein from Mr. Wong´s, they bring it to your door. 87.  Ugh! I don't want any flowers, I'm not wearing my black underwear and I definitely don't want to move in with you! 
You’ve Got Mail 88.  But the truth is, I'm heart broken. 89.  You were spying on me, weren't you?
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cryingovernarry · 5 years
i realized i never actually never share anything about me on this website, like, i never really write about stuff thats happened/is happening in my life or about stuff i like and whatever. and like. im the type who’s great at oversharing (shitposting) lmao but apparently never on tumblr i guess?? its not important but yeah i just realized it. ive had this account since april 2012 i think? never made any friends on here tbh i just exist in the background quietly liking or reblogging stuff, and never do anymore than that. and no one will actually care or read this so MIGHT AS WELL am i right ladies and gents and non-binary friends. so heres some good and shitty stuff thats happened in my life
2017 was a good concert year for me i think (please bear with me ive got bad memory) (thx depression) i finally saw ed sheeran (one of the best concerts ive been to even if the people next to us kept talking throughout the whole concert) then i saw shawn mendes (hes baby) i went and saw little mix all by myself (snatched that barricade too!!) it was incredible and i miss them. i was lucky enough to see niall and harry too on their tours and ill never get over that. oh, and niall retweeted one of my tweets so thats something. (im trying to play it cool bc its been over two years it Should Not make me Feel Like This anymore right) i also went to germany in 2016 on december 31st to celebrate new years with my friend who i met through the internet (thanks internet) and i stayed there for a week (shouldve known itd go all downhill after that)
so, while concert-life was on top, my personal life was at bottom and it would only get worse in 2018. 
early 2017 my mom started to feel...sick. her body was hurting all the time. she was in so much pain without knowing why. apparently she had some kind of rare blood disease. it all went so...fast. suddenly she was in and out of hospitals, she got worse, the pain even more worse. some days she could barely walk and all she could do was cry. it’s horrible seeing your own mom like that. knowing there was nothing you could do. i did my best though, i moved back home to help her with my siblings becuase their father is a piece of shit who never helped my mom even if she was sick. she was at her lowest and he didnt care and he only made her worse. but i took on the responsibility of taking care of my younger siblings, and mom. as much as i could. while my older sister came home almost every weekend so she could help too. our grandma did her best too. we all tried so much to help mom. 
in september my mom called from the hospital. she told me her disease has turned into leukemia. this was the first time i cried with my mom. 
she did all kinds of chemo, got isolated at the hospital. wasn’t allowed to go out or sometimes even see her own kids. my sister and i took turns staying with her at the hospital though. i think the longest i stayed with her at the hospital was two weeks straight. 
when the results of her last chemo came back the doctor said the cancer hadnt gone down as much as they had hoped. they said my mom could do one last chemo but that was it, if the cancer wasnt gone after that there would be nothing more they could do to help my mom. because her body wouldnt be able to handle anymore. my mom was a fucking fighter, she had no hesitation about it. 
she was allowed to come home for christmas and the new years. no one knew it would be our last one with her. 
it turned into 2018 and she handled her last chemo pretty well. didnt affect her as much as the others had. she was allowed to come home for the weekend in february. she was so happy to see her kids again. she felt good. but she wasn’t. she really wasn’t. i think that weekend was the worst in my life. 
on march 20th, 2018. after a month of being in a coma, she passed away in her sleep. my wonderful mom, who fought to get better for her kids, who had been suffering for a year, finally got to rest. she wasn’t in pain anymore. 
seeing your mom taking her last breath really fucks you up in some type of way. 
she left six kids behind her. 
my mom always supported me going to concerts. she’s a big music fan herself and she knew how much going to concerts meant to me. always got excited when i told her about them, always listened to me. always listened when i played her new songs or albums. two days before her passing i saw harry styles in concert, tickets bought months before. i wasn’t sure i was even going, but i knew mom would’ve wanted to so i did. i wasn’t at my best during that concert, sat down for most of it but i cannot explain how much seeing harry meant to me. he really helped me feeling better for some hours, made me laugh and smile. i’ll always be grateful for that.  a month after my moms passing i had tickets for another concert, that was for niall horan. i really didn’t think i would be able to handle it, but i did it for mom. knew she would’ve wanted me to go. my friend was a great distraction, and we also met some lovely people in the line and i was so grateful. i will always be thankful for niall, even if he made me cry during flicker. he really helped me too, without knowing. saw 5sos too after three years at the end of the year, with my childhood best friend who i hadn’t seen in over a year. concerts really is the best medicine. at least for me.
i felt so lost without my mom, i still feel that way. some days i have a hard time believing she’s actually gone. your mom isn’t supposed to die when your’re twenty one. she’s supposed to be there next to you while you’re trying to figure out your life. 
i’m gonna be honest with you, i don’t really remember most of 2018. and i don’t think i actually want to remember either. 
2019 has been slightly better so far. saw disney on ice (incredible). in april we finally went to london. something my mom had always wanted too, so i took the necklace i got her years ago and brought it with me to london so at least a piece of her would be there too with us. 
on the first day my older sister and i saw shawn (hes still baby). we also went to madame tussauds (finally met one direction yall), went on london eye, walked to the buckingham palace. took a bus to warner bros studio tour of harry potter. that was fucking incredible. drank disgusting butterbeer. london felt like a dream. 
i still don’t know what to do with my life, i don’t really have any dreams. im currently living with my grandma and she really doesnt want me to move out lmao. and i feel bad for leaving her
so that’s it i guess. hi everyone who hopefully didn’t read any of this. my names amanda and my lifes a mess and all tangled up but that’s okay. thats what everyone says. gotta focus on the good things happening in your life. and don’t take your family and friends for granted. please. 
also heres my face ft. my harrys tour tshirt. be nice please. okay bye.
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