At Least It’s Not the End of the World ♡
After protecting the kids from demodogs and sentient tunnel vines with Steve, a weekend babysitting Holly Wheeler together is supposed to be simple. That is until feelings neither of you expected start to make things way more complicated.
gn!reader, takes place in between seasons two and three, people who fight monsters together to lovers, tooth-rotting fluff 16k
── .✦
It doesn’t take long to remember why Holly is your favorite Wheeler. She’s patient and sweet, amazingly level-headed for a preschooler, and her manners could put some adults to shame. Compared to her siblings, Holly’s a little sweetheart. And a mama’s girl through and through, clinging to Mrs. Wheeler more often than not.
Like now, she wriggles in her mom’s lap, scrunched over a coloring book at the dinner table. She squints at her box of crayons and purses her lips— choosing colors is hard when you’re five. She hasn’t said a peep since you arrived, but in the foyer, she greeted you with a clumsy wave and a sheepish smile.
“It would be Friday afternoon to Monday morning,” Mrs. Wheeler explains, stirring a glass of lemonade with a curly straw. “I’d ask Nance but she’s having a girl's weekend.”
You glance at Steve. You know girl’s weekend is code for spending the night with Jonathan Byers. But if he knows it too, he doesn’t show it. He doesn’t so much as bat an eye at her words. In fact, he’s relaxed under Mrs. Wheeler’s gaze. He’s sitting in a chair he’s sat in dozens of times before, talking to a woman he sees more frequently than his own mother.
You don’t know her as well as he does, but you aren’t strangers by any means.
“And Mike, well, he’s not old enough to watch her for that long. But he’ll be staying over at Joyce’s so you don’t have to worry about him,” she pauses to sip her drink. “I’d pay you, of course. I don’t know what your schedules look like— I know you’re probably busy with the new job, Steve— but I figured since it’s a few days, I’d offer it to you both.”
Steve flashes an honest smile and leans forward. “Are you kidding? I’d hang with this squirt for free. I’m actually off this weekend so it works out.”
Mrs. Wheeler beams, eyes springing to yours.
“Yeah, I could help too,” you shrug. You also happen to be free this weekend and the extra cash would be nice.
“Great! You both are so lovely. Oh, I was so worried, I kept telling Ted– well, it doesn’t matter now.” Her bracelets clink and clash as she reaches across the table to cover your hand with hers. “You’ll have to keep an eye on these two. She becomes quite the riot when her Stevie comes over.”
Steve chuckles and raises his hands in defense. “She owes me a rematch at Candyland so I can’t promise anything.”
Mrs. Wheeler’s fingers retract from yours, landing on the end of Holly’s pigtail. “She’s really missed having you over. Asks about you still.”
Holly ducks her nose into her paper, pink traveling up her ears.
“Is that right?” Steve teases. “I’ll have to swing by more often.”
“Please. You’re welcome anytime, Steve. Whether Nancy’s here or not.” Her attention drifts to you. “And the same goes for you. Mike won’t stop talking about that comic book you gave him.”
A smug grin surfaces. Out of all of the kids, Mike is a tough one to please.
“I’ve never been away from Holly for so long. But I trust you guys.” Mrs. Wheeler pecks Holly’s crown to hide a wobbly smile, her sentence spilling out in a breathy string of words.
She really does trust you both. It would take another set of hands to count the number of times either you or Steve had driven her kids home safely. This is just different. She loves all of her kids equally, but Holly’s her baby.
Holly’s eyes cast up at her mention, bright as a sunlit gem.
Mrs. Wheeler smooths her daughter’s sleeves down her shoulders. “But Holly’s a good girl. Right, Hollybear?”
She turns to bury a toothy smile in her mother’s shirt.
Mrs. Wheeler is meticulous as she presents each and every detail of Holly’s routine. From car seat safety to emergency contacts to allergies, she covers every question you might have before you have it.
Steve’s a good listener but he’s cursed with a very short attention span. Mrs. Wheeler lost him somewhere around Holly’s sudden aversion to mac and cheese, but she doesn’t seem to notice. You’ll fill in the gaps for him later.
This won’t be the first time you’ve babysat with Steve. Dustin roped you both into hunting his pet lizard-turned-alien which very quickly escalated to protecting four children from not one, but several, vicious aliens. Safe to say you two are experienced enough to handle one kid for a couple of nights.
You haven’t seen Steve much since then. It’s summer now. The demodogs and sentient tunnel vines feel much more like a dream than something that actually happened to you these days. Steve works at the Scoops in Starcourt, or so you’ve heard several times– Dustin only reminds you about every time you see him. But despite being as close to death as you’ve ever been beside Steve, visiting him at work feels strangely wrong. Like crossing a line that neither of you ever drew.
You would not consider Steve Harrington your friend. You’re friendly, as you might be with a neighbor or coworker, but you don’t talk much outside of world-ending, portal-to-another-dimension kind of events. He’s family in a weird sort of way, bound by the shared trauma and unspoken loyalty— like someone you only see at family reunions, familiar enough to care about but still a stranger in most ways. High school was a long blur and your circle of friends couldn’t have been farther from his. So you don’t know Steve, not really. But of what little pieces of him you have come to know in the last year, he’s not half bad at babysitting.
On Friday afternoon, you park your car beside Steve’s shiny BMW in the Wheeler’s driveway. You take the house key that had been slipped from Mrs. Wheeler’s key ring to yours and unlock the front door. And you find that inside, it’s completely silent. Holly’s quiet as a mouse but she’s still a kid and kids make noise.
Your bag drops onto the floor beside Steve’s shoes as you toe off your own. When the kitchen and living room turn up empty you jog upstairs. Alarm sinks in on the last step where you still hear nothing. No shouting, no laughing, no crying, no nothing.
There’s a large window in the hall upstairs, dividing Nancy’s room from Mike's and Holly’s. In your panic, you miss the suspicious lumps in the drapes that frame it.
As you brush by, Steve rips the curtain across the rod and shouts, “Ha! Gotch– Oh.”
Your entire body jerks, fear cinching every nerve. “Christ! Steve!”
“Sorry, sorry!”
Your nostrils flare with hot air as you shove him, “You scared me!”
His open palms hover in between your chests, unsure how to help. “I thought you were Holly. Sorry.” He gives you an apologetic once-over before a breathy chuckle escapes.
“It’s not funny. All the shit we’ve been through. God.” He’s lucky you didn’t punch him. A part of you still wants to.
“Mommy says that’s not a nice word,” Holly says from behind you.
You turn, shoulders sagging in relief. “I didn’t mean to say that. Sorry.”
“Stevie, I was supposed to find you,” she whines incredulously, hands planted on her hips.
“We can go again. I’ll find a new spot.”
Her frown mends as quickly as it appeared and she skips back to her room to count.
“Sorry,” Steve reminds you. “Help me find a spot to hide?”
Soft eyes, a softer smile. It’s hard to stay mad when he looks at you like that. “Okay.”
Twenty seconds isn’t very long to hide. Especially when Holly counts as fast as she does and when you spend half of your time standing in the hall. So you end up crouched in the corner of Mike’s closet, Steve arched over you, trying his hardest not to crush your toes.
“Jesus. Does this kid even wash his clothes?” Steve whisper-shouts. “It smells like something died in here.” His palm snaps to the wall behind your head, the flesh of his arm warming your ear.
“You actually couldn’t have picked a worse place. Oh my God.” You press the neckline of your shirt over your nose. Steve’s wearing enough cologne to drown out the stench of dirty socks, though it’s choking you all the same.
“We had like three seconds. I panicked!”
You’re glaring at him but only a fraction of light filters in from underneath the door so you’d guess he doesn't see.
The closet is the first place Holly checks when she barges into Mike’s room, but you’ve never been happier to be caught so fast.
“My turn!” She glows in victory, pigtails swishing like yellow ribbons as she shouts.
Steve huffs. “Let’s take a break. We’ve been playing for like an hour.”
“Can we play tag?”
“In a little while. I’m tired.” He pinches her neck playfully until she squirms out of reach. “How’d you have all that energy?”
She shrugs with her whole body. “I dunno. I’m a kid.”
A laugh bubbles out of your throat. When your eyes flit to Steve you find him already smiling at you.
“What about something a little more chill,” you suggest. “We could color?”
“You want to make some?”
She nods, “I can’t reach them. The beads are on top of my closet.”
“I’ll get ‘em,” Steve offers. “Come show me where.”
You fan out her multitude of craft containers across the kitchen table. Beads, charms, strings, all neatly filed away. She pops open a lid and plunks down across from you. Steve takes the seat at the end in between.
“What color bracelet are you gonna make?” you ask, raking through the rainbow of options.
“Umm, yellow. No– green!”
“Nice. Here’s a cute little frog charm. Want that?”
“Mmmm. No, thank you.”
“I’ll take it,” Steve says, stretching his hand toward you.
You drop it in the center of his palm where it clinks against a handful of blue beads. They’re pretty and vibrant like the sea. A flicker of an idea pulls you to grab your own handful.
Holly slides four beads onto a string, two lime green and two baby pink. She drags the other end up and they all slip off, bouncing in separate directions across the table. You smack one before it dives onto the floor and Steve catches another two mid-air.
“Can you help me tie it?” Holly asks from under her chair, searching for the fourth.
“Sure.” Steve swaps his bracelet for hers, triple knotting one end. “I like these colors.”
She resurfaces with a grin, voice lilting as she speaks, “Do you like purple?”
“Yeah, purple’s okay. Do you?”
She nods, pinching a lilac gem and examining it.
You slip into a peaceful rhythm. The bead bin rattles as Steve digs his fingers in. He murmurs something about sparkles as he shuffles. Every now and then, you peek up at him. And each time, you find that he’s fully absorbed in this, rubbing his chin or poking his tongue out in concentration. You’d even bet he’s having fun.
“Can you tie it on me,” Holly asks when she finishes.
Steve takes her hand gently, fingers engulfing her tinier ones. “This good?” He tugs the strings across each other at her permission, sealing it with an extra knot for good measure.
Holly starts a second one as you finish your first. You hold it up triumphantly for them to see– red and blue beads between every white pearl.
“Very patriotic,” Steve teases.
“It’s for you. For scoops. These are the colors right?”
He softens, eyes rounding like brown buttons. “Wait, really? Thank you. Wow.” He inspects it fondly where you release it in his palm. “Will you tie it?” His arm shoots over to your side of the table.
You feel his gaze shift from the bracelet to your face as you lace it. And you pretend that it doesn’t make your cheeks burn.
“You don’t have to wear it to Scoops if you don’t want to,” you mumble, releasing his wrist.
“What? Of course, I’m wearing it. No one’s ever made me a bracelet before.”
Your lips bend up into your cheeks as he leans back in his seat. He twists and turns his arm, looking it over again with a similar expression. “Now, it was supposed to be a surprise, but since I’m almost done, I actually made this for you.” He scoops up the piece he’s been working on and waves it in front of you.
You cock an eyebrow and smirk. “You sure you didn’t just decide that since I gave you one.”
“I didn’t! I was planning this the whole time! Right Holly, didn’t I say that?”
“Holly, come on now.” He elbows her arm. “Supposed to back me up.”
“But you didn’t,” she giggles.
“Holly doesn’t lie, Steve.”
“Okay, I didn’t say it. But I thought it. I was gonna give it to you I swear.” He jams another couple of beads on his string. “See! Look, it has your favorite color on there.”
“It has every color on there.”
“One of which is your favorite.”
You roll your eyes as he takes your wrist. His hands are warmer than yours, softer than you expect too. He stills as your palm flips face up. A jagged, fleshy ridge runs from the bottom of your pinky to the meat of your thumb. Steve was there when you got the scar. He’s never said it, but you know he blames himself for it. A demodog had you pinned in that damned junkyard school bus so Steve pushed you out of the way but you caught yourself on a broken window.
“It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
His head dips in a silent nod. He isn’t sure whether to believe you or not. Either way, he feels sorry still.
His bracelet is a statement piece for sure. It truly has every color under the sun and a random assortment of charms and shells. But it’s sweet that he gave it to you. Even if he totally did not plan to do so at first.
He makes a second bracelet for Holly with purple string and butterfly pendants. Holly gives her next one to him as thanks, then begins on a third for you.
Steve stands from the table. “I’m hungry. Grilled cheese okay for dinner Holly?” She nods as do you when he asks you the same.
Your focus drifts between him and the necklace you’re starting for Holly. He coasts around the kitchen naturally, like you imagine he would in his own house. But it’s a bizarre sight. Steve Harrington cooking you food, in the Wheeler’s kitchen out of all places.
And he’s about as good as a chef as you expect him to be. He’s clumsy and uncertain, even dropping a spatula on the floor with an, “Oh, shi–ugar…” But he kindly refuses to accept any help or advice when you offer.
He eventually swings around the kitchen island, brimming with pride, one plate in each hand. They’re set in the space you’ve cleared and you quickly see that the sandwiches have been cut adorably into stars. You just as quickly see– and smell– how burnt they are. They aren’t black, they’re edible for sure. But Holly’s five, and polite as she is, most kids would never willingly eat this.
So you aren’t surprised when she looks at it in disgust, borderline horror.
“Look, it’s a star,” Steve beams, oblivious.
Your chest aches with the desire to laugh and an equal pang of sympathy.
Holly shakes her head, visibly toning down her expression for his sake. “Can I have something else?”
“It’s good! I promise, just try it.”
She slowly shakes no again.
“Steve,” a peel of laughter escapes your lips. “It’s burnt.”
He scoffs. “It’s not that burnt.”
Your mouth twitches in a funny little line and your eyes leap between him and the plate. “It’s pretty burnt, Steve.”
After a moment of silence, he sighs and picks both plates back up.
“Wait,” you shout, “I’ll still eat mine! Mine isn’t that bad. You did a good job!”
