#im gonna blow a gasket
tvdfan23 · 6 days
I think im gonna have to go on blood pressure medication again...not surprised, just disappointed.
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sporesgalaxy · 7 months
people participating in fandoms they havent seen the source material for is boggling to me. someone once read a fanfic of mine for a show they had not watched and while I was happy they read it because its the best thing ive written yet it feels Off to me because like. I think my story about a repressed gay guy who gets godlike powers is going to give a somewhat inaccurate view of what happens in lego city adventures
YEAH.....I just. I can never get over how much can be lost without knowing a fan-piece's intertext w the source media. Even the most out-there AU's I've made and enjoyed, I always enjoy them BECAUSE of the conversation they're having with the original work, in the ways things are different and the ways they stay the same. Engaging with only half of that conversation means willingly missing out on cool shit that people put thought into.......why do that 🥺
I always regret it when I read a fanfic for something I AM watching/reading but just havent finished yet, either because I missed some juicy commentary on the source material that I couldn't appreciate at the time, or because I missed the way some parts misaligned with my takeaways from the source, sometimes on a fundamental level that I just hadnt been aware of yet. And like, I still can enjoy fan art and writing for stuff I'm not familiar with, but I always enjoy it with the thought in mind that I'm missing out!!
I guess what Im rambling so much trying to say is that YEAH I just do NOT understand how going into fanworks blind is ENOUGH for anyone to let that be their entire relationship to a piece of fiction, because it is NEVER enough for ME........!!!!! WHERES THE MEAT ON THAT....i just dont understand.....
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jax-is-rattled · 4 months
Playing Lies of P and this god damn cathedral is gonna be the death of me.
I've been stuck on the rafter part in the beginning room for over a day and if I don't get past it soon I'm gonna punch a hole thru my own face.
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criminal-sen · 1 year
Ohhhhhmy fucking god so my New Friend recently came out as nonbinary/genderfluid and they are gnc af about it, like they wear the most genderbending outfits and are Super Proud to be out. And my parents, who haven't met them yet, invited them to lunch tomorrow.. so I jokingly asked them if they wanted to go and they fucking. said yes?!?!?! So now I'm gonna have to sit my parents down and have a talk about gender and transness and also might wind up coming out to them in the process and jfc it needs to happen anyway but I am so fucking stressed out about it😭
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not a genuine frerardie but the whole jamia doesn't listen to franks music thing is so funny from a frerardie standpoint like he made For Jamia and she was like respectfully i am not reading all of that but i'm happy for you or sorry that happened. so that was one less person who's opinion of his solo music he had to worry about LMAO
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bugmistake · 2 years
i shouldnt have to work on a saturday. i should be allowed to hang out and sleep in and hang out
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lilgynt · 1 year
i will not call out no matter how much i want to (self affirmation) ((not working))
#personal#i’m not gonna call out especially bc i have a chance of doing way less today if i’m on that project again#it’ll still probably be dog shit after 5 and we’ll only have like 3 agents again#which i know means that supervisors is gonna send me that copy paste again that we go through every fucking week bc we only have like 3#agents for 3 hours and i get she’s stressed but if i get that copy paste again just for her to be like no worries take ur time!!!#i’m gonna blow a fuckin gasket and make it so we only got two agents tonight#like is it specifically her fault? absolutely not fuck the company for not hiring more people and sucks she’s the only supervisor for a#hot second that’s not fair on her but flip side she’s burnin bridges with 1/3 agents she has for like fucking hours two nights of the week#like i have no desire to help you at all. mainly bc the message you said is literally fucking copied and pasted#just text me like a normal person!!! hey we’re slammed can i get you back on calls?#hey no rush but much longer on whatever aux?#i think i’d be annoyed no matter what bc it’s not fair nor my fault the company can’t balance agents during the day/night#but the copy paste and the same fucking convo everytime is killing me#and the way she’s the only to message me like this let alone every fucking shift we work together#i imagine she texts everyone this shit im not special but does not mean i don’t fucking hate it#re writing this almost made me call out 😭😭 i got so mad no i have to go in one bc i don’t want to be fired#two bc i might do fuck all today 😭 waited two hours yesterday for a project to review just doing fuck all
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yb-cringe · 13 days
good god. good fuckin lord disabled is not a dirty word just say disabled stop saying differently abled im gonna actually blow a gasket
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napswithwolfie · 7 months
LU Pokemon AU
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Looking for pokemon with multiple concinesses to build four’s team was very fun ngl, tough it did get op quickly what with the empahise on steel types for his team. Anyhoot enjoy the hc’s :))))
(lord forgive me for the horrible names i’ve given some of these poor mons. I promise to give them proper names in the futures…)
Time Sky Warriors Twilight Wild Legend Hyrule 🧩Four Wind 
Team descriptions under the cut 👋👀
🧩Minccino: Smol. Mousey. Adorable - a sweet minish native. I originally wanted to make mincinno Four’s main mon but that felt a little underwhelming (no hate minny babes sobs). 
