#Brenda Romano
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atlantisview · 1 year ago
~ i know i’m forgetting some queens… if only there were more than 12 options 😭
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sasa-chan · 2 years ago
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Day 27:
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Cadet Kelly (2002)
Get a Clue (2002)
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broadwaydivastournament · 10 months ago
Audra and Bebe and Bernadette and Christine: The Good Fight
Diane Lockhart:
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After slapping the shit out of Julianna Margulies in the series finale of The Good Wife, Diane Lockhart became the star of her own spin-off series The Good Fight. On the eve of her retirement, Diane finds out she's dead broke due to a series of financial schemes perpetrated by friend and client Bernadette Peters' husband (whose name I don't care enough to look up). Following this disastrous turn of events, Diane becomes a partner at a Black Chicago-based firm, and is later upgraded to named partner.
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She's also a fashion icon, so jot that down.
Throughout six seasons, staunch-Democrat Diane spends her storylines addressing the social and political climate of the day. She handles cases revolving around fake news and the MeToo movement, briefly joins an underground anarchist group because Katie Finneran tells her to (understandable), gets SWAT-ed, has a few breakdowns, and enjoys the fun of microdosing. In short, she's living her best life.
Liz Reddick:
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In the second season, Liz Reddick-Lawrence joins the gang at Reddick, Boseman, & Lockhart. Formerly a U.S. Attorney, and Boseman's ex-wife, she joins the firm following her father's death. Initially, she and Diane get off to a rough start with their professional and personal differences. White name partner, Black firm... You can understand why. They spend the series butting heads as often as holding hands, and when the chips are down, they'll support each other.
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Liz, another fashion icon, has a young son, divorces her cop husband, has a romantic liaison with Wayne Brady, has another affair with her ex-husband (and perjures herself when asked about it in court), and fucks a workplace subordinate (a white man, which is the real crime here). She and Diane briefly put aside their fight-of-the-week to lean into the rumor that they're lesbian lovers in order to win a court case. And we didn't even get a fake dating kiss out of it, so if anyone wants to join my class action lawsuit for emotional harm, let me know.
Judge Claudia Friend:
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Judges on The Good Fight, often have a fun little schtick that recurs throughout their guest appearances. Judge Claudia Friend is cursed to always preside over cases where the lawyers see fit to bicker like children the entire time. She is...so tired. (Hence why my multi-story saga about this minor character started with her getting absolutely railed over her desk by another judge--as played by Joanna Gleason).
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In addition to three appearances in The Good Wife, including Audra McDonald's single guest appearance where they shared a scene, Claudia Friend presides over two episodes/cases in The Good Fight. And I, for one, would have liked more of this exhausted and exasperated judge in my life.
Lenore Rindell:
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Mother of early-series protagonist Maia Rindell, Lenore is a co-conspirator of the ponzi scheme that makes Diane flat broke season one. While her husband fucks off to some island to avoid prosecution, Lenore has to stay and face the music. She's also having an affair with her brother-in-law, so there's that.
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Okay, sucks for Diane and all that, but take a look at this woman and tell me you wouldn't let her do whatever she wanted? I support women's wrongs, and I really support the costume department putting Bernadette in this pretty little nightie. Anyway, Lenore is eventually prosecuted for her part in the whole financial scheme and her character is written out of the show.
Other Divas who appear on The Good Fight include: Brenda Braxton (Madeline Gilford - 16eps), Andrea Martin (Francesca Lovatelli - 6eps), Mary Testa (Amy Ann Howard - 3eps), Katrina Lenk (Naftali Amato - 3eps), Jayne Houdyshell (Renee Rampling - 2eps), LaChanze (Julius's Wife - 2eps), Carolee Carmello (Judge Eve Sebald - 2 eps), Linda Emond (Judge Leora Kuhn - 1ep), Katie Finneran (Valerie Peyser - 1ep), Judith Light (Deidre Quinn - 1ep), Joanna Gleason (Judge Carmella Romano - 1ep), Kelli O'Hara (Deirdre Kresteva - 1ep), NaTasha Yvette Williams (Juror - 1ep).
Other Divas who appear on The Good Wife include: Mary Beth Peil (Jackie Florrick - 49eps), Anika Noni Rose (Wendy Scott-Carr - 14eps), Vanessa Williams (Courtney Paige - 4eps), Joanna Gleason (Judge Carmella Romano - 3eps), Linda Emond (Judge Leora Kuhn - 3eps), Jan Maxwell (Camilla Vargas - 2eps), Debra Monk (Tracy Mintz - 1ep), Julie White (Selma Krause - 1ep), Susan Blackwell (Professor Jolie - 1ep), Tovah Feldshuh (Lena - 1ep), Karen Ziemba (Lina Banner - 1ep), Ann Harada (Isabel St. Jean -1ep), Donna Murphy (Judge Alice Adelson - 1ep), Victoria Clark (Shannon Janderman - 1ep), Jackie Hoffman (Judge Maria Felletti - 1ep).
And pretty much every other Broadway actor you can think of.
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notiziariofinanziario · 5 months ago
Quando esplose lo scandalo che lo vide protagonista Piero Marrazzo era un politico in ascesa
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Dopo aver condotto per anni la trasmissione Mi manda Rai3, amatissima dai telespettatori, Piero Marrazzo nel 2005 divenne presidente della Regione Lazio. Piero Marrazzoi venne sostenuto dall'Unione, la coalizione che un anno dopo avrebbe portato Romano Prodi a Palazzo Chigi. Ma a ottobre 2009 iniziò a farsi strada una notizia che gli avrebbe poi stroncato la carriera politica e non solo: un video che lo mostrava in compagnia di una ragazza trans, Natalie. Con quel video, quattro carabinieri avevano cercato di ricattarlo: la Cassazione, nel 2010, riconobbe il "complotto" dei militari infedeli. Dopo alcuni giorni di furiose polemiche, Marrazzo alzò bandiera bianca e lasciò il ruolo di presidente della Regione, aprendo la strada alle elezioni anticipate che avrebbero poi visto la vittoria di Renata Polverini. Le inquietanti stranezze in quella storia furono diverse, a partire dalla morte in circostanze poco chiare di due persone: il mediatore nella vendita del video, trovato morto di overdose un mese prima dello scandalo, e un'altra ragazza trans, Brenda, soffocata in casa per colpa di un incendio doloso. Read the full article
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agendaculturaldelima · 6 months ago
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📣 Festival: “OTRAS MIRADAS [Memorias, historias y archivos desde la Videocreación]”📽🎬🎥📼🖼️📖📷📕📚📸👀
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🕒 3:00pm. Feria: Taller Luz y Papel, Film Vibes Shop, Naranjo Mandarina, Supa Laboratorio, Rocío Vargas y Nada Colectivo.
🕟 4:00pm. Ronda de Publicaciones Impresas: «¿A qué llamamos hogar?» de Carolina Cochachez, «Pernoctar» de Annette, «Diálogos sobre Thanatos» de Kid Killa, «Insomnia» de Alejandra Rázuri, «La Vida Salvaje y los Amaneceres de Luna Llena» de Proyecto Fuego, «Espacios de Tránsito Sin Identidad» de Andrea Echegaray, «La Reina Máxima» de Patricia Romano, «Soplos» de Patricia Romano, «La Lucha» de Sada Kusunoki, «Revelado Íntimo» de Brenda Garay, «Horizon» de Alicia Cortez y «Carmela 1960» de Jimena Estremadoyro, Curaduría: Jorge Luis Chamorro (docente y artista visual).
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🕔 5:00pm. Música: Mezcl@dos.
🕕 6:00pm. Videoinstalación: Plasma.
🕡 6:30pm. Proyección de Cortometrajes.
© Producción: Comité Estudiantil del Centro de la Imagen.
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📆 Viernes 20 de Setiembre
🏛 Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social  (Bajada San Martín 151, Miraflores)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre.
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armariodepoesias · 2 years ago
O dinheiro mais bem gasto
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A arte
A beleza de uma arte pela mão humana
Uma não, inúmeras...
A quantidade chega a ser insana.
Feitos de milhares de anos
De centenas de anos
Deste século ou de décadas
Por romanos a tiranos.
Composta de travertino,
Calcário, mármore ou tecido fino
Feita de sabor, melodia ou cor
Repleta de riqueza, atitude e beleza
Submersa em história, legado e glória
Acolhida de pessoas, cidades e comida boa
Esse lugar merece ser um sonho que vale a pena sonhar
E se um dia pude me alegrar no desejo de ir até lá
Hoje ainda me sinto feliz ao lembrar que um dia pude estar la
E ainda posso a todos dizer que eu pude te conhecer.
Pode apostar que quando eu puder
Eu vou voltar
E ainda te trago uma pessoa especial pra lhe apresentar
E dinheiro que não terei pena de gastar
E não posso me esquecer de levar
Um tênis mais confortável que all star
Pq existem muitas ladeiras que valem a pena escalar
E ruas e becos que me levam a meus  filmes favoritos
Talvez tudo q foi vivido não possa ser descrito
Aa fontes que se encarregam de deixar tudo mais bonito
Escoa não apenas água mas algo que conforta a alma.
Se a cada igreja eu podia fazer um pedido,
Muitas vezes pedi pra que esse prazer fosse repetido.
Entao, obrigada meu eu do passado por fazer essa escolha
De se aventurar na Itália.
