#im falling for the new math teacher
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sundere1181 · 2 years ago
i got a cut on my thumb and i genuinely dont know where it came from like it kinda just appeared
#this is a vent post in disguise theres a vent after the dots#...........................................................................................................................................#........................................................................................................................................#anyway#just had a breakdown in the dark curled in a ball on my bathroom floor haha fun times#but like seriously i am falling apart at the seams and i do not know what to do#im over a month behind in school and my parents just said to me tonight that if i dont improve in the next four days not only are they-#-going to send me to fucking CHRISTIAN SCHOOL theyre going to cancel our trip to texas to see my brother and sister in april AND-#-our trip to egypt in june#which would be devastating bc ive been wanting to go to egypt since i was like FOUR.#and its just. math is most of the problem#and everyone i ask for help is like 'just ask your teachers/tutors' but its not that fucking SIMPLE because they teach me one math thing-#-and it takes the WHOLE FUCKING CLASS (one hour) to do FOUR FUCKING QUESTIONS#and then after im too exhausted to do anything else and we BARELY made any progress so i just get farther behind because im not DOING-#-anything on my own because the shit they just taught me doesnt apply anymore because its a new thing and i cant ask them for help again-#-because it just ended and i HATE doing those fucking one-on-one live classes bc its so DRAINING to mask and engage with the teacher AND-#-focus on the math
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hellsburners · 2 years ago
orange juice
summary: you're a new library assistant in an elementary school and you cant help but fall for the cute teacher visiting your desk. pairing: teacher!peter parker x librarian!male reader word count: 2.2k (im being ballsy with these fic lengths its actually fun) warnings: none really more of fluff a/n: was in a fluff writing mood :> (might get a part 2 if it gets received well)
masterlist | more peter parker
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You did everything by the book, literally. There was a handbook resting on the front desk of the library with everything you needed to do as an assistant. You took the books back to the shelves and made sure it was in the right order. You tidied up the library computers making sure every unit was logged off and the chairs weren’t a mess. You also took note of orders from the teachers, some lists from Mr. Jones, Mrs. Longford, Mr. Hayward, and Mr. Parker. You stretched your arms and legs, cracked your neck, and gave a little prayer to the universe that you wish your formal first day will be good. 
The bell on your desk pinged. A man, probably in his early 40s, stood in front of you. He wore a loose shirt with a pale pink tie, his hair was brown and sparse. 
“Mr. Parker?” 
“I’m sorry, I’m Roy Jones, from the math department,” he responds. You gave an embarrassed oh and gave him his stack of books. 
“Sorry, it’s my first day.”
“All good kiddo, you haven’t seen trouble yet, good luck on your first day,” Mr. Jones gave a kind smile before walking away. 
By 8:30 am the students came rushing to your door, you logged borrowed books, received returns, you even did the occasional hush to students being loud, it was going smoothly. The kid in front of you was borrowing a copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray, an excellent choice you thought. You scanned the QR code inside the book, logged in the student’s info and you kindly smiled while giving the book away. Hours passed of you sitting around, sipping on an orange juice box. By 11 am at least 3 students were studying. 
Oh. The man standing in front of you was tall and handsome, probably in his mid-30s, he wore a neat suit in neutral colors, and his brown hair was combed to the side. You placed your juice box down. 
“Mr. Hayward?” you traced your fingers on the sticky notes on your desk. 
“Parker, Peter Parker,” he replied. Shit, not again. 
“I’m so sorry Mr. Parker.” you shook your head. 
“First day, huh?” you nodded shamefully. He gave you a cheeky smile. 
“Yeah, I’m so sorry,” you took the stack of books with the label Mr. Parker on it. He reached out to take the heavy books, your fingers were slightly touching. Your cheeks warmed from the contact. There was a certain pleasingness in his presence. You scanned the pile trying to spark a conversation. “So you teach physics?”
“Yeah, 8th and 9th actually,” he carries the books in his arms, he may look lean but you could see the way his arms flexed under his suit. “Are you new to the city?”
“Well kinda, I was born here but my family and I moved out when I was 5. I figured coming here in the city could give me more opportunities,” his brows would raise while you talked, making you feel like whatever words came out of your mouth he listened to intently. “How about you? Did you grow up here?”
“I grew up with my aunt, went to Midtown for high school, and Empire State in college. So, yeah, full-time New Yorker here,” he chuckled. “My daughter and I still live in Queens too.”
“Daughter?” you said shockingly. He looked down at his toes, and he laughed again, that soft deep laugh. “Sorry, you don’t look like one”
“I don’t look like a dad?” he said.
“I mean you look pretty young,” you bit the insides of your cheeks. “I’m sorry I must have been taking up too much of your time Mr. Parker, ‘twas a lovely chat though.”
“Oh it’s fine, I’m on lunch break anyway.” you waved him goodbye and he reciprocates the gesture. “By the way, Peter is fine, just Peter.”
He leaves, and you sit back down on your desk, your heart beating a little too fast for your liking. Your knees felt funny like they were going to give out. Oh, god. You were crushing on the physics teacher. 
Before your shift ended Mrs. Longford called and said she couldn’t go to the library due to her pregnancy. You gladly said you would deliver her the books instead. On the way to her room, you couldn’t properly find her classroom, they all looked the same to you, so you went one by one, looking through the windows and checking to see if Mrs. Longford was there. By the eighth classroom, you could see him. Not Mrs. Longford, but Peter. He was demonstrating the law of inertia to the class, making a funny action of being hit in the hip by force, and the class laughed. He seems nice, and the students all listened to him, taking in every word of his lesson. It was admirable really, to have such charisma over a bunch of impressionable kids and use it to educate them. 
The bell rings, and a swarm of students floods the halls. The books in your arms fall as a student bumps into you. You cursed, bending down to pick them up while a pair of arms reached out to help you. It was Peter, he had ditched the suit jacket at this point, his shirt sleeves rolled up to show his veiny arms. 
“Thank you, I was looking for Mrs. Hayward’s classroom and I couldn’t find it,” you hugged the book while Peter carried the other stack. 
“Mrs. Hayward’s room is in the other wing. Don’t worry I’ll walk you to it.”
“Oh no, you must have another class, I can find my way.” you try to take the books but he moves away.
“No it’s fine, my day is done. Let me walk you to her room.” he smiles, again, that pretty Peter smile. 
On the way to Mrs.Longford’s room, you talked about your education, where you went to high school, and in college, and where you live now. The conversation later went to his daughter, Mayday, named after his aunt who has sadly passed. She was 5 years old and in first grade, a smart girl, he says. 
You reached the 3rd door in the left wing. Peter told you that the lady with short hair and red cat-eyed glasses was Mrs.Longford, the baby bump also verified his claim. You knocked, and she waved at you with a smile, you and Peter went in to bring the books. Peter and Mrs. Longford exchanged greetings and talked about an upcoming faculty meeting. You asked Mrs. Longford to sign some papers for the book requests she had made and she obliged. 
Peter walked you back to the library. You continued to chat about random things, your favorite food (he was pizza), your favorite color (he was blue), and your favorite movie (his was Interstellar). You unlocked the library and turned the lights back on. You went back to your desk and Peter took a seat at a nearby desk. You stared at him, arms crossed, legs spread. 
Weeks passed, and Peter had been visiting you in the library. Usually, he’d stay to check student papers or read new scientific publications on the school computers, he was nerdy about stuff like that; but most of the time, he just stayed around to talk to you. He would talk to you about Mayday’s science project, which you helped him come up with. It was an iced tea stand presentation that used butterfly pea flower tea and lemon juice, and it changed the blue liquid to a bright purple. She won a silver prize, Peter says. 
Peter had mentioned before that Mayday lives with her mom and that she rarely gets to see her dad. You could see the way the line his mouth would make and how it would frown sometimes when he talked about her. You wanted to give him some piece of comfort, but every time he would smile because it was Mayday, it was his only girl. 
You were at your desk enjoying a sandwich with your favorite orange juice box, Peter sat on the floor next to you hidden from anyone who came to the desk. He, too, enjoyed a sandwich you made. You scrolled through your laptop, mainly on the news. 
“Hey Pete, have you ever seen Spider-man?” you said, Peter almost choked on his food.
“Spider-man?” He cleared his throat.
“Yeah, I mean you’ve been here your whole life you must’ve seen him right?” you took a sip of your drink. Peter thought long before he answered.
“No, I haven’t,” he whispered. 
“Boo! You’re boring,” you threw an eraser at him.
“Hey! It’s not my fault he doesn’t swing by my apartment once in a while.”
“Well, I wish he’d come by mine, take me into his arms as we swing away into the sunset,” you waved your arms around thwipping your hands like Spider-man. 
“You’re so silly,” he laughs, he takes a big bite of his sandwich, talking to you while chewing. “You know, Mayday’s been asking about you, she said she wants to thank the guy that helped her come up with her science project.”
“She said that?” you were touched.
“Well, I wanted to invite you, and she told me we haven't celebrated her win so why not invite the guy who helped her,” he finished his sandwich, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “You don’t have to if you’re busy.”
“Friday night right? I’m in.” You smiled.
You knocked at the light blue apartment door, you could hear some ruckus inside. Coming! A man’s voice yells. The doorknob turns and there he was, Peter Parker, dressed in a light gray sweater, the sleeves rolled up, and a red apron. Behind his leg was a little girl with light red hair. 
