#im going to regret this aren't i
alrighty fuckers for every note this gets ill write one more word for a scene im working on until its finished.
to prevent this from getting out of hand you are not allowed to spam and you are not allowed to tag people, have fun
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louisfoxe · 5 months
If this post gets any responses I'm probably going to regret it but I'm not actually expecting anyone to have an answer, so here we go.
This is specifically for US Americans of voting age who loathe the idea of Joe Biden getting re-elected. Who say he's either the same or worse than Trump. That he's an awful human being and a terrible president etc. That absolutely no one, and definitely not you, you poor dumb "liberal" sheep, should be voting for him in November.
What is your alternative? I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm actually not going to give my opinion on Biden or his presidency. What I want to know, is if Biden is the awful person that no one should be voting for *what is my better option*? What is the better option that has the slightest chance of doing anything that's going to be better *and* is going to be viable by November?
I actually want to know this. If voting for Biden is Worse Than Trump, what are we supposed to do instead? What actual, viable, actionable idea do you have?
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nazitty56 · 3 months
My brain needs to HUSH, I swear.
Listening to music, minding my own business.
Soooooo.... guess what I'm doing, guys T^T.
To make matters worse? I'm having fun making these insane characters T^T
If you want to see me post Villain here or any of the one-shots in the Problems series, please let me know, I'll be happy to let y'all join my suffering
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scionshtola · 5 months
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8. What is one of their biggest regrets? Has it had an effect on how they act moving forward, for better or worse? (x)
Corisande has a few regrets tied up in Haurchefant and his death. After their traumatic attempt at healing their own burns, they stopped investing their time in learning how to heal and instead relied on Y'shtola or Alphinaud for healing. They partially blame themself for his death-if they had learned healing magic, or never became romantically involved or brought him into the scions' problems, maybe he would still be alive. But it is one of the things that keeps them going, that his sacrifice might not be in vain, and he is who they think of every time they hear the phrase "For those we have lost. For those we can yet save."
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lupismaris · 4 months
One of the most uncomfortable experiences of autistic adulthood in my experience truly has been- either relationships/friendships, and the process of building them, need to be easier to navigate or I need to want them less because this no man's land is a special kind of lonely.
And it's not a vague post or pity post, it's just an observation re community building in a local sense. We're told it's harder when you're older, harder when you're sober, harder when you're xyz. But that doesn't take away the need for community or help with navigating the process of building it.
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paperclipfanatic · 1 year
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(Rant/Analysis in tags)
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rtprsd3nt · 10 months
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i got jime ts2 ( he ate all my dias)
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emeraldxphoenix · 6 months
possibly surprise starter for @othunderous
Reality coalesces around Loki, the jagged opposite of the last thing the god felt before she had faded away to dust. Blood coats her arms and the hem of her cloak, dagger gripped firmly in her left hand and a spell half-way conjured in her right. Pain crackles up her spine, down the side of her left thigh and throbs across her chest. Feet stumble forward until she hits the ground on her hands and knees, lungs shakily gasping for air – one amongst hundreds of the newly reformed. What just happened?
A short time later – far too short, in the trickster’s opinion – she is crossing through a portal from one side of Midgard to the other, in step behind the tree and the man with the metal arm. She doesn’t have the full story, probably not even half of it, but the other warriors here have assumed that she will help once again, and she has made no objection. In the end, it is the sight of Thor – alive, but much altered, and foolishly vulnerable in this mangled wasteland – that has her feet planting themselves shoulder-width apart, and her knees bending in a ready stance. 
Loki did not fail to protect her brother last time; she does not intend to fail now.
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aqua-cultured · 1 year
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I got a job in my field but I had to turn it down because they simply weren't offering enough money. It's beyond insulting to be offered minimum wage when I have a master's degree and relevant work experience.
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drysauce · 2 years
uni definitely isn't for me but everything else isn't for me either so i have to somehow bear with it i guess
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I have acquired a porcelain deer that looks like Abigail
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buttfacemcgee · 10 months
.personal shit in tags.
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edit: i see a lot of people arguing over the 'eat the rich' thing and i'd like to clear up my standing currently! i know they aren't the same kind of fancy multi-million corporation that our beloved phrase talks about, and the reason i agree to a point with this comment is that watcher is evidently trying to become that. they're doing some shitty things in regards do disregarding poorer fans, and are seemingly blatantly ignoring the economic crisis by saying 'everyone can afford that!', all in direct contrast to their entire branding of being leftist and openly supporting things like eat the rich.
"You said 'eat the rich' then handed us the forks, laid on the plate, and expected us to spare you?" at least from my understanding isn't flat-out saying watcher are now the rich we eat, but are well on the track to becoming so, and are quickly developing the same ego.
BUT!! don't like people directly hating on steven like that!! they're all grown men who can make their own decisions, and pretending like shane and ryan are out little baby beans and then calling steven evil and whatnot isn't okay. they can all be held equally accountable. though i do somewhat understand being the most disappointed in shane, as he's the one who speaks on shit like eating the rich the most, and is generally more outward with his ideals, so it's perfectly reasonable to feel betrayed more deeply. but bottom line is they're all equally accountable for this decision.
some shit we can't take back. i probably got pissed and said some weird/uncool shit initially because of the intense emotions i was dealing with, which other people amplified. i do regret some of the things i've said to a point when it comes to being hateful, but i can't just un-say it all, so i'm not even going to try. i'm going to leave everything be and allow it to serve as something to look back on for what not to do in future circumstances. while this new path for watcher is, in my opinion, not the smartest and generally really shitty, they're human beings who make mistakes, and they deserve our acknowledgement of that.
