museincarnate · 1 year
It had to be....damn...4 AM? And the city is up and awake with sirens.
Something, a portal, opened in the sky above Central Park, and something...or someone, fell through.
Police had the place surrounded...HAD...
But when the WebbedWonder reaches the area, they're all webbed up to trees and their cars, guns and batons smashed and destroyed.
The only clue to follow is a trail of webs leading away from the area and down one of the nearest back roads.
-TheRoyalGathering Muse: Aria
"Boy... Am I really glad Miles is around to do some Spider-Man work. Although, this... Also looks like Spider-Man work. Oh boy..." Peter would take a moment to text Miles, although he was pretty sure the young man was asleep; asking if he was responsible, though he was sure that Miles wasn't.
"Just so we're clear, officers, I just got here, and this totally wasn't me! If the webbing is anything like mine, it'll dissolve eventually. I'll get to the bottom of this, or my name isn't Spider-Man!" Quipping as he took off to follow the trail of webs via web-swinging, Peter would try to get a vantage point, to see if he could spot the culprit of such an act. If he did spot the one responsible, and they weren't swinging around, themselves, he'd drop down to greet them, although a bit cautiously, while he wore the Spider-Society gizmo on his wrist.
"Hey! So did you not get the memo that Spider-based powers are me and the other guy's gig? Or is this... One of those situations?" He'd gesture to the gizmo.
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missblissy · 5 years
Hey! I’m loving your Alastor imagines & I want to request one. Can you write something where the reader is an angel from heaven & sneaks down to hell to visit Alastor (boyfriend) every day. The reader puts on a disguise to not get caught. So one day reader decides to show off her wings to him in private & he’s smitten with how gorgeous they are since he’s never seen anything like it & asks to touch them which makes reader blush/giggle causing Alastor to sneeze. Just fluff & kisses. Thanks!
((@U@ I am swept away by this ask Is this based off an OC?? Cause if so??? Please tell me about them??? If not??? THANK YOU FOR SUPPLYING THE BEST ASK OF THE DAY!!!!!!! I kind of turned this into a song fic?? Im sorry if you aren’t into those, I was just listening to this song over and over again while writing this fic and??? I just??? Love it?? Anyways QuQ Sorry if you don’t like song fics, but!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!))
You risked your life every day you ascended down with to meet with a man who you could never spend your afterlife with. Falling with Morning Star, Venus, traveling the path of Lucifer, you’d hide among the clouds as you waited for the perfect time to fall without anyone noticing. Every morning you’d make this journey. 
Many people thought you were a shooting star crashing into the earth and you could hear their prayers and wishes while falling towards earth. There were many portals to Hell, but you took the one in Italy and fell through the crusts of the planet. 
With your white wings tucked in, you landed in The Forests of Limbo. Many souls were doomed to walk among it’s swampy land, lost in the fog forever while they search for heaven’s golden gates. Of in the distance and close to the Second Circle of Lust, you could see several castles bloom above the treetops. You looked around to make sure you were alone. Quickly, you replaced your halo for horns. Your wings faded and blended into your back, tucked and hidden away so no one could see them. You took on a demonic form with a slithering imp tail and teeth the size of knives. You sucked in a deep breath and started heading for the center of the Hell and into Pentagram City. 
You had fallen in love with a man who was the complete opposite of you. He was cunning, evil, tricky, mischievous and twisted. Alastor was a demon unlike any other. And still, you loved him and every evil little thing about him. Lately, he’s been staying in a hotel and not his home. You were kind of happy that he was. There was a point there when he went weeks without leaving his home. Now he had so many friends and people to surround himself with. It made your naturally worrying heart ease a little. 
He was staying on the top floor, thank god you had wings. Expect this time when you stretched them out, the pure white feathers were gone and replaced with slick black skin as it stretched out like a bat’s wing. Standing at the base of the hotel while the morning light crawled into the sky, you gave one quick swoop of your wings and launched into the sky. Seconds later you were tapping on Alastor’s window only to come face to face with the Radio Demon himself.
