#ill post the other sketches of her in a bit
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Transitus Comic Studies
These were meant to be colored but alas. Faulty art supplies. Still like these sketches though! They’re lifted from the OG comic book. The idea was to only use direct poses and scenes from the source material and try to infuse some more productive character design into them.
Focus on status of a given character (and changes in it) and some stronger air of historical reference, kept as far away from my own personal head canons of the characters and their backstories as possible.
Really had fun with these. Great figure practice ✏️
#ayreon#transitus#art#tldr of the essay these came with that ill never post:#Daniel’s character is extremely static and he never develops#him looking more and more middle class looking the further he strays from his family and home could help that along a bit#Abby is hypersexualized to no justifiable end and it makes her horrifying story arc a lot harder to take seriously#the progressive loss of structure in her funeral dress could mirror her mental state in act II and have a parallel with Daniel in Act I#Henry is well designed but he’s not communicating the type of asshole that he actually is#hes manipulative and careful and purposefully physically removed from the awful shit he does#he’s obsessed with upholding his own and by extension his family’s reputation and thus has the most incentive to look pristine + respectabl#also too hats aren’t worn indoors that’s like a basic etiquette thing#Lavinia is a downright racial stereotype in an album telling you not to judge people by that sort of thing#in addition she drags every other character’s writing down with her nonsense motivations and gimmicks#at the very least take away the g*psy persona#Abraham…doesn’t have enough canon info to get any sort of informed design in there#but the belt he has in the comic wasn’t invented until the 1920s#it wouldn’t have killed Arjen to add a location for this story either#sketch#character design#character study#1880s#Victorian era#gilded age#belle époque#historical fashion#concept album#rock opera#arjen lucassen
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tsutsumi gotta be the funniest choice to play sawashiro since he really does encapsulate his casting career of both action roles and being dad of the year (most of the time)
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
hello! Im one(1) of the anons that requested the jane doe reader and i thought of a funny scenario
So the character of jane doe was basically decapitaded so, imagine if reader's head isnt atached to their body, and can take their head off .
The tadc cast react to the reader taking off their head and then putting It back on like nothing. Tyy!!!
( remember to rest and drink wáter) :)
TADC cast x a reader with a detachable head!
oh hoho this one is going to be fun because my TADC oc can do the same thing, can take their limbs and head off at will and as needed; so i may or may not let my excitement show in this post and use my oc as a placeholder.. i definitely will.. which reminds me, i have a sketch of my ocs human design as well as a messy ref of their digital body... i have got to draw them more.. maybe ill finish the human sketch sometime today after this post... speaking of this post! this is the last request in my inbox ! after this im gonna take a break for a bit then reopen requests! do not send in requests at this time, please! (this goes for everyone regardless of fandom </3)
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technically i think you could consider him with a detachable head... because i dont... think he has a neck... so technically.. not phased at all, he has seen things from various different circus members.. but lets say you came before zooble, and you were also the first circus member who could do that... i think he would be really into it and be amused. probably flies right up to you chattering about that little trick of yours
uncomfy by it, i think it would take her a while to get used to it... i think she would be the same with zooble thanks to the "these are people" thing, with the only reason she didnt freak out at zoobles dismemberment in the pilot being because she was preoccupied with her panic and confusion of this new setting
mildly uncomfortable anytime it happens but no where near as uncomfortable as pomni, since she has had her time to get used to a bunch of weird stuff in the circus; both from the circus itself as well as the people in it.. will guide your body to your head if theres ever a scenario where the two get separated.. hand holding... smiles
probably tries to convince you to leave your head in someones room or in a box and have some poor unsuspecting person open it.. i think that would scare anyone, even if they were used to your headless activities... probably laughs at your body wandering aimlessly trying to find your head if theres an occasion where it was forcefully knocked off.. probably nudges your head away... this only really works if your body has to blindly fumble and you having to telepathically guide it towards you instead of it just going into autopilot and knowing where you are automatically and has zero struggle beelining for the head... but fumbling... funny
owoo!! jumpscare!/ref
honestly i think sometimes he just rolls with it and other times hes bothered by it; really depends on how hes feeling that day... but i think the majority is that hes used to it thanks to zooble... has probably run off with your head on accident when he meant to run off with you as a whole, usually in the face of danger during an IHA...
