#im forcing us to play portal 2 together
krarka · 2 years
Me n my complicated feelings about feelings
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geodetojoy · 2 months
it’s assumption ask headcanon time babeyyy!! now let’s see hrmm
1. you love (specific) video games but don’t play often or as much as you’d like (pspsps we should play games together)
2. now im thinking about games and you seem like you’d main link OR lucario in super smash bros and i cannot for the life of me figure out why lmao. if not, who’s your main?? mines kirby :)
3. you’d consider yourself an ambivert! i simply have a hard time seeing you ascribing to only intro/extrovert
this was harder than i thought lol but HOPE YA HAD FUN ILYYY :D <33
Ok wtf these are all scarily accurate LMAOOOO
1- I genuinely only have access to a switch (on my brothers account) and my laptop that only has the ram for a handful of like flash games despite having several steam games downloaded :,)))))
But on my switch I play minecraft and on my laptop I play that’s not my neighbor (nightmare mode exclusively) and infinite craft, all of which I have had extreme hyperfixations periods on that either burn out way too fast or I don’t have the time to indulge (I miss my minecraft staminaaaaa I had one CRAZY world going last year and I think what drew me out of it was the fact that aFTER THREE DIFFERENT FUCKING STRONGHOLDS I STILL DIDNT FIND A S I N G L E END PORTAL WTF IS THAT BAD LUCK RAHHHHHH)
BUT I am working on getting an actual computer in the following year SO AS SOON AS THAT HAPPENS I WOULD LOVE TO PLAY GAMES WITH YOU :DDDDD
I actually have a few mains I rotate around, usually between peach, zero suit samus, lucario, and greninja, but lucario is like my main-main thats crazy that you guessed that LMAOOO
3- I absolutely used to see myself as an introvert but that was mostly bc I didn’t really have anyone to be extroverted around but since ive kinda found my people I’m DEFINITELY an ambivert!!! (I’ve also been kinda forced into extroverted-ness recently bc I got hired at like a genuine (albeit teeny tiny) amusement park as a ride operator (which I did NOT apply to be THANK YOU VERY MUCH) so ive gotta put on that people-person mask like constantly lmaooo so fake it till you make it ig)
Also this took so fucking long to type bc I got a cup of milk and my cat has been absolutely harassing me to try to get it she’s knocked over half of the stuff on my desk what is wrong with her
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shit-scfandom-did · 3 years
so i have a few questions
1)i cannot understand how you ship k*ramel. their relationship was FILLED with toxicity. from mon-el failing over and over again to listen to what kara had to say to him basically telling her to give up being kara danvers. convincing her that "being supergirl and having you is enough” was absolutely horrible. karamel had their moments but overall it was toxic. then in s3 mon el was married and the whole point of season 3 was allowing them to move on. accepting the toxicity from s2 and pushing past that romanticized time. mon el was a better person by 3b but he was still married. even if mon el and imra did break up in the finale there’s no future for karamel. even during 5x13 kara went to ask on advice about lena. and when winn came to visit from the future not a word about him. she’s moved on and it just wouldn’t make sense for kara to end up with him.
2) how can you hate lena so so so much?? it’s been said over and over again that all she’s ever wanted to do is good. though she’s designed to be this morally grey character. she has FLAWS but that’s what makes her so good. she’s a victim of abuse and you can see her struggle with that especially in seasons 4 and 5. in 5 she definitely goes down a questionable path but how can you expect her not too? after being emotionally abused by her brother, betrayed by her family, andrea (this did happen before kara), and then eve. finding out that kara and EVERYONE she loves has betrayed her as well. I mean how could you not go mad?? and even when she “went mad” she was trying to rid humanity of PAIN. something she later realized was a necessary part of life. her hurt blinded her from reality and lex’s manipulation pushed her down further. she’s been hurt and broken so many times and while that’s not an excuse for what she’s done you have no sympathy for her and that I find appalling. lena has realized what she’s done is wrong, that she’s made mistakes, what she did to kara, and she will have to live with that isn’t that punishment enough? she’s apologized and is trying to make up for everything she’s done by saving the world (again). your unnecessary hate towards her infuriates me. cant you take a step back and see the whole picture?
3) why DONT you ship supercorp or accept the queerbaiting? (watch this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C2w2GBXd_Pg) They are the core relationship of the show while the danvers sisters are the heart. they’ve gone through so so much together and practically dated in early season 2. they love each other it’s just oh so apparent. i like to believe one of the reasons lena reacted so strongly in s5 is because she was in love with kara and she couldn’t handle the person she was in love with lying to her. and kara flew around the world to get lena’s favorite food!! if that’s not romantic idk what is. I feel like you’ve developed such a clouded view of supercorp that you need to take a step back and understand what lena is the love of kara’s life.
wow what a long message. im not here to hate. im here to inform & undertand. i get it. karamel had their moments and even MY perception of them might be a little cloudy. im not going to hate you for liking them. hell I even shipped them for a little! my brother thinks 3b mon el and kara would’ve been perfect but he understands that supercorp is just where the show is leading and he wants them to be endgame. but what I will hate is your hate. what’s the point of all this? this thread, this account is going to do NOTHING. so why bother? I debated sending this and I hope I’m not too harsh at times but I really wanna see what you say. I hope you can open your eyes to lena and supercorp. maybe even become a supercorp shipper yourself!
- thanks and supercorp endgame 💙❤️
First of all, if you want to discuss ships in the future send this type of anons to facepalming-since-chernobyl, this blog is not for this, but for gathering receipts.
1.I just ship it, I don’t get why you have to understand it. It’s shipping. But if you insist:
No, it was not filled with toxicity. Count me when he failed to listen to her when they were in a relationship. Secondly, he is not a dog, he has his brain, he is his own person. People don’t always do what others asked them to do. It’s not slavery.
He has NEVER said to her to give up being Kara Danvers. How did he exactly convince her? How can you read the scene that he convinced her that being supergirl and having him is erasing Kara Danvers? In this scene he supports anything SHE WANTS to do. Also, Kara Danvers doesn’t equal Kara being a reporter in CatCo. On that moment she had her blog. She change people’s live with it like a real reporter. She took the risk and met consequences of her actions aka being fired by Snapper. Also, remind me who told her to create a blog? With your logic Lena was erasing Kara Danvers too.
Friendly reminder that he was forced to the marriage to keep peace. Also, friendly reminder Imra and the Legion out him in this situation without telling him about her plans. She and Brainiac put him there, knowing exactly how much he loved Kara and how much she meant to him. Imra knew that, that’s why she asked him to stay and solve his feelings. She said if he had come back, she would have known he had no doubts. But he wanted to stay, that’s why they broke up. He came back because once again he sacrificed himself for the greater good, like a real hero. Maybe watch the Argo eps because they clearly show that no, it was no about moving on.
It was not accepting about so called toxicity. First of all, she already forgave him that he lied. Secondly, all of she was screaming in that scene, when she was infected with M’rynn’s powers, happened before they got together and it was already approached in the musical ep. Aka, this scene had no point.
There is no future for karamel because you say so?
Kara went to asked him, because she truly believed and trusted him and his judgment. And yes, she asked about Lena and what did he said? That Kara deserved the same compassion she gives others, something Lena never gave her. And sorry, I know all scs scream the 100 ep was about sc, but it was about Kara fully realizing she is not responsible for Lena’s horrible choices. That’s it. And friendly reminder she called her a villain in the last scene. Also, the ep showed than no matter what, Lena always ends screwing something, because she has too big ego, always knows better, doesn’t stand criticism and doesn’t trust anyone.
It doesn’t make sense for you. Suit yourself.
2.Her fans made me hate her :) Thanks to them and how they excuse her every horrible action, how they treat her as a victim, while she abuse everyone etc. I started to watch her more carefully. And well, she is a horrible, white, privileged capitalist, who plays god, judge, jury, has mommy issues and acts like typical Luthor while crying she is not one, while still using Luthors money and resources.
Yeah, many people want to make good and end doing evil things. Common people pay for their sins, she has never. Since allowing hostile Daxamite army to invade the Earth (also, her portal affected the other aliens who destroyed the NC), producing a device that could recofnize aliens without their consent (and it was used by Children of Liberty,)producing and lying about Kryptonite, trying to make people superpowered without any supervision, killing Adam during illegal experiment, supporting openly alienphobic president and in a way Agent Liberty, killing Lex and then blaming Kara and finally manipulating Kara for months, lying, gaslighting, yelling, making her steal Lex journal, trying to lobotomize her and tortured with kryptonite, hurting every way possible, physically and mentally. Working with mass murderer, enslaving 3 people (kidnapping Eve, without her consent putting AI into her mind, basically RAPING her brain and making her a puppet in her own body; enslaving end experimenting on Malefic and Russel – threatening to kill him to steal Andrea’s necklace) – none of it are flaws. It was horrible abuse and violating every human right and the fact some people excuse it is disgusting.
First of all, being victim of abuse doesn’t give you the rights to HURT other people. The fact I have to explain pains me. Secondly, what abuse exactly? Lillian didn’t love her? Lex kidnapped her? Said he was going to kill her? You know what? Winn HAD HORRIBLE past and he didn’t turn into a murderer. Mon-El was abused by his mother and never tortured Kara with Kryptonite. J’onn killed a lot of white martians but last time I checked he doesn’t feel good about it. Also, never said the things he has done were GOOD. See a difference?
Yeah, and all of it, still doesn’t give her the rights to torture people. Also, friendly reminder she lied to Supergirl about Kryptonite in s3, much before the whole drama. Remember how she destroyed the life of a girl that stole boyfriend in middle school? It clearly shows she always had THAT in her. Plus, sorry not sorry, if she wanted different life, outside her family she could have easily done that. She was in Star City, with Jack, doing her researches, making her career. And she threw it all away, because she WANTED to be a Luthor.
Plus, sorry not sorry, if you feel betrayed and hurt because your friend didn’t tell you something she didn’t OWE you, you go to therapy, not trying to lobotomize entire planet.
Mate, she wanted to lobotomizer entire humanity, without ANYONE’S consent, because SHE, one single Lena, felt hurt. This is playing a GOD. Nothing explains it.
Planning a cold ass revenge for months is not being blinded by feelings.
Once again, even if could argue about how many times she was broken, most of that was a white privileged life she chose herself but whatever, it still doesn’t excuse her. All of she has done should meet consequences. Paying for shit you have done, accepting it, fully realizing what you have done is a part of redemption. Still in s5 she didn’t even apologize to Kara. Because she still didn’t understand what she has done and doesn’t feel sorry about it.
Feel appalled as much as you want, because I’m not going to feel sorry for a white, privileged woman who has never paid for her actions and is basically a living avatar of the worst Karen you can imagine.
She realized Lex was using her horrible experiments (remember? She experimented on puppies too) to his own agenda, that’s why she went to Kara. That’s not grasping a thing. Mhm, if you call that an apology then suit yourself. She is not saving the world, she is helping once again other people fixing the shit she created.
Feel infuriated as much as you want, because I don’t care? Especially when it comes from a person who tells others to take a step back while being totally narrow minded about Mon-El and karamel.
3.Because actors, prodcuers, writers call SC a female friendship. Mel did that in her last interview. See whatever you want but maybe stop forcing people to ship a horribly abusive ship.
Well… no. Kara is the heart and soul of the Supergirl. Alex is her most important relationship. Lena is an important friend, who doesn’t deserve it yet, but we all know Kara is the Paragon of Hope so of course she is going to forgive her.
I know you people think sc dated because they breathed in one room, but in s2 Kara dated, had sex, kissed, cuddled and enjoyed her time with Mon-El.
Yeah, they love each other as friends. It was said more than once.
That’s your delusion, you are free to do it.
Kara done that to Alex too, so you are saying she is romantically in love with her sister or something? If bringing people food is romantic and damn, most of the people I know loves me, god.
No, lena is not Kara’s love of her life.
Cool, you are not going to hate me because I ship karamel, I’m touched.
Sorry that you are going to be super disappointed in the end of the show I guess.
You will hate my hate – what’s the point of it?
Once again, because I don’t think you understand the point of this blog or read the description – it’s gathering receipts of assholes who cross tag and hate on the actors. Maybe go and search #gross hate or #cast hate on this blog so you can see how amazing your fandom is. Have fun.
I would rather eat my own shit than starting shipping the victim of abuse with her abuser.
Thanks and no :)
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nonbinaryspacegoo · 3 years
the sudden reawakening of my special interest in portal has yet to die down and i am full of Thoughts
specifically im full of Thoughts about a core!chell and human!wheatley au
so uuhhh
portal 1:
* glados boots up the Test Core (Chell) and releases her into the test chamber, you know the drill
* eventually glados decides that this isnt all that interesting and goes to incinerate the core, only for said core to, against all odds, make a daring escape off her management rail and through a hole in the wall
* determined that no tech in HER facility will defy her, glados attempts to hunt the rogue ai down but the fact that chell was outfitted with a portal device attached to her hull makes it bizarrely hard
* somehow the little bastard makes it all the way to glados' chamber and takes her out but not before having her portal device removed and incinerated, and being shut down (for now!)
portal 2:
* chell is powered on after she is assigned to caring for sleeping test subjects. too bad theyre almost all dead
* chell goes through the survivors, waking them up and trying to help them through the test chambers to help her find her portal device and make her escape to the surface. they keep dying on her which is...less than ideal, but she Perseveres and eventually comes to her Lucky test subject, Wheatley [redacted]
* hes chatty, and his testing and puzzle solving techniques are strange and often involve breaking things, but chells a results kinda core and hes gotten further than any other human so who is she to question his methods
* he manages to find her a Personality Core Hull Attached Portal Device and attach it to her and they move on together
* eventually they come to the end of her management rail and she communicates that she wants him to catch her. there are two options for this: 1. he does manage to catch her in his arms and is promptly knocked to the ground under her not insignificant weight and velocity and gets to lie winded on the ground with a metal orb on his chest and a nose bleed. or 2. (bastard addition) he realises at the last second that Hey Thats A Big Metal Ball, gets war flashbacks to high school soccer practice, and promptly jumps back, letting chell hit the ground
* either way they move on glados' old chamber and wheatley openly wonders who finally took her down. they make it to the control panel and wheatley plugs her in. now either chell activating the lights or him hitting buttons at random boots up glados
* wheatley attempts to talk his way out but glados is much more interested in the little core who fucking MURDERED HER
* wheatley attempts to bargain for his freedom ("well i see you two have some history, how about you just pop me up to the surface and ill let you two catch up. (possible further dialogue depending on how much of a bastard you like your wheatleys) or maybe you should um, send her with me, i mean, seems reeeaaalllyy dangerous, and im sure youd want her far FAR away from you. so you could just... hand her over, send us to the surface, and we'll both be gone Forever, never have to worry about her coming for you ever again"
* glados informs him that since hes awake and gotten this far, though shes "sure the Testing Core did all the real work", he can start testing while she deals with this rogue (insert musing about how to make an AIs death as painful as possible here)
* at this moment chell manages to wrench herself free of the claw that was holding her and makes another bid for freedom. (she either 1. slips through another well-placed hole in the floor or 2. is quickly crushed and her lifeless body is tossed away as glados laments how easy she got off before turning her attention back on wheatley. either way she tosses him into a test chamber to get started
* wheatley goes through several tests before engaging an aerial faith plate only to spot chell, after several jumps he manages to get the gist of what shes trying to tell him (shes alive and shes going to get him out of there, just keep testing)
* chell does just that, busting her human out and taking off together
* wheatley comes up with a plan to take her down and they do it
* they manage to install chell as the new chasis. not sure what she does with glados but i am feeling wheatley kicks her severed head at one point
* now theres a few versions i can think of
1. chell betrayal: chell makes wheatley test instead of releasing him
2. wheatley is forced to sit around waiting for chell to try and find a way to get both of them out and many nasty words are said
3. wheatley betrayal: wheatley pulls some fuckery to try and ditch the core and send himself to the surface, or even shut the whole facility down, or maybe control the place through chell, either way its a bastard move.
* idk what happens after that part thats all i got plotwise lol
but here are a few little tidbits on core!chell
* she was built to keep glados entertained by running tests
* she does love doing puzzles and pushing herself but she does NOT care for being put down and the constant threat of death or dismemberment and she certainly doesnt care for people trying to kill her
* someone told her that there was a whole world outside the facility (im thinking glados, as a way to taunt her with the fact that shed never see it) and now she wants OUT
* does not speak. at all. ever. she has a vocal processor and should be able to but she doesn't
* based on how some people will "nod" and "shake their head" by jiggling the camera up and down or side to side, or jump to express their feelings while playing, i headcanon that she communicates via expression (as best a core can), lots of wiggling, pointedly looking between items of interest, and spinning
* heavier than most cores because she was built to withstand an absolute beating, with thicker plates and so on
* very impatient, very smart. surprisingly expressive, and can be pretty affectionate when things are going well
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goineedsleep · 3 years
i am cursed, and also delusional
i got sick recently(not covid, i am a fully vaccinated bitch), so i'm writing this on caffeine and pain
i hope you enjoy the shitshow
-trials of octopath is todays awful fusion idea
-for those of you unaware of trials of manas existence, it's a lot like octopath(and vice versa). trials is a game where you pick 3 characters out of 6 possible options to play as, and the story changes drastically depending on who's in your party. im' gonna have to cut a couple of the octopaths to fit this AU, but i'll be putting them elsewhere- you'll see them eventually
-i'm not even getting into story pairs! every two characters in trials of mana has the same final boss. if you put two characters together who have the same story(say, the fighter/duran or the mage/angela), it gives more information on those characters and their shared story.