“Hey there, I’m glad you could come. This is Mayday,” she was shy but she gave you a little wave and a hi. 
Dinner started in a few. Peter served baked macaroni and a Caesar salad. Mayday brought a plate of cookies she made, without her dad’s help, she said (Peter shook his head). You brought a box of pepperoni pizza as per Mayday's (and Peter’s) request. The three of you talked over dinner about how proud you were about the medal and if she ever needed help you would gladly be there. 
After dinner, Peter took the dishes, you went to help but he insisted you not. You were left with Mayday in the living room, she was talking about her favorite book, a book about planets. Venus was her favorite, she says. You began to talk to her about the many books you have on planets in your library and if her dad permitted, you would lend some. 
“Do you like dad?” you were surprised. 
“Yeah, he’s nice,” you offered her a smile, and she gave you a curious gaze instead.
“Dad is always alone.” you looked back at Peter in the sink, the fabric stretching on his back.
“You’re here,” you stroked her hair. “Your dad always tells me stories about you y’know.”
“But when I’m with Mom he’s all alone.” 
“What are you two talking about,” Peter stands above you and Mayday, his hands on his hips. 
“We were talking about your hair. Mayday said you’re starting to look like a sasquatch.” Mayday giggles. 
A few hours later Peter took Mayday to bed. Mayday hugged you and told you goodnight. You bend down to hug her and she tells you to be Dad’s best friend, always. You were sitting on the couch with your hands on your lap. You looked around the place, filled with books and a bunch of Mayday’s stuff. It seems like Peter just lets her stuff stay there, so as not to forget about her presence. Your eyelids begin to fall as you let out a yawn.
“Sleepy?” he mutters. 
“Just a bit. My head is just filled with so many facts about space,” you made a mind-blown gesture, Peter laughs.
“She does that a lot actually.” Peter sits beside you on the couch, keeping his eyes on yours.
“She’s a lovely kid,” you smiled. 
“She is,” Peter sank his head on the couch, his eyes closed. 
“You think I’m alone?” he frowns. “I heard you two earlier.”
“I don’t think so. You have me,” you mutter. Your hands fall on your sides meeting his. He laces your fingers with his, you could feel the warmth of his palms with your cold ones. He chuckles. “It’s pretty late, maybe you should get some rest too.”
“You’re right, let me bring you home first,” you refused. 
“I’d be fine,” you assure him. 
You were outside the apartment. Peter was with you in just his flip-flops, his hand never leaving yours. “I had a wonderful night.”
“Me too,’ Peter said, he took his other hand and patted your hair. You looked at him with hooded eyes, his hand falling to your cheek. You inched closer, your face so close to his chest you could smell him, like an ocean breeze. His face gets close to yours, the moment seemingly getting more tense. His thumb rubs your hand, over and over, it calms you. Underneath the moonlight, your lips meet. A tender kiss weeks in the making. Your eyes closed and you lost yourself in him. Your lips leave him a few moments later, a smile plastered on both your faces. You hail a taxi cab and when one comes, you wave him goodbye. 
But you swore that night, the moment you entered your apartment, you swore you saw the Spider-man swing by, almost like he was waiting for you to come home.
part two posted here
interactions are greatly appreciated btw if u liked this fic and want more send me a prompt and i'd gladly make something from it :>
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iloveapplejacks · 1 year ago
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Inspired by Wet Dreamz by J.Cole
“The teacher always got mad so we passed notes
It started off so innocent
She had a vibe and a ***** started diggin' it
I was a youngin' straight crushin' tryna play this shit cool
But a ***** couldn't wait to get to school”
P1 P3 P4
It was English class and Chris was sat with Matt and Nate
Although he wasn't paying much attention to their conversation, his ears pricked when he heard Y/N’s name.
"The new girl is so bad bruh" nate exclaims stretching out his 'so'
"Bro I would tap that any day" Matt says
Both boys noticing that they suddenly caught Chris’ interest, turned to him
"Ain't she in your math class?" Nate asks, Matt leaning in slightly
"Yeah, Y/N is cool" Chris shrugs, wanting to say more but holding himself back.
Truth is, Y/N was more than cool.
In fact she was just perfect and it may have been the intense lust speaking but Chris really wanted her.
"Damn bro, well can you put in a good word with me?I'm tryna see a lil sumn"Nate laughs
"I don't know tbh, don't really know her" Chris shrugs
He knew what he was doing was selfish but he knew that All the girls fell at Nate’s feet and for once, just once he wanted one girl to fall at his feet.
So if that came at the cost of being a little selfish, then so be it.
Nate turned around to reply but the bell signalling the end of the lesson interrupted him.
Chris begins putting his books into his bag and puts it onto his back.
Grabbing his phone and earphones, and beginning to make his way out of the classroom
"Chris!" Someone shouts, causing him to turn around to see who was calling him.
He sees Y/N running over to him and once she reaches him she stops
"Hey Y/N" he says smiling
"We got math, let's go" she chuckles looping her arms with his and beginning to walk.
This catches him by surprise and he looks around to see everyone in the hall way staring at them with shock
the two began walking together until Nate stood in front of them
More specifically, Y/N
"Hey I'm Nate" he says flirtatiously holding his hand out for Y/N to shake
"Y/N" she smiles shaking his hand causing Chris to roll his eyes
"what you heading bro?" nate asks raising an eyebrow to him "Math, matter fact, we are kinda late so if you don't mind." Chris says shooting Nate a fake smile
He loved Nate like a brother but he knew that if he wanted to stand a chance to get to know Y/N Then he'd need to be selfish
"Okay well, I'll see you later, and Y/N it was lovely to meet you" Nate winks at Y/N before moving out of their way
After Nate’s departure, Y/N links her arms with Chris
"It's math time Christopher" she giggles, causing Chris to laugh loudly as the two continued to walk.
They both got to their math class and sat in their usual seats and immediately started laughing and bickering.
“You do realise that i’m teaching math lesson?" Mr Martinez yells frustratedly
"Ok I've had enough, Chris move to the front, and
Y/N move 2 seats down" he instructed
Both of them muttered something to themselves as they moved to where Mr Martinez instructed them to
Once they did, Chris kept calling for Y/N across the room
Both continued to talk to each other via notes for the remainder of the class and before they knew it, the bell signalling the end of the school day rang
"You're all dismissed but Y/N and Chris, I'd like to talk to you for a moment" mr martinez says
Y/N and chris looked at each other with confusion and waited until the class emptied out before walking over to mr martinez
"Now you're both very bright students who I enjoy teaching but you have to cut out this chatter" he says and both nod understandingly
"I just want you both to do really well in this class and that requires a bit of listening, so please I don't want to talk to the both of you about this again" he continues, the two muttering a 'yes sir!
"Okay you're both dismissed”
STOP I ACTUALLY DONT KMOW WHAT IM DOING RN but this song is one of my favorite so why not continue the good stuff is coming soon promise 🙏🏼
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mrsparrasblog · 11 months ago
Highschool AU pt.2
Summary: You and your Brother moved away from Austria because of your parents Divorce, making you attend Northbridge Academy in Exeter, England. On your first day you meet the bullied Simon Riley and the overly extroverted John MacTavish. As if dealing with puberty, sports and your grades wasn't hard enough you fell in love not only with your Bestfriend Simon but also with Johnny, that Johnny was in love with both of you didn't make the Dynamic better
November 1990
As the days passed, you fell into a comfortable routine. You made a point to sit next to Simon in every class, despite Johnny's attempts to claim the seat besides you. You got used to Johnny though; he was funny and surprisingly smart. He even beat you in physics once, which made you incredibly mad. You always wanted to excel in academics; sometimes it felt like it was the only thing you were good at—getting good grades. If you couldn't be good at that, what special thing would be left in you?
"Lizzie, it's just an A, who cares if it's not an A+? You won't die from it," Simon nagged. He never understood your drive to excel in school. He wasn’t bad himself, though; he mostly got Bs, especially in math, history, and chemistry. He had some Cs in English and Housekeeping —claiming it was unimportant for him that he did poorly in sewing. He was right, though; that's why you didn’t pick that incredibly dumb subject and chose advanced German instead, which was like a free pass for you. Unfortunately, you were in the same class as John, the annoying new friend of your brother. He was always so flirty, although he was cute.
"How do you know? Maybe I'll fall dead on the ground in the next second."
"Would be a blessing for some of us," Simon replied. After a few weeks of school, you were surprised to find out that Simon wasn’t like he looked. He wasn’t shy and uncomfortable; he pulled lots of jokes—bad ones—next to you. Worse, his humor was dry and mean, making you chuckle all the time, which he secretly loved.
"You're an idiot, Si."
"And still, I'm your favorite, Lizzie."
"Only because Johnny isn’t a real challenge to you."
"Don’t let Johnny hear that; he will be mad."
"Maybe he needs a bit of an ego shrink," You laughed.
Simon and you walked towards your table. It was like in all those American movies you watched when you were allowed to watch TV. Tiffany and her squad had their own table, and then there were tables full of footballers where Kyle sat most of the time, except when Johnny begged him to sit with you. Michael, like the perfect big brother he was, was always where you were. And where Michael was, John and sometimes Nik would be, if he didn’t spend 90% of his time in detention.
