vulpixenthusiast · 1 year
Planning on doing a sacrifice so we can have lanfear kissing women on the show. Rafe, you already did things we all thought would never happen. Make this happen.
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wheelwheelwheel · 1 year
What is it with Mat getting his eye slashed out in prophetic dreams
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titobitex · 2 years
Can I..can I get mikhail and ilyena? It seems like the entire fandom forgets that mikhail is a married man with a grown ass daughter and not just daddy dilf material 😿✨️
here they are!! I think I'm horrible at drawing men, because Ilyena took me 2 minutes while Mikhail mcfucking Faustin took me almost an hour 💀 I honestly needa draw more gta charas then niko and brucie
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kinda related, but Illyena probably has to be one of my favorite gtaiv side characters. I felt horrible for her, her marriage is fucked and her daughters getting involved with gang banger bikers. THEN HAVING TO KILL MIKHAIL, leaving her completely isolated. and if I remember correctly, kinda fucking broke?? I kinda wanna write a 'good ending' for her but my motivations been off and on lately so I dunno, maybe sometime soon
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caracarnn · 11 months
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"We should have taken our chances back then, when we were young and beautiful and didn't even know it." @aruliath
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He wasn't sure what to tell her. There's a sharp feeling that grates on him. He can hear Lews Therin muttering at the back of his head: Kill her! End this now! Illyena! He swallowed down the ache it caused, the spinning feeling at the back of his head that always came on now whenever he seized Saidin. "We had our chance, didn't we?" He offered, tensing his jaw as he brought his cold eyes to hers. There's a spike of desire in him, a flush of knowing that she hadn't tried to kill him and yet - she was who she was. "Why bring this up now after everything?"
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serenemy · 1 year
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Fuck it. She would die without some of that meat.
Illyena opened her mouth and screamed, fighting the way her jaw shook from the shivers wracking her body. She tried to make it sound like a shadow cat’s, the piercing, desperate, disembodied scream so oft mistaken for what she really was:
a desperate woman.
In the unnatural quiet of the dark and snow-draped forest, the sound was alien and sinister even to her. Terror surged, making her shake from more than cold.
The wolf stopped snarling. Its jaw closed. Taking its paw from the hart’s body, it sat back on its haunches and considered her.
sun pendant: jade, aventurine and mystery purple gemstone briolette in copper
earrings: faceted labradorite in copper
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mormonhippie · 7 years
I watched The Wheel of Time Pilot episode: “Winter Dragon” (2015)
Just as a disclaimer: I always thought the intro to “Eye of the World” was not a very good introduction to the series. It’s really weird, and we don’t really have the context of who these characters are/were until much later. It works in the books only because it is over so quickly and then we meet the actual main characters. And I think it’s weird that they would try to start a WOT TV series by introducing these supporting figures instead of the actual main characters of the story. I doesn’t give us a very good idea of what a WOT series would look like, and in that respect I don’t think it was a very good pilot.
However, it was also really interesting for me as a fan of this series, who didn’t like the intro very much at all, to kinda go back and experience the beginning again. Armed with a bit more contexts this time, I actually really enjoyed it!
I really loved a lot of the visuals: with Lews Therin walking around his house, thinking he’s just playing hide and seek with his kids, and how it slowly shifts to a really psychedelic experience…
It was well set up, and it made me wish the whole encounter was longer, so it could have more impact when (spoiler omitted).
One thing I think they could have changed: since they were already taking so much from the format of the book, why not include more of Ishamael’s dialogue? I just remember from the book that he made you feels so hopeless; like he was trying to convince you that freewill doesn’t matter, that the outcome is written in the very fabric of time and nothing Lews Therin ever does will circumvent it. 
It would have really fit with the tone this pilot was going with, and it’s such a powerful statement that it would have made me truly regret that we’ll never get to see, on film, the story that (weirdly) both confirms it AND acts as it’s rebuttal. 
(Also, I don’t understand why a character would be named Illyena SUNhair if  their actual hair is dark brown.)
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neuxue · 8 years
I have a question about your fic. (I absolutely love it, by the way!) The way you describe Illyena's Talent... Is it meant to actually be read as she's a Dreamer? Because it felt to me something more similar to Min's ability. So I'm just curious as to the exact intent.
Good question! I should perhaps have made this clearer, but it is indeed meant to be something similar to Min’s ability. (The Ilyena in this fic ended up with something like Min’s viewings, something like Elayne’s questionable sense of timing in regards to family planning, and something like Aviendha’s refusal to touch a sword. Though this was more happenstance than intent...). She keeps this to herself, but self-describes as a Dreamer in that situation because it’s close to the truth and more likely to get her what she wants. 
Anyway, thanks for reading and I’m glad you liked the fic!
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The Carlson Family | Fort Smith, Ar. | Family Photographer
The Carlson Family | Fort Smith, Ar. | Family Photographer
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The Carlson Family!
  Meet Jonathan, Nhi, Illyena & Arista Carlson! This fun-loving, super…
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randalthorisalive · 8 years
If you could choose again between Illyena and Mierin, who would you choose?
I would choose Ilyena every time. Mierin loved me originally, but that love quickly shifted to my position and the prestige she gained from our relationship. Ilyena loved me in spite of the attention, not because of it.
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Patient Confidentiality || Illyeana & Colin || V6 W6 Later Monday Morning
There was a small smile on Colin's face as he left Emma's office and headed to his own for the first time since getting back. He wasn't expceting loads of papers to catch up on, but there would more than likely be a few, hopefully nothing too serious though. On second thoughts, of course there wouldn't be anything too serious, otherwise Emma would have told him, right? 
