#im allowed to be a little bit mad that she screwed me out of a full ride scholarship to the ivy league of my choice by waiting to give me th
fedoranon · 5 months
I think it was because lf something I tagged earlier (a poll?) but I had Big Feeling™ about how much my high school screwed me over and I hate that. I'm 32; I wish I could spend my energy on other things. I wish I'd had the energy then to follow through on my plan to fuck them over via refusal to give them permission to publish my image.
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
That's life || Steve Harrington
Chapter ten
October 30, 1984
Almost a year after Will went missing. The boy did recovery very well at least it looks like he did but this afternoon in the arcade changed my mind.
I started to work at the arcade three months after Will was back. My brother was happy but for him because I could give him coins to play.
So today after school Dustin and his friends wanted to meet at the arcade and Dustin wouldn't be him if he would have to search for some coins. He searched through the whole house including the shed.
"Dusti you're alright?"
"I totally am."
"Do I have to take you to the arcade?" He just nodded as he lifted the pillow from the sofa.
"Dustin Henderson what are you doing? you're scaring Mews" he walked over to the cat and excused himself.
"Dustin I can borrow you some" he turned to face me
"and you're saying this now after half an hour of my search?"
"You could have asked me but you didn't and it looked funny" I laughed and my mom too.
"Mo-om" he threw his arms in the air sighing.
"Dustin don't screw your pants." My mom's a real savage.
"Ready?" He nodded and walked out the door.
We drove to the arcade and I parked the car, "are you staying the whole time?" He nodded and I rolled my eyes, "you're stupid. Call me when something is wrong" he nodded and walked away from me.
Two hours into shift Nancy stormed into the arcade earning glances of the nerdy gamers.
"Nanc what's wrong?"
"There is this Halloween party and I want you to come" she was enthusiastic
"there's no way I'm going"
"please Billy's there too" Billy is the new boy at our school he almost hit me over with his car as I was walking to the entry and then he tried to flirt with me. Nancy thinks I have a little crush on him.
"Y/N please this will be fun. Steve could take you there" yeah Nancy and him are still together and it's still driving me crazy I don't want to be near the couple if I could
"but I promised Jonathan were going with our brothers on trick or treat."
"Jonathan is coming too"
"that's not typical for him. You sure?" Nancy only nodded.
"Y/N" I heard Dustin shout through the arcade. He came running towards me.
"Will is.. He is standing outside and we think he has an episode again."
"fuck" I came forth the counter and walked over to Will.
"call miss Byers" Dustin nodded and walked into the back.
"Will. Hey it's me Y/N I'm here. Everything is alright. You're not going to the other world again" I touched him slightly and he came back from wherever he was.
"Will you're good? Joyce is coming" he didn't say anything and just hugged me. I caresseshis back and whispe, "I'm here Will, it's okay." I noticed that he was shaking and lightly crying.
Five minutes later Joyce arrived at the arcade and thanked me for looking after Will.
"I'm so thankful you were here. Will really likes you. Thank you so much" she hugged me and went to their car.
"Y/N" Dustin walked over to me again.
"Do you know who's mad max?"
"I heard the new kid Billy called a red haired girl Maxime. Maybe her I don't know. I'm sorry Dusti"
"it's alright."
"Oh and Dustin. Only an hour to go buddy" he nodded and joined his friends again.
"I feel so bad for Will. He was such a lovely boy and now he's just scared" I forgot that Nancy was still here.
"Yeah I'm so sorry for the boy and his family" we stood there in silence.
"So you're coming?"
"I have no choice or?" She shook her head.
"Great. Call me when Steve arrives at yours" she nodded and left.
Ok so eventually I like Halloween but not with dozens of teenagers around me and alcohol. I always enjoyed to do trick or treat with my brother and his friends.
"The time is up Dusti time to go. The arcade is closing."
"Noooo I didn't revenge on mad max." He cried out as I drag him out to the car.
"That's so unfair."
"What? You can stay even a few minutes more than the others you should be grateful"
"I'm not because of mad max"
"you're such a stupid boy. Please shut up"
During the drive home we didn't talked that much and when we arrived Dustin ran into the house.
As i passed the bins I heard some hustle but I ignored it.
"Hey darling. How was work?"
"Great as everyday." She smiled and I sat down at the table to start dinner.
"Are you ready for Halloween Dustin?" He stopped eating and smiled as wide as he could.
"And you Y/N?"
"That's it. Nanc asked me to come to the Halloween party" Dustin and my mom widened their eyes.
"You're not coming with us?"
"No but Jon is, you're going to be alright" my mom calmed down after she heard they wouldn't be alone.
"I'm finished can I go upstairs?"
"Yeah honey. Good night" I gave her a quick cheek kiss and left.
When I arrived in my room Steve sat on my bed.
"Who allowed you to come in?"
"You?" He pointed to my window which wasn't closed at all.
"Love you too dumbass" I sat down next to him and he lays his arm around me.
"How was work?"
"It was boring. I can't believe I took that offer"
"it's okay Y/N only a year and then you're almost off to college" I lay down on my bed and he was now laying next to me
"is this cheating?" I turn in his arms to face him.
"You and me laying here and talking?" I nodded, "when you think that this is cheating then you've got your answer."
"No I don't think so but everyone is interpreting different"
"so what would Nancy interpret as cheating? I mean she laid in the same bed with Jon a whole night and they talked. We are just laying here and talking I'm leaving soon if you want me to go"
"no stay, please. So you're going to the party as well?"
"You're coming?" I nodded, "that's great finally you're interacting with people in your age."
"Shut up" I slapped his chest, "you have to take me with you"
"in my car?" He laughed.
"Yeah Nancy said so"
"so she's now deciding over both our lives?"
"Looks like. Steve I'm so tired"
"do you want me to leave?" I couldn't even answer because I felt asleep on his chest.
Steve's pov
I was laying in her bed waiting for her to come upstairs after having dinner.
Today she worked the longer shift and hasn't really got a break. I'm feeling sorry for her because she's working her ass off and they are paying her like shit. Hopefully she's happy to see me.
"Hey there" I said as she entered the room still in her working clothes.
"Who allowed you to come in?"
"You?" I just pointed towards the window which she didn't closed at all.
"Idiot" she teased me.
"Love you too dumbass" she sat down next to me and I laid my arm around me.
"How was work?"
"It was boring. I can't believe I took that offer"
It was kinda hart to her y/ec full of tiredness, without the sparkle, "it's okay Y/N only a year and then you're almost off to college" She lays down on her bed and I was doing it like her.
"is this cheating?" She looked me in the eyes.
"You and me laying here and talking?" She nodded.
Why would she think over that
"When you think that this is cheating then you've got your answer."
"No I don't think so but everyone is interpreting different"
"so what would Nancy interpret as cheating? I mean she laid in the same bed with Jon a whole night and they talked. We are just laying here and talking I'm leaving soon if you want me to go"
"no stay, please. So you're going to the party as well?"
"You're coming?" She nodded
"that's great finally you're interacting with people in your age," I chuckled and her eyes lit up.
"Shut up" she hit my chest, "you have to take me with you"
"in my car?" I just laughed.
"Yeah Nancy said so"
"so she's now deciding over both our lives?"
"Looks like. Steve im tired"
"do you want me to leave?" She hadn't answered because she felt asleep on my chest.
I totally missed her. I have her back, finally. I won't loose her again I couldn't handle it. I think I love her.
October 31, 1984
The next morning Steve wasn't there. Steve and I become closer again but I still feel the same towards him and I don't know if he knows. I'm scared that Nancy would assume that Steve would cheat on her with me because he isn't! We are friends!
Today was the day. The party. I hate to interact with others I don't know. I hate being around too much people.
"Dusti could you help me please" Maybe he has an idea what to wear.
"What's wrong?"
"Can you help me? I don't know what to wear," he rolled his eyes and opened my closet.
"Go as Sandy Olsson."
"From Grease? I'm too ugly Dustin"
"okay you're the totally opposite of ugly Y/N!"
"you're only saying this because I'm your sister."
"AAah" He sighed. "maybe a bit but only a quarter."
"Oh thanks Dusti but I don't have any clothes she has worn"
"of course," he went inside to have a better view. He threw a black leather pant into my face followed by a black crop top and a pink jacket.
"And you're taking moms black high heels."
"I'm not wearing heels!"
"of course you will. Please that would suit the outfit so good."
"fine," I sighed and walked to mom asking for her heels which she gave me. "Okay and now?"
"A bit make up," he opened the drawer and picked some utensils. "Great you can do this by yourself," i dragged him towards the door, "thank you Dustin. Love you."
"too," he left the room and I applied the make up.
Nancy called around eight o'clock telling me they would be here around twenty minutes later. I waited outside for the couple and hopped in as soon as they arrived.
Dustin left two hours before so Jonathan could join them for an hour and a half.
"And what do you show?" Nancy turned in her seat to look at me.
"Wait let me guess. A pink jacket. And the black clothes. Mm." She thought.
"She's Sandy Olsson Nancy."
"Steve I wanted to guess," she clapped her hand on his chest, in the raw view I saw him rolling his eyes
"I'm sorry," I smiled lightly.
We arrived to many already wasted teenagers, almost everybody held a red cup in his hand, swaying to the music.
"I'm getting drinks for ya Y/N," I nodded and she walked away.
"You're looking stunning Y/N," I felt heat in my cheeks.
"Mm thanks. You're not that bad yourself," Nancy came back with red cups.
"I'm not drinking Nanc I'm sorry" I put the cup on the counter next to me.
"Oh please only today. It's party time" she threw her hands in the air.
"Mm no thanks Nancy." We stepped on to the dance floor in the living room where everyone were when Billy and his friends including Tommy and Carol arrived.
"They are assholes," Steve muttered under his breath and focused on Nancy again who was drinking her fourth cup.
"Nancy I think that's enough" Steve tried to take the cup away but it spilled over her white blouse.
"Nanc.. I didn't want to. Nancy I'm sorry" she ran upstairs to the bathroom and he followed her leaving me alone in the fully living room.
"Y/N," I felt a tap on my shoulder and as I turned to face the person behind the voice I realized it was Jonathan.
"Jon you're not dressed," he turned a little bit around to show a bunnytail.
"Nice. I like it."
"Where are Steve and Nancy?"
"In the bathroom"
"couldn't they wait until home?"
"No ihhhr.. they're not doing it. Steve spilled Nancy's drink over her shirt"
"that's bad. How is the party"
"as an anti party person I hate it," we laughed when Nancy ran past us.
Jonathan began to walk after her and I wanted to do the same but someone grabbed my arm.
"Y/N can we talk?" I nodded and he lead me to the backdoor.
"What happened?"
"Nancy said that our relationship would be bullshit. That she doesn't love me. That it all is bullshit." A tear rolled over his cheek and I wiped it away.
"I'm so sorry Steve." I looked at him and saw his red eyes. As I saw him like that my heart began to hurt and a tear left my eye too. A strand of hair fall in his face and I pulled it behind his ear. A few moments later I hugged him and we stood like this a few minutes.
"You know Steve when someone is drunk they are saying the truth. Always. I'm not saying this because of you know. I'm saying it as your best friend I just want the best for you," I hugged him again and we drove to my house.
"You want to come in?" He nodded and locked his car.
"Thank you Henderson."
"You're welcome Harrington."
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cryonme · 4 years
fallingforyou- calum hood.
word count- 1.5k
tw- drinking, smoking, cursing, a couple of tears. other than that just calum being sexy and also cute.
mentions- calum, fiona, luke, michael
a/n- hi! sooooo, this is the first part in my “series” of Calum and Fiona. this series will not have to be read in any order, just a bunch of one shots of Cal and Fi been cute. BUT this ons should be read first, as its the start of their relationship. im very excited abt this and I hope you all are too!!! also, i know a lot of my followers are from the HP fandom but I've been really wanting to branch out with my writing so here's this little number. I still write for HP, btw! not to worry. anyway, I hope u all enjoy this. I love it a lot and I worked very hard!!!! inspired by fallingforyou by the 1975. I recommend listening to the song for dramatic affect.
Calum sipped on his drink as his eyes danced around the kitchen that was filled with drunk and high 20-30 somethings, unimpressed until his deep brown eyes landed on her. Dressed in a little halter top and flared jeans, head thrown back in laughter at God knows what, she laughed at just about anything, especially when intoxicated. Her dark hair cascaded down her back and her lovely brown eyes squeezed shut, she looked like a goddamn angel.
He told Luke a million times that he wasn’t coming to this party, just like he had done with every party that rolled around in LA, but once Luke promised her attendance, he still declined.
But snuck in anyway 3 hours in, trying to go unnoticed by his 3 idiot friends.
His plan failed, of course. Why wouldn’t it? Michael had caught him at the worst time, 4 jack and cokes in, grinning at her like an idiot from across the kitchen island.
“She’s your friend, mate. You know you can like, talk to her.” He had said, nudging his best friend with his elbow.
Calum rolled his eyes, “I’m not 7, Mike. I’ll talk to her when I want.”
“You’re never gonna land a girl like Fiona if you don’t say anything.”
“Who says I’m trying to land her?”
Michael nearly choked on his drink, “Good one, Cal.” He patted his friend's shoulder and pretended to wipe a fake tear. “Hey, Fi!”
Calum had known Fiona since 2013 when 5 Seconds of Summer first toured with One Direction, when she was an assistant to their tour manager. She was the same age as the guys and they all bonded quickly, and to this day she still tours with them. She’s still just an assistant, says she doesn’t want to take on the responsibility of manager, she mostly just makes sure the guys are all where they’re supposed to be at all times.
Fiona turned away from her friends and smiled at the two Australian goofs, excusing herself from the group of girls and making her way over.
“Calum Hood? Enjoying himself? At a party? Insanity!” She smiled that radiant smile of hers and took Calum’s cup from his hands, treating herself to a sip.
“3 of those things are true, and I’ll give you a hint, I’m not enjoying myself.” Calum retaliated and Fiona raised her eyebrows at Michael.
“Hi, Fi.” Calum smiled and slung his arm over her shoulder.
She playfully rolled her eyes and leaned into Calum, “Hey Mr. Buzzkill.”
“I’m gonna go play pong with Luke, you know how he gets when I’m not his partner. Bye Fifi!” Michael rushed out and ran out of the kitchen, no doubt going to gush to Luke and Ashton about Calum and Fiona being cozied up in the kitchen.
“You look pretty tonight.” Calum said flatly, not making eye contact.
He could say those kinds of things to her, they had been friends for 7 years, but the drinks definitely helped him get it out.
“Don’t look too bad yourself, Hood.”
Calum brought her small frame around in front of him so he could look at her. She rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him with her doe eyes, and he made a vow right then and there that he would absolutely get to call her his one day.
This happened often. Calum and Fiona would cozy up to each other when drunk, hugging and touching, never once kissing, and nothing ever came of it.
“Like, you look really pretty.”
Fiona threw her head back again and laughed, “You, Mr. Hood, are drunk.”