-we have olberic the fighter(replacing duran) first. after an invasion of his home, he trusts erhardt with protecting it while he chases after the perpetrator
-then there's cyrus the mage(replacing angela)- he is the prestiged son of a famed scholar. he cannot use the same powerful magic his father could, and thus is chosen to be executed by him. cyrus unleashes enough magical power to teleport out of that situation(this happens in-game), and runs away to seek guidance from the Archbishop of the Church of the Sacred Flame.
-now we have therion the thief. he is a close friend of the leader of the Thieves Guild of the Ravuses, a man known as Heathcote. Darius, an "old friend " of his, saved Heathcotes life from being missing. this results in Heathcote acting very weird from the day he returns- at least, if you ask therion. Heathcote has never expressed the want to start a nation and invade another country until now! he gets help from Heathcotes son, the doctor of their group, to find out what's going on with Heathcote. It turns out... that Darius is using mind control to manipulate Heathcote to follow his bidding. man come on therion was just starting to not punch you in the face every night just when you were about to fall asleep again
-Darius uses dark magic to seal Alfyn away to another realm, and frames Therion for the kidnapping. Therion can't tell the truth about the situation either or kill Darius- Cordelia, Alfyns little sister, will die as well if he even dares due to a cursed article of clothing given to her by Darius.
-luckily for him, Tressa has mercy on him a couple months later and breaks him out of jail. therion decides to investigate the curse in order to find out how to stab Darius in the most affective way imaginable. Also to save Cordelia, but that isn't his priority at the moment
-now we have the warrior princess Primrose
-she's the captain of the woman-led guard of the country of Azelhart
-her mother died during childbirth whilst giving birth to her little sister tressa, and so she decided to take care of her to the best of her ability. her father is very proud of her for taking charge like this, but he still is the parent in this version. he is the one that technically raised tressa since I do not want to force primrose to parent someone when she's like 6
-primrose was just a dedicated babysitter
-she wants tressa to practice her dancing, and when she finds her she's being held at knifepoint by 2 thieves. the barrier protecting Azelhart from enemy forces is broken, tressa is kidnapped, and -Azelhart is no more. Now Primrose is no princess or noble- she's just Primrose
-She goes to the Priest of Light so she can pray for forgiveness from Aelfric before she kills all of the Ravus thieves guild
-H'aanit is the princess of the werewolves. they've been oppressed and marginalized by humans for years, so they've taken up the forest as their home. she's a hunter like most of them are, yet she's never been able to harness the power of her bloodline: it may be due to her being half-human, but she's never been capable of transforming into a beast like her brethren.
-she meets the snow leopard Linde in front of her dead mothers corpse, and starts feeding it
-she has a new pet now -linde and herself work together and they sometimes do better than full-blooded werewolves when they work together
-Z'aanta forms an alliance with Mattias, a man who's worked with the Church of the Sacred Flame a million times -immediately following the forming of this alliance Linde attempts to kill H'aanit -H'aanit doesn't wish to hurt her friend, but she has no choice: she turns into a werewolf for the first time in her life and loses control of her thoughts in her despair
-oh welp the cat's dead(I'M SO SORRY LINDE YOU ARE A VERY GOOD KITTY) -H'aanit heads back home to cry for a minute... then she overhears Mattias admitting that he killed her cat -H'aanit attempts to attack him, and then gets yeeted to Jadd -good job ham, you complete and utter pokemon trainer
-last up, we've got ophilia -she's the adoptive daughter of the Archbishop of the Sacred Flame -she hears Lianna's gonna be going somewhere, she gets an awful vision of Lianna never being seen again following this mission, and goes with her in secret -Lianna gets kidnapped regardless by Mattias -so ophilia decides to find this guy and punch him in the face
-alright that's all of the character backstories
-all of these people(save alfyn and tressa, who is being held hostage by the ravus thieves guild) go to jadd first- h'aanit is yeeted there by mattias
-h'aanit notices that her people are invading this town and will be invading Flamesgrace- her next goal is to stop this -olberic wants to stop this as well, so he and h'aanit team up first
-Primrose looks for Tressa in some desperate search, and meets Cyrus during this search. they decide to journey together to Wendel, figuring going together would be better than being alone -they think it's a dumb idea to fight the beastmen, so they decide to escape at night like the bartender suggested
-ophilia finds therion at the bar while looking for food, and overhears his story while she eats soup and bread -she leads him to Wendel, wanting to do help another adventurer before she goes off into the unknown herself
-olberic and h'aanit free the town from beastmen and go to the cavern that leads to flamesgrace(which i am going to keep calling Wendel on accident because that's what it is in trials, srry) -they get there and there's a barrier -archbishop put it up to protect them from the beastmen, and then h'aanit and olberic find the lakeside town of astoria -the villagers keep mentioning how a divine light has started appearing in the area, and olberic shrugs it off and takes a very long nap. the poor man is very tired -ophilia and therion head there as well and follow the light to where it falls- ophilia touches this flame and has to fight a giant robot w/ therion -they win, and ophilia doesn't see it anymore -she shrugs and heads back to astoria, where beastmen have wrecked the town. it is g o n e -ophilia holds a memorial service for them, where she tells therion about how she's a cleric of the Sacred Flame -therion shrugs and suggests they keep going. they don't have much time before it's day and the beastmen attempt to attack Flamesgrace, too
-h'aanit, olberic, cyrus and primrose are having a picnic at the barrier when ophilia and therion arrive -ophilia attempts charging into the barrier, and then it sets on fire and they can all go through -after a long and awkward icebreaker, they all decide to travel together. it's pretty dangerous out there anyways, with the beastmen attacking and atlasdams rumored invasion of Hornburg. the ravus nation is also a major worry, therion reminds them, but they arent' gonna be in the area for a while
-these guys make it to flamesgrace to receive advice on what's coming next -olberic is told to become stronger before challenging atlasdam, and not to do so alone. he continues being in the group due to this -cyrus is told to learn how to understand his emotions- magic is not the forms they teach at school, but rather what comes from the heart. he decides to accompany the travelers so he can escape imprisonment by atlasdam forces -therion first learns of how the dimension Alfyn's been tossed into is inaccessible by humans. it is the birthplace of galdera, and is a realm of which sinners reside after they've lived their lives. Alfyn is probably not going to last very long in this realm- he's as good as dead -therion is then told of how ancient and deadly of a magic the cursed choker is, and that darius is not human. what he is is a mystery, and to save cordelia he must find the sword of aelfric. he cannot save alfyn, so he may as well save his sister -primrose is advised to find her sister and that if she chooses to destroy the ravus nation, aelfric will not support her actions, though they are understandable. if she finds the Sword of Aelfric, she may gain the power she needs to destroy the Ravus nation. -h'aanit is told that Linde will live on through her, and that Mattias is a warlock of Galderas. he has been rejected by the Order of the Sacred Flame as a result, though he does lie very affectively. to save the Kingdom of S'warkii, she must take down Mattias. and since mattias is going after the Sword of Aelfric she may as well accompany Ophilia and make Mattias's efforts worth nothing at all -ophilia is told to find Lianna, since she has been chosen by the Ember. she is now the only person who can rise the Sword of Aelfric from its resting place
-the Sword of Aelfric is hidden within the Sanctuary of Aelfric, which needs an insane amount of power to be opened. normally this power can be leached from the Aelfric Stones, but doing so could let loose ancient and terrible demons. therefore, the 8 gods that reside next to these stones need to be called upon in order to open the portal to the Sanctuary. -Therion suggests going after Aelfric first, since he's the closest one to them. after that, they need to find someone who knows where the rest of them are and also how to get there -they all agree that it's a good plan, but cyrus brings up that the Aelfric Stones each belong to a specific nation or people. going there and borrowing the gods power would be going after large civilizations that have grown around these stones -olberic suggests that they plan this out later, when they have more information and time -they all agree and go ahead to find the first of 8 gods
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Please do go on about Doomslayer and his morals. I'm legit fascinated by him since starting the let's play I'm watching and I'd love to hear your take on him (I know literally nothing about the Doom franchise other than lots of blood and violence against demons and also badass music)
You know, a year ago when my friends asked me 'hey do you wanna play minecraft' and i said 'yeah sure' i would have never thought i would one day have a minecraft sideblog where i get questions about the personality of the main character of a shooter fps game (of all things!) that is known for its incredible violence.
But here you go:
(prepare yourself this has gotten way longer than i thought oh god, and also it has nothing to do with hermits whatsoever. warnings for language and descriptions of violence? and i assume the readmore won’t be working the way i want it to)
Ok so, Doom!
First of all, i know nothing about the old games, and i’ve only seen a minimal amount of Doom Eternal Letsplays. Most of this is based on Doom (2016). 
Ok so we all start out thinking Doomguy! It’s the guy you play in Doom. The hand that hold the gun YOU are shooting demons with. And sure, you can go trough the whole game with that mindset, but that’s boring and we are overthinking fictional characters in this house.
ID software actually managed to give Doomguy/Doomslayer a TON of personality despite him never saying a word, barely any cutscenes to show what he does when you don’t control him (at least in Doom 2016), and not a lot of other characters to interact with despite enemy monsters.
The game just leaves you little hints and snippets and that’s what makes Doomslayer so exciting to think about. Just the right levels between ‘cryptid half-god who never shows emotion and is a player-insert’ and ‘this dude’s got an AGENDA. he has PLACES TO BE’. You are him as you play, but sometimes he makes decisions on his own. But personally, i could never find myself to disagree.
First, you got the intro sequence. 
You got a unknown voice telling you: 
“They are rage. Brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse. Rip and Tear, until it is done.”
First of all, YO. WOW. HOLY SHIT.
The scene immediately shifts to Doomslayer waking up. He’s naked, he’s chained down somewhere, theresa SHIT TON of scars littering his arms and hands. First thing HE does, on his own behalf, is ripping off the chains by flexing a little (literal iron chains!!!), smashing a zombies head against the sarcophagus he lays in and completely obliterating said head into a bit of blood (mind you, three seconds after he woke up from a thousands of years long coma!! but we only learn that later), and then promptly gets up, picks up a pistol, and now it’s your, the players turn. This takes like 8 seconds in total. This man means BUSINESS. That’s the first thing we learn.
Second thing that strikes me is the interactions with Samuel Hayden. 
Doomslayer is patient when a computer voice tells him the status of the base. He is patient as he looks at the screens to see what is going on. (a demonic invasion, thats what). But then dear Dr. Samuel Hayden calls. 
Dr. Hayden says “Hi, i’m the boss here, i’m sure we can work together in a way that benefits us both uwu”. Doomslayer immediately grabs the PC screen and pushes it aside. His gesture says, i’m done with this. im sick of this dude. this guy is full of shit. And he’s right! And that after barely hearing two sentences from Hayden!
So the second thing we learn is that he has no time for people trying to exploit him. He hears Hayden, he has a gut feeling that this dude is a little fishy, maybe he just plain doesnt like higher ups and heads of facilities. But we learn that he IS. NOT. going to listen to this man, and his body language makes that very clear without being actually violent against the person (he doesnt destroy the Screen either! just pushes it aside very annoyed. He isn’t mindlessly destroying property here.)
This continues. 
Hayden goes ‘hey maybe don’t destroy that energy source!’ in the few seconds you dont control him, Doomslayer listens. He hesitates. He considers. Then he destroys the thing anyways. Hayden keeps telling him to stop, but Doomslayer doesnt listen. He’s got his own mind!
This was mostly about Haydens Company, the UAC, harvesting hell energy, and hurting people in the process. 
There’s a scene where Doomslayer rides an elevator. Hayden, over the comms, tells him that everyone that has died in the demon attack was a nacessary sacrifice that will bring a new future or some shit like that. the camera pans down to show some poor sods corpse at those very words. Doomslayer cracks his knuckles. he is NOT HAPPY about that, so we know he doesnt like it when human lifes are sacrificed. He destroys the communicator, so he doesnt have to listen to Haydens voice telling him lies and trying to sway him anymore. 
(then he takes out his shotgun, the doors open, metal starts playing and the doom logo is shown, but that’s more about making the player feel epic than showing doomslayers personality,,)
Now i would like to talk about VEGA, the AI that controls the mars facility. 
VEGA occasionally talks to us/the Slayer. He is very straightforward, tells us what to do and why to do it, and is generally very polite. In the story, Doomslayer listens to Vega. 
Now why does he listen to VEGA but not Hayden? 
I think it’s because Hayden tries to get him to do things that just benefit him, and Hayden is very manipulative in his words (or tries to be lol), while Vega just says (if you destroy this thing, that door will open. I think Doomslayer appreciates it when people are honest to him.
And in the end, Doomslayer on his own decides to save a backup of VEGA. VEGA didn’t ask him to, Doomslayer did that on his own. It’s not relevant to his mission, he doesnt need VEGA to go to hell to close portals and whatnot. But he does save him. Why? I think it’s because he cares. Because he’s come to like VEGA. Because Vega didn’t try to manipulate him and screw him over. 
Next up is the Slayers Testament. 
These are a bunch of writings/recordings that you find scattered in the hell levels. (i highly recommend listening to them/reading them, they are metal as fuck and give me such an immense feeling of power bc they are talking about me, the doomslayer)
These testaments were written by demons. They were genuinely afraid of the slayer. 
Unbreakable, incorruptible, unyielding, the Doom Slayer sought to end the dominion of the dark realm.
As said, i don’t think these are purely talking about his physical strength. They are talking about his... well, mentality. His Codex. They see him as an unstoppable force. He is incorruptible. Let that sink in. Man walks trough hordes of demons and at no point ever thinks ‘yeah maybe this is a bit much’ or ‘they just keep coming this is pointless’. No. He’s unyielding. (Can you tell how much i love the words in these testaments? It’s just got such a nice ring to it.)
In battle, the Doomslayer is BRUTAL. He tears apart demons, rips their eyes out, all that. He stomps on heads like they’re water balloons and isn’t fazed at all. Nothing stops this man. (except players like me who fall off the map 5 consecutive times, but lets just imagine the doomslayer is actually like he would be if someone played the game perfectly. player skill shouldn’t be considered in my headcanons jahdjhgd) One could even argue he has fun at this, because there are some animations like ripping off a zombies arm and beating the Zombie with it, or feeding a demon it’s own heart.
I feel like that says a lot about his personality as well!
He doesn’t hesitate. He doesn’t doubt himself. He doesn’t question his cause! He fights to get rid of the demons, not just the ones in his way, but every. demon. He will go out of his way to kill more demons. You could either take this as him having fun, or him following his own moral codex to get rid of every demon, or him being a not-quite-human war machine, or wanting to protect humanity from them. 
I would say it’s a healthy mix of all that :D
In older games, there was this whole backstory snippet of him returning to earth, finding that the demons had invaded his planet but also killed his pet rabbit (Daisy), and he then goes onto a 2-game long revenge trip.Take that as you will.
The last thing i would like to mention is this post.
Please watch the video. Doomguy walks trough the rows of random human guards. This is the walk of a man who doesn’t owe them SHIT. Yes, he wants to save humanity. Yes, he cares. But he also knows who he is. He knows what he did, and what he will do. He doesn’t have to justify himself in front of these shady scientists and jerky guards.THEY owe HIM, in fact. This video emits the sheer CONFIDENCE of someone who has walked trough hell multiple times and knows none of these people could even touch him. Yes, he would never kill them. He would not harm humans. But he doesn’t care about making them uncomfortable with his presence, either. He doesnt ask for permission.
(i think by now i am using the exact same words they did in that post. really, its worth the read. i think there’s a lot of repeated things between this post and that post by now but i encourage you to watch that video. its worth it.)
Also, the impact he has on the people in this room! they trip. they walk backwards. they go quiet, stutter. they are intimidated. They know he’s technically here to help and save them, but now, standing in front of them.... just wow. it really puts things into perspective. it tells the player that all the demons that he’s killed, all that the doomslayer has done... its noted. it has an impact. 
I’m not really sure where i’m going with this anymore, but watching those NPCs react to the slayers presence just adds so much more to his character. it tells us how people see him, and boy.... do they see him. 
i think it also ties a lot into how the player is made feel, controlling doomguy. all these head stomping and limp tearing animations, the guns, people being scared, watching doomslayer destroy important equipment from first pirson or pushing open doors or whatever... it just gives me such an immense feeling of power! i can’t even describe it. (...it also has nothing to do anymore with the original question but holy shit did i love playing doom for the sheer atmosphere of it. despite me being horrible at playing.)
(at the end of this i’m realizing that all of this never addressed if doomslayer is happy and content murdering demons, or if he just wants his peace and quiet but can’t help himself every time he sees a demon. i would propose to leave that up to headcanons. mine is a mix of both but in a way that makes it not angsty. like he loves to have his calm moments, but is just as happy to rip some demon’s spine out. probably gets a little itchy and impatient if he hasn’t fought in a while.)
also if you’re interested in game design and way more professional people talking about why doom 2016 is great i reccomend this documentary
...anyways it’s past 1am and this has gotten way out of hand but
tl;dr: the doomslayer is metal as fuck, he has a lot of agenda he is following, and i love him so much
#amber talks#doom#where do i even begin with this?#i wanted to answer this in the morning but that was over an hour ago now#jdakjsdhasdjh i can't help myself theres so much to say about doom!!!!#you asked for this anon#it's just so... *clenches fist*#i forgot of course that the music is pretty much the best thing ever and i've been listening to it SO MUCH while writing litve#everything about this game is designed to make you feel powerful and HOLY SHIT is it working#id software did a great job#i watched a whole documentary on this it was great#...yeah i study 3d stuff this is pretty much in m#my field haha#i've just had all these feelings in me for months and now that someone showed the slightest hint of interest it's all coming out#sorry its so unorganized i tried to at least take one point after the other#now to write another essay on why the slayer and the mandalorian are very alike in some parts but mando is so much softer#(its because slayer has been trough hell and back while mando still has hope in the world)#(i mean mando is a jaded and tough bounty hunter but all that he is doomslayer is cranked up to eleven)#(shush now i said in another essay! go to bed)#(....its not gonna be an essay its gonna be a fanfic and its gonna be great)#(mando is such a softie......)#*pushes my mando/slayer agenda on my side blog as well* ah i see#long post#...very long post#hey i've hit 2k words with this!#....i've written litve chapters that are shorter#EDIT: WAIT FUCK I THINK I MIXED UP THE SECURITY GUARDS LINES WITH A FIC I READ ONCE#or did i gave EX that line in the last ask i answered????#i'm??? im gonna go to sleep lol
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My top 10 korean dramas of 2019
10. Extraordinary you. Based on a webtoon, I actually almost missed this one because it looked like the typical high school drama but I got curious and watched it. The story is about a girl that realizes she is actually a secondary role on a webtoon and that her life is being written by the author. Nevertheless she makes the decision to make her own story and falling for whoever she chooses. It definitely is a silly rom-com but with a spin. The chemistry between SF9′s RoWoon and Kim Hyeoyeon is what made binge watch the 32 episodes (around 35 minutes each) in just a couple of days. 
