#im also bored with access to free internet
regancastlelion · 5 months
i want to know everyone's OC lore and storyline outside of the game's main quests.
like, Reggie finds out her dad is actually just her stepdad that stepped up and her dad is a now-dead millionaire and she's her grandmother's long desired heiress her father failed to mention before he was murd— dropped dead.
oh and she's in love with her best friend's dad's best friend, who is realistically old enough to be her dad, but is insanely attractive and sweet to her (unlike men her age).
so tell me all your oc's lore outside of the main storyline. I'm 99% sure all of us combined have better storytelling skills than SSE and could easily come up with something to help them improve a bit.
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brainlessrot · 1 year
Ranking NRC dorms on how much I would trust and like their cooking -
fair warning: I've skipped like most culinary croucible events and forgot 90% of the ones i played, so this is all based on my subjective reading of their vibes and the limited canon knowledge i could gather in my brain
Contents: As the title says +individual characters ranked
Characters: All dorms + students and teachers
1. Scarabia
do i even need to explain this one??
One of the first episodes in their chapter was literally cooking with jamil
I LOVE middle eastern food. give me hummus and some pita bread and im set for life.
Pre scarabia arc jamil would be a dangerous choice, but post chapter? im gonna be knocking on his door with bribes so that he gives me any extra food he made 🙏
not kalim tho, yall stay safe
(also wrote this while at Agrabah's cafe in disney land, so my opinion might be skewed)
Continues under this cut!!
2. Octavinelle
Mans whole bussiness is food
if im paying for it i better be getting something good
but would NEVER try to ask any of them to cook for me (for free obv) bc i dont think that would end well (for me)
Jade?? mixing mushrooms he found somewhere
Floyd? forgets and goes somewhere, now the kitchen is burnt
Azul? nuh huh 💀 i aint seeling my soul for some toast
theyre like, Norwegian/italian i think?? and idk much about Norwegian cuisine but like italian is soooo good 🤞
3. Heartslabyul
Only for the sweets (i might not trust trey but i have a sweet tooth)
I dont mind tea, but they better not bring out their British cuisine out
If i see any fish n chips im evaporating from that table (lies, free food is free food)
i wanna go to an unbirthday party 😔
riddle would cook something too healthy and would count my calorie intake 💀
ace or deuce? id better be getting ready to get intoxication
cater... i just dont see him cooking
4. Pomefiore
listen... theyre mostly rich pampered boys, so would they even be cooking?
i dont trust the source of Rook's food
epel would only give me apple based foods (tasty, but gets boring after a while)
Vil would probably give me those weird natural green smoothies AND I DONT WANT THAT 🤬
+ i dont like french people (jk)
5. Ighnihyde
ik theyre all nerds and all they eat is instant ramen
all for that greek yogurt 😩
idia doesn't know how to cook except for instant foods which i dont mind (he gets favourite character treatment)
ortho,,, questionable. He has access to the internet (aka infinite recipes) but would it taste good? hes like 10
6. Savanaclaw
sweaty men.
i should just leave it at that ngl
leona? rich ahh man (a GROWN man at that!! 20 whole years of age!!!) and he probably doesn't even know how to fry an egg
ruggie? no way he gives me anything good for free 😭
Jack is the only one i would trust, but man probably also drinks protein shakes and those sad chicken breast and rice meals.
7. Diasomnia
no thank you
i like my soul staying where it is.
i dont trust their magical food
lillia is not even my last choice if im ever hungry, he aint a choice AT ALL
Malleus... he probably doesn't know how to physically cook?? sure he can bibidi babidi boop me some food like the giant fairy godmother he is, but i want something real man 😔
Sebek... protein shake man...
Silver MUST know how to cook (living with lillia would be imposible if not) so if i HAD to, I would go to him, but i dont want him to fall asleep and faceplant on my food 😭
+ Characters Ranked in tiers! (students and teachers)
The best, five star Michelin food:
Jamil, Trey, Trein
You could be happy eating:
Vil, Epel, Floyd, Silver, Azul, Ruggie, Crewel
Its food:
Jack, Cater, idia (if making instant ramen) Ortho, Sam
its... food?:
Rook (seriously, where did he get that?), Jade, Ace, Deuce, Malleus (the food is uncorporeal), Sebek, Vargas
dubious taste, would rather not:
Riddle, Kalim, Leona (its just a slab of uncooked meat), Idia (if trying to cook real food)
call 911 BEFORE eating please:
Lillia, Grim, Crowley
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disco-cola · 1 year
dude my era depression is so bad again at the moment the only thing that would help me is literally someone finally inventing a time machine and then offer like a 30 day free trial in which i could choose to just stay or come back to today completely disillusioned which would at least end my era struggles but otherwise at this point idk what to do it doesnt help to just dress that way and decorate my house that way and listen to the music when it is srsly impossible to ever have my dream life i would have wanted to be in a band or a tour manager or a music journalist or a radio host or vj for mtv when they were still cool and if all that failed i could have at least tried to get a hot boyfriend in a rock band whose music i love and go on tour with them and just hang around the scene somehow and i know i technically could do all of that today but honestly i think doing that would make my era struggles even worse bc i would just compare it to what it was like in the 70s 80s or 90s and what ive read in countless books and articles and even fucking personal comments under youtube videos of people who lived through it (i kinda feel the only people writing about how bad those times were are the ones that are even younger than me who werent there either like as if today is that much better with politics and laws that only go backwards but most peoples accounts of their youth in that time end with i would go back and i miss it) and just still not be happy also i just cant imagine being in or around the music business now with fuckin social media and the internet (i know the internets been around at least in the 90s and was already more accessible then but obvs still not like today) like this and just not being able to forget "these arent actually my favorite bands and im just compensating" would still make me unhappy and i know it might have been very hard as a woman in the 70s and probably 80s too (even tho many women entered the work force back then and started working in fields that used to be dominated by men) and i could not have done what chris o'dell did (she was a personal assistant at the beatles apple in london in the late 60s and then became a tour manager in the states in the 70s for the stones, santana, bob dylan, elo, queen and more...) or not have been someone like debbie harry or stevie nicks or joan jett but i could´ve tried and otherwise could have at least found an escape of a boring hard working class life by going to shows of the bands i love (when they were in their prime, not them being old and some of the og lineup already gone and ticket prices worth a months rent). being around people who are into the same stuff as me because its just whats popular. i cant do that now. i wish i had at least been around and in my 20s for the late 80s and early 90s grunge and metal and hardcore scene bc that at least would have been something new and exciting and even as a woman you could find work and establish a position in the music business (like vanessa warwick, julia valet, both julie browns and karyn bryant did at mtv). i also dont know what anybody could tell me to make it better. the only thing that helps me at this point is people saying they feel the same bc it makes you feel less alone and isolated :/
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queenlua · 3 years
hey, i started following you recently and ur bio says ur a hacker? any tips on where to start? hacking seems like a v cool/fun way to learn more abt coding and cybersecurity/infrastructure and i'd like to explore it but there's so much on the internet and like, i'm not trying to get into anything illegal. thanks!
huh, an interesting question, ty!
i can give more tailored advice if you hit me up on chat with more specifics on your background/interests.
given what you've written here, though, i'll just assume you don't have any immediate professional aspirations (e.g. you just want to learn some things, and you aren't necessarily trying to get A Cyber Security Job TM within the next three months or w/e), and that you don't know much about any specific programming/computering domain yet.
(stuff under cut because long)
first i'd probably just try to pick some interesting problem that you think you can solve with tech. this doesn't need to be a "hacking" project at first; i was just messing around with computers for ages before i did anything involving security/exploitation.
if you don't already know how to program, you should ideally pick a problem you can solve via programming. for instance: i learned a lot back in the 2000s, when play-by-post forum RPGs were in vogue.  see, i'd already been messing around, building my own personal sites, first just with HTML & CSS, and later on with Javascript and PHP.   and i knew the forum software everyone used (InvisionPowerBoard) was written in PHP.  so when one of the admins at my RPG complained that they'd like the ability to set multiple profile pictures, i was like, "hey i'm good at programming, want me to create a mod to do that," and then i just... did. so then they asked me to program more features, and i got all the sexy nerd cred for being Forum Mod Queen, and it was a good time, i learned a lot.