Every Thursday was mail delivery day, the best part of the week. You always looked forward to a letter from Dad. He told you about all the different places he visited for work, and there was always a postcard in the letter. You had over 120 postcards, all placed on the wall of your dorm. At least that made you feel at home. Northbridge Academy wasn’t as bad as you feared at the beginning. The teachers were great, the school was fun, and you had Simon and Johnny. The only downside was my dorm mates. While the boys were more than lucky despite Si complaining about Michael's snoring, they still had a nice group. Meanwhile, you were stuck with Tiffany, Laurie, and Anne in a room, and it was even worse than you imagined.
Simon opened his mail, and his expression changed. He tried to regain his composure quickly, but he couldn't fool me. You knew something was up, so you poked him under the table, trying to get his mail. Surprisingly, he gave it to you without any further resistance, and for once, You wished he hadn’t.
Hello Simon, Im on a camping trip with your Mom and Thomas. Don´t bother coming over the long weekend. We wont be there. Stay at your trust fund school. Dad 
"No, Lizzie." He stood up and left the table, surprising everyone else who hadn’t noticed anything. Typical boys. You followed him into his dorm and sat next to him on the bed.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"It's not a big deal, Lizzie. They're just on vacation."
"Is it?"
"You know you could come with Mich and me. Mom wouldn’t mind at all; she loves hosting people and all that stuff. We can spend more time together, and you don’t need to stay in this musty room—like, really, do you boys even clean?" You laughed at the chaos of the room. Everywhere, there were paint stains, football shoes, and, on what you guessed was Nik’s and John’s bed, an E-guitar was placed.
"Lizzie, it’s okay. You know I can practice a bit before the start of ice hockey season."
"Pleaseeeeeeee." You looked at him with puppy eyes. I needed him to come with me.
"Okay, but only this once." He agreed, and you gave him a big bear hug.
"Whit dae ye mean ye gang hame wi' Ellie?"
"Was invited," I said shortly.
"Was invited too," John chimed in, while he tuned his guitar, making noises not safe for humanity.
"How come is a' body invited 'cept me?" Johnny started to whine. The answer would be easy for anyone with eyes: she doesn’t like his flirting, she is scared of things like this, and asking her to marry him after she gave him a cookie wasn’t the smartest choice.
"I wasn’t invited," Kyle replied shortly.
"You're not invited, Johnny, 'cause ye need to tone it down with my sister. She is only 13; she doesn’t care about boys right now. And asking her at any chance if she wants to marry you makes her scared. Ye don’t know anything about girls, do ye?" That was the most words I've heard from König since, well, ever, but he was right. Johnny needed to tone it down. I didn’t like how Lizzie felt insecure whenever he did it and clung to me. The truth is Lizzie wasn’t afraid of him or anything; she even liked Johnny as a friend. She just thought his advances were jokes. Johnny liked to joke a lot, giving him the reputation of a class clown. And so, his big gestures for her felt like a joke to her, especially since she was so insecure at heart. I just never understood why? She was smart, funny, much cooler than any other girl, and she was pretty, not that I would ever tell that to someone.
"Just trying to be good, König," Johnny muttered.
"If ye weren’t a lovesick little puppy, he’d probably punch you into oblivion," John mentioned.
"You can come too, Johnny," König replied, still giving him the big brother glance.
"Wait, how do we all fit in a car?" I asked, afraid that Johnny would take my place, and I needed to stay here. But everyone just looked at me weirdly, and I didn’t know why.
The next day, on our way to Lizzie's house, I finally knew why. There was a fucking limousine with black windows, probably bulletproof, like in James Bond movies. A small man in his 50s walked outside of the car wearing a black suit and smiling as he walked towards Lizzie, taking her baggage from her hands.
"He doesn’t look like Lizzie’s Dad," I said. It was true; they didn’t look similar, but still, she hugged him like you’d hug a family member, I guess?
John started to laugh. "You really don’t know a lot about Beth." Beth? Why did he call my Lizzie Beth? That was a shitty name.
"I know a lot about her."
"Not about her world, little one." I hated it when people reduced me for my small frame. I didn’t want to be the skinny short boy walking behind Lizzie all the time in need of her support. At least she didn’t see me that way.
"Si, John, Johnny, that’s Alfred, he is our family, Butler," Lizzie said, smiling at Alfred like he was a family member more than a Butler.
We sat down in the limo. Lizzie, of course, sat next to me, much to the dislike of Johnny. He kinda grew on me, though; he was funny and extroverted, and he wasn’t as posh as Kyle, who was a nice bloke but just didn’t get it. He was always complaining, as if he had problems, of course, he hadn’t. He was rich, good at football, and good-looking.
Lizzie fell asleep after a while, her head resting on my shoulder. I didn’t dare to move for the rest of the ride. She looked so peaceful when she didn’t move her lips and spoke.
"Mate, that's unfair. Why does Lizzie sleep on you instead of me?" Johnny whined, but I ignored him. "I liked her first, brocade and everything, Simon."
"You don’t call dips on my sister, or I'll cut your tongue out," König spoke calmly. He was confusing me; he was mostly silent but always threatened everyone who came too close to Lizzie. He never threatened me though, of course not; no one saw a threat in me.
We arrived at a big white mansion, almost looking like the Buckingham Palace. I knew Lizzie was rich, but this rich? I should probably search Kortac up, what they did, and how her dad must be so rich.
John only shrugged as if it was nothing, making me feel like I was the dumb one. This wasn’t normal; why are they acting like this?
As I stepped into Lizzie's villa, my jaw practically hit the floor. I mean, I've seen big houses before, but this was something else. The entrance was like walking into a palace or something. The marble floors were so shiny
; I could see my reflection in them. And those pillars! They were taller than any trees I've ever seen, reaching up to a ceiling painted with fancy designs that made me feel like I was in a museum.
I couldn't help but gawk as I made my way through the place. The living room was like a dream. Soft, velvet couches and chairs were everywhere, so plush you could practically sink into them. Paintings and tapestries covered the walls, like something out of a history book. And don't even get me started on the fireplace! It was huge, with flames dancing and crackling like something out of a movie. All around were paintings that probably cost more than Mom's salary as a nurse.
The dining room was even more posh. A long, mahogany table stretched out in front of me, set with fancy plates and silverware that looked like they belonged in a museum. A chandelier hung overhead, sparkling with crystals and casting a warm light over everything.
In the kitchen, everything was shiny and new. Stainless steel appliances lined the walls, and there were bowls of fruit and baskets of bread everywhere. It smelled amazing, like something out of a cooking show. Chefs walked around the house; they had fucking chefs? I thought the Butler was much, but they had more staff. Didn’t rich people know how to cook for themselves?
As I wandered around, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. I mean, we have a house; it's nice and all, but it's nothing like this. Lizzie's family must be really rich to live in a place like this. But as much as I envied her, I couldn't help but feel grateful that she was my friend, never judging me because of my scholarship like Tiffany did, and by the looks of it, Tiffany wasn’t even half as wealthy as Lizzie and König are.
"Mutter, Vater, Ich dachte Papa ist in Salzburg gerade," König said. He sounded more confident when he spoke German.
Lizzie's parents looked like nice people; her Dad was the tallest man I've ever seen and looked a bit intimidating, while her mom looked a lot like Lizzie herself, just older.
"Dein Vater hat gehört, ihr kommt hier her und ist direkt gekommen," her dad replied.
"Also, seid ihr nicht wieder zusammen?" Lizzie’s voice sounded so different in German, but she still sounded nice and soft.
"Nein, und sprech Englisch, das ist unhöflich gegenüber deinen Gästen," her mom scolded, her voice too loud for the small room.
"So, who do we have here?" Lizzie’s father asked curiously.
"I'm John Price, sir."
"Oh, like William Price?"
"Yes, that's my old man."
"We worked together quite a bit for his campaign."
"Wait, my dad worked with Kortac?" John lost the color of his face, and I really needed to know what the fuck Kortac is.
"I'm Johnny MacTavish."
"Well, didn’t hear of your family," Lizzie’s dad mustered Johnny.
"Richard, be nice," Lizzie’s mom scolded, in a tone too loud for the room. "Okay, and you are?" She gestured to me.
"Simon Riley, nice to meet you both, sir," I replied politely, shaking his hand, only to get my hand crushed.
As I followed Lizzie's family into the dining room, I couldn't believe my eyes. The table was like something out of a fancy restaurant, but way bigger. There were so many dishes spread out that I had never seen or tried before. I mean, I knew what a salad was and some of the other stuff, but there were these little black things in jars that Lizzie's dad called "caviar." I had no idea what that was, but everyone seemed to be enjoying it, so I tried a tiny bit. It was salty and kinda strange, definitely not like anything I'd ever eaten. Johnny looked as confused as me; of course, the academy had fancy food, but this was weird. And so much different from what mom cooked for us, and I longed for her lasagna right now.
Then there were all these different forks and spoons and knives laid out next to the plates. I was used to just one fork and one spoon at home, but here, it was like a whole set of tools just for eating. I glanced over at Lizzie, who noticed my confusion and tried to discreetly explain which fork to use for which course. But I could tell I was still getting it wrong.
Lizzie's family seemed used to all this fancy stuff, chatting away as they effortlessly used their array of utensils. Meanwhile, I was struggling not to knock over a glass or use the wrong fork. Her mom smiled kindly at me and offered some advice on what to try next, but I couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. John and König, of course, knew how to act. I noticed how Lizzie’s dad liked John, but Lizzie’s mom definitely liked me.