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9. Her private life. Kim Jae Wook and Park Min Young star in this really fun rom-com based on a korean webtoon about a girl that lives a double life: being an art gallery curator and also a devoted super fan of a member of an idol group (played by One). However everything changes when the new gallery director, Ryan, arrives with an agenda that will make her worlds collide. I wasn’t a huge fan of how they portrayed super fans. I thought it was a missed opportunity of really getting into the mindset of a those kind of fans. 
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8. Vagabond. The first episode of this drama really got me excited about it but somehow after a couple of episodes I started loosing interest. When I watched it after a while I somehow finished the whole thing. I think it had its ups and downs but all in all an interesting action romance drama. Lee Seung Gi plays a stunt man that somehow finds himself a father figure to the son of his deceased sister. Money troubles weights him down but he works hard to make a decent living for his nephew. However the kid passes away along with several others in a plane crash. He discovers it wasn’t an accident and he turns his life around to take justice at his own hands. Along the way she meets an agent of an intelligence agency (played by Suzy) and they both work to find the people behind the plane crash.
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7. When the camellia blooms. The main characters of this one are not only endearing but really funny. Gong Hyo Jin has always been one of my favorite korean actresses and this is my favorite part Kang Ha Neul has done. This popular drama is about a single mother who owns a bar and a policeman who falls for her and will stop at nothing until he wins her heart but nothing will come easy for these two, they will have to face several challenges from a killer on the loose to a conservative mother.
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6. Chief of Staff. This drama had two seasons last year something different from the usual modus operandi of korean dramas. Honestly I enjoyed the first season more but even if the story line was a bit messy sometimes, it really was an interesting political drama. Lee Jung Jae plays a character that definitely made me remember House of Cards and The West Wing but in a very korean setting. A former detective is now chief of staff to a congressman and has strong ambicions but he always seems to be stopping fires. It was a very well made drama. Shin Min Ah, Lee Eljah, Kim Dong Joon, Jung Woong In and Kim Kap Soo were all amazing on this one.
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5. SKY CASTLE. This drama gave much to talk about in Korea because it revolves around the pressure parents put on their children to make it to the best universities in the country. The story is set in a rich neighbourhood in Seoul and it shows how some parents will stop at nothing to make their children excel and how it reflects on those children. That dynamic made for an intense 20 episodes. The cast did an amazing job.
4. Hotel Del Luna. This was a great fantasy drama and I was going to rank it higher but truth is in the second part I felt like they drag the conclussion a bit more than necessary. IU plays Jang Man-Wol the “owner” of Hotel del Luna a place where spirits stay before they pass on. Goo Chang-seong (Yeo Jin Goo) is an assitant manager of a hotel corporation who suddenly learns his father made a deal with a woman that he would have to work in her hotel except her hotel in unlike any other. He’s forced to work there but he refuses to do things like Manwol wants him to and tries to change her mind set. She lives with regrets which has made her have a bad attitude but her walls start to fall down with Chang Seong around. This drama was truely addictive.
3. One Spring Night. This drama by Ahn Pan Seok was beautifully shot and it deals with how single fathers are looked in a conservative society like Korea and how parents put pressure on their kids to marry well. The tone is definitely similar to Something in the Rain, his previous work also starred by Jung Hae In. Han Ji Min plays a girl in her 30s that has a boyfriend who she’s expected to settle down with but realizes she doesn’t want to marry him just because it’s about time. She meets a single father and she falls for him but society gets in the way and they both will need to decide whether they are strong enough to go against social standards to be together
2. Crash landing on you. I was waiting for a Hyun Bin drama and finally he did this one with Son Ye Jin and it really turned out great. It’s still airing so I might be making a mistake by ranking this one so high. I really love it though and it’s clearly popular since it’s making double digit ratings which for a cable drama is difficult. The story is about a girl that has an accident that lands her on North Korean soil and seeks help with a North Korean officer to help her return to South Korea. He agrees and they fall in love in the process. It makes for a sweet fun drama but the fact that they are from two countries in conflict will make it difficult to stay together.
1. WWW: Search. Sometimes you just connect with a drama and that’s what happened to me with this one. It might not have been the greatest love story on this list or the most innovative drama. However I was really drawn by the main character played by Im Soo Jung and also by the script .She really is a strong female character. I think the story really made some really good points regarding the power of social media in Korea as well as how corruption can disrupt the truth. Korea has a web portal in real life called Naver that basically works both as google and as twitter since it shows the top related searches constantly which makes all internet users aware of when something is popular whether is about politics or entertainment. In the drama there’s two portals that do just that: Unicon and Baro, Bae Ta-Mi is a director of Unicon but is betrayed and ends up switching companies to Baro and makes her goal to beat Unicon and make Baro the most used portal in Korea. At the same time, she meets a young CEO (Jang Ki Young)  of a small music company for games and he tries to date her after a one night stand. I also love the secondary couple played by Lee Dae Hae and Lee Jae Wook. The friendship between Lee Dae Hae’s character and Im Soo Jung is definitely one of the most fun parts of the drama.
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feral-anarchy · 5 years
Mornin’ had this cool dream.
Which I always have the best dreams if I wake up then go back to sleep.
But it was me (except I was a blue eyed raven haired hot guy) and a bunch of friends. We were on a cruise and an accident happened half way through and the ship pulled a titanic minus the iceberg.
My group of friends got washed away from the rest of the ship which saved us because everyone else aboard got sucked under and killed.
We ended up washing up on this island that was really weird that no one knew was even there and for a long while we just panicked and tried to figure things out. I don’t remember if we found natives first or this magic stone in a cave that turned us all into crazy strong awesome looking creatures that resembled the natives (I was still hot with black hair and blue eyes but I looked like this guy from this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/r0s0E_WsqvQ ) but whichever happened first it happened right after finding a odd looking skeleton on the beach.
We found the natives at this “bar” where they clustered about and were told that we washed up on this ancient island that has existed hidden from the rest of the world and we had slipped into their dimention bubble- and we werent the only ones who have done so.
Turns out when the island needed new guardians it would “summon” them. Of course we asked about that and was told that the previous guardians were killed not to long ago and the (insert name cuz I don’t remember) race kept coming onto their island via their oen dimention rip and trying to take over and murder everyone and if they got to the stone they could destroy the entire world and get into the human world where they could feast.
They were three times as large or larger than us and resembled dinosaurs but in thick clunky square-ish shapes like blocks on blocks. They could speak too but it was more gutteral.
They were cruel monsters. Well my group left the bar and fought amongst are selves because 1: we didnt ask for this 2: we shouldn’t have to fight 3: if we dont fight the world could end and everyone we love 4: we had to find a way home 5: could we ever go home? 6: fighting monsters!? Probably dying horribly like that skeleton we found?? 7: we were monsters now too! Could we ever be human again? Needless to say there was a LOT of arguing and a blond girl (we changed but not that much) decided to not fight and leave the group. She ended up betraying us in the end and got eaten in a horrible way because of it. But that was at the very end.
The first time we see the monsters was terrifying and it was like the horizon along the beach split. Harsh light blinded us and the ocean receded. We had no idea how to fight or control our new skills.
Two of our friends got slaughtered and we all got terribly hurt. The monsters retreated though cackling- this was fun for them! They had just been playing with us. Of course the group freaked out and we all faught again.
We decided to look for a way home and in the meantime we would fight. To protect our dimention and ourselves.
So we learned to fight- and quickly.
We learned of the island and of legends about two children and these eggs that could save everything for all eternity rendering guardians useless. But it was only a legend and had never come true or even looked like it might come true at any time. Especially considering the children- human children- would have come from the bad guys dimention. And all the humans on their dimention were dead and eaten eons ago.
We got our asses kicked so much. But we won each fight none the less. There was this one short and stout very blocky shaped big bad who was yellowish who developed this last relationship with me (they often retreated in fights and we found out who were the leaders and head soldiers because we couldn’t kill them. They’d just retreat at the end of a battle)
It was this playful, nasty, sadistic and sexual relationship that was COMPLETELY one sided. Remember, im a raven haired blue eyed hot guy with a tail.
I recall he had a fondness for spines. He groped and licked my face with a giant gross tongue before injuring me with a hard blow to the gut or a kick thatd send be skipping across the ground like a rock. We got the hell beat out of us all the time.
It was right after a big battle when we thought they were coming back. Light split the sky and the waves drew back. We waited, terrified and defiant but it was no monsters that appeared but two tiny silhouettes that got bigger until we saw that it was a young boy and an older girl. Maybe 7 and 10? They were tattered brown gross long shirts and looked like they had been through hell. The girl was blond with freckles and the boy was dark tan (like Ezran from TDP) with brown hair. They were carrying a round wicker basket. We raced to them as they were followee by some lower monsters.
We killed the monsters and brought the kids back to our natives. It was revealed that these kids were the prophecy! And in the basket they had- eggs! Some were crushed and their yolks ran but some where still good. They all looked like colorful cool looking rocks.
Of course the big bads figured out their humans had escaped along with their eggs because of the blond traitor who ratted us out when they raided the “bar” with the natives in it and told them our weaknesses in exchange for her own life, and launched their biggest assault weeks later. Bit we had healed and were ready to die like the guardians before us.
We found out she betrayed us because she was with them when they showed up all calm and in formation. Erie and smug. The big bad leader had her on his shoulder and told us of her betrayal in exchange for her life before snatching her with his giant hand and tore her apart and devoured her sloppily before our eyes.
My enemy across the front lines was across from me, he caught me attention and sexually licked his lips looking me up and down and I glared in return, a growl rumbling in my chest and my lip twitching to a snarl.
Then suddenly thr battle began! Some of the natives who knew how to fight were with us this time because this was the fight to end all fights!
The “bar” is where my personal battle endes up with my monster as the battle as a whole spread quite far. We were a large group to begin with and even moreso with the natives but the big bads brought their whole force.
I recall being grabbed by the face after being stunned by a gut shot them tossed into the ajr3 where I was met with a huge knee in the gut that sent me flying straight up and slamming my spine across the top of a doorframe bending me backwards. Teeth bared in pain I fell and the door frame crumbled around me. I lay there for a moment then groaned, rolled my eyes exasperated and rolled myself over to get up to continue the fight.
Elsewhere the children raced to get to the magic stone with the eggs, which kept getting broken which redered them useless but there were still a few left.
We didn’t know the finer details of what they needed to do but they did. Together they needed to break an egg over the stone using the stone to crack it, then together needed to grasp the stone with the yolk, fingers laced together with the others hands until a light shone from the stone. This would take the childrens lives in exchange for protection.
I was able to get away to help protect the kids as they ran to get to the stone. My monster followed but one of my companions were right on our tails!
As my monster had me on my back, me holding him off by the throat with my staff, his tongue lolling and dripping bit fat stinking globs of saliva on me I shouted to my companion to “Keep going! Protect the kids!!! Ive got this..”
I kicked my enemy off and we continued to battle.
Back on the beach it was an absolute bloodbath and it seemed the enemy was winning. Injured and exhausted the group and what remained of the natives continued to withdraw to the center of the island as our enemy pushed on.
Back to me and my monster. He was telling me all of the disgusting sexual things he was going to do to me before and as he was killing me. I tried to block him out best I can, rage filling me when he mentioned what he would do to my friends once he was done with me and I lost it when he smirked and began to comment on what he was going to do to the children after as I had grown attached to them and loved them at this point.
With a ferocious roar, teeth so bared you could see gums I lept, caught my monster off guard and slammed my staff through his ugly mouth and pinned him to the ground, finally ending it.
Moments after as I was staggering, gripping my bloodied arm trying to head to the stone to protect the kids a mighty light shone from the middle of the island. The children had done it! They were finishing the spell! They had one last egg to use and they did it!!!
A giant wave of power and light swept through the island, bent the trees and kicked up sand at the beach where the main battle was.
Everyone paused, the big bads looking horrified as one by one they started to disintegrate. They tried to run back to their portal but many didn’t make it, especially the leaders and our personal enemies.
I could have collapsed then and there but I had to get to the children.
As i was about to enter the mouth of the cave a native came out looking joyful but sad. She had been there to protect the children as a last effort though she was old and weak- i think she was the healer and still had a tiny bit if magic.
She told me not to go in for I would find nothing but starlight dust. The children were no more, they had given their lives for us all.
Tears ran down my cheeks without shame and the healer and I began to make our way back to the beach.
On the way I found my friend who I had told to keep going to protect the children- he didn’t make it.
We kept going until we got back to everyone. We were so happy! But… Could we go home now? Did we even want to? Were the world’s sealed for good now?
Exhausted we collapsed and were wrapped in bandages.
That night a great celebration was had! A feast, bonfire, the whole 9. I was leaning back against a log by a fire, a drink in my hand and my friends around me. I placed the drink down, my eyes begining to droop.
Someone was doing a silly impersonation of our battle and I chuckled at them, a smile on my face and one arm draped over my bandaged stomach, hiding the pool of blood that was slowly seeping out of me.
My friends, the cruise, getting turned into guardians, the battles, how long we had been here. The fight of our lives- the children who gave theirs.
It was all so much and so amazing. Smiling I quietly chuckled again at the dancers antics, my friends around me.
Still smiling my head lolled to the side, I heard one of my friends ask my name in quiet concern, my vision went dark…
And then I woke up.
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Star vs. The Forces of Evil: Thoughts on the Series Finale
SvtFoE just concluded a few days ago, and to be perfectly honest, Im incredibly conflicted.
I've been putting this off for a little while now, since I've needed to time to gather all my thoughts and criticisms of everything that happened in the finale.
Firstly, I don't think they needed a full hour or so to properly wrap things up, like other people have stated.
Instead, more time should have been devoted to the plot and Star in general.
The very strange thing is, despite how much of a threat Mina is, and clearly was in the past few episodes, the writers decided to severely downplay her in favor of revolving mostly around Star and Marco's relationship.
I'm sorry, but in a show as engaging as SvtFoE, romance shouldn't really be the priority in the FINALE, the SERIES finale mind you.
Alot of time gets wasted on the two obsessing over being with each other and it's honestly sickening.
Like, I never cared for Starco, but I really feel like they shouldn't have wasted time with Marco/Jackie Tom/Star, if these two were obviously gonna be endgame.
Had they gotten together waaaay earlier, as they should've, let's say, Season 2, I probably would've felt more about them supposedly being forcibly separated after just getting together.
Another thing that really bothered me was that Star literally just broke up with Tom a few episodes ago, so basically, the relationship was entirely one-sided, and Star was forcing herself to cry during the breakup, and forcing herself to simply be in the relationship with Tom, since she was absolutely, head-over-heels for Marco at that point.
Just feels so rushed and forced, but whatever.
Something that really urked me, was the fact that there was no final battle between Star and Mina, y'know, one last confrontation between Star and the primary antagonist of the season.
No, she just, convienetly is out of the picture thanks to one of the stupid corrupted milhorses, and that's it. She can't even postpone the destruction of Magic or anything.
In my opinion, two, actually cool situations could have played out here.
So, y'know being in the Realm of Magic and all, this should've powered up Mina even further, and Star as well, they're surrounded by pure Magic, so, why shouldn't it empower them?
And then there's some epic final battle between them, maybe Moon and Eclipsa fight alongside Star, Hell, maybe even Tom and Marco get in on the action, and maybe Mina's so powerful here, that they just barely stop her, and while she's temporarily incapacitated, bam, they destroy magic, y'know? Something cool like that.
The other scenario that could play out, is the one that would've been FIRE.
So, the show established a Multiverse exists within the show's universe.
This is seen in Mathmagic, where we get a glimpse of various versions of Star in different universes and timelines.
Now, IMAGINE, if in the Realm of Magic when Mina shows up, Star tries to fight her, but she's too strong or whatever, so she opens up several portals to enlist the help of herselves to help her battle Mina, that would've been so cool, and would have killed two birds with one stone.
1. A proper final confrontation that is epic and different from all the other battles in the show.
2. The show has it's first and only "Multiverse Episode"
Just feels like a missed opportunity to me.
But what do we get?
Oh boy! More Starco drama!
Well, not before they successfully destroy Magic.
I did think it was really nice to see Solaria's spirit, or whatever it was, finally accept Meteora, she just kind of touches her cheek and smiles, it's a pretty sweet moment.
And Glossaryck's last (actual) line is kind of sad to be honest.
Something that really freaking bothered me was the fact that both Star and Marco chose each other over their friends, FAMILY, and HOMES.
Sorry, but I'm just not buying into this whole
"uwu we belong together forever uwu" crap
Like, they should've been together ALOT longer than a few episodes if dialogue like that was to be warranted and for non-Starco viewers to even care about them being separated.