With a never-ending smile, he pushed open his window, “Good morning, my dear,” He held his hand out for you. As he helped you through the window he grabbed ahold of your waist and gently placed you on solid grown. Alastor didn’t waste a second at stealing a kiss from your lips. 
You giggled softly, trying to hide your blush, “Hello,” Your voice was small and your heart was racing. Of course, Alastor knew you were an angel from above, but no one else did. It was a forbidden love that made your blood rush with excitement.
Alastor brushed his nose against you. You loved his little Eskimo kisses more than the real ones, “You look like you’ve been through Hell and back,” He joked softly, his long claws still wrapped around your waist and holding you in place. You giggled, loving his jokes and poor taste in humor. 
“Only so I can be with you, my love,” You lifted your hand and Alastor instinctively pressed his cheek into your palm. He rubbed his cheek against your fingers while a shallow smile adorned his face.
He started to hum and followed suit. You already ready knew the tune as Alastor whisked you around his hotel room. The two of you waltz in circles. Your eyes locked with his dark ones, he hummed with a fizzle and a pop in his static voice, then as if by magic a soft song escaped his form. He was his own damn radio, music twirled from him and soon he was singing as the two of you dance, “Ultimately I don’t understand a thing, I try to do the best I can, I know you try to do the same. We’re just so bound to make mistakes,” His voice came in and out of frequence, mingling with the soft music, “You could call it a disposition. I apologize for all your tears, I wish I could be different. But I’m still growing up… Into the one you can call your love,” He took his hand and creased your cheek, still singing along as your heart called to his siren song, “I don’t know if I’ll ever be enough, I’m throwing in my chips, I guess I tend to push my luck,” He stared down at you with a softer gaze and a sweet smile.
Your eyes lit up, knowing every word by heart, a large smile flutter to your lips, “And ultimately, I believe we’ll be okay! It’s so cliché to say these things, but repetition is a key!” Alastor’s silent heart twitched alive and caused little static waves of electricity to pulse from his form. The music played on as you reached on your toes and touched your nose to his, “I think I’m better when I’m with you. But I worry when you’re gone. I think I need to learn to love myself, I must learn to be strong,” Alastor slowed your waltz and eventually halted. You were close enough that you could kiss him, but you sang on with your lips barely brushing his shallow smile, “So, for now we’ll say goodbye. Although it pains me in my heart, your words, they come to me in memories. They sing to me like songs, it won’t be long until I’m here!” You pressed a kick kiss onto his lips, he didn’t even jump. He instead leaned down and followed you for another kiss but you sang on before he could do so, “Soon I’ll make my arrival. Under shady trees, a quiet street. The roads that I have traveled,” 
The two of you hummed in harmony for a second, then together you sang, “Ultimately it's a beautiful thing, like flowers blooming in a lonely field. The petals drift through crossing winds, they find their way to river streams that scent the water beautifully, it takes me back to you~ It takes me back to you~”
The music played on as the two of you slow danced there in that spot for a minute or so. Eventually, the tune quietly faded away until the room was silent again. It was always your favorite thing you did with him. Singing was so important to both of you and you were so happy you could share that love with him. 
Alastor creased your cheek with his hand while pressing a kiss onto your forehead, “You’d look better without those silly demon parts,” He quietly suggested in a low whisper-like voice.
He kept purring in your ear like a cat. He was always trying to get you to drop your disguise. You didn’t look much different from your natural form. You just had a halo and wings and some different color schemes. You gave a little shake of your head, “What if someone sees me?” 
Alastor just gave a little chuckle with a tiny smile, “Only I will see, my dear, I promise,” He snapped his fingers and all the curtains closed by themselves and you heard the lock to his door click and shut. 
“Fine,” You huffed with a little grin, not really upset by it, “But close your eyes first- And sit! On the bed!” Alastor followed your orders and perched himself on the edge of his bed. He closed his eyes and you waited a few seconds to make sure he wouldn’t peak.
You had never shown him your true form. So you were a little nervous. What if he didn’t like the way you looked? You shook away your fears and waved your hand slowly over your chest. A warm and heavenly glow flustered and flashed from your heart before become so bright that it encased your entire body.