Mincinno has an easygoing personality, letting the wind take them where it wants, enjoying all the opportunities that comes its way. They are able to find the small joys in the mundane that most others may misinterpret as childish naivety. They insist on keeping junk they find, puzzling over items trying to figure out how to recycle what it finds.
🧩Mawile: (so i know the pokedex strongly insists mawiles jaw is just a set of horns, but we’re gonna ignore all that and say its a second head. Okay cool sweet nice) 
Their two consciousness are at odds with one another most times, often with the jaw snapping in odd directions trying to tug mawile away from whatever they’re doing. It can be annoying relying on someone else to get everything done but Maws trusts Smiles to listen to them. But eh, its not so bad being in the passenger seat, much simpler in fact not having to worry about much.     
🧩Magnezone: Its endearing seeing someone as large and bulky as Magnezone hovering over a flower its curious over. Similar to Four they’re housing multiple personalities that they will swap between.
1: shy careful   2: easily distracted clumsy   3: bold insistent Each on of their personality will let their curiosity drag them away
🧩Leavanny: Infinite patience - This is a team with 13 consciousness - They will pull on their motherly instincts to wangle each and every present mind into line. You bet when they blow a gasket everyone suffers. 
🧩Aegislash: (similar to mawile we’re gonna tweak actual cannon to suit my needs, in my case the blade and shield are separate entities and have a symbiotic relationship.) 
Sword (gods i promise i’ll give them proper names, mercy i cri) is a timid creature unsure of their own strength. They get overwhelmed easily and constantly beg to hide behind Sheild. This frustrates Sheild to no end, adding to its complex over its passive form. 
They hate seeing Sword belittle themselves, that they can’t understand their own strength, and their potential to be a powerful duo. Though they don’t know how to show Sword this and their attempts at ‘encouragement’ often come across as bullying. 
🧩Hydreigon: Iirc dink is a big part of four’s story so we’re gonna try and squeeze him in here.
I really have no idea what im doing here so gonna leave it be and work on it later when i learn more about fours dink.
Notes: I reeeeeeeeally wanted to include metagross in four’s team with each cores’ colour matching his spirits’. Tho the 1-2-3 pattern had to stay with four tying it all together nicely.
Honorable mention to spida tho. I thought of a them having a chameleon like affect with their spot arrangement switching whenever a different persona took the wheel.
I actually havent played that many zelda games, and surprisingly of the few i did play four swords and minish were some of them. But that was forever ago when they literally first released, so i remember next to nothing about those games.
🔴 Partner Pokemon: Mawile ⚪ Smaller team: Minccino, Mawile, Magnezone
🔂Time 🐥Sky 🌹Warriors 🐶Twilight 🏹Wild ✌️Legend 🍃Hyrule 🧩Four 🌊Wind
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e-munson666 · 2 years
The DM's Girlfriend.
(Eddie learns that Mike Wheeler is crushing on his girlfriend)
No real warnings, just fluff and maybe language
🖤Lady hellfire🖤
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You had been Eddies girlfriend for the past 2 weeks, and tonight was the first night he had invited you to sit in on Hellfire. You were a little nervous to hangout with all of his friends in a setting so intimate to them, but you eventually agreed after Eddie tortured you with puppy eyes for half of the school day.
"Please princess, I need my good luck charm next to me so I can defeat all those bastards" he chuckles, swinging your arm around as he held your hand.
"Okay okay Mr. Dungeon Master, I'll come to Hellfire" you giggle rolling your eyes.
He beamed down at you with joy, "Yes! Baby I'm so excited!"
"Just make sure Wheeler keeps it in is pants" you joke, causing Eddie to stop short in the hallway.
"Wait...what?" He asked, clearly annoyed.
"Its nothing Eds, I can just tell he has a little crush on me is all"
"He WHAT?!" Eddie repeats
"Eddie, are you seriously telling me you haven't noticed your little sheepy constantly staring at me or sitting super close to me on purpose?" You chuckle again as you watch your boyfriends face go from anger, to confusion, to.....amusement.
