#im going INSANE over them hahahaha
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im just imagining nandermo in a very enclosed space like for some reason they gotta be chest to chest pushed up against a wall and its awkward for a moment but then nandors eyes are just boring into guillermos and guillermo has that uncertain but unwavering stare too, and is this what is gonna take for them to kiss?
#at this point im just running all scenarios in my mind and spilling all my thoughts about them into the ether#i swear i am not fine#they kiss nandor blurts out i love you please dont ever leave me please dont die#and they share their feelings while kissing and bang against that very wall while telling the other how much they mean to them#nandor expecially is a flood of YOURE SO AMAZING GUILLERMO I LOVE YOU PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE#im going INSANE over them hahahaha#guillermo is too stunned and enjoying the physical sensation to be so close to nandor and to see nandor be so vulnerable#nandermo#wwdits#what we do in the shadows#atp im just saying whatever insane shit is passing through my head at any given moment. but thats what tumblr is for basically you will#forgive me about it. i just am a very physical person and i think a physical moment is always very good to unfuck a totally fucked dynamic#like talking of course would be preferrable but these two have so much shit under the bridge#that theyre sort of stuck in this ‘the love is requited they are just idiots’ cycle#annnnyway#bye#some messy liveblog tag#comment#*
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BUS! I know I came back to land for a reason…
Also- for-word: um. Be prepared? Its not innocent. At all. Not about a bus. Um. yeah. Don't watch around people. Yeah. thats all the advice i can offer. Now go off into the world Penelope Jemima B. D. And show the world who you are 😭
(the amount of distress i had while watching this is insane) anyway:
Idk what AJ and Tom were saying at the very beginning but cuteness
“You're gonna fucking love it.” Tom is an iconic king but also AJ and Sam laughing at his dumb little jokey intro will always be the cutest thing to me
“Hopefully in that order…” yes please lol
“BUS!” AJ really enjoyed that- gorgeous cackle, 10/10. Sam doesn't know what to do with that and Tom has just reverted to repeating it bc… wow
“First murder.” “last murder” goodness gracious what lmaooo
Toms little pat on AJ’s back as they started the scene 😭
AJ awkwardly scooting away as Sam comes closer but also moving closer because he needs to at all times be touching them 😭
“You don't see young people reading anymore.” Ok idk if its intentional or not but every time we get a scene like this in any way sam always starts insulting young people for being on their “tablets and iphones” and etc etc, and i don't know if its an actual grievance that he has at this point lmao(even tho we as fans connect to them thru this but wtv lol) or if hes mocking old people for their grievances and either one works for me really lol i just wanna knowww
Sam: Good book? AJ: *every book ever created ever in the history of ever leaves his mind* yeah yeah, uh u-yeah uh its the-the the- the sexbook. Yeah thats such a good book AJ, i agree
“Quite a coincidence.” AJ: *blinks, not sure what to do with that information just casually dropped with nothing else* wha-what Sam: *smirks* Tom: *offstage* :D
Sam: I wrote the sexbook Tom: *oh did you??* *legs crossed, hand over mouth, classic tom pose that slays every. single. time.*
“Arthur big dick” Tom shaking with silent laughter, AJ almost caving with a laugh, Sam laughing as he says it. Idk shared laughter means a lot to me
“Name five of them.” No thats foul- because AJ couldn't even think of one and now you’re making him come up with fivvveee titles sam??? Thats loowwww XD
“Big Dick 1, 2, 3 ,4 and 5.” The groan of the crowd lmaooo- they really wanted to hear AJ come up with creative titles lol
Tom’s disappointed nose pinch in the corner XD
“Im just gonna fangirl here real quick-” yes AJ! Yes! Finally we are represented!!
Sam: You're a girl? *slowly removes his hand from Aj’s shoulders* AJ: *did not think that far ahead, nor that it’d be commented on* ye-yes? Sam: ah.*contemplates* this is much creepier than I thought it was LMAOOOOO (Toms little grin shaky laugh in the corner 🫠)
“I just feel like your writing- it just really gets to the heart of- of the sexual experience.” truly, inspirational work Sam
“Didn't like it.” Silence as AJ just stares at him. :| yes. Do continue. 👀
Tom and AJ’s laugh as Sam just doesn't answer XD
“He-hello?” AJ sounded genuinely concerned for Sam lol
“Where did you go?” “the sea.” regrets it before the words are even out- XD
The way they both broke, shook for a few seconds, and then straightened in sync is insane
Its like a fricking switch was flipped holy shit- laughing- then suddenly sitting upright and focused again lol wow
Toms little giggling in the corner omfg-
“Are you getting off? Whe-where are you getting off?” He heard the joke and immediately corrected lmaooo
“Well, turn to page seven!” “Ahhh!” “Ahhh!!” the whole finger pointing and like “hahahaha i knew you'd say it you shit” is amazing and i adore it
“How old are you?” Has to clarify for the scene, i appreciate it sam lol
“32. How-how-” “okay.” “okay.” yeah maybe its better not to clarify sam’s age- seeing as hes been at sea for 60 years yet was clearly an adult when he wrote the book and- lets not get into it
“Im actually getting off at the next stop-” “mhumhmh” AJ and Tom’s little smiles at his dumbass joke ahhhh i love
Also- side note- his book gets off already at page seven??? Thats pretty early right? Or am i tweaking? Actually its a book about sex called Sexbook so nevermind, ignore me
“Im actually a writer myself.” “oh really? What have you written?” “big vagina 1, 2, 3.” Sam completely folds at that, and Tom’s little smile as AJ smirks, proud of himself ahhh such dorks :)
“But i haven't- *breaks* i haven't released any yet because *voice shakes with laughter* im too afraid. *sam casually dying in the background trying not to laugh* Im too afraid of showing my work *breaks again* cause i will be judged.” The hand to the heart is truly my favorite thing XD
“Jemima.” Sam: *shit what was my name again* AJ: Arthur B. D. Sam: *thats right thank you* Arthur B. D. WOW!!! AJ remembered a name!!! Brilliant.
Brilliant stagecraft of leaving the bus AJ, adore
Tom gets to be in a scene now! Yay!
“Boys…” Sam thought he could sit down and relax- nope! AJ is trying, but, yep he has to stand again too lol
Tom unbuttoning his shirt just to reveal a shirt underneath is a power move holy shit-
“As the united kingdom communist part we just cant take that.” Tom squints at him: mmmhmmm. *shakes head because he does not like that* Sam: *does it back equally as passive aggressive* mmmmmhhhmmm
“Us fine upstanding, british *lacking a very substantial british accent* communists that we are.”
I see Tom is trying to revive Xavier???? Or smth…
“Oh what did you just stutter to me?” His strut-
AJ’s tongue in cheek smile as he approaches-
That chin tilt???????? Oh ma my my-
“How did you get my name so wrong?” ahh how quickly the mighty fall����
“Magnus o. Puss.” AJ’s almost break at the name lmaooo
“Cause i have a full magnus full of o puss.” Sam’s breaking of character so completely that he just covers his face in shame lmaooo XD
“You just wiped your nose.” “Sorry.” “you're wearing a jumper.” wow tom- just insult everything about him i guess XD AJ: 😔sorry…
Aj trying to escape the scene. Tom: don't just sit down and cry! No mercy…XD
“Flatmate.” “oh!” AJ’s relief lmaooo
Tom: I’m the other flatmate. :/ keep trying buddy, one day you'll join the scene again lmaooo
“Get on the couch.” “how was your day?” “how was your day?” “how was your daaaay?” the way theyre actually sitting really close together with Tom almost leaning against Sam’s shoulder 🫠
“You know, my writing,” “We’re big fans.” Tom casually interrupts to clarify and support- and like- i know its for the scene and they’re building a really quick relationship- but AJ actually is a writer/director and they do actually watch his stuff-😭- anyway-
Sam and Tom’s continuous looks at each other “Oooooooh!”
“Its from your time.” THERE WE GO!!! SOME OLD JOKES!!!! “Oh yeah, just us two 65 year old women with our 32 year old flatmate!” lmaoooo they're all women and not one of them originally meant to be XD
“Well we were five.” “At first it didn't do much for us.” I would hope not Tom, but thanks for clarifying…
“As we matured-” “as we matured-” “Like our bible-” “like our bible-” im loving this casual repetition they have going on, wonderful
“It was spiritual but also exciting.” “like cocaine.” “like cocaine.” Sam would know… and still with the repetitions XD
“That would be convenient to the plot.” I love how Sam feels the need to say this aloud and not just subtly hint at it- because knowing the two idiots he’s on stage with- sorry, chaos demons- they would totally let him try to build it up like that, and then never actually get the plot going in that direction lmaooo
“Oh my gosh.” Sam and Tom both cracking at his gasp- now drum roll, will Aj stick to the plot or is he throwing in a curveball???
