#because i am tired and i want to go lie in bed with my boyfriend
cutielando · 6 months
Hello, I saw that your requests are open so could you please write something about Charles taking care of his girlfriend after getting a knee surgery, I got surgery not too long ago (nothing serious) from playing football and I just feel like he would be such a caring boyfriend.
a/n: thank you so much for sending this in!❤️
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Ever since you could remember, you have always been the adventurous type.
You would rather go exploring than stay in, the thrill of a potential adventure overpowering the need for a relaxing day in with the one you loved.
Which fitted perfectly with Charles’ need for adventuring and going on as many trips around the world as he could.
But there was a slight problem with that. With the adventurous thrill also came the danger.
And you were very prone to injuring yourself. Just like you had done on the last skiing trip you had gone on with Charles, right before the F1 season started up.
Adventuring a little too much on a not so safe skiing slope resulted in your falling and injuring your knee. An injured knee which required surgery.
You had been devastated when you found out you would need surgery. Not only would the recovery be horrendous and strenuous on your body, but it also meant that Charles would go out of his way to take care of you, neglecting his training in order to make sure you were okay.
That was the biggest problem in your eyes. Not the injury itself, not the surgery that you would need to have, but the fact that Charles would move the mountains in order to take care of you.
Which is exactly what happened. 
You had your surgery two weeks after your knee was injured, a mere couple of weeks before the season picked up again. Charles was proving to be a great caretaker, dotting on you and being the sweetest person ever.
He would bring you food, medicine and anything else you would need in bed, he would help you to the bathroom by supporting you. He got in touch with the best physiotherapist that he knew and immediately started your road to recovery.
He would take you to every single therapy session, every doctor’s appointment that followed your surgery to track your progress and your recovery.
He helped you exercise at home, urging you to push yourself in order to get back on your feet as soon as possible.
He would hold you every time you would break down because it would all get too much. The pain, the recovery, the pressure of getting better, the stress on your body. He would hold you through it all, whispering sweet nothings in your ear that would instantly calm you down.
You didn’t like feeling this helpless, like you couldn’t do anything on your own and practically lived at Charles’ pity.
You hated it.
And Charles had begun suspecting as much. He had noticed how closed off you had become over time, but he didn’t want to say anything that might make you feel even worse than you already did.
“Mon amour, what’s wrong?” he asked one evening after you had got back from a particularly strenuous physical therapy session.
You smiled at him, shaking your head as you rested on the edge of the bed.
“Nothing, I’m okay. Just a little tired” you lied smoothly, but it was not enough to convince him.
“Please don’t lie to me. Something’s been bothering you ever since your surgery, don’t think I haven’t noticed” he said, sitting down beside you.
You sighed, biting your lip. You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes, everything that you had been bottling up threatening to boil over.
“I hate how dependent I have become on you” your voice was small, too worried that you could hurt his feelings.
Charles frowned, the wheels in his head turning to understand what you were really trying to say.
“Am I bothering you? Is that it?” he asked, his face sad and broken like a puppy dog’s.
You immediately shook your head, wanting to get up from the bed and comfort him but it would take you way too much time.
“No, don’t ever think that. It’s me that’s bothering you” you said, your frustrations slowly making their way towards the surface.
If Charles had been confused up to that point, he was even more confused now. How could you ever bother him?
“What do you mean? You’re not bothering me, what are you talking about?” he made his way towards you and took a seat next to you on the bed.
You sighed, tears slowly welling up in your eyes as you rested your head in your hands.
“It’s just this stupid surgery. I can’t even get up to go to the bathroom without needing your help. It’s pathetic, I can’t do anything on my own anymore” you cried silently, hiding your face in your hands.
Charles’ shoulders suddenly slumped into realization, his heart heavy. He didn’t say anything, instead he brought you into his arms and pushed your head into the crook of his neck, wary of twisting you too much because of your knee.
You let out strained and tired sobs, clinging onto Charles like your life depended on it. You had missed him, even though he’s been with you the entire time up until then. You had missed his touch, missed him holding you just because you both needed it. Both of you have been so preoccupied with your recovery, with taking your meds, going to physical therapy with Andrea and managing the pain that you forgot to be just Y/N and Charles, a couple.
You stayed in his arms for a while, just needing to let it all out. He understood that, holding you against him without saying anything, just planting kisses on your forehead from time to time.
Once you calmed down, you slowly pulled away from Charles, who wiped away your tears and gave you a small smile.
“Mon amour, I’m only going to say this once. You will never, ever in this life be a bother to me. I don’t care if I have to take care of you every single day for the rest of our lives, I would drop everything in a heartbeat to be with you. Don’t ever doubt how much I love you and the lengths I would go to just to see you happy and taken care of” Charles’ speech did nothing to stop your sobs, in fact they got even worse.
Charles knew it was the pain and frustration talking from you, and that you didn’t actually mean anything you had said to him. However, he didn’t mind one bit reassuring you and telling you anything that you might need in order to feel better.
“I’m sorry” you mumbled out once you started to calm down a little. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for. I get it, I would probably be the same if I were in your place. Just don’t ever doubt how much I love you and how much I enjoy feeling needed when you need me to take care of you” he joked a little at the end, bringing a smile to your face.
“I love you so much” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing his lips down to yours.
Between salty kisses and whispered nothings, you realized that even through the rough patches, Charles would always be there to get you through everything.
Your caretaker for life.
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kaleldobrev · 8 months
Lavender & Honey
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Pairing: Felix Catton x F. Reader
Feat. Character(s): Reader & Felix Catton
Summary: Taking a bath with Felix
Word Count: 760
Warnings: Just pure fluff & Implied nudity (takes place in the bath)
Authors Note: Obsessed with the idea of taking a nice relaxing bath with this man | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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It was late, but you were nowhere close to being remotely tired as the grandfather clock in the hallway chimed at 11:00pm.
Your boyfriend lie next to you, entirely focused on the newest and final Harry Potter book that was being passed around to the group. Tonight, was his night to read at least two chapters before handing it off to Venetia. With his free hand, he gently had it resting on your bare thigh, tracing small circles on your skin with his thumb. It was such a simple gesture, but yet it was one that you craved at all hours of the day and night.
Since it wasn't your turn with the book (as you had just given the book for Felix to read); you opted to doodle in your sketchbook that Elspeth had given you for your birthday this past year. You weren't a particularly good artist, but drawing and painting and going to art museums was something that you had enjoyed doing for as long as you could remember; part of the reason as to why you were studying History of Art at Oxford.
You let out a small yawn and closed your sketchbook, placing it onto the side table on your side of the bed. Out of your peripheral, you could see Felix had a soft smile on his face. "Getting tired?" He asked, turning to look at you.
"Not really but, I think my body is giving up on doing anything remotely productive the rest of the evening," you stated. "Would you want to join me for a bath or are you too focused on the prospect of The Golden Trio having a threesome?" You said teasing.
Felix let out a small chuckle, placing a bookmark between the pages before closing the book completely, placing it on his side table. "As much as I am interested in the prospect of them having a threesome, I much rather take a bath with you because it could lead to other things," he smirked, slightly leaning in close to you.
"It always does," you smirked back.
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Walking into the bathroom, Felix automatically made his way to the tub, turning the water on as you went into the cabinets. As you knelt down in front of the cabinets, he looked over at you and couldn't help but admire you. You were wearing one of his rugby shirts, and it looked like a short dress on you given his height; and your hair was in slight disarray — still managing to look like a model in his eyes.
"Find what you're looking for love?" He asked, his eyes solely fixated on you.
You turned around, a slight grin on your face as you stood up with a bag of what appeared to be bath salts. "I did!" You beamed, and walked over to him, pressing the full bag into his hands. "I found this at a shop with V and Farleigh when you were spending the day with Ollie yesterday."
Felix looked down at the bag, and it was a large bag of lavender and honey bath salts — your scent. "You know if we put this in the bath, I won't be able to keep my hands off of you."
You wrapped your arms around his waist; and he did the same. Looking up at him, you grinned. "That's the idea love," you slightly whispered, standing up on your tippy toes as he leaned down and met your lips, giving you a quick peck.
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The entire bathroom was filled with the strong smells of lavender and honey; the only light emitting from the room came from the assortment of candles that you and Felix had lit which added a rather cozy ambiance.
Felix got into the bath first, and laid back into the tub, his arms slightly hanging off the sides of it. He spread his legs a bit, just enough for you to fit yourself perfectly between them.
Getting into the tub, you settled yourself perfectly between his legs, and laid your back against his chest as you nestled your face into the crook of his neck slightly. His arms found themselves wrapping instantly around your frame as he placed a kiss on the top of your head before resting his chin in the exact same place.
It was simple moments like these that the both of you truly cherished, and couldn’t imagine doing it with any other.
“I love you,” you said softly, peering up at him.
“I love you too,” he replied, placing a kiss on your temple.
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fushigur0ll · 1 year
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — you snuck in the kitchen late at night to eat all the sweets but earth42!miles catches you [ sequel to in sickness & in health ]
including; kisses, you getting caught eating cake, miles carrying you, cuddles and black fem reader!!! not proofread, ignore mistakes
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“i’m not even gonna lie, i’m not in the least bit surprised” miles announced out-loud, making you flinch and yelp, turning around to face him with your mouth messy from the cake and icing.
It was around 5 AM, and miles was rolling into yet another comfortable position in bed when he realized that he wasn't holding you in his arms. He had been hugging air for about an hour now, and as he looked at the bed, he noticed that you were no longer there. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern.
"Babe.." he called out, but received no response other than the faint sound of padding downstairs. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, stretched his limbs, and with a groan, swung his legs off the bed and stood up. He walked across the room towards the door and exited as quietly as possible, hearing the fridge opening and closing. As he walked towards the kitchen, he heard you curse in a loud whispering tone. He saw you struggling to take off the plastic from the cake container, but they made too much noise.
He watched as you huffed in frustration and stepped back, staring at the vanilla cake sitting in its container. You thought to yourself, "If I were to just take it off, it would make too much noise and wake up my beloved sleeping boyfriend." Unbeknownst to you, he was already downstairs, leaning against the doorframe and watching you with amusement.
You sighed and touched the container again, staring at it before taking a deep breath and coughing as loudly as you could to rip off the container. The way you ripped it off was so delayed to your coughing that he wanted to laugh right then and there. However, he held back his laughter and watched as you did a little dance in celebration.
‘cute’ he thinks to himself. you get a fork and start eating the cake, moaning and humming in delight from the taste of vanilla swarming in your mouth.
"I'll have a few more bites, then I'm done," you mumbled to yourself with a mouthful of cake, your words slightly muffled. Miles heard you nonetheless and watched as you took a few more bites which turned to another few more and more and more and more— so you basically lied to yourself but the cake was just too good! you continued to enjoy the half-eaten cake.He glanced at the clock and saw that it was 5:49 AM. Shaking his head, he decided to bring you back to bed. He wanted to present himself to you, and that's where the beginning of this story began and now continues.
you stared at Miles after he announced himself with a fork in your hand, covered in cake. Your mouth was also covered in cake, and even the tip of your nose was smudged with it. Miles couldn't help but laugh as he looked at the mess you had made. You continued to chew and swallow whatever was left in your mouth while still staring at him.
"hi baby!" you smiled and grabbed a paper towel to wipe your mouth off. Miles composed himself and walked towards you, taking the towel from your hand to wipe your mouth. He held your chin and tilted it up to get a better view of what he had to clean.
“so you escape from my arms to come and eat cake because i said no yesterday when you were sick” he raises an eyebrow and you look away
“..because you were being unfair- but me being unfair got you better no?” he cuts you off and smirks when he sees you glare and huff.
“tired of you” you mumble but collapse into his chest hugging him tightly and he hugs you back, kissing your head.
“did you at least enjoy the cake” he asks, looking down at you and you stare back up at him with your chin on his chest.
“it was so good” you whisper, shaking your head and he chuckles, patting your bonnet/hair wrap protected head. “wanna go back to bed now?” he asks removing his arms from you to put the fork in the sink and putting the plastic back on the cake with your arm still around his torso. he looks at you when he was finished and hoists your up and over his shoulder making you yelp and hold his lower back.
“MILES- BOY WHATS WRONG WITH YOU” you panic, kicking your legs and he just pinches your thigh making you hiss and give up. “i hate you”
“you love me” he retorts
“i do, i really do” you sigh helplessly and he laughs, walking out the kitchen and turning off the light on his way out.
he stops suddenly and scrunches up his face. you get confused. “baby? you okay?” you try to look at him from upside down and just as he was about to say something he lets out a huge and ugly sneeze. his eyes widen and then puts you down, glaring at you to which you blink up at him in confusion
“something happened?” you frown and cup his cheeks but they suddenly feel warm so you feel his neck and forehead.
“miles you’re burning up-ohhhhhhh..wooow” you realize as to why he’s glaring at you and suck your lips in trying refrain from laughing but he notices and pounces at you but you were too quick and was already running up the stairs cackling with him right behind you also too fast and caught up with you. he flings you over his shoulder again and sighs, walking towards the bedroom with you giggling drunkly upside down
“and what did i say yesterday?” he grumbles, gently throwing you on the bed, causing you to bounce on it.
"Uhh... that you love me?" you blinked flirtatiously, but all he did was hit you with a pillow, making you laugh even more. He fell on top of you and sighed, sniffling.
“now i have to take care of you” you smile, rubbing the back of his neck and cheek, feeling him doze off on your chest as he just mumbles incoherent things.
“lucky i love you..would’ve thrown you in the garbage can” he mutters tiredly, getting comfortable on your body and you snicker.
“certainly lucky, very lucky indeed”
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fushigur0ll © 2022 all rights reserved. do not plagarize, translate, or post to other sites please.
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saintgoths · 11 months
☾༺♰༻☽ᴄᴏᴡɢɪʀʟ ʀᴏᴅᴇᴏ☾༺♰༻☽
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mdni very 18+ - you ride ghost.
cowgirl. [lets hope i dont get reported for the first pic...]
simon 'ghost' riley.
previous chapter.
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You were absolutely sure you’d have your neighbours file another complaint against the noises that emitted from your home, but if they were ever in your shoes and had the width of Simon Ghost Riley’s cock inside of them, sliding and pushing against the walls of their cunts, they’d be just as loud as you are.
Currently, he had been beneath you, arms locked around your lower waist as he had thrusted his hips upwards, his cock pressing against the soft sponginess of your g-spot as his mouth had been curved around your nipple, at first, you had wanted to dominate him, have him forget about the secret files you had hidden from him which commenced Ghost to remain suspicious, but there had been no other better way to make a man omit a circumstance like wetness and warmth.
In the beginning, you had been slow and agonising, and Ghost had been too impatient, taking you roughly in surprise while leaving bites around your skin, marking his territory. “So good,” he grunted, the warmth of his mouth heating against your skin ere he returned his lips around your nipples, his hands groping your buttocks as he aided you to bounce up and down his cock, “You love getting pounded by my cock, hm? Taking me so good baby doll,” his compliments then being drowned by your high moans.
“I do!” You cried out, “I do love getting pounded by your cock—” your sentence being overtaken by another high gasp as your walls clenched around him, the slick sounds of his shaft moving and throbbing inside of you, your nails dug into the bed sheets as you used all your strength to whirl your hips around his dick, drunk off sex, your body moved on its own chasing your climax while the size of his dick continued to thrust into you, milking his sticky cum inside of your cunt as he pushed a withered moan.
With your bottom lips behind your teeth, you had pressed your face between the crook of his neck as he resumed to pump his length inside of you, racing after your climax before your heat pulsed around him, clear juices spraying and coating his shaft mixed with his cum, your body had slumped against his chest, exhausted by the numerous of rounds shared with each other, Ghost had then pressed his lips against your head while his cock had slid out of your cunt.
“Tired already baby doll?” He inquired and stubborn, you had opened your eyes which had then locked with his brown ones, you had rolled your figure off his and laid beside him.
“No,” you responded.
“Care for another round---”
“Fuck off,” you replied emitting a dry laugh from him.
As you had then gotten comfortable on your bed, your back had been pressed against his chest, in ponder if Ghost had forgotten about the situation with Frazier; you could feel his chin press against the top of your head while his arm had been under your breast. You’d be stupid to think that Ghost had forgotten, but it had been your anxiety deluding you to think otherwise.
You’d also be stupid to think Ghost hadn’t forgotten what happened, though it was a great distraction.
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“Fraizer…” you muttered as soon as you entered the base, there had been a couple of other women under the Black Dahlia company occupying the area, most of them greeting you as you walked past, the satisfied look on Frazier’s face unmissable as he spread his arms with appreciation.
“Baby doll,” he grinned, “excuse me, I forgot you liked being called Blade.”
Unsatisfied, you had returned the read file he had given you a couple of days ago. “I had to lie and say that I was going to get groceries, he wanted to come with me, and with the persistent energy I had, he’s ever more curious to what I’m hiding.”
“Controlling boyfriend?” Fraizer joked.
“Protective,” you corrected. “Argent had said that he’ll leave me alone for a good amount of time, why am I being assigned to this mission?”
“Because this isn’t just any type of mission, Blade,” Fraizer replied. “It’s about a fucked-up pharmaceutical making viruses and injecting them inside of people.”
“So, I’ve read,” you hummed. A pharmaceutical company known as the Puma Formation, had been creating monstrous projects out of people, transforming them into withered mutants they plan to release into the world. “This will be the last mission I do before I take my promised break.”
Fraizer had then winked at you before he spoke. “The money coming from this will be promising as well,” he commented.
-“That’ll make him extra suspicious,” you mumbled, “I don’t like lying to him all the time. Not like this.”
“We all keep secrets from each other,” Fraizer said. “Plus, you won’t have to lie as much as you do now,” he commented, and behind him, a plain silver table had held another document and as he turned around, he had slid the file into his hand. “For this mission, we’ll be partnering up with Task Force 141,” and as he had said that, you could feel your heart drop as Fraizer handed the file to you. Amused by your expressive reaction, Fraizer had once again smiled. “I hope this doesn’t cause trouble in paradise.”
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your-girl-mj · 1 year
The truth. [42!Miles Morales x Spiderwoman!reader]
summary: He wants the truth, and you can't give it to him.
warning: cursing, mentions of cheating, accusations, arguments. angst (?)
notes: written in 3rd point of view,
created: july 25, 2023
published: july 26, 2023
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exhausted, tired, drained. those three words are to describe what [name] is feeling. dragging her legs on the floor of the empty, quiet hallway of her apartment building. her suit hidden inside her (miles') jacket and some loose pants that her boyfriend gifted her.
Miguel gave her a rough mission with two anomalies on the loose in the same dimension. it's a good thing she her battles didn't leave wounds. god, she missed her bed already. the soft sheets, with miles snuggle up to her from behind.
the girl smiled at the thought of the one she loved the dearest and thinking about what he's doing at this time of hour, [1:47 am]. her heart melted at the image of miles sleeping soundly in his bed and how good he looked when his brows were relaxed and not formed into a scowl.
the air paused its way into her lungs when she opened her apartment door and saw the said boyfriend leaning on the couch's back rest, facing the door. as if he knew she would come back at this time of hour.
her grip on the knob tightened, but not too tight. yet her fingers left a dent on the cold metal. "miles! hey, i didn't know you were coming over." [name] beamed warmly at him, acting as if she didn't come home so early in the morning.
miles' stare was hard and unnerving. "where were you?" he asked, tilting his head as if challenging her for the truth. "the last message i sent you was around nine, saying I'll come over, and its one in the fucking morning." he push himself off the couch, approaching his s/o with threatening steps, slowly closing the door behind her. "so... where were you?"
his face was inches from her, and she hates fights. especially fights with miles. "i was working overti—"
"you said you were sick." miles suck his cheek, breathing out his nose, not buying to her another lie.
"i am!" she defended, quickly thinking another excuse when it was clear she was caught in the spotlight. "por eso... de camino aquí, compré medicinas, teroso." she took his arm, softly squeezing it to ease his worried thoughts. remembering about her last excuse to miles, she told him when he asked for a sleepover. [that's why... on my way here, i bought medicines, treasure.]
though, it didn't stop him from going to her apartment. he wanted to take care of her after she told him she had a high fever. with his mom working in the hospital, he knew a little bit of medicines and treatment. but he was met in an empty home.
his eyes narrowed, not fluttering from her touch, yet he made no effort to lean away from it. "i was so worried." his tone almost gone mute, "i came to your window because i thought you were resting, you weren't there." miles couldn't help his voice as it started to weaver, "pensé que estabas en la sala de estar pero no estabas allí. i've even looked the streets for you." he sighed. [I thought you were in the living room, but you weren't there.]
he runs his hand into his face in exhaustion, as [name] stayed in silent with guilt — guilt, that is slowly eating her up for not telling him everything. he needs to know, he deserves to know. but the thought of him causing his life to save hers always goes through her head. once he knows it's his s/o, he'll feel the need to protect her when she is supposedly protecting him.
"miles, I'm sorry for worrying you." 'and for every lie i told you...' the girl utter yet few words are left in her mind, she embraced him. griping his shirt, having a feeling that shit will be going down soon. "i have something important to do and—"
"and what? tell me." he pulled away as much as he wanted to stay in her arms, but he's a little too pissed right now. "tell me where you were. it's been months." [name] felt her heart drop with culpability, miles known for a long time now. his hard stare soon softens, hating how he's acting.
"cariño, sé que me has estado mintiendo, te conozco. dime por favor..." whispered in his soft voice with her hands in his, miles kissed the back of her palms, he feels like begging for the truth now. [I know you've been lying to me, I know you. Tell me please...]
his patience is getting thinner and thinner as days passed. his girl, disappearing with excuses and lies that he didn't point out. but what's a relationship without trust?
her eyes met his, [name] breath out. "miles..."
"all I'm asking is for you to be honest." his hold tighten, already have a thought about what will happen.
"i... can't tell you." her lips pursed, turning for head to the side. he'll die if he knows about her identity. with all her other version in multiverses; their miles as spiderman... left in dust, crying his eyes out, her body in his arms covered in her own blood. what can prevent such a tragic event when their roles are now reversed?
[name] closed her eyes, trying to leave those horrible thoughts, now breath heavily. she saw other versions of miles, they're mostly spider-people, and her fate in their canon event always left shivers. much like her coworker gwen stacy, her canon event made her peter parker died, when it got their roles reverse.
she can not risk it. she can't. she'll break.
