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Cold-Hearted (m.) |pt. 1
;pairing — jungkook x reader
;warnings — smut | some namecalling | angst? (not really, though..just an angry jungkook)
;summary — why is it that whenever you’re around Jeon Jungkook, you’re a hot mess? And when you’re a hot mess, his heart turns cold as stone. When a drunken night forces you to spend a dark morning at the BTS frat house, Jungkook develops an avid hate for you which can only lead to worse things
;word count — 7,757
part two |
“Water,” you managed to let out in a raspy voice.You felt around in your bed, looking for your phone to light up the darkness in the room. You sat up and read the time in white; 3:44AM. You sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, grateful you had somehow managed to get the contacts out before collapsing on your bed out of exhaustion the night before. You could feel the familiar ache in your head of being hungover and knew you were already going to dread the day ahead of you.
You desperately desired another few hours of sleep before you would have to head out to your Physics lecture at noon. You clambered out of the bed and into the nearest room you assumed to be the bathroom connected to your dorm. It was a bathroom, indeed, but not yours. You scratched your head, curious. Had you accidentally stumbled into your roommate’s room? You blinked in confusion. Turning the faucet, you dipped your head to drink water, less than satisfied. You remembered Jiyeon saying she would be staying out. You sighed; you’d have to clean up your mess before she came back. Moving slowly, you approached the bed and began to make it neatly. With a sigh, you left the bedroom, hands against the walls in order to be careful to not bump into objects in the dark.
You stopped suddenly. You could hear violent sounds all of a sudden, almost as if someone was shooting. Straining your eyes, you could see a small glimmer of light filling the room around what looked like a corner. Had that always been there? You thought about walking towards the light before weighing your options. If it was a robber, you would need self-defense. You made your way back to Jiyeon’s room and found the hockey stick in the corner of the room, a keepsake from her boyfriend’s final hockey game last year.With one last deep breath, you gingerly tip-toed towards the lit room, sudden flashes of red light appearing every other moment.
In one dramatic movement, you kicked the door open with a “Hi-Ya!” and aimed the hockey stick at the perpetrator. He jumped in his seat in front of the TV screen and yelled out in shock, and when you caught a glimpse of his face, you cursed to yourself.
“What the hell?” The dude stood and moved his headset from his face, the room hued in red as the screen declared Game Over for his character. “What the actual hell,” he asked again, a look of disbelief etched in his expression.
“What are you doing in here?”
“What do you mean what am I doing in here, I live here.” You moved forward, squinting your eyes to see who was in your presence. He stepped back at your first move to advance, but you were soon able to see who it was, and he was not one bit happy. Jungkook angrily clenched his jaw and ran a hand through his hair, causing you to suddenly feel so out of place by the way he stared at you. You leaned back and shifted on your feet, bouncing out of nervousness.
“This isn’t my dorm,” you finally ask meekly.
“Does this look like your dorm?” Jungkook rolled his eyes. “This is the frat house.”
“Seriously?” You forced an awkward laugh out of your throat. “And by any chance...can you tell me how I got here?”
“You don’t remember?” You shook your head and Jungkook scoffed. “Are you fucking serious,” he suddenly exclaimed, throwing his headset on the floor.
“Ya! Why are you making so much noise! I’m trying to sleep!” You turned to see none other than Min Yoongi in the doorway, an expression of ‘you’re going to die’ on his face. If you hadn’t realized where you were, your probably wouldn’t have guessed it was the sleeping devil at all, but alas, his eyes found yours and his expression hardened. “Jungkook…” Min Yoongi’s eyes left yours and found Jungkook’s, and before you knew it, the older man had grabbed Jungkook in a chokehold despite his smaller stature. Jungkook, in desperation, clung to Yoongi’s arms, yelling every swear he could think of.
“Didn’t I say if you bring around another one of your little girlfriends, I’m going to kick you out? Daring little bastard, aren’t you?”
“Excuse me,” you mumbled softly, but when neither men looked at you, you raised your voice. Yoongi loosened his hold on his hoobae and Jungkook straightened, rubbing a hand against his neck.
You closed your eyes as you felt your head ache even more, “I am not one of his girlfriends, nor will I ever be. I, myself, am curious as to why I am here. I was just leaving...so, if it’s okay, I’ll get out of your hair, now.”
You gave the two harsh glares, eager to get to your own dorm, and turned ready to make a run for it. Of course, it wasn’t that easy—was it ever?
“So you’re just going to leave in my clothes? Without shoes?” You noticed Jungkook’s broad back as he picked up a pair of heels in the corridor before you. He had a smug smirk playing on his lips, but his eyes held no emotion. You looked at your appearance to find yourself in a large white tee shirt which you had simply assumed to one of the tees you usually slept in, a product of stealing from your brother’s wardrobe. Embarrassed, you grab at the heels, only for Jungkook to raise them above his head out of your reach.
“Jungkook, stop playing around.” Jungkook snorted and handed the red pumps to you, his eyes narrowing.
You bowed in Yoongi’s general direction, mumbling, “I’ll bring your clothes as soon as possible,” and booked it.
Today just seemed like it would not go your way. At all. When you had finally gotten back to your dorm, angering every other person living in nearby dorms from confusing the room numbers, you had gone straight to bed with the idea of going to lecture taunting you. If only it was that easy. When you stumbled out of bed, the sun had fully risen, and you realized something was off. Your alarm was supposed to wake you up.
You couldn’t find your phone anywhere in your vicinity, and you sat on your mussed bed, thinking back...Jungkook’s room. If that was Jungkook’s room, anyway. You had checked the time when you first woke up and left it on the nightstand when you’d made it up.
“Damn,” you cursed yourself. You walked into your own kitchen to check the time, hoping you hadn’t missed the Physics lecture entirely because going to all classes and doing everything you could to understand wasn’t even enough. In pale green font, the stove read 11:34AM. You had approximately twenty minutes to get ready and get to class...across campus. In a huff, you rushed to your room and shed the clothes you’d been lent early that morning. You grabbed a pair of leggings and a large grey sweater that once belonged to your older brother, and slipped on the first pair of shoes you could pull out of your closet. You didn’t move to look for your keys, knowing Jiyeon would be home by the time your class ended, so you grabbed your bag and glasses off your nightstand and booked it to class.
You were late, but you made it to class in record time. However, when you cracked the door open to peer inside the lecture hall, the seats inside were empty. You opened the door wider, as if that would trick your mind into seeing students listening to the professor drone on. To no avail, no single student showed up in their seats. You sighed, pulling off your glasses and rubbing your eyes. The professor must have cancelled lecture or something…
“Hi, excuse me, professor…” You turned to see your Physics professor stopped by some students in your class. You put on your glasses and listened in. “Do you think it would be okay to do a larger scaled project if we team up with another pair?”
“That should be fine,” the professor answered. “However, I must see a draft and it must get approved, otherwise you cannot expect a good grade.”
“Of course!” The two pairs of fellow students bid your professor goodbye and you took it as your chance, moving towards them.
“I’m sorry, did I miss something?”
“Are you in our Physics class?” You nodded your head. “You just missed the small lecture… We were at the back of the building outside and he was giving us an example of the effects of different materials on rebounds.” You groaned, hoping it wouldn’t be too hard of a concept. “Oh! And he assigned a project from the last lecture topic. It’s due next week.”
“He already sent out the list with the notice to meet outside, so when you finally check your phone,” the student’s partner gave you a small pointed stare, “You’ll find out who your partner is. Is that all?”
“Yeah. Thanks so much,” you mumbled, suddenly even more drained than before. The small group gave you a final glance before leaving you to your vices. You leaned against the nearest wall and sighed; you had to go back to that damned frat house and get your stuff. Now was as great a time as any, and you figured your day couldn’t get any worse. Of course, that was where you were wrong.
You travelled to the place where you liked to believe your bad luck gained a beginning and knocked lightly after ringing the doorbell once. You were surprised to see who had opened the door.
“Can I help you?”
Kim Taehyung was known for being one of the handsomest guys in sophomore year. He started college after taking a gap year but already had a bunch of connections, including runner-up for the handsomest guys on campus, Park Jimin. It became apparent that Taehyung had just taken a shower, his dyed red hair a wet mess, causing small streams of red to flow down his neck and forehead.
“I’m looking for Jungkook,” you finally say after a silent moment of taking in the sight of the handsome man.
“Oh,” Taehyung’s lips curved into a huge smile and he began to chuckle.
“What?” You wondered if he was laughing at your large glasses sitting on the bridge of your nose, or maybe you’d gotten something on your face. Anyhow, you didn’t want to be an object of Taehyung’s amusement and entertainment.
“Nothing, nothing.” Taehyung opened the door wider for you to come inside. “Follow me.” For the first time, as you followed behind the taller guy, you noticed how different the house was from the dorms you took residence in. Sure, some of the rooms were formatted similarly, but the residency hall you lived in was ultimately different.
Woof! Woof!
You looked down to see a small dog pawing at your legs. Awed by its cuteness, you paused and kneeled to pet him… or her.
“That’s Mickey, Hobi’s dog.” Hobi sounded familiar. “Cute, right?” Taehyung suddenly swooped in and picked up the small dog in his arms, allowing him to lick his cheek. “Come on, Jungkook’s in the bathroom right now, but I’m pretty sure you can wait in his room.”
“What?” Taehyung continued to walk down the hallways, turning a corner once until he stopped in front of the white bedroom door. Taehyung jerked his head in the direction of the closed door, as if saying to just get in there.