It was strange; they were so familiar with each other, chatting at dinner and laughing, listening to Lizzie ramble about the school teaching shitty German. It was so different than at home; no one screamed, no one cried, and, most importantly, no one punched each other.
Johnny and I slept in one of the various guest chambers, and it was so comfortable, the best sleep I've ever had until I heard Lizzie scream from next door. I ran towards her room; I didn’t know what was wrong, but I needed to find out.
She lay in her luxurious room, whining and shaking in her sleep. I always thought rich families like these never had any problems, but here she was having night terrors.
I sat next to her in bed, brushing my hand towards her silky hair. "I'm here, Lizzie, everything is good."
"Please don’t kill me; I don’t know anything," she cried, and then König walked in, pushing me to the side while grabbing her in his bulky arms, whispering to her something in German until she calmed down and slept peacefully again. Now, all of us stood in her room. I just wanted to comfort Lizzie, telling her everything would be fine again.
"What was this?" John asked.
"That’s more than nightmares, mate," Johnny said, earning a death glare from König. I didn’t know what I thought, but I stood up and walked towards her bed again, cuddling her like Mom and Dad always did. For the first time, I could protect someone, and I’d protect her like she protected me.
"No, she is my best friend; I won’t leave." Slowly, after minutes, John and Johnny climbed into Lizzie’s bed. All of us wanted to comfort the girl who gave us everything every day. And so all five of us played together in the bed, eager to protect her from whatever haunted her. It was nice; having her in my arms was the last thought before I slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep.
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wandas-lovey · 2 years ago
I’m being delulu so i started wondering (¡again!) what life with five would be post-season 3. But like…he’s a teacher in this…
* after all his siblings left when Reggie reset the universe you’re left with a mopey five
* you’re both pretty sad the first couple of days having just lost the people you love most :(
* but we don’t have time to be sad we need to get jobs!!!
* im gaslighting myself into believing that five and you have a place to stay the first night in the new timeline instead of being homeless 💀
* five becomes a teacher in the new timeline and you can’t convince me otherwise
* and what do you know!! you become a teacher too :D
* five would definitely teach math while you’d teach history (cuz you traveled through time when working with the commission, idk just go with it)
* while your classes may be a bit hard for the students you two are definitely the schools favorite teachers!!
* i mean why wouldn’t you be? the students can’t get enough of the two mysterious young teachers who showed up out of nowhere in the middle of the school year….
* you two definitelyyyy didn’t threaten the previous math and history teachers to quit their jobs or else they’d be dead by nightfall
* I just know many students are crushing on you BOTH. have you seen yourself lately? You look great ;)
* you both find it funny tho cuz they believe they’re crushing on teachers who are in their early 20s when it’s actually two 50 year olds in their younger bodies
* you two wouldn’t be the type to eat lunch with the rest of the faculty. you’d eat together in each other’s classroom enjoying your time together even if it’s for a short time
* five’s the type of boyfriend/teacher who interrupts your class for the dumbest reasons just cuz he wants to see you :,)
“can i borrow your stapler for a minute?”
“i’m in the middle of class right now”
“Yes I’m aware but i need to finish stapling the students review packets”
“you bought a stapler yesterday…”
“yeah but yours works better”
*your students definitely find it cute :)
* after witnessing playful banter between the teachers that was a little too ~flirtatious~ the students get suspicious of what’s actually going on between their math and history teacher
* “are-are you and mr.hargreeves together..?”
* up until this point neither of you have confirmed to your students what your relationship was with each other
“unfortunately we are” you say with a smile on your face
*after confirming your relationship that day, your students spent the rest of the class asking you all types of questions about your relationship
“how did you and mr.hargreeves meet??”
“how long have you been together?”
“did you ask him out first or did he ask you?”
“why did you wait this long to tell us??”
*when your classes switch out and head to their next class with mr.hargreeves they try and pester him too about your relationship
“why aren’t you married yet?!?”
“ oh wow. i didn’t realize that was any of your business”
* you two are the kind of teachers to always be chosen to be chaperones for school dances.
*five definitely complains the entire night about being tired and wanting to go home
*who could blame him. watching over teenagers for hours making sure no one’s bumping uglies is exhausting
“how much longer till we can leave? This music’s awful. I’d rather throw myself off a building than be here.”
“Five…we just got here”
“What’s your point?”
*after a long night of watching over whore-knee kids, you head home ending the night with curling up on the couch and falling asleep in each other’s arms while The Breakfast Club plays in the background
i have no clue how to fucking end this 💀
also this shit ain’t proofread
A year later and this post is still better than the way season 4 ended 🤨🤨
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yrthr · 2 years ago
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s.hanbin masterlist / zb1 masterlist ; wc 0.893k
➛ genre / trope ; best-friends to lovers 🎧 — hello ! decided to go with a drabble and scenario is so cliché i love it and hopefully this isn’t too long i got carried away. and also hopefully its okay that this is in a school setting , im a sucker for school romance.
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hanbin is affectionate and extremely clingy by nature and it shows through your friendship. however , recently , it seems as though he’s a bit too clingy.
“ y/n ! let me carry your bags for you. “
“ oh you have a lil’ something on your face , hold on… got it ! “
“ do you wanna go to the arcade after school ? my treat. “
“ its cold today , i brought a spare jacket for you. “
you’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t flutter at these things hanbin would do for you. you weren’t dense but it was absurd.
hanbin potentially having feelings for you ?
lets snap out of the delusions.
there was always something deep down in your heart for hanbin , although you weren’t sure if those feelings were romantic or platonic.
but you’d never confess , obviously.
“ i’ll see you after class , don’t fall asleep ! “
hanbin told you , giving you one of his bright smiles while continuously waving goodbye until you were out of his vision.
lord he acted as if he was enlisting.
tuesdays , wednesdays and thursdays were considered hell for hanbin. which teacher placed him and you in separate math classes because its on sight. well , at least he’d get to walk you home every time. [ and woohoo for dismissal ]
finally class had ended which had hanbin bursting out those doors like it was an action movie. he made his way to your classroom , ready to call out your name , just to see…
… you talking and laughing with max.
he stood outside the backdoors , watching the interaction and how you were so comfortable around his presence. how you laughed so hard at his jokes that you had to hit him. [ hanbin noticed you did this occasionally when you were really losing your shit ]
hanbin’s smile dropped ever so slightly and his heart felt like it had been punched.
a surge of anger rushed through his veins as slightly protective yet possessive thoughts flooded his mind.
he brushed it off.
sure , he definitely had feelings for you but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t make new friends.
“ y/n ! if you’re ready lets go. “
hanbin grabbed the handle of your bag about to prop it up on his shoulders when you stopped him.
“ actually , im going to the mall with max today. “
“ oh. “
“ uhm okay , have fun ! remember to text me when you get home. “
“ yeah , i will. “
hanbin ruffled your hair endearingly before walking away. [ he had to practically drag himself away from you ]
he looked back giving you a smile which you didn’t notice , too busy talking to your other male companion.
the bus ride home was lonely hanbin didn’t have anyone to give the window seat to or lean his head on their shoulder , not even to trace words or patterns on the back of someones hand.
the silent trip made him realise how much more you meant to him , if that was even possible. as before he already considered you his world.
‘ its okay.. it’s just for today. ‘
well , the next few days were definitely worse.
hanbin saw you with max at times apart from math class.
he’d walk to your shared table in between classes , both of you would talk with hand signals or just your eyes , sharing stupid tiktoks.
all these things you used to do with hanbin , and him alone , were now shared with some other guy.
hanbin was well aware he was jealous , maybe a bit hurt too.
of course you both would hang out but to see you share your smile , laugh and humour with someone other than him was … gut wrenching to say the least.
but he couldn’t blame you.
one day , hanbin couldn’t control his emotions anymore.
you and hanbin were sitting at a bench behind the school that was the usual hangout spot.
out of no where max popped out giving you a grin , plopping himself right next to you and swinging an arm around your shoulders. he started blabbing about something irrelevant , and completely ignoring the other male.
“ we have to go now. “
hanbin gently grabbed your hand and guided you to the empty student council room.
“ jesus that guy had some fucking spy gear or something. “
you joked.
you looked up seeing hanbin’s eyes slightly darting around to look at you , his lips slightly ajar , his hand still holding yours and his other hand reaching up to caress your cheek.
“ i have to get this off my chest. y/n i really really like you. like like you. and if you don’t feel the same or you’re already dating max , thats fine. i just want you to know that. “
your lips perked up into a smirk like smile and scoffed.
you looked down , “ that was somewhat insulting , i do have standards you know. “
“ but yeah , i guess i like like you too. “
hanbin’s smile grew wider showing off his bunny teeth and he couldnt help but let out a few laughs.
“ may i ? “
you nodded.
you closed your eyes expecting his lips on yours but instead felt a soft peck on the tip of your nose.
“ that’ll have to wait , i’ll plan something special. “
and with that your heart couldn’t handle it anymore , burying yourself into his chest.
hanbins arms wrapped around you , squeezing you.
the once empty room was filled with uncontrollable giggles and a newly formed couple.
divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
©️ yrthr 2023
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rowretro · 1 year ago
𝕾𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗
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✧taglist✧: @nxzz-skz   @nshmrarki @wntersm
Babe peacefully sat in her seat for art lesson, which was right beside the Nishimura Riki. The scene that had happened before intrigued the boy... Oh she's such a sweetheart... a piece of art way better than his paintings.
