#im getting in so deep cause why am i thinking about if lust demons have better dark vision than others or more light sensitivity
acemxce · 3 months
lust things
Lust is the blue one so Ring 5 of Hell. beneath greed and above envy.
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blue skies. no visible suns like wrath or moons though in later shots we get stars. so seems to always be dark and moody. rains often in like every episode lust is shown. not acid rain like is implied in pride tho cause hellborn are fine walking under it.
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neon cityscape skyline. architecture makes me think of a mix between vegas and new orleans. lots of balconies. puns puns puns. honestly at least the parts of the ring we've been shown seem more focused on like. tourism for other types of hellborn. lots of brothels, strip joints and clubs. its giving the vegas strip, so I assume outside of these denser areas is like normal suburbs and places for lust demons to live. on top of sex toys and kink equipment/gear their other biggest export is of course prostitution.
King Asmodeus's tower/palace. personal residence and attached(?) to his factory? everything leads us to believe this is morning but still dark so guessing lust is in perpetual night. (which is ironic considering ozzie is a giant rooster). seemingly tallest building in lust which makes sense
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they have waterways. mote/channel? maybe lust is like a bunch of islands or like italy with lots of waterways
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everything is bisexual lighting
another thing to note is that lust is a lot cleaner than other rings we've seen. there's damage, wear and tear but like every place would have that. by comparison lust seems really well kept and cared for.
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so get this. I was gonna roll around in Tombstone related fluff today - but no, no - this post came across my dash so Now We Are Gonna Discuss the Carnal Consumption of Meat as it appears on That Show Supernatural.  YEAH BUDDIES!
(also my sincere apologies to OP of the inspiration post who innocently tagged it with “lunch date!”  because I am about to go Elsewhere, cursedly).
Let’s all go meat man, after the cut!
This analysis centers primarily on 5x14 Bloody Valentine.  The title of course is a semi-homage to a 3D Slasher Film Jensen starred in circa 2009. 
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Which I will be renting soon I guess.  ,[<- parasocial panda GET BACK IN YOUR ENCLOSURE]
Also Its Really Fun that the trailer for Said Cinema ends with “nothing says date movie like a 3-D ride to hell” [are you also thinking of Cas pulling Dean out of hell, or are you normal?]  ***unironically the teaser for 5x14 is -
First date.
They then eat each other.  Literally they eat each others flesh.  They also do it while dirty talking about it.  SPN IS A SHOW 
ALICE Ugh! I've been so alone. So empty...
RUSSEL I know. Me too.
ALICE I want you, Russel---All of you... inside me...
[they both take bites out of each other, Alice chewing on a piece of Russel's flesh]
****Remember this detail, as it is important.
ANYWAY, it’s truly Cursed that not only are we doing an homage to this 3-D Jensen Horror Date Flick but also this episode is specifically centered on Valentine’s Day.  The day honoring romance and love Now Coopted by Hallmark, everyone, that is the day spn writers chose to introduce us to 
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Sir Horseman of THE Biblical Apocalypse Famine. 
Canonically, we are aware that the show is drawing from the book of Revelations in its depiction of the Four Horsemen.  Here’s what it says about Famine -
"When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.”
-Revelations 6:5
Famine holds scales (used to weigh out grain in times of food scarcity).  Spn’s depiction is represented as hunger, a bottomless pit of need.  It consumes souls (demon and human alike).  
Cas describes Famine a little more poetically:
"And then will come Famine riding on a black steed. He will ride into the land of plenty... "
"... and great will be the Horseman's hunger, for he is hunger. "
"His hunger will seep out and poison the air. "
***Consider a prior season in which we are introduced to the Seven Deadly Sins.  Which are the sins associated with hunger?
and Lust.
***this is also important
Back to the episode.  Case cold open, and we find out that Alice was a Nice Girl.  In that she didnt drink, smoke or
have premarital sex.
***So Alice’s hunger for the sin of Lust caused her to succumb to it; and her demise was presented as Gluttony (literally eating her partner’s flesh). HMM
Famine’s presence is affecting the town, and Cas is not immune.
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And when did you start eating?
Exactly. My hunger-- it's a clue, actually.
***They lay it out a little more in case you missed it ->
I thought famine meant starvation, like as in, you know, food.
Yes. Absolutely. But not just food. I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something--Sex, attention, drugs, love...
***this is so important.  but of course because its spn and our textual narrators are generally unreliable (even in a Ben Edlund episode, yes I know)
we get a red herring
Right. The cherub made them crave love, and then Famine came, and made them rabid for it.
***but that’s not accurate.  they didn’t get married or become obsessed with each other (remember the cursed coin in 4x08 Wishful Thinking and the unconditional love wish? not what happened here). they had premarital sex.  they did the thing Alice considers wrong, and dark, and sinful.  and then they ate each others’ flesh.
Okay, but what about you? I mean, since when do angels secretly hunger for White Castle?
It's my vessel-- Jimmy. His, uh, appetite for red meat has been touched by Famine's effect
***mad lad Jimmy Novak’s hunger is for...red meat?  He is starving for red meat?  You are telling me that the Novaks, red blooded conservative religious midwestern Novaks, ate RED MEAT SO SPARINGLY that Jimmy Novak was LITERALLY starving for it?!?!  No way.  Absolutely no way.  This is a man who was such a religious zealot he STUCK HIS HAND IN BOILING WATER and accepted an angel of the lord into his own body but his secret hunger was for fucking ground beef?
give me a damn break.
to me this is an absolute coverup.  Because Cas’s burger consumption is not related one iota to his vessel Jimmy Novak.
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it is a representation of Cas falling.  Cas’s cravings for meat represent his growing (and very much prohibited) feelings for...humanity (Dean Winchester), and they are presenting as Gluttony in the form of his downing more and more copious amounts of red meat.  
SERIOUSLY, consider this - at one point the depiction is so desperately carnal that he is eating raw ground beef with his bare hands. It is fucking uncomfortable.  and it is SUPPOSED to be.  Famine stirs up hunger for the prohibited.  For the sinful. That which we are starving for but do not believe we can ever have, so we lust and we lust and we LUST after it, but should we allow ourselves even just a taste of what we have been ravenously craving, we binge it until we ourselves disappear into the oblivion of our own sinful, dark desires.
Since You Want More Examples of why this cant possibly be hunger for Cheeseburgers and Cheeseburgers alone, Consider Famine’s effect on Dean.  Remember his doctor kink?
**when its revealed that Doctor Corman has succumbed to Famine’s poison by drinking himself to death, Dean - very uncharacteristically by the way - reacts by saying out loud
DEAN Thanks. Crap! I really kind of liked this guy.
***please note that Doctor Corman says the following to Dean in the prior scene they have together -
DR. CORMAN [to Dean]
Agent Marley, you just can't stay away.
****was that a flirtation?
***Also, Dean doesn’t want to go out and chase tail for Valentines Day.   
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I mean, what do you always call it-- Uh, unattached drifter Christmas?
Oh, yeah. Well... be that as it may...I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year.
So you're not into bars full of lonely women?
Nah, I guess not. [takes a sip of his beer] Ahh. What?
That's when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.
***oh look we are relating things to eating again.  sex/lust to gluttony.  hmmm hmmm hmmm
ANYHOW -  *takes deep breath*
 this is also the Episode Where This Scene Lives
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oh and speaking of jacting joices, this is also the Dean Notices Cupids Crotch Episode.
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frAckles, I am once again asking why you only permit celestial beings to hug you from behi-[gunshots]
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but Dean isn’t hungry.  Why? Famine has the explanation, and we get it after Dean immediately runs inside after Cas heads in to complete his portion of their plan barely giving him any time to do so because he misses him that much.
I disagree. [Famine moves closer to Dean and touches him] Yes. I see. That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex.
Oh, you're so full of crap.
Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me! 
