#im definitely missing some obvious options
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oifaaa · 11 months ago
Wait shit just thought of something
(If you're about to comment any of the other bats just know you are wrong)
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infamous-if · 1 year ago
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So sorry for the delay! ! My VS Code program wasn't calibrated with CSIDE and in the indentions basically messed up. The prologue coding is so wonky that honestly if I do anything I end up fucking up 2839393 lines of code. If you've been following a while, you're probably well aware of much hatred for the prologue's coding lmao but we live and we learn.
Storyline wise, not much has changed. Scenes are largely the same, since I'm pretty happy with what I wrote a year ago. For this rewrite, I focused mainly on the big things like choices that will impact the rest of the story and O's gender selection. Some new things include:
you can now play with Orion or Oriana Quinn
you can now express if the band went through a musical rebrand after seven and what the old genre was (which will come up later).
you can now choose whether mc "changed" after seven and what change that was (there's 4, technically 2, options and a "default" vague option, im open to more options since I wanted to do this but couldn't really think of any believable ones beyond the four).
new mc personality: attached vs detached. your mc can have an extra attachment to the band for obvious reasons, or can feel the opposite.
coordinating outfits can now be exclusive to the band members. your mc can be the unique unicorn of the group since they're the lead singer (this is definitely not gonna bite them in the ass later)
adding to that, your mc's reason for fame can be due to wanting to keep the band together.
a new flavor text feeling about seven is now added which is basically "idk how I feel" instead of hating or loving them, you can just make it that MC's feelings for them is just a big question mark. REALISM!
stat changes: stern/playful -- same thing as humorous/serious I just wanted words that encompassed a wider range of behavior Leader/follower - whether mc takes on the leader role or not camaraderie - a band stat that measures the trust/morale/closeness of the band
u can probably see where im going with the stats huh....
smaller changes include:
more choices and options
prose changes + dialogue additions and expanded/ added scenes
The beta testers have not touched this yet, as I wanted to bring it out to collect some last suggestions, ideas from Patrons. Of course, as always, if you do catch errors, please let me know.
My main concern for errors: O's pronouns. It was a long process but I may have missed a few pronouns here and there. Please let me know if you catch any <3
PROLOGUE: 93K WORDS (for context, the old prologue and chapter 1 were 92k together. The prologue is a tiny bit inflated but :))) 
I will make a post about beta testers soon. I've been quiet on that front because I've been just prioritizing getting this out first.
Now available for Band tier! (6$)
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genderkoolaid · 1 year ago
advice on how to get over the fear that t is going to make me ugly? or that i’m going to miss “the old me”
i’m a queer trans guy and i’ve been questioning going on t for years now and i know i definitely want bottom growth, body fat redistribution and more body hair.
but im err on the side of face and voice changes. i’m scared of disliking my new voice and suddenly growing dysphoric over it (i dont have too much voice dysphoria now) and disliking how my new face will look. i’m kinda genderfluid as well so it’s complicated. but i don’t want to go my whole life without knowing what it’s like to be on hrt. but i can’t get over the fear of looking/finding myself ugly and undesirable and losing my community... which is ironic cuz i find other trans men attractive as hell. i discussed this in therapy and i still feel this way :/
i wish there was a way for me to start without telling anyone and then breaking the news when i’m experiencing changes and feeling more confident about it. i have my gender dysphoria diagnosis and i can start if i want to, but i need my family’s financial support. i don’t want to make it a big deal since it’s just something i’d be trying out to feel more like myself in certain ways.
sorry this turned into a long ass rant and you don’t have to reply but i’m just gonna kindly leave it in the ask box 💀
There's a post that goes like "all of life is irreversible. i cannot go back a single second" and I think thats something good to keep in mind when you are thinking through this. You are already living with a body that has changed and will continue to change in ways largely out of your control. You are already living in a post-irreversible-alteration body.
If you do go on T and find you don't like how your voice sounds: for one, you can stop at any time (& if you haven't checked out microdosing as an option, you should). But two: plenty of people live with a deeper voice than they want. Plenty of people live with facial hair they dislike. You can pursue the same therapies and procedures they do. Or maybe you don't, and you find ways to live with a voice or face you aren't totally in love with.
So much detransition fearmongering, especially directed at transmascs & assoc. trans people, heavily relies on the specter of the fallen woman, itself steeped in trans-misogyny & intersexism. The idea that, for one, a "woman" who has mixed-sex features is ugly and undesirable, and two, that a "woman" made undesirable is forever doomed to be miserable and worthless. The transphobic story of detransition keeps our bodies stuck in this moment of revulsion and regret, narratively preventing us as characters from being able to move on and live happy lives in atypical bodies. Even if you do regret/dislike some things about T, you are not forever stuck in that feeling. The story does not stop at that! You will just keep living and find new ways of dealing with your bodily feelings!
The social aspect of this is a bit more complicated but I also have some firsthand experience with it. Because, as mentioned before, there's a lot of transphobic misogyny/misogynistic transphobia that affects transmascs & others who go on T, who have to confront the feeling of losing your potential desirability. And then there's also the way many people are treated after going on T, facing a whole new area of bodily scrutiny: you may suddenly have people making comments about how someone needs to force teenage boys to shave because their facial hair is a personal offense. I went from being self-conscious about how high my voice was to being self-conscious about how undeniably trans my voice was. And, specifically, my facial hair, voice changes, etc. were all signs of my transmasculine desire, and I became self-conscious about how obvious it was that I desired being trans, I desired this body. I could no longer let everyone pretend I was a cishet girl at family gatherings and avoid confronting these issues, because I had essentially written I WANT TO BE A TRANNY all over my physical form.
This is something I'm still struggling with myself. I, like many other queer & autistic people, already struggled with feeling desirable or worthy of being seen alongside conventionally attractive cishet people who could act normal. Being visibly trans, and taking a huge step away from the desirable cis-perisex-girl body, can really open up that can of worms. Especially being genderfluid/genderqueer! Because we often cannot find a comfortable space for ourselves within the conventions of attractiveness for cis men, like some binary trans men are able to.
But ultimately, I don't regret going on T at all. I would have had body issues regardless, and I got a lot out of going on T. I think mentally preparing yourself to struggle with these things, and seeking out other transmasc people, is a big help. Again: all of life is irreversible. we cannot go back a single second. We are already living in imperfect bodies we struggle to love or see as worthy. If you know you want some of the things T can offer, and you don't want to go your whole life without knowing, then just do it. Dive in, and don't feel any shame if you decide to get out. Just keep living and finding ways to live better right now.
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sempsimps · 7 months ago
toga head cannons + dating bits
so mha what a show i have been violently thrown back into it and currently re watching it along with another 4 animes anyway here i am ready to make this since I have like *checks notes * 16- nope 19- nope hold on 24! drafts and I can see more on the horizon so I'm finally letting my bisexual self get some crazy girls on my list
She likes Hello Kitty. I think she would love Kuromi (I don't know for sure, as I've never watched it. I'm not really into Sanrio stuff.)
she has some skills with drawing but nothing too major. maybe a really good sketch once in a while, on some important documents (definitely got into a lot of trouble for doodling on her school books or anything like that. ik i did)
She chews on pens or pencils. possibly hoodie drawstrings, just anything, to be honest.
I feel like she loves dinosaurs, like at least knowing some random facts from like stolen picture books or remembering an interesting thing from a museum, and I guess the Internet exists
Dating stage
she has been rejected a few times, which is obvious, so when she finds you, she is nervous about falling fast yet again and getting left. again. but she can't help it, and when you say you feel the same, she could happily fight and die for you x10 more than she already felt like she would
Blood jewelry absolutely 100% like a pretty heart-shaped pendent that's suspiciously liquidy and a beautiful red like take all my money (I will for the precious bean)
She is a criminal, so getting more domestic dates is kind of difficult. so there's options 1 she drinks someone else's blood to disguise and just dresses different from them, so it's less obvious and go to a coffee shop or something. OR 2 screw the domestic stuff! and go out to steal sweets or candy and idk steal a shopping cart, go spray paint some rich guys house, and do stupid shit like getting arrested only to call dabi or shigaraki for help as you both laugh at how stupid that was.