"why not?" miles' jaw visibly clenched, his mind is slowly clouded with horrible doubts.
"miles, you need to understand — " she paused, "i just... can't lose you... i can't tell you." she turned her head away, unable to witness the hurt and anger mixed in his face. it's hard to lie to him. it's hard to resist his plead at times. but there are times when it has its limit.
miles stood, back straight. towering over [name], his face held betrayal when she peaked, and she knew where this was about to go. "you're cheating on me, aren't you?" his face holds a scowl, disappointment, distrust, betrayal mixed into an expression.
"what? no!" she was quick to deny, "i would never do that to you." she frown, hurt for being accused by such a thing.
"that explains more than you ever told me." his tone is starting to rise, with her on his tail matching his voice.
"why don't you trust me?!" her hands flown with an exaggerated movement.
"i did! but you keep on disappearing!" they're now head to head. one holding her ground while the other digging deep for the truth. "on dates, hangouts, movie nights, even in the middle of dinner! what is more to not assume?!"
"its was an emergency!" it was easy to tell the neighbours are listening to the argument right now. how can you not? when the couple who are oh-so-lovely are fighting about one of them cheating.
"of course it was!" her s/o's voice laced with sarcasm before it turned into a venom. "not to mention, i can hear you talking to guys on the phone!"
"it was my boss! he needs me for something!" with her unconventional strength at this moment, she accidentally left a crack on the wall when her hand smacked it while explaining. but miles didn't notice. his eyes were on her, and it didn't leave for a split second.
"yeah right, and what about that tall fucking dude with the funky ass hair?!" he pointed on the couch, remembering when he caught the two of them drinking soda and saying he was a friend at work. he believed her, of course he believed her. but right now, he's doubting eveything.
"i told you, hobie was a friend from work!" she defended once again, not telling the full truth. "i invited him in that time because we both needed rest!"
"rest from what exactly?!" miles felt like punching something, anything. horrible images flashing in his mind, he despise it. he deeply despite the thought.
"you don't understand, i'm doing this for you!" she yelled, dropping the subject. knowing if this continued one or both with end up getting hurt. wounded by harsh words.
"¡ay bendito!" he shouted, his hands almost pulling his braids out as he ran his hand on his head. "enough with your bullshit excuses! if it's not true, then what is the truth? tell me." he demanded, infuriated.
— choose your ending:
tell him the truth.
lie for his safety.
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this is the first time in a while to write again, but miles keep running in my mind 😩
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vixialuvs · 8 months
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୨୧. pairing - yang jungwon x reader
୨୧. CW - angst to fluff. hurt/comfort, yelling, established relationship, non!idol jungwon, you go to the same uni and live tg, suggestive at the end
୨୧. summary - you and jungwon get into an argument, and he accidentally raises his voice and yells at you, causing you to start crying.
୨୧. a/n - this is lwk really bad guys i’m sorry…
december 20 was supposed to be just a normal day for you and your boyfriend of 3 years, jungwon. it was just another day of you overworking yourself at home, while he’s out with his friends. you don’t even check the time, too busy trying to understand punnett squares to care. the sun slowly disappears, leaving you to turn on a lamp so you can see the papers infront of you. your phone gets a call, but it is on do not disturb, so you wont see it.
two hours later, now one am, the entire dormitory silent, and here you are, still working. you are running on five cups of coffee and two oreos, but are starving and so tired. suddenly the door to your dorm opens, you can hear it through the thin walls but don’t get up because you already know its jungwon. you feel too dizzy to even move, just returning to your work. he comes into your shared bedroom, looking upset and worried.
“y/n? i was calling you. why didn’t you pick u—” he pauses in his sentence when he sees you hunched over your desk, taking notes on some stupid biology video. “y/n. we talked about this, okay? you can’t keep doing this, its so frustrating.. please. im worried about you. have you even eaten?” he says, his voice involuntarily getting stern.
you look up at him, letting out a soft sigh as your tired eyes meet his annoyed ones. “i’ve eaten a couple oreos. i’m fine, won. just.. go to bed okay?” you mutter, not wanting to argue with him. he isnt having it and snatches your pen out of your hand, earning an immediate “hey!” from you. he glares at you, actually getting mad you are doing this to yourself. “y/n a couple oreos isnt good enough. you need to be eating more then that. i’m not going to bed unless your coming with me.” he sounds pissed.. it makes you slightly nervous but you stand your ground.
you get up and off your chair, now standing infront of him as you cross your arms over your chest. “give me my damn pen.” you say defiantly, beginning to also get defensive but keeping your voice at a normal level. jungwon, however, is not as patient as you. his voice gets a bit higher, just ever so slightly. “no. your going to bed. now. i’m tired of this bullshit.” he protests, gripping your pen.
“jungwon come on, stop it. i’m almost done.. just-” you start, but he cuts you off. he really doesn’t mean to and doesn’t want to hurt you but raises his voice significantly. “no! stop it! just COME TO BED! i’m sick and tired of your shit, y/n! i already fucking told you! just stop this! god!” he shouts, but pauses and feels the instant regret once he sees you tense up and start to visibly tremble. he takes a step toward you and you take a step back.
“y/n, sweetheart, please baby.. i didn’t mean to yell.. i’m so sorry.. what are you doing..?” his voice is quiet now and his eyes are filled with fear as he watches you grab a pillow and a blanket from the closet and leave the room. he follows you like a scared puppy and his eyes go wide once he sees you setting up camp on the couch. he slumps against the wall and sighs quietly, deciding to try and give you space.
that night he lays restless in your bed, laying on the side you should be on, but you are passed out on the couch. he needs you in his arms, unable to even sleep without you, so he gives up trying to leave you alone and makes his way to the living room where you lie, asleep. he kneels down at your side and gently lifts you into his arms, bridal style, careful to not wake you. he brings you back into the bedroom and lays you on the bed, crawling in beside you. he immediately turns your sleeping body over and buries his face in your neck, his arms wrapping tight around you as he almost instantly drifts off.
in the morning, you are the first to wake, noticing you aren’t on the couch anymore, and instead in your bed, jungwon completely sprawled on top of you. he’s hugging you with an iron grip, as if you’ll leave if he loosens up. you sigh, remembering the events of last night, your head falling back on the pillow. your hand comes up to caress his hair, waiting until he stirs so the two of you can talk. eventually, he does, burying his head further into your neck and mumbling your name, his lips ghosting across your sensitive skin. you tilt his chin up to look at his face, which looks stressed and you can tell he was crying last night while he held you, dried tears on his cheeks.
“i’m so sorry my baby. i didn’t mean to yell at you. i’m just so worried about you and i want you to take care of yourself. i don’t think you understand how much i love you, sweetheart. i love you more then i love myself. i’d seriously take a bullet for you. please forgive me, y/n. i’ll make it up to you honey, i swear.” he says quietly, his voice laced with sleep, as he lays his head on your chest and caresses your neck. you let out the smallest sigh and kiss his head.
“you know i can’t stay mad at you ever, won. i forgive you. i’m sorry for always being a pain in your ass, always worrying you and being stubborn when you try to help me. i’ll be better, okay? i pinky promise.” you softly intertwine your pinkies and kiss it, giving him the tiniest smile. he sits up on you and leans down to kiss your lips, with a sudden fervor. it makes you whine with need, the way his touch feels so apologetic as he gently parts your thighs, nestling himself between them as he kisses down your stomach.
“let me make it up to you, yeah?” he murmurs, looking up at you with a knowing smirk, lust prevalent in his gaze.
@vixialuvs . don’t steal my work !
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just discovered you and I am obsessed, so here’s a request! (does that rhyme lol)
ony and connie’s reactions to us giving them the upmost disrespect 🤭.
𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝⚠︎
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You were driving home after a long day of work. Having to deal with rude customers and on top of that you stayed over time to take in 4 more clients because your coworker called in sick.
Once you were right around the corner from you and Connies shared house, you pressed the button on the garage door opener remote that was clipped onto the mirror visor. You seen the garage opening from the distance.
You sighed. You really wanted a bath and to just lay in your boyfriends arms. its was 10:46pm so you knew he was on the game waiting for you.
“God dammit.” You whispered, dropping your head down to the steering wheel before backing up into the garage setting your white Honda Sonata next to your boyfriends Mercedes-Benz.
You got out of the car and grabbed your Tote bag shuffling your hand around in the cup holders to find the key since your car didn’t need for you to put it in, in order for it to start.
Once you found your key you got out of the car and locked it. Dragging your feet towards the door that connects to the house, you wanted to fall and go to sleep right then and there.
You opened the door and made your way towards the kitchen to set your things on the island. You seen your boyfriend in the living room playing ‘Call of Duty.’ He had his headset on and he was yelling every curse word in the book.
You chuckled to yourself. That man was going to get hurt one day having those headphones on. He didn’t even hear you come in. Then again, where theres Connie there is always a gun nearby.
You walked over to him standing behind the couch. You bent over and tried to plant a kiss on his cheek but he moved away. He removed one of the headphone muffs from his ear. “Hey baby.” Was all he said before turning back to the game. You stood there dumbfounded.
“That’s it?” You said, slightly confused. “What do you mean?” He said, turning his head slightly to you and then back to the game. “I come home after like 10 hours and all I get is a ‘hey baby’? Don’t even ask me how my day was.” You said, anger fueling in your system. “Too busy trying to suck on your friends dick and play that fuck ass game.” You said. Now it was Connies turn to get mad. He quickly muted his mic and turned off his game.
“You lost your fucking mind.” He said. “Bring your ass over here.” He glared at you. You walked to the other side of the couch, not wanting to push him anymore, but you still had a right to be mad.
Connie was in a manspread position. You stood in between his legs as he looked up at you. A stern look plastered on his face.
“You wanna embarrass me?” He said, voice low. He gripped your waist with both hands and yanked you onto his lap. You stared at chain he had on, that read your name.
“My eyes up here. Look at me when im talking to you.” He said with venom laced in his voice. He gripped your throat and forced you to look up at him. “Whats your problem mami?” He said, taking his free hand and slapping your ass. You jolted up, the stinging sensation going straight to your head causing your eyes to water.
“Nothing papi, im just tired.” You said, voice shaky. “Tired my ass.” He said, another slap landing onto your ass. You jolted up and again, causing a laugh to come out of connie. “Not finna lie, you got me fucked up. Get off me and turn over, im finna tear your ass up.” He chuckled.
You got off of him and went to the opposite side of where he was sitting. You laid there looking at the patterned carpet. You knew you were going to be on bed rest after this.
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You were laying down with your back resting on the headboard and Ony in between your legs. Your long nails massaging his scalp as he played a mobile game.
“At your big age you playing games on yo phone?” You said, a laugh coming from your chest. “Its not about my age ma, its about uhm” he stopped for a second. “Its about the what?” You laughed again. He slapped your thigh and went back to playing his game.
You picked up the remote and went to Spotify on your TV. You picked a different playlist (the starting song being)
‣ 𝐘��𝐔~ 𝐋𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝♫
“Pa, I need my hair done oh my God.” You said, looking through your best friends highlights. “No.” He said. You sat there with a confused look plastered on your face. “No?” You asked. “Yeah, no? I’m pretty sure I said it loud and clear.” He said, his gaze not leaving his phone.
“The hell? Get the fuck off of me.” You said, shoving him off you. He looked at you, like he wanted to kill you. “You mad or sum? why you suddenly got a attitude?” He asked you, turning his phone off.
You knew these were rhetorical questions. At the end of the day, he pissed you off. “Yeah I got me an attitude? I didn’t even do anything so why you acting like a bitch right now bro?” You said. You got off the bed walking downstairs into the kitchen, Ony following behind you.
Before you could even make it to the kitchen, Ony grabbed the back of your neck yanking you back causing you to turn and face him. He slowly slid his hand from the back of your neck to grab your throat.
“You got 20 seconds to figure out who the fuck you talking to and walking away from.” His eyes piercing straight through you. “You got me fucked up calling me a bitch and think you finna get away with it. Get yo ass upstairs” He yelled at you in your face, throwing you to the side.
You walked upstairs, your arousal leaking onto your panties forming a wet patch. You took your time getting up there scared for what was in store.
“Hurry the fuck up Y/N!” He yelled, causing you to jump.
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r0ttenhearts · 11 months
yandere scara or like overly obsessive and possessive scara who does literally everything in his power to keep you with him because god forbid he loses you too w/ his issues; he resorts to guilt tripping you, gaslighting you, etc etc. eventually, he isolates you after scaring off your friends and reader tries confronting him abt it but he’s having non of that crap (why am i asking for this)
as always; you don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable with it
(i’m the anon that asked for the fic where reader confronts scara)
bitter lie
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possessive/yandere scaramouche x reader
part 1/2
sypnosis: with you and scaramouche’s upcoming streaming career you grow tired of his lingering eyes and attention towards other girls in the field
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“i’ll never get over you.” scaramouche’s muffled voice was in your ear. your laugh echoed through scaramouche’s screens as he had your stream open while he was streaming your current “online date.”. the chat gushed from his words, emojis spammed and thousands of more messages coming through.
at the time it was a sweet sentiment, a small reminder of his affection for you. now you wished he hadn’t meant it.
the breakup wasn’t a huge shock to you, or so you believed. scaramouche was completely blindsided when you told him you no longer felt a spark between you two. sure, he had been streaming with other girls after you told him you weren’t okay with it. so what if he commented under every streamers instagram pics that competed with you to stay on top? it was okay!
you’d never forget the anger in his voice that night.
“YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE.” his voice boomed through his mic as his hands slammed on his desk. “me? a hypocrite? i never streamed with any other guys like you did!”
“you fucking hung out with that guy, alone. i’m not stupid. i saw your match logs. i know you were duoed.”
“it’s not my fault he doesn’t want to meet any of my friends, scara! i told you beforehand that i was going to hangout with him after you went to bed.” you shot back. scaramouche was referring to alhaitham. alhaitham almost never got on a game with you as he was too busy with his other streamer friends, but you two went far back to before the both of you started streaming. he wasn’t interested in meeting anymore of your friends after he had a nasty interaction with your ex boyfriend, and you respected that.
“but i’m not just a fucking friend (y/n).” he seethed. you scoffed, this was a side you had never seen of scaramouche.
“if you go through with this you’ll fucking regret it, (y/n). i promise you that.”
you shook your head. you were set on this decision. you would choose your own happiness this time. “go for it scara. i’m sure it won’t be any worse than how it’s been in our relationship.”
with that you hung up and blocked him on everything. you hadn’t meant for it to go this way. you knew his larger following wouldn’t take this well, not with how flirty he was to his viewers. they worshipped him. and in comparison, your viewers wouldn’t be able to compete with the thousands gap.
going to bed that night felt lighter. like a new start in your life. you knew a part of you would miss scaramouche. his gentle laughs when you two would hangout together off stream, his spaced out but sweet texts. there were some things about him that you would always cherish. but the pain far outweighed the comfort of the good moments. you sighed as your eyes fluttered shut. it would all be better in the morning. this heavy, nauseating feeling.
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your hands shook as you read over his tweets. he was making your breakup as public as possible, he was going to ruin your career. you laughed dryly as you tapped some buttons on your screen, pressing the green call button as you held your cold phone against your ear. “pick up, please.” you muttered to yourself before you heard his voice from the other side of the speaker.
“(y/n)? it’s so early.” alhaitham’s gruff voice sounded from your phone speaker.
“haitham? did you see what scara tweeted. i broke up with him last night a-and..” your voice muffled with your sobs. alhaitham never knew of the overprotective way scaramouche would react when you’d be with others, others that weren’t him.
“slow down, (y/n). who cares if he tweets about you? you both have your own audiences it’ll die down. breathe.” alhaitham scrolled on scara’s feed on his side of the phone. reading through the comments of the new hate tweets spewing towards you. this was bad. alhaitham knew it was bad attention for your upcoming streaming career.
“shh. calm down.” alhaitham whispered quiet words of comfort as you broke down over the phone.
alhaitham didn’t know the hell that would plague you for the next two months. how wrong he could be. the false words of comfort that would feel bitter against scaramouche’s torment.
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taglist: @samarill @whorerificstuff @sakiimeo @astrolomona @dearsumire @saeism @shoheartluv @0kauy @lelemnh @ayameei @aqualesha @msdevilis @linkookie197 @beriiov @xiaonscaraswife @foxlover1144 @gh0sts0up @darliingyu @magica-ren @scara6 @Maxineslair
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Please could you write a fanfiction where the reader has anxiety and hypochondria and Big Daddy Elvis is comforting her and reassuring her she's safe?🥺❤️
•••••Head To Toe•••••
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Summary: Reader just isn’t feeling the best, and her anxiety isn’t helping her. Elvis makes sure to stand next to your sweet self and help you through it all.
Author’s note: thank you for your request my darling, of course this title was inspired by Lisa Lisa And The Cult Jam’s “Head To Toe.” But anyway, I hope I written this right! As I always say, if you didn’t like this I could always write you a whole new one. I’m not too familiar with hypochondriac so I’m sorry if it’s not exactly right in some ways. Um but yup.
Author won’t zip her lips: another thing, I’m sorry to you and everyone else who probanly want to request more stuff and all that…but the thing is I’m chicken. I’m genuinely chicken because I get overwhelmed at the thought of just having 3 requests. So ahem, apologies 👋
So much has been on your mind. So much enough that as you lie in your bed and just toss and turn. You feel so off today, and you just feel aware of it all. You simply don’t know what’s going on with yourself!
Possibilities on top of possibilities crowd your mind on why you could be this tired, and lacking your usual energy. Busying yourself while being alone inside the dimly-lit room. Oh my gosh, what if I’m severely sick? Maybe I’m pregnant? Why the heck am I so tired? Wait, or it could be the flu? You gasp to yourself, clasping your dainty hand over your mouth as you continue to grow concerns on your self diagnosing. You inhale a deep breath, “okay, let’s stop playing doctor and try to-“ you exhale out to calm yourself until-
“hunny? Can I come in?” A light knuckle knock is heard and interrupts your thoughts, your head whips to the bedroom door and you hum. You can recognize that southern, sweet honey voice from anywhere.
“of course, Elvis. Come on in,” you hum out softly. Running flat of your palms down the creases of the red duvet to straighten anything besides straight. Make yourself at least a little presentable.
The creaky sound of the door is faint, you glance up to meet your boyfriend’s eyes. Those blue pupils that can capture you dead at any second of the day. You smile gently and wave a small hi, “hey, beautiful.” You sigh out with a soft laugh, trying to seem not at all troubled. But he knows you too damn well now.
“Hi handsome,” he snickers with that lip curl and crawls onto the bed with you. Shuffling into the comfy, velvety crimson sheets. You turn your head to press your forehead to his smooth, freshly shaven cheek. “Baby, what’s going on? I expected to see ya after rehearsals. Ya always come with mah lunch, I missed your pretty ass.” He chuckles out but a soft frown plants onto his face and you only inhale deeply to calm and sort your reasoning.
You find comfort and comprehension when you smell the spicy, homey cologne he wears all day everyday, shrugging shoulder to shoulder. “I-I…I don’t know what’s the matter with me now, I just feel, off.” You admit breathlessly, snuggling up to his side.
He purses his lips and nods understandingly, then wrapping his meaty arms to squish you lovingly into his lap. You smile widely, feeling so comfortable in his embrace. “Oh, m’sorry baby, I didn’t know ya felt like this…why dontcha relax? Ya can postpone the girls’ night out some time soon, and all that.” He says softy, his chubby and squishy chin that you adore rests on the top of your head. Nestled onto the beautiful locks of hair that’s on top of your pretty head.
You pout and bury your face into his neck, your nose into the crease that smells most immaculate. So strong of salty sweat, and tangy, spicy musk of his men’s perfume. “I don’t know how to relax,” you whisper out warmly against his chest. You then gasp and break away in his gentle embrace, with frightened eyes, “what if I’ve got hypochondria! I mean, c’mon that would explain so much-“
“Aw c’mere, my big-a-baby.” He smiles and shakes his head silly at you. His adorable baby. He cuddles you all back to his arms. “Yer fine, my girl. From your head tah toe. I’ll repeat myself, from ya pretty little head to yer itty bitty toes that walk the precious earth, you’re healthy as new. And even if not, and you feel off, like now for example, you’ll get through with it. That’s final.” He reassures sternly but with a heart warming tone.
You’re too fuzzy in love to protest, nodding weakly in his hug and you let out a gentle, “okay, daddy.” You whisper out, fluttering your eyes and wrap your arms to fully embrace your lover.
You find such love and comfort in this moment. From his prodding belly that you mold around just perfectly makes you smile to yourself. Probably healing you. His clothed, big arms trapping you sweetly, making you but yet willingly engulf his signature scent. To the chest hair from years of maturity from boy to man, tickle and scrape against your chin. This is it. This is your lover.
This is your cure.
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Young and Beautiful
Alec Hardy (Broadchurch) x Reader
Synopsis: DS Y/N Warner uses DI Alec Hardy’s flat for some late night work
Word Count: 4890
Tags: fem!reader, fluff, smut, praise, sweet, very sweet smut, if your name is Becca look away
She didn't even bother to knock, not knowing or caring if he was in, she just slid open his sliding glass door and let herself inside. Then she plopped the case files on his sofa, pushed his coffee table to the side, and laid them all out in front of in her. He'd come round about an hour later, when all the papers lie in their own stacks across his rug, Y/N in the middle eating a slice of toast with a wild look in her eyes.
"Warner, what're you doing here?"
"There's something we're missing, there has to be, and I'm so close to it!" She said, her baby hairs frizzing wildly as her hair came loose from her ponytail. She either didn't care or didn't notice as she stood up, a paper in hand. DI Alec Hardy stood in his own doorway, flabbergasted to his DS rambling in his room at half past 4am. "I think it has to do with Aaron, it's got to be. His alibi doesn't make sense, he won't tell us where he was, and he knew Sophia well enough. At least more than some of the other persons of interest. I've tracked down the local cab company and one of the drivers says he remembers giving a bloke a ride late that night, said the lad was proper out of breath and not exactly chatty. I've already got him lined up to come in tomorrow for more information. As for the trace amounts of DNA in the victims mouth we don't have a match yet but the lab did say it wasn't as disintegrated as they'd initially thought which gives me hope! I've got -" 
"Warner!" Hardy shouted, interrupting her speech. "What the hell are you doing in my house half past 4?"
