Writer and Fangirl
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deansdirtylittlesecretsblog · 2 months ago
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Love my FanFiction? Try my Books!
My books are available on Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Google Play Books,, and other retailers. If you want to help me get the most royalties, you can order direct from my publisher:
Check out the reviews here:
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The Time Has Come
Over the next few months, I will be removing my fan fiction from this blog. My intent is to have it removed by the end of June. All fan fiction will be removed.
I will try, though I won't promise, to upload it to AO3.
This has been a long time coming. I am no longer active in the fan fiction community as I have been blessed to be able to work with a publisher to write and publish my original fiction. My 8th book just came out and my 9th book will be released in the fall.
I miss the Supernatural fandom and that show will always own my heart. But I don't have time any more to devote to writing fan fiction. The unfinished fics eat at me (as do the not-so-nice messages I sometimes receive about them) so I think it would be best if I just took everything down. I'll leave the blog up because who doesn't like to look at pictures of Dean Winchester?
I want to thank everyone who has supported me, both as a fan fiction writer and in my writing career. My dream job as an author wouldn't be possible without your encouragement over the years.
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☝️☝️☝️☝️That’s me!
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Hey Mimi wanted to say I’m so happy for you about your books, but I was also curious do you not write Spn fics anymore?
Thank you!🥰
Unfortunately, I don't have time to write fanfiction at all. I have some pretty tight deadlines for my books. Also, I try to devote all my creativity to writing my original work.
I hope you're doing well!
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Hey ! I was just going through my following list and noticed that your Marvel blog was gone, along with Star's... I was just wondering If maybe you'd moved them off tumblr and had A03 accts that I might be able to follow ? I loved yours and Stars writing so much !
Hello! You are correct, our blogs are "gone." Mine is set to private and Star unfortunately had to delete hers. We do both have AO3's though:
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Love my FanFiction? Try my Books!
My books are available on Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Google Play Books,, and other retailers. If you want to help me get the most royalties, you can order direct from my publisher:
Check out the reviews here:
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Awwwwwwwwwww! I had to log in and say HI and I love you and miss you, too!
I’m doing fantastic! My third book comes out in October and my fourth in November! I’m officially an emptynester and I just got two new puppies! Life is wonderful! I hope you are doing well! 
Heard some .38 Special on the radio today and thought of Mimi @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog .
Hope she's doing just fantastic.
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AHHHHH! @ejlovespie Please let me know what you think of it!! 💕💕💕
Got tagged by @fighterkimburgess so I’m doing it now in case I forget.
rules: tag nine people you want to know better
favourite colour: pastel colours in general but if I had to pick one then blue!
currently reading: not really reading any books now, but fic-wise I started @fighterkimburgess “Lover” (which is late I know, but I have more time now)
last song: Teardrops on my Guitar by Taylor Swift (my spotify was on shuffle lol)
last series: rewatching OC, but I’m also watching Grey’s Anatomy currently! For Kdramas, I’m watching Penthouse, but going slow cos once I play Grey’s I can’t stop LOL
last movie: omg it’s been ages since I watched a movie but I think it’s the korean movie “Seo Bok”!
sweet, savoury or spicy: savoury!
craving: cold milk tea, actually anything cold really, the weather is a torture here!
tea or coffee: coffee! I drink both but more coffee!
currently working on: refining “Where Have You Been” (and deciding whether to pump up updates to twice a week instead), also started working on a new Adam one-shot today, which was requested (and i hope im not gonna bomb it haha). Oh and I may or may not have had a new idea for a Kelly fic (><)
Gonna tag @sylviesunshine @campingmonkey @halsteadlover @deandaydreaming @study-coffee-chicago @i-like-sparkly-things and anyone else who wants to do!
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My book is now available at all major retailers as well as ebook and online!
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Thank you so much!!! 🥰🥰
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My first book Private Lives (Second Chances in Hollywood Book 1) is now available from 4 Horsemen Publications. It is available as an ebook from Kindle, Nook, Apple Books, and Google Play here and in paperback from your favorite online retailers (Walmart, Amazon, Barnes & Noble).
Living in Hollywood, Chris Chandler has just about everything that he could ever dream of: a People’s Choice Award, lead actor in an acclaimed television series, anything and everything money could buy. Most people would be happy with all of that, but not Chris. As Hollywood’s most eligible bachelor, it is difficult to find the one person he wants to spend the rest of his life with, especially living under the constant scrutiny of the paparazzi. Every relationship he’s had with a woman–from friends only to dating to semi-serious–gets dissected until there’s nothing left. What he needs now, what he wants, is something with no strings attached.