He sulks at you. “You’re just saying that. I’ll make new ones.”
“No, it’s okay, really. I’ll eat this one. I don’t mind.”
He plants the plate in your grabby hands and spins back toward the stove.
Round two is much better, still star-shaped, and a few shades lighter. Holly thanks him more than once while eating it without you even asking her to. If only Nancy and Mike were as precious as her. And Steve eats the first attempt, now cold, and admits that it tastes, “slightly burnt.”
You take the empty plates to the sink to wash while Steve and Holly lug the jewelry kits back upstairs. You meet them in Holly’s room after. They’re playing house, Steve the dad, and Holly the mom, with four babydolls for children. She appoints you to be the neighbor when you join.
You knock on her bedpost, pretending it’s her front door. “Holly, in one hour you’re gonna take a bath.”
Her head pops out from under the blanket. “Can we watch a movie before bed?”
“Sure, but we have to do bath now if you wanna watch the whole thing.”
“Okay!” She kicks the sheets away, jumping off the bed in a race to the bathroom. Steve winces as she steps on his hand.
“Do you need help?” he asks, sprawled across the bed, socked feet hanging over the edge.
“No, I got it. You can rest in peace now,” you joke, halfway through the door.
Holly is self-sufficient enough to bathe herself so all you have to do is supervise. You find a matching polka dot set of pajamas in her dresser and a towel under the bathroom sink. And she gets dry and dressed all by herself, Miss Independent.
“So there’s The Little Mermaid, E.T., Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory…” Steve trails off, kneeling in front of the entertainment center.
Holly hands him a VHS tape, “This one?”
“Ooh, good pick.��� Steve feeds the tape into the player and rewinds it.
You pat the couch cushion beside yours as Holly skips over. Steve hits the light before flopping into the recliner with a satisfied groan. The Jungle Book glows to life on the TV, casting an indigo wash over each of your faces. Holly curls into herself, knees tucked to her chest, arms wrapped tight around them.
“Here,” Steve chucks a blanket from the basket at his side.
“Thanks.” You scoop it off the floor where it missed the couch and billow it out over you and Holly. “Don’t fall asleep, Harrington.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Steve folds one leg over the other and crosses his arms, eyes glued to the screen. He reminds you of Mr. Wheeler sitting in his recliner like that. It’s alarming how attractive you find it. He’s not even doing anything worth staring at. You force your eyes back on the TV.
The credits scroll up the screen for a whole minute before you realize the movie has ended. You aren’t asleep but you aren’t totally awake either. Steve’s not far off by the looks of it and Holly, on the other hand, was out like a light halfway through. Her head presses into your upper arm, her hand scrunched in the blanket on your thigh. The weight is nice, making it all the harder to pick yourself up and get her to bed.
But thankfully Steve’s there to help. He twists in his chair until his back clicks, smiling when he catches sight of you and Holly. “I’ll carry her up,” he whispers.
You gently work Holly’s stubborn fingers from the blanket as Steve stands. He pushes the rest of the fabric into your lap before bending to scoop Holly up.
“Be right back,” he says, starting toward the stairs.
You tug the blanket higher, seeking lost comfort in its folds, though it doesn’t compare to the warmth Holly provided.
Steve pads back down not a minute later. He stops on the last step, hanging over the railing. “You awake?”
“Barely,” you mumble.
Steve plods up to the front door to check the locks. He orbits into the kitchen and then back around to the living room to turn the TV off. He’s being the responsible one. You aren’t sure why this surprises you.
“Come on,” he opens his hand toward you.
Your arm snakes out from under the blanket, and he lifts you effortlessly. You’ve seen how strong he is, how he fights, but it still surprises you.
“I was gonna suggest another movie but I don’t think either of us’ll make it.”
You catch a yawn from Steve. “I know. I’m so tired. It’s not even late.”
He hums from behind you on the stairs. “Yeah. Who knew this’d be so exhausting.” He’s only being slightly sarcastic. There’s an obvious truth to what he implied, but at the same time, it is so much harder than you realized it would be.
You stop at the landing, sluggishly turning to face Steve. “Well, goodnight, I guess.”
You splinter into opposite ends of the hall. Steve let you have Nancy’s room for obvious reasons, though he wasn’t thrilled about crashing in Mike’s bed. He’s probably better off on the couch after seeing the kid’s closet.
You change into cozier clothes and untuck Nancy’s quilt. Like with Steve, you and Nancy aren’t really friends. It’s strange being in her room, settling into her bed. And it’s almost stranger that Steve is sleeping across the hall. Yet, there’s an odd comfort in it— being surrounded by people who went through the same thing you did.
There’s thumping in the hall– footsteps, too light to be Steve’s. You fight the urge to go back to sleep. Holly needs a babysitter. But it’s not an easy feat, not when you’re swaddled like a baby in blankets much softer than the ones you have at home. You’re warm and it’s so quiet it feels like a gift; that is, until you remind yourself that kids and quiet don’t usually go hand and hand. She could be answering the door to a stranger, scaling the counters, setting the kitchen on fire, the possibilities are endless.
You force your heavy eyes open and flinch as a much brighter pair come into focus.
Holly bends over you with this innocent endearment you cannot possibly be mad to be woken by. “Told you, Stevie,” she says.
“No, you woke ‘em up, goofball.” Steve lingers at the foot of the bed in a pair of striped pajama pants and a faded Olympics tee. You’ve never seen him in pajamas before, or anything quite like it.
You prop yourself up on your elbows and rub your eyes for a better look.
“Sorry,” he supplies. His voice is still raspy with sleep and his oh-so-perfect hair shoots up in wild peaks. The sight makes your chest buzz. “She said you had to get up to.”
You redirect your attention to Holly, pinching the neckline of your shirt back over your shoulder as you sit up.
“Can we have eggs?” she asks you.
She traps her lip between her two frontmost baby teeth. “Five?”
“Five eggs!” Steve chides. “Just for you?”
She turns to nod at him, smile blooming.
He wears the same joy, ruffling her already unruly bed-head. “What are you a linebacker?”
She giggles, clueless as to what he’s talking about.
“Let’s start with two and if you’re still hungry you can have more,” you compromise.
You are undeniably a better cook than Steve, but the bar is low after yesterday. You serve scrambled eggs and unburnt toast. Holly looks at her plate like she hasn’t been fed a day in her life and she shovels spoonfuls of it in her mouth like it’s her last meal.
Steve watches her with an anxious frown. “Smaller bites, Holl.”
She nods but doesn’t exactly slow her pace. Steve chases your eyes, knocking your ankle with his when you don’t look. He gives you that funny face parents make. Help me out.
You shrug. “It’s just eggs. Babies eat eggs.”
He cycles through several emotions—frustration that you won’t back him up, disbelief that babies eat eggs, and a lingering fear that she might choke. But he stops himself from asking all the what-ifs, he trusts you.
Holly swallows half of her glass of chocolate milk in one go. Steve looks mildly horrified.
“My God. She’s like a little human vacuum,” he mumbles through a mouthful of toast.
You snort into your glass. If Holly heard him, she’s too preoccupied to care.
After breakfast, Steve sets her up in front of the TV to watch cartoons while you clear the table. He disappears into the basement in search of a board game but comes back with some deflated, plastic thing.
“What happened to the board game?” you ask. “What even is that?”
“It’s a kiddie pool. Let’s go outside. It’s nice out.”
“I didn’t bring a bathing suit.”
“Me neither. Just wear that.”
You wrinkle your nose down at your pajamas. “Go see if she wants to.”
He smiles, retreating back into the living room. Shortly after, he shouts, “She said yes!” Footsteps pound up the stairs, followed by a second shout, “Don’t run!”
Mrs. Wheeler calls the house phone and is pleased to hear your good report. She reminds you several times to apply sunscreen to Holly’s ears and that there’s an extra can in the upstairs bathroom. You wrangle Holly over to put her on and promise to call back before bedtime when she refuses to hang up.
You sift through your bag, changing into the closest thing to swimwear. Steve takes forever in the bathroom, which doesn’t surprise you one bit. He comes out in a crisp white tee, way too expensive-looking for a pool day, and a pair of red gym shorts.
“What are you, the lifeguard?” you joke.
His hands snap to his hips. “Uhh, I’ll have you know I’ve been a certified lifeguard for two years, so yeah, actually.”
You roll your eyes, brushing past him for the extra can of sunscreen. “Are you ready? Holly’s waiting.”
“Yeah. Let me go blow up the pool. I’ll be outside.”
You fix your hair in the mirror and tuck a few towels under your arm before heading downstairs. Holly’s already outside, criss-crossed in a big lawn chair and watching Steve with incredible boredom. He stands barefoot in the grass, the deflated pool pressed against his chest. He pulls away from the air valve when he notices you, quickly capping it with his thumb.
“You okay?” you ask, laughing lightly.
He nods, red-cheeked and breathless. “Think there’s a hole in it. Been blowin’ for like five minutes.”
“Huh,” you drop the towels and take one end of the limp plastic. “Try again.”
He funnels more air inside, it dispurses evenly underneath your palm. You don’t hear any air wheezing out so you turn it over for further inspection.
“Oh, Steve. Here, look.”
He pops his mouth off and follows your pointer finger. A second valve at the bottom, unhinged and releasing his hard work steadily.
“Oh, you’re kidding me. Why’d they put one under there?”
You shrug, plugging it back up. “Holly, let’s get some sunscreen on so your mom doesn’t kill us.”
Holly hops off the chair and skips to your side. You mist her skin in several layers, lathering a generous amount over her ears. When you move onto yourself, she grabs her basket of toys and climbs into the dry inflatable. Steve retrieves the hose and releases a cool stream into the pool, splashing Holly’s feet.
She squeals and scoots back. “Cold!”
Steve’s thumb eclipses the opening so the water bursts out in wide a fan. He trains it at Holly, spraying her until she’s soaked and screaming.
He’s giggling in a way you’ve never heard. Genuine, open-mouthed reels of laughter. You hate to admit it, but it’s really cute. So infectious you can’t help but join.
He glances back for your reaction, pleasantly satisfied. And your smile incites a great idea. He swings the hose around, aiming it straight at you.
“Steve!” Your arms shoot out to block the attack but it’s no use.
“What?” he says, the epitome of innocence.
Your eyes narrow but a smirk prevails. “Oh, you–”
Holly tackles the back of his thigh with a scream. Steve stumbles forward and the hose slips from his grasp.
You lunge for it before he even realizes what happened. And by the time he does, he’s already drenched. “Payback!” You laugh maniacally as he combs his hair out of his eyes.
He’s laughing too, bent at the waist, still shaking his surprise. But only until he catches your gaze– then comes the glint of something playful, almost daring.
Steve barrels straight through the spray like a bull. He chokes your fingers over the nozzle, bending and bending the line until the water pours straight down your head.
Holly dashes behind you to wrangle the wiggly tail of the hose, squealing at every layer of mist she catches.
You and Steve wrestle with it, his hand on your hip, yours pushing his shoulder. He’s gentle but still strong. And his touch sears through the cold water, your skin tingling in his wake.
The second he sticks the end down the back of your shirt you scream. “Okay, okay! I surrender!”
He crimps the hose with one hand, smirking deviously.
“I surrender,” you repeat, heaving through your laughter.
Holly drops her end of the hose, backing up one slow step at a time.
“Truce,” you nod, stepping up cautiously to shake his hand.
He accepts your hand, using it to yank you closer and blast you again. You chase and dodge and tackle each other under the blazing sun until your legs feel like jelly. But the game eventually slows as exhaustion creeps in.
You and Steve collapse in the lawn chairs while Holly lays belly-down in the pool. Water sloshes over the rim onto your toes as she kicks, a brief reprieve from the sticky heat. You're relaxed, but your mind wanders. You keep hoping the Wheelers won’t notice the sudden increase in their water bill.
“Dustin talks about you all the time.”
You tear your eyes away from Holly, blinking back into reality as you face Steve. “What?”
“Dustin, he talks about you all the time. Kid loves you.”
“Oh. He’s a sweet kid. Talks about you too. Keeps telling me to come see you at Scoops.”
Steve chuckles, more of a half-hearted puff of amusement than a real one.
“Which, I’m sorry I haven’t, by the way,” you confess.
His eyebrows jump, lips parting in soft surprise. “Oh, no. Don’t worry about it. He’s just being Dustin.”
You press a blade of grass flat under your heel, as if the right words might sprout from the dirt. “I dunno. I mean, don’t you think it’s kinda weird that we don’t like talk? After everything?”
The words bounce around Steve’s head for a minute. He fixates on your choice of weird. Weird, like bad? Weird like you want to talk? He can’t decide. And he’s afraid if he opens his mouth, the wrong words will tumble out.
But he tries anyway, “Honestly, I thought you didn’t want to be friends. You were just so… distant after.”
You rub the length of your arm, lips creasing into a frown. “Sorry, I was just. I don’t even know. Rattled, I guess.”
“Yeah, rabid dogs with faces that split open and try to eat you tend to have that effect.”
Your frown melts, little by little.
“But we should’ve been there for you more. It was a hard time for everybody.”
His apology echoes in your mind, the ache like a weight on your chest.
“You could visit if you wanted to. At scoops. I could get you ice cream for free.”
But the ache doesn’t stand a chance against the way he makes you feel.
“Okay.” Your cheeks round with a sincere smile. “I’d like that.”
He turns his head, as if to hide, but you still catch an echo of your own expression. Your eyes flicker across the contours of his profile, following the graceful line from his ear to his collar, before drifting over the sculpted shape of his arms and the long expanse of his thighs. Steve Harrington is objectively attractive. This isn’t the first time you’ve thought so. But it is the first time that fact makes your head spin.
Maybe it’s the heat. The sun feels like it's roasting you alive, and Steve’s attractiveness certainly isn't helping. You’re feeling strange, thinking crazy things– the kind of thoughts that only come when you’re on the verge of heat stroke certainly.