She gestured around her as though it should be obvious, "working."
"And you can't do that at your own flat?"
She giggled, and continued to ramble. When she was really tired, like proper one second away from passing out tired, like she was now, she couldn't shut up. It didn't matter if the person she was talking to didn't want to hear it or wasn't listening or couldn't hear it - having a deaf cousin worked to her favor in these instances - she would continue to prattle on about what she needed to, "no. My roommate's got her boyfriend over and they were proper loud. Could practically hear the bed rattling, and it wasn't doing me any good. You don't sleep anyway so I figured I could use the space to lay it out. I didn't think you'd not be home. Why're you dressed nice? Did you come from a date? Is that what this is? Is there some woman waiting outside?"
"No!" DI Hardy looked halfway offended at the suggestion. "I've just got back from work. Was gonna make a cuppa then keep going til you showed up."
She squealed and went for something on the floor, lifting it up then crawling to a different paper,"I take two sugars."
"I know your bloody order. Shouldn't you go and sleep?"
She waved a hand, "I'll sleep when I'm dead. What I really need is for the world to be open 24/7. If I could only call this bloke right now and half my questions could be answered. You know my order? That's sweet."
He scoffed, "it's not unique. Warner, when was the last time you slept?"
"Uhh, I slept a few hours on Tuesday. Why do you look all high and mighty? You don't sleep either, don't eat. You're practically a miserable little skeleton carting your life way through life."
"I am not -" he stopped taking. Partially because she hadn't stopped either, continuing to chatter about whatever her heart desired. And partly because he didn't know if he was going to refute the miserable part, the little part, or the skeleton part. Or if he even could refute it. He snorted, well he wasn't little. He was over 6 foot. And he could eat more, he knew that. But he often forgot about food until he had to.
"I know a fellow who took nine sugars. Can you imagine that! Nine sugars! You're drinking piss flavored juice at that point. Pardon mh French, sir. He was very strange... called himself Witchfinder as though you couldn't search on the web magic shops. Maybe we should start calling ourselves Crimefinders. Criminalfinders? That doesn't roll off the tongue, now does it?"
DI Hardy realized Y/N wasn't going to answer any of his questions in this state, so he shuffled over to the kitchen to make some tea. He took his coat off, tossing it on whatever available counter space there was with a yawn. He wanted to sleep, knew he probably had to, but he'd probably dream of something he didn't want to dream about. Lately it'd been odd mental pictures of his coworkers all hurt, Y/N choked, Ellie crying, hell even Brian made the scene with a glazed look in his eyes. He didn't know why he had these thoughts, he'd never considered himself a particularly caring individual over his coworkers. But it had haunted him off from sleep for the foreseeable future.
He made two cups of tea, disposing two sugars into Warner's as she said. Then he walked back over to his living room and sat down, elbows on his knees as he scanned her work.
"Thank you!" She said, grabbing her mug and take a large gulp of it. "What do you think of this, sir? He doesn't strike me right. Can't place it."
"The name is familiar," Hardy admitted. He went to his laptop and started typing away, trying to place the name. "Ah, he's been arrested for aggravated assault. Both charges dropped, looks like some brawls in the pubs."
"I s'pose that doesn't suggest he murdered a girl."
"Doesn't rule him out either, if he's willing to punch a stranger in a pub what would he do to someone he knows?"
She giggled and scrambled for her pencil, "I should write that down for my novel!"
"You're writing a novel?"
"Mmhmm, started it tonight. 'Adventures of Harner and Wardy.'"
Alec set his mug down, and took hers from her hand as well. "Alright, time for bed now."
"What? No! I've got more novel to write and crime to solve! We've not even started discussing the potential that Louise is lying about her husband's alibi. I mean really? She says he binged Big Bang Theory with her all night and I'm all for binging telly but of all the shows you choose that one? The laugh track is funnier than the actual show half the time - is this your bedroom?"
Hardy had helped Y/N to her feet and led her to his bedroom in the back. She was still rambling about the most irrelevant things when he guided her to sit on the edge of his bed. He didn't often make it, so he was glad to note that it was done up well. Warner hadn't slept in almost a full 48 hours and he knew that even with a brain as sharp as hers, it was dull as Katie's without sleep. He got on his knees before her, carefully untying her shoes and sliding them off her feet. He put them by the door and helped her out of her coat jacket.
"What're you doing?" She finally asked as he hung the jacket on the back of the door. "Are you hitting on me?"
"What? I -"
"Because if you are hitting on me that's totally okay, but I should warn you I'm getting sleepy so I might not be the best lay. But you are proper good looking so I wouldn't say no." She made a face, "my boss wouldn't like that would he? Noooo, can't call someone proper good looking. I'm not trying to be a knob, just communicating that you've got no problems in the looks department. None, like ever. Personality maybe but you took my shoes off for me so that gets you at least a few brownie points."
Alec felt like he was malfunctioning, his arm stuck out, frozen midair from her words. She just called him attractive. And not just good looking, but good looking enough she'd want to sleep with him! He'd never been used to such straight forward compliments and didn't quite know if he believed it. So he just worked on autopilot, helping tuck her into bed.
"Go to sleep, Warner." He flicked off the lights and closed the door. What the hell. What the hell. Alec blinked rapidly like that would make any of what just happened make any sense at all.
He stood awkwardly outside the door of the bedroom. Should he - is he- what's the proper procedure with this? He should know, he was married once, had enough sex to have a child! But it seemed all that knowledge left the moment Claire stole back the pendant, fizzling his marriage, his life, his career. Now he was left taking uneven breaths as the sun crept up, an employee who's attracted to him sleeping in his bed after 40+ hours of not sleeping.
He found himself back at his laptop, slowly typing out what to do when someone admits to fancying you. But the results were not his thing, videos of very forward men and women moving very quickly into other actions. Alec was not opposed to the action, sex. But he couldn't fathom how to get there. So he sat in his kitchen drinking old tea, and staring at his door.
An hour later he crept in to grab a different tie for work, and saw Y/N completely passed out. She was curled in a ball, cradling his pillow and lightly snoring. She looked content. It made him smile against his better judgment. He left her in there, scribbling a note on a piece of paper he taped to the bedroom door before he left for the station.
Y/N Warner woke up nearly 12 hours later. It was practically dark when she opened her eyes. She blinked away the sleep that threatened to creep in around the corners of her eyes, and propped herself up on her elbows to survey the scene around her. She didn't recognize the room she was in, blank walls and bland sheets. There was no personality to it. For a moment, she wondered if she'd gotten a hotel room and just had no memory of it.
Then she smelt a familiar, faint scent. She couldn't place it or really describe it other than she liked it, it was warm. Stupidly, she let her face fall into the pillow to inhale the scent. Oh my god.
She shot up quickly, realizing where she was. The memories of last night flooded her mind.
"Shit, shit, shit." A hand flew to her brow as she tried to process. She'd come here to work because her roommate was fucking her boyfriend into the oblivion. DI Hardy came back, made her a cuppa. She wouldn't shut up, kept rambling about the Big Bang Theory (why?) and Witchfinders (how?) before he guided her here. Then she - "no." She said audibly, she did not make a pass at DI Hardy in his bed, late at night and practically drunk on exhaustion. Her eyes flit around the room before landing on the one piece of decoration, a framed photo of Hardy and Daisy, his daughter. "No." She said again, as though it could stop her ramblings.
Y/N rushed out of the bed, scrambling to find her shoes before she saw them neatly lying next to the door. She was usually very professional, if not a little eccentric. But no one could fault you for being a lot when you were good at your job and solved cases. She brought justice to people, she knew she did. And she might have risked it all because she worked herself too far and hit on her boss. Regardless of how stupid attractive he was, that was still work place harassment.
She shoved her shoes on, forced her arms into the holes of her suit jacket and ambled out into his living space. There were papers everywhere. They covered the floor like a new rug, slouched over the chairs and clung to the walls by hall dead pieces of tape. She looked for her mobile, patting her pockets. Shit, she must have left it in the bedroom. When she turned she spotted a note on the door.
'At the office. Feel free to not come in.'
Oh she was dead. She'd lost her job forever, she would never work again. This stupid blasted career she'd worked so hard on gone.
She ran back and found her mobile among the sheets, shoved it into her pocket and ran to leave the home. Then DI Hardy stood awkwardly at the front door, bags of Chinese hanging from his hands and a weird not grimace not smile expression. He didn't look pleased to see her, but he didn't want to kill her. Good news, right?
"Sir, I am so sorry about last night-"
"Don't worry about it." He waved his hand, coming in to set the food on the counter. He got a lot of it.
"No, I can't not worry about it. I came into your home, made a mess, took your bed and propositioned you-"
"Warner, we've arrested a man for the murder of Sophia Garcia. It was Aaron Baker, his dad's golf clubs, just like you'd said."
Her mouth fell open, "shit, really?"
Alec gestured to the mess of papers while he spoke, "you'd mentioned something about the cabbie last night. When I went in I gave them a ring, and while there was a driver who picked up a grumpy lad it wasn't Aaron. Sounds like a Christie book but it was his twin. Aaron was cross town cleaning up the scene."
"Not good enough," Y/N said softly.
Alec nodded, "not good enough."
"I'm sorry, sir." She said again, her voice still quiet and meek.
He didn't answer her, just stared for a beat before gesturing to the food, "I didn't know what you liked so I bought two of everything."
"All this is for me?"
"You solved the case, Warner."
She shook her head, "I ... you let me sleep in your bed? I ransacked your house, I propositioned you, and you let me sleep and brought me food?"
Alec scratched the back of his neck. He did not like how often Y/N asked questions. It stressed him out, like he had to have an immediate answer to every single one when he figured his actions spoke. But she looked so confused. He just gestured to the food and went to grab plates.
She sat down in surprise, blinking quickly as she watched him come over. "Just a, uh, an egg roll and cho mein please."
He nodded and shoved two of both onto her plate before giving it to her. He didn't put anything on his plate. Y/N sighed and scraped off half of hers onto his.
"Eat, sir. Please."
He blinked, "wot?"
"I've known you for years and never seen you eat. Just eat the egg roll."
He stared at the greasy food. He can't eat that, he thought and was about to say as much when she shot him a dirty look. Tentatively, Alec took a bite of it. He cringed, he didn't quite love the taste but Y/N seemed pleased he was eating so he finished it off just for her.
When they both finished he cleaned up, and she stayed seated. Then he moved past her to the bedroom, undoing his tie and tossing it, along with his jacket, onto a chair in the corner. He started to roll his sleeves up round his elbows when Y/N waited by the door.
"Thank you, sir."
"No need-"
"Let me. Thank you, sir. For the food and the sleep and, uh, well thank you for everything."
"Of course, Warner. I take care of my people." Not typically this much care, but he didn't want to make her feel bad. He focused on sliding off his shoes, shoving them out of his sight.
Alec jumped - well, Alec never really jumped just blinked harshly and cocked the one eyebrow - in surprise. Y/N was now closer to him, her chest heaving as she stared up at him. She was shorter than he remembered.
"I-If I may, sir?" She asked, lifting a hand.
He had a feeling he knew what she was asking, but didn't know for certain. But all the same he nodded. He watched as her eyes fluttered shut as she leaned in, going onto her tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
He hadn't been kissed in a long time, and the surprise of her initiating it made him stand there and accept her soft lips against his. When she broke, he could see the fear in her eyes as though she had done something wrong. Alec hadn't kissed in a while, and he felt the anxiety creep in that he didn't remember how. But the look in her eyes made it worth the fear.
He plunged forward, grabbing the back of her neck gently while his other hand came to cradle her jaw. Her skin was soft under his touch, melting as he held her. Y/N's hands came up to hold his jaw, scruffy and itchy in the most delightful way. Her mouth melded with his as his tongue licked along her bottom lip.
She cherished the way his jaw scratched against hers slightly, sighing when he broke to trail soft kisses down her jaw and the length of her neck. The scratch was enough to make her giggle like a schoolgirl, holding his shoulders. He shot back up, hair slightly wild but nothing compared to his eyes as he looked into hers deeply. He needed to be absolutely certain. There was no time for messing about and hurting anyone.
She smiled. He was so handsome to her, but in an understated way. She took the moment to run a finger on his sculpted jawline, along his freckled cheeks and down his crooked nose. No, not everyone might look at those features and call it handsome. But to her, he was everything. Smart, kind, and good-looking as sin. Her finger fell upon his lips, slightly open and let out harsh breaths as he searched her eyes desperately. Alec always wished he could read expressions better, he was terrified he'd make the wrong decision somewhere down the line.
But Y/N smiled, and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to his nose before taking a step back. Then she toed off her own shoes, shucked off her own jacket, and began to undress.
He followed her lead, removing his shirt and pants. Eventually, they both stood in front of one another naked. Y/N felt that pang of anxiety in her chest at being bare in front of a man. She'd made it very clear to Alec that she found him to be hotter than hell, but did he feel that way about her? She wasn't ugly, she knew that, but she wasn't a showstopper.
And yes, she could see the surprisingly length of him hardening before him. But didn't every man get hard when sex was on the table?
Alec came forward and placed his hands on her hips, pulling her forward as his eyes took in every inch of her. He ran a hand along her stomach - an insecure area for her - and up between her breasts, before settling it on the base of her neck. The simple action left her breathless.
His eyes were still on her body before he brought them up to hers. She was struck by how deep his were, how warm and brown, they seemed to go on forever.
"Look at you," he said hoarsely, his accent suddenly get thicker. "You're gorgeous."
"You think so?" She felt stupid asking it. She should be confident, she should pose seductively and tell him to strap in the way girls do on the telly. But this felt real and raw, and raw didn't shy away from the insecurities. Insecurities laced with cellulite and hair, parts that feel too pudgy there and too concave there. Never quite where it needs to be, never "ugly" enough for the world to tell you you have a right to complain.
"'Course. 'Course, look at you. You think I'm g-good too?" He asked back.
Y/N smiled, "thank you for saying that, most men don't."
"Don't they?" Alec asked in surprise, figuring that was just a part of the experience.
She shook her head and let her gaze trace along his body as well. He was lean and tall, with thin legs and arms wrapped in gentle muscle. His stomach was slightly pouchy and soft, beneath it his length was already hard at the sight of her. She ran a hand up from his stomach to his chest, mimicking his actions, and let it stay on his heart. Beneath her touch it thumped violently. Then she looked up to see his face, her favorite feature. His eyes were warm and gentle even when they didn't mean to be. "All of you is handsome to me, all of you."
He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing, "you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. And if it isn't too crass to say, I'd fuck every inch of you."
It was too crass to say, and even a little cheesy, but it made her blossom with a smile. She threw her arms around his neck and let herself fall into one of his all encompassing kisses she was starting to like the taste of too much. Alec's lips were firm but not overpowering as they engulfed her, setting a tingle from her toes all the way up to her head in a heady giggle. His hands held onto her waist, grasping the flesh there with a sweet intensity. His lips parted with a deep groan.
She walked backwards to the bed, leading Alec until he was over her. His arms were poised by her head, his neck brought down as he peppered open mouth kisses along her neck. She laughed lightly at his scruffy beard, moaning when his lips found the spot between her neck and shoulder that shot straight through her. Y/N writhed under his touch, heat searing her skin. His hands were everywhere, branding her, skating up her waist to grab a handful of her breast, down her back to cup her bum, and feather like fingers traveling over the top of her thighs to the place in between. She gasped as he ran a finger down her slit.
"So wet..." he murmured, not expecting her to be so aroused by him. He'd barely done anything for her, hadn't touched down there at all. Yet she was slick to the touch, heat and arousal. Alec loved the way her chest flushed, her eyes closed tightly as she savored his touch on her skin.
He ran his fingers down, keeping his touch light as he experimentally nudged around. When he found her clit she gasped, her whole body tensing and focusing on the nerves right there against his finger.
"So responsive," he murmured, starting to work gently against her clit as she took shaking, uneven breaths. Alec went to speak again, then stopped. Tess never liked when he spoke in bed, said it distracted her from her climax. So he'd learned to stay silent and focus on his partner's body, her mouth as she fought her body's reaction to grind violently against his fingers. He kissed her sternum, biting at the flesh gingerly. Despite himself, Alec growled into her as she bucked her hips to meet his ministrations.
"Keep talking," she said in a hoarse voice.
"Wot?" Alec asked, taken aback.
Y/N looked up at him, eyes heady with need, "your voice is hot. If it's okay to ask, please keep talking, sir."
Alec grinned his charming, crooked smile. He bent down to kiss along her stomach as he quickened his pace on his clit, driving her faster to a climax then she was used to. That deep Scottish voice rang our praises, some loud enough that she could hear them and clench her thighs, others murmurs against her flesh that made her head feel light and airy. She giggled at the thought of all the beard rash she'd have along her body from him. All the same he told her how well she was doing, how beautiful she was, how lovely she looked squirming underneath him.
Then, as her back began to arch and she could feel the orgasm just a hair's breadth away, he stilled. Y/N whined. Actually felt herself whine in protest. He chuckled, clearly meaning to edge her, using his large hands to keep her legs wide open.
"A-are you ready?" Alec asked, his usual confidence lost to the arousal he was trying to keep at bay for her. His hands were large and warm, holding onto the space between her hips and thighs with a firm yet gentle touch.
Y/N's eyes gazed down to his cock, hard and ready. It looked about ready to burst, but Alec squeezed her thighs to look up into his eyes. They were warm and kind. Asking for consent even in a position like this. It made her all the more sure of her answer.
She reached up for his face, grabbing his jaw and planting a warm kiss on his mouth as he started to guide himself inside of her. He was slow, letting her gasp and adjust to the length inch by inch until he was fully inside of her. Alec paused. She could feel her heartbeat everywhere, pulsing desperately for friction.
She nodded, kissing Alec again. She'd never had a kiss like that, so strong and comforting. Kisses were never her thing, she hadn't understood the fuss over them. Just two sets of lips pressed against one another, the taste of the day infecting it. But with Alec it was more than the cho mein or egg rolls, and it was more than chapped lips pressed against one another. It was full of desire, trying to communicate all that words couldn't. She drank it in fully, gasping against him as he started to move inside of her.
Alec was bigger than she expected and bigger than he was used to, and she wiggled her hips to the feeling of being stretched so full like that. He cherished the feeling of her gasps and moans, dipping to kiss every inch of skin near him.
"So beautiful, so gorgeous..." he thrusted in quickly this time and saw her body tense from surprise. "You're taking me beautifully, Angel."
Y/N could listen to his voice all day. Even before she realized he was far from an ugly bloke, she fancied the way his voice poured over her in sexy waves. Deep, guttural, it was honest and raw. He didn't lie, he didn't cover it with some pretense to be sexy. Even when his voice would break, small gasps from the sensations breaking up his sentences, she found it all the better.
Alec leaned back, not wanting to stop kissing her not wanting to miss the view. He'd pulled her hips down to the edge of the bed, him standing and her legs spread wide and resting on the small of his back. With a gentle pace that started to grow more desperate he thrust into her, watching her body flush and squirm beneath him. Y/N threw her arms up, arching her back to take him deeper. Alec was enamored with the way her breasts bounced with each thrust.
"So fucking beautiful," he grumbled, snaking a hand down to stroke her clit. He could feel that he wasn't going to last as long as he would have liked, but by the way Y/N let out little moans by his feather light touch, he figured she didn't mind all that much.
Y/N was in her own world, feeling his voice slide off her skin like oil as she chased her high. His denial of her orgasm earlier made this one all the more powerful. It seemed to slam into her, causing her to gasp wildly as Alec kept firm ministrations on her clit. Then he too reached his climax, grunting in a low voice before pouring out in a shocking spurt.
Then he pulled out, falling beside her as they both gasped for breath. Y/N quickly ambled out of the bed and used the restroom before she came back in, feeling like her limbs were absolute jelly. Alec brought her back to the bed, laying next to her. His hand held hers, thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand.
"That was incredible," he finally said.
"You could say that again."
"That was incredible." They both paused, turning to look at one another, before bursting into a fit of giggles.
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soundspeachytome · 10 months
dusty and fraulein (shohei ohtani au)
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summary: your asshole cat falls in love with your new next-door neighbor and takes shelter in his front porch while displacing his poor dog, dusty, and a whole lot of chaos in between ensues.
tropes: enemies to lovers, next door neighbor dynamics, dog parent x cat parent, fake dating, small town romance, pure, pure fluff and romance only.
word count: 11.2k
this is far from my original writing style but i hope you have fun reading as much as i had writing this! (if there are any inconsistencies, sorry in advance!)
other notes: i had patterned the two characters loosely after lorelai and luke and stars hollow as the town. *swoon!*
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
You squint through the harsh back light of your phone and see the time: 8:47 AM. It is barely brunch and you hear loud music and conversation from outside your bedroom window. You pull the covers over your head and try to go back to sleep but the sound of a hammer being pounded on wood disrupts your journey back to dreamland. 
It also doesn’t help that your head also feels like someone is drilling it into concrete. For a split second, you wonder why you even let that much alcohol enter your system on a Friday night, and why no one stopped you when you were such a lightweight. You try to remember the events from the night before and then it hits you: you caught your boyfriend–now ex!--sexting with an intern at his office through the messages on his phone. You were not the type to scour through your boyfriends’ phones but it was supposed to be dinner date night with pasta and Sauvignon Blanc when Jack’s phone lit up from the kitchen counter. You were busy preparing cutlery when the phone dinged again. You thought it was important from work and since you had been very open and comfortable with each after a year of dating, taking a peek would not hurt. 
Nothing could have prepared you for what you saw. 
Jack, despite being a successful finance analyst, the smart, bookish type, the one who can compute numbers in his head in about 5 seconds or less, apparently was not smart enough to keep his notifications hidden or at least try and cover them up like a serial cheater would. Not that you  wanted him hiding anything from you, but at that moment, seeing the thirst traps and the disgusting follow-up sexts from his notifications bar were enough for you to hurl his precious PS5 from the fifth floor of his apartment building and leave the crime scene with the wine and pasta in tow. 