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authorgirl1111 · 7 years ago
Emperor’s Daughter Ch. 14
Chapter 1
Chapter 13
Callie’s first birthday comes, and Natalie comes back up. A little stuffed Apollo doll in her hands as she walks in and gives it to Callie. Callie smiles and starts giggling hugging the doll tightly in her hands. Silena hugs tightly to Johnny, who turns up and gives Callie a little rattle. That she immediately starts to shake as hard as she can. Silena gives her daughter a book on Greek mythologies. A children’s book with lots of pictures. Brenda gives her younger sister a kiss. “I lub you” She says. “I’ll take care of you” They have cake and ice cream and Brenda makes a mess all over her self. At the end of the party Johnny and Silena share a long heartfelt kiss. “I can’t wait to call you and the kids mine?” Silena smiles. --- 2 months later it’s Brenda’s Birthday. “Your kids have their birthday’s way to close together” Natalie complains when she walks through the door. “It feels I was just here!” Her belly is just starting to show she’s now in her third month. “Yeah sorry I’ll plan my births a little better next time” Silena says. “Hush Cass, you know what I meant” Natalie says with a shrug. “You know I love you.” “Auntie Natalie!” Brenda cries running up to give her daughter a hug. “You’re here!” “Yes, I am, and how old are you now princess?” “I’m Four!” Brenda says holding up four fingers. “Momma says I’ll be starting kindergarten in a year! I’m just in preschool now” She says. “Little Callie is just in daycare, she’s too little to go to preschool like me!” She says proudly. Brenda is wearing her nicest jeans with a green sweater. In her arms is the Tyr doll she’s had since she was two, it’s obvious it’s been through some rough times. There are patches all over it where Silena has had to sow it back together. “Do you want to show Natalie your doll?” Silena asks softly. “It’s the Norse god Tyr” She says. “Momma reads me stories about him sometimes, she says it’s im-important, that I know Norse Mi-myth-Mythology.” Natalie kneels and gives Brenda a big squeezing hug. “And what’s your favorite” “When Thor has to wear a dress, so the giant man can marry him” She says with a laugh. “It’s so funny.” Natalie nods and gives Brenda a kiss on her head. “Can you show me where Callie is?” Brenda takes Natalie’s hand and leads her to the other room. “She deserves to know her roots” She says to Johnny. “Who knows? It could help her one day.” “I know” Johnny says. “But those myths can be a bit bloody” “I know, I’m going for the most kid friendly versions I can. Telling them in the most kid-friendly way I can, I plan to do the same for Callie when she get’s older.” “What did you get Brenda this year?” Johnny asks. “A collection of figurines, that range from wizards to hunters, to rogues. “With all the play fighting she likes to do I thought it would be something she likes.” She smiles up at him. “You?” “A collection of toy vehicles.” The party goes on, Natalie gives Brenda a toy Sleipner, Odin’s mighty steed, that has eight legs. Brenda immediately puts Tyr on it and starts pretending, she uses the other figurines in a made-up story she came up with in her mind. Using the toy cars and planes and vehicles as carnage in her destructive path. Callie takes one of the toys and tries to put them in her mouth, but Selina rips the car out of Callie’s hand and gives her the rattle Johnny gave her two months before. “When’s the wedding?” “In ten months” “I should be fine” Natalie says. “I can find someone else” “Please, I’ve known you longer then anyone here, it has to be me, after all the crap you’ve been through, I want to be apart of the biggest night of your life.” “I think the birth of my two kids trumps that, besides travelling with a baby is difficult…” “I’ll have Fred with me” “Yeah speaking of Fred…” “I can do this Cassie, please have some faith in me?” “Ok, I do, I’m sorry” She says raising her hands in surrender. “I’m sorry.” “Yeah you better be” Natalie gives her a hug goodbye. “See you at the wedding.” “By!”   --- Planning a wedding hurts her head. Johnny is sitting on the floor with his own wooden sword pretending to have a sword fight with Brenda. While she looks through different venues for the wedding reception. “Can’t decide on a venue, I want to at least have it cut down to my final ten before I go to bed tonight” “How many people are we inviting.” “Natalie” She says. “Since she’s my maid of honor. I think she’s bringing Fredrick and Annabeth as her +2, apparently Fredrick’s been acting a bit morose.” She says with a roll of her eyes.   “Natalie is pregnant with the Norse demigod?” Johnny asks pretending to dodge Brenda’s attack. “Annabeth the Greek demigod?” “Yes” She says.  “Anyway that’s 3 technically four if Magnus is born before the wedding” “There are my parents” Johnny said lunging slowly his wooden sword hitting Brenda’s own sword. “That’s six, plus JD and his wife that’s 8” “My kids, that’s ten.” “Isn’t Brenda in the wedding, she’s the flower girl” “Yeah speaking of, are you going to have a ring bearer?” “I have a little nephew, I wanted to ask” “That’s 11 plus his parents that’s 13” “My grand parents that’s 15” “You’re friends from the Nome, sorry the entire Nome so that’s another 20, so… 35” “I have a few friends outside the Nome too, people I met in college, and people I met at work.” He says, and Brenda stabs him in the side. He groans and pretends to die to Brenda and her mother’s amusement.   Johnny works at as a DJ at the local bar, and, occasionally does gigs at local clubs with a few of his buddies in the House of Life. He plays acoustic guitar and sings in the band. It does not pay much, but it pays enough.   “Should have thought to make friends while I was in the orchestra, I could totally invite a few over.” She says with a sigh. “My side is going to look so empty” she says forlorn. Johnny jumps up and picks and Brenda who squeals in delight. “We’ll divide wedding differently so there are people on both sides” He says kissing her forehead. “Why did my family have to be a bunch of jerks?” “I’m not marrying your entire family, I’m marrying you and if your family couldn’t see the amazing woman you are then that’s their problem” “That one looks pretty” Johnny says picking out a venue. The room is cream colored and has a maximum of 100 people. “I have some friends from when I studied in Egypt, and I know Desjardin is going to be pissed if I don’t invite him. An invitation to Iskandar couldn’t hurt” She feels uneasy, while Johnny’s parents accepted her with open arms, (However hesitant they may have been at first” And the rest of Texas has accepted the fact that she has roman blood and two demigod kids she’s not entirely sure the rest of Egypt would be so accommodating. “Stop it, Iskandar is not as closed minded as you fear he is, Desjardin is not going to dare go against the chief lector and literally everyone else does not matter.” Johnny says kissing her on the for head. “Is mommy ok?” Brenda asks. She smiles at her daughter. “Yeah, daddy and I are just figuring things out for the wedding?” “Is that when Daddy will become my real daddy?” She says her eyes lighting up. Silena laughs and nods her head. “Yes, Brenda that’s exactly what that means.” --- The months pass, Silena agonizes over every choice. Where to honeymoon, if they should honeymoon, what to serve, where to host the actual wedding, what kind of wedding to have wedding. Suddenly the wedding is here, and she’s scared. Not that she’s making a mistake marrying Johnny but that something will go wrong. She’s nervous and anxious. “Ready?” Natalie asks. She’s in a Lilac dress. “Where’s your son?” She asks. The boy is now five months old. IT’s now June, Callie’s birthday is coming soon, she’ll be two. She thinks of how Callie has already started talking, can sit up, is already eating full foods. And Brenda is starting kindergarten soon. She remembers Johnny playing with her. She remembers Johnny making funny faces at Callie, making her laugh. She smiles. Yes. Marrying Johnny was right. She has no qualms about doing this. “He’s with Fredrick, Sitting with Annabeth in the front row.” “It was nice of Johnny to open a portal, so you could get here easily.” “Yes, it was,” Natalie acknowledges. “We really shouldn’t keep him waiting, forcing him to wait any longer to see the woman he loves looking lovely in that wide wedding dress.” The dress is white, her sleeves start off the shoulder. A string of pearls dangles from her neck. It belongs to Natalie. She’s wearing her bracelet that can transform into a shield. In her hair is her hair clip that can transform into a sword is fastened to her hair. Blue stones are glued to it. Her bouquet is filled with daisies, the blue lotus, roses, and lilies. She’s clutching them tightly and Natalie smiles and Silena turns and follows Natalie out the door. --- The wedding goes by in a blur. She spends the entire wedding eager for it to be over, so she can finally call Johnny her husband. They recite their vows. There the simple traditional vows that most people op to say. Silena is not as good with words as she is with music, and nothing she could say could beat the vows that have been there for several generations. She speaks calmly and surely giving her vow that she will love and cherish and love him for the rest of his life and Johnny is promising the same. She can feel her heart fluttering when Johnny takes her hand and slips the golden wedding band on her ring finger. “With this ring, I thee wed” He says softly. She places the wedding ring on his finger. “With this ring, I thee wed” She echoes him. Then the reverend announces. “I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride.” Johnny places a hand on her waist pulls her close and kisses her so deeply that she loses her breath for a moment. --- The reception afterwards is hectic. She stands outside in the hot sun receiving guests many whom she doesn’t know. Fredrick looks like a dear caught in headlights as he walks up with Annabeth. (Magnus Chase is in Natalie’s hands, under the shade of a tree.) Brenda is standing beside Selina shaking hands with everyone that comes by. Callie is already inside with her step-grandparents. Brenda wanted to stay with Johnny and Brenda since she’s a flower girl. But Callie was still a baby, and though she is a demigod she didn’t want her to be overheated so she asked Johnny’s parents to take Callie inside. “Brenda if he gets too hot, you tell me immediately ok?” She says as she shakes hands with an elderly man and a man with dark skin and black hair walked up to them. “Chief Lector Iskandar” Johnny says to the old man. “I’m so glad you could make it.” Iskandar is smiling. “There was no way I could miss a wedding such as this.” Iskandar says, his voice has a heavy Egyptian accent. Iskandar smiles at Selina. “I hope you are happy here” He says. “A girl with a burden as yours deserves the chance to have it shared.” “I would not wish my burdens on anyone Chief Lector” She says respectfully. “But I thank you.” “Have you met Michel Desjardins?” He asks motioning to the man beside him. Desjardin gaze is cold and uncaring. Selina can’t help but shrink under his gaze. Johnny holds her hand. Brenda clues in immediately and cuts in. “Stop making mommy scared” Brenda says, and she stomps hard on Desjardins foot. Desjardin gasps in pain and clasps his foot. “Brenda!” Selina cries picking Brenda up. “Say your sorry” “He was scaring you!” Brenda cries. “Never the less he did not deserve that, say your sorry” Brenda pouted. “I’m sorry” She forces out. “I want to go inside now” “Go” Natalie stands in. “It’s getting to hot, I’ll take her to her step-grandparents” Natalie says. “I’m not a baby” Brenda pouts she says stomping inside. “Nice child” Desjardin says sarcastically. “She seems to really care about her mother, it is a wonderful thing” Iskandar cuts in. “That should be acknowledged even if her show of her loyalty was a little to forward.” “She’s never done something like that before” Selina says. “Hmm” Desjardin says before he walks in with Iskandar beside him. --- “So, you’re Roman” Desjardins says. “A fact I hate more then you do.” She assures Desjardins. She’s not surprised he knows she hadn’t kept it a secret after she had told Johnny. She had even told Johnny to tell any one ‘who should be made aware.’ The entire Texan Nome new, as did Iskandar and Desjardin. But other then being made aware to the other Nomes that other mythologies are indeed real. Not much else was made aware of her background and her kids background. “Who already as two kids from two different mythologies, must be the Roman conquering blood in you.” “Get to the point” She says to him annoyed. “Betray the House of Life and you will answer to me.” “I betray the house of life, I’ll hand you my own sword.” She says. “Cassie!” Natalie calls running out to her. “Come on, what is the point of giving a speech to the bride and groom, if the bride isn’t there” She gives Desjardin a look. “You should sit too” “Thank you” She whispers once she’s out of Desjardins sight. “No worries” Natalie says. “Take a seat by your husband.” --- “So as most of you know, I am the brides best and only friend.” Natalie turned and stuck her tongue out at Selina, who returned the gesture. “I met her when she lived in Boston, already pregnant with little Brenda, she would stand out in rain and snow, playing her violin, making as much money as she could, trying to support herself. She endured all the glares and disgusted looks she got as her baby grew within her, and she never rose to the insults. She continued to play. Then after Brenda was born, I would take care of her, or my mom and dad would, ‘G-d bless their souls.” She says, Selina’s eyes started to tear up. “She tried to push me away, scared of what would happen if I got to close, so she told me her secret, told me that her father abused her, her first love was killed in front of her, her mother was killed, and still she found reason get up in the morning. I can still see it, she thinks she’s a coward for running away, but honestly to me… she’s the strongest woman I know.” Silena bit her lip. “Then she got a job as a violinist in an orchestra in New York, and met Callie’s father, and I thought, maybe she had nothing to worry about, maybe she’d finally be happy, she could stop worrying, she could be happy.” “I only wish I could beat the crap out of the guy who broke up with her over a fight, no scratch that, I wish I could beat the crap out of both the guys who broke her heart. But She did not beg, she did not cry, she let them go, and moved on.” “When she met Johnny, I could hardly hope that maybe she would find happiness with you, oh she had met other guys, that weren’t fathers of her children, but it seemed the second she mentioned that she had two kids by two different fathers they would find a reason to walk away. I found it a good sign that Johnny did not walk away, I found it even better when he treated Brenda with respect. He was understanding and kind, and he made Silena’s face light up brighter then the sun, she was the happiest I had ever seen when he asked her to marry him. He loved Brenda and Callie like his own children.” I love her kids, Brenda is feisty, and loyal, and a joy to be around. And I cannot wait to see the little spitfire that Callie grows into. They are all treasures and I am so happy that they get to have a father to help raise them.” Natalie sighs. “I hope the best for you two, after everything you’ve been through, Silena Cassie Julia Claudia Romano Maglieri,” Silena’s eyes widened at the use of all her previous names. “You deserve only the best.” Silena stood and gave Natalie the biggest hug she could. --- After that there was a quick speech from the Best man JD who gave a short quip over how Natalie’s was far better then his mainly because Johnny didn’t have a tragic backstory. But reaffirmed sweet things like Johnny was happiest he’s ever been, and they deserved to be together. It was cake, and dancing, Johnny danced with his mother and though Silena could not dance with her own father she decided to instead dance with her eldest daughter. Brenda was clumsy, but she had fun being spun around by her mother. After the parent-child dance Johnny and Silena danced together. “I love you, Lena” He whispered to her. “Forever and for always” Silena gave Johnny a long kiss, oblivious to all the people watching. “As I love you, Jonathan.” --- Brenda and Callie had been arranged to stay with their now official step-grandparents while Johnny and Silena went on their honeymoon. They went to Egypt and had phone seeing the sights, the pyramids, and he took her to see the special tour of the Hall of Ages, in the first nome. She watched in surprise as she saw her wedding play right in front of her. Iskandar let them sleep together in the nome, and she met some of the newest recruits to learning Egyptian magic. They spent a week in Egypt seeing the sights, before they headed off to Rome. To see Silena’s past. She saw the ruins of the palaces still standing, she saw the colosseum, she heard things about her father a former emperor that made her nearly cry. She saw everything Rome had to offer, and after those two weeks the two of them returned back home. --- A year later she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was surrounded by Natalie and her husband, and her two perfect kids. It had taken a long time to get to where she was going, but she finally felt happy and safe. “Kamilah O'Hare” She named her baby with a kiss to the baby’s forehead. “Little Ilah.”   Perhaps not everyone in the community likes her, perhaps they are a little distrustful of her, but so long as her family is ok, and they are like. Silena Cassie Julia Claudia Romano Magileri can handle just about anything that stands in her way. For the first time in a long time, she’s not just the emperor’s daughter. She’s a mother, a wife, a friend, a violinist, she’s strong, she smart, she is so deeply in love and is loved in return. And she wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. 
