#illinois 5k
radicalgraff · 11 months
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"5k dead in Gaza, half are kids"
Seen in Chicago, Illinois
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Midnight | Chapter 6 | S.R
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Chapter Summary - you spend the night in West Virginia, in which you find yourself in a slightly awkward situation. When you move on to a small town in Illinois, you make a decision that could end up being your downfall, while Spencer tries to take his mind off his growing attraction towards you.
Pairing - unsub! Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - dark angst | smut | very eventual happy ending
Warnings - blood, murder, masturbation (male), slight voyeurism, slightly aggressive Spencer, swearing, drinking, making out, tears.
WC - 5k
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Chapter Six - Raise No Fool
Logan, West Virginia was, by all accounts, an exceptionally boring place. There was nothing particularly interesting about it, aside from maybe its proximity to the Appalachian Mountains. 
The town boasted two restaurants, Morrison’s Drive In with its “world famous” hot dogs or Chirico’s Ristorante, a family owned Italian joint which was where you and Spencer had eaten dinner upon arrival in town. Shopping was just as sparse as was any other kind of activity in these parts. But you supposed you weren’t here for a vacation. 
The Chapmanville Inn, the fifty bucks a night motel Spencer had picked out was cheap but certainly not cheerful. The old building had definitely seen better days, a lick of paint would have gone a long way. Then again, knocking it down entirely and starting over again would have gone further. 
The room was smaller than your already pokey living room at home. It had twin beds, a wobbly table with a single chair you wouldn't think out of place in an elementary school, a stained blue carpet and little else. At the very least your room had its own bathroom, worryingly not all of them did. 
You hadn’t said much of anything to Spencer for the rest of the drive or over dinner. He kept trying to engage you but you responded with little more than perfunctory sounds and nods. Eventually he gave up trying. 
He’d allowed you to call Luke from the car outside the restaurant while he listened intently to everything you said to ensure that you didn’t incriminate him. You were sure Luke could sense something was amiss, between you telling him you’d left without your phone and that he couldn’t contact you on your replacement device, you knew he was suspicious. You’d ended the call telling him you would be in touch soon. 
When you checked into the Chapmanville Inn, under the names of Andrew and Rose Burnett with their Colorado drivers licences and paying cash, you went straight through to the bathroom to shower. 
You spent a long time under the measly flow of luke-warm water, cleaning yourself with the hotel shower gel which had an odd scent that you couldn’t place. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant but it certainly wasn’t nice either. 
You dried yourself off and changed your clothes and when you stepped back into the bedroom, you found it empty. Spencer was nowhere to be seen and neither were the two firearms or his hunting knife. The only thing left behind were your bags and the clothes he’d been wearing earlier neatly laid out on one of the beds. 
You padded over to the window and pushed the curtain aside to look out at the parking lot. The little navy Nissan was no longer in the spot Spencer had parked it in. 
Your first thought was to run. It could be your only chance to get away from Spencer’s manic clutches. The lobby must have a phone, you could call Luke and tell him everything and get him to come and pick you up. Or you could call the cops and have them come for Spencer, but on what grounds? 
You had no proof he had done anything wrong and you weren’t here entirely under duress. Spencer hadn’t forced you at gunpoint to come with him, ok so he’d threatened you but you could have gotten out of this if you’d really wanted to. When Luke hugged you at the BAU and obscured your phone’s microphone you could have told him what was going on but you didn’t. You didn’t tip Luke off for the same reason you weren’t going to run now. 
You didn’t want to. And that was what scared you most about this whole situation. You had no intention of going anywhere because you wanted to be here with Spencer, no matter how foolish that made you. And you were sure Spencer knew it too, otherwise he wouldn’t have left you here alone. If he’d thought you would run he never would have gone anywhere without you. 
Goddamint, I am in way over my head. 
You sat down on the free bed and quickly fell back against the pillows. You hadn’t realised how tired you were until you laid down. The last few days had taken its toll on you, coupled with the lack of sleep you’d had due to your nightmares and you were exhausted. You felt your eyes fluttering closed within seconds of your head hitting the pillow. You didn’t even manage to get under the sheet before you were drifting off to sleep.
You weren’t sure what woke you. Maybe it was the sound of the door being closed or the light that emanated from the crack in the bathroom door. Maybe it was the metallic smell that filled your nostrils and pulled you out of sleep. 
You rubbed your eyes, momentarily forgetting where you were as your brain roused into consciousness. You became aware of the sound of running water. A tap? No, the shower. You sat yourself up in bed and saw the trail of clothes leading to the bathroom door. Socks. Jeans. A hoodie. A pair of boxers. No shirt.
You swung your legs out of the bed without having the forethought to do so and were soon pushing yourself to your feet. You didn’t have to go far before you found the offending item, draped over a garbage bag on the back of the chair. 
Even in the dark room you could tell the material was soaked in blood, mostly by the smell. You’d already assumed where Spencer had gone tonight and now you had proof. 
Still there was no sign of the guns or the knife. 
Curiosity getting the better of you, you crept towards the bathroom and poked your head around the crack in the door. Sitting on the sink basin, either side of the faucet were the two firearms Spencer had taken from your storage container. Inside the basin, soaking in some water was the partially bloody knife. 
Feeling your stomach turn, you went to return to bed before Spencer saw you creeping around but as you turned away from the sink your eyes landed on the shower. 
Through the flimsy yellow-ish curtain you could make out the perfect outline of Spencer’s body as he stood under the shower head. The lighting couldn’t have been more ideal, showcasing every dip and curve of his figure in silhouette. 
You couldn't quite work out if he was facing you or the wall as his hands moved to run through his hair. You could however make out his slim waist and his strong thighs. You heard him exhale sharply through parted lips as he moved his hands from his hair further down his body. 
When he turned to the side you had to hold back a gasp and clamped your hand over your mouth at the sight. His cock was standing at full attention and one of his hands was wrapped around it. When his hand started to move you had to bite down on your hand to stop from making a sound.
Your eyes were glued to his crotch, mesmerised by the way his hand glided up and down his hard length. You pressed your thighs together where you stood feeling dizzy at the sight and wishing there wasn’t a shower curtain hindering your view. 
It wasn’t long before you felt yourself getting wet, your arousal soaking into the fabric of your panties. You wanted to follow Spencer’s lead and touch yourself, or better, have Spencer touch you. But you didn’t move. You kept frozen still, watching him behind the curtain whilst biting down on your hand. 
Small pants and soft moans were coming from Spencer’s lips and you were possibly more turned on than you’d ever been in your life. You would give anything to just hop in that shower with him, to have a front row seat to what he was doing to himself, maybe even help him out. 
You were caught up in your fantasy, lost in imagination of what it would be like to have Spencer fuck you up against those grimy shower tiles. So when a voice interrupted your sordid thoughts, you yelped in shock. 
“You can either join me in here or go back to bed. I don’t need an audience, princess.” Spencer’s tone was amused yet breathy and he didn’t stop stroking himself as he spoke. 
He’d known you were watching him since you walked into the bathroom, the thin curtain worked both ways he’d been able to see you peeping on him. It was the only reason he’d gotten hard in the first place and he’d decided to give you a bit of a show. But you had to pay the cover charge if you wanted the grand finale. 
You made a pathetic whimpering sound like a puppy being kicked in the ribs and then he heard you scurrying away and shutting the door firmly behind you. He smiled to himself, shaking his head and continuing his activity once he was alone. He hadn’t expected you to join him, although he certainly wouldn’t have been upset if you had. He was aware you were attracted to him, as he was to you, but he wasn’t going to push you. 
He stroked himself to completion and made sure to moan louder than was strictly necessary when he came, to ensure you heard him. He inspected his body after and once he was sure he had rinsed off all the blood, he shut the shower off and got out. 
He dried himself off, dressed in a clean pair of underwear and a clean shirt. He cleaned off the blade soaking in the sink before taking it and the firearms and leaving the room. Your bed was furthest from the bathroom and you laid on your side with your back to him. He knew you weren’t asleep as your breathing wasn’t deep enough, but he’d let you pretend that you were. 
He took the knife and the guns and tucked them inside the nightstand between his bed and the bathroom door. He collected up the clothes he’d deposited on the floor and put them and the blood stained t-shirt in the garbage bag. The rags he’d used to clean the inside of the Nissan after disposing of the body went inside the bag too. 
Turning back to you he had an overwhelming desire to crawl into the small single bed next to you, turn you on your back and pin you down to the mattress so hard he left bruises on your wrists, maybe even some between your legs. 
But he refrained. There would be plenty of time for that, and he was sure it would happen. But right now you were like a frightened deer, seconds away from retreating back into the woods at any given moment. He needed to bide his time, let you come to him. But he would have you, he was sure of it.
He crawled into his own bed and mirrored your position, laying on his side so he could watch the back of your head. You seemed to tense up, as though you could feel his eyes on you somehow. He smiled against the pillow, closing his eyes and still seeing you behind his lids.
“Good night my darling Rose.” He mumbled, but as expected, he didn’t receive a reply.
The following day you somehow spoke less than the one before. This time you wouldn’t even make eye contact with him unless he forced you to and when he did an adorable blush would spread to your cheeks. You clearly felt awkward about what you’d witnessed last night but Spencer didn’t. And he would use your embarrassment to his advantage.
Your silence made for an extremely long journey. It was almost five hundred miles between Logan and his next planned pit stop in Edwardsville, Illinois. It took just over eight hours to make the drive with the couple of stops for gas he’d had to make. 
He had no target in Illinois. He probably could have found one if he’d wanted to but he was keen to reach his final destination without going off route too much in search of victims and Edwardsville was just a quick detour off of the I-70, barely taking him away from the interstate. 
He’d chosen the Heartland B&B for the night, which was a huge step up from the rundown Chapmanville Inn last night and about triple the price. But his generosity went unnoticed by you. 
It was an old farmhouse style building, set back from the road and surrounded by woodlands. The room was cosy and most importantly, clean. However, there was only one bed. 
You had a scowl on your face as you sat down on the edge of the bed, looking up at Spencer in frustration. There was a couch on one wall but it was far too small for a person of his height to sleep on. 
“Do you think you’ll be able to keep your hands to yourself if we share a bed, Y/N?” He teased you but it only made you scowl grow.
“We will share this bed in your dreams.” You scoffed. 
“Oh we certainly will.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. 
“I mean it, I am not sharing a bed with you.” You folded your arms in defiance. 
“You expect me to sleep on that?” He nodded his head in the direction of the tiny couch.
“Or the floor. The bathtub. I don’t really care. But you aren’t sleeping here.” 
Spencer stepped closer to you, surprising you when he grabbed you roughly by the bicep and pulled you up to your feet. He was bearing his teeth at you like a wild animal.