She would love it if you knew how to style hair or let her style yours and be matching
Speaking of matching toga would absolutely have pj's/ onesies for the both of you. examples I can think of would be the night and light furry ones (I think they neat) also those two peice ones so sharing two sets like, skull top and pink short and then having pink tank top and skull trousers.
Love language is physical touch, words of affirmation, and gift giving all the way. Holding hands? "Ah! We're holding hands haha, suck it, dabi your bitchless!". she needs soothing words during a cuddle session like fr tell her she's an amazing girlfriend. Anything you get her stuff like that is definitely her new bragging right, new hair clip? It's on, and she refuses to take it out until you do it yourself. A little pin it's going on her skirt, a keyring? She's putting at least two of those on the handle of her favourite knife. You made her a painting/ printed a photo/ wrote a poem or anything? It's getting framed and hung above her bed
She probably had lots of photos before you dated, but now she definitely has. 2 folders one is a digital file on her phone, and the other is stashed away, filled with secretly taken ones that she looks at when she misses you
If you're a hero, she'll make it a point to watch you and look at all your fan base online. "It's my turn on the TV my adorable partner is on." She would also want to go on every mission close to where your agency would be. If you have any merchandise, she has it already. If she sees other people wearing your clothing line, she would either compliment it or want to stab them (I can't decide)
That's all i can think of, and i want to do more, so anything else in the comments would be nice. im trying to ease my way into writing female characters. i might be bi, but i can't talk to women, so this was fun and a little difficult for me
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the-crystal-femmes · 1 month ago
hihi, I hope this isn't a bother - if it is please feel free to ignore it - but I was really hoping you could give me/us some advice
I just I'm gonna slide a few questions over throught the ask box, it's perfectly fine if you don't have some or any answers, I've been digging a bit and haven't found an answer to these questions so here I am lol, still it's perfectly fine if you can't answer - I tried to write this best I could and i apologize for any mistakes
(all /gen)
is it normal for their voice to sound like mine? even when in the "inner monolog", like sometimes it snaps back to their "canon" voice but usually it's just a variation of mine or when its not mine or theirs its some 3rd option and I have no clue who they sound like (but that's rare-)
how can you differentiate between your own inner monolog, aka you just talking to yourself, or if it's actually them and your not making shit up?
like above, if it is normal for them to sound like me, how do you know for sure it's actually them?
can you see them? sometimes I think I do, all blurry and shit but I can usually tell when Nick is next to me but usually seeing them is just me seeing a picture from their canon and not them actually there most of the time but like I can kinda see them?? it's so hard to describe, when they're near i can mostly tell, and I have like a visual of vulps setting stuff on fire randomly (or at least trying to) or Nick sitting next to me but uncommon, pretty uncommon
is it normal for them to dip for hours at a time? - completely silent and off to god knows where, usually happens when I'm talking to someone else or focusing hard on smth like a craft or game. Or for no real reason, like im zoned out for whatever reason. they just dip with no explanation making me think they never existed in the first place just to pop back sometime later "hey hey wow you look like shit what did I miss" or act like they never left
can they usually move through you whilst you are still in control? like Nick will grab one of my hands with my other hand and rub the knuckles, or (attempt) to rub my back with my own hands just for some examples - is that just me doing it to myself or is that a thing that generally happens?
can they have the same brain as you? like I don't know how to describe it, like some thoughts are your own and you can't really see theirs but they know a lot of the thoughts you have at times? like I don't even need to tell them and they just know?
I know for sure they are different from me (most of the time) but the same time their responses feel like mine and not their own, like we are completely different but at the same time we are the same - it's just so hard to tell if it's me or not, sometimes it's obvious that just isn't me but other times, wow, I just don't know
sorry that this was a lot - again, if this is bothersome please feel free to just ignore it, I just know you posted recently that y'all were cool with offering plural advice thought "hey, what the hell, they might have some answers"
hope y'all are having a good day, wishing y'all the best :3
(all /gen)
Hey! Absolutely no bother, let me see if I can answer these. I hope you don't mind me answering publicly as Ula just left front and my eyesight isn't good at the moment.
Some headmates can definitely sound like you, yes. Frankie and Ula both sound like me to certain extents, although Ula's is more recent and she has stark differences from me (i.e. British accent). Frankie sounds exactly like me.
Usually, their voices help me figure it out, but if I can't rely on voices, I either can't tell, or I guess. Sometimes they'll identify themselves after the thoughts, at least for us.
As for how I tell if Frankie is the one thinking since she has the same monologue as me, I get vibes from them that indicate it's them and not me, if that makes sense? However I can't say that would necessarily be the same for you.
I can.. Somewhat see headspace / my headmates. It's really hard, as for me, it's like seeing in a dark room. My brain will auto assign colors where they're supposed to be, but I won't actually see the colors, if that makes sense.
Oh yep, they can definitely dip out for hours at a time. Sometimes I don't hear from them for months! Ula, Dewdrop and Solaris are the only ones I see on a (usually) daily basis because Dewdrop doesn't usually leave me, and the other two stay in the front room a lot.
I believe so? I've never personally experienced it but I've heard others experience it. I believe that could be co-fronting (link) or something similar. (If the link doesn't work, try searching the term on Pluralpedia)
Yeah, we have a similar experience. We're hydraconscious- everyone has their own consciousness, but there's also a collective consciousness, which is my consciousness. If you don't think everyone has a different consciousness than your's, monoconscious would be a good term to also look at.
I hope this is able to help you! And I do apologize if I missed anything, again I can't see right at the moment ^^'
- Lemon
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quirkle2 · 9 months ago
love your mogami arc thoughts… do you think there’s a parallel between the irrationality of mogami’s actions and how ritsu acts in big cleanup arc? Like neither of them make sense really but it doesn’t have to because it’s an expression of deep seated stress and guilt
it took a couple of watches for me to actually Get cleanup arc, but i do think clean up arc makes sense. maybe not from a logical point of view, but given ritsu's history of trauma and perfectionism, pressure to never act out or upset his brother for obvious reasons, and desperation for control in his own life, i think ritsu's actions made sense. they were Terrible actions, and they definitely go against the logic and hindsight of an outsider's perspective, but it was all the result of that stress and guilt and secretive hatred toward an aspect of his brother that caused it, and maybe a little bit of grief for a sibling relationship he wishes was still intact
u make a rly interesting point tho, bc Yeah, on your first watch, neither of these guys make sense to you. at least they didn't for me. i understood part of ritsu's reasonings at the beginning, but it sorta delved into... quoting ritsu, "violence for the sake of violence." and honestly??? i don't know Why ritsu's arc is sm more compelling to me than mogami's, bc rly, they're very similar in that way
at least it seems that way? im,,, honestly convinced the exposition for mogami arc was just,, rushed, or incomplete for whatever reason, bc it feels So Close to making sense, but it's just missing a couple of pieces. ritsu's arc has more substance to it, i think. i believe the biggest difference here is that mogami blamed other people for his misfortune, and didn't see anything wrong w what he was doing. ritsu made no such excuses. he Knew what he was doing was wrong, and he kept doing it. and that, to me, is Fascinating
even ritsu's "violence for the sake of violence" motive makes some sort of sense to me. he said it himself: "i was just tired of being myself. maybe i wanted to find out what it would feel like to be a fool." when u break it down, it's him exploring.... other options. until 7th division arc, he's of the mindset that if he had psychic powers he'd be Better, in all aspects, that he's nothing without psychic powers. he puts his entire identity and self-worth on having the abilities of an ESPer
now that he has them, he feels limitless, he feels unstoppable. he's so tired of being himself, of being perfect, of being the well-behaved younger brother w perfect grades and perfect attitude (bc let's face it, he's definitely a gifted kid, and gifted kids tend to develop habits of perfectionism, and eventually become exhausted). so he switches tactics, to find out what it would feel like to be a fool.