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disneytva · 4 years ago
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Christy Carlson Romano Involved In Something With Disney Channel’s Kiff
Disney TVA unveiled it’s 89th series overall Disney Channel’s Kiff and has many people talking about how cute of the concept however it seems that a old member from a old popular Disney Channel show is coming to the world of Kiff and Barry in one way, Christy Carlson Romano from Kim Possible posted on Disney Branded Television the following message on the series announcement on Instagram 
Not the first time she is going to probably voice or sing in a show with a female lead who has orange in her color and that her name starts with a K! ;)
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Probably she will voice a character or be the series main voice for the lead character Kiff or maybe sing the theme song and end credits however is nice to see like Brenda Song with Amphibia a old Disney Channel star returning to the humble begginings of their career 
Time will tell.. 
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disneydude94 · 3 years ago
Amphibia: Calamity War - Fancast
Here are some lists I made for each characters for fancast when you hear some voices inside of your head.
Brenda Song - Anne Boonchuy
Justin Felbinger - Sprig Plantar
Amanda Leighton - Polly Plantar
Bill Farmer - Hopadiah Plantar, Goofy, Pluto, Horace Horsecollar, and Sleepy
Anna Akana - Sasha Waybright
Haley Tju - Marcy Wu
Troy Baker - Captain Grime, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Loki Laufyson, and Whiplash
Bret Irwin - Mickey Mouse
Kaitlyn Robrock - Minnie Mouse, Webby, Clara Cluck, Fauna, and Felicia Sundew
Tony Anselmo - Donald Duck, Huey, Dewey, and Louie
Tress MacNeille - Daisy Duck, Chip, Gadget Hackwrench, Kanga, Merryweather, Princess Tatiana (TLK), Cannonball, Felix, and Doris
Corey Burton - Dale, Yen Sid, Ludwig Von Drake, Magic Mirror, Grumpy, Mad Hatter, Captain Hook, Frollo, and Chernabog
Matt Braly - Frobo and Chuck
On Braly - Mrs. Boonchuy
Brian Sounalath - Mr. Boonchuy
Keith David - King Andrias and Dr. Facilier
Michelle Dockery - Lady Olivia
Zehra Fazal - General Yunan
Susanne Blakeslee - Maleficent, Evil Queen, Cruella De Vil, and Valeriana
Jim Cummings - Pete, Darkwing Duck, Monterey Jack, Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, King Louie, Kaa, Cheshire Cat, Ed, Don Karnage, Negaduck, Big Bad Wolf, Hondo Ohnaka, the Shocker
Dee Bradley Baker - Bessie, Perry the Platypus, Pinky the Chihuahua, Diogee, Waddles the Pig, and Tick Tock the Crocodile.
April Winchell - Clarabelle Cow, Queen of Heart, Braddock, Fens, Tuti, and Sylvia (Wander Over Yander)
Katie Michelle Crown - Ivy Sundew
Jill Bartlett - Maddie Flour
James Patrick Stuart - One-Eyed Wally and Evil Emperor Zurg
Stephen Root - Mayor Toadstool
Laila Berzins - Sadie Croaker
Brian Maillard - Leopold Loggle
Marlow Barkley - Rosemary Flour
Mia Allan - Lavender Flour
Ella Allan - Ginger Flour
Mona Marshall - Sylvia Sundew
Matt Jones - Percy
Darin De Paul - Bog
Nicole Byer - Gertie
RuPaul Charles - Head of FBI Agent
Jason Marsden - Max Goof
Bernardo De Paula - Jose Carioca
Jaime Camil - Panchito Pistoles
Enn Reitel - Scrooge McDuck
Breck Bennett - Launchpad McQuack
Paget Brewster - Della Duck
Michael Bell - Quacker Jack
Maurice LaMarche - Mortimer Mouse
Rod Roddy - Microphone Mike
Daveigh Chase - Lilo Pelekai
Chris Sanders - Stitch
Tara Strong - Angel and Mary Jane Watson
Kevin Hamilton McDonald - Pleakley and Albus Duckweed
Kevin Michael Richardson - Gantu, Groot, and Mr. Flour
Rob Paulsen - Reuben, Steelbeak, and Gladstone Gander
Christy Carlson Romano - Kim Possible
Will Friedle - Ron Stoppable
John William DiMaggio - Dr. Drakken and Stumpy
Nicole Julianne Sullivan - Shego
Vincent Martella - Phineas Flynn
David Errigo Jr. - Ferb Fletcher
Ashely Tisdale - Candace Flynn
Alyson Stone - Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Maulik Pancholy - Baljeet Tjinder
Bobby Gaylor - Buford Van Stomm
Dan Povenmire - Heinz Doofesnhmirtz
Jeff "Swampy" Marsh - Major Monogram
Mitchell Musso - Jeremy Johnson
Kelly Hu - Stacy Hirano
Michaela Zee - Ginger Hirano
Ariel Winter - Gretchen
Madison Pettis - Adyson Sweetwater
Diamond White - Holly
Isabella Acres - Katie
Isabella Murad - Milly
Olivia Olson - Vanessa Doofenshmritz
Tyler Alexander Mann - Carl Karl
Jason Ritter - Dipper Pines
Kristen Joy Schaal - Mabel Pines, Trixie, and Bella the Bellhop
Alex Hirsch - Stanley Pines, Soos, Bill Cipher, King Clawthorne, and Hooty
J.K. Simmons - Stanford Pines
Linda Edna Cardellini - Wendy Corduroy
Eden Sher - Star Butterfly
Adam McArthur - Marco Diaz
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Milo Murphy
Sabrina Carpenter - Melissa Chase
Mekai Curtis - Zack Underwood
Chris Houghton - Cricket Green
Marieve Herington - Tilly Green
Bob Joles - Bill Greens and Sneezy
Wendi McLendon-Covey - Nancy Green
Artemis Pebdani - Alice Green
Jeff Bennett - Merlin, Lumiere, White Rabbit, March Hare, Bashful, Mr. Smee, Zazu, and Hamsterviel
Frank Welker - Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Figaro, Abu, Rajah, Pegasus, Cri-kee, Sparky, Kixx, Spooky, Yin, Yang, Splodyhead, and Slushy
Audrey Wasilewski - Ortensia the Cat
Cary Elwes - Gus the Gremlin
Brad Garret - Eeyore
Travis Oates - Piglet
Tom Kenny - Rabbit
Aidan McGraw - Roo
Pamela Ribon - Snow White
André Sogliuzzo - Doc
Joseph Ricci - Pinocchio
Joe Ochman - Jiminy Cricket
Rosalyn Landor - Blue Fairy
Jennifer Hale - Cinderella
Grey Griffin - Fairy Godmother, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers and Roxanne
Blayne Weaver - Peter Pan
Kate Higgins - Princess Aurora
Barbara Dirickson - Flora
Charles Fleischer - Roger Rabbit and Benny the Cab
Jodi Benson - Princess Ariel
Philip Lawrence - Sébastien
Pat Carrol - Ursula
Paige O'Hara - Belle
Robby Benson - Beast
Richard White - Gaston
Scott Weinger - Aladdin
Linda Larkin - Princess Jasmine
Dan Castellaneta - Genie and Megavolt
Johnathan Freeman - Jafar
Gilbert Gottfried - Iago
Cam Clarke - Simba
Kevin Schon - Timon and Happy
Ernie Sabella - Pumbaa
Khary Payton - Rafiki
David Oyelowo - Scar
Whoopi Goldberg - Shenzi
Cheech Marin - Banzai
Irene Bedard - Pocahontas
Tom Hanks - Woody
Tim Allen - Buzz Lightyear
Joan Cusack - Jessie
Annie Potts - Bo Peep
John Ratzenberger - Hamm and Yeti
Wallace Shawn - Rex
Pat Fraley - Mr. Potato Head
Estelle Harris - Mrs. Potato Head
Blake Clark - Slinky Dog
Jeff Pidgeon - Little Green Men
Tony Hale - Forky
Madeleine McGraw - Bonnie Anderson
Tate Donavan - Hercules
Susan Egan - Megera
James Woods - Hades
Bobcat Goldthwait - Pain and Nosey
Matt Frewer - Panic
Ming-Na Wen - Fa Mulan
Mark Mosely - Mushu
Billy Crystal - Mike Wazowski
John Goodman - James P. Sullivan and Baloo
Hayden Rolence - Nemo
Albert Brookes - Marlin
Ellen DeGeneres - Dory
Craig T. Nelson - Mr. Incredible
Holly Hunter - Elastigirl
Sarah Vowell - Violet Parr
Huck Milner - Dash Parr
Owen Wilson - Lightning McQueen
Larry the Cable Guy - Tow Mater
Anika Noni Rose - Princess Tiana and Dr. Jan
Bruno Campos - Prince Naveen
Michael-Leon Wooley - Louis
Mandy Moore - Rapunzel
Zachery Levi - Flynn Ryder
Kelly Macdonald - Merida
John C. Reilly - Wreck-It Ralph
Sarah Silverman - Vanellope VonSchweetz
Jack McBrayer - Fix-It Felix Jr., Toadie, Irving Du Bois, and Wander
Jane Lynch - Sergeant Calhoun
Idina Menzel - Elsa
Kristen Bell - Anna
Johnathan Groff - Kristoff
Josh Gad - Olaf
Scott Adsit - Baymax
Ryan Potter - Hiro Hamada
Jamie Chung - GoGo Tomago
Khary Payton - Wasabi
Genesis Rodriguez - Honey Lemon
TJ Miller - Fred Fredrickson
Kaitlyn Dias - Riley Anderson
Amy Poehlher - Joy
Phyllis Smith - Sadness
Mindy Kaling - Disgust
Lewis Black - Anger
Bill Hader - Fear
Ginnifer Goodwin - Judy Hopps
Jason Bateman - Nick Wilde
Auli'i Cravalho - Moana
Dwayne Johnson - Maui
Drake Bell - Spider-Man/Peter Parker
Dove Cameron - Spider-Gwen/Gwen Stacy
Ogie Banks - Kid Arachnid/Mile Morales/Spider-Man
Roger Craig Smith - Captain America/Steve Rogers and Sonic the Hedgehog
Mick Wingert - Iron Man /Tony Stark
Travis Willingham - Thor Odinson
Frederick Owen Tatasciore - Hulk and Soggy Joe
Laura Bailey - Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
James C. Mathis III - Black Panther/T'Challa
Kathreen Khavari - Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan
Jack Coleman - Doctor Strange
A.J. LoCasio - Star Lord/Peter Quill
Vanessa Marshall - Gamora
David Sobolov - Drax the Destroyer
Nolan North - Rocket Raccoon and Deadpool/Wade Wilson
Samuel L. Jackson - Nick Fury and Frozone
Clark Gregg - Phil Coulson
Matt Lanter - Venom
Liam O'Brian - Red Skull
Charlie Adler - M.O.D.O.K.