The students started whispering amongst themselves at the sight of the 2 beside each other, but Riki didn't care... His eyes were fixated on the girl beside him, she had her air pods in, her had softly gripping onto the paintbrush the gently strode across her canvas.
He tilted his head as he stared at her "So you're the new girl...." He asked quite annoyed by the fact she didn't hear him. The male smirked darkly as he pulled an earphone out of her ear, listening to the song that was playing in her ears. 
"Chase Atlantic?... cute." he simply stated as the girl finally turned to him, smiling sweetly "I love their songs- do you?" the girl asked as Riki gave her earphone back "They're eh I guess..." The male trailed off.
God, that innocent smile, the way she fixed her glasses slightly as she focused on her painting, the false lashes giving her much more doll like features... She was beautiful in his eyes....
Oh how bad he wants to make this pretty girl cry... Riki chuckled to himself just at the thought of it as he turned back to his canvas.
. . .
Babe was silently walking to her next lesson... Math, the one subject many students dread. The girl stood by the entrance as some girls were heard gossiping beside her.
"Did you hear? Park Sunghoon got into another fight-" "Of course he did, I mean that girl was basically asking for it, she knows he hates physical touch, you should've seen the way she was clinging to him... " "ouh it was such a gruesome scene, he literally dislocated her arm, you could even hear the sounds of her bones"
The girls continued their gossip as they entered the class. "Babe lee right?" Mr Park asked with a smile as Rowan nodded. "Alright students we have a new student, please introduce yourself" 
"Hi im Babe- I hope we can be good friends I guess?" the girl questioned, still new to this whole concept of needing to introduce herself.
"You may sit beside Park Sunghoon... at the back corner there, he's one of our class toppers I'm sure he can help you" The teacher smiled, as Rowan smiled back sweetly, hiding the little fear she didn't know she had after hearing the rumours.
She couldn't deny it though.... He was... Stunning, beautiful, he was literally a painting made by the heavens above, the dream guy that anyone would fall for. Silently, she took her seat, taking out her book as Sunghoon eyed her top to bottom.
"Don't you think that skirt's a little too short?... things like that don't flatter me you know" there it is... that cocky, unattractive side to him. "Congratulations, Mr perfect has a flaw~" she commented, unaware of the eyes that laid on her.
Sunghoon scoffed at her attitude, but continued with taking notes. Such a ballsy, god awful bitchy little girl. A little girl that had caught the attention of Nishimura Riki...
Sunghoon frowned at Riki's text and the stalkerish picture of Rowan he sent. His frown immediately replaced by a smug smirk as he turned to the girl, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
The Park Sunghoon laid his hands on a girl willingly... the whole class was filled with little gasps as Rowan turned to Sunghoon with a slight frown. "You're going to be sitting with me and the boys at break today you get it pretty girl?!" Sunghoon simply asked, his voice low as he leaned into her face.
"You will be sitting with me and the boys... you don't want to know what'll happen if you do so otherwise now do you?..." Sunghoon threated, his voice slightly louder than a faint whisper.
. . .
It was the first break of the school day. Babe hadn't exactly initiated or asked to be someone's friend, and yet so many people had friendly smiles, offering her a seat. After all, they considered her the new happy pill of the school.
A rather pretty girl who she had made small talk with earlier waved her over. It was Eunchae,  Babe smiled as she was about to walk over to them, only to be yanked away by a mush more stronger arm.
Immediately, all the smiles had faded and no one looked her way, however Eunchae stared at her being taken away, with a pout. "You didn't forget your promise did you little girl?!..." Sunghoon sked darkly as he stared down at her.
"N-No I didn't... I was just smiling at her that's all" Babe reasoned as Sunghoon rolled his eyes, dragging her with him, there were 2 boys in front of her, another beside her and three more boys including Riki, behind her.
The door read "Staff only, no students are to pass beyond this point" but it seemed to be no deal as One of the boys waved the keys and with one swift move unlocked the door. There they were, on the roof top.
Only at this moment, Babe knew that something really bad was going to happen... 
and boy was she so right...
✧𝕾𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗✧
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mjso-soupp · 8 months ago
Meet me in the South
Chapter 2: I’m not native
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(Subaru Sakamaki/Fem!American!Reader)
Word count: 2.7k
TW: Mentions of blood, and Bullying(idk lol?)
Notes: Im really proud about how this one turned out, updates may be more frequent since I do have a clear schedule for now.. Thank you for my two best friends for helping me through this (ahem, bubble and Iris..)
I like feeling the water rush under my feet, in the creek behind the church.
My friends fingers gripping my bare shoulder, scared she’ll slip and fall.
I laugh and tell her it’s okay if she does, I’ll get wet with her.
We walked the winding creek down to the river, my friends waiting on the bridge above.
She held my hand when we stood on the edge of the bridge, it’s not far. It'll last a few seconds.
I feel my insides become lighter when we jump, our screams resonate together and pierce the quiet air.
Water shoots up my nose. Once I reach the shore, she smiles at me.
“See? It wasn’t so bad.”
February 20th 2004
“Damn, you take forever to wake up.”
The bed sunk under the weight of the two, Subaru observing her resting face, the sun went away, taking the long shadows it placed on the earth with it, and the heat it blessed life. The last seven days were warmer in the night, occasional outings gave energy to both brides and life in the mansion was thriving. Her body was huddled under the king size sheet, curled in hopes of beating the chilling air in the mansion that never left. Her eyes cracked open, fluttering open to meet Subaru’s piercing gaze.
“Is it time for school..?” She whispered, propping up on her elbow. Rubbing circles on her lids.
“Hurry up, Reijis gonna be on our asses. You wouldn’t wake up so I just sat here waiting.”
“You were watching me sleep?”
“N-not like that! Tch, I was just passing the time. I went to sleep earlier than usual, and couldn't go back to sleep.”
“Okay..” His face grew red, standing up abruptly and walking to the door.
“Just, hurry up and get ready, okay?” Slamming the door behind him, leaving the girl on the bed confused.
“Can you tell me the answer to number five?”
Her head lifted slowly in confusion, the bright fluorescent lights hindering her vision whilst attempting to observe the surroundings. It was class time, the lesson had been slept away. Everyone was staring at the sight before them in her groggy awakening, watching her jaw stretch open for a yawn while her arms stretched behind her back, cracking it loudly. The teacher stood at the front of the board, ruler in one hand, chalk in another, waiting for a response patiently.
“Me?” She replied,
“Yes, you. You would have a clue about what’s going on if you weren’t sleeping.”
‘What class am I even in again? There’s kanji scribbled on the board, how many kilometers are in a mile again…? This is math right?’ Bright eyes finally adjusted to the bright room, noticing a group of girls in the corner covering their mouths.
They giggled. The one that stood out, leaned over to one of the petite girls next to her, whispering in her ear causing her to giggle continuously. They eventually made eye contact with her.
The girl's name was Hana, her hair was as dark as the atmosphere around her, that fell down to her waist, eyes of emerald green that slanted ever so slightly, making her look angry all the time. She also wore her uniform loosely: Blazer that fit her a size too large, button up with a couple of them missing, short skirt that questionably adhered to the dress code and a new pair of mary jane’s everyday. All her friends however, were short: Hair, Height, and short of dignity. As opposed to her menacing personality, she was surrounded with all the bubbly, gyaru girls? And they practically worshiped the ground she walked on, wiping her fake tears for her. Her father was a politician that worked with the Sakamaki brothers' father, that was the word around the class.
“debu.” Her friends laughed even louder this time, the teacher just rolled her eyes and walked back to the board.
“Enough of that. Please try to stay awake for the next lesson.”
“Yes, maam.”
Then the bell rang, signaling lunch, everyone rushed out of the room, crowding the halls. Hana and her friends watched the girl leave the room, turning their heads, smirking when they collaborated on their idea.
The bench on the top of the roof was her designated spot, no one would greet her up there. She had gotten used to sitting peacefully, listening to the wind howl while eating whatever the cafeteria was serving. Occasionally Laito would pop up, but not much
mind was paid to him
“Look who it is, it’s debu!” She stood up and walked towards the girl. Her eyes sent a glint even through the dark night and the moon shone on her shiny polished nails.
“Hey, Debu!” Her lips parted into a wide grin, licking her red lips. The bride's face dropped into a worried expression, her heart began racing, quickening her breaths.
“What does that mean..?” Hana laughed, bringing her hand onto her hip, her pocket knife metal shining.
The same girls laugh echoed behind, the bride snapped her head around, facing the three girls.
“Gaijin, they’re such an eyesore. Don’t you agree, girls? Maybe we should teach her a lesson.”
The pocket knife flipped open in the swipe of Hana’s wrist, lunging at the bride. Hana’s arm wrapped around the brides shoulder and held the blade up to her neck.
“Stop—what are you doing!” The cold blade pressed down onto the bride's pale skin, droplets of crimson earned a hiss from the frightened girl.
“This will teach you to stay away from what isn’t yours.” The blade slicing a thin line into the bride's neck, she closed her eyes in response, chewing on her lip to muffle a scream.
“Oi! What the hell do you think you’re doing!”
Hana jumped at the sound of the vampire's voice, she shot looks at the three girls, dropped her grip on the bride and fled, along with her group. Leaving the bride confused once again, she held her neck, blood streaming down onto her white button up.
“Fuck, are you okay— You’re always causing trouble for me! I can’t waste this, okay, I’ll clean you up.”