“I think you’ve forgotten who has the power here, princess. You will sleep where I tell you to sleep. And if you keep sassing me, that will be in the car.” He spat at you, squeezing your arm so tightly he would surely leave a bruise. 
Suddenly he let you go, shoving you back to the bed and making you whine slightly. He turned his back on you, allowing you to see one of the weapons and the knife sheathed in the back of his pants as though giving you a warning. You watched him walk back over to the door and throw it open.
“Off on another vigilante mission?” You scoffed and he froze at your words in the open doorway. 
He exhaled noisily before slowly turning back to face you. He looked more annoyed than you’d ever seen him, as though your mere presence was a burden right now. 
“No,” he hissed. “I’m going to find somewhere to have a fucking drink.” 
He didn’t wait for you to reply before he stepped outside and slammed the door closed behind him.  You felt your cheeks burning with your anger and you let out a frustrated scream, slamming your fists against the mattress. 
You were growing sick of this. You’d let Spencer drag you halfway across the country only for him to treat you like a nuisance. You’d thought you were here to help, to be somewhat useful to him but instead you were to stay hauled up in hotel rooms while he went out and did whatever the fuck he wanted. 
No, not anymore. You weren’t going to let him treat you like this. If you were in this, you were in it together or you were leaving. You jumped up from the bed, marched to the door and threw it open before disappearing into the night. 
Luke had just put down Roxy’s food when his cell phone rang from the coffee table. He patted the dog on the head with a sigh as he prayed it wouldn’t be Garcia calling to say they had yet another case. 
The team was worn extremely thin after the loss of two members and the cases seemed never ending. It was the first evening he’d gotten to spend at home in such a long time and he pleaded that he wasn’t about to be called back to Quantico. 
The number flashing on his screen wasn’t one he recognised and he frowned as he picked up the device and answered it. 
“Hello?” He leant against the back of the couch. 
“Luke, it’s Y/N.” Your voice floated to his ears and he breathed a sigh of relief but it was only temporary. Your tone was a little frantic, quiet and if he wasn’t mistaken almost scared. 
“Is everything ok?” He quickly stood up straight as he started to panic. 
“Yeah. Yeah everything’s fine.” You tried to level your voice. 
“This isn’t the number you usually call from.” He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand to attention, something didn’t sit right with him.
“I went for a walk and left my cell phone at my parent’s.” 
“Y/N,” He swallowed. “You would tell me if something is wrong right? You know you can tell me anything.” 
“Nothing’s wrong.” You tried to insist. “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“You’re sure? Because I’m really starting get concerned that-”
“I said I’m fine. Jeez, Alvez, paranoid much?” You chuckled but it didn’t sound like your usual laugh. 
“You’re sure? I mean it Y/N you can tell me if…” He trailed off when he heard a beeping in his ear. He pulled the device away from his face and saw the incoming call from Garcia. He groaned as he put it back to his ear. “Sorry, Y/N it’s Garcia. I’ve gotta go.” 
“Oh, ok.” You squeaked. “Sure, I’ll call you soon, yeah?”
“I hope you do.” He swallowed again. “Y/N promise me you’re ok. Promise me that…Y/N? Hello?” He frowned and pinched the bridge of his nose when he realised the line had gone dead. 
You quickly replaced the pay phone in its cradle and rolled your eyes at your stupidity. You were not in the right frame of mind to be calling Luke, of course he would see through your thinly veiled attempts to pretend you were ok. You just hoped he didn’t think much of it, hopefully the case Garcia was calling him about would take his mind off of you. 
You leant back against the glass booth and ran your fingers through your hair. You’d gone storming out of the hotel so quickly you hadn’t stopped to think that you didn’t have a key. You could go back and wait for Spencer in the lobby but who knew how long he would be out for. He’d said he was going for a drink, how many bars could there be in a tiny town like Edwardsville? 
As is by some stroke of luck, you noticed a flyer tacked to the inside of the phone booth and stepped closer to it. It was crudely made, no real effort gone into it. You recognised it from the bulletin board in the lobby of the Heartland and could only assume they were posted all over town. It was a flyer for a bar proclaiming two for one shots on Tuesday nights. 
Tonight was Tuesday night. And if you were Spencer, this was the place you would go. 
You grabbed the flyer, pulling it down off of the glass and taking it with you as you marched across the street in the hopes of finding a cab in this backwoods town. 
The Corner Tavern, conveniently located at the corner of Main and Union streets, was somehow exactly how Spencer imagined it to look. It looked like it had been plucked right out of an old western, with its hanging sign proclaiming its name and saloon style doors. But inside was a completely different story. 
They’d clearly kept the facade for its charm but inside it had been renovated to reflect a much more modern setting. Loud music played from tinny speakers and the lights were almost too bright for his liking. Most surfaces were a garish silver and combined with the lighting hurt his eyes a little. 
But it offered two for one on shots and after walking for almost three miles from the hotel, he was in desperate need of a drink. Or five. 
He ordered two shots of Bourbon and necked them in quick succession before ordering another two as well as a glass of scotch. Double. Once again he quickly took the shots before meandering around to find a table. 
He’d locked one of the guns and his hunting knife up in the glovebox of the Nissan, not wanting to be seen as a threat to the locals. But he still kept the little Colt tucked inside his boot, he wasn’t a complete idiot. 
He had been sitting down for approximately two minutes before he had company in the form of a curvaceous blonde who was almost half his age. She was likely tipsy, certainly flirting. That was confirmed when she bypassed the other chairs at the table in lieu of sitting directly on Spencer’s lap. He couldn’t tell if she’d missed the wedding band on his finger or simply didn’t care. 
He’d be lying if he said didn’t find her attractive and that he didn’t appreciate her attention. Maybe a fling with a beautiful young girl he would never see again was just what he needed. It had been a frightfully long time since he’d been intimate with someone. 
She placed her hands on his shoulders, grinding herself a little in his lap as she did so. She moved close to his ear and he felt her hot breath on the side of his face.
“I’m Sarah.” Her lips brushed against his ear lobe. 
“Andrew.” He replied, thinking it easier and wiser to use his alias.
“You’ve got a hot professor thing going on, Andrew.” She giggled and the sound was akin to nails on a chalkboard to Spencer but he ignored it. 
“Not the first time I’ve heard that.” He let one arm snake around her waist, holding her place. 
His other ventured upwards, cupping her cheek while his fingers threaded into her hair. He used his grip on her to pull her head back from his ear. Her eyes were glossed over from alcohol consumption and her lips were pouting at him, desperately inviting. 
He really couldn’t be blamed when he tugged her closed and slammed his lips against hers. She certainly didn’t seem to mind as she was quick to let him plunge his tongue in her mouth. 
He gripped her face as he kissed her and she in turn wrapped her arms around his neck. She adjusted herself in his lap until she was straddling him and the way in which she rocked against him had him growing hard in no time. 
She moaned shamelessly against his lips, would probably have even let him fuck her right there in the middle of the bar for anyone to watch. Her desperation turned him on and disgusted him in equal measure. But it didn’t stop him deepening the kiss and grinding upwards to meet her. 
Maybe they could go somewhere with a little more privacy, the alley down the side of the tavern could work. He could so easily get her on her knees for him, he was sure he could get this hopeless girl to do just about anything for him. 
His free hand glided under her shirt and across the planes of her back. He wondered how many other men this pathetic creature had let take advantage of her. Were older men always her type? He would be willing to bet she had daddy issues that he would be more than happy to exploit. Only he didn’t get that chance. 
Suddenly Spencer found himself being forcibly pulled away from Sarah by his hair, a hand threading into his locks and roughly tugging him by the roots. He sat back with a frown while Sarah’s arms fell to her sides, expecting to see an angry boyfriend or something standing over them, he was already concocting a way out of this in his head. But what he saw instead was somehow worse. 
Your eyebrows were furrowed deeply in anger as you glared at him, your lips pulled into a tight line of frustration. But it was your eyes that contradicted the rest of your expression, your large, sad eyes that were filled with tears as you looked at him with this woman straddling his lap. 
Sarah wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and looked at you in annoyance at your interruption. Spencer barely paid her any notice, all he could look at was you and how it looked as though your heart was breaking.
“What the hell, lady? We were kind of in the middle of something here.” She got up from Spencer’s lap and approached you, folding her arms across her ample chest. 
“So I saw.” You squared your shoulders. “I hate to break this to you, but I’m his wife.” 
You proffered your hand towards the blonde, showing off the worn gold band on your ring finger. Spencer couldn’t help the smirk that jumped to his lips as you played the part of scorned wife so perfectly. 
Sarah frowned, looking between the ring and Spencer who was still sitting dumbly in the chair. He shrugged at Sarah, not at all looking sympathetic. 
“In my defence,” He pushed himself up, sidling between you and Sarah. “You didn’t ask.” 
“Go to hell, jackass!” Sarah suddenly slapped him hard around the face, with a force that caused Spencer to stumble on his feet. 
He groaned at the impact, cupping his cheek in his hand. He knew he couldn’t argue with Sarah, not without admitting your marriage was part of a fabricated identity anyway, so he let her storm away. 
“See, I would deserve that if we were actually married.” He joked, turning to where you stood.
He felt the exact moment his heart shattered in his chest. Taking in the tears now silently rolling down your cheeks and your quivering bottom lip he felt the pain he’d caused you by kissing that stranger tenfold in his own heart. You looked utterly forlorn as you stared at him with the most broken look in your eyes he’d ever seen.
“Y/N…” He whispered, stepping closer to you. “I’m sorry, ok? I didn’t realise that you…that we…” 
He trailed off as he saw you raising your arm. Seconds later another blow landed on the same cheek, this time even harder and he yelped in pain. You worked out a lot, you boxed in your spare time. That wasn’t fair at all. 
“I second what she said,” you spat as angrily as you could muster given your tears. “Go to hell, jackass.” 
Spencer went to speak but you were already turning on your heels and fleeing the bar. He wanted to call after you but he’d already garnered a lot of attention from other patrons who were now all staring at the jackass who had seemingly cheated on his wife. 
You stormed away, your tears burning your cheeks as they fell and tried to brush them away to clear your vision as you shoved your way out of the bar and onto the dark street in the middle of a town you didn’t know. 
You’d been stabbed in the back by someone you had once called your best friend. You’d been used, betrayed by the man who had given you his ring, albeit a fake one. Your mother didn’t raise a fool, so why were you letting Spencer use you as though she had? 
I'm wearing rose-tinted shades but,
All I see is shades of my imagination covered in red.
A crooked smile and some fake love,
Put me in these handcuffs.
Threw away the keys 'cause I was a threat.
Well, first you try to tell me that we're family,
Then you try to tell me that it's for the best.
You promise that you'll be there if I need you,
But I don't need your handout, you can take it back.