You stand abruptly and the grass sways underneath your feet. But you get your bearings before anyone notices. “Holly, can I come sit in the pool?”
Her eyes pop up, grin distorted underneath the water. She props her elbow up and rests her cheek in the palm of her hand. “What’s the password?”
“Umm, can you give me a hint?”
A high-pitched hum. “Okay. She’s my favorite character.”
“Uhh, Barbie?”
“Strawberry Shortcake?”
“Hello Kitty?”
“You’re really bad at this,” she giggles. It would be really cute if you weren’t possibly dying right now.
“It’s Care Bears,” Steve interjects, snapping his fingers. “Uhh, the yellow one. Umm, Funshine!”
“Yes!” Holly glows like the sun on Funshine herself. “Stevie can come in.”
Steve stands but he doesn’t get in. “Come on, Holl. It’s hot.”
“There’s a new password.”
“Okay, okay. Can I have another hint?” you ask.
Her tongue curls out to lick the sweat off her lip. “My favorite color.”
“Yes,” she nods and sits up. “But I really like yellow and blue and pink too.”
You sink into the water, unsure if there was ever a wrong answer. It’s shallow and lukewarm, barely grazing the tops of your thighs, but it’s enough to cool the sun off your skin. Steve follows, and the space tightens awkwardly— the inflatable wasn’t built for three. His knee brushes yours while Holly’s toes nudge your foot, but neither of them seems to mind.
You cup water up to your cheeks and pour it down your arms.
“Better?” Steve asks, a droll little pinch to his features.
He’s staring at you which is definitely not helping but you nod anyway.
“Why don’t we move to the shade?” He stands before you or Holly agrees, offering his hand to pull you up.
She races Steve to the nearest tree, though he doesn't stand much of a chance dragging the pool behind him. He refills it with fresh water and encourages Holly to splash you gently while he runs inside to make lunch. By the time he returns, you’re feeling much more yourself.
“Bon Appétit,” Steve announces, lowering himself slowly onto a towel. He carries three animal-shaped plates stocked with fruit and PB&Js, one in each hand, another balanced on his forearm.
Holly scrambles out of the water, plopping onto the other end of his towel. You get out too, shaking a second one out to lay beside theirs.
“Lion or hippo?” he asks Holly.
She hums for a long time, inspecting each plate meticulously before pointing to the lion.
“Good choice.” He sets the plate in front of her crossed legs and passes you the hippo. Steve takes the polar bear for himself, which notably only has half a sandwich.
“Where’s the other half?” you ask.
He takes a large bite, pressing his hand to his mouth to reply, “Ran out of bread.”
“Here.” You rip one of your halves in half.
“Thanks,” he says, syllables tangling as he chews.
Holly watches the interaction fondly before pulling apart her own sandwich. It splits in a jagged line, mostly crust on one half. But happily, she thrusts the bigger piece toward Steve, jelly dribbling down her little fist.
He tilts his head, a growing smile mirroring yours. “You eat it. I have enough now.”
She crinkles her nose. “You eat it!”
“No, you!” He squeezes her slim bicep. “You need to get big and strong.”
“What about you?”
“I’m already big and strong.”
She considers this, giving him an obvious once-over that makes you laugh. “Trade?”
“Okay, trade.” Steve chuckles, exchanging one of his halves for hers. He licks a stripe across his knuckle where her sticky fingers brushed his. It’s as innocent as the gesture can be but something about it has your cheeks burning in a way the sun couldn’t.
Conversation tapers off, replaced with an easy quiet. Your stomach is satisfied with the food, but it’s your heart that feels the most nourished, steeped in the comfort of good company. You hadn’t expected to enjoy hanging out with Steve or Holly this much.
Holly slouches into your arm, stretching her legs across the grass like a bridge between the towels. Her heels push into the pudge of Steve’s thigh, the faintest smirk crossing her lips.
He squeezes her ankle until it darts away.
Gradually, she presses again and in turn, he squeezes, but this time he doesn’t let go. She squeals as he drags her down your side. But all hell breaks loose when he starts tickling the bottom of her foot.
She shrieks, thrashing and squirming against his hold, giggling in between gasps. “Ste–vie!” she cries.
Her laugh is too pure of a sound to be real, Steve thinks. His resolve crumbles, grip faltering. And Holly’s heel slams smack into his jaw. Steve winces, bending away to cradle his cheek.
You straighten up. “You okay? Let me see.”
Holly’s legs go limp in the grass, her shoulders tense in your lap.
Steve’s hand slackens unveiling a red splotch not much darker than his sunburnt cheeks. He meets your eyes with a dismissive shake, “It’s okay.”
You believe him. It doesn’t look nearly awful enough to make your concern stick. And his face has been through worse. Billy Hargrove painting his fists red with Steve’s blood is one of the things you remember most about that night.
His attention dips down to Holly. She sniffles, eyes glistening in the sunlight with a frown nearly reaching her chin.
“It’s okay. I’m okay, Holl.”
Holly putters, whimpers drowning the edges of her words. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay! I promise! It doesn’t even hurt,” he reassures, cupping her kneecap.
You tug her off the ground and she sinks into your arms naturally. Hot tears pave a path down your neck only to dissolve in the fabric of your shirt. You coax her sobs out, one back rub at a time.
Steve waits until she settles with this pitiful look on his face. “I know you didn’t mean to Hollybear. Just an accident. Hmm?”
She nods against your chin.
He strokes the back of her arm, fingers grazing yours where they work. “Please don’t cry.”
Holly sniffles.
“You know what might help me feel better?” She lifts a sweaty cheek off your chest as Steve opens his arms. “A hug.”
She pushes out of your hands into his. He holds her tight, providing one loving squeeze after another.
This is not how you pictured Steve to be under normal babysitting circumstances. A voice like sweet honey, eyes warm like the sun. He’s very soft, and so undeniably kind. And not just to Holly, but also you.
Steve hooks the spare towel closer, draping it across her back. “Lean back,” he tells her.
She avoids his gaze as she does, tears melting away under his touch.
“You know what I think?” He cinches the towel at her collar like a cloak.
She hums.
“I think we should have popsicles for dessert.”
Holly meets his eyes then, excitement glimmering underneath the droop of lingering guilt.
“How does that sound?”
“Good,” she admits meekly.
A smirk thins his lips. “I dunno though. What if we get a tummy ache?” He pokes her belly through the towel. “Maybe it’s not–”
“No– I want one!”
“I dunnooo,” he sings.
“Please, Stevie! You already said.”
“How bad do you want it? Like this much?” He pinches his fingers together, leaving the slightest gap between them.
“No, no!” She shakes her head, casting her arms out as far as they’ll go. “This much!”
He sighs loudly, shoulders sagging for the dramatic touch. “Okay.”
Holly’s arms curl around his neck as he stands. He’s more than happy to carry her, but the added weight makes him groan.
You trail behind automatically, half enjoying the show and just as excited for a treat. Steve pins the back door open with his foot, returning a smile you hadn’t realized you were sharing. Your cheeks are starting to protest, sore with overwhelming happiness.
“What color do you want?”
“Pink! Pink!” Holly shouts in his ear, loud enough to make you wince. But Steve doesn’t react in the slightest to her volume. You’d all taken a piece of the Upside Down with you after El sealed it up. And just when you seemed to forget it, you’d be reminded in the form of scars, nightmares, headaches, and in Steve’s case, hearing loss.
He opens the freezer, Holly propped on his hip. She’s far too big to be carried like that comfortably but he does it anyway.
“Pink for Holly. Red for Steve.” He leans back to find your face. “For you?”
You purse your lips, “Surprise me.”
Steve stows Holly on the countertop so he can snip the plastic tips. She receives her popsicle first, then you, and finally Steve.
“Matching,” Holly observes as you sit beside them on the couch.
Steve crosses his popsicle over your identically red one when you raise an eyebrow. “Look at that,” he says.
She hums, gnawing on the plastic wrapper. Steve pushes the ice up for her and thumbs away the dribble at the corner of her mouth. She doesn’t seem to notice, but it catches you off guard. Steve’s such a natural at this you almost can’t believe he’s an only child.
You turn the TV on to an episode of Care Bears as Holly slumps into Steve’s chest, slurping the last of her slush loudly.
“Sleepy?” you ask when she kneads her eyes.
You chuckle, combing her frizz back. “Okay.”
“You know, it’s okay if you are sleepy,” Steve mentions, equally amused.
“I know. I’m not.” Her tone is casual, a portrait of nonchalance, despite the yawn that slips out afterward.
You and Steve exchange a look of mutual fondness.
“I’m pretty tired,” Steve declares, reclining into the cushions with a fake yawn. “I think I’ll take a nap.”
Holly twists against him to watch. It doesn’t take long for her little fingers to poke and prod his lashline.
He peels one eye open, playfully cocking an eyebrow.
She giggles and pinches the skin closed.
You’re trapped between nervously supervising she doesn’t poke his eye out and leaving to get a baby wipe for her hands which you imagine are very sticky with popsicle juice. Either way, you’ll be surprised if Steve doesn’t have pink eye by morning.
“I’m sleeping,” he whines and headbutts her palm gently.
“Nooo,” she whines back, wedging her hand across his mouth. Delirium is setting in, a nap is imminent.
Steve opens his eyes, giddy just the same. “Okay. You got me.”
Holly frees his mouth to swipe a streak of red from his chin. Her tongue pokes out in prime concentration.
A staggered laugh of disbelief is shaken from Steve’s chest. He hadn’t expected Holly to be difficult, but she’s been nothing short of delightful. She’s sweeter than Mike and Nancy combined and smarter than he thought kids her age could be. For a self-indulgent second, he hopes that his kids will turn out something like her.
Holly reels back around to lay on her side, eyelids sagging with an inevitable heaviness. Steve draws the towel up to her chin, fixing his palm to her back. You watch her drift off, eyes slipping up every so often.
When you’re positive she’s out, you cautiously dislodge the popsicle wrapper from her fingers. Steve passes his as you stand.
One of the many hard things about kids is all the cleaning. Holly’s as neat as a five-year-old gets, and still, every moment of peace is an opportunity spent putting things back where they belong. You head outside to tip the pool over and collect stray towels and toys that didn’t make it back in.
By the time you return, Steve’s passed out, mouth ajar, head craned back against the couch. It’s not a particularly attractive expression– he’d probably be embarrassed to wake to your staring– but you can’t find anything other than endearment in yourself.
You shower and change into fresh clothes and end up on the opposite couch to watch TV. But Care Bears isn’t all that entertaining anymore so you rest your eyes for just a second.
A second turns to several and when you reopen your eyes you discover the clock is two hours ahead of where it was before.
The silence is only comforting for a fleeting moment before anxiety creeps in. Your eyes flick from the TV, now powered off, to the other couch where Steve and Holly are not where you left them. Nor are they in the dining room, kitchen, basement, or backyard. You take the stairs two steps at a time and nearly trip over a blanket strewn across the banister when Holly screams.
You’d have kicked her door off the hinges if it came to it but are thankful it’s already open. Holly is perfectly safe, bent over the remnants of what you assume was a pillow fort.
You release a breath caught in your throat and sag against the doorframe. Steve offers an apologetic smile when he notices.
Holly glances over but quickly returns to their game. “You’ve destroyed my kingdom!” she shouts, drilling a finger into Steve’s chest. “Off with your head!”
You’re too stunned to laugh, but a noise of confusion skips out. Steve gawks at Holly in pretend despair, scrubbing any seeping amusement off his lips with the back of his hand. He’s dressed in sweats, Holly in a princess dress. But more importantly, his face has been caked in makeup and his hair twisted into two fluffy knots.
“You!” Holly yells with a scowl aimed at you. “Hold him down!”
Steve pleads at your ankles, pressing his forehead to the carpet in prayer. It takes every ounce of you not to break character and laugh. There’s something so surreal about Steve Harrington, former King of Hawkins High, in sparkly eyeshadow, kneeling before a little girl to beg for his life. It’s hilarious as it is heartwarming.
“If I may propose a suggestion!” You counter, equally dramatic. “A trade! For this silly man’s life, we will help rebuild your kingdom twice as big! Princess I–”
Steve snorts but she must miss it.
“My apologies. Queen Holly, I can assure you this new Kingdom will have all of the finest luxuries that royalty like yourself might desire.”
She takes a second to process the big words. “Fine!” She sneers, diving onto her mattress which is absent of all its sheets and blankets. “Chop! Chop!”
You bite your lip, chasing the fervent smile away. Steve gets right to work, sorting pillows from most to least sturdy. You steal another chair from Nancy’s desk and help Steve double-knot the roof to it. It’s no mansion, but it is long enough for Steve to lie down in, which is a job well done in your book. Especially when you’re under strict supervision and listening to a thread of loud critiques.
You lift the door flap for Holly to crawl through. “Your quarters, Your Grace.”
She glances over her shoulder with a wicked, but mostly adorable, expression. “My name is not Grace! It’s Holly! Queen Holly to you!”
The explanation dies on your tongue because how can you possibly argue with that? You’re just grateful to still have your head.
After the grand tour, Queen Holly disappears into one of the tent’s offshoots with a handful of stuffed animals she's referring to as her royal guards.
Steve scoots closer, whispering behind his hand, “I think we need to stage a coup.”
You lean into his good ear, affection spilling off your tone, “I didn’t know she could be so mean.”
“Me neither! She must be hanging out with Mike.”
“Must be.” You grin for what feels like the millionth time today.
You’re sitting knee to knee, close enough to catch the heat of Steve’s breath on your cheek. You drag the pad of your finger across his cheekbone where teal eyeshadow has been caked on in several layers. “I like this,” you compliment.