i honestly think cutting mogami's messy backstory and making him "evil" for the sake of being "evil" woulda been better. im sure not everyone agrees w me on that, and i can absolutely see why, but sometimes simple is "better" (imo). an underdeveloped villain is better, to Me, than a villain that is trying too hard to have a compelling motive. mogami's character feels like it is trying too hard, and branching out in too many directions, and it ends up just feeling,, stretched thin
i like shimazaki more than mogami. hell, i like shimazaki more than Any of the villains, and we all Know it's not because he has a good backstory (or one at all). he's not even very compelling to me, i just think he's cool, and i'll forever be stoked about how they let a character use teleportation powers right for once. sometimes simple is better
i'm not a fan of any of mob psycho's other villains, but they serve their purpose, and yaknow what, mogami serves his. i think seeing him as an "unreliable narrator" instead is a rly fun way of looking at it
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freebooter4ever · 2 months ago
What do you miss most about Pittsburgh?
Oh gosh, that's a question! I mean aside from the obvious answer of my old dance buddy lettia or naeem.
I miss pittsburgh's community, specifically the very music and art oriented one i was in. There's community here in LA but its all about fame, and money, and celebrity, and how you can use other people to get ahead. Just the other day i saw an influencer i actually kinda admired brag about meeting someone who out of respect for them + their privacy i have never never mentioned because i met them as a friend first. And it felt so weird seeing this person i know be used as click bait for the influencer's hits/likes/subscriptions. It kind of jolted some reality into me about how this city operates even in the smaller circles i run in. Its like the vibes in LA are all about 'being someone' and self importance. If someone is only going to respect me for my money (or disrespect me for my lack of money), or who i know, or credits to my name, i dont think i want their respect anyway.
Pittsburgh though - nobody was anybody in pittsburgh so we didnt fucking care, lol. It was a lot easier to go to things, to feel connected. There was an emphasis on diy, where it didnt matter who you were or who you knew if you had a good idea there was a chance it could happen. There were things like Art All Night and the various music festivals in the different neighborhoods. I was most connected to the music scene so i miss the casual afternoon concerts in someone's tiny apartment with everyone crowded around the band. The basement parties, the dancing. Ted's rowhouse was on fisk street so when i lived there with friends i really enjoyed how much of a community space it was - people were always coming and going off of butler street, movie nights, human chess parties. It definitely could feel too small sometimes - literally everybody knew everyone and everybody dated everyone. The year i left two of my ex boyfriends were living in the same house and i cant tell you the number of 'male harem' jokes i got about that one. Or the number of times a dude wanted to date me and when i said 'no' i immediately got excluded from an entire friend group. But no matter how frustrating the smallness got, i still was also aware of how special it was. Its also mostly over - a lot of my friends from that time have since dispersed to other cities. I think moments like that are fleeting, but thats what makes them unique.
But even with all that said, you know what my favorite thing to do in pittsburgh was?
and ok ok that probably sounds stupid. And it probably does not help that im in LA where driving is now the second level of hell. But even compared to seattle or nyc or other places i lived, driving in pittsburgh was just so much fun and you cant recreate that anywhere else. I once saw a data visualization of the main cities of the US and places like LA and even NYC were nicely laid out squares but pittsburgh was just this insane clusterfuck pencil scribble, and thats truly it. Cause not only do you have over 100 bridges and lots of one way roads that will funnel you onto a bridge you absolutely dont want to go over but whoops guess you're going anyway, but this city was also built on a cluster of hills. Thats what makes up the various neighborhoods - and the roads that connect these hills through hollows and over forests - are the most confusing rat maze you can imagine. For every one way to go there's also probably a dozen other options and mentally calculating which route will be fastest taking into account traffic and distance and 'speed limit' is a skill only acquired after years of living in the city. And if you have a tiny car and nasc*ar level driving skills thanks to the multiple generations of engineers in your family....driving up and down those hills is just a joy. It also, uh, helped that I made my own hours so worked from 11am - 3am most days and avoided all traffic. And in the city proper the pigs arent allowed to r*adar so as long as you knew where the speed traps were you could...uhhh... Be lenient. I only ever got pulled over once and that was because one time in the spring of 2016 i went home from work early one night and these asshole hockey fans were taking up the entire street around the rink that would get me onto bigelow and connect me to lawrenceville. And since i couldnt go down that one street, becaues its pittsburgh, i had to go in the complete opposite direction to find another route home which took like an extra fifteen minutes. And yeah i got pulled over, started crying and explaining i was just trying to get home from work, and they let me go. But damn those hockey fans. :P (but also had i realized you could go hangout outside and watch the hockey game on giant screens with a huge crowd of fellow broke but dedicated weirdos, i totally would have loved that. Thats what pittsburgh is all about lmao)
Anyway one of my old friends moved from pitt to LA, and then he moved from LA to shanghai. And i once asked him would he move back to LA and his response was that he couldn't imagine living in LA again after living in a Proper City like shanghai. And he made it clear that he saw being able to 'make it' in larger and larger cities as like...a mark of his personal progress. But me? Im a small town girl unfortunately. I still dream about the day i can fuck off to live in a cabin in the woods somewhere.
#Proper fir tree woods though i do NOT miss stick season lmfao#I will say however#That there was this one particular bitchy girl in pittsburgh#Who was tragically best friends with one of my close friends#This college educated girl considered herself a model and intellectually above all the little people around her#And she said some nasty things about uneducated trade workers over dinner one night#And she couldnt understand why i got mad at her about that (because i went to carnegie so must be part of her exclusive club)#So afterwards my one friend kept the two of us apart except for when some event was happening#And like last year or the time before i was visiting pittsburgh and my friend invited me to this thing that i knew the bitchy girl would be#So i went all out. got my fanciest LA clothes#Let my hair dry straight put on my highest heels did my makeup as best as i can and made sure to name drop and mention *visiting from LA*#Oh bitchy girl was so jealous#I walzted into that event like i was the coolest person there and i could just see her fuming#So have i used my *LA* status for evil sometimes?#Heh maybe ^_^#look nicks biggest insecurity was that he never went to college#he read like a fish in water and was so incredibly clever but he didn't have much formal education#and even as recent as july he brought it up again#but i have always considered him one of the smartest people i know so i never understood why he felt he couldn't keep up with me#anyway yeah im gonna hate that bitchy girl for life it felt good to show her up#people like her are the ones who make people without the Right College degree feel bad about themselves
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midnightdemonhunter · 3 months ago
hi midnight :) 6, 8, 10, 15, anddd 46 for the ud asks? for 46 specifically, how abouttt matt?
HIIIII LILY!! thank you dearly for the ask :DDD
6. What character first caught your eye?
This is an interesting one.....I feel like Chris definitely claimed my heart immediately... was very charmed by him. BUT Matt was the first character i felt like i started tuning in to at a meta level. a lot of chap 1 was a blur the first time around but matt made it all start to come into focus for me, and I have strong memories of all his first scenes!
8. What character did you not expect to love as much as you do now?
Ingame, I think the love for Mike came fast and furious lol. Chap 3 was just so fun and fascinating.... Loved controlling him, watching the way he acted different with jess than in public, and the sheer vibe differences depending on what choices you picked.