I won't be used,
My mama didn't raise no fool.
Won't let you leave me hanging,
So cut me loose.
My mama didn't raise no fool,
Won't let you leave me hanging, no more.
Oh-oh, oh-oh, ooh-oh, oh,
Won't let you leave me hanging, no more.
Oh-oh, oh-oh, ooh-oh, oh,
Won't let you leave me hanging, no more.
Mm, I got a pain in my backbone,
Where'd you get that knife from?
Why the hell is it so covered in red?
I let you walk into my home,
Let you make it your own.
You tried to tear it down and,
Leave me for dead.
Well, first you try to tell me that we're family,
Then you try to tell me that it's for the best.
You promise that you'll be there if I need you,
But I don't need your handout, you can take it back.
I won't be used (no, no),
My mama didn't raise no fool.
Won't let you leave me hanging,
So cut me loose.
My mama didn't raise no fool,
Won't let you leave me hanging, no more.
Oh-oh, oh-oh, ooh-oh, oh,
Won't let you leave me hanging, no more.
Oh-oh, oh-oh, ooh-oh, oh,
Won't let you leave me hanging, no more.
Ladies and gentlemen,
If you're sick of being disrespected,
Let me hear you sing it, go.
I don't wanna feel,
Like my money that you're spending.
No, I don't wanna feel,
Like I'm losing 'cause you're winning, baby.
I don't wanna feel,
Like my money that you're spending.
No, I don't wanna feel,
Like I'm losing 'cause you're winning.
And I won't be used,
My mama didn't raise no fool.
Won't let you leave me hanging,
So cut me loose.
My mama didn't raise no fool,
Won't let you leave me hanging.
I won't be used,
My mama didn't raise no fool.
Won't let you leave me hanging,
So cut me loose.
My mama didn't raise no fool,
Won't let you leave me hanging, no more.
Oh-oh, oh-oh, ooh-oh, oh (whoa),
Won't let you leave me hanging, no more.
Oh-oh, oh-oh, ooh-oh, oh (no more, no more),
Won't let you leave me hanging.
Won't let you leave me hanging.
Won't let you leave me hanging.
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@andiebeaword @muffin-cup @takeyourleap-of-faith @ssa-uglywhore27 @bubblebuttwade @jay-2s-world
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wolfjackle-creates · 9 months
Two Ghost Motel Chapter 2
Danny is tired. Endless ghost fights with too many responsibilities and too little time; he barely passed sophomore year. When Ember visits town for a bit of fun, she mentions the Two Ghost Motel, a place of peace and refuge for restless ghosts who aren't ready to cross over. “I’m fine, Ember.” Danny’s got a home and friends. He’s fine, really. But when his parents begin experimenting with electricity to destabilize ghosts, it’s too much for Danny. Unfortunately, neither Sam nor Tucker can host him for the night and he’s left wandering in the night, alone. Then he sees it: The Two Ghost Motel. He checks in. “Welcome.”
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Minor Original Character Death
Fandom: DPxDC (though no knowledge of DC is necessary for this fic.)
AO3, Chapter 1
The next morning, he woke up to pale sunlight shining through the blinds. Danny groaned and threw an arm over his eyes. He didn’t want to go home.
Something shifted next to him, and Danny jumped out of the bed, taking a defensive stance in the air above the bed. Only to relax when he saw Jay blinking blearily at him.
Danny laughed self-consciously as he set down on the floor.
“Your mask makes that sound so creepy,” said Jay through a yawn.
“Makes what sound creepy?”
“You laughing. I wish my mask did that.”
Danny cocked his head. “You don’t have a mask.”
“Yes I do.”
“Why aren’t you wearing it?”
Jay shrugged and rolled over so he was facing away from Danny. “Dunno. I don’t remember what it looked like, so I can’t wear it. Did you forget a lot of things when you died? I wasn’t like this in life. I know that much.”
Danny chewed the inside of his lip as he stared at his companion. “No,” he said eventually. “But my death was a bit weird. I wouldn’t recommend using me as an example of normal.”
That got Jay to turn around and look at him again. “Weird how?”
Danny just shrugged. “Just weird. I don’t want to talk about it.”
Something passed over Jay’s face and he nodded before getting out of bed. “Come on, it’s daytime. Let’s go outside. There’s a basketball hoop out back.”
Danny shook his head. “I should be getting back home. My parents will be expecting me.”
“There’s someone waiting for me, too. I can’t stay here long.”
Danny landed on the floor and began stuffing his few belongings back into his backpack. “Who do you want to get back to?”
Jay paused with his hand on the door handle. “I need to tell him it wasn’t his fault.”
Danny tossed his backpack onto his shoulders and threw and arm over Jay’s. “Well then, let’s check out. Where’re you from? I got here through Amity Park in Illinois.” He led them out of the room to the walkway.
“I’m from a Park, too. But I don’t remember more than that. We never called it Park, though. I think it was an alley? It was near the ocean.”
“You know, I’ve never seen the ocean. What’s it like?”
Danny felt more than saw Jay’s shrug. “It’s impossible to describe. Unimaginably big, though. When you’re on a boat and can’t see land anymore…” he trailed off and Danny didn’t force him to continue. None of the other ghosts he’d met seemed to have Jay’s issues with memories. But then, most of them weren’t as fixated on their past lives, either.
At the bottom of the stairs, one of the boys he’d met last night was still playing jacks, but his friend was no where to be seen.
“Hey, Matt. Where’s Alan this morning,” asked Danny.
It took a moment, but Matt eventually looked at him with a blank expression. “Alan?”
“Isn’t that your friend’s name? I thought it was. The boy you were playing with last night?”
Matt blinked at him. “I don’t have any friends. I play by myself.”
Danny and Jay exchanged a look and Jay walked over to sit opposite Matt. “I know how to play,” he said. “And jacks is way more fun with two players. Want to start over with me?”
A slight smile flashed across Matt’s face, though it was gone as soon as it appeared. “Fine. I go first.”
Jay shrugged. “Betcha I can beat you anyway.”
Danny joined them on the ground. “Mind explaining the rules to me as you go? I always wanted to learn.”
“Sure,” said Jay. “We’re gonna start with the onesies round. Matt, start whenever you’re ready.”
Matt tossed the jacks on the ground and tossed up a bouncy ball. It’d bounce once, he’d pick up a jack and catch the ball, then repeat the process. Jay explained the rules as they went.
Once Matt collected all the jacks, he spread them out again and handed the ball to Jay who began the process again.
“So how long have you been here, Matt?” asked Danny.
Matt shook his head. “Dunno. Ma’ll get me when it’s time to go home.” He was entirely focused on Jay’s hands and the ball.
“Are you afraid Jay’ll cheat?”
“You always cheat if you can get away with it. He’d be stupid not to.”
Danny laughed, “Got it. An unspoken rule?”
Jay picked up the last jack and caught the ball. “Not one I’ve heard.” He tossed the ball over to Matt. “Your turn, squirt.”
It was hard to get Matt to talk and even harder to get him to talk about anything other than the game. But Danny did manage to learn that he was born in New York City in the fifties and that he was waiting at the motel for his parents.
He didn’t seem to know he was dead, and he didn’t remember anything about Alan.
Jay won the first round and Matt was setting up another game before they could protest. This time, Matt won. When he set up the third game, Danny joined in. He failed miserably. His complete incompetence made Matt smile again, though, so he considered it a win and was happy to go for a fourth game.
By the time they finished, the sun was much higher in the sky.
“Oh, shit. I need to get home,” Danny said, once he noticed. He looked around and saw more ghosts were wandering around now that it was day.
Two men in suits were leaning against the wall smoking cigarettes, a woman in a floral dress was walking a dog. And leaning against a railing, looking over the drained pool, was Tom.
“Wait, I met that man last night. I’m gonna go say hi. I’ll check out after I talk to him.”
Jay waved him off as he set up another game with Matt.
Danny ran over to Tom and took up a space next to him. “What are you looking at, Mr. Tom.” The cement of the pool was cracked and ghostly plants like the ones in the parking lot grew through them.
“Doesn’t the water look nice? I remember swimming before. With a child? A boy, I think. And a woman. We had fun.”
Danny looked up at Tom sharply. “What are you talking about? The pool’s been drained. It’s just a cement hole right now.”
“They want me to join them.”
“Who wants you to join them? There’s no one there!”
But Tom merely stepped forward through the fence. Danny reached out to grab his arm, only for his hand to pass right through it. “What?” He’d never had a hard time grabbing a ghost before. “Tom! Wait, there’s nothing there.”
Tom ignored him and kept walking. Danny rushed after him, but the delay meant he was still several steps back when Tom lifted his hands and dove off the side of the pool into the empty hole.
As soon as the man was out of sight, Danny’s ghost sense lessened. He ran to the edge and looked down into an empty pool.
“What just happened?” he asked himself. Something about the pool made him uneasy and he backed away from the ledge. Tom must’ve turned intangible and dived below ground. Or invisible and was playing a prank on him.
His back hit the metal fence hard and he winced. He hadn’t realized how quickly he’d been moving. With a mental shake, he turned intangible and walked through it back to Jay and Matt.
“Jay,” said Danny.
His friend ignored him as he bounced the ball once more.
“Birdie!” Danny half-shouted this time.
Jay missed catching the ball and let out a curse. “What’d you do that for?” he demanded. “I was doing well!”
“I think there’s something strange about this place,” said Danny. “Tom— he just, he just disappeared.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “We’re all just here for a short rest before returning to where we came from. He probably just went home.”
“He thought the pool was filled with water and dove right into it. Said something about someone calling him to join them. And then I stopped sensing him!”
The panic in Danny’s voice was enough to get Jay standing. He placed a comforting hand on Danny’s shoulder. “Hey, Phantom. It’s okay. I’m sure he’s fine. Why don’t we ask the receptionist which room he’s in and see if he went back there?”
“I… Okay. Yeah. Let’s do that.” He looked down at Matt. “Want to join us, Matt? See more of the motel?”
He shook his head. “Mom told me to wait. She’ll come for me.”
Danny and Jay exchanged a look, but Danny just nodded. “All right, kiddo. But you come find me if you need anything, okay? I’m in room 214. And Jay’s in 215. Either one of us will help you if you need it.”
But Matt was back to ignoring them as he tossed the bouncy ball in the air and resumed his game.
Jay grabbed Danny’s hand and pulled him to the front office. “Come on, we’ll go find out what happened to Tom.”
The office didn’t look much different by light of day. The women on the couch had gone, replaced with a man and a boy. Both were dressed formally; the man was reading a newspaper while the boy had a comic book. Danny thought he recognized Spiderman on the cover, though it was hard to see with how the kid was holding it.