completely unphased by it since they can pretty much do the same thing! there isnt really much to be said since zooble neither feels this way or that in regards to your little decapitation trick... if they couldnt mess with their own parts though i think they would find your thing cool, though
depending on what your digital body is themed around i think this would determine how gangle would feel about it... like zooble is mismatched and is seen taking out their antennae as well as their limbs being snagged off by jax... with zooble, is makes sense, they look like a mismatched mess of different parts.. so if you were something that could reasonably do the same thing i think she can overlook it... now the first time would still be a shock, no doubt about it, regardless of theme.. very careful whenever theres a reason they need to get close to your head, she does not wanna knock it off and potentially upset you
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nyxcharliechaos · 7 months
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so me and @lemonking00 decided to make a tier list...but it's what neurodivergency/mental illness the cast of Hazbin/Helluva have
Explanations/are they medicated?/extra details or thoughts below because this will be a long post if I don't
ADHD- Millie: unmedicated, she just doesn't like it
Vox: medicated but OH BOY DOES HE FORGET, man will go 3 days without it before remembering then he's medicated for 4 days and they he's out of his ADHD medication! and it's ALWAYS when the pharmacy runs out and won't have it in for a few days
Bee: unmedicated she doesn't care she's just having fun
Clara: she's just here because LK said Odette was autistic and we wanted an ADHD/Autism sibling dynamic, I was going to skip them because we don't know much about either, she's properly medicated, Carmilla makes sure she takes her medication
Autism- Vaggie: we're all in agreement on this right?
Alastor: I know he's a sociopath but we've been joking he's autistic for a bit lol
Lucifer: his special interest is clearly ducks, yes he's canonically depressed but the autism is winnning
Sir Pentious: ok so everyone I know agrees with his so, mans got that autistic rizz
Vortex: ...ngl we just wanted him to be the ASD to Bee's ADHD being the ADHD/autism couple dynamic
Millie's dad: as stated by LK "he just seems autistic" and then explained farmers give off autistic energy, LK's the autistic redneck friend so I'll trust him on that
Lute: ...I have no explanation she just seems autistic, and like a homophobic homosexual
Zestial: so initially we put him in the group therapist tier but the autism won so we moved him
Odette: explanation for why she's here above
AuDHD (written as AUDI relating to a series of inside jokes but long story short half our friend group is AuDHD and one of said friends used to have an AUDI)- -Blitz special interest in horses, bad at emotions, he's not medicated, he should be on several medications, he's not on any of them
Charlie: ok hear me out, we all agree on the ADHD yes, but her dads got that tism ok, she would to. she is medicated, and Vaggie reminds her, but it's a gamble whether or not she'll take her medication even with a reminder
Cherri Bomb: ...bombs and just look at here that's my explanation for why she's here, no she's not medicated, there's other drugs, no it's not the same thing she doesn't care
Velvette: she's better about taking her medication than Vox is but she still forgets, always seems to run out around the same time as Vox...when they don't have the medication...being Valentino during that is great/j the two will lock the doors and make him deal with their unmedicated asses till the pharmacy has the medication again
Fizz: I don't think I need to explain why he's here, he's not medicated, he doesn't like the feeling and he likes himself better unmedicated, and Ozzie loves him either way so fuck getting his ADHD medication
Adam: simple explanation, ADHD and Autism is hereditary, so it had to come from somewhere and in the words of LK "it wasn't Eve, idk how but she's neurotypical", Adam doesn't believe people when they tell him he's AuDHD, so no he's not medicated
Emily: I'm not explaining myself, she is medicated and does take her ADHD medication on the daily, Sera will remind her and if she forgets after that Sera will just give her the medication
Depression- (depresso expresso because funny) Stolas: literally cannon, and while also Autistic unlike Lucifer the Autism is not winning
Octavia: I would be too if my family was that much of a mess
Barbie Wire: just fucking, look, no I'm not explaining this
Sera: (just makes gesture like, look at this bitch)
Twamatised- (referencing a joke in Gravity Falls) neither of these need explanations fucking look at the two that are here!
OCD- Moxxie: we actually added this catagory for him, he's just got those vibes
Niffty: I swear I remeber reading something on an old ZP era sketch dump saying she had slight OCD, I might be misremembering, probably, but got those vibes
Group Therapist- (fun fact this was initially a Husk only category but a lot more characters belonged in it then we thought) Husk: (points to episode 4) and yes depresso expresso as well but, I made this category for him so
Razzle & Dazzle, Fat Nuggets, Keekee, and the Egg Bois: all are here for similar reasons they're (basically) pets that bring joy and improve peoples mental states
Ozzie: I don't think I need to explain this one, since it's basically cannon
Rosie: ok so all the overlord are autistic (minus Vox), but they go to the category that takes priority and she's seen being a person you go to for advice so, this is just cannon
Carmilla: quote from LK "mom", that's why she's here, again all overlords are autistic (except Vox)
NDP- (narcissistic personality disorder) Verosika: we actually added this category for her so
Striker: ok this one's debatable but he definitely has a personality disorder of some sort
Valentino (KYS) was added just for Val to tell him to die
BITCH was added for reasons obvious if you look at the characters, no headcannons here we just wanted to call out these characters for being bitches
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ribbononline · 1 year
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Oh yeah! Since I have no clue if/when I'm ever finishing these and I've had them laying around for forever by now- here's the adult IT metaverse outfits I've made! They're all based on their ultimate personas and the concept of heros! Since these were made for an aged up p4 cast, these aren't quite what I'd put their during p4 time selves in- some changing more then others- but if you wanna follow me into design details, that'll all be under the cut!