“I’m sorry—I didn’t see them coming.”
“S-shut up, they’re gone now.”
He brought her in close, taking in her scent before pressing a flat tongue along the incision, Lapping up any remaining crimson that didn’t leave a mark on the pure white blouse.
“Thank you.”
“Tsk. don’t thank me idiot.”
“Come on Shuu, it’s your turn!” Yui squealed, the sleeping blond had missed the past turns, everyone groaned watching him crack his eye open, unbothered.
“I don’t even enjoy this, just go ahead for me.” he crossed his arms, sitting next to Yui on the couch, observing everyone’s moves.
“Damn man, you don’t have to be a buzzkill. Hey, you! Take his turn.” Ayato barked at the bride sitting calmly in the corner, tugging at the bandages wrapped around her neck that bothered her. The pale skin ached from how tight Subaru tied it, also the constant tugging and readjusting he went through to get it just right. He gave up after the third try, huffing and tying it lazily.
“I don't play pool.”
The redheads face dropped in anger,
“Does anyone take this shit seriously anymore? You all are just afraid to get beat by Ore-Sama!” he groaned, placing the stick down before slumping down onto the cushion.
“Don’t get so worked up Ayato! Bitch-Chan has a lot on her mind, she’s practically scratching for someone to pay mind to her!”
Laito appeared next to the girl, leaning in close. His pearly whites shine in the dim lighting of the room. Warm puffs of air tickled against her cheek, causing her to flinch.
“Fufu..Subaru’s not here, just tell me and I’ll tend to your needs~ We all know Subaru doesn’t.”
“No, it’s okay—I'm good.” She waved her hands in front of her face, blushing at the suggestive offer. Laito had begun trying to make advances towards her, his bride seemingly disappearing into thin air after that night. She wasn’t bothered though, Subaru wouldn’t allow it really.
“Are you sure Bitch-Chan?” The smirk on his face widened, amused at her flustered response. She nodded her head quickly, becoming silent for a moment before blurting out.
“What does Debu and Gaijin mean..?”
Two of the triplets laughed out loud, the corner of Shuu’s mouth turned upwards.
“Damn Chichinashi! Where’d you learn those words?”
The bride’s eyes blinked in surprise and widened, blushing before looking down at her lap. fidgeting with the hem of her skirt,
“Awe Bitch-Chan, did someone call you that at school..?”
“I mean, yeah..”
Yui’s face became worried, swinging her legs slowly over the couch and plopping down on the couch next to the bride.
“I’m sorry they were so mean to you… It’s not true.”
“What? Can you just tell me what it means..?”
Yui and Laito gave each other a quick look, but turned their gaze back to the confused girl.
“If you won’t tell her I will!” Ayato exclaimed, “Debu means fat, and Gaijin means foreigner.”
“What!?” The bride stood up abruptly, stomping to the silver floor mirror and standing before it.
“Am I really… Fat?” Twirling 360 in the mirror observing all the curves and dips on her body, poking at her belly whilst sighing.
“You’re bigger than most girls Bitch-Chan~ You know, more area back there.”
She stared at him with an annoyed expression, lifting her arm up and looking over her shoulder.
“I mean I work out so does it really matter if I’m larger…? I’m not even large! I'm healthy so what does it matter!”
The two laughed again. Kanato finally spoke up after watching the scene unfold,
“Dolls are frail and skinny, not muscular like you.”
Teddy rested on his lap, facing the girl twirl in the mirror. Its eyes suddenly held so much judgment, she had to contain her fright towards the stuffed bear.
“I think you’re beautiful! It doesn’t matter what they say, as long as you’re healthy.”
Yui complimented, smiling nervously whilst clasping her hands together.
A loud creaking caught their attention, Subaru and Reiji walked in simultaneously.
“The fuck you standing there for?” Subaru questioned
“Someone at school called Chichinashi here a fatso!”
All three of the triplets bursted out into boisterous laughter, the girl's face dropped into a low frown. Reiji rolled his eyes, pushing his glasses up before speaking.
“Whilst she may not be to our standards, I read in America they prioritize fitness and muscle training as opposed to striving for a lean structure here in this culture.” his eyes narrowed before speaking once again,
“I am glad I found you both are here, you and this lazy, good-for-nothing have something in common. I received word from your teacher that you were sleeping in class, now I also read in your file you were transferred here to seek advanced education, although I do not see how sleeping in class can be proof of that. Let me make this clear for you, I cannot have you sullying our name, so If I hear you are sleeping in class again, I will see to it that I punish you thoroughly.”
The triplets grew silent, giving each other looks trying their best to not snicker. Goosebumps grew on the girl's arms, her palms clammy from embarrassment.
“And you,” Reiji spat, awakening the blond sleeping vampire. Shuu cracked his eyes open, visibly annoyed that there was such a commotion surrounding him.
“It appears you are set to graduate this year. Although, I hardly believe you will make it through this semester before failing, like you always do.”
He smirked while crossing his arms, walking over to the couch and looking down on his older brother.
Everyone watched as the blond on the cushion sat up and swung his legs over the couch. Eyebrows furrowed downwards, his lips as well into a scowl.
“You just had to ruin the mood, like you always do.”
“Did I hit a nerve brother? Why don’t you lay down and sleep away the hours, something you’re familiar with?”
Shuu shot up off the couch, balling his fist,
“Playing the eldest doesn’t mark your title.”
Reiji’s smirk dropped, his shoulders tensed up but relaxed after realization the sets of eyes resting on his figure,
“I have done more for this household than your faltered brain could ever comprehend! Absolutely no one would miss you if you left—as a matter of fact, go ahead. Leave, see if anyone is this mansion bats a lash, go ahead and save the burden for the rest of—“
Reiji’s sentence was cut short by the sound of Shuu’s fist delivering a blow to his face. Contact between the two resulted in an immediate snap, blood spurring outwards on the ground, splattering on the black and white tile. Metal frames clinked against the floor, shattering the thin glass, scratching at the tile.
“If you want to carry on the name so desperately, for that man.. I’ll let you, this family means nothing to me.”
Yui’s face became sullen: If Shuu decided to leave, would he take her? He would be leaving her here to fend for herself with the other vampires available in the mansion, having that immunity meant she could last an eternity being tormented by these people—without an end in sight. For once, the girl didn’t feel a burning envy towards Yui. For once, she felt sorry, sorry and relieved that for once, she wasn’t being preyed upon.
Reiji sat on the floor, cradling his nose to stop the bleeding. His nose was bent, it wouldn’t be the perfect shape his father had gifted him with, Shuu had thoroughly deformed it with that one single hit, he also decided to leave with Yui while everyone watched as Reiji sat on the floor in disbelief, his eyes saucers racing with thought yet nothing could be said. The damage was done, he achieved the thing he wanted most, he was next in line.
“Tch. Let’s go,” Subaru whispered to the girl, pulling her away from the crime scene. Her eyes lingered on the splattered mess on the floor, Reiji was looking for a rag to clean the mess up.
February 21, 2004
“Don’t forget me. Okay?”
The girls intertwined hands, staring at eachother one last time. Shuu had decided to bring Yui along after all. Everything was booked last night to ensure their departure,
“Where are you going..?”
“I don’t know, Shuu said somewhere far away.”
The girl squeezed Yui into a tight embrace, frowning with tears stinging at the whites of her eyes. Petting the blondes hair slowly,
“Please be safe Yui,” Her voice cracked with soft lips trembling, pulling away eventually. The driver slammed the trunk shut,
“I’m ready when you all are,” Said the driver, opening the limousine door. Shuu put his hand on Yui’s shoulder and looked down at her.
“I don’t want to be here a second longer,”
The girl walked next to Subaru. His eyes hard with unreadable emotion, watching as the blondes boarded, finally escaping. Triplets watched as well the sudden pause Shuu took before fully entering the limousine, his eyes softening observing the household he lived in all those years. Yui’s small hand waving an eternal goodbye to the inhabitants of the house, smiling with no worry. She was free. The door slammed behind them, simultaneously when the limousine began driving away. Subaru’s head following along the shrinking image.
“There goes our eldest, maybe we’ll lose another.”
Laito said, turning on his heels before walking inside. Other two triplets followed close after.
Her fingers turned blue from how long the two stood there, listening to the cold wind howl and prickle at their pale skin. Huddled together with their arms intertwined,
“May be time for us to go,” She pulled away from the albino, clasping her hands together before walking into the mansion as well.
Shuu’s words appeared in his mind, turning his head to see Reiji's figure in the window peering out into the darkness,
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Dipper in High School Gravity Falls
Dipper pov ~
I walk through the halls, trying to find my geometry class. Gravity Falls High is similar to California’s local one in a way, but it does have a different feel to it that I can’t quite place my finger on. I’m glad I dont have as much of a sweating problem as I did when I was twelve, or there would’ve been a lot more than just my nerves showing through.
I end up in an empty hallway with no one around. “Okayyyy, great, where was I going again? Room 208 A,... in the math hallway? There are different hallways for different subjects? And what hallway am I in? The english hallway- What a load of- "" Hay?” Before I could curse, a peppy, girly voice pops up behind me.
I turn to see a smiley redheaded girl standing behind me. Her hair was long and wavy, and she was wearing a band shirt with a long sleeve plaid shirt over it. “Are you new? You’re looking kind of lost there buddy.”