“You came here to see him, right? Don’t worry, I’m going to leave soon, anyway, so be as loud as your heart desires.” Taehyung stared at you as if you were the one who was crazy, but soon enough his expression morphed into a smug one. “Or maybe you want me to hear you… Or join you. I’m okay with either; can’t say the same about Jungkook for the latter.” Taehyung started to chuckle to himself and went back the way he had come, but before he could get too far, you grasped a fistful of his hoodie.
“Hmm?” His smile grew larger as he hummed, barely sparing you a backwards glance.
“What do you think I’m here for? You don’t even know me.”
“Yeah, I don’t know you. But I do know that you are a girl and you came looking for Jungkook. That’s that, and you’ve obviously got some business coming to see the guy.”
“I’m not fucking him.”
“You’re not?” That knocked the smug expression off his face. You shook your head. “Then why are you here?”’
“Trust me, I’d rather be anywhere but here,” you sighed. “Don’t leave me alone with him, please. Yoongi saved me last time, and I’d rather not have him harass me.”
“Who harassed who?”
Jungkook chose the most amazing moment to pop out of his bedroom at any given time, catching both you and Taehyung’s attention. All Jungkook had on was a towel wrapped around his waist, his dark hair dripping with water
“Put some clothes on,” you managed to hiss, glaring at him.
“I have never harassed a girl in my life, hyung. She was the one who trespassed, but out of the goodness of my heart, I took her in and slept in the game room until she starting assaulting me.”
“The hockey stick didn’t even touch you.”
“Tell that to the bruise on my back,” Jungkook yelled, turning around. You could see a faint outline of the end of the stick you had used, but you had never had the intention of actually harming him.
“I...I didn’t trespass,” you mumbled lamely.
“You were out in the backyard, drunkenly petting Mickey at 2 in the morning. And when I asked you what the hell you were doing, you slurred something about dogs being great and underappreciated, so when I tried to get you to leave, you puked all over my feet. I thought about leaving you there outside, but because I am oh-so nice, I cleaned you up and gave you clothes to change in before you went ahead and passed out on my bed. That was why you were here last night, and I don’t even know the first thing about you.”
“How did you get into our backyard,” Taehyung questioned. Of course, out of the whole story, that was what he got out of it.
“The real question is, what the fuck are you doing in a stranger’s backyard in the middle of the night?”
“I do not have a good reason for that except that I was drunk,” was your frank answer. “I’m sorry. Okay, gosh, now can I get my stuff? I’ve had a horrible morning, and I think I have concluded that I will never drink again.”
“That’s what everyone says when they have a bad hangover, but they never keep that promise, you know. But whatever.” Jungkook disappeared into his room, slamming the door behind him.
“So you’re not screwing Jeon?”
“Are you serious, right now?!” You threw your hands in the air, exasperated.
“Whenever you’re feeling kinda hot and heavy, you know where to find me,” Taehyung winked before stalking off with Mickey the dog gathered in his arms.
You don’t know how much longer passed, but it felt like forever. With sigh, you gave up on patience and rapped your fist against the door.
“Come in!” You slowly turned the knob, only to find Jungkook barely putting on pants. He turned towards you slightly before clicking his teeth, “It’s you again.”
“What do you mean ‘it’s you again’,” you attempted to mimic his deep voice. “I want my stuff back.”
“I said whatever, as in, it’s not my problem. But since you’re here, look for it and get out out of my sight. You’ve been a headache enough, haven’t you?” Jungkook picked up the towel he’d previously had wrapped around his waist and began to rub the wetness away from his hair, moving to sit on his bed. You huffed. Might as well do as he said, that way, you’d never have to concern yourself with the guy again.
Still, you couldn’t help but wonder why he was so harsh with you. You’d known of him, and from what you’d hear, Jungkook was a generally nice guy. Kind of a sleaze, but you’d never heard of him having such a sour personality.
You found your cell phone first. It was laid on his nightstand next to his own phone, and you immediately picked it up to check if there were any messages you missed, but alas, the battery was dead. Just your luck. You sighed and looked around the bedroom floor for the dress you’d worn out last night.
“Is my dress still here?”
“I threw it away,” Jungkook shrugged nonchalantly.
“You what?!”
“You puked all over it and my shoes, so I threw them away.”
“That dress was a gift,” you began to whine. Not to mention, almost two hundred dollars. You had begged Jiyeon not to buy it for you, but she still did, claiming it was a mark of your friendship when you’d been declared roommates the previous year. It was amazing how loose she was with her money, but you didn’t want her to spend it all on you.
“Not my problem. Is that it? Do you have my clothes?”
“Ah...no…” You hung your head.
“You can throw them away, too, I guess.” Jungkook stood and crossed the room to the door, holding it open. “If you would… oh and don’t forget this.” Jungkook reached behind the door to reveal your purse hanging on the handle and he tossed it at you. You caught it less than gracefully.
“Fuck you, too, then,” you muttered, throwing up your middle finger as you exited.
For the first time, Jungkook gave you a smile, all teeth. But it was dripping in sarcasm. “Pleasure.”
When you found your way to the front door, it opened before you could even approach it. “Yeah, like I was telling you, if we buy little individual heaters, the electricity bill will be a little higher, but our AC bills will be hella cheaper.”
“But we have to buy heaters; how much do those cost?”
“We really just need to buy three, though. Jungkook can buy his own or suffer; he just forks money out anyway.”
“This seems like we’re taking advantage of him, though, hyung.”
“Jinnie?” Your jaw slackened as you heard your older brother talk about scamming the bastard you’d just had the discourtesy of meeting.
“Oh,” Jin’s smile widened as his eyes laid on you, ending his conversation with his friend. “Y/N, what are you doing here? Finally decided to come visit me?”
“As if. I thought you had an apartment.”
“Better deal here. Joon asked me if I wanted to move in since it was my last year and they had space.” Somehow, that seemed suspicious. You wondered if your parents knew. After all, you had no clue.
“This is a frat house, though? Don’t you, you know, have to be in the fraternity?”
“I was initiated,” Jin started to laugh his windshield wiper house, and you couldn’t help but feel your anger start to evaporate a little. “So what are you doing here?”
“I was running an errand,” you answered, hiking your bag higher on your shoulder. “I have to go, though; I need to meet with my partner for my physics project.”
“Good luck, little sister,” was Jin’s bidding words, and you took a leisurely stroll back to your dorm.
When you did get back to your dorm, you weren’t surprised to find Jiyeon already passed out on the little sofa you two had purchased for the rather tiny living room connecting your living space. Jiyeon lightly snored, and upon further inspection, you realized she wasn’t alone. Glued to her side was none other than her infamous boyfriend, dancer and athlete Jung Hoseok. You rolled your eyes; of course, Jiyeon wouldn’t return home alone. At least they had the decency to keep their clothes on.
You went into your room and plugged your phone into charge, opting to go ahead and check what exactly you had missed in your professor’s emails on your laptop. The bootup was slow as ever, and when you were finally able to access your emails, you realized your bad day wasn’t over. You had scrolled through the list until you found your name in the midst of all the other Kims and Kangs, and when you saw who your pair was, you wanted to throw the device far away from you and call your parents to tell them you were finding a one-way ticket back home. Your physics project partner was none other than the coconut ass hat Jeon Jungkook.
You took your pillow and pressed your face into his, inhaling a deep breath and screamed.
You didn’t know how Jungkook got your number, but you assumed it probably had something to do with your older brother. You thought about how you would punish the older guy when you next saw him. As if seeing him twice already yesterday didn’t earn her an arrest for murder, you were certain that as soon as you met eyes today, you’d end up on the news for something crazy...like murder.
Jungkook, with no knowledge of where your residency hall was, asked you to meet him at the campus cafe, to which you could either continue to work on the project in the public eye, or just go to your own dorm. Either option was fine, but when you’d just begun to ask why you couldn’t go to the frat house, he didn’t reply.
By the time it was just ten minutes before you were supposed to meet the cold-hearted fucker, you had just begun to gather your materials and head out. But is it ever that easy?
“Hey, Y/N.” Jiyeon greeted you warmly. “Where are you going?”
“Cafe,” you grumbled, completely unimpressed with today’s agenda.
“Oh; I’ll come with. I’ve been craving a latte.”
“You can come, but I’m probably gonna be there for a while. I’m working on a project with some ass hat.”
“Oh, really,” surprise was etched on your friend’s expression. “Who is the asshole?”
“Fucking Jeon Jung-goddamn-kook.” You grabbed a beanie, pushing it onto your head. “Bastard, right,” you aimed for approval once you noticed the shock in Jiyeon’s expression.
“Jeon Jungkook?! As in third hottest guy in our grade who looks like he can bench press all the BTS members? At one time.”
“That muscle-pig can’t do shit,” you snorted. You made a move to make your exit, but Jiyeon stopped you in the doorway.
“There is no way I’m going to let you meet him like that.”
And so the moment came where Jiyeon forced you into changing with blackmailed pictures of you doing unforgivable things. She straightened your hair and forced you into super glittery gold eyeshadow, and despite the winter closing in on the university, you were dressed in a thin long-sleeved shirt and a skirt. A SKIRT! Thankfully, you had some thigh length boots to recuperate for even just a little bit of the skin that was revealed.
“Now go catch that hot piece of ass,” was Jiyeon’s parting cheer. You checked the time; you were almost a half hour late. If only you hadn’t let her take those damned pictures and videos of you when you’d gotten drunk at the spring break party last year. You groaned just thinking back on how you nearly flashed everyone.