Only seconds passed and suddenly you were adorned in a thin white dress, a tiny little halo above your head, and wings untucked and folded behind you back, “Okay,” You quietly said, “You can look.”
As you stood there with your arms crossed over your chest, a flustered blush on your face, you watch Alastor open his eyes and his smile slowly fall from his face. No! He didn’t like it! You’d never seen him without a smile! 
He got up very quickly and possessively grabbed you with his hands and yanked you towards him. You were chest to chest when Alastor grabbed your chin with his fingers and forcefully stole as many kisses as he wanted. You were confused but you enjoyed this new version of Alastor that you’d never met before. 
“Absolutely, entirely and completely perfect and beautiful in every way,” Alastor’s voice was strong and confidante, his smirk was back as he watched you grow red, “I’ve never seen a creature as lovely and heavenly as you.”
He really never had. Alastor had never seen any angel ever. They didn’t tend to come down to Hell that often. He couldn’t take his eyes off your. Your skin was perfect, smooth, and hade the faintest glow to it. The way your hair was so fluffy and soft, it was so tempting not to run his fingers through it. But he was the most hypnotized by your wings. They were huge and finally understood why you kept them tucked away all the time.
Alastor released you from his grip and quickly walked behind you. He almost laid a finger on your wings but stopped inches before making contact. Silly him, he almost forgot to ask, “May I?”
You blinked a couple of times, not sure if you were comfortable with this or not. But you finally nodded your head and gave in to his pleading gaze. The second his fingers came in contact with your feathers, you felt a wild chill run down your back. It was a strange tickle that resided in your belly and caused your cheeks to flare up into a rosy red color. Alastor couldn’t help himself, he plucked a large white feather from your wings which caused you to jump and nearly knock him over.
“Sorry!” He smiled, “I just had to have one!” His tone was so light and bubbly, you could even be mad at him. Alastor then dipped his nose into your feathers and took in a deep breath. You smelled like peaches and sunshine.. He loved it. He took in another sigh but this time the feathers tickled his nose and causing him to sneeze.
His face twisted up and then he let out a loud “Achoo!” Oh god, it was so cute. He even seemed a little dazed by the force of the sneeze and he sniffled up whatever was trying to escape his nose. You spun around -almost knocking over a lamp in the process- then clasped your hands on either side of Alastor’s face.
You smiled big and gave him a quick kiss, “You’re so adorable,” You told him, “I’m glad you like me this way. I wasn’t sure if you would...” 
“How could I not?!” He started to snake his hands around your torso, resting them at the curves of your waist, “You’re simply perfect, my love.” He knew exactly what to say to make you blush and try and hide it with a giggle. The two of you kept standing there. Giving Eskimo kisses and real ones, getting intoxicated on each other’s love and drowning in affection. Nothing could have been more romantic or perfect than this.
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uglypastels · 5 years
Can I please get #48 with king of hell tom and angel reader? I love this clever idea and I’m so happy you tagged me in it. Thanks love! :)
I assume you mean the Spotify top 100 :) its been a while but i am mooooore than happy to write more based on that prompt list, especially since this is so oof 
prompt: #48 - Emperor’s New Clothes - Panic! At the Disco 
You walked around the dark, gloomy hallways of the castle. You could not believe how dark everything was. Of course, you had never expected soft pastels or bright colors from in the home of the prince of darkness but... everything was just so black.
You had been here what felt like an eternity, but you still remembered how the monster had snatched you up from purgatory. 
Finders keepers, losers weepers. He had said, so mockingly. Claiming you as his. A part of you felt honored, excited, that someone so powerful (and good-looking) wanted you, but mostly, you felt horrified. 
“Well, well, well.” Your whole body froze at the sound of his voice. “What do we have here? Our for a little stroll, are we?” He sounded so smooth, like water trickling down one of those fiery red apples that he ate so often. 
“Uhm, yes,” you said, turning around to face him. “Needed to stretch my legs a bit.” You gulped for air as he neared you. It was incredible how quietly he moved. 
“In my shirt, I see?” 
“Oh?” you looked down. Indeed you were wearing one of his satin shirts. “Yes, yet it is.” 