(i also got to be the person who was frantically IMed at 2am because wtf the forum is down and there's an inscrutable error, what do??? basically sysadmining! also, much less sexy! still, i learned a lot!)
the key thing is that it's gotta be a problem that's interesting to you: as much as i love making dorky sites in PHP, half the fun was seeing other people using my stuff, and i think the era of forum-based RPGs has passed. but maybe you can apply some programming talents to something that you are interested in—maybe you want to make a silly Chrome extension to make people laugh, a la Cloud to Butt, or maybe you'd like to make a program that converts pixel art into cross-stitching patterns, maybe you want to just make a cool adventure game on those annoying graphing calculators they make you use in class, or make a script for some online game you play, or make something silly with Arduino (i once made a trash can that rolled toward me when i clapped my hands; it was fun, and way easier than you'd think!), whatever.
i know a lot of hacker-types who got their start doing ROM hacking for video games—replacing the character art or animations or whatever in old NES games. that's probably more relevant than the PHP websites, at least, and is probably a solid place to get started; in my experience those communities tend to be reasonably friendly to questions. pick a small thing you want to do & ask how to do it.
also, a somewhat unconventional path, but—once i knew how to program a bit of Python, i started doing goofy junk, like, "hey can i implemented NamedTuple from scratch,” which tends to lead to Python metaprogramming, which leads to surprising shit like "oh, stack frames are literally just Python objects and you can manually edit them in the interpreter to do deliberately horrendous/silly things, my god this language allows too much reflection and i'm having too much fun"... since Python is a lot of folks' first language these days, i thought i'd point that out, since i think this is a pretty accessible start to thinking about How Programs Actually Work under the hood. allison kaptur has some specific recommendations on how to poke around, if you wanna go that route.
it's reasonably likely you'll end up doing something "hackery" in the natural course of just working on stuff. for instance, while i was working on the IPB forum software mods, i became distressed to learn that everyone was using an INSECURE version of the software! no one was patching their shit!! i yelled at the admins about it, and they were like "well we haven't been hacked yet so it's not a problem," so i uh, decided to demonstrate a proof of concept? i downloaded some sketchy perl script, kicked it until it worked, logged in as the admins, and shitposted a bit before i logged out, y'know, to prove my point.
(they responded by banning me for two weeks, and did not patch their software. which, y'know, rip to them; they got hacked by an unrelated Turkish group two months later, and those dudes just straight-up deleted the whole website. i was a merciful god by comparison!)
anyway, even though downloading a perl script and just pointing it at a website isn't really "hacking" (it's the literal definition of script kiddie, heh)—the point is i was just experimenting a lot and trying a lot of stuff, which meant i was getting comfortable with thinking of software as not just some immutable relic, but something you can touch and prod in unexpected ways.
this dovetails into the next thing, which is like, just learn a lot of stuff. a boring conventional computer science degree will teach you a lot (provided you take it seriously and actually try to learn shit); alternatively, just taking the same classes as a boring conventional computer science degree, via edX or whatever free online thingy, will also teach you a lot. ("contributing to open source" also teaches you a lot but... hngh... is a whole can of worms; send a follow-up ask if you want that rant.)
here's where i should note that "hacking" is an impossibly broad category: the kind of person who knows how to fuck with website authentication tokens is very different than someone who writes a fuzzer, who is often quite different than someone who looks at the bug a fuzzer produces and actually writes a program that can exploit that bug... so what you focus on depends on what you're interested in. i imagine classes with names like "compilers," "operating systems," and "networking" will teach you a lot. but, like, idk, all knowledge is god-breathed and good for teaching. hell, i hear some universities these days have actual computer security classes? that's probably a good thing to look at, just to get a sense of what's out there, if you already know how to program.
also be comfortable with not knowing everything, but also, learn as you go. the bulk of my security knowledge came when i got kinda airdropped into a work team that basically hired me entirely on "potential" (lmao), and uh, prior to joining i only had the faintest idea what a hypervisor was? or the whole protection ring concept? or ioctls or sandboxing or threat models or, fuck, anything? i mostly just pestered people with like 800 questions and slowly built up a knowledge base, and remember being surprised & delighted when i went to a security conference a year later and could follow most of the talks, and when i wound up at a bar with a guy on the xbox security team and we compared our security models a bunch, and so on.  there wasn't a magic moment when i "got it", i was just like, "okay huh this dude says he found a ring-0 exploit... what does that mean... okay i think i got that... why is that a big deal though... better ask somebody.." (also: reading an occasional dead tree book is a good idea. i owe my firstborn to Robert Love's Linux Kernel Development, as outdated as it is, and also O'Reilly's kookaburra book gave me a great overview of web programming back in the day, etc.  you can learn a lot by just clicking around random blogs, but you’ll often end up with a lot of random little facts and no good mental scaffolding for holding it together; often, a decent book will give you that scaffolding.)
(also, it's pretty useful if you can find a knowledgable someone to pepper with random questions as you go. finding someone who will actively mentor you is tricky, but most working computery folks are happy to tell you things like "what you're doing is actually impossible, here's why," or "here's a tutorial someone told me was good for learning how to write a linux kernel module," or "here's my vague understanding of this concept you know nothing about," or "here's how you automate something to click on a link on a webpage," which tends to be handier than just google on its own.)
if you're reading this and you're like "ok cool but where's the part where i'm handed a computer and i gotta break in while going all hacker typer”—that's not the bulk of the work, alas! like, for sure, we do have fun pranking each other by trying dumb ways of stealing each other's passwords or whatever (once i stuck a keylogger in a dude's keyboard, fun times). but a lot of my security jobs have involved stuff like, "stare at this disassembly a long fuckin' time to figure out how the program pointer got all fucked up," or, "write a fuzzer that feeds a lot of randomized input to some C++ program, watch the program crash because C++ is a horrible language for writing software, go fix all the bugs," or "think Really Hard TM about all the settings and doohickeys this OS/GPU/whatever has, think about all the awful things someone could do with it, threat model and sandbox accordingly." occasionally i have done cool proof-of-concept hacks but honestly writing exploits can kinda be tedious, lol, so like, i'm only doing that if it's the only way i can get people to believe that Yes This Is Actually A Problem, Fix Your Code
"lua that's cool and all but i wanted, like, actual links and recommendations and stuff" okay, fair. here's some ideas:
microcorruption: very fun embedded security CTF; teaches you everything you need to know as you're doing it.
cryptopals crypto challenges: very fun little programming exercises that teach you a lot of fundamental cryptography concepts as you're going along! you can do these even as a bit of a n00b; i did them in Python for the lulz
the binary bomb lab is hilariously copied by, like, so many CS programs, lol, but for good reason. it's accessible and fun and is the first time most people get to feel like a real hacker! (requires you know a bit of C beforehand)
ctftime is a good way to see when new CTFs ("capture the flag"s; security-focused competitions) are coming up. or, sometimes CTFs post their source code, so you can continue trying them after the CTF is over. i liked Stripe's CTFs when they were going, because they focused on "web stuff", and "web stuff" was all i really knew at the time. if you're more interested in staring at disassembly, there's CTFs focused on that sort of thing too.
azeria has good ARM assembly & exploitation tutorials
also, like, lots of good talks out there; just watching defcon/cansecwest/etc talks until something piques your interest is very fun. i'd die on a battlefield for any of Christopher Domas's talks, but he assumes a lot of specific x86/OS knowledge, lol, so maybe don’t start with that. oh, Julia Evans's blog is honestly probably pretty good for just learning a lot of stuff and really beginner-friendly?
oh and wrt legality... idk, i haven't addressed it here since it hasn't come up in my own work much, tbh. if you're just getting started you're kind of unlikely to Break The Law without, y'know, realizing maybe you're doing something a bit gray-area? and you can cross that bridge when you come to it? Real Hacking TM is way more of a pain-in-the-ass than doing CTFs and such, and you'll learn way more with the latter, so who cares lol just do the fun thing
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emilyrosebass · 4 years
Meet Moral Crema: A Fluid Collective for Weirdo Artist-Visionaries
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The Art World™️’s inherent lack is more obvious than ever. Institutions house bored classics in empty halls; sanitized paintings and sculptures sit unviewed, accessible to only the privileged with enough funds and free time to freely folic during a pandemic. Now more than ever, it’s the alternative and underground creators that rise above, not just filling in the gaps left by the megarich, but setting a new standard entirely. 
Moral Crema—a fluid collective of artists loosely based in Boston—is all these institutions leave longing: A breath of fresh air. Or, a burst of smoke, a glittering dark cloud, the sun setting to reveal the wonders of the night. Moral Crema’s kinda gothy, sometimes nasty, always visceral—Weird shit, in the best way. 
The collective was founded in December 2019 by Luc Miglin (@sparklingspit) and Kristine Brown (@bigtractorguy), interdisciplinary conceptual artists who met while studying at MassArt. The two were inspired to highlight “grimy, unconventional, ever-changing” work outside the norm. “We want to share work that is overlooked,” they say, “We want to create the kind of community that we want to be a part of that we do not see in the art or culture worlds right now.”
And that they did. The platform they’ve created is indefinable, uncategorizable, connected by a shared sensibility and way of seeing the world—One that evokes a sense of decadence and hedonism (crema) but also a philosophical skepticism (moral dilemma). The artists of Moral Crema venture, question, and experiment: in dark glamour, in drag, in performance, in house music, grunge, and hyper-digital beats, in photography, poetry, and illustration. 
For the most immersive Moral Crema experience, head over to the collective’s Bandcamp and pick one of the artist-members’ albums to stream before diving into the magazine: I recommend Le Snake’s *we made this in an hour and a half: a chaotically distorted and hilariously poignant portrait of pop culture, filled with gems like WE HATE HULU AND LOVE ISLAND (“I’ve never watched that show”) and I STOLE THIS SAMPLE. Or Boston-based DJ Froglycerine’s dark erotic electronica album Bog Bitch, whose samples feel eerily familiar, like some line from a coming of age movie you can’t place or a viral video, twisted into a new uncanny mix. 