When you arrived at the cafe, you were shocked to see Jungkook waiting outside. He didn’t seem to be losing any patience, so you crept on him quietly and peered over his shoulder to see him playing a mobile game on his phone. Feeling your presence, Jungkook craned his neck and saw you, immediately stepping back. He paused the game on his phone and looked at his wristwatch.
“You’re late.”
“Sorry… I kinda got held up with my roommate.”
“Sure,” Jungkook’s eyes gave you a once-over before he spoke again. “The cafe is full, so we’re going to have to go to your place.”
“Why my place?”
“Yoongi’s sleeping. And we probably won’t finish this without much screaming,” you nodded your head in agreement. This was probably the most civil Jungkook had ever been to you since you ended up in his room yesterday morning.
“The library?”
“They’ll probably kick us out.”
“I think we’re pretty civil, though. At least right now; I would just rather not have you know where I live.”
“As if I would stalk you,” Jungkook snorted.
“But you could send an assassin to my house when I’m sleeping.”
“If I wanted you killed, you’d probably already be dead. But fine, you wanna go to the library? “Let’s go.” Jungkook pocketed his phone and began to lead the way to the other side of campus where the large library was located. It was a decent distance away from where you stood, and you were walking--well, stomping--in deafening silence besides your footsteps.
“Jungkook!” You nearly bumped into Jungkook when he suddenly stopped, and you stepped back to see who had intervened. You just barely recognized her—Noh Nara. She always had a thing for being found in some guy’s bed, not that it was uncommon. A lot of people slept around, but just, more people were quiet about it. “What are you doing?”
For the first time, you saw Jungkook smile. It was the side you never got to see when he was around you, his expression usually fixed into a scowl.
“I’m going to do a project.” Nara’s hand went around Jungkook’s bicep and she squeezed lightly. In return, Jungkook leaned his ear down towards her lips and she whispered something to him. Jungkook nodded.
“Call me later,” and then Nara was gone, just as quick as she had come. Jungkook barely spared you a glance, as if to check if you were still there, before continuing into the library. He found a small booth near the window and slid in, opening his laptop. It was then that you realized you had forgotten yours, but you didn’t want to say anything, so you started to pull out your notes and some paper. After all, you still needed to come up with the topic and details.
“Write down all the velocity equations and displacement equations; I think we should try finding how long it takes for larger objects to peak in different environments.”
“So if different environment affect peak in velocity?”
“That’s what I said.”
“Asshole,” you murmured.
“Heard that.”
“You were supposed to, coconut ass hat.” You were able to write down a few equations before you reached a wall in your mind. What was the one that involved time? Were you supposed to include Kinetic change? Potential energy? You glanced at Jungkook, his eyebrows furrowed together and his lips slightly parted in focus. You’d be a fool to admit that it wasn’t at least a little bit attractive. It was such a shame when he let words come out of his mouth, though.
You lowered your head, chastising yourself for even beginning to look at him that way, but couldn’t help but steal another glance from under your eyelashes. When it seemed Jungkook made a mistake, he clenched his jaw before returning to the previous expression. Now, that, you mused, was sexy.
You don’t know how long you watch him for, but it couldn’t have been long before he realized you weren’t working.
“Get back to work,” he stated firmly.
“How many formulas should I have?”
“Like six.” You groaned; you had only two before you started to scribble about different environments you could possibly use. “What? Stuck already?”
“I’m not good at physics.”
“Sucks.” Jungkook didn’t look at you, again. You stood, feeling that maybe some walking around would get the gears in your mind turning again. “Where are you going?”
You walked towards the little shop stationed near the library’s entrance and waited in line. When it came for your turn, you ordered a muffin and hot chocolate. You gave your name to the clerk and she told you to wait near the pickup and you heard the beginning of the next order.
“Dark roast coffee.” You crinkled your nose in disgust, thinking of how bitter. “Jungkook.” You looked up. Of course the bastard would follow you. You heard your name and quickly grabbed the small bag holding your muffin and the cup of hot chocolate rushing to the table. When Jungkook returned, he sat down silently and typed vigorously. Silence passed between you two, and you tried to dissipate the slight bit of tension with eating your muffin.
You were able to recall another formula and began to scribble it out, but your thoughts consume you. Why were you doing the bare minimum? This was baby work, and although you knew it was kind of a struggle, you couldn’t help but feel that you were being treated less than. You were starting to realize Jungkook had a clear grasp on the class, and he knew what he was doing and how he was going to reach the end goal, but it just infuriated you more. You angrily reached for your muffin again, but Jungkook was already reaching for it, too.
“What the fuck,” you hissed. Jungkook’s eyes widened in shock.
“Sorry; I thought you didn’t want it anymore.”
“You should have asked,” you stood, anger rising. You knew it was irrational, but it didn’t get you to calm down in the slightest. In the midst of standing, the table jostled, and his cup spilled. The liquid poured into Jungkook’s lap and he stood, too, cursing.
You’d gained the attention of the whole first floor in the library.
Some of the swears Jungkook yelled were directed towards you, and you felt a twinge of guilt. “Fucking hell, chill out. It’s just food, I’ll buy you another one.” Jungkook grabbed at the napkins you’d obtained with your muffin and dabbed at his pants, his face red with fury.
“I’m sorry, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” You turned to see a dude standing before you, round glasses framing his eyes. “You’re becoming a nuisance to other serious students, so we’ll have to ask you to return when you’re more behaved. If you don’t leave within the next few minutes, I’ll personally escort you out.”
“Sorry,” you muttered, gathering your things. You hightailed it outside of the library and waited for a second. Jungkook was right behind you. “Sorry,” you said again, this time to him, but he didn’t say anything. You assumed that this was where it ended, but Jungkook followed close behind you. “Isn’t BTS house...in the other direction?”
“The longer I have to spend with you, the more miserable I’ll be. We’re going to calculate some data, and then we can work on the project separately. We have a week, Y/N.”
“Fine,” you huffed. You led the way to your dorm, all along the way catching curious glances because of the wet stain on Jungkook’s pants. You wondered what people thought happened to him, but when you stole a glance at Jungkook, he didn’t seem to care.
“I want you out of here ASAP,” you said firmly, opening the door to let him in. He nodded once before setting up on the table in the center of the room, and you kicked off your shoes at the door before following suit. Before taking your seat, you called out to your roommate, hoping she hadn’t just left. Of course, the odds weren’t in your favor. You sighed sadly and took the seat, beginning to work.
A few hours had passed and you were glad you were able to work without much issues—every once in a while, you’d ask Jungkook a question, and he’d answer, but not without calling you some kind of crude name. You didn’t have it in you to stop him, though, since you figured it would just cause the day to drag on longer. You were near done with gathering the data and research you needed before you could run the experiment on your own, but you had gotten stuck on a subject.
“Hey, how do you know we can use this formula? And if we do, would we have to use that as well?”
“You’re so fucking slow, how many times do I have to say it?” Jungkook groaned, running his hands down his face. He explained the concept one last time before focusing back on his computer. You breathed out a sigh, just a little bit angry, but finished up. When you were done, you looked at Jungkook, wondering when he, too, would finish. The same concentrated expression he had on his face at the library made a second appearance, and you got wrapped in your thoughts once again. You searched his face. Why was he so mean to you? The longer you stared at his face, the more you came to notice small things. He had a freckle under his lip and what looked like a scar on his cheek. He rolled his bottom lip between his lip suddenly, and the action, however so small, sent a shiver down your spine. You shook your head discreetly and looked away from him, tapping your pen against the table to distract yourself.
You did not want to fuck Jungkook. You didn’t even want to be in the same space as him; hell, he was probably purposefully sucking in all the oxygen so you would shrivel up and die. Okay, maybe that was a bit far-fetched.
“Stop that,” Jungkook hissed.
“I’ll do whatever I want,” you muttered back, continuing to tap the writing utensil against the table. It was your home after all.
“Stop being a bitch; I thought you wanted me to leave.”
“I’m pretty sure you can solve a few equations with background noise,” you said smugly, tapping the pen against his hand a bit. His jaw clenched. “Aw, is little Jungkookie getting angry,” you enjoyed seeing him get just a little wound up.
“Stop.” His angry tone made you clench your legs together and you let out a breath.
“You’ve been calling me names all night, asshole. Why should I stop?” You stood up and patted him on top of his head, slightly curious as to what he would do.
“Why wouldn’t I call you something you are?”
“You’re kidding right? Hold on, you are kidding, aren’t you? Please help me to understand what in the seven hells I did for you to act this way to me.”
“So sorry, I wasn’t listening,” Jungkook said in a sarcastic tone. You closed your eyes and inhaled a deep breath.
“Well, I think we’ve reached the end of this conversation,” you patted his head once again, attempting to just get the last say in the matter, but Jungkook got hold of your wrist and stood, glaring at you.
“You didn’t honestly expect me to answer that, did you?”
“Yes, I did expect an answer, asshat. You’ve been nothing but rude to me since we met and you are way too hostile to be around me.”
“Get used to a disappointment,” he huffed, and he moved to sit back down and finish up, but you were getting angrier and angrier with each passing second. You shoved him from behind and he stumbled, turning to look at you. “Don’t touch me.” Jungkook’s glare was so cold, you thought the room would freeze. Still, that didn’t stop you from throwing more insults at him, and you went a step farther, pressing your index finger into his chest. When he didn’t stumble backwards, you used all the strength you could muster and pushed with your palms. Jungkook took a single step back, and you knew it wasn’t because you had pushed him, but because if he hadn’t absorbed the force you’d applied, you’d only fall back on the ground yourself.
However, the touch you administered set Jungkook off anyway, and instead of him, you were suddenly grabbed by the wrist and pressed against the wall. His body was so close you could feel the body heat rolling off him in waves.