“Yeah,” Calum took her hand and spun her around so her back was to his chest and rested his chin on her shoulder, “And you’re really pretty. Look at us stating facts together.”
Fiona giggled again and grabbed Calum’s cup from him, taking another sip.
Calum slowly snaked his arms around her waist and she held onto his arms with her hands, Calum swore he would have melted on her right there.
Fiona spun again and looked up at her friend of 7 years. She wanted to know what went on behind those intense eyes of his. Ashton, Michael and Luke confided in her with almost everything, she knew all about what went on in their heads, but Calum had never told her a thing. Not one detail. She had no idea that Calum was falling for her, on that night, in that shitty lighting, and he was falling for her hard.
“Beer pong?”
The two had been waiting for their turn in beer pong for 20 minutes and finally decided to sit down on a nearby bench and just watch. Calum pulled her onto his lap and she hummed happily, with her arms around her once more.
The brown eyed boy took his arms off of her for one second while he dug through his pockets, then put them back in their rightful place, holding a joint up to her lips. She gladly took the weed into her mouth and allowed Calum to light the end for her while she took in a drag.
She held the joint between her fingers and blew out. “You’re a good friend, Cal.”
Calum frowned at that. He had been drinking a little bit more than usual and the word “friend” made his heart drop.
“Don’t wanna be friends.”
Fiona snorted, “Shut up.”
“M’serious.” Calum mumbled against her shoulder. “I don’t wanna be your friend.” He turned his head so he could place her lips on her neck, “I wanna kiss your neck.”
“I’m falling for you, Fi.”
“You’re drunk.”
“So you don’t get to do that!” Fiona suddenly jumped up off of Calum’s lap and faced him, catching the attention of a few people, but no one seemed to care enough.
“Fiona-” Calum started and reached to grab hold of her thigh but she slapped him away.
“Fuck you.” She spat and stormed away. She was probably just going to sit on the front steps. She was too drunk to drive and she left her phone with Calum.
The dark haired boy sighed and hoisted himself up off of the bench to follow after her, at least to give her her phone. He made his way through the crowd of people and was stopped by Luke right before he made it to the door.
“I don’t know what you did, but fucking fix it.” The blond poked his finger into his chest so hard he stumbled back.
“Wha-” He started but by the time he could he finish the one syllable word Luke was long gone.
Calum shook his head and pushed the door open, finding his favorite girl slumped over on the steps with her shoulders shaking. He hurried so he could crouch in front of her and rest his hands on her knees, and refused to move when she tried to push him away.
“I know you’re mad at me but you’re crying and nothing hurts me more than that.” He said softly, trying his best to get the girl in front of him to stop shaking.
After a couple minutes of letting Calum stroke her knee gently with the pad of his thumb, Fiona finally brought her head up and Calum wanted to kick himself for making her cry like that.
“I have loved you” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, “For 7 fucking years Calum.”
Calum felt like he just got all of the wind kicked out of his lungs, but he didn’t move a muscle.
“I’ve watched girls who treat you like shit come and go and I don’t even get to pick up the fucking pieces because you don’t fucking talk to me, then one night you have a little bit too much to drink and suddenly you’re falling for me?”
“I love you.”
Fiona froze.
“Fuck, Fiona I’ve loved you for 7 years. Every girl who’s come and gone has been a distraction from you because in my head, you’d never feel the same way. I never opened up to you or talked to you because I was scared that if I did I’d let it slip that I love you and I’d lose you. Every time I see you my chest feels tight and I feel like I can’t breathe, every time you laugh I can’t help but smile to myself like a fool and whenever you cry I can’t look at you because I’m afraid I’ll cry too. Screw falling for you, Fiona. I fell for you.”
Fiona didn’t move, she felt like she couldn’t move. Calum had just shared more with her in 30 seconds than he had in 7 years, she was shocked.
“What the fuck took you so long.” Her question came out as more of a statement.
“I’m an idiot.” Calum breathed out before finally leaning in and kissing the girl he had loved for so long.
//pls remember to leave a comment or reblog if you enjoyed it, kind words mean a lot🖤and so begins the life of cal and fi, i can’t wait! hope u all are excited too. xx roxie
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jayankles · 3 years
Mommy, Daddy, and their Baby Girl
Summary: Y/N been a bad girl, Jared has set out to punish her but gets too caught up in his own pleasure, Gen’s there to even the playing field to be the one in charge.
Request: can you do a Jared x reader x Genevieve where she’s a bit younger than them and she has a mommy and daddy kink please 
Word Count: 1167
Written for: @spnkinkbingo | @anyfandomgoesbingo | @supernatural-jackles | @badbitchesbingo | @anyfandomkinkbingo
Squares Filled: Switch | writers choice au | threesome | masturbation | daddy kink
Also for @becs-bunker 
Kinktober Day 31: Dealer’s choice
“Please, Daddy?” You say softly, biting into your lower lip before pouting at him. “I’ve been a good girl for you and mommy. Please?”
Jared can’t help the quiet yet harsh grunt that leaves his throat, it’s something in the sweet and innocent act that you put on that makes him almost collapse as you fall to your knees, he would do whatever his baby girl wants. But then he remembers who is in charge. (Most definitely his wife, but we will divulge that scenario another time.) On the other hand though, he wouldn’t just be giving you what you want; he would also be getting what he wanted and he would be giving his wife a little show - or a snack if she chose to.
It’s the clink of his wedding ring against his belt that attracts your eyes to below his waistline. You are not disappointed when you see how hard Jared is in his pants, his cock tightened in the constraints of his stupid clothing. 
“Should Daddy give his baby girl what she wants?” His touch against your cheek sends a shiver rippling down your spine. “How badly does she want her Daddy?”
Before you have the opportunity to speak, though, Jared presses his thumb against your bottom lip, pushing it past your lips when he sees you open your mouth to him. “Such a good girl for Daddy. Good little slut.”
He doesn’t let you enjoy the feeling of your mouth against his thumb much longer as he pulls it away. You whine, sitting back on your haunches in a silent disobedient manner. He doesn’t doesn’t pick up on it though. His hands were too busy fumbling with the button on his pants. But she does. She stands there, leaning against the door with her hands on her hip and she watches the two of them together. It’s not jealousy, oh dear, no. She likes the thrill of walking in, catching them in the middle of their sexual escapades. Genevieve likes it so much that no matter how mad she is at the two of them starting without her, she can’t help how her body just reacts to them. How wet her pussy gets as she watches her baby girl pine over her husband. Gen thinks about all the ways that she is going to punish the little girl, and maybe even her husband while she’s at it. She grabs the attention of the both of them when she tuts at their display.
Gen shakes her head at the pair of them, even though Jared thinks he’s in charge she knows that she has Jared wrapped around her finger and she knows she has you worshipping the ground that she walks on. Gen pushes himself from the wall and strolls over to the pair.
“Go lay on the bed, little girl.” Genevieve says, barely above a whisper. Her voice is silky smooth, but you know that you are in for a punishment for not listening to her direct order. She asked you for one thing, don’t touch her pussy. You couldn’t help it when you just thought about her.
“Yes, Mommy.” You say, trying to get up as seductively as possible. Maybe it’s working by the way you catch Jared’s cock twitch in his pants.
“On the bed, too, Mister. You’ve been a bad boy.” Gen shoves Jared on the end of the bed, his legs wide open and hand rubbing against his painfully swollen cock. It’s that moment when you know that Jared is no longer in charge; it’s so much easier to have Daddy give you what you want but with Genevieve? You are screwed, you are hers; body, mind, and soul. Genevieve doesn’t waste any time shoving your legs open, your soaking wet cunt, bare for her eyes and her husbands. You expect her fingers to swipe through your folds but she shocks you with a strike of her palm against your clit. Screaming at the surprise, your body lurches forward at the thwacking sound. “You see this pretty little pussy? This is Mommy’s pussy. The little girl or Daddy doesn’t tough this pussy. Unless. I. Say.”
She accentuates her last three words with a slap. Your pussy now throbbing from both pain and pleasure, you clench around emptiness, nothing to fill you with yet but the silent begging that you are doing with your eyes and the rolling of your hips doesn’t deter Gen’s stoic annoyance. 
“Take off your clothes, baby.” She coos, stripping herself from her jacket, loosening her blouse buttons and letting it hang off her body, taunting you with her exposed torso and perfect tits covered with her favourite bra. “You too, Daddy. You’re going to sit there until you’ve learned your lesson.”
Immediately, you obey her orders, pulling off your tee shirt - the only remaining article of clothing, opening up yourself for her as you lie back on the pillows at the top of the bed, your hands resting behind your back. 
“Oh, Jared?” She waits for him to look at her fully, eyes less glossed over but still edging with lust. “Don’t come. Don’t touch yourself. Just watch.”
Synchronically, you and Jared moan - although his moan is more of a whine, deep and low in his throat. You know she isn’t going to take it easy on you. You know as you watch the smirk grow wide on her face and Jared can sense that whatever Gen has in mind that it will be for her pleasure and no one else's until she says so, lust and longing washes over him. He can’t help but want to touch himself, especially if his wife was the one calling the shots and their baby girl was only now obeying Gen’s orders after touching herself.
The beautiful brunette stands their nudes before you and you can’t help your eyes as they follow the trail from her hair, hovering between her eyes and her lips before moving on to her supple breasts.
“You like what you see, baby.” She stops your ogling before you move on to her heated core, Jared admiring the way her hips move as she slowly stalks her way to you, quickly stroking his cock before she has a chance to turn around and face him.
“Yes, mommy. You’re so beautiful” You lick at your lips, clenching your lower walls around nothing once more. You wanted her or Jared to fill you up and fuck you so bad.  “I just thought of you and I just couldn’t help myself, my p- your pussy was so wet for you. My body is ready to take anything. I just want to please you, Mommy.”
She crawls up the bed, pulling at the back of your neck, pressing her lips to your in a deep, forceful kiss. She allows you to enjoy it for a whole minute before she pulls away and spanks at your wet pussy
“Good, baby, good. I hope you are hungry, little girl.”
I was thinking of turning this into a series? Let me know your thoughts?
Forevers: @super100012 @lupine-princess @plaid-lover-bay25 @atc74 @growningupgeek @sophiebobzz @docharleythegeekqueen @grace-for-sale @mrswhozeewhatsis @jesspfly @supernaturallymarvellous @sammysgirl1997 @roxyspearing @mogaruke @be-amaziing @deanandsamsbitch @frankiea1998 @hennessy0274-blog @iwantthedean @capsheadquaters @emoryhemsworth @notmoose45 @essie1876 @cassieraider @brewsthespirit-blog @its-my-perky-nipples @riversong-sam @jotink78 @captainradicalpassion @jadalecki-jackles-blog @spnbaby-67 @holyfuckloueh @gh0stgurl @alyssa6marie @esoltis280  @alexwinchester23 @x-waywardaf-x @randomparanoid @kellianz @lyarr24
jared: @im-turnip @deans-baby-momma @shamelesslydean @sandlee44 @smoothdogsgirl @plaidstiel-wormstache  @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Act 1: While We’re Young
Chapter 5
Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Black OC
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January 10th 2005
Last night was the only night I'm allowing myself to cry over him and his 'return'. What good would it do me? No, I was gonna take Erik and whatever he had to throw at me by storm.
Waking up the next day, I feel refreshed. Like a brand new person with a more positive mindset. Today I had 3 classes and I'm determined to have a good Erik free day.
That whole Erik free thing went out the window as soon as I got to my first class.
Double O Computer Programming 1 was a junior class, however I'd taken it during the summer during my first year at UC Berkeley. DOCP 2 wouldn't be available until next semester but I needed to have a class since this was my first year on the actual campus. Thankfully Miss Hill really needed a T.A and the fact that I could help with an algorithm that tied into thermal nuclear astrophysics had her sold.
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Right after I finished taking attendance, she barely got a word out before the door swung open revealing Erik as our late comer. I quickly glanced at the sheet in front of me, scanning for his name. I was so use to calling him N’dajaka when we were kids, I completely skipped over ‘Erik Stevens’. I huffed rolling my eyes, arms crossed over my chest. His timbs were the only thing heard shuffling across the room making hid way toward the front of the class. Wordlessly he handed Miss Hill before his eyes were on me. They scanned me from top to bottom, before locking with me a smug grin on his lips.
"Hey Lona," my jaw dropped.
Before I could get out a word, Miss Hill opened her mouth, looking up from the paper he handed her.
"Welcome Erik, sorry for the confusion."
"It's all good," he shrugged.
"Im Miss Hill, and I see you already know my aid. As I explained to the class prior to taking attendance, If I'm unavailable feel free to email or call her during the hours listed on the sheet." She is then took a sheet from me and handed him to me. "Other than that, find a seat."
He nodded pretending look over the sheet before averting his gaze back on me.
"I'm definitely gon do that."
Fuck my life right?
Well, Erik just so happened to be in the Calculus class I skipped two days ago. I thank God my record was squeaky clean and Mr. Kennedy accepted my poor excuse before I was quickly reminded the man upstairs has a sense of humor as the only available seat was next to Erik.
"The person next to you will be your partner for the remainder of the semester so let's take the next 15 minutes getting know one another hmm?." Mr. Kennedy instructed.
I couldn't suppress the groan that slipped as Erik casually leaned back in his chair, examining me.
"You heard the man, get to know me."
"I know all I need this know about you Erik."
"Oh so I'm Erik now? Like that?" He spoke cool, calm, and collected like our exchanged was normal.
I gripped my pencils tight, my knee bouncing up and down my body tense.
"Let me set things straight now. We don't need to talk to one another. If it doesn't have anything to do with any of the classes we take together, don't want to hear it. When you see me act like you don't know me. We clear?"
The expression on his face was unreadable before his lip twitched slight him responding.
January 24th, 2005
It had been two weeks since Erik showed up here.
Ok that's a lie.
Apparently this man has been here. And to top it off, this mans name was in every bitch mouth like the second coming of Jesus Christ. From what I've observed though, he doesn't say much, or gives any of these broads much attention. He don't say much in general actually, he's really good at blending in. He got that laid back, mysterious, bad boy vibe going for him and these females out here hella into that.
But when he opens his mouth, that cocky bastard sure knows how to disrupt my entire soul at least while we're in class.
Outside of class though, he acts like I'm invisible.
It was like he never knew me. And honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. I know that's what I said I wanted but it bothers me just the same.
Today in particular though, he argued me down during our Calculus class. We had one problem to figure out before we could leave class today. You and your partner were supposed agree on the answer, and heaven forbid he just agree with me so we can get out of here. Math was always my subject when we were kids, nothing has changed. I was damn near about to say fuck it when he started laughing.
What in the entire fuck it so funny?" I was fuming.
"You," he shook his head. "You really hella mad."
"Um, YES!" I damn near shouted fed up. "You literally been tryna convince me it's 5 when it's-"
"Chill. I know the answer is 3 girl. C'mon, let's go." So smoothly he closed the book, grabbed his bag and headed to the front.