You don’t know what happened after because you left while he was still in the shower, his apartment thrashed, with a note which you left that says, “For the record, I faked all my orgasms during our sexy time. Veronica ❤️ seems to love your *mini* performance though! PS. If you’re looking for your PS5, try looking down from the balcony, asshole.”
Love is a lie, you scoffed. You let the remnants of last night’s hurt consume you for a little bit more and cry under the covers. You cried until your eyes tired, until the weight of your head felt heavier than a bowling ball. You thought about staying in bed for a few more minutes when a boisterous laughter interrupted your thoughts. The laugh was followed by incomprehensible sentences. The voice came from a man probably in his late twenties, deep, jovial and friendly. You couldn’t make out the words from this distance but he sounded like he was giving instructions, volume fading in and out every now and then. Then more manly laughter. You didn’t know why but this person had a distinct laugh that you found very pleasant. You wonder somberly if you could laugh like that again. 
You jolted upright and went for the door. You will definitely be happy again soon but first, coffee. 
The best hangover fix is a steaming cup of coffee with a plate of bacon and pancakes. You poured yourself a hot mug of coffee and suddenly felt unstoppable, like you’re actually happy, at least temporarily. The pounding in your head has subsided but the drilling from nextdoor hasn’t. You must have new neighbors, the way you’re seeing movers coming in and out of the moving truck parked outside. You tried to catch a glimpse of this neighbor causing all the ruckus but were unsuccessful as the trees lined beside your porch were covering your line of vision. From behind you, you felt your cat, Fraulein, bump her head on your ankles, purring audibly.
“Looks like the new neighbors woke you up too, huh?” She yawned and continued looking up at you. 
Fraulein, a female American shorthair of three years, stood around nine pounds with her stocky legs and long, proportioned tail. Her fur was a thick orange coat with faint white stripes covering most of her body. She was nameless when you picked her up from the animal shelter. She was barely five months old at that time and despite being smaller than the other cats, she had snuggled up to you when you reached for a pet. When you scratched her head and heard her purr loudly, you knew right then and there that she was the one for you. She was the friendliest, clingiest and most loveable thing you have in your life, and despite her “orange cat personality” as most people had dubbed, you wouldn’t replace her with anything in the world, not even for your hound dog-looking ex, Jack. 
She did a big stretch as you picked her up while you stood idly by the window. As you stared outside, Fraulein’s purring sending you in a trance, you suddenly notice a pair of eyes looking up at you from the front lawn. Those eyes should not be there, and more importantly, the pair of eyes belonged to a dog standing just mere inches from your flowering shrubs, tail wagging. If this dog takes another step, they could ruin the gardenias you’ve been trying to grow. 
You step outside and try to shoo the dog away when it suddenly jumps and barks. 
“Hey! Get away from my garden!” You try to stay calm as the dog continues to bark and come playfully near the shrubs. Your heart sinks when his paw accidentally steps on the stems of your peonies. You’ve been meaning to pluck them this week so you can replace the wilted ones from your vase. 
“Oh my god… Please go away! Shoo!” You desperately waved the dog away but it continued to jump excitedly and roll around, probably thinking you were out there to play. Fraulein, who was still in your arms the entire time, started getting restless and was hissing at the dog’s direction, her untucked claws boring into your skin. That’s when you saw a man, probably over six feet tall, rushing towards the dog. He had thick black hair and the widest shoulders you’ve ever seen. 
“Oh my god, Dusty! What are you doing here…” He put a leash on the dog, whose name was probably Dusty, as you have heard, and carried him with one arm. 
“I’m so so sorry! I was inside the house and I didn’t realize Dusty escaped from his leash.” His big brown eyes complemented well against his slightly tanned skin. With your obvious height difference, you had to look up at him from a distance without hurting your neck. 
“He almost ruined my flowers,” You started to say, eyes still locked in his. If you hadn’t forced yourself to look towards your garden, you would have been sucked into his creamy brown orbs. 
You assessed the garden from the mini scuffle. There was a bit of overturned soil from some of the shrubs, especially from the peonies getting the most damage. The stems have been slightly bent, almost breaking from where it stood. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m sosososorry! I didn’t mean to–I mean, Dusty’s still young, he’s very playful and…” 
“I was planning on cutting them this week, anyway. Your dog has to stay away from my garden, though.” I pointed at the lopsided peonies, almost looking like they have their hands up in the air, waving sideways.
He looked so apologetic that he almost looked like it was his fault. He tightened his grip on his dog, Dusty, who looked so small and well-behaved being cradled by a big-bodied man. Meanwhile, Fraulein has not relaxed one bit after that quick garden mess and had her claws out, clinging to my threadbare sweater.
“Yes ma’am, I’ll keep a tight leash on her. I’m Shohei Ohtani, by the way. We just moved next door, so I guess we’re neighbors now. I’d offer my hand right now, but I’m afraid Dusty would jump out of my grip. ”
Now that you are able to look at his face carefully, you realize that he was fairly handsome. Correctly proportioned face, dreamy brown eyes, and a smile that invited first love butterflies kind of vibe. He was also tall and definitely bulky over that black long-sleeved sweater that was folded up to his elbows. You could tell he dedicates a good amount of time to his body.
“So that explains all this noise so early in the morning.” You say with an almost sarcastic tone of voice. You didn’t mean it and you were willing to forgive them for the morning ruckus but the garden mishap and the mini-heart attack you had for your plants had somehow added to the list of how-to-piss-your-neighbor-on-the-first-day. And you’re really bad at moving past your first impressions of other people. 
“Are all cat people always this cranky in the morning?” He commented cheekily, displaying a playful expression in his eyes. This man named Shohei is trying to get to you and it’s definitely working. For a first conversation, it surely is getting on your nerves to be read so openly, and in your own premises, at that. 
“Excuse me?”
“It’s just an observation. Cat people seemed to be more emotionally charged than dog people.” He said matter-of-factly and continued to smile. He’s handsome but he’s also starting to be annoying as hell. What does he mean by that? Does he want to show off that dog people are better than cat people? 
“Well. If we’re going to talk about stereotypes here then I must say dog people are careless people-pleasers who hogs the attention and only cares about being liked and do not give a rat’s ass on taking up other people’s space and boundaries. I’d also offer to shake my hand but I’m afraid my cat right here might scratch your dog’s face for ruining our morning.” You stared hard at him and slowly backed away, returning to your porch steps.
“Nice to meet you, too, I guess! I would suggest chamomile tea and tone down on coffee!” He waved cheerfully, as he exited the lawn and walked towards his home. You turned your heel and slammed the door shut loud enough for him to hear. Fraulein jumped out of your grip and mewed almost as angrily. She darted toward the kitchen and went out of sight. 
“What a weirdo… If Fraulein doesn’t like him then I don’t have to like him, too.” You muttered to yourself and moved to the bathroom to take a shower. 
You spent your afternoon in the garden, watering and cutting the flowers in full bloom. You wore your oldest t-shirts with a print that says “I Wet My Plants” under your pink square overalls and a sun hat to protect you from the sun. You were listening to your beloved Birdy mix on your headphones as you tended the prettiest flowers in your garden, muting the noise of the world.
I know I was stupid to let what we had go to waste
Why does everything I love always get taken away?
Ghost in the wind calling you to take me home
Ghost in the wind crying, where do I belong?
Can anyone hear me now?
Can anyone hear me now?
“Can you hear me, Y/N?”
You almost jumped out of your skin when a hand touched you lightly in the arm. It was Patrick Sandoval, your high school best friend, and sometimes main supplier of Fraulein’s flea medicine. You forgot that he was visiting today.
“Whoa! Extra jumpy today?” he smiled his Colgate-white smile and cocked his head to the side. “Coffee overload, again?”
Suddenly you remembered what your new neighbor had said during your first encounter this morning. Naturally cranky… Tone down on the coffee… He had no idea to be assuming things like that, not when you had just literally met.
“Jack cheated on me and I was hungover, okay?” You grit your teeth through the mention of your ex. Like the stench of his name made the bile climb up your throat. “I decimated his PS5 into tiny cracked pieces.”
“Oh, shit, man.. I’m proud of you.” He put you in a half-embrace and patted your head. “Do you need me to break his legs for you?”
You giggled, arm still locked around his waist. “No, but I took one of his expensive wines so that evens that out for me, I think. I don’t care.”
Patrick looks at you and wonders if he arrived too late today. He notices the dark bags under your eyes and your puffy face, probably a result of crying all night. He wondered if you had been crying all morning, too. He couldn’t help but lean in and give you a full, bear hug.
“Just let me know if you need us to file a restraining order, babygirl.” You snorted and buried your face under his embrace, thankful for the assurance. Patrick has always been your rock since high school. When your first boyfriend ditched you in prom, Patrick was there to rescue you when he wasn’t initially supposed to go; you ended the night with stomachs full of pizza, sparkling soda and belly laughter.
You and Patrick had been for each other’s rarest moments throughout adulthood: gushing about your first times, your first heartbreaks, getting into college, graduation… you even wondered if both of you are just teetering from the sidelines, waiting for each other to do the first move. You always brush the thought away because to do that means risking your friendship with him. You don’t want to lose him, not even as a friend.
“By the way, I’m just here to drop these medicines for dear ol’ Frau that you asked.” He lifted a paper bag with a cute animal picture and his pet shop name printed across it. Paw and Order.
 “Thanks, Patrick. I could’ve picked them up if you called.” Patrick has been the sole pet doctor in town which contributed solely to his success. Seeing how much people nowadays prefer taking pets instead of bearing children, he took the opportunity to put up his own pet shop and clinic; you and Fraulein have been number one customers ever since.
“It’s my pleasure, milady.” He did an elegant bow, to which I returned a curtsy, and giggled. “I’m also here to let you know that I’ll be on a business trip for two weeks. So this will be sort of my goodbye.”
“What kind of business trip takes two weeks long?” You don’t really want him to leave, especially with the holidays approaching, you had planned to spend it all with him.
“The kind where your father wants you to venture to a new business spot and spend the holidays with him and his new family.” He shrugged and looked at you, hoping you’d stop him from the impending family mess he’s about to go to, but you only scrunched your nose.
“That sucks, man. You’ll miss all the fruitcakes.” 
“I know, dude.” He pouted. “How are Frau's fleas, by the way? Did the medicine work last time?” 
“Sure did, she’s better now. Speaking of which, where is that old hag?” You haven’t seen her since early morning’s commotion. The last time you saw her she was napping by the window of your bedroom.
“Just call me if you notice anything weird. The medicines should be enough while I’m gone.” 
“Leaving already?”
“First thing in the morning, bub.” He said. “I’ll miss you.”
“Frau and I will miss you, too!” And the two of you embraced in another warm hug. When you both pulled back, he helped you pick up the basket of freshly bloomed flowers you had collected for the day and went back inside the house. You had given him the extra jar of lemon iced tea you’ve been saving for a particularly warm day like this. 
It’s been a whole day that you haven’t seen Fraulein. She usually wanders off hours in a day but she always returns by dinner time. You were starting to worry as the sky slowly turned pitch black. The lampposts turn on, illuminating the streets. You turn the porch lights on, too, and leave her bowl of food and water by the doorstep, in case she decides to come home late into the night. 
You wake up to a high-pitched yowling outside. You’re not exactly sure where but you know that sound from anywhere. You bolted down the stairs with your sleeping robe undone and ran towards the lawn. You can’t see anything until you hear it again.
Soon, a dog howls and you run towards Shohei Ohtani’s house.
You see Fraulein perched on top of Shohei’s porch, her entire back arched defensively, ears twitching backwards. She was hissing at Dusty, who was whimpering loudly below the porch steps and looking terrified. In your panic, you run to the lawn to pick Fraulein up.
“Fraulein! What are you doing here?” 
Dusty continued to bark loudly, trying to come near the door where Fraulein stood. She hissed menacingly at him.
At that exact moment, Shohei Ohtani emerged from the front door, yawning and trying to get sleep out of his eyes. 
“Whazhapeninhere?” He yawned, looking clearly disoriented from suddenly waking up.
“Your dog is trying to attack my cat!” I yelled, trying to go near Fraulein but stepped back as Dusty blocked your way. 
Shohei popped awake as soon as he heard Fraulein hiss at Dusty once more; Fraulein arched her back more and raised her claws in defense.
“Whoa, hey!” Shohei ran up to Dusty and cradled him in his arms like a baby. Poor dog was shaking and whimpering.
“Are you sure it’s not your cat trying to attack my baby?” He raised his voice. He was standing a few feet away from you and looked you up and down, noticing your loose sleeping robe and looking away. 
“Poor baby getting scared by a cat,” He cooed silently, helping Dusty relax.
You walked up the porch when Fraulein hissed and scratched your arms when you picked her up. She wriggled from your grasp but conceded defeat when you scruffed her by the neck, immobilizing her. 
“I don’t know what’s happening here, but please stay away from my cat.” You looked at both Shohei and Dusty sternly. He noticed the scratches on your hands.
“You’re bleeding.” He started.
You looked down on your hands and saw visible red scratch marks. They started from the middle of your arm all the way to the back of your hand.
“I’m fine.” You huffed, trying to walk away as fast as possible. You don’t know what time it was, but it could easily be past midnight. 
“No, wait. Please, I have antiseptic soap inside…” He rushed towards the house, when he looked back and saw you frozen on the steps, he beckoned you and disappeared inside. “Come on.”
You stood there for a moment and contemplated if you should follow Shohei inside. You barely know the guy and every encounter you’ve had with him always ended in a screaming match or a passive-aggressive exchange. He might even be an ax murderer for all you know. A very handsome one, at that. 
“Frau, if something happens to me, please know that I love you.” You held her near your face. “Third drawer by the sink is where I kept all your catnip”. You whispered to her ear and walked towards Shohei Ohtani’s home.
Shohei Ohtani’s home was, first of all, very clean. It did not reek of anything a dog owner normally would smell like. It had the occasional puppy toys around the living room, but much to your surprise, it was spotless. It also smelled like sweet rose and laundry detergent. You also discovered that just like you, he lives alone. 
Shohei had put Dusty inside a retractable gate to keep him safe from Fraulein as you put her down on the floor. He busied himself looking for his first aid kit. You don’t notice any other pictures on display except him and Dusty and one with his complete family on the refrigerator door. 
His tall frame reappears and he pulls you towards the kitchen sink. You soak your arms under the water and he hands you the antiseptic soap.
“Thanks,” You mumbled. He never left your side and waited until you finished rinsing off, then took your arm and put cream on the scratch marks. He was standing unbelievably close, you could almost see his long eyelashes as he had his head down, concentrating on his self-appointed task. 
He also had his other hand holding you tight, as if to make sure you won’t run off suddenly. 
“I have these at home, you know.” You trained your eyes on his fingers dabbing cream. Don’t look at his arm veins, Y/N. Don’t look at them. Don’t look. Don’t.
“Oh, gee. Why didn’t I think of that?” He mused to which you rolled your eyes. Once again, the magic had worn off. 
“Do you really have to sound sarcastic all the time?”
“C’mon, lighten up.  Besides, it happened on my property so I feel partially responsible–even if it was your cat’s fault.” He shrugged.
You coughed at his accusation. “Fraulein does not instigate fights. She is well-mannered and prim all the time, thank you very much.” You pulled your cream-covered arm away from him. Just then, you notice Fraulein bumping her head on Shohei’s legs, mewling softly.
“How would you then explain the fact where your cat steals Dusty’s bed from the front porch?” He said, crossing his arm, Fraulein on the other hand, was still headbutting Shohei on the legs.
“Oh, she did not.” You retorted. Why would she steal someone’s fray-looking bed when she has her beautiful beige 2-condo tree tower with a capsule nest and dangling balls and a charming basket-weave style oval bed at home? It didn’t make sense. “She only sleeps in the beds I bought her.”
Shohei gives you a funny look and fishes his phone from his pocket. “Well, you’re in for quite a shock, I guess.”
He shoves the phone to you after tinkering with it for a while. “That’s your cat at 30:56 right?”
You look closely, a bit disoriented at what he was trying to show you. CCTV recorded footage of his porch outside where his dog, Dusty, was sitting in his dog bed, playing with his puppy chew ball, when suddenly, you saw Fraulein enter the frame from the left. 
“It doesn’t show anything.” You impatiently looked on, disbelief and denial dripping from you. 
“Oh just you wait.” 
Fraulein was moving slowly, watching Dusty and his toy. A few minutes pass by, the video captures Shohei exiting the front door and Dusty follows him playfully, at which, the dog bed was obviously vacated, and Fraulein took the opportunity to lay on it. 
Shohei cops the phone away and crosses his arms across his chest. “The court finds the defendant guilty.”
It took you a moment but gasped dramatically at the realization. “Was she here the entire day yesterday? Napping on your dog’s bed?” You looked at Fraulein with sheer disapproval. “Fraulein von Hammersmark, that is not how female felines behave.”
Shohei stifled a laugh. He was leaning over his stomach and ears red. “Relax. I don’t mind at all. I think Dusty does, though.” He picks up Fraulein calmly and gives her  scratches on her head. Fraulein purrs loudly. 
“She has been napping here all day since morning and seems to enjoy watching her new neighbor work out in the front lawn.” 
You grimaced, making sure you showed him your disgust. “Ew, weird flex but okay.”
Dusty whimpers as he looks at the scene from outside his gate. You walk over and give him a light pat on the head. “Dusty, blink once if you need help.” 
“Oh, please.” He giggles. “I’m not the weird one for naming my cat Fraulein von Hammersomething.” Shohei returns Fraulein to you, your arms touching, his head closer to yours momentarily. 
“Y/N. I wonder what the weather is on your side. You want to wear something warmer than that?” He pointed at your loose sleeping gown, your legs showing a little bit of your thigh. A little more movement and the knots would dangerously slip out of your waist and reveal your lingerie. 
“Pervert.” You instinctively covered your chest and ran back home, arms carrying Fraulein and the weight of shame for being almost half-naked inside a strange man’s house. 
The next few days after that incident were spent with writing articles for an obscure lifestyle website and your part-time work at the bookstore in town, Novel Nook. You ride a 30 minute bus ride to the town square everyday for work and wait 15 minutes in line to grab a cup of coffee from the coffee shop beside it. It doesn’t feel like work at all because you are always surrounded by the books that you love. It took you a long time to realize that working 9-5 in an office cubicle with ugly fluorescent lighting was deteriorating your mental headspace and when your mom passed, you jumped the gun and submitted your intent to resign.
You removed all the baggage you kept from the city and only brought the ones that mattered to you: your cat, your big books, some pretty clothes you never wore in the city but are wearing freely and confidently now, and your memories of your mom. You flew seven thousand miles back home to the place you were meant to be all this time, and you couldn’t be happier and more content. 
You were walking sluggishly back home from a tiring day at work at Novel Nook where two teenagers fought for the last copy of The Hurricane Wars and it took all your energy to de-escalate before they could start pulling each other’s hair. You can’t wait to kick your boots back, hug Fraulein and maybe continue reading a book. 
Your house is on the opposite side of the bus stop so you always (almost begrudgingly) have to pass by Shohei’s house every time. Sometimes it would be quiet with Dusty playing alone on the porch, or Shohei having a barbecue and would always cheerfully waving at you while you just give him a brief nod. Recently, you’ve grown accustomed to seeing Fraulein hanging out in his place more often than you have imagined. She’s like a teenage girl rebelling against her overbearing mother, hanging out with the wrong crowd. After that incident with Dusty, she has claimed dominance on his bed, Shohei had no choice but to buy a new one for his poor dog, while Fraulein smugly walks around in her new territory. 
You had developed some sort of weird neighbor-dynamic with Shohei after that. On days Fraulein had to take her medicine shots that Patrick had given you, you’d walk towards his house and pick her up like some sort of pet daycare. Shohei likes to call it “daddy daycare” as if you’re two divorced parents and he is the cool dad that all the kids love hanging with while you’re the uptight, overbearing mother with full custody and all, that the kids hate. 
“Fraulein, your mom’s here.” Shohei said one day, looking up from his laptop which was perched on the table he had set up on his porch, sitting adjacent to Fraulein. Dusty was chewing on his toy, as usual, and perked up a welcome upon seeing you. 
Fraulein stands and stretches her back and sits back again resting on Shohei’s foot, to which Shohei smirks almost smugly. “She loves her dad more, it seems.”
You roll your eyes and pick up Fraulein. “Stop calling yourself her dad before I burn your house down.”
“Ooh, an arsonist for a neighbor. That’s so sexy, Y/N.” He looked you up and down and wiggled his eyebrows. “You’re too cute to go to jail, though. How about going out with me instead?”
“Piss off. C’mon, Fraulein, time for medicine.” You turned and walked back to your home, trying to keep a straight face at the being called cute with Shohei. You’re too cute. You made the mistake of looking back as you turned to your corner and saw Shohei grinning at you.
This day would be no different as you passed by Shohei’s house today and saw Fraulein napping at the exact same place on his porch. He was working out doing ab crunches on the ground. You decided today, you wouldn’t dare to go on another episode of sarcasm battle with Shohei and go straight home. He was wearing workout clothes of course, with his gym shorts and sleeveless shirt, for all the temptations in the world, this one, you had proudly resisted and warded off like the devil. 
You found Dusty on your lawn, sitting by the patch of grass far from your flowers, thankfully, and staring far ahead into the direction of your home. You patted him and tried to get his attention. Ever since being displaced by Fraulein, he had been giving you frequent visits and play in your yard and you’d give him treats from your secret stash.
“Hey, bud. Were you waiting for me?” He ignored you and continued to look on.
By the door, you can see a tall black figure standing, unmoving. It was a man in a black suit with hands in his pockets. When he turns around, you see a familiar face.  
“No,” You whispered. Jack smiles at you and waves, as if nothing had happened almost a month ago. As if he was just returning from a business trip. Like cheating on you was nothing.
You started panicking and heaving heavily. Dusty senses your fear and barks at Jack when he slowly walks over to you. 
Dusty continued to growl and bark at Jack while you tried to move backward, feet heavy like lead. 
“Stop, don’t come near me, Jack.” you struggled.
“Y/N, I’m here to apologize, for whatever happened, for whatever it made you feel.” He was still slowly walking towards you, eyeing Dusty carefully.
“We have nothing to talk about anymore, Jack. It’s over, in case you forgot.”