“I said,” Jungkook started to press his body against you, and you suddenly felt very aware of an uninvited guest, “Don’t touch me.” You gulped nervously, attempting to register what was happening; then it happened. His lips found yours harshly, kissing you intensely. You gasped into his mouth, surprised. His tongue pushed into your mouth, roughly at first, dominating over you as if he was asserting his power. And though you knew you should push him away, your hand was planted on his chest, as if still debating whether to pull him closer or do the former option. Jungkook’s palm met with the bare skin of your thigh, and for the first time that day, you didn’t regret wearing it, welcoming the heat that came with it. He hiked your leg up, as if to wrap it around his waist, but he was too concerned with kissing you and touching you.
You made up your mind, hand trailing higher up to the collar of his shirt and pulling him flesh against you so you could feel every inch of his body. He breathed heavily and you relished in the sound.
Your hips rose to meet with his pelvis and he rolled his hips against you, fluidly but enough to coax a small moan from your lips. Just as suddenly as he had kissed you, Jungkook pulled away and looked down at you. You peered back at him, into his eyes, dark orbs that held anger and doubt in them.
“Jungkook,” you managed to say, your voice coming out barely louder than a whisper. Jungkook groaned at the sound and palmed your thigh again, squeezing once. His touch became scarce as he resorted to just his fingertips, edging towards your core. You hummed, anticipating the touch, but it never came.
“You make me so angry,” Jungkook ground out, your arms had found their way around his neck. He stopped suddenly, “We shouldn’t be doing this; we need to do the project.”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Jungkook stepped back, unclasping your arms from around him, but the anger in you rose. When Jungkook went to sit back at the table, you closed your eyes, gathering your own rationale. The fucker had just kissed you, and when things were starting to get good, he ended it? No wonder you hated him since you first met.
You took the seat beside him, a new resolve in mind. Your hand grasped his thick thigh, his muscles tensing beneath the fabric of his jeans. You squeezed his thigh, much like he had before, and leaned closer to him to view the computer screen.
“Back off,” Jungkook muttered, his hand coming down to shove your own away, but you weren’t going to let him off that east.
“I can’t see.”
“There’s your own computer right there; pull up the velocity data.” His eyes never met yours as he spoke, dismissing your need then and there. Jungkook stuffed his hand in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, sending out a quick text, and you took the opportunity to angrily slam the laptop shut. You were able to see the contact name on his cell: Nara.
“You coconut headass,” you hissed, moving to straddle his lap. Your fingers moved quick, but you didn’t seem to need the urgency. Jungkook sat there expressionless, eyes cold as ever. You unbuttoned his jeans and did it firmly. Your hands found his cock, already stiffened, and you were almost surprised by the girth. Nevertheless, it didn’t stop you from pumping it a few times. “What if I just got off here, all by myself, and left you to suffer? Sound good?” You managed to lean back and raise your body, pulling off your panties from under your skirt. You didn’t wait for Jungkook’s answer, didn’t even look at him, but you hoped his resolve to not touch you was weakening. You threw your underwear off in some corner, too focused on what appeared to be the prize. You scooted forward in Jungkook’s lap and grasped his hard dick in your hand before positioning it.
“Don’t do it.”
Jungkook’s voice was strained and you couldn’t help but smirk just a little bit. He wasn’t as strong as he wanted you to believe.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you teased yourself with the tip of his cock at your entrance, hissing at the pleasant feel. The sound mixed in with the lightest of groans from Jungkook, and you felt your chest swell with pride.
“Please, don’t do it,” Jungkook said again, his hands fidgeting at his sides. You began to press his cock into your folds, testing the waters, but before you could fully attempt to adjust, Jungkook’s hands grabbed hold of your hips firmly. “Y/N, stop. Seriously. I’m sorry.” You looked into his eyes—they were still cold, but they held no apology. You felt more and more angry, and you leaned forward, taking his head into the caress of your palm and kissed him angrily. Jungkook groaned into your mouth, his hands loosening, and you took the opportunity to slam yourself down on him. The largeness made you pause for a moment, and you broke the kiss, aiming to move so you could feel just a little bit more comfortable.
“Don’t, ah, that feels so good,” Jungkook groaned, unintentionally rolling his hips into you. You simply hummed in response, eyebrows twitching as you concentrated on making your own rhythm. You were set on pleasuring yourself. You rose and slammed back down on his cock, a slow, rhythmic pace. And with every pulse, you let out a breathy sigh, full but not yet completely satisfied.
Jungkook tried to take hold of your hips and guide you, but you slapped his hands away, guiding your own to hold onto his shoulders. Jungkook rolled his bottom lip between his teeth, apparently determined to stop you from hearing his groand, but you didn’t care. It was your moment. You felt your pussy throb, and you leaned your head down, connecting your lips with his neck. Jungkook hummed out a groan, and you felt his dick twitch within you. Your lips curved with a slight smile and you began to tongue at his neck, sucking on the skin every once in a while. Soon, you didn’t know if you were pleasuring yourself or him.
Your pace came to a stop, and before you knew it, Jungkook had gotten himself out of you and pushed the chair he’d sat in back. He turned you around quickly and pressed you into the counter. “You’re such a bitch, you know that,” came his raspy voice, and he pushed down on your head, your cheek coming in contact with the cold surface of the kitchen table. He thrust into you with one buck of his hips. He didn’t start off slow or build any type of pace, instead hammering into you from the get-go. You yelled out, enjoying the way he filled you and stretched you with his girth.
“Harder,” you moaned out, “Harder, Jungkook, harder.” You began to chant these words like a mantra, feeling your orgasm edge closer. Your hand wander down to finger your swollen clit, and you closed your eyes in a near state of euphoria. Sure enough, Jungkook hammered hard and harder into you, making your body slam into the table.
“I’m close,” you mumbled, moving to meet the slam of his thrusts.
“I can feel you clenching your tight pussy around my cock. You like it hard, huh?”
“God, yes, harder,” you groaned.
Without warning, you felt your orgasm engulf you, your eyes closing as they rolled in pleasure. You moaned, satisfied, relishing in the pleasure. You could barely hear Jungkook as he announce he was going to cum. And he did.
You felt him manage a few last desperate thrusts before he filled you up whole, ending the quick hard pace. You felt you warm liquid leak into you, and his body faltered. You felt him soften as he extracted himself, clearly spent.
A silent moment passed between you two, your body still leaned over the table, ass still on display for Jungkook. You couldn’t believe that happened.
“...Can I use your bathroom?” Jungkook was the first to speak, his voice deeper than usual.
“I...yeah, first door on your left.” When you heard the door close, you finally straightened, uncertain about what to do now. You felt sticky, and from the body-length mirror attached to the wall, you could see how fucked out you looked. Your straightened hair was a mess, the sweat causing the locks to wave, and your lips were swollen and bruised from Jungkook kissing you so hard. Your limbs were still shaking, having not been released entirely from the height of your orgasm. Your mind was hazy, confused. What did this mean? Was that just angry sex? Was it going to happen again? You walked into your own bathroom in the opposite direction and cleaned yourself up, eventually changing into more comfortable clothes. Had Jungkook left? Did he stay and just go back to work?
What was the whole thing even about? What did it mean? You angrily ran your hand through your hair before using a rubber band to tie it up into a bun. You knew that after that, you couldn’t just go to sleep. You were still too excited. Maybe if he had fucked you in your bed you’d be tempted to sleep and wouldn’t have to mull over the facts.
You peeked into the kitchen to see if Jungkook was still there. Sure enough, he sat at the table, but the laptop remained closed, and his cheek rested against the surface, his eyes closed. You almost wanted to admire how good-looking he was as he slept, but figured there were still so many questions, you’d rather not wake him. You grabbed an extra blanket and tossed it on him; out of the goodness of your heart.
A/N: I think is like the longest I’ve ever wrote, and I’m kinda proud of the results. I really enjoyed this, and angry Jungkook makes my heart shake. Throughout this, I saw lots of jungkook gifs and said “i hate jungkook” a lot. So yeah... jungkook.
#illejeon#jungkook#bts jungkook#jungkook scenarios#jungkook smut#jungkook x reader#bts scenarios#bts scenario#bts smut#bts scenes#peachyvhope#cold hearted#my precious ot7
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if anyone needs me i'll be living in this thread
#taejoon#220320#weverse#so grateful for twitter user illejeons always coming through 😭#favourites#just need this on my blog i usually don't tag this stuff but yeah
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I will never not reblog this
i can’t
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i’m hopelessly in love with him trans cr. MINSUGAHQ, illejeons, tteokminnie, BTStranslation_ on twt
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RM: “Carino*”
J: “Non mettere solo ‘mi piace’ ma lascia anche un commento Jwehope”
JH: @jin Ahahahahahahahahahah Jjwin...” (N/B: *Ha scritto la frase in modo carino)
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Emily ©Giuls) | Trans ©btsbaragi_jk ©illejeons
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Cold | pt.3 [merry christmas!]
;pairing — jungkook x reader
;warnings — smut | some namecalling | angst? (not really, though..just an angry jungkook)
;summary — why is it that whenever you’re around Jeon Jungkook, you’re a hot mess? And when you’re a hot mess, his heart turns cold as stone. When a drunken night forces you to spend a dark morning at the BTS frat house, Jungkook develops an avid hate for you which can only lead to worse things
;word count — 7,080 (+bc i like to add last second)
part one | part two |
Your mouth was dry. You desperately wanted water. Patting around the bed, you found Taehyung’s shoulder instead of your phone, and a little ding of a notification alerted you where your phone was. It was half past midnight.