Wait, there was one thing I forgot to mention that happens during this RoM part.
Marco literally is impaled around his stomach by Tom's corrupted Milhorse, and the crazy thing is, he just WALKS it off.
Like, I understand that after Magic is destroyed, the wound disappears, since that's obviously a magical wound, but, he walked around for a good long while BEFORE Star successfully destroyed Magic, so... He just, walks it off???
There's no logical reason for Marco to be able to endure a wound like this, he's fifteen, he's a CHILD for crying out loud.
So, that was shown in the trailer specifically to clickbait everyone, but there's actual pay-off at all.
Marco is able to literally flip one of these horses by the freaking horn, AFTER HE IS WOUNDED.
I feel like, obviously Marco shouldn't just fall over and die after being impaled, but I feel like he should've had to lean on Tom for the rest of the time here, like, there's no plausible explanation as to why he is able to walk this off like nothing happened.
But that isn't the only thing that has no logical explanation.
I know I'm covering most of the negatives so far, but just so you know, I actually was digging this episode for the most part, up until the last two minutes.
Moon and Eclipsa helping Star destroy the Magic was nice and dandy, and finally seeing Eclipsa's and even Meteora's Butterfly forms was pretty sweet.
Finally discovering why Glossaryck loves pudding was actually kinda funny, and served for the plot.
I've hated Ponyhead for a really long time, but she actually made me smile for the first time when she was comforting Star, telling all these stories to assure her, her friends were all well.
And Janna had a similar moment with Marco, where the two, for what seems like the first time, genuinely acknowledge eachother as friends, which was actually really nice.
But then, something has to happen to ruin EVERYTHING.
For a literally entirely unexplained reason, a portal opens between Mewni and Earth, then it explodes, and then Mewni and Earth have merged...?
Oh HEY, Star and Marco can be together at last!
Oh wait, none of this makes any fucking sense.
Is this show honestly trying to tell me, that a MAGICAL PORTAL opened up, despite the fact that Magic was literally destroyed five minutes ago???
There's no logical, rationale, reasonable REASON for this to have happened.
It's all just deus ex machina bullshit Daron came up with just so Star and Marco could be together, great.
Aside from that, there's some very concerning implications as a result of Star's actions that doesn't seem to be acknowledged at all by the characters.
The first thing being, the destruction of Magic means that all magically-based entities will be wiped from existence.
Meaning that entire species have just been wiped off the face of the Multiverse.
Meaning that Star has committed mass-genocide on a Multiversal scale.
And yet no one in the show seems to acknowledge that.
What they should have done, in my opinion, was simply depower all magically-based entities, leaving them to learn how to live without utilizing Magic on a day-to-day basis, that would have been interesting, and far-less scary.
The only one who would justifiably be gone is Glossaryck, who clearly has strong ties to Magic.
I'm surprised a show that is marketed towards children includes a protagonist who commits mass-genocide, and still gets smoochies from her boyfriend.
Another thing is, the Cleaving of Earth and Mewni, isn't exactly beneficial to ANYONE except Star and Marco.
Are humans, mewmans, and monsters, etc going to be able to live together in harmony?
I mean, I highly doubt everything is gonna be all peaches and cream, especially at first.
This probably is going to result in a whole slew of problems, but remember, it was worth it, so Star and Marco could be uwu'ing.
Props to a friend of mine for bringing this to my attention, but Star destroying Magic should've technically erased Meteora as well.
Think about it, Meteora was pretty much reborn through Magic, which would probably make her fall under that magically-based area.
Same thing with Star to be perfectly honest, her original body was destroyed during The Battle for Mewni, and her new body was entirely reconstructed from Magic, meaning that she should've been erased as well.
Which would have made for a hell of an interesting conflict in the finale, but oh well.
Seems like the rules are being ignored if you ask me.
The show unfortunately follows in the footsteps of the Legend of Korra, in which it's final shot and lines are dedicated to shipping, and not the series as a whole.
Which is incredibly disappointing, but oh well.
And then Mina, man oh man...
So Mina is depowered, and Moon offers to rehabilitate her, truly pitying her, and apologizing for using her, (although technically Mina was using her but, whatever)
And instead of Mina finally regaining a bit of her sanity, instead of finally showing some kind of development, instead of finally ending her conquest against monsters, instead of accepting that offer.
Mina just, basically says her racist ideas will always linger in the minds of others, and she walks off into the woods.
Her dialogue and the way she does this is just an absolute joke, like, the writers just downplay her at every possible moment.
The dialogue is clearly supposed to be funny, despite how mentally fractured this woman is, and it just feels disrespectful to the character in general.
Do you want her to be a psychotic, deranged soldier, stuck in her ways, who knows nothing but war and bigotry?
Or do you want her to be a clown, which is it, Daron?
I can't really say I'm satisfied with this ending.
There's too scary and/or concerning implications, unsatisfying resolutions, and questions for this to be a truly good finale.
I think more time should've been dedicated Mina, considering she's the main antagonist of the season, and it's the series finale, and the merging of Mewni and Earth should have never have been a thing.
Star and Marco should've went on with their lives.
The last we see of Marco should have been him going back to school.
And the last we see of Star should have been her giving a speech to the people of Mewni.
I don't know, I was just hoping for alot more, but the end result was just kind of rushed and unfulfilling.
However, when all is set and done,
Star vs. The Forces of Evil was a hell of a four-year ride, I had a blast watching it for all it's 4 seasons, and I'm really gonna miss it.
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sweetfatale · 5 years
timeline events and shenanigans
This is more for my reference (since I got a few dates wrong sorry) but here’s a sort of timeline of relevant events and details in the No More Heroes/Sudaverse that Bad Girl may reference. I’ll be adding to it as time goes on and my girlfriend and I find more details and info. Note that I’ve played NMH1 and 2, but for everything else I’m baby and watched videos or read about them so I might be missing stuff. I’m also always up to discuss this or plot with these in mind! (ask and IMs are always open)
No More Heroes 1
Takes place in 2007.
Santa Destroy is an anarchy in southern California with its own currency (LB$), military (L.B. Army), and flag.
The UAA is founded by Sylvia Christel, started as a con job.
K-Entertainment is an assassination agency with an advertising agency as its front, where only high ranking assassins can get high paying assassination gigs. 
In Badman Strikes Back, Badman gets Greco to reveal to him that he kidnapped and tortured Bad Girl to near death with an electric chair sometime before the events of NMH1, attempting to mold her into a powerful killer, which Badman had a similar experience with, without “messing up her pretty face.” She came out of it traumatized (obviously), but with a need to kill and hurt others with her newfound power. According to him, it was her idea to join the UAA.
Sylvia and Bad Girl are implied to have a sexual relationship (at the very least) with official art where they are hugging, near kissing and lounging around in their underwear together. If not that, they’ve at least met before.
Bad Girl has a “secret base” in the Santa Destroy baseball stadium’s basement, complete with a chiller7 brand mini-fridge, an old TV, sitting area and a liquor cabinet. There’s also a conveyor belt that leads cloned men (likely criminals) strapped in leather from a cloning machine for her batting practice, and a pit of bodies right underneath it.
Makes sense she has her base there, her father having been on their baseball team way back when.
Travis had to pay 500,000 LB$ to fight her as part of the stipulation fee, but she picked the stadium. Members of the Santa Destroy Warriors baseball team (or clones who are dressed in their uniforms) fight him on the upper level, before he is allowed to enter the basement.
She fights Travis, who ultimately forfeits their fight. Travis wins by default, Bad Girl bleeding out and dying due to being impaled by his beam katana.
Bad Girl has had her manager, Greco, record all her fights and assassinations and send them to her father, seeking his approval. Badman watches the videos and is aware she’s involved in the assassination world, but never attempts to contact or find her.
Later in TSA, it’s revealed that Greco recorded her death and sent it to her father (apparently at her request) which sparks his want of revenge.
No More Heroes 2
Takes place in 2010, 3 years after NMH1.
The UAA evolves into a legit agency, taking over K-Entertainment basically, and the assassin ranks go public.
Assassins are all regarded as celebrities and their deaths are entertainment. They even have branding deals and sponsorships, and their contracts are now similar to modeling and acting agencies’.
Akashic Points are explained as portals/intradimensional gates/supernatural gateways leading to “isolated regions”, such as a Prison Island, Graveyard (a forest/graveyard area that’s basically a horror film setting), Housing Complex (a city in eternal sunset/twilight), and the Forest of Bewilderment.
Travis Strikes Again/TSA
Takes place in 2017.
With TSA’s Japan being so damaged in some areas, it’s implied the k7 ending where World War 3 happens is a reality. It would have happened in 2013.
Confirmed that assassinations and assassin battles were streamed via pay per view and dark web red rooms even after the UAA is dismantled in NMH2.
Aliens, superheroes, demons, psychic vampires, and Dracula are all confirmed to be real.
Superheroes apparently have their own rankings and are able to find crime to fight via an app(?), the Villain Autosearch System.
Found by Dan Smith (part of the Smith syndicate in killer7) after selling him out, Badman is given a chance to avenge his daughter with Travis’ location and a Death Ball to start him out with, after which he’ll likely be killed.
Badman finds Travis in a trailer in the Texan wilderness, intent on carrying out his 10 year long revenge plot (thanks dad). He’s come to kill Travis and to resurrect his daughter with the Death Drive MK-II video game console, which is said to grant any wish if you beat all its games. While fighting, they’re both sucked into the console and forced to start playing.
The US government has repurposed cloning technology to create a sort of 3D printer with the Death Drive MK-II and a “mother” machine (Death Drive AAA) to create copies of soldiers, weapons and anything else. Dr Juvenile planted bugs in its programming, preventing it from working. Her lover, Klark, warns Travis of clearing the games on the Death Drive MK-II, since it will reset the mother machine and clear it of bugs. 
As said by Klark, “The controllers for the DDMKII are loaded with a horrible gimmick. They read the player’s personal data at the DNA level, and create clones with increased abilities and power, for the purpose of creating powerful clone soldiers. These clone soldiers are installed with a special AI, turning them into murderous weapons. If the hardware could be sold all over the world, then data can also be gathered from around the globe.” So far, Travis, Shinobu, Badman and Bad Girl have all played the Death Drive and have contributed their DNA unknowingly. 
Travis and Badman clear all the games and the Death Drive AAA is reawakened and ready to be used. While Travis has the chance to destroy the mother machine at CIA headquarters when he travels there with an experimental Death Ball, he instead takes a detour and is able to talk to Jacket (Hotline Miami) and his mask personas, as well as Beard. Nothing really comes of this besides a connection with Jacket, and the Death Drive AAA is still operational post TSA and ready to create murderous clones. 
After beating the six games, the Death Balls are all gathered and summon a tiger god. Travis (being the protag) gets to make the wish, and wishes for Bad Girl to be resurrected. One of the Death Balls are found out to be a fake during the wish and she comes back as a dog.
Badman is determined to bring her back as a human, though admits he likes having her alive at least and her being a dog reminds him of when she was a baby. In the Bubblegum Fatale DLC the real Death Ball is found, fulfilling the wish and turning Bad Girl into a human. 
Bad Girl fights all the Death Drive game bosses (besides Juvenile), being able to talk to some one on one. Silver Face, a pro football star who killed all his girlfriends and went on the lamb, is unfortunately who she talks to the most and tries to relate to her before being killed. Ultimately, she rejects his attempts at “bonding.”
Between games, Travis, Shinobu, Badman and Bad Girl all hang around the campsite and trailer. Bad Girl drinks Travis’ beer and sits in his chair and calls him a fuckface. 
Misc (other games in the same universe that are canon in NMH)
Shadows of the Damned, Lollipop Chainsaw, killer7, Killer is Dead, Let it Die, The Silver Case, Flower, Sun and Rain, etc. happen around the same timeline. Hotline Miami is also in the same universe, but it’s unclear on the exact timeline.
San Romero (Lollipop Chainsaw) is upstate of Santa Destroy.
In Killer is Dead, the moon is inhabited (with royalty even), and in TSA mars is starting to be inhabited by clones. With two pretty major celestial bodies being inhabited (so far), space travel and exploration is possible as well as colonization. Also there are aliens already, so. 
“In killer7’s alternate take on the 21st century, all the nations of the world have signed a peace treaty disarming all nuclear weapons, banning international flight and perhaps worst of all, shutting down the internet. While much of the world is at peace, a violent terrorist group appears between the fracturing relationship between the United States and Japan, pulling the strings of some of Japan’s world leaders.” It’s reasonable to deduce that Santa Destroy became an anarchy as a result of the treaty and the encroaching WWIII.