Clancy Brown - Taskmaster and Red Hulk
Anthony Daniels - C-3PO
Daisy Ridley - Rey
John Boyega - Finn
Oscar Isaac - Poe Dameron
James Arnold Taylor - Lieutenant Bek
Adam Drivers - Kylo Ren
Domhall Gleeson - General Hux
Michael Giacchino - FN-3181
Daniel Craig - First Order Stormtrooper
Jeff Leech - First Order Stormtrooper
Matt Vogel - Kermit the Frog, Floyd Pepper, Sweetums, Uncle Deadly, Camilla the Chicken, and Crumpet the Frog
Eric Jacobson - Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Animal, and Sam the Eagle
Dave Goelz - Gonzo, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Zoot, Waldorf, and Figment
David Rudman - Scooter, Beaker, and Janice
Bill Barretta - Pepe the King Prawn, Swedish Chef, Dr. Teeth, Rowlf the Dog, and Big Mean Carl
Peter Linz - Walter and Statler
Ikue Otani - Pikachu
Sarah-Nicole Robles - Luz Noceda
Wendie Malick - Eda Clawthorne
Mae Whitman - Amity Blight
Tati Gabrielle - Willow Park
Isaac Ryan Brown - Gus Willow
Zeno Robinson - Hunter
Matthew Rhys - Emperor Belos
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weaverlegaspi · 4 years ago
An October That Ends in August - Part 2/3
Chapter Two
“Peter, did you hear-- Kerry’s a lesbian.”
Peter responded, but didn’t look up from the journal he was reading as Shirley got a cup of coffee. “Good for her.”
“I guess that she and Kim Legaspi were going out, but, it blew up because of Romano.”
That got Peter’s attention, “Excuse me?”
Shirley held her hands up, “I’m just repeating what I heard. I’ve always sorta liked her. No nonsense. We could use more of that in this hospital, and less… shenanigans. Less coming and going… fewer… interpersonal relationships within a department that implode.” 
She gave Peter a look that he totally missed as he stood. “Thank you Shirley.”
She watched him leave the lounge, “She actually listened to the nurses and support staff…”
“We must do something about this Mark.”
Mark shook his head, “You don’t even like her Elizabeth.”
Elizabeth bristled, “That isn’t true Mark. I didn’t like how she handled your tumor, but, the rumor is that her vacation was actually a suspension. And I will not let that happen to a co-worker. To a female co-worker. Obviously Romano is making another play for the Emergency Department head job. Again.” She met Mark’s eyes, challenging him, “Is that what you want Mark? There are worse things than Kerry Weaver.”
“Carl, is it a good idea to rile Doctor Romano?”
“Oh, you mean in response to the fact that he suspended and fired my subordinate without a word to me either time? Oh, he’s not going to know what hit him.”
The psychiatric nurse gave a pregnant pause, “I believe he’s trying to get Kerry fired too.”
“Nope. I like her. That’s not going to happen either.”
The nurse blinked, “You like her? No one likes her, liked her, except for Kim… Dr. Legaspi.”
“Enough. I like her enough. I’ll be in Romano’s office if anyone needs me.”
“Randi. What did you do?”
Randi put on her most innocent look, and turned, “Who me?”
Abby crossed her arms over her chest, “Someone or someones from almost every department is about to descend on Robert Romano’s office furious and all for different reasons.” Abby paused, “Randi.”
Randi was silent for another moment, then shrugged, “Look. She’s always been good to me. Kerry has. In this dump heap she’s my favorite person. We started around the same time, and while she’s a hard taskmaster, she’s also always fair. I-- she’s my friend. I think.” Randi smirked, “I did get her the Chief of the ER position,” her grin dimmed, “and she’s in pain. Getting-- Romano-- off her back. It’s the least I can do. And, I didn’t lie to anyone, I was just a little birdie whispering in their ears.”
Abby shook her head, “Remind me to never be your enemy Miranda Fronczak. You’re… a force.”
Randi gave a bow, “Thank you very much.” She changed the subject, “I think Luka was looking for you.”
Abby put down the chart in her hands, “Later. I’m going to go watch the fireworks. You coming?”
“Frank. I’m taking my break.” Randi put her arm through Abby’s, “So, are you straight or a bit bendable Abigail Lockhart?”
Randi laughed.
“Are you sure Kerry?”
Kerry nodded, “I will be forever grateful for what working at County has given me. What I’ve learned here. Who I’ve met here.” She quirked an eyebrow, “Even what I’ve learned from you Robert. But, my time here needs to come to an end. Sure. I could try and fight for a bigger role. I’d win too. You wouldn’t know what hit you. It’d take me…” she stared off for a second, “...two years at the most. But, it wouldn’t make me happy.”
Romano shook his head and sat back in his chair, “The blonde. Legaspi. She’s not worth it Kerry.”
“Why, because she turned you down?”
“Because she’s a pretty one, and we’re not. We’re the hard workers, the plains, the ones with the money and power. The pretty ones, oh, they’ll like you for awhile, but, then they’ll be gone, leaving your destroyed heart behind.” He was silent for a moment, “You’re the flame, steadfast and true, she’s just a moth that will either fly away or die. No matter how much you love her, she will never love you as much.”
Kerry stood perfectly still for so long that Romano pushed away from his desk and stood. “Don’t give me that look Kerry. I’m obviously not talking about myself. I’m the Chief of Staff at County General Hospital in Chicago, not to mention a damn amazing surgeon. I want for nothing, and have sex whenever I want it. Don’t feel bad for me.”
“I hope that you can heal from whatever, whoever, hurt you Robert.”
Romano stopped in front of Kerry, “Now. What’s going to happen is that I’m going to give you platonic and in no way sexually harassing hug. And if you ever tell anyone, I will kill you.”
Kerry was stiff as Romano wrapped his arms around her. After a moment, though, when it became apparent that he was simply doing what he said he was going to do, she reciprocated, hugging him back. Then they separated. Kerry spoke, “That was weird.”
Romano nodded, “It was, let’s never do it again.”
Brenda’s voice came over the interoffice intercom. “Doctor Romano, there are… quite a few people waiting to talk to you. And they don’t seem to care that you’re in a meeting.”
“Kerry. Good luck. Perhaps you’ll have better luck with your pretty one than I did.”
Before Kerry could respond the door banged open and everyone that had been outside streamed in. From Janet Coburn, to Peter, to Elizabeth, to Carl, and even more. Kerry slipped out in the melee. As she got past the doorway she turned back towards the office. She put her fingers to her chin and then moved her hand towards Robert. The ASL sign for Thank You. Robert inclined his head and focused on his office intruders and their demands.
Kerry found Randi by the elevator and pulled her into an empty conference room. Randi smirked, “Gonna ravage me?”
“You will fix this once I’m gone?”
Randi nodded, her face serious, “I will. I-- there are many people in this hospital who will be sad to see you go. Some here even like you.”
Kerry put a hand to Randi’s cheek for a moment, “Thank you Randi. You’ve always been there for me.”
Randi swallowed, “I’ve always considered you a friend.”
Kerry shook her head, “No, no…” she hugged Randi, “We’re sisters Miranda.”
They parted and Randi cleared her throat a couple of times, “That… make sure to call me when you get there. When you get back together too.” She smirked, “Maybe she has a brother.”
“No, her brother Thomas Jr., TJ died in her arms when she was a kid.” Kerry grinned, “She does have a twin sister though, Carol.”
Randi opened and closed her mouth, “Identical?” Kerry nodded, “There are two of them?”
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rigginsstreet · 5 years ago
riverparents + which 00's disney channel star they would have stanned if they'd been preteens at the time
this is... such an important question thank you
fp - raviv (ricky) ullman
gladys - raven symone
mary - christy carlson romano
fred- dylan sprouse lmfao (nobody argue with me young fred has the same energy as zack martin)
hermione- brenda song
hiram - orlando brown
alice - aly michalka
hal - ashley tisdale
penelope - anneliese van der pol
tom - shia labeouf
sierra - kyla pratt
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jccamus · 5 years ago
Los mejores libros de 2019 han sido escritos por mujeres
Los mejores libros de 2019 han sido escritos por mujeres https://ift.tt/2YVJftV
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BARCELONA — Este año termina con el regreso a nuestras librerías de dos referentes de la literatura contemporánea. La editorial Adriana Hidalgo reivindica a la argentina Hebe Uhart con las más de mil páginas que suman Novelas completas y Cuentos completos. Y Alfaguara rescata la mejor novela de la mexicana Elena Garro, Los recuerdos del porvenir, incluyendo en el volumen textos de Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Isabel Mellado, Lara Moreno, Guadalupe Nettel y Carolina Sanín, a modo de manifiesto colectivo hispanoamericano.
Si durante estos doce meses se ha acelerado exponencialmente la reconsideración de la importancia de las grandes creadoras del siglo XX ha sido, en buena parte, gracias a la visibilidad y el reconocimiento que han obtenido obras extraordinarias escritas por mujeres. Finalmente, han empezado a ocupar el lugar protagónico que merecen. La mayoría de los mejores libros publicados durante 2019 en nuestra lengua son de autoría femenina. Aunque pertenezcan a países, tendencias o géneros distintos, comparten un lenguaje de alta intensidad, con carga tanto poética como política, y el interés por las relaciones corporales y familiares, casi siempre atravesadas por la violencia.
Se trata de ficciones que denuncian la violencia de género o la desigualdad en las sociedades humanas y —explícita o implícitamente— en la esfera editorial y en la historia de la literatura. La cuarta ola feminista y el sentido común han empezado a coincidir. Gracias a la insistencia de los grupos activistas y a la conciencia de la academia y del resto de instituciones —políticas y mediáticas—, la reivindicación se ha vuelto tanto conciencia como tendencia. La industria de la edición ha tomado buena nota de ello. Y las escritoras emergentes se están beneficiando, con ambición, de la confianza que el nuevo ecosistema está depositando en ellas.
El libro más fascinante que he leído este año es La compañía, de Verónica Gerber Bicecci, un brillante ejercicio de apropiación y remix que, a partir de los fantasmas de una familia, se adentra en las ruinas de la minería en México. Está en sintonía con el último ensayo traducido de Donna J. Haraway, Seguir con el problema, porque tanto la escritora y artista mexicana como la pensadora estadounidense recurren a la hibridación de lenguajes, a la síntesis entre campos distintos del saber y a estrategias de la ficción especulativa para llegar al núcleo más creativo de nuestra época, el que ignora todas las fronteras.
Muy probablemente sean Nuestra parte de noche, de Mariana Enríquez, y Desierto sonoro, de Valeria Luiselli, las dos novelas extensas en español más importantes del año. Coinciden en la voluntad de recuperar, mediante relatos de viaje, la ambición formal y estructural de las grandes novelas latinoamericanas de la década de los sesenta. Pero difieren en sus estrategias: mientras que en el volumen de la argentina Enriquez, de género fantástico, predominan el narrador omnisciente y los diálogos clásicos; en el de la mexicana Luiselli, de corte realista, encontramos un sofisticado artefacto narrativo, con múltiples voces y planos. Comparten el foco en las complejas relaciones entre padres e hijos y la obsesión por los desaparecidos.
Sobre los mismos temas versan las tres breves primeras novelas que más han destacado este año en América Latina. A la madre de la protagonista de Cometierra, de la argentina Dolores Reyes, la ha matado su padre. En Nuestra piel muerta, de la ecuatoriana Natalia García Freire, Lucas dice: “Su cuerpo, padre, que ahora encogido se debe parecer más al mío de lo que los dos podemos imaginar. Como un espejo esta tierra. Yo de un lado. Usted del otro”. Y en Casas vacías, de la mexicana Brenda Navarro, leemos: “¿Qué es un desaparecido? Es un fantasma que te persigue como si fuera parte de una esquizofrenia”. Los supervivientes narran heridas profundas, en los tres casos, en primera persona. La desaparición y la muerte son, para ellos, las otras dos dimensiones de la vida.