You wrenched Taehyung’s arms away from your waist, realizing he was a cuddler, and crept out of the bed. After a few more rounds, you’d found yourself in bed with the guy, and now he was spending the night. Somewhere in between, you’d managed to get his help cleaning up and he’d even done you the pleasure of washing your back, despite how many times you tried to tell him he didn’t have to.
Taehyung suddenly grabbed at you, and shocked, you let out a little squeak, stirring him in his sleep. You slipped your pillow into his arms and Taehyung wistfully hugged it tightly. Your face drained of color, imagining the pillow exploding from the force. You shook your head and pulled a nightgown from your dresser and pulled it over your head.
You walked into the kitchen and pulled a bottle of water from the fridge. You leaned against the fridge and thirstily gulped the cold water down. You unlocked your phone and scrolled, finding Jungkook’s number in your past calls. You’d never saved his number, knowing you had no reason to do so in the first place. But you knew it was his number.
You rolled your eyes and placed your phone on the kitchen counter, opening the fridge to get another bottle of water.
It was faint, but audible. And it scared you shitless.
You grabbed the water bottle and looked at your phone.
“Hello?” Jungkook’s voice was heavy with sleep, and you hoped he was too sleepy to notice what had happened.
“Wrong number,” you helped, pressing the end button.
When Taehyung finally emerged from your bedroom, it was midday. You were thankful you hadn’t scheduled classes for the next few days, because that meant you could coupe yourself up at home. Taehyung, with his eyes half-closed and his body as bare at the day he’d been born, waved at you sleepily before passing you into the little room where he’d hanged his clothes to dry. You’d offered to take his clothes down to the lobby and wash them, but he insisted he’d rather hand wash them. You had suspicions it was to preserve the Gucci feel to them.
You closed your laptop halfway and set it on the coffee table, turning on the couch to face Taehyung. In the doorway, he pulled on his sweatpants, not even glancing at his boxers nor his sweatshirt.
“Are your boxers Gucci, too,” you joked. Taehyung’s tired eyes found yours and he smiled. “I’ll take that as a yes. Why aren’t you getting dressed properly?”
“It’s too early.” Taehyung’s voice was raspy, and you figured he was still sleepy. He walked towards you and plopped down in the couch beside you, leaning his head against your shoulder.
“What time do you normally get up?” You were surprised the whole interaction didn’t feel more awkward. It was almost normal, and you could only owe it to Taehyung’s weird personality.
“Sometime in the afternoon. I only wake up early for Psych.” Taehyung took your hand in his and began to play with your fingers. “Pretty,” he mumbled. “What were you doing?”
“Typing my essay for English. Trying to stay ahead of the curve.”
“Smart,” Taehyung responded. “When did you get up?”
“Earlier than usual. Sleep well?”
Taehyung sat up and smiled widely, rubbing some of the sleep from his eyes, “Like a baby. But I’d probably have slept better if you didn’t leave me.” You rolled your eyes but cracked a smile nevertheless. Taehyung suddenly stood and pulled you up with him, “Let’s get breakfast.”
“And get a discount at Hyuna’s again,” you cracked a smile at Taehyung and he smiled even wider, shaking his head.
“Believe it or not, I know a lot about restaurants around here. There’s this little diner about twenty minutes from here.”
“Or, really?”
“Will you allow me the honor of buying you a meal once again, my lady,” Taehyung did an awkward bow, but the sentiment was there.
“Of course, you owe me.” You squeezed Taehyung’s cheek and laughed. “I’m just going to take a shower, first, okay?”
“Mind if I join?”
“You can’t take a shower with me, Tae.”
“We took one together last night,” he called out as you walked into the bathroom, but you rolled your eyes and closed the door behind you. You realized just how persistent Taehyung was.
After wasting something like ten minutes fending Taehyung off, who adamant on saving water by having a party in your shower, you were able to cleanse yourself. You wrapped your wet hair into a low bun and hurriedly got dressed, lazily throwing on a white tee and some leggings. While you were getting dressed, you let Taehyung know he could still use the shower if he wanted, but he refused, insisting that he’d take one at his own home. You were convinced he was just the slightest upset he wasn’t able to get you in the shower with him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to pity the pervert.
The weekend passes with a blur of memories. You were grateful to Taehyung. When he wasn’t keeping you company as you studied with his head against your shoulder or in your lap while watching TV, he was dragging you to his favorite restaurants and diners and parks. You’d even gone dog-walking with him and Mickey.
All the excitement was pushing Jungkook out of your mind. And when he did start to consume your thoughts when you were alone, you’d start exchanging memes with Taehyung, things along the lines of ‘this is you’ to relatable posts. Somehow, sleeping with Taehyung had become a thing, too; more along the lines of friends with benefits than an actual relationship. And you knew Taehyung felt the same way, since after all, you knew he still went out on dates to find ‘the one who will steal his heart at first sight’.
At that moment, you were watching an anime Taehyung had brought over.
“This one is really good, Jungkook let me borrow it.” You felt something tighten in your chest. “He’s so stupid. He thinks that when he hears a bell, he’s seen the love of his life.”
“Is that so,” you voiced quietly. “Stupid.”
“Right. Popcorn?” Taehyung positioned himself so his head lay in your lap, and you shook your head, letting your fingers run through his hair.
“Your hair’s so soft,” you mumbled through the opening scenes. Taehyung gave you a small smile before force-feeding you popcorn. “Are you trying to tell me to shut up?”
“Yes. So, y/n, be quiet.” You laugh quietly and begin to actually pay attention to the movie. However, about halfway through, Taehyung just becomes dead weight. He’d fallen asleep. It was the middle of the day, and Taehyung had fallen asleep. Just how tired was the guy?
You tried to sit through the movie and enjoy it, but your legs were getting tired and static-y. They’d fallen asleep. The movie was good, no doubt, but you just couldn’t sit in that position for any longer. You shook Taehyung’s shoulder. He stirred in his sleep but didn’t open his eyes. You sighed.
You heard the door click and your eyes widened. You shook Taehyung again, but to no avail, he tossed onto his side and breathed a deep sigh. The guy must have been exhausted or something; he was normally a light sleeper as far as you could tell.
“Y/N! You’re home?! Hobi’s here!”
“Hey,” you heard Hoseok call from the entrance. If they turned this corner…
“Oh?” The surprise could be heard in Jiyeon’s voice. You hadn’t exactly told her you’d been hooking up with the frat boy for the past week, and while you hadn’t exactly been sneaking around, you weren’t exactly explicit with the relationship you had going on, either.
“So this has been where the little Gucci prince has been hiding.”
“He’s been here?” Jiyeon turned to Hoseok with a weird expression, almost of disbelief.
“Probably? When he is home, he’s always running out or talking on the phone. He’s been calling someone ‘kitten’.” You rolled your eyes at that one. Taehyung called just about anyone kitten; on all your outings, whenever running into a girl he knew, he’d insincerely toss the little pet name around.
“Tae’s just been hanging out with me.”
“So you’re over Jungkook?”
“I’ve been over him,” you drawled. “Hoseok, can you help me? My legs fell asleep.” Hoseok gave you a sheepish smile, as if he knew something you didn’t and was guilty, and walked over. Without warning, he lifted his leg and landed a kick on Taehyung’s butt. Taehyung shot awake, to say the least, sitting up and staring past Hoseok in shock.
“What happened?”
“Stop being a leech,” a smiley Hoseok muttered.
“I’m still shocked,” Jiyeon mumbled from the sidelines. “When did that start?”
“Jiyeon,” you dragged a hand down your face. You didn’t want to talk about it now, especially not with your partner-in-crime sitting next to you. You stood up and walked into the kitchen to shake away the static in your legs, Jiyeon following close behind.
“Since when?”
“Last week.” You kept your answers short and frank. Straight to the point. When Jiyeon asked ‘do you like him’, you said ‘he’s a friend’. When she asked if he was big, you said ‘he’s packing’ in Tae’s tone. When she asked if he was good, you said ‘great’.
“Better than Jungkook?”
You opened your mouth and closed it. You were happy you were speaking in hushed whispers while Hoseok was seemingly lecturing Taehyung about the chores we was slacking off on back at the BTS house. For lack of an answer, you grabbed the last water bottle in the fridge and chugged.
“Y/n, come on, answer.” You’d chugged too fast. Your eyes darted around looking for a way to escape. “Y/n,” Jiyeon gave you that mom look, the one that meant if you delay the answer a second later, something bad was going to happen. You doubted anything would actually happen, but the look itself was scary.
“I don’t know,” you answered with desperation. “I was with that coconut for a night,” you kneeled against the kitchen counter and let your head lay against the surface. “It wasn’t anything special but I can’t forget. And I don’t know why—I know I hate him, but I can’t forget. Tae… he helps me forget. And that’s good. He’s nice, he’s got great hips, and he’s considerate. Sometimes I think he knows I can’t forget, even if I haven’t told him I screwed his goddamn fraternity brother, but he still keeps me company. I don’t have much of a chance to remember him. And I certainly don’t go looking for him.”
“What,” you cry out, turning and ending up sitting on the ground. You leaned your head against the cupboards and looked up at Jiyeon, who kneeled down to be closer to eye-level.
“You know what that’s called?”
“No. That’s called infatuation.” Jiyeon pressed a finger to her bottom lip and looked up with a bit of confusion in her expression, “I think. You’ve got a crush on Jungkook and you’re trying to deny it.”
“I don’t think crushed work for people you hate. Maybe it’s just that he annoys me so much.”
“That’s silly. I think you should talk to him.”