Sofia Larson is not your typical escort. She works for Private Lives, a company where the women they employ and the men that seek their company sign contracts, swearing themselves to silence and secrecy. What happens with each encounter is up to Sofia; while companionship is a guarantee, sex is not. Having an obscene amount of bills to pay, Sofia is only in it for the money. Her motto is “Don’t get involved, don’t get emotional, and don’t bring the job home.”
And then she meets Chris Chandler.
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My first book Private Lives (Second Chances in Hollywood Book 1) is now available from 4 Horsemen Publications. It is available as an ebook from Kindle, Nook, Apple Books, and Google Play here and in paperback from your favorite online retailers (Walmart, Amazon, Barnes & Noble).
Living in Hollywood, Chris Chandler has just about everything that he could ever dream of: a People’s Choice Award, lead actor in an acclaimed television series, anything and everything money could buy. Most people would be happy with all of that, but not Chris. As Hollywood’s most eligible bachelor, it is difficult to find the one person he wants to spend the rest of his life with, especially living under the constant scrutiny of the paparazzi. Every relationship he’s had with a woman--from friends only to dating to semi-serious--gets dissected until there’s nothing left. What he needs now, what he wants, is something with no strings attached.
Sofia Larson is not your typical escort. She works for Private Lives, a company where the women they employ and the men that seek their company sign contracts, swearing themselves to silence and secrecy. What happens with each encounter is up to Sofia; while companionship is a guarantee, sex is not. Having an obscene amount of bills to pay, Sofia is only in it for the money. Her motto is "Don’t get involved, don’t get emotional, and don’t bring the job home."
And then she meets Chris Chandler.
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Oh @sammit-janet I miss you too! I’ve been so busy with my writing that I haven’t been on Tumblr much at all! I do miss you! 🥰🥰🥰
I hope you’re doing well!
I Swear
Sometimes I feel like I’m just shouting into the void on here.  I post something and it’s just like…
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No interaction.  No replies.  No reblogs.  It’s like I don’t exist.  I miss my GUS Family.  I miss our porn gif battles.  I miss our cheerleading each other through tough times.  I miss INTERACTING with you guys.
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@femmedplume @beakaleak32 @crowley-is-my-homeboy @hidingfrommychildren @spnjensenlove02 @mamapeterson @jessica-bones-winchester @climbthatmooselikeatree @breaksuperwhobad @lastcallatrockysbar @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @snarky-fangirl @coltsandquills @sweetasscas @obsessiontisanoblething @jensensgotyoudean @gnaist @hides-in-the-shadows @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @deanscarlett @but-deans-back-tho @ooohesslimandalittlebitfoxy @eatit-twilight-blog @mischief-maker1 @nerdydemonlover @nova0418 @yuisheart @ilikeallofem @winchestersandwordprocessors @jensen-frackles @superwholock-harleyq @geeklibrarian @lealynnkittenwinchester @guccistardust​ @oriona75 @last-rodeo @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid​ @supernaturalpirate @puddingsandpiesxoxo @nova0418  @onemoretuesday 
and yes, i still talk to some of the people on this list, but a lot of them have disappeared and i don’t see and/or talk to them anymore.
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Do you want a sneak peek of my book cover?
Join my email list HERE! I’m sending out an email later today with a sneak peek! Be one of the first to see the cover of my soon-to-be-published book, Private Lives!
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I finally watched the finale. I’d been avoiding it because I knew it would break my heart. Which it did.
My opinion? I loved it. I thought it was very well done. Taking the show as a whole, it made sense to me. 
Yell away.
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You guys, THAT’S ME!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I signed with a publisher!!
I signed with a PUBLISHER!!!!
It’s official, the contracts are signed.
I have 2 series planned which will include at least 6 books, with another potential series that I’m working on. The books will be available across multiple platforms: paperback, e-books, audiobooks, and at Target and Walmart. 
Needless to say, I am beyond excited.
I’ll push out more information as I can. If you want to keep up with what I’m doing and be notified when my books are available for pre-order, you can join my email list here.
None of this would be possible without you guys. Your support, comments, reviews, oohs, ahs, keyboard slams, amazing messages, and awesome asks have kept me going. It helped me hone my craft and made me brave when I wouldn’t have been and for that I will be forever grateful. 
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
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Please follow!
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Hey guys! I’m launching my new website and I would love it if you would join my email list! There’s lots of exciting stuff happening right now and I can’t wait to share it with you! Join my email list to keep up-to-date!
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