***not Dean making all of those homophobic/homoerotic jokes every time he’s in danger or feeing uncomfortable; not that, that can’t possibly be what Famine is referencing, right?
I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. 
***not THIS parallel:
You're a mystery. I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel, except… It's cloaked in shame
You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just... keep going through the motions. 
***not the motions of performative heterosexuality!!
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***Dean’s not hungry because in his heart he truly believes that he can’t actually have what he hungers for.  That Thing Which This Episode Overtly but Also Very Clearly Made Obvious.  It’s an angel riding shotgun [I did Do That and I am Not Sorry], eating a burger in the front seat of the impala.  But, I’ve deviated from the meat of this essay [gunshots] [this time just for the bad joke].
there’s Exists another episode in which a man ravenously consumes red meat; eventually succumbing to eating raw beef with his bare hands in the season prior to this one.  
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Yes Supernatural the Show That Brought Us Not One But Two Scenes of Persons Carnally Consuming Red Meat With Their Bare Hands.  
This episode is a MOTW - the man in question is a rougaru - a monster that starts out as human but due to some specific genetic disorder (hmmm hmmm hmm crack in THE chassis hmmm hmmm) soon begins to be extremely hungry - “for everything, but eventually long pig.” AKA human flesh. 
Wanna know the kicker?  
Episode’s called Metamorphosis.
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(GIF by jackttwist)
I’ll see myself out.
[DOUBLE BONUS for extra credit:
if you really wanna wild out, go watch the scene of Jack the rougaru looking at himself in the mirror in 4x04 - and then meander on over to 7x01 and check out God!stiel looking in the mirror as the leviathans writhe inside him over there. It’s worth the walk.]
***oh and @lilac-void​ im tagging you in this one because in exchange for your KIND creator content nomination I guess I will respond by cursing you with an Honorary tag in this, a Meat Meta.  you’re welcome slash I'm sorry XO [but seriously thank you again for your kindness and appreciation; it really motivated me to sit down and get moving on making more content <3]
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missblissy · 5 years
Hey! I’m loving your Alastor imagines & I want to request one. Can you write something where the reader is an angel from heaven & sneaks down to hell to visit Alastor (boyfriend) every day. The reader puts on a disguise to not get caught. So one day reader decides to show off her wings to him in private & he’s smitten with how gorgeous they are since he’s never seen anything like it & asks to touch them which makes reader blush/giggle causing Alastor to sneeze. Just fluff & kisses. Thanks!
((@U@ I am swept away by this ask Is this based off an OC?? Cause if so??? Please tell me about them??? If not??? THANK YOU FOR SUPPLYING THE BEST ASK OF THE DAY!!!!!!! I kind of turned this into a song fic?? Im sorry if you aren’t into those, I was just listening to this song over and over again while writing this fic and??? I just??? Love it?? Anyways QuQ Sorry if you don’t like song fics, but!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!))
You risked your life every day you ascended down with to meet with a man who you could never spend your afterlife with. Falling with Morning Star, Venus, traveling the path of Lucifer, you’d hide among the clouds as you waited for the perfect time to fall without anyone noticing. Every morning you’d make this journey. 
Many people thought you were a shooting star crashing into the earth and you could hear their prayers and wishes while falling towards earth. There were many portals to Hell, but you took the one in Italy and fell through the crusts of the planet. 
With your white wings tucked in, you landed in The Forests of Limbo. Many souls were doomed to walk among it’s swampy land, lost in the fog forever while they search for heaven’s golden gates. Of in the distance and close to the Second Circle of Lust, you could see several castles bloom above the treetops. You looked around to make sure you were alone. Quickly, you replaced your halo for horns. Your wings faded and blended into your back, tucked and hidden away so no one could see them. You took on a demonic form with a slithering imp tail and teeth the size of knives. You sucked in a deep breath and started heading for the center of the Hell and into Pentagram City. 
You had fallen in love with a man who was the complete opposite of you. He was cunning, evil, tricky, mischievous and twisted. Alastor was a demon unlike any other. And still, you loved him and every evil little thing about him. Lately, he’s been staying in a hotel and not his home. You were kind of happy that he was. There was a point there when he went weeks without leaving his home. Now he had so many friends and people to surround himself with. It made your naturally worrying heart ease a little. 
He was staying on the top floor, thank god you had wings. Expect this time when you stretched them out, the pure white feathers were gone and replaced with slick black skin as it stretched out like a bat’s wing. Standing at the base of the hotel while the morning light crawled into the sky, you gave one quick swoop of your wings and launched into the sky. Seconds later you were tapping on Alastor’s window only to come face to face with the Radio Demon himself.
With a never-ending smile, he pushed open his window, “Good morning, my dear,” He held his hand out for you. As he helped you through the window he grabbed ahold of your waist and gently placed you on solid grown. Alastor didn’t waste a second at stealing a kiss from your lips. 
You giggled softly, trying to hide your blush, “Hello,” Your voice was small and your heart was racing. Of course, Alastor knew you were an angel from above, but no one else did. It was a forbidden love that made your blood rush with excitement.
Alastor brushed his nose against you. You loved his little Eskimo kisses more than the real ones, “You look like you’ve been through Hell and back,” He joked softly, his long claws still wrapped around your waist and holding you in place. You giggled, loving his jokes and poor taste in humor. 
“Only so I can be with you, my love,” You lifted your hand and Alastor instinctively pressed his cheek into your palm. He rubbed his cheek against your fingers while a shallow smile adorned his face.
He started to hum and followed suit. You already ready knew the tune as Alastor whisked you around his hotel room. The two of you waltz in circles. Your eyes locked with his dark ones, he hummed with a fizzle and a pop in his static voice, then as if by magic a soft song escaped his form. He was his own damn radio, music twirled from him and soon he was singing as the two of you dance, “Ultimately I don’t understand a thing, I try to do the best I can, I know you try to do the same. We’re just so bound to make mistakes,” His voice came in and out of frequence, mingling with the soft music, “You could call it a disposition. I apologize for all your tears, I wish I could be different. But I’m still growing up… Into the one you can call your love,” He took his hand and creased your cheek, still singing along as your heart called to his siren song, “I don’t know if I’ll ever be enough, I’m throwing in my chips, I guess I tend to push my luck,” He stared down at you with a softer gaze and a sweet smile.
Your eyes lit up, knowing every word by heart, a large smile flutter to your lips, “And ultimately, I believe we’ll be okay! It’s so cliché to say these things, but repetition is a key!” Alastor’s silent heart twitched alive and caused little static waves of electricity to pulse from his form. The music played on as you reached on your toes and touched your nose to his, “I think I’m better when I’m with you. But I worry when you’re gone. I think I need to learn to love myself, I must learn to be strong,” Alastor slowed your waltz and eventually halted. You were close enough that you could kiss him, but you sang on with your lips barely brushing his shallow smile, “So, for now we’ll say goodbye. Although it pains me in my heart, your words, they come to me in memories. They sing to me like songs, it won’t be long until I’m here!” You pressed a kick kiss onto his lips, he didn’t even jump. He instead leaned down and followed you for another kiss but you sang on before he could do so, “Soon I’ll make my arrival. Under shady trees, a quiet street. The roads that I have traveled,” 
The two of you hummed in harmony for a second, then together you sang, “Ultimately it's a beautiful thing, like flowers blooming in a lonely field. The petals drift through crossing winds, they find their way to river streams that scent the water beautifully, it takes me back to you~ It takes me back to you~”
The music played on as the two of you slow danced there in that spot for a minute or so. Eventually, the tune quietly faded away until the room was silent again. It was always your favorite thing you did with him. Singing was so important to both of you and you were so happy you could share that love with him. 
Alastor creased your cheek with his hand while pressing a kiss onto your forehead, “You’d look better without those silly demon parts,” He quietly suggested in a low whisper-like voice.