I kinda forgot she put that on.” He ducks his head bashfully, peeking up through his eyelashes. “Do I look pretty?”
“The prettiest.”
He receives it as teasing, but it’s true, you do think Steve is pretty. A strong nose, kind eyes, and sure, maybe the hair. But now that you’re inches apart, you notice twin smile lines, a series of freckles down his cheek, and a faded scar across his forehead. You linger there more than anywhere else, under the guise of judging Holly’s makeup job, of course.
But the silence twists into something less comfortable with each passing second. A brief twitch of emotion flickers across Steve’s face, gone before you can name it. “So… pizza for dinner?” he blurts out.
Before you’ve processed what happened, Holly shouts, “Cheese please!”
Steve splinters from your gaze, calling back, “Yes, My Queen.”
Dinner is pleasantly easy. The pizza’s delivered and paper plates save you from the hassle of dishes after. You eat at the kitchen table, sharing stories and smiles, strangely like a family.
And after dinner, Holly has a bath; and after bath, Steve whisks her off to bed. You’re left to your own devices for once, a benevolent bout of peace, but still, you can’t seem to relax.
The spray of the bathroom light paves the hall leading to Holly’s room. You tiptoe up to the door and peek inside.
Steve’s on the floor, slouched against the side of the bed cradling Holly to his chest. He flinches as your shadow veers across the moonlit wall.
“Sorry,” you whisper, dropping onto your knees beside them.
Holly picks her head up, tear tracks shimmering as she turns. Her lip wobbles through a whimper.
You soften like wax near a flame, eyes flitting to Steve who looks equally at a loss.
She curls her knees into his tummy in a way that probably hurts. The poor thing dissolves into fresh tears, spilling out faster than Steve can chase away.
“Holls, it’s okay, honey. Me and Stevie are here, okay?”
She strains to speak through a chain of gasps, “I want my Mommy!”
“I know, I know. She’ll be back before you know it, I promise,” you steer sweat-slick hair behind her ear.
“I want her now.”
“We’ve got ya, Holl,” Steve chimes in.
“We’re right here.”
“No– Mommy!”
It goes like this for a while, soothing reassurances met with unyielding resolve. Holly’s not one to be stubborn for no reason. She’s so exhausted and upset it breaks your heart. You try reading and music and back rubs but there seems to be no end to her sobbing.
Steve strokes her ankle where it’s now tucked underneath her in your lap. He looks exhausted– hair draped over his forehead like a claw, extra weight embedded in each of his eyelids. You’re both at your breaking point. “You wanna sleep with me tonight Hollybear?” he says in a tone gentler than you’ve ever heard.
“No. Mommy,” she persists.
“You can sleep with her when she gets back. But tonight you get to have a sleepover with Steve. Or you can even sleep with me in Nancy’s bed, okay?”
Red-rimmed eyes flick between you and Steve. Neither option is as good as Mom.
“Both,” Holly whines.
“Wanna lay with both of us?”
She nods. “In the middle.”
“Okay,” you turn to Steve. “We can do that.” Your words are colored like a question but he’s already nodding his answer.
He shovels Holly from your lap, cheek pressing into hers in an unspoken exchange of relief. “Alright, munchkin. Let’s go steal Nancy’s big bed. Sound good?”
She hums her approval into his ear.
Steve pokes Nancy’s door open with his foot, swinging around to the tucked side of the bed. You crawl across your end as Holly slides off his chest. She molds herself against your shoulder, tugging Steve closer when he settles.
“Goodnight, Hollybear,” he says.
She steals your hand from underneath the comforter, then his where it lies on the sheet. Your knuckles brush Steve’s where they are stapled to her chest. “Goodnight,” she sighs.
Steve strokes up and down the back of her hand, his touch a quiet catalyst. She’s asleep in mere minutes, snoring softly, fingers limp against yours.
Steve nudges your hand where it’s already pressed to his, whispering when you turn, “Am I crazy that I find all of this kinda fun?”
You shake your head, a smile working its way across your lips. “Guess that would make me crazy too.”
“I know I always complain about driving those little shits around but Holly’s actually really fun to babysit.”
“Yeah, she is. At least it’s not the end of the world this time, right?”
“Yeah, that probably helps, huh?” Amusement ebbs into a sigh. “I’m kinda dreading going home, to be honest.”
“Why don’t we put Mike in a wig? Kidnap Holly for ourselves.”
He snorts into his pillow. “Oh, yeah. That’ll work. ‘Yeah, I dunno Mrs. Wheeler, she had a crazy growth spurt while you were gone.’”
“We’d take good care of her.”
“We would,” he nods. “You’re really good with her.”
“So are you. Kinda surprised me actually.”
“Really? Cause Dustin tells me weekly I’d make a good mother.”
“Yeah, but they’re different. Older. And don’t get me wrong, you’re great with them and they love hanging out with you. Holly’s just little. You’re so much gentler with her, and like, you always seem to know what to do.”
“For the record, I have no clue what I’m doing.”
“Me neither. I don't know what Mrs. Wheeler was thinking asking us to do this.”
Intertwined laughter fades, but something else— something similar— lingers. An almost tangible buzz of energy, as if the silence itself is alive with unspoken words. You entertain the idea that the feeling’s not exclusive to just you. That Steve hears the same jitter in his pulse and feels the same flutter against his ribs. That you aren’t alone to be feeling such a way.
“Is it–”
“Are we–”
“Sorry, you go,” he jabbers out.
The words trickle back down your throat, too thick to cross your tongue again. “You can probably go now,” you decide.
His gaze jumps to Holly’s chest where his hand is still coupled with one of hers.
“If you want,” you amend. “You don’t have to.”
“You don't mind? If I stayed?”
You shake your head.
“Just worried she’ll wake up if I move.”
You try to flatten your excitement as you reply, “You can stay.”
His gaze swims with yours across Nancy's room, skimming over the cluttered dresser, the desk strewn with books and pens, to the shuttered closet doors.
“Sorry about– you know– I heard Nancy… dumped you,” you say, immediately regretting the awkward phrasing.
“Harsh,” he squints and casts you a bittersweet grin. “But true.”
“Is it… weird? To be in here?”
“A little. But not as much as I thought it would be. Hell of a lot better than Mike’s room.”
You hum, watching the gentle shift in his brows.
“Is it weird for you?”
“Me?” you ask. “In what way?”
“You and Nance. You don’t always see eye to eye.”
“I mean, yeah. When our decisions involve risking our lives– or the kids– she’s pretty damn impulsive. And she can be real stubborn and selfish sometimes too. But I dunno, I still love her. She’s been sort of like a sister since everything started. I think that’s why we argue.”
“What does that make me? Your brother?”
You roll your eyes. “No, you’re the stray dog we adopted.”
“Okay. That’s just mean.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” Your laugh laps out louder than you intend, but Holly remains still. “I dunno who you’d be. The love interest?”
“I can work with that, sexy love interest–”
You scoff. “Don’t put words in my mouth, Harrington.”
“Okay, okay. But love interest because…”
“Cause you dated Nance.”
“Oh,” he exhales.
“You don’t agree? Should we go back to stray dog?”
“Oh, shut up. I’m going to bed.” Steve rolls onto his side with a sigh.
“Keep your snoring to a minimum, please.”
He grumbles, narrowing his eyes at your smirk. “I don’t snore.”
“You do. I could hear it from here last night.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“I did,” you argue. “It definitely wasn’t Holly.”
“Whatever. Goodnight.”
Only when your eyes are closed does his smile finally emerge. It’s silly how quickly you can pull it out of him. It throws him for a loop every time. But with you at his side, maybe he’ll dream of happier things for once. Either way, it’s easier to fall asleep, just knowing you’re there falling asleep too.
“No, you shhhh,” a lighter voice giggles.
“Holly,” Steve scolds, mirth buttering his tone. You know he’s smiling by the sound alone.
Holly’s laughter triples in volume but then is abruptly muffled.
“Ew– did you just lick me?”
And this all just sounds way too cute to miss out on. You pry your lashes apart, still sticky with sleep, and flip on your side to face them.
They freeze, eyes widening adorably in sync. Steve is reclined against the headboard, an arm bent behind his neck. Holly is sprawled halfway across his tummy, toes tickling your side.
“Sorry,” he offers like you’d be mad. But how could you possibly be anything but enamored waking up to their giggly little voices? If you could be woken up like this every day, you would.
You shake your head, scratching underneath your eyes. The walls are bathed in muted colors, waiting to be warmed by the sunrise. It’s still early.
Holly rolls off of Steve onto the floor and barrels out of the room.
“Where are you going?” he shouts.
Steve turns to you, eyes roving across your bedhead for an embarrassingly long amount of time. “Good morning.”
“Did she kick you last night?”
You rake your fingers through your hair, quickly moving them to your lips to stifle a yawn. “Not that I remember.”
“Oh, you’d remember. Trust me. She was on top of me the whole night.” He’s smiling like an idiot. He couldn’t sound annoyed about it if he tried.
“Aww, she loves you,” you coo.
“Yeah,” he agrees, pink dusting his cheeks, “I can’t wait to do this.”
“Settle down. Have a family. I wasn’t, like, a hundred percent sure before, but I am now.”
“You’ll be a good dad.”
He beams at you like he’s just won the lottery. “You think?”
“For sure.” And he really would. You’re sure of it after last night.
He opens his mouth to speak but your stomach cuts him off with an obnoxious growl. “Hungry?” Steve chuckles.
“Shut up.” You swipe your pillow and smack him.
He smacks you back, pulling it to his chest before you can steal it. “Wanna go out for breakfast?”
Your brain short circuits. You forget you’re babysitting and not just laying in bed with Steve Harrington for fun. He is not asking you on a date like your heart assumes.
“Oh, yeah. Sure. For sure,” you sputter out, heat licking up the back of your neck.
“I’ll go see what she wants,” he slides onto the floor and shakes his legs awake.
Steve’s tall, even sluggishly slumped over. But even more so as he stretches– arms rising with his shirt, revealing a fraction of golden skin above his waistband. A long, lazy moan climbs out of his chest.
You push the comforter off before you burst into flames.
Holly determines she wants IHOP because they put chocolate chips and sprinkles on the pancakes. Steve supplies her with an outfit and wrestles her hair into pigtails with bows to match her skirt. It’s surprisingly coordinated and admittedly cute, but maybe you’re wrong to be so surprised– he knows his way around a comb and a closet.
“Can I get pancakes?” she asks Steve, perched on the bottom step of the stairs.
He’s cross-legged on the floor, hunched over to lace her sneakers. “I already told you yes, silly goose.”
“Can I get extra sprinkles?”
“Uhh, does your mom let you?”
She thinks about it before answering. “Yes, I think so.”
“Sure, then.” He grins, clapping her tied shoes together before standing.
You shoulder Holly’s bag, stuffed with books and toys and a jacket in case it rains, courtesy of Steve who insisted she might need it. “Ready?” you ask him.
Steve races Holly to the car while you lock up. Mrs. Wheeler installed Holly’s car seat in Steve’s beamer before she left but you’ve yet to use it.
“It’s too tight,” Holly whines from the car, loud enough to hear from the top of the driveway.
“I know, ‘m working on it,” Steve assures, working his fingers under the straps. “Just gotta figure it out.”
“I’m hurrying, Holl. Give me a sec’.”
You open the passenger door and peek around the headrest to view her. The belts are buckled but not tight enough to spark concern. “He’s going as fast as he can, Holly. Be patient.”
She squirms under his hands, exhaling sharply. And like her, Steve’s frustration mounts, jaw tightening, brow furrowing. His fingers keep slipping and he’s not totally sure which button or strap is for loosening.
You swing around to Holly’s door and cup Steve’s shoulder. “Let me try.”
He knocks his head on the roof as he pulls out.
You wince, “Okay?”
He softens as you reach for his neck, though your fingers never land. Still, the tender look you offer is enough to cure any bumps or bruises he might’ve gotten.
It’s an unfortunate amount of trial and error before Holly is fastened in properly. Steve cranks the AC on full blast when you finally settle into your seats and circles through radio stations after he backs out. He finds the kid’s station, playing a Muppet’s song that Steve apparently knows every word to. He sings unapologetically loud, a stupid grin sewn to his face.
When you arrive, Holly happily holds your hand through the parking lot, still clutching tightly as you wait to be seated. She climbs onto your lap to make room on the waiting bench for a woman looking ready to pop out a baby any minute. Steve stands at your other side, arm braced behind your neck.
“How old is she?” the woman asks you fondly.
“She’s five,” you return her smile, bouncing your knee. “Right, Holly?”
Holly twists to hide in your neck, nodding.
“She’s very cute,” she says with such love you already believe her baby is in good hands. “Your sister?” Her eyes flick from yours to Steve who is mostly oblivious to the conversation.
“No, just babysitting.”
“Oh, well, you’ll make good parents one day.”
The comment renders you speechless. It’s not that you hadn’t considered children before, but you hadn’t pictured them with Steve. With his smile, his eyes, his nose. It’s that this woman who doesn’t even know you imagined it before you had. You blink at her stupidly through a forced smile.
Steve squeezes your shoulder, ripping you from your thoughts. “You okay? Table’s ready.”
You get seated in a booth overlooking the parking lot.
Holly bends across Steve’s lap to point through the window. “I see our car!”
“Yeah, that’s her.”
Holly’s face contorts with confusion. “Her? Your car’s a girl?”
The waitress swings over with a handful of menus and a hasty introduction. Steve already knows what he wants and he places Holly’s order after his, making sure to clarify the extra sprinkles when she calls his name repeatedly to remind him. As soon as you decide, the waitress bustles off with the pair of menus to another table.
Holly slides her paper menu closer, examining each activity.
Steve picks open the box of crayons, revealing a stingy three– red, green, and blue. “You know, for a multi-million dollar company, you’d think they could afford more than three crayons.”