You stared at Jiyeon like she was crazy. Why would you go and talk to him. Wasn’t she listening to anything you said? Couldn’t she just pick up on the signs? You wanted nothing to do with the guy.
“No, I’m not joking, y/n. Go and talk to him.”
“And say what?” You crushed the empty water bottle in your hands, “I keep thinking about you, I think to the point where it’s almost obsessive, so I had a counseling session with my friend-slash-roommate. She’s studying to be a therapist. Oh! And by the way, she says that it seems like I have a crush on you. I’ve hated you since day one, but let’s roll with it, oh, and I’m still really sorry about puking all over your feet that day.”
“You puked on him,” Jiyeon wrinkled her nose. “Some guys might be into that, but I’m pretty sure it’s a deal-breaker for most.”
“Jiyeon,” you hissed.
“Sorry. But that’s pretty nasty. But if it makes you feel better, that’s a good place to start.”
“I’m not talking to him.”
“Y/n,” Taehyung interrupted your roommate. You stood up and smiled at the boy. He still looked slightly tired, but in comparison to how he looked when he first showed up at your doorstep, your realized he looked much better. “I was going to go to the store to get some groceries; did you want to come?”
Realizing this was an escape, you jumped at the chance. “Yeah, let me get a sweater.” Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed Jiyeon glaring at you.
“I’ll be here,” Tae gave you his signature sweet smile and you returned it, mouthing a ‘later’ to Jiyeon as you made your way to your bedroom. You grabbed the first sweater you found, which just so happened to be a Gucci sweater Taehyung had left at your place. You’d worn some of his clothes out before so you knew he didn’t care, tossing it on over your tattered tee you got from working at the pizza shop back in high school.
When you emerged from your room, Taehyung was leaning against the wall on his phone, Jiyeon and Hoseok on the couch trying to find something to watch. You walked up to Taehyung and glanced at the screen; pictures of a puppy.
“I want one,” he muttered.
“Isn’t Mickey at the frat house?”
“Jungkook’s monopolized the poor guy. Come on; maybe you can see him, I need to get the car keys from home.”
“I don’t want to see Coconut-Head,” you crinkle your nose.
Taehyung chuckled, “I meant Mickey. Jungkook should be at the gym or something. Let’s go.”
You followed Taehyung to the frat house, shivering as you trekked across campus in the frigid air. In the middle of November, you couldn’t help but anticipate how cold the next month would be.
When the frat house finally did come into view, you began to lose interest in the conversation Taehyung had started, and began to fear the unknown. You knew Tae had said Jungkook wouldn’t be there, but you just couldn’t get over the possibility of the ‘what-ifs’. Taehyung pushed open the door and allowed you to feel the warm air from inside the house, and you embraced it.
“It smells good in here,” you commented. You hadn’t been back at the frat house since the day the guys had lit blunts in the living room.
“Jin’s been simmering fruits and cinnamon for the past few days. He couldn’t smell it when he did it, but the scent’s actually really strong.” You mentally took note. “I think he’s in his room, so you should go see him. I’m gonna get the keys and then we can head to the parking garage.” You nodded and Taehyung rushed off, but by the time you took your first step in a random direction, you realized you had never even seen the door to your elder brother’s room, and if you had, you hadn’t noticed. You awkwardly looked around before shoveling around in your pockets, pulling out your phone to send a text.
[Sat, Nov 14, 2:34 PM]
hey, at the frat. come out of your room and see me?
His reply was immediate.
big bro
[Sat, Nov 14, 2:34 PM]
not home; text u l8r
You slowly looked up from your cell phone.
“Do you ever wear a shirt?” The words spilled from your mouth in a hurry, almost like a self-defense mechanism.
“I do. But this is the safety of my home; you’re trespassing.”
“I was invited. Pretty sure you’re not the only resident,” you crossed your arms and stared hard at Jungkook’s nose. You would not let your eyes wander down his torso. Not even to further examine the v-line situation he had going on.
“Taehyung invited you, huh?” You didn’t respond. “Guess you’re his new fling of the month.” Jungkook began to smirk as he challenged your stare-down.
Your eyes narrowed, “We’re just friends. If you don’t mind, I’d like to wait in patience.” Jungkook just stared back for a moment, making you realize more and more just how much you wanted to wipe that smirk off his face. With a slap. Or maybe you could just kiss it off. He had nice lips. Your eyes continued to wander.
“What,” Jungkook raised an eyebrow. “My eyes are up here.” You looked up at the ceiling and breathed out exasperatedly. Now he knew you were looking. “Anyway, come here.”
“What? So you can kill me?”
“Just come on,” Jungkook didn’t turn to make sure you were following him, and when he began to disappear around the corner, you finally gave up and followed. He walked fluidly with large strides. You took notice of how his arms swung with each step and how his shoulder blades slightly moved as he swung.
He suddenly stopped and you found yourself lurching into him. Although you stopped as quickly as you could, your nose still brushed against his bare back.
“Are you trying to sniff me?” Jungkook turned to glare at you, raising his arm and sniffing himself. He shrugged, almost as if he was telling himself he smelled fine.
“No!” There was no way you could even think about what he smelled like when you were so distracted by his muscles. Speaking of muscles… “I thought you were supposed to be at the gym.”
“Stalking me? Or did you ask Tae for a rundown of my schedule?”
You rolled your eyes, “If anything, it’s just precautionary measures. Not like I aim to run into you.”
“What do you expect when you come to my home? It’s supposed to be a safe haven for me, you know. You don’t find me showing up at your doorstep unannounced. Or at all.”
Point taken, you thought. You realized you were stationed outside Jungkook’s room as he swung the door open. When he entered, you awkwardly stood in the doorway, looking around. His room hadn’t changed much, if at all, since the last time you’d seen it. Maybe it was a little cleaner? Jungkook had clearly been doing laundry, you realized, noticing the stack of folded clothes at the foot of his bed.
“Oof!” Darkness consumed you as fabric inhibited your vision. You pulled it off your face and examined the article of clothing. “Why are you handing me a dress?” You looked for Jungkook, only to see his butt poking out of his closet as he dug around inside.
“It’s a sorry gift.”
“Since when are we close enough to be getting each other gifts?”
“Since you started hanging around my roommates and I found out you were one of their sisters. Only time.” Jungkook straightened up and turned to you. A small gift wrapped box was in his hands. “Catch.”The toss was perfect, but your ability to catch thrown objects wasn’t. You dropped the box, earning a little dent in the corner.
“What’s this?”
“Don’t open it until you’re home. I mean it. If you open it, this truce will be over.”
“What truce?” Your voice began to rise. “I don’t understand any of this. Why are you being so nice? I thought you didn’t have a heart!”
“Who said I didn’t have a heart,” Jungkook crossed his arms across his chest and you couldn’t help but take notice of how his biceps bulged with the simplest of actions. Your mouth opened and closed. You imagined how you looked right now to Jungkook. Probably like a fish out of water.
“I...I didn’t say that.”
“You just did,” Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed.
“I just mean...ugh, you’re so mean!” You couldn’t help but start to go on a rant. It was like word-vomit. Where was Taehyung? He was only supposed to get the car keys, dammit.
“I’m… mean? What are you, a child?”
“Yes, you’re mean! Since day one! I didn’t do anything to you! Okay, maybe I did, but is it really that serious? When Jin was sick and puked all over my favorite teddy bear, I was mad at him for a bit, but it wasn’t that serious. It was materialistic. I could buy another one. Sure there was sentiment, but I still had the memories. Before he puked on Mr. BunBun, of course.” You notice he mouths the name of your stuffed animal. “Ugh, I’m going off topic. You’re mean! You throw ugly glares at me, not that you’re ugly, but it makes me feel sick to my stomach. And then I get angry, too. Why do you make me so angry? And then you let me ride you but—”
You didn’t realize when Jungkook had gotten so close. He grabs both your wrists lightly and stares down at you. Your jaw has slackened, confused, and you stare up into his eyes. You can’t trace any emotion, almost as if he’s guarded himself. At least it wasn’t the same cold glare he’d always given you before. His eyes were just blank.
“For the record, I didn’t really let you. You forced me.”
“You forced a kiss on me.”
“So that’s how it happened.” Both you and Jungkook turned to find Taehyung in the doorway, peaking in slightly. “You guys are so odd.”
“Tae,” you yelped, stepping backwards from Jungkook, but you realized your hands were still in his grasp. You roughly shook your wrists free.
“What the hell,” were the words that left Jungkook’s lips.
“Oh, no need to be shy, kiddos. I knew all about the little fling.”
“You told him?” Jungkook shot an accusing glare at you.
“You told me,” Taehyung smiled smugly at his friend. “Well, not necessarily. But you should really learn how to use a phone in the middle of hookups. I might be an idiot sometimes, but I’m pretty sure there’s a red ‘decline call’ button right next to the green one.” You could see Jungkook’s cheeks get red, and as you thought back, your own cheeks tinted rose pink as well. You remembered you’d made your move when Jungkook was texting that girl.
“Don’t worry, I hung up when I realized what was going on.”
“That’s not I was worrying about,” Jungkook covered his red face with his hands.
“Anyway, are you ready, y/n? Or would you rather stay here with Kookie?” You glanced at Jungkook, who had turned around to calm himself down, or at least that’s what you thought.
“No. I’ll come. I’m coming,” you assured Taehyung.
“I’m gonna start heading to the garage. If you don’t hurry, I’m leaving without you.”
“I’m coming,” you said again, taking the first step to follow the guy, but unfortunately, Jungkook didn’t think your conversation was over.