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Moral Crema’s quarterly magazine, inspired by cabaret literary journals, is the collective’s real piece de resistance. In the October 2020 issue, perhaps most curious are Gaby Schaab’s Xerox scans documenting food as cultural artifacts: a Salvation Mountain-lookalike birthday cake made by a friend, potluck leftovers, remnants of an easter dinner. “Food is often the catalyst for idea transmission,” she writes, “What brings us to the table.” Her images are both preservative and transformative: Food taken from its original context, no longer able to be eaten, instead becoming everlasting symbols of community, culture, and care frozen in time. 
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On the other end of the spectrum, designer, drag performer, and DJ Soo Intoit bursts with energy and life: Stunning in every sense of the word. Whether through her experimental makeup, outfit, or set, Soo Intoit embodies the disciplinary mindset of Moral Crema: She is her art, her body the medium. “It’s so important that I listen to music while I get ready,” she explains, “I feel like I am becoming the music as I change my appearance. The songs make me look the way I do, and then it’s almost like they play themselves.” Influenced by everything from cybergoth and centipedes to McQueen and Mugler, Soo Intoit effortlessly blends the most unsettling and inspiring aspects of pop and high culture, creating a new aesthetic so multifarious it can’t even be explained, just felt. 
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With her liberated dark glamour burlesque, Fermelda Hyde (aka Abby Holgerson, @ominousabby) simultaneously appropriates and critiques the aesthetics of the rich and hedonistic. Drawing inspiration from 18th century vampire fashion, she often dons lace collars and powdered wigs, embodying Marie Antoinette or a gothic nun. In to perform, her video collaboration with Luc featured on Moral Crema’s website for Halloween, Fermelda Hyde applies bloodied makeup and dances to a soundtrack of samples stating “I like to feel good, especially when I pretend I’m someone else” and “I’m going to live forever”—a provocative and somewhat horrifying commentary on the performance and (im?)permanence of the projected internet persona. 
It’s hard to imagine what Moral Crema can’t, or won’t, do next. In addition to the magazine and Bandcamp, Luc and Kristine also plan to host digital and in-person events in the future (Rumor has it a socio-political parody of a maid cafe is in the works).
To stay up to date on Moral Crema’s manifold projects, check out moralcrema.com and @moralcrema​ on Instagram! 
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after-lauhgter · 4 years
Hey dude, I really like your music taste so do all the music questions that you didn't already answer 🌚
OK DUDE HERE THEY COME (except 1,6 & 14) ... ok lets do number 1 again  What's a song you've been listening to a lot lately? as the world caves in by Matt Maltese, if I get high by nothing but thieves, and literally anything off waterparks’ new live album, that thing makes me feel so ALIVE bc like LIVE MUSIC  Is there an album you recently discovered and are obsessed with it now? well waterparks live in the uk obviously but if the last 6 months count as recently, then the new abnormal by the strokes. its... absolutely breathtaking. I don't have words. 0 words. except these dudes know what the fuck they’re doing. and then I found the devil and god are raging inside me by brand new and jeeesus. literally Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ was my most played song in 2020 AS IT SHOULD BE bc its EVERYTHING this album is THE SHIT. every song is just *chef kiss* like there's limousine (omg limousine) and you won't know and not the sun and AHH listen to these albums omg  Put your playlist on shuffle and show the first 10 songs. No cheating. i assume “your playlist” means all my saved songs so Topography by Civilian (pls go listen its SO great) Na Na Na by mcr yees issa classic  Du schreibst Geschichte by Madsen omg geeerman  just saying by EDEN (pretty pretty pretty) Westerland von den Ärzten another classic  letdown by nothing,nowhere. sad but the good kind of sad  The Man by the killers making fun of toxic masculinity gives me LIFE  Graffiti by CHVRCHES YES  and death stranding by CHVRCHES too YES SO GOOD simmer by Hayley Williams, a queen  How do you tend to discover new music? If you do at all of course I do enjoy what Spotify suggests, like my weekly mix brought a lot of bops in the past, although sometimes it just sucks lets be real. I also like the artist- or album-radio, when I wanna find something similar to an album but not the album.  and another thing I lovvve is when artists I like recommend music, for example, have you seen dallon weekes instagram stories? THE TASTE? bc yes, someone who writes music like that MUST have a superior taste in music and he fucking does. 
What app do you mostly use to listen to music? Spotify :) Is there an artist that you feel ashamed of listening too? I can't think of anyone so probably not  What is your favorite album cover art? omg. I have to go with more than one. so there's where the mind wants to go/where you let it go by I the mighty, one of my favorite albums of all time, and I'm going to say it how it is, I LIKE THE COLORS. the blue-ish imagine with the red omg. look at it pls.  Also fandom by waterparks looks SO COOL. again the COLORS  and I love the art for Isola by Kent.  I recently discovered you wouldn't believe what privilege costs by civilian and I think that cover is pretty cool too.  well and then there's petals for armor by Hayley Williams, the cover art is so fucking powerful Jesus I get goosebumps just thinking about it. in case you don't know about it, long story short: there's been a lot of shit going on in Hayleys life in the past. relatable imo. then they made after laughter and its been like u know what fuck it we’ll just laugh and dance through the pain. together. and I LOVED the vibe omg it gave me so much. but for Hayley it kinda postponed REALLY dealing with shit. she came home from touring with AL and she also got divorced during the AL era and everything's shit and out of all that came petals for armor. and in it she reclaims femininity, being alone, being powerful, being a women, everything. and ah yeah we were talking about the cover art, the cover is her, having a line of squares on her face, three of these squares are tattooed on her fingers though bc its where her ex husbands initials used to be that she got covered up. WHAT A MOVE. THE POWER.  (if anyone is interested in hearing Hayley talking about/explaining all this, I really recommend watching her interview with zane Lowe. its SO GOOD basically free therapy) How much did your parents influence your music taste? a. lot. my dad listened to a lot of “dad rock” you may call it, I guess a lot of dads listened to stuff similar to this. Deep Purple, the police, simple minds, Green Day, Billy Talent, the scorpions and things like that. what influenced me the most tho was the beatsteaks (german band, very good), die Ärzte (german band, very good) and LAST BUT NOT LEAST the fricking blues brothers. my favorite movie (not the 2000 remake, go watch that in hell where it belongs), a great, charismatic band, unbelievable live performances. very big WOW from me.  Do you own any vinyl? don't get me started omg. I DO. I wish I could take a photo but my records are at my parents house so ill just name my favorites.  -after laughter and brand new eyes by paramore -violent things by the brobecks and their song boring on 7inch (this is very rare ok) -razzzzmatazzz by idkhow in gold :) -may death never stop you by mcr (my first one, I bought it first and then bought a record player for it, that's how it started lol) -omg the black parade is dead by mcr, this was never available on vinyl until record store day 2019 (?) and I hunted that bitch like idek what it was insane but I found a super cute small record store and the owner didn't have copies of it bc NOBODY DID but he fucking CALLED THE LABEL even though it was way too late and he asked if they'd send him a copy and THEY DID I FUCKING OWE THIS MAN  -and omg Isola by Kent (in Swedish tho bc the English version was never pressed on vinyl) this was intense. I searched for like 2 weeks and then, on google results page 8 or something, I found what could've been the only copy on the damn internet and it was very expensive but its MINE NOW -my signed vertigo vinyl by EDEN, its clear and on side D it doesn't have music but a little message engraved it the vinyl IT IS CUTe -Placebos MTV unplugged! I am so I love with this album. SO. in love. and one day, when I was in Berlin to see palaye royale, back when we had concerts, I walked by a random record store and they have like 4 records left bc they were closing or idk and the only one displayed in the window was this one. tell me about FATE  Do you own any cds? not many. sometimes when im at the store and I see ones I know or like, I just buy them and put them in me moms car bc I want her to listen to them. or when I find a cd by a smaller artist I enjoy, I buy it just to push the nachfrage. HI i am HERE and I WANT this music  Is vinyl really better than listening on a digital device? im not gonna be that middle aged white male audiophile that hates on our generation for using Spotify. bc its great. I think its just different. I mean im sorry I don't carry my record player on the bus with me, pls forgive me for using my phone? having immediate access to most of the music that is out there? wow. what a concept. I love the internet. YES TECHNOLOGY. but. vinyls are... different. I feel likes its a different kind of listening. I feel like youre rly LISTENING. and that way isn't better, or right, and im not saying it works like this for everyone. but when I put a record on, my only activity at that moment is listening to music, I sit down and I listen. to the entire album. so skips and no pauses, bc that's how it works. and I think that sometimes, that can do a lot for you. if you let it.  and besides that, physically owning a record makes me happy on a level nothing else really does. fuck I love music so much and when I fall in love with it, I fall hard. and then owning a copy of it, something I can touch, something that is MINE, putting it in my little shelf, looking at it every few days and just being in love? fantastic feeling.  What is a genre of music that you tend to go to for comfort? sad shit. I feel like I can get great comfort from the sad shit. or maybe just slow shit. and songs that mean a lot to me and have been around me for some time, they have this other level of comfort. like for Emma, forever ago by bon iver for example. I have a playlist, maybe I'll reblog this again and link it ;) Do you tend to like poppy upbeat songs, or more intricate and interesting songs? both. sometimes I wanna have complicated stuff and analyze the shit out of lyrics and instrumentation, sometimes I just wanna v i b e If you have a favorite band or artist, tell us about how you got into them I liked paramore before but when they posted the video of them performing last hope at reading? it was over. when Hayley sang the bridge it was over. now im a die hard fan and I never looked back Is there a song that came out this year that you like? maybe after reading all this shit you expected a list but somehow I can't. where do u even start. but the answer is definitely yes.  THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING I COULD GO ON FOR DAYS 
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jewpacabruhs · 5 years
hi guys! so this post is gonna be a rambly mess but fuck it, here ya go. if u dont wanna read all of it, u dont have to; skip down to underneath the tl;dr in bold text for the important bits :)
(there’s a brief & non-graphic mention of a triggering topic in the next paragraph. please be sure to skip this next paragraph if the thought of suicide is going to upset you.)