The same receptionist from the night before sat behind the desk and Jay hurried them through until they were standing opposite her.
She didn’t so much as twitch.
“Hey, lady,” demanded Jay, “we’ve a question for you.”
“Jay!” protested Danny. “Don’t be rude.” To the woman, he said, “I’m so sorry for my friend. I had a concern about another guest and I wanted to find out which room he was staying in so I could check on him. Can you give me that information?”
But she still sat there frozen as if she were a mannequin rather than a person or even a ghost.
Jay leaned forward and snapped his fingers in front of her face. When she still didn’t react, he shrugged and reached down to grab the log book from under her hand.
That, however, did cause a reaction.
The receptionist’s hand transformed into claws that wrapped around Jay’s wrist. As she stood, she grew until she was towering above them. Her hair transformed into flames that framed her face. The lights flickered and the shadows deepened.
Jay screamed in pain and Danny rushed forward. He shot an ectoblast at the receptionist, then another. She didn’t let go.
She let out a breath of fire. “Motel records are private!” she screeched.
With one hand, Danny threw up a shield to block the flames while he used his other hand to grab an ectoknife he had in a pocket in his suit. Maintaining the shield, he sliced at her arm. It got her to loosen her grip just enough for him to yank Jay free and get between them.
“We’re sorry!” he yelled. “We didn’t realize! We were just trying to find someone’s room number because I was worried about him.” He grit his teeth and braced himself against her attack. He felt himself pushed back a foot, but managed to keep the shield going.
The flames continued for another moment and Danny’s arm began shaking. But then she stopped. He lowered his arm, but remained ready to jump back into the fight at the slightest provocation.
She stood, so tall she had to stoop or her head would be through the ceiling. Her hair glowed fire red-yellow as it licked around her chin and shoulders. Her eyes were black and teeth pointed at she glared at them. Her injured hand to her chest was clutched to her chest, but the other one was poised protectively over the log book.
“Motel records are private,” she repeated.
“I understand,” said Danny. “We didn’t realize. Would you be able to tell me which room Tom is staying in? He was in the office last night when I checked in. We were talking this morning and he disappeared. I just want to make sure he’s okay.”
She seemed to shrink in on herself slightly, though her hair remained flames and her fingers claws. But she was no longer taller than the room. Danny felt Jay shift behind him and froze his feet to the floor to hopefully keep him from making things worse again. “Don’t you dare,” he hissed.
He ignored the whispered, “Hey!”
The receptionist lifted up her logbook and flipped through a few pages. “No Tom is currently a guest at the Motel.”
“Did he check out? Because I spoke to him just ten minutes ago. Actually, how do we check out? You didn’t react when we first came in and tried to talk to you. Only reason we touched the logbook to begin with.”
And suddenly she was back to looking like a normal, human woman. “Is something not to your liking?” she asked with her slight Southern accent. “Is the television not working? Do we not have your preferred snacks in the vending machine? We have coffee, as well. The pot is over there.” She pointed at a table that had two coffee pots and some mugs. Danny hadn’t noticed it last night—was it new?
“I— no. Everything has been great,” said Danny. It was only his experience with Dora’s and the Lunch Lady’s mood swings that kept him from taking a step back.
Behind him, he heard Jay let out a whispered, “The fuck?”
“I am glad to hear it! If you need more towels or anything, there is a tag you can put on your door handle—”
“It’s not that!” interrupted Danny. “I just want to know about Tom. You said there’s no Tom staying here, what about a Thomas? I’m afraid I never got to know his last name.” He was tense and ready to throw up another shield at a moment’s notice, though his hand shook. He felt exhausted already and he’d barely done anything. What was going on? He bit his cheek and locked his knees.
The receptionist just smiled at him. “No one by the name of Tom or Thomas is currently staying here as a guest.”
Danny hesitated and asked, “What about Alan? Or Matt?”
She flipped through her log again. “There is no Alan here, either. However a Matt has been assigned room 117.”
Danny nodded and smiled only to remember he was still in his ghost form and had the full mask. He bowed his head in acknowledgment of her information. “Thank you for your assistance. Just wanted to confirm, when is checkout due by? I need to leave today, but want to try and find Tom and Alan before I do.”
The woman smiled sweetly at him. “We do not have a checkout policy. And we have no guests named Tom or Alan at this time.”
“So I can checkout whenever? Great.”
She repeated herself. “We do not have a checkout policy.”
Jay snorted behind him. In a near-whisper he said, “I don’t trust her.”
Danny kicked his ankle to try and get him to shut up. “Oh, and one last question. How long has the pool been out of order?” Could Tom be from another time? If he was existing in a time when the pool was open, it could explain why he saw things Danny didn’t. Might also be the reason Danny couldn’t touch him.
“I apologize for the inconvenience, however the pool is out of commission at this time. We will inform guests as soon as it is operational.”
“I know it’s out of order, how long has it been out of order?”
All she did was repeat the same apology as before.
Danny let out a grunt of frustration. Behind him, Jay shifted and asked, “What else is off-limits to guests?”
“Guests have access to their rooms and all public areas. Public areas include the walkways to the rooms, the parking lot, the pool area, the basketball hoops, and the paved area behind the motel. The areas behind this desk, the door behind me, and any service areas such as the electrical and boiler rooms are off-limits. No guest is allowed to view any motel records or documents.”
“Good to know,” said Danny. “You’ve been very helpful, thank you for your assistance.”
“Of course. Please come to me with any questions you may have.” Then the woman settled back in her chair and froze in the position Danny had seen her in each time he’d entered.
Only now, there was a thin slice on her one wrist. It didn’t bleed, but the skin was damaged and a thin wisp of gray smoke seemed to rise from the wound.
Danny backed away, and grabbed Jay’s wrist. Only to let it go when his friend hissed in pain. “Sorry! Forgot you were injured there. Let’s get outside and I’ll take a look.” With a thought, the ice covering Jay’s feet disappeared.
“How’d you do that?” asked Jay as they exited the office.
Danny didn’t answer, just led them further from the door. Now that the danger appeared to be over, he felt the ache in his core that indicated he’d over-exerted himself. Which shouldn’t have been possible. He’d had much tougher fights than that one.
But his legs shook with every step and he gave up walking and sat down on the asphalt in the middle of the parking lot rather than near the sign like he’d been planning.
Jay sat across from him. “You okay?”
Danny waved off his concern. “Just a bit tired. She was stronger than she looked. Let me see your wrist.”
Jay held out his arm and Danny could see burn marks where the receptionist’s claws had grasped him.
Danny looked around, even kneeling to check under the cars, and confirmed no one was near them. He reached up and unclasped the mask of his hazmat suit, revealing his face to his new friend.
“Holy shit! You’re just a kid!”
Danny snorted. “Oh, come on. You look like you’re about my age, too.”
“Yeah, but I’m used to being the youngest. Thought you were older than me. Especially since you can do so much more than I can. Speaking of, how did you fight her off? Could I do that?”
“I’m sixteen. How old are you?”
Danny nodded as he breathed in deeply. Then he blew out, freezing his breath into frost as he did so in a technique Frostbite taught him. The frost coated Jay’s burned wrist, soothing the angry burn and causing the other boy to sigh in relief.
“Damn, wish I could do that.”
“I’ve got an ice core. Means I can control ice and snow. My doctor taught me that trick. If you have an ice core, you could do it as well. But you should be able to make an ectoshield and shoot ectoblasts and stuff. Those are powers all ghosts have.”
“I’ve never seen anyone here do anything like that. Sometimes they’ll walk through walls or objects, but never anything more than that.”
“Huh, weird.”
“You’ll teach me, right?”
Danny shrugged. “Sure, I guess. Never had to teach someone before, so don’t blame me if I’m bad at it, though. But I want to focus on finding Tom and Alan.”
Danny couldn’t help but look back towards the motel. Only this time, instead of welcoming, all he could feel was foreboding. “Something’s wrong about this place.”
Jay looked over, too, but shrugged. “I haven’t noticed anything.”
“What movie did we watch last night?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You came to my room and we watched a movie. Your favorite. You told me all about it as we watched it and we fell asleep at some point which is why you were still in my room this morning. What movie was it?”
Jay looked down and scuffed his foot on the pavement. One of the plants tried to bite at it, but his shoe kept it from hurting him. “I… We did watch a movie, didn’t we. Why don’t I remember?”
Danny chewed his lip and wished he could soften his voice. “Birdie, how long have you been here?”
Jay frowned. “Just a night or two.”
The foreboding feeling grew at that response and Danny shook his head. “I’ve been here for one night. It’s mid-morning now. You are much more familiar with this place and the people here than I am.”
“No I’m not. No one has ever acknowledged me before. Not like Matt did when we played with him.”
“Matt and Alan. There were two of them, remember?”
Jay reached up and rubbed at his face before nodding. “Two, right.”
“Now, please answer the question: how long have you been here?”
“I—” Jay scowled as he glared at a crack in the pavement. “I don’t remember. I remember sleeping in my room more than once, though.”
“And once in mine. Jay, I think this place is messing with our heads. I can’t remember last night’s movie. It was new-to-me, but you were so excited about it. I remember you talking about it, I remember pausing it so you could go on rants. But I can’t remember what those rants were or what movie it was.”
Jay shook his head. “I need to go back; they’re waiting for me.”
“Who, Jay? Who’s waiting?”
Jay jumped to his feet and kicked a rock. “I don’t remember! They need me though!” He punched the air before squatting down and burying his face in his knees.
Danny moved so they were side-by-side and put an arm around his shoulders. “We’ll figure this out and get you home. But we can’t leave just yet. I won’t leave until I know what happened to Tom and Alan and can make sure Matt is safe.”
“His mom isn’t coming, is she?”
“I don’t think so, no.”
“I don’t think my mom was any good.”
“My parents try, but they’re too focused on their work to notice when my sister or I need anything.”
“Why do you want to go back? Can you remember?” Jay looked over at him and Danny pretended he didn’t notice the wetness on his cheeks.
“Yeah, I can.” Danny tilted his head back until he was looking up at the sky, it was overcast, a uniform gray that stretched from horizon to horizon. “I’m… needed back home. If I don’t go back, people will get hurt. Ghosts, too. I stop them from hurting each other. As much as I can as a high school kid.”
Jay hummed. “It’s a lot, isn’t it?” he asked, as if he understood. With a grunt, he pushed himself up and held out a hand to Danny. “Well, what do you say? Let’s see if anyone knows Alan or Tom. We’ll save some people, then get the hell outta Dodge.”
Danny grinned at him and took his hand. “Yeah. Let’s do it.” Once on his feet, Danny reattached his mask.
“Why do you wear that, anyway? Is that normal clothing where you come from?”
Danny looked at his glove-covered hands and shrugged. “Of course not. But it’s what I died in. Been wearing it ever since.”