I was so upset, I had to let him do all the talking when it came to explain to the teacher I'll answer and how we got there. I know I open my mouth I wasn't going to say anything nice.
"Girl what crawled up your ass and died?" Donise questioned with a stank look as we sat at one of the benches outside of the library.
"Yeah What did Erik do now," I could hear teasing in Tatiana's tone so I flipped her off.
Only giving a brief explanation, I went on a mini rant about what happened in class 20 minutes ago. Donise's thought it was funny, while Tati just shook her head.
"I still can't believe it him," Tatianna glanced as a group of guys from across the quad headed our way, Erik included.
"Yes, and I wish it wasn't."
Tatianna was the first real friend I made in a while. I was actually tutoring her online for a while before she found out I was 4 years younger than her. Our friendship started off as a trade. I was her tutor and she both convinced and enrolled in a mentor program to help me with my social skills. I didn't speak to anyone much when Erik left, but I got into a lot of fights. According to the school counselor I was taking out my anger and abandonment issues on.I have meds to tame the anger, and while I haven't had to take them in a while Eric definitely bring that anger out of me.
"Girl that's just sexual tension. You got to fuck all that out." Ashley put in her unwanted two cents.
"Trust me when I tell you on God it isn't."
"Well if you out to holla, then trust and believe I will." She tossed her hair over her shoulder
I didn't really mess with Ashley like that, but she was Tati's frat sister which made them 'friends'. That little thot pocket will screw anything with legs, D, and a pulse and I'm not bout that life. Plus she messy as fuck and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her.
"I don't doubt it," I smirked as Donise said exactly what I was thinking.
Donise was coo' though, I meet her when I first got here 2 months ago. Believe It or not she was apart of the welcome comity for MIT and turned out her and Tatiana were already friends. Once she figured out  who I was, I was shot to the front line during registration and everything.
"Anyways, y'all going Ant and them party tomorrow?" Ashley questioned probably tryna bum a ride.
"What party?"
"The Que's," Donise answered. "The dudes with Erik are frat."
Now this was news to me. I met most of them before but I had no idea there were in a sorority. Examining them, I guess it all made sense. Most in the clique sported some sort of purple and yellow lanyard either around their neck or on their keychain that hung from their jean pocket as if  they wanted everybody to know who they were. Which I wouldn't doubt.
"Ladies! What we chattin about?" Moses questions every bit of his thick English accent tapering off every word.
"Our plans for mañana," Tati answered l
"Word. Y'all coming to the party tomorrow?" Jay spoke playing with a few strands of Donise's curls.
"Tomorrow? It's Thursday." I said confused. "Ain't there class the next day?"
"What's the matter, you can't hang?" I glared at Jay, knowing he was only chastising me because him and Erik were close, according to Tati.
I swear to God men gossip more than women do. Rolling my eyes I spared Erik a glance and he looked like he was waiting on me to respond.
"Oh, I can definitely hang."
I couldn't hang.
Around midnight I was  in the bathroom throwing up everything, damn near hug in the toilet as my surrounding looks so blurry and I can barely function. Im not sure when I'd finally finished, but I could feel someone picks me up and out the bathroom and soon everything goes blurry and then black.
Tag list: @kitesatforestp @xsweetdellzx @justgetitoverwith0 @letsshamelessqueen-m @cmkcolove @readingaddict1290
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resslawx · 4 years
Since I‘m on my way to vacation right now - and stuck in a train for some hours - I thought I‘d post part 2 of the keenler oneshot now. Thanks a lot for all the kind messages! :D
Again, I‘m sorry for any mistakes.
[Keenler oneshot pt. 2] - pt. 1:
Some minutes later the agents quietly left the room. When the door was closed behind them, Liz let out a relieved sigh. “Thank you so much.. Honestly, I don’t know how long it would’ve taken me to get her back to sleep if it wasn’t for you.”
“Nah, c’mon. In time, you would’ve gotten the idea yourself. Or another.” Ressler answered, shrugging his shoulders.
“Maybe sometime, yes. But this isn’t just about your idea with the cave and you know that.” She took some steps towards him, looking directly into his eyes. “You matter a great deal to Agnes, she relies a lot on you. Her getting calm once you’ve had picked her up proved that once more. No one else would’ve been able to have such an influence on her as you did.”
Now it was his turn to be glad - again. Feeling needed when it came to these two was something that always lightened up his mood, no matter how bad life was.
“Looks like I’m not only your tiny island of calm, huh?”
“It’s the genetics” Liz grinned, but it didn’t last long. Donald Resslers damn smile made her knees wobbly. Besides, that smile was hidden so often - behind his serious work attitude, his grumpy mood when Reddington got on his nerves - especially when he exposed him in front of everyone - or the feeling he never wanted to admit, but Liz know he felt way too often. They both did.
And now he offered her that wide, honest smile for once. She couldn’t let that down by making jokes.
Without thinking, Liz gently cupped his cheeks with her hands, keeping her soft but serious voice.
“No, seriously... You shouldn’t wonder that you’re not only my safe place. It’s obvious that you’re good for those who are around you and everyone who says otherwise just doesn’t know you well enough. Stop screwing down your value - I mean it.”
Ressler didn’t miss the intensity in her eyes when she spoke those words. His lips slightly parted while he was taking in her expression, looking at her lips longer than ever. With her hands on his cheeks, it was impossible for him to ignore her warmth. And with it everything he felt for her.
It’s never been easy, hell sometimes it had been damn hart. But he managed it somehow. Managed it to hide everything he felt deep down in his heart.
He always let her go - without even having her - because he believed it was best for her.
Of course Liz didn’t miss her partners look on her lips either. She almost thought she saw something longing in it.
But could that really be for her..? Or was it just his general desire?
She knew Ressler hardly had anyone who gave him the appreciation he deserved. Who showed him what it meant to get love and affection.
Someone to go home to.
As far as she knew, Hannah was the last woman on his side - and it didn’t work out. So it wasn’t hard to understand that he had some desire inside him. She had it herself. It’s what the loneliness gets one into.
It was just when Ressler gently cupped her hands with his own and took them off his cheeks, Liz got ripped out of her thoughts, still looking at him.
“I will.. stay some more minutes in case Agnes wakes up again” he said, quietly clearing his throat. When she didn’t respond, he added a “unless you wanna get rid of me”, putting a light smirk on his lips again.
Avoiding the urgent need to look down, Liz simply nodded. The moment was gone - as always. But this time she felt.. disappointed. And she couldn’t tell why.
“Have a seat. I’ll put some other pillows on the couch since Agnes used most of them for her cave.”
After Liz left the room, Ressler sat down and took a deep breath. What the hell did just happen? Did he really let his feelings take control for a moment? On the one hand he was kinda mad at himself because he did let that happen but on the other hand... there was the way she looked at him. Something told him that he didn’t misunderstand her closeness, her touches - her whole presence in that moment.
But that something seemed to be so little and quiet in his head that he tried not to listen to it.
What didn’t change the fact that he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Neither when Liz put the pillows on the couch, nor when she sat down next to him, facing the TV and they watched the late night news in silence.
The next time Ressler opened his eyes the room was immersed in darkness. It had to be in the middle of the night.
While blinking away his tiredness, he tried to figure out his surroundings. His body demonstrated against his waking up since he still had to catch up on a bunch of sleep.
As he became more awake, he noticed a weight on his chest.
It was her.
As far as he could see in the dark, they still were on the couch. But instead of sitting next to each other, he laid on his back and Liz was curled up against him, sleeping calmly while resting her head on his chest. One of his arms was gently put around her back, holding her close. They must’ve fallen asleep while they waited for Agnes to wake up again. Since their week was pretty rough it didn’t really surprise him.
Resslers eyes got more used to the darkness with every minute, so he continued watching his partner sleeping on his chest. She looked not just calm, she looked almost deeply relaxed. That she was sleeping like this on his side, with everything going on in her life, confirmed her trust in him again. That she felt safe with him.
And he loved it.
He couldn’t resist touching her - she looked just too beautiful in his opinion. Besides, one of his arms was already pulled around her anyways. What difference would it make.
Stroking a strand of hair out of her face he took in her expression once more before he softly brushed his thumb over her cheek. What had this woman done to him? For years now he felt the urgent need to protect her, keep her safe and just be there for her when she needed it.
There were so many little things about her that hardly anyone saw because they were hidden behind her serious, yet sometimes cold blooded attitude, she had go used to since Reddington walked into her life. Well, especially since Toms death.
At the time all of it had just begun, so Liz didn’t know much about Reddingtons presence in her life but Ressler and her had already gotten closer, she showed him so much of herself. Evenings like the one they had spent together on her birthday became kind of a ritual. Dinner in the office, takeout at one of their apartments (usually at his since she had mostly lived in a motel room that time) or evening walks after work when there was too much on her mind again and they both needed some fresh air. One or two times, they had even watched a movie together. No matter how weird that state of their almost-nothing-knowing-relationship with Reddington was.. Ressler had really loved that time. Because he and his partner had gotten closer and with that they both had something that kept them balanced. That saved them from feeling lonely many times. Besides, he had learned a lot about her then. Personal things. Her taste in food and movies, her favorite spots to go to when she needed to be alone with her thoughts, what were characteristics she had most likely inherited from Sam.. sometimes if felt to him like as if he was the only person that knew about those certain things.
Even if they hadn’t been the closest friends back then, they built up a strong bond which somehow never ended. It even survived the time she was on the run, the time she faked her death and so many others. Times where they hurt each other.
Meanwhile, she wasn’t as vulnerable anymore. Liz had become a strong woman, who seemed as if she wouldn’t need anyone in her life. He knew that wasn’t the case but the only chance for someone to get that, she had to let you see her weaknesses. Let you look behind the surface. She rarely did to anyone - but to him. Especially in the past two years she allowed him more and more to see her struggles again. Not only by telling him but also by showing him. And every time she did, he felt honored.
Because even if he didn’t want to admit it he knew he loved her.
Her sleepy voice brought him back to reality. He blinked, still looking at her. Eyes not longer closed she looked up at him, her blue eyes piercing his own as always even though he couldn’t see their color in the darkness.
It was just when his gaze was finally able to move away from her eyes again that he realized he was still stroking her cheek with his thumb. He must’ve continued his gesture while his mind drifted off.
“I-I’m sorry..” he mumbled, his voice all rough from the sleep.
One could tell Liz got goosebumps at the sound of his unfamiliar tone.
Already starting to pull his hand away, she stopped him by cupping his hand with her own, holding it to her cheek. It was the same movement Ressler had done some hours ago, with the difference that Liz wasn’t about to get him away from her.
“Don’t be..” she whispered, earning a surprised and deep look from her partner.
After some seconds had passed he got her message and brought up his other hand as well to run it softly through her hair, getting a bit more confident in touching her.
Not daring to move and risk to destroy the moment Liz simply watched him.
A thin strip of moonlight came through the window and met the freckles that adorned his face. She had always liked how unique her partner looked with them but she had never adored them more than she did in this moment. Locking her eyes into his again, she took in the way he looked at her. And there was it.
There was the longing she already thought she had seen earlier that day. But this time, she was sure. It was there and even if she couldn’t know if that’s the case, she started to believe that it truly was for her. Not just for any kind of fulfilling his desires, no, for her.
But she wanted proof.
Without thinking, Liz grabbed his collar to pull him closer while she popped herself up on one elbow, bringing his lips to hers.
Ressler shivered slightly as her lips met his and she kissed him. His body reacted reflexively, wrapping his arms around her while he responded to the kiss as soft as he could. His mind wasn’t nearly as fast but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter since his body brought up the only reaction he wanted to show her, the one that was shamelessly true.
Their kiss deepened and got more passionate but it still was soft and careful in a special way. Liz could feel his strong arms holding her just as tight as they did the night she told him that he was her tiny island of calm. But this time it was even more intimate.
Loosening her hand from his collar she slowly wandered to his hair, going through it. Since he hadn’t done his hair much after she called him, there was rarely any hair gel left. It felt way softer than she imagined so she kept going, earning a quiet moan from her partner.
This time it was her who shivered.
Breathing heavily they broke apart some minutes later and Ressler watched her with a whole thunderstorm showing in his eyes.
“L..Liz I-“ he stammered but was interrupted by her.
“Shh, don’t overthink it.”
He swallowed, his voice only a whisper.
“I guess right now I’m not able to think at all..”
Liz smiled and placed a light kiss on his cheek before she sat up. He immediately missed her warmth.
“Come on, we both deserve a good sleep and that in a real bed”
Was this a dream? All of this had to be a dream. He simply couldn’t believe who was now standing in front of him, holding out her hand. She was waiting for him - an image he never dared to dream of.
Still being overwhelmed, Ressler took her hand and silently followed her into the bedroom.
When they laid down Liz cuddled into him and placed her head on his chest once more. She didn’t really know what would happen once they woke up but she didn’t feared it either.
Because this was Donald Ressler. Her partner, her friend, her tiny island of calm. And she trusted him.
“Good night Liz” a soft voice whispered, stroking her back.
“Good night knucklehead”
And even if she couldn’t see it, she knew there was a smile on his lips.
That damn smile which made her fall in love again.
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petersasteria · 4 years
The Forces of Nature || Ch.12
Pairing: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
Summary: “There’s this kid out there that can control the wind or something. I think she’s a great addition to the team. Let’s recruit her.”
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"...𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧." - Jordan Harbinger
Just when Peter and Y/N thought everything was alright between them, it went back to normal. Y/N didn't know what happened, she didn't know what she did to somehow offend Peter. Heck, she didn't even know she offended him. She was clueless. She tried to make things better, but Peter ended up hating her even more. She wasn't giving up, though.
On Peter's side, he knew full well why he started acting up again. Ever since the first training, all he could hear were praises. Not to or for him. Oh, no. How he wished all their praises were dedicated to him. Instead, they were all for Y/N. It was always Y/N this, Y/N that. Peter was getting sick of it.
It wasn't just the Avengers, though. It was also the people at school.
"Hey Y/N! I need help in rehearsing for the graduation song." Ned nicely asked. Peter cleared his throat and said, "I can help you!"
"Thanks, Peter! But this is Y/N's expertise." Ned said and turned to Y/N, waiting for her answer. Peter gave a tight-lipped smile and broke his pencil with one hand in anger and bitterness. Y/N saw this and quickly took a pencil from her bag.
"Here you go, Peter. You can have it. I have so many pencils at home." Y/N said kindly as she handed him the pencil. Peter just looked at it, though. So, she left it near Peter and started helping Ned.
"Jealous, Parker?" MJ asked with a smirk.
"No." He answered quickly. "Anything she can do, I can do better. I'm the best!"
"Ned and I will be the judge of that." MJ said and turned back to her book.
Later that day, it was training again at the compound. Y/N and Peter were training with Steve and Natasha. Since they were training in the same room, Steve and Peter could see Natasha and Y/N training on the other side of the room.
