#im a little obsessed with that scene actually
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xue-dang · 7 months ago
kaimook crying in the car is such a beautiful scene. it's so quiet, so real, you can see her desperately trying to hold back - after all, she knew from the start that this was the only chance she'd get, that vie didn't actually want her, but to be so close and yet unable to reach what she so desperately wants, to know that she took advantage of that moment because it is all she will ever have... breathtaking
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dandelion-roots · 2 months ago
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[ID: a digital drawing of Sandra Lynn and Fig from Fantasy High. They're sitting on the roof of the hangvan at night and sharing cloves and a flask of whiskey. They're leaning on Baxter. The sky is clear and the stars visible. End ID]
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dirt-str1der · 4 months ago
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Just finished Dr Stone Reboot
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 23 days ago
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❤︎ a multistep guide for adisorn to help you a new cat adjust to their new lifestyle. ❤︎ adisorn moore x gn reader ❤︎ wc: 2k ❤︎ content warning(s): yandere, kidnapping, one (1) mention of blood, petplay (not in the sexual sense)/adisorn treats you like a cat, written before full game release/based on adisorn as portrayed in the free demo ❤︎ adisorn moore is from the game online obsession being developed by sourmiiiilk
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Prepare space for the cat beforehand.
This was arguably the easiest step for Adisorn Moore. Thanks to the excuse that he was moving in, no one batted an eye about him buying all sorts of locks, security measures, and a truckload of otherwise pretty suspicious material. He did have to do a couple laps around his new place to decide which of the rooms was best to keep you in.
His bedroom was tempting, but he doubted that he could get much done if he had to potentially fight you each time he wanted to sleep or get a change of clothes. However, he did like the idea of being able to eventually get you into his bedroom, to spend time closer to you and with you. Maybe if you settled in nicely enough, he could use the idea of his warm bed as a potential reward for your good behavior.
The bathroom would be a good choice to ensure that exits and entryways were tightly secured, but he also didn’t want to have to give up the comfort of his bathroom just yet. Besides, the bathroom offered just too many outlets for you to make drastic choices, and he didn’t want you thinking you could take the easy way out after all the hard work he’s put in.
The kitchen was easy to eliminate, so that left Adisorn with his guest bedroom. He didn’t have to do much to prepare the room. A few contractors and a bit of money was all it took to eliminate the single glass window, and a few YouTube tutorials gave him good insight into how to replace the locks on the door. All he had left was to set up some cameras and keep the room’s furnishings to a minimum, and he had the perfect set up for a new cat to pick up.
He doesn’t like that the room looks so barren. It’s the perfect antithesis to just how vibrant and rich you were as a person, but at the same time, Adisorn understands that sometimes he has to take the extremes in order to get what he wants.
He’s sure with time that you’ll come around to understand him.
You always have.
2. Provide enrichment for your cat. 
The first few weeks were the worst. If only you knew how much it broke Adisorn’s heart to have to wear you down like this. He never expected this whole ordeal to be easy, but knowing it and actually carrying the deed out were two completely different things.
You tried every trick in your book to win back your freedom. 
He stood on the other side of the door as you bargained with him. You begged, pleaded, cried, screamed, groveled until your voice went hoarse. Of course, your freedom wasn’t something he was willing to negotiate with you in the first place, but you were desperate. You needed to try everything you knew. Nothing was too sacred or too profane to yell out. Day in and day out, you’d hurl curses and praise at him, trying to find any weak point in his mind to wedge yourself into so that you could somehow do something. Anything. 
You offered up money. You swore that you would never tell the authorities if he just let you go. You threatened him, saying that it was just a matter of time before your family and friends would figure out you had gone missing and then everyone would be hot on his trail.
When that didn’t work, you turned to more physical methods. He could hear you grasping at the walls, slamming your fists against the concrete in hopes of finding a weak point that might let out just enough to let you escape. You’d scratch like a real cat at the door until you’d bleed, evident by the dried crimson droplets Adisorn would discover underneath the crack of your door. You’d fight him whenever he’d come around to let you wash up or to drop off food, biting and screaming and clawing and crying like a wounded animal at death’s doorstep not quite yet ready to have its life snuffed out entirely. 