Jay shuddered. “I’m glad I’m not stuck in the clothes I died in.”
Danny gave a wry smile Jay couldn’t see and shrugged. “It is what it is. I’m used to it by now.”
“So how do I know if I have an ice core or whatever?” asked Jay as they began walking back to the motel.
He was still tired, but the short rest had helped a little and he didn’t feel like he was going to fall over as he walked. “I’ve never tried to describe it before. Can you feel for your core?”
Jay’s brow furrowed. “How do I do that?”
“Ghosts really only have one organ and that’s their core. Think of it as, like, your soul. It’s your brain and heart in one. As long as their core is intact, a ghost can survive anything that happens to them. The body you have around it is just ectoplasm given shape by your own expectations and perception of yourself.”
Jay hummed. “Okay, so you want me to try and mentally connect to my core?”
“Yeah. That’s where ghosts get our powers from. If you have the strength and there’s enough ectoplasm around, you can shape it and use it in interesting ways. And that’s on top of the flight, invisibility, and intangibility that any ghost can do.”
“You’ll have to show me how to do that, too.”
“Frostbite—my doctor,” he clarified at Jay’s confused look. “He made it sound like this was instinctive for most ghosts.”
Jay shrugged. “Well it’s not for me. How do I know if I’ve connected to my core?”
Danny threw up his hands. “I don’t know! Mine feels like a ball of cold ice in my chest, only comforting. When I’m afraid, I feel it jolt. When I push myself too hard, it aches. When I’m happy, it pulses.”
Jay bit his lip and seemed to consider Danny’s words. Silence stretched between them as they walked. By unspoken agreement, the two avoided the main office and instead made their way towards one of the far ends of the motel.
A woman in a patched coat and skirts was sitting on a bench there with a sketch pad on her lap.
Right before they were about to reach her, Jay said, “I had magic when I was alive, you know.”
Danny’s steps faltered. “Humans don’t have magic.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “Some do. Look at the Justice League. But that’s not what I meant. I had a type of magic. Something that made me more than just a regular human. But I can’t remember what it was or how I got it. I wonder if that’s why I can’t find my core.”
Danny shrugged. “I don’t know. It could have to do with your memory issues, too. I don’t think most ghosts have problems like that.”
“All here do,” said the woman on the bench.
“Do you know what is going on here?” asked Danny.
She said nothing, just kept drawing on her sketchbook.
“What are you working on?” asked Jay.
She set her pencil down on the bench next to her and turned the notebook around. On the page was a swirling black mass, far too reminiscent of the portal in his basement.
But then he realized it wasn’t just a dark circle. Ghosts were drawn on top of ghosts. The ones on the edges, he could make out some features—a face or a hat. He thought he recognized the women from the office the night he’d checked in. But at the center, so many figures had been drawn on top of each other that no details could be made out and it looked like a solid drawing.
Instinctively, Danny took a step back. Jay, however, stepped closer.
“Is that me?” he asked, pointing to a figure near the edge. His face was clear, with only the faintest lines from other figures crossing it.
“It is all of us,” she replied. She pulled the book back and picked up her pencil once more to resume her work.
“You’re really talented,” said Jay. “It looks just like me.”
Like the rest of the people they’d met, she didn’t react to his statement. Jay didn’t seem to care, though, and moved until he was standing behind her and could watch what she was doing. Danny hesitated, but joined his friend when he was waved over.
They watched as she started adding a new figure to the mess. It wasn’t long before Danny’s core sunk in fear.
“Dude, I think that’s you,” said Jay.
Danny swallowed, mouth suddenly dry. The more detail she added, the more obvious it was.
“Why are you drawing me?” he asked.
“You’re here, now. One of us,” she said absently.
“I’m leaving. Once I find out what happened to Tom and Alan, I’m leaving.”
“No one leaves,” she said as she continued to draw.
Danny bit his lip, then asked, “Do you know a ghost by the name of Tom? Or Alan? I can’t find them and the receptionist said there weren’t any guests here by that name. But I met them, I know I did.”
“No one leaves,” she repeated.
“I’m gonna leave!” protested Jay. “There are people waiting for me.”
But it appeared the woman was done replying. She just kept drawing Danny, at the edge of the vortex of ghosts, one of his arms extended as if trying to escape. Then, once every detail was finished, she drew a crown over his head.
Danny’s brow furrowed. “Why’d you give me a crown?”
When they got no response, Danny and Jay exchanged glances.
“You’re definitely not wearing a crown,” said Jay with a shrug.
On the page, however, it was the clearest part of her drawing. Nothing crossed the path of the crown.
“Look, lets just go,” said Danny when it was clear the artist wasn’t going to say anything else. “Maybe one of the other ghosts can tell us something.” Danny grabbed Jay’s upper arm and led him away.
Chapter 3
And this marks the halfway point of the fic! Hope you enjoy.
Couldn't resist the little nod at the end there to Ghost King Danny. And it's a trope @i-think-in-metaphors (my artist) likes, so I didn't even try.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
House GOP report: Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses. Biden Admin Rushes Digital ID Plans. Russian FM: Talks With Kiev Impossible Now. Iran close to nuclear weapons. UK releasing 5k prisoners.
Lioness of Judah Ministry
Aug 20, 2024
Watch: Security Perimeter At DNC Breached By Protesters
"Protesters link arms as police approach..." 
The Democratic National Convention is in full swing. Reports from local media outlets and journalists on the ground reveal that protesters breached the first layer of the security perimeter on the north side of the United Center, just hours before President Biden's scheduled speech this evening. Here's more color on the security incident from Fox 32 Chicago: Protesters broke through a portion of the security fence on West Washington Boulevard. Chicago cops could be seen running to confront the demonstrators. There was a brief standoff between the police and protesters. Officers donned riot gear as they faced off with the large crowd. Arrests were also made. A woman was seen being led away in handcuffs, while a man was carried away by several officers. After about 20 minutes, tensions calmed down and police could be seen reconstructing the broken fence. All protesters were moved out of the secured area.
Vasectomies in High Demand at DNC as Planned Parenthood Offers Free Snips, Abortions.
Planned Parenthood is offering free abortions and vasectomies at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), with The New York Times saying so many Democrat men want to be sterilized that “there is already a waiting list.”
The procedures are being offered at a mobile health center just a few blocks from the convention venue in Chicago, Illinois. “There are going to be people traveling to Chicago from all over the country, and I think we should be doing what we can as health care providers to show what the impact of good policy and bad policy is,” said Dr. Colleen McNicholas, chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood Great Rivers, of the initiative.
BREAKING: A House GOP report claims that Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses while in office and that the Biden family received $27 million from foreign individuals and entities
Report: Biden Administration Rushes Digital ID Plans
The Biden administration is working to expedite widespread adoption of digital IDs, including driver’s licenses, a draft executive order indicates.
Digital IDs are a contentious concept primarily because of the concentration of – eventually – the entirety of people’s sensitive private information in centralized databases controlled by the government, and on people’s phones, “client-side.” That in turn brings up the issues of technical security, but also privacy, and the potential for dystopian-style mass surveillance. Proponents, on the other hand, like to focus on the “convenience” that such a shift from physical to digital personal documents is promised to bring. In the US, some states have started this process via digital driver’s licenses, and the executive order is urging (“strongly encouraging”) both federal and state authorities to accelerate this, as well as other types of digital ID.
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ghostfilecabinet · 2 years
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Tis the season! This month we’re doing HOLIDAY fic, set during the December-January season. (A few repeats on here, and I’m also breaking my no-over 1k kudos fic for this one just because ‘classics’ are definitely part of the holiday charm.)
The Devil You Know by ma_malice | T, 19k | “There will be no sacrifice,” Shane said for the third time since they’d landed in Illinois. “Not so much as a chicken. Stop being weird.” Shane takes Ryan home for the holidays. It goes about as well as you’d expect.
what are you doing new year's eve? ✨ by PhyllisDietrichson | E, 20k | And Ryan knows. He knows that it’s probably been obvious for a while, how he and Shane have been circling around each other, pulled into a tighter orbit as the years have passed. 
fate is against me by bodhirookes | T, 27k | Ryan's bosses hold a series of Christmas-themed competitions in the office, and along the way he learns about the true meaning of Christmas, experiences how satisfying it is to prove TJ wrong, and possibly wins himself a boyfriend.
Deck the Halls by colazitron | T, 2k | Ryan wants to spruce up the office with some festive decorations and some holiday fun. It doesn't go exactly as planned.
The Christmas Curse by MiraclesofPaul | E, 10k | After kissing under the mistletoe, everyone in the office assumes they've slept together. They didn't, but now Shane can't stop thinking about Ryan.
Oh, Ryan by VictoriaAGrey | T, 10k | Ryan thinks the holiday season is going to be a predictable affair until Ned calls in a two year old debt Ryan owes him. Honoring that two year old debt sets into motion an avalanche of bad decisions and miscommunications that land Ryan at his parent's house on Christmas Day with a baby and a best friend pretending to be his boyfriend. Did he also mention Shane's living with him?
Like Wildfire by makemadej (santamonicayachtclub) | E, 20k | Or: the one where Shane accidentally tells Ryan's mom they're a couple and they commit to the bit.
Where Every Wish Comes True (and you would be there too) by velarisstars | T, 31k | It was completely normal to fly across the country with your best friend to celebrate Christmas with their family, right? At least, that's what Ryan kept telling himself everyday leading up to said trip with Shane. Everything would be fine. Normal. A simple vacation with Shane and his family in Chicago.
Mistletoe by quackers | T, 4k | There's only room for one very specific cat in Ryan's life.
sweatshirt by uneventfulhouses | T, 1k | “All I’m saying,” Ryan huffs, into his phone as he serves himself another tamale, “is that I wish you were here. And now you’re making it weird.” “I’m not making it weird,” Shane protests, laughing on the other end of the line.
"fear not, then," said the angel by orphan_account | T, 5k | Five times they took part in holiday traditions for a video, and one time it was just for them.
Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart by LovelyLittleNothing | G, 6k | Shane leans in conspiratorially, “My older brother said Santa isn’t real.” “And you believe him?” Ryan asks horrified. “Course not! He’s a dummy. I know he’s just sayin’ that so I won’t act good enough to get onto the nice list.”
Tinsel and Lights by orphan_account | T, 13k | Ryan beamed. “I thought the season was…how did you put it? Oh right, ‘nothing more than a drop in temperature and a surge in capitalist nonsense?’”
You can call me babe for the weekend by iBubbles | T, 5k | "I didn’t have “fake date Shane to cone his family” on my 2020 bingo card, but I think it’s the perfect ridiculous thing to end this year with,” Ryan smiles. Shane's aunt Ada mistakes Ryan for being Shane's partner as opposed to his work partner.