alright. so i didn't share this originally, but i spent some time in a psychiatric unit this month. suicidality related. 1000% unrelated from anything online, i've just struggled with depression for a very long time & shit happens. i didn't intend to share that at all & i certainly don't want pity; i'm telling u guys bc my time in the unit was extremely eye-opening, and i have some insight to share. since i've gotten out, with the help of my newest anti-depressant (fourth time’s a charm lol), i'm seeing the world in a better light & i finally have the energy to and the interest in exploring what it has to offer, which frankly i've never had before.
with that has come the realization that i’ve come to do something very unhealthy, and i want to break out of it. and that’s how much i’ve come to rely on my fandom life. i don’t want to get too candid publicly, but mental illness took a lot from me, and i lost most of my life, my future, and my options in the last few years. next year will involve a lot of working on rebuilding things. but in the time that i let things fall to pieces around me & i absolutely couldn’t get out of bed, i had a phone and i had a laptop. so when i couldn’t get up and physically face the world, i built up a new world online.
and i don’t think that’s a completely uncommon experience. most people are able to better manage things, and evenly juggle real life with an internet life (like i did back in middle school), because most people can’t abandon their real lives entirely like i managed to; but i do think a lot of people nowadays rely on their fandom life and their fandom friends when their irl situation isn’t ideal. and that’s an excellent coping mechanism in theory, but i think it’s debilitating in the long run.
forgive me for sounding like an old person, but i’m a heavy nostalgist and a bit of an anarcho-primitivist in that i resent modern technology's influence on society - but that hasn't stopped me from letting it be a big part of my life out of accessibility. the internet kept me occupied during my low points, and i became dependent, but i've realized i don't wanna live like that anymore. i’m vaguely grateful that it usually kept me busy enough that i wasn’t thinking the bad thoughts as frequently, but more than anything, i’m resentful that my grasp on reality got lost somewhere along the way, and i let time get away from me, too. because, again, an internet life should be a fun hobby, but when it’s a lifestyle and it becomes an excuse to avoid dealing with our real lives, bc our real lives aren’t as rewarding or as exciting, then it’s unhealthy.
everything’s at our fingertips these days, but i deeply believe human interaction, fun, and fulfillment shouldn't be spoon-fed to us through a screen. it's easy access, sure, but at the end of the day, is it any way to live? compared with how much world there is to see, i’m no longer satisfied with the thought of sitting behind a screen for another five years. i used to be, when i had no hope and no drive, but not anymore. i’m not gonna let myself settle for staying busy with the thing that takes the least amount of work & movement. not only because i’m a whole ass adult who needs to start sorting my shit out for the long run, but also because i deserve better.
and it’s fucking hard! especially for those of us who are neurodivergent. i dropped out of school three fucking times due to crippling social anxiety and utter lack of ambition and energy. i lost all my friends through that (making friends post-school is hard af); the thought of having to go out and remake friends makes me wanna fucking cry. i have a hard enough time making friends online, i’ve even come to struggle with correspondence thru text & email. phone calls? outta the question. but that’s therapy shit, and i know i’ll get there. i just have to stop putting life off by staying in a comfort zone.
and it’s interesting; depression and anxiety really took everything from me, and while i was dwelling in my own misery, my adhd worsened and decided to make my entire brain revolve around my fixations, so i didn’t have to deal with my own life. can’t think about how much you wanna die and how much you can’t function in society if you’re busy thinking about a ship you like or a character you find interesting. so i latched onto the safety of that. aggressively. problem with that is that once you let your “happiness” (as much of it as you can feel in the midst of your depressive episode, anyway) revolve around an interest, that’s all you have. so you become dependent and reliant, and that’s never good, especially if you’re someone like me who feels pathetic & ridiculous when you realize it’s all you can bring yourself to care about. 
and i think that’s what i realized in the psych ward (where there’s legitimately nothing to do; i did soooo much more thinking than usual, and i already think too much haha); mental illness will try to fuck up your lifestyle, so you have to eradicate the things that’ll let that happen in the first place. for example, like i said, my adhd tries to counteract my depression by making me hyperfixate and/or hyperfocus on something else to protect me from bad personal thoughts, and that’s good in theory (doing something you enjoy when you feel bad, to distract urself, is the number one most basic coping skill you learn), but i can’t do it in moderation, i let it run my life, and that’s made me worse in the long run. so i have to force myself out of that completely and not let myself fixate on things that make me happy in the short term, but don’t ultimately further me as a person. having fixations helped me through some awful times, but now i need to force myself to grow up, you know?
and while tumblr and other social media is an excellent way to indulge those fixations, it’s an aggressive enabler, in more ways than one. what i mean by that... okay, so while i’m the type of person who self-destructs while unhealthy, i do occasionally lash out. and i know some people completely explode rather than implode when they’re not doing well. and that’s how you get discourse, i think. because when mental illness makes us care much more about our interests than we ought to, and someone has a differing opinion about that interest, the instinct is of course to attack, if you’re that kind of person. i don’t think i am, but depression and boredom go hand in hand, and i might be inclined to care more about discourse than i would if i were healthy, purely because it’s entertaining and something to do. 
that’s a long winded way of saying, while i stand wholeheartedly by my past positions, i do regret starting shit in the first place. i’m not the kind of person who genuinely cares about much and i have little to no sense of morality (im a chaotic neutral bastard), so the fact i was bored enough to start shit really goes against my character and says a lot about how bad i’ve been. so i apologize for all that. but, again, i think that's just what happens when something is truly your everything. and i think the chronic negativity of modern fandom is a result of how damn seriously we all take it, because we care so much and we’re so dependent. fandom’s supposed to be fun, but it’s just too damn stressful this way.
idk my point in sharing all this, but i do think it'd be cool if this kinda got yall thinking. even if you don't engage in discourse, if fandom is just one of your only consistent sources of happiness, that's not healthy either. we all gotta break out & exist more & louder & more positively. and unfortunately i think tumblr fandom (and maybe all modern fandom) is no longer a place that encourages positivity and health.
but for all my criticism, i do just wanna say how eternally grateful i am that i was fortunate enough to meet the people i call my best friends through tumblr. they're my family, truly, and all the bullshit in this fandom has been worth it simply because it brought them to me. i love them to death and i always will, even if interests change, even if we grow apart, even if we quit speaking entirely in the next few years, i love them with my whole heart in a way that transcends a simple fandom friendship and i'm so glad we bonded over sp in the first place. that’ll never change.
i will also always love south park itself. now that the cat's outta the bag about my hospital visit, i can brag about my most pathetic and obsessive accomplishment; the fact that i've never let circumstance stop me from watching a new south park as it airs, and i've now watched sp on 1) an airplane, and 2) in a psych ward. i win for most dedicated fan tbfh. dsjkf & i'll keep that tradition, and i'll still watch this stupid show til it ends! it'll always hold a special place in my heart, & kyman's still my most meaningful & long-term ship. i'll never stop loving it. 
so, to recap; for 2020 i'm making myself step back from fandom (not just sp fandom, but fandom in general) and quit letting my world revolve around my fixations so i can enjoy the outside world a little more, mental illness be damned, and the first step is gonna be quitting tumblr. this blog won't be deleted and i may occasionally post (maybe when next season airs) but you're absolutely free to unfollow bc this'll be a mostly inactive blog. i’m also unfollowing everyone, so mutuals, please don’t take that personally. 
i will, however, try to write more prolifically, bc fic writing is something i'm able to do in moderation & enjoy, and i hope to get back into it. so if you'd like, you can keep an eye out for any upcoming fanfic i may post - my ao3 is leere. i also have snapchat, instagram, & twitter my mutuals can ask for asap (bc ill be logging out for good by the afternoon of the 31st, which is tomorrow) - though i'm not very active on any of them. still, if you wanna have access to me, i’ll be there.
i want some connection to the fandom still, albeit without letting my life revolve around it, so i'll be starting a new open-to-the-public kyman discord server! the post with the invite for that will go up soon. nvm im too anxious  
thank you for reading, thank you for the good times (thnks fr th mmrs), and i hope everyone has a good 2020! 