“I need to go.” You avoided his eyes. Maybe if you were in some cliche love story, Jungkook would force you to look at him, but his touch only burned around your wrist, your heart beating just that much faster.
“I’m sorry. I don’t have much to say, and I’ll admit I was probably childish, too, but I’ll try to be nicer.”
Jungkook let you go. “Accept my apology?”
“I need to go. I’ll think about it.” But what you meant was ‘you’re already 90% forgiven.’ And that was the truth, no matter how hard you tried to reignite the hatred you had for him over a week ago.
“Oh, and y/n.”
“What?” You drawed out the vowel, “I need to hurry.”
“Mr. BunBun?”
“He was a bunny,” you exclaimed, your cheeks turning pink again as you ran away towards Taehyung.
Taehyung stopped the car in a far space in the parking lot of the grocery store. At this point, you weren’t even sure why you’d tagged along. Sure you wanted to escape the situation with Jiyeon, but honestly, you could have come up with another excuse of just go elsewhere. It wasn’t like Jiyeon would torture you. Or maybe she would…
“Alright, I’ve got my list. I’ll text you a screenshot of it so we can finish this fast?” You just nodded, following the red-head into the store. Once you reached the entrance, Taehyung grabbed a large shopping cart and pushed it. He peered down at his phone while he forwarded the list to your phone, and you had to guide the cart whenever he almost bumped into someone. Finally, he looked up at the same time your phone dinged with an incoming message/
“This is a lot,” you blinked up at Taehyung. He had sent about three pictures to you, and it seemed like it was only the bottom half. ��Is there an apocalypse I didn’t know about? Are you going into hibernation?”
“Food goes quick at the frat. We shop bi-weekly; it’s my turn to go shopping.” Taehyung looked up at the aisle guides, looking for his first target.
“Oh, look at you being all responsible,” you reached up and squeezed his cheek to which he gently patted your hand away.
“If I didn’t, Hoseok would burn my clothes.”
“Oh,” you paused. “I’m going to get the eggs,” you finally said after a silent moment of you following Taehyung down the spices aisle. With a rush, you walked towards the back and found all the dairy.
As you traveled further down the list, you began to see other things.
You raised an eyebrow. Baby wash? What in the world did they need baby wash for? You shook your head in disbelief and gathered as much as you can in one arm and the case of eggs in another before heading back to where you’d left Taehyung. He was walking up and down the aisle, looking for something. Placing all the diary you’d acquired in the cart, you tugged on his sweatshirt.
“What are you looking for?”
You awkwardly looked at Taehyung before taking in your surroundings. “I don’t think you’ll find it here.”
“I’m in the wrong store?” Taehyung gazed back at you with a blank expression and you couldn’t help the giggle that escaped your throat.
“No, Tae, you’re in the spices aisle. You need to go to household,” you pointed in the direction. “How many times have you gone shopping alone?”
“Never?” Taehyung leaned against the cart, only for it to roll away from him due to the applied pressure. He nearly fell, but grabbed the cart and made a smooth recovery.
“I usually take someone with me and we wander the aisles together.” Tae began to gesture wildly as if he was telling a story about his adventure with Indiana Jones. “Yoongi always treats me to lamb skewers afterwards, but lately he’s only been taking Jungkook.”
“Poor child.”
“I’ll treat you after,” Taehyung said, randomly picking up a canister of what appeared to be paprika.
“No, that’s fine. You always treat me, I got you this time,” you began to push the cart instead of Taehyung. From this point on, splitting up would only make you do all the work, so why not just stay together?
Once you’d finished gathering all the items on the list and checked out, with a marvellous grand total of almost more than a thousand dollars (Taehyung had to convince you that it was normal since apparently, the average budget for one person was almost two hundred). You still couldn’t believe it, though, and you watched him swipe his black card without batting an eye. You guessed it probably didn’t affect him much, since you knew all about the luxuries he possessed in his closet, but still.
You followed Taehyung out the exit only to find yourself bumping into his back.
“Hey, y/n… Mind going back inside to buy an umbrella?”
“It’s raining?” You peered from behind Taehyung to see raindrops falling heavily. “And you parked so far, too,” you groaned. Nevertheless, you huffed and went back inside, grabbing a large umbrella that you has to pay almost twenty bucks for. You pulled the umbrella out of its little sheathe and began to undo the little buckle, eyes searching for the dude. You knew it was cold, but with the rain, you couldn’t help but shiver. Realizing that Taehyung had probably gone outside, you walked out, only to find Taehyung trying to stuff bags under his sweater. This was an incredulous scene, seeing as there was way more groceries than there were fabric. And you knew no matter how good the Gucci material was, there was no way it could get away without a little wear and tear.
Taehyung was just standing there, trembling as he shoved can after can into his pockets, rain causing his dyed hair to trail red streaks down his neck.
“Why didn’t you try doing that inside the store,” you asked, wondering why he had even bothered in the first place. No matter what, the groceries were going to get read. Feeling pitiful, you hid the umbrella behind you, even though you knew he could still see the large object. But he hadn’t just yet..
“Did you get the umbrella?” Taehyung gave up and replaced the cans in the cart, rain starting to fall harder in huge droplets. You felt them thump against your head and your body shivered. “Though, there’s not use now. Come on, I’ll turn on the heat in the car.” Taehyung took the umbrella from your hands and tossed it in the cart. “Get in.”
“Get in the cart, y/n.”
“I’m gonna crush the groceries,” you stared back at him wide-eyed. You thought about the eggs you’d picked up.
“They’re in the little baby slot,” you still shook your head. Without warning, Taehyung grabbed you around the waist and hoisted you up.
“Okay, okay! I’ll just hold on to the cart from the front. Happy?”
“Fine,” Taehyung pouted. You did as promised and climbed up on the little stand where you’d usually put cases of water. Once Taehyung was sure you wouldn’t fly off, he lurched forward with a run. With the weight of the groceries and you, you were a bit surprised to see that the cart was moving as fast as it was. At about 6 miles per hour.
When Taehyung finally did get to the car, something like five minutes later (double the time you’d taken to get to the store, but it felt like a year), he simply tossed you the keys with a word. “Heat,” he’d said, letting you know he’d toss the groceries in the trunk. Not literally. No one wants egg shells and yolk all over the car.
After some debate, Taehyung finally decided on just dropping you off at home, insisting he needed to run more errands once he got home, including wiping down the wet groceries. When you offered to help, he just insisted you had better things to do, which you might have, but it didn’t mean you’d rather do those things than hang out with the good.
“But I didn’t buy the lamb skewers,” you tried as a last resort. Despite not wanting to see Jungkook (okay, you lied. You kinda did want to see him), you did want to repay some of Taehyung’s overt kindness.
“Next time. And you can buy me a feast of noodles, too.” Taehyung gave you a smile before unlocking the doors to the car. You sighed and pulled the umbrella out, opening it as you stepped out. You came to realize that Taehyung would need some help carrying the amount of groceries from the parking garage, but when you tried to argue against it, he assured you he’d get some help. “Don’t forget this,” Taehyung held out the little yellow box Jungkook had tossed to you earlier.
“Thanks,” you muttered. “Bye, Tae. Be safe.”
“I’m going back to my dorm, y/n, not going to war.”
“I’ll text you later. Maybe you can help me warm up later,” Taehyung added a wink before bidding you goodbye.
Inside your dorm, it was freezing. Jiyeon had left a note on the kitchen counter telling you she had gone out with some friends to a club. You felt kinda disappointed—you were her roommate and she rarely invited you out anymore. While you were originally super close, you couldn’t help but feel you’d grown distant. The more you thought about it, you also began to feel like it was your fault. When Jiyeon tried to find out what was going on with you, you weren’t always very open. You’d have to try harder, you told yourself.
You could hear the rain fall harder and harder, pattering against your windows, and the sound made you feel even colder, shaking you to your bones. You sighed and went over to the thermostat, turning on the heat before plopping down on the couch. You pulled off Taehyung’s sweater you’d swiped and your pants, leaving you in just your panties and your tattered tee. You switched on the television and realized that the anime Taehyung had brought over earlier was still in the DVD player, so you changed the input to watch from beginning to end.
Ding! Halfway through the movie, your phone rang with the tone of an incoming message. Maybe it was Jiyeon telling you that she’d be coming back soon. Maybe it was Tae asking to come over.
You absentmindedly searched through the pockets of the shedded clothes’ damp pockets. When you did find the device, you unlocked your phone with a swipe and glanced down. It wasn’t necessarily a text message, but an email notification. More specifically a reminder from your physics teacher.
Tomorrow?! Your eyes widened at the words and your heart sunk. What day was it?
Upon realization, you cursed yourself and stood. Did Jungkook read the email? Did he put together the presentation? You’d done your part, hadn’t you? Why were you bullshitting yourself—all you’d done was run the experiment. Obviously you needed to help create the presentation, otherwise when you did present, you’d totally end up failing.
coming over.
Your heart jumped into your throat. What? Okay, you understood why he was coming over, but shouldn’t he ask first?! You began to panic. Your dorm was across campus, so you definitely had time to clean up. Ugh, you were getting so stressed over nothing. The sound of the rain pitter-pattering outside mixed with the whirring of the heater working its magic did nothing to calm you, instead doing the complete opposite. You switched off the television again and began to rid the room and immediate entrance of anything that did not belong or even remotely looked out of place.
Too soon. Too soon, you heard the knock against your front door. With a quick peek through the peephole, you saw the coconut-head perpetrator. You slowly opened the door, and when you saw his face, your nerves sparked.
“Hey,” Jungkook drawled. He looked you up and down, and you followed his gaze.