“And more staff,” you add, eyes tailing another waitress zipping from one table to another.
Holly points at herself, Steve, and then you, counting, “One, two three. Three crayons for three people.”
“Yeah, good point,” Steve pats her thigh. “Always the optimist.”
“Op-ta-mist,” he clarifies.
She snags the green crayon and presses it to the paper. “What’s that?”
Steve opens and closes his mouth. “Well, it’s like– it’s when you– you’re happy a lot. Grass is always greener on the other side, you know?”
Steve lost her at the metaphor but she’s too focused on staying inside the lines to care about the definition of optimist anymore.
“You got there eventually. Sort of,” you tease.
His foot stabs your ankle under the table. “Shut up.”
Steve lets Holly win every single round of tic-tac-toe while showering her with praise, convincing her she's a tactical mastermind. You can’t quite tell if she’s onto him, but she’s too busy grinning to say otherwise.
The waitress plants your and Steve’s plates on the table first, reaching behind to scoop Holly’s off her tray next. “And, chocolate chip pancakes with extra sprinkles for the little one.”
“Thank you,” you manage to say before she leaves to tend to another table flagging her down. “Holly, want syrup?”
“Yes, please.”
You pour a spiral of maple syrup over Holly’s pancakes. The amount of sugar on her plate might qualify it more as candy than breakfast. And she’s ogling the food like it’ll grow legs and run away.
“Steve, will you cut them up for her?”
He nods, swallowing a mouthful of scrambled eggs and trading his fork for a knife. As soon as he slides her meal back over, Holly ravages the pancakes, spooning another bite in her mouth before she’s swallowed the last.
The waitress whisks by with drink refills, joy driving her to a smile at the sight of Holly and her half-empty plate.
“I swear we feed her at home,” Steve chuckles through his own joke. What a dad thing to say. “Can we get some more napkins?”
And it’s like he knows what’s going to happen. Holly stretches across the table for the syrup bottle, drawing back with an open-mouthed grimace.
“Uh-oh.” She presses her chin to her chest. There’s a patch of syrup turning the hem of her pink shirt brown.
“What?” Steve throws a pigtail behind her shoulder so he can see. “Oh. It’s okay.”
“It was an accident,” Holly explains.
“I know. It’s okay.”
“It’s sticky.”
“It’ll wash off.” Steve dunks a clean napkin in his cup of water and dabs it across the stain.
“It’s too cold,” she complains, pinching the fabric away from her skin.
“Sorry. It’ll dry. Have to get the syrup out, though.”
You deliver another wad of napkins to Steve’s hand. He pushes them against her belly, soaking up any excess water. His patience never frays.
Holly looks up, worry etched into her voice, “Will it stain?”
“I dunno,” you supply truthfully. “We’ll throw it in the wash when we get home.”
Steve pays the bill with the cash the Wheelers left and scrapes his wallet for change, stacking two quarters on the table when he finds them. “Since you’ve been such a good listener. There’s a sticker machine up front,” he tells Holly.
Steve might as well have slapped a ticket to Disney World on the table. Holly literally jumps for joy, right out of her seat. She buys a random Lisa Frank sticker and pockets the second coin for her piggy bank.
It’s Steve’s idea to go to the playground afterward. The park is teeming with life, the kind of chaos that only a weekend morning can bring. Swings creak under the weight of eager kids, and the monkey bars have their own traffic jam. Parents wrap the playground like a barricade, their chatter drowned out by laughter and shouts. But the heat presses down ruthlessly, making every step feel like you’re wading through a sauna.
Holly tears away from Steve’s hand as soon as her shoes hit the mulch, rejoicing in her newfound freedom with a little skip. She races up a set of stairs to wait for a turn on the tallest slide.
“Should’ve brought sunscreen,” Steve says, eyes following Holly down the slide. She flashes you both a prideful smile from the bottom.
“She’ll survive. We won’t stay long. It’s too hot.” You pull your shirt out to fan your chest, dabbing the sweat beading at your sternum.
“Careful!” he shouts as she hops from one platform to the next. She continues to bounce along the path, one wobbly leap at a time. A particularly long jump has Steve cringing. He’s trying really hard not to be overanxious and it’s as sweet as it is amusing.
He side-eyes your grin with an opposing frown. You don’t even have to say anything for him to know you’re teasing him. “What?”
You shrug, smile doubling. “You.”
“What about me?”
“You’re just funny.”
“My concern is funny to you?” he accuses.
“She’s fine, Steve.”
He makes a noise of disagreement, arms crossed and a hip popped out dramatically far. You see why Dustin teases him for being motherly.
Holly struggles with the monkey bars. She makes it halfway across before her arms start to shake and her hands slip. Steve lunges forward as he watches her plummet to the ground. But before he can swoop in, Holly pops up, dusts the dirt from her skirt with a nonchalant shrug, and marches on, completely unfazed.
“See. She’s fine,” you reassure.
“Whatever,” Steve grumbles, strolling away to sulk in private.
He makes a slow lap around the playground, hands planted firmly on his hips, casting a critical eye over the chaos. Meanwhile, you snag a spot on a bench, where most parents are engrossed in magazines or gossip, blissfully detached. You watch Steve get roped into playing a monster, though you can tell he secretly loves it.
It doesn’t take long for him to start stomping around, roaring and growling, chasing the kids as they shriek and scatter. And when they finally tire him out, he collapses beside you, his shirt clinging to his sweaty back, and his breath coming in ragged bursts.
“I told her five more minutes,” he says, stretching an arm across the back of the bench behind you. His curls shine honeycomb gold in the spray of sunlight and his skin echoes the warmth of desert sand, softened pink like the blush of sunset. He looks strikingly gorgeous sprawled out beside you.
Holly trots over not much later, alarmingly upset.
You sit up, urgently shaking Steve’s thigh to grab his attention. “What happened, honey?”
“I– I was,” she sucks in a staggered breath, “I was climbing the stairs and– and a boy, he pushed me.” Twin rivulets of tears are unleashed with a blink, converging at the curve of her chin.
You scan her from head to toe. Nothing looks broken or bloody. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” she strains.
You drag her into your chest, pressing a loving cheek to her ear. “Did it scare you?”
She nods, hiccuping into your neck.
“I’m sorry, Holly. That wasn’t nice at all.”
Steve’s gaze shifts between Holly and the playground to search for guilty suspects. He finds none, thankfully, though he’s still itching to wring out whatever parent it is not watching their kid– which is unfortunately most of them.
“Let me see,” he coaxes Holly over for his own checkup. He picks a piece of mulch from her hair and flicks off another stamped into her calf. “Think you’ll make it? Should we call an ambulance?”
She doesn’t smile at his joke like you hope.
“Ready to go home?” you ask.
She sniffs into her sleeve. “Yeah.”
“Alright.” Steve hoists her up as he stands. Holly's long legs wrap around his waist, feet swaying against his thighs as he walks.
Holly naps on the way home, not by choice but by sheer exhaustion. She convinces herself she didn’t actually fall asleep when she wakes up in the driveway, swearing, “I just closed my eyes.”
But it’s quickly apparent that twenty minutes was not enough. She cries because her leftover pizza for lunch is cold in the middle and again when she rubs the sauce in her eye. You turn on a movie, hoping to induce another nap, but The Aristocats is just too good to sleep through. Thankfully, her grumpiness wanes into a more manageable pout, her arms uncrossing to snuggle closer to you on the couch.
When the movie ends, she slinks up, her departure leaving your lap cold. After a long-winded debate about what to do, you all finally agree on playing a board game. Steve steers Holly downstairs to pick one out and she returns with a rekindled excitement, dropping the game Twister at your feet.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with Twister, but you were expecting something easier. Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders. So you let Steve and Holly go first. The round ends in a heap of tangled limbs and giggles, a winner unclear. But Holly wins the match against you, admittedly fair and square. And it’s all fun and games until she insists you and Steve must compete.
“Ehh, Holly. My arms are tired,” you reason.
“But I wanna be the referee too,” she whines. “Pleaseee!”
Steve shrugs at you, a playful little curve to his lips. If you say no, that makes only you the bad guy. And you just can’t bring yourself to break Holly’s heart over something so simple.
“Okay,” you sigh, ignoring the nervous tick in your chest.
Holly pushes you by the hips onto the mat to stand opposite Steve. She gets situated on the floor and excitedly flicks the spinner, calling, “Left foot. Blue!”
You each step toward a blue dot. Easy.
“Right foot on green.”
Right foot, green. You’re shoulder to shoulder now, hips angled toward his.
“Right hand… yellow!”
“Here we go,” you mumble, bending down to reach yellow. “Okay.”
Steve chuckles and follows suit, free hand hovering awkwardly behind your shoulder.
You twist your head until you can’t, just to see the stupid look on his face. “You know, your long legs really give you an unfair advantage here.”
“Don’t be a sore loser,” he chides, hot breath fanning the back of your already hot neck.
“Don’t speak so soon, Harrington. You’re the one who’s gonna lose.”
“Right hand, red,” Holly announces.
You lean back toward red, headbutting Steve’s side so you don’t fall. He curls into position next, swaying until his back pocket is inches from your nose.
“Oh my God, Steve. Get your butt out of my face!” You’d shove him if you had an extra hand.
Holly giggles in that contagious way kids laugh, automatically pulling one from Steve.
“Don’t make me laugh. If I go down, so are you,” he reminds you.
“Umm, left foot green,” Holly says.
Steve groans dramatically, whining. “What! Holly, that’s impossible. Spin again.”
She cackles, reminiscent of Queen Holly. “Nope, you have to! That’s the rules!”
And somehow, you both make it to green without knocking each other over. But you’re getting distracted– Steve’s hand has brushed your calf three times now and his shirt is loose, hanging off his chest in a way that gives you a clear view of his tummy. This might as well be sabotage. You tear your eyes away. You must focus. You didn’t care much for winning before, but something about Steve brings out your competitive side.
“Right hand, green.”
You bow your knee until it’s wedged uncomfortably into your ribcage so you can reach the green. Your thighs quickly begin to ache. You won’t last much longer in this position. Especially not when Steve arches over you like a human bridge, the zipper of his jeans tickling your back where your shirt has scrunched up.
He shakes his hair out of the way so he can see you, albeit upside down. His smile stretches wide, radiating pure, unfiltered joy. He’s having the time of his life, and admittedly, so are you.
Your elbow juts out, nearly giving under the weight of his gaze alone. But you snap it back in place and practically beg Holly, “Spin.”
“Left foot blue!”
You and Steve lunge for the same blue circle. His sock slides against the tarp, leg extending much farther than he’s prepared for. His arm buckles, chest slamming down against your back. Your elbows give out immediately under the force of his weight, jaw slamming into the floor.
“Shit, sorry! You okay?”
A burst of laughter tumbles out of your mouth before you can answer. But maybe it’s an answer in itself. Your chin stings but you're fine. Better than fine, even.
As soon as Steve scrambles off of you, you flip onto your back. His eyes trickle down you in assessment, eyebrows knitting together, mouth twitching like it can’t decide whether to frown or smile.
“I’m okay,” you manage, smiley and breathless.
“Did you hit your face?”
“Just my chin.”
He reaches for your face with hesitant fingers. “Sorry.”
You shake your head, bolstering his wrist as he cups your chin. “I definitely won.”
And just like that, all his worry washes away. He pries your hand from his wrist, wrenching you up to sit. “Technically, you hit the floor first.”
You glance over to Holly for her professional referee’s opinion but find she’s no longer there. “Where’s–”
“I found it!” she yells from the upstairs. What exactly she found, you’ve no idea. But she comes stomping down the stairs not a minute later with a little box in her hands. Bandaids, you realize, as she dumps the contents on the twister mat beside you. “They’re Hello Kitty,” she says, stripping the paper backing off of one.
You let her little fingers stamp it to the curve of your chin. It’s not bleeding, nor does it really hurt that bad, but the gesture is sweet enough to melt your heart. “Thank you, Holly. You’re so gentle. You should be a candy striper.”
“I don’t think I’m old enough.”
“When you’re older then.”
Steve decides Twister is far too dangerous to keep playing, but Holly demands a game of Mouse Trap so it works out. Steve wins, despite you and Holly’s strategic alliance halfway through. And by then, she’s asked about dinner twice so you shelve the rest of the games and head up to the kitchen to decide together.
Holly hums into the freezer, “Chicken nuggets… pizza rolls– oh! Eggos, can we have Eggos?”
Steve bites the inside of his cheek, peering over her, “Why don’t we cook something? We could have a fancy dinner. Like a dinner party.”
“Can we dress up?”
“Sure,” he shrugs, flipping a pack of ground beef over.
“Pasta?” you call from the pantry.
“Ooh, yeah. Let’s do that.”
Holly sprints upstairs for a costume, much more interested in the party than the dinner. You pull a box of noodles and an unopened jar of sauce from the shelf while Steve grabs a pot from the cabinet and sticks it under the faucet.
“Careful. Stove’s on,” you announce, flicking the dial on high.
Steve backs up from the sink slowly, water sloshing over the side of the pot when he bumps the table.
“Steve,” you chuckle, pulling a dish towel from the oven handle, “It doesn’t need to be that full.”
“No, dump like, half of that out.”
He nods, pouring some out and depositing the rest over the stove. “I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never made pasta before.”
“Yeah, I could’ve guessed,” you quip, elbowing his side with the box of noodles in hand. “Pour these in?”
He takes the box and gives it a good shake. “How much?”
“Maybe half? Little more?”
He tips it over the water, snapping it back up when much more than half slides out. “Oops.”
“It’s okay.” You chuck a few stray pieces from the counter into the pot. “Everyone’s getting seconds tonight. What do you like in your pasta?”
The laugh fizzles out in your throat as you realize he’s not making a joke. “Besides sauce. Cheese? Meat? Spices?”