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fokrot27 · 6 years
Dear DA fans
Kim Posibill here...
After this girl, Zheani Sparks recently started spreading insane rumors about DA online, I went to do some digging to find out who she REALLY is.
To anyone that doesn’t know what's going on here, let me bring you up to speed. After Ninja & Yolandi broke up in 2013, Yo-landi got a boyfriend, and Ninja started dating different bitches around the world. During this time Ninja met an Australian psycho fan called Zheani Sparks. After chatting to Zheani online for a while, Ninja invited her to South Africa to come visit him. During her visit, Ninja introduced Zheani to ¥o-landi. During this slightly awkward moment, Zheani asked Yo-landi for a selfie, that Zheani then posted proudly on her IG and Tumblr. Yolandi never saw Zheani again during her little African holiday. Shortly after this Ninja got bored of Zheani, cut her visit short, and flew her home. But he wasn’t a dick about it, and still answered her texts she send him from time to time.
A year or two later when Ninja & Yo-landi went to Australia on tour, Zheani offered to work for them as a tour assistant, bringing them vegan food daily for 2 weeks. During this tour Ninja & Yo-landi noticed that Zheani kept hitting on the other famous rappers backstage. When Ninja & Yo-landi saw Zheani give her phone number to 2Chainz after 10sec of meeting him, it suddenly became super obvious to them that their personal assistant was a star fucker. However they kept it cool, and let her finish bringing them food on tour, then they politely parted ways.
Following this it seems that this girl Zheani lost her fucking mind and became a raging internet hoe. She also attempted to start a rap career. To launch her rap career Zheani came up with a wild story that Ninja & Yo-landi TRAFFICKED her out to Africa, where they TORTURED her during a SATANIC RITUAL of some kind. This was her marketing angle, (and probably a wild fantasy of hers).
I was recently contacted by a loyal DA fan who shed some light on these highly imaginative rumors Zheani is attempting to spread about Die Antwoord. Zheani met this DA fan online after she accepted payment from him for a special live pornographic online service she offered, that involved Zheani performing nude satanic rituals (via snapchat and Skype) that her clients can wank to. This fan told me that he was severely upset about the crazy rumors Zheani is attempting to spread about Die Antwoord, and that he is now embarrassed that he payed for this weird porno service. He asked to please stay anonymous.
HERE IS THE EMAIL HE SENT ME (followed by a shit load of dodgy fuckin VIDEOS, PHOTOS and credits card receipts from Zheani Sparks.)
"I received a direct message on instagram sometime last year from Zheani where she told me about a project she does, she described at as a mix between the occult and pornography. You pay 30 Australian dollars a month to be part of her "inner circle," (a reference to devil worship). This gives you access to her snapchat. Once you are on the snapchat you are welcomed to her inner circle and she sends you two video'd satanic rituals of her exposing herself, masturbating, performing oral sex, posing her hands into devil horns and making exorcist style poses. She then asks you how you feel after watching these because she believes they have magical powers. I told her i felt like I knew her better (tongue in cheek referencing the fact she has no clothes on) and she told me that's correct it was a magical energy exchange well done. This self belief that she has super powers is sad, possibly a result of mental illness, and it's clear she tries to manipulate people myself included with it. I just go along with it because it's effectively all pornography, though she thinks it's something greater. The account is called "Gothotic Ritual," The 30 australian dollars gives you access to the snapchat for a month and you top up again although she give me a free month because she'd been speaking with me before. Although she eventually asked me to tip extra one month because I'd been given a free month. She also tells you as soon as you join she takes payments for individual rituals. 30 dollar basic access includes her sending you private messages on her snapchat story she posts snippets of herself conducting rituals for other individuals personal commissions and her performing various sexual acts with various partners, males and females. The rituals she has sent snippets of have included her making devil horns, bathing herself in what appears to be blood, masturbating with blood, screaming at the top of her lungs in the middle of the ocean naked, projecting satanic symbols on her naked body while she masturbates, and more.
After the snippets of the ritual she performs in the ocean naked screaming, she posted on her story that after that ritual she felt like she could sense presences in her house and seemed very worried by it. This is a tell tale sign of psychosis or schizophrenia..
As of my last payment and tip to her from the beginning of month I have received nothing in return, and she hasn't been on snapchat or responding on instagram at all, so I imagine I'm not the only one who has been robbed of money. She used the money she receives of this snapchat to fund her entire album including the song The Question. I have seen her briefly advertise the service on her instagram stories and then deletes it when she is obviously struggling for money she tries to get more people involved for this pornographic service.
During our porno conversations, I'd also asked her a few times about Die Antwoord, because I had seen photos of them with her on her IG from years ago.
Im a big DA fan and also wanted to know more about the band.
There is a few instances of comments and posts after she got back from south africa in 2013, of her explaining how much a great time she had and she couldn't wait to see the Die Antwoord guys again, (plz see screenshot below)
Anyway, Sheani BLATANTLY told that she was making a song that was designed to HURT Die Antwoord, her exact words were that she was "Invoking a lot of Kali Energy," Kali being the hindu God of War. There was not once a sign that she had or did feel abused or broken regarding any of this. It was more like “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT WHAT IM DOING, I’M AMAZING AREN'T I?”
While she sat aloof and gulped her massive glass of wine (this blatant egotism that Zheani carries is very obvious after your first few experiences with her, only my polite manners and libido kept me talking to her).
She only mentioned on the magnitude this would create around her MUSICAL work, the backlash and publicity it would create from Die Antwoord, and that she was ready for all that, due to her "Kali Energy,”
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Features of the Mac OS X Yosemite
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The Maverick application had many reported bugs with the previous update that has been rectified with the present update.
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The Mac OS X Yosemite has to be by far one of the most premier updates pulled off by apple. The end-user satisfaction is impeccable when it comes to apple performance ratings with the latest upgrades. there are some small specifications that you need to work on before you actually proceed ahead with the update.
The file size is about 4.80 GB and that is commutatively less when compared to the previous updates. This is a DMG installer package setup. This is compatible for 64 bit and 84 bits respectively and is compatible with almost all of the mac devices.
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Go to the website https://isoriver.com/category/mac-os/mac-os-x-yosemite-10-10/ and download the. DMG file from the site.
If you are already a Mac user, then you don’t have to worry about this as the update is free and will automatically turn up if you are connected to a stable internet source.
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The Mac OS X series is one of the best line up series of the operating systems. the tenth edition in the series is the Mac OS X Yosemite. The biggest and most advantageous part of the Mac OS X series is that the versatility of the operating systems in making the user is more comfortable.
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I'm not saying many people aren't predisposed agaisnt redemption period, but the problem is that a lot of "redemption stories" don't come across as "anyone can heal and deserves a chance to be a better person" but as "nobody you like and are personally invested in can be all bad and needs to face consequence for what they do". Which, with so many abusers and predators being protected and things like cop brotherhood showing their nasty color IS deeply concerning to me.
okay i had to read this several times to pick up what you’re saying
not to go on a spiel but my redemption post was made months ago and dropping into my inbox to defend...idk being mad at redemption arcs? left me a little confused b/c i wasnt exactly on guard to defend my position
what you’re talking about isnt redemption narratives being a bad trope, its redemption narratives being written poorly
redemption is literally hinging on the acknowledgement that ppl did a bad thing. its not redeeming if the fact that they did a bad thing is never addressed. then it by definition isnt a redemption arc. 
obvs not every redemption arc is going to be written perfectly but people are going to have different impressions of what they’re saying and for ppl who that concept is important for
im going to be honest i think the take of “redemption arcs protect irl abusers and predators and are a cause of cop brotherhood” is an extremely reaching take 
im going to be honest im not even coherent enough to answer this very well but like my post said what my post said which is “redemption arcs arent bad just for being redemption arcs and also redemption is important to ppl” literally nowhere did it say or imply “people should protect predators and let them off scot free” and i really feel like you’re apply the least charitable read possible to it and i dont know if its b/c you’re in a hyper negative and suspicious mindset or if you’re just bored and trying to stir the shit but  i feel weirdly like you’re trying to indirectly accuse me of malicious intent i encourage you to take a step back and think why you had to message me about a months old post where i talked about how people pushing the idea of others reforming is morally reprehensible makes me extremely uncomfortable
i am an IMMENSE supporter of allowing ppl the access they need and the assistance they need to grow to be better and of moving our system away from a punitive one as best as possible. i literally think jails are a violation of human rights and that they shouldnt exist and instead should be replaced with social programs that help with reform.  im also a deeply flawed person who has done stupid, bad things and who has loved people who do stupid, bad things and knows that you yourself are literally to be a person who has done stupid, bad things b/c we all have of course people framing reformation arcs are morally wrong is something that concerns me
i am a random stranger on the internet that you dont know, sharing an opinion that is not inherently harmful, that happens to be one you don’t agree with
thats fine im not interested in a discussion on it im honestly too tired these days and too invested in taking care of my irl life to really want to get into a hot debate over narrative writing with an anon 
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saragolakthesis · 7 years
Case Study 
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared // Web Series // March 2015 // Episode 4
DHMIS is a British animated surreal horror comedy web series created by filmmakers Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling that first appeared online in 2011. The goal of the series is to comment on children’s television and learning, particularly in Britain. The intended audience of the series is teens and young adults of middle-class but, can be misinterpreted for young children at first glance. When the narrative of the series begins, it is clear that there is a deeper and darker message behind everything and thus, not suitable for younger audiences to watch. According to The Film Theorists, the context of the work is, “ultimately a parable for the loss of control that artists trade off when they work on bigger screens”. Their messages are manipulated and their morals are poisoned by others with ulterior motives. Thus, it addresses the negative influence of media on youth in terms of kid shows and manipulation. Each episode is only several minutes long that uses puppets as actors. For this case study, I will be focusing on Episode #4 entitled, Afternoon of the series as it is most relevant to my topic, directly dealing with the internet and technology. Each episode however, forms into one piece as the entire narrative takes place on the same day, but at different times of the day.  