It wasn’t worth trying to rationalize anything to you at this stage. He just had to wait it out. You were smart, and soon enough, you’d realize that there really was nothing you could do to help yourself. No one was coming to save you, you were too weak to find a way to break out or overpower Adisorn, and all you had left to depend on for your own well-being was him.
Sure, Adisorn was to be feared and hated, but the one thing worse than Adisorn right now was to not even have him at all. The dread would settle in with time, as long hours would net you nothing but a sense of hopelessness that you couldn’t quell on your own. 
And at that point, Adisorn was more than happy to welcome you with open arms and a faux apologetic smile.
After all, even seeing him for a little bit was a big upgrade than being left all alone in a starkly empty room with nothing but your panicked thoughts. 
3. Perform regular grooming and care.
It took him a while to trust you to be left to your own devices. Even with him breaking down your immediate walls, you still had enough fight left in you that he couldn’t fully let his guard down. You would turn anything—from an old toothbrush to a ragged comb—into an opportunity. 
Adisorn detested having to treat you like this. He fell for you because you were so capable and kind, so empathetic of everything he did, so the last thing he wanted to do was strip you down to nothing but a shell of yourself and have to take care of you like you were a doll. It wasn’t an easy line to balance by any means, but with enough trial and error, reward and punishment, he was able to drill some semblance of a routine into you.
You no longer tried to scratch his eyes out whenever he let you out to brush your teeth and wash your face. You no longer tried to twist the towels in the bathroom into something to strangle Adisorn with. You no longer tried to steal the parts of the toilet in hopes of using it as a weapon.
It was almost domestic after a while. You’d stand next to him, eyes bloodshot, and brush your teeth at the same time he did. He always made sure to pick out toothbrushes with your favorite colors, and Adisorn would even ask you every now and then if you wanted him to change the color. 
He did his best to let you out for hygiene at the same time every day, and as the weeks and months bled by, your expressions of rage, disbelief, and disdain quickly turned into that of anticipation and almost a kind of longing. 
Like you had missed his presence.
4. Allow for exploration and play.
How much time had passed since the fateful day that he had snatched you up all for himself? The numbers, the pain, the tears and struggle were nothing now that he had you where he wanted. He could vividly recall the excitement he had felt when he first moved in, scanning his entire apartment to decide where he wanted to keep you and just how good it would feel to slowly open you up to the other sectors of his abode.
And finally, that day came. 
He didn’t miss the way your eyes would widen when you first stepped into his spacious bedroom. Your gaze fell over all of his belongings: his closet filled with all kinds of clothes, a big bed with soft pillows and matching sheets, walls that weren’t a drab shade of soulsucking grey, and the occasional bit of StarBlitz merchandise. 
You must have missed having your own bedroom. Having your own things. Having your own normal life. 
“I figured you were getting lonely in the guest room. And, well, you really aren’t a guest in this house anymore,” Adisorn cracks a bad joke, in hopes of getting a reaction out of you. It’s really a 50-50 as to whether or not you’ll reply to him or treat him to a dose of cold silence, but it’s a gamble he’s willing to take each and every time. 
Your lips tremble as you take a shaky step forward. It reminds of a shy kitten wobbling on its unstable legs as it ventures out into the wide world. 
“It’s so big,” your voice is quiet and weak. Nothing like the strong, lively voice he had gotten used to before he had kidnapped you. “And… it smells like you. There’s so much here.”
“Consider it yours as much as it is mine, snowflake.” A strong hand comes down on your shoulder, pulling you in close to his side. “I’m letting you have this much because you’ve been so obedient lately.”
You look up at him. It’s true that over the long, long course of your imprisonment, Adisorn has taken painstaking measures to ensure that the fight in you has left. You don’t know whether to laugh or be grateful. Having him open his bedroom up to you feels like a mockery, like he’s showing off everything he’s stolen from you and expecting you to fall to his feet and treat him like some merciful god. But at the same time, you, of all people, aren’t in the place to argue. 