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authorgirl1111 · 6 years
Emperor’s Daughter Ch. 14
Chapter 1
Chapter 13
Callie’s first birthday comes, and Natalie comes back up. A little stuffed Apollo doll in her hands as she walks in and gives it to Callie. Callie smiles and starts giggling hugging the doll tightly in her hands. Silena hugs tightly to Johnny, who turns up and gives Callie a little rattle. That she immediately starts to shake as hard as she can. Silena gives her daughter a book on Greek mythologies. A children’s book with lots of pictures. Brenda gives her younger sister a kiss. “I lub you” She says. “I’ll take care of you” They have cake and ice cream and Brenda makes a mess all over her self. At the end of the party Johnny and Silena share a long heartfelt kiss. “I can’t wait to call you and the kids mine?” Silena smiles. --- 2 months later it’s Brenda’s Birthday. “Your kids have their birthday’s way to close together” Natalie complains when she walks through the door. “It feels I was just here!” Her belly is just starting to show she’s now in her third month. “Yeah sorry I’ll plan my births a little better next time” Silena says. “Hush Cass, you know what I meant” Natalie says with a shrug. “You know I love you.” “Auntie Natalie!” Brenda cries running up to give her daughter a hug. “You’re here!” “Yes, I am, and how old are you now princess?” “I’m Four!” Brenda says holding up four fingers. “Momma says I’ll be starting kindergarten in a year! I’m just in preschool now” She says. “Little Callie is just in daycare, she’s too little to go to preschool like me!” She says proudly. Brenda is wearing her nicest jeans with a green sweater. In her arms is the Tyr doll she’s had since she was two, it’s obvious it’s been through some rough times. There are patches all over it where Silena has had to sow it back together. “Do you want to show Natalie your doll?” Silena asks softly. “It’s the Norse god Tyr” She says. “Momma reads me stories about him sometimes, she says it’s im-important, that I know Norse Mi-myth-Mythology.” Natalie kneels and gives Brenda a big squeezing hug. “And what’s your favorite” “When Thor has to wear a dress, so the giant man can marry him” She says with a laugh. “It’s so funny.” Natalie nods and gives Brenda a kiss on her head. “Can you show me where Callie is?” Brenda takes Natalie’s hand and leads her to the other room. “She deserves to know her roots” She says to Johnny. “Who knows? It could help her one day.” “I know” Johnny says. “But those myths can be a bit bloody” “I know, I’m going for the most kid friendly versions I can. Telling them in the most kid-friendly way I can, I plan to do the same for Callie when she get’s older.” “What did you get Brenda this year?” Johnny asks. “A collection of figurines, that range from wizards to hunters, to rogues. “With all the play fighting she likes to do I thought it would be something she likes.” She smiles up at him. “You?” “A collection of toy vehicles.” The party goes on, Natalie gives Brenda a toy Sleipner, Odin’s mighty steed, that has eight legs. Brenda immediately puts Tyr on it and starts pretending, she uses the other figurines in a made-up story she came up with in her mind. Using the toy cars and planes and vehicles as carnage in her destructive path. Callie takes one of the toys and tries to put them in her mouth, but Selina rips the car out of Callie’s hand and gives her the rattle Johnny gave her two months before. “When’s the wedding?” “In ten months” “I should be fine” Natalie says. “I can find someone else” “Please, I’ve known you longer then anyone here, it has to be me, after all the crap you’ve been through, I want to be apart of the biggest night of your life.” “I think the birth of my two kids trumps that, besides travelling with a baby is difficult…” “I’ll have Fred with me” “Yeah speaking of Fred…” “I can do this Cassie, please have some faith in me?” “Ok, I do, I’m sorry” She says raising her hands in surrender. “I’m sorry.” “Yeah you better be” Natalie gives her a hug goodbye. “See you at the wedding.” “By!”   --- Planning a wedding hurts her head. Johnny is sitting on the floor with his own wooden sword pretending to have a sword fight with Brenda. While she looks through different venues for the wedding reception. “Can’t decide on a venue, I want to at least have it cut down to my final ten before I go to bed tonight” “How many people are we inviting.” “Natalie” She says. “Since she’s my maid of honor. I think she’s bringing Fredrick and Annabeth as her +2, apparently Fredrick’s been acting a bit morose.” She says with a roll of her eyes.   “Natalie is pregnant with the Norse demigod?” Johnny asks pretending to dodge Brenda’s attack. “Annabeth the Greek demigod?” “Yes” She says.  “Anyway that’s 3 technically four if Magnus is born before the wedding” “There are my parents” Johnny said lunging slowly his wooden sword hitting Brenda’s own sword. “That’s six, plus JD and his wife that’s 8” “My kids, that’s ten.” “Isn’t Brenda in the wedding, she’s the flower girl” “Yeah speaking of, are you going to have a ring bearer?” “I have a little nephew, I wanted to ask” “That’s 11 plus his parents that’s 13” “My grand parents that’s 15” “You’re friends from the Nome, sorry the entire Nome so that’s another 20, so… 35” “I have a few friends outside the Nome too, people I met in college, and people I met at work.” He says, and Brenda stabs him in the side. He groans and pretends to die to Brenda and her mother’s amusement.   Johnny works at as a DJ at the local bar, and, occasionally does gigs at local clubs with a few of his buddies in the House of Life. He plays acoustic guitar and sings in the band. It does not pay much, but it pays enough.   “Should have thought to make friends while I was in the orchestra, I could totally invite a few over.” She says with a sigh. “My side is going to look so empty” she says forlorn. Johnny jumps up and picks and Brenda who squeals in delight. “We’ll divide wedding differently so there are people on both sides” He says kissing her forehead. “Why did my family have to be a bunch of jerks?” “I’m not marrying your entire family, I’m marrying you and if your family couldn’t see the amazing woman you are then that’s their problem” “That one looks pretty” Johnny says picking out a venue. The room is cream colored and has a maximum of 100 people. “I have some friends from when I studied in Egypt, and I know Desjardin is going to be pissed if I don’t invite him. An invitation to Iskandar couldn’t hurt” She feels uneasy, while Johnny’s parents accepted her with open arms, (However hesitant they may have been at first” And the rest of Texas has accepted the fact that she has roman blood and two demigod kids she’s not entirely sure the rest of Egypt would be so accommodating. “Stop it, Iskandar is not as closed minded as you fear he is, Desjardin is not going to dare go against the chief lector and literally everyone else does not matter.” Johnny says kissing her on the for head. “Is mommy ok?” Brenda asks. She smiles at her daughter. “Yeah, daddy and I are just figuring things out for the wedding?” “Is that when Daddy will become my real daddy?” She says her eyes lighting up. Silena laughs and nods her head. “Yes, Brenda that’s exactly what that means.” --- The months pass, Silena agonizes over every choice. Where to honeymoon, if they should honeymoon, what to serve, where to host the actual wedding, what kind of wedding to have wedding. Suddenly the wedding is here, and she’s scared. Not that she’s making a mistake marrying Johnny but that something will go wrong. She’s nervous and anxious. “Ready?” Natalie asks. She’s in a Lilac dress. “Where’s your son?” She asks. The boy is now five months old. IT’s now June, Callie’s birthday is coming soon, she’ll be two. She thinks of how Callie has already started talking, can sit up, is already eating full foods. And Brenda is starting kindergarten soon. She remembers Johnny playing with her. She remembers Johnny making funny faces at Callie, making her laugh. She smiles. Yes. Marrying Johnny was right. She has no qualms about doing this. “He’s with Fredrick, Sitting with Annabeth in the front row.” “It was nice of Johnny to open a portal, so you could get here easily.” “Yes, it was,” Natalie acknowledges. “We really shouldn’t keep him waiting, forcing him to wait any longer to see the woman he loves looking lovely in that wide wedding dress.” The dress is white, her sleeves start off the shoulder. A string of pearls dangles from her neck. It belongs to Natalie. She’s wearing her bracelet that can transform into a shield. In her hair is her hair clip that can transform into a sword is fastened to her hair. Blue stones are glued to it. Her bouquet is filled with daisies, the blue lotus, roses, and lilies. She’s clutching them tightly and Natalie smiles and Silena turns and follows Natalie out the door. --- The wedding goes by in a blur. She spends the entire wedding eager for it to be over, so she can finally call Johnny her husband. They recite their vows. There the simple traditional vows that most people op to say. Silena is not as good with words as she is with music, and nothing she could say could beat the vows that have been there for several generations. She speaks calmly and surely giving her vow that she will love and cherish and love him for the rest of his life and Johnny is promising the same. She can feel her heart fluttering when Johnny takes her hand and slips the golden wedding band on her ring finger. “With this ring, I thee wed” He says softly. She places the wedding ring on his finger. “With this ring, I thee wed” She echoes him. Then the reverend announces. “I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride.” Johnny places a hand on her waist pulls her close and kisses her so deeply that she loses her breath for a moment. --- The reception afterwards is hectic. She stands outside in the hot sun receiving guests many whom she doesn’t know. Fredrick looks like a dear caught in headlights as he walks up with Annabeth. (Magnus Chase is in Natalie’s hands, under the shade of a tree.) Brenda is standing beside Selina shaking hands with everyone that comes by. Callie is already inside with her step-grandparents. Brenda wanted to stay with Johnny and Brenda since she’s a flower girl. But Callie was still a baby, and though she is a demigod she didn’t want her to be overheated so she asked Johnny’s parents to take Callie inside. “Brenda if he gets too hot, you tell me immediately ok?” She says as she shakes hands with an elderly man and a man with dark skin and black hair walked up to them. “Chief Lector Iskandar” Johnny says to the old man. “I’m so glad you could make it.” Iskandar is smiling. “There was no way I could miss a wedding such as this.” Iskandar says, his voice has a heavy Egyptian accent. Iskandar smiles at Selina. “I hope you are happy here” He says. “A girl with a burden as yours deserves the chance to have it shared.” “I would not wish my burdens on anyone Chief Lector” She says respectfully. “But I thank you.” “Have you met Michel Desjardins?” He asks motioning to the man beside him. Desjardin gaze is cold and uncaring. Selina can’t help but shrink under his gaze. Johnny holds her hand. Brenda clues in immediately and cuts in. “Stop making mommy scared” Brenda says, and she stomps hard on Desjardins foot. Desjardin gasps in pain and clasps his foot. “Brenda!” Selina cries picking Brenda up. “Say your sorry” “He was scaring you!” Brenda cries. “Never the less he did not deserve that, say your sorry” Brenda pouted. “I’m sorry” She forces out. “I want to go inside now” “Go” Natalie stands in. “It’s getting to hot, I’ll take her to her step-grandparents” Natalie says. “I’m not a baby” Brenda pouts she says stomping inside. “Nice child” Desjardin says sarcastically. “She seems to really care about her mother, it is a wonderful thing” Iskandar cuts in. “That should be acknowledged even if her show of her loyalty was a little to forward.” “She’s never done something like that before” Selina says. “Hmm” Desjardin says before he walks in with Iskandar beside him. --- “So, you’re Roman” Desjardins says. “A fact I hate more then you do.” She assures Desjardins. She’s not surprised he knows she hadn’t kept it a secret after she had told Johnny. She had even told Johnny to tell any one ‘who should be made aware.’ The entire Texan Nome new, as did Iskandar and Desjardin. But other then being made aware to the other Nomes that other mythologies are indeed real. Not much else was made aware of her background and her kids background. “Who already as two kids from two different mythologies, must be the Roman conquering blood in you.” “Get to the point” She says to him annoyed. “Betray the House of Life and you will answer to me.” “I betray the house of life, I’ll hand you my own sword.” She says. “Cassie!” Natalie calls running out to her. “Come on, what is the point of giving a speech to the bride and groom, if the bride isn’t there” She gives Desjardin a look. “You should sit too” “Thank you” She whispers once she’s out of Desjardins sight. “No worries” Natalie says. “Take a seat by your husband.” --- “So as most of you know, I am the brides best and only friend.” Natalie turned and stuck her tongue out at Selina, who returned the gesture. “I met her when she lived in Boston, already pregnant with little Brenda, she would stand out in rain and snow, playing her violin, making as much money as she could, trying to support herself. She endured all the glares and disgusted looks she got as her baby grew within her, and she never rose to the insults. She continued to play. Then after Brenda was born, I would take care of her, or my mom and dad would, ‘G-d bless their souls.” She says, Selina’s eyes started to tear up. “She tried to push me away, scared of what would happen if I got to close, so she told me her secret, told me that her father abused her, her first love was killed in front of her, her mother was killed, and still she found reason get up in the morning. I can still see it, she thinks she’s a coward for running away, but honestly to me… she’s the strongest woman I know.” Silena bit her lip. “Then she got a job as a violinist in an orchestra in New York, and met Callie’s father, and I thought, maybe she had nothing to worry about, maybe she’d finally be happy, she could stop worrying, she could be happy.” “I only wish I could beat the crap out of the guy who broke up with her over a fight, no scratch that, I wish I could beat the crap out of both the guys who broke her heart. But She did not beg, she did not cry, she let them go, and moved on.” “When she met Johnny, I could hardly hope that maybe she would find happiness with you, oh she had met other guys, that weren’t fathers of her children, but it seemed the second she mentioned that she had two kids by two different fathers they would find a reason to walk away. I found it a good sign that Johnny did not walk away, I found it even better when he treated Brenda with respect. He was understanding and kind, and he made Silena’s face light up brighter then the sun, she was the happiest I had ever seen when he asked her to marry him. He loved Brenda and Callie like his own children.” I love her kids, Brenda is feisty, and loyal, and a joy to be around. And I cannot wait to see the little spitfire that Callie grows into. They are all treasures and I am so happy that they get to have a father to help raise them.” Natalie sighs. “I hope the best for you two, after everything you’ve been through, Silena Cassie Julia Claudia Romano Maglieri,” Silena’s eyes widened at the use of all her previous names. “You deserve only the best.” Silena stood and gave Natalie the biggest hug she could. --- After that there was a quick speech from the Best man JD who gave a short quip over how Natalie’s was far better then his mainly because Johnny didn’t have a tragic backstory. But reaffirmed sweet things like Johnny was happiest he’s ever been, and they deserved to be together. It was cake, and dancing, Johnny danced with his mother and though Silena could not dance with her own father she decided to instead dance with her eldest daughter. Brenda was clumsy, but she had fun being spun around by her mother. After the parent-child dance Johnny and Silena danced together. “I love you, Lena” He whispered to her. “Forever and for always” Silena gave Johnny a long kiss, oblivious to all the people watching. “As I love you, Jonathan.” --- Brenda and Callie had been arranged to stay with their now official step-grandparents while Johnny and Silena went on their honeymoon. They went to Egypt and had phone seeing the sights, the pyramids, and he took her to see the special tour of the Hall of Ages, in the first nome. She watched in surprise as she saw her wedding play right in front of her. Iskandar let them sleep together in the nome, and she met some of the newest recruits to learning Egyptian magic. They spent a week in Egypt seeing the sights, before they headed off to Rome. To see Silena’s past. She saw the ruins of the palaces still standing, she saw the colosseum, she heard things about her father a former emperor that made her nearly cry. She saw everything Rome had to offer, and after those two weeks the two of them returned back home. --- A year later she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was surrounded by Natalie and her husband, and her two perfect kids. It had taken a long time to get to where she was going, but she finally felt happy and safe. “Kamilah O'Hare” She named her baby with a kiss to the baby’s forehead. “Little Ilah.”   Perhaps not everyone in the community likes her, perhaps they are a little distrustful of her, but so long as her family is ok, and they are like. Silena Cassie Julia Claudia Romano Magileri can handle just about anything that stands in her way. For the first time in a long time, she’s not just the emperor’s daughter. She’s a mother, a wife, a friend, a violinist, she’s strong, she smart, she is so deeply in love and is loved in return. And she wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. 
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mystarmyangel · 7 years
[FULL TRANS] YoonA - Instyle November 2017 Interview
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For the Happy Ending that never ends. Just a movement from her is sufficient to claim the top article on the portal site. Expressions like ‘Every day is the peak’ are constantly stick to her articles. Becoming the magazine cover model this dream-like job, she has been doing this consecutively for several years just like it is an annual event.  The King (Queen) among the flowers, the fierce competition among the blooming flowers, the 10 years where flowers bloomed and wilted, it is not an easy feat to secure a spot. After the drama ‘The King In Love’ ended, I met up with Im YoonA who is busier than ever. She who spoke with the warmest expression in the world, looking at the bulging belly of a staff who is due to give birth in a month. The appearance of how she turned back alone, bowing her head to bid goodbye while everyone else were busy packing to leave the place after the shoot.... These seemly small and trivial yet warm gestures left by Im YoonA are able to linger in one’s memory for a long time.  Her birth flower is Lilac. In the language of flowers, lilacs symbolize first love, memories of youth. Just like first love, girl group SNSD has won more than 100 awards over the past 10 years, and she who has already rose to the top position is currently getting to know the essence of acting.  Director of the movie ‘Confidential Assignment’ Kim Sung Hoon has referred to YoonA “a gemstone, but I saw her potential”.  This potential is proven by the fact that she is nominated for best newcomer award for both Baeksang Arts Awards and Daejong Film Awards. Revolving around SNSD this glittering track, and once again meeting with this world named Im YoonA.  Im YoonA is currently walking towards an even bigger universe of hers.
Your Hanja name is 潤 (윤) for Moist/rich and 娥 (아) for pretty, your birth flower is Lilac... you probably are tired of hearing of this but I have to say, things that are related to YoonA are all pretty stuffs. This is the first time I am hearing that my birth flower is Lilac. It feels amazing because it happens to be the flowers that I like too
Gemini people are sociable. Yes. I am able to mix well with everybody.
Although it may sound a little forceful to determine one’s personality from blood type, just like the movie ‘The B-type man’ (T/l note: I think this is referring to the movie My Boyfriend is Type B), B-type women are really full of charms. Are you referring to sweet pumpkin (slang for ‘being firm and resolute’) kind of personality? (Laughs) If just looking at the blood type, majority of people’s reaction are surprised, their first impression of me is that I am A or O blood type, but once people known me deeper, they will realized that I really seem like one of B blood type. According to my mood, I am clear of what I like and dislike.  Even though I am a ‘Dap jeong nyeo’ (slang for ‘a woman who already has a decision, one who only hears the answer that she wants), but I am actually often swayed by others’ opinions.
How does it feels like living as YoonA, for at least 360 out of 365 days, I am curious of the life of a pretty person. The staffs often tell me “I want to try to be YoonA even for just a day”, whenever this happens, I will always reply with ‘what are you saying’ and laughed. It definitely feels good listening to such words, but because I am Im YoonA myself so I really doesn’t know how I should respond.
Sometimes I will receive photos and texts from friends asking, “What do you think of this style”, and few days ago I received a photo of YoonA in short hair. You are really the envy of girls of the same age. As for myself being the envy of others, even up till now I still feel it is really fascinating. I cut my hair because my hair was really damaged and I am left with no other choices.
I saw your photos from your vacation, it seem like you can’t get enough of it. Because I took a lot of photos and I am constantly arranging them. There is still a lot of it.
In the photos you are constantly holding on to camera, what are the main things you shoot? The main thing I took is scenery and my unnie took photos of me. I can’t imagine travelling by myself, every time I had a break I will go travelling with my family. This time I went to Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Salzburg. I immersed myself in the fairytale-like scenery, and recharged myself fully.
I am curious of your travel style. Compared to rushing here and there, I will first finalize the places of attraction I want to go, and then I will go for sightseeing leisurely, I will give myself appropriate time to rest. With a laidback mindset of “it’s okay if I don’t have the time for it”, I am able to strike a balance between sightseeing and resting.
Seem like your personality is really easygoing, you released ‘When The Wind Blows’ a few weeks ago which is also the first time you participated in lyrics writing.  I read everyone reactions and I also read the post written by the MV director saying “If there is an Olympic for personality, YoonA will be a gold medalist.” It was me who told my company that I want to work with director Lee Rae Kyung. I am the type that is easily influenced by the atmosphere at the set, so I thought that it is very important to be able to be connected emotionally. In order for me to grasp the feels, the director played several songs at the filming set. I kept telling the director that these songs are songs that I personally like too, I didn’t expect him to look at me in such a (favourable) way. (Laughs)
During today’s shooting, which moment did you feel connected? The outdoor shooting scene where I wore the wine red jacket, sticking my face to the wall, I think those are all close-up shoots. I do not have any thoughts like “I should have this kind of facial expression”. It is just that when I am immersed in such atmosphere, my expressions and poses came out naturally. It is a feeling that is understood without being told but the bigger credits goes to the photographer who captured such look.
You have released 62 albums, songs totaled up to 331, 1 movie, 8 drama series. These are what popped out when I searched ‘Im YoonA’ on the internet, your projects over the past 10 years. What is your first feeling when you saw these numbers? I have not done a count together with my recent works; but just by looking at the numbers my first thought is “Wow really?” “This is amazing”.
Even though they are just numbers, but these are the results you have accumulated continuously over the past 10 years. It is really incredible. It has indeed been hectic, I didn’t have excess time to enjoy a life women should enjoy, so I didn’t really have any thing I wanted to do in particular. Neither do I have the energy to do my personal stuffs. However recently I have come to realize the importance of adding value to myself, I am slowly beginning to do the things that I want to do.
In order to add value to yourself, what have you been doing? Doing nothing at home, or go exercising, to a skin clinic or a manicure shop. Because I have got by like this, I am too used to busy lifestyle so I wasn’t able to get used to having a break. When you give me time to rest, I do not know what I should do neither do I know how I should rest. I felt that I should do constructive things. To me, resting is a matter that I need practice; I am still working hard on it.
Perhaps it is because of this, you look even more relaxed and natural now. Ahh that’s great.
Staff(s) that have been paying attention to YoonA since a long time ago said that since your debut, you have already know how to take care and being considerate towards others. In order to feel composed and less nervous, I will often give myself self-encouragement. I really feel at ease a lot lately, I don’t get panicked or frustrated, and I feel relaxed a lot too. This 10 years really give me a calming heart.
In the past one year, you have consecutively took on 3 projects: drama ‘The K2’, movie ‘Confidential Assignment and drama ‘The King In Love’. You also have to take care of SNSD’s 6th album activities. It must be tough both mentally and physically. In actual fact, I had a blank period of 2 to 3 years in Korea, and I feel the thirst towards projects during that period. This yearning eliminates my fear of taking up new roles. Ah, Anna in ‘The K2’ has a totally different personality from mine, I was once very worried but it seem like the reactions I gotten are surprisedly well so I gotten courage and motivation for my next work.