“Is it convenient to the plot?” Tom looks like he doesn't want it to be- just to annoy Sam lmaooo
“And i looked out the window temporarily-” *almost breaks* Aj- i love you, but there are more casual ways to let this further the plot, you know that right XD
“Well this sounds perfectly plausible.” After he and Tom just destroyed any way it could be plausible
“You've cracked my code did you?” we get a snippet of Aj’s delightful laughter, beautiful
“Pass the torch up. There you go.” AJ: *finger point of “clever”* lol
“You cant go off again back to sea.” “..okay.” AJ’s break at the easy agreement lol-
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i did not expect a cute hug scene!!!!!! Yay!!!! 🫠💗
Ok- i will be honest- i really though Aj was going in for a kiss at first- and i kind of believe Sam thought so too with the whole “i always wanted a daughter” to solidify its purely sweet and not romantic just in case aj gets any more ideas lol
Sam’s “oh!” and hunch drop into Big Dick because he thought he was Tom’s assistant??? And not big dick, but here he is again lmaooo
Tom’s little vibrating act made AJ fold and i think its wonderful XD
Tom climbing on a chair because he needs to be taller ofc, classic
“You could look, im not wearing underwear.” Sam, not only looking, but doing the appreciate, yeah head nod is crazy
“Im everything you fear.” AJ interrupting his build up to monologue to snort is priceless
“You were just a lowly intern-” Hang on a fucking minute sam- Tom is how old???? That was 60 years ago- i don't care how young and lowly he was- he was at least a teenager which makes him a seventy something yead old man- y'know what its better not to ask
“Even you couldn't… open it.” Tom freezing in place in an effort not to laugh, Sam’s head hanging in disappointment, and AJ just having the time of his life
Tom’s little head drop forward like “what are you saying aj? Oh you're doing this? Okaaay…”
“Penelope.” sam. Sam. sammy. Samuel. Its Jemima.
“Im trapped in a vagina.” Tom, AJ, and Sam all cracking at the perfectly set up joke, classic
“How is he doing this?” Sam not helping at all and making AJ come up with it XD
“He says it just- hes a ghost.” AJ has given up lmaooo
“Magnum o, full stop, puss.” Sam checking his watch to see how much he has to speed this up lmaoooo
“Hell die inside of that vagina.” *both break* XD
“Im in my office on another floor…” Tom really wanted to be in the scene and they keep forcing him out XD
“Hes astral penetrated me-” Sam fully folds on stage too- he knew, he just knew AJ would make it weird- specifically made it so that they were established as daughter-dad relationship- and yet AJ still found a way LMAOOOO
“Don't make me call security.” “Call security! I don't care!” “Security.” “JA. I am secure.” Tom baby im just not sure thats what he meant XD
“Im just going to put this out there: we have several copies.” lmaooo Aj come on!
“But then your friend would die inside wouldn't he?” AJ: *HAHAH FUCK YOU!!!* “ahh fuck.” Sam is impressed lol
[drenched exit] sam: awww come on! *disappointed as though he didn't help set it up*
[door closes with a moist SMACK] Tom: *smiles because hes proud of himself*
“You've been meditating inside a big member!” why do they keep making it worse better
[juicy splash] Sam: *makes sound of disgust and disappointment*
“Its perfectly natural!” You tell ‘em king!
Physic powers?????
“You-you've pinned it to the wall.” … aj… theres no emoji or anything to convey my expression rn, but i assume its the same as yours so… yeah…
“You must challenge him.” AJ: *breaks fully because he did not expect sam to just appear behind him while hes being tortured?? by a man rubbing his own nipples*
“Feel the tension!” i feel the tension alright😭
Aj having to laugh mid battle (real) because w h a ha t???
What is going on😭😭😭
“That vagina was so acidic.” Sam please don't say things like that while you're dying in AJ’s arms- XD
“Im so happy i met you on the bus that day.” You mean literally that morning?? Or did i miss a time jump?
“The big vagina 4. *moans*” Death.
aj helping tom up from the floor😭🫠
AND, SCENE!!! wow. That was… wow. Ok. Um. So. If you couldn't tell, i got very distressed towards the end. Like very. It was very good though, kinda what i expected. I’m sad Luke isn't there but glad he wasn't because it would have been so much worse 😭 but uh. Yeah. that was fun! So… hope you enjoyed???
@snek-of-eden you were so right, the chaos is unmatched and wow. Thank you!!
#sfth#shoot from the hip#sam russell#tom mayo#alexander jeremy#this was fabulous#i recommend#but also dont#mixed feelings#very complicated#very chaotic#be warned#anyway#i enjoyed it :)#besties#platonic soulmates#they made it weird#and i loved it#Youtube
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idk just thinking about how much chan likes to suck titties hahahaha! (im going insane)

not proof read!!!!
requests are always open! will get to them when/if i can ~
w.c. 293, very simple and short~
tysm for thoughts bc ur so mf right, lee chan IS in fact a tits man!!!!
chan is absolutely obsessed with tits, to be more specific.. your tits. always finding ways to have his hands or mouth on them.
for example, he loves spooning you, warm hands underneath your shirt to cup your breast as the both of you fall asleep. he’s even told you once or twice that holding them brings him comfort????
but his absolute favorite pastime is sucking and kissing on your tits. he swears he could do it for hours. you’d be on his lap, mid heated make out session, while his hands explore your body..
eventually his lips would travel down your jaw to your neck, leaving a constellation of love bites in his path. he’d part from you, allowing just enough space to pull your shirt up and over your head and tossing it somewhere in the room.. his lips finding your heated skin once again.
he trials down your chest, your hands gripping and pulling at his hair as you grind your hips down into his, head tipped back and breathy moans tumble from your lips.
chan hums, one hand gripping your ass to guide you on him while the other paws at your left tit, mouth latching around the nipple of your right. bitting, licking and sucking at the sensitive nub, he’s so pleased with himself.
he loves it so much,,, tongue swirling skillfully around your hardened nipples. he would make sure to pay equal attention to both of your tits. if his mouth was on one, his hand was always on the other, kneading, pinching..
chan thinks he could get off just by having your tits in his mouth. practically moaning and whining into your chest as he attacks,, leaving blossoming red and purple marks wherever he pleases. seriously. that’s all he needs.
#dino smut#dino x reader#seventeen smut#svt smut#seventeen x reader#svt hard hours#svt x reader#lee chan smut#lee chan x reader#dino hard hours#dino hard thoughts#svt hard thoughts#gyucheolslut asks 💌#warning banner by cafekitsune
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tour diaries ✮ february 21st/22nd ✮ houston, texas ✮
FIRST SHOW!!!!! this was our first weekend of tour and wow, what a kind welcome we got in texas. i’ve literally never been to texas so this was sooooo exciting for me.
i must say….. wtf it was so cold </3 we happened to be in houston during some of y’all’s coldest weather in the last few years!!! needless to say, i was definitely freezing the entire time hahaha.
we played both friday and saturday at katy mills!!! i met so many new people and had the privilege of sharing my art with them. touring the malls is rly cool for me because i never got the chance to tour the USA during my loverboy era - which has some of my most upbeat pop music i’ve ever made. loverboy was my pandemic baby, so it’s so fun to bring this music to life city after city

✮ highs and lows ✮ opening night of tour always have their ups and downs! honestly one of my highs was riding in the tour van for the first time!!!! we landed in houston, and got picked up by the greater than tour van!!!!! i was like holy shit… i’m really on tour right now this is crazy. my low definitely was getting used to traveling and performing same day. this was soooo new for me and i definitely took it like a champ! this is tour life and there’s for sure gonna be moments where i can’t let being tired take over.
✮ mall report ✮ i thought this would be a fun section to add in every week to share my favorite parts of each mall we visit! i could not believe it……. this mall has a bass pro shop inside it!!!!! i was like dude that is crazy. growing up in new york, we never had anything like bass pro shop, so anytime im down south i must visit!!!!

✮ tour outfit ✮ i <3 this outfit this day! my shirt is thrifted from a shop i love in burbank, california called the holding company! their mens vintage collection is insane and my favorite! i swear jorts and a loafer have become my new uniform….. so expect to see lots of it this tour hahahaha
✮ what i’m listening to on the van ✮ i said i was going to share music im listening to in each city, but lucky for me i forgot my headphones at home 😍 and sat through two silent flights……. lol
but trust me tons of new music recommendations coming ur way shortly.
✮ favorite spot ✮ we didn’t have too much time this week to explore the city, BUT oh my god… we went to Chuy’s Tex-mex and it was soooooo good. i’ve been vegan for over ten years, so i’m on a mission to find the best vegan food in every city. i got the veggie enchiladas and yup! 10/10

another high that needs it own moment has to be being on a songwriting panel with princess superstar <3 we talked all about our songwriting and creative process….. SOOO FUN!!!! she’s a pop genius so this was such a sick experience!!!