Postgame...SAM. 100% Sam. Ingame, because i really only started processing what was going on in like. chap 3, i missed a lottt of sam time, and just didn't really give af about her. only character who i went Damn, Anyway when i killed her in my first playthrough lolllll. However, after some heavy discussion time about her for our au (you know the one) i feel wayyyy more crazy about her. Just had to find her flaws and dig into them!! Now she's constantly showing up in my sketchbook :)))
10. Which character design is your favorite?
Fascinating question.... I think a big part of Chris' charm is his silhouette with his infinite fuckass layers. its so fun to draw and so fun to look at.... i also think mike and jess have such wonderful extreme physical transformations over the course of the game.... anytime i wanna feel instantly crazy i just remember how they look/act in chapter 1 and contrast it to chap 10. ITS SO FUN. they have matching green jackets and sooooo many open wounds i LOVE the vibe shift.
15. Which characters do you wish interacted more or just interacted at all?
SO MANY OPTIONS. short answer is literally anyone. guarantee im forgetting at least 1 potential dynamic that makes me crazy buttt off the top of my head:
matt and literally anyone, but especially josh, ash and sam, JESS....and i'd really have loved to see him interact late-game with mike... mike and josh would be really good (though i guess they do get stuff...but i want even more obvious ingame paralleling) lategame jess and em would be beautiful. jess and ash... need to know what inspired the trapdoor trick.
Even more: chris and jess, CHRIS AND EM, josh and em anddd mike and ash. amen.
46. What song(s) do you associate with (insert character or ship)?
YAYYYY SONG TIME. Will say that Hermit the Frog by Marina really snuck up on me as a matt song, and though the second half is a bit more em @ mike to me, i cant help the matt connections.... verse 1 has big fire tower vibes. (AND AN EXPLOSION COMES IN TIME....BEFORE I GO AND CROSS THE LINE)
ALSO this one comes from you lol but Self Esteem by the Offspring is so so real for him...THE MORE YOU SUFFER THE MORE IT SHOWS YOU REALLY CARE RIGHT??
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utnewfoundfamily · 1 year ago
Hii,question for the author! Cold we see a bit of plot, maybe a few posts that lets us see the characters and settings that you made,maybe some doodle comics? I just found your blog, and wanted to ask, but there isnt a starting story yet, just characters. Or is the story somewhere else and im missing something?
Also, I adore how you draw, very cool style!
I’ve waited for MONTHS to be able to make stuff for this world. And my deepest apologies for the delay and lack of said story posted here. Though I have a document for this AU pinned on this account, I feel it is important to share the tale in case anything were to happen to the document. Keeping a record of sorts. With that said, I hope you don’t mind that I indulge you with the plot here in this ask. Better to write it if I am unable to illustrate all the details.
Big thing I want to emphasize is that Frisk doesn’t have the ability to restart. From what is understood on their part, the option has all but vanished. Not that they want to restart in the first place. What they have now is great! Life for them feels, well, real. Not like a video game such as before. They get to make their own decisions about what to do. Some good, some bad, and some dumb. Regardless, they have the freedom to dictate their life. It’s been like that for 8 years and hasn’t changed since. Though the idea of it turning back into a game is a big possibility (or rather inevitable). But thankfully it won’t send them all the way back into the underground. That would be hell if it did.
Another thing, Frisk’s story is about settling down with one thought that they have been trying to convince themselves is wrong and evil. And that thought is that it’s okay to fight back. Because the center point of the story is them going against another human named Vance whose own soul is corrupted and means to do harm to Frisk and any life they may value and cherish. Why? Purely because he’s jealous of what Frisk is. That they, and so many other humans have magic and Vance does not.
Vance is a boy who is obsessed with magic of humans and monsters alike. Especially Frisk’s. They’re the main one who seems to have more going on than so many others in their community. However you see it, the boy is bad news and a bit of a freak. Definitely not a kid you want to be around. But he was the one who pushed Frisk to this new game that he will become aware of and have fun playing in. Frisk won’t though and will be so stressed out.
The main goal of this thing of mine is that no one should ever be blaming Frisk for anything here. They will do whatever they can to make things better. To try see good and seek out the possibility that change is out there for Vance. But he won’t want it and bash the options because it’s not what he wants. We are the viewers of this story. And all Frisk just wants is to live their life and live it with their family. That family being:
Aster (Gaster)
And the Dreemurrs
They’re all one big family.
This is a lot of info probably, but there is so much more in my document. I’m just paraphrasing what I wrote on their onto here so others can see. Illustrations are in order, but my best option is write the concepts and story all down. I would’ve made this a fanfic, but I’m not too confident in my writing skills. But this is close enough for now cause I do want to draw stuff like this out. Also! Pretty sure this is an obvious sign, yet this an AU that leans more on the kids or teens of UT with many others slowly becoming involved.
Edit: Oh, and thank you for the kind words on my artstyle! Very much appreciated :)
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synthville · 2 years ago
so what im getting is that it was absolutely unnecessary to isolate raffi on gotham city in order for her story to go on.
a story that’s so halfhearted that five episodes in—halfway to the end. btw—her motivation is yet to be explained (why go back to this sector of intelligence work when teaching seemed to be fulfilling? was she made to do this?? did she volunteer because her son now lives on this planet now apparently?? was losing elnor cris and possibly seven so painful that burying herself in work seemed like a better option??? who knows! not me!!) and it’s definitely a retreat character-wise but the fact that they still haven’t laid the groundwork to make this stick is kind of amazing lol. it’s the way they’re not even pretending to give a fuck about her or any of the other women characters for me—they said you’re a womb or a subordinate ladies pick one and shut the hell up LMAO?
the fact that the ‘real plot’ is happening on that other ship while everything raffi does is basically an afterthought with backstory slipped in between the cracks like aged caulk is so disheartening and pathetic. star trek picard make an effort maybe. she’s a polarizing character that’s been stuck in impossible situations, weighed down with retractions and stereotypes (they thread the line but HM) because the narrative continually refuses to meaningfully engage with her and a lot of fans of the show wont examine their own biases to see why they have such a viscerally negative reaction to a complicated black woman character that’s good at what she does, knows it and refuses to kneel at the foot of their hero’s :)
and if it wasn’t for ms hurd elevating this performance with sheer will, massive talent and the whip of that (sexy) ponytail? shit would be so much worse. but it’s still bad! because instead of giving her a nuanced, thoughtful send off she’s once again being made to suffer for the nth time. because why? oh right so wise man worf can guide her to the light lol give me a fuckin break.
and it’s no accident that if you cut raffi out (which they literally did in ep4 miss musiker you WILL be avenged) the story could more or less proceed as usual. that’s by design.
because legacy characters or not, im simply not buying that the main white cast members (plus two interlopers idgaf about those new guys and they’re doing nothing to make me care either. pick a random channel and their stories are being told right now live and in color like don’t piss me off) just so happen to be on the ship with the lead yet the sole woc is sent away on some underbaked adventure because ‘reasons?’ please. this season literally could not be more transparent about the audience they’re catering to and who/whose stories are of importance and consideration.
and i knew this would probably happen once the premise for s3 was revealed but i still can’t get over how obvious it is that there really was no plan for raffi and that she only happened to bypass the cull of the la sirena crew because she was romantically linked with seven at the time. which is baffling considering how things are (not) going between them (#theyareMARRIEDletthemTALKandKISSandREST)
and it’s not just them like everything about this season is quite literally happening just because. every slightly interesting or fresh development (and character it’s true) from the previous seasons has been dismissed or diminished and for what? secret sons and man pain? ew lmao. no suspense no lingering threads just excessive shots of ships, an aggressive insistence on biological families and rampant, shameless references to past glory. a mess.