First off to get em out of the way- Teddie is very largely the same as his p4 time metaverse outfit I made for him back here . The design is still meant to be inspired by magical girls, but the biggest change is that while the old one was meant to look like a magical girl protagonists outfit, this one I tried to lean a bit more into the older/more experienced cast member of the magical girl group type design. Overall a pretty minor change (and I will admit, largely because I'm still incredibly happy with that old design) but it felt fitting!
Chie and Yukiko were, as always when I work on them, designed to match. Their masks specifically mirror eachother with the opposites sides sticking out, and they both have a golden dragon pattern on their clothes as a reference to the twin dragons move! Chie was... honestly one where I had to sacrifice my goals a bit. Like mentioned before, these were meant specifically for an aged up cast. And while p4 era Chie I would absolutely imagine in a kung fu Chung-Li type outfit, we know what a more mature version of her action hero dreams look like; the police! And I.... really did not want to put her in a cop outfit, Ill be real. Instead I just tried focusing on making the outfit look more mature. Also tried to combine a practical and strong look with a more feminine aesthetic, since she struggles pretty badly with her femininity in p4 and I like to think she'd grow more comfortable with her own brand of it over time!
Yukiko is perhaps one of the most drastic one for changes compared to her younger self- if you asked me to design a p4 era outfit for her, it would look nothing like this, hah. Anyways, she's definitely inspired by onna-musha! Compared to Tomoe who was a full on commander of an army going out there, for Yukiko the idea was more the women taking up arms to protect their home when the battle comes their way. Fully having embraced the role she has as the next owner of the Amagi Inn and the responsibility and want to protect it, it's meant to be somewhat of an outing of that!
Fun fact: She has two color schemes! Because uhh I did not know what to go for at all. Her ultimate persona is like a single solid color and I kind of panicked and just ended up winging the colorscheme. One is more red since, y'know, thats her color! The other is more white gold to match her actual persona better. Included at the end of this post for the curious
Rise was based on a greek goddess- though not any particular one, moreso how they're commonly depicteed in art and old statues. Pretty, holy, someone you'd go to for advice and help (someone just out of reach from the general public) It just felt like a good combination of something she'd like to be seen as and percieved as as well. She gets two outfits- for scan and fight mode! Kouzeon has no canon fight mode, thats just for Himiko, but man it exists in my heart. The transistion between the two is literally just her throwing off the long overskirt, hah.
How does her mask work? Excellent question. The p5 idea of having it there when vibing but gone when the persona is out feels a little awkward when her persona's whole thing is putting a visor over her face. Quite frankly I have no idea. Sorry folks. Have all concept sketches for the outfits I've done as compensation with a bonus Noot in there that I never continued on and finished.
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alkhale · 1 year
paper heart (1/3) Portgas D. Ace/Oc - Memos AU
im finally working my way back through the ko-fi requests again, i promise i didn't forget about a single one, ill die before i let any of them not get written
the request was for really sad ace/hoku angst, so i took some liberties and ran with an idea i've had for awhile. the inspo for this one was a question i was asked once about whether Hoku could make a human from her drawings and the Black Mirror episode "Be Right Back"
i hope this works for you! thank you for reading and hope you enjoy!
Note: This an AU to the Memos Timeline, taking place sometime after the time-skip, in the midst of maybe post Punk Hazard.
Hoku leaned back against the cushioned bench, tracing her fingers over the lip of the bottle beside her.
The crow’s nest was empty tonight since she was taking the first watch. Zoro’s absurd weights were piled in the corner, boxes of everyone’s different training gear or stretching mats pressed against the wall. Hoku kept one of the windows cracked open, letting the salty breeze filter through.
The dimmed lamp on the small table cast little shadows against the wood paneled walls. A bit of moonlight shone still through the windows, the entire sky clear as a mirror tonight. Hoku could see stars scattered as far as she was willing to look. Down below, the lulling, sweet sound of Brook’s strings made its way up to her ears. She could hear Nami and Robin chatting something soft by the tangerine grove.
She couldn’t hear Luffy, which meant he was either lounged across the top of the Sunny’s mast or busied in some way below deck. In a little bit everyone would start to trickle back inside and head to bed. Hoku wouldn’t have to expect anyone till morning.
It was the perfect kind of night to mourn.
Hoku quietly pressed her head against the cool pane of glass. One of her sketchbooks laid spread out across her lap, loose papers crinkling at the corners. The occasional breeze ruffled the pages, revealing the previous sketches beneath.