"You're getting better at this, Y/N!" Natasha smiled after Y/N basically tackled her down. She helped Natasha up with happiness flowing through her.
"Thank you! I try my best." Y/N shrugged.
"I agree with Nat." Steve said from across the room. "You're a natural, Y/N. You really do belong here."
Peter was jealous. How come she got praise for everything she was doing? After all, they're quite similar. They're both geniuses, they're both great at training sessions, they're kind and sweet. He knew that he was being sort of ridiculous, but in his point of view, his feelings were valid.
To make things worse, Tony was hanging out with Y/N now. Peter felt extreme jealousy and anger bubbling inside of him. It was like a real family situation.
Tony, Peter's father-figure and mentor, suddenly favored the other kid aka Y/N over him. It was all so sudden. She was just new and everyone loved her. Even Sam and Bucky loved her. Peter was still in the 'we only tolerate you' level with Bucky and Sam, so how come Y/N isn't on the same level as him?
Sometimes, he felt as if Y/N was mocking him. Peter would screw up sometimes and then Y/N would somehow be there right behind him to help and fix it.
"Call me when you need me, Pete. I'd be glad to help!"
"Do you need anything?"
"No wonder you couldn't get it right. You're doing it the wrong way, Peter!"
He was tired of it. He was officially done with her and done with everyone. If everyone thought that Y/N was the best, then he'd make sure that he was the worst.
"Hey, Y/N/N! Have you seen Peter? He was supposed to be here two hours ago." Steve asked and looked at his watch.
"I don't know, actually. I thought he was already here. I didn't see him after school because I had glee club practice." Y/N frowned and pulled out her phone. As she was about to type a text, Peter walked in with a relaxed smile on his face.
"Where the hell have you been, kid?" Steve asked. As angry as he was, he kept his composure. Y/N lifted her phone a bit and said, "I was just about to text you. Where were you?"
"At home." Peter shrugged. "I took a nap after school."
"...So, you didn't patrol?" Y/N asked.
"Nope." Peter said, popping the 'p'.
"Why not?" She frowned. "You love patrolling and you're great at that."
"Yeah? Well, if you're so better than me like everyone else has been saying, why don't YOU patrol?" Peter snapped. Y/N stayed quiet and Steve was shocked at his outburst. He's never heard Peter lash out like that before. It was new and different. It was so foreign to him.
The next day at school, Peter was assigned to be the group leader in English class. When he saw that Y/N was his group mate, he called the teacher's attention.
"Yes, Mr. Parker?"
"I don't want to be the leader of this group. I'd like to be a member instead and I want Y/N to be the leader." Peter faked a smile. "You see, she's really smart and she could do anything."
Y/N looked at Peter and quickly shook her head. She didn't want to be the group leader. Peter just smirked and his smirk grew wider when the teacher allowed it.
"Congrats on your leader position, Y/N! I'm sure you'll do just fine. You can do anything, right?" Peter said and leaned back on his chair, waiting for Y/N give out orders on what to do.
Y/N didn't know why Peter was acting that way. She truly wanted to ask, but she was scared. She was hurt, annoyed, mad, and confused. How can Peter's attitude just shift like that?
"Hey, kid! Can you help me in the lab? I have a few modifica-"
"No." Peter answered shortly and ate his chips while watching tv on the couch. He grabbed the remote and changed the channel.
Tony looked at him as if Peter grew another head, "W-What do you mean 'no'?"
"No means no, Mr. Stark." Peter answered.
"I get that, but you don't usually say 'no' to me. Besides, you might like what we're going to do in the lab. It's for a new-"
"Nah. Count me out of that shit." Peter chuckled.
"Is this all a joke to you, Parker?" Tony asked.
Normally, Peter would be scared and he'd drop the act. Alas, he kept going. Nothing will stop him in keeping his act together.
"No, it's not a joke to me. You asked and I answered. Where the hell is the joke in that?" Peter raised an eyebrow. "Besides, you can ask your new pet, Y/N. She's around here somewhere- oH, RIGHT! She's out patrolling like I told her to."
"Isn't that your job?!"
"Yes, but since everyone here claims that she's better than everyone else, I gave her my job so that she has something to do."
"And what'll you do?" Tony crossed his arms.
"Something I've never done before."
"And that is-?"
"Relaxing." Peter smiled and laid down on the couch as he continued to switch channels and eat a family-sized bag of chips. Tony frowned at his protégé before going back to the lab.
"Any ideas on how to defeat the swine flu guy?" Rhodey asked as his eyes wandered around the room filled with Avengers.
"We could strategize a plan on how to attack him! Villains in movies usually have a pattern or something when they kill so that people would know that it was them. All we have to do is search through the whereabouts of the swine guy and-"
"You do it then if you're so clever." Peter piped up and drank his water.
"Excuse me?" Y/N said.
"You're just wasting your time on telling us how to do shit, so why don't you just do it yourself?" Peter shrugged. He looked at everyone and chuckled, "We have ourselves a prodigy of some sort in our midst. We'll have to use her talent and brains."
"What the hell, Peter." Natasha said and Peter could only shrug.
"She could do it on her own because she's so powerful. She's the most powerful person in this room because she can control everything! So, let's cut some slack and let her do all the work. She's just new, anyway. She has to learn a thing or two." Peter said as he got up from his chair.
"Where do you think you're going?!" Sam asked.
"Home, duh." Peter said and grabbed his back pack. "Have fun with your new task, Y/N!" With that, he smiled and left.
"I know this is so out of character, but I miss the old Peter." Bucky said after a moment of silence.
"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but same." Sam sighed. "Something isn't right with that kid."
"Definitely." Y/N nodded her head in agreement. Whatever Peter was feeling, she didn't care about it anymore. She just wanted the old Peter back until then, she's allowed to get super annoyed and angry at the new Peter.
* * * *
𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blueleatherbag​ @harryismysunflower @buckys-little-hoe @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @itstaskeen @sandystoriess @heeeyitskay @slytherin-chaser @quaksonhehe @yaya4302 @lil-mellow-bunbun @starlight-starks @swiftmind​ @alexx-stancati​ @sovereignparker​ @nerdyandproudofitsstuff​ @pearce14​ @xfirstfemale-marauderx​ @cherthegoddess​ @chewymoustachio​ @cocoamoonmalfoy​ @parkerlovebot​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr @petersholland @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @perspectiveparker @parker-potters @itstaskeen @call-me-baby-gir1 @the-panwitch @iamaunicorn4704 @chloecreatesfictions @holland-styles @halfblood-princess-505 @spidey-reids-2003 @herbatkazmiloscia @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @unsaidholland​ @musicalkeys​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @hufflepuffprincess24​ @hollanddolanfangirl​ @parkerpeter24​ @bellelittleoff
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soft thought i had last night but forgot to send it because of my stupid head, chris and you laughing so much at something and then he starts placing soft kisses on your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, your chin, your eyelids and everywhere else he can💕
A/N- This went in a way totally unexpected, but Im okay with that. So fucking cute. <3 
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“Beer Chris?” You call out from the  gallery kitchen as you take one out of the fridge, and a resounding ‘Yes baby’ made you grab another before hip checking the fridge shut. Dodger pranced next to you while you stepped out into the twilight evening. The sky was slowly melding into a Navy blue, and stars were scattering there way across the expanse. You cross the boats deck, screwing off the caps, you handed Chris his, which he tipped his head back and took a drag before setting it aside. 
You were about to take a seat next to his, when his arm lopped around your hip and tugged you to his lap instead, leaving you sitting sideways, leaning into his chest. His head dipped to kiss the hollow of your neck, and nibble his way up to your ear, nuzzling his nose into your hair. “It was a good day today Babygirl.” He sighed with content, and let his hand smooth along the back of your thigh, and his palm rest on the curve of your ass. You smile and tilt your head to kiss the corner of his mouth, nodding. “It was, Im glad you brought me out to the dock for tonight. This is perfect.” You let your hand slide through his beard before continuing. “Also, thank you for making those flower beds this morning, I promise it will be worth it later this summer.” 
Chris chuckled softly and reached back for his beer, arching his brows. “We will see, but if Dodger starts digging them, dont get to mad.” As Chris’s feet, you could hear Dodgers tail thumb against the wooden deck, having heard his name. You scowl at your boyfriend and reach down enough to pet against Dodgers lifted head. “He would never, your a good boy, arnt you Dodge.” Settling back in, your arm loped over his shoulder and you let your fingers brush absently through his hair at the back of his head. “So I plan on having your mom go with me to pick out the flowers. I loved the way she did her yard last year.” 
“She would like that.” Chris smiled fondly at you for including his mother in your project. “You want me to call her about it?” 
A shake of your head dismissed his offer. “No, I will stop in tomorrow morning and ask her. I got some stuff to drop off anyways she leant us at the last game night we hosted. She brought that dip, and Im gonna see if I cant bribe the recipe out of her.” Again Chris couldnt help but chuckle listening to you and dropping his head to just brush his lips against your shoulder while speaking. “You dont have to bribe her, I know my mom will give it to you if you ask.” 
“My mama taught me that a little gift never hurts.” You shrug and let your fingers slide down the back of his neck and along his shoulder. Its turned almost dark now, just shadows could be seen in the yard, and the night sky has blossomed into what looks like a painting now, the boat rocking slightly with the sounds of water lapping up against the side. Your head tips back and you just admire what lays above you. Chris as well looks up, and he speaks softly. 
“I was watching a documentary last night on Nat Geo about stars. Did you know a star is made of 73 percent hydrogen and 25 percent helium. The last 2 percent is just a bunch of other random gases?” You didnt, but you did now. Chris was always spouting off random facts he read or watched. You tipped your head and shook it at him. 
“Actually your wrong Professor.” 
“What do you mean? I think I have the facts right, I mean maybe my numbers are a bit off.” He reaches for his phone but you took it before he could open google to double check. 
“Im shocked you dont remember your proper education Sir. Allow me to remind you.” Clearing your throat, you do your best to mimic Timon from the lion king. 
“ They're fireflies. Fireflies that, uh... got stuck up on that big bluish-black thing.” You wave your hand absently to mimic the movie, and Chris started laughing hard, shaking a bit from it and wiping the tears that start streaming from his face. 
“ Oh, gee. I always thought they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away.” He did his best impression of Pumba, making you giggle back that he was playing along. Putting on a stern face, you finish the scene with. 
“Christopher, with you... Everything is gas.” 
Chris and you are still laughing when he cups your face in his palm that had been on your ass before, tipping you close and kissing you all over your face, making you scrunch up your nose at the way his beard tickled, over your nose, your eyelids, along your forehead, and finally he landed on your lips, that one much more intimate and drawing you in closer. The laughter died down, and turned into soft sighs. 
“You dont mind spending the night Babygirl?” He asked against your lips, and you wriggled in his lap slightly, enough to make him groan feeling you. 
“Not at all, you gonna be my Captain?” smirking at him and he narrowed his gaze at your teasing. 
“You know how I feel when you call me Captain in bed.” He stated, and you eased up to a stand, before he got up, you tugged at his hair lightly and brushed your lips against his, whispering. 
“Oh yes Captain, my captain I sure do. Come down when your ready to show me your first mate.” You giggle, and he groans as you spin away, and dart down to below deck. Dodger perked watching you disappear, and Chris moves to a stand and starts to pick up there few things, whistling to Dodger, who bolted down the stairs, and Chris followed behind, turning off lights as he went till he joined you in the bedroom.
Next morning, your up well before Chris, going above deck and watching the sunrise come up over the water, life was fucking good.  
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rabble-dabble · 4 years
The Cancer King's Court ~ The Moirails
Nepeta Leijon and Equius Zahhak/The Purfect Predator and The Invincible Heir
These two come from the same timeline. In it, Equius helps Nepeta work up the courage to confess to Karkat, but not before Equius has a word with him. Equius tries to tell him that if he lets Nepeta down harshly, there will be consequences. Karkat hears this as “if you hurt my moirail, I’ll hurl you into the sun”. So, Karkat agrees to date Nepeta, hoping to avoid the wrath of her giant sweaty moirail. This leads to an unhealthy relationship where Nepeta accidentally walks all over Karkat because Karkat is afraid to hurt her feelings even a little. None of them wanted this, but poor communication leads to poor quadrants.
Because of this, Karkat makes even more poor decisions to keep Nepeta happy, frequently resulting in the deaths of team members. For example, he prioritizes getting Nepeta and Equius to God-tier over making sure his team is a high enough level to beat a certain boss, resulting in casualties. It’s only when things get hopelessly out of hand and most everyone is dead that Karkat decides to bite the bullet. He admits that he just doesn’t feel the same about her and only agreed to date her because Equius scared him into it. Nepeta is rightfully pissed. She’s more hurt than she would’ve been if Karkat had laughed her out. At least then he would’ve been honest.
Nepeta storms over to her moirail and the two of them actually get into an argument. It’s the first heated argument the two have ever really had. It’s not enough to split them, but it does highlight just how bad Equius screwed up. Most of their friends are dead because of his overprotectiveness, whether he intended it or not. Equius, of course, apologizes, and the two consider a way to fix this. As a God-Tier Heir of Void, Equius has a deep connection with the Horrorterrors. So, he’s able to ask them for advice. They advise him to seek out the Retcon Juju to allow him to travel back and undo his mistakes before dropping them off in the Dreambubbles so they can start their search.
There, The Cancer King finds them and offers them a chance to fix things. In exchange, they have to help him with something.
These two are battlefield powerhouses. If you thought Equius was strong before, then you are not ready for the power he wields while God-Tier. That’s not even counting how he can just call upon the Horrorterrors at will. Nepeta is also an issue, as she can just tear souls out and give them to the King directly. Equius is initially hesitant to be fighting against the Condescension’s forces, but when Nepeta asks him if that’s more important than fixing what he did, the issue is immediately dropped. Castest prick or not, his moirail is more important to him.
Dynamic wise, Nepeta is more willing to talk back to him in this timeline, rather than just kinda caving in like she does in canon. They’re mostly the same otherwise. Equius is fully supportive of Nepeta’s pursuit of Terezi, deeming that she is of “appropriate caste” and he’s happy to see her happy. His hints about trying to get them together are hilariously unsubtle. 
“D –> Terezi. It may interest you to know that Nepeta is quite fit. I believe you may describe her as ‘ripped’. 'Swole’, even, to borrow from the mustard b100d’s le%icon.”
Their relationship with the King is interesting. He honestly disturbs Nepeta, as a lot of the flaws that she overlooked or downplayed while dating him are suddenly front and center. She’d never even considered the possibility that he could do something like this. Even Equius is unnerved seeing the “harmless” caste rejecter turn full murderous mad man. He likens the King to how he himself would be without Nepeta to help him with his personal issues. His unwillingness to open up to someone about his issues led to this and Equius fully realizes that just by looking at his actions. He makes a point to listen more to Nepeta after he first meets the King.