#doing everyone so dirty but it’s fine because ‘familiar faces’ yeah okay 👍🏾#like can we all be serious for one second lol#they’re not even trying.#at least if this season was good i would somewhat understand why they snapped my faves out of existence but it’s literally not#feels insane to see so many people praise this#is this really where we are as an audience? nostalgia = good? really?#and the new characters they chose to add? come on#no space for rios but yall had space for TWO random white guys?#a christmas miracle!#like the kid is one thing but captain crunch ? they’re playing in my FACE#like i don’t even have any firm feelings about him because he’s pretty much a giant bore but#seeing all these allowances being made for him because of what he looks like whilst raffi continues to get shit on irks me so bad#like i knew it would happen ive been alive in the world lol but still#unsurprising but irritating af that captain crunch can sulk around in all his dickheaded glory#and it’s fine because he’s gods most traumatized baby boy but let raffi lash out once and it’s questions about her competence#and calls to have her removed like oh what’s the difference i wonder#‘men can laugh while a woman can only chuckle’ -godforbid she be black and self assured- like that person was preaching i fear!#if this sounds bitter it’s because i am <3#michelle hurd deserves so much better like someone pls get her a five season dramatic series on a prestige network asap!#looks at this dissertation i just wrote oops ain’t mean to rant like that but they forced my hand 😭#now to watch raffi’s spar scene on loop and forget about the show until thursday comes around and rattles my cage again lol#raffi musiker#.rfi#stpk
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emilabove · 1 year ago
Hello! Can you tell about your dnd character/s? Thanks!
hihi!! absolutely i will thank u for asking
in no particular order, i have optare (warforged/android bard)(also the character in my pfp!!), sircis (tiefling beastmaster ranger), rosyrus (gorgon cleric), scarf (tabaxi rogue), and inias (aasimar beastmaster ranger) (is it obvious i like beastmasters)
...i apologize for the sheer word vomit below
most recently (campaign progress wise) is optare (name taken from the initial interest form my dm made which included a lone "option 1" selection), my warforged bard who is Definitely not inspired by hatsune miku. they are the silliest guy ever and are probably my most fleshed out character? what started as a silly goofy idea turned into my favorite character i've ever made/played!! originally, she only had a single sibling (a "sister unit" if u will) named coa (Course Of Action), but my dm threw out the idea of there being Another twin (or. triplet i guess) named mia (Missing In Action)! optare started as a mercenary-esque android (akin to raiden metal gear), but were sold off to become an idol <3
my very first dnd character was a tiefling beastmaster ranger named sircis, whose defining characteristic was that she had 5 intelligence. her partner was a panther named wakanda nonsense (it was Supposed to be a placeholder name but. it stuck) i played as her for two-ish different campaigns that never got finished so she will, for now, stay on the backburner (but i still love her soso much and she holds a special place in my heart)
rosyrus is the character i play in my newest campaign! i wanted to make the world's angstiest dude ever, which resulted in giving him the backstory of "accidentally turning his only friend-since-childhood to stone and becoming a cleric to save him". so far i've only had the one session as him but ohohooho im so excited to see what comes next
scarf i haven't gotten to play yet! he's the third of five siblings, and the only non-magic user in his family, so he's already riddled with familial angst >:) i have so many ideas for how i wanna go about playing him, but knowing me im gonna turn him from my intended "completely unbothered and kinda annoyed by everything" to "silly 4'10 cat" but we'll just have to see lmao
inias was for a week-long campaign i did with some friends while camping! the image of a 7'something dude being raised by wolves as his backstory was incredibly funny to me, so that's exactly what i ended up doing. his partner, a wolf named akira, is essentially his sibling/packmate who my dm kept targeting and making me stress out, but he did not die! he almost did. I nearly cried. inias is also the only character so far that was in a relationship prior to the beginning; he has a tiefling paladin husband named nephcis whose oath are their wedding vows :) (angel x demon relationships my beloved)
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protagonistheavy · 2 years ago
I've started Baldur's Gate 3 and having quite a good time with it. Admittedly I'm not SO wowed by it like everyone else seems to be... but it is a very rich game, and definitely scratches my RPG itch like no other RPG really has. This is one of the first RPGs where I'm thinking so much about alternate playthroughs, whereas almost any other RPG I'm one-and-done. I've had a great time exploring my options, customizing characters, and progressing through the story... at a very, very slow pace.
I'm just sort of bad at this type of game lol. Right off the bat, it really drains me to wrap my mind around the general controls. Pointing and clicking on things is just not really an instinct I have built-in. Moving around the world and exploring new terrain feels really awkward to me in that regard, I so badly wish I could just control the camera like third-person camera, point it where I want it to be pointed -- so many huge set pieces that I would love a wide view of, but I'm restricted to what the camera will show. I'm getting used to it, but I constantly have this feeling that Im missing something, and often feeling dizzy trying to get my directions figured out.
Gradually I've been getting myself to think of it less like a traditional game and more like regular D&D. And just like regular D&D, wow combat takes forever. Some of these big combats will go on forever with so many enemies each getting unique turns. It's a price to pay for having so much detail in a game and so many options to approach something like combat; I end up spending a ton of additional time planning out fights, trying to think of all my options... sort of like it's a Fire Emblem game lol.
Plots and characters are so far intriguing but I haven't been floored by anyone just yet. It's a fun band of characters though, I enjoy the different personalities and clashing interests. I do feel a bit stupid for not keeping Shadowheart in my part more often, because she's so important in so many cutscenes, and without her, some segments just look straight-up silly... I guess that's my fault for rolling a cleric lol? I'm actually a little annoyed by it, because Shadowheart is the obvious first character to sideline if you're a cleric too -- especially a trickster cleric like I rolled...
Great times though and I'm majorly looking forward to getting into even more meat of the game. I've enjoyed my participation with the plot so far, and have found some really fun means to complete tasks -- who knew so many problems could be solved by shoving people? I really love the streamlined D&D experience, it's so nice seeing D&D mechanics utilized so smoothly, and I'm not sure when again we'll see an RPG that has so much attention to detail.
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faorism · 1 year ago
absolutely wyll romancing astarion. spoilers below!
as i learned when i noticed someone had options i didn't get during the camp celebration night, there is precise pathing in wylls romance to avoid a bug(?) WHICH HAS YOU NOT HAVE HIM IN YOUR PARTY WTF that had me restart at the door of the underdark
i also definitely missed some subtle dialogue cues for wyll, while it's always very obvious what will seduce astarion let astarion seduce you.
it also doesn't say in the link above, but another person said asking wyll about his eye also breaks the romance. might have been an earlier patch, but i decided not to test it
you miss out on astarions lovely snippy comments and i miss his voice so much
maybe i am just so desperate for wyll interactions, but i feels other companions' reactions are prioritized above wylls? i hear SO much more from karlach, but astarions comments were definitely frequent or at least very memorable
im going to write a post about this, but unlike other companions who have persistent dialogue options, astarion does not until later on the game, and as of post-grove without romance path, wyll doesn't either. what astarion does have is the permission to feed on you. it was a delightful chore to always tell him he can. there was something somewhat transactional about it. and like people in other reblogs shared, it implies that wyll is kinda just relieving some tension even tho he knows (with a passed insight check) there's something fake about astarions approach. i really like this dynamic for how messy it is
astarion calling you darling and dear all the time 😭
wearing the bloodless condition with pride was so hot to me.......
astarion starts off strong in act i, cools off in act ii, and then boy when you complete his quest in act iii it's just so lovely.