A curling smirk revealed itself for a breath. Inked black hair and scattered freckles. Another image of a bright, boyish laugh. A sketch of a broad back, one hand waving lazily in the air. The drawing of a young man over the crest of a hill, holding his hat so it wouldn’t be snatched by the wind.
The pages fluttered back into place as Hoku smoothed her palm over the top, hiding them between the folds of each other. She stared down at her fresh page, expression void of emotion while she brought her bottle to her lips with her free hand. The familiar, sweet sigh of kiionohi berries slid with a smooth burn down her throat.
“You’re such a lightweight! Don’t ever go drinking alone, you got that?”
“Who’re you to tell me what to do, brat?”
“I’m older than you!”
It was good that she was a lightweight. It meant it wouldn’t take long to forget.
Hoku had found it easier to do this pitiful ritual days away from the true date. Any closer and the crew would notice in a glance. They never spoke of it aloud, they never pressed, but they all knew. If she were to go sneaking off to the crow’s nest on a day like that, someone would come following after her—they’d never let any of them be alone. Sanji would pile Luffy’s plate extra high. Zoro would train a little harder. Brook would play something beautiful while Usopp and Chopper took turns trying not to work each other up into a fit. Franky would tinker a little more. Nami would speak a bit softer. Robin would sit a little closer.
Hoku loved them for it. 
For Luffy, a day like that was passed as a day like any other, only a soft brush of wind against his hair, pulling the light curl of his hat, and a single glance out against the sea as the sun bore down on the x-shaped scar across his chest. A day like that was only completed with Hoku finding him in the dark, quietly curling against his side and shutting her eyes as she laid her head over his chest, listening to the rhythmic drum of his heartbeat—her fingers splayed across his chest.
For Hoku, a day like that needed to be mourned days earlier. A single night to herself. A bottle of alcohol she’d never finish by the end of the night. Scattered drawings she could either burn to the wind or tuck somewhere far away.
Hoku took another long sip, swallowing mouthfuls as she set her bottle down. A bit of it trailed down the side of her mouth and she wiped it away, already feeling a hot flush down her neck. It spread thickly across her cheeks and Hoku took up her pencil again, pressing it to a fresh page.
“Can’t you draw me doing something cool for once? You always like drawing me like this!”
Hoku’s stomach lurched, threatening to be nauseous. She shut her eyes, shaking her head. Don’t think about it. Just draw. Just draw. You don’t need to think.
It was easier to draw. Drawing was like pushing all the memories that threatened to flood her eyes with tears out into the pages. She could leave them there and let them go before it hurt a little too much, before she cried a little too hard.
She didn’t know why tonight was a little harder than most.
The pages against the side of her hand sliced sharply against her sliding palm. Hoku pulled away, dully looking down now at her bleeding palm. She dropped her pencil, using that hand to grab her bottle and take another long drink.
“Shooting Star.”
Hoku choked back a sob. She shut her eyes now, pressing her palm to her paper as she leaned forward, trying not to think.
But even her eyes betrayed her.
In her mind she saw the memory of that broad back. Of scuffed boots and sculpted calves, of ink black hair and curling wisps of flame at the corner of his boyish grin—
Hoku pressed the heel of her palm to her forehead, shaking her head. Stop. Her mind was already starting to feel thick and foggy as a result of too much alcohol too fast. Hoku let out a shaky breath, reaching out for the bottle again to try and finish the deed. Tonight was just too hard to draw. She could live with that. It was a different kind of night where she needed to shut her eyes and let the morning take it all away.
Hoku paused just before taking another drink, looking down at her paper.
She froze.
A perfect rendition of him was laid out beneath her palm, hidden beneath the cage of her fingers. Her blood continued to pulse across the page, swirling and curling as it took shape against her will. Her sluggish thoughts did nothing to hinder the perfect clarity of his image, his entire likeness the most lifelike she’d ever drawn it.
He laughed, his smile hidden beneath her index finger. Hoku hesitantly lifted it up.
The drawing peeled at her touch, pulling outwards with a soft pop!
Hoku instantly recoiled, curling her hand away as though she’d been burned. The now dimensional drawing laid over the top of Hoku’s paper, casting his own shadow. It laid there, unmoving, no bigger than the length of her hand. Almost like a sick, perfect rendition of his own doll.
Her head was starting to spin. Hoku continued to stare at the now dimensional drawing, unknowing when her hand had reached out once more for it. She wrapped her bloody fingers around it, cradling it softly as she laid down against the cushions, holding the drawing before her eyes.
He laughed back at her.
Tears began to spill from the corner of Hoku’s eyes. She choked another sob, laid sideways agains the cushioned bench while she brought the drawing to her chest with both hands. She cradled it gently against her heart, tears sliding sideways down her face in a steady stream. Hoku shut her eyes, head spinning with alcohol and tragedy.
I’m sorry.