Analysis of Events
1. Question Fun
The episode begins with three puppets, Red Guy, Yellow Guy, and Duck, representing cast members from an ‘educational’ show for children. They are shown playing a board game called ‘Question Fun’ and the Red Guy chooses a card that asks, “What is the biggest thing in the world?” Looking at the details around the room, the viewer can see a calendar hanging on the wall with June 19th as the date, various wall decorations usually depicting an animal, and skill-based activities such as a bookshelf, a globe, and a math timetable poster. In addition, in terms of colour, the image of the room is very dull, boring, and uses mainly primary hues. Moreover, this scene questions the concept of ‘fun’ which is something that is never thought about in my experience. As Red Guy reads the question, he and his friends are unsure of the answer thinking, “if only there was a way to learn more about the world” thus, they turn their attention towards the globe for help. The globe spins around as a personified item with a face that is about to educate the puppets about the world, however a computer suddenly appears into the scene from behind and disrupts their attention from the globe. This expresses the notion that technology distracts users from finding answers with the resources that are available around them, for as mentioned before, the room is filled with other means of access to knowledge.
2. Digital Mind
The computer starts to sing a song that goes along the lines of, “im a computer…I would like to show you inside my digital life, inside my mind there is a digital mind”.  I believe it expresses the notion that the user behind the computer is the mind inside the computer as people can be seen as functioning with the mind of a computer, hence being absent from the physical world with digital thinking space. The Red Guy asks the computer his question, thus choosing digital information rather than to look at the globe. However, his question gets interrupted as the computer sings about how wonderful he is for, “im very clever…I tell you the time, help you find something your wanting to find…you can do it all digitally”. During the song, the items that are mentioned are shown in a pixelated/bit-map style. The style used to portray the images relates to the concept of the online interface design. Also, a newspaper is shown on the table entitled ‘OPINOIN’ which is misspelled and the computer holds a magnifying glass over the news that is replaced with an image of oats. This expresses how useful information is replaced with ideas that are meaningless and pointless. Furthermore, as the computer continues to sing, the viewer can hear that auto tune is involved, expressing how people rely on these technologies for everything. I should also mention that the computer has hands that are usually mouse cursors. Furthermore, the word ‘Digitally’ is emphasized from the song as the word itself appears across the screen through a glitching process in a pixelated font. As the song wraps up, the Red Guy points out the fact that they already have a computer, showing a laptop placed near the globe slowly opening. This valuable piece of information had been cropped out of the scenes until this very moment. It expresses that even though the puppets were aware they had a computer, they did not seek it first for information.
3. Information
The computer mentions that, “before we begin our journey, I just need to get some information from you. What’s your name? Where do you live? What do you like to eat?” At this time, it shows the personal questions being printed out from the computer, with the icons and type on the paper in a pixelated style. The puppets immediately answer the computer with their personal information without taking the moment to think about what is being asked of them. This expresses the notion how users are willing to give up their information, especially when signing up for a new website or when starting up a new computer. The computer continues to ask a few other questions, but the Red Guy slowly begins to feel overwhelmed and irritated that he hits the keyboard and tells the computer to essential be quiet. The computer becomes incredibly angered by this and everything in the physical space begins to glitch. The puppets are suddenly transported into the digital world.
4. Digital World
The puppets transform from something tactile into a digitized representation of the self. The computer leads the puppets in an orderly line on a checkered path singing, “Welcome to my digital home! Everything made out of numbers and code!” The computer is suddenly seen with wires as legs, towering over the puppets in relation to height, depicting the notion of control over its users. Throughout the transition, a series of glitched and 3D graphics are shown of items that are floating around with large, googly eyes, looking directly at the puppets as they walk. The Digital world appears to be over-saturated, interesting and engaging unlike the ‘real’ world. The Yellow Guy is confused with what is happening as he questions, “If im sitting at home, but im inside the screen?” The computer answers, “but your not you, you’re your digital you, virtually real whose controlled by real you”. However, the puppets are not using any tools, such as a mouse, to control their virtual selves, so who is really controlling them? The Red Guy begins to show interest in this new world and asks, “in this digital world, what can we do?” The computer offers that, “there are over 3 things to do” showing only a bar graph that symbolizes information, digital style that symbolizes the need to keep up with the trends, and digital dancing that symbolizes entertainment. These words are replayed over and over and each puppet that opened their own door finds something new. The sequence gradually gets faster and the music also speeds up in the background. Everything at this point becomes dark and creepy as the Yellow Guy opens a door to no information, while the Duck’s design style becomes more realistic, and the Red Guy sees more people joining in on the dance. This moment shows how users are distracted by other things that the internet has to offer, such as fashion or entertainment that appear to look more realistic, resulting to the user not finding useful information in the end.
5. Physical World
The scene is shown back in the ‘real world’, however the Red Guy is sitting alone in front of the computer screen attempting to pull himself away and shut off the system. The two other puppets seem to have ceased to exist in the real world physically and are thus, portrayed as creepy pixelated holograms. This expresses the notion that the digital world is trying to create a presence in the real world. At this time, the digital world is shown in a chaotic state as it is glitching uncontrollably during a party. Behind all the ‘digital dancing’ there is a large glowing computer screen that can be seen as a symbol of control with wires exposed from the bottom in which link to the main puppets as some sort of binding chain. The Red Guy notices a plug that stretches from the room and under a door leading to another room. This door can be seen as the divide between the real and digital world as the Red Guy opens it both in the digital scene and in reality. When the door opens, the viewer is shown the backstage of the ‘set’ of the series that is supposed to resemble the room that the episode starts off in. In this room, there is a camera shown with the same large eyes as seen on previous items, which in this case, are constantly ‘rolling’, implying how everything is being recorded. The space is deprived of color and the puppet actors are revealed to be random props, such as a mop or a box of oats. In addition, the design of the room is expressed in an illustrative, amateur style along with handwritten type. Suddenly, a person in white appears from behind the props, holding one of them in one hand, hence expressing the figure that manipulates all the objects behind the scenes. The episode concludes with another figure in black entering in front of the screen with a clapperboard to wrap up the scene. The Red Guy realizes that he was not living in reality and that there were people controlling what he thought was ‘his own free actions’.  
Episode 4 of the series is all about computers and how it can teach us about the world, but in the end, the message gets corrupted and it concludes that in the digital world, people end up doing frivolous things like fashion and mindless entertainments. The episode conveys how users are initially getting sucked into digital technology and become distracted with superficial things rather than information they were looking for in the first place. For instance, the question asked at the beginning of the episode was never directly answered by the computer that it is in fact the digital world, but throughout the episode, the red puppet is seen resisting the influence and manipulative behaviour of the computer. It tells the viewer how technology is changing people, distracting us from our goals, taking our personal information, and appearing as something that looks very real, hence confusing the distinction between what is real and what is not. Hence, the theme is how lessons can either fail or succeed in ‘educating’ – brainwashing a specific view onto a person. More specifically, how T.V. shows are not educating kids, but are focused on making money instead. According to The Film Theorists the date June 19th is a time when stock markets reached record highs all over the world, but it was also a time when television was a huge deal in Britain. The internet can thus, be a dark place where things go creepy and too digital, however the episode ‘Afternoon’ teaches the viewer a lesson on a worthwhile topic of digital technology.
This related work is relevant as it uses design elements to portray a sense of the ‘digital’ such as pixelated imagery/text, along with extreme glitch transitions. In addition, the work is thought-provoking, educating the viewer through critical thinking about their own self and how they can relate to what is being shown to them. Other design methods such as pattern, personification, and colour are also used with intent in the series to express a specific message of symbolic meaning of the action taking place. Everything that is seen on the ‘set’ is there for a purpose, linking one idea to another to create a more sinister outlook of the issue at hand. Moreover, the entire concept of the video highlights key points that I wish to bring awareness to within my own project. This includes the notion of surveillance and how the digital world attempts to overpower the physical world with its ideologies and intelligence. This take on the internet reveals the dark qualities that come with it, as they are undermined and hidden from the user by showcasing only its best attributes. Hence, it underlines how the innocence of a digital environment can be so easily corrupted when it begins to blur the distinction with reality.  
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waqasblog2 · 5 years
Your Small Business Guide on How to SEO WordPress — Mike Marko
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“Your Small Business Guide on How to SEO WordPress” written by Mike Marko.