tour continues this weekend and i can’t wait to see u in oklahoma city!!!!!! <333333
tour dates + music info here
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tged webtoon ep 155 spoilers n thoughts below cut etc u know the drill
bug when u lift a rock

i love when he has lil soft smileys like this theyre his best look heehee

THIS HAD ME SHIVERING . TREMBLING LIKE A WET CAT. "when someone really misses another person... they might meet again here." GHH . HGGGGG AAAAAHHH
ok sorry uh. i dont have much insight this time around im just going insane over it,,, a place that represents happy memories and promises to stay together and yet suho has returned here, unable to hold onto both without the ache of loss bc his parents r gone AAAGGHHHG AA
how cruel how cruel how cruel,,, cruel reminders of what he can never return to,,, WHICH MAKES HIM SAYING "i already met my family." SOOO HEARTACHE TO ME
ok sorry im jumping ahead a bit but yeah suho feeling at home as a frontera and moving forward, beyond the memories and the past,,, im gonna THROW UP what the FUCK
ok bouncing back to some sillies this ep LOL

A MAN ON A FUCKING MISSION 😭 LLOYD U MONSTER HAHAA javier being happy that lloyds back to his motivated self tho makes me so happy WEEHEEHEE

ALSO JAVIER IMMEDIATELY BECOMING SOCMED FAMOUS IS SO FUNNY HAHAHAHA honestly the ppl who r taking pics. so real. me too. i can only imagine how insanely pretty javier would b if he was in our world,,, his protagonist-level good looks are dimensional constants .

i am a little bit confused as to why javier said this considering he was so ready to bring lloyd back at all costs when they first got here? mmm maybe his worries were quelled when they were taking the mountain trail to the tower? im not quite sure,,, maybe i missed smth

IM SO GLAD WE GOT TO SEE HIM AGAIN hes working construction now too!!! wahoo!!! hes still got that face tho lol

javier folding the clothes is so silly hes such a good lil guy 😭 vs lloyd just leaving them scattered LMAOOO it was nice of them to leave a note n the gold for the cop guys tho!!
i also liked that the cops kept fucking posing thru out the whole ep HAHAHA ive never seen jjba but its like jjba level posing theyre so silly

i rlly liked javiers lil "!!" at the bottom here HEHEHE
so so happy they got the stuff!!!! restoration of fate can SUCK AN EGG THEYRE GONNA BEAT IT!!!! hopefully
afaik theres no telling what the jewel of truth is gonna actually say abt fighting fate,,, or whether or not the jewel will give the answer that easily,,, hopefully it goes smoothly lloyd deserves a break atp 😭😭😭
also how r they gonna put the thing together havent they been flying over the ocean w draggy recently . werent the mermaids tryna figure out who was commanding draggy so that they could sic em for opening that portal to hell 😭 WILL THAT B A PROBLEM? (dont actually answer that)
man oh man milestone achieved but still so much to do for these guys,,,, i wanna put them in a box and contain them and let them have a break they deserve it
ok thats it for now,,, if i start brainrotting again ill prolly post abt it here or on twitter,,, see yall next week!!!!
#tged#the greatest estate developer#tged spoilers#lynn misc#lloyd frontera#javier asrahan#kim suho#trying to work out which panel screenshots to put was a NIGHTMARE i rlly need to not spam screenshot when i read these eps 😭#also sorry this was so late LOL my usual websites werent updating!#when i saw the ep drop my stomach FLIPPED im so serious
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i‘m just gnna ramble at this point because i need to get these fucking shit OUT OF MEUDJWJSJWD im still screaming tbh i feel insane pls someone sedate me this is crazy
ok hahahahshn first of all: his MOANSHSJAHSNANNSWND or idk his breathy voice HAHGWHWHWHWHAHHNNGG and the stare he makes IMFRYING
basically rafayel is a fucking TEASE i repeat he is one fucking TEASE goddamn mc is literally feeding the goddamn grape LIKE ITS LITERALLY ON HIS MOUTH BUT HIS ASS ISNT EATING IT
it took 3 times for him to do something about that grape (spoiler: he still did NOT eat it) HE JUST FUCKIJG KISSED IT AND THEN FUCKING LICKED MC‘S HAND PROCEEDING TO SAY SPICE THINGS UP DUCKIJGHFJDF
Oh god and them mc proceeds to JUST HOLD HIS FACE ANND BROOKFOROORG rafayel‘s breathy voiceiskwndkwixkwd IMMELTIJG FUCK
then he haha says hahahaha! wanna keep looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HANDS NEAR THE GODDAMN CROTCH IM GNNA BARK (barking as we speak)
haha then proceeds to kiss the fuck out of you 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 eargasm tbh i was literally jumping screaming laughing shitting at this point like haha wdym he gave us kissing sounds or breathy moans wjakaosowksjas HWGAHWHAHAHJQHEKWIDJWF goddamn i disintegrated
the things that this man does to me .... bro i could say that i have changed as a person 🙂↕️

#love and deepspace#rafayel#crying so bad#fuck#goddamn#someone SEDATE ME#i need this tattooed#screaming crying throwing myself against a wall#punching the wall#i swear the inhumane noises that left my mouth#he Literally made me FERAL#im going to kms#disintegrated into thin air#changed me as a person
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OMGGG CONGRATS ON 1K EUMY MY LOVE!!! im beyond words that describe happy for u ur such a sweetheart u deserve it sm<3 I SAW THE SCRAPBOOKS POST AND ID LOVE A SHOTO TODOROKI ONE!!!! 💗
im an enfp so im a loud extrovert, and i try to make sure ppl dont feel awkward or embarrassed around me bc im 10x worse HAHA 😭 i have insane attachment issues like i was crying so hard when my friend ignored me for a day. big lover with big emotions, hopefully that counts as an emotional intelligent person hehe<3
i am also a complete art kid and i never stop drawing, im also in choir and stage band so im basically all of the above (except sports. does watching haikyuu count?🤔) HAHAHAHA
id love a little description about our dynamic or something!!🥹 and be free w ur colour palette and do what u think deems best 🗣️!!! a song would be velvet ring by big thief, one of my favs rn<3
★ Todoroki Shouto hated did not like you at first. The first time you two met in U.A., not once did he glance in your direction. Don’t take it too personally, he’s battling inner turmoil stemming from his complicated family life and upbringing.
★ Skipping to when he does warm up to the rest of the class, he still keeps his distance from them as he tries to test the waters. Now, you, dear Saku, are the first to invite him to have lunch together via the crumpled paper you left on his desk during free period (he almost threw it in the trash, but he telephatically felt your distress thought it might contain something important, so he decided to read it). He accepts, of course.
★ Lunch together was awkward, but Todoroki appreciates your effort to fill in his shortcomings in the conversation. So to say, he just listens to you while you ramble about anything and everything.
★ When he gets home that night, he definitely tells Fuyumi that someone invited him to eat together at lunch, and that it was nice. He doesn’t realize that he kept your note neatly folded in his wallet.
★ Do you know the concept of personal space? Todoroki does not. Whenever you’re doing something, whether it’s doodling or writing notes, he will peer over and check whatever it is that you’re doing. Completely unaware that he, too, has attachment issues (trust).
★ “Am I too close? I’m sorry, I didn’t notice.” And you guys were inches from kissing each other!
★ Romantically, it takes him a long time to understand that what he was feeling is clearly not platonic anymore. But when he does realize thus, he skips the steps in his head and wants to spend the rest of his days with you (you’re not even dating yet, and he’s already thinking of the future ten years later). Todoroki’s hesitant to engage in a romantic relationship because he thinks that you deserve someone who wouldn’t hesitate to court you and love you openly (he’s worried that he’ll end up like his father).
★ The initial dynamic is someone who talks a lot and the other listens (with the most lovestruck eyes yet still unnoticeable). When you do get into a relationship, he’ll still treat you just like when you were friends, but with a bit more effort to show you how much he cares. Acts of service & Quality Time are his love languages. This man is your ride-or-die forever and would go through lengths just to spend time with you (cue to Todoroki just appearing by your side whenever you’re not busy).
★ Whenever Todoroki talks to other people, it’ll always be, “Oh, where are Saku and the others?” You will always be the first person that comes out of his mouth, an unconscious habit of his.
★ Matching bag charms, candid photos (of him, mostly), handwritten notes that are passed to each other during class, enjoying each other’s company even if you two are just walking to the cafeteria together or him waiting for you to tie your shoelaces (he does them himself further into the relationship), finding out that Todoroki kept most of the things you gave him (especially your little notes and doodles), and the tips of his ears turn a bit reddish whenever he’s flustered—and you’re the only one to notice because it only happens when he’s with you.