Hoku squeezed her eyes shut, crying softly as she held the drawing to her.
I’m so sorry.
The drawing warmed beneath her fingertips and Hoku held it reverently between her palms, protecting it the way she had originally failed before.
Brook’s soft melody went silent. Hoku let her mind slip into the dense fog of alcohol, falling asleep to the world.
In the morning, her tears would be gone.
I’m just so sorry.
-- --- --- ---
In her dreams though, she couldn’t escape.
Hoku stared, almost confused against the long stretch of coastline. It was a sight she couldn’t quite understand, a dreamscape drafted up by some inexplicable imagination. Not Artopoki’s shores, which she’d become almost sadly fond of dreaming. Not any other island she’d known. Dozens of different flowers lapped overthemsleves like a thick canopy of leaves to her right while the water lapped at her left. Beneath her a long path of sand stretched onwards.
She froze at the sight that awaited her.
He stood just shy of the coastline. The wind tousled lovingly at his hair. He slowly turned, as if sensing her stare.
Hoku found she could not move. Her voice caught in her throat.
His smile tugged at his lips. That cocky little curve, an almost soft whisper of a laugh ready to leave him.
“You know,” Hoku froze at the sound of his voice. Her eyes flooded with fresh tears. “There was something I wish I told you.”
Hoku choked. He grinned.
“Shooting Star—”
-- --- --- ---
“Shooting Star?”
Hoku’s head hurt. She kept her eyes welded shut, refusing to open them as she curled in on herself. The slow steps to waking up were bringing with it all the consequences of her actions the night before. A steady throb pressed against the side of her temple. Her mouth felt dry, lingering with the faded sweet tang of her kiionohi brew. 
I think this is my worst hangover yet. She felt as though she’d almost lost something. Like all her energy had been seeped out of her and then some, barely leaving her with enough vitality to complain. Her body ached, one hand reaching up to pinch the bridge of her nose as she groaned. Outside she could hear the annoying cry of gulls, their chatter ringing back and forth.
“Stupid woman has done stupid thing!”
“World will be upset.”
When am I not doing something to upset the world? Hoku sighed defeatedly. She laid limply against the cushions, trying to figure out what time it was. It couldn’t have been too late in the day. On of the earlier risers would’ve slipped up here to wake her up and tease her for falling asleep on watch. Just before dawn then. 
Sightly calloused fingers pushed a chunk of her sweat slicked hair out of her face. Hoku’s brows creased, mouth twisting a bit.
“Ugh… I didn’t even hear you come in…” Zoro? It was a weirdly tender gesture—he normally would’ve let her fall off the cushions—but Sanji wouldn’t go this long without saying something sweet.
It didn’t smell like Zoro either. It smelled only like her blood and kiionohi. Hoku rubbed at her puffy eyelids, trying to ignore the throb in her head. Maybe he saw… “Just give me… a second…”
“C’mon Shooting Star, what’d I say about drinking alone?”
Hoku stilled.
The cool, crisp breeze of dawn blew in from the window. Hoku could feel its chill against her skin. The pain in her head was real. The dull ache of her body. The familiar sound of someone below on deck waking up—a sweet whistle telling her it was Sanji, making his way to the base of the crow’s nest. 
Hoku was awake.
“You gonna ignore me? Don’t pretend to be asleep! I need your help figuring out what the heck happened… I think I was visiting… did we party so hard I blacked out?”
Hoku slowly opened her eyes, pulling her hands away from her face.
Her heart began to pound. Something frantic started up inside of her.
He sat on his haunches only inches away from her face. Messy, thick black hair tousled freely around the sharp cut of his jaw. His tanned skin rose and fell with each breath of his chest. His broad shoulders blocked part of her view before her.
Freckles dusted his face, a little constellation across his cheeks.
He turned from rubbing his chin in thought to bring his bright black gaze to her.
No. Hoku thought brokenly. I’m still asleep.
It was a moment where her dreams still clung to her just waking mind.
Because a moment like this couldn’t exist otherwise.
Hoku hesitated, her heart loud against her chest, threatening to crack under the pressure of her ribcage. She reached out then with both her hands, past the soft tickle of his hair and cupped the warm touch of his cheeks on either side. He blinked, looking curious as he leaned into her touch to one side, lips twisting up into that easy grin.
The realest dreams only hurt the most, Hoku realized. 
Tears streaked down Hoku’s face. She gazed quietly at him, unable to speak. She held that face in her hands, his expression going blurry as her eyes filled with tears.
“Aw, come on, what’s this?” his laugh was a little breathless, gaze teasing as he rose from his crouch and hovered now a bit over her. Hoku followed him, unable to pull her hands away. She could feel the warmth radiating off his skin. “You cryin’? Always crying in your sleep—Luffy won’t ever let you live it down. You want to be the new crybaby?”