“I said come here, you bitch.” He growled. 
At this point, you only realized you were shaking terribly when a hand wrapped on your shoulder, calming you down.
“Are you okay?” It was Shohei’s voice and you have never felt so relieved to hear his voice. You weakly put your arm around his waist and leaned on him. You were still shaking badly, from the exhaustion, or the fear, you couldn’t tell. 
“Is everything okay?” Shohei acknowledges Jack who stopped at around five feet from where you were. 
“We were just discussing something… private.” Jack shifts his eyes between you and Shohei, who was sizing him up and down. Between Shohei, who stood over six feet tall, bulky, and ripped, and Jack, just around five foot nine, body somewhat lean and lanky, Jack didn’t stand a chance. 
Realizing this, you found more comfort and confidence in your plan. You looked up to see Shohei still trying to converse with Jack while keeping a firm arm around you. 
“Shohei.” He looked at you cautiously and tightened his grip on your shoulder. 
Please promise me that you won’t get mad at what I’m about to do.
“What is it, Y/N? Who is this guy?” he said.
“He’s my ex who I want nothing to do with.” He straightened his back but you pulled him by the neck so you could whisper in his ear.
“I’m so sorry, Shohei.” 
“I’m not sure I understand–” He tilted his head in confusion. Jack starts moving forward again, looking almost pissed by just looking at you and Shohei. 
With Shohei still leaning forward, you desperately grabbed his cheeks and pecked him square on the lips. 
Shock induces both Shohei’s and Jack’s faces when you pull back, eyes focused on Jack and hoping to God he’d get the message. Wild red alarms blared and rang loudly in your head, you just kissed Shohei, your hot and annoying neighbor! You just kissed him! You ignored this and focused on the problem at hand. 
“He’s my boyfriend, Jack. Please leave now–” 
Shohei recovers from his shock and kisses you back in bigger, wider and longer strokes of his tongue. The tremors in your body shook harder and you felt your limbs melt into a puddle of water. Shohei’s big warm hands were there to catch you as your knees unbuckled. 
You kissed back and forgot everything that was happening in the background. Dusty barking, Jack’s shell-shocked face, the vehicles passing by the street witnessing your spectacle. You ignored all of this and focused on the way Shohei holds on to your body from your neck, to your back until it rests to the back of your waist, gripping tight, his firm and taut body pressing hard onto you, and his lips sliding over yours so smoothly, stimulating all the senses in your tongue and mouth. 
You don’t know how many seconds passed when you stayed inside that bubble but when you both pulled back for air, Jack was no longer there and Dusty had stopped barking. Instead, he just sat quietly on the ground, waiting for you to finish. 
You stared at Shohei and you stared back at him. Your hand was still on his neck, half-gripping the nape. You slowly let go and pull away. It’s always after the sin that you feel the shame and guilt. 
He doesn’t let go and instead takes you by the shoulder. “Come inside first and we’ll talk.”
You nod wordlessly and follow his lead. You couldn’t walk properly anyway, so you didn’t want to fight back. Your knees felt like jelly and your brain full of fog. That was hot, you thought, but also very wrong.
You sat at Shohei’s dining table chugging a glass of water. By the time you finished, he sat there in front of you and continued looking at you intensely.
In your post-kiss and post-Jack clarity, you’re now too embarrassed to admit the way you handled that situation. But Shohei, being Shohei, seemed unfazed. For the most part, he found it amusing to be part of your ex-boyfriend escape plan, of all the people. 
“A man never listens to a no,” You were too focused on the rim of the glass. You want to look anywhere but Shohei’s mouth. “And I was desperate for him to get away… so I did.. That.”
“Y/N, you were trembling out there. What exactly has he done to you?” He removed the glass from your grip and made you focus on him.
“He… I… He’s an asshole when he gets angry. And I was just scared I wouldn't be able to refuse him. I don’t want him anymore.”
“For someone as arrogant and snappish as you, that’s pretty hard to believe.” You rolled your eyes at him and smirked, lips looking luscious and fuller than the last time. 
“Look, I was probably having a panic attack back there, and I’m okay now, see?” You spread your arms widely, faking a smile at him. You’d like this conversation to end so you could run back to your house and ram your head to the wall. The more you stay in Shohei’s presence, the more embarrassed you feel about wanting and enjoying that kiss. You did. You do. And you want more. 
“I wanted an easy way out, you happened to be there and I grabbed the moment.” You rambled on. “And that kiss, it was just a one-time thing.”
“A one-time thing?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, it was a mistake. We don’t even like each other to kiss, so we can forget about it.”
“Is that right?” His lips curled into a smirk.
“Yes, tomorrow, we act like it never happened, okay?” You stood up and started collecting yourself. You hang by the door and look back, Shohei had his arms crossed against his chest, staring at you. 
“I don’t know, Y/N. That seems pretty unforgettable to me.”
The following morning, you woke up early to visit the farmer's market to replenish your cupboard. You wore black tights over your long beige dress and a gray cardigan. You put your hair down in loose waves today and replaced your contacts with your old prescription eyeglasses. 
Sprawled in front of you were tents and tables of farmers and sellers of freshly harvested fruits and vegetables to your heart’s content. Almost everyone you knew from town was there on a bright day like this. You said your hellos and some, who were avid customers of Novel Nook, asked about the new book releases. Since it is a fairly small town, it is inevitable to spot the ones that you direly wanted to avoid. For example, your ex-boyfriend Jack. 
He was standing one tent away and seemed to just idly window-shopping. You put your head down and try not to meet his gaze or look at his direction as you busy yourself looking through a good bunch of tomatoes. 
“Hey, Y/N.” You put your guard down and suddenly he is in front of you. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Trying to… buy some tomatoes?” He sneered, holding a tomato in his hand. “I don’t see your boyfriend around.”
“I…He’s… Can you please stop following me?” Cold sweat ran through your spine as he noticed you fumble, noticing your lie. 
“Lest you forget, I live here, too.” 
“Not in this side of town, you don’t.” You walked away with the bag of tomatoes you purchased. You moved quickly and avoided the throng of people that was starting to build up. 
“I just want us to talk… Y/N. You didn’t give me a chance to explain yesterday.” He continued to follow you, hands behind his back. He was obviously not there to buy tomatoes. 
“I don’t want to see you anymore. Leave me alone or I’ll call the police.” You looked at him sternly, hand gripping tightly on the basket you were holding. One false move and you just might smash his head with a whole pineapple. 
“No boyfriend to come save you now?” Jack chuckled. 
“There you are.” A familiar voice sprung up from behind, and a hand snaked around your waist. Shohei was suddenly beside you, holding on to his own basket of shopping bags.  “I was looking all over for you. Look, I got you blueberries for the cake you were planning to bake. ”
Shohei pinched your sides and smiled, nodding at you to play along with his little act. You forced a wide smile and said, “Wow, yes. You remembered, love? Thank you.”
You both turned to Jack who had a repulsed expression on his face. He coughed up and tried to get back his composure, but it was too late as both of you were already walking away. Shohei did not let go of you even until you turned a corner. You couldn’t care less about shopping anymore as you worried about running into Jack again.
“It looks like your ex is adamant on following you around.” He whispered to your ear, looking back and seeing Jack following far behind. “Care to give him a show, love?” 
You widen your eyes as you realized what was about to happen. 
He moves his head closer to yours and locks you in a wet kiss. He pushed deeper into the kiss when you unconsciously opened your mouth and let him in, mouth and tongue. The smell of clean detergent mixed with a little bit of vanilla filled your lungs, slapping you drunk. The second kiss was just as good as the first. 
Shohei suddenly pulls back from the kiss and offers his hand, and continues walking along like he hadn’t sucked the air out of your body.
For a few more tents, you and Shohei walked around hand in hand in the cold morning, picking fruits and vegetables like your typical neighborhood couple. Many onlookers saw the two of you eating from the free taste section, or arguing about the right vegetable size to buy, or just happily chatting with his hand not letting you go. 
“Shohei, I think Jack’s no longer around.” You motion for him to let go of your hand. 
“Aw, I thought we weren’t acting anymore, the way you were kissing me back there.” He smirks and lets go of your hand, missing his warmth already. 
“I’m only letting your hand go because you look like you’re going to topple over with how heavy this basket is.” He took your groceries from you and led the way. Since you’re practically almost living together, you have no choice but to walk with him awkwardly. 
“Thank you, Shohei.” You said quietly, walking feebly behind him.
“Didn’t catch that, love. What–” He wheels around and stops himself after realizing what he said, the tips of his ears turning red. You tried to keep a straight face but failed as both of you got caught in the moment. 
“Don’t get used to it.” You giggled and skipped your steps, leaving him to carry all the shopping bags he refused to let you carry. 
You were slowly settling down for the night with a movie on and a bowl of buttered popcorn when you heard a faint knock on the door.
Shohei was standing outside with his hands in the pockets of his checkered pajama pants. On his feet seems to be a brand new pet backpack carrier.
“Special delivery for one order of queen of meowtown, clingy and fuzzball Fraulein!” He beamed and pointed at the carrier. Fraulein was sitting relaxedly inside. 
“Don’t be shocked or anything but I accidentally bought two of these.” He pointed at the carrier. “I-I thought you’d like to have one for Fraulein. You don’t have to accept it i-if you…”
You smiled as he stammered on. “This looks really cute, I love it.”
Shohei smiled widely and helped push the carrier to your living room. “Then I'll give this as a gift!”
“It would be improper to receive a gift like this...”
“I refuse to accept no, Y/N. Take it please.”
You wanted to mull over it, let it marinate in your head and see what happens but ever since the first two kisses you shared with him, Shohei has been… extra friendly recently. And you were not that kind of “friend”. Whenever you pass his house, he’d go out of his way and talk to you before you walk away. Asking you questions if you’re on the way to the farmer's market, or if you’re on your way to work, if you want to join him for a run. He’s been attentive and you’re not sure what exactly this dynamic has evolved into. You feel uncomfortable about the attention you’re receiving but at the same time, you feel it in your chest and in your stomach and at the tips of your fingers. The fluttering. The tremors and the shakiness of breaths. It’s always there when he’s there. 
“Okay, fine. I’ll take it. But no more other gifts, okay!” You opened the carrier to let Fraulein out who walked idly away and climbed into her tree tower. 
Shohei smiled, nodding. He was about to leave the door when you pulled the sleeve of his shirt. 
“Wait. Um.”
He stepped back and looked inquiringly. You held up a photo from your phone to his face: it was you and Shohei on the day you went to the farmer’s market, holding hands while looking at freshly picked flowers. Shohei’s eyes squinted with laughter, looking intently at you while you were captured trying to explain something trivial. It was quite a beautiful shot sent to you by a cousin who was good at photography. More than that, if you were a stranger looking at a random photo like this, you’d think you were happily in love, and the thought made your chest flutter. 
“It’s quite a small town so it didn’t come as a shock to me when people started noticing whatever this was.” Shohei was still looking at the photo, a small smile drawn on his lips. 
“My mom’s side of the family is setting up a brunch this weekend. I usually bring Patrick to this but they wanted to meet you so…” You trailed.
You coughed and took the phone away. “It’s just a small group of people. And we can always say we broke up after three months or something.”
He cocked his head, looking confused. “Are we still doing the pretending thing with your family?”
“Yeah, I mean. We don’t like each other like that, right? We can just say it didn’t work out after three or four months. They usually move on pretty quickly from the guys I date.”
“Let me get this straight, Y/N.” He said slowly, the Adam’s apple on his throat went up and down as he swallowed. “You want to introduce me to your family as your fake boyfriend on your family brunch.”
You affirmed. “Yes.”
“And we’re going to cook up a reason to break up.”
“And you said we don’t really like each other that much.”
“Not one bit”
“When we already had two kisses.”
“And went on a date in the farmer’s market walking around while holding hands. We kissed twice.”
“It  wasn’t a date.”
“It was to me.” He muttered.
“It was because you were helping me with Jack, remember?”
Shohei sighed exasperatedly, his mood darkened. “Pssh, yeah, whatever. Text me the details. G’night.” He scooted to leave and just like that you were left all alone in a confused daze in your living room. 
You spent too much time tossing and turning on your bed that night. The voices in your head and the whispers in your heart having an ongoing debate about what had happened a few hours before. 
Shohei was extremely happy, almost beaming like a kid when he brought you his gift but his expression changed after you had the conversation about your family brunch. Maybe you can sit it out this year and make up an excuse that both you and Shohei couldn’t attend? Seasonal allergies? Car getting mauled? Someone’s pet dying? Gods, no. You internally smack yourself for even being near to the thought of either your pets dying, not when they’re the closest thing you have as your best friend and family. You believe Shohei believes that, too. 
And why would Shohei become upset when you proposed the idea of a fake relationship with your family? You started this whole mess and it’s slowly getting out of hand, you want to nip it in the bud so it won’t have to hurt that much later on. It was just a one-time thing, an escape plan until Jack gets out of your hair, then both of you can live as freely as you had before. 
Besides, Shohei doesn’t like you to be that upset. Does he? He’s just a neighbor who likes joking around and annoying you whenever he gets the chance. He also just so happens to be a neighbor that Fraulein spends a lot of time on, he’s just someone to you until recently. 
You touch your fingers on your lips. That kiss shouldn’t mean anything to you because maybe Shohei doesn’t think about it that much either. He’s probably had a good number of girls that he’s kissed with that mouth. Given how good those kisses were, his expertise was undeniably top notch. You’ve never had anything like that before. A kiss that makes your insides tremble with need, almost fairytale like. Something close to what Mia Thermopolis had fantasized before her royal engagement with Nick Devereaux, a kiss that makes your leg pop. That’s what it was. A leg-popping, heart-fluttering, soul-defining kind of a  kiss that you’ll ask for more.
But as much as you want this all for yourself like the next person, you just had your heart broken by Jack. Jack who had promised you the moon and the stars, and a beautiful, dreamy, family with your pets. He had you swooning and dreaming about forever. It was all perfect until that fateful date and the cheating. It hurts to realize that no matter how much you love and do better for a person, they will always look for ways to look at other people. The idea of getting into a relationship right away after what happened with Jack is preposterous at this point. The trust and self-confidence Jack broke is something you want to piece together yourself first. Even if it meant being alone for a couple of months, or years. Who knows.  
You tossed to your side once again, feeling the sleep finally get to you. You dozed off soaking under the thoughts of kittens and kissing a tall man with contagious laughter. 
Shohei was filling Fraulein’s food and water bowl dutifully as you had asked, waiting for you to finish preparing for the family brunch in the living room. He had finally succumbed and agreed to go with you as your fake boyfriend, despite his initial feelings towards the arrangement. He still doesn’t understand what was going through your head but he nevertheless had stopped bringing it up. He realized that the more he asked, the more you pushed back and retreated into the dark. He decided that he’d wait for you to soften up. You always do. 
And that’s how the two of you went back to being friendly with each other. 
He was sitting on your living room couch with Fraulein, brushing her fur with his fingers. Just another territory she had claimed: Shohei’s lap. 
“Shohei, help please!” You ran down the stairs, all dolled up. You put your hair down again, this time, you kept it naturally soft and straight. You also donned a yellow sundress that hugged your body, showing off your natural curves. The hems of the skirt go loose from the thighs down. 
“Can you help me zip this up, please?” You said so casually. When you turned around and showed Shohei your bare, unzipped back, he swallowed hard. 
He held your waist lightly and zipped your back slowly, as if taking his time to gape at the bareness of your skin exposed for him. When his breath touched your neck, you felt goosebumps pop. 
“Let’s go.” You smiled too widely for him, trying to act like the oxygen in your house has not depleted. 
Shohei was a hit with your cousins during brunch. Turns out that all of them share the same interests in baseball and baseball teams. They were passionately chatting on one side of the garden area while you helped your Aunt Olivia set up the table.
“He’s quite the personality, Y/N.” She mused.
“Wherever did you find a man like that, Y/N?” Your cousin Evelyn commented, staring back. “Woot, what a view.”
You smiled and looked at Shohei socializing with your family. The moment the two of you entered Aunt Olivia’s home, everyone stared in awe. After introductions were made, Shohei made connections pretty quickly with his bubbly personality. You can also hear his occasional booming laughter from their group.
You were on your way to the kitchen when a hand on your waist suddenly pulled you from behind. Shohei led you to the empty pantry and pushed you back to the wall, his hands up on the wall and caging you.
“Hi.” He looked deep into your eyes, like he was looking for something. “Anyplace in this house, we are pretending, yes?”
“Yes, the moment we stepped out of the car. We are boyfriend and girlfriend.” You confirmed.
“Even here?” His lips shadowed lightly on yours, nose grazing yours. 
“Uhm. Yes.” You breathed and that would be your last breath for a while as Shohei kissed you full on the mouth. 
He kissed you frantically, with need and fervor. You put your hands over his shoulders and his hands reached the back of your leg, putting it over his waist. You stifled a moan as he bit your neck and peppered your chest with small kisses. You can’t help but push your hips forward and roll it against his. 
You broke apart like a deer in headlights when you heard footsteps nearby. You pushed Shohei and straightened your clothes. You wiped Shohei’s lipstick-stained mouth and ran away as fast as you could. Shohei, who was as kiss-hungry and love drunk as you were, could only smirk at your retreating form. 
During brunch, you sat with Aunt Olivia on your right and Shohei, by default, on your left side. You were trying to make conversation about the current weather news report while eating your plate of mashed potatoes, all while trying to avoid any contact with Shohei. 
He noticed you have been avoidant after the hot makeout session in the pantry. He put a hand on your thigh under the table, pinching it with reassurance.
“Are we good, Y/N?”
You nodded wordlessly and smiled at him. Something about the way Shohei’s attentiveness always hits you to your core. You’ve never felt this so cared for before that it’s almost bewitching. 
The party started getting up and divided: your aunts and uncles dancing happily on one side, your cousins taking selfies on the other. Meanwhile you and Shohei were left sitting comfortably by the dining table, enjoying the sweet ambiance of everyone around you. 
You held his arm gingerly, almost seductively when you felt his hard muscles from his shirt. A few moments ago, you had almost stripped him naked in the pantry with all of your aunt’s condiments as your audience.
“Why are you so toned? What are you working out for?” You said jokingly, pressing on his biceps in amazement.
“I’m preparing for the next man who tries to steal you.” He leaned in and whispered in your ear. You giggled. 
“No one can take me away from you!” You whispered back, resting your head on his shoulder. You were on your third glass of wine and it isn’t noon yet. You feel tipsy and giggly in the comfort of Shohei’s strong arms. 
“And this is a toast to our new couple, Y/N and Shohei, may this relationship be longer than the last one.” Uncle Ben bellowed, attracting laughter from the rest of the family. They clinked their glasses and toasted for the nth time today. 
You raised your own glass and sipped your wine. 
“Don’t mind them, they’re always like that when I bring a guy to brunch.”
He caressed your thigh and wanted to push the button. “Which guys?”
“Hm? Oh just Jack and Patrick. Although Patrick doesn’t count, because he’s my bestie.” Shohei looked at you and wondered who Patrick may be. He felt a bubbling feeling at the pit of his stomach. Is he jealous? Angry? That he wasn’t the first person you introduced to your family. He shrugged it off. This is just all an act, anyway. Get your shit together, man.
“This may be my favorite brunch ever.” You concluded, finishing the last few drops of your wine. Shohei stole the glass from your hand and replaced it with his. 
“The weather is perfect, the food is great, all of my mom’s family is here. And I don’t feel alone… thanks to you.” You traced circles on the back of Shohei’s palm with your thumb. 
“Why don’t we end this with a bang, Y/N?”
Shohei’s smile invites you to a peck on the lips. He held the back of your head and gently kissed you deeply, slowly this time. You don’t resist and he doesn’t let go. You hear cheers from the background as you kiss softly. Shohei kisses you for the last time today with the hopes that it removes the uncertainty in your mind. That when he kisses you better this time, it would change your mind. He prays to all the gods that would listen.
You melt into the moment and hope it never ceases, because you go back to normal after it ends. After today, you and Shohei will be two separate people once again. And that hurts the deeper parts of you without you realizing it. 
Shohei escorted you back home after the brunch. You rode in complete silence all the way. You really really didn’t want it to end but you also didn’t want to drag Shohei into a life that you’re not a hundred percent sure of yet. 
“Thank you for the ride.” You hung back at the entrance and Shohei waited, hoping you’d say something more. “Thank you for everything you’ve done.”
He sighed. “Wait, Y/N. Is that it?”
“What do you mean?” 
“Are we just gonna go back to the way it was now that you’re done pretending?” He said almost angrily. 
“Well, that’s the plan, isn’t it?”
“That’s your plan. I don’t want this to end. Did you ever wonder why I had agreed to it without asking anything in return? Because I didn’t need to pretend at all. It was all real to me.”
You stood there dumbfounded at the sudden outburst of confession from him. You thought Shohei would be more than willing to go back to his old,  uninvolved life with you. But he was right. You never once stopped to think why he was more than willing to help you get away from Jack, or to help you lie in front of your family. 
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking properly when I asked you this…” You blink back tears forming. 
Shohei walks up to you and rests his hands on your shoulders. “I don’t want this to end. Do you?”
“I’m not sure I’m ready for all of this, Shohei.” You squeaked, finally finding your voice. 
“You’re the most attentive, thoughtful, and sincerest man I’ve ever been blessed to meet. Even I get breathless thinking how lucky I’d be if I let you in…
“This whole fake dating thing was a mess. I shouldn’t have dragged you into my problems.”
“Y/N. Please don’t shut me out. Let me in, I’d go to the trouble of warding off your ex-boyfriend if I need to. I’ll be here for whatever.” Shohei begged. You shook your head firmly.
“I’m not ready yet, Shohei. I loved every moment I have spent with you, but I need to be with myself for now.” 
Shohei dropped his hands to his sides and stepped back, his eyes glistening with tears. 
“See you around, then.”
You watched him walk away until he disappeared into his home. You closed your door and plopped down on the floor. The tears that you were holding back came gushing out, and finally you were bawling. You didn’t cry this hard when Jack cheated on you but when you saw Shohei walking away because of your own doing, you felt like your world had collapsed. You wept until there were no tears left to cry, until the only pain you have left to bear was the hollowness of what Shohei left. You crawled into a ball by the door, clothes unchanged, makeup running down your face. Fraulein snuggles up to you minutes after, sharing her warmth.