Snowed In (Minus the Snow) by FireflyAndTheStoryJar | T, 2k | Ryan’s mother would often ask why Shane would leave early on Christmas Eve, but with some half-truths, she was usually polite enough not to push for more. This Christmas, though, she was determined to keep Shane there until Christmas Day. Ryan realized that as soon as Shane couldn’t find his coat and shoes by the door hook and shoe shelf.
Modern Rustic by beethechange | E, 21k | Ryan’s thinking about Beauty and the Beast. He’s thinking about the wi-fi network, “Be Our Guest,” and about talking teapots and grumpy clocks and matchmaking candelabras. That’s how this cabin feels: not haunted, enchanted. 
made of glass the way you see through me by uneventfulhouses | E, 19k | Now he’s hearing things. We should probably start thinking about how to save this trip, maybe Ryan— “Are you talking to me?” Ryan asks again. “No,” Shane says, more adamantly. “What’s wrong with you?”
raspberry-tender and mint-leaf sweet by abovetheruins | T, 5k | Jen looks like Christmas has come early. "I know you so well, Madej. Picked out the perfect gift and everything." "You know, I don't think Ryan would appreciate you talking about him like he's an object," Shane says, a flippancy in his tone that's more for show than anything else.
you shine like silver in the sunlight by Anonymous | G, 2k |  Ryan laughs, even though that wasn’t funny at all. Shane can tell that he’s a little tipsy already, because he’s more giggly than usual, and he’s just—he’s absolutely endearing when he’s like this. He hates Ryan for making him feel this way—soft and completely infatuated.
may your days be merry and bright by bodhirookes | G, 19k | Ryan gets Shane for Secret Santa and has a subsequent breakdown about what to get him.
stand there like a ghost (shaking from the rain) by loudwheezes (orphan_account) | T, 3k | It's snowing in Southern California, Shane Madej is in love, and Ryan Bergara's parents don't mind.
we don't need no mistletoe by uneventfulhouses | T, 2k | It’s their second Christmas as a couple, and Shane’s just ridiculously happy that it’s working out so well with Ryan. It can be a tricky thing, integrating a partner into family, but Ryan fit so seamlessly, like he’d been there the whole time.
(Not Quite) Home for the Holidays by sequence_fairy | T, 2k | Shane’s not going home this year. He’d decided in early September that he wouldn’t be, that he didn’t want to deal with the hassle of travel and rushing through a parade of family gatherings. And he’s fine with it, he is.
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speedlimit15 · 9 months
i keep getting ads for a town about an hour and a half south of me thats offering a $5k incentive to move there. too bad id rather die than live in illinois for the rest of my life and 5k is not that much money these days
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Nat: No go on the door-pull.
Carmy: That's a really crucial part.
Nat: They are 5K.
Carmy: Yeah. They're hand cast in Italy.
Nat: Yeah, and we're in Illinois.
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bluedalliances · 2 years
My steddie TOP 10+1 of January
Here are some of my favorite readings of January in no particular order and with some things that are not trigger warnings but I usually like to know. 
Take the money and run by thisapplepielife
This is the first fic I read this year and it became one of my favorite ever. Eddie and Steve go on a road trip and fall in love across the country. It’s sweet, it’s funny, the characters are on point, and every detail is considered. I can’t explain how good this is.
140k / period-typical homophobia - internalized homophobia / Happy ending / Rated E
that'd be the end of the last man on earth by pbandjeremiah
Years after everything goes down, Steve is in a plane from San Francisco to Chicago and Eddie Munson sits by his side with his two kids. Four hours of softness, good care of children and Stevie craving a family.
I actually cried with this one because of how beautiful it is and how nicely it portrays the wishful daydreaming of being a part of something. 
9k / Happy ending / Rated M for like two seconds
Promise To Try by LocalCryptid7
Steve finds out the kids are hanging around Eddie and doesn’t want them to get in trouble. So he helps him get a job and graduate. They fall in love along the way. 
This has everything. A slow burn canon rewrite, with realistic temporal setting, lovely Wayne Munson and great relationships, soft moments, fun moments, hurt moments, comfort moments, the whole deal. There are some heavy themes, tho, so mind the tags, they are great tags. 
84k / Happy ending / Rated M
The Sun Is Gone, but I Have a Light by OfmdLins
THIS VAMPIRE AU IS LITERALLY SO GOOD. I’d pay for more of it. It’s wonderful, cute, funny, good consent talk, spicy time, and amazing ending.
“Chicago, Illinois, 1993. Eddie follows the recommendation of another vampire to visit a 'donor,' a human who lets vampires feed off them for a living. What he's not expecting is for said donor to be a ghost from high school past in the shape of Steve Harrington.” 
I’m begging you, read this. 
10k / Open but really good and soft ending / Rated E
A Hawkins Hallmark Christmas by Appledagger
They play Secret Santa and Eddie is decided to give Steve the best gift of his life, but to do it, he has to get to know him. Chaos, family time, pining and going around forgotten secrets. So good it hurts. Also! It has pretty good communication, I always enjoy that.  47k / Happy ending / Rated M
nothing quite like this by ashleigh
Wayne doesn’t like Steve. But maybe it’s a matter of time. A study of Steve Harrington and his relationship with Eddie from Wayne’s eyes. Steve is the softest boy ever and he grows into people. 
5k / Happy ending / Rated M
waters so inviting by monstrousfemale (stresslinesandcigarettes)
Steve teaches Eddie how to swim, but no time is enough if it is by his side. So, pining, they both think it’s unrequited, swimming, softness, smut, what else do you want?
28k / Happy ending / Rated E
We'll Know for the First Time by Kikiz
They are friends. But one day, Steve realizes he’d choose Eddie over any date. Until then, oblivious boys pin for each other and share platonic intimacy. It’s very fucking cute. 
This is a fix-it post-canon fic, slow burn, pining, fluff, smut, a homegrew graduation and all the love Eddie deserves. 
41k / Happy ending /Rated E
I've been trying to figure you out, tell me then would you lend a hand? by eloquent_fairy
Where Eddie discovers Steve is not what he thought and wants to understand him. From preseason 4 to fix-it fic. He’s stubborn about it, but gets there. I laughed, cried and (mentally) screamed with this one. So many feelings and such a wonderful character study.
30 k / Happy ending / Rated T / Part of a series! 
linger by yournowheregirl
Alternative universe. College Au. Rivals (kinda, not realy) to friends to lovers. Classic misunderstandings and angst. If you feel like stressing out with a lovely fanfic amazingly written, this is for you, my darling. 
They fight for the same desk at the library and somehow become suddy buddies, but then become more. Idiots in love and protective ronance <3 
45k / Happy ending with lots of angst before / Rated T 
some nice young satanist by heuniversesaidiloveyou
It's 1991, Robin and Steve have moved to the big city and have an annoying metalhead neighbor. That’s how they meet Eddie again after 5 years. Ft. going out, experiencing queer joy and falling in love while trying to get over their past.
This one has angst and people getting hurt from internalized homophobia. Mind the tags!
 40k / Happy ending
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bookgeekgrrl · 6 months
My media this week (17-23 Mar 2024)
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incredible art by harrydarlington
🥰 Oscar Wars: A History of Hollywood in Gold, Sweat, and Tears (Michael Schulman, author; Charlie Thurstonn, narrator) - definitely interesting and an enjoyable read. What mainly struck me was that things now are pretty much same as it ever was: the producers have always been horrible to the talent; the academy, despite two serious efforts to course correct, has always been conservative/racist/misogynist, etc.
😍 In Name Only (BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria) - 84K, 00Q - reread of this fandom classic/forever fave where Bond is 007 & Q is a participant in The Marketplace - love the way this explores Bond wrestling with concepts utterly unknown to him but also his own desires
🙂 Not With a Whimper, But a Bang (emptydistractions, seleneheart) - 46K, urban fantasy AU, dragon!Bucky - read for stucky bookclub - satisfactory read, some intriguing worldbuilding
😊 red wine supernova (donderwolk) - 91K, hocky rpf, one of them had to retire early from the NHL due to a chronic migraine condition, the other's a ceramcist who teaches a local rec center class. Very entertaining read, good quality angst. I enjoyed the characterizations very much
💖💖 +200K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Sourwood Mountain (Pennyplainknits) - Stranger Things: Munson Family Feels, 5K - great fic with a genius premise and badass munson family feelings
For Which The First Was Made (leupagus) - Agatha Christie's Marple: Jane/Gabriel, 35K - great Miss Marple fic; as I told the author, I never pictured Miss Marple with a boytoy but after reading this fic and watching the inspiration for it, my mind has been EXPANDED. plus I love an epistolary story!
Interrupted Heists, Dentist Visits, and Other Romantic Dates For Your Fake Husband (Kiraly) - Original Work: OMCs, 7K - very fun original fic with two (opposing) sidekicks hitting it off & getting married for insurance reasons
D20: Tiny Heist - s4, e4-6
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "A Very Merry Moonar Yulenear" (s21, e11)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Chutes and Ladders" (s16, e11)
D20: Pirates of Leviathan - s7, e1-6
Under the Influence - When You're This Big, They Call you Mister
Vibe Check - Hey, Sis: featuring Regina King
Short Wave - A Tale Of Two Bengali Physicists
WikiHole - Leprechauns (with MUNA!)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - A Mission to find a Meteor with Amir Siraj
NPR's Book of the Day - Christine Blasey Ford tells her own story in 'One Way Back'
Today, Explained - How gangs took over Haiti
Consider This from NPR - A $418 Million Settlement Could Change U.S. Home Buying. But Who Benefits?
99% Invisible #574 - The Monster Under the Sink
Short Wave - Syphilis Cases Are Rising In Babies. Illinois Has A Potential Solution
Vibe Check - Till The Wheels Fall Off
Throughline - Radiolab: Worst. Year. Ever
Imaginary Worlds - Mother-in-Law of Oz
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Hans Zimmer's Remote Control
Today, Explained - Can Congress ban TikTok?
Throughline - The Great Textbook War
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Marching through the galaxy with Dr. Moiya McTier
Shedunnit - The Tea Leaf
Ologies - Field Trip: Alie’s Mystery Surgery!
Dear Prudence - My Parents Are Flaunting Their Wealth While I’m Drowning in Debt. Help!
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Road House And What's Making Us Happy
It's Been a Minute - Brittany talks bad accents and bad sex
Short Wave - The Evolutionary Mystery Of Menopause … In Whales
Switched on Pop - Rhapsody in Blue, Reimagined
Strong Songs - Strong Covers, Vol. 3
Imaginary Worlds - Class of '84: When Cyber Was Punk
Consider This from NPR - Stephen King Has Ruled The Horror Genre For 50 Years. But Is It Art?