I feel my face flush slightly. “O-oh, ummm, yeha I was looking for my geometry class and I got kind of lost.” She smiled and came closer to me “Yea, I remember my first day here. For a small town, we have a pretty big school. They always focus on giving us these GIANT school renovations insead of making cool landmarks out of the town."
" My gruncle stan actually runs,- well, used to run the Mystery Shack in the forest!" The girl looked at me excited. "Holy crap, dude, i use to love going there! The stuff in that place is way cooler than the stuff they teach in school." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and i notice the freckes scattered across her skin like stars. I get a flutter in my stomach, reminding me again of when I was twelve and had a crush on Wendy Corduroy, the old cashier who used to work at the Mystery shack.
"Hey, if you ever want to come over and see a tour of the shack behind the scenes after school, I don't think Soos would mind!". She looked at me, and I might be thinking too far ahead, but i swear her cheeks went a little pinker. "That sounds fun! Id love to come over." The bell rings, signaling that the classes have already started.
" Okayyy, im gonna take you to your class now, my class is just over here, so im just gonna run and let my teacher know." I feel myself go a little red from embarrasement. "Oh, no you dont need to do that-" "Hey i insist! Besides, i kinda wanna hear more about this tour you're gonna give me."
She runs into the class down the hall, and i see a glimpse of the band on her shirt. BABBA. I smile to myself, and i realize we dont have each others names yet. She comes back out, and we start to walk. "Hey, mystery boy, can i have your name? Im Piper." I smile "My names Mason, but you can just call me Dipper." "Nice to meet you, mystery boy."
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txxfiles · 1 year ago
give me all the fics where the boys kiss
Hi! It looks like I'm week 3!
I honestly have no idea idea what im doing really but i guess you'll just have to listen to me ramble about something i enjoy. Seems to fit the theme we've accidentally settled on and well! if theres one thing im good at rambling about its bl fanfiction. i read ALOT of fanfiction. like 13million words worth of it in 2023 alone (an estimate but i did the ugly math for jan and feb last year and id already read 2.7 million words so i dont think its too high an estimate).
ive read fics from too many fandoms to count and also have way more hyperfixations then any one person has a right too but the one that has owned my ass consistently for the last 4 years is The Untamed otherwise know as Mo Dao Zu Shi (MDZS).
The lovely Eucalyptus from week 2 was watching the untamed during covid (and holy shit what a wild ride that was) and the next thing I know im neck deep drowning in fan art and tiktok edits of beautiful chinese men that have no business being as talented as they are (Im looking at u Wang Yibo) This. shit. fucked. up. my. life.
then i turned to my good friend AO3 (love of my life i could not exist without you) and 4 years later ive read my tags dry. if its complete, ive read it. im getting desperate and ive started reading works in progress, yikes. its so risky i honestly cannot tell you how much anxiety it gives me. ive been burnt too many times.
this does mean if you need a fic recommendation then your girl has got you covered, so i figured i would share with you my TOP SIX fic recommendations. im sorry i tried to make it 5 but i just couldnt do it.
I will be chasing a starlight by feyburner & sundiscus 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 71,479 words - Complete
Omg. Wangxian Startrek AU. The pining, the miscommunication. I felt every range of emotion on this roller-coaster. I literally printed this out so that I could keep it forever. I wish I could read it for the first time all over again. This Fic hit AO3 like a comet. It even has it’s own Tumblr thread! Also comes with stunning fanart.
Paint smears on sunny days by SnowshadowAO3 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 53,808 words - Complete
Modern Day AU, Musician/Single dad Lan Wangji falls in love with his son’s Art Teacher Wei Wuxian. I swear it's one of the cutest stories ever written, makes me feel all the good things. A-yuan is adorable and wangxian are hot and charming. The Ultimate wangxian comfort fic. 
Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller 
Jin Rulan & Wei Wuxian - 63,907 words - Complete
Jin Ling fishes his Da-Ju out of the gutter post canon (Literally dying alone in a dirty inn, Wei Wuxian it's been 5 minutes pls) and decides if no one else is gonna keep him then he damn well will. 
It is perfect.  
Junior Quartet goodness, Yunmeng bro reconciliation and Jin Ling being a boss bitch little shit that has no time for anyone's bullshit. I cried as much as Jin Ling did in this story – which is alot. (Also another story ive made myself a solid copy of that i can love forever)
Joy In The Mindst of These Things by Glitterbombshell 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 52,901 words - 5 Works
TEACHER WEI WUXIAN! I love this trope with my whole soul. Lots of adorable baby Lans, I would kill for them. Beautifully written. Lan Qiren gets a much needed wakeup call. Last story is incomplete but can be read without the 5th installment. SO WORTH IT, ive read it like 10 times
The One-Body Problem by mitisket 
Lan Jingyi & Wei Wuxian - 28,689 words - Complete
Well shit. How many times have a reread this story? I honestly couldn't tell you. Jingyi gets possessed by Wei Wuxian’s very tired soul pre canon and it changes nothing and yet everything. Their friendship gives me life and Jingyi fixes a lot of problems for his new bestie/mentor/uncle with his big mouth. Mom I love him 
The Edge of Night by Hobbsy3 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 277,225 words - Complete
The best Zombie Apocalypse au on the MDZS tag honestly. There are so many good zombie film references in this one, i see you Train to Busan. Baby junior quartet, a perfect Wei Wuxian modern day depiction and so much love, angst and stress. It's delicious and I've never recovered.  
All of these fics are actually part of a mother document i made last week of all my favourite fics organised by tag because apparently thats what i do with my free time. hit me up if you need a rec!
Now that ive gotten that off my chest i'll let you be lol. maybe I'll do a rec for a different fandom next time. I definitely have enough to choose from!
Lots of Love,
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comix64 · 1 year ago
soda cans all the way
still soda cans
tie between grunge and tomboy cuz they both look alike but honestly i wouldnt wear anything coordinated
earbuds make me anxious cuz they fall out too much, headphones
fresh air ( i may or may not have been influenced by a smell marker with this label actually smelling like shaving cream)
blackjack during break :P
"WH-816" (the unchangable name of my headphones, as i listen to them with a micro sd card in them)
fahrenheit 451
legs pushed out a little, slouching backwards, neck against chair
cheap blue ones with creaky left heel i got off amazon
rain :P
facing left, left hand near face, right hand closer to knees, legs tucked in
text files (i blame my 2nd grade teacher for not actually teaching me handwriting)
my cool uncle
idk if this counts but whenever i yawn i invoulantarily [sic, dont ask] make an odd sound like a speak and spell stuttering
idk, diamond
nintendo 3ds photo album slideshow music
generally frolic in snow, idk i live in a mostly warm place
New Computers - Girlfriends, The Less I Know the Better - Tame Impala, I Want to be a Machine - The Living Tombstone, Bathwell in Clerkentime - The Real Tuesday Weld, Credits EX - Frums
deal with the bullshit and tell me im giving you bullshit
the general outfit i wore for some weird day at my school - white tshirt, baggy pants (no seperating me n my baggy pants), fingerless gloves
just go watch a compilation of kevin parry n zach king
idk how to check, probably "ok" or "what" or sumthing
omega mart, you have no idea what's in store for youuuuu!
i dont remember
lemon cake
pee on the ceiling of every room
pants, specifically cargo pants bits cuz nobody will ever suspect you put anything in those
you wont believe this… nothing
american (eagle screech)
just keep swimming
the comment section of "Evil beat i been cooking up"
my music teacher is openly homophobic
kiki koki
birthday powers
my pet rabbit dying, my parasitic need for attention, and my failing math grades
i can sound like stitch from lilo n stitch, i can sound like a speak n spell, and my teachers think i am smarter than the IT guy
idk something related to scout tf2 sorta
scott pilgrim but im not as shitty as scott pilgrim
the whole paragraph of mispronunciations of Denham's Dentrifice being pounded into Montag's ears in Fahrenheit 451
gooigi, luigi, young neil, sorry i cant keep a train of thought that long
the same five that describe me but sped up a bit
idk if this counts but there is what appears to be a symmetrical birth mark on my shoulders, on closer inspection one of them is a birth mark the other is from being stabbed with a pencil
my deck of cards
dr pepper
there is an actual end of the internet. keep putting in URLS and it will tell you you've hit the end of your journey. then? well it'll save it to your hard drive for you of course! [i can give you the link]
pebble tile on pools. say goodbye to your toes
cinnamon toast crunch + orange juice
dont remember
whataburger fries
i dont drink/eat either but probably coffee
school id
never heard of em
arent fireflies and more violent sounding fireflies the same thing
pc can act as console. console cannot act as pc. pc obviously
drawing (that 2nd grade teacher i swear…)
never heard of a polly pocket so barbie
overstaying my welcome
we'd all stop arguing about trivial things, and stop ruining our planet
passed a test because my handwriting worked like that card dr who has that looks like whatever the viewer wants it to
wallace wells, "ies-nes" (like "yes" mixed with "SNES"), comix, com, mixtape, im making up half of these :P
one of the defaults from KDE, the hexagon one
2, my mom's and 911
i dont know what it's called but one of my steam friends has a pfp of it and there's a template on Apple Keynotes that looks like a leather book and the stock images in there perfectly capture it (see below)
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weird asks that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
12. name of your favorite playlist?
13. lanyard or key ring?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
18. ideal weather?
19. sleeping position?
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
21. obsession from childhood?
22. role model?
23. strange habits?