Looks like it's just you and me again, Fraulein. 
In the next couple of weeks, you would rise early to tend to your plants, volunteer additional hours in Novel Nook so you could get home later than usual, and avoid the farmer’s market. You added wearing a baseball cap or large hats as a new fashion ensemble to steer away from eye contact at the risk of bumping into Shohei. The thing  is, your efforts to avoid him were reduced to nil as you bumped into him everywhere you went. When you throw out the trash as early as five o'clock in the morning, he’d be there, warming up or jogging on your path.  When you went to the farmer's market later than usual, he was also there doing after-rush hour shopping. Even administering Fraulein’s medicine time was an arduous task seeing that she still hangs around Shohei’s porch, not understanding your human conflict and emotions towards each other. 
There are days when you feel better and the sun is shining, but there are also moments when you catch yourself at the brink of a breakdown. It takes a while for the loneliness to settle in like an unwanted guest, creeping over your shoulder, sometimes hugging you at night. It wasn’t this hard before you met Shohei, so how was it different now?
“All good, Y/N?” You lost your train of thought at the voice of Aunt Olivia. You couldn’t bear the loneliness and the quiet of your home that you packed your stuff and stayed for a week’s worth of vacation. She joined you in the indoor kitchen table, where you were having your mid-afternoon coffee. 
“Boy problems?” she suggested. One look from you and she already knew. 
“Aunt Liv, how do you know if you’re ready to love again?” You said after a moment of silence. 
“You don’t.” She smiled and cupped your hands. “You fuck around then find out.”
She chuckled to herself. “You remind me so much of your mom. She was always scared of trivial matters, like falling in love.
“But when she had a good taste in it, she never looked back.”
Aunt Liv has always been fond of her little sister. Your mom. And hearing these words from her, reminiscent of how she had been when she was your age, twinged at your heart a little bit. 
“I’m not the one who’d pry on your relationships, Y/N. But he’s a keeper, that boy. I thought he was joking at first, but he seems to be serious about it.”
You knitted your eyebrows together. “What do you mean by that?”
“He said something when I got him alone that day. He’d said, you were tougher than a potato under hot water. But he’s willing to wait for you to soften up no matter how hot it gets.”
Leave it to Shohei to drop potato metaphors to your relatives on their first meeting. 
“When a man like that comes around, I won’t ever let him go. You’re lucky if you ever meet the same kind of man twice.”
You pondered on about Aunt Liv’s advice for the rest of the day; by nighttime, you felt an epiphany dawn upon you. The next day, you packed up and went home earlier than you had planned. 
“Go get him, bubba.” Aunt Liv wished you luck. You’ll need all the luck you can get and hope it wasn’t too late. 
It took you approximately an hour to get home by taxi, the car zigzagging across the street. 
You don’t know why you were rushing. He wasn’t going anywhere, not to your knowledge. He will always be right where you left him but something inside you was telling you that a second more that you’re away from home, and you’d lose him. 
You were trying to catch your breath as you ran on your side of the street when you bumped into Shohei leaving your front lawn, a pail and shovel over his shoulders.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” He was covered in dirt from the knee up, his white shirt sticking to his body and full of sweat. He looked a little shocked and panicked at being caught mid-exit from your garden. 
“I should ask you the same question. What were you doing in my lawn?” You tried to take a peek but Shohei covered your path with his wide body. “Did you bury a body there?”
“I think that’s a good idea for your fertilizer, Y/N!” He seemed a little agitated and making offbeat jokes to distract you. 
“Step away. What did you do to my garden?” You pushed him with all the adrenaline coursing through you and jogged towards your front lawn, expecting a murder crime scene or worse, a decaying garden. 
Instead, you saw hundreds of tulips in different shades and colors spread all throughout your garden. Purple and yellow tulips lined up the path towards your home. Red and pink tulips danced in the background, swaying every time a soft breeze brushed through. 
“You’re not supposed to see it yet. I thought you’d be back tomorrow night.” Shohei said, rubbing the nape of his head, embarrassed at being caught.
“You remembered when I said… At the farmer’s market…” You stammered.
“Yes, you went on and on about how much you love tulips.” You suddenly remembered the photo before the brunch party. How Shohei was looking fondly at you as he listened to you rambling on about something trivial. It wasn’t trivial to him because it was important to you. And he remembered. 
You turned around and faced him. You held out a hand and wiped a bit of sweat off of his face. “Did you do all of this… on your own?”
He nodded shyly. “That’s not all, though.” He whistled and called Dusty.
“You’re the most stubborn and one hell of a fiery woman. But you’re also the sweetest, softest, clingiest woman I’ve lucked out on. You’re so beautiful sometimes it hurts. After that second kiss, I knew right away that I’d have to fight tooth and nail for you to keep needing and wanting me."
Dusty bursted out of Shohei’s garden stringing along a reluctant Fraulein scruffed by the neck. Both of them were wearing cute red bow ties on their neck each laced with individual messages. 
You pulled Dusty’s message and read, “I want to call you “mom” so will you be my dad’s girlfriend?
You squealed in delight as you unraveled the next message pinned on Fraulein’s bow tie: “I loved him first but can you keep him forever?”
You swooned and laughed at the corniness and the teeth-rotting sweetness. You can’t help but jump into Shohei’s arms and give him a big hug despite all the sweat and grime on his body. 
“Ew, you got all your sweat on me.” You playfully joked at the parting.
“Hmm, you have no choice but to shower with me now.” He lifted you by the waist and carried you on top of his shoulders, both of you laughing and shrieking like newly weds on honeymoon, Dusty and Fraulein at your tails. 
.This place, this scene, and this warmth spreading through your chest up to your fingertips, all of it and the familiarity of it, you realized, is the only thing you need to live a lifetime of love and happiness. You were wondering where it was all this time and you understand now that it had been right beside you all along.
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i4bellingham · 2 years
THE PERFECT CUDDLE BUDDY : jamal musiala x reader
in which something as mundane and as simple as waking up entangled in each other's arms can either boost to start one’s day or be a reason to laze around, your boyfriend uses it for the latter.
posting short pieces for now because of writer’s block, i don't like this situation at all 🤧 anyways i’m finishing a request for jude so it will probably be up by tmrw or the next day idk i’m not really sure but it will be posted for sure!
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Jamal knows he should be getting up.
It's already past 6 am and the day is not going to wait for him to leave the bed, pause the time itself so he can prepare his stuff for another day of grueling training (which in his defense he actually enjoys).
But really? How could he even leave the comfort of his soft bed when he's got the most perfect cuddle buddy wrapped around his arms like a missing puzzle to solve the enigma that is his life?
You're there, all secured and warmed up in his arms as he nudges his cold feet in between yours underneath the duvet. He knows you'll probably notice the coolness of his skin soon enough and will most likely chide him for bugging you out of your sleep because of that but really, he wants you awake just as much as he is even though he doesn't straight up wake you up.
“Your feet’s cold J.” You mumble sleepily before kicking his feet away, making Jamal chuckle from your attempt of keeping him from your warmth when he plops an entire leg over your waist.
He rubs the back of your head to make up for his early shenanigans, trailing soft kisses on the crown of your head before you're burying your face against his chest.
“Don’t you have training today?” You ask him, patting his thigh that was over your hip. “You’ll be late if you don’t move now.”
“Nah... think I’ll be fine being late just for today.” He replies, reaching over the bedside table to his right to take his phone. “Or should I just skip training today? Tell the team I got cold or somethin’?”
“And for what reason would you pull this lie?”
He taps on his phone for a few moments before he's chucking the device back on the bedside table, shooting you a mischievous smile before tackling you in a hug that had you squealing.
“No- Jamal! I swear to God I’ll kick your ass if you don’t get off me right now!”
Jamal pushes his luck by completely letting his arms and legs go for support, letting his weight fall down on you as he snuggles against your chest comfortably.
“But you're soft, and warm and I’m tired baby... just let me recharge real quick yeah?” You boop his nose, rolling your eyes but saying nothing else except letting him lay on top of you like a sack of potatoesㅡ a fine sack of potatoes.
“But seriously though, are you heading over to training?”
Jamal nods his head. “Yes but I texted the team, told them I’ll be late because someone caught a cold...” He ends his sentence with a cheeky smile, grinning wider when he notice that you're contemplating who on Earth caught a cold.
He thinks it's cute the way your eyes visibly widens as the realization dawns on you about what he did, slapping his back playfully for a good measure before you're lovingly chiding the life out of him.
“No way you lied to your team! I did not caught the cold did I? Why would you lie love seriously?” You huff.
“But I want to spend some time with you... such a good day outside, bright and beautiful don’t you think?” He points at the windows, watching the sun rise above the horizon in all it's sunny glory.
You gently flick on his forehead, rubbing on his skin when he whines about your flick being too painful (even though you both know it's really not and he's just whining for some extra affection), you cuddle him close to you still.
“Or you could have just asked the team for a day off like a normal person would?”
“And have Phonzy blowing up my phone?” He asks with a shake of his head. “No thank you, I’d rather do this instead.”
“But you'll attend training later on the day, won’t you love?”
A soft smile blossoms in Jamal’s lips, most likely done by the familiar pet name you normally call him on a daily basis as he nods his head in affirmation.
“Yes Ma'am.” He nuzzles his face back on your chest as you wrap an arm on his back, rubbing your palm over his shirt up and down. “I’ll leave when the clock hits 9:30 yeah? Just let me lay down here with you... You're so warm and soft how is this possible...”
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lilmisssona · 8 months
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 23 Reasons, Why I Love You 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋
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Pairing: Idol Bf! I.N × Fem! Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 5.4k+
Warnings and Tags: SMAU, Cursing, Established Relationship, mentions of cheating, basically INNIE'S being a d*ck here, angsty beginning, fluffy at the end.
A/N: My first one ahhh, it's my birthday gift for our maknae on top! It's a bit long so buckle up and Enjoy! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Reuse And Translation Not Allowed 🙅‍♀️🚫
✮⋆˙Main Masterlist ✮⋆˙
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Four Days. It has been four days, since you last saw Jeongin, your boyfriend. Normally the day gap wouldn't bother you, as you were accustomed to the feeling of being alone.
Your boyfriend being an idol, would leave for days for concerts and interviews; sometimes even weeks...
But this time its different. This time it was because of an argument. A stupid one at that. Over minimal things, over both of your assumptions.
And you've been fighting your urge everyday to not go knocking at his room and slapping some sense into him. After all it wasn't your fault anyways...
"Babe, I was only trying to help," You argued. "Really YN ?" " I don't think you are" Jeongin paused before muttering...
" I don't want YOU out of all people to be pitying me "
"Is it that hard to go to a therapist Innie ?"
You softly cooed at him, looking up to his familiar doe eyes...But only an unfamiliar icy cold look stared back at you.
"If not, then let me take care of you, how does a warm bubble bath and some massages sound? ''
You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled. He flinched and withdrew his hand from yours.
" I'm not a baby anymore! I can take care of myself "
"Why are you..." He broke down, hot tears streaming down his face....
" Why are all of you telling me to do this, do that! I am fucking tired of it !!"
"Channie told me what's going on..."
" You don't sleep much nowadays, are always zoning out in practice and only come out of your bed to eat when the members call to you "
" You know you can always talk to me Innie ''
Your eyes are blurry now because of the tears so you looked down at the floor.
" So this is all a plot you made, so that you can get rid of me. " He glared at you.
" What ?? " You stared back at him, shocked.
" What does going to a therapist and taking care of yourself, have to do anything with me getting rid of you"
" And why would I do that!!!"
"Don't lie to me yn, I know you've been crushing on my best friend, Heesung, since a long time"
" I've seen the texts " He smirked.
" What The Fuck Jeongin ??" You spat back, glaring at him with tears in your eyes.
" What made you even think that I'm cheating on you ?"
"Idk" " You met him behind my back at the cafe last week."
"And you also said, don't tell Jeongin,"
" I watched you get all giggly with him"
"Oh... " You chuckled, relief washed all over you as you realised what's going on.
" You're completely mis reading the situation babe, it's not what it looks like "
" They always say that..." He muttered, clenching his teeth..
" Is that why you've been ignoring all my texts since the last week ?" You asked him calmly.
"You know what leave me actually"
"It'll do us both something good"
" You can finally get the peace you want."
You gasped, his words hitting you like a dagger in your chest.
" Do you even know what you're saying Jeongin ?" You screamed at him.
" Do you know why I met him ? No, right ? "
"Then how can you even assume I cheated on you "
" I don't know YN, it just doesn't seem right"
" I know I haven't been able to give you much time as I've been stressed out recently due to the upcoming comeback"
" I am dead tired inside and you.... " His voice is hoarse from all the crying..
" If you're happier with him, then I guess.."
"Jeongin...if that's what you think of me...I don't think..." You trailed off
" I should leave, I don't think I can do this anymore"
You watched him leave, closing the door behind him, a little too harshly.
The sound of the oven beeping, made you snap out of your thoughts. You looked around, and lazily got up from your couch to the kitchen.
Taking out the reheated pizza and putting it on a plate, you aimlessly scrolled through channels until you found one, a boring sitcom. You looked at the screen mindlessly and munched on your pizza.
You were half an hour into the plot when a notification popped up on your phone screen.
Picking it up you checked, it was an event reminder...
Reminder: INNIE'S Birthday 🎂 8th Feb
You threw your phone to the other end of the couch in frustration. You buried your head in your hands as fresh tears streamed down your face.
Oh how excited you were, to plan his first birthday. It was also your first anniversary with him. As this was the day, 8 Feb, one year ago, that you met him, in a cafe....
You two hit it off immediately, talking till hours until the cafe owners kicked you out. After a few weeks of dating, he asked you out officially to be his girlfriend.
You finally thought you found the one, he's the most amazing human being and the sweetest boyfriend.
Sure, it hasn't always been pink skies and rosy days, you have had your differences. He was away most of the time. But you understood...
You understood how difficult it is the manage the idol life as it is, let alone having a hidden relationship at that.
Because the moments you two shared together, melted all your loneliness and worries away. But now everything has changed.
The once familiar face of your smiley boy now gave an unfamiliar, immense pain in your chest.
What have you even done wrong, anyways ? You were planning a surprise party for him.
You wanted everything to be perfect. So you were taking tips from Heesung on which dishes he misses the most from his hometown.
Not that you don't know. But you wanted to make sure its to his liking. And also you wanted to invite Heesung to Jeongin's birthday.
It was going to be a surprise one, so you wanted Heesung to distract him anyhow, from going to your home that day.
At Least until 5:30 as you'll have everything ready by that time.... But he thought you...were...cheating on him. Oh how could he even think of that ?
" Don't lie to me yn, I know you've been crushing on my best friend, Heesung, since a long time."
" You know what leave me actually" "It'll do us both something good "
" Crushing on Heesung ?" "Since when did he think that I am crushing on his best friend ?"
You muttered to yourself.
Heesung is nothing but like an older brother to you and an amazing friend. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Another notification popped up on your phone. You got up again from your seat, to pick up your phone that you threw away at the other end of the couch. It was a text from Chan.
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You read the messages but decided to not reply to them. It's been 4 days since the fight. And your pride will always get in the way to even bother to message him. After all it wasn't your fault he assumed such shitty things about you.
Still, your heart was not made of steel. There was still a soft spot behind it that was missing him, your boyfriend. So reluctantly, you picked up the phone again and replied to the message.
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Grabbing your coat from the hanger, you stepped out of the house around 7:45. The breeze outside chilled you to the bones.
So you tucked your hands inside your coat pockets. You missed the warmth of your boyfriend's hands.... Sighing, you put your head down and walked through the path to the cafe....
A familiar scent of freshly ground coffee beans greeted you as you opened the door of the cafe.
Chan was already waiting at the corner table and waved at you when he saw you walking through the door.
"You're here!"
"Sorry to make you wait." you smiled at him.
"I've already ordered your usuals, they should be here soon" He nervously smiled.
"Thank you Channie '' You replied, shifting your gaze suddenly to look at a couple on the right of your table.
Reading your expressions, Chan cleared his throat and spoke " So, umm, about Jeongin.."
" Right, how's he ? " You nervously replied as you fidgeted with your hands.
"Not good, '' Chan replied.
" He still doesn't talk to us or reply to our messages, let alone come out of the room"
You sighed, taking a sip from your cup of coffee
"We had an argument"
" Four days ago... " you replied to Chan, who nodded in understanding.
"He thought I was cheating on him..."
"What ?" " How could that boy even think of that..." He huffed in annoyance.
"I was planning his birthday party with Heesung"
" So I met him at another cafe a few times and discussed the surprise plan"
" Apparently he followed me one day and saw that I was laughing and talking with Heesung"
" And that idiot assumed the worst ?" He sighed and touched his temples.
"Seriously, I really have to talk some sense into him..."
" There's no point anyways..." You took a deep breath to calm yourself.
" He has changed..."
"No he's not,"
" I know him since long enough, so I know he's not changed..."
And Chan indeed knew him long enough to know that he's sulking, regretting all his life decisions...
Jeongin was tossing and turning in bed. Not a blink of sleep in his eyes. He felt frustrated, angry even.
How the heck can he even accuse his girlfriend of such a thing. She has been nothing but a wonderful girlfriend to him all year.
She was his sunshine and he was her smiley boy. How could he even think that Heesung and you were cheating behind his back ?
He muffled his screams into the pillow as tears streamed down his face.
He confronted Heesung that same day... Heesung was shocked, explaining to his friend, they had been meeting for a surprise party planned for him.
He was too ashamed to go back to your house now. Too ashamed to tell the members that he fucked up.
So he found his escape behind the closed doors of his dorm room. And that's where he's been camping, since the past three days....
He regrets everyday the things he told you that day. He was really stressed since the past weeks for the upcoming comeback.
He was so exhausted to the point of slacking in practices. The routine was killing him mentally and physically.
He was depressed, maybe...he thought. However, that didn't give him the right to lash out at you.
But when he saw your texts last week with Heesung with the code word - " Don't Tell Jeongin 🤫''
He was hurt, shocked even. Something in his mind told him to follow you and so he did... He watched you get all giggly with Heesung.
"Why do these two look so good together? ''
He angrily muttered to himself. He couldn't take it anymore. He left the scene, heartbroken…
Since that day he's just sleeping and practising everyday. He didn't even want to eat but when the members called for him collectively, he just sighed and came downstairs and ate.
When he finally got an off day to came home, he immediately packed his stuff and left for your house.
Seeing you coax him for a therapist snapped something in him as the next thing you know, he was spitting fire at you with his harsh words.
Oh how he thought you were cheating and even thinking of breaking up with you.
He left the scene before you can tell him what happened....
" How about you two talk it out with each other, tomorrow before midnight strikes ?" Chan asked.
" What do you mean ?" You curiously replied.
" I mean I'll slap that idiot out of bed and talk some sense into him"
" Then you two can meet at a designated place, and can talk it out wholeheartedly ?"
He let out a nervous chuckle, unsure of what you'll reply.
" That's not a bad idea, actually, but the pain is still there Channie, '' You sheepishly smiled at him.
" I don't think I can handle another argument, if it comes to that..." You buried your face in your hands.
" I thought he was the love of my life, but now...I don't know anymore... "
" Hey, hey, its ok YN if you don't wanna do this '' Chan reassured you.
'' But remember it's 27 hours to strike midnight 8 Feb."
" And I don't want to get your first birthday as well as your first anniversary with him to get ruined."
" But if you don't want to do anything I'll understand and make him understand too "
" Because at the end, it's up to you to, as you're not the one in the fault.."
You sat back and pondered a little over your thoughts. Talking out your differences is actually a very great idea, as you two can decide whether or not it's good to stay together again.
But the hiccups of something bad happening plagued your mind again and you massage your temples in frustration
" You know what Channie ?"
" Mhm ?" Chan replied.
" I'll let you know by tomorrow morning ?"
" That sounds good " Chan beamed as he packed his stuff from the table.
" Leaving already ?" You asked.
" Yes I have to prepare something for tomorrow.."
" What do you mean ?" You asked in confusion.
'' You'll know if you say yes " He smiled as you two waved each other goodbyes....
Hurriedly, you stepped foot into the house. The bitter cold biting your bones and everything underneath.
You immediately turned on the heater and removed your coat. You sat back on your couch and took a deep breath.
" Is it really worth to talk about it ?" You muttered to yourself.
" He was the best I had, but after what happened 4 days ago..."
" I don't know....uggggh!!"
You cried out in frustration wondering if you can face him again.
" But like Channie said, it doesn't hurt to get closure..." You thought.
" We can talk out our differences and if he still stays the same..."
" I will..." " Leave him" You shivered at the thought.
Thinking of the worst, yet still determined to get closure, you picked up your phone and messaged Chan.
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" Hyung it's 6 in the morning, let me fucking sleep! Stop knocking please!!!" Jeongin screamed as he heard continuous knocks and kicks at his door.
" Not until you come out!" Chan screamed.
" I'll keep kicking the door Jeongin!! ''
Chan never called his sweet maknae by his name. It was always Innie or something sweet. So when Jeongin heard his name, he knew it was serious.
"Fine! If you don't open the door, you might lose your only chance to see yn again.." Chan screamed.
Hearing those words, something stirred in him and he hurriedly opened the door....Chan was shocked to see his condition. His hair was dishevelled, there were bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for days...he looked so weak, so tired.
" Oh My God..." Chan gasped as if he just saw a ghost. " Innie...I..my god"
" I know I look like shit Hyung '' Jeongin huffed.
Tears suddenly started brimming his eyes, as he looked down at the floor.
" I fucked up hyung " "I..I...lost yn, my love..." He cried.
" Hey it might not be so late, she still hasn't left Seoul yet..."
" Her flight to go back to her hometown, tonight is at 9:30 pm"
" We still have a lot of time to make it up to her" Chan reassured Jeongin.
" Hyung, I don't think...she will take me back" Jeongin spoke in between his sobs.
"Tell me Innie, do you love her ?" Chan asked calmly.
" More than I love myself"
" She means the world to me, she's the sweetest and kindest human being and I am so so lucky to have her" Jeongin wiped his tears as he spoke.
" Then why don't you show her ?"
" Show what ?" He asked curiously.