Worlds Beyond Number - WWW #2: The Naming of Things
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat for WWW ep002 The Naming of Things
Art of History - Art History Horror Story: The Nightmare
Eddie Cochran
CREDITS: Sharon Sheeley
My Baby Love
R&B Diva Classics
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gotohoon · 16 days
Naperville Women's Half Marathon & 5K
On April 21st, approximately 2,000 runners gathered at the Benedetti-Wehrli Stadium at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois to participate in Naperville Women’s Half Marathon & 5K. The event route took athletes through downtown and some of the finest neighborhood of Naperville with sneaky hidden hills. Approximately 1,100 participated in Half Marathon and 900 participated in 5k. This…
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Where to Hit the Pavement: The Best Places to Run in Elk Grove
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What’s up, runners! Whether you’re training for your next marathon, looking to crush a 5K, or just need to clear your head with a solid jog, Elk Grove, Illinois, has some awesome spots to lace up and hit the pavement. From scenic trails to challenging paths, this town offers a variety of routes that’ll keep your runs interesting and help you stay motivated. Let’s dive into the best places to get those miles in around Elk Grove!
Busse Woods – The Runner’s Paradise
If you’re serious about running, Busse Woods should be your go-to spot. Officially known as the Ned Brown Preserve, this massive forest preserve is a runner’s paradise. With over 11 miles of paved trails winding through lush woods, serene lakes, and open meadows, Busse Woods offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and challenging terrain.
The main loop around the reservoir is a favorite for runners of all levels. It’s wide, well-maintained, and offers plenty of shade on those hot summer days. The variety of wildlife and the peaceful atmosphere make it easy to forget that you’re just minutes away from the suburbs. Whether you’re in the mood for a leisurely jog or an intense long-distance run, Busse Woods has something to offer.
Elk Grove Village Bike Path – The Suburban Classic
For a more local vibe, the Elk Grove Village Bike Path is a great option. This path connects various parks and neighborhoods throughout Elk Grove, giving you a great way to explore the town while getting in a solid workout. The path is smooth and well-marked, making it perfect for runners who want to stick to a structured route.
The bike path winds through some of Elk Grove’s nicest parks, including Fountain Square Park and Pirates' Cove Theme Park, offering plenty of scenic spots to break up your run. The route is relatively flat, making it ideal for runners of all skill levels. Plus, it’s accessible year-round, so you can keep up your running routine no matter the season.
Centennial Park – A Short but Sweet Loop
If you’re looking for a quick run or a spot to do intervals, Centennial Park is a solid choice. Located in the heart of Elk Grove, this park features a well-maintained loop that’s perfect for short, high-intensity workouts. The path is about half a mile long, making it great for speed training or a quick jog when you’re short on time.
What Centennial Park lacks in size, it makes up for in convenience and accessibility. The park is usually quiet, making it a peaceful place to run without distractions. The open fields and clean facilities are a bonus, and there’s plenty of parking if you’re driving in from another part of town. It’s the perfect spot for those days when you just need to get in, get out, and get your workout done.
Salt Creek Greenway Trail – A Scenic Escape
For those who love a scenic run, the Salt Creek Greenway Trail is a must-try. Stretching over 30 miles from Busse Woods all the way through several other forest preserves, this trail offers some of the best running terrain in the Chicagoland area. The trail winds through beautiful woodlands, alongside creeks, and even passes through some charming suburban neighborhoods.
The section near Elk Grove is particularly picturesque, with plenty of shade and a mix of paved and gravel paths to keep things interesting. It’s a great spot for longer runs when you want to immerse yourself in nature. The gentle inclines and varying trail surfaces make for a challenging but enjoyable workout. Plus, the sheer length of the trail means you can make your run as long or as short as you like.
Busse Woods – Model Airplane Field – A Hidden Gem
While Busse Woods as a whole is fantastic, the area around the Model Airplane Field deserves a special mention. This part of the preserve is a bit off the beaten path, making it a quieter option for runners looking to avoid the more crowded areas. The trails here are a mix of paved and dirt paths, offering a bit of variety in your run.
The loop around the Model Airplane Field is about two miles, and it’s a great spot for those days when you want to mix up your run with some soft surface trails. The open space and surrounding woods provide a calming environment, perfect for those days when you just need to clear your head and enjoy the solitude of a good run.
Pirates' Cove & Pavilion Fitness – Fun for the Whole Family
If you’re a parent looking to get in a workout while keeping the kids entertained, Pirates' Cove is a great option. While the kids enjoy the themed playground, you can take advantage of the nearby Pavilion Fitness Center’s running track. The track is indoors, making it a perfect spot for those winter runs when the weather outside is less than ideal.
Pavilion Fitness also offers a variety of other amenities, including cardio equipment and strength training options, so you can easily turn your run into a full workout session. It’s a convenient spot for busy parents who want to stay active while keeping an eye on the little ones.
Lace Up and Get Moving!
Elk Grove might be known for its suburban calm, but it’s also a fantastic place to hit the pavement and get your run on. Whether you’re exploring the serene paths of Busse Woods, sprinting around Centennial Park, or going the distance on the Salt Creek Greenway Trail, there’s a route here for every runner.
So, what are you waiting for? Lace up those running shoes, grab your earbuds, and hit these top spots in Elk Grove to start racking up those miles. Happy running, everyone!
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seogyan23 · 8 months
Embracing Oneness: A Journey through the Palatine 5k Run in 2024
In the heart of Palatine, Illinois, a vibrant community is gearing up for an event that goes beyond the physical act of running. The Oneness 5k Run, scheduled for Saturday, 8th June 2024, promises not just a race against time but an experience that unites participants in a celebration of fitness, camaraderie, and the spirit of oneness.
The Oneness 5k Run:
As the name suggests, the Oneness 5k Run transcends the ordinary. It's not merely a race; it's a collective journey towards a shared goal. The event emphasizes the idea of unity, bringing together individuals from all walks of life to run side by side through the scenic streets of Palatine. It's more than just a physical challenge; it's an opportunity to connect with the community and experience the joy of shared accomplishments.
5k Runs Near Me – Connecting Communities:
The concept of running has evolved beyond a solitary activity. With the rising popularity of 5k runs, individuals are now actively seeking events near them that not only promote physical well-being but also foster a sense of community. Palatine, with its picturesque landscapes and welcoming atmosphere, serves as the perfect backdrop for such endeavors.
The Palatine 5k Run is not just an event; it's a thread that weaves through the local community, connecting people with a common passion for fitness and an appreciation for the beauty of the surroundings.
5km Events – Beyond the Finish Line:
Participating in 5km events is not just about crossing the finish line; it's about the journey that leads to that moment. The Oneness 5k Run in Palatine aims to create an immersive experience for runners, with events and activities that go beyond the run itself. From warm-up sessions led by seasoned trainers to post-run celebrations, the event is designed to be a holistic experience for participants of all fitness levels.
MARATHON: More Than Just a Word:
The term "marathon" often conjures images of elite athletes pushing their limits. However, the spirit of a marathon lies not only in competition but in personal triumphs, community engagement, and pushing oneself to new heights. The Palatine 5k Run embodies the essence of a marathon by offering a platform for both seasoned runners and beginners to come together and celebrate the joy of running.
Running for Wellness:
Running is not just a physical activity; it's a journey towards holistic wellness. The Oneness 5k Run encourages participants to embrace a healthier lifestyle by incorporating running into their routine. The event promotes the physical benefits of running, such as improved cardiovascular health and increased endurance, while also emphasizing the positive impact on mental well-being.
Local 5k Run – Impacting Palatine:
A local 5k run has the power to make a significant impact on the community. Beyond the individual benefits for participants, such events contribute to the local economy, foster a sense of civic pride, and promote a culture of health and fitness. The Palatine 5k Run, rooted in the local community, showcases the spirit of togetherness and shared goals.
Race Excitement – Races Near You:
The anticipation of a race is a unique blend of excitement and nervous energy. The thrill of competing against others and challenging oneself creates an atmosphere of camaraderie. Palatine, with its welcoming community, offers not just races near you but an environment that embraces every participant, making them feel like they are part of something bigger.
Run for Me – A Personal Journey:
Running is a personal journey that transcends the physical realm. The Oneness 5k Run encourages individuals to run for themselves, acknowledging the personal growth and achievements that come with each step. Whether it's a beginner's first 5k or a seasoned runner aiming for a personal best, the event provides a platform for every participant to celebrate their unique journey.
2024: A Year of Possibilities:
The Oneness 5k Run in Palatine is not just an event; it's a moment in time. As we approach the year 2024, the event symbolizes a year of possibilities, growth, and unity. Participants are not just running towards a finish line; they are stepping into a year filled with opportunities for personal and collective achievements.
The Oneness 5k Run in Palatine, scheduled for Saturday, 8th June 2024, is more than just a race. It's an embodiment of the spirit of oneness, community, and personal growth. As individuals lace up their running shoes and hit the streets of Palatine, they are not just participating in a 5k run; they are becoming part of a movement that celebrates the joy of running and the unity it brings. The Palatine 5k Run is a testament to the belief that, together, we can achieve more, not just in running but in life.
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robertgeiger1 · 9 months
From Track to Tarmac - Evolution in the Running World - The Robert Geiger Coach Story
Robert Geiger Teacher
From Track to Tarmac -  Evolution in the Running World - The Robert Geiger Coach Story
 Robert Geiger's Transition from Student-Athlete to Renowned Coach
Among these stalwarts of coaching, Bob Geiger occupies a unique space. A mentor par excellence, his journey in the world of running has been about more than just training for the next race - it's a journey that encapsulates the essence of discipline, endurance, and the ceaseless pursuit of excellence. Robert Geiger Coach's dedication to the sport is unparalleled, and his ability to adapt and evolve with the changing dynamics of athletics sets him apart. His profound understanding of the sport has not only shaped the careers of many athletes, but also transformed them into coaches themselves, leaving an indelible impact on the running community. This is particularly evident in Illinois, where many former DePaul Cross Country and Track runners have transitioned into the coaching field, creating a unique fraternity that is tied together by a shared history and a deep respect for the sport.
The Foundation: Early Days on the Track
Every accomplished coach in the running world has a humble beginning, often rooted in their own experience as athletes. The track becomes their laboratory, where they experiment with training methodologies, learn the nuances of different events, and develop a keen eye for talent. These early days on the track laid the foundation for what will later become a coaching legacy.
In the realm of running, the track serves as a significant platform where coaching philosophies are meticulously crafted and perfected. Robert Geiger Coaches delve into the intricate world of competitive racing, tirelessly studying race strategies, analyzing biomechanics, and developing a profound understanding of the psychological aspects that influence an athlete's performance. The track, in this context, transcends its physicality as a racing surface, symbolizing a broader canvas where the art of coaching is practiced and refined. The picture that emerges from this canvas reflects the coach's unique philosophy, embodying their approach to discipline, endurance, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence.