El verano en que mi madre tuvo los ojos verdes, de Tatiana Ţîbuleac, es otra novela poderosa que aborda el difícil diálogo familiar. El narrador acompaña durante sus últimos meses a su madre, enferma terminal, mientras construye un discurso inestable que oscila entre el odio y el lirismo. Que la narradora moldava haya logrado su reconocimiento internacional con ese libro —ganador del Premio de Literatura de la Unión Europa— señala que la maternidad, observada desde todos los puntos de vista posibles, es un viejo argumento universal que vive su mejor momento.
Los contrastes de las relaciones de pareja también son explorados en la literatura de nuestros tiempos algorítmicos. En los relatos de Mi marido es de otra especie, Yukiko Motoya —la escritora más premiada de la literatura japonesa actual— reactualiza la tradición kafkiana para diseccionar con distancia y muchísimo humor la institución del matrimonio. Y la canadiense Anne Carson, que ha pensado en serio la pasión desde la Antigüedad hasta hoy, firma una obra maestra, La belleza del marido. Pocas veces el amor, los celos, la infidelidad o la separación han llevado tan lejos el lenguaje poético: “Y de las verdaderas mentiras de la poesía / se filtró una pregunta. / ¿Qué une realmente a las palabras con las cosas? / No mucho, decidió mi marido / y procedió a usar el lenguaje / del modo en que según Homero suelen los dioses”.
Si en América Latina y otros países del mundo han brillado las ficciones escritas por autoras, en España han sido dos libros de ensayo los más comentados. Se trata de El infinito en un junco, de Irene Vallejo, un viaje muy libre y muy sabio y muy digresivo por el mundo del libro desde la creación de la Biblioteca de Alejandría hasta la caída del Imperio romano; y de El enemigo conoce el sistema, de Marta Peirano, una exploración incisiva y amena de las tácticas que usan los gigantes de internet para espiarnos, cuantificarnos y traficar con nuestros datos.
Son, a simple vista, dos obras antitéticas; pero yo las veo complementarias. En nuestras vidas negocian y conviven el papel y el código, las pieles y los píxeles. Las relaciones tóxicas y el machismo existen tanto en los hogares o los ámbitos laborales como en las redes sociales o la televisión. En la mayoría de los libros más influyentes de 2019 han predominado los cuerpos, la familia y los territorios físicos; pero es muy probable que ya estén escritos los que el próximo año abordarán también la otra mitad de lo real, la de los algoritmos y las pantallas.
Jorge Carrión (@jorgecarrion21) es escritor y crítico cultural. Su libro más reciente es Contra Amazon.
https://ift.tt/2Ep7Xte via The New York Times December 17, 2019 at 02:06PM
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tonin-terets · 2 years ago
THIS IS HAVAIANAS DC | Maldita from The Youth on Vimeo.
See the full project breakdown: behance.net/gallery/149204628/This-is-Havaianas
Trilha original Director's Cut por "Os Diagonais"
Produtora de imagem: The Youth Diretor: Maldita Produtor: Daniel Maia Direção Criativa: João Machado Produção Executiva: Carol Cherobim e João Machado Atendimento: Carol Cherobim e Camila Pires Financeiro: Iza Lubiazi Pós-produção/ VFX: COLOSSAL Supervisão de pós-produção: Diogo Gameiro Montagem: Maldita Montagem DC: Maria Luísa Machado Conform: André Albuquerque e Victor Balestrin Motion: Adelir Boeira e Janaína Veiga 3D: Vinícius Lavor, Leandro Beltran, Everton Schneider, Lucas Pereira, Henrique Miranda, Bruno Cornelsen, Daniel Meurer e Sacha Carletti Finalização: Luciana Lima Direção de Arte: Rodolfo Garcia Composição lead: Adelir Boeira Composição: Emerson Cordeiro Junior, Gabriel Rocha e Marcos Rigobello Coordenação de Animação: Lu Krasa e Renata Peterlini Supervisor de Clean Up: Thallyson Mikael Assistente de Produção: Gabriela Alves Assistente Criativa: Bianca Leal Storyboard: Gustavo Santos Concept art: Fernando Molina Ilustração lead: Fernando Molina, Diogo Saraiva Ilustração: Studio Lasca, Eduardo Rosa, Lucas Sales, Pevê Azevedo, Marília Mafé e Geff Silva. Animação: André Ruivo, Geovani Angelo, Natália Faria, Guma Nutinski, Bruno Brasil, Rafael Pah, Robb Reis, Pedro Solano, Murilo Prudêncio, Felipe Emerson, Thalyne Chrystyna, Arthemis Iannuzzi, Robson Vilalba, Pedro Peluso, Jaison Roberto, Deco Daviola, Thomás Lóes, Diones Ignacio e Higor Fernandes. Assistência de animação: Thallyson Mikael, Mateuz Fernandes, Gui Klein, Brenda Maryan, Moacyr Neto, Diones Ignacio, Rosinaldo Lages, Thalyne Chrystyna, Bruno Martin, Sabrina Melo, Pedro Solano e Willian Lieder.
Agência: AlmapBBDO Anunciante: Alpargatas Cliente: Havaianas Campanha: This is Havaianas CCO: Pernil Diretores de Criação: Antonia Zobaran, Fernando Duarte e Henrique Del Lama Criação: Carlos Yanke, Michele Gorodski, Andre Paulo Arteze, Sara de Souza, Vitor Chagas, Marcos Lee, Gustavo Tasselli, Francis França, Bruno Bizuti, Victor Yves, Hiroito Takashi e Vinicius Biss Atendimento: Maysa Lopes, Camila Weissheimer, Guilherme Alcatrão, Mariana Silveira, Warley Vieira, Mayara Cortez, Milena Ferezim, Cairo Ribas e Leonardo Stevanato Planejamento: João Gabriel Fernandes e Janaína Agostini Produção Audiovisual: Diego Villas Bôas, Tatiana Angelim Martins e Vera Jacinto Aprovação do Cliente: Fernanda Romano, Maria Fernanda Albuquerque, Matheus Gonzalez, Maria Eduarda Manga e Mariana Corradi
Produtora de Som: Cabaret Produção Musical: Guile Oliveira e Letícia Medeiros Compositor: André Henrique Mixagem: Gab Scatolin Finalização: Letícia Medeiros Atendimento: Ingrid Lopes, Flávia Caparelli e Bárbara Russiano Coordenação: Verusca Garcia, Chandra Lima, Débora Mello e Carol Oliveira Locução Português e Inglês: Maria Eduarda Manga Locução Espanhol: Maria Carolina Lapolli ME
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collectorscorner · 6 years ago
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AFTERSHOCK COMICS Animosity #16, $3.99 Hot Lunch Special #3, $3.99 Last Space Race #1 (Cover A Alex Shibao), $3.99 Last Space Race #1 (Cover B Juan Doe), $3.99 Moth And Whisper #2, $3.99
AHOY COMICS Wrong Earth #2, $3.99
ALBATROSS FUNNYBOOKS Spookhouse 2 #2 (c 4), $3.99
ARCANA STUDIO Supersonic GN, $14.95
ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie Halloween Spectacular #1, $2.99 Archie Volume 6 TP, $17.99 Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #267, $6.99 Jughead The Hunger #9 (Cover A Adam Gorham), $3.99 Jughead The Hunger #9 (Cover B Thomas Pitilli), $3.99 Jughead The Hunger #9 (Cover C Marguerite Sauvage), $3.99
ASPEN COMICS Artifact One #1 (Cover A Romina Moranelli), $3.99 Artifact One #1 (Cover B J. P. Mavinga), $3.99 Artifact One #1 (Cover C Romina Moranelli), AR
ATTA BOY Hi-Fructose Magazine Quarterly #49, $8.95
BLACK MASK COMICS Black AF Widows And Orphans #3, $3.99 Devil Within #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Maan House & Meghan Hetrick), $3.99 Devil Within #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Meghan Hetrick), $3.99 Oh S#!t It's Kim And Kim #3, $3.99 Survival Fetish #4, $3.99 We Are Danger #3, $3.99 Wilds #5, $3.99
BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT Warcraft The Sunwell Trilogy Volume 2 Shadows Of Ice TP, $12.95 Warcraft The Sunwell Trilogy Volume 3 Ghostlands TP, $12.95 World Of Warcraft Volume 4 HC, $14.95
BOOM! STUDIOS Adventure Time Season 11 #1 (Cover A Jorge Corona), $3.99 Adventure Time Season 11 #1 (Cover B Julie Benbasset), $3.99 Adventure Time Season 11 #1 (Cover C Audrey Mok), AR Adventure Time Season 11 #1 (Cover D Paul Pope), AR Adventure Time Season 11 #1 (Cover E Lucas Werneck), AR Amory Wars III Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV #12 (Of 12)(Cover A Rags Morales), $3.99 Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock Journey To The Everspring GN, $9.99 Kong On The Planet Of The Apes TP, $19.99 Rugrats Volume 2 TP, $14.99 RuinWorld #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Derek Laufman), $3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #13 (Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #13 (Cover B Miguel Mercado Ranger Variant), $3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #13 (Cover C Audrey Mok), $3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #13 (Cover D Natacha Bustos Movie Variant), AR Thrilling Adventure Hour Volume 1 A Spirited Romance TP (not verified by Diamond), $14.99
CINESTATE FANGORIA Fangoria Volume 2 #1, $19.79
COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1634, AR
DANGER ZONE Dollface #16 (Cover A Dan Mendoza, $4.99 Zombie Tramp #53 (Cover A Celor), $4.99
DARK HORSE COMICS EC Archives The Haunt of Fear Volume 5 HC, $49.99 Gantz G Volume 2 TP, $13.99 Incognegro Renaissance HC, $19.99 Joe Golem Occult Detective The Drowning City #2 (Of 5), $3.99 Plants Vs Zombies Volume 11 War And Peas HC, $9.99 Quantum Age #3 (Cover A Wilfredo Torres), $3.99 Quantum Age #3 (Cover B Marco Rudy), $3.99 She Could Fly #4, $4.99
DC COMICS Absolute Kingdom Come HC (New Edition), $99.99 Border Town #1 (Ramon Villalobos 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Catwoman #4 (Cover A Joelle Jones), $3.99 Catwoman #4 (Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau), AR Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1, $9.99 DC Essential Graphic Novels 2019, AR Detective Comics #990 (Cover A John Paul Leon), $3.99 Detective Comics #990 (Cover B Mark Brooks), AR Flash #56 (Cover A Dan Panosian), $3.99 Flash #56 (Cover B Howard Porter), AR Hawkman #5 (Cover A Bryan Hitch), $3.99 Hawkman #5 (Cover B Matteo Scalera), AR House Of Whispers #2, $3.99 MAD Presents Don't Let The Penguin Drive The Batmobile HC, $14.99 Plastic Man #5 (Of 6), $3.99 Red Hood And The Outlaws The New 52 Omnibus Volume 1 HC, $99.99 Red Hood Outlaw #27 (Cover A Pete Woods), $3.99 Red Hood Outlaw #27 (Cover B Yasmine Putri), AR Scooby Apocalypse #30 (Cover A Patrick Olliffe & Tom Palmer), $3.99 Scooby Apocalypse #30 (Cover B James Harren), AR Suicide Squad #47 (Cover A Dan Panosian), $3.99 Suicide Squad #47 (Cover B Francesco Mattina), AR Supergirl #23 (Cover A Stanley Artgerm Lau), $3.99 Supergirl #23 (Cover B Amanda Conner), AR Superman #4 (Cover A Ivan Reis & Joe Prado), $3.99 Superman #4 (Cover B Adam Hughes), AR Terrifics Volume 1 Meet The Terrifics TP, $16.99 Titans #27 (Cover A Clayton Henry), $3.99 Titans #27 (Cover B Jose Luis), AR Wildstorm Michael Cray #12, $3.99 Wonder Woman #56 (Cover A Yasmine Putri), $3.99 Wonder Woman #56 (Cover B Jenny Frison), AR
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Art Of Troma HC, $34.99 Art Of Troma HC (Deluxe Edition), $129.99 Barbarella Volume 1 Red Hot Gospel TP, $17.99 Boys Volume 1 The Name Of The Game TP (Signed Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $16.99 Boys Volume 10 Butcher Baker TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 12 The Bloody Doors Off TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 2 Get Some TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 3 Good For The Soul TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 4 We Gotta Go Now TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 5 Herogasm TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 7 The Innocents TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 8 Highland Laddie TP (Signed Edition), $24.99 Boys Volume 9 The Big Ride TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover A Mike S. Miller), $3.99 George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover B Mel Rubi), $3.99 George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover C Mike S. Miller Black & White Variant), AR George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover D Mel Rubi Black & White Variant), AR George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover E Mike S. Miller Virgin Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover B Ed Benes), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover C John Royle), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover D Philip Tan), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover E Stephen Segovia), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover F Sergio Davila), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover G Francesco Mattina Virgin Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover H Stephen Segovia Black & White Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover I Ed Benes Virgin Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover J Stephen Segovia Virgin Variant), AR Pumpkinhead Volume 1 Sins Revisited TP (not verified by Diamond), $19.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover A Walter Geovani), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover B Sergio Davila), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover C Aaron Lopresti), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover D Roberto Castro), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover E Walter Geovani Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover F Sergio Davila Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover G Aaron Lopresti Black & White Variant), AR Shadow The Death Of Margo Lane HC (Limited Edition), $39.99 Vampirella Volume 2 The God You Know TP, $19.99