#‹ 📓 ⸝⸝#“little description” proceeds to write a whole drabble-ish fic#I GOT CARRIED AWAY SAKU I’M SORRY (not)#saku and todoroki oml i shall die on this hill happily#the otp that had me rolling in my bed#i yapped too close to the sun i fear (deserved)#𓏲ׂ 📮₊˚ʾʾ#𓏲ׂ from: sweetheartsaku₊˚ʾʾ
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babe i’m so sorry i wanted to do this so long ago and shit happened BUT IM READY TO DO IT NOW!!
the way she ran to hide under sirius and nuzzled against him to reassure him??? god i love them especially when sirius was telling her to run and she did but still hesitated
AND THEN PETER OMG PETER!!! i would die for young peter. the way he was nudging her paw and she picked him up as she ran
but i can’t imagine how the marauders were feeling in that moment like having to hurt your friend to protect your other friend??? i know james and sirius felt horrible.
but the chase scene was so intense like i was at the edge of my seat the entire time!
when reader found the hole and was trying to get in but couldn’t because her shoulder? just imagining how painful that must have been is insane. and then moony trying to pull her out? i feel like people don’t realize how horrifying this is!
reader pulling through and squeezing herself into that hole shows how strong she is not just physically but her will too ya know?
but then peter comes along placing his little rat hand on readers paw and i can imagine it and it’s so cute 😭 and then he does a little dance to keep her awake tapping her snout if she does start to fall asleep. i imagine him like one of the little jumping mice from coralline! god i love this version of peter 🥹
AND THEN READER TEYING TO GET TO REMUS?? like even when she’s hurt she’s fighting to see her man’s and the way sirius was being so gentle with her 🥹
and LILY!!! THE WAY SHE WAS SO WORRIED ASKING ABOUT HER FRIEND!!! I LOVE HER SM!!! and when sirius was trying to hint that the fox is reader and lilys first conclusion is “OMG THEY TURNED HER INTO A FOX!!!” 😭😭 also dr lily is the best out there let’s be so fr! like she was on that shit like white on rice!!!
AND THEN READER GOING BACK TO CHECK ON REMUS!?!?!? LORD TAKE ME NOW SHES SO JDKSISSKSOWN and and then when remus looked over and saw reader he turned away because he didn’t want reader to see him like this ☹️ like he was ashamed??? BABY YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED ABOUT!!!
sirius’ little “no way in hell am i leaving her” 🤭 like omg stawp! he’s so boyfriend
but when reader was trying to make jokes to help lighten the mood even though she was in pain like WHY IS SHE SO CARING??? she always puts everyone else’s needs in front of hers like always trying to check on remus or trying to make sirius and lily feel better with a joke! like she doesn't really stop to think if she’s ok until there’s no one else around for her to check on.
AND THE WAND!!! YOU BROUGHT UP THE WAND AGAIN!!! HAHAHAHA!!! I LOVE THE WAND TALK!!! love how lily is like “you used his wand 😧” and reader is like “yeah 🤷♀️” LIKE IT WAS NO BIG DEAL?!?!? and and lily bring up the fact the wand is a girl by saying “she’s picky” BUT BUT BUT not with sirius!!!! AND THE WHOLE “looks like rem’s wand likes us very much” YOU WANNA KNOW WHO ELSE LIKES YOU VERY MUCH?!?!? REM!!!! REMUS DOES!!! OPEN THOU EYES!!! AND WITNESS THE TRAGEDY OF YOUR OBLIVIOUSNESS!!!!
and the way i literally screamed when the moonflower survived!!! I WOULDVE CRIED IF ALL OF THIS HAPPENED FOR NOTHING!! (well not for nothing but you know)
also the whole talk about how reader has change and sirius awkwardly trying to explain her “proportions” have changed 💀 i love how they’re still like awkward around each other sometimes like yes they clicked when they saw each other again almost immediately but they still haven’t seen each other in years and things change. sirius realizing that reader changed in this way just reminds him and i think it’s cute
honestly i might not do one this long for the other chapters probably just on my favorite parts instead of the whole thing but i doubt you even care for the long ones anyways lmao
Ugh no! I absolutly love the long ones! They're my favourite thing I promise! And yes, so many things and tiny little details hidden in plain sight, right?
Going to Sirius for protection, and yet still being so worried for Remus because she doesn't want him to get hurt, like girl's bleeding and yet she's worried about her friends!
So happy you liked the chase scene, I was really trying to get the action feel vibes, and the tension going on like, yeah the boys are here but she's still in danger, it was so thrilling to write tbh.
Honestly, Peter is a total sweetheart at the moment, I feel so bad that he may or may not have a corruption arc, especially because I really wanted to portray his friendship with the boys, like he was supposed to be their best friend, and that's why his treason is as painful as it was (ugh so tragic).
Dr. Lily is the best, no one can change my mind. Like from the beginning she's shown to care for people, I thought it'd make so much sense for her to be some kind of healer or helper, especially when we're told by Remus that she was always kind and empathic. I really like the contrast between her and the reader, kinda of shows that women come in different shapes, sizes and personalities. Like they both care so much about their friends but in different ways, if that makes sense?
Don't get me wrong, I head cannon her as a brilliant duellist and I think she could have been a Charms teacher or even a fierce auror, but I think she'd be so talented because she trained in med magic and she always managed to keep her partners in one piece. Like especially when you think about the sacrifice she made for Harry, she was a brilliant witch and even if she never actually worked, because she was in the order, I still think she has great potential as a character.
I really love Lily, can ya'll tell?
Told you the wand thing would come back! Of course, there's a reason Remus' wand allows both Sirius and Vixen to use it seamlessly (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
"Witness the tragedy of your obliviousness" might be one of my favourite things you've ever said. Also, it sums up Gilded Constellation so well, it's perfect, thank you <3
Ugh yes, my girl's spirits were lifted when she found the flower bc omg Wolfsbane potion, is a freaking URGENT NEED!
And the proportions part was a must, they're teens, after all, the tension is going to be there hehe. And of course there was cuddling, I think after the hell of a night she had, she deserves some cuddles. But also I just love cuddles, they make me soft.
As always, I love your analysis, thanks for sharing babe!
Read Gilded Constellations
#Read Gilded Constellations#ask lilly#lilly talks#imagine#marauders era#marauders x reader#marauders x y/n#moony#padfoot#prongs#sirius black#sirius x reader#sirius black fluff#sirius x you#sirius x y/n#remus x y/n#remus x you#remus x reader#remus one shot#sirius black one shot#poly!marauders x reader#poly!marauders#wolfstar x reader#wolfstar x y/n#wolfstar x you#sirius black x fem!reader#remus lupin x fem!reader#moony x reader#moony x padfoot#moony wormtail padfoot and prongs
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i hope you know i saved one of the versions of the "fame! im gonna live forever!" pieces from a bit ago to show my friends. i however failed to reblog or even like the post, so when i went to reopen tumblr, i couldnt find it.
i proceeded to spend 5 weeks looking for it, failing to remember that watermarks exist, and typically have the account name one them.
safe to say you lived in my brain for like 5 weeks cause i was trying to find the original post 😭
HAHAHAHA HELP?? I'm glad you were able to find it eventually 🤣
<- I say as a person who will literally spend over 4 hours trying to find something cause I'll go insane if I don't find it 💀
#the way people loved that piece is still so crazy to me sjhddn#fun fact- that piece was the first time I drew the MTT gang#- ever!#random pep talk#artpepkin
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new update!!!! i’m going insane so here’s my thoughts on it (it’s a long one)
First thoughts on the new update and things that make me go !!!! (hope you’ve already seen it all otherwise this won’t make sense):
the new house when the page is loading!!! so cute!! with the little color paper chains that eddie showed how to make
the cute little gif of House being drawn (ok so that happens when you open it, i just wanted to see if it hada a name)
EYES oh my (edit: so i think it’s my monitor or browser but i’ve always seen the eyes, it’s like theyre just secondary banners, so there’s that)
tiny wally sitting on the banner! and new things to click!
cute bug behind the number of visitors
colorful tic-tac-toe in Wally's rock and also EYE
oh ok so the eyes stay the whole time
little pixel HOUSE so pretty
bug friend in the gallery surprised me
the tulips being drawn (oh so we have to check those, then?)