Have you been struggling to put your website at the top of Google search ranking?
I know it’s not easy…
As an internet marketer myself, I understand how important it is to rank high on Google search and, of course, how complicated it can be sometimes.
Websites are a vital part of a business. By having a website, you can reach millions of people all around the world and hook them to purchase your products or services.
But what platform should you use to build your website?
Personally, for most websites I prefer WordPress. WordPress dominates 27% of the websites all over the world.
But the truth is, it doesn’t really matter what website builder you use .
What does matter is how you optimize your site to be ranked by search engines (simply called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO).
If you already used WordPress for your website, or if you’re planning to use it, you need to make sure you properly apply proper SEO on it.
That’s why in this blog post, I’ll tackle in length how to SEO WordPress. I will reveal the ultimate secrets to help you perform SEO excellently on your WordPress site.
How to SEO WordPress Sites Easily
Basically, SEO and WordPress complement each other so well. WordPress is so user-friendly that even non-techies can easily implement some simple search engine optimization techniques.
This is also great news for small local businesses which may not have the budget for sweeping SEO improvements or hiring SEO experts, but still want to rank better in local search.
If you really want to make the most of your website, then it’s time that you learnhow to SEO WordPressthe right way.
Now, let’s start by discussing one of the most important aspects of a website… content.
Optimize Your Site’s Content
Content seems like an obvious SEO factor to consider. Search engine and your readers are the most important part in the content processing. Both of them wants high quality and unique content.
To start optimizing your content, make sure it’s understandable and readable. Your thoughts and ideas should have a nice flow to make it easy for readers to comprehend and relate.
Also, choosing a niche and focusing on it can help in making sure you have relevant content.
Avoid creating random content that could just confuse your audience.
Your content should be written primarily for visitors, not for search engines. Sometimes, authors tend to overuse keywords that makes the whole blog content full of useless words.
Be extra mindful of using keywords. You can choose and use keywords that are relevant to your niche.
To learn more about the importance of keywords and how to use them, make sure to read my blogSEO Tips and Tricks to Achieve Better Ranking.
Using and Exchanging Backlinks
Backlinks make a huge impact on a website’s prominence in search engine results.
A backlink is a hyperlink that links from a webpage back to your own webpage or website. This is considered a very useful technique for improving a website’s SEO ranking.
To make a strong backlink, you must exchange link with websites that have good SEO performance and have with a relevant niche with you. With that, make sure that your content complements the webpage you would link to.
Aside from using backlinks, you can also link a page from your website to another page still within your own site. This is known as interlinking.
When applying backlinks or interlinks, make sure the pages being linked are relevant to each other.
Don’t link every page to all your fresh content.
Put Title to Your Images
Images play an important role in optimizing the content for search engine ranking. That’s why it’s vital that you ensure your photos are high quality.
You also need to place the right images in your content. For example, if your content talks about healthy dogs, then the image you should put is an image of a strong, happy dog, not photos of apples or a workout.
Aside from that, another important thing is to name your images properly. Giving your images the right title (also known as Alt text) is important to boost SEO.
Google also draws images in the calculation of the ranking. Images that are titled with “<img src=”wordpressseo.jpg” alt=”how to SEO WordPress”> works better than <img src=”wordpressseo.jpg” alt=”/>.
That’s an example of how to properly implement keywords of a specific subject in the file name of your images. Always make use the alt text for your images.
It’s important that you include alt text on your images because it helps you improve the SEO and accessibility of your website.
Use Short Permalinks, Including Keywords
Permalink plays an important role on how to SEO WordPress site and get acknowledged by Google. Permalink is the URL to a certain page, post, or an article on your website.
Make sure to use an understandable permalink. Instead of http://yourwebsite.com/page-id?495/ use http://yourwebsite.com/how-to-seo-wordpress/.
You can customize your links right at the topmost part of the ‘Write a Post’ section below the ‘Edit Post.’
In your permalinks, only the first four words are important to Google. If you have a page title that is longer than 4 words, make use of keywords to your permalink structure.
Good permalink structure doesn’t only help in boosting SEO of your site, but it also helps in catching readers. When you have a simple permalink, your readers can easily identify what your link is all about.
Make Use of SEO Themes
Themes are the foundation of a good quality website. It can even make up and break up a WordPress site. That means if your site is dull and slow, it may not attract internet users. On the other hand, beautiful, organized, and fast websites get better attention.
When choosing your WordPress theme, make sure that you use fast performing designs. WordPress-enhanced themes are good for your Google ranking. It helps in getting your viewer’s attention and interest.
To identify if a theme is fast-performing or not, you can look up on their codes. Some themes use a lot of codes to create the layout and design.
The more code you have, the less content and keyword density. This makes your theme unproductive for your WordPress site.
It’s also a factor to choose themes according to your website’s niche. You can use themes that are minimalistic, but not too boring.
You can also use colorful themes. However, make sure that it’s not too bright. It’s important that you don’t use themes so “bright” such that you can read the text.  
Create a Sitemap in XML Format
XML sitemap (Extensible Markup Language Sitemap) is a list of your website’s URLs. It acts as a roadmap to tell search engines what content is available for ranking.
XML sitemaps also help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Ask.com to better index your site, or to better determine a particular site or location of the site. Make use of a plugin that supports all kinds of WordPress-generated pages as well as custom URLs
To make your creation of Google XML Sitemap an easy task, you can use Google XML Sitemaps. You only have to install the app Google XML Sitemaps plugin.
Upon activation, go to Settings » XML Sitemap to configure the plugin.
Link Posts to Social Media
Using social media is one of the most effective strategies to gain leads and drive traffic quickly. It is also one of the biggest help in boosting SEO to your Website.
One post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow you to get recognized by search engines. Posting on social media increases the visibility of your content—which is ultimately the goal of SEO.
With that said, it’s vital to link your posts to social media to build brand awareness. The more you share on your social media, the more you get authentic readers and visitors.
There are also social media plugins like Sassy Social Share and AddtoAny you can find on WordPress. A preview of your posts from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will immediately be posted on your WordPress home.
Update Your Posts Frequently
Once your WordPress site is active, it’s vital that you keep your posts coming. It’s more of keeping your visitors and readers entertained than keeping them waiting for more content.
Aside from that, Google’s algorithms also consider the frequency of content when deciding how to rank your pages. That means, the more you post new content, the more chances Google boosts your site.
You can post at least twice a week to update your website with new content.  Remember, newer, ‘fresher’ content gets better Google boosts.
So, aside from frequently publishing content, you also have to make sure that your content is unique and original.
Final Thoughts on How to SEO WordPress
What I’ve shared with you today is your ultimate guide on how to SEO WordPress site. WordPress dominates of the websites across the world. But it still needs optimizing to make the most of your WordPress performance.
Setting up WordPress sites is easy, but properly optimizing them for SEO isn’t. But if you have the right tips on how to leverage it, then you can definitely score a good WordPress site.
If you still have more questions on how to SEO WordPress, just leave it a comment below.
You should also check out the blog post, Common Website SEO Mistakes Made by Consultants and Small Business Owners.
If you need help with your SEO, be sure to check out the SEO services offered by IM Consultant Services.
If you need help in getting traffic to your website or ranking in Google, then feel free to contact me and we can talk about the different consulting options we offer.  Or use the link below to apply for your “Results in Advance” free consultation and let’s get started right away:
P.S. – If you like this post, feel free comment down below and/or share on Facebook.
Have questions and want to connect?
Add me on Facebook then shoot me a message:
Suggested Articles: 1. How to Use Real Estate SEO for Your Business 2. The Essential Google SEO Tutorial for Beginners 3. SEO Tips and Tricks to Achieve Better Ranking
Author: Mike Marko Click here to contact Mike
If you want help marketing online, then check out our services at IM Consultant Services.
Article: Your Small Business Guide on How to SEO WordPress
Also published on Medium.
This content was originally published here.
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erminia484blog-blog · 5 years
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divincr-arch-blog · 8 years
steph’s guide to roleplaying
Heyo! Bare with me, for this is a long post.
So, within various fandoms, I have seen a common trend that rubs me the wrong way. People asking, either their followers or blogs they follow, why they aren’t popular/roleplayed with. Or, they ask for advice and do not apply it, for one reason or another.
I have been in the indie Tumblr roleplaying community for over three years now, across three big fandoms (Marvel, Harry Potter, and Fire Emblem) as well as smaller fandoms. I have seen many trends come and go, many popular roleplayers come and go, and more.
It’s hard to get your foot in the RP door on Tumblr. I was there. Your favorite blog that you cry about being so good was there. Everyone was there. It’s a BIG pond, with many fish. Things are ever changing on Tumblr, so this will be reference guide to what you need to get started on your RP blog!
When it comes to edits, whether they are icons, themes, or promos, they are very important to RP blogs. Icons are a staple within the RP community, across fandoms, indie, and group. It may seem hard to get and make graphics without Photoshop, a very expensive program, but there are ways around it. Your graphics do not have to be fancy or hand drawn, but cleanly sized and cropped. There are many image editors out there, but these are my personal favorites. 