“And who gave you permission to wear that, my angel?” He liked to mock you with that nickname since you both knew too well you were no holy spirit. Far from it actually. 
“Uhm, no one.” You mumbled as you felt his cold hand run up your side. 
“Yet you took it anyway. How bad of you.” He smirked. 
“But it feels good.” You whimper, only half talking about the actual shirt. His cold touch was sending shivers up your spine, making him chuckle. 
“So does that mean it's yours? Well,” he leaned in and kissed your neck. You bit your lip to hold in your moan. “You taste good, does that mean you’re mine, angel?” 
“You know I am,” you say, slightly annoyed at his question and the lack of contact. This only made him laugh more. 
“That’s right, Angel. All mine.”
The End  
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no-droids · 5 years
Do you know when part 5 of the Rough Day series will be out? No rush I just happen to love that series and your writing style. :)
Thank you!! 🥰🥰 Planning to drop chap 5 on Christmas Eve sometime awwwww yiss stay tuned
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heyhihellowhatsup0 · 5 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love you and all your fics! 😘
Thanks B! Love ya❤️
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myriadimagines · 5 years
More deadly class imagines!!! I plan on writing one for Marcus now that I finished the first and sadly final season... #savedeadlyclass
ahhhh!! i don’t think i have requests for any but that’s definitely awesome you’re writing something marcus!!!
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ordinariums-a · 3 years
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“    hey, hey, hey -- kid, you’re okay.    ”    she was hurt. what hurt her ?? he didn’t know, and he was very much looking out for the culprit. this might be a shock to her; seeing another spidey, but ----- she needed help, and he was willing to take the risk of a freak out in order to do that.    “    what happened to you ??     ”        //  @webbed-wonder​
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I’m excited for the Tarzan au! Definitely keep me in the tag list for the series since I look forward to it. Fingers crossed there’s a romantic swinging from the vines scene. 💕
ahaha you’ll see & thank you for your support💙
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itsedgey77-blog · 5 years
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Good morning! Rockin my new #spiderman mug. #marvel #peterparker #spiderman #comichero #webbedwonder #avenger #cuppatea #tea (at Bilbrook) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzhluj6BbM0/?igshid=195vb9qli9qz2
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jenniferdotson808 · 6 years
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Our wild #webbedwonder turned #4yearsold and thanks to a bunch of #superhero friends, we swung into action with #spideysenses at #TeamDotson headquarters. Mahalo everyone for the awesome action packed adventure! 🎉🎊🦸🏻‍♂️🦸🏻‍♀️🎈🎁🎂✨⚡️💥 https://www.instagram.com/p/BuSMpqOBRH5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lpwi4r393mmf
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blissfulparker · 5 years
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So recently I’ve hit 5k and it’s s huge milestone for me and I wanted to do something big so I’m hosting my very first writing challenge and a big sleepover!(it sounds like a lot but I want to try and do it for you guys!)
So, here are the rules!♡
-you don’t have to be following me but it would be nice
-must like or reblog post
-send an ask to get the prompt/au you want(only 2 to a prompt, 3 to an au, and 2 to a type of kiss)
-if you want to write smut your characters must be over 18!
-if you’d like an AU that’s not on the list or you want to make your own prompt just send me an ask and I will most likely let you do it!
-tag your work with #katswc
-here’s who you can write for: Tom holland, Harrison osterfield, peter Parker, MJ, zendaya, Laura Harrier, ANY MCU CHARACTERS
Prompt list:
“I don’t know if I should be mad at you for stealing my favorite sweater or not.” ( @stiles-o-Dylan24 with Bucky Barnes) 1/2
“Here, hold my hands they’re warm.” ( @mymoontom w/ tom holland) 1/2
“I got sad and made some cookies.”
“Am I your lockscreen?” ( @nicole-Lynne with peter Parker) 1/2
“Can I listen to your heartbeat?” ( @hollandfic with peter Parker) 1/2
“I just need you and a bath.”
“Is that a dog?” “No!” (@ Aussie-holland with tom holland) 1/2
“I can’t sleep so I came by to see if you’re still awake” ( @sincerelyfan w/ peter Parker) 1/2
“I got you flowers to take your mind off of things, hope you’re not allergic.”