While they believe in The Cancer King’s cause, they worry about him flying off the deep end after he achieves his goal. Nepeta tries to find a moirail for him to keep him in check. Which Karkat willfully dismisses as more shipper nonsense. Even he doesn’t fully believe that though and even he’s concerned. 
They both make a point of attending the funerals The Red Death hosts and are usually the first to show up. Equius spends this time chatting up Aradia. Nepeta can tell he’s still crushing hard, so she encourages him to apologize for the whole “programming you to love me” thing. Hey, it’s still Nepeta. Shippers gotta ship. Aradia accepts and the two hit it off. The two, and later, three of them when Vriska shows up, have an amiable conversation, but there’s an underlying sadness there. Everyone is quietly aware that they could’ve had this friendship in their timeline, even their situation had been better. Nepeta distracts them with some roleplaying and the sadness is forgotten for awhile. 
At the end of the day, they’re still moirails. No matter what happens, no matter how the story ends, diamonds are unbreakable. 
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I thought i’d go simpler in terms of design - I feel like nepeta would like and keep her god tier outfit, because she just likes how easy it makes her hunting (not of souls although that killed me too augh she’s wondering 0w0)
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equius i feel like would have just a little bit of Taste to his outfit - something simple but comfortable, and I was kinda going for like “Death’s robe” kinda feel because like, you imagine Death with dark robes and a scythe and I feel like equius with his void powers would kinda be a good symbolization of that. also his wings were hella fun to design and I had to adjust my program 4 times to get it right. 
but AGH like the whole karkat situation thing??? i mean I love that nepeta isn’t just mad at him, she’s mad at her moirail who also contributed to the un-mutualness of the situation (and how she sees his flaws now that they’re not dating...GAVE ME SHIVERS) and I love how they’re both still together and they still care to work together and help their timeline because they’re the only ones that lived and while they didn’t personally cause its doomed status (I mean I don’t see karkat’s aim to get them god tier as a personal mistake, just a bad decision he couldn’t have known would get his other teammates killed because he wasn’t aware they weren’t strong enough, although prioritizing nepeta and equius over his other teammates was compellingly dickish to do) they’re still going out of their way to fix and bring back their teammates.
ALSO WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHER KARKAT?? LIKE THE ONE NEPETA DATED LMAO?? you never explicitly said he died and i’m just wondering if he’s tagging along for the fun of it or just hanging around his timeline or???? pfft, ha??
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Bandmate Harry
“Thank you and goodnight!” Harry yelled, walking off stage. You finished the drum solo, allowing the rest of the band to walk off and then followed suit, waving to the crowd as you walked by. You meet in the circle backstage and high five the rest of the band and Harry.
“We killed it tonight!” you screamed with a smile. Harry gave you the look and you settled down, waiting for the end of show meeting. Some of the tour crew joined in and you rolled your eyes. They were always acting like they were part of the band. 
“Great job everyone. Rest up tonight, we do it again tomorrow. Does anyone have any notes they'd like to share?” Harry asked looking around the circle.
One of the lighting guys raised his hand, “What did you think of the lighting tonight, specifically the spotlighting during Falling and Treat People with Kindness?”
“I loved it, great job.” Harry smiled.
“Actually,” you cut in. “I do think you could do a better job. I mean you basically blinded the band during Cherry. We’ve had this problem for weeks now..I feel like we shouldn't have to keep bringing it up.”
Harry gave you a warning look and you gave it right back to him. “I’m sorry about that, is there something you suggest us changing?” the lighting man asked. He looked embarrassed, and he should have. He wasnt doing his job.
“I don't know? Maybe figuring out your job?” you remarked back. Harry intervened. 
“Its been going great. Thank you. I don't feel like you need to change anything and its my call.” He shot you a look and you rolled your eyes. “Meetings over, everyone get some sleep.” You turned to walk towards the bus when Harry grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled you into his dressing room. “Sit.” he ordered.
You sat on the couch and crossed your arms looking up at him. “What do I owe this pleasure?” 
Harry was pacing in front of you. “How many times have we had this talk now?”
“I don't know...” you grumbled.
“Exactly because its happened too many times. This is getting ridiculous (y/n). The way you treat the tour crew is absolutely unacceptable. You do not run the shows, you are not in charge, and you do not have the ability to talk to people like that. They are equivalent to you and your position on our team.”
“No. No buts. This is the last time we are having this talk or you are gone. You're also grounded.”
“Grounded?!” you yelled standing up. “You cant ground me!”
“I just did.”
“Youre not my parents.”
“You're only 16, and your parents left me in charge of you while we were away on tour so yes. Yes I can. No going out tonight.”
“Or what?”
“Or you will be out of the band. I will send you home.”
“You wouldn't do that.”
“I can easily find a drummer, probably one who treats the crew better too.”
“Harry..” you moaned.
“No. Don’t Harry me.” He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at you. “You know that I love you. You know I don't want to have to remove you from the tour...but I will if I have too. Understood?”
“Yes” you mumbled.
“What was that?”
“Yes I understand.”  you said. “Now can I go?”
Harry sighed and nodded his head. You walked back to your dressing room. You threw your phone onto the couch and screamed. He thinks he can march in here and tell me what to do. He thinks he's my dad. I don't have to listen to him. I can do whatever I want. Im basically an adult now. Having Harry as your older brother or parent figure on tour was fun...most of the time. He played games, kept you updated on drama, listened to your drama and made sure you were always okay and comfortable. Other times though, like tonight, he overstepped his big brother role. Your phone buzzed and you saw a text from Noah, your boyfriend. *Im outside.* You smiled and ran to the door. Noah was waiting backstage and you tackled him when you got outside. He squeezed your bum and grinned. “Hey you. Ready to go?”
“Go where?”
“Theres this dope night club. They are going to do a Cold Play night.”
“Really?” you asked.
“Yeah. Lets go. We can get food before.”
“Okay let me just grab my jacket.” You kissed his cheek and ran inside. When you walked past Harry’s room, you could hear the shower going. He won't even know. You taped a Do Not Disturb sign on your dressing room door and locked it on your way out. You met Noah outside and he took his hand pulling you to the car waiting.
Your first stop was getting dinner. The two of you stopped off at a restaurant downtown. “Got lucky that you had the night off.” Noah said stuffing another fry into his mouth.
“Yeah. Harry went off on me today again.”
“Again? What for?”
“He thinks that I’m being rude to too many people. The thing is..those people aren't doing their job.”
“Yeah, its not really his place to tell you either. He's not your mom and dad. He's not even related to you.”
“Exactly. He tried grounding me.”
Noah laughed and you kicked him under the table. “Im sorry but thats ridiculous. He grounded you?”
“Yeah thats what he said.”
“Well who does he think he is?”
“I don't know.”
“Well just forget him. We are going to have fun tonight. I’ll even get you drinks.” He winked and you smiled. Noah was 21. He was a bit older than you but you needed an older guy. The ones your age were so immature. After finishing dinner your phone buzzed. *Want to come play games with us?* You rolled your eyes and ignored Harry’s text. He texted again, *Come on (y/n)..you cant stay mad forever*
You texted him back a middle finger emoji and turned your phone off. He was not going to ruin this night. You grabbed Noah’s hand and followed him into the club. When you enter its wall to wall people. Viva la vida is playing and you instantly jump up and pull Noah to the dance floor where you're singing along, “I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing, Roman Cavalry choirs are singing, Be my mirror, my sword and shield, My missionaries in a foreign field, For some reason I can't explain, Once you go there was never, never a honest word, And that was when I ruled the world” 
The night was going smoothly. You hadn't heard anything else from Harry and Noah was a lot of fun. He was buying you drink after drink and you had to admit you were feeling it. You were slurring words and tripping over other people. Paradise started playing, it was one of your favorite songs and you instantly started singing. “When she was just a girl she expected the world, But it flew away from her reach, So she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of, Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, Every time she closed her eyes” Noah came over and danced with you. He roughly pulled you back against him, his fingers digging into your hips. “ow” you mumbled. He kissed down your neck and reached his hands up the skirt you were wearing. “Noah-”
“Shh have a little fun baby.” His fingers pushed through your panties and his lips were sucking on your neck.
“Stop. This isn't what I want to be doing.” You were sobering up real quick. You turned around to push him off but he grabbed your butt hard enough you were going to be bruised. You whimpered in pain.
“Don't be a little pussy.” he said harshly.
“Noah let go.” You pushed against his chest harder and he laughed. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you in. 
“Stop fighting (y/n). Just let loose a little.”
“No. Stop.” you pulled away and he grabbed you again “Noah let go. Serious-”
“She said let go.” Harry’s deep voice growled behind you. Your stomach sank. You looked back and Harry looked lethal, it almost scared you. Noah laughed and looked at you.
“Look its your pretend parent.” He expected you to laugh but you were afraid of both situations and didnt do anything. Noah gripped your wrist harder. “Isn't that funny?”
“Yeah.” you fake laughed and pulled your wrist free of his grip. He stumbled forward but Harry stopped him. Harry’s hands were on his chest and his normally bright and cheerful eyes were full of anger. 
“When a girl says let go. You let go.” Noah swallowed, recognizing the different side of Harry he was seeing. “Do you even get that she's underage. She's 16 fucking years old and your giving her alcohol and trying this shit? Its illegal.” Noah nodded and tried backing up.
You suddenly got very afraid Harry was going to hit him. “Harry.” you grabbed him and pulled him back. “Lets just go okay? He's not worth it.” Harry seemed to calm down a little. He turned his anger to you and pointed at the door. 
“Now.” he grabbed your hand and pulled you from the club. You didnt even say anything. You didnt know what to say. You had been caught red handed.
Harry pushed you into the passenger seat of his black SUV. He buckled you in and then jumped in the driver side. Without saying anything he just started driving. “I’m sorry.” you said. “I know you said not to go out but I just thought it would be fun and Noah said there was a cold play night and I love cold play and” Harry didnt even look over. You sighed and dropped your head into your hands. You started crying, you weren't sure if you were scared after what happened with Noah, drunk from the alcohol, or frustrated that you screwed up with Harry. “I shouldn't have gone. I know I didnt listen. I’m sorry.” Harry pulled over and parked the car. He turned and looked at you.
“Are you okay?” he asked calmly.
“Yeah..” you wiped the tears and looked at him. “I-”
“Stop. I want you to seriously think about it. Are you okay?” You were still crying when you nodded your head. Harry got out, walked around opened your door and hugged you. His arms tightly wrapping around your body. He rubbed your back and just held on until you calmed down. He wiped your cheeks and smiled. “Breathe (y/n).”
You took a shaky deep breath and nodded. Harry had gotten back in the car and was driving somewhere past the arena. “Where are we going?” You started to panic. What if this was it, what if he was sending you home now? “Please...Pleasedoonttakemehome” you cried. 
Harry laughed and shook his head. “I’m not taking you home.”
“Where are you taking me?”
Harry pulled into a frozen yogurt shop and smiled. “Come on.” He handed you a cup and told you to get whatever you wanted. You loaded it with fruit candy and chocolate. Harry sat down with his at a table and you followed suit. He watched you calm down while eating the yogurt. “Now. Are you ready to talk about this?” You nodded tears forming again. You tried blinking them away but it wasnt working. “(y/n) youre not in trouble.” Harry said with a sigh.
“I’m not? But-but you said”
“I know. I was wrong. I shouldn't have punished you like that. Its just that youre so frustrating sometimes. I want you to understand where this is all coming from. Youre like my baby sister and I don't want you to make bad decisions. I don't want you to turn out a total bitch.”
You smiled and nodded. “I know.”
“I shouldn't try and parent you. I shouldn't have grounded you. I just need you to know that talking to the crew like that isn't okay.”
“I know. Im trying I really am.”
He nodded. “I know. Thats why Im letting you lying and sneaking out go tonight.”
You nodded. “It won't happen again.”
“I know. I also think we should talk about boys. Can’t you find like a nice church boy? Someone your own age.”
“Harry you do realize I’m always around older guys right?”
“Yeah, which is fine. Just don't date them. There have to be other options. I mean that guy was an absolute dick.” You laughed and Harry laughed. “I don't want to see you get hurt. I thought you were going to end up hurt tonight.”
You nodded. “I almost did but my big bro saved me.”
“I always will.” 
Got this request forever ago (SORRY) but I hope its what you were expecting! Let me know how old you all are also, I’d love to write more in your perspective vs mine!
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The Baker And Her Actor: part IV [Click, Click, and Post!]
Parings: Chris Evans x Black Fem!Reader
Summary: You meet Chris while making a house delivery for the Evans. He can’t get you off of his mind, and to be honest neither can you.
Warnings: profanity, sexual content, angst, but overall fluff!
Notes: I hope you guys enjoy! If you have any request feel free to share those. Leave comments in the notes section!
Previous parts: (1) (2) (3) (3 cont.)
Y/n’s Point Of View:
Body aching, you shift once more before waking up.
You let out a loud groan of fustration. You’d beeen tossing and turning all night.
You were sad and felt like an idiot for what you did to Chris. Running off like Cinderella with no explinatiom was just so pathetic, especially after the perfect night you to had.
You knew you wanted to take things slow and you should have just conveyed that instead of running off no questions asked.
You needed to make things right.
Rolling over reaching into your night stan you grab your phone yanking out the charger.
Two missed calls from Kiara.
One text message from deac.
Three twitter notifications.
Nothing from Chris.
Sighing, you make your way over to the messages app. Opening up the messages between you and Chris.
Reluctantly you begin typing worried to wake him or if he’d be too upset and just leave you on read, and well who could you really blame if he did.
Y/n: Hi.
It had been fifteen minutes since you sent that lackluster texts message.
He’d probably seen it and thrown it and you away for some other hot Hollywood chick he had stored in his phone.
How was it possible to even screw that up.
Well great job Y/n another one bites the dust.
Chris’s Point Of View:
I’d be lying if i say I hadn’t seen your message. I wasn’t busy, I wasn’t doing anything at all.
I was just confused. You had me confused, confused enough to sit on my sofa coffee in hand watching my phone hoping you’d text again or even call.
I shouldn’t be a dick. I’m sure you had your reasons for pulling away, maybe it was too fast or you weren’t really into me.
Were you using me?
No I can’t think that, you’d never. You didn’t seem like the type. If you were you’d done it already and wash your hands with me by now.
Just fucking text her back, meatball.
Chris: Hi.
Y/n’s Point Of View:
Your phone pinged from across the room. Hearing the alert almost made you jump across the terrain of your bedroom.
Notification from The Captain.
Your heart nearly stopped. He finally responded like you hoped he would.
The Captain: Hi.
Shit he seems upset.
Call him.
Setting aside your nerves and pride you dial his number hoping he’d pick up so you wouldn’t make a fool of yourself once more.
Pick up.
Pick up.
C’mon pick up
Just pick up th-.
“Hello.” His raspy voice answers.
“Hello- erm good morning.” You state attempting to should chipper.
“Good morning y/n.” Chris repeats.
Just cut to the chase.