Not when you don’t even have any of this in your current room.
“...Thank you, Adi,” your lips move numbly, and the words tumble from your mouth like stones. They weigh against your conscience, as if the admittance of your gratitude was somehow a stain against your soul. “It’s wonderful.”
“You’ll be sharing with me, of course. But y’know, still better than nothing.” He gestures vaguely around the room with his hand. “Sharing a bed is better than sleeping on the cold floor. Getting to pick out your own clothes from my selection is better than you having to wear whatever I get you.”
He pauses, before he peers at you with fond eyes. It takes everything in you not to visibly shudder underneath his touch. It makes your skin crawl to think that at some point in your life you had been foolish enough to trust him, to hold affection for him, to consider him a friend. 
“And above all, you’ll have me to keep you company regularly. You won’t be so alone.”
When did this nightmare start? When had you turned into something so weak and pathetic? At what point had you grown too confident in yourself, to lose sight of the predator lurking at the edges, the lone hungry wolf licking its maw in anticipation for its next meal? 
And at what point did you learn to accept it? His fangs against your body, bleeding you dry of any will to retaliate, are just as sharp as ever, disguised under a screen of generosity in hopes that it could lure you into a sense of security. Maybe Adisorn was never the tough wolf you made him out to be. He never considered this sadistic farce to take place on equal grounds.
In his mind, you needed him. You couldn’t make it out there all on your own. You couldn’t take care of yourself, couldn’t understand the workings of the cruel world evolving around you. You needed someone to guide you in the right direction, to become the guardian angel you didn’t realize you needed, to love you in the way you had once loved him.
You needed him to take care of you. To scoop you up in his arms. To lavish his affection onto. You were never a capable, human counterpart in his eyes. Even from when you first laid eyes on him in your small town, he saw you for who you truly were. No better than a helpless, mewling kitten, calling out to him to be taken, to be loved. 
To be housebroken.
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whollyjoly · 1 year ago
hi just thinking about how in s9e9 (taking the fifth) hawkeye gets a response to his bulletin for a night of bordeaux in the supply tent thats literally says "i really love good wine, and i think it would be fun to share a few belts with you. signed, chastity"
are we supposed to believe that's not implied to be mulcahy?? sir???
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zuzu-romeave · 4 months ago
hi im here to scream abt brad and jo because i love them and i need to yell
theres no way u can convince me that brad thinks that catching a rat is a “delicate mission” that he and jo are the best suited for like i just dont believe that!! like idk i just think its a lil silly how the second jo voices her displeasure with her task he immediately starts to make it into a bigger deal than it is and starts acting like it’s a task that only the both of them could do!! also david only asked jo to take care of it, nowhere in the conversation did he even imply that brad needed to help and yet brad includes himself in it anyway! and jo is immediately happier about the entire situation when brad does that! literally two seconds ago she was calling it a degrading task but once brad makes it seem special n like they r the best ppl for the job she’s so hyped abt it!! anyway i just think they like doing stuff together they r bffs guys
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otome-dissection · 1 month ago
I think everyone should think about yakuza kenzan forever and ever and talk about the insane levels of kazumaji in kenzan forever and ever and rgg should announce and make a kenzan! remake please please guys talk about kenzan Plea
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tatretot · 2 years ago
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i see ur botw AUs and i raise u… ww AU 🌊⛵💨
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kylejsugarman · 2 years ago
obviously the breaking bad cast was appropriately lauded and rewarded for their performances but none of those award-nominated scenes of drama and suspense and intensity compare to the Family Dinner From Hell in 5x06. anna gunn projecting an icy contempt that literally penetrates thru the screen and pierces the audience watching to the point that it's genuinely intimidating to make eye contact with her. bryan cranston visibly trying to puppeteer the two people in front of him with his mind, silently seething like an angry teen in the backseat who wants his parents to know that he's pissed. and fucking aaron paul literally reverting to ten years of age, making child of divorce-like attempts to break the silence and turn his parents' attention to himself instead of each other with compliments, then jokes, then finally giving up and hiding behind a glass of water so he can go to his mind palace. orson welles has been VERY quiet since this episode dropped.