“Every time you get a problem right, I’ll give you a kiss.” ( @pltythebackseat w/ peter Parker) 1/2
“I’ll go only if you come with.”
“We should just forget about all this and get frozen yogurt.”
“That’s so sweet but I’m a vegetarian.”
“Wait I’m scared! Come with me!” (@ravenclawmarvel w/ peter Parker) 1/2
“Can I play with your hair? It’ll calm me down.” ( @keepmeholland w/ Bucky Barnes) 1/2
“I tried to cook for you but now everything is burnt.”
“You smell like cinnamon rolls.”
“If you walk out that door don’t expect to let me back in.”
“If you actually cared you’d start paying attention!”
“We can’t live like this.”
“All I wanted was you but i guess that was too much to ask.”
“You’re hurting can’t you see?” ( @vloggerparker w/ peter Parker) 1/2
“Everything I’ve done was for you and now I’m realizing it was just a waste of time.”
“We can’t keep living this fucking lie! You can’t keep living this fucking lie.”
“You never were protected me, you were hurting me and being selfish.”
“I wish you loved me like you loved them.”
“I can’t love you like this, I’m sorry.” ( @scholarlyspidey w/ tom holland) ( @starsholland w/ tom holland) 2/2
“There’s a line between bending the truth then Fucking lying.”
“I wish it wasn’t you but it is, and I’m so sorry.” (@somethingtoavenge w/ peter Parker) 1/2
“You don’t deserve this, you don’t deserve me.” ( @afterglowparker with peter parker) 1/2
“I hate when you make me cry.” “Trust me, I hate it more.”
“You still love them, I fucking know it.”
“How do I get this off?”
“We have 10 minuets but I can be done in 5.”
“Do you have any idea what that does to me?”
“Careful with your next move, there’s people around.”
“Do you think they can hear?” “Let them hear.” ( @hannie-writes-marvel with tom) 1/2
“Go change, I can’t handle a whole night with you looking like that and me not being able to touch you.”
“It’s been almost a month, I’m not leaving this bed and neither are you.”
“Fuck, I almost forgot how good you look in that.”
“There are about 15 cameras on us, so no touching.”
“Is this your first time?” “Yes.”
“I’ll teach you everything you need to know.”
Bodygaurd!au ( @gwens-spiders with tom holland) 1/3
Gamer!au( @elizabethbailyholland w/ peter Parker) 1/3
Bookstore!au ( @cloudyyparker with peter Parker) 1/3
Coffee shop!au ( @foreverstuckwritingandimagining w/ tom holland) 1/3
Enemies to lovers!au
Frat boy/girl!Au
Fake dating!au
Types of kisses:
On the top of the head kiss
Ice cream on their lips kiss
I miss you kiss
Goodbye kiss
Morning kiss
Goodnight kiss
First kiss- ( @im-the-galactic-starfish w/ MJ) 1/2
Last kiss- @stuckonspidey with tom holland)1/2
Kiss when they’re not expecting it
Kiss that just missed the lips
Surprise kiss
Passionate kiss that ends with I love you
I’m sorry kiss
Forbidden kiss
“7 minuets in heaven” kiss ( @marvelsangel with peter) ( @the-inconsistent-writer-fangirl with tom holland) 2/2
Angery kiss
Remember to have fun with this! This is all just for fun and at the end I will make a masterlist with all your works on it! Make sure you tag your work with the tag so I can see it or send an ask saying how you’ve completed the work!
This will end on September 1st!
Tagging some mutual and people I adore on this site!