“So..about last night.’ You mutter. “I just want you to know it’s not you I promise I’m just stupid and shouldn’t have pulled away you were nothing but great I just. I’m not sure why I did that.”
Lying obviously.
“Y/n. You don’t have to explain anything to me, I’m not upset. I’d be lying if I say I wasn’t shocked and confused. But I’m not upset or blaming you.” Chris reassures.
Even through the phone he managed to convey his bubbling emotions.
“Can I see you today.” You ask nerves bubbling in your chest.
“What do you have in mind?”
You arrive at Chris’s house after an slight delay at the security gate. You couldn’t believe they thought you were there to “violate the tenants homes.”
Y/n: I’m outside.
The Captain: Im coming.
Finally you see Chris, jogging out of his home making sure to lock the door on his way out.
You unlock the door allowing him to jump into the passenger seat.
“Hey, sorry I was late dodger was being a tad bit fussy.” Chris apologizes.
“No, I’m sorry you have to be in my half ass car.” You joke
“No it’s great. Seriously!’ Chris reassures. “You got leather seats and Evan a sun roof.”
“Chris its a thirteen year old car, I’m suprised she’s still going.”
“Speaking of going. Where are we going?” Chris quips
“You’ll see.” You smirk
“A farmers market?” Chris questions stepping out of the car.
“Yes this is where I get my produce I don’t want any of the pesticides in grocery store produce.” You explain grabing your reusable grocery bags from the back seat.
“I hadn’t even thought about that before.’ Chris admits. “Let me get that for you.” Taking the bags from you slinging them over his shoulder.
You notice him slipping on some sun glasses. It wasn’t sunny at all, it was actually quite dull out.
“What’s with the glasses MIB?” You tease.
“Just not in the mood to be recognized, thats all.”
Sometimes when you were with Chris it slipped your mind that he was a wildly famous A-list celebrity. So you could understand the need for privacy and not wanting to be noticed all the time.
“Mm.’ You say. “Oh I always wanna get these Dutch donuts for my team. They’ve been working so hard I think they deserve something.”
“That’s sweet of you. I can help you bring them.” Chris offers
“If you want, but warning kiaras there and she’ll be a little bit over the top.” You warn
“Yeah I figured that when she pretended to not know I was in the house on our date.” Chris admits chuckling lightly.
You let a small smile paint your face thinking back to your date. “So about our date, I really wanna be honest and transparent here.” You say picking threw a pile of apples.
Chris faces you giving his undivided attention. It was clear to him there was something you wanted to get off your chest since you continued to peruse the conversation.
“It’s just, I haven’t talked to a guy, been with a guy, touched a guy in five years since my last serious relationship and I freaked out.” You admit sheepishly.
You couldn’t look at him you were too embarrassed.
You felt Chris slip his hand onto your free one rubbing across its skin comforting.
“Y/n like I said before you don’t have to explain it to me. I’m not upset, but I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to tell me this. I want what you want. We can take this as slow as you’d like.” Chris clarifies
You for sure felt like Chris was a safe space for you. He wasn’t judging you or shaming you. He was kind and understanding, another thing you loved about him.
“Let’s get their donuts.” You say.
“Ladies first.” Chris smirks opening the door for you, hands full of donut boxes.
You cheeks burn the heat rising he definitely knew what he was doing being so cheeky.
“Guys I brought snacks!” You shout hoping to catch their attention in the back.
Kiara springs out from the kitchen, hair in a bun outfit covered in flour. “Yes you did, and I’m not talking about the food.” Kiara flirts undressing Chris with her eyes.
Chris erupts in a belly laugh. You knew she was only kidding but you felt a little jealous, even though he wasn’t yours.
“Okay.’ You interrupt sass in your voice. “so I have different assortments of donuts. So take your pick and choose wisely.”
You feel a familiar hand rest on your shoulder. “You okay.” Chris ask eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah, yes I’m great.” You lie shaking off the bad vibes.
Chris shoots you a small smile, Warming your heart.
You notice Deac coming out of the kitchen. Arms crossed tightly.
“What’s all this.” Deacon speaks.
“Uh this, is me bringing you guys a treat for you hard work.” You motion to all the donuts
“And him.” Deac points at Chris .
The room goes stiff.
Please not now.
Deacon let’s out a sarcastic chuckle. “I just don’t understand, I’ve known your for a long ass time and you’ve never gone out with me, there is always some excuse, but you meet mr. hot shot Hollywood and your all over him. Just don’t be disappointed when he lets you down y/n.” Deacon states practically shouting.
The room was silent as he threw his Apron down rushing out of the building.
Your heart raced, turning to face Chris you notice he was quite red. Clearly flustered but what just went down.
“I should go.” Chris states hesitantly
“How you didn’t drive?” You remind him
“Don’t worry about me.” Chris says turning to walk out.
“Chris Wait!” You shout following him out.
“Y/n, it’s fine I should get going anyway. I don’t wanna damper the party.” Chris admits voice soft
“You aren’t, please don’t be mad.” You plead
Chris brings you in for a hug placing a small kiss on your hairline. “I’m not mad I promise.” Chris states
You both stay embrace in each other for what seems like an eternity.
A sudden shift in Chris body causes your eyes to shoot open. “Shit.” He whispers shouts
Pulling back immediately.
“What, what is it?” You question anxiously
“I got to go, go back inside please.” Chris begs walking away.
You follow his orders walking back in side completely baffled by what’s just happened.
Chris’s Point Of View:
Getting back home I quickly get on the phone.
“Megan, yeah we have a problem.” I state prepared to tell her everything.
Everything about how I’d been seeing you, how a pap had just shot about 50 photos of us in the span of .5 seconds.
This wasn’t good, and was the last thing I wanted for you.
“Chris this could be all over the news by tomorrow morning, what were you thinking.” Megan shouts
“I wasn’t! I thought we were safe!” I rebuttle.
“How do you know she didn’t call the paparazzi? It wouldn’t be the first time someone you’ve been talking to has done that.” She reminds me
Sitting back down I place my head in my palms fustrated. “I know I know.” I repeat.
“We can fix this, we have to for y/n’s sake she isn’t ready for the wolves yet.” I speak.
A/n: so like I stated previously this is based off the beauty and the baker on abc and I don’t wanna pull to far from that. So Deacon is gonna be our Vanessa 🤣.
But I know things seem rocky but they are in a good spot. Their both confused and now Chris is angry that he put you in that position to get violated by the public.
Kiara is just jokingly flirting nothing serious she supports them!
This is gonna be a long tale for our love birds. ❤️
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ajoy3fanfics · 4 years
The happiest moment
FanFiction.net.    AO3
-Snape- I drop the memory into the Pensieve, watching as the magic falls in tendrils, waiting. I’ve gone over this scene more times than I can count, but it’s important. I need to keep it fresh so that I can use it. It’s a familiar torture, a rabbit hole of what ifs, that takes an eternity of climb out of. I’m still crawling my way up.
We’re outside, books piled high on the side of us, and Lily is laughing at something I said. I’m not really the funny type, but Lily thinks I am. I painfully wish others found me as engaging as she did, but then again, I’m unsure if I’d want to spend time with anyone but her. I’m glad she finds my quip amusing; her eyes shine when she’s happy, even if they crinkle and disappear a bit from her smile. Even this I find endearing.
James and his band of thugs are there again, and ready to taunt their favorite past time. I’m not sure what I’ve done to get on their bad side, but the distaste is mutual. I can’t stand how arrogant Potter is, and thankfully, Lily is of the same mind. She’s not usually one to take such a hard stance against someone, but she seems to have made an exception for Potters troop. A small part of me believes it’s because of me.
I hate Potter for many reasons, but his ability to interfere when Lily and I are together is paramount. He’s always intruding on us, throwing insults my way, disturbing us no matter the time or place. Im starting to find that his presence is almost expected if I’m with her. It’s almost as if I’m the afterthought in his horrid visits. My mind moves to a dark place as I wonder if it’s really Lily he’s interested in.
I’m ready to face him, grasping for my wand, but Lily is three steps ahead of me, as usual. She’s pointing her wand with a steady hand, eyes narrowed in a way that I’m sure she thinks looks more menacing than it actually does. He holds his hands up in mock surrender, some asinine comments slipping between his teeth. He smirks, and he’s just looking at her. Lupin reminds Potter that practice starts soon, and the crew turns on their heels to head towards the field. As they walk off, Lily purses her lips together, trying to contain her anger. She whips towards me, asking if I can believe the nerve of them. She tells me they put her house to shame, she has half a mind to march straight to Dumbledore’s office and demand he takes action.
I tell Lily not to waste her breath, that people like Potter don’t deserve her attention, but she is silently fuming from the injustice. I never feel that it’s pity, she has too much respect for me than to do that; she’s angered that her friend was wronged, and I want to kiss her.
“You’re pretty when you’re angry,” I say. The words tumble out before I can stop them and I watch as her eyelashes flutter against her reddening cheeks. When others compliment her, she smiles, wide and all teeth, but when it comes from me, it seems shy, like it’s a secret smile just for her and It’s enough to stir Hope in my belly.
She’s smiling, and the sun is shining and I’ve taken this moment for granted a thousand times before. Not now though, not when she glances up at me, biting her lip to try and contain her happiness. One wouldn’t think she’s shy, this headstrong Gryffindor, but then again, most people don’t know her as well as I do.
“Only when I’m angry?” She asks, lifting her chin with confidence.
“All the time, really,” I say, as I shrug my shoulders, a gesture of confidence i certainly don’t feel. “But especially when you’re mad.”
Her brows shoot up at my admission, and her lip is back between her teeth. For a moment, I worry I’ve gone too far, pushed the boundary of our friendship too much. But I don’t want a friendship, I want to consume her. In my brooding, I don’t even realize she has stepped towards me, only when her hands settle on my shoulders and she places a quick and delicate kiss on my cheek does my brain seem to kick into gear. Quickly, far too for me to even react, she spins around, sitting back on the grass and opening a book.
“Now then,” she begins, and she’s refusing to make eye contact with me, and I’m nothing but smiles. “If we don’t finish this assignment we’re going to spend all weekend in the library. And I don’t particularly like to torture myself on my days off, Severus.” She finally looks my way, and I’m sure my heart has stopped, or maybe started beating double. It’s hard to tell when she smiles like that. “Besides, you promised to take me to Hogsmead. You still owe me a new sugar quill.” She points her finger at me for good measure.
I sit down beside her and nod. If we finish now, that means we’ll have more time together. I want to talk about the kiss, want to pull her to my chest and give her a proper one, but I can wait. We have time.
I raise myself from the Pensieve, gripping the stone edge. It jars me, even all these years later, what a fool I was. I thought there would be time, never thought I would act out the way I did. I want so badly to go back, to earn her attention again. My eyes begin to sting, and I screw them tight to stop the tears. In three short days from that time, I lose her. I don’t need the Pensieve for this memory. It’s ingrained in my soul.
I know what words are about to come out of my mouth. I know that when I say them, she never forgives me. I’m disgusted with myself even as the name slips off my tongue that day, but I’m too angry to stop. I’m angry at potter, for looking at her like she’s his, angry at his friends, for riling him up, taking their turns. Angry at Lily, that she’s always by my side, there to witness it. Angry at myself for being such an outsider that I’m a target.
It doesn’t matter how much I apologize. Days go by, and I beg and I plead, but she won’t answer me. The silent treatment from her might be worse than the cruciatus curse. I wait and I hope, but the damage is done, and I lose her. As our distance grows, I gain the attention of my fellow Slytherins, notably happy that I’m no longer associating with a Mudblood. Lily detests these people, those drawn to the dark arts. All the while I’m with them, I silently beg her to look at me, look at me, look at me. I’d leave them behind, if she’d ask.
But she doesn’t. Lily could have received an Outstanding in avoiding me. Occasionally, she would catch my eye, and Id hope, just for that minute. I want to apologize again, but I can see I’ve hurt her too deeply.
She befriends potter of all people, the brute easily taking my place as she marries him the moment we graduate and it eats away at my soul. The rest of the story spins before me, but at night, alone with my thoughts, I’m allowed to change the past.
I bite my tongue that day. Instead of spitting venom at the girl I love, I fire it at those who deserve it. I finally tell someone about Potter and his trio of brutes, and they’re threatened with expulsion, leaving Lily and I alone. I take her to Hogsmead that weekend, and I kiss her the way I’d been dreaming of for years. I never join the Death Eaters, instead taking up the Orders side. I have to protect her, my muggle-born wife. I can so clearly picture a small home for us, walls lined with books, a room for her to perfect potions, and a little girl that has her eyes.
My happiest moments are ones I never got to live.
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palmviolet · 5 years
jim hopper, or how to fuck up a character: the guide
so. i am mad.
hopper was the character treated the worst in the season. (except perhaps will, because i was expecting so much and got so little.) but seriously? his characterisation was appalling.
i have already had problems with his parenting of el in s2. (as @nancykali has talked about in the past.) he was overly controlling and borderline abusive in trying to keep her safe - and this, while awful, could have been fixed in s3. you know how?
1) have them actually talk to each other about feelings etc.
2) have joyce actively involved in co-parenting el (as hopper clearly is not up to it on his own).
3) not be so controlling.
instead, what do we get?? horrifyingly controlling, obsessive parenting played for comic relief. joyce is clearly not a large part of el’s life (as she calls joyce ‘will’s mom’ only). hopper decides he wants to talk to el, have a ‘heart to heart’ - but instead he traps mike in his car and basically yells him down. not! good! parenting! and then he lies to joyce about it! and she doesn’t know this until after his death! which will make her already traumatic and tangled feelings even more complicated! ugh!
and then hopper and el are separated. for the rest of the season, until the very end. he gives her a nice speech, but that’s it. until after his death, when the mourning for his death is only really given to el- only el is really allowed to cry, only el is given a long moment with his memory. he’s spent the whole season with joyce, not even thinking about el (another writing mistake), and yet joyce is not allowed to mourn at all. what the fuck
and then. phew. his treatment of joyce.
i made a list of everything he said to her that made me want to cry.
(prior to this also mr clarke suggests she is delusional, ‘apophenia, seeing patterns that aren’t there’, and nancy tells jonathan he really is joyce’s son, because he ‘worries too much’.)
1) joyce tries to explain why she stood hopper up. he refuses to listen, repeatedly saying ‘you’ve outdone yourself, joyce!’ implying she’s descended to a new level of crazy. she recognises this and tells him ‘you’re not even listening to me!’
2) ‘it makes sense, i’m sorry.’ she sighs in relief because she thinks he believes her, like he has done in the past. UNTIL he becomes horribly, horribly sarcastic - almost cruel. she is very visibly worked up and distressed but he only cares about his feelings.
3) ‘now you’re inventing things to get worked up about because god forbid any of us move on!’ - seriously?? she’s clearly still traumatised and grieving bob’s death, and even if she is inventing things he should be concerned, not angry, because clearly she’s still dealing with the trauma of it all IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU HOPPER FFS
4) then they finally get to the lab. when she’s frozen staring at the spot where bob died hopper hesitates and seems very impatient - ‘are you okay? do you wanna wait in the car?’ it’s very peremptory.