After ‘The King In Love’ ended, you unexpectedly had a lot of press interviews; everyday has been hectic for you. It seem like you have a lot of sentimental attachment to the drama. No matter what I will always hope for a good ending. I think that it is the best to wrap up any project with post-project interviews, to put a closure with a sincere heart. Not only am I able to express things that I was unable to say back then, on the other hand I am also curious of audience’s reaction. This is also an indirect way where I can interact with my fans.
‘9 Ends 2 Outs’ which aired in 2007 was your debut work. What is the kind of hearty homerun that you anticipate in your life? I don’t ask for others, but I hope to be able to meet with a project that I can display fully 100% Im YoonA. Right now I am still not sure what kind of roles suit me, my past roles are roles that do not have a job, so fans really look forward to me in a role with a profession. There are also fans hoping that I will act as a rich girl, one who is mean and picky, and owns everything except a good personality.
Among all the things surrounding YoonA, I realized that you understand your fans really well. Do you realize you are a ‘fans-mania’ (someone who has fans in her heart) When I held a birthday party with fans, fans said they wish to see Ooh La-la stage performance, a song that was in our first studio album. I made a promise with them that I will fight for it to come true. While preparing for the song list for SNSD’s 10th year debut anniversary. I insisted that regardless of what we have to include this song. Because this song is more towards the cutesy side, so members feel embarrassed of it. I insisted saying that this will be fun, and in the end it got finalized.
You are a hidden charity angel, I heard that you are the first girl group member to join the ‘Honor society’, you have been consistently involved in charity works from debut till now. This is thanks to my family that I began this. My birthday this year, fans donated a sum of 19900530 won which reflected my exact birthday. I am really thankful that fans are able to do good deeds together with me; I have to work even harder.
Fans who are enthusiastically supporting you have also gradually increased, your sense of responsibility must also have increased with increasing influence right. I put down the weight, and walk side by side with fans; this is my mentality right now. In the time we spent together, growing up together with everyone, I feel very at ease.
Lately, has there been any work that leaves an impact on you? I am currently reading a book called “아무것도 아닌 지금은 없다” (Literally translated as 'The Present Cannot Be Meaningless') and I received a lot of comfort from it. I am learning how to think from a different perspective, and when I was at It, I realized that never once did I tell myself things like ‘you have worked hard’. I am not the kind that will talk to myself (Laughs). I started reading this book when drama ‘The King In Love’ ended, and for the first time I told myself that I have worked hard. (Book: Link)
You seem to be a gentle person, so it is a little surprising. I am someone who is very harsh on myself, no matter what I am learning I always find myself lacking, I wanted to do everything well, so often people told me that I am a perfectionist.
I thought that you are someone who only walk on flowery paths, I heard that you are the member that was the longest as a trainee, and before your debut you even auditioned for over a 100 times. Movies, dramas and CFs indeed do added up to more than 100 times; it set a very good foundation for me. Before, I got really shy when I stood in front of the public, but I have become a lot more confident since then.
Since elementary school, it is really incredible how you persisted over more than 5 years as a trainee Perhaps it is because I didn’t understand much back then, and it is things that I like so I work hard unconditionally for it. Even though it was tough but because I am doing things that I love so I feel happy. However if it is right now then perhaps I won’t do it anymore. (Laughs)
If you ever thought of an ordinary life, what would you like to do? I want to go travelling freely. Because of my schedules I get to go to a lot of countries but I have to head back once my schedules ended so I didn’t have much time to travel leisurely.
2 years ago today, can you still remember what you were doing then? That time I think I set up my Instagram account.
However your following has already reach 7.09million now, do you still remember what you were doing in September 2016? I was filming ‘The K2’. From there I realized the joy of acting.
So what kind of memories do you have for September 2017? Cutting short hair for the first time in 8 years? (Laughs)
Can ‘Im-Ballads’ recommended some music that you enjoy lately, if I listen to songs, I will be reminded of YoonA in this autumn. I like indie band Jannabi’s songs, and also Yoon Hyun Sang’s ‘I, You’ Song: Link
Cr: Chinese Trans by 小挚&佳佳​&YOONAYACOM​​​​ Eng Trans: mystarmyangel
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kusunokihime-mobile · 5 years
Sugin Ryū
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Full Name: Suigin Ryū Age: 20-22 (default, varies by verse) Date of Birth: October 15th Ethnicity: Native of Hi no Kuni Orientation: Panromantic / Demisexual Gender: Cisgender Female Residence: Konoha; Kusunokizan Occupation: Regenerative surgeon in Konoha Hospital Kekkei Genkai: White Hands of Healing, River of Vitality Chakra Natures: Yin; Yang; Yin/Yang Blood Type: A- Location associations: Hi no Kuni; Konoha; Kusunokizan Team: N/A Rank: Sage
Ryū was born in a village in mountainous northeast Hi no Kuni known as Kusunokizan, wherein her clan was based. The clan, with the surname Suigin, had always been focused around medical ninjutsu and defensive barriers: a peaceful clan with no shinobi training. When the village was attacked when Ryū was only four by Iwa rebels, she remained the only survivor, found later by Hi no Kuni ANBU cleaning up the bodies.
Taken to Konoha, she was deemed unfit for adoption due to her kekkei genkai (the village wanting to keep her isolated as a ‘valuable resource’). When it came time to join the Academy, she refused, insisting to be trained solely at the hospital to hone her medical ninjutsu. The council relented, giving her private lessons for the basics in her village-assigned quarters when not training under other medics.
By age twelve, she was certified as a full-fledged medic after completing the necessary exams. Joining the staff full-time, she worked diligently to continue her work and further her training as she was able.
When Tsunade returned to Konoha, the Sannin admitted to recognizing Ryū as the daughter of someone she knew briefly before the girl’s birth. Given a new interest in her roots, Ryū put in a request to revisit her home village, wanting closure about her past. When she arrived, she found the ruins of her village, but also the singular dragon sage, Suigin, that had called the mountains home for centuries, and was the source of her line’s prestige. Desperate to further her training and learn more about her past, she decided to stay in the ruins of her home to receive the training she would have had, had the village never been destroyed…including her sennin state, barriers, and powerful medical ninjutsu.
She remained in Kusunokizan for nearly three years, returning shortly before Naruto when her teacher heard from the other sage, Gamabunta, that great change was coming over the land. Feeling she would be needed, she decided to return to the village to lend aid however she could. With fully-mastered medical ninjutsu and sage arts, she is a force to be reckoned with, comparable to Tsunade with her healing prowess, and capable of mighty defense with her barriers. Though she has no combat training, she can hold off most shinobi with her defensive techniques, never resorting to violence, but able to hold her own nonetheless.
Ryū is a rather muted individual, usually presenting as shy, quiet, and polite. She always uses honorifics unless previously asked not to, or if she has a very close, personal relationship where they are not needed. Caring and maternal, she abhors violence and confrontation, playing peacekeeper in volatile situations. She can be stubborn, especially when defending her beliefs and morals. Though she is usually level-headed, certain topics or situations can get a rise out of her temper, which is steely and cold (though it can be more fiery if she is physically confronted, or during other personal circumstances). If a loved one or innocent is threatened, she will not hesitate to face a foe to do what she can to protect them.
Ryū has white, wavy hair that falls to her mid-back (she usually wears it up in a high tail with framing locks around her cheeks and a tapered fringe while working - otherwise, it’s worn down), fair skin, and grey eyes. Her body shape is hourglass, with a C-/D chest. She stands at approximately 170 cm. Blood type is A. Birthday is October 15. She usually wears clothes in greyscale colors, with separate sleeves and a coat of her own design, alongside standard dark shirts and pants. A small pack is attached to her right leg, and carries medical supplies. She wears open-toed/open-heeled dark-grey boots that reach just below her knee. After completing her sage training and returning to Konoha, she had a tattoo of her clan crest put on her left shoulder blade, in order to always take a piece of home with her wherever she goes. It's simple black ink, about the size of a deck of playing cards.
NINJUTSU      5/5
TAIJUTSU     3/5
GENJUTSU     1/5
STRENGTH      2/5
SPEED     2/5
STAMINA     2/5
SEALS     3/5
TOTAL     21/40
White Hands of Healing
Main canon verse. Leaving Ryū a virtual stranger to any other characters, this verse sees her as a blank slate for interactions and forming new bonds with muses. In this verse she's in the same age group as Itachi by default, but it can be adjusted as necessary. An orphan from the third shinobi war, she's taken back to Konoha and raised there to become a medic to make use of her bloodline. She eventually becomes a top-tier healer and sage after learning under her family's teacher, and otherwise lives out her days in Konoha. She has an optional child in this verse, Reika II, for next gen interactions.
Into the Abyss
Secondary canon verse. When Ryū and Obito have a chance meeting during the timeskip, it leads to a whirlwind romance that - though shallow at first - soon grows in both affection and danger. After the war, Obito survives, and after their share of struggles, they have a family of their own: a son, Reiji. But as happy and loving as the family is, the stigma against Obito remains... Ryū is three years younger than Obito in this verse.
What Remains
Secondary canon verse. Jiraiya, returning after the Kyūbi's rampage, discovers his daughter Ryū in Konoha. Deciding to stay, he takes her in and fulfills his role as Naruto's godfather, raising the pair of them as his own. Ryū later befriends Uchiha Itachi, the pair becoming childhood sweethearts. When Itachi later becomes Hokage as a peace deal with Konoha, the pair decide to get married and have a daughter, Usagi. Ryū is Itachi's age in this verse.
Ryū no Ryokan
Secondary canon verse. Ryū returns to her home village after the fourth war, and with Konoha's help, repairs the village and turns it into a mountain retreat for both wealthy guests and long-term patients from any land. She runs it alongside her master Suigin, finding giving her home new purpose and returning at last. Ryū is 22+ in this verse, but it can be adjusted.
Wild Child
Secondary canon verse. Ryū, the last survivor of Kusunokizan, isn't rescued by Konoha, and instead is raised by the dragon sage Suigin. Practically feral, she lives more as a dragon than a human up in the mountain peaks. Age can vary.
A Life Anew
Secondary canon verse. Ryū is taken from Konoha by her uncle, Ao, wanting to protect her from the world of shinobi. But the pair are later discovered by Jiraiya. Despite their bad blood, the men decide to use their common concern for Ryū to help raise her together outside Konoha. Ryū is Itachi's age in this verse.
A Light Amongst Shadows
Secondary canon verse. In this verse Ryū is the same age as Shisui (headcanoned as eight years older than Naruto). Mostly follows canon up to 699 - Ryū is found by Uchiha Manami, Shisui's mother, and the two children grow up as friends. After his apparent suicide, and later the massacre of the clan, Ryū steps up and helps raise Sasuke. She's lightly involved in other canon matters, and when Shisui is revealed to be alive after the war, they bond again and eventually marry and have a family. But not everyone is happy more Uchiha are alive...
Best Years of Your Life
A modern AU typically revolving around high school or college years. Kept vague for plotting! Age can vary.
Catch 'Em All
Pokémon verse. Ryū, having been raised by Hiruzen (Mr. Fuji) in Lavender Town, helps him take care of orphaned pokémon. But when the threat of Team Rocket looms, he has her take all of them to Fuchsia to be released into the Safari Zone reserve out of their reach. Armed only with her bonded pokémon, a shiny Dratini, she makes the journey alone, eventually becoming part of the staff and helping manage the park and protect its pokémon. Her team eventually consists of her Dragonair, Chansey, Charizard, Kingdra, Gyrados, and Rapidash. Age can vary.
Divine Light
Fantasy verse - based on original lore but can be adapted for more general fantasy threads. Ryū is a Lux el'ven, or light elf: one of the last of her kind after the wars. Able to heal, make barriers, and create portals in time, she wants to help rebuild the world of the el'ven and reforge the Elemental Council of the twelve elements to solidify peace. Age can vary.
Healing Waters and Scorching Flames
Avatar the Last Airbender verse. Ryū is a waterbender from the South Pole, from a small, isolated clan that focuses on healing. Age can vary.
Like Magic
Harry Potter verse. Ryū, a Hufflepuff, dreams of one day being a Healer like her mother was. Age can vary.
To Rule Them All
Royalty / Medieval verse. Ryū is the princess of a matrilineal line in the kingdom of Kusunokizan. A neutral state, there's pressures mounting from neighboring kingdoms to finally choose a side. Age can vary.
Of Monsters and Men
A modern monster verse based on original lore, but can be adapted for other verses. Ryū's default in this verse is a hybrid of snowy owl harpy and succubus, but I've also written her as a siren and a mermaid! Age can vary.
When Dead Walk
Zombie verse. Kept vague for plotting!
(Other verses are available upon request - please IM for more details!)
Sage Mode (Sennin Mōdo)
Sage mode taught to her by her teacher, Suigin. She has 2 years of training as of the beginning of the Shippuden seasons.
White Hands of Healing (Iyashino Shiroi Te)
Kekkei genkai. Allows for faster, more efficient healing. Chakra can be guided through user’s own keirakukei to heal injuries directly. Has a calming effect, and can be used to sedate/calm patients.
River of Vitality (Katsuryoku no Kawa)
Minor kekkei genkai. While in Sennin Mōdo, can passively gather Nature chakra, though at a slower rate than meditation.
Wall of Defense (Bōei no Kabe) (Sennin jutsu)
Barrier that repels anything physical; not genjutsu or sound.
Wall of Incineration (Shōkyaku no Kabe) (Sennin jutsu)
Barrier that incinerates anything physical with highly-condensed chakra.
Wall of Mirrors (Kagami no Kabe) (Sennin jutsu)
Barrier that reflects light, and renders anything beneath it unseen.
Soul Retrieval (Tamashī no Kaishū) (Sennin jutsu)
User enters the void to retrieve a single soul.
Snare (Shikake-sen) (Sennin jutsu)
Makes nature-based chakra tripwires that can alert her to physical movement. Is affected by distance - the further she is from the set lines, the weaker the signal until it disappears completely.
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noidsome · 8 years
Digimon tri: Loss rant aka butthurt
So there are things that bothers me a lot about these Digimon tri movies and this movie, well lets just say its teh drop that tipped the glass. I dont really like rewieving things..but i am very passionate for digimon, so i suppose this will do.
So what is there to say about Digimon tri? or spesifically... loss? hehe loss..more like loss of my intrest in these movies..
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TLDR; the movie is long, boring, little action, meiko is shit as always, the conflict with sora, tai and matt doesnt exist, some scenes go nowhere and are more filler then plot, still questions left unanswered, 02 kids are dead and gone and nobody cares at this point, and shitty, limited, boring, bland and dissapoiunting animation. 
Anyhow where do i even start? first i suppose i should start off by saying the things i DO like about this movie. I did enjoy seeing tai more in the spotlight, and it was nice seeing tai, matt and sora talk again. And not to mention, digivolutions! Where most of the digis became ultimate! hell yeah! and my boi machinedramon, i always loved that fella. And more digi kaiser?? YES PLS FUEL MY NEEDS FOR FOOTAGE!! and of course, the animation was well done with the fight scenes and the action was really neat! My favorite part of the movie was the last part.
and now, onto the... MANY many problems these movies had, with none other then shitty animation, awkward scenes, bad art styles, scenes that go nowhere, meiko, and FILLER!! clench your asshole because this is going to be a long one...
Ok so we start off the movie strong. This flashback goes well with me because its this old timey wimey film effect, and we get to see the backstory of himekawa and black hair teacher typography mcgee, i forgot his name..anyway thats cool, we get plot! and then cuts to meiko being left out with her dark evil special digital device. GOOD. she has no way to enter now. she should be left out like the shitty written character she is. im glad shes out.. but would i be like this for long?? NOPE, NOT HERE IN DISSAPOINTMENT LAND I WONT!!
So then we get tehse cute bonding scenes, which are just very nice. its good they take their time with these, and boy....do they take their time :))))) the shitty happy music desu comes so abruplty that you just sit back and say “nice here it is.” so the rest of the digimon get along just fine with the kids again, which is nice i guess....except for pyokomon or whatever. For some reason she is the ONLY CONVENIENT one that wont like her. now, im fine with this, because things never happen the same way twice. however, she is THE ONLY ONE, and the others open very fast, so why?? eh whatever wont bother explaining too much about that ;))
so after this kawaii desuka moment, after toei “””””””””””””””animation”””””””””””””””” show us a slideshow of their best drawings of the kids just sitting there, with no movement, we get on with it. 
There is one thing i learned in animation class, and that is that YOU NEVER HAVE ONE STILL FRAME in animation, and these movies have a lot of them, and so fucking shittly placed as well. Just sometimes to save time, or just because lazyness, the animators just pan a akward still filler frame. i know things are hard, and horrible in NEY-HON, especially with animation, but for gods sake i cant help but go “animation is hard XDDdDdDD” whenever watching these movies....because sometimes....SOMETIMES.......
anyway so onto the story, “special super powerful” meikoomon appears, crying because she is adult and remembers meiko. why, you ask?? WHY??????? WELL who cares stfu. so she runs away and jumps into a distortion. did she make it? did the digital world provide her with some? will we get answers??
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so then, PTaiSD starts doubhting if we can save the special boy cat, and Yamaha has to of course get angry about every single little thing tai does, and walks off in a huff. Was this scene forced like all hell?? is yamiffedo being a bitch for no reason?? Yes. yes he was. at this point, it feels like they just put this here to give matt a reason to be angry because they have nothing left to bitch about to eachother, or yashitto just wont let up. either way, it is so frustrating..but i digress. 
we also cut to black haired crocks wearing mcgee again, in and out, of him saying “i cant figure this out” and we get told this 2 times. ... ANYYYWAYYYY then the kids remember their personalities again and tai suggests we do something now, and the digimon digivolved. HURRAH!”
byomon is still not trusting sora, which is fine i guess bonds take time, and they did take their time, which was fine. so they keep cutting to this trolly, the one they slept in in digimon adventure. HEY GUYS, REMEMBER THE TROLLY???? REMEMBER DIGIMON 01?? WASNT THAT SERIES COOL??? 
special OP baby cat meikomon just sits and laments because she cant find meiko, so she gets all infected and fucks up everything again, making the reboot for NUFFIN if she keeps this up. BUTT WAIT, why does she still have this infection?????? OH NO SHE TURNED EVIL AGAIN!!!! but does the movie explain??