@loverholland @tominhoodies @naturallytom @hollandroos @quitetommy @toms-gf @toms-order @hillsnholland @cloudyyparker @parkerspicedlatte @parkeret @peachyhollands @spiderboytotherescue @spidey-starks @darlingtholland @scftholland @retroparkers @retroparker @webbedwonders @popculture-parker @gracefulspidey @madmadmilk @stuckonspidey @keepmeholland @parkerchurro @starksparker @starkravingparker @plushparker @softscottlang @pluckypeterparker @cutesparker @mcuspidey @curlytoms @mymoontom @lovelyh0lland @screamholland @venusparker @virgoparker @positiveparker @poetrypeter @star-holland @starboyholland @venusbarnes @nyc-parker @ilcveyou3000 @vloggerparker @spiderkat1248 @afterglowparker
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itsjazebel · 4 years
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Thanks for tagging me, babe @et-lesailes
I love things like this. Tagging people for both this blog and my writing blog @lucky-bucky-boy
@bitchcraftandwitchery @nacho-bucky @cametobuyplums @sinner-as-saint @sunmoonandbucky @moonbeambucky @terrifictomholland @venusbarnes @webbedwonders @papi-chulo-bucky
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hholyholland · 6 years
don't judge the title i'm bad at them.
pairing: mob! tom holland x reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: tom being protective, gun shots/ injuries
requests currently closed
It was supposed to be a nice event, mob leaders acting like they liked each other for a night, just doing simple business and having chats.
You were glued to Tom's side all night, he kept an arm wrapped around your pretty body practically pulling you on top of him.
He watched carefully as you interacted with other mobsters, he watched their eyes to make sure they wouldn't travel to parts of your body only he got to see.
You played with the diamond bracelet Tom had gotten you,and stuck your leg out of your slit your red dress offered.
“Being a tease ay?” He smirked at you, and your brows furrowed, you went to say something but Tom beat you to it.
“Man you have five seconds to walk away before I shoot you.” You turned and looked at your boyfriend, before looking back at the guy who was backing up.
“Come 'ere princess.”
You walked over to him and he pulled you onto his lap, one hand going on your thigh and the other on your bare back, sending chills up your spine.
“I should've put a gun through his head for speaking to you like that.” He mumbled in your ear before kissing your neck. You hummed in response, liking the way his lips felt.
“I'd say yes, but this is supposed to be a peaceful event Tommy.” You turned your head and grabbed his jaw, placing a kiss on his lips.
“Has that ever stopped me?” He smirked against your lips and slowly reached for his gun as a joke.
You pulled away and grabbed his hand, placing it back on your thigh.
“When I'm around, yes.”
The rest of the night you just stayed with Tom, watching him have a conversation with others, or he watched you. If any guy even tried to get at you, Tom wouldn't hesitate to flash his gun at them or threaten them.
It's not that you couldn't defend yourself, Tom just beat you to it, plus you didn't mind it at all. You loved seeing Tom get mad about other guys trying to get a go at you.
“Bullets are gonna go through heads if this keeps going.” Tom grumbled kissing around your neck, you rolled your eyes at his intentions and pushed him back.
“It's okay Tom, they're all disgusting anyway. I only belong to you.” Your hand combed through some strands of his hair before he grabbed the back of your neck and kissed you.
“God I can't wait to go home with you.” He growled and you smiled into the kiss. You knew it was gonna be a good night.
That was until you heard the sound of a gunshot.
Tom immediately pulled away and pulled you low, his hand grabbed his gun and kept it ready. He reached for your hand and pulled you towards one of the emergency exits, telling you to stay close to him.
Although you constantly heard gunshots and your boyfriend was a mobster, you were terrified. Your heart was pounding out of your chest and you were squeezing Tom's hand.
Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your calf and you looked down to see a bullet in your skin. Your leg immediately gave out and you dropped Tom's hand.
“Fuck love.” He immediately picked you up and ran towards the door, his heart was now pounding and he was scared for you. You were hurt and he hated that.
“It hurts Tommy.” You cried into his shoulder, feeling an intense amount of pressure in your leg.
“I know darling, just stay calm, I'll call the doctor right now.” He scanned the valet looking for the black SUV, as soon as he found it he ran to it, opening the door somehow and placing you on the seat and getting in himself.
“Step on it Jared.” Tom said before grabbing you and pulling you close. Running one hand through your hair to calm you, the other calling the doctor telling him what had happened.
He called Harrison next telling him to get an area ready for you, before hanging up and diverting his attention to you completely.
He didn't even care about the blood getting on the seats, all he cared about was you and how you were handling the pain.
“Once I found out who's responsible, I'll kill em baby.” When you didn't respond he looked down at you and saw your eyes were closed, “Love?”