"Of course! It makes so much sense now......little shit is always asking if your gonna be around when the party hangs out" Eddie laughs kissing your cheek.
Hellfire was just about to get under way, the party members were all seated, waiting for their dungeon master to arrive.
Moments later Eddie came bursting through the doors, theatrically as ever, followed by you. You gave everyone a little wave as they all greater you cheerfully, all except Mike.
"What the hell Eddie, I thought hellfire was a girlfriend free zone" Mike complained as you took your seat next to Eddie.
"I never said that Wheeler.....besides......I thought you'd be thrilled to see her" Eddie teases, leaning forward to give Mike an intimidating glare.
"Wh....what? Why wou......I dont......I don't care that's shes here" Mike stutters, folding his arms.
Gareth and Jeff are snickering to each other at the other end of the table while Dustin and Lucas just sat looking mortified.
"Oh you don't care that she's here huh?" Eddie asked, intimidation in his voice
"No.....why....why would I care?" Mike replies, eyes darting between his friends and Eddie.
"Because you clearly have a crush on her" Dustin blurts out, slapping his hand over his mouth immediately after.
The room burst into laughter, watching Mike sink into his seat, cheeks burning red.
"Henderson is right Wheeler, you clearly have a crush on the Dungeon Masters girlfriend." Eddie teases again.
Mike shoots Dustin a deadly glare before turning his blushing face over to Eddie.
"I....I'm....I didnt.....I wasn't" Mike stutters
"Wheeler calm down before you blow a gasket, im just giving you shit" Eddie roars with laughter
"Just keep your fuckin hands to yourself and we won't have a problem, will we princess?" Eddie asks, turning the rooms attention on you.
"Its okay Mikey, I think your little crush is cute" you respond, sending Mike a little wink.
His eyes nearly budlge out of his head as you spoke, quickly glancing over at Eddie and then back at his friends.
"Oh man Mike, if you could see your face right now" Lucas says between laughs.
"Its not funny you assholes!" Mike spat
"Oh, but it is Wheeler, it really is" Gareth said, wiping his eye.
"Allright you fuckin idiots, let's get down to business shall we" Eddie interrupts, slamming his notebook on the table.
"Wheeler, why don't you go ahead and roll first, you have officially become tonight's target" Eddie quips, raising a brow at Mike as he tossed the freshmen a pair of dice.
Mike just nods slightly, and nervously tosses the dice on the table, all the while refusing to look at you, or Eddie......which meant tonight's game was going to be a lot more fun than you thought.
A/n: just something cute and silly to bring me back from my hiatus!
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nanamin-nah-nanamine · 4 months
Hello-hello! How is your everything, dear writer? (im so nervous can you tell) I am here for the match, please and thank you!
I'm 23 yo woman, bi. 6'1, muscular/chubby build, short black hair, a lot of tattoos. Short-tempered, giggly bitch, love all things horror - from movies to games. Love sweet things, hate cooking. Hopeless romantic at heart, introvert with a penchant to days long hiking trips alone when work allows for it.
Hello hello! I’m sorry this took so long to make but I got the perfect person for you!!!
I think you’re gonna get paired up with…🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Tsukumo Yuki!(God I love women)
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Alright now hear me out😭
I know Yuki is very extroverted and out there but bbg I feel like that’s what you need. Yuki will absolutely flip your world on its axis and show you things you’ve never seen before.
I feel like she can diffuse your short temper with ease because she’s honestly just really chill and playful so she won’t take it too seriously if you blow a gasket😭 she’s young at heart so she’s definitely down for whatever activities you are. She’ll defer to what you wanna do that day because honestly, nothing really freaks her out and she’s not worried about either of your safety due to her special grade status and training.
You better believe she’s hopping on the motorcycle zooming around tokyo to get you a sweet little treat after dinner. She will always be down for a sweet treat even if she doesn’t want one so you don’t feel put out.
At the end of the day you’re still an introvert so she respects your need for space and only asks that you check in with her to let her know where you’re going and that you’re still alive.
She’s playful and nonchalant but she’s also pretty sweet once you get to know her. She can be stubborn because she just wants what’s best for you but she definitely shows her love through actions instead of words.
Activities you do together…
•watching horror films. Like I mentioned prior Yuki doesn’t spook easily so she’s the perfect partner to check out a new film or franchise with.