FAB PRESS Renegade Westerns Movies That Shot Down Frontier Myths SC, $39.95
FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND Famous Monsters Of Filmland #290 (2018 Annual), $24.99
FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Disney Masters Volume 5 Romano Scarpa Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse The Phantom Blot's Double Mystery HC, $29.99 Pogo The Complete Syndicated Comic Strips Volume 5 Out Of This World At Home HC, $45.00
FILMFAX Filmfax #152, $9.95
FIRST SECOND Zita The Spacegirl Trilogy Box Set, $38.97
GALLERY 13 Stephen King's The Dark Tower Beginnings Volume 5 The Battle Of Jericho Hill HC, $24.99
HACHETTE PARTWORKS Doctor Who The Complete History Volume 78 The Twelfth Doctor Stories 259-261 HC, $18.99
HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE Iron Maiden Legacy Of The Beast TP, $9.99
HISTORY PRESS 007 Diaries Filming Live And Let Die HC, $24.95
IDW PUBLISHING Beauty Of Horror Ghosts Of Christmas Coloring Book SC, $12.99 Donald And Mickey The Walt Disney Showcase Collection TP, $24.99 Dread Gods #4 (Cover A Tom Raney), $3.99 Dread Gods #4 (Cover B Bart Sears), $3.99 Dread Gods #4 (Cover C Kelley Jones), AR Frankenstein Alive Alive The Complete Collection HC, $24.99 From Hell Master Edition #1 (Cover A Eddie Campbell), $7.99 Girl Town TP, $19.99 Great Treasury Of Christmas Comic Book Stories TP, $24.99 Impossible Incorporated #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike Cavallaro), $3.99 Jekyll Island Chronicles Volume 2 A Devil's Reach GN, $19.99 Magica De Spell Giant Halloween Hex #1 (Cover A Francisco Rodriguez Peinado), $5.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Volume 15 TP, $17.99 My Little Pony Nightmare Knights #1 (Cover A Tony Fleecs), $3.99 My Little Pony Nightmare Knights #1 (Cover B Brenda Hickey), $3.99 My Little Pony Nightmare Knights #1 (Cover C Andy Price), AR Punks Not Dead Volume 1 Teenage Kicks TP, $19.99 Star Trek Discovery Succession TP, $19.99 Star Wars Adventures Tales From Vader's Castle #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures Tales From Vader's Castle #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Kelly Jones), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures Tales From Vader's Castle #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Francesco Francavilla Black & White Variant), AR Tangled Hair-Raising Adventures #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Eduard Petrovich & Rosa La Barbera), $3.99 Tangled Hair-Raising Adventures #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Gabby Zapata), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe Volume 5 The Coming Doom TP, $19.99 Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Alex Milne), $4.99 Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover B James Raiz), $4.99 Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Fico Ossio), AR Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover D Francesco Francavilla), AR
IMAGE COMICS Beauty #24 (Cover A Jeremy Haun & Nick Filardi), $3.99 Beauty #24 (Cover B Thomas Nachlik & Nick Filardi), $3.99 Birthright #32, $3.99 Bully Wars #2 (Cover A Aaron Conley), $3.99 Bully Wars #2 (Cover B Skottie Young), $3.99 Bully Wars #2 (Cover C Matthew Allison), $3.99 Crowded #3 (Cover A Ro Stein/Ted Brandt/Triona Farrell), $3.99 Crowded #3 (Cover B Rosi Kampe), $3.99 Crowded #3 (Cover C Ro Stein/Ted Brandt/Triona Farrell We Believe Virgin Variant), $3.99 Farmhand #4, $3.99 Hey Kids Comics #3, $3.99 Infinite Dark #1, $3.99 Kick-Ass #8 (Cover A Marcelo Frusin), $3.99 Kick-Ass #8 (Cover B Marcelo Frusin), $3.99 Kick-Ass #8 (Cover C David Mack), $3.99 Murder Falcon #1 (Cover A Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer), $3.99 Murder Falcon #1 (Cover B Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer Heavy Metal Variant), $3.99 My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies HC, $16.99 Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici #8, $3.99 Outpost Zero #4, $3.99 Rose #13 (Cover A Ig Guara), $3.99 Rose #13 (Cover B Jae Lee), $3.99 Rose #13 (Cover C Jon Lam), $3.99 Rose #13 (Cover D Patrick Ballesteros), $3.99 Royal City Volume 3 We All Float On TP, $16.99 Sleepless #8, $3.99 Unnatural #3 (Of 12)(Mirka Andolfo 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Unnatural #4 (Of 12)(Cover A Mirka Andolfo), $3.99 Unnatural #4 (Of 12)(Cover B Bengal), $3.99 Walking Dead #1 (15th Anniversary Edition), $2.99 Walking Dead #1 (15th Anniversary Edition)(Store Logo Variant Cover), $2.99 Walking Dead #1 (David Finch 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #100 (James Harren 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #108 (Emma Rios 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #127 (Matteo Scalera 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #132 (Ashley Wood 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #167 (Sana Takeda 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #171 (Jen Bartel 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #19 (J. Scott Campbell 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #2 (Chris Samnee 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #27 (Declan Shalvey 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #48 (Chris Burnham 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #53 (Kim Jung Gi 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #7 (Daniel Warren Johnson 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #92 (Cory Walker 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #98 (Wes Craig 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead Day Special, AR Walking Dead Volume 15 HC, $34.99 Weatherman #5 (Cover A Nathan Fox), $3.99 Weatherman #5 (Cover B Marcos Martin), $3.99 Weatherman #5 (Cover C Ryan Sook), $3.99
KODANSHA COMICS Again Volume 5 GN, $12.99 Descending Stories Volume 9 GN, $12.99 Heroic Legend Of Arslan Volume 9 GN, $10.99 Waiting For Spring Volume 8 GN, $10.99
LION FORGE Catalyst Prime Astonisher #11, $3.99 Quantum Mechanics GN, $12.99 Timothy Top Volume 1 The Green Pig GN, $12.99 Voltron Legendary Defender Volume 3 #4 (Cover A Mariko Yamashin), $3.99 Voltron Legendary Defender Volume 3 #4 (Cover B Rubine), $3.99
MARVEL COMICS Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover A Humberto Ramos), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover B Sujin Jo Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover C Terry Dodson MKXX Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover D Terry Dodson MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Asgardians Of The Galaxy #1 (Matteo Lolli 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Avengers #2 (Ed McGuinness 5th Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Avengers #7 (Sara Pichelli 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Avengers #9 (Cover A David Marquez), $3.99 Avengers #9 (Cover B Jong-Ju Kim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Avengers #9 (Cover C J. G. Jones MKXX Variant), AR Avengers #9 (Cover D J. G. Jones MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Ben Reilly The Scarlet Spider #25, $3.99 Blade Blood And Chaos TP, $34.99 Captain America #2 (Leinil Francis Yu 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Captain America #4 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Captain America #4 (Cover B Jack Kirby Remastered Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover C Jack Kirby Remastered Black & White Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover D Maxx Lim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover E John Cassaday MKXX Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover F John Cassaday MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 (Of 5)(Dylan Burnett 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Domino #7, $3.99 Edge Of Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 4)(Gerardo Sandoval 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Edge Of Spider-Geddon #2 (Of 4)(Alberto Alburquerque 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Exiles #9 (Cover A David Nakayama), $3.99 Exiles #9 (Cover B Rahzzah), AR Extermination #2 (Of 5)(Pepe Larraz 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Hunt For Wolverine Dead Ends #1 (Ramon Rosanas 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Iceman #2 (Of 5), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover B Maxx Lim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover C Mike Deodato Jr. MKXX Variant), AR Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover D Mike Deodato Jr. MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Infinity Wars #1 (Of 6)(Mike Deodato Jr. 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $5.99 Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Mike Deodato Jr.), $4.99 Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Ron Lim), AR Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Gerardo Sandoval), AR Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover D Sujin Jo Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover E Javier Garron Connecting Variant D), AR Marvel Knights Black Widow By Grayson And Rucka The Complete Collection TP, $19.99 Marvel Masterworks The Invincible Iron Man Volume 11 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00 Marvel Masterworks The Invincible Iron Man Volume 11 HC (Direct Market Edition Volume 266), $75.00 Ms. Marvel #35, $3.99 New Mutants Dead Souls TP, $17.99 Quasar Cosmos In Collision TP, $34.99 Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover A Phil Noto), $4.99 Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover B Leonard Kirk), AR Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover C Luke Ross), AR Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover D Movie Variant), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Jorge Molina), $3.99 Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover B George Perez), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Javier Garron), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover D In-Hyuk Lee Connecting Variant), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Mark Bagley Peter Parker The Spider-Man Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Pasquel Ferry Spider-Gwen Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Jay Fosgitt Spider-Ham Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover H Michael McKone Miles Morales Spider-Man Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover I David Nakayama PS4 Spider-Man Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover J Todd Nauck Peni Parker Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover K Gerald Parel Spider-Man Noir Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover L Will Sliney Spider-Punk Variant) , AR Spider-Man Deadpool #40, $3.99 True Believers What If Dr. Doom Had Become A Hero #1, $1.00 True Believers What If Spider-Man Rescued Gwen Stacy #1, $1.00 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #37, $3.99 Venom #1 (Ryan Stegman 5th Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Venom #2 (Ryan Stegman 4th Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Venom #7 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99 Venom #7 (Cover B Sujin Jo Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Venom #7 (Cover C Frank Cho MKXX Variant), AR Venom #7 (Cover D Frank Cho MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Venom First Host #1 (Of 5)(Mark Bagley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Venom First Host #2 (Of 5)(Mark Bagley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 What If? Punisher #1 (Cover A Christopher Stevens), $3.99 What If? Punisher #1 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR X-23 #5 (Cover A Mike Choi), $3.99 X-23 #5 (Cover B Yoon Lee Kim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR X-Men Black Mojo #1 (Cover A J. Scott Campbell), $4.99 X-Men Black Mojo #1 (Cover B Salvador Larroca Mugshot Variant), AR X-Men Black Mojo #1 (Cover C J. Scott Campbell Virgin Variant), AR X-Men Cyclops And Phoenix Past And Future TP, $29.99 X-Men The Magneto War TP, $39.99 X-Men Uncanny Origins TP, $17.99