" That how much you love her, how much she means to you and what you will do to never break her heart again"
A light bulb sparked in his head as Chan spoke to him about the plan... He nodded and agreed to everything.
" Let's get you a makeover first and some fresh clothes"
Chan spoke as he covered his nose playfully
" You kinda smell ngl"
" Shut up!" Jeongin punched Him playfully in the stomach as Chan laughed.
" So the plan's set, lets call it, 23 Reasons, Why I Love You "
"You're so cheesy Hyung " Jeongin rolled his eyes.
" Hey someone has to be the romantic one here " Chan chuckled.
" You're right, Let's do this!"
Jeongin smiled with a newfound determination in his eyes as they both stepped out of his room to the living room.
" What, Jeongin did what ?! " Minho glared at Jeongin as he heard what happened from Chan.
" Yes my boy, you seriously fucked up " Hyunjin spoke soon after.
" I know that Hyune " Jeongin rolled his eyes.
" We came here to ask for your help not to listen to the obvious "
" What's with the attitude ?" Minho asked him in annoyance.
" Sorry, I am just so nervous, I don't want anything wrong to happen. Please hyung.... "
He pleaded to Minho, with his big doe eyes.
" Ugghh fine, Innie" Minho sighed,
" Just don't ever do this to them again "
" I promise it will never happen again."
" I will turn a new leaf "
" Then I'll bring the dishes by 5 then while its still hot."
" And I'll find some time in between the breaks to paint something before 5" Hyunjin spoke after minho.
" Right, practice..." He sighed,
" I missed out on so much for 4 days "
" Don't stress, we've convinced our manager for two more days off for you so that you can be with ynnie tomorrow and the day after..." Minho smiled reassuring him.
" Really ?" " You're a lifesaver hyung "
" Just don't think this will happen everyday " Minho snickered,
" My favours are only valid for limited hours of time"
" Understood!"
" Now go get some facials or something, you look horrible"
Jeongin gasped at Hyunjin's words.
" Ughh rude Hyune "
" What ? I spoke the truth " Hyunjin rolled his eyes.
" Fine I'm going with Channie hyung"
" Please keep the things ready before I return, I request"
" Don't worry, we got you bro! " Han replied as he arrived.
Jeongin whispered a thank you to everyone before leaving with Chan...
Meanwhile, you were throwing away every cloth you can find in your closet.
" Uggh, I look ugly in this " You cried.
" Nooo, this makes me feel bloated "
You were frustrated. You were trying on dresses for an hour but nothing seems to fit you.
" I don't have time for shopping " You cried to the thin air in frustration.. Just then, right on cue you heard a knock on the door. Cautiously you opened the door...
" Delivery for YN/LN ?"
" Yes that's me " you replied.
" But I didn't order anything ?..." You asked confused.
" Mr. Jeongin told me to deliver this to you "
" Ahhh, I see " You now understood what this is for. You thanked the delivery man and took your parcel back to your room.
Eagerly, you opened it and gasped.... It was a beautiful blue and white themed outfit, curated for you.
There was a beautiful blue knitted dress, a white coat, white boots and a cute blue bag. There was also a note attached to it.
'' Please let me make it up to you, one last time "
" Meet me at 5:30 there... J "
You smiled when you read his initials.
You gasped when you realised you're blushing.
" Ugh, YN'' You slapped your cheek. " Get it together, it's just a talk with him, not a date..." You sighed and stared at the box of clothes, contemplating if you should wear it..
" Fine, I'll wear it, I guess. '' You quickly wore your outfit on and did your makeup. You heard the alarm suddenly indicating its 5 now.
" Shit, I should leave now, or I'll be late"
Your uber arrived minutes after, and you reached the hotel. You took a deep breath as you stepped inside the vast doors of it.
" Hi, I am a guest of Mr. Jeongin ? Room no 23, I suppose"
You nervously spoke to the lady, at the front desk. She checked your name and your ids. After checking everything, she smiled and director you to the elevator.
Thanking her, you entered the elevator and pressed the buttons. It was on the 7th floor. As every floor passed by you, your heart beat increased. The dread of something worse happening hurts your chest so bad. You cursed yourself for overthinking so much.
The doors opened and you were greeted by a long corridor. You stepped out and walked to the end of the passage. There it was Room No. 23. You took a deep breath and opened the door....
It was pitch black inside, as you turned the knob and entered
" Jeongin ?" You called out to the thin air, but to no answered.
" What the hell! Am I in the wrong room ?" You muttered to yourself... Confused and somewhat scared of the dark you decided to leave when the door suddenly shut in front of you, covering you in pitch black darkness.
You panicked and tried to bang on the door when a text popped up
Innie💕 : Look behind
Still half confused, you turned around and gasped....
There was a beautiful trail laden with candles and pink roses that led to the bedroom...
You were surprised yet curious. So you followed the path...
Every step on the floor had something written -:
🌹You're the most beautiful woman in the world🌹
🌹The kindest and sweetest🌹
🌹So lucky to have you🌹
🌹So proud of your accomplishments🌹
🌹You're my best friend🌹
🌹I am so sorry🌹
And then the last one,
🌹Please give me another chance🌹
You took the last step and reached the bedroom and looked up and gasped again....
It was beautifully decorated with balloons and floral wreaths everywhere. There was a heart made with roses in the middle of the bed There was also something written in the middle of the heart, with flowers and twigs -
" I love you to the moon and back" You giggled seeing it.
"Innie ?"
You called out, but there was no one... You looked around, there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers on your left..
." Lilac and pink roses" your favourite, you thought. There was also a tray of your favourite food laid out, closed off with a transparent lid so that it stays warm.
"Mandu, Katsu rice and Jjajangmyeon ?" You giggled. There was a gorgeous painting of you on your right.
" Oh wow, thats me " you gasped.
You thought of how this was all Jeongin's plan to make it up to you. But the man of the hour was to be seen nowhere... You searched for him in the bathroom, the balcony and back to the living room. He was nowhere to be seen. You were lost in your thoughts, when suddenly you heard something....
**I never meant to break your heart, my love**
**But I stumbled down the road, just like a fool
**I let my ego lead the way, oh, how it blinds**
**Now I'm left here searching for the words to
make it right...**
There he was, standing behind you, wearing a white shirt and blue trousers. His hair was brushed out nicely.
"He looked so handsome," you thought.
He played the guitar as he sang again.
**Heartfelt apologies, can't you see?**
**I'm drowning in regrets, oh, set me free**
**Let me show you, darling, let me prove**
**That my love for you is strong, and oh, so true*
You giggled and clapped as he finished his song with a bow.
" What's all this ?" You asked.
He didn't say anything, instead he held your hand and walked you from the bedroom to the bed. Confused, you tagged along... He motioned to sit on the bed as he sat himself. He then finally spoke...
" YN, I am truly so sorry for what I have done..."
" Will you please give me another chance ? I beg you "
" Jeongin, I understand that you're sorry but the words you told me that day hurt me so badly and honestly...I don't anymore"
You sniffled a little as you looked at him..
" YN, I am so sorry..."
" I don't know what came over me that day. '' He looked down as tears clouded his vision.
" The stress of the comeback burnt me out so much everyday..."
" The stress was too much to bear "
" You could've at least told me that you're suffering so much " you replied.
" Last week, when I was home and saw you giggling on the phone... I couldn't help but be curious, so as you left to shower, I went through your phone and saw the messages.."
" There it was, messages exchanged between you and Heesung, to meet that evening"
" And a - Don't tell Jeongin! at the end "
" When you told me, you're going shopping, my heart broke..."
" You were lying to me, I thought " " So I followed you and saw you there, at the cafe"
" Giggling and blushing with Heesung, my friend"
" My heart to shattered to pieces..."
" Everything I had, I was losing it..."
" I lost myself, I was lacking at work and now you..." He broke down in tears.
" Innie, I had no idea this is how you felt, I'm so sorry. "
" No, I'm the one at fault"
" I was so clouded in my head, overthinking everything and I assumed the worst..."
" I started slacking at work after that, didn't eat, didn't sleep much"
" The members were disappointed in me " And then when you told me to go see a therapist..." He spoke in between sobs...
" I don't know why, Something broke in me.." "
I thought I am a failure and everyone wanted to get rid of me..." you squeezed his hand to reassure him...
" Innie, these meetings were just for planning your surprise birthday party"
" I couldn't hold it any longer that day." " I snapped at you, telling you we should break up..." He buried his face in his hands.
" Innie please don't cry, its not your fault...I shouldn't have lied to you, I am really sorry " You replied.
" When I called Heesung that day " He continued, after wiping his tears.
" I realised I fucked up so bad"
" It was all planning for my birthday"
" I felt so ashamed of myself. I thought you will never want to see my face." You wiped his tears with your hands.
" So I hid in my dorm room and didn't get out untill today...."
" I am truly so sorry ynnie, I hope you can forgive me one day.."
"Innie " You held his hand.
" I am so sorry I have made you feel like that " He looked back at you,
" Before you leave for your flight, let me make it up to you, one last time ? "
" My flight ? " you asked confused.
" Yeah it's at 9:30 right ? Channie hyung told me"
" But I don't have any flight, I'm not going anywhere... "
" But Channie hyung...Oh "
He realised it was all a plan by his Channie hyung to get him out. He looked at you with hopeful eyes.
" So you're not going anywhere ? " he asked.
" No " you replied.
Suddenly, he hugged you tightly. You were surprised by this but melted in his arms as he held you tight. You missed this. He smelled of the familiar cologne you loved so much. It felt like bliss, like old times....You two pulled away after sometime.
" If you're not going then let me show you, How much I love you"
" Let me show you 23 Reasons why I love you "
" Why 23 " you chuckled.
He cupped your face in his hands.
" 23 is a very significant number in our relationship."
" 5:23 was the time we met on the 8th of Feb an year ago."
" It was on the 23th of March that I asked you out to be my girlfriend. We've been together since 321 days, 2 hours and 23 minutes"
" Oh my gosh, you remembered ?" You smiled.
" That's not all, I promise you that I'll be the best version of myself "
" You make me complete yn and I wouldn't have it any other way "
" You're the most kindest and beautiful person in this whole world... " "I am so so lucky to have you "
Tears streamed down your face as you smiled at him. He's very sincere this time, you thought. Suddenly he went down on one knee
" Will you, my sunshine, make your smiley boy happy again for forever and ever "
You put your hands on your mouth and gasped
" Oh My God are you proposing ?"
" No its a promise ring actually "
" It's a promise from me to you that I'll be the man, you wished to be with "
" I'll go to therapy, I'll work on myself and be the best version of the person, you fell in love with "
" Innie, what if we fight again ?" You asked, cursing yourself inside for overthinking again.
" I promise to you that I will never raise your voice at you "
" I'll be there for you as much as I can "
" Even if I have to fight with my managers, I will"
" I'll leave the company if it comes to that "
You squeezed his hand.
" Innie, I trust you, just promise that you'll share everything with me, however good and bad, instead of suffering by yourself "
" I promise "
" Then I'll gladly accept this ring, my smiley boy " He eagerly put the ring through your left ring finger, it was a gorgeous diamond princess solitaire ring. It was simple yet so beautiful. You widely smiled as you looked at it, glistening in your finger.
Grabbing him by his neck you kissed him. He melted as your lips touched his, he deepened the kiss as if you two were longing for this. Both of you giggled as you pulled away slowly, breathless.
" Woo-hoo " There was a pop and clap sound as you looked at the living room. All the skz boys were standing there smiling as you two pulled away.
You were a little embarrassed thinking of how long were they watching you two.
" Congratulations you guys, so happy for you " Chan beamed.
" I knew it, he can do it! " Minho exclaimed
" Did she like the painting and the song lyrics ? I wrote them!" Hyunjin spoke from behind.
" I bet she did!" Han high fived Hyunjin As he spoke.
" Seungmin, are you crying ?" Felix asked him, shocked " Shut up, I am just happy for these two " Seungmin replied. " Yes, very happy " Changbin wiped a tear in his eyes ith his thumb.
Both of you smiled as you looked at the scene. He held your hand as both of you walked to the boys, who were smiling and cheering for you.
A new beginning has started for you. With his hand in your hand, a new promise has begun to keep the relationship going.
No matter what comes, you two are in it together, forever and ever!
A/N: This is the end! Thank you for sticking by for so long. I had so much fun making this, I hope you like it too ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Make Sure to like, reblog and comment!
Taglist: @atinyniki @minholing @cheesemonky @bunnystruggles @michelle4eve @writingforstraykids @skzoologist
@iknowyouknowminho @krisstheidiot @hyunjinhoexxx @livelovelaughmiko
@teenageshepherdpeachfan @gho-ster @b1nn1e-1s-cut3
@seungseung-minmin @ezlynkisses
@elmoslungcancer @cuddlylonelyperson
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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justiceforfoxface · 9 months
Okay so I saw the post about needed more sfw coryo content I was wondering if you could do one where the reader gets migraines and it’s just him taking care of reader?
I’m not too sure if you’ll do this but you work is amazing and tysm pookie ❤️
I am absolutely furious right now (not at you, this ask was amazing and fun to write) I had like a 1K word fic for this and then my Internet glitched out and I lost the entire freaking thing
so here is me hurriedly trying to rewrite it
Warnings: none, entirely sfw, slightly ooc coryo, one use of Y/N, corio and reader are already dating
You sank into your chair. It had been a long day, and your migraines had been absolutely relentless. You were exhausted and honestly just wanted to lay down.
But you had invited your boyfriend Coriolanus Snow over for dinner, and it wouldn’t be a great dinner if you just slept through it. But you were really tired, so you figured if you sat down for just a few minutes, you’d still have time to make something for dinner.
Then you heard the door open, and a familiar voice said, “Y/N? It’s me, Coriolanus.”
“I’m in here,” you said, standing up, ignoring the instant rush of dizziness that flooded to your head. “Sorry I didn’t make anything for dinner yet, I…forgot you were coming over.”
That was a horrible excuse and you both knew it. Even if you did forget, you wouldn’t forget about dinner entirely. You hadn’t made any food at all. Since you’d gotten home, you had just been lying down.
Coriolanus raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
“Well….no,” you admitted, because what was the point of lying? He’d figure it out eventually, or just help you make a late dinner, and then you’d be more exhausted. “I’ve been having really bad migraines all day, and I didn’t want to make anything for dinner but I also didn’t want to just cancel our dinner together, so, I’m sorry.”
Coriolanus gently took your hand in his. “You don’t need to apologize for that. It wasn’t your fault. How about you go lie down and I’ll get you a cold washcloth?”
That sounded amazing to you, but you were still concerned about one thing. “What about you?” you asked. “Don’t you still need to eat?”
“I can eat a late dinner when I get back to my house,” Coriolanus said, leading you to your bedroom. “Right now, I just want to help you feel better.”
He walked into your bedroom with you, and the second you collapsed in your bed, you didn’t feel like arguing with him about it anymore. It was much more comfortable than you’d been all day.
Just a minute or so later, Coriolanus returned with a cold washcloth and a cup of water.
“Drink this,” he said as he placed the washcloth on your forehead. “It’ll help. I think.”
You drank the water and then set the cup on your nightstand. “Thanks, Coryo,” you said. “Would it be okay if I just laid here for a while?”
“Of course,” Coriolanus said. “I’ll just be in the main room, can you come and get me if you need anything?”
“Yeah,” you said, pulling the washcloth over your eyes. “Thank you, again.”
“Of course, again,” he smiled and clicked the light off on his way out.
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melanieph321 · 9 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Fake Love Part 6/8
⚠️Warning ⚠️
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Reader is a kindergarten teacher. Nothing more nothing less. But following an accident whistle vacation in Dubai she somehow makes her boyfriend believe that she does somthing else for a living, something that earns her way more money than she has. Her boyfriend, Ruben, is just happy to have found someone who understands him so well, someone who doesn't want him for his money since money isn't an issue for neither reader or himself. Or so thinks. Would finding out the truth ruin their newfound relationship? Readers thinks so, and does everything to keep up the lie, although it has some bad people from the middle east looking for her.
You felt like shit leaving the club and returning to Ruben's apartment. The last thing on your mind was alcohol. You barley drank anything at the club, the thought simply repulsive to you. How could you have been so stupid, using Mr Siddiq's money again? All of it to obtain some silly facade you've made up for yourself.
"You okay?" Ruben asked.
You lingered in his living room, not really saying anything.
"Yeah, I'm just, uh....I'm just tired, I think."
He nodded. "The bathroom is all yours if you want to use it first."
"Thanks. I'll only be a minute."
"Or...." You flinched as Ruben reached out and grabbed a hold of your wrist. "Or we could do it together. A hot shower would be really nice right now, no?"
You were really not in the mood, feeling so disgusted with yourself. "Is it okay if I shower on my own. I'm just really tired from the day."
"Of course." Ruben was quick to let the grip around your wrist go. "Yeah. No. Do whatever feels comfortable Y/N."
"Thank you. I'll only be a minute." You mumbled.
You took a quick shower in attempt to rinse off the shame, however, the shame was still there when you stepped out. "It's all yours." You said, to Ruben who had been waiting patiently for you to get out of his bathroom. However, he did not rise from the side of his bed. "Y/N." He said, his gaze quite distant. "I'm sorry that I....It was stupid of me to bring you to the club." He ran a remorsful hand  through his hair. "It's your first time in Manchester and I overwhelmed you with your first football game, that I didn't even ask if you enjoyed. Then I introduce you to all of my friends, although I promised to take you out for dinner...." He shook his head. "I ruined our weekend, didn't I?"
"Ruben." You stepped forward to where he was sitting on the bed, his face buried in his hands. "You haven't ruined anything. This is one of the best weekends of my life and do you wanna know why?
"Why?" He mumbled from below.
"Because almost every minute was spent with you." 
Ruben raised his head, eyes grey in the dark and his jaw outlined by the moonlight outside. "Really?"
"Really." You nodded, letting your hand caress the side of his face, his stubble prickly against your finger tips. Ruben grabbed a hold of your waist, pulling you towards him. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging your pelvis and burying his nose in the center of your belly, inhaling your scent. "I like it when you're here." He sighed. "I want you to stay here with me forever."
You smiled. "You know I can't."
"Why not?" His voice was muffled up against the fabric of your hoodie. "There is room for the both of us. My home is your home."
"That's really nice of you to say Ruben,  really. But I'm not..." The thoughts of tonight, returned. The thoughts of what you had done.
"Y/N?" Ruben could feel it, how your body tensed at the thought of it. "What's wrong?"
You looked down, notcing the deep dent between his brows. "Nothing I just...it's nothing."
He pulled you back to get a better look at you. "Then why are you crying? Please tell me what's wrong."
"Ruben I'm not..." You hated it, the unwanted tears. You gritted your teeth,  pushing through it. "I'm not who you think I am."
"No? And who do you think I think you are?"
You shook your head. It was all so silly. And it was gonna sound even sillier coming out of your mouth as words. "Rich." You snorted. "I'm not rich or good in bed, which I've probably made you believe with our facetime calls. I've practically stripteased you into flying me out to your home in Manchester." You kept on snorting whilst Ruben's expression remind unmoved. "And I'm not like your friends. I don't fit in with them. My Instagram is not colorful and filled with pictures of all the times I've been on a yacht. I'm not the skinniest and my family is definitely not skinny. And I..."
"Are you done?"
Ruben's voice interupting you was like a punsh in the gut.
"I said, are you done, talking down on yourself?"
"Um, I guess so."
"Good, because you're perfect."
You sighed. "Ruben, I'm really not."
"To me you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be standing in front of me right now." His jaw clenched when he spoke. "Y/N, you're not here because my intentions are to sleep with you. You're here because I think you're amazing, down to earth and way more interesting to be around than those others girls you met in the club tonight. I've been there and done that, and it's just not enough for me anymore. But you are."
"I am?"
"Yes, Y/N. You're perfect."
Falling in love was a realization of its own. You were falling in love with Ruben. He swept you up in his embrace again, lifting your hoodie, disappearing underneath it to plant kisses across your belly.
"Stop it, it tickles."
He flipped you over, throwing his weight on top of you as you now lay under him on the bed.
"Ruben, it tickles."
His head popped out from under your hoodie, his hair now a tousled mess. "Can I take this off?" He tugged at the hemn of the fabric. You nodded, raising your arms. Ruben's eyes widened with every layer of skin that revealed itself to him. Once the hoodie was off, he went in, gently devouring your breasts with his mouth. You moaned with the pleasure, to which he grunted in response.
"Please stay with me." He said  between suckling your nipples.
"I can't."
"No, Ruben."
"Please. I don't want to spend another day without you."
He wa strong headed, his stubborness reflected in every thing he did to you.
"Fuck." You gasped, opened mouthed.
Once  all clothes were tossed aside Ruben became an animal. He entered you with force, but not until he knew that you were ready for him. He had you in missionary, then all fours. And at some point he had you on top of him as he lay on the floor.
"Ruben please." You bounced on his dick the best as you could. But you were close to the edge, so close.
"Come for me baby. It's okay, come for me."
You collapsed on top of him, with your walls twitching around his cock. He was over simulating you with a hand still roaming where the two of you were connected.
"Yes, like that, squirt for me."
He enjoy watching you do it. The clenching of your abs caused by the spasms, followed by the liquid that lubricated every inch of his stem. He used it to pull out of you with ease.
"We didn't use a condom, are you okay with that?"
"You're asking that now?" You chuckled, laying exhausted against his warm torso. Ruben shifted, making the motion to stand. You were too weak to follow and waited for him to heave you up from the floor and tuck you into bed. He joined you after getting you a glass of water, placing it on the bedside table for you to grab whenever.
"I meant that I'm clean, just so you know."
You nodded, embracing being his little spoon. "I would say I'm clean too, but I'd definitely be lying."
You smiled, imagining the look on his face. You reached back to grab his hand, guiding it towards the spot. "See, I'm a mess, not clean at all." You felt his stubble against your shoulder, then his lips. He spoke against your skin. "Don't worry, I'll clean you up tomorrow, but for now..." His fingertips were already making slow circles over your clit. "You don't mind me making it a little more messy, do you?"
"Your never gonna stop, are you?"
His chest vibrated against your back when he laughed. "Not as long as I have you in my bed."
You got home, back to Chells Way, Stevenage, suprised to find Alicia on your couch, dressed in a silk pajamas, enjoying a bowl of cereal.