Eddie Dear i love so much, you look great sweetie
why does is that little square singled out in the long banner of the whats welcome home page?
julie and frank look adorable in pixel art!!!
cricket friend makes a heart with its antenae
ok so now we're missing a whole section of the long banner
oh my god a sticker page !!!
love them all, this is so much work! love all the team that worked so hard on this !!!
ok so maybe its a bit too late for me to be trying to see all the updates because wow those red eyes, oh well too late (are the letters something or just the name of the audios?)
the new banners in the sticker page are all cute, bUT look at Eddie and Frank AHHHHHH!!! mY heart!!!
barnaby sticking out his tongue for the snow!!!
so i got curious about the spider friend at the top, but i wasnt going to click on it because i dont like spiders. And when i do theres a video??? its says answer??? why is there a scroll bar?? (oh my god julies voice is perfect!! and barnaby sounds like a great guy. is it just me or are the pauses kind of long for the type of conversations it is?) (oh wally, what's going on?)
ok finally visiting the neighborhood
you can hear audio of them!!!! and transcripts!
and another video. why the scroll bar? is it my browser? (oh wait was i supposed to remember the numbers and apparently that is the name of the video? is that why they say answer)
eddie my darling!!!! you sound great, like you'd bring dessert if i invited you over for a meal, love you so much (hahahaha the policys) (also who is his voice actor? sounds familiar, maybe)
banner shenanigans happening again
there's so much new content!!!! look at their jokes!!! and the storybook record!! and the interview!!! (and apparently Home uses he for pronoun, noted)(and also 'it', noted again)
ah so that's why they say Frank is autistic, i get it now
ok back to the neighborhood, got distracted with the scripts. is it me or is it different? feels more colorful and with some new details maybe? could just be me (havent seen the original site in a while)
oh my god bug in eddies profile and the skit is about him and Frank, so cute! I understand you Eddie, i too would panic
ok finally got to Wally. so i think the fact that the text is misaligned is on purpose, not sure why though. And we get a new audio!
new image in the so below page. and the record is shaking real bad, not a fan of that (is that house? is it morse code or just creaking? well im sure someone will have the answer to that at some point)
pause to go back and find bug friends where i've already been. So: got Frank being bothered in his garden, audio of wally talking about eyes, sally putting on a play
ok now forth to media
hey the little buddy gives a video where you can see Wally's hands!! and now i get to actually hear the interview (is it just me or does the host sound sleazy?). also we dont get banner shenanigans but the little neighbors are overstepping a bit in one instance
omg the animation cells!!! look at them!!! the style. and i just now got the joke Wally tells in the mistery audios. the acting is so good!! i feel them moving!!
and with the news comes a new buddy, dont really know what Howdy's talking about but i love the rythm.
oohhh they mention the little drawings! and the hint of bugs!! ...and the tiny update about the guestbook, who is talking??? what ringing??
have you seen the telephone box in the merchandise page?!?!?!? they designed a whole package for it!! THW WORK AND LOVE THAT GOES INTO THIS!!! AHAHHHHH!!!
and the illustrations for the Eddie thing are so cute!!! they remind me of blue's clues original style
there's a coloring book!!!! i need that as actual merch someday please
THE EXHIBITION!!!! The phone is there!!! Wally is made out of actual cardboard!! dont see the puppet you could see in the reflections of the records though (new drawing! you can hear heartbeats, maybe they belong to house?)
guestbook time!!! new bug buddy (with my darling eddie going through it) (wonder if there's something in the glitches at the end of the videos)
first time there's a colored background (yellow), interesting choice, and no eyes. (ok only now just listened to the audio from the buddy, so its wally but not his eyes, just him i guess?)
interesting, the image for the section where you actually leave a note is called 'goodbye', not sure it said that before
now on to (dont know how you write that, dont care to look it up) the actual guestbook, and to check out all the little drawings again
ok, one box with weird double text but not too alarming. huh long comments. oh my that was only one page
oh little friend (oh my god, its the conversations from the drawings of the pie charts so cute!!)
on the second page now, so it seems that while wally is the only one that communicates with us, the others may be with him??? he said barnaby told him something (was this already a thing??) and frank also?!?!?!
why do you say Eddie runs too much Wally??
howse. love that
banner shenanigans are back, or maybe its just my browser doing weird things
new friend!! oh and banners are different widths, so there's that. kitty cat is so cute!!! why is tumblr redacted?? :(
huh in this page most drawings dont have a name that is part of the conversations, just numbers and letters.
ok more banner stuff. some drawings have 'names' others dont. sneaky text !!! i dont think thats a rat Wally but A for effort
second to last page. same sneaky text, wonder if it's in the same box even.
so again same sneaky text, but now there's another almost next to it, cant read it though. not a koala Wally but cute drawing. two instances of banners misbehaving. a bunch of drawings dont have names :( (then again there is already so much put into this, why an i complaining? i have no right)
is that a reference to something or am I just tired???
might be missing two bugs??? if that's how that works (found 12)
Final thoughts (yes even more):
THIS IS SUCH A WONDERFUL PROYECT!!! Clown i love you !! and everyone in the team!!! there is so much new content, and you made physical things!!! and there's audios now that really bring evrything to life!!! The banners are so great! All the bugs are so colorful and fun! You rearranged so much! The pixel art is adorable!!! thank you so much for this wonderful experience, will definitely have to go through everything again just to admire it more (and of course check for more hidden little things)
#Welcome Home#welcome home arg#welcome home spoilers#welcome home update#wally darling#eddie dear#frank frankly#poppy partridge#howdy pillar#julie joyful#sally starlet#hey this is my stuff#experiencing media
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I’m ngl I just scrolled through your blog to look at your “controversial takes” posts to find those haters wait was it the Rin additional time one because bro the age gap might not be big but the maturity one is…like especially with Rin and how he acts too omg
Bro the itoshi sibling angst was never that deep im ngl i never thought it was super sad or anything either i mean it doesn’t help that i didn’t care much for them but when you think about it its just two brothers beefing like yeah it sucks because they once had a nice relationship but i mean id arguably say i think kaisers backstory is sadder than that and i don’t even care about kaiser either…idk there’s also something off about when they did get along im not really sure how to explain it but I don’t find anything special about it either so uh
NO FR im crying at the craziness in their profiles KIYORA AND THE TWINS AND THE ASS WASHING??? WHAT aikus had me SENDING like bro being like “i like drinking! Oh haha i mean I WILL love drinking…when im 20….and of age….nope never drank before hahahahaahahah” it’s so Aiku I’ve seen people going insane over the “finding playmates” response too and HES THE MIDDLE CHILD BETWEEN TWO SISTERS just like otoya i fr read that and lost my mind like what are their sisters doing and why aren’t they teaching them respect LMFAO kuronas is so cute wdym he’d bring his hedgehog with him as his only thing to a deserted island im crying also the saga of hioris celebrity crush had me losing it from “congrats to her marriage” to “she inspired my broken bone fetish” WHAT I fr can’t wait for more tabieitaken Barou crumbs though im surprised this is all out so early!!
Oh yeah me neither LMAOO like we don’t even see bro later idgaf I also can’t imagine him playing that important of a role the main story either I also feel like chigiris injury would only happen again in the World Cup or something not mid nel so…..
CRYING FR PNGLOCK agreed at least the pngs were drawn nicely for the most part but the animation and like the effects they added to try and make it look better had me laughing maybe they’ll sneak in more Karasu scenes in the u20 match at least we’ll have a couple moments of him facing against sae plus the Rin and Shidou carding thing LOL
LMAOO epinagi fr cooking with Karasu but we seriously need more panels of him in circulation because you’re so right
AHAHSG TAKE YOUR TIME LMAOOOO omg brief touching grass moment I know the feeling LOL
Also wait Karasu x WHO NOW?? SUKUNA???????? This reminds me of that era of Sukuna and hello kitty or Cinderella or something what the
- Karasu anon
LMAOAO PLS I POST SO MUCH that’s some dedication fr…although what else should i expect from resident goat karasu anon SDKLJF 😭 anyways i try not to vague post or get into drama or anything so i won’t say which post i was referencing in specific but considering how synced up we are let it suffice to say that if you found something silly during your scrolling that’s probably what i meant HAHAHAHA
OH MY GOD OKAY THANK YOU tbh angst in blue lock is so hit or miss for me like sometimes i’m just like okay was it really ever that deep…it’s not to devalue people irl who have experiences like that and have it impact them but like in fiction i’m just like ok??? i think the only backstories that have genuinely made me feel sad have been kaiser’s, lorenzo’s, and snuffy’s literally NO one else made me mega emo (reo and hiori get honorable mentions because i feel bad for them but it’s not ANGSTY to me yk?? idk maybe to me it’s not angst without death literally looming in the background SLDKJF perhaps that’s a mira problem) and yeah ofc part of it is that i’m not rlly an itoshi stan like that but kaiser is also a part of the core four opps and i found his backstory really sad so i truly do think it’s just a personal preference thing idk
KIYORA HAD ME GASPINGGGG lowkey he’s so funny i bet he was just saying all of that with such a straight face too…truly king of goofiness i have no choice but to support LMAOAOOA omg aiku’s had me cracking up he’s actually lowkey real this is just further proof that he would be a really fun bestie SDKLFJSD like he’s just chill with truly anything…nah because the bllk phenomenon of one older and one younger sister + absolute villainy MUST be studied!! actually wait i think kunigami disproves that because he’s nice but still 2/3 is not a great look 😭 KURONA AND HIS HEDGEHOG HAD ME CRYING PLS the way it was just called hedgehog number two the entire time…okay hold on when i read that hiori had a fetish for “fractured” girls i thought it was more of like an “i like girls who are traumatized and broken” in an #icanfixthem way not him actually being into broken bones HAHAH it’s insane either way though
yeah exactly that’s the one thing w epinagi being so far behind is that so many things lose their hype because we know how it ends…imagine how much more fun team tabieita vs team nagi would be if we didn’t know that nagi wins and they steal kiyora?? honestly i find myself enjoying the epinagi chapters more so i do sometimes wish that there was that element of surprise that bllk main manga can pull off…but anyways yeah agreed i would be surprised if they injure chigiri already ig anything’s possible but who knows
AHAHAHA PRAYINGGGG WE GET GOOD KARASU SCENES IN U20 however at least my nagi and barou sides will be fed well hehe anyways yeah the effects lowkey had me giggling ik everyone’s taking it seriously and crashing out but like i’m chilling it’s just not that deep it’s like reading the manga but i get to hear karasu’s fine ass voice instead of having to imagine it yk
BRO HOLD ON HERE’S THE LINK I NEED SOMEONE ELSE TO SEE THIS 😓 i was literally so taken aback like where did this even come from??? the sukuna x cinderella (and in fact all of the disney x jjk) stuff was really random but at least disney princesses are like relevant to pop culture?? i’m so confused at how KARASU got involved SDKLFJSD idk who the og artist is either but it’s like VERY OBVIOUSLY karasu omg i wish i was there irl to see your reaction it’s just the most bizarre thing (but like i said…if that’s what the artist is into good for them ig)
HELP OKAY i finally finished i just need to proofread and then post!! i lowkey might fall asleep beforehand though so who knows if it’ll actually be posted soon or not we’ll see LMAOAOAO but anyways i will be freed at last ngl it’s kinda ass but oh well it is what it is
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Hahahaha update for the big story im writing 💪
This is chapter uhhh nine?