“Oh, uhh, I’m not sure.” Steve scratches the back of his neck, hand retracting to fidget with the hem of his shirt. He’s antsy, clearly nervous. Maybe embarrassed of his cooking knowledge, or rather, lack of it. Or perhaps afraid the pasta will end up something like the first set of grilled cheeses.
“We’ll keep it simple then. Holly probably won’t like it too fancy anyway.”
Steve nervously watches the water bubble, foam climbing up the sides. “Do you like garlic bread? Saw some in the freezer.”
You fish the box out and line a pan with three pieces. And with bread in the oven and the pasta starting to boil, you hop on the counter to wait.
“How long does it take?” Steve asks.
“Not long.”
You open the drawer beside your legs and find a big wooden spoon. Lucky guess. “Here. Stir.”
His eyes follow the ladle, stirring with steady hands. It’s a peaceful quiet, his focus unusually soft. Not the urgent, fate of his life kind of determination you’re used to seeing.
When it’s ready, you pinch the spoon’s neck, fingertips sweeping his for the half a second before he lets go. “Now we strain the water. Then we can add the sauce.”
You find a strainer and plant it in the sink while Steve carries the pot over and pours. He sets it back on the stove, per your orders, and offers a hand when you struggle with the sauce lid.
He pins the jar against his chest, knuckles straining white in several attempts to twist the cap. But it pops off after a good shake, spraying sauce across your cheek, and spinning to the floor like a frisbee.
Steve freezes, gawking at your face with a stupid smile.
“Steve!” You scoop up a dish towel and smack his arm.
He throws his hands up and turns a shoulder to you. “I didn’t mean to,” he snickers.
“Don’t laugh! I’ll pour that whole jar over your head.”
He doesn’t buy your threat one bit, still laughing as he sets the jar down and steals the towel from your hands. “I’ll get it. Sit still.”
You summon the most menacing glare you can manage while suppressing a smile. He presses the towel to your cheek, thumb gliding across your skin as he wipes the sauce in one languid motion. His eyes flick down to your lips and you’re positive you aren’t imagining it.
But you’re sweating and your stomach is churning and– “The pasta!” You ram into Steve’s shoulder trying to get by, rushing to turn the stove temperature down.
Steve whisks up behind you to see the food. “Is it burnt?”
“No, no. It should be fine.” You scrape the ladle under the bottom layer of noodles. “Pass me the sauce?”
You avoid his eyes as you take it. Was he going to kiss you? Maybe just thinking about it? Or perhaps there was just sauce near your mouth and you’re spiraling over absolutely nothing.
You toss the food in sauce and divide it into three plates silently.
“Holly! Food’s ready,” Steve shouts as he fixes the table with napkins and silverware.
She clambers down the steps in a tutu and a cardigan that you’re pretty sure is Nancy’s. Her smile drops. “Where are your clothes?”
Steve looks down at his sweats. “Holly, I think we’ll just–”
“Please, Stevie. It’s a dinner party, remember?”
His eyes dart to you, though you still can’t bring yourself to look at him. “One sec.”
He swings back into the kitchen wearing a tweed suit jacket, a silky, black one draped over his arm. His is a few sizes too big, shoulder pads drooping down his biceps, and the sleeves swallowing his hands. He pushes the fabric up his elbows to hand you the other jacket. “For you.”
“Thanks,” you deadpan. It comes off less sarcastic than you aim for.
Holly and Steve adopt similar grins as you slip the jacket on. “You look dashing,” she compliments.
“Very,” Steve agrees, taking a seat beside you.
You spend the rest of dinner internally debating whether he’s flirting or just indulging in Holly’s playful antics. The uncertainty makes your stomach flip, and suddenly you aren’t so hungry anymore.
After the dinner party concludes, it’s Holly’s suggestion to go for a walk. She wheels her bike out of the garage, fitted with a set of training wheels and a handlebar bursting with tinsel. A yawn rolls off her tongue as she launches down the driveway. It raises your hopes for a smoother bedtime tonight.
Even as the horizon melts into the Earth, the summer heat clings like a heavy hand. Trees project long shadows along the road, eating what’s left of the sunlight. Bugs buzz and birds chirp, but a sleepy stillness is ubiquitous.
“What?” you ask suddenly, whipping your head to face Steve. He’s drenched in gold, pale wisps of hair riding the breeze as he strolls.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You’re staring at me. I feel it.”
“I wasn’t,” he assures.
You blink at him. You can’t decide whether to be annoyed at such an obvious lie or embarrassed by the truth.
He jogs ahead before you’ve come up with something to say. Halfway to Holly, he shouts, “Come on, slowpoke!”
It only takes one loop around the block for the heat to catch up. Holly complains incessantly about her helmet strap being too tight even after Steve fixes it and you’re itchy from sweat and mosquito bites. Steve’s, well, he might be the only content one. Happy even, guiding you home with a subtle bend to his lips and a soft glow tinting his cheeks.
Holly whines about having to take a bath, and while you might negotiate it another night, you can see the damp line down her back. But like you suspect, all grievances are forgotten the second she gets in. She likes playing in the bath, even if she forgets it. It’s where she keeps her mermaid Barbie and her collection of rubber ducks, coincidentally all named Bob.
And while bath time might tend to feel like more of a chore as a babysitter, tonight is different. It’s your last night at the Wheelers, and while that’s not new information, it is startlingly sad. You aren’t irritated when she splashes water in your eye or when she leaves a trail of it down the hall for you to clean. You can’t be, not when you know you’ll miss it.
Steve helps you tuck Holly into Nancy’s bed. After pinky swearing that you’ll both return at your own bedtime, she drifts off easily. You’re thankful, of course, but a piece of you secretly hoped to be needed longer.
“Must’ve been tired,” Steve whispers, pushing slowly off the bed. “You okay?”
You nod, tearing your eyes from Holly to meet Steve’s. “Kinda sad.” You shrug, murmuring, “Stupid.”
“It’s not.” He cups your shoulder and runs a warm hand up and down your arm. “Come on.”
You take his hand and let him lead you across the hall and down the stairs. He pulls you onto the couch so you land pressed into the same cushion he’s on. “Y’know, babysitting Holly’s a breeze compared to the usual shitheads. We don’t have to worry about her taking my car keys or fighting interdimensional monsters or summoning a gate to hell,” he says.
A soft laugh parts your lips. “Think Holly will put in a good word for us with her parents?”
“You kidding? She loves us. Especially me,” he jokes. “Hate to break it to you but I’m definitely her favorite.”
“No, you are not. Shut up.”
He catches your fist mid-punch, cradling your hand like it’s made of wet sand. His thumb crosses each divot between your fingers, stroking up and down your knuckle slowly. “I’m sure they’ll ask us to babysit her again at some point.”
You hum in agreement.
“Besides, we could expand our horizons. There’s like a million other children in Hawkins that need babysitting.”
Your smile spills into your cheeks. “We?”
“Yeah, I think we make a pretty damn good team. Don’t you?”
“I do, but… we don’t have to limit our interactions to just babysitting, you know?”
“What are you thinking? Dinner and a movie? Next weekend?” His eyes flick from your fingers to your face– to each eye, sweeping down the center of your nose, stopping right at your lips.
You turn away in an attempt to soothe your heart as it pounds up to your ears. “Smooth, Harrington.”
He reels you back in gently by the arm, confidence shining through his smile.“What? Did I read this wrong?” He knows he didn’t, he’s teasing you.
“No,” you mumble, “You didn’t.”
He leans in to whisper, “Can I kiss you then?”
You nod, pushing into the soft press of his lips with your own. He’s not hesitant, nor is he harsh. Steve knows how to kiss, that much is clear. He trades your hand for your cheek, gently tilting your face to the side as he pulls away.
Your eyes flutter open to a doting gaze. One that travels down the lines and slopes of your neck like they’re made of candy. Steve plants a second kiss on your lips, though fleeting in comparison to the first. But he plants several more to make up for it, working his way in a Z down your cheek, across your jaw, and back down your neck. They’re quick, ticklish little pecks of affection. A sweetness if you ever knew it.
“Steve,” you admonish, though giggles betray your tone. The hands that frame his face glide gently down to his throat, your thumbs meeting at his Adam's apple. “We’re babysitting.”
“I know,” he says, kissing your lips for a third time. “Just had to get a few extra in there. For all the times I thought about kissing you this weekend.”
“Don’t say that.”
“Why?” He laughs, bubbly like you’ve surprised him. “It’s true. I thought about it all weekend.”
You don’t know why you ask– why you even thought of it at a time like this– but you question him, “What about Nance?”
“What about her?”
“You don’t…” you trail off, afraid to even speak the possibility into existence.
“We’re done. We have been. For a lot longer than I was willing to admit,” he admits honestly.
“Yeah, but do you–”
“I don’t. Still have feelings for her. Not like that, anyway.”
You meet his eyes, feeling a strange blend of emotions you can’t quite name.
“If you don’t believe me, you’ll just have to let me prove it to you,” he holds your gaze, warm with a sincerity that makes it hard to doubt him.
“I believe you.”
You let Steve kiss you several more times on that couch. He’s patient, deliberate, and more kind than you ever imagined he’d be. It’s hard to understand why Nancy would ever let someone like that go.
On Monday morning, you blink awake first, the comforting weight of a hand that’s not yours across your hip and another, much lighter one, at your belly. You turn over slowly, finding Steve and Holly wrapped around each other like ivy on trellis. You don’t imagine many people look this pretty asleep. The comb of long lashes kissing the soft flush in his cheeks. The golden lather of sunrise in each wild swoop of hair. The way his lips part for a sigh cuter than you knew one could be.
He mumbles something unintelligible, sleep talk perhaps.
You whisper back anyway, “What?”
Steve sighs, smearing his cheek against the pillow. “Being a creeper.”
“Mhmm.” One eye slowly unbinds itself from sleep. Steve adores the tight-lipped smile on your face, broad with an infatuation he forgot could be aimed at him. His hand twitches at your side.
“You just look so pretty when you sleep,” you admit. Is it too soon to say such things?
His eye closes as he smiles, nosing into Holly’s hair, selfishly keeping it to himself. You reach across her body to find it, swiping a loving finger across his lips when you do.
You stay in bed for as long as Holly will allow– which is not very long after she wakes up– but you don’t mind. You watch fondly as Steve helps her brush her teeth and as she helps Steve toast and butter the Eggos. Like Steve, Holly’s a good kid. They’re both helpers at heart.
And you’re sure to remind Mrs. Wheeler of that when she rings the house to let you know they’re almost home. Holly’s excitement quickly dwindles into sadness the moment she realizes you won’t be staying. But she uses it to bargain one final game of hide and seek before you go.
“Come on.” Steve drags you by the wrist, bustling upstairs to the bathroom. He throws the shower curtain aside and jumps in, offering his hand to help you after. You sit scrunched together, knee to knee on the porcelain floor, giggling like children.
“Shhh,” you squeeze his kneecap. “You’re gonna get us found.”
He jostles your shoulder, mouth agape. “You’re the one who’s laughing!”
“No,” you insist, though the light in your eyes suggests otherwise. Curiosity sparks and the irrepressible urge to act on it wins. You lean in for a kiss, confirming that’s all it takes to shut Steve up.
He tastes like maple syrup, loving with his lips as much as his hands. He pulls back for breath and returns for another peck, pressing into the corner of your mouth where your smile keeps drawing higher and higher.
“Hard to kiss you when you're smiling.”
“Can’t help it,” you defend. “Never been so happy.”
He softens like warm icing, a sweet and gooey mess in your arms. But the shake of the front door closing stiffens him.
“Mommy!” you hear quickly after.
Steve scrambles up and over the lip of the tub, tugging you out with him. You follow him downstairs where Mrs. Wheeler swings Holly in her arms like she’s much smaller than she really is. Mr. Wheeler steers a suitcase silently through the entryway.
“Did you have so much fun?” she asks Holly, peppering kisses across her temple. “Ohh, I missed you!”
Holly revels in the affection overload, bending backward to giggle at you and Steve.
Mrs. Wheeler grins. “How was she?”
“Great, as always,” Steve assures. His cheeks are flushed, his hair mussed— though you could chalk that up to bedhead, not the aftermath of your short-lived makeout session.
You nod, adding, “We went swimming and to the park and–”
“IHOP!” Holly yells. “I got pancakes with chocolate chips and extra sprinkles!”
“Did you? Sounds like you had a lot of fun.” Mrs. Wheeler plants Holly on her feet. “Can you give hugs? Say thank you for being such good babysitters?”
Holly launches herself at Steve. He sends you a smirk over her shoulder, rocking her side to side in his embrace. You can just hear him say, I told you so.
But she offers the same enthusiasm and more for you, dragging you onto the floor for a proper goodbye hug. “I don’t want you to go,” she pouts in your ear.
“We’ll come back. We can have playdates?”
“Can’t you just live in Nancy’s room? She’s never here anyway.”
You can’t help but laugh. “I wish I could,” you admit honestly.
She reluctantly loosens her grip on your shirt when you peel away.
Mrs. Wheeler sees you and Steve off with a warm smile. Holly darts through her mother’s legs for one final hug on the porch. You wave goodbye, the moment slipping into something bittersweet before Steve bumps his shoulder into yours, a playful grin softening the farewell.
You dawdle up to your car, wringing your hands together when you reach the door. “So.”
“So,” he parrots.
“This weekend, right?”
His smirk blooms into a full smile. “Friday? Pick you up at seven?”
“Okay,” you nod.
“Okay,” he chuckles, clipping a hand around your jaw and leaning in.
You turn away so the kiss skips across the softest stretch of your cheek. “Steve.”
His eyes never leave your face as he assures you, “They’re not looking.”
“Don’t be so sure.”
Holly waves at you through the living room window, a smile as wide as her face. Steve’s hand falls down to his side and he takes a platonic step back. You both return her goodbye, but Holly stays, her little hand pressed to the glass.