"I can explain." She gurgled.
"Me first." You dropped your bags and moved to the center of the living room, blocking Alicia's view of the TV. "I fucked up. Like, really bad."
"Me too." She nodded.
"I used Mr Siddiq's money again, even though we agreed that we wouldn't."
"Me too." She nodded, to which you frowned. "Wait what?"
She nodded, more vigorously this time. "I've been using the money. I never stopped actually."
"It's an addiction, like I said."
"Well how much have you spent in total?"
She shrugged. "I dunno, about 20 000."
"20 000 pounds! Alicia that's crazy." Panic in your eyes. This was not good.
"I know, I know. But it gets worse."
She nodded. "I think someone is looking for us."
"Someone working for the UAE embassy."
"How do you know?"
"They came knocking on my door, thinking I was you. I told them you were out of town and wouldn't return until June. Then I got in my car with the clothes on my back and been hiding out here ever since.
This was not good at all.
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
Love Language (My Hero Academia)
Ship : Switch!Bakugou, Switch!Deku (BakuDeku)
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A/N : sorry if there’s any mistakes, the tumblr app is a bitch and i am so tired of using this platform! sorry for the cynicism, just tired. hope you guys enjoy!! i’ve been wanting to write for bkdk forever so this was fun :)
Summary : Bakugou's keeping a secret. Deku is very eager to figure out what exactly he's hiding, and this leads to some...playful antics.
Word Count : 3994
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Deku had put some real thought behind what his and Kacchan’s love language together would be. He felt every relationship had one that stood out above the rest, whether it be words of affirmation and adoration for one another, or simple physical touch that lingered so one could be as close as possible to the other they love. 
But if he had to choose a word, just one word to describe the love language he and Kacchan shared together, the answer he finds in his vocabulary sticks out like a sore thumb:
“Kacchan, I already told you there isn’t another day we can go. I’m either babysitting Eri or training with All Might every other day; it has to be Tuesday.”
“Fucking reschedule then, nerd. I’ve got plans on Tuesday, and I know damn well I’m not rescheduling,” Kacchan lounged against Deku’s bed, sprawled lazily as he scrolled through his phone and argued like it was clockwork. Because really, it was. 
“I can’t just reschedule, you know that! What’s so important about Tuesday anyway? Got a hot date you care to clue me in on?”
“Oh yeah, super hot. Way outta your league, don’t bother asking,” the smirk on Kacchan’s face made Deku smile at the corners of his mouth before immediately pulling his face back into a pout-like scowl. 
“I’m serious, Kacchan, why not Tuesday?”
“Because I said so.”
“Stop being so stubborn.”
“Stop being so annoying.”
“I’m not annoying, I’m persistent.”
“Persistent on annoying the shit out of me.”
Deku sighed frustratedly, finally shutting the laptop on his desk and swiveling the chair around to face his incredibly hard-headed boyfriend, who was still looking at his phone.
He stared at Kacchan for a good moment before the blonde gave in and looked back at him. The blonde kept his eyebrows up and lips pressed, like he was pretending to care about the conversation. He did care, but it’s fun to tease Deku and get him all huffy like he is now.
“Yes, your majesty?”
Deku groaned, but he felt his face getting just slightly warmer at the teasing remark. He said nothing in response, just continuing to stare Kacchan down like his eyes had hidden lie detectors installed in the retinas.
Finally, Kacchan huffed, his face relaxing from the teasing one he held back into that infamous grumpy expression, returning his glare to the phone in his hand, totally uninterested. Totally.
“Look, I’ve got shit to do that day, alright?”
“Like what? Why can’t you tell me what it is?”
“Because I just can’t, okay?! Not a big fucking deal..” Kacchan continued with a mumble of feign annoyance, “You’ll figure out what it is later anyways.”
Ohh. Okay then. So it’s a secret for Deku, not from him. Interesting. Very interesting.
Deku sat in thought, allowing an almost tense silence to fill the room. His glare remained aimed at Kacchan, finger curled against his chin that tilted down as he pondered. It was an expression Deku wore quite often when thinking. Every couple of seconds Kacchan spared him a glance, before clicking his tongue like he was irritated at the cogs turning in Deku’s head. 
Finally, Deku stood, sauntering over to the bed innocently enough. He peeked down at Kacchan with a sweet smile, the blonde finally peering above his phone and grimacing at the look.
“Why are you lookin’ at me like that?” He grumbled.
“So what’s this about Tuesday?”
“Oh my god are you still on that shit? I said you’ll find out soon enough so just drop it-- hey-! Gah whAt the-! S-stop, dohon’t you-- shihit stop!”
That was another thing Deku could probably count as one of their love languages: tickling. Whether to settle a dumb argument, win against the other in a spar, or just to hear some cute giggles whenever they felt in the mood, somehow tickling was always brought back up in their relationship like they were rekindling the childhood they fucked up for each other.
Neither one of them minded it. In fact, they both thoroughly enjoyed the activity when it was with one another. But one was definitely more keen on admitting that fact than the other would ever dare.
Deku’s smile was innocent and sweet; the fingers curling into Kacchan’s lower ribs, pinching the sensitive bundle of nerves that left his boyfriend near thrashing through choked-back laughs, were much less so.
Kacchan growled through restrained giggles, trying hard to fight back against the silly sensations that forced his body to curl around his evil boyfriend’s fingers and his belly to bounce in giggles so unlike him.
“Q-quihit! I swear I’ll- gggrraahaha nohoho!” His feet kicked out against the mattress, ruining the well-made comforter just so he could relieve himself from all the pent-up ticklish energy coursing through him. He tried pushing away Deku’s hands, but even when he managed to move them away from one spot, like his belly, they always found another that somehow felt more ticklish than the last, like his fucking ribs. “I swehehear! GAhaAHAHahah Deheheku!”
“You swear what? Sorry, I can’t understand you, you’ll what now? Hm? What are you gonna do, Kacchan?” Deku teased, delighting in the squeal and curses against his life he got in return. “Oh, I know what you’ll do! How about you tell me what you’re gonna be up to on Tuesday? Hm? How’s that sound, Kacchan?”
The blonde just shook his head defiantly, if not to also hide his flushed face in his pillow as much as he could. 
Why did he always feel like this every time that nerd tickled him. It was so fucking stupid, immature as anything. Tickling isn’t that bad, it shouldn’t take much for Bakugou to fight back and claim victory like he did with everything else.
If it was anyone else tickling him, he’d still be holding back well by now. Sure, it’d probably tickle just the same, maybe less. But he’d be able to hold off his laughter, fight back harder, do fucking anything other than curling up into a squirming ball of growling giggles and just let it happen—like he was doing right now. 
There was just something about the way Deku in particular tickled him that always made his face flame, made his brain short-circuit into nothing more than giddy mush. It just felt different. More intimate, maybe. Deku knows the ins and outs of Bakugou’s entire being, has analyzed him since the day they met, and yet still somehow the bastard manages to find out new things about him nearly every day. Deku knows exactly how to tickle him, and this makes him vulnerable. That knowledge makes the fingers squishing into his belly tickle just so much worse than they would with anyone else. 
Bakugou can't stand it. He can't take it. 
And yet he fucking does. 
“C’mooooon Kacchan! I know you wanna tell me! Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me-”
“STOHOHOPP! You ahahasshohole! Fuhuhuck ahahaha-!” Bakugou was going to die like this. Face red like a cherry, squirming away from his boyfriend’s fingers that always found a new spot to torment no matter his struggle, those stupid fucking butterflies filling his belly and making him feel all—
NO. No. He doesn’t like this. This is torture, an interrogation tactic—and a childish one at that. He is fine, he will persevere, he can fucking handle a little-
“WAHAHAIT NOHOhohoho! Nononohohoho you fuhuhucker!” Through his struggle Deku managed to sit on his waist, pinning his body to the bed and leaving him even more helpless than before. He even zeroed in on that disgustingly ticklish spot on his upper ribs, the one he just loved to remind Kacchan of endlessly.  The blonde glued his elbows to his sides like it would do anything but trap Deku’s stupid skilled fingers to that one horribly ticklish spot. 
Bakugou tried spitting curses at Deku through his cackles, but the words always dissolved into hysterical giggles that that green-headed fucker just chuckled at in response.
“You’re so cuuuute! It tickles, doesn’t it? Does it tickle? Does thiiiis tickle?” Deku pinched faster at that dastardly little spot, Kacchan throwing his head back in giggly anguish. The blonde shook his head yet again, squeezing his eyes shut tight so he didn’t have to look at that sickly sweet expression on his evil tormentor's face.
“Yohohou-! You cahahan’t! You cahahan’t juuhust-!” He yet again lost his words to wheezes and unstoppable giggles, kicking hard against the mattress in flustered frustration.
“I can’t? Oh, but I can! I can do whatever I want, Kacchan, and you can’t do anything about it. All you have to do is tell me what you’re gonna be up to on our date night and then I might let you go!”
Bakugou gave him a wide-eyed intimidation stare, though the effect was lost on his cackling smile and scrunched-up nose. “Mihihight!?”
“Well yeah, I love your laugh~! I only get to hear it so often cause you’re this ticklish,” Deku chuckled, now poking sporadically all over his boyfriend's sensitive ribs and making the blonde throw his head back in a giggle fit. “Tickling you is just so fun, Kacchan, you know it’s hard for me to stop sometimes,” he stated it like a clear fact Bakugou should already be aware of. Even worse is that Bakugou was indeed very aware of how much fun Deku found tickling him to be, and it made his body feel torn between squirming away from him entirely to escape that horribly funny feeling, and just sitting perfectly still (or, at least, as still as one could be while being tickled) and letting his mean boyfriend have his fun. He shouldn’t be thinking like that, Deku is having his fun by torturing the living daylights out of him, but Bakugou’s come to find such a soft spot in himself for that little fucker, one that wants to let him do whatever he wants just to make the boy happy— unluckily for him, this soft spot just happens to be insanely fucking ticklish, and Deku has all intentions to exploit the hell out of it.
“I don’t cahahare! It’s nohohot—! Ahahaha shihit—!” Kacchan wheezed, fists gripping onto Dekus wrists like a lifeline. He pushed, he shoved, made a whole show about trying to get away.
And yet? There he lies; still giggling, still tickled.
Deku chuckled, giving sweet pinches to Kacchans hips and thriving in the loud, giggly whine his action brought. “You can’t even talk now~,” he keened, bringing his face so fucking close to Bakugou’s own that the blonde was almost worried he’d be able to feel the warmth radiating off his flushed face. “I’ve got youuuu~!”
Bakugou wailed through a desperate cackle. He hated that, the stupid teasy shit Deku always pulled when he had him like this. It was so mean, made him feel so damn vulnerable, why the hell is his heart pounding so fucking hard. 
“Nohoho! Nononohoho—!” It was all he could say, his only counter to Deku’s malicious attack. He can’t give in though, can’t let that bastard get what he wants out of him. He has to stay strong. 
“No? Aww, but why? I just wanna know about your fun little plans!” Deku scribbled up Kacchan’s sides, his fingers walking a dark path back up to the blonde’s worst spot. Kacchan jerked to the side, held his arms so tight against himself while still trying to maintain the grasp he had against his boyfriend’s weapons of mass destruction. He knew it was no use, they’d played this game so many times by now he knew his fate was sealed, but he had to try damnit. 
“I wohohon’t! It’s a fuhucking secrehehet you bihihitch!” 
“Always so rude to me, Kacchan. What did I ever do to you, huh?” Deku said with an all-knowing grin, tilting his head like an innocent and curious puppy. That mean fucking bastard.
“Thihihis!! You’re fuhuhcking evihihil—!” Bakugou was having a hard time breathing now, his only source of oxygen being through hysterical giggling. Deku sighed with a tut, removing his fingers from the dip of Kacchans hips and placing them on his chest. He pressed down firmly, like to assert they were not yet finished here. Bakugou groaned through the giggly breaths he took thanks to his little break. 
“I’m not evil, Kacchan. I’m persistent,” Deku smiled at his boyfriend's scoff. “We can be done here, y'know. No more tickling if you just tell me.”
Bakugou glared up at Deku, finally willing down his blush so he could actually assert himself here. 
“I don’t care about the tickling. I’m not fucking talking. It’s not for you to know, not yet at least,” He smirked, placing a hand over the ones pressed against his chest. “Can’t keep your hands off me long, huh?”
Deku pouted, mad that Kacchan was trying to dominate the situation again like he always does. But no, no he’s not in charge here, not yet at least. Deku still has some answers he’s looking for. 
“At least tell me why you can’t tell me.”
Bakugou blinked. He glared at Deku with an incredulous look, one that said “you’re fucking joking, right?”, and when he saw that look of pure seriousness on his boyfriends face, he just couldn’t help it. Bakugou slammed a hand over his mouth as he cackled at his boyfriend’s way with words. 
He laughed through a muffled palm, “You’re so fuhucking stupihid!” Bakugou cackled, his free hand squeezing Deku’s on his chest to assure his words were lighthearted. “‘Tell me why you can’t tell me—,’ that’s fucking telling you, you dumbass!”
Deku scowled at his boyfriend's hysterics, much less amused by this form of laughter than the kind he brought out himself. 
“I’m serious! Why can’t you tell me?”
“I did tell you, it’s a secret.”
“But what kind of secret? A gift? A party? Be more specific.”
“No, cause then you’ll fucking figure it out, you dunce.”
Deku dropped his face. “You’re just asking for it, aren’t you?”
“I’m not asking for shit! If I’m asking you anything it’s that you leave it fucking be.”
“But Kachaaaaan…”
Oh there he goes, whining and pulling that stupid puppy dog look again. That adorable little idiot just always gets what he wants, it’s not fucking fair. But not this time, oh no. Bakugou stayed strong, holding his own, refusing to give the little manipulator what he wants. Because if he did, it would ruin the fucking surprise. 
Deku’s birthday is next month, he’s turning the big one-eight. Bakugou had been preparing his present for weeks now, counting down the days and scheduling the purchase perfectly so nothing could go wrong. But, the only day he could line up to buy the limited-edition All Might plush that had been recalled when they were kids for whatever reason, was Tuesday. 
Deku had one when they were little, but through a tussle between the two boys (one that Bakugou knows he started and to this day feels terrible over), it had been torn and ruined in the mud of their local playground. Deku’s mom had tried everything to fix it before eventually just trying to buy a new one, but again, the damn thing had been fucking recalled, so it was nowhere.
Bakugou still has memories of Deku bawling his eyes out over the thing, sleepless nights from not being able to cuddle his favorite plush like a security blanket. Bakugou feels, and even back then felt, fucking horrible over it. 
So, when he found one for sale online a few months ago, one that was in mint-fucking-condition, he knew that was it. That plushie was exactly what Deku would get from him on his birthday into adulthood. 
Thing was, buying the damn thing was looking to be a real fucking inconvenience at the moment. He was able to talk to the seller, get to a nice price they were both happy with (well, happy was an overstatement; how in the hell could a stuffed doll be so fucking expensive?!), and agree on a time to meet up and exchange. But it had to be Tuesday. This Tuesday. No other day, the seller told him, cause if he was late he’d give it to the next seller who was just as eager to buy. 
And so, here he lies, entirely unwilling to fess up with an actual monster on his waist trying it’s damndest to get him to talk. But Deku had his fun, Bakugou at least gave him that. Now he thinks it’s about time a certain monster learned what the consequences of pestering his very nice and loving boyfriend are.
“Quit your whining, idiot,” Bakugou grinned before quickly gripping at Deku’s waist, careful not to tickle yet, but enough to make sure the boy knew it was a threat. “You think you’re just gonna get away with that little stunt?”
Deku gasped with a wobbly smile, his hands shooting to Kacchan’s wrists with an all-too-excited pleading look. “N-no, I just--”
“You just what? Just thought you could tickle all the answers out of me like it’s easy? Ohoho, I’ll show you what’s really easy--” Bakugou chuckled before delivering quick yet gentle squeezes to Deku’s hips, the boy already folding forward in embarrassed, giggly huffs, his head shaking ‘no’ all the while. “--What’s easy is making you fall apart right at the seams, you ticklish idiot.”
In one quick move, Bakugou had their positions flipped, Deku on his back with his legs wrapped around Bakugou’s waist and the blonde’s fingers pinching quick and mercilessly right at that little spot he knows Deku just can’t stand.
Deku squealed and shrieked through giggles, legs kicking beside his boyfriend’s waist and hands pushing not hard enough at Bakugou’s wrists. His hair was already tussled from shaking his head, face flushed and scrunched in ticklish anguish.
“Ahahaha!! Nohot fahahair!” He whined through his cackles, body twisting with a giggly shout when one hand moved to pinch up and down his right side.
“Oh, it’s not so fair when it’s you getting the tickle punishment then, is it? My my, what double standards you have there, Deku,” Bakugou couldn’t help the wide grin on his face. Seeing Deku like this is just always too damn cute. He looks a mess in the best way possible, shrieking pleas and apologies through hysterical giggles. Bakugou wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I’m sohohorryyy!! I wahas just--AH! AHAHahaha juhuhust chuhurious! Kahachhaan plehehease-!” Deku pleaded, trying to look his boyfriend in the eye but failing miserably when the tickling just made his eyes scrunch right back up in laughter.
“Yeah well curiosity sure killed the cat here, didn’t it?” Bakugou moved his hands to pinch at the thighs so readily available to him next to his own sides, leaving Deku to arch off the bed with a loud, desperate squeal. He tried slapping at Bakugou's hands, now too far away to get a firm grip on them, but his fight was futile. Deku was sentenced to a tickled silly death. He wrapped his arms around his torso and cackled helplessly, squirming around like it would do a thing.
“You givin’ up? Just gonna sit there and let me tickle you silly, Deku? You’re fuckin’ hopeless,” Bakugou chuckled, delighted in the blush Deku now tried to cover up with his right hand. “Do you apologize for being a pest?”
“YEHEHES! I’m sohohorryy! So sohohorry, Kachahahaha--! Ahahaha nohoho-! Pleheheehehe-!”
“Yeah, I didn’t quite catch that,” Bakugou brought his face down towards Deku’s own, the boy’s cackles so loud it almost hurt his ears. He grinned maliciously, “Can’t really understand you when, y’know, you can’t even talk~,” Oh how he loved to use Deku’s own words against him. It always made him scream so deliciously.
Hm. Bakugou was quite close to Deku’s face at the moment. His cute, red, smiley little face. Bakugou’s eyes scanned down from the boy’s cheeks, to jaw, to neck. Hm. Hmm.
Bakugou switched up his tickle tactic just a tad, from digging into Deku’s thighs to just tickling softly over the skin (much thanks to the boy’s athletic shorts he always wore for comfort). At this, Deku kicked hard against the sheets, letting out a half-screech half-whine through his bubbly giggles. Bakugou grinned at the change of pace before dipping down right into the crook of Deku’s neck and nibbling.
Deku screamed. His hands pushed against Bakugou’s hair, not enough to pull but enough to make it a mess. Bakugou growled into his neck at that, making him squeak so preciously. 
“Little stuck, huh?”
“Nohohoho! Nohoho yohohou-! Thihhiss ihihis-! AHAHAHA-!! Tihihickles!” His voice was so high-pitched now, the tickling at his neck making it impossible to lower it for his own dignity. 
“Yeah? Tickles?” Bakugou whispered right into the shell of Deku’s ear, the tickled boy shaking his head with a squeal like it would do anything but make Kacchan’s hair tickle at his nose.
“Okahahahay! Okahahay, Kachahahan!” he shoved at Bakugou’s shoulders while his own bounced in giggly mirth. He knew his face had to be bright red at this point, he could feel the heat spreading everywhere, god he felt so warm. Kacchan’s face, his lips, against his neck and ears were too much, too vulnerable, too ticklish. The way his chapped lips grazed the skin as his teeth worked oh-too gently to nibble away at every fiber of his sanity was making him lose his mind. Not to mention he was still tickling his fucking thighs. Kacchan rarely tickled him so gently, it was so out of character for the boy, and yet here he was, tearing Deku apart by the seams just like he said he would with the softest and meanest of tickles Deku could’ve ever imagined.
“You sorry yet~?” Bakugou whispered yet again, smiling into the skin when he heard Deku’s laughter start going silent, every few seconds a wheeze or hysterical giggle slipping its way through before delving right back into silent delirium. 
Finally, Deku got the breath to barely giggle out, “Y-yehehes! S-sohohorry! Kahahahahaha-!”
With a kiss at the shell of Deku’s red little ear (oh it was so warm, how delightful), Bakugou pulled away, the boy left panting through giggles on his lap. Fuck, he looks so cute like that. Bright pink and wrecked, breathing hard while still unable to control the titters of leftover sensations crawling over his neck and thighs. 
Deku seemed to have forgotten what this was all about, just looking up at Kacchan and throwing his arms over his face with embarrassed giggles. Bakugou chuckled, giving a slap to the side of Deku’s thigh and making him squeak.
“You’re gonna love it, though. Even if I can’t tell you what it is, I’ll at least let your nosy ass know it’s something good,” Bakugou gave a small smile, eyes hooded in adoration.
Deku brought his arms down to his chest so he could look properly at his boyfriend, smiling wide when he saw how Kacchan was looking at him. 
“Hope it was worth it,” he giggled before propping himself up and puckering his lips out for Kacchan to take the chance. Bakugou just rolled his eyes fondly before giving in and kissing his boyfriend softly, hand on his cheek.
A month passed, and Deku did indeed adore his gift. Tears were shed (all on Deku’s part of course, Bakugou just chuckled at his boyfriend’s sensitivity like he always did), and that night Deku had two things he could cuddle and snuggle himself to sleep with.
Maybe they had three love languages, Deku thought as he drifted off, cuddled against the soft plush he forgot he missed so much and the warm arms wrapped protectively around his waist. Bickering, check. Tickling, double check. Gift-giving? Most definitely a triple check in Deku’s books. He gave the plush a tight squeeze as he finally dozed off with a smile.
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A/N : i hope yall enjoyed! it's currently 4:30am and i've got class in the morning and work in the afternoon so i should rlly get to sleep lmaoo. this jsut took way longer to post thanks to tumblr dot com being the worst platform in the world! hope yall have a great day, love u guys!! <;33
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