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so here we are with the blank kids club as izzy expositions the shit out of the other kids, which is nice. its nice to get plot... BUT ITS NOT THE PLOT WE ACTUALLY NEED, just...just a little bit of it. just a little bit.......... anyway everyone cuberbullies meiko and basically says that she is a shit and wont fit in here because all she would do is cry or fuck up something beyond repair. that is what she would do.
so then sora walks off and sits by a trunk and is sad because her tamagotchi doesnt like her anymore. BUT.......and this is a big but...Taishit and Yaman come to the rescue. BUT...they are both stupidly blank and doesnt know waht the fuck to do or say, but they try. how will they tackle this point??
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So basically sora is suprised to figure out that tai and matt cant read her mind, and just runs off and is understandably angry about the situation. so as tai and matt is visibly upset they cant fix this, which you couldnt tell because their expressions are about as vibrant as a piece of wood, Taichi basically says something good for once. Sora spends her times worrying about other people and doesnt say anything about her own worries. which is....good??????
im sorry but to me thats not good at all. if you fix everyone elses problem, and you shut your own problems inside, you are going to suffer. THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING HOLY FUCK WHAT KIND OF MESSAGE IS THAT??!?!?!?!? unless i am completly misunderstanding this kind of behaviour but to me, this is not good. fuck that shit. so that scene ends. nothing gets resolved.  then finally, after fucking FOREVER with filler scenes and awkward crappy animation, machinedramon finally appears and is here to fucking kill this second hand emberassment. they run from him, and the others see whats going on. so then they try to do something and fails, and then meikoomon isnt evil anymore...........????? and then something which i think is one of the biggest, STUPIDEST cop puts of all time happens. 
macinedramon shoots them at point blank, and really hard and long too, like so long the camera makes sure to show ALL of their faces as they slowly burn to death by the giant super death cannon...and so they all get fucking obliterated and die... EXCEPT THEY DONT!!!!!!!!!! A DISTORTION PORTAL APPEARS AND JUST... TROWS THEM ACROSS THE ENTIRE ISLAND!!!! AND THE KIDS ARE ALSO UNHARMED!?”!?”?!?
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oh and we get a cute flashback to actually knowing what himekawa wanted. she just wanter he digimon back.......which is why she acted this way all along? so she could get her stupid digimon back=??? thats why she had to act like she was secretly the one fucking everything up?? ....eh idk ANYWAY
byomon sees sora cry and decides wew lad....that changes everything.,..so that scene ends, and what does byomon find?????? WELL WOW ITS MEIKO WHO JUST FELL INTO THE DIGITAL WORLD JUST BECAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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it was at this point i got really upset with this crappy movie. The scenes drag on for too long, scenes just end and go nowhere, and GOD DAMN IT IM SORRY FOR SAYING THIS BUT MEIKO IS A FUCKING MARY SUE. she is such a classic example of shittily written self insert characters that it fucking hurts. if i wanted to read your shitty digimon fanfiction from 2008 then i would of done that. Its fucking insane to see this level of writing from a professional writing team, holy fuck. 
and then........this.......this takes the cake.... fucking tai and kari are together. finally, they get to talk a little about things, like for example bringing up whats bothering tai all this time, or why he has to be such a tittybaby with yamato, or maybe have a little chat about character development. but no we dont get none of that. shitty sad music plays and....no tai just says “oh man im so angry i didnt make it” and kari says “its ok” and then tai just looks down.... AND THEN THATS IT!!! ....OK??
so then a whole lot of fucking nothing happens for a while, and i mean, they just.....dont say ANYTHING worthwhile. tai goes all “man i wish tai would read my mind and not be an asshole. my name IS MATT AND I JUST CANT TALK TO MY FRIENDS SO I WALK AROUND LIKE AN ANGRY PISSY BABY BECAUSE THATS MY TRAIT, WHICH IS NOT FRUSTRATING AND TIRED AT ALL” 
and byomon being a little warmer, going to meiko just because shes a cunt at this point, like now shes just being a dick, and generally everyone just walking around having a grand ol time. i guess its nice, and cool and all...but it drags ON FOR TOO LONG WE DONT NEED THIS LEVEL OF CALM WHEN YOU HAD ONE ACTION SCENE TROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE MOVIE!!!!! and just generally....just stuff that goes NOWHERE!! like that train scene???? literally filler. was it a trowback to 02 where agumon came back on the train after being with the dark master?? i dont know!! fuck!!
then expositionmon comes, and its vague, and leaves. and then whatever anyway
meikomon cries and when she gets back to meiko again she tries to slit her troat, and meiko supringly tells her that she isnt good.....wow..thats nice. but they reuine and FINALLY gennai arrives again. in his kaiser disguise. why does he have that avatar to go back and forth troughout the world? why did he chose to use kaiser?? my guess is just to be a dick to the others, because thats the only good explanation at this point. 
and sora does say “oh hi ken please dont” but thats it. im sorry but at this point, the 02 kids are oficcially dead and gone. there is no logical explanation to why they act like this anymore. none that are actually good. forget about them, the others have. just....forget about it.
so distortions appear again and everyone reunites again, because hell we needed SOME explanation to them meeting again. so action happens, and everything is nice and fine and then gennai just
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hes so insane im kind of liking it..... ANYWAY stuff happens and so they run away while gennai talks to them about some answers to our questions, which they might not hear because of the BIG HEAVY  STOMPS AND ROARS from the digimons but whatever... yuggrasil i dont remember who is and at this point i just wanted the movie to be over, so this last part, there isnt much to say because i liked it.
however sora getting BTFO by a giant mountain and machinedramons claw should have killed her, but nah whatever. and the scene with tai and matt drowning??? i jsut... dont understand it. what the fuck happened??? why did they just not drown anymore?? what?????? did the power of magic save them or somethin? I DONT GET IT!! and i mean...they should have drowned at that point jfc 
then half the movie is the digimon digivolving and now im so god damn sick of writing, but meikomon fucks everything up again and NOW IT ENDS ON A CLIFFHANGER!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE
SOOOO yeah thats it...the movie was slow, boring, fun, and overall awkwards. the kids had ALMOST no personality, and the scenes that the movie advertized, like the conflict with sora, tai and matt was nonexistant, and just....i myself, and a lot of people, are fucking dissapointed.
if you read this far, thank you. but i have no big hypes for the rest of the movies anymore because the shitty animation, no facial expressions, crappy storytelling, boring character interactions, and MEIKO makes me hate these movies more and more...........and that makes me sad.
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13 notes · View notes
Looking for general business liability insurance for a new corporation.?
"Looking for general business liability insurance for a new corporation.?
Company manufactures and wholesales and retails a baby/child gear accessory item.  Thank you.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Smart roadster uk insurance.?
Slight problem, was looking up TPFT insurance quotes for a smart roadster: 500 excess. 7000 yearly premium. 7500 annuall mileage. The car's only worth 8500 it has a 0.7L engine. How do they justify this price gouging?""
I need cheap car insurance in ny?
I need cheap car insurance in ny?
Republicans whats the difference between being forced to buy health insurance and car insurance?
If it is unconstitutional to force some to buy to health insurance how is it constitutional to force people to buy car insurance??
Help with getting car insurance in NY?
I really need to get a car, just got my drivers license but the insurance companies are trying to charge me over 600 a month. I have heard about people getting their insurance in maryland and other close by states, will i be able to do that? or anything ? oh and i'm 22 btw""
How much Do you pay for Car insurance every month?
and what car insurance you have?
California unemployment insurance?
what is the fraction of wages that is given for employment insurance? 40%? more? less?
Which company offers good whole life insurance?
I am sick of term life insurance and the company I am with now is abysmal. I would appreciate any help. I have a wife and two daughters, it's about them, not me....""
How much would a 2001 vauxhall astra cost for insurance for a 17 year old male?
No sites please i would like to know roughly how much... x
Insurance rates for 17 yr olds?
Since insurance rates are ridiculously high for new drivers like me, I was thinking that if my parents could possibly buy a car for me to drive but put it under their name, and have it insured under their name so its cheaper since they're much older and have a lower insurance rate than I would. But I heard someone said that somehow insurance companies find this out and somehow find a way around this so the tactic i just suggested won't work. Anybody have any experience with this?""
About how much will my car insurance be?
I'm turning 16 in a little bit and my parents are making me pay for my own insurance, how much would it be for me with a 2.6 gpa, i'm male, and i'll probably get a pretty safe car""
How do I get car insurance?
I am 18. I am not in college nor do I have a diploma. I don't start college till Fall 2011. Is it possible that I can still get car insurance? If so, how?""
Car Insurance: Insuring myself on a car registered with someone else?
My boyfriend is planning to buy me a car under his name, he doesn't want to be insured on it as he already has his own car. We don't live together, but I am at his house almost all the time. When I get insurance, do I use his address? As this is where the car will be parked most the time and will also be where the car is registered.""
Voluntary excess and insurance?
if getting insurance what is a voluntary excess ? should you select to pay a high amount, like 500 so you can get the cheapest insurance?""
How does and underage affect insurance?
A friend of mine was just charged with an underage but was accepted into the ARD program. We are wondering how this is going to affect her auto insurance policy.
Getting Car Inspected Late - will insurance go up?
If you let your car inspection sticker in Massachusetts expire before and then you go to get the car inspected late, will the Massachusetts RMV find out that you let it lapse and then hit you with points on your license and/or increased car insurance rates? Would if your car doesn't pass inspection, will that raise your car insurance also?""
Teenage car insurance?
i have a question i'm planning to get a car soon and im 17. Most likly im getting a new car i don't know the exact car yet. I wana know with my age and a new car how much do you think my insurance average will be. The car is gonna be financed under my dads name so im gonna have to get full coverage insurance so i wanted to get an idea on how much it would be for me.
I Need Some Car And Car Insurance Advice?
Okay, so basically i am 17 and i am currently learning to drive, i have had roughly 13 lessons and it is coming up to the stage where i have to start thinking a car and getting insurance ect... however, i don't actually sort of know how it works,for eg. how do i go about buying a car? is their anything i have to know? and then once i have the car, how do i get insurance and what else must i acquire in able to be able to drive the car legally and at anytime? i don't also actually understand how the insurance works like what is it.. and finally finding the cheapest car insurance etc.. a bit of background knowledge: i'm 17, and the sort of car i'm looking for is a Vaxhaul Corsa 1.2 in black.""
How much is insurance in a car for a 17 year old?
I get my provisional this week and I'm just wondering how much it is? I'm from Ireland by the way.
How soon after purchasing a car do you need to get insurance?
i live in florida and i just bought used vehicle... how long do i have to purchase insurance... also can i register the vehicle without insurance?
Average cost for house insurance for a trailer? (VA)?
My husband and I have been renting for years and are looking to purchase a single-wide trailer as a starter home. We're looking at 2009 models under $50,000. I've googled myself to death and can't find an idea of what our monthly insurance cost would be. Just a rough estimate would be nice, so we can continue with our budgeting. Thank you!""
Nj motorcycle insurance?
im 23, male, have a pretty good car driving record (if that helps), but my credit isnt that good. how much (ball park) would it be in nj for motorcycle insurance. im planning on purchasing a bike in the next 8 months and wanna know how much i should expect to pay for insurance. i will get a quote, i just wanna know from you guys a rough estimate. thanks""
How to check a car has insurance or not?
All the information I know: car plate number, vehicle identification number and a expired Progressive insurance policy number. Can I still check my car current insurance online?""
UK - Insurance for Teenagers?
Hello, Does anyone know where newly qualified drivers can take advantage of low insurance prices. I have tried a few of the price comparison sites, but find that the price of the insurance cover is more than the car. If I purchased a car for about 800, how much should the insurance be. What is the cheapest way of buying it. Is it better to Telephone a local Broker ? Or online.""
Is having health insurance and Homeowner's insurance a sin in Islam?
In the US, Obama just passed his new healthcare bill that requires all Americans to get health insurance, and fines them a penalty if they refuse - but Muslims are exempt from this because they said that having health insurance is not allowed in Islam. Is that true? If so, what do you do when you get sick....how do you pay for the medical treatment? Also, the news mentioned that having homeowner's insurance isn't allowed either...but here in the US, you can't get a mortgage unless you get homeowner's insurance. I mean, if you didn't have it, and say, your house burned down, you would loose everything. Do most Muslims who live in the US have insurance anyway, even if it isn't allowed?""
No insurance. Can I get temporary insurance so I can have surgery on my wrist?
Hello thank you for viewing my question and I appreciate any help.. I fractured my wrist a few years ago and never went to the doctor until recently. The doctor told me that my wrist was screwed up and I need surgery, but I don't have insurance and was paying him cash unfortunately He told me surgery would be like $15,000 and I think he was telling me that I can't just go get insurance now, because there is an injury on file so they won't let me. My sister who is a nurse told me to get temporary insuracne just to get it fixed, and she said she didn't think it would matter that the injury is on file. Does anyone know if I am able to get insurance at an affordable rate to get fixed or did I screw up by visiting the doctor already? Thank you very much""
Looking for general business liability insurance for a new corporation.?
Company manufactures and wholesales and retails a baby/child gear accessory item.  Thank you.
Rsx type s or s2000 what cost more to insure?
I just got an 2002 acura rsx type s (clean tittle) or I have a chance to trade for Honda s2000 (salvage tittle) I am 16 fixing to be 17 and of course the car is gonna be under my dads name but i just wanna know how much its goona be since im part of the insurance
How much will car insurance cost?
I am 19 and got taken off my parents policy because I had to at fault accidents. I am a female college freshman who would be driving a 1996 Honda Accord. About how much Should I expect to pay for auto insurance? I just want basic coverage. Also I have had my license for about 2 and a half years.
What is the ball park annual cost of running a standard used car including all expenses and repairs?
Including registration, tax, insurance, maintenance, repairs, oil changes and cost of buying a used car what is the ball park annual cost on a standard size and model vehicle""
Can someone help me with a Corporate Insurance estimate?
I'm creating a business proposal and business plan for some investors, and I need a estimate on how much insurance does the business I'm creating would need. Some of the stats: - Its a new business so 0 years in experience, but the administrators and owners will have over 10 years exp. - Its a game that can be played all around the country, via portals much like slot machines. Each one is estimated in costing 6,700 dollars. We want to implement 1000 units. - It can generate over 100 million dollars in a single year. - The main office is going to be purchased, and it's value is of 1.3 Million. 3 floors 6000sq feet. - We are estimating around 30 full time employees. We want health and workers comp with all of the benefits. - We are going to have 5 corporate cars 2 Pickups 09 Tacoma valued at $28,625 and 3 Yaris valued at $15,980. - We want Liability, Fire, Burglary, Theft, the works. In terms of Liability estimated around $2,000,000 - $10,000,000. Hope you guys can help me out. And thank you in advance for your response!""
""What would motorcycle insurance cost for 17 yr old guy, kawasaki ninja 250R?""
what would an average motorcycle insurance cost for me? i am looking for a ball-park estimate and understand that there are MANY other factors which matter... If anyone has an idea, what would be like the MAX price for a good insurance... i've seen that insurance prices can range from 200-400 yearly, but i want to make sure that after i get the motorcycle i dont find that the insucance is like 1000 /yr. Thanks""
""I'm looking to buy car insurance, how much should it be? MG ZR?""
Its for an MG ZR 1.4 I cant go on my parents policies because my dads left my mum and my mum don't drive, so theres no way, plus i have no over family, so its impossible for that option. Of course it wont be cheap but i didn't expect it top be extortion, im male, so i know its higher, ive done some online quotes, it said around 6000 a year, how can a 17 year old even buy that, unbelievable, i was hoping it be around max.. 2000 even that's really high. Lol I ain't exactly rich lol. First ill buy a older rubbish car to get my confidence up with driving, then try to go for this car, its my dream car tbh, i find it beautiful. Im gonna name it Phoenix. lol. i am sad. But i was just wondering about it.. if you have any other advice about insurance, such as, what would make it cheaper ( year the car was made, door numbers etc) or what cars li should buy first.. i would appreciate it highly. Thank you in advanced. :) God Bless you all.""
Do I need to insure my car before getting a temporary registration?
recently purchased a used car that DOES require emissions testing. In my state (CT) the DMV offers 10-day temp. registration for vehicles that need testing Do I need to insure this car before I'll be eligible for the 10-day registration? I'd prefer not to insure a car that won't pass emissions because I won't be able to drive it, and I refuse to wait in line at the DMV for hours just for answers on this questions (their website gave very few specifics)""
What is the least expensive car insurance money can buy?
So i REALLY need a car, but i CANNOT afford insurance. Honestly, if it was legal to not have insurance on a car, i would do that. So the only reason i'm getting insurance is so that i'm legal on the road. I don't care if the insurance covers only the tires of the car, what is the least expensive company and quote i can get?""
Insurance and pregnancy?
I had a baby 4 months ago and had insurance from November 2011 until September 2012 ( I canceled as I could no longer afford it.) My husband got a new job and as of January 5th 2013 I will be covered under his plan ( a bit more affordable). The issue is I am pregnant ( very early). Will they consider this pre existing? This was not planned! I has an apt for birth control but my baby got ill and had to pay 3000.00 in medical so I had to push it back and now, I'm pregnant again.""
Who do you trust more? An Insurance company? or Obama?