5) then they get to the room where the gate was. he touches the empty wall and says ‘nobody’s home’ in a pretty scathing tone. joyce clearly has severe ptsd (she literally has a flashback that we see on screen while facing this wall) but hopper doesn’t seem to care. he’s treating her with a lot of impatience, patronising her like she’s a child.
6) she says ‘i feel like i’m losing my mind.’ well guess what, that’s because hopper is treating her like she is. after a moment he says ‘you’re not losing your mind’ and it sounds a little begrudging. thankfully the scene progresses to a more equal, healthy conversation involving the sharing of trauma. thank god.
7) ‘i think you should stick to sales’ after she screws up the numberplate - he doesn’t even give her a chance to explain that it’s a motorcycle, not a car, he just decides that she’s useless. however he does apologise somewhat by later telling her she should work with him instead.
8) the worst line. the worst fucking line in this season. joyce says of murray ‘he’s not eccentric, he’s certifiable’. is it wrong? yes. is it very slightly hypocritical? yes. (but only because others have dismissed her as crazy in the past- not because she is crazy.) but hopper’s response- oh my god. he shuts her down so completely it’s horrifying and i felt physically ill when watching. ‘glass houses’. ‘you know, pot calling the kettle black.’ what the hell? is that meant to be a joke? he basically just called her certifiable and a hypocrite. hopper, the only one who never called her crazy, who never dismissed her like that. he’s suddenly decided he can’t trust her intuition anymore and that she’s just as crazy as they all say. what the fuck
9) it gets a bit better from here. but- in the car on the way back to hawkins, once again he belittles her: ‘we’re on our way to rescue our children from the big bad 4th of july celebration’. jesus christ, hopper, just because you haven’t shown an ounce of concern towards el except when it’s to do with mike-
10) and then joyce imitating him in the last episode. ‘it’s really hard to listen to you when you make everything sound like it’s the end of the goddamn world’. joyce has literally recognised that he doesn’t listen to her, that he’s been diminishing, ignoring, and belittling her - even gaslighting her, using her reputation and history of mental illness as an excuse to just ignore her concerns.
in short, i am horrified. i enjoyed some parts of the jopper storyline but a great deal of it was really quite concerning and his storyline with el was awful. the worst part of the season for me, by far.
and don’t get me started on how they presented the aftermath of his death. (but im gonna go for it anyway lmao)
so we’re given the beautiful, tragic scene of el realising he’s dead, and joyce sobbing into her son’s shoulder. however even this has glaring faults - joyce shouldn’t just look at el breaking down. joyce and el should grieve together, because it is they who love/loved hopper the most. especially since el becomes joyce’s surrogate daughter at the end - there definitely should have been more signs and foreshadowing for that. for god’s sake, duffers, one female friendship isn’t enough.
and then- the very next scene is steve and robin looking for jobs. it’s a goddamn comedy scene, and it’s so jarring it hurt. seriously, it diminished the emotional impact ridiculously, almost bathetic. and then joyce gets- what. ten seconds? of grieving? and even when she’s having her moment of mourning el comes in, takes the speech, and suddenly the whole scene is all about her, again. now i’m not diminishing her pain but when all season long it’s been joyce & hopper, the lack of emotional impact is frankly disappointing.
hopper was a great character at the start of the show, and even had his great moments this season. but he was reduced to this caricature - angry, overprotective dad, snarky love interest whose sarcasm was often downright cruel. i am so disappointed in the way they presented him, because they could have done so well - fixed the mistakes they made in s2 and made him even better.
tl;dr: hopper is borderline nasty to both el and joyce in this season and thus is vastly out of character. do better, duffers.
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dyxnamicart · 5 years
my stupid highschool oneshot thing
look im not a writer, (I used to be when I was fourteen, haven’t done it since then so ya know, you dont use it you lose it lmao)
Anyways this has been highly requested that I post it, im a bit mad because its not exactly how I wish their dynamic was, I’m not great at writing banter (or anything i’m an artist now plewse) but ya know Also DISCLAIMER: This is a piece of fiction, it in no way reflects real life Dan and Phil (In fact my au switches up their personalities a fair bit) and do not tag them okAY P E O P L E They dont wanna see it and I dont want them to see it (Even if this isnt a particularly shippy piece lmao people are getting very angsty as of late) I also don’t have an editor so sorry for any mistakes  Anyway here ya go heathens 
Dan didn’t notice the opposing teams jock barrelling towards him, not until his leg had swept under his own, causing him to fly through the air, ball no longer in his possession. 
In fact it all flew by in a matter of seconds. Dan didn’t really have time to process exactly what was happening until he felt the shock of pain that travelled up his wrist and down his arm as he landed heavily onto it, crying out as he rolled once or twice before coming to a stop… He couldn’t really tell. There was a whistle blow, but the bustling around him seemed dull in comparison to the loudness of the pain in his wrist. 
He hissed as he was righted, pulled up and put steadily on his feet, being ushered to the benches, it only felt like five minutes before the game was back on course, bar Dan to be left on the sides, a few claps on the back from his teammates as he let his head come down from the spinning it was doing. 
The nurse on staff did a pretty shoddy job of bandaging, but to her credit she did ask if he wanted an ambulance. If his dad knew an ambulance was called because he hurt his wrist... he didn’t even want to imagine the searing look of disappointment he would receive. 
So he just declined. 
The game was one of the final ones of the season, they were playing against the local private school, which had a surprisingly amount of suspiciously beefed up kids, though with private school money Dan wasn’t surprised they probably had some ins with the law and extra ‘help’. 
He really wanted to play in the final, in fact his coach had even been considering him for the team, not that Dan was amazing at football, but he wasn’t the worst. He was passable at best, probably why his parents weren’t here right now to witness the semi, something he supposes he should be counting his lucky stars for now he had an injury as mediocre as a sprained wrist, but now there was a nagging pull in his gut of his own disappointment. 
He waited out the game on the bench, figuring he should at least be there for his team for the results, even with a sprained wrist he didn’t want to run away without at least talking to a few of his mates afterwards. 
Phil didn’t see the tumble. 
He was perched up in the bleachers, trying to ignore the way the mild and darkening sky had began to stew whipping winds that tore right through the threads in his sweater, by sketching insurmountable things he could see. 
He didn’t usually go to games, not only was it not his scene, but he would either end up insanely bored or find his eyes following Dan Howell’s god damn limber body. But this was the semis, and he totally wasn’t here to occasionally glance at a certain panting number 91, he at least wanted to show his support for the school. It wasn’t his fault this game was boring and his sketchbook looked far more inviting. 
He only looked up when there was a big murmur and gasps coming from the crowd around him, and he couldn’t see who it was at first, but there was a boy sprawled on the ground. 
It didn’t take long to figure out it was Dan, and his eyebrows furrowed deeply, closing his sketchbook and shoving it into his bag. He ended up walking down a few rows in the bleachers, just trying to see if the daft idiot was okay, and he sat down again much closer. The nurse did an awful job at bandaging his hand, he could see that from here, and he would have to fix it after the game. Well.. he didn’t have to, of course, but he figured Howell was too much of an airhead to fix it properly and as much as the other grated on him he at least wanted him to be comfortable. 
When it came to the end of the game, Phil’s school lost, and there was a brief celebration for the other school as they paraded off the field, while Dan’s team just huddled around to talk to the coach and then walk to the locker rooms, obviously trying to act casual even if they had essentially just been eliminated from the finals. 
Looking around, a lot of the families and students were milling out, many of them disappointed by the outcome of the game.  
This was their star team, and there had been a surprisingly large turnout for the event, to have it all end this anticlimactically felt a bit wrong, if he was being honest, even if sports definitely weren’t his thing. 
Phil headed down towards the locker rooms, some of the boys were already heading out, chatting and bumping into each other as they walked. Boys were talking, over half of them shirtless. He tried to avoid looking at them, while Phil had come to terms with his sexuality internally, he wasn’t out to his school, despite the obvious digs lots of the jocks and ‘cool kids’ would make. He wasn’t exactly subtle. 
Dan hadn’t noticed him, he was sitting on a bench and chatting to a teammate, but some of the boys closer to the entrance had. 
“Ay! It’s Danny’s little bitch, what’s new Lester?” A boy Phil knew as Jason laughed, throwing an arm around his shoulders, leaning heavily on him. 
Phil grunted, and shoved him off. “I’m not anyone’s bitch. Especially not Howell’s.” 
There was an ‘oo’ that rippled through the boys, and it was safe to say that Dan had noticed him. He furrowed his eyebrows, and stood up. 
“A teacher told me to help Dan.. carry his stuff with his hand like that.” He faltered off, because that half baked excuse really did make him sound like someone’s bitch. But by this point people were beginning to lose interest and ended up either packing up to leave or going back to chatting amongst themselves about a hot girl or something Phil honestly couldn’t care less about. 
Phil walked towards Dan, throwing on a mastered look of indifference and annoyance.
“What are you doing back here?” The brunette sighed deeply, running his good hand through his hair. “As if I don’t already get clowned on enough from seeing you during actual school hours.” He said dryly. 
Phil rolled his eyes. “I saw that sad excuse for a nurse ‘wrap’ your hand. I’ve seen children under the age of 4 wrap toilet paper around themselves better.” 
Dan groaned as he fell back to his sitting position on the bench. “Good deed Lester huh? You aren’t a guardian angel you know.” 
“Are you going to turn down actual help with that wrist, Howell. Seriously.” He dropped his bag on the ground, and knelt down, ignoring the few whistles he got from the people still in the room. 
Dan rolled his eyes as he looked down at Phil, arched eyebrow and holding his injured wrist with his hand, like he didn’t trust him. “Fine.” He sighed, setting his hand down on his leg, looking down at Phil with a suspicious and unless he was imagining it, flushed face. 
Phil carefully lifted the brunettes injured hand, frowning at the small pang of guilt he felt when Dan hissed in a sharp breath, quiet, as if being a little louder would shatter his reputation in one fell swoop. 
By now the locker room had basically emptied out, Dan’s mates sauntered away, hefting their heavy gym bags over their shoulders as their voices echoed down the hallway and slowly faded into the cool night air. 
Dan and Phil sat in silence for a few moments as Phil examined the bandage. Dan seemed to relax a little, and he allowed the feeling of calm to wash over them now there was no eyes examining their every move. The indifference and hostility seemed to drain from the air.
He didn’t know if it was the late night game or the lack of people, but he felt as though he was back before highschool, back before their fall out. Before their life became a series of quips and tension seeping into the fond memories he once had for the boy in front of him. 
“Why do you play, when you end up hurting yourself like this?” His question was genuine, none of the concealed fire that was usually behind his voice when he talked to Dan. 
Phil used his other hand to unroll the bandage. He had seen the first aid kit it came from, the contents being the single bandage, two band aids and a single cotton swab. Not the most ideal for a sport like this, hands on and physical, but their school wasn’t really known for their state of the art resources. 
Dan looked unsure of whether or not he should give a witty response or answer seriously. In the end he seemed too exhausted to spit out a clever one liner. So he opted for the truth. 
“I don’t know..” Dan huffed a breath out of his nose, like he was out of practice with talking about his emotions. “The guys are cool.. people like a jock you know?” He pauses for a moment, like he was struggling with whether or not he wanted to continue. “And I kind of want my dad to be proud of me? You know my dad. I want him to think.. I’m one of the lads. One of the boys.. not a royal screw up son.” He snorted, good hand rubbing the back of his neck like he was trying to play off his words as ridiculous. 
But Phil didn’t laugh. 
“Proud of you?” He repeated, slightly quieter as he slowly started to wind the bandage around Dan’s stiff wrist. 
Dan shrugged, looking away and seemingly focusing on a spot far across the room, like he was trying to be anywhere but here, talking to a friend who had been distanced by time and change. 
But Phil remembers, he remembers his curly brown hair bouncing around when he was excited, when he was jumping around playing cops and robbers, he remembers his loud and boisterous laugh and the way his cheeks dimpled and filled with colour. He remembers a time when he knew the boy in front of him more then he knew anyone in the world. When he thought Dan was his forever friend and that nothing would ever change that. 
Guess something changed. 
“You know I’m proud of you,” He continued, not looking up from bandaging. He could feel Dan’s eyes on him now, he could feel the incredulous and doubtful eyes bore into his skin, see into his soul. He didn’t seem to have expected an actual answer in response. “I’m proud of you when I see you play piano. When I see your eyes light up and when you lose yourself in the keys. When you recite dumb Shakespearen poetry and when you are on stage commanding the spotlight, when the only person who matters is you. That’s what I’m proud of. That’s what makes me think, THIS is Dan Howell. THIS is who he is meant to be. Not a shallow jock with a sharp tongue and attitude. I’m proud of the real you.”
He clipped the bandage pin on the end of the roll, now safely locked on Dan’s wrist, and he went to pull his hand away but was stopped by a hand placed over his. 
Dan’s eyes were how he remembered, not in way they were for the past two years, glazed over as he tried to cram his way into a puzzle he didn’t fit into, but filled with an unfathomable tenderness and something he couldn’t quite put his finger on 
They didn’t need to exchange words, the soft smile Dan gave him spoke a thousand words, making up for time that felt lost before now. 
He stood up, finally dropping Phil’s hand and grabbing his jacket off the bench. “Come on, I’ll walk you home.” 
Their silence was welcoming as they walked down the hall towards the exit. The last few years had been full of quips and jabs, fast insults and banter that sometimes toed the line as not quite friendly. This silence, it was new, but it felt right. Dan couldn’t quite understand, but there was a shift that felt comfortable. 
Dan had known Phil a long time, longer then anyone in this god forsaken school. He was quiet and reserved and he enjoyed painting and drawing. He was creative, and he didn’t care what people thought of him. He was unapologetically himself, and that was something that he only wished he could be. 
For the longest time it was him and Phil. Dan and Phil against the world, playing Mario cart and watching shitty movies, always at each other’s houses like they belonged together. 
Then high school happened.
The desire to fit in hit Dan like a ton of bricks. While Phil was content to remain a Mario kart loving geek, Dan couldn’t stand being the butt of the joke. He couldn’t stand his dad being disappointed whenever he brought Phil home to do something nerdy. As the years went by it became a sort of crutch for him and Phil to make snide remarks at each other as they passed in the halls, glaring across the halls and that’s how it stayed. 
Don’t get him wrong, he loved to see Phil riled up. He loved to see his eyebrows furrow together and his eyes roll. His arms crossed and his posture unimpressed. If anything that was his favourite part, the way his voice flooded with heat and passion, as he stared at him with the intensity of a bonfire. He loved to tease him and play his surprisingly short temper like a fiddle.
But he wasn’t attracted to him. No way. Phil wasn’t a pretty girl. He did NOT find his eyes pretty and the way his hair sometimes fell into his eyes and his hands didn’t itch to run his hands through it. 