Even now she still couldn’t find the words to speak. Hoku could only shake her head. He looked a bit surprised at her subdued display, blinking once before he coughed into his free hand, using the other to brace himself over her and the bench.
“Alright, fine,” he said, sighing as though it were troublesome to him. Hoku almost laughed, her heart twisting with pain. It was the kind of thing he would’ve said back on Dawn Island, amidst the cover of trees while Luffy cried. “Move over.”
Hoku pressed her back flush against the bench. His brows creased, examining what little space still remained. He rubbed the back of his neck, eyes darting once to the side before skittering back to her—it was a guilty sort of tell of his. “Well, since the space is tight…”
Hoku didn’t even have the heart to bully him then or shove him to the floor. He grinned a little, a bit impish, the top of his ears dusting red—they would’ve caught like an ember by now, she thought absently— “It’ll make more sense, you know. I’ll lay down first and you can lay down on top—”
His fingers lightly brushed against her hip, as though to reach around Hoku and lift her up. His lids lowered as he gazed down at her. It was a gaze Hoku had never looked at properly. She tried to understand it now, since there was no too late in her dreams.
His fingers touched a bruise Hoku had gotten just the morning before from smacking into the corner of the table by Nami’s tangerines, earning a laugh from the navigator.
Hoku felt pain shoot up her spine like lightning.
She froze.
That’s right… she felt… pain.
She’d been trying to ignore it, but not once had the throbbing in her head receded. The dull ache a distant thought in the back of her mind when sadness had been the forefront.
“Hoku Honey!” Sanji called sweetly. “Shall I get your breakfast ready?”
Hoku looked up at the man hovering above her, still grinning.
Cold washed over Hoku. It conflicted with the warmth of the body before her.
Hoku’s throat went tight. Her mouth dry. Her pulse picked up in speed. The throbbing against the side of her head was almost murderous. She felt sick.
This isn’t right.
“C’mon,” he laughed, a bit coaxing. “Help me out—”
His touch seared against the bare skin of her back. The bruise throbbed.
Hoku’s palms shot out, shoving hard. His eyes widened, startled as he let out a squawk and fell back onto the floor. He looked up at her, affronted and a little betrayed, but Hoku wasn’t thinking about his expressions or his face—she was sitting up, scrambling onto her knees and bringing her shaking palms up to her face.
Dried blood lined the long cut along her palm.
Hoku’s head started to spin. She felt sick. Ice cold water rushed down her spine, dousing over her head while her temple felt like someone was drilling a rusted nail into it. Her entire body was beginning to shake now, disbelief and fear and—
Hoku looked at him, eyes wide, frantic. His body. His face. His size.
He looked back at her, miffed betrayal becoming slow, curious confusion. Concern laced his features.
“Shooting Star?”
“Hoku Honey?” she heard Sanji call again. “Is there someone else up there? No, wait… there is? Hoku Honey—”
Hoku almost felt a whimper leave her lips. Confusion pounded against her head. Fear began to color her face. She shakily looked down at the bench and the floor, eyes darting from paper to scattered paper until she landed on one in particular.
An emptiness was left where she had pulled a drawing free.
No, this can’t be right. 
(This isn’t possible.)
Paper. It had been paper—
(Paper made by your hair. Mixed with your blood. Your special blend.)
Hoku’s breaths began to come staggered, sharp and uneven. Her chest rose and fell rapidly. Her eyes filled with tears while her face twisted into one of insidious horror as she looked back down at the man before her.
(Something she had never thought was possible. Something she’d only thought in passing, when she’d been asked. A thought she was never supposed to entertain. A thought Hoku had never once had, because even she knew playing with such an idea was wrong. Wrong and forbidden. Wrong and—)
Hoku slowly looked back at her hands. She flexed her fingers, carefully until her nails bit into her palm. Blood dripped down the side of her hands. Pain pricked her mind.
She was awake.
This was real.
Oh, oh goddess. Oh, goddess, what have I done?
“Hey!” he looked shocked. “What are you doing—”
Hoku tore herself away from the bench, away from him. He looked at her with wide eyes, confused and a little hurt but Hoku didn’t care. She staggered back a few steps until her knees gave out on her and she collapsed, falling back onto her palms.
Ace reached a hesitant hand out for her.
Not a drawing, but flesh.
Hoku screamed.
-- --- --- ---
Hoku had done a lot of stupid things since she’d been brought into this world.
She was sure there would never be anything beyond this.
-- --- ---- ----
Portgas D. Ace was dead.
“Fire Fist” Ace had died on the battlefield in his beloved brother’s arms, with an eternal smile across his bloodied lips. A smile that belonged to a man who had died knowing he had lived a life where he was loved and was able to love in turn.
And Hoku had watched, bleeding blood that would stain the ice forever until it was melted away. And a part of her had died that day too.
Portgas D. Ace was dead.