He kept purring in your ear like a cat. He was always trying to get you to drop your disguise. You didn’t look much different from your natural form. You just had a halo and wings and some different color schemes. You gave a little shake of your head, “What if someone sees me?” 
Alastor just gave a little chuckle with a tiny smile, “Only I will see, my dear, I promise,” He snapped his fingers and all the curtains closed by themselves and you heard the lock to his door click and shut. 
“Fine,” You huffed with a little grin, not really upset by it, “But close your eyes first- And sit! On the bed!” Alastor followed your orders and perched himself on the edge of his bed. He closed his eyes and you waited a few seconds to make sure he wouldn’t peak.
You had never shown him your true form. So you were a little nervous. What if he didn’t like the way you looked?��You shook away your fears and waved your hand slowly over your chest. A warm and heavenly glow flustered and flashed from your heart before become so bright that it encased your entire body.
Only seconds passed and suddenly you were adorned in a thin white dress, a tiny little halo above your head, and wings untucked and folded behind you back, “Okay,” You quietly said, “You can look.”
As you stood there with your arms crossed over your chest, a flustered blush on your face, you watch Alastor open his eyes and his smile slowly fall from his face. No! He didn’t like it! You’d never seen him without a smile! 
He got up very quickly and possessively grabbed you with his hands and yanked you towards him. You were chest to chest when Alastor grabbed your chin with his fingers and forcefully stole as many kisses as he wanted. You were confused but you enjoyed this new version of Alastor that you’d never met before. 
“Absolutely, entirely and completely perfect and beautiful in every way,” Alastor’s voice was strong and confidante, his smirk was back as he watched you grow red, “I’ve never seen a creature as lovely and heavenly as you.”
He really never had. Alastor had never seen any angel ever. They didn’t tend to come down to Hell that often. He couldn’t take his eyes off your. Your skin was perfect, smooth, and hade the faintest glow to it. The way your hair was so fluffy and soft, it was so tempting not to run his fingers through it. But he was the most hypnotized by your wings. They were huge and finally understood why you kept them tucked away all the time.
Alastor released you from his grip and quickly walked behind you. He almost laid a finger on your wings but stopped inches before making contact. Silly him, he almost forgot to ask, “May I?”
You blinked a couple of times, not sure if you were comfortable with this or not. But you finally nodded your head and gave in to his pleading gaze. The second his fingers came in contact with your feathers, you felt a wild chill run down your back. It was a strange tickle that resided in your belly and caused your cheeks to flare up into a rosy red color. Alastor couldn’t help himself, he plucked a large white feather from your wings which caused you to jump and nearly knock him over.
“Sorry!” He smiled, “I just had to have one!” His tone was so light and bubbly, you could even be mad at him. Alastor then dipped his nose into your feathers and took in a deep breath. You smelled like peaches and sunshine.. He loved it. He took in another sigh but this time the feathers tickled his nose and causing him to sneeze.
His face twisted up and then he let out a loud “Achoo!” Oh god, it was so cute. He even seemed a little dazed by the force of the sneeze and he sniffled up whatever was trying to escape his nose. You spun around -almost knocking over a lamp in the process- then clasped your hands on either side of Alastor’s face.
You smiled big and gave him a quick kiss, “You’re so adorable,” You told him, “I’m glad you like me this way. I wasn’t sure if you would...” 
“How could I not?!” He started to snake his hands around your torso, resting them at the curves of your waist, “You’re simply perfect, my love.” He knew exactly what to say to make you blush and try and hide it with a giggle. The two of you kept standing there. Giving Eskimo kisses and real ones, getting intoxicated on each other’s love and drowning in affection. Nothing could have been more romantic or perfect than this.
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babiedeku · 5 years
hallo! can i request a swan lake au with tanjirou? particularly at the part where the swan tries to stop the prince making a vow to the wrong girl, but fails, and now tanjirou must defeat the wizard muzan in order to save the reader. he then defeats the wizard and angst happens which is turned into a happy ending in which the swan curse is lifted and they live happily ever after and what not (*´ω`*)
hi omg its finally here! after so long! im really sorry it took me forever but i hope you like it somehow! :”( thank you again for the request anon, this one was fun to write! - marianne
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One thing’s for sure, Tanjirou wouldn’t be in this situation if he had just listened the Swan Queen’s, (Y/N)’s, warning. He had just brushed it off, thinking it was just some absurd lore that was passed down through word of mouth to warn people from being too trusting of strangers and that not everything is what they seem at first glance.
Who - ? Tanjirou just saw you flee into the woods, wearing nothing but a white silk night dress.
“What’s wrong, Your Highness?”
Bringing back his attention to the person in front of him, (Y/N), or at least a very convincing clone of the said queen. “Drop the guise,” Tanjirou’s voice was even despite the anger that was bubbling deep within him, and his hand was itching to reach for the hilt of his sword, but he remained still in front of the imposter. “Muzan.”
A low sounding laughter echoed throughout the room, the sickly smell of burning skin hit Tanjirou’s nostrils - it was the foulest and most evil smell he has by far encountered, how had he not noticed it before? - your beautiful and ethereal features sloughing off to slowly reveal the demon sorcerer himself, red eyes keenly looking Tanjirou over. “I’m impressed,” He said, voice soft but as cold as the winter breeze. “you’re the first to have caught on this early,” The pool of melted skin sitting at his feet.
The first?  There have been a number of nobles and royals that have been killed, their kingdoms left to rot with no one ruling over them. The said kingdoms commoners would later on be found massacred, their blood soaking the lands, bodies mangled from only the gods know what. The stench arising from the dead was horrendous to Tanjirou and his keen sense of smell, and the scene of all those corpses were ingrained into his brain, the subject of his recurring nightmares.
To think that this man, Muzan, was the one who was responsible for all those innocent people’s deaths. This monster, as he continues to breathe and roam the lands, is an insult to their deaths.
“Oh, Tanjirou, my love,” Muzan mocked the young prince, his mouth was moving but your sweet and gentle voice was all that Tanjirou could hear, he could also almost see you vaguely.
Tanjirou’s breath hitched. Don’t, he thought, steering himself from trying to run up to you and wrap you in his arms. This madman was trying to get a rise out of him.
“I haven’t told you how absolutely delicious your family was, and how lovely they looked in their own blood.”
Something snapped inside of Tanjirou, it was as if there was a dam within him that was holding back all his anger and frustration, and his pent up anger was washing over him in waves. To massacre entire kingdoms to be able to gain power and impersonate the woman he’s in love with to be able to do the same with him and the kingdom he reigns over was one thing, but to also bring up his family in such a way and in your voice was something else - that’s where he fucking draws the line.
Drawing his sword, he pressed the tip to Muzan’s throat, with just enough force to draw a little blood. “You are a being that should not be allowed to exist.” Tanjirou said, face devoid of any emotion, but his words were dripping with venom.
“I am this close to being the perfect creature, and once I am able to feed on you and your pathetic subjects, I’ll be able to move on to other regions in Japan.”
The way he referred to himself was odd, ‘creature’? Tanjirou was confused, but he tabled that for a later thought, right now he had more pressing matters than think what Muzan is. “All this for wanting to take over the country?”
Muzan laughed, a cold breeze accompanying the humorless laughter. “You belittle me, prince?”
Darkness suddenly enveloped the room, even the late afternoon rays of the sun was obscured, leaving Tanjirou blind and surrounded in pitch black darkness.
“The last person who crossed me got turned into a swan.” The sorcerer’s voice echoed all throughout the room. “give me your kingdom, and i promise your death will be quick and painless.”
A swan? Could it be - ?
You had mentioned in passing, one night when he snuck out of castle grounds to come spend some time with you by your lake, about being turned into a swan as a punishment for defying the orders of a sorcerer who threatened to take over your kingdom.
His anger would be handled later, and perhaps an apology for being too dismissive of what had happened to you.