He was straight. He had to be. 
His heart dropped a little, and he couldn’t explain why, but he looked over at Phil, who was walking beside him. 
They were outside now, and it was raining, not too heavily but enough to get you fairly wet. Despite the fact Phil was wearing a sweater and long overalls, he could see him shiver, the fabric of the sweater probably allowed the biting wind to nip tight through it.
He shrugged off his jacket, and gently wrapped it around Phil’s shoulders, forcing them to stop momentarily. The street light cast a soft light over them, and his eyes met the other boys, and for a moment they stared at each other, Dan watching as raindrop followed the contours of Phil’s face, a drop following his cheekbone and the slope of his jaw. 
He coughed, rubbing the back of his neck again as he started walking. “Okay okay, lets get you home, Lester.” 
“Are you sure you aren’t cold?” Phil enquires inquisitively as he sped walked a bit to catch up with him. 
He shrugged. “Still running on adrenaline I guess.” It was a lie, he was slightly cold. But it felt right, and he continued to walk with him in silence. 
Phil was holding the jacket around himself as they approached his house, and they stopped just under the porch, the light flickering on to illuminate his face. 
Dan stuffed his good hand in his pocket, and he clicked his tongue as Phil went to shrug off the jacket to give back. “Nah, wash it first, don’t want your nerd germs on my clothes.” Despite the insult, he found himself smiling warmly, and Phil too just chuckled. 
“Alright, I’ll give it to you on Monday or something, Howell.” 
Dan saluted as he turned to walk away, and he could feel Phil staring through his back as he walked back into the rain. They were only a street apart, but he knew that was going to be one long walk. 
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sunlightnmoonshine · 5 years
Ep 15 (should have been titled bloodbath or the most intense ep I've ever watched)
I cant even seem to collect my thoughts to attempt to write anything on what this ep was. But I shall try because this ep deserves so much analysis.
I think it's almost clear just how much I love Eunseom and wait for scenes with him but this ep managed to hit me even though we probs had less than five minutes of him in it.
You want cold blooded murder? Yeah arthdal chronicles is the show for you. I've always known tagon is trash and nothing short of a whiny brat but even I couldn't predict that he'd react the way that he did (maybe because I hoped that he'd be respectable trash yknow guess that doesn't exist though)
I knew this ep was going to be a bloodbath but I really didn't see all that happened coming. From tagon slashing every single person at inception to that wahan trash beating people by the end of this ep. I did not expect all that they delivered. Jeez tagon I cant wait for eunseom to beat the shit out of you (something tells me though that this will not be his end). No one can ever try to justify what tagon did. It was cruel and uncalled for. I can understand although I do not condone him killing asa ron and the children of shahati or those of white mountain peak but the ministers?? What the hell. He really said screw ya'll I'm about to have a temper tantrum and went at it. Like I've been saying since ep 1, tagon is nothing but trash desperate for attention and he's going to get that one way or the other. Him whining about how he's tried to be good all these years lol I actually laughed out loud because it was the most ridiculous shit I'd ever heard. The guy is beyond delusional and I hope he meets an end truly befitting.
Im actually surprised that they managed to keep hidden the fact that he's an igutu. Does tagon really think the daekhan forces would keep supporting him if they knew? What a pathetic fool. He legit just used his igutu abilities to kill people and then went back to pretending like he's some hero shoving his igutu nature aside. I'd at least think he'd be able to salvage something about his worth by owning up to the fact that he's an igutu but nope, tagon really needs to start carrying a board that reads "I am trash" because that is all he is.
Regardless I enjoy watching his madness. Its amusing to say the least and tagon and taealha share a deep love. No show has portrayed one quite like there's and there's so much to praise of it. I'm glad we got to see taealha fight although the choreography of the fighting was quite good I do think shows need to understand that when jumped by a group they don't attack you one by one because this obviously makes it easier for the individual. Nevertheless they managed to cover it up but there's room for improvement.
All things said and done taealha is most certainly going to go down quite bitterly with tagon, one that she is most deserving of so when the time comes I'll bid the two of them good bye with a happy heart. I've hope that arthdal chronicles will deliver with their ends because THEY SURE AS HELL HANDLED MUGWANGS DEATH FANTASTICALLY.
I've been waiting for this moment since ep 1 and it has finally arrived. Better yet it was completely worth the wait. I'd certainly been wondering how tanyas prophecy for him was going to play out and I think we'd all kind of understood that it was a neanthal who would be killing him but what better person for the task than nunbyeol!? I can't even begin to explain how ecstatic I was during that scene. I was yelling "kill him kill him" quite a bit, the neighbours might think I'm crazy oh but who cares when his death was delivered so well.
I was sad that Harim and his wife had to die... They didn't deserve it at all and neither does chaeeun or nunbyeol deserve having to go through that. Taealha really knows no compassion to none but Tagon. Harim saved the one she loved and she really ordered him dead. And since mugwang stupidly followed such orders he got the end he most certainly deserved. I gotta tell ya hearing that hiss and nunbyeols "retreat? You are too late" has gotta be one of the greatest moments in this show. What's so perfect about panning it this way is that it really ties everything together. The flashback we get of mugwang and mubaek and yet mugwang choosing to ignore those words even though he had absolutely no idea what Harim knew, hell Harim hadn't done anything at all he'd just saved his leader and yet. And yet, he still chose foolishness.
What adds to perfection is that it's nunbyeol who kills him. The very person mubaek chose to spare. She had every right to kill mugwang no doubt but the question that stands now is what will mubaek do? His little pathetic brother just died at the hands of a neanthal he spared. What's even better is that nunbyeol is completely one of a kind being the only sword bearing neanthal. I guess she might end up going back to the neanthals. The last ep already depicted that she might after all. Now chaeeun and nunbyeol have further reason to want tagons demise. Really tagon gains all this hate solely by his own actions, his lack of pro activeness will be his demise. Mugwangs death was completely satisfactory. I'm still extremely excited about it.
On a side note, what's with yangcha? And his change involving Tanya. Its one thing to follow Tagons orders but he also instantly reacted to tanya being in danger. They also shared that psychic moment WHERE WE FINALLY HEAR HIS VOICE. All I got from that scene however was Tanya saying "my eunseom" my heart combusted at that. But it was good to finally see something of what tanya truly feels especially the flashback she had when looking at yangcha and the change in expression. You can tell she's behaving this way only to gain power. Had saya heard what she has to say though....
I was kind of put off by the fact that she just stood there while the wahan rat beat people up to though(I can't remember his name, I barely care about his existence). But I think the show is clearly depicting that Saya is evil. His kindness exists only as far as things are his way. He's a lot like Tagon but at least he's proud of who he is unlike Tagon the wimp. Seeing his smile though as wahan rat beat people up, things were going his way and it's sad that this is the way he wanted. Saya has always wanted a tyranny situation where the throne would one day be his. I'm stil hoping that he'll make some right choice, I still love him very much and I wish him happiness although he might not be quite deserving of it.
But the tyranny has begun. If only the people knew the wimp that sits on that throne. What's interesting is this tyranny has started with Tagon as a saram while Saya wanted Tagon the igutu. This has interesting implications because it allows one to know that it will never be Tagon who changes how people can view igutus and that's why this show is so wonderful. It's about identity and all that it means (but that's for a different post, probably at the end of the series)
I was disappointed that we got such little of eunseom and the writers are pathetic at handling his situation but I understand why it's being done. We'll finally learn something about Ipsaeng and the preview honours the idea that ep 16 will finally give us answers about the prophecy and I'm ecstatic. The pieces are coming together and maybe we'll get a better explanation on why saya is part of the prophecy when he seems to be a bad influence. It also makes sense why this show chose Mubaek as its narrator and ah I love the poetic nature of this show. Its not without its faults but its wonderful regardless.
Three more episodes to go, and I'm so not ready for this epic finale that's coming our way.
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supergirlimagine · 6 years
Just Breathe
A/N: This is a request I got a little while ago and finaly got around to doing it! I switched it up a little bit, I hope thats okay!
Ok could you write a one shot where Kara and Alex's little sister has really bad asthma and has an attack while training with Kara that gets bad enough she has to go to the hospital. And her sisters go all mother hen?
Thanks for reading🖤
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They had finally allowed you to train with them! It had taken you a lot of convincing for them to even let you near the DEO in the first Place, let alone into the Training Room. You wanted to be able to defend yourself, but deep down you were trying to impress them. Especially Alex, so that she would maybe someday let you join the DEO and become an Agent. That way, you could also be a Hero.
So that's were you were right now, Training with Kara in the Kryptonite Room. You guys had been going at it for a while now and you were getting tired, but you wouldn't dare show any of that. When you guys parted and set up for another round, you took a shaking breath, feeling your Asthma slowing making its way into your Lungs. Kara noticed and dropped her stance, taking a step towards you.
"Y/N? Are you okay? We can break if-.."
"No! No I'm fine! Don't worry, just caching my breath! Lets continue."
She looked at you suspicious for a Moment, but decided not the push further and raises her fists once more. This went on for about another 5 minutes, before you were sure you couldn't seem to get a full breath in. This time, Kara noticed.
"Y/N. Lets just be done for today, Alright? You did really good and we'll find another day to continue this."
That's not what you wanted, who knew if you'd get this chance again.
"No. Just..uhm..Give me a Minute." A cough was building up in your throat and you did your best to keep it down.
"Let me just go freshen up, I'll be right back."
With that, you excused yourself to the Bathroom. Once there, you locked the Door behind you and started breathing heavily. Your breaths were coming out short and fast and you knew exactly what was happening. Dammit! They would never let you train again! Looking around in your Panic, not really sure what you were looking for, you realized how screwed you really were. It was getting harder and harder to breath and you felt like the walls were closing in on you. You didn't have pockets, so you didn't grab you Inhaler. Stars were dancing at the edge of your vision and you knew you were going to go down fast, if you wouldn't get some help right now.
You leaned against the Wall and slid down to your Knees, when the Door suddenly busted open. Clutching your Chest, you looked up at your sister with desperate eyes.
"Y/N! What the hell is going on?"
You where past the point of talking, terrified wheezes the only sound coming out of your Mouth.
"Where is your Inhaler?" Kara looked around the Room like you had, wishing for it to appear.
You shake your Head, your Breathing getting worse and worse by every passing second.
You blink and Kara was gone, but before you could even worry, she was back with Alex. The eldest Danvers still had her lab coat and goggles on and a sample tube in her Hand.
"Kara?! What the Hell are you-.." That's when she noticed her surroundings and looked down at you.
"Y/N!”, She immediately kneeled down next to you.
"What's wrong?" She asked, but already knew the answer.
"Just breathe okay..Try and breathe with me.”
She was coaching you like she'd done a million times before, but it wasn't having any effect this time. To far gone at this point, your eyes started getting heavy and Alex must have noticed, as she started shaking you almost violently!
"No! Hey, Y/N! Open those eyes for me! Keep them open just for a second longer! Stay with me here!"
You breaths were coming out in gasps now and you tried to listen to your eldest sister, but the darkness was just too welcoming.
You felt the gust of wind of Kara leaving once more and before you knew it, something was placed at the tip of your Lips. You vaguely recognized it as the back up Inhaler you kept in your Nightstand.
"Take some deep Breaths!"
You didn't feel the energy to comply.
"Come on, Y/N! DO IT!"
Kara sounded frantic and it made you feel guilty, so you gave your best at trying to take a breath in.
"There you go! That's it, keep going.",
Alex voice was like a calm anchor to hold onto through the fog. You kept doing as you were told and slowly started to feel the Medicine making its way to your Lungs and your breathing going back to Normal. It was progress.
You kept your eyes closed and just focused on breathing with the inhaler that was still pressed to your Mouth. Minutes passed and your breathing was completely back to normal, the dizziness lifted from around you and your head felt like it was in the right place again. You noticed you were leaned again something soft and slowly opened your eyes to see that Kara had moved behind you and was sitting on the Bathroom floor with you. Alex sat against the opposite wall, her head leaned back, but still keeping an eye on you. You held her eyes for a second, knowing exactly what would come next.
There it was. Her disappointed tone made you want to crawl into a hole and never come out.
"What were you thinking?"
You didn't answer and avoided her eyes, so Kara decided to talk.
"Yes! Why didn't you tell me you were feeling bad?"
"And where is your Inhaler? How many times do I have to tell you, that your supposed to have it on you, at all times?!”
"We could have just stopped!"
"Why did you let it get this far?"
This was all too much. You knew that Tears would come soon, so you quickly got up, they would never understand you.
"Y/N! Stop! Were are going to talk about this!"
Kara called after you as they followed you out of the Bathroom.
"Hey! Don't make me drag you back here!”
Alex voice cut in with anger, which made you stop. You were getting mad yourself, they had no clue what it was like!
"What?!" You turned around so quickly it made them stop in their tracks. Not used to you yelling at them. Ever.
"What do you want me to say? That I'm reckless? Can't take care of myself? That I still need my big sisters to come and safe the day, because I can't do a damn thing myself?"
Alex crossed her arms over her chest, not letting you off that easy, but Kara’s eyes softened as she tried to step towards you.
"No! I don't want to hear it! I've heard it a Million times! When it comes to you guys, I can't do anything right myself! Im useless to you! You guys have everything and you know everything and I'm just the little sister you have to drag along!"
Alex dropped her arms and forgot her anger when she heard your confession.
"Y/N..That's not what we think of you. You don't really believe that do you?"
All this yelling was irritating your throat even more, you let out a shaky breath and tried to calm down, not needing a coughing fit right now.
"I mean why wouldn't I?"
Well, now or never. This was the moment of truth for you.
"You guys are the Heroes. You safe the World pretty much every other Week. And I just...I wanted to be like you. I want to make this world better, but you guys just won't let me. You keep me in a bubble, like I don't deserve any of this. I work so hard to make you guys see me as an equal, but I just feel like I'm never good enough."
Tears were going down your Face freely now and before you knew it, strong arms wrapped around you. There was no point in fighting anymore, so you let them.
"Hey..Shhh. No. We don't think that. Not at all. I know we can be a little overprotective, but that’s just because we love you so much. You are our little sister and the most imporant Person to us, we can’t help but worry about you. That doesen’t mean we think you are not capable.”
You sobs turned into small whimpers and Kara spoke up.
"You are Perfect the way you are. You make everyone around you a better Person. I can’t even tell you how much joy you bring to my Life. If anything, the World doesn't deserve YOU."
You detached yourself from the Hug and looked up at them to see if they were being serious.
"You guys mean that?"
Their answers were immediate
"A 100%!"
You smiled back at them and felt the love from their Words go right into your chest.
"I just want to be like you guys. I want to train and become better. Fight for the People, that can't fight for themselves."
"We know.", Alex said as she gently wiped the remaining Tears from your eyes.
"We will become better at letting you do what you want to do, but we will always worry. I’m sorry, it’s in our DNA.”
You let out a chuckle, already knowing that part would probably never change and a small piece of you, didn't really want it to.
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