“Pants,” you hissed, leaving the door open and running into your bedroom.
“I didn’t come over for that reason,” you heard Jungkook call out. You felt your face flush red as you looked for a pair of sweatpants. You managed to dig out a pair of Puma joggers and pulled on another one of the hoodies Taehyung had left. You realized, sooner or later, you’d have to sort through everything and make sure Taehyung wasn’t leaving a wardrobe behind.
“If you had, you’d find your ass outside,” you bit back, but you knew if he had advanced, you’d probably welcome it. God, what was wrong with you? “You’re here for the presentation? I just woke up,” you lied. “I like to sleep without pants.” That wasn’t a lie.
“Uh-huh.” You walked out of your room to find Jungkook shaking his umbrella in the hallway before locking the door and setting the umbrella down. He had a backpack on, and you knew it contained his laptop. “I almost forgot about the project.”
“Same here…”
Jungkook glanced at you as he opened the laptop, “Did you open it?”
“The box.”
So much is happening today, you thought. “I’ll open it now. What’s in it, anyway?”
“Open it.” You tried to look around for the little yellow box before you remembered you’d tossed it into your bedroom with the rest of the stuff while you were ‘cleaning’ up. You picked it up and uncovered the box finding layer upon layer of tissue paper.
“Is there actually anything in here?”
“Mm-hmm,” by now, Jungkook was stationed at the table you’d previously worked at together. He was doing that thing again. Where he found a mistake in his work and he clenched his jaw before returning to the previous expression. Except, that previous expression was nonexistent, and his tongue was in his cheek. That was somewhat attractive, too. “Open.”
“Oh, yeah,” you tossed the contents onto the table, searching through the contents until you saw it. Purple lace. “What the fuck is this?”
“A thong. G-string, to be precise.”
“Let me be clear, why the fuck is this in here? Or rather, why did you think it was appropriate to give me a pair of panties?”
“Relax, they’re brand new.” You could see a bit of amusement in his expression and Taehyung continued to vigorously type.
“They’re Tae’s favorite color.”
“I don’t care if they’re my favorite color! What—”
“You’re screwing him, aren’t you?”
Your heart sunk for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. You began to awkwardly chuckled. “So what if I am?”
“Just be happy I thought of you. Fighting!” You heard Jungkook ass something under his breath.
“What was that?”
“Don’t get pregnant.”
And cue the anger. The fiery red emotion that had been misplaced was suddenly awakened with just this one statement, and you lurched forward, attacking Jungkook. There was no sexual intent at all, no matter how many times you’d thought of him before. Your hand came down and swiped at his face, leaving a red swell on his cheek. You felt warmth trickle down your cheek. Angry tears.
“Who are you to tell me to not get pregnant, asshole?! Why are you so thick-headed?” You were losing your rationale. Jungkook had grabbed your wrists to prevent you from inflicting further pain on him, but he stared up at you in confusion. While he could have just as easily forced you off of him, he just lay there on the hard ground while angry fat drops of salt water leaked from your eyes. The rain had competition.
“What, you don’t like purple?”
“Fuck you,” you hissed, trying to stand, but with Jungkook gripping your wrists as tight as he was, it wasn’t possible for you. You didn't give up, though. The silence was deafening, besides your occasional grunt as you tried to gain release.
Suddenly, darkness consumed the room.
“Power’s out,” Jungkook finally said after a moment. You didn’t say anything, just sat in Jungkook’s lap as he pointed out the obvious. Light only glared from his laptop, but the light was dim since it had gone into sleep mode. You felt the warmth disappear from you as Jungkook finally released you, and with the dim light, he moved to your fridge.
“What are you doing?” Your voice was croaky from crying. You probably looked like some madwoman, exploding like that. Anger was an emotion not too far away, but you were consumed by the feeling of exhaustion, a result of letting out your tears.
“I like eating ice cream in the dark.” Jungkook quickly turned the laptop in his direction in order to see the inside of the dark box, but lucky for him, all that was left was the pint of ice cream Jiyeon had brought home before. You desperately need to go on another trip to the store. When it wasn’t raining.
“Are you okay now?” Somehow he was able to find a spoon despite the darkness of the room and he came back and sat down next to you, and while you couldn’t exactly see him perfectly, his expression was it’s normal stoic one. You didn’t know if he could seem but you just nodded. Once. “So, I’m thick-headed? Care to explain.” You shook your head. He seemed to be able to tell what you were doing. “Want some ice cream?” You shook your head again. “Eat some ice cream. I hear girls like to eat ice cream when they cry.”
Your hands moved to wipe away dry tears but you took the pint away from him, using his spoon to scoop ice cream. “It’s cold,” you mumbled through the mouthful.
“Pretty sure that’s why people call it ice cream.” You shook your head, your lips twitching slightly. “This is pretty cool, huh?”
“What?” You handed Jungkook back the pint of ice cream. You’d much rather prefer a drink in your system.
“The power got knocked out because of the storm, so now we’re sitting on your kitchen floor eating ice cream and chatting while rain is pouring outside, and I think I’m loving this.” While you wanted to point out that it was him doing all the talking, you just peered at him. His laptop screen went completely dark, and you wondered if there had been light, would you have been able to see any emotion in his eyes.
You felt Jungkook’s arms encircle you.
“Is this... A hug?”
“Shut up.”
a/n: lol, sorry for the lack of smut, but there was really no place to put it. Well... maybe at the end. But I wanted to leave it till the next part.
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE / MERRY CHRISTMAS (depending on where you live)!
I believe there will only be about two parts left and then you’ll have to say goodbye to this short series :’)
THANKS AGAIN FOR READING (and who knows, maybe I can spruce up a lil chapter for Cold tomorrow too... ;) )
#jeongguk#jeon jungkook#jeongguk x reader#illejeon#jungkook#BTS jungkook#bts scenes#bts smut#bts scenarios#bts scenario#jungkook scenarios#jungkook smut#jeonguk#jeongguk smut#jeongguk scenarios#cold hearted#cold#bts#peachyvhope#gucci tae#valentae#kim taehyung#bts taehyung
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I’m sweating
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🐰Nice to see you! First of all, there were many companies [that offered to have me], but I chose BigHit because I saw Namjoonie hyung and I fell for him.
Translation by illejeons
#kim namjoon#jeon jungkook#winter package 2021#BTS#Namkook#7 companies wanted him#and baby Joon got him#just by being himself#the 1000x retelling#but I love it everytime
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Seokjin — Weverse
Las encontré.



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“우리의 음악을 항상 사랑해주시는 모든 분들께 감사합니다. #Got_ARMY_Behind_Us”
translation by @//illejeons on twitter
“Thank you to everyone who has always loved our music. #Got_ARMY_Behind_Us”


#bts#bts twitter#twitter#rm#jin#jhope#suga#jimin#v#jungkook#grammys#nominees#grammy nominees#namjoon#seokjin#hoseok#yoongi#taehyung#kim namjoon#kim seokjin#kim hoseok#min yoongi#park jimin#kim taehyung#jeon jungkook
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200504 ARMY’s Weverse Post
(Image) Dear → Bangtan Sonyeondan I discovered Bangtan Sonyeondan when I was in my third year of Middle School. The defining moment for me was when I danced to Fire at [our school’s] Athletic festival. I received a lot of happiness through Bangtan [back then]. Now too. When I’m having a hard time, listening to Bangtan songs really saves (alt: is salvation for) my heart/mind. My dream is to become a singer. To touch people’s hearts as you [BTS] all do. I dream of becoming a singer that writes lyrics that make everyone happy. I would be happy if you rooted for me*. I’m writing this letter because I’ve always wanted to let you know how grateful I am. I love you. If there are mistakes in my Korean I apologize. From → Mao (Comment) 오빠~ 글자가 더러워서 미안합니다 💦 방탄에 마음을 전하고 싶어 편지를 썼습니다. 제발 보세요. 한국어 틀리면 죄송합니다.+꼭 꼭 이룰 수 있도록 힘내겠습니다!! Oppa~ I’m sorry my writing is dirty (messy)💦 I wanted to convey my heart and feelings to Bangtan so I wrote a letter. Please see it. I’m sorry for any mistakes in my Korean + I will for sure for sure do my best to achieve this [dream]!!
Taehyung’s reply
必ず歌手になって会いましょう😊오웬수루요 Let us meet for sure when you become a singer😊I’m rooting for you
(T/N: *This sentence is unclear, probably because a translator was used, but the translation should be correct)
Trans cr: Amy @ bts-weverse-trans Japanese trans cr: illejeons @ twt © Please credit when taking out
#taehyung#weverse#200504#reply#2020#i know getting japanese trans like this isn't ideal but we're in the middle of recruiting please bear with!
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i was tagged by @artjjk @moonpjms & @hobi-pd to do the bias selfie tag ♥️ thank you loves!! 🥰🥰
this snapchat filter told me my blood runs purple 💜
tagging: @angtaelic @flowerbangtann @illejeons @sunshineggukie @hoseoknysus (ofc only if you want to!)
remember to stream ON today everyone!
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There was this boy, 17 years old, who've gone through hardships, no money, scammed, backlash, yet he still continues to pursue his dreams. Now look at him, he made it, he inspires people to chase their dreams and i'm forever thankful. i'm one of the soul he touched.
I have no greed to be at the center, i just want to make music - Min Yoongi
(cr trans twitter: illejeons)
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jungkook / you never walk alone @ MMAs 2017
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Flushed Blue.dng
Wherw you can find me:
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“Grazie per la bella mostra
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Xina) | Trans ©illejeons
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