Anyway enjoy Michaels decent into insanity <3
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤. .𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
A broken throne
Michael was left to his own for the rest of the week. He healed without a hitch, afterall what was a few reopened wounds to heal over and then scar up again. As he restarted his duties within the Cathedral everything was done almost too perfectly. He spoke only when needed and was only around when he needed, otherwise he spent his time in the solitude of his room. It was almost a self inflicted torture being left alone with his thoughts like that but Mary while she tried she didnt understand all the things that Michael felt, the ways that Michael felt them.
The two might’ve been twins but they were two very different types of people. Mary, the open hearted and loving person. Michael the closed off and aggressive one to balance her out.
Slowly he made his way back into his normal routine, he was talking a bit more as well but the shadows lurked around him and the thoughts he tried to keep hidden only seemed to grow the more he seemed to ignore them. People were beginning to notice as well, beginning to notice the anger he usually kept so well hidden was bubbling scarily close to the surface.
Michael was given a small taste of happiness, of freedom, and now he’s being put back into the box that had known his entire life. Being back in his cage felt suffocating, like he was going damn near insane. And for all he knew he might’ve been, afterall the shadows had started talking back to him in the recent days.
So Michael was laying outside in the gardens, the sky filled with stars and once again he found himself alone. Yet he found comfort in talking with the stars.
“I wonder if he still thinks about me? Would he still think about me? I met his dad. I feel like he’d think about me… Maybe-”
He sighed as the winds rustled the nearby trees, whistling through the air, he continued to stare up at the stars, yet in the corner of his eyes the shadows flickered. ‘Or what if he hates you?’
Michael sat up abruptly, his ears twitched and lowered towards his head.
‘Hello Michael~ Having fun?’
A low growl fell from his lips and he glared into the empathy spaces around him. “Not anymore- Who's speaking? I demand you show yourself, less I call the guards. You're trespassing on Holy Grounds.”
‘Oh please Michael, you know who we are!~ You’ve been taking to us for weeks already’
“What? I haven't been talking to anyone… I’ve talked to myself…”
The disembodied voices chuckled. ‘Yes~ And does “yourself” ever answer back?’
Michaels aggression lessened and he paused, his ears raising back up slightly. “You're the shadows? How- how is that possible?”
‘Oh Michael~ You live in a place of magic, have a little faith that something would happen to help you voice your thoughts~ The Gods have felt your struggles, we’re here to help”
“Oh! I never thought… that I would be personally sought out by the old ones.” His tail wagged slightly and he grinned wolfishly. “Does this mean… My liking of… ahem… men? A man?- Kain is alright? They approve?”
‘Of course they do! You're the prime example of what they strive to teach~ You’re independent and fierce, violent even, they adore that!~’
His tail wagged rapidly and he nodded, mostly to himself, and he let out a breath even he didnt know he was holding. “I would’ve thought my sister was the perfect one, but.. I’m… i’m the important one… I can't believe it… Do you happen to have a name?”
‘You may call us… Ally?’
“Alright then… Ally, let's go back inside yeah? Make you some sort of… Face so I look less insane.”
The winds whistled again and the leaves rustled, the shadows around Michael- Michaels shadow had all grown so much darker, twisted even that a passerby just sparing a side eyed glance could have needed to do a double take because it seemed like the shadows were smiling. Yet within a blink those grins were gone and so was that dark feeling that came with, because little did Michael know, little did anyone know that his so called insanity was in play with something so much darker.
Michael walked back into the Cathedral with a hum and his steps were lighter than they had been in months even. He was like this while around Kain, but on his own he wasn’t as expression filled- It was a sight for everyone to see. People were actually going to try and start conversations with him now.
With a few passing talks with other parishioners of the Cathedral he slipped back into his room and settled on his bed, holding his little stuffed cow on his lap as he looked at the shadows of his room.
“So… Ally, you say that I am, favoured? By the old ones, but what makes me so special? I haven't been the best at preaching their word, their teachings.”
The shadows flickered and another grin scattered across the darkness before wrapping themselves around Michael, somewhat like a hug if it didn't feel so cold.
‘We told you Michael~ It's because of your aggression! They love seeing their followers embrace their inselves~’
“Oh… So it’s okay that I have a darkness? I appreciate that sentiment, it makes me feel a lot better… I have thoughts and sometimes they’re not the safest you know?”
The shadows chuckled and it was a haunting sort of sound. ‘We know~’
“So um… are you just always around now? If I speak you’ll hear me, there's no special way to call you without seeming insane…”
‘Just call out our name and watch the shadows~ We’re always here, never to leave your side!~’
“So Ally… While it’s nice to have a friend here, I know I have my sister but she’s different. I love her dearly but we don't always agree on how to live life… And I’m sure she wouldn’t care about the fact I maybe like a guy but the Cathedral has been a harsh life.”
‘We know, we’ve been watching. Always here just never…. Talking until now~ But you have us now! Trust us, let us guide you~ And you’ll thrive in the world, we promise~’
Michael smiled to himself and nodded before laying back on bed with a sigh, his tail curling around himself as he started to try and drift off to sleep. “Thank you Ally, I needed this.”
‘Certainly~ Sleep well Michael~ We will talk soon’
And then the shadows lightened once more that cold feeling faded, replaced by how the room usually felt. Plain but open, warm, safe even.
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tged webtoon ep 156 spoilers and thoughts below the cut yeah yeah yeah
also if the panels are slightly blurry uuuuuh no they're not dont worry abt it
ok back to the top bc holy shit this chapter made me crazy again
and ohhh god the restoration of fate kicking in alongside all of this is insane ,, , god it might even happen sooner depending on how quickly they kick their plans into gear ,,, also this guy (forgot his name LMFAO) looks downright terrifying
i wonder how they'll go about it actually,,, especially since alicia has already had a dose of that like, dark magic paranoia poison back when she raided targa's castle. will she be able to combat what their planning,,, do they know she had been poisoned before? probably not, right? ooohhh im so curious to know,,,,,,,
he's finally so close . he's so close to being able to permanently protect this place that he loves so dearly . ooohhhghhh hhhhh . he's gotta pursue and continue to the end god im shaking him
im so sorry i dont have a lot of brilliant things to say im just. KICKING MY FEET ROLLING ON THE FLOOR IM. AAAHHHH my singular Analysis braincell hasn't kicked in yet sorry
sorry okay if i just post panels and scream i wont actually get anywhere but i REALLY liked the oneliners/jokes in this episode specifically got me giggling my ass off
i remember seeing a post on twt about the episode preview and it was this left frame of lloyd crying and i was like "WTF FULLY EMOTIONAL MOMENT WITH LLOYD??" BUT NO ITS JUST HIM BEING CONNIVING AS USUAL LMAO
and javier's reaction HAHAHAHAHAHAA
shaking crying at the way they look at each other oh my god . javier fully understanding lloyd . that the outcome lloyd wants isnt just one that benefits himself or the estate, but one that satisfies everyone,,, theyre on the same page they want the same thing a good ending for everyone they love im gonna lose my fucking MARBLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE PROTAGONISTS EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR
lloyd saying this n that about being pragmatic and yet there's this blatant fucking evidence that he's been working so hard and so long for the most idealistic, best results for the people he cares about and the people he comes across no matter what . "pragmatic" and he's going about things in a long, constructive and taxing process all so that he can fight fate while also saving people instead of realistically accepting the permanence of it . this is so poorly worded but i hope u understand HOW INSANE THIS MAKES MEEE and javier catches this for sure the fucker im shaking him
THIS MADE ME SO FUCKING EMOTIONAL FOR SOME REASON I. GHGHGHHGHGHGHGHH the first high five they share im gonna fall apart into ten billion pieces
i said this on twt but like. if anyone suggests a high five irl i think i'm actually gonna just bawl in front of them i'm so serious llovier is a fucking plague
and their second one about the hellgate was really cute/funny LMFAOOO
this ep had me giggling and wiggling around like a fucking millipede i loved this so much HEHEHEHE
i think this is just abt the beginning of the end of the truth jewel arcs,,, god i wonder what the jewel will say!!! PRAYING that it says fate can be fought bc if it says "lol nah u cant" the devastation and anguish that would follow would be INSANE i wouldnt be able to take it. id stop reading right then and there /j
anyway that's all for now ,,,, i will see u next week, ,,,, or whenever i make my next shitpost,,,,!!!! end post!!!!!!!!!!