GIMP- a free and downloadable image editor. it works very similarly to Photoshop, and will work for basic things like cropping, coloring, and resizing images. It does not have all the features of Photoshop, but will work fine for simple things.
Pixlr- a free image editing site that requires no download. Again, it works similarly to Photoshop and Gimp, but more on the basic side. I recommend this if your version of GIMP or Photoshop is acting wonky or broken. If you are iffy about downloading programs, this will be perfect for you.
Photoshop Torrents- While stealing, pirating, and torrenting is wrong and illegal, Photoshop is expensive. You can get older versions of Photoshop through various torrents on the internet (I found mine through tumblr). I like using CS5 because it is a well known version with plenty of tutorials online. I recommend downloading Photoshop Portable, as it can easily be stored on your flash drive.
As for what is actually on the blog and what people like to see on a roleplay blog, there is a few things that people prefer not to see. The number one thing most followers want from a roleplay blog is writing. They may want that through interaction with you as a partner, or they just like reading it as a personal or follower. As for the things that people do not like to see, there are the top few things. 
6 Pages of Memes- It is okay to reblog memes. It is how interactions between partners start, and can serve as good ice breakers between new mutuals. However, as someone who has gone through many blogs, six pages of memes with a few RP post in between is not appealing. Just because you may not be getting responses right away, does not mean you should spam your blog and the dash with memes every half hour. People may not be online or interested in that meme. If you like all these memes, queue or schedule them for when people are online more. Also, send some to the people on your dash and focus on making new threads from them.
Short Replies- Before I start, yes, one liners are fun. They are quick, easy, and light, but they should not be the only thing on your blog. Many people like to expand to paragraphs because they are writers. Paragraph responses also show potential followers how you write and if it will click with their style. They may seem intimidating, but take your time on them. Save part of your responses to the drafts and come back to it later. Roleplaying is not about how fast you can respond, but the quality of your writing. This is especially true when you do not use icons. If a blog doesn’t use icons, I look for description in shorter replies rather than dialogue.
Negativity- This monster comes in many shapes or forms. Negativity/guilt tripping, drama with other blogs, and personal posts do not belong on a roleplay blog, though. Instead of guilt tripping and vague posting, talk it out with a friend for a confidence booster or take a tiny 1-hour break from blogging. Keep whatever beef you have with someone private, as well as your personal/political beliefs about an issue. That’s why personal blogs are things.
Lack of Pages- Pages about your blog are very important! It serves as your personal anchor on your blog, as well as people’s knowledge to your and your character prior to following and interacting. If someone does not see pages about your blog on it, they are more than likely to brush your blog aside. A rules page is the first thing people look for. They want to know how you are as a person, and how to interact with you. Besides the general “do not be a jerk” rule that everyone has, many people elaborate on how interaction with them work. An about page also helps people know your character. Do not just link a wiki page, especially if play as a canon divergent canon character. A well thought out about page helps both OCs and canon characters. It gives a personality and base for your muse and sets it apart from others.
Make it this far? Hella! You are almost through that metaphorical door! Now that the basic and bare bones of your blog is out of the way, let’s talk about trends, or what it is more commonly called aesthetics. They constantly change in the rp community. GIFs used to be the common thing, now it is still icons. While the trends may change, the basics of tumblr rp stays the same.
Themes- Right now, as I write this long essay of a post, container themes are all the rage. They were not always, nor are they required of an RP blog. As long as a blog does not have the basic preloaded themes that tumblr offers, most people don’t care too much about what it looks like. A few good theme blogs for RPers are soldierholiic, theme-hunter, and octomoosey. Don’t like any of those? Look at someone’s blog. There is usually a small icon in the bottom corner that links to the theme maker’s blog. My personal favorite is soldierholiic’s sora theme.
Formatting- You do not have to format your post to be considered quality! You do not have to hate formatting to be considered quality! As long as you can use basic grammar and spelling, you are good. Many people use small text because it looks a bit cleaner. The shortcut for small text is ctrl+shift+ -, if that helps. Also, many people expect your posts to be cut, meaning the latest two replies on a post. If you do not want or cannot download x-kit or other extensions, just politely ask your partners either through talking OOC or in your rules, to cut your post for you.
Function>Aesthetics- While having a nice looking blog is...well, nice, if someone can’t read or navigate through it, then they most likely will avoid you. Many experienced blogs are guilty of this too, not just over zealous newer blogs. Make your posts readable, both on the dash and the blog. Make your pages easy and accessible to find, especially for mobile users. Use colors that won’t kill my eyes because I’m reading your reply on your blog.
Graphics pt 2- While many blogs have personalized or hand drawn icons and promos, it’s not a requirement. You can use the icons you find in the tags. You can have icons that don’t match your theme. As long as they are sized correctly (100x100px is the norm), they do not have to be super edited. For promos, many fandoms accept the casual promo, containing an icon and a bit of info about your blog. It’s easy to spread around and learn a bit about the mun/muse. A fancy photoshopped graphic designed promo is not 100% necessary in most fandoms right now.
I know this post is getting very long and boring, but I swear I am almost done. Your blog is set up. You know the basics of roleplaying on tumblr. But everyone seems so scary with their rules, friends, and mains, etc. Many people on here are shy when it comes to new people. You probably are too. This is how you talk to people who seem intimidating. 
Be Casual- There is no need to call everyone senpai or quality or perf. That just makes things awkward. Just be casual with people you want to interact with. Talk about your fandom, scream headcanons with them, ask for their name. You do not have to go in with ‘HI DO YOU WANT TO RP WITH ME, [muse name here]-MUN-SENPAI?!!’ That comes off a bit strong and off-putting.
Be Respectful- First off, don’t be a jerk to people. Secondly, just read someone’s rules before messaging them with questions about something. While many are open to answering any questions a follower may have about them, if it something already stated in the rules of that blog, just save you all some trouble by reading them. Also, do not hate on their interpretation of a character. Each blog is different, even if there are 100 duplicates for that character. 
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help- Is there something in the reply you don’t understand? Something about their character you don’t understand? Questions about the universe? Feel free to ask a partner for help! They won’t bite if you are respectful about it. Also, if you are close to your partners, they will often be open to help you with graphics if they have experience/time. Just don’t strut into their IMs expecting a theme done before you get there. Ask first! Be okay with their answer, even if you do not like it. 
Lastly, roleplaying is a hobby. Do not let it consume your life or stress you out. If that does happen, it is okay to take a break and come back. It is okay to restart your blog from scratch. It is okay to follow new and different people. Just have fun and be yourself.
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pettydavis · 7 years
how do you stay productive for school when your really not feeling it
is this like, doing an assignment or in general??
for assignments, i have to play white noise cuz i get distracted really easily if i dont. like its hard for me to read or write with music nowadays without some sort of white noise (thanks adhd 🙃🙃)
a good website for white noise is A Soft Murmur, it lets you choose the type of white noise you want—and if ur on a computer, you can build a specific soundscape and control the volume level of each sound. also having an app that shuts ur internet access off for an allotted time helps me too (one that lets you keep information sites accessible tho ie wiki, google scholar, etc etc) also doing work in 45 minute slots with 15 minute breaks in between is helpful for me, since its just long enough to be productive but not too long to get bored, stressed, or frustrated. tho you have to be mindful of how you use your time and make sure you stick to any work rules you set yourself.
in general??
i smoke cigarettes and bitch alot. but honestly, im not advocating that (no really, thats my coping mechanisms but theyre not the right ones).
the best way ive found to keep myself productive over longer periods of time without frustrating myself, is to schedule myself up the arse end, down to the very minutiae of every day.
i HAVE to, because if i dont my adhd will get the better of me. but u can take the general concept of blocking ur days/hours.
for instance, on sundays i ALWAYS go to the park for a picnic (even if its by my lonesome) just so i can get out the house or my own head for awhile. and at some point during the week, i ALWAYS go to my favourite bar for a drink. it helped set a precedent for myself, so that i remember to take space away from work and studying.
and i think thats it really. like, learning to balance what you HAVE to do with time for yourself. so i have work (which schedules me differently every week so :/ ) and i start there. so i know the days i work every week, and i know after work i’ll have the energy to be productive for like 1-2 hours. so i never study for more than that. and then the rest is me myself and i.m4a time. and then on my days off, i know i can study for like 3-4 hours, so i’ll do that, but no more, and then everything else is free time. basically, learn your limits, and dont try to push yourself over them, cuz when i do, i cause myself stress and kill my motivation.
find something you enjoy doing and use it as your reward for finishing an assignment. studying with friends can be helpful too (if you can resist devolving into socialising territory of course) because you get to hang out and get stuff done at the same time.
basically, design a work system for yourself (which you feel is a good balance of work vs fun), and never break the rules of that system. its hard cuz theres really no incentive, but once youve been doing it long enough (i think its something like 21 days for something to become a habit), its considerably less strain to get things done when you know what to expect.
also buy a planner. this is some gay shit right here, but writing things down in a planner is so satisfying. ionno why, it just makes me feel grown and like im getting things done (phone calendars too. i get high looking at all mycolour coded events and tasks.
if you wanna talk about it more, you can always message me!
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