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widevibratobitch · 3 months ago
Ok, drop your favourite characters and ships from the Three Musketeers, queen. <3
the answer is pretty simple actually <3
Aramis is my babygirl, my murder kitten, my favourite little princess, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese... truly one of the characters of all time. to me. and he ages like fine wine - the older, the more cruel and ruthless and cunning and evil he gets, the better.
im a die-hard Athos/Aramis truther 🙏 i also adore the whole thing Aramis and Madame de Chevreuse have going on, especially their fucked up little divorce in the last book, it's insane and i'm obsessed with it. I do also think Aramis and d'Artagnan are long overdue for some quality hatesex sesh! and none of these are mutually exclusive, the opposite actually. basically i live for and breathe the entire d'Artagnan/Athos/Aramis/Marie drama. it's everything to me <333
#im also a huge fan of the weird psychosexual relationship he has with fouquet in the last book... did they fuck? idk! idc!#i think it would actually be more fucked up if they didnt so im gonna go with that lol#now i know its not a popular opinion but i dont buy the fan favourite porthos/aramis ship AT ALL im sorryyyyy#i just feel like aramis's relationship to athos is so so important to his character and it gets overlooked a lot#because of the easy schematic d'art/athos & aramis/porthos division. but it just doesnt really work for me#now i could talk about the relationship between aramis and d'artagnan for hours but i think one of the most important things#is that they both need to be absolutely psychosexually obsessed with athos and they both need to clock the other immediately.#i also think the aramis and porthos relationship is also very very important even if it's not romantic in nature#i actually think the ending they get hits harder if it isn't (and the ending with athos hits more if it is.#i will never be normal about their last scene together. it was written specifically to haunt me.)#BUT ALSO! i do like to think that they all fucked. i mean come on. dumas knew what he was doing.#as for other fav characters i have a strong love-hate relationship with d'artagnan lol#mordaunt and milady ofc 🙏 they should have been allowed to fucking kill them all <33#but aside from aramis my fav is actually marie aka mme de chevreuse. we dont get a lot of her in person but she's a fascinating character#especially being a woman in a dumas story. she's special. to me <33333 i still think she should have been allowed#to get aramis's head at the end. her salome swag would be INSANE 💖💅✨#the three musketeers#^^girl who said the answer is short and simple#oh i also adore constance!!! at the beginning ofc before dumas nerfs her into little more than tragic love interest for d'artagnan :(#montalais and malicorne too ofc 🙏 het couple of all time. to me.
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rayllumoon · 3 months ago
sorry, i'm currently so obsessed with rayllum on the star spire -
"one more?" 🥺
"one more what?"🤭
"you know~" 😏
"i know." 😌
"aw, don't be mad at sneezles. there'll be more kisses later." 😉
like oh my gosh i can't get over this scene - i'm so happy they're back 🥹 everyone who worked on this scene outdid themselves 10000000/10 thank you for this scene! 😭thank you for feeding me 🥹💖 i'm gonna be thinking about this scene and so many other s6 rayllum scenes for the rest of my life
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tiiredsnail · 1 year ago
Uh oh...
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I might've made a little something. @sneakypunmaster 's fic, The Crimson Horror is so good!! If you like fnaf, vampires, and murder mysteries, please take the time to check it out! :D
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flovverworks · 25 days ago
got reccommended a akira/figaro log on pixiv while looking thro my (not) akifi tags. feeling very normal right now
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s4pphoiduser · 11 months ago
you make a snippy comment and she snips off your tongue
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waywardsalt · 3 months ago
new bellum x linebeck fic is coming along decently but man i am so desperate to get out of the part where linebeck is still having a normal time and into the part where hes on track to have a micolash moment
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lemongogo · 2 years ago
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