in short, i don't like it but i'll stop being a bitch about it because they don't deserve that. also sorry for the wall of (probably incoherent lmao) text i got passionate <3
edit 2: guys. im screaming. the apology was amazing imo and i genuinely think they really mean it, like it doesn't seem bullshitted. i think they realized they fucked up for reals and feel bad. im so happy for them, but also for us as fans. yay :D
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mayhem-moth · 11 months
I am in a constant battle with myself every day and there is no winning
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d3vilcvntz · 3 months
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local slutboy taken a liking to you ?!?
top male reader x bottom character
you hated yourself for even agreeing with your friends to go into a random town just to get drunk. it will be fun they said, but now you're just dying to go home and lay down on your comfy soft bed. unfortunately for you, you can't just ditch your friends and go home because you came here with their car,no taxi around here either so you're just stuck here, bored as hell. maybe a smoke break will clear your mind a little
so here you are, standing in a random dark alleyway to smoke. well, that's your plan until a random person approached you. he's wearing a hoodie that's definitely too big for him with a face mask "mind giving me some?" he suddenly asked, walking closer to you
you stared at him for a sec before turning away "nah, this shit expensive man. rather not give it to random guy" you replied, looking at him again. he just chuckled at your response "i've never seen your face here before. you're not from here im guessing?" he asked, which you answered with a simple nod, "it's dangerous to wonder around here all alone you know. these people aren't really friendly" he said, smiling at you
"...what do you want from me ?" you responded to him quite harshly, clearly annoyed that someone disturb your peace. "nothing, i just want you" he replied almost instantly. you just looked at him like he's crazy and awkwardly laughed, brushing it off as a joke before he spoke again, "im a sex worker, im quite popular around here. you're lucky that im offering my service to you" he said, getting uncomfortably closer to you
"I'll pass, don't carry cash with me" you responded, turning around to walk away until he grabbed your arm and push you against the wall
"don't worry. i won't charge you much. how about.... you give me the pack of cigarettes and i let you hit? a good deal isn't it ?" you looked at him once again, "tempting isn't it? don't be scared now, i promise that im better than any women you've ever slept with" he whispered to your ear
you'll definitely regret this later but oh well, you've been pent up after all, being single and shit for so long. before you can even say anything, "I'll give you a tease" he said with a smile, before kneeling down and tugged on your pants "i can tell that you're big even from far" rubbing your clothed cock while looking up at you
slowly pulling your pants and underwear down, revealing your half-hard cock. "oh, look! someone's already excited even though he was acting all tough before" he teased you,slightly pushing his mask up so he can kiss the tip of your cock before swallowing it whole. getting head from a stranger in a dark alleyway is not your plan but you are not complaining at this point. i mean, he's not that bad looking now that you can kinda see half of his face, he's quite pretty actually.
he looks up to you before pushing your cock all the way to his throat. he's practically sucking your cock like it's the best meal he ever had "you're getting close?" he asked, stroking your cock
you came all over his mouth and mask after a few minutes of throatfucking him "woah.... it's so thick, you must been pent up this whole time" he said, putting his mask back on properly before standing up again "wanna try my hole next ? all of my customers love it" he teased, pulling his own pants down, revealing that he's wearing nothing under it with his own cock leaking precum "hoodie stays on though, but I'll give you a little teaser" he said, giving you a smile before lifting up his hoodie revealing his nipples piercings
he grabbed your hand to feel his body "do you like it? I've never show my body to anyone else you know" he said, giving you a little smile "anyways, lets get into the good part" he continued, turning around, spreading his cheeks apart, showing you his twitching pink hole
you pushed your cock inside him "you're so big" he moaned. slowly moving your hips to let him adjust to your cock before picking up the pace. you thrust into so eagerly "looks like you like it too" he teased, which made you pick up the pace
he's slowly losing his grip on the wall, knees shaking from your hard thrusts "shit, i can't hold myself up anymore" he said, trying to keep himself up. you pulled out your cock "huh? why did you-" you turned him around to face you before lifting him up "oh, missionary huh? i like it" he whispered to your ear seductively
you pushed your cock all the way in him which caught him off guard, his moans became high pitched and louder than before. his hands grips tightly on your shirt, "shit..the way your cum smells on my mask is so...intoxicating. and your cock too.. fuck, it's so deep"
you know that you're close when you can feel your lower abdomen grows hot, wanting to release all of your cum into him. he's getting close too, with the way he can't even speak any coherent sentences and his eyes are rolled back "please cum inside me, shit.. i need you to cum deep inside of me" you slammed your cock inside him one last time, releasing your cum as he came right after
you let him down and clean yourself up and so does he "i really wish that you'd become my regular now. nobody ever fucks me that good" he said, pulling his pants up "hey, put your number in my phone. maybe we can meet up and fuck in my dorm later on" he continued, handing his phone to you.
you gave him your number and passed it back to him "thanks sweetheart" he replied, giving you a wink. you looked at your watch and realise it's quite late, your friends might be looking for you at this point. don't want to make them suspect anything, "i need to go now, it's great meeting you..." you told him, which he replied with a smile. as he turned around to walk away, you suddenly remembered something and grabbed his arm. surprised, he looks at you and smiled "oh! are you not satisfied with one round?" he teased you before you quickly shoved the cigarettes pack into his hand "here, as we promise" you told him before walking away, leaving him standing there
he watched as you walked away, wanting to pull on your arm and tell you to stay. but he can't, he shouldn't do it. maybe he'll contact you again soon, he's taken a liking to you now ♡
a/n: this shit is inspired by a doujin i've seen lol
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