He had been so for over two years now. 
This was an indisputable, undeniable fact.
Hoku sat now in the far corner of the galley, unable to bring herself any closer as she held her throbbing head in her hands and glared across the room. Robin sat quietly beside her, a soothing hand splayed over her lower back, fingers occasionally rubbing soft circles, lightly against her side. 
That thing sat at the table, looking only a bit miffed, widely curious, and perhaps rather excited.
It grinned and Hoku felt sick to her stomach.
-continued in (2/3)
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fanofthelamb · 5 months
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So I went dumpster diving in my tablet for the first lamb I ever drew and WOW... I found a lot of sketches I really don't plan on revisiting. I am jsut gonna dump them below the cut for people to see!! Some of it is lore related, some of it is shit I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE, but IDC!!! I will post it anyway for the tumblr users who I keep an eye on my notifs for. (yes, i see you guys. even if i dont always interact I see you and love you guys)
Anyway, here is the earliest drawin I have of me drawing the lamb!! I am going to write a comment under a lot of these to add context to them.
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A cute little baby <3333 but I struggled a LOT of figuring out what the lamb was wearing, I eventually figured it out though. (I hope)
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if you know, you know. (RIP VAL)
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for my BTG AU. I decided I no longer wanted chemach to make the [spoiler] for the lamb, though, so I scrapped this
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vaaaal,,,,,, i was still learning how to draw him, i wish i put pants on him but do those even exist in COTL? (yes)
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I haven't been able to do much with them because I'm putting other stuff first, but Brear has two kids, Notre and Brejul who Narinder absolutely ADORES. he is the one who babysits.
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fun fact but the lamb being touch repulsed is a projection LOL. i hate it when people touch me it feels so tickly and makes me want to bite their faces off. (but i am touch starved and i LOVE to show affection to other ppl, esp thru back rubs)
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yes, they have a hoop for personal space. no, ill never use it.
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drum corcl,,,, i love the little dancing guy that comes from the drums
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more narinder and brear. they're not romantically interested in each other, but he is absolutely head over heels for brear, their brother, and the kids. they even call him dad sometimes.
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[no context]
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kallamar and leshy before their crowns. the scene i have related to this isn't happening anymore, but it was leshy begging to be taught to swim.
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another "the one who baby sits" doodle. the bishops all came into the cult with a very good repuation thanks to narinder. he likes to tell the kids of the cult stories about how amazing his siblings were. at first, it was just to nobre and brejul with stories about leshy(he missed leshy a lot even though he was still mad at him, and the two reminded narinder of his time with leshy), but then it escalated into him hosting storytimes with larger groups after they started repeating some of the stories he'd tell them.
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unfinsihed stuff about with the lamb and thier mom. their mom wasn't afraid of the bishops at all, but knew that they were a still a threat to her and her child's life. the lamb did NOT care for anyone thier mom didn't approve of/enthusiastically liked. they were much more afraid of the bishops than their mother.
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i do not actually know if i posted this.i dont think so, but i giggle every time i scroll past it
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brear and nobre <333
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im still workong on BTG shit, and i post a little bit of the characters on here even tho the comics are going to be posted elsewhere. they have a "crownlike" beak, but a body part. there's different creatures who became gods through different ways; crowns are one way but their power is stuck with the crown and they are considered extremely weak compared to other gods. i wont blabber on about it tho.
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so many sketches has random lines through em because i work with a tablet,,, i hate it. anyway, narinder and kallamar everybody!
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sketches i made but didn't bother to finish of me and merbre,,,,,,,,, my husband #1 <3 them w/ narinder + merbre arent gonna be considered "canon" but damn it ill self-ship with them until i get a follower i can WORK with
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i come back to this every few weeks and im never happy with it, i dont know if ill finish this but i think about them........ before the divorce </3
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unused from an ask
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heartstealer. menace. you can rip my heart out anytime, leshy <3
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dreshy. he LOVES dresses and being pretty and cute and pretty. he sucks narinder into a lot and heket will sometimes join in if he demands asks her to <3
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another unused drawing from an ask i'll eventually answer. (mildly offended at being called a mutton cube.)
.... aaand WOW! I think that's everything guys!! things are still kinda wild but they're calming down a little bit. idk how much longer it's gonna last like this but I have some energy so I made a way-too-long post showing off art I wasn't supposed to post! Awesome. :D
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anzuhan · 8 months
idk for the words for the process so bair with me. but how do you paint. like i usually have my layers as like sketch, linart, color, shade, but when people do stuff thats more detailed beyond that (like haratake) i just see people like, build the drawing from very little actual sketching and basically mold paint like its clay
i tried to answer this ask twice before with different speedpaints but each time it gave me an error.. so i have no idea how to upload videos here. here are some speedpaints i posted onto twitter ! spp1 spp2
ill explain the process a bit too.
i start out a work just like you normally would with lines; i do not really paint from scratch because its not to my liking. i do not draw with a sketch; the initial linework is both the lineart and the sketch. i refine everything later by painting over or with the liquify tool. after that, i select everything within the linework with a gray base on which i clip every single color i need until i have the base colors. from there i also just shade each individually like normal.