people have spoken about wyll being underwritten. not sure for the wyll romance, but comparing astarion romance to wyll as a mainstay companion (during a tav/shadowheart run), it's definitely doesn't have the same punch as astarions emotionally imo. like,, the emotional resolution between cazador and dad/aldur ain't the same. (i personally wished ravenguard was less a set piece for all we had to go thru to find him since act i. because bruh the daddy issues there are SO real. i desperately wish that wyll reacted to the contents of his father's vault 😭)
astarion would absolutely hate being pushed into leadership (def npc in his own life energy, so he can observe others and react rather than being the one to be decisive) while wyll is the origin who steps up to the challenge
imo there is no way to play origin astarion as companion accurate while trying to impress wyll. you are forced into the noble/heroic actions or else wyll absolutely will disapprove.
meanwhile, there was only one thing i absolutely had to do where wyll that felt ooc, which was allow astarion to kill the gur hunter. (in my playthrough, i long rested immediately after the fight and astarion started the romance then. which. was so fucking depressing and wonderfully tragic in retrospect.)
in my abandoned playthrough, i was also flirting with gale and karlach with astarion. it was honestly bizarre to see how sincere, tender, and kind astarion is as origin. wyll, on the other hand, is absolutely that sincere, tender, and kind
THAT SAID i like the rp of occasionally dropping the weight of The Blade Of Frontiers and allowing himself to (as @lesbianralzarek brilliantly described) be a cunt sometimes. this ultimately is one of the biggest draws for me. i adore literal prince wyll and i cannot wait to carry on thru the romance to see him at his peak dreamy. however, im still struck with the line from companion wyll for why he hid his connection to mizora. something like, his is a tale of two men. he wanted you to know the blade, and not the shadow from the past. and like. UHDNDNDKS i really loved rp'ing from his guy who might not usually do something like this and not usually with a guy like astarion, and he doesn't see himself as a full person deserving of letting loose and living outside the grand persona. growing just a tad bit morally gray (or just a touch impolite tbh) on the small things felt like a natural way to allow the shadow to be lit
the other major reason is more ymmv: i am deeply interested in the exploration of trauma, and knowing what i know about astarions backstory, i am missing that as part of the relationship from what ive seen so far with astarion origin. like, the man says "dont touch me" hundreds of times thru a playthrough when you switch to him; having that be reflected in the rp (in terms of him not wanting to have sex after act ii for awhile) moved me. again, idk enough about wylls romance (other than the dance scene on my tav which RIP at me having to break the poor man's heart over rejecting him) so maybe my opinion will shift!
and the most important reason: romancing astarion means playing with wyll, and he is so good and sweet and i just wanna look at that man for hours on end and you should too haha
Wyllstarion people, is it best to romance Wyll with Astarion or romance Astarion with Wyll? Who has the most extra content?
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caffess · 3 years ago
freedom ; peter ballard x reader
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A/N: not the first fic i write, but definitely the first one i post in here
contents; violence, fluff, peter is not the bad one its 002, happy normal life, probably a part two, y/n and peter are cute.
summary: you and peter have been longing for freedom ever since you fell in love, now its time to finally flee the lab with a eight-year-old eleven and start living a normal life.
“Everything ready?”
“Yes, lets just hope Eleven gets here on time”
“She will. She’s very smart for her age.” Peter shuffled around grabbing the walkie talkie that you had sneaked into the lab less than a week ago; in the other line awaited an excited Russian named Yuri, awaiting to do the job he was so well paid for.
It was hard to find a way to escape the lab, especially since Peter and Eleven weren’t allowed to go outside for obvious reasons. Freedom seemed to be something they could only dream of, but if your plan worked out, it would become a reality.
“If Eleven takes the soteria off of you, in theory, you would get your powers back, correct?” You asked, as you got rid of the silly doctors hat that Brenner made you wear.
“Not in theory, it’s a fact,” Peter played with his fingers nervously, an excited smile threatening to form in his lips “We will get the life we've been dreaming of. I promise.”
He kissed you gently in the lips, and for a moment, you let it all settle in.
You would be free.
You were interrupted by the sound little footsteps emerging from the stairs. Peter let go of you and grabbed Eleven as gently as he could, indicating her to stay quiet, due to her nearly letting out a frightened squeak when one of the machines let out some steam near her.
“Follow me, Y/N is just around the corner” He told her.
In less than a second you could see how El and Peter emerged from the distance, and the nervous girl let out the breath she was holding as she saw you.
“Hi, El” You whispered, opening your arms so Eleven could launch her tiny frame into yours
“Hi, mom” She whispered, tears falling from her eyes. 
When Peter told her that there was a way for you three to escape the lab and become a family, Eleven had been so excited she nearly forgot to fake playing the game of chess. The whole day she just kept thinking about the world outside the walls.
You talked to her about Hawkins; the sun, the squirrels, the music. Everything you talked to her about seemed to make her more excited and curious to know what the world outside would look like.
“So, this is the thing.” Peter said, as he placed the walkie in front of both you and Eleven. He took her tiny hand and placed it on his neck where she could feel the little bump under his skin “Can you feel it?”
Eleven nodded in confusion, and looked over to you in search of an explanation.
“Your Papa calls it Soteria” Peter said “It weakens me, it tracks me. We need your help to take it off, if we don’t he will find us”
“H-How can I help?” El asked nervously while pursing her lips. You place your hands on her shoulders and make her turn around to look at you.
“The best option we have is for you to use your powers to take it out” You said, taking one of her hands in yours. “If you do it fast enough you wont hurt him, but we have to be fast unless you want us to miss our ride to freedom”
“O-Okay” She said.
Peter took his belt off and moved in order for him to lay his back on a wall, and put his belt in his mouth, with his other hand in yours.
“When I count to three, you will pull it off, okay?”
El nodded.
“One.. Two” Peter closed his eyes hard and his grip on your hand grew tighter “Three!”
Peter’s whine is partly muffled by the belt and you hear the Soteria clink as it hits the ground. 
“You okay, darling?” You ask as Peter shuffled towards the tiny chip covered in blood, his hand not once leaving yours.
“Yeah... Yeah... Im fine.” Reality seems to punch him right in the face when he sees the object shining between his fingers. Freedom was just a few steps away from becoming real.
“There they are!” A voice shrieks while kicking the door right open “Freeze!”
Peter grabs your and Eleven’s hands and makes a run for it. 
You both follow him up some stairs while several security guards yell orders behind you. Peter’s grip on your hand becomes tighter signaling the fear and adrenaline going through his veins. You kick open a door and you're able to find yourselves in a hallway. It seems empty at first and you try to keep running, but just as you turn your heel, you are surrounded by guards with electric weapons pointing at you.
“All three of you against the wall!” One of them says, you slowly hide behind Peter, holding Eleven tightly in your arms.
“You don’t have to be afraid of them, El.” He tells her while looking at the guard right in the eyes “Not anymore”
In a quick movement, Peter turns around and uses his powers to push the guards behind you against the wall, and crashing the two others in front of him against the roof. The last one puts his hands up but Pete shows him no mercy, and snaps his neck before he’s able to even beg for mercy.
“Come on, El, let’s go, now!” You grab her wrist and follow Peter around the lab. Your feet run as fast as they can trying to keep up with the blonde boy. You hear Eleven’s terrified whimpers and you long to console her but now isn't the right time, and the only thing you can do is try to urge her to run faster.
She’s just eight years old, her tiny and delicate frame cant keep up with both yours and Peter’s long steps, so you stop for a brief moment and take her in your arms.
“Lets play a game, okay?” You whisper in her ear, while putting your hand in Peter’s once again “You will try to hold me as tight as you can, and I want you to close your eyes and count to the biggest number you can think of, alright?”
You can feel her nod, and her head buries itself in the crook of your neck, where you can hear clearly her voice counting as slowly as possible.
“Dont move, we will shoot!” A guard screams. Peter looks back at him and sends his crew flying against the walls. One of them fires his gun but it missed you narrowly, startling El, who whimpers in your neck.