MARVEL PRESS Miles Morales Spider-Man Novel SC, $9.99
MYMOVIEMONSTERS.COM Scary Monsters Magazine #110, $9.95
NBM Breaking The 10 Set, $24.99
ONI PRESS Shadow Roads #4, $3.99
PANINI PUBLISHING Doctor Who Magazine #529, $11.99
PANTHEON BOOKS Anne Frank's Diary The Graphic Adaptation HC, $24.95
PEGASUS First Man GN, $25.95
REBELLION/2000AD 2000 AD Pack August 2018 (2079-2082), $27.00 Dredd Final Judgement #1, $3.99 Sniper Elite Resistance #2 (Cover A Patrick Goddard), $3.99 Sniper Elite Resistance #2 (Cover B Eduard Groult), $3.99
RETROFIT COMICS All The Sad Songs GN, $10.00
RUNNING PRESS Mini Zoltar He Speaks Kit SC, $12.95
SOLO PUBLISHING Cinema Retro Movie Classics #7 (Roadshow Epics Of The Sixties)(not verified by Diamond), $13.95
STARBURNS INDUSTRIES PRESS Hellicious Volume 1 TP, $9.99
STERLING PUBLISHING Make A Nerdy Living, $14.95
STONE ARCH BOOKS Scooby-Doo Encyclopedia SC, $9.95
SUBLIME Coyote Volume 1 GN, $12.99
TEN SPEED PRESS Comic Book Story Of Professional Wrestling GN, $18.99
TITAN COMICS Elric The White Wolf #2 (Of 2)(Cover A Gary Jamroz Palma), $3.99 Elric The White Wolf #2 (Of 2)(Cover B Julien Telo), $3.99 Newbury And Hobbes #2 The Undying (Of 4)(Cover A Dan Boultwood), $3.99 Newbury And Hobbes #2 The Undying (Of 4)(Cover B Claudia SG Iannicello), $3.99 Robotech #13 (Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99 Robotech #13 (Cover B Action Figure Variant), $3.99 Robotech #13 (Cover C Gary G), $3.99 Robotech #13 (Cover D Sergio Quijada), $3.99 Robotech #13 (Cover E Blank Variant), $3.99 Shades Of Magic The Steel Prince #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Claudia SG Iannicello), $3.99 Shades Of Magic The Steel Prince #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Tomm Coker), $3.99 Shades Of Magic The Steel Prince #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Andrea Olimpieri), $3.99 Shades Of Magic The Steel Prince #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Novel Variant), $3.99 Shadow Of The Tomb Raider The Official Art Book HC, $39.95
TOHAN CORPORATION Megami August 2018, $20.00 Newtype August 2018, $20.00
TOKYOPOP Futaribeya Manga Volume 1 Room For Two GN, $12.99 Kamo Manga Volume 2 Pact With The Spirit World GN, $10.99 Konohana Kitan Manga Volume 2 GN, $12.99 Sword Princess Amaltea Manga Volume 2 GN, $10.99
TWOMORROWS PUBLISHING Back Issue #108, $8.95 BrickJournal #53, $8.95 Comic Book Creator #18, $9.95 Draw #35, $8.95 Mike Grell Life Is Drawing Without An Eraser HC (Limited Edition), $37.95 Mike Grell Life Is Drawing Without An Eraser SC, $27.95 RetroFan Magazine #2, $8.95
UNCIVILIZED BOOKS Cecil And Jordan In New York GN, $19.95
UNITED PLANKTON PICTURES SpongeBob Comics #85, $3.99
VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Ninja-K #12 (Cover A Kano), $3.99 Ninja-K #12 (Cover B Koi Turnbull), $3.99 Ninja-K #12 (Cover C Adam Gorham Ninja-K Programme Variant), AR Ninja-K #12 (Cover D Philip Tan Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR Ninja-K Volume 2 The Coalition TP, $14.99
VERTICAL COMICS Pop Team Epic Volume 1 GN, $12.95
VIKING BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS Edison Beaker Creature Seeker Volume 1 The Night Door HC, $15.99
VIZ MEDIA Case Closed Volume 68 GN, $9.99 Magi The Labyrinth Of Magic Volume 32 GN, $9.99 NieR:Automata Long Story Short Novel Volume 1 SC, $14.99 Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle Volume 3 GN, $9.99
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Sean Chen), $3.99 Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Igor Vitorino), $3.99 Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Jay Anacleto), $3.99 Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Alan Quah), $3.99 Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Leonardo Colapietro), $3.99 Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Blank Variant), $10.00 Grimm Fairy Tales #21 (Cover A Sean Chen), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #21 (Cover B Bong Dazo), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #21 (Cover C Derlis Santacruz), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #21 (Cover D Netho Diaz), $3.99
TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES 66 Action Mega Man Volume 2 10 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Alien Muscle Figure 36 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Aliens Wave 1 Muscle Figure 5 Piece Assortment, AR Aurora Sloth 11 Inch Plush, AR Aurora World Sloth 20 Inch Plush, AR Avengers Infinity War Black Widow S.H.Figuarts Action Figure, AR Avengers Infinity War Groot Head Knocker, AR Avengers Infinity War Thanos Head Knocker, AR Dark Souls Sculpt Collection V1 Faraam Knight Figure, AR Dark Souls Sculpt Collection V2 Artorias Abysswalker Figure, AR DC Batman Blood On Hands Heather/Black Raglan MED, AR DC Batman Japanese Knight Heather/Navy Raglan XL, AR DC Gallery Batman Comic Who Laughs PVC Figure, AR DC Gallery Suicide Squad Harley Quinn PVC Figure, AR DC Justice League Assemble White/Red Raglan MED, AR DC Wonder Woman Vintage Heather/Navy Raglan LG, AR Deadpool Chump 9Fifty Snap Back Cap, AR Deadpool Thinking About Tacos 5950 Fitted Cap 7 1/4, AR Deadpool Thinking About Tacos 5950 Fitted Cap 7 3/8, AR Deadpool Thinking About Tacos 5950 Fitted Cap 7 5/8, AR Disney Mickey Mouse Figuarts Zero 1920s Version, AR Disney Mickey Mouse Figuarts Zero Modern Version, AR Disney Traditions Nightmare Before Christmas Carved Nightmare Figurine, AR Dragon Ball Z Grandista Manga Dimensions SS Vegeta Figure, AR Dragon Ball Z Majin Buu S.H.Figuarts Action Figure (Zen Version), AR Dragonball Beerus FiGPiN, AR Evangelion EVA Second Unit NXEDGE STYLE Action Figure (TV Version), AR Fate/Stay Night Heavens Feel Saber Alter Figure, AR Friday The 13th Part V Dream Jason Ultimate 7 Inch Scale Action Figure, AR Funko 5 Star DC Classic Batgirl Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star DC Classic Harley Quinn Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star DC Classic Poison Ivy Vinyl Figure, AR Game Of Thrones Icy Viserion Jumbo Dragon Plush, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Flatline Frankie Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Frank N Freak Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Gill Creep Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Gill Freak Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Midnght Man Wolf Vac-Tastic Plstic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Shock Wolf Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Son Of Frankie Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Godzilla S.H. Monsterarts Mechagodzilla Action Figure (Final Battle Version), AR Gundam Build Divers Gundam 00 Sky HGBD 1/144 Scale Model Kit (High Version), AR GX-79 Choudenji Machine Voltes VFA Soul Of Chogokin, AR Han Solo Gift Tin Set, AR Harry Potter 150 Piece Mini Puzzle, AR Harry Potter Harry 1000 Piece Puzzle, AR Harry Potter Hermoine 1000 Piece Puzzle, AR Harry Potter Undesirable 1000 Piece Puzzle, AR Incredibles 2 PEZ 12 Piece Blister Assortment, AR Incredibles Tri-Pack Gift Set, AR Jurassic World Attack Pack Dino Action Figure Assortment, AR Lost Kitties Mini Mig 24 Count Blind Mystery Box, AR Marvel Gallery Avengers 3 Thor PVC Figure, AR Masters Of The Universe Muscle Figure 36 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Metals Batman Dark Knight Tumbler 1/24 Scale Vehicle, AR Metals Batman Forever Batmobile 1/24 Scale Vehicle, AR Metals Batman Justice League Batmobile 1/24 Scale Vehicle, AR Metals Ghostbusters Ecto-1 1/24 Scale Vehicle, AR Metals Marvel Black Panther Lykan 1/24 Scale Vehicle, AR Metals Marvel Iron Man 2016 Camaro 1/24 Scale Vehicle, AR Metals Marvel Spider-Man 2017 Ford GT 1/24 Scale Vehicle, AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 144 Piece Bucket O Button Assortment, AR Mobile Suit Gundam MS-15 Gyan Version Robot Spirits, AR Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Air Strike Gundam Metal Build Action Figure, AR Mystery Minis Deadpool Playtime 12 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Mystery Minis Disney Mickey's 90th Anniversary 12 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Mystery Science Theater 3000 Mug, AR Nano M-Figs Minecraft Minifig 24 Count Blind Mystery Box, AR Neil Gaiman's American Gods Motel America Mug, AR Nightmare Before Christmas Lock Shock And Barrel Treat Bowl, AR One Piece Nami Black Ball Figuarts Zero, AR Overwatch D.Va Beanie, AR Overwatch Hanzo Ultimate Hoodie LG, AR Overwatch Hanzo Ultimate Hoodie MED, AR Overwatch Junkrat Ultimate Hoodie XL, AR Overwatch Junkrat Ultimate Hoodie XXL, AR Overwatch Logo Scarf, AR Overwatch Mercy 12 Inch Statue, AR Overwatch Mercy Ultimate Hoodie LG, AR Overwatch Mercy Ultimate Hoodie MED, AR Overwatch Mercy Ultimate Hoodie SM, AR Overwatch Mercy Ultimate Hoodie XL, AR Overwatch Mercy Ultimate Hoodie XXL, AR Pacific Rim Uprising Shrikethorn Sofvi Spirits Vinyl Figure, AR Pocket POP Five Nights At Freddy's Pizza Sim Helpy Vinyl Figure Keychain, AR Pocket POP Five Nights At Freddy's Pizza Sim Orville Vinyl Figure Keychain, AR Pocket POP Five Nights At Freddy's Pizza Sim Rockstar Foxy Vinyl Figure Keychain, AR Pocket POP Five Nights At Freddy's Pizza Sim Rockstar Freddy Vinyl Figure Keychain, AR Pocket POP Overwatch Mercy Keychain, AR POP Funko Monsters Snuggle-Tooth Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Overwatch S4 Torbjorn Vinyl Figure, AR POP Horror Beetlejuice Vinyl Figure, AR POP Lost Boys Sam Emerson Vinyl Figure, AR POP Mickey 90th Anniversary Pen Topper 16 Piece Assortment, AR POP Movies Coraline Doll Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Coraline In Raincoat Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Coraline The Other Mother Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Coraline With Cat Vinyl Figure, AR POP Star Wars Clone Wars Anakin Vinyl Figure, AR POP Star Wars Clone Wars Obi Wan Kenobi Vinyl Figure, AR POP Star Wars Clone Wars Yoda Vinyl Figure, AR Pusheen Stormy Witch 5 Inch Plush, AR Pusheen Witch 7.5 Inch Plush, AR Robotech Muscle Trash Can Figure Assortment, AR Sailor Chibi Moon Prism Heart Compact Proplica, AR Saint Seiya Andromeda Shun Saint Cloth Myth Action Figure, AR Shuri #1 Poster By Sam Spratt, AR Smiley The Psychotic Button Bottle Opener, AR Snowpinions Grinch Snow Throw Blanket, AR Spider-Geddon #1 By Jorge Molina Poster, AR Spider-Man 6 Inch Quick Shot Action Figure Assortment 201801, AR Star Trek Enterprise 1701-D Bluetooth Speaker/Sleep Machine, AR Star Wars Episode 8 Force FX Riot Control Baton, AR Star Wars Solo Black Series Enfys Nest Swoop Bike Figure Set, AR Stranger Things PEZ 12 Piece Blister Twin Pack Giftset, AR Street Fighter II Muscle Figure 36 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Super Minipla Mega Man Ride Armor, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Bruttino Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Cactus Dog Jr Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Porcino 10 Inch Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Sabochan 10 Inch Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Sandy 9 Inch Plush, AR Tokidoki Unicorno Valentino Plush, AR Transformers Generations Power Of The Primes Legends Action Figure Assortment 201803, AR Transformers Generations Power Of The Primes Voyager Action Figure Assortment 201803, AR Uncanny X-Men 2018 By Leinil Francis Yu Poster, AR Vampirella Bottle Opener, AR Vintage DC Comics Batman 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage DC Comics Supergirl 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage DC Comics Superman 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage DC Comics Wonder Woman 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage Sci Fi 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Walking Dead Compendium Group Comic Box (not verified by Diamond), AR Walking Dead Day 1 Inch Button, AR Walking Dead Day Walker Mask, AR Walking Dead Factions Comic Box (not verified by Diamond), AR Walking Dead Negan Limited Edition Statue, AR Walking Dead Saviors Comic Box (not verified by Diamond), AR Witcher Knit Scarf, AR WWE Superstars 144 Piece Bucket O Button Assortment, AR X-Files Agent Fox Mulder 1/6 Scale Figure, AR X-Men Black Emma Frost By J. Scott Campbell Poster, AR X-Men Black Magneto By J. Scott Campbell Poster, AR X-Men Black Mystique By J. Scott Campbell Poster, AR
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authorgirl1111 · 7 years ago
Emperors daughter ch. 12
Part 1
Part 11
A/N The song being song does not belong to me, it’s Tomorrow written by Chris Young and it does not belong to me. I just thought the moment fit Apollo and Cassie’s situation very well.