#tged#the greatest estate developer#tged spoilers#lynn misc#man i was giggling like a fucking maniac while i was reading this ep#blessed be my family for not asking me about it xd#like how do i explain that the reason im cackling so much is bc my fav characters smiled at each other and then high fived .#like what would i even say to explain why that feels significant to me to ppl who havent read tged#im sure someone else here in the fandom could pull it off... not me tho im verbally useless
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"I'm starting to get worried y'all hate this fic and me..." WRONG if i ever say anything negative about you then shoot me because that is NOT ME!!!!!!
ok no formattying (that was unintentional but its funny so im leaving it) sorry, but im going insane over this chapter like KAJDHWKJS. george feeling guilty !!!!!!!!! im literally about to die pls. the END omg im dying. theyre both so sad i just want to shake them by the shoulders and yell TALK at them PLEASE. speak. COMMUNICATE. sorry i cant even form words im so tired but id read this fic from my grave idgaf.
"But most of all he hated himself." STOP IT. IM GONNA CRY. george no pls he loves u u love him talk it out its fine its fine talk it out IM GONNA SCREAM. ok. insanity over. enjoy your day and i hope you are blessed by the gods for this fic i sweae
AHHH Hello again!! AHHH Thank you so much for reading oh my gosh!! You weren't kidding about reading it asap! Also sorry for being insecure on main 😭 sometimes the self doubt creeps in even when I don't want it to... rationally I know that I write my fics for fun, for me, because I enjoy it, but sometimes I get nervous when I don't see any feedback on them since I don't have a beta reader anymore... then I fully convince myself they suck or that I have gone completely in the wrong direction 😬
Yes! Fictional!George is feeling SO GUILTY he has finally had time to like... settle down and has realized that maybe he reacted a little irrationally / over the top... and also more than that he misses Fictional!Matty, yes he's jealous of the success he's having but he doesn't look happy in any of the pictures he just looks tired and that makes Fictional!George sad. He's spend MONTHS working to get Fictional!Matty to look a little less haunted and he personally has ruined all of his hard work 💀 Hopefully they'll talk things out soon... 😇
LOL Fictional!George is now shifting his hatred of Fictional!Matty inward (was he just projecting his own issues with self worth onto Fictional!Matty the entire time 🤔 idk but I think both of them need some therapy...) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING and your INCREDIBLE ask omg!! I am currently watching the SCF so we will see how my day ends up hahahaha (Get your shit together Panthers if you blow this after leading the series 3-0 I will never recover) I hope you are having the most wonderful of Fridays and that you have a wonderful weekend!!
#allylikethecat#ask ally#anon ask#keep it kind#fanfiction#matty fic#gatty#fanfic#all the king's horses#equestrian au#atkh#i just love how fucked up fictional!george is in this fic#and how unreliable of a narrator he is#this is the first long form fic ive written where we havent flipped to a different pov at least once#and its been a challenge but also a lot of fun!
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who fills the pot holes in “lore olympus”?
the thing about criticism is this: you can absolutely think “too hard” about something intended to be light fare and the delicate balancing act of art criticism is about threading various needles to avoid as many retorts as possible accusing you of opening discussions in bad faith. one of the many ways to obliterate trust in your critical audience is to become so derisively nitpicky that your attempts to draw attention to the pre-existing holes in the setting or the structure of the story will look like petty sabotage. i recognize this is the risk im taking when i get set off by the existence of sports luxury vehicles within a fictional universe created entirely to cater to a specific sexual appetite. indeed, there is no type of pedantry more obnoxious than the sexual pedant.
the work doesnt exist in a vacuum. if we’re going to be honest about the work’s intent (or, how the work’s intent explicitly reads to the audience), part of the fantasy is to be completely taken care of. i mean, who among us hasn’t dreamed of this, at least briefly. it’s one of the most fundamental of all human desires. but to be taken care of, in settings which are founded in capitalist societies (everyone groans at my shit), begs the obvious question: where is the money coming from?
author’s note so everyone knows im not insane (hahahaha): i’m not here to argue the virtues of communism over capitalism or imply that depicting capitalism favorably in your comic is a moral failing. it is not capitalism itself that i have a problem with (...in artistic depictions), it is the way that it is invoked within this comic specifically that bothers me; it demonstrates a terminal thread of thoughtlessness that threatens to unravel the entire setting, premise and moral ambiguity of what is being presented as a desirable fantasy. this element is the catalyst that sparks the degradation of the taboo into the unconscionable.
look i’ll be up front: my primary motivation is that this comic sucks and im a hater. the anti-feminist overtones are their own kettle of fish but the runner up contender for most concerning (oooueerrrg, everyone is groaning again) element is the complete lack of class consciousness. look, i mean concerning in the sense of “why has none of this gone recognized by, like, anyone?” every time i show someone a real LO panel they react like i’m went out of my way to fuck with them in an ultra specific way. it has completely recreated the feeling of being the only person in my friend group watching riverdale, if riverdale were the crown jewel of the WB.
to strip the pretension from the phrase “class consciousness” and put it in plain text: the insertion of modern capitalism into the comic has necessitated the creation of an underclass to serve the gods (the focus of the comic). as a result, the comic has repeatedly needed to justify the abuse, exploitation and acts of dominance over the subjugated class in order for the main cast to remain sympathetic. the author is incapable of envisioning a world that does not operate on disparity, in spite of the immutable fact that the gods are the sole arbiters of seemingly infinite creation.
and i’m capable of comprehending that there are times when a work has grotesquely unlikable asshole protagonists on purpose. it could be argued that the fickle behaviors of the gods is SUPPOSED to be detestable and there are obviously times where that is the intended audience read. but this is not “succession” and the entirety of the work does not indicate that it is trying to create quiet commentary by inviting the audience to draw their own conclusions on the characters by simply presenting them with the truth of their actions and deeds. additionally, if the romantic hero also engages in that behavior and it’s unremarked on or encouraged by the author or the heroine, what is the intended audience read?
regardless, all this to say: i do not want to alter the content of the comic, but to verbalize how it reads to me as an audience member. the purpose of criticism is to demonstrate and encourage reflection and to help refine one’s own perceptions.
okay. right. the cars.
this is minthe. i could write 100000 more words about the treatment of her by the comic and, by extension, the author. her introduction is about as subtle as a brick: she serves as the evil whore foil to persephone’s virgin perfection. her introduction as hades’ randomly abusive, hyper-sexual, and cruel younger girlfriend is contrasted with persephone’s naivete, chastity, and sweetness. shes literally smoking a cigar and wearing lingerie. somehow she is not the hero.
like i said, there’s a lot to unpack with her but i need to stay on target. minthe is a nymph, one of many “beast races” (for lack of a better term) that populate olympus and fulfill menial tasks and jobs. for example, this guy runs a modeling agency.
a modeling agency that include car shows. or...dealerships. its not really clear. anyway: she is introduced to hades in a flashback through his brother zeus who sexually harasses her during her shift.
lol uh. or comes as close as he can without becoming objectively villainous instead of “rakish”. as a result, what plays out is all VERY schoolyard behavior.
he executes a 0/10 prank that still kills for some reason.
and then it happens. “it” isn’t a singular event limited to just the example im about to give. “it” is the complete undercutting of the dramatic and logical tension within the story and “it” happens with alarming frequency as the comic introduces more and more modern elements. each additional luxury vehicle or department story or cell phone comes with the artist being forced to depict the people (or in this case, beast races) providing those services. the author cannot imagine a world where luxury is not predicted on service or a product, even or especially when the existence of the service or product does not make sense.
back to “it”...hades poofs away:
if gods can poof and fly (as its been implied some or all of them can), what in the hell is the purpose of the luxury vehicle on olympus? the beast races are sure as shit not buying them as they are explicitly the working class in every single one of their appearances. what does it run on? who pumps the gas? who services the cars? the streets of olympus have been paved so that cars can be driven so this would suggest the city’s infrastructure was centered around the use of vehicles. does he hire someone to drive him around in it, despite the fact that he can teleport? he and persephone clearly use it to get around even though she can fly. these cars are so successful despite having an extremely limited number of buyers, they make enough money to hire booth babes all day explicitly so they can be sexually harassed by the men (of a superior magic immortal race) buying the cars.