24. favorite crystal?
25. first song you remember hearing?
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
29. best way to bond with you?
30. places that you find sacred?
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
32. top five favorite vines?
33. most used phrase in your phone?
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
35. average time you fall asleep?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
41. last person you texted?
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
51. current stresses?
52. favorite font?
53. what is the current state of your hands?
54. what did you learn from your first job?
55. favorite fairy tale?
56. favorite tradition?
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
62. seven characters you relate to?
63. five songs that would play in your club?
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
66. favorite flower(s)?
67. good luck charms?
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
88. your greatest wish?
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
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damngirlwhat · 3 months ago
life update?!?!?!
i think im gonna fail math bc wtf did i just went trough
no bc we had a test 2 days ago and at home i knew, once i got the paper, blank, i forgot EVERYTHING.
but anyways tomorrow i have a test at romanian from the dramatic text (?) and im gonna fail that too and its possible that im also gonna have a biology test and im completly parallel at biology like i dont know anything
but its okay bc i got a 10 in chemestry and physics and it compensates 😇
and i also texted my 2 new besties "lets fuck" and my mom saw it and i had to explain that thats just our humor but its okay
oh and i also lost one of my guitar picks
and i also got into a fight with allmoust all of my classmates bc i was like class president or idk how to explaint it but something like that and they didnt wantem me to be anymore and they all started screaming at me while we had dirigentie (is a clss where you talk with your teacher about the problems of the class) and started complaying about the fact that i scream at them bc they did not wanted to put their phones in the cabinet (is not only a rule, but a fucking LAW) and shit like that and like they never took me seriously like they always joked and made fun of my name, my height and how big my forehead is like dude i know shut up and i started crying and i resigned and lately im always tired idk why like i literally fall asleep on my school desk like i just dont want to go to school anymore yk?
thats all thank you for reading my nonsense rant!
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queengmine2crayon · 4 months ago
I saw ur post about getting bad news and i know im a day late but i still want to try to make you feel better! so im literally js gonna put funny thing my friends have said 😔 i am not good at cheering ppl up but these make me laugh allll the time
"wretched was the day you came into this classroom" -my friend to my maths teacher
"wegener looks very clean shaved" "he looks like a monkey"
"he is a broken man" "ill break his nose"
"whys he kinda cute" (my sister whos never watchedmha about dabi) "hes 20" "hes perfect for me. i could fix him. take those metal thingies off" "then hed fall apart" "ill put him back together with the power of love"
its 1am rn so pls ignore my typos
this is kinda stupid but i rlly wanted to make u feel better 😭😭
Omg this is so funny xD your sister is an icon btwww 💫💅
Thank you! This made me feel a lil better 💚💚
[Mission accomplished. Your reward: a virtual hug (if your okay with it ofc :D)]
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everyothernamistaken · 1 year ago
so yeha
shitfest is over but like i still have to go to this one girls house to make plates for breakfast idk why but we have to so yeah i get to go to pizza party, also durring last day of shit fest very interesting i driving down road anf drive past ass slapping picknek competition, they offered me soda i said no thrn i go inside, they make us listen to speaches, ex girl friend gives some weird ass speach then grabs another girl and kisses her and then i realised i was dating a lesbian she didnt tell me but then like 2 hours later she was talking to her boyfriend and i was like what the fuck but back to the speaches so like the girl i kicked in the face do basiclg we all had to hold hands but like she gtabbed my hands then in her speach she thanked me idk what for i havent done anything for her but bloody her nose. After show end all the people involved were supised to go on stage but i didnt get the announcment becaude i was in the box so i was in the audience with my father when they were giving away like recognizions but i didnt think they would call me so i was chilling in the crowd with my dad, they fucking called me so i ran to the stage, knocked a woman over infront of like 500 people, and they were chearing my name while this was happenint and then becaude my dad didnt come up i didnt take a phoyo with him instead i got a photo with the shitty director guy ive been bad mouthing for a week and then i got put on stage next to my ex's family but its ok because im chill with all of them minus their daughter i went skiing with her brothers we chill minus her brother throwing his skiis, but i was like shellshocked from being in the box and then being in the bright so i have like the 20000 yard stare in the photo which my mother made fun of so i cried, but after fotos i went to chillis with face kick girl and her friend who is also my friend and her boyfriend who is probably a woman idk its not my buisness, so i asked for no ketchup on my burger but they put ketchup, i did not complain because the chef was my firends brother and i was at chillis with her, i saw some weird shit at chillis i saw my ex and the leperchaun she kissed eat like 10 corn cobs which was kinda wierd but then i left and face kick girl kept honking her horn at me like multiple loops in parking lot but theb i went home af like 2 am abd slept, then it was sunday and i slept some more, ive been chilin now but my school has givien a new rule which has givien a few unimportant teachers power trips and its so goofy because half the teachers dont care and half the teachers are the new gestapo, half my firends get detention for walking to a class to print our papers, other half for eating lunch in the quiet cafeteria, i dont get detention because i just push people out of the way and scream at them so i am not late, i may get beaten up though as ghetto kids dont like to be wrong but they do it so well. But today good day i got to work on my boat for a bit then i go home and make bowl becaude weather is nice outside soon i will fire bowl, then mother say we must go to store to aquire alergie medicien so you do not cri when spring, we go to store i see cute bunny stuffed animal i convince mother to purchase i now have cool bunny for easter i am happy i get one for sister too but i keep the cuter one for me.
Also i got lost twice today while driving it was not fun, also i was in class and my partner on a assignment wanted me to go on a adventure to some fuckoff classroom way faroff to measure a foot as that was rhe assignment but i just ghosted her to go interupt my math teachers class by measuring my friend in his classes fokt with my friends whi aldo wanted to do this, then i saw some guys pants fall down and i thought to my self, damn mfs cant get belts in this economy, didnt say anything tho becayse the guy had crackhead eyes like no thoughts behind them but violence and super dialated pupils it wad kinda creepy
I think i should see if my friends want to go on an adventure soon like apparebyly were gpnna make a mc server but that is kinda borring we dont havr the atention span for that like im the lasg one it was like a week and all i did was kill face kick girls dog and wage indiscriminant terrorism against my friends , this was like a year ago i was supoised to play mc with face kick but like i forgor to get her number so i couldnt like yknow, figure out when we were playing. Im so smart
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megismorallysunny · 1 year ago
not too much happened in my science test i got a 96% i did really well in my maths test. the girl behind me who was smarter than me only got like half of it done so i either fucked up terribly or did amazing. in science our tutor teaches it and she took out 6 people to talk to them because apricot harassed melon for no reason, and like bothering her for no reason even tho she told him to fuck off.
my irish teacher didnt do the irish test, idrk why. but atleast i have more time, at the end of friday i walked from the school out to my old babysitters house next to my old primary school, and i just hung out there. she made me a potato waffle and fish fingers. it was very yummy. i talked to old friends again, i really missed them. i had old friends, twins. we were friends best friends until the end of 6th year because some shit happened and it was really toxic. my other friend comet was friends with them but they stopped being friends round the start of comets 1st year (my second year). no one knew what happened, i talked to her brother he didnt know shit, i talked to star, cloud (even with a 4-5 year ish age difference between cloud and 2 year with star) they didnt know anything either.
it was reallly weird, well me and cloud were talking on friday and were talking about the twins how we absolutely hate M but K is ok. and that theyre sister was going to turn out just like M. but anyways i decided to ask comet what happened, she didnt tell me at first but i said "i hope anything didnt happen" and i cracked her. she said that they didnt like her making new friends and that they always gave her dirty looks, after two years i finally found out. and i probably wasnt supposed to tell anyone but i told star, we dont talk to much only when we see each other but we talked more recently beacuse of that. stars friend E hates her other friend L and theres no reason behind it, i think E is very obsessed and maybe insecure because she doesnt want star to do anything without her and when she does she leaves the call or tells her she wont ever talk to star again but she always comes crawling back and its really weird. im very proud of star for not falling for the trap that emmas putting. it would be really toxic. i think im a little kind of like an older sister to star and cloud, we grew up together, and they were my best friends growing up.
i feel kind of bad saying this because i have a younger brother, i dont like him, he really annoys with me, everything that he does annoy me. i feel bad, i dont know what to do to become better with him, hes just way too annoying for me. but anywyas im glad i have star and cloud, i want them to play bigger parts in my life and i want to play bigger parts in theirs, i didnt show up in 1st year or second year much so i want to make up for lost time, they really were my best friends and its great that we can shittalk all the same people because we all grew up dealing with their shit. im glad i have them :DDD
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makimaandyorswife · 2 years ago
reason why im not that active here
hi its been a while,hasn't it? prolly bc in the end of april im having my year end exams and exams. anw,i wanted to discuss why im not rlly active on here. its bc school is like 50% of rhe reason why im not rlly that active while the other 50% is my parents r like bugging me to get better grades bc ive been falling behind like brp i got a 52 on my math worksheet but at least im gonna pass the exams so i can get to middle school. yes, in july im starting middle school. its like idk how many weeks till the exams but my parents and course teacher r alr pressuring me. anw,i also have been getting into new fandoms not it bc its been getting real boring lately and that new fandom is anime. and yes as you can see from my name my waifus r yor and makima BC GOOD LORD HAVE MERCY THEY R SO FUCKING FINE. my husbus r xiao,scara from genshin and loid from spy x family that anime that yor is in.anw see u ily<33
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