Tanjirou was calm despite being engulfed in darkness and having a sorcerer flitting around the throne room. His oddly keen sense of smell can easily pinpoint where Muzan was, if he could just -
A pained gasp left his lips, a searing pain on his left side suddenly bombarded his senses, as his hand slowly met the warm liquid on his side.
Taking a deep breathe to calm his nerves and steel himself, he tightened his grasp on the hilt of his sword.
Calm your mind.
His nostrils felt like they were burning with the horrid stench of burning flesh enveloping him. But, this was one of the many reasons why he treasure his keen sense of smell, because despite being literally kept in the dark and blindsided by his enemy, there would be moments that the smell of a silver lining would make itself known to Tanjirou, a thread of sorts that helps him pinpoint where his enemy’s location and weaknesses are.
And right now, it was right behind him.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Tanjirou turned around and brought his blade down onto Muzan as swiftly as he could, hoping he at least caused some sort of damage to the sorcerer.
The darkness slowly dissipated, revealing Muzan with a deep gash on his right eye and cheek, his blood gushing out as his veins stood out against his pale skin with a black shade.
“Pest,” The sorcerer spat, but gave the young prince a bloody smile. “you never seem to vanish, don’t you?”
Tanjirou nodded, his world was blurry and his head was heavy due to the blood that he was losing, but he would be damned if he can’t somehow defeat this monstrosity that stood before him and save the girl that has set his heart aflame. “Takes more than blood lust and thirst for power to rid me from this world.”
Muzan cackled, somehow truly bemused with the humans standing before him. “It is truly annoying how you pathetic human’s just don’t stop fighting -”
He stopped mid sentence, a sickening sound was heard along with a pained groan from Muzan, and then right before Tanjirou’s eyes, he fell to the ground in a pool of his own blood.
“I think a thank you is in order right about now,” You spoke, a small smile on your lips.
Tanjirou was rooted to his place, eyes wide and mind going blank as he stared at you standing in front of the crumpled sorcerer with a sword that probably belonged to one of the armors that lined the hallways. You were still in your white silk night gown, that was a little too sheer to his liking and left little to the imagination, making a blush erupt on the poor prince’s handsome features, and you were soaked in sweat and had some blood here and there - but god, you were still the most beautiful woman he has ever had the pleasure of meeting.
He wanted to weep at your feet, take you in his arms, apologize for not listening to you, and even give you a robe to cover yourself up, but he would save those for a time where the both of you were not involved with a madman sorcerer.
“But,” Your voice breaking him out of his trance, you grabbed his hand and ran  through the winding hallways of his castle. “we have to run, that was just something to buy us some time,”
“Right,” Was all Tanjirou’s mind could think of to say, his mind was going hazy with the blood loss, but he was sure that he would run to the ends of the earth with you.
Finally outside of the castle walls, both of you ran toward your small lake where you would, even if by a fraction, have the upper hand when it comes to confronting Muzan.
“Leaving so soon?” The voice sent chills down both of your spines, the night sky was slowly getting darker as each second passed. “Disrespectful to just leave a guest lying in their own pool of blood, Queen (Y/N).”
You glared at the man, hovering just behind you, dark cloudy wisps surrounding him. “You were no guest, you were unwelcomed in the first place.”
Muzan was unhappy with his spiel being rebutted, he growled and lunged at the pair.
Looking to the young prince beside you, all you could give him was an apologetic look because you knew that jumping into a lake from the tears of another person is not something that everyone would want to do. With no further explanation to jumped into the lake with Tanjirou in tow.
Tanjirou was not expecting this, he was not prepared for the plunge and his lungs were ready to get oxygen in them, but he knew any other movements would be futile underwater.
You grasped his hand a little tighter, hoping that he would somehow be reassured that he is not alone in the hellish nightmare unfolding before their eyes.
After a few more painful seconds a distant bellow was heard, along with the sudden flash of bright light.
Tanjirou was the first so break to the surface, gasping for air as he tried to survey his surroundings, looking for any signs of Muzan that could still be lurking in the very woods.
“Gone,” You gasped beside him, finally going up for some much needed air. “H-he’s finally gone,”
Tanjirou was relieved to finally have Muzan banished from the world, he hoped that the souls of all those innocent people, and his family, are at peace knowing that Muzan no longer walks the earth.
You were also beside him, hands still intertwined as the both of you stood in the lake.
He could feel the tears from the pent up anger, fear, exhaustion, and relief finally forming in the corner of his eyes - he was just so glad to finally have you with you him where he could make sure that the both of you live a happy, prosperous, and safe life together.
The two of you were silent for a few moments before Tanjirou finally threw himself onto you for a hug - it lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away, because he doesn’t want to over step your boundaries. “I’m sorry, I-I should have-” His profuse and heartfelt apologies went on for a full minute before you decided to stop his rambling with a quick kiss to the lips.
“Stop apologizing, my prince,” You smiled at the blushing boy. “I’m just glad I finally get to be with you,”
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"Apopalictic Astral Asending" Reavaluate disassociate my self worth...
The galaxies have birthed an uncontrollable being ....
I've feel as tho Ive seen myself split in two ..
Witch side do u wanna see if ur lucky I'll let you choose .
Cause in the end I loose..
One of hate one of love could both be from up above..
Or down below ...
I've began to show signs of delusions as half my mind goes an tells me it's only mild confusion. As my body fights my brain an heart to escape theys terrible illusions.
Yet the other half tries to start a fusion of body an mind an all the suddently my thoughts are no longer mine..
But a evil so Divine that its wound it's way threw time itself I've fealt the damage the energy dealt. I've yelped in anquish an pain been stuck for 7 long years in the rain with nothing to gain .. I can barely fathom to explain im not fully on earth I'm on another astral plane but i fear i flew out of my lane I've gone insane never wanted fame Ever fealt like bat man I mean oops Bruce Wayne. Nah fuck hes spoiled a wet rat infact I'm more like hulk duck when I'm near i wearly see I'm drowning inside my mind but no one can hear my dear I fear I've lost control again but cant compute I've been booted out of the system I've clawed hit an kicked to try to get to the top but i outta of known I've been ripped an thrown from my throne ive been shown what this beast can do but who woulda thought a demon bought my soul ..a jackal a goul.....you'll see me shift into numbness I suposse it was my own dumbness for being to open now cause of me my body an mind are broken an stole. as I weep an shutter an i try to speak but only stutter I found myself weak in defeat ....as ik this demon reaching its peak will plunder an pillage the town I've found I'm bound to this beast nowhere to run not north south or east I can run it will feast on my soul until the end of time ..
For diamonds cannot compare to the rarity of a soul nor a bowl of Ruby's an jems rolled in gold .....
A bold statement you say........
.. theres no ray of light here they stole it away buried it in your mind but how can u define being locked trapped in yourself ...
You've dealt your own fate ...
Wanting ansers u dint deserve ..
Did you like your just dessert's...no?
Dose it hurt ..... After you itll kill children's childhood freinds like bernie & eart ....whent bizzirk an bashed there brains makeing bloody rains
curking on everyone with cutlery forks an knifes* slice *cook big bird with chives after I've shanked him 900 times... 100 more woulda been devine serve him drink to dry alone cooked an ripped him to the bone but not quite alone u may not be home inside but u can still watch...I thought I taught u better than to close ur eyes dont beg or look surprised look away an I'll adopt another stray to do the same a slow sweet death cure's my hunger anyway
.the wines innocents blood bitter sweet to the taste of the tounge
no one thought it capable I seemed...looked ...so young..