“What was that?” She asks, her voice cracking. As soon as Peter is done with the guards you keep running, holding his hand and cradling Eleven’s head.
“It was nothing, keep counting, you were doing it so well!”
You go down some stairs and finally see the reception. Alarms are blaring around you and Peter is going ballistic throwing all the goons around the air and against the walls. When you're about to reach the door, you trip with an object and hit your head against a hard surface. You can hear Eleven whine and Peter’s too busy with the men to help you. You try to stand up but an artifact floats towards you and hits you right in the nose.
You shriek at this and turn around to see what happened and are faced by number Two staring at you with angry eyes.
“You guys always seem to forget about me, dont you?”
Peter turns around and freezes for a second at the sight of the kid. How he has escaped is beyond you two, but he seems to be boiling in anger. Before you're able to formulate a response, you see the kid raise his hand towards you and you can feel a force pulling you up by your neck.
“Peter tries to focus on both him and the guards but the task seems impossible. Your sight starts getting blurry and as soon as you think you're going to slip into unconsciousness, you feel the pressure leave you, and you drop to the ground.
You can hear a loud crash and screams, and you feel Peter’s arms around you. When you look up, the only thing you're able to see is a huge red opening against the wall that is slowly closing in front of you, and Eleven’s tiny frame collapse in the ground.
Everything seems too blurry and your throat aches like hell, but with Peter’s help you manage to get up. He grabs El’s tiny body and cradles her in her arms and you're back to running. Peter uses his powers to open the gate to the lab and you both run off to the woods. 
Your feet hurt and you're feeling dizzy, but you cant afford to stall right now. You are so close to making it that you can nearly taste freedom at the tip of your tongue.
The world around you seems to fade and theres only you, Peter, and Eleven. Running for your lives. Running for your freedom.
“I see you, Americans” You hear a voice echoing from Peter’s pocket, and suddenly you remember what you’re running towards: Yuri’s car.
Far from you, you see a glimpse of blue, and the closer you get, the better you can see it.
It’s a car.
It’s freedom
Eleven didn't wake up until you guys arrived at a cottage far from the lab. The car ride was full of weird attempts at understanding Yuri’s less than funny jokes but in the end everything worked out for you guys.
El rubbed her eyes as she looked around the place, you were putting her down on an old dusty couch so you could look for the bags hidden under the floorboards.
You reached for a suitcase filled with money and handed it to the weird russian man, who had been drooling over his payment a whole month.
“There you go, now get the fuck out of here” You said. You watched him scurry away and didnt peel your gaze off him until he was way out of sight in the heart of the woods.
“Where are we?” Eleven asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Hey darling, we are in a safe house. We have about an hour to get cleaned up before we go to our real house”
“Real house? Where?”
“Its a beautiful place near Lovers Lake” You explained, while ruffling inside the bag looking for the clothes you had bought for her. “Go inside the room and put this on. I will help you get cleaned up in a second”
“Wheres Peter?” She asked, while grabbing the white shirt and blue skirt you had gotten her.
“Don’t worry about him darling, he’s just starting the car”
As she entered the room, you didn’t waste any time and took your ugly dress off. You pulled your clothes on and put a coat over them; you were in the middle of November and it was pretty chilly.
“The car is ready to go” Peter said as he jumped into the cabin. You couldn’t help but notice the huge red stain in his shirt caused by the open wound of the Soteria.
“Oh Peter come on we gotta get you cleaned up.” You said, hurrying to get something to stop the bleeding. You ripped a piece of your ugly nurse dress and pressed it on his neck. “Good luck I got you a turtle neck”
He chuckled at this, and you couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“Gods, I love you, you know that, right”
You chuckled and nodded.
“I love you too, Peter, you’re the love of my life”
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snickerdoodlles · 3 years ago
(ep 12 discussion in case u don't feel like reading more of it! sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense lol i'm bad at writing these things out) honestly, i felt so sad and disappointed after the episode but the more i see thai people talking about it, the more i get it as a choice.. i still don't like it and am upset that they spent the whole time making them stronger together just for this to happen, but i also understand that i have a very different perspective in my familial relationships.. i'm still sad, but now that i've calmed down i can understand from pran and pat's pov how they might think it's legit the only way forward to do this
im still figuring out how i feel on everything. there are definitely a few things right off the bat where i can tell im looking at them with some blinders and assumptions and i need to rewatch the full episode with those off. i can also already think of some threads i saw in the episode but i didnt register how important they were. the biggest thing is that i just have to rewatch the episode, but first i gotta psych myself up for it lolol
take this whole ramble with a grain of salt because again, i gotta double check what are narrative threads i picked up on vs what i had just assumed and/or dismissed (and like, trying to also remember previews aren't spoilers lol). but we saw from the start how running away from the problem wasn't actually intended as a solution for pat and pran, they just needed a break. pat just wants to ignore it all and like usual, he deals with his struggles in the quiet moments and he hides all of it behind smiles and his goofiness; whereas pran is thinking and overthinking how the return will go right from the start. and for all that they yell their feelings out to the waves, they can't truly just up and leave--pran has a close relationship with both his parents, pat would never just completely leave pa. and they both acknowledge this in their own ways. pran is the most obvious with missing his mother, but pat turning away from discussing any of it and his comment about checking in on pa later also shows how he hasn't truly cut himself off from everything yet, he just wants some time away. so we know its temporary, we know they're not going to just up and leave their families completely. and this is all further reinforced by the subplot with junior where his mother just wants what's best for him, doesn't want him trapped like she'd felt she was, and she and junior come together in the end knowing that they love each other and are working towards a good future together
so, just running away isnt an option (and this has been a narrative theme in bbs since ep1). we also have some threads from previous episodes that do tie into a potential breakup--the main one that comes to mind is pran's line about not pursuing a deadend relationship. so, after some thinking, im wondering if maybe pat and pran might breakup because they don't want their relationship to be a part of the coming tug-o-war between reconciling with their families and then settling the feud as well? im not sure how much sense im making right now, im still such a mess of emotions, but family is very important to them. and pat's returning to his dad who shows no promise of trying to apologize much less make up for his mistakes and a mother who's still supporting him regardless and wants pat to bend. pran's returning to his mother who's been incredibly hurt and hasn't dealt with that pain, instead trying to just block it out, and pran's sympathetic to her. he doesn't think she needs to just forgive ming for him. (and while we don't see his dad's reaction to this, we see in previous episodes how devoted he is to his wife and he takes the rivalry just as personally.)
so, so long as their parents are still channeling their issues with each other through pat and pran, they're trapped. if cutting their parents out completely isnt an option, and they can't do anything to fix the parents' relationship, where do you go next? if there's something in this to yield, do they break up so to protect their relationship from their parents' ire and keep working on settling the rivalry separately? or even just wait until their in a better position to protect each other from their parents' pressure (because we also have to acknowledge that they're still semi-dependent on their parents right now)? as much as we all love defiance and standing against anything in the face of adversity, that's only going to further inflame tensions between their families and we all know just how poorly the parents handle that. so is the approach instead taking their relationship out of their parents reach with the promise to return when they can?
but again, i also just really need to rewatch the episode because *points @ this post* ...pat and pran are not okay with their parents' bullshit. they love each other, they want to be together, they will fight to be together. any threads that could lead to a breakup also have been refuted. there's uncle tong's wisdom of how even when he can't change the world, and the world keeps spitting on his work, what's important is that it cant change who he is as a person or the importance of the work that he does do.