“Don’t wanna Move!” Brenda exclaims, she’s sitting on Cassie’s bed pulling all her clothes out of the bags. “I’m sorry mia combattante,” She says softly, “But we have too”   “No, no, no” “Yes Brenda” She says softly. “No!” Brenda cries. “No, No, No” She crawls onto the bed and holds her little girl tightly in her arms. “I know, I know you like it here” She says softly. “I do too, but I think in time you’ll see it was for the best.” But Brenda is struggling in Cassie’s hold, and hitting her arms. Brenda is quite strong for her age, so Cassie knows she will have bruises in the morning. She pulls her daughter away. “Brenda, I know your angry and upset, but you do not hit mommy” She says sternly.  “Hitting hurts.” Tears are falling down Brenda’s eyes, her cries start to get louder, and she instead of banging on Cassie’s arms starts to bang on the bed. Cassie let’s her, if she was Brenda’s age she probably would have started crying too. Cassie crawls behind Brenda and puts the little girl on her lap. “I know sweetie, I know.” ---     She places Brenda in the play pen, she would have let her sleep in her bed, but after all these years she’s still scared she’s going to accidently smother the baby if she accidently rolls over. She looks around the apartment. All their stuff is packed into little tiny boxes, the moving truck is coming by tomorrow at six, to take them to their new apartment in Dallas, and she starts her new job as a waitress, on Sunday.” She had auditioned for the orchestra in Texas, but they did not like her music, and besides a nine to five job would allow her to spend more time with her daughter something she was severely lacking before. She feels a warmth at her back and sighs. “I thought you never wanted to see me again.” “I don’t” Apollo’s gruff voice announced. “I just want to make sure you’re not over staying your welcome.” “No, Apollo” She sighs. “I’m leaving tomorrow as planned.” Apollo’s eyes seemed to almost glow in the dark as he takes her in. She stays still for a long moment before the intensity of his gaze dies down and he nods. “Good” “I’m sorry” Cassie says the words burn in her throat, she’s proud, and arrogant, but she refuses to be like her father, and the only way she can even start to repair that damage is to apologize. Apollo says nothing, for a long time they just stand their, she’s tense and scared, she wraps her arms around her torso. The fight on Brenda’s birthday was a long-time coming, she sees that, she knows that, she’s to secretive, and he’s far to arrogant. It was stupid to think either of them would last. But she also doesn't want anger and resentment to be the last thing either of them remember of eachother so... she starts to sing. “Tomorrow I'm gonna leave here I'm gonna let you go and walk away Like every day I said I would And tomorrow, I'm gonna listen To that voice of reason inside My head telling me that we're no good” She starts to sing. Apollo pauses and his eyes go wide. “But tonight, I'm gonna give in one last time Rock you strong in these arms of mine Forget all the regrets that are bound to follow We're like fire and gasoline I'm no good for you You're no good for me” Apollo sings softly and he walks over to her and they dance around the small room. It’s not forgiveness, but for now it’s a small reprieve in the darkness of the night. It’s dangerous, and so very stupid, but she’s scared and frightened, and she doesn’t want to be strong, she doesn’t want to be smart, she wants to be stupid and weak, she wants to spend her last night in New York in the night of someone she knows. “We’ll only bring each other tears and sorrow But tonight, I'm gonna love you Like there's no” Cassie whispers into Apollo’s ear. “Tomorrow I'll be stronger I'm not gonna break down and Call you up when my heart cries out for you And tomorrow, you won't believe it But when I pass your house I won't stop no matter how bad I want to” Apollo cuts her off and smiles, and for a moment she thinks she can see tears in his eyes, a life time of regret. She knows it would be wrong to think that their break up would be something he regrets but the thought is comforting non-the less. “But tonight, I'm gonna give in one last time Rock you strong in these arms of mine Forget all the regrets that are bound to follow We're like fire and gasoline I'm no good for you, you're no good for me” Cassie wraps her arms around Apollo’s neck and the spin around slowly in place. He takes her hand and twirls her around as she sings. “We only bring each other tears and sorrow But tonight, I'm gonna love you Like there's no tomorrow” Apollo sings she loses himself in his voice, and tears fall down her face. “Oh, baby when we're good, you know we're great But there's too much bad for us to think, That there's anything worth trying to save” Cassie continues. The god and the mortal, it could never have worked out. She can’t help but remember when she used to laugh, when he was understanding, but she can also remember the anger and the resentment. “But tonight I'm gonna give in one last time Rock you strong in these arms of mine Forget all the regrets that are bound to follow We're like fire and gasoline I'm no good for you, you're no good for me We only bring each other tears and sorrow But tonight, I'm gonna love you like there's no” Apollo says and he lifts her off her feat and brings her the bed and he lies back. “Tomorrow, I'm gonna leave here I'm gonna let you go and walk away Like every day I said I would” Cassie whispers into Apollo’s ears before she kisses him. Tears falling down her cheeks. The next morning, Apollo is gone. When Cassie notices she does not cry, she gets up and prepares herself for the long road ahead. --- She was already in the process of changing her name when before she moved, but it still takes a while before she can get used to people calling her by her new name. Selina Maglieri She brings herself to a salon and dyes her hair blonde but keeps her eyes green. --- She enrolls her daughter into a daycare, and she starts her job as a waitress, it’s easy in some ways, but it’s hard in others, some people speak to fast for her to place their orders. And on her first day she drops to trays, and the boss tells her sternly that lost food will be coming out of her paycheck. It’s frustrating, there are hundreds of costumers, and several of them are impossible to please. The pay is tiny, and she doesn’t get much in the way of tips because she’s knew and still starting out and well she sucks. But the hours are nice and honestly that’s the only thing keeping her going right now. At five o clock she almost breathes a sigh of relief. She clocks out takes home the few meager tips she managed to collect and goes to pick up her daughter from the daycare. She doesn’t have to practice, so she decides for fun to take her daughter to the playground nearby She takes her daughter on the swing set, and she swings Brenda up and down. “You’re swinging” She says to Brenda. “Swinging” Brenda echoes. She laughs as she goes up and down. She loves the sound of her daughters laugh.   She takes Brenda to the slide and Brenda is not scared she is happy and she goes down the slides by herself. From what Cassie can tell They play for a few hours before she must take Brenda home, for dinner. --- It’s a whole month before she realizes something is not right. A part of her is hoping that she’s wrong, but she’s late, and the only other time she was late was when she was pregnant with Brenda, so she goes to the nearest pharmacy and buys a pregnancy test. She tests it that night when Brenda is asleep and when the stick turns positive, she does not cry, she stands back up takes a deep breath and lets it out. “I did this once, I can do it again” She says before she leaves the bathroom. --- Her boss isn’t all to pleased, but she’s not fired, and as long as she’s still taking home a paycheck she will endure all the yelling she needs too. She starts putting as much money as she into her savings, fortunately she still has a good amount of money from when she was in the orchestra, so she’s not to doomed, not yet. --- She’s been in Dallas all of 6 months, she’s showing pretty well, and she get’s looks from the neighbors whenever she goes to the nearby store. She’s picking up some groceries, when she meets him. She accidently barrels straight into him, she’s looking at the aisles looking for carrots, and doesn’t see him until after they’ve bumped carts. “I am so sorry” The man says. His skin is olive toned, and his eyes are a nice deep brown, his hair is short pretty short maybe an inch away from his scalp. “I didn’t see you there” He has a nice southern accent. “No, it’s my fault I didn’t see you either.” She says. “Cute kid” The man says. “She yours?” She smiles and nods. “Yeah.” “Hey” He says bending down to talk to the baby. “What’s your name?” “Brenda!” She announces. “I’m two!” She says holding up two fingers. “Big number” The man announces. “For a big girl.” Brenda beams. He turns around and introduces himself. “I’m Johnny O’Hair, what’s yours ma’am?” She smiles and holds out her hand. “Selina Maglieri.”
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lajmengabota · 4 years ago
43-vjeçari Buffon afër rikthimit te Parma
Gianluigi Buffon është afër kthimit te skuadra e njohur, Parma, ku bëri debutimin e tij në Serie A plot 26 vjet më parë.
Sipas disa raporteve në Itali, 43-vjeçari është afër kthimit në ish-klubin e tij, këtë herë në Serie B.
Parma ra nga kategoria e parë në Itali në sezonin 2020-21, por ka ambicien të kthehet menjëherë në Serie A.
Lexo po ashtu:
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Buffon me mesazh emocional drejt tifozëve të Juventusit: Ju ishit korniza brenda së cilës pikturova historinë time
Buffon mund të transferohet në Stadio Tardini si një lojtar i lirë pasi kontrata e tij me Juventusin skadon në qershor të 2021 dhe ai nuk do ta zgjasë atë.
Sipas mediave Sky Sport Italia edhe Sportitalia, fituesi i Kupës së Botës 2006 me Italinë është afër arritjes së një marrëveshje me ish-klubin e tij.
Buffon bëri debutimin e tij në Serie A me një fanellë të Giallobluve plot 26 vjet më parë.
Gigi Buffon is close to join Parma! He could come back to the club where he started his career 26 years ago.
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Talks ongoing – Buffon received more than five proposals, one from Besiktas too but he’s really tempted to sign for Parma with an ambitious project.
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#Parma pic.twitter.com/YyWU7I3ZE2
— Fabrizio Romano (@FabrizioRomano) June 12, 2021
Ai luajti 220 ndeshje me klubin Ducali duke fituar një Kupë UEFA, një Superkupë Italiane dhe një Kupë të Italisë.
Ai u largua nga Stadio Tardini në vitin 2001 për t’u bashkuar me Juven për 50 milionë euro, teksa mban rekordin për më shumë paraqitje në Serie A me 657 ndeshje të luajtura. /Telegrafi/
The post 43-vjeçari Buffon afër rikthimit te Parma appeared first on Telegrafi.
from lajme https://ift.tt/2TTNjwe
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