They dint know it had just begun it wasn't me but the evil half committing crime with glee an fleeing repetavidly revealingly images to my mind of times & crimes so sickening I thought I'd die forever scetched seered into my mind .binded with no power as one towers over you using your power you cowar for how dose one define the disasbalment of there an every defined mind while ur inner demon dines on flesh making a mess of your vessel you cant even wrestle your way to the light to stay only break down in defeat that your so far away you've became an internal mess cant even stand on ur feet the beast has u chained in defeat u cry an apologize looking for answers as of how to stop.....an then...you hear a voice .." you outta stayed silent instead of talk back. U shouldn't of complained do u still think ur life used to be pain...... . Ur a sack of shit ur wit is less than that of an ant not to rant but I'm not done yet I have ur soul now I'm never letting go no no no I have plenty more so much to show many souls to reap an emotions to subdue after all u said yes.....
...did you forget ur the one who started this.
mess ......you dressed your mind with fantasy an fiction word to the wise never mess with other worldly friction an your itching for a way out but I doubt ull get there before the end of time .after all you had a devil an an angel on ur shoulder an you chose wrong this time. Only took 666 times but I'm patient an always waiting for 6 years hating an burning flesh waiting for a prayer a call after all Lucifer was once an angel an the most beautiful you just dint get to see from what angle he had beauty wrath an determination but u humans resulted in his isolation incarsorason. So now we will end up being humanity's enialation when were done there entire selves with evaporate for the demons have released self hate to pro create creatures in confidence we annihilate the fate of the human race at least the trace slight like us able to bust threw dementions so weve mentioned a start to find the inordinary soul an heart ......humanity was doomed from the start.. you stole our purpose our reason to be......humans sit in sin an glee.
Your humanitys Pride is overbearing never genuinely caring ..
Greed is sweeping the nation its reached ever state an it's got a hot heaping plate of corruption for mankind's consumption greed is grotesque in its steps of the darkest quest to corupt ur mind an want. .want..want until that's all you are is wanting more
Lusting over losely draped garments you've tarnished ur soul .
Envy of what you do not posses but for all you know that information an life would make you a mess but ud still test ur envious tendencies.....
Glutton glutton what have you gained it's not knowledge no for it's to plain rather glutton uve found a urge that wont go away....
Wrath an vengeance blood draw too no one stops till some dies him or you....
Sloth last but not least cant forget you cause uuuh wait what that fuck do u do....you sleep an sulk sit slither out of simple tasks an that's why ur not 1st no ur last like humanity just ask ....
So soon the day will draw near the the number 4 is what you should fear our dear old freinds were sending up for a visit so they can reddit ur fate for each a horse an a trait the first out the door with bow in hand riding a white horse with bow in hand
Conquest the start of the final test leading the restthere dark version of light on a white stallion he leads the way an soon will follow hades anyway.
War was next on a red steed he rode prepared to purge an quench new blood for the wars an battels would just begin brother against brother an close of kin witch to win?
Famine foe of all on a black horse with the courses hair so fair merely bone but dont let his appearance fool you hes for he is full devouring your greed taking away everything you want or need an now ur rationed to nearly starvation stretching farther than destination world wide sensation...
Pleage reaper of souls slowly apears steadly trotting riding a very sickly steed looking pale an almost gruesome green with sores an sickness best keep a distance. For he shall be the bringer of death an reap you all one by one to the four you shall fall...
Will you be spared are you true....
Are you happy with your life what did you do...?
Rapture no you still must die.....
Say good by to this earthy chapter theres so much more that manifest after.
But only your earthly husk must rust an fall your all energy of grate mass....
It's time to take the task of self evolvment an enjoy an enlightened installment
this world was just step wrench ur third eye wide open an accept the token of eternal life.
Grinded it to atoms a flash of dust all together ur a self fulfilling must memory pass u in a rush.....
. sudently ur bodysuit is gone ....
But it dint felt like it quite belonged.
You were 7 grams of light matter to be exact an sudently you've cracked the atmosphere ..steering energetic waves my metal psyche caves to the new information flying threw stars consolations.
Suddently speeding at the sound of light the stratosphere seems to disapear ..
My fear is gonewithout a trace an freedom transferred in its place
but am waved in infatuation to find out about out true destination...
Restoration of the soul the goal of a higher self being achieved as I crash into the sun 1500°
I feel a warmth like no other each being hues of light I might of missed earth if not I heard a voice but a mental push no need for speech just thinking it shall be done said by the the brightest in the sun.
Rejoice at last but ur journeys yet to pass ..
This is merely were you start ....
Our flames grew high with frantic waves not wanting to give up the new life we were just gave
Suddenly our flames grew dim as we felt a swirling deep from withn sudently the surface of the sun turned to tin an bent in a cracked an caved with itself our time an space sending us ascending in alignment the same assignment.
Because the sun has begun to change ina twisted way a black hole some could say.
As all of our astral beings were ripped an tore apart at the seams we all merged an formed one all knowing creative being an sudently everything I've know has little matter I'm past a point of human chatter i understand infinity the holy trinity I down in the milky way an experienced every life I've relived it twice I've spliced my genetics into over 2000 million beings I've seen good an bad in between experienced every tragedy to build my strength an studyd every thesis an theory thread an chain nearly drove my vessel insane even took knifes threw my veins in anger yet it failed I was just a trailer.ive seen love hate an anger
Comprehension compasing many others I have love an understanding past many beings there anger seems to brush by me cause I'm with 2000 souls an minds that have formed one to reach a state I can medidate in the milky way an force your negative away .
Our astral self has accumulated complete power an understanding by costuming to our full potential our old body's merely a rental.
Gentle at first then bursted into power showered in knowledge I know now much that I wondered before but now I want more an I've thought till I an 2000 shared beings head hurt cause my girth of knowledge will now never be enough it's tough cause now I must find .... how to ascend again but for now i must defend my vast mind defind crime ...?
Keeping 2000 vast voices locked away so I can focus an try to learn anyway leaning in to vast places is I the 1st 2nd or 3rd or other many plains I cant quiet place I'm traveling threw them all searching for everything I couldn't before .
This life isent like the countless other this life I like it has interesting teathers
I've surpass Angel's an there feathers an vison of a hawk.
I've surpass demonds and there demonic temping talk ..
I've walked on water as I was ripped apart an I felt my self rebuilt every cell of my being got hit with rods of power lightning not even myself can fight me god like abilities the universe as built in me theres ben a spiritual shift a tilt in me somthing generations of DNA sprawled out in a numerical display my old life experiences is the price I pay so that I can be god even if only for a day
I think I'll sit an think somewere in the outter spink of the universe I've cursed myself with knowledge an now I'm aware step into my astral space....
If you dare...
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tf-guru · 4 years
Basic transformation part 2, a transformation story featuring woman -> pig, woman -> fuck plant, man -> demon, and man -> troll MC
Mckenna woke up inside of a beauty salon. Someone asked a question as she came back to reality. She was standing at the counter as the person repeated the question
"So is a full makeover okay?"
Mckenna looked up and at the questioner. The lady behind the desk had a large beehive and a black shirt with a black apron hanging down. Mckenna gathered her thoughts slowly then she asked
"How did I get here?" The neon lights ahead buzzed and the lady laughed
"Through the front door silly, now let's get started." She opened the small gate to the actual salon area and beckoned for Mckenna to come inside. Putting away her worrys Mckenna walked in as the lady continued
"Alright, lets start with your nails." The two lady's sat down at a desk as the lady unpacked her nail kit and introduced herself
"Im Paula, by the way. What's your name?"
"Mckenna" she replied putting her hand on the desk. Paula selected a color and turned around to show it to her
"Mckenna, that's a pretty name. How's this color?" The polish was a dark shade of green and McKenna nodded her head. Paula began to paint her nails and asked
"So, you gonna be in town long or what?"
"Excuse me? What do you mean by that?"
"Honey, its a small town. Everyone knows everybody and since I don't know you you must not be from around here."
"Not to be a bother but what town would that be?"
"Alterbourough, Michigan. Its so small I'd doubt you'd find it on a map."