Transitioning to the Road: Embracing the Tarmac
As coaches evolve, they often find themselves drawn to the challenges and dynamics of road running. The transition from the track to the tarmac requires a shift in perspective and a broader understanding of the sport. While the track demands precision and speed, the road introduces elements of endurance, strategy, and varied terrain.
Road running encompasses a spectrum of distances, from the brisk 5K to the grueling marathon. Coaches adapt their training methods to suit the demands of these longer races, focusing on building stamina, mental resilience, and strategic pacing. The tarmac becomes a testing ground for a coach's ability to tailor training plans to the unique needs of each athlete.
Switching from track to road racing is a significant shift that requires a coach to adapt and refine their techniques. The undulating hills of a half marathon present a starkly different challenge than the flat, fast stretches of a 10K, demanding a flexible and adaptable approach from the coach. Robert Geiger Coach, with his keen understanding of the sport, tailors his coaching strategies to meet the specific demands of each race distance. He fosters a versatile running community that thrives on the road just as much as it does on the track.
The Rise of Technology: A Coach's Arsenal Expands
In the modern era, coaching in the running world has been revolutionized by technology. Coaches who once relied on stopwatch and intuition now have access to a wealth of data, thanks to the advent of GPS watches, fitness trackers, and sophisticated training apps. The track and tarmac become arenas where science and sport converge.
Technology allows coaches to track athletes' performance metrics with precision, analyzing every stride, heart rate fluctuation, and recovery pattern. This data-driven approach enables coaches to fine-tune training plans, identify areas for improvement, and optimize the delicate balance between workload and recovery.
Robert Geiger Coach has been instrumental in leveraging the rise of virtual coaching platforms to extend the reach of coaching beyond geographical boundaries. Athletes and coaches can connect seamlessly, bridging gaps and creating a global community of runners. This interconnectedness within the running community introduces a new dimension to coaching, fostering collaboration and exchange of knowledge across continents.
Nurturing the Complete Athlete: Beyond Physical Training
Robert Geiger Coach, in his journey from the track to the tarmac, has always prioritized developing the complete athlete. Beyond physical training, he delves into the realms of sports psychology, nutrition, and injury prevention. For him, the tarmac becomes a holistic training ground where athletes not only run miles but also cultivate mental resilience and fuel their bodies for optimal performance.
Sports psychology becomes a crucial component of coaching as mentors guide athletes in overcoming mental barriers, handling race-day pressure, and maintaining focus during training. Nutrition plans are meticulously curated to support the unique energy requirements of each athlete, ensuring they are adequately fueled for both the track and the tarmac.
Injury prevention takes center stage as coaches implement cross-training routines, strength and conditioning exercises, and recovery strategies. The tarmac, once perceived solely as a surface for running, transforms into a space where athletes build the strength and durability necessary for a sustainable and enduring running career.
As the running community continues to grow and diversify, coaches find themselves at the forefront of this evolution. The track and tarmac become not just surfaces for running but arenas for mentorship, growth, and the pursuit of excellence. In the world of running, where every stride matters, coaches play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of athletes, guiding them from the starting line to the finish tape, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of the sport.
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Hydration and Nutrition Consideration for Runners
A passionate running enthusiast in Teaneck, Jennifer Heiner serves as a retail director for a New Jersey running company. Outside of the professional arena, Jennifer Heiner belongs to multiple running organizations including the New York Flyers. Welcoming runners of all skill levels and abilities, the New York Flyers regularly sponsors programs and initiatives to help members in areas that range from marathon training to coached speed work. The organization has recently provided two different virtual training programs through its Run SMART Project. Despite its name, the 2020 Summer/Fall Marathon Training Program provided virtual training for general fitness needs and 5k or 10k speed improvement as well as half-marathon or full marathon completion.
The program culminated in an optional virtual half-marathon or full marathon on October 31st. The New York Flyers Run SMART Project also recently offered its 2021 Winter Training Program on a virtual basis. Both of these programs feature a 16-week training plan and ongoing coaching support that includes weekly phone calls and monthly video conference workshops.
Believe it or not, we as runners can experience a noticeable decline in performance with as little as 2% fluid loss. When fluid loss exceeds 2%, performance rapidly deteriorates, and the rate of fluid absorption from the intestines decreases even further once you reach 4% fluid loss, making it nearly impossible to counteract while you’re running.
Nutrition and running experts alike recommend the following to ensure you’re staying hydrated throughout your run, and throughout your day!
Start your hydration BEFORE you run. Make sure you are drinking an adequate amount during the day based upon your body weight and activity level.
Carry water with you when you run, especially if your route doesn’t have adequate water stops. Many supplements or additives are also available, which can add some much-needed electrolytes to your hydration routine.
Plan on running when the effect of dehydration will be at its lowest — either earlier in the morning or later in the evening when the sun isn’t at its strongest or hottest. Just remember to be safe if you are going out in the dark.
Also keep in mind that what works for one runner won’t necessarily work for another — practice your hydration routine now, well in advance of race day, so that you get yourself to the start line and through the race in the best shape possible.
There are also many nutrition related considerations to make as an athlete. One recent trend regarding intermittent fasting can have potential affects on training - if you aren't properly fueling your body, you may not be training at the proper level in order to perform your best on race day.
Experts debate whether early or late time-restricted eating confers more benefits (healio.com)
Experts debate whether early or late time-restricted eating confers more benefits
Key takeaways:
Early time-restricted eating may offer more cardiometabolic benefits than late time-restricted eating.
Adherence to late time-restricted eating may be better due to cultural norms.
SAN DIEGO — Early time-restricted eating may confer more cardiometabolic benefits for adults than late time-restricted eating, but a later eating window may result in better adherence, according to two speakers.
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“The circadian system produces daily rhythms in our metabolism ... including insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, the thermic effect of food, repetitive hormones, appetite [and] adipose tissue gene expression,” Peterson said during the debate.
Kelsey Gabel, PhD, RD, assistant professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois Chicago, said she agreed with Peterson that early time-restricted eating may offer better cardiometabolic benefits than late time-restricted eating. However, she said some studies have shown the timing of time-restricted eating is not associated with differences in cardiometabolic metrics. Additionally, she said a later eating window may lead to better time-restricted eating adherence, which is a big challenge for adults trying to achieve weight loss.
“Individuals should place the eating window where it best fits [for them] so that they achieve calorie restriction,” Gabel said.
Early time-restricted eating linked to better cardiometabolic benefits
Research showing the benefits of eating early dates back decades, according to Peterson. A study conducted shortly after the development of the oral glucose tolerance test showed glucose tolerance was better in the morning than at later times in the day.
Peterson said findings were similar in a study conducted at her lab and published in the Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications in 2014. The study analyzed 3-hour OGTTs that were conducted at either 7 a.m. or 7 p.m. for adults with prediabetes.
“What we found is that glucose tolerance was worse in the evening than it is in the morning,” Peterson said. “We also looked at insulin levels, and we found delayed release or secretion of insulin levels when we eat in the evening. And we were able to trace this back to insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function. Insulin sensitivity tends to be lower in the evening as well as beta-cell responsiveness.”
Peterson reviewed clinical research on studies that changed calorie distribution to earlier in the day as well as ones that changed meal times to earlier in the day. In a randomized controlled trial published in Obesity in 2013, 93 women with overweight were randomly assigned to eat a large breakfast and small dinner or a small breakfast and large dinner. In the study, the large breakfast group lost more weight and reported less hunger than the small breakfast group.
A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in 2022 examined the effects of early time-restricted eating among adults with obesity. The intervention group had an eating window between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. compared with a control group with normal eating window of 12 hours or more. The early time-restricted eating group lost more weight than the control group.
An analysis of seven studies showed that early time-restricted eating may produce more cardiometabolic benefits than midday or late time-restricted eating. Peterson said there are a few mechanisms that may explain those findings. In a study published in Cell Metabolism in 2022, researchers found eating later is associated with higher subjective hunger and ghrelin-to-leptin ratio compared with eating earlier. Eating later in the day was also associated with decreased energy expenditure and increased fat storage gene expression.
Despite some evidence revealing the benefits of early time-restricted eating, more studies need to analyze whether eating early could result in more weight loss, according to Peterson. She said larger and longer-term studies are also needed on early time-restricted eating.
“Early time-restricted eating appears to improve both glycemic control and blood pressure more than practicing time-restricted eating by eating in the middle of the day, again suggesting that eating early in the day has benefits,” Peterson said. “I will acknowledge the data are a little bit mixed right now on whether it’s superior for weight loss.”
Adherence may be better with late time-restricted eating
Gabel said some studies have shown benefits for time-restricted eating, but others point to no difference in cardiometabolic outcomes between early and late time-restricted eating.
Gabel questioned whether eating breakfast makes a difference in weight-loss outcomes. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2014, adults who wanted to lose weight were randomly assigned to skip breakfast, to eat breakfast or to a control group with no requirement to eat or skip breakfast.
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Kelsey Gabel
“This data suggests that weight loss is the same, regardless of the timing of the first meal intake,” Gabel said. “And the individuals do not eat more just by skipping that breakfast meal.”
Similar findings were observed in studies examining late time-restricted eating. Focusing on studies that permitted ad libitum eating in free-living conditions, Gabel said an analysis of nine studies showed that late time-restricted eating or time-restricted eating with a self-selected window results in a 1% to 5% weight loss for participants. Additionally, Gabel said time-restricted eating is associated with reductions in BP and improvement in glucoregulatory factors, regardless of timing, though she cautioned there are limitations with many of the studies and that larger and longer-term studies are needed.
Four studies comparing early time-restricted eating and late-time restricted eating were examined. Across the trials, there were no differences in weight loss and cardiometabolic risk factors. One of the studies, published in Current Developments in Nutrition in 2020, found adherence was higher among adults performing late time-restricted eating vs. early time-restricted eating.
Beyond cardiometabolic benefits, Gabel said, late-time restricted eating aligns better with the cultural norm of families and friends joining together for evening dinners. She cited four studies that revealed the biggest barriers to time-restricted eating are social commitments, work schedules, family lifestyle and occasions of holidays, vacations and cultural significance.
“In order to make the greatest impact, we really need to meet people where they are at,” Gabel said during the debate. “Based on the current data, late time-restricted eating results in similar benefits in its truest form. It supports social norms in the U.S., and it still results in cardiometabolic benefits. We have decades of evidence that calorie restriction works, but the hard part for weight loss and weight maintenance is consistency and adherence. You need both and late time-restricted eating offers that.”
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