“Think she’ll tell?” Steve asks, not an ounce of worry in his tone.
You shrug, tugging him back in by the waist for a proper kiss. “I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world.”
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i have my first trial run today to see if i can be an associate director for a grade 2-5 production of junie b jones jr and im SO SCARED OMG 😭
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Chappell Roan
Wins Her Second BRIT of The Night - International Artist Of The Year (March 2025)
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wait this is kind of off-topic but omg im in newsies rn and EVERYONE is saying pulitzer and it is PISSNG ME OFF 😭
hey hi howdy, y'all.
i made a post a few days ago in the form of a reblog of one of my other posts mentioning the callbacks for my high school's production of Newsies, but I realized not many people were seeing it and i would like others to see it and share their thoughts. there's been some new stuff since, so i am going to paste everything i said in the post and then talk about that. here's the post:
the cast list finally got posted! a day late, but it's out! my youngest brother (a freshman) got Les, to no surprise - he's gonna do great in that role and i'm so excited!!
my younger brother (a junior), we'll call him Bird, who we thought was a shoe-in for Davey, got Crutchie. he's not mad about it, i'm not mad about it, he's gonna do great!
now the people that were cast as Jack and Davey...
firstly, i need to say that Bird and his best friend, we'll call him Dillydog (also a junior, if that matters), i can 100% see in the roles of Davey and Jack respectively. they are already best friends so their chemistry would definitely show on stage, which is super good and very important (they also act really gay with each other already so the gay subtext between the characters would be lowkey off the charts). Dillydog ended up getting Race, which is a good role and he's fine with that, and i can see him doing really well in that role.
now; Jack and Davey's actors...
he said that at callbacks, when they sung Letter from the Refuge, they sounded bad. and if they can't even sing the songs that they need to sing for the characters they were cast as, why the hell were they cast in those roles??????
the choir teacher is new this year, she doesn't know everyone super well yet, so maybe that has something to do with it. but if actors can't sing the songs that they need to sing to be the characters, they should not be cast as those characters!!
i dunno, i dunno. i just know that i cannot see those actors in those roles. i was in my senior year musical (You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown) with both of them; Davey's actor (a senior, if that matters) was Snoopy, along with me (double cast roles), and Jack's actor (a junior, if that matters) was Linus, and they both did great in their roles! last year's musical (Once Upon A Mattress), they also did incredibly well in the roles they were cast in (Prince Dauntless and Sir Harry, respectively, if that gives you any ideas on the types of characters they've played and done well as). but i don't think they are a good choice for Jack and Davey. at all. especially if they CAN'T SING THE DAMN SONGS
i feel like i'm just word vomiting right now and maybe i shouldn't be complaining because it's not my production and maybe the teacher has "a method to her madness", as my mom said, but i just-
if the actors being casted in the roles don't fit well, it's going to feel off. and then the whole cast is going to feel off. and then the show is going to feel off and it's not going to be the best that it can be.
i know it's just a high school production, and it's not supposed to be anywhere close to a professional show, but you at least want it to be good.
i just don't want to see this musical do badly, y'know? i want them to put on a good show and feel good about it when they're done.
maybe the teacher is trying to get the actors for Jack and Davey to branch out regarding what characters they play, but i don't think they are going to do the best in those roles. i don't think Newsies, of all shows, is a good show to try to get them to branch out in, because of its popularity and what people are sort-of expecting when they go to watch the show.
anyway. i'm gonna stop rambling now, because i think i've said what i needed to say. feel free to share any comments and opinions you have in the comments or reblogs or whatever. i just needed to get this off my chest and out of my mind to people other than my friends and family.
so that's what was going on the day the cast list was posted. my brothers and i were like,,,crashing out in the middle of our kitchen talking about it, we were all so fucking frustrated.
anyway, here's some updates that i got since then, from Bird. (I will refer to Jack's actor as B, and Davey's actor as K)
B apparently CAN NOT DO THE ACCENT. he just can't. and the teacher TOLD HIM NOT TO DO IT. WHAT????? the accent is part of Jack, you can't have Jack Kelly without his accent! you just can't! even Jeremy Jordan can't sing Santa Fe without slipping into it!! I don't know what this lady is thinking, but it's just- whatever. moving on to the next one
K has been doing well in his role, according to Bird last time he was at rehearsal (he's missed the last three rehearsals for reasons so K might be doing even better than what Bird saw before, who knows). After sitting with the casting choice of K as Davey, I've started to see him in the role more, and y'know what? I don't hate it. I think he's going to do well. (he also had not seen newsies until recently, so i'm glad he's doing well despite that)
B just fully cannot sing ANY of Jack's songs. none of them. he's a bass who was put into a tenor role because the teacher didn't want to be accused of favoritism (that's a whole thing that i'm not gonna get into right now. might talk about it later idk). according to Bird when i texted him the first day of rehearsal, after the cast list was posted, wondering about how it was going: "[B] CANNOT FUCKING DO SANTA FE", "HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW ANY OF IT", "AND I KNOW FOR DAMN SURE HE AINT HITTING THAT FUCKING A", and, when talking about B not doing the accent, "IT SOUNDS SO FUCKING DUMB". the choir teacher said that "[they] can change it if we need to" when B couldn't get the last note of Something to Believe In. i just- i have been trying to figure out any reason for the teacher to cast a BASS in a TENOR ROLE, but i just can't think of any.
B just Can Not act well in general. it's not good. think tiktok anime cosplayers circa 2020, and you'll get a pretty good idea of his acting style. it fit for Linus during Charlie Brown, because he's a child, but it Did Not fit last year for Sir Harry. Sir Harry is a big, tough, macho, lowkey misogynistic man, and B is Not That. B is a twink. i'm being so completely real with you when i say that. if you saw him, you'd think "yup, that's a twink". which means that Jack is going to be twinkified for the show, unless the teacher realizes her mistake and fixes the casting.
B apparently pronounces "Pulitzer" like "Pulitzer", with an emphasis on the middle syllable for some reason ???? never heard of anyone pronouncing it that way. not a huge thing at all, but it's kind of odd, right?
on the topic of Pulitzer, we were all kind of wary/nervous about the student who was cast as him, but apparently he did really good at rehearsal (Bird said that "everything else is perfect" after yelling about B not being able to sing Santa Fe).
B and K don't really like each other that much. they're the type of people that will act like they like each other, but you can tell they don't, and they don't get along too well. which means that unless B gets better at acting, and they both act their asses off, Jack and Davey's chemistry is going to be off, which will probably throw off the audience, and the whole thing will feel weird. that's one of the big things i'm worried about - chemistry, or the lack of it, between characters. Bird has a lot of scenes with B, and they're not close At All, so hopefully Bird can act enough for the both of them. fingers crossed.
the teacher told the cast not to watch the proshot until after they're done with the show???? something about her not wanting them to like,,,take stuff from the actors in the recording because she wants them to make the characters their own?? idk. but like, how are you supposed to get a better grasp on the character's personality if you don't watch others - especially Broadway actors - perform as the characters??? sure, their personalities are shown in the script, but, in my opinion, that can only give you so much to go off of. [edit: according to Bird she doesn’t want them to watch the proshot because she doesn’t want the students to “act like someone else”. rolling my eyes so hard jfc]
apparently a LOT of other people were shocked about the casting - my coworker's sister, who's on the stage crew, came by work the day after the cast list was posted and we talked about it a little and she said she was super shocked, like, jaw on the floor. but nobody is talking about it! nobody is talking about it, because they don't want there to be any drama. but i think that sometimes the drama is needed to make the show better, and they need to talk about it. fucking theater kids, so fucking dramatic (/lhj [i'm a dramatic theater kid too, the call is coming from inside the house])
oh, i almost forgot: THE CHOIR TEACHER/DIRECTOR WAS THE ONLY ONE IN THE AUDTITION ROOM, THE ONLY ONE MAKING THE CASTING DECISIONS. when i did Charlie Brown, there were three (3) people in the room for auditions and making the casting decisions. last year for Once Upon A Mattress, there were two (2) people. and this year there was one (1) person, which is bullshit, honestly. you have to have other people making the casting decisions with you, you have to have other people to bounce your ideas and opinions off of! because when you don't (and the "threat" of being accused of favoritism by your students is in the back of your mind), this is what happens. Bad Casting Decisions.
that's everything i can think of that has happened/what i've been told since the cast list was posted. if there's more later (there most likely will be, i'm willing to bet), i will come back and update y'all, if you want to keep up with the (lowkey petty in some ways) high school theater kid drama.
sorry the post is so long, but if you've read the whole thing, thank you, i appreciate it! hope all of you have had a good week, and continue on to have a good weekend.
ok that's it, byeee <3
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quick little scene redraw from broadway newsies
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tigris snow x lucy gray baird is actually my favorite thing in the world and i WILL be posting my hcs for them tomorrow
#hunger games#the hunger games#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#Tigris snow#Lucy gray baird#what’s the ship name?#graytiger?
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I just realized I have a thing for artist Jacks and their respective rich redhead "girlfriends"
( And also Jacks' best friends who are conveniently Italian )
Have some pictures of my sons and daughters for your weekend

The only difference is that one didn't work 😿
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you should be allowed to leave work as soon as someone pisses you off. the duration of my shift should depend on how stupid people are acting
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This is the fucking reason for my disorder
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buddy holly 😔
Because randomly I have Madonnas Into the Groove stuck in my head and I need to not feel alone 😌
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new year's kiss
then all of a sudden, you two fell into each other’s arms, embracing each other’s bodies and exchanging a long, passionate kiss, right as the clock struck midnight. it happened so fast that you barely got to process that you were kissing your best friend, who you would’ve never admitted you have a thing for.
you had no idea why he did this, and whether he did it because he secretly reciprocated your feelings. all you knew was that it felt amazing. he was so gentle, yet so observant with how you reacted. his hands were placed around your waist, his head turned slightly so your mouths could fit perfectly like two puzzle pieces. all you could feel was the warmth of his body pressed against yours, his smell filling your lungs. you wanted this to last forever. the speakers were blasting a pop song, one which would now forever remind you of this special moment as you two locked lips for the first, and hopefully not the last, time.
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jack kelly newsifying katherine plumber for u today
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: you and steve spend every holiday together. this halloween is the most memorable, though. using the prompt “i bet you won’t manage to scare me tonight”
word count: 3.7k
warnings: loads of fluff, friends to lovers shenanigans, a haunted house, and a kiss!
a/n: this is for the lovely @sparklingsin spookinktober and i hope u guys like it!!!! baby’s first writing challenge :,)
You were a fan of tradition. Especially if Steve was involved.
He knows that you love any holiday, that you look forward to them months in advance. What he doesn’t know is that that’s because of him. Your best friend, your person, the boy you love.
You have yet to tell him that last one.
The two of you did something for every holiday; Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, The Fourth of July. Name the occasion, you and Steve had a tradition. Even now, as the October wind bites your skin, a chill only cured by the warmth of Steve beside you, you’re spending Halloween with him.
It originally started when he was somehow roped into becoming some sort of babysitter for Dustin, Will, Lucas, and the rest of them. And, because you went where he went, you were a babysitter then, too. They’d begged for you guys to take them trick or treating, saying that everyone else was busy when you knew it was just because they knew Steve could never say no to them.
No matter how much he wanted to.
The kids had done their research and found the best houses to trick or treat at, the best candy to receive. You and Steve were only there to chauffer and to give their parents peace of mind. It had gone on for years. Until now, that is.
When you and Steve asked them what the plan was, they all met you with blank stares. “We’re too old for that now,” Dustin said like it was obvious.
“Yeah. We’re in high school, come on,” Mike added.
And that was that. You and Steve were forced to create a new tradition. One that was just you and him and Halloween. As much as you loved those kids, you’d never complain about time alone with Steve. Never.
Unbeknownst to you, Steve felt the exact same way. His feelings might’ve been even stronger. He was completely taken by you, had been for years. It seemed like every single person in Hawkins knew it except you.
You were there for him, with him, through everything. Through the fallout with Nancy and his ex-friends (who you hated, but you knew who Steve really was without them, so you stuck around). Through school and his parents’ absence. Through his failure to get into college and the expectations of his father.
You were the one constant in his life. Never-changing, forever his favorite person.
You managed to talk him into doing a couple’s costume with you, despite your status remaining as ‘just friends.’ You were a lover of musicals and it was easy to convince Steve to be the Danny to your Sandy. The outfits you chose were those from the end of the movie, your legs wrapped in leather pants and hair done using Steve’s Farrah Fawcett spray. His secret weapon only you, and now Dustin, know about.
The two of you walked together around Hawkins, admiring costumes and each other. You had Steve’s old letterman jacket on your shoulders. You’d argued that it wasn’t part of the costume, he told you it was cold. Which was true. Plus, it smelled like him, so you put it on.
“I bet you won’t manage to scare me tonight, Stevie,” you teased, nudging him with your shoulder.
Without fail, every Halloween, he would, in fact, manage to scare you. He had to get creative with it sometimes, involving some of the kids or bribing a random passerby. It was a challenge for him and for you. He wanted to win for the sole purpose of consoling you after your fright.
Hugs and pecks to your forehead. Any type of affection he could give you without raising suspicion, he would find a way to do so.
“Oh yeah?”
“Uh huh.”
“You say that every year,” he says, moving to walk backwards in front of you so you’re face to face. “And I always win, baby.”
Though he used the nickname plenty, its effect never lessened, never shrunk.
“This year’s different.”
“You say that every year, too.” He falls into step beside you again.
“Shut up,” you say, though you don’t mean it. The smile on your face is telling enough.
Your hands brush in between you. Neither of you make the move to hold the other’s.