Mckenna then thought,
'So thats the explanation, I must have blacked out or something on the way to Michigan and then decided to go get a makeover.' She then responded to Paula
"No, were just passing through. My friends and I are heading up to a cabin for vacation." Mckenna's hand sort of felt strange, almost numb. She began to look at it when Paula hit her with another question
"Do you have a boyfriend?" A mental image of Derrick appeared in her mind. She looked at his face but then her eyes drifted down to his trousers. She imagined sucking his cock and how amazing it would feel. She slipped into a lust endured haze and didn't even notice as the skin around her hand began to take a greenish hue.
She finally snapped out of it when she felt the seat get a little moist due to her leaking pussy. Paula had her stand up and head over to the hair styling station. Mckenna didn't think anything of her green arm, only of sucking Derricks cock when she would get home. Paula sat her down and begun to style her hair. Subconsciously Mckenna reached down under her skirt and started to rub her pussy that was now munching at her panties.
Paula asked another question
"So what do you like most about your boyfriend?"
"Oh he's nice but the thing I love most is his big throbbing cock." She didn't know why she was being so upfront with this stranger but as soon as she mentioned Derricks cock Mckenna slipped a finger under her panties and into her pussy. The green had spread to her breasts causing them to not only turn green but to fill out more as well. Soon, half her body was fully green. Mckenna began to slink deeper and deeper into the lust.
Hailey entered the strange area and remarked simply on its magnitude
"Holy shit." She walked into the main room and then looked to find two hallways, one was dark and the other featured overhead led lights. Within the hallway was many doors spaced evenly. As she got closer she strained her ears and could hear...
Mckenna! She couldnt make out any distinct words but she new it was her friend.
Mckenna had fully ripped off her soaked panties and was masturbating furiously. Paula stood and watched the poor girl as Paula herself began a transformation. Her breasts receded into normal human nipples, she lost her hourglass frame but gained muscle in return. Soon she was a tall, muscular, man. Paul saw Mckennas lips puff up into a soft blanket perfectly suited for sucking cock.
Paul approached and dropped his pants. Upon seeing his large member Mckenna dazily said
"Must... suck" she closed her eyes and opened her mouth as Paul slid a finger into her mouth
"Not yet my little fuckplant, not yet." Mckenna looked up at him as...
Hailey bursted in through the back door of the salon. She saw her friend, now fully tinted green and called out
"Mckenna! Snap out of it! Don't give in to the temptation!"
Mckenna looked over and said
"What- do you- mean temptations? Wait, why are you here and when did you get so pudgy?" As soon as she finished speaking Mckenna refocused back in to Paul.
"This isn't you! You must resist!"
"Must... resist... must suck! Im a good fuck-" Mckenna was cut off by Paul shoving his penis in her mouth. Hailey tried to run to her but some sort of energy was keeping her back.
"Mckenna! Look at what your doing! Look at yourself! See past the- the illusion!" Mckenna kept sucking as her skin faded to a darker shade of green. Her breast grew even larger but she as a whole began to shrink. Her mouth pressed forwards into a long dick-sucking chamber as her fingers merged into long leaves. As she sucked her thoughts became overpowered by one simple thought
"Must... suck" Paul reached bellow her chair and grabbed a pot. He then lifted Mckenna up and sat her in the pot. She continued to mindlessly suck as she settled into the pot. When her transformation was complete Paul pulled away with Mckenna still suckimg at the air. Paul gave one look at Hailey before running out the front of the salon.
Finally, the force field dropped and Hailey headed towards her friend. She went to grab her friends pot when Mckenna latched on to Hailey's finger and started to suck.
It felt like she was having twenty orgasms at once and Hailey almost fell to the floor due to it. As Mckenna sucked Hailey's previously fought off changes began to come back. Her nose flared up and extended into a pigs snout, her ears grew large and drooped over, and she omce again gained more weight. Looking up past her snout, Hailey saw Mckenna sucking and realized what was happening. She quickly pulled away and the changes regressed until she was back to her chubby self.
Looking where Paul had gotten the pot from Hailey also found a collection of sex toys. Grabbing one she shoved it in Mckenna's agape, drooling, dick craving mouth. She then looked a the sucking fuck plant and said
"Look, I don't know if your still in there Mckenna but we have to find the boys so they don't become creatures like us. Alright, lets go." Hailey grabbed Mckenna by the pot and carried her outside the salon.
Derrick awoke in a small, simple room. Not unlike the dorms back at college. He was chained to the post of a bed with his hands behind his back.
"Hello? Anybody here? Help?" Then, as if answering his prayers Derrick heard a popping noise and then a tall brown skinned man wearing a fancy black suit approached him. Perhaps the most interesting piece was the mans legs. Bellow his waist were two large goat thighs, covered in a thick dark brown fur before finally being completed with two goat hoaves and a tail to boot.
"My my my. Seems like you've gotten yourself into a predicament havent you Derrick."
"How do you know my name? What is this place? Why am I here? Who ar-" the mysterious man cut him off
"Shhh shh shh shh shh. Ill go over your questions one at a time. Starting with introductions. I am Pan a pretty famous satyr, though those Greeks myths were never quite right. Why don't you stand up and shake my hand?"
"I am uh chained to the floor."
"Oh yes! I'm sorry. Off those go." With a wave of his hand Pan made the chains disappear.
"Now to address some of your other questions" Pam continued "The place you're in is my home. Why are you here? Well recently one of my many servants well... let's just say there's a position in my organization and I need someone to fill it. I believe that someone may be you."
Derrick thought about it for a moment as he thought back to the events from before he woke up here.
"Wait. Where are the girls?" He questioned, to which Pan responded
"Oh yes your friends are getting... acquainted with the place. But for you you shouldn't need to worry about them anymore. This is what matters Derrick! Our deal would be simple. I give you the gift of immortality, God like powers, all the amenities my home has to offer, yadda yadda yadda. All I ask in return is just eternal patronage, really a small price to pay."
"I dont think I could do that. I-I have a girlfriend I have a life!"
"Oh tish, why go about your boring human life and eventually die when you could join me and rise above the rest! You could see worlds you never thought you would! Learn things you never thought possible! Magic! Things go way deeper than that puddle you call human existence, trust me. All you have to be willing to do is take it for yourself!"
Derrick was deep in thought for a moment before looking up.
"I agree. On one condition."
"Mckenna gets to join me. You make her immortal and I will join you."
"Well... hmmm. Its highly unnatural but, what the heck. Deal granted!" The two shook hands and Derrick started to feel strange. Like some sort of energy growing inside him and it wasn't just his penis slowly creeping down his leg.
"Whats going on!?"
"Oh fear not, your bodies just getting acclimated to immortality."
Derrick had always been a relaxed guy when it came to exercise but now it looked like he always had been. His normally slightly flabby stomach was now home to a chisled set of abs. His arms and legs became more toned and muscular. When he felt the changes stop he inspected himself, already glad he made the deal.
But then he felt another change. He undid his tightening pants only to see thick fur, akin to Pan's starting to coat his own legs.
"This wasn't part of the deal!"
"Oh but yes it was, specifically under God like powers."
Derrick was about to offer rebuttal when he felt his legs burst through his jeans. The fur now covered his legs and got to his feet. His toes begun to fuse together in cloven hooves. His penis grew large and flared at the tip, turning into a fully ursine penis. He gripped it and almost immediately cummed as the changes easily brought him to climax. To top it all off Derrick could now feel a tail spiral around his furry legs. He leaned on the bedframe for a moment to catch his breath before finally saying
"Alright, now let me see my girlfriend"
Pan tugged at his collar and begun to explain
"Well it appears your girlfriend well. She did something she wasn't supposed to and well. Let me just bring her in" he waved his hand and McKenna the fuck plant was now on the table next to the bed.
She may have been completely changed into a constantly horny, sucking creature but Derrick could tell it was Mckenna.
"What did you do to her you son of a bitch!" Pan waved his hand and a stack of books appeared next to Mckenna.