why does an entire seemingly unnecessary industry exist within the confines of the universe?
all of the above questions are overthinking a basic logistical problem with the setting for anyone with a moral center: in order to be served, one must have servants. the entirety of the universe in LO is constructed around not a modern re-imagining of the ancient myth, but instead a lazy and depressing hodge-podge of various products and physical items the author places great value on as status items in the real world. and, sadly, this is not as a bit within the universe. this isn’t setting up any message other than the central one of the comic: love and worth can be quantified with a dollar amount.
hades’ department store (staffed entirely by beast races who are delighted and eager to serve their master) offers a purse that two beast race women drool over, only to be informed:
this scene has a direct and obvious purpose: through it, we establish that hades’ store caters to the ultra-ultra-rich. this is a level of rich that is unobtainable to anyone except the pantheon of gods, whose unique abilities maintain the fabric of reality and thus set the terms for the world they unilaterally control. at best, minthe, a nymph, experiences a fraction of this wealth when sugaring for hades. on the other hand, persephone is the heiress to a cereal empire (who is eating the....?.........you know what dont even get me started on that whole thing) so she is all but assured to be independently wealthy even if she was temporarily without funds during certain events of the comic.
back to the purse: hades and persephone arrive at his own department store so that she can have a restorative shopping montage. she learns a heart-warming lesson about how its okay to be rich in what i think is one of the most gratuitous and absolute dog-brained moments of the entire fucking comic, thus far, including the part where persephone gets big and accidentally steps on (real, human, ancient greek) people and has to go on the lam. her accidental manslaughters evidently require a tribunal and a trial of her peers, which is odd when contrasted with the justice meted out on the beast races indiscriminately and unilaterally by individual gods who act as judge, jury, and executioner.
granted these are not the nice gods (i can think of an event with demeter, persephone’s confusingly controlling mother, specifically, as seen above), but there’s an echo of this behavior when hades bullies two beast race women into divulging information about persephone. in one example, a woman purchases a hair comb from a pawn shop, ignorant that it was a gift from hades and persephone is the one who pawned it for emergency funds. when hades shakes her down and demands where she stole the comb from, she directs him to the pawn shop and he just...takes it. to give it to persephone again. whether or not she was made whole or is even okay with this is completely inconsequential to the author but left me, the reader, in a total lurch. the complete disregard for addressing this within the narrative is less shocking when taken into total account with everything else ive been talking about.
the sequence in which hades takes her on a shopping spree to both improve her mood and express his love was too grotesque for me on every conceivable level. it is not just the shockingly antiquated “women b shoppin!” stereotype presented as a healing process, but the open and shameless conflation of money and love, net worth and self-worth. what possible message could come from this except to reinforce that within the fictional universe of LO, it is the place of the lesser to fawn over what persephone is ultimately entitled to. it is her birthright as the protagonist/self insert and as a literal goddess who determines the creation of food...and nymphs. the underclass. the gods are responsible for the creation of their servants.
the industries exist because they are 1:1 representations of or conductive to what the author considers to be a desirable luxurious fantasy. i do not think there is a more complex reason than that, as that is the reason why the entire comic exists: as a personal love letter to the author’s tastes and desires. and frankly, that’s the point of comics. ALL comic artists should succumb to this desire. what continues to vex and haunt me however is the complete lack of reflection occurring despite the author putting these elements together and presenting them for an audience who then lapped it up without questioning what, specifically, was appealing about this and why. it is by sheer accident that these elements combine together to paint an unflattering picture of a culture that has created artificial disparity for no apparent reason than personal gratification.
my question, is this:
who fills the pot holes on the roads built exclusively so that the gods can drive their luxury cars? why do they do it? to get hades some pussy????
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Placements that like to cuddle a lot? :)
Hey you,
This is so cute haha. Yes I have for sure seen some trends when it comes to this! While some people are so reluctant to physical touches others seem to love it, we'll talk about the latter for this post;)
Love language astro:
Physical touches
Taurus rising/ Libra rising: I have never met a Venusian child that don't like physical touches from their loved ones (assuming they don't have any other placements that cancel this out). Taurus rising especially, LOVEEE cuddling and holding hands it's honestly adorable. I'd say that while some of these natives don't enjoy PDA everywhere everytime, they do love a lil spice here and there in public. But in private, they're the sweetest most wholesome people ever. Venus is love. So these people love love, they live for that affection, for that heartwarming moments. Being surrounded by Venusian people, I have now got used to this habits of theirs. My friend would try to hold my hands everytime we're crossing the road and my s/o (also a libra rising) honestly give me butterflies simply by playing with my fingers😭 Y'all are that flirty huh. ( OH also this is why they're great flirts too, they're not that afraid of physical flirtations like brushing others arms or touching their faces LOL)
All earth moons: Lemme elaborate, I'd put a warning here before y'all go off on me about Capricorn moon🤣 earth is physical, it is the material world, it is what concrete and real and the moon-our emotions, our inner feels and basic foundations -> earth moons in general THRIVE off physical affections with their loved ones (literally only their loved ones don't come to them and start hugging them if y'all just meet, please.) in my opinions, earth moons can come off so so so cold? like they just look unfazed and unimpressed sometimes, so dry tbh💀 HOWEVER, they're not. thats the thing. most earth moons i know really really really like it when their loved ones curled up with them and give them hugs and kisses. even if they acted all grossed out and unbothered, trust me they love it. These people are most likely to crave your attention physically once they're used to it. Taurus moon, Venusians right here, so not much of a surprise when they ask you to come over and cuddle on the sofa while ordering takeouts huh, such sensual people tbh. Virgo moon, more harsh than taurus moon in terms of it can seem a lil awkward here and there with them, but they will show love in multiple way, they will hold your hands tighter as you cross the road, will hug you before you leave for work, will kiss your forehead and make a sarcastic comment after a fight, truly cuties. Capricorn moon maybe is the least obvious out of the three, their faces would literally look shocked if someone start hugging them or opening up to them ( its rly funny im sorry i love yall tho LMFAO). but they will accept it and get used to it so fast, believe it or not they're the one that needs physical reassurance from their s/o all the time HAHAHAHA capricorn moons yearn for closer connection but they hate people (true story) so they just don't look for it and expect it to come to them LOL. give your cap moon friends a hug for me!
Leo Venus/ Leo Moon/ Leo Rising: To be fair I put Leo Rising here without thinking much because I have Leo Rising, but when I think about it critically I think Leo Rising can be extremely similar to earth moons when it comes to physical affections, they secretly love it but can be a bit shy about it (cancer 12H). But Leo Venus and Leo Moon on the other hands😌 Their need for attentions is insane. Gonna ask you every 5 minute is it true that you don't love them anymore because you didn't look at them for a sec💀 Kiss them in public and watch their eyes brighten in happiness and awe. Squeeze their waist tight and intertwined your fingers with theirs and watch them fall in love with you even more. PDA kings and queens. If its not extra they don't want it. I'm not gonna lie, Leo Moon/Venus is the one who wants to keep cuddling for hours and keep jumping on their s/o bones💀 Also they're that annoying couple that can't stop kissing HAHAHA. Me and my s/o literally have separation anxiety and boundaries issues LOL (both Leo Venus).
Cancer Venus/Mars: secretly lowky, they know they get attached and needy fast when they let loose so they put up a front. VERY AFFECTIONATE.
Mars in the 4th house: They are honestly such softies. They love love loveeeeeee physical attention and thrive in their blankets🤣
Libra, Aries, Pisces, Scorpio, Leo Mars: Libra Mars might seem the most detached but similar to Cancer Mars, its just the front:) They require a lot of cuddles too.
Taurus/Libra Venus/Scorpio Venus: Scorpio Venus the type to ask you whats your deepest darkest secret and will fall for you when you open up to them. they like constant attention (surprise) and physical attention is greatly appreciated. may be very shy sometimes but so lovable and adorable. Libra&Taurus Venus on the other hand is very relaxed and can come off as easy going, but they're HELLA demanding in love, very forgiving but need as much of attention as Leo placements haha💓
Mars conjunct Moon, Mars sextile/trine Moon too ( Bonus points if they're in house 2,4,7 haha )
Ceres(our second moon sign, show what we need to feel nurtured ) conjunct/trine/sextile Mars
Moon sextile Venus: the Moon and Venus are both very soft and unique planets, they both require A LOT of attention
4H ruler harmonious aspects to ASC/ Moon/ Mars
Up here are a few I can think as of right now:) I'll keep you updated if I do come up with more!!💖
saint jenx🖤
#astrology observations#astro notes#astrojenx#astrology#libra rising#astrology notes#astrotips#leo venus#libra sun#libra venus#scorpio venus#leo rising#leo moon#taurus rising#cancer mars#cancer venus#cancer sun#pisces mars#scorpio mars#aries mars
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