Grabbing the handle, he walked inside and was greeted by the sight of a young woman sitting on the examining chair. Her face was familiar, but you could say that about most of the students really. "Can I help you?" Colin asked, tilting his head to the side slightly and stepping towards his desk.
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lianaoftheveil · 12 years
I love The Mars Volta (:
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vulpixenthusiast · 1 year
You don’t think lews therin was at fault for mierins and his relationship demise. I think he failed her and I would do better and so would Illyena. We are not the same at all.
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vulpixenthusiast · 1 year
Thing is. I disagree with a lot of takes abt lanfear. Like. I don’t think she ever really used compulsion. She didn’t seem to me to, like, “stoop so low” as to use that tool, which I’m sure she says so herself, moghdien is the one used to utilizing it. Also don’t think she would cause Rands nightmares, AT LEAST, not those ones we saw him having this season. It’s WAYYY more likely for her to cause the other eamond fielders nightmares just for funsies. And I also think she should dump LTT and be with me forever or illyena shhh but u know
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vulpixenthusiast · 1 year
Ok so this is me ranting abt lanfears character as a whole , not the show. If you’re bored or have nothing to do kkkkk this is long af and very messy, incoherent jumble of thoughts. I just needed to post this into the void to vent.
More after the cut
Ok so thing is: I never loved lews therin crazed obsessed lanfear. Never. Every time she’d say he’s been mine he will be mine forever and hated on illyena( yuc) I went yeah yuc. That was just such a boring stereotype, especially for a dark haired woman villain x innocent virgin boy. HOWEVER, I did love powerful, yet power hungry, proud and arrogant and MISCHIEVOUS ( loving to play pretend ) lanfear. ( crazy too, but for power, as seen in “we could defeat the dark one AND the creator.”) Then, of course, was the other “””endearing””” thing that Lews to her was like. The only one ever. Ever. In her own words to Mat: “there is ONE man who could walk beside me, ..” which is why the line “her new lover she seeks who shall serve her and die” never made any sense to me. Ofc, later on we get her and Perrin storyline( which hammers on the succubus metaphor, which I LOATHE, especially combined with power hungry) and then yeah the prophecy kinda makes sense. But then she’s not lanfear anymr she’s cyndane. Anyway.
I loved her more so because of all the POTENTIAL I saw her as a character, as a villain and antagonist and then possibly an “ally””” at the end( many air quotes kkkk ).
I LOVEDD when we got to the Aiel backstory and discovered she was Mierin eronaile, the researcher in charge of the team who opened the bore, aka, a literal hole in reality, allowing the dark one to touch the world. Like. What a pandora reference right??? You’d think a character like that would have more importance and development in a series so big right? She doesn’t really. She just stays 1 dimensional forever. And as soon as I knew that, after book 5, I quit wot. Also because moraine went with her, the deaths I found out about, siuan and Garett Bryne etc I digress.
My main beef was the complete waste of a good villain or antagonist like her.
So yeah. I loved her not for her main characteristic in the books( crazed ex gf) but for all the depht I WISHED she had. which tbh, it’s 90% on me, BUT the other 10’s are Robert Jordan’s bc he did set it up with things in the books I don’t have half a mind to remember right now, but one was her backstory.
So I am disappointed and sad with eps 4 ending because it did solidified that she will still be defined by her obsession and possessiveness with and of lews therin. Following up very likely with her hatred of Illyena. And yeah that is her character. And it is my own fault that I expected that to be changed. And still hope they tone it down after FOH.
All of that to say that apparently I’ve never been a real lanfear Stan kdkdkdkdkd I’ve just been a mierin Stan and power hungry lanfear fan. Not crazy gf, 85% of her personality, fan. And that’s on me KKKKK
I mean, if at least rbj gave her a backstory with lews, showed HER side of the story, then maybe yeah I could get a bit behind the over jealous ex stereotype. But all the books ever told us was: she never loved LTT, she loved his status, she loved his power, etc. well okay, then, show us. SHOW US HER perspective. Let us see WHY, HOW, she loved those things. Let us see if she didn’t in fact love him a little bit. Like.
What a shallow character would she be if she did only love those things bc,,, they were those things. She’d be just a shallow woman. And you could argue that that was in fact Robert Jordan’s intention. To show that yeah, here was this villain, superpowefull and beautiful, and yet, she was just an awful shallow human being in a human way. And maybe I read it wrong you know, maybe bc I didn’t want to view it like that, I didn’t. But like how Robert Jordan had her say lines and then cut her middle sentence. Intriguing. More mysteries. She was the one to free the dark one. Oooh VERY interesting. Crucial even( turns out not). She was the only forsaken to choose her name( oh wow! That’s more intriguing!). She had a meaningful relationship with the main protagonist! Wow! Wonder how that’ll affect the story and his journey! ( not much really, that’s just given to Ishmael/ Moridin).
What I’m saying is that Robert apparently wrote all those things to make her interesting and important to the narrative , hell to the whole reason the apocalipse was happening again, he did all of that, he was building this character like that, to just what. Go 180 degrees back and tell us : actually nevermind, she’s just some shallow woman, who opened the bore on accident and none of the events I just presented matter. At her core, she’s just a hollow woman, chasing power for power. Fuck you Robert Jordan why would you make me invested to do that?
Could’ve been a great critique, except that we are in a fictional book and I LOVE MY EVIL WOMEN, and ya know what. I want COMPLEX characters. You gave Ishmael complex reasons. You gave semirhage and graendal intriguing reasons. You already gave the men and the other women petty reasons. Why would you give the worst to the woman who is at the core of all this that’s happening? Bc of that? I don’t get it and it’s why it gets me so pissed.
This was a long ass rant and probably incoherent but I needed to sort my feelings out because I am a mess.
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vulpixenthusiast · 3 years
I'm manifesting gay subtext between illyena and mierin pls
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