The right wingers will chose blindly! But think about this! Prior to the Affordable Healthcare Act, how many times in a row, year after year, did your health insurance coverage go up. For me, it was every year for as long as I remember. Never did my insurance premium go down. But for some reason, everyone is up in arms because a few people, a small percentage have rate increases. But they also get more coverage, better policies, and some can get insurance for the first time.""
How much will it cost to insure a motorbike such as cbr600f if im 23 and just passed my test?
And are there ways of cheapening the cost - I really have no clue of how much motorbikes cost to insure. the cbr600f is group 14,which sounds reasonable. Can i lump the insurance with a car thats group 11? i live in the uk.""
For Piper Cherokee 140-160 Owners. How much does it cost to insure your plane?
I'm thinking about getting one of these little planes to build time in when I get back to the states. Just curious of insurance cost and things that can burn your wallet during an annual.
How much does it cost the average person to keep and maintain a CAR in a day?
including petrol, MOT, buying the car, insurance, washing, oil, air, tyres, extras eg booster, radio, or say how much money it would altogether cost a year then i can divide it :) THANK YOU xx by the way if you are wondering which car make well one that costs average""
Car insurance for teenagers?
Im 18 and I own a used car. Never a trouble maker. I have a part time job. I want to know what insurance I can get for my car that is affordable.
Paying my car insurance off early?
I have the cash to do so. And i only owe about 200 cause i already paid 2 months off early. But im jw when the next bill will be so i dont have to worry about. If it helps any i have the general car insurance they are local so idk if itll help lol
Car Insurance / Accident Question?
So both cars are backing out of the parking lot (two sided type in a shopping center) and neither one saw each other and bumped rear ends of each car. We both pretty much made the same mistake, how does insurance usually take care of this?""
Do you pay car insurance every month or every six months?
Need it for the class I'm in now. Help quick!
What is the best auto insurance?
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for someone who is an eighteen year old female with a clean record looking to get insurance for the first time?
Two Questions for Automobile Insurance?
Can u guys help me to answer these questions? These questions are about Automobile Insurance 1) How can coverage needs change as you go throughout life? 2) Utilize Insurance Terminology. TY!!!
Does anyone have recommendations for low-cost health insurance in CA? I can't afford Tonik any longer.?
I am an unemployed healthy 20-something paying around $150 a month (with a high deductible).
Car insurance for teens?
I am 17 turning 18 in like four months. I would really like to get a car but I need to see if I can afford it. If you could please list your car and how much you pay for insurance a month that would be really helpful.
Will my insurance go up more?
So a months ago my car insurance went up because of a driving ticket and i just go another...will my insurance go up even more or what will happen????
Insurance Fraud? Help!?
A couple days ago I was driving to a doctors appointment, I was rushing and very nervous. I got to a road that was closed where I had to back up. I looked behind me and saw no cars. Then I started talking to my mother who was in the car about if the road was closed or just partly blocked off. I looked in my mirrors and started to back up, somehow I must have missed the car that was very close behind me. I barely tapped the bumper, my mom didn't even realize it happened that's how slight the tap was. The woman immediately jumped out of her car and started screaming and cussing like a maniac. The police blocking the road even noticed and had to come over to control her. There was no damage to my car or hers, however she was driving a 92 buick and it was a piece of junk. I was worried she'd try to get something out of the whole thing so I took pictures of everything. This must have made her angry and she started trying to take pictures of my mother and I as well as bird poop on my car? Today I got a call from her insurance agency, saying she claimed injuries, a cracked windshield, and a messed up bumper. I am so angry! I know I did not do any damage, much less injure her! I'm a collage student and really can't afford my rates going up because of this. I called my insurance company and sent them pictures. They are trying to investgate. Anyway, has anyone else experienced something like this? How do these things usually turn out? Is this insurance fraud on her part?""
Affordable health insurance for self employed?
My husband is selfemployed and we want to get an affordable family insurance or possibly just an insurance for me. I a m a nurse but I only work part time and my company wont cover me for insurance. any good health insurance companies that we can get and would cover maternity care in the future?
Can i cancel my car insurance after my claim?
hi all, i have a car insurance policy with churchill and have recently written of my car.. the claim is being processed and i need to know some stuff. i am 19 and pay 1200 a year for my car insurance from sept2009-sept2010. I made the claim this week. i am planning to go to america in may for summer camp america and also due to there being a 900 excess ( god tell me about it) i wont be buying a new car and wont need a new car.. my car is only worth 1000 but i am claiming to recover the costs of recovery as i tipped it upside down. so therefore i need to know if i can cancel my insurance policy and if i can do that now or if i have to wait unil the claim has been processed. some people have said tat i might not beable to cancel???""
Looking for general business liability insurance for a new corporation.?
Company manufactures and wholesales and retails a baby/child gear accessory item.  Thank you.
Is there a car insurance that will give a young driver a reasonably quote?
i recently purchased a mk1 ford fiesta. theres no mods to the car and tax wise i think its a classic. its a 1984. i have wanted a mk1 fiesta for years now and its the car i want to drive. im 17 and the cheapest quote on any car ive been given is 2000. are there any companies that will give me a good quote on my fiesta
Car Insurance in Northern NJ?
Hello, How much do a couple pay on an average for car insurance premiums in Northern NJ? I am insured with liberty mutual and my monthly commitment is close to $140, I have a clean driving history and no claims in the past. Culd you suggest how I cut down on my premiums? Also the best car insurance company in the tri state area.""
Where can i get cheap health insurance?
Where can i get cheap health insurance?
Do I have to add my roommate on my auto insurance policy?
My roommate and I each have a car but we don't share the same insurance policy. He has his own and I have mine. I just got auto insurance for my new car and the agent was telling me that I should add people living with me, but his driving record is bad and I don't want it to raise my premium. The agent said that anyone who doesn't live with me can drive my car and they'll be covered, but because my roommate lives with me, he won't be covered even though he has a different policy.""
How much would maintenance cost on a BMW 325i?
a 2000 ish-2003 bmw 325i (same series)...how much would maintenance cost? I like the BMW in that it has EVERYTHING that I want, it's (2001) version is in my price range to buy, except I'm a student and I work part time. I can at an uncomfortable MAX 100$ a month for maintenance (not including gas and insurance). I am a DIY person (I can do moderately difficult car repairs) so I won't go to the dealer much. But I heard that this BMW needs synthetic oil and premium gas, and a couple of my friends said that BMW's NEED maintenance or else they suck. I will do NEEDED maintenance (such as if I need oil change, or my brakes are bad) but I won't do stuff that aren't needed (like idk...coolant flush etc.).""
Need to find affordable health insurance?
My health insurance just went up again. I live in New York any places i can check out? It will be greatly appreciated
Do I need to add my name under car insurance?
Hi I just got California driving license.My dad has liability insurance.We have old car so we are paying 300-400$ per year for it.I will not regularly driving that car then what should I need to do? Do I have to add my name under current insurance policy and is it illegal to drive without adding my name? People with 2 or more cars have which type of insurance? seriously we are new here and don't know much about this rules and what people do? I'll be highly thankful to you guys.
Investments and Life insurances with Zurich International?
I am thinking of taking some investments and insurance policies with Zurich International. Has anybody had any dealings with them? And, if so, has your experience and dealings with them been positive or negative? Are they as good as they say they are?""
Which car insurance companies reserve cars through hertz?
im going to be getting me a new car and with my current insurance company they only reserve through enterprise which i am not old enough to use. hertz rents to 20 year olds. im just trying to make sure i will have an alternative way to get around if something happens to it. so which insurance companies reserves through them? or will u have to request it? because i know some wants you to pay first and they will rein-burst you
What does liability mean when getting auto insurance?
What does liability mean when getting auto insurance?
Will my auto insurance premium go up for passing a red light in NY?
This is my first moving violation, it originally was failure to stop for a school bus but it got reduced to passing a red light and is now only 3 points. I have a clean record otherwise and my auto insurance is under my mothers name, I am just a secondary driver under her quote. Will my insurance premium go up and if so will it be much? Is there anything that I can do to lower it if it does go up?""
Which company health insurance policy is best?
Which company health insurance policy is best?
Where to find cheap insurance when I have a teenager that lost her license for three months?
My daughter received three tickets and her license was suspended, She is able to get it back now but the insurance company wants to charge me $500 a month just for her. Are they kinding who can afford that.""
Seeking an auto insurance company who offers independent spouses insurance?
married, but want to buy separate auto insurance""
No fault accident with no insurance?
I am in California, was in an accident with no insurance. The police report states it cannot find who was at fault and the lady's insurance company said the same thing when I spoke with them to see if they would pay for my damages. They never asked me to pay for her damages but now I am getting letters from a 3rd party Claims Office asking me to pay $6000. Can they do this if I am not at fault? And shouldn't they have notified me before getting a 3rd party involved?""
Small business insurance?
This is for hw, any info would be helpful I'm opening a salon in hollywood california. (5,000 square feet) How much would I pay in insurance a year? what kind of insurance would i need? Example: i think i would need product liability insurance, professional liability insurance, there are so many different kinds! Which one/ones should I use? and how much would it be? I've been googling and researching for a long time if you can help thank you!!""
Insurance Question.?
Can anyone give me an estimate on how much car insurance would be on a 2005 mustang V6. About $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks""
How much would my motorcycle insurance cost?
I am 18 I live in Northern Virginia. I have car insurance with Geico for a 2005 Honda Accord EX. I start college as a freshman in less then 2 weeks. I have no records (accidents, speeding, thefts, etc..) I have a part time job (18 hours a week) I understand that they're are a lot of factors in this but i would just like a rough estimate.""
Am I covered under my parents' car insurance?
I am sixteen years old and I will be added to their insurance soon, but in the meantime, am I covered if anything happens? The car is insured under liberty mutual and I do no not often drive their car, but I need to use it to get to school tomorrow. What will happen if I get into an accident with an insured car under my mom's name and not mine?""
How much will it cost to fix this bumper dent?
http://oi43.tinypic.com/lv393.jpg hit a parked car when pulling out of a spot :( the other car was fine lol, but this is mine. trying to not involve insurance cause i dont want my rates going up. how much do you think this will cost to fix?""
""Can I get affordable life insurance for 200,000 or more?""
Can I get affordable life insurance for 200,000 or more?""
Health Insurance in US?
I would like to know if health insurance is mandatory in some states of the US.
How to get health insurance?
how does a student (college) go about getting health insurance? i used to be on my sisters insurance but she is currently not working there anymore and has lost her insurance, therefore am not covered anymore. How do i get health insurance?? thanks""
Why can't small businesses in each state group together to get better and more affordable health insurance?
Who regulates this? The insurance companies? The large companies? It doesn't make sense that this cannot be done.
Is it compulsory to have comprehensive insurance for car or 3rd party ins is sufficient?
any diff for having insurance for new/old/second hand car?
Looking for general business liability insurance for a new corporation.?
Company manufactures and wholesales and retails a baby/child gear accessory item.  Thank you.
Where can I get a cheap health insurance?
health insurance is so expensive... where can I get those health insurances?? especially the cheap one... yea...the best cheap..not the worst cheap
Is this type of health insurance legal?
Here's the website > http://www.grouphealthinsurancebenefits.com/ The idea is, they put me on as an employee of their company (they call it a group). I then can join their group health insurance pool with Atnea PPO for both me and my wife. They would actually pay me each month, but then I'd turn around and pay them back. The net result is a cheaper cost for HI over me trying to get the same coverage on my own. Let me know. Thanks.""
How do I get cheaper car insurance?
I am trying to get my first car so I can drive my girlfriend and myself to work everyday. I am 19 and have had my license for about a year, I am going to get an older car a early 90s which I know lowers the insurance and live in new york and just getting the new york state bare minimum insurance. Even with that the quotes I am getting are around 200 dollars a month! About $2500 a year! About twice what I am paying for the car. Is there anyway I can save some money on this?""
What are cheaper for auto insurance: Acura integras gs or ls?
im 18 years old too
How much is the townhouse insurance in South Florida for a 3/3?
The HOA does not include insurance.
How much is insurance on 2003 lexus IS300?
wondering how much i might be paying a month if im getting a more expensive car..?
Cheapest car to insure?
Hi Everyone, im 21 male from ontario canada and im looking at getting my frist car, I've been driving my parents mini van for the last few years as I am a college student and live with then when him home, which isnt very often because im in school all year round. So im wondering, what are some cheaper cars to insure, both new and used? Thanks""
Medical insurance for cancer patient?
A family member is diagnosed with something similar as cancer. She works for a big fortunate 500 company and so far, there is no sign the company will fire her. However, the job is very stressful and when she starts chemotherapy, she will most likely take a medical leave (Not sure how long) She doesn't want to put all eggs in one basket, just in case the comapny fires her, she would lose medical insurance, and that would not be very good. Just wondering if there is a private insurance company who will never reject a cancer patient. She is very aware of the fact that premenium would be sky high, but she is willing to pay for it just in case. Any suggestions thank you""
What is the least expensive car insurance money can buy?
So i REALLY need a car, but i CANNOT afford insurance. Honestly, if it was legal to not have insurance on a car, i would do that. So the only reason i'm getting insurance is so that i'm legal on the road. I don't care if the insurance covers only the tires of the car, what is the least expensive company and quote i can get?""
How much would a 16 year old boy pay for car insurance?
I am not 16 yet, but I want to get a Chevy Camaro. I live in PA, and am wondering how much car insurance would cost me a year with out wrecks, tickets, etc. I went to chevy.com and built my own Camaro, and it cost me about $25,000 with the specs, and colors I want.""
What is your answer to reducing health costs and improving health care in America?
How do we go about this without drastically increasing out health insurance costs? Of course we all need to practice healthier lifestyle habits, but fiscally how do we improve our nation? Should we adobt other nation's practices? if so, whose? How do we improve health care across america and lower the costs to the citizens who utilize that care?""
If a have a named Driver on my car insurance will it make a any Difference in price?
If a have a named Driver on my car insurance will it make a any Difference in price?
How much does car insurance cost for a male mid 20s in Boston?
Ill be moving there in a few weeks and need to get insured. I was wondering how much I can expect to pay every year to be insured fairly well. Thanks
Can I get auto insurance on a car that someone owns and has insurance on?
So I am an 18 year old who lives with his girlfriends Mother. I recently just obtained my Drivers License, but I have one problem. I don't have any Auto Insurance. I do not have a car, but I drive my girlfriends Moms car when I need to. First question. Can I get in trouble without Auto Insurance driving her car with her permission? If not, can I get a different type of insurance under the same car that I pay all on my own? She has State Farm is it helps.""
What kinds of cars are expensive to insure?
im 18 and looking to buy my first car under my parents' insurance. what cars should i stay away from? i am most likely going to buy an mustang gt coupe (1960-1990). what factors make cars more expensive to insure? ive heard things like, type of car, how easy it is to steal, and even color color affect how much i will pay for insurance. i dont just want to know the categories, i want to know what to avoid, ei, stay away from red cars. stuff like that.""
Will admiral beat an online quote if I phone them?
Ok, So i've been quoted around 1000 for my insurance through the admiral site, I was wondering if they would beat that quote if I phoned them and spoke to them over the phone. Or are online deals always better?""
Affordable health insurance in NYC?
Hi, I am 30 years old and my wife and I had a combined income of approx $62,000 for 2006. In august of this year I will be quitting my full time job and going back to school full time. My current salary is $50,000. I anticipate making no more than $20,000 while in school and not being able to get health insurance through work. My income for 2007 will screw up my chances of getting most federal aid for the first year and will probably exclude me from healthy NY as well. Insurance through school is about $600 a month. I've gotten quotes of $513 to $1200 a month for my wife and I. All I want is catastrophic coverage in case either of us have any major problems or I have an accident while riding my motorcycle (a means of transportation, not a toy). These online quotes are driving me crazy. Where is the best place for me to look for something that will cover these specific conditions and how much should I expect to pay? Thanks in advance!!""
How does car insurance work?
I work at *** insurace services and im a secretary. i do nothing but answer calls. i want to know how this place works. i know they insure taxis,. limos, trucks. and personal cars. but how do my managers get paid. HOW DOES THIS PLACE WORK. so i dont have to feel lost all the time at work. i still dont know why they hired me.. weird""
""Who, out of the two of us, is likely to pay more for car insurance?""
My partner and I don't live together, but we share her car. She has just recently had 6pts added to her driving licence, as for myself, I have always had the use of a family car now and again, I have been insured to drive, but haven't owned my own car, for over 25 years, which of us will have to pay more for insurance, at roughly what percentage?""
How come Obama will now allow the same insurance coverage that he was against before?
If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period""
Are there deals in car insurance if someone parents are divorced?
and he/she technically only lives with one parent?
How to lower car insurance costs ?
my 17 year old son wants to buy a 2008 honda civic EX and he agrees to make the payments on the car. One problem is , how do i lower my insurance rates . IF my son is still considered a teenager. Could i put the car under my name so the insurance rates will be low ? please help""
Car insurance help?
A while back my nephew ran into a car that was stopped on a bridge. Both vehicles had liability insurance. They determine that it was my nephew's fault. His insurance paid and now the insurance are trying to get money back. Why?
Recommended auto insurance in us?
Specifically NJ. have some points. Any help on which would be cheapest?
""6008 insurance quote for hyundai getz 1.1, what am i doin wrong?""
im a 17 year old male, who lives in a nice area with little crime, it will be kept on the drive, im offering 500 excess, third part only, i cant belive this price from go-compare, and this was the cheapest quote, what else can i try, ive tried putting my mum on as a named driver, but it only lowers it by about 100.""
Looking for general business liability insurance for a new corporation.?
Company manufactures and wholesales and retails a baby/child gear accessory item.  Thank you.
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