“Yeah yeah, I'm okay sorry.” You opened your eyes to look at his soft brown ones, and you grabbed his hand giving it a firm squeeze.
The car came to a stop and Jared got out and opened the door for you and Tom, Tom got out then carefully pulled you out carrying you through the front door.
“In the living room.” Harrison called out once he heard you guys enter.
The doctor was there ready with his equipment, and a makeshift hospital bed. Tom placed you onto it and took your heels off before standing next to you, holding your hand.
“I wasn't able to get any numbing medication so I'm sorry in advance.” The doctor told you, and you nodded letting him know it was okay.
You hissed as the doc cleansed the area and looked at Harrison, “Get me the bottle of vodka.”
“No she's not serious.” Tom spoke, rubbing his hand up and down your arm soothingly.
“Tom in the old days they would just let their patients get drunk so they couldn't feel the pain what the hell.” You yelped as he started to remove the bullet.
“This may hurt.”
You bit down on your lip and squeezed your boyfriend's hand, before the doctor let you knew it was out.
“Here's the bullet and now it's time for stitches. So, she may need that bottle of vodka.” The doctor joked and you nodded in agreement.
You let out multiple cries and yelps from the pain, cursing at the doctor at one point for not bringing any type of numbing medication.
“Alright all done, try not to put all your pressure on your leg for about a week and I'll be back in two to take the stitches out and just look at it.”
“Thank you, and I'm sorry I yelled at you.” You looked at the doctor and apologized for your little outburst you had had.
“It's alright, get well soon.”
He left after that and you sighed looking down at your bandaged leg. It still hurt and it was throbbing, and your dress had blood on it, but you were just glad you were home and safe.
“Right let's get to bed love.” Tom picked you up once again and carried you to your shared bedroom.
Tom set you on the bed and you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, kissing his lips and pulling him close. Your hands trailed down his chest and he caught on, grabbing your wrist and pulling away.
“Love you just had stitches, no.” Tom chuckled walking away to get you clothes.
“Please baby, you were talking about it all night “ You pouted at him.
“That was before you got shot, plus you know how I get during sex.” He walked back over to you with a pair of sweats and one of his tees.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the clothes from him, “boring.”
“Aye keep it up and you won't get shit for a week.” He smirked at you and you rolled your eyes.
“Damn you Holland. Now help me change.”
Tom carefully helped you changed, making sure the sweats didn't bother your leg. He changed himself and got into bed with you.
“You okay love?”
You nodded into his chest, “Yeah. I love you, thanks for taking care of me.”
“Love you more baby, I'm always gonna take care of you.”
tagging: @webbedwonders​
let me know if you want to be added to my permanent tag list!
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otteropera · 6 years
(teen!reader) being best friends with bucky would include...
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Pairings: platonic!bucky x reader, slight peter x reader
Warnings: fluff
- the team was really surprised that you two got so close, considering you were probably the two quietest and most reserved on the team (not to mention the age difference)
- but then again, it does make sense that the most similar gravitated toward each other
-you two have mAny inside jokes and make each other laugh at the most inappropriate times
- like during meetings or mission briefings
- only takes one word or a single phrase and the other person is dying of laughter
- and tony has to give The Look to you guys so you’ll take it seriously
- but you can make bucky go from an ‘i’m about to kill every single one of you’ look to ‘i have never laughed harder in my life’ in .2 seconds
- getting your first boyfriend was NOT an enjoyable time
- not only did you live with the avengers, but one of them was your best friend and an ex-assassin
- needless to say, it didn’t last any longer than a year, but bucky was there for you when he ended things
- he would bring sweets to your room and let you cry into his chest as he held you
- “Its going to be okay. Everything will work out. I promise.”
- you were back to your old self relatively soon, all thanks to bucky
-peter has visited the tower before and it’s very obvious to bucky that you get nervous around him
- “Hey Y/n, can you give Peter a tour of the tower?”
- he has a cheeky grin on his face as he sees yours turn a light shade of red
- peter was standing with you guys so you couldn’t protest and had to go along with it
- meanwhile peter is standing there like a deer in the headlights because ‘Oh my god Mr. Barnes- sir wants Y/n to take me on a tour!’