As you walk in the thick of town, the busiest street booming with kids and parents and families, Steve can’t stop imagining a future with you. He sees a mom and dad holding their son’s hands, swinging him as they walk, he thinks of you and him and every what if.
What if he told you he was in love with you, what if you loved him back. What if he kissed you, what if he made you his girl, officially. What if, what if, what if.
Steve doesn’t like to think about the future, but he can’t help it when you’re around. For him, you’ll always be a part of what’s to come. His constant, his favorite.
You hold his attention in a vice grip whenever you’re around him, often even when you aren’t, and you have no idea.
That attention shifts, however, when you stop walking and grab his arm so he does, too. He looks at your face, looking for what might be wrong but you aren’t looking at him, you’re looking just ahead, where a little girl in a princess costume stands alone.
You stopped Steve because you didn’t want to just walk past her, and you also wanted to figure out what exactly to do. He was quicker, though, and stepped towards her slowly.
“Hey, sweetie,” he approaches her with gentleness and the warmest smile. “Are you lost?”
The little girl blinks at him where he’s now crouched down to be at her level, her eyes watery. “Yes. Can’t find mom.”
As if her saying it out loud scared her, she started to cry fully. You squat next to Steve, sending the girl a reassuring smile though she seems quite content ignoring you in favor of the boy beside you. You can't blame her.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he says. “We’ll find her, don’t you worry.”
“What’s your name?” You ask her.
“Maggie,” she sniffles.
“Maggie! A name fit for a princess, huh?” Steve turns up his enthusiasm to a hundred. It seems to work when Maggie’s tears slow and a shy smile spreads on her face. “Which way did you come from?”
She points, and you and Steve both stand, offering her a hand each and she takes them.
Steve thinks of the family he saw earlier. He thinks there’s nobody else he’d want with him at that moment other than you.
It’s not long before you spot a frantic woman calling Maggie’s name, and she seems to see you at the same time, relief clear on her face.
“Oh my gosh!” She scoops her daughter up, “where did you go?”
“Not far, found her wandering just over there,” Steve says, gesturing in the direction you came from.
“Thank you guys so much.”
“No worries,” he smiles. “Bye, princess Maggie.”
She laughs and gives him a small wave as her mother carries her off. You watch the interaction with your heart on fire. You knew he was good with kids, of course you did, but you’d never seen him around them that young.
“You’re gonna be a great dad one day,” you can’t stop yourself from saying it. You wholeheartedly believe it.
He can’t explain to you what that comment did to him, what it means. His heart is soaring in his chest and he thinks his vision around you has a glow, an aura strong enough to see. He’s always wanted a family, but he’s terrified of turning out as shitty a parent as the ones he grew up with.
“You really think so, baby?” His gaze is fixed on you even as you walk.
“Are you kidding? You’ll be the best. I just caught a glimpse of it now, Stevie.”
Now, he doesn’t hesitate to grab your hand the next time they brush. He lets his fingers slip between yours, the bumps of your knuckles fit with his like they were built for each other. He gives your hand a squeeze.
You cast your eyes away, shy under his attention. You squeeze his hand back, though.
“Where are we headed anyway?” You ask after a couple minutes of silence. The two of you are comfortable enough with each other to bathe in the company like you would sunlight, to not fill the quiet spaces constantly.
“Well, you said you wanted to be scared,” he pauses for dramatic effect. “So, a haunted house!”
“How scary can a haunted house in Hawkins be?”
“Let’s go find out, baby.”
Your hands are intertwined for the rest of the walk, and you hoped he wouldn't ever let go. You think this Halloween is just a little different, a shift between you and Steve that neither of you acknowledge, but it's there.
It’s a whisper of something more. The lingering touches and soft smiles. The eye contact that lasts just a bit longer than usual.
The space between you is filled with light conversation. It’s easy, it flows naturally. You're certain that has everything to do with Steve.
His focus is always on you when you speak, an excellent listener. He nods or hums along when you tell stories, he smiles encouragingly if he thinks you need it. He looks at you with those brown eyes of his and it’s enough to bring a warmth to your chest. It spreads throughout your whole body.
Steve could listen to you talk for ages. It’s why he calls you so often, the late night ones help him fall asleep. He’ll ask you to read anything to him from whatever book you’re reading to takeout menus. He thinks he makes it pretty obvious that he’s in love with you, but you have no idea.
He doesn't realize that he’s also clueless to how you feel towards him. You’re both too wrapped up in how overwhelming everything is to notice. Overwhelming in a good way. The way that you notice every single tiny thing about each other and you don’t let it go.
You both have sections of your brains reserved for the other. It’s a closet overflowing with memories instead of clothes.
When the haunted house—which is really just the town hall with decorations all over it—is in sight, Steve looks at you and starts making ghost noises. Dork, you think.
“You scared yet, baby?” He asks, leading you up to the ticket vendor, letting go of your hand to buy the tickets and grabbing it as soon as he’s done.
“Oh, for sure,” the sarcasm is evident in your voice. “Shaking in my boots.”
“You can joke for now, but we both know you’ll be hiding behind me as soon as we get in there.” He says, though he rather likes protecting you.
You know he’s right, so does he, so you just send him a smile, a shrug, and walk up to the entrance with him in tow.
He hands your tickets to the doorman, who’s in an actual doorman uniform and zombie makeup, and steps inside first.
It’s mostly dark in the first room, and Steve smiles to himself when he feels your grip on his hand tighten just a smidge. When your free hand wraps around his arm so that you can hide behind his shoulder. Just like he said you would.
The lights flicker enough to illuminate the path you're meant to take. Cobwebs line the walls and eerie music plays, sound effects of screams and monsters and such layered over a spooky backing track.
The first scare happens when you walk past the couch, someone dressed as yet another undead creature jumping out from behind it. It’s enough to make you let out a curse and Steve just laughs. It’s hard for him to be scared when you’re being so cute. Clinging to him like a lifeline.
“Aw, baby,” he coos as you enter the next room. “Scared yet?”
“Nope!” Your voice is higher pitched than normal, the word clipped. “I just love people jumping out at me and yelling in my face, Stevie! It’s my favorite.”
Okay, so maybe you’re a bit scared. And maybe you’re also playing it up just so you can hold on to Steve the way you are. So you’re close enough to smell his soap and his cologne. Something woodsy, something fresh, a hint of something sweet.
You know that Steve won’t settle for ‘just a little’ scared, that he likes to win this little challenge of yours in a very sure way. One that usually ends with a sleepover and a cuddle. He has yet to tell you that that’s his favorite prize. Not the bragging rights, not the sense of victory, just you.
He lets you tighten your grip on him as he leads you deeper into the house. The lighting never gets any better, Steve having to put the arm that you aren’t clinging to out in front of him to make sure he won’t run into anything.
Steve has always been your favorite partner for, well, anything. You think it reigns true for haunted houses just as much. He lets you grip his arm tighter after every scare, your fingernails no doubt leaving crescents indented in his skin. He checks in with you every minute, it seems, making sure you’re okay under the guise of asking that same, “you scared?”
His heart is racing and it’s not because of the jump scares—okay, maybe it partially is—it’s mainly due to your proximity. You're practically squished against his arm and despite being in a haunted house of all places he feels completely surrounded by all things you. Mind, body, and soul.
You’re finally nearing the exit after what feels like hours when you’re sure it’s only been about 20 minutes. Being around Steve has a way of messing up your perception of time, like he controls it. It speeds and slows under his command.
It’s a dark hallway, paintings lining the walls and the wallpaper peeling at the edges. You’ve made it this far without actually screaming, only letting out cusses or telling off the workers in a way that makes Steve laugh every time.
That is, until one of the paintings pops open, right before the exit, and someone jumps out of it.
This time, you scream. You hide behind Steve’s shoulder muttering something along the lines of ‘stupid fucking fake painting.’
When you’re finally outside, spat out the back end of the haunted house, you think you could collapse from how tense you were in there, always anticipating something. You figure Steve’s done with his scaring so you let your guard down.
“Holy shit, that last one really got you, huh baby?” He’s laughing as he says it and you want to both kiss him and slap him for it.
“Shut up! I thought it was over, jerk.”
“I know, I know. C’mere, give Stevie a hug,” he may be teasing you, but you fall into his embrace anyways.
“You’re a meanie. Can’t even let me win one time,” you say, or mumble, more like. Because your cheek is squished against Steve’s chest.
“You know me. Always number one.”
“Do I need to bring up the fact that the Tigers only went to the championship after you graduated?”
“Annnd there goes the moment, you ruined it.” He pulls away from the hug as you laugh, but reaches for your hand. You let him hold it again.
The walk home is more peaceful than the way there. No lost children, the streets are much more empty now as the time has passed.
As always, you and Steve fill the gaps of silence with conversation that comes far too easily. It flows from the both of you so naturally and you know how rare that is. To find someone who makes you feel a hundred percent yourself, no secrets. Besides the fact that you’re in love with him, that is.
“Your shoelace is undone,” you point out.
“‘S fine, we’re not far.”
“You might trip and get hurt, Stevie. Tie it?”
He gives you a look that says ‘really?’
“Please?” You add.
And, well, he can’t say no to you. So, even if he can see his house not too far away, most likely empty and awaiting the both of you, he pauses his steps and bends down to tie his goddamn shoelace.
You’re turned toward him when he stands, and your faces are close, closer than friends should have their faces. He can see every detail and he’s sure you can, too. He can see how pretty you are, how pretty you’ve always been, there in the glow of moonlight and street lamps.
He’s looking at you and he’s sure his feelings are practically spilling out of him with how he sees you and he thinks, how doesn’t she know? How can’t she tell that I love her? Isn’t it written all over my face?
And the answer is yes. Yes, it is. It’s in his eyes and his brows, how they soften and relax when he looks at you. It’s in his lips and his smile, how it widens anytime he’s with you. You can feel the air shift, like something has just clicked and fallen into place. Right now is one of the first times you’ve let yourself think that maybe he does love you, too. Maybe.
But how could someone like him—someone so full of sunshine it burns—ever feel that way about someone as regular as you.
And now you’re inspecting his face far too closely, and Steve thinks you’re going to find out right then that he loves you and as much as he wants that to happen, he’s also scared. Terrified, even. So, he panics.
He slinks off into the trees as soon as you look away long enough, giving you some crap distraction of ‘the most amazing costume he’d ever seen!’
When you turn back around to say something, to give him a light slap on the arm for tricking you, he isn’t there.
You glance around, spinning around in your spot to try and find him. You’re confused because how on earth did he manage to hide so quickly? And why? You were sure something was happening just then until he distracted you.
“Steve?” You call. “You can stop now, you got me!”
The air feels colder without him next to you, you notice. And it’s getting late and the darkness swallows more of the world as time passes, the streetlights the only thing illuminating your path.
“Seriously, Steve. I’m real scared!”
Before you can yell for him again, footsteps come up behind you, a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You scream until you hear that laugh behind you, his laugh.
“You idiot!” You spin in his grasp and push his chest lightly.
“Gotcha, baby.”
He smiles at you and all of a sudden you aren’t angry with him at all. He can scare you all he wants if it means he’ll smile at you like that. Like you’re all he sees. His arms are still around your waist, even though you’re facing him now.
You pout at him, trying to recover from your hazy, lovesick observing, “you already won. That was so unnecessary, Stevie.”
He thinks you look really cute right now, cute enough to kiss and he almost feels bad for scaring you again. Almost. He doesn’t, though, because it ended with his arms around you and your eyes locked on his.
He hates that he panicked a couple minutes ago, but he thinks that he can redeem himself. Maybe now.
“Sorry. You’re cute when you’re pouty, though,” he says, though his grin tells you he isn’t all that sorry.
“Such a meanie.”
His hands shift upwards, over your shoulders, up your neck until he’s cradling your face in his hands. They leave a blazing trail behind, your skin scorched in the best way.
By the placement of his hands, the way he leans in a tad closer, you think he’s going to kiss you. His forehead falls against yours.
“Can I?” He asks, and he’s staring at your lips and you know exactly what he’s asking. You nod, barely a full bob of your head completed before he leans in and does it.
He kisses you.
It feels like a thousand fireworks exploding, a missing piece in you being filled by his lips on yours. A click, everything falling into place. It’s you and Steve in exactly the way you’re meant to be and even though neither of you have said it, you know it’s the promise of something more.
His lips are soft, but his kiss is strong, full of the things he hasn’t been able to say for so long. He’s sure in his movements, his tongue licking against your bottom lip to open you up for him. You do so easily, and you think it’s the most perfect kiss anyone could ask for.
Your heart’s not racing from being afraid anymore. No, that has everything to do with the overwhelming feeling of Steve actually kissing you.
He pulls away when he can feel your breathing get heavier, your chest rise and fall against him. He doesn’t go far, just enough so he can look at your face. So you can look at his.
You’re both fully aware that it means something, that it implies a word that starts with ‘L’ and ends with ‘ove.’
“I’ve been wanting to do that forever,” he says, breathless and way too pretty.
“Me too.”
“Fuck, seriously? You’re telling me we could’ve been kissing for years?”
“Stevie,” you laugh. “It’s okay, we’ve got years ahead, too.”
“You saying what I think you’re saying?”
“If you think I’m saying I love you, then yeah. I am.”
The smile that splits his face is devastating. Boyish and relieved as if he didn’t know for sure what you’d say. He kisses you again, quick but full of emotion just like the one before.
“I love you, baby. Like, a crazy amount.”
Halloween might not have been your favorite holiday beforehand, but it certainly is now. It marks a new beginning, it marks the day you and Steve kissed for the first time. Your story expanding, a new chapter.
“That’s three wins in a night for me.”
“Scared you twice: two wins. You love me: another win.”
“Idiot,” you say, though the word has no conviction. You say it as if it’s an endearment.
His constant, his favorite. And you love him back.
if you enjoyed, please reblog! it would mean a lot and i swear it makes a difference :D
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