"Look Derrick, here's what you can do. In one of these books there's probably a spell to reverse a transformation like that. You familiarize yourself with them and let me know if you need help. Toodles!" And with that final utterance of toodles, Pan was gone.
"Alright babe I'm going to- uhah." While Derrick was busy being mad at Pan Mckenna had found Derrick thick throbbing member and was now quickly sucking.
One second Hailey was carrying her friend turned fuck plant and the next she wasn't. She briefly stopped to look around and called out
"Mckenna!?" She stopped for a moment to listen for Mckennas sucking noises but heard nothing. She them decided she had no time to waste and kept looking down the long hallways filled with doors, trying to listen for her boyfriend.
Around five minutes later she approached a long carpeted hallway when she saw him, joe! He was lying down in a cot in what appeared to be a strange cave. He looked strange, he was covered in dirt and his clothes were all torn. She went to open the door when she felt a hand on her arm.
"I personally wouldn't recommend that young lady." She reeled back in shock at the half man half goat in a fancy suit before her.
"Who-who are you?"
"Im Pan, the famous diety of Greek fame, but that's not important. Essentially I run this place. All the things you've seen, your friend, the farmer, the farm itself. Its all ran by me. And let me say I am pleasantly surprised you managed to resist your changes. Well, mostly." He poked the layer of fat still surrounding Haileys stomach.
"What in the hell is wrong with you! Let me go!"
"Not quite yet. Hailey I'm offering you a deal. Granted how impressed I am with you it would be unfit to simply keep you here without a choice. Here is the choice. You go through that door" he gestures behind him as a glowing door appears. "And you get out of here scott free. Don't worry about the repercussions of your friends going missing I can have that taken care of. Maybe even your boyfriend over there will pass the test and you two can ride off into the sunset. But, you go rush to your boyfriend now and there's no going back. Trust me, there's no way out. Make the smart choice."
"Sometimes... the smart choice isn't the best choice. Sometimes you have to do what's right."
"And to think I had respect for you" Pan dissappeared into a puff of smoke as the glowing door closed. She went over and tried to open the door to the cave but it wouldn't budge.
"This isn't fair Pan!" No response. Hailey watched as her boyfriend awoke and she banged on the glass. He made no reaction to it. She watched as a bearded old man came in and said something to Joe. She continued to bang on the glass.
Joe awoke, alone. He looked around to try and interpret his surroundings but all he saw was an empty cave with an opening to one end. Strewn around him was various medicinal items like herbs, mortar and pestle, bandages, ect. As he finally realized he was super dirty and disheveled a man hobbled into the room and said
"Its nice to see you Joe, how are you feeling?"
"What? Where am I? Who are you?"
"Ah I see, in one of your moods again. Joe, you've been here two months. I'm Jack Hewitt. I've taken care of you ever since the crash."
"What crash?"
"Oh yes, you and what I assume were your friends were driving along the road near here and you hit a tree. I saw the whole thing and tried to rescue all of you. I'm afraid your friends are dead Joe."
"What? It can't be! I thought we had run out of gas and-and"
"Here, drink up. It'll help you concentrate." Jack handed Joe a small vial which he cautiously drank. Almost immediately what blurry recollection he had of them running out of gas shifted to him being dragged from the burning car by Jack. He then remembered snippets of being carried to a small wooded camp and being placed in the cave.
He watched as Jack smashed up some herb in the morter and pestle before offering it the Joe.
"This is the ukamimus herb, wakes you up." Joe took this and instinctively chewed on it slowly.
"If you need anything Joe, don't be afraid to ask." With that, Jack left Joe alone in the cave. Joe thought about his friends. Derrick, Mckenna, Hailey. He thought more about Hailey, and his sorrow turned to arousal with his penis growing in his pants.
Checking that Jack wasn't near Joe took off his riped jeans and touched his throbbing member. He thought of Hailey as he rubbed his cock. Her round supple breasts, her cute brown hair, her ability to eat a lot of food.
He stopped for a moment. Why had he thought something like that? He dismissed it and continued. As he approached orgasm he thought more about her. Her scent. He remembered one time when she came home after a jog and was all sweaty and then they had sex. He focused in on her sweat and how much he liked it. As he was lost in this haze he missed his stomach gain weight. Then he orgasmed, as he did so his balls grew and his penis became even longer.
He stood up, still fully erect and nude and realized he was now at least a foot taller.
"What the? Eh, must have grew in sleep." He then heard his stomach growl so he headed out of the cave almost hitting his head on the ten foot high opening. Almost as if he read his mind Jack was cooking a goat on a skewer over a camp fire.
"Im hunger." He said aloud, not addressing his nudity. Jack said nothing and watched Joe grab a leg off the goat and eating it to the bone. As he ate he gained even more weight until he was sitting around four hundred pounds.
When he was finished he walked back to his cave. The bottom part of his face began to jut out and two of his bottom teeth grew put into protruding tusks.
Going to jerk off again he looked down and felt something was wrong but couldn't quite place it.
"Me... fat? I no fat." Any harder words escaped him as the usually smart Joe searched for words he didn't know. He inhaled his musk.
"I big stinky troll. But I human? I human! Or... I fat troll?" He scratched his head as he tried to figure out the answer.
"I horny troll." With that he jerked off one more time and official crossed the point of no return. At that very moment a door that was previously closed swung open behind him.
"Joe!" The massive troll turned around to see his... his... he couldn't find the word for it. After settling on mate he said
"Hay Hay? Why you here?"
"Im here to get you out. You have to fight the transformation!"
"Tran-tran... me no change. I'm a big stinky dumb troll." Hailey then tried to explain what was happening but Joe wasn't listening. He instead was focused on Haileys breasts and how much he wanted her to suck his dick. A trickle of drool fell from his mouth as he walked towards her, his fat jiggling with every step.
"Joe? Joe!?" He grabbed her and brought her towards his large sweaty penis. She tried to pull away but he was too strong. His penis entered her mouth and the taste of sweat and the smell of musk engulfed her.
'Must resist!' She thought as the sweat covered penis touched the back of her throat. But the smell of his musk soon became too much and she fully gave herself to him.
She regained weight and lost her even slightly thin figure. Her nose flared up and extended outwards into a piggy snout. As her ears grew and flopped over Joe finally came unleashing his salty load into her mouth. He fell back in ecstasy as she detached and fell onto her side. Her eyes lost some of her human blue in exchange for a pigs dull brown. A small tail curled from her backside as her hands and feet merged into simple trotters. Her transformation finished as she rounded out into a barrel shaped body. She snorted and looked up
Pan had entered the room and put a hoof on the pigs back. She looked up at him cluelessly with dull brown eyes. Pan sighed and began to lead her back to the farm.
Joe awoke like most days, horny. Almost two actual months had passed since he had been transformed but Joe did not know or care. He simply woke up, ate a leg off the goat that magically appeared every morning and masturbated. Jack had long gone leaving Joe alone in a small forested area. He wasn't sad or bored. He was content with his simple life of eating, jerking off, and sleeping. But one day that all changed when a girl named Alda had stumbled through the forrest, half human half troll but changing rapidly. By the time they finished having sex she was fully a four hundred pound troll. Now his days consited of eating goat with Alda, having sex with Alda, talking to Alda (which wasn't anything complex given their limited vocabulary), and sleeping with his arms around Alda. And Joe, well. He finally felt happy.