•joyrides down abandoned roads going way too fucking fast(with proper helmets and gear, she wants her baby unharmed)
•tattoo dates!!! Yuki isn’t inked yet but once again she’s down for anything, you just gotta name the time and place and she’ll be there.
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dogwhizzer · 8 months
if i got into the falsettos tag and see the words this post contains filtered content one more time im gonna blow a gasket
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thoughts on the funky little 2000’s impreza outback sports? im looking into buying one >:3 its been sitting in a parking lot for ~6 months and supposedly just needs solenoids and fluids (and probably a battery, though the thing looks brand new so im gonna try and charge it first) to get running.
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oh those are solid, late 90s through early 2000s subarus are the best ones imo. if it’s been sitting just check all the seals and gaskets, those can get stiff or break down a bit if they sit. subarus are known for blowing head gaskets so one that’s been sitting should almost certainly have an eye kept on it. but i doubt six months is long enough to do sizeable damage, i’ve had a car sit that long and start right up no problem (granted it was a corolla). assuming everything’s good have fun with your new subaru!
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pearl-blue-musings · 8 months
(I've decided to start counting how many times I've submitted this, FUCK TUMBLR. This is the 14th time. Happy birthday, bby 😭)
"Wake up, my love." Shinso's voice pulled you out of your sleep, warmth enveloping you as he pulled you close.
"Mm, nooo. You're comfyyy." You whined, curling into him.
"As much as I'd love to stay like this, I have a surprise for you." A chuckle escaped him, his eyes shining with love as he looked at you.
"Because it's your birthday, silly." Running his fingers through your hair, he managed to pull you out of your sleepy haze. With a big stretch, you gazed up at him. You couldn't help but admire how lovely he looked, even with his bed head and tired eyes.
"Whats the surprise?" As you traced your finger over his chest, you saw a slight sparkle. Furrowing your brows, you pulled your hand back.
"Oh my go- Really?" A beautiful diamond set in a gold band was now placed on your finger.
"I wanted to do a crazy date night to do this, but I couldn't wait anymore. Plus, I knew you'd say yes."
"You don't know that!" You teased.
"Yeah? Those pretty noises you made for me last night would say otherwise." His lips were pressed again hickeys he left across your neck.
With a soft growl, he bit down, making you squeal.
"Let's celebrate, shall we?"
-🌸 (I'll blow a fucking gasket if this doesn't go through. Tumblr, please. Let my fav be happy.)
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also fuck tumblr cause 14??????? Too many 😩😩
But honestly I really fucking needed this I’m sobbing at this rn I’m gonna read this over and over and over and over like the surprise ring???????? I’m CRYING HES SO PERFECT I’m saving this forever
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angelgendered · 5 months
How do I broach the subject with my mother that I'm going to start gender affirming care soonish. Like as in, if I can get an appointment once I've had my next payday, im doing it. Even if it had to be face to face and I have to go to London cause iirc that's where this service is based...
I have to use a specific service cos my gp won't share care with most gender clinics cos he's had issues with restrictions from some and prescriptions from others not turning up. So he has suggested GenderCare and Dr Lorimer to me. So I'm gonna see where that goes. If that fails, then he has other clinicians uder GenderCare that i can talk to or have appointments with also!
Oh! A new friend is going to sign my deed poll as a witness to save me going to the solicitors and paying out the arse for that too, which is so lovely of them!!
My mum will blow a gasket at me doing this without her permission or consulting her but I'm so done with caring and making myself small and palatable for her so she can be lazy and keep calling me my deadname and daughter and all that shite. She acts like she cares, but she's absolutely a control freak who just wants a say over my health along with every damn thing else lol
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goatpaste · 2 years
i really don’t get why people get so heated if someone doesn’t like a ship/character. bruabba is my favorite ship with abbacchio being my favorite character. i like your art for your art and people need to realize it’s okay to have different opinions. it’s BORING if you revolve your entire twitter experience defending a ship or character 😭
like, i keep my mouth shut on the top 90% of the time lol, and when i bring up my dislike for the character or ship i keep it light hearted because it doesnt actually matter it really does
and a lot of my mutuals like it to! it doesnt even matter
but im allowed to dislike that and they know that?
and if your someone who is gonna blow a fucking gasket about something like this you need to seek help, it does NOT matter
like the poll is silly its lighthearted, its me going, yknow lol i dont like a lot of popular ships come and join me in my hater zone for a moment for fun so i can use the new poll system
and their shitting themselves
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