so. im still a jumbled mess of emotions and i havent really been able to write today, so i havent truly processed anything yet either lol. i also still have to rewatch the episode. but right now, im wondering if a breakup might be them removing their relationship from their parents' reach. its different from how it was in high school--they have a little more independence and they're a lot more sure in where they stand with each other. their parents need to deal with their own shit, not take it out on them, and they breakup in what might be an equally defiant "you dont get to touch this/him" or "our relationship is not a part of your issues"
i'm still really torn and really not sure how ep12 is going to go down. there are so many possibilities, and same as you, im also seeing how the break up could be a logical step forward in a way i hadn't earlier. im not sure how i feel on that possibility right now, i just dont want them separated again, but the preview doesn't feel as left field as it did earlier and that is a relief for me. i think maybe my biggest revelation/change in thought i've had after sitting on it for a little bit is that i dont want the rivalry to be solved with trickery (such as a fake break up). i think that will undermine how avoiding the truth is what caused the rivalry in the first place. i struggle to think that they'd cut each other off completely, but i dont think secret dating will work out well? that said i could also be totally off about that again. i don't know what the writers have in store for us, we really cant predict too much from the previews and they have a lot of threads that are still building up to a happy patpran end. i do think they'll finish out their story well. im anxious as hell waiting for it in a way i didn't think i'd be, but bbs writers haven't let us down yet so. yeah, im hopeful. the preview feels less scary than it had earlier and im a little more ready to sit back and see where it goes.
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waters-and-the-wilde · 8 months ago
you're right we don't get much description of Juno in his own spaces but one thing that does stick out to me is Ben in Monster's Reflection talking about how Juno can always tell when someone's moved his stuff (and while i've never pictured him as particularly tidy that was mostly a hunch that there's like, a normal amount of depression/adhd clutter but comparatively not noteworthy compared to Nureyev's whole deal). but like. he's probably so so good at playing 'spot the difference' and figuring out which thing is missing from an environment where it should be
i think you've also articulated something really well that i've grappled with a bit and hadn't quite nailed down into words, which was where the first one or two runs through Man In Glass threw me a bit bc of what seemed like kind of a paradox -- Nureyev being a quick and instinctive thinker with an extraordinary skill for improvising his way through situations, and yet clinging to his plans and his rehearsed steps and having a little hissy fit about the plan changing on him. and for a while it was like, 'okay, he is Not Immune to the Duality of Man and the two things can coexist in view of him doing whatever he needs to have control over the situation bc he wants that so bad that it. in fact literally makes him look stupid.'
but YEAH. the part where he's fighting for his life to stay tidy and focused and linear, 'don't think about the queen think about the guard' because all of his practice and training dictates that thinking about the queen will get him killed
WHICh. GOD. okaY. mAG fuCKING RANSom. of course Nureyev's going to flip his shit when someone changes the plan on him without warning, even if it hasn't occurred to him why that would set him off so badly, especially if it's in a different enough context that it wouldn't be apparent or even reasonable to cast it in the same light. so like. Juno dropping all their fake creds on the Globe (bc he picked a pretty bad time to not think things through and then had an 'oh shit' about it). not even remotely the same deal but Nureyev is already Looking For Reasons Not To Trust Juno ('I chose this name as a reminder') and the effect of having to reorient completely probably hits him in the same kind of place, and in any case Juno's impulse wasn't his impulse because at least those he's probably so used to dealing with that it counts as something within his control
(there was this one Hamilton post i remember seeing back in the day about Wait For It and this kinda makes me think of it like. 'i am the one thing in life i can control. can't control love, or life, or death. or Juno Steel, definitely can't control Juno Steel.' which. certainly not for lack of trying at literally all of those things for the love of god petrushka)
(side note but based on Things We Buried, Nureyev has his own tendency to want to keep some cards up his sleeve in a way where it seems like it's a bad habit he'd picked up from Mag without realizing it, and gets haughty and defensive when called on withholding information bc he's justified it to himself as necessary, and is really smarting from the fact that the others still don't trust him when by this point he's more than proven himself, and probably doesn't recognize where he got it from and why other people would be taking issue with it the same way he did because it's not like Mag, of course he wouldn't, he'd never)
which. YEAH. to your whole point, he's fighting for his life to stay tidy and focused and linear, he needs to have infinite options at his fingertips but when he picks a solution he fuckign commits to the bit
i also have. half formed thoughts about diamond. taking time to 'think things through' and come to a 'more rational decision'. compromising the values Juno thought they shared in the process. and how nureyev's willingness to take the leap for the right thing even when it's obvious the consequences would be dire has got to be just. incredibly attractive to juno even if idk that he's necessarily thought about it in those terms
(and for that matter' maybe nureyev finds it incredibly attractive and reassuring in a way he hasn't quite understood or admitted to himself, that juno's ability to 'think about the queen' is exactly what is needed to keep both their asses out of the dungeons)
okay i was thinking about. the way Juno and Nureyev think. like the way their minds complement each other is just so goddamn neat to me.
(I've touched on something like this before in my 'Nureyev's coping mechanisms backfiring when misapplied' post, the bit about 'Juno’s intelligence is geared toward gathering clues and then assembling narratives, getting good insight checks and putting together a bigger picture that Nureyev has trained himself out of being able to see. they’re both very good at reading people but Nureyev’s strength is being quick on his feet and handling people and situations in the moment while Juno is good at mapping people’s inner landscapes and motivations')
and now another thing that strikes me about Juno's whole detective brain thing is the way his knowledge and memory is incredibly interconnected and associative, the way little pieces crop up in his mind and he knows they're important but not necessarily why, and has to hang onto them until he can see how they fit. The way he basically lives for his 'I connected the dots!!!' moments. he doesn't seem to have the same command over recall the way Nureyev does -- Nureyev's being extremely deliberate and structured, whereas Juno's pattern recognition and responses to prompts and triggers look a lot more instinctive, even if it's just that the way he works has allowed that talent to flourish
And from there you have an equally fascinating contrast in how heavily Nureyev also relies on his knowledge and memory, and yet his method hinges on that ability to compartmentalize, and how the the pieces stay extremely discrete. it's like. Nureyev's constantly putting shit away in filing cabinets, and Juno's constantly leaving stuff around all the time because How Else Would He Know Where It Is, it'll be there when he needs it
and then that leads to fascinating stuff like Nureyev's knowledge being incredibly precise yet fragmented, very purposefully weighed and deployed in the scenario he knows how to apply it to. and how that catches him off the back foot so spectacularly in Man In Glass by relegating useful context as extraneous so thoroughly he literally dissociates it. In Juno's case, the way he can see how things relate to each other backfires on him when he gets carried away, jumps to conclusions without necessarily having the groundwork/evidence/ability to show his work and back it up
ALSO. jury's out on how much Nureyev has actually considered whether his 'focus on the guard not the queen' mentality was shooting himself in the foot before Man In Glass but. something something Train From Nowhere 'i trust your eyes, for a start. and I trust your mind! a master detective's' etc. I get the sense that he recognizes what Juno does as a strength and a complementary skill (at least initially/on an instinctive level/when he's at his best. obv there's still him getting stuck on his Rules of Thieving/forgetting to listen/getting condescending and dismissive under stress but i think that sorta highlights the whole point that they're at their best when they're confident in that trust in each other.)
(also given the CMP heist it's not exactly just Nureyev and I kinda have to wonder if maybe the Aurinkos have Juno's jumping to conclusions tendency work great sometimes and then backfire a bunch of others so they can't always let him have a full head of steam at a precarious moment. i know i've seen ppl get frustrated about that bit and like yes it is a frustrating device but it still strikes me as different from the way that sort of thing is usually deployed, in that it has plenty of plausible grounding in the characterization and communication styles)
like yes i'm a simple man i go bonkers for them being competent at their chosen skills but 'we work well together' is such a cornerstone of their relationship and the way their minds are so different and dovetail so effectively is just. the drift compatibility is built into their psyches and it's absolutely *chef's kiss*
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