After she had been taken back to the farm Hailey had adapted quickly. Having the mind of a pig made it easy. She had very blurry memories of her friends but otherwise she was like any other sow. She got to eat slop, mud bathe, and have sex with boars. It was nice. Around two months after she had arrived at the farm she was visited by Pan. "Hailey?" She perked up without knowing why and trotted over to the man she remembered brought her here. "Look, I've given it thought and I'd like to grant you an opportunity." She looked at him dumbly and snorted. "Oh, right" he said and waived his hand. Suddenly all of Haileys intelect had returned and memories flooded back. She looked down at her fat quadrupled form and snorted in panic. "Shhh shhh shhh." He ran his hand down her back. She hated how much this calmed her. "Like I said I have an opportunity for you. You can either remain a dumb sow for the rest of eternity or you could become one of my actors. Youd live a good life shape-shifting into various forms to trick people into changing into creatures. I don't usually do this but I was thinking about how well you did in your test even if you did slip up there at the end." She considered her options in her head. As a sow she didn't even realize what she was missing but now that she could think she decided that whatever it took, she would be human again. A minute later Hailey stood up and Pan outstretched his hand "Welcome aboard!"
"Retrindoso!" Derrick let out another spell directed at his potted girlfriend and then sighed at the lack of effect. He had been trying for two months to turn his girlfriend back. Hsi spacious room was filled with books and little notes but still all he had managed to do was make her boobs bigger.The spell he tried was intended to make someone young again so he figured if she was human when she was young she would be human again. Sadly it didnt work. He looked at another spell and put his finger in her mouth and she quickly sucked on it. "Greendeich!" He yelled and waited to see if anything happened. As nothing did he looked for another spell when... Mckennas leaves began to sperate into distinct fingers and her roots spread out into toes. She stood up an eyed Derrick whose attention was still on the book. Her dick sucking mouth receded into a normal human one. She then said "babe?" Derrick spun around in shock. His girlfriend was still completely green and covered in vines but she was humanoid! "Mckenna?!" Mckenna jumped at him and said "I wanna fuck you so bad!" As she began to go down on him Derrick thought 'Hey, its a start!'
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swan1974-blog · 7 years
Swan and Sam
Swan and Sam go to a hidden garden room in the swanage. Swan's garden of Eden is like purple grass,rainbow trees with colorchanging leaves,gold Fruits hanging from the trees. The lake was a deep turquoise blue. Lions, bears, and tigers prowled the forest in search of a juicy fruit to eat. Nobody ate meat, just vegetables that were shiny and irresistible shades of green, red, orange, and yellow. Red Swan birds swimming in the lake, making a heart shape. Swan and Sam were in the middle of the heart shape. They look at each other and noticed they were both nude. Swan says,Oh, we are both naked. Sam says,I noticed. Swan says,I don't feel vulnerable. Sam says,I don't either. Swan says,I don't feel ashamed. Sam says,I don't either. Swan says,We haven't sinned by seeing each other naked. No lust. Sam says,Okay, then why are we naked? Swan says,We are both innocent. Sam says,I see. Swan says,This is also a way to show full body acceptance. Sam says,Oh, okay. Swan says,Have you ever felt ashamed of your body? Sam says,Of course, who hasn't? Swan says,Does this remind you of everything? Sam says,Oh, I understand. It symbolizes that we are like Adam and Eve, naked and innocent. We are not ashamed of ourselves,our bodies. This is what Adam and Eve were like before the fall of mankind. Swan says,What do you think? Sam says,I like it. Swan says,What do you like about it? Sam says,I wish it was still the way it was before the fall, nothing but beauty and peace. No hardships of any kind ever existed until they ate from the fruit of that tree. Swan says,I know, me too. Sam says,There was no sin before the fall. Swan says,I wouldn't have tortured my own grandchildren and other terrible things I done. Sam says,I have regrets too. Swan says,I know. I just always wondered what it would be like with no more sorrow or suffering. Swan says,We will know when we get to Heaven. Sam says,Oh, man, I am so excited what Heaven will be like with you there with me. Swan says,Oh, man, that's awesome. Hey, I have a song I thought you may like. Sam says,Oh, really, what is it? They hear in Gadda da vida playing in the background. The song verses were In-a-gadda-da-vida honey,
Don'tcha know that I love you?
In-a-gadda-da-vida baby,
Don'tcha know that I'll always be true? Oh won'tcha come with me,
And take my hand?
Oh won'tcha come with me,
And walk this land? Please take my hand...
Let me tell ya now. 
In-a-gadda-da-vida honey,
Don'tcha know that I love you? In-a-gadda-da-vida baby,
Don'tcha know that I'll always be true? They felt happy listening to the drum solo instrumental, clapping their hands and tapping their feet. 
Oh won'tcha come with me,
And take my hand? Oh won'tcha come with me,
And walk this land?
Please take my hand...
Let me tell ya. Two,three,four!
In-a-gadda-da-vida honey,
Don'tcha know that I love you?
In-a-gadda-da-vida baby,
Don'tcha know that I'll always be true? Swan chose the song to listen to with Sam because he loved the jam, and she did, too. They will always have each other and love each other. They walk over to one of the trees. Swan looks at Sam,brushing her bangs to the side to see her beautiful eyes that attracted his interest. Swan says,You have the most beautiful eyes. Sam says,Thank you, Daddy. Swan says,I like this place so much. Sam says,I love it, too. Swan says,Not as much as I love you, of course. Sam says,Awwee, Daddy! Swan says,Do you hear that? Sam says,Hear what? Swan says,SSSSS-SSSSS-SSSSS Sam says,Aaaahhh, a snake! They see a snake with swan's hair on the tree and it was film swan disguised as a snake. Swan noticed that Film swan encourages Sam to eat a poison apple. Film swan says to Sam,Did God really sssssay not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Sam says to film swan,Beat it, Film Swan, I know it is you! Film swan says,But, but, but, anssssswer me, did God really sssssay not to eat from the tree? Sam says,Yes, yes, in fact he did. Swan looks at Sam. Swan says,What should we do? Sam says,We cannot just let him roam freely causing chaos. Swan says,I know, but how should we contain him? Sam says,Look, a cage appeared out of nowhere! Swan says,Oh, praise the Lord. Sam says,Get 'im, Daddy, get 'im! They look at film swan with anger. Swan gets the snake out of the tree and puts it in a cage. Sam sees swan happy. They smile at each other,walk around the garden. Sam and swan were holding hands,their fingers locked in each other. Swan says,All right, we got him! Sam says,Yay! Whoop whoop! Swan says,I swear Film Swan is the devil in disguise! Sam says,He is a human just like you and me with redeemable souls. Swan says,Yeah, I know, you're right. I just wish the devil will get out of him already. Sam says,Me too. I can sympathize because I too was once ruled by the devil. Swan smiles at Sam's remark. Swan says,The devil is a fallen angel. He fell from Heaven after trying to take control, and one third of the other angels went with him. Sam says,One day the devil will be contained to not mess with God's people ever again. Swan says,Praise the Lord he had already beaten the devil. The devil is fighting a fight he already lost. Sam smiled at Swan's remark. Sam says,Amen. Swan says,God never gave up on humanity. Oh my goodness, wow, that has to be one patient and loving God. I would've already have given up on mankind if I was God. Sam says,Me too. Swan says,But man isn't the enemy, no, no, no, no, it's the devil. Sam says,Film Swan isn't the devil. He is one of the poor lost souls we have the duty as Christians to lead him to Christ. Swan says,Amen. Sam says,I'm so glad the devil is the loser in the fight of good and evil. Good shall win! Swan says,Amen, praise the Lord! Sam says,Satan be like, Did God really sssssay that I am hissssstory? They smile at each other and laugh. Swan gave a smug look at Sam. Swan says,Yes, yes, he did. Sam says,The Bible says even the demons believe, and they tremble at his name. Swan says,They know what's comin' for 'em. Sam says,Yep. Swan says,The devil even knows the scriptures front and back, but does he follow the word? No, no, no, he twists it to serve his purpose to steal, kill, and destroy. Sam says,We follow God instead of the devil. We are children of God, we should act like it, and we do! Swan suggested,If I was the devil, I would give up trying if I knew there will never be no way I would win the spiritual battle. Sam says,I know, right? Swan says,I love you. Sam says,I love you, too.
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