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when the shading is done, i start coloring in the lines: i apply a lock to the lineart so i do not go off of it and eyepick a darker color than the one i need at the time for a smooth lineart; i also paint over and dont leave the lines as thick as initially to make it more uniform (see below on the skin parts of the lineart)
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only things i do paint from scratch are objects, or other details i deem would rather be easily drawn from shape (like her trident and tail in this case)
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i hope this was useful ! dont forget to also try things out yourself your own way if youve got any other ideas how to work in a style like this if you wish to
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golbrocklovely · 3 months
I myself am trying to catch up on this corey stuff. I'm so lost
okay, i'm gonna give the quickest of rundowns on this whole thing.
aka i watched elton's video so everyone doesn't have to lol
so to give the slightest bit of backstory, corey left tfil/overnight/haunted homies a couple months back. he then came out with a video in april saying that the reason he left is bc he wants to pursue other ventures, in particular sketch comedy bc that's so timely. but he also said he would still be doing ghost hunting, just not with elton. around this time he also unfollowed elton, and devyn on her secret twitter was shitting on elton in some way (but idk what she said bc it's private). him and devyn have also started back up their old channel where they ghost hunt. and corey... i think... has posted some vlogs or whatever here and there on his main channel. but idk for certain since i don't watch him.
now, for some reason, elton has decided to clear the air on what happened with him and corey bc his leaving was very abrupt and confused a lot of fans.
imma just bullet point this list as best i can bc wow does that man love to talk and say almost nothing for over an hour.
elton alluded to corey possibly being the reason why the beef with snc lasted so long; mostly bc corey loves talking shit on ppl he's collabed with in the past. and full on would tell elton not to recollab with certain paranormal ppl bc. in particular, exploring with josh (who was also surprised to find out corey shit talked him since he commented "what" on elton's video)
the main portion of the video was solely to explain that while corey allegedly claims to be broke or not have made much money off of the overnight channel/tfil, elton very much begs to fucking differ
corey would get paid roughly $10k A WEEK during investigations, trips, whatever. elton also stated that he would pay anyone that would go on trips with them, roughly $2500 for the day, but that would fluctuate depending on the circumstances.
corey technically made over half a mil a year for the past couple years bc of elton paying him to be on the channel. elton also stated that corey makes more than elton on the channel bc elton basically pays for everything while corey has no stake in the claim.
corey did literally no work bts whatsoever. never suggested any places to go to, never paid for anything (not the hotel, driving, booking of spots, ect), and then on top of it never did any work like editing, getting ghost equipment, research. elton did everything, but would pay corey 50% since he was the other person on the channel mainly.
corey would flake out of a lot of things last minute for unknown reasons. or when they would discuss things to do/places to go, he would just not do it or go. and sometimes this would play out on camera, and to elton's justification, is why he would seem to "force" corey to do things. basically bc it was agreed on beforehand, only for corey to not do it once they got there.
during a charity livestream that was supposed to last for about a week (if not longer), corey claimed to feel ill, did nothing to help himself, and then left the charity livestream early.
then the fans that donated the most during that stream were supposed to fly out and meet elton and corey (all expenses paid by elton himself). corey decided last minute not to meet fans. elton then had to give refunds to some ppl who had wanted to meet corey.
corey would get a cut of the shares when it came to merch as well. even tho he wouldn't design it, be the one paying to ship it out, nothing. they created the haunted bundles that they did on the tfil site just so corey could make more money.
elton got rid of some of his staff just so corey could make more money/be paid more
the haunted homies tour that they did, elton planned all of it and created it bc corey wanted to do more funny bits instead of all of the haunted stuff. bc… it was corey's dream to eventually end up on snl. no, i am not joking. that is something elton actually claims corey wants lol
the second haunted homies tour, the one with matt rife, corey was contractually obligated to post about it/tell their editor in time what clips he would want to repost on his accounts. corey never did that/would take too long to get back to them on what he wanted, and then would later ask for certain clips to be removed from the vids long after the video was already up.
elton gifted $10k to corey bc he claimed to need more money… even after all of this shit played out
they had to make less content last year bc of how often corey would just not do projects with him/would flake out last minute
at the beginning of this year, elton had a bunch of tfil trips planned, with overnight videos in between also being filmed. basically had it laid out that they would only have to film for the first couple months, and then pick up filming again in october. so almost the entire year was planned out. he was just waiting for corey to sign off on it.
elton travels to some place (i'm blanking on it now) and then gets a single text from corey that says