- bucky realizes he’s in deep shit when you come storming into the common area
- “Bucky how could you! That was the most awkward experience in my life! I can’t believe you did that to me!”
- tony and sam are HOWLING in laughter and bucky is trying his hardest to hold it in
- even steve is having a hard time remaining stoic
- “I think we all know that nothing would happen if I hadn’t pushed you two together.”
- you roll your eyes and storm off, slamming the room to your door so it can be heard from the living room
- he knows that you’re upset, but he can’t help thinking that part of you is happy he did something
- he gives you an hour or two to cool off before he knocks on your door with a carton of your favorite ice cream, two spoons, and your favorite movie tucked under his shoulder
- you accept his form of an apology and eat most of the ice cream
- “... how did the tour go?”
- “I swear to god Buck, I will knock you over the head with this spoon.”
- he picks you up from school everyday, and on fridays you guys will get food somewhere
- normally he lets you pick but one day he REALLY wanted to try chipotle
- and he loved it
- speaking of school, he saw one kid following you and just generally being an asshat as you walked out to buckys car
- he noticed this from a MILE away and got out of the car, slamming the door
- as soon as you saw him your eyes went wide because he could literally kill that kid if he wanted to
- the kid backed off once he saw bucky, but you had to usher him back into the car to keep him from ripping the kids head off
- “Come on, (Y/n) I just want to talk to him.”
- “No, you just want to murder him.”
-(although, you wouldn’t mind because it was starting to get annoying)
- you teach him about recent technology, video games, and memes
- kind of regretting teaching him about the last one
- once during a mission, in the middle of combat, he tossed steve his shield back and caught himself saying “yeet”
- “Come again, Buck?”
- he didn’t even notice at first because he had gotten so used to hearing you say it
- “That’s what happens when you hang around a teenager all the time.”
- you were proud, nonetheless
- he was strangely good at mariokart
- like really, concerningly good
- he beat you after playing for less than an hour and almost always gets first place
- you two convinced poor steve to play with you
- to put it simply, he sucked at it
- “Come on old man or our team is gonna lose.”
- he got last place, but got an A+ for effort in your book
- bucky, however, would not let him live it down
- he constantly teased steve for not understanding the game and being bad at it
- “You just have to tilt it you dumbass.”
- “Language.”
- the nicknames
- oh god the nicknames
- his most common one for you was ‘kid’ but he called you just about anything
- you called him ‘old man’ a lot (although, you called steve ‘old man’ too)
- movie marathons
- from jurassic park, to jaws, you guys watched all the classics
- you had to explain some of the pop culture references, but other than that he enjoyed them
- it usually ended with you asleep on his shoulder
- he’d carry you to bed and make sure you were nicely tucked in before quietly closing the door behind him
- he was always there for you, at any time
- if you woke up in the middle of the night due to a nightmare, you’d shuffle down the hall the his room with the tears still streaming down your face
- he’d open the door and his heart would break at the sight of you so upset
- he’d let you sleep in his room with him
- sometimes you’d sit in bed and talk to him about your nightmare for hours, how it made you feel
- other times it just felt nice to not have to sleep in an empty room by yourself
- midnight snacks were a common thing
- neither of you slept that well, so some nights he’d come knocking on your bedroom door and you guys would make mac n cheese or take midnight drives to mcdonald’s
- whatever you decided, it was always better when you had a built-in bucky
- “So (Y/n), have you talked to Peter yet?”
- “Buck I swear to god-”
tags: @webbedwonders
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melleeferra · 6 years
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#webbedwonders #fall #beautifulbc #artistretreat #saltspringisland (at Blue Ewe Island Cottage) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brd_J4aBDha/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d3q9e524a75p
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ordinariums-a · 3 years
from here //
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“    . . . youtube ??    ”    okay, even if he didn’t know her - even if it was even possible to learn that stuff on youtube, then the simple fact that she was just a terrible liar would give her away. like, damn. was this how he looked when he lied ??     “    you know that -- that isn’t believable ?? in the slightest, right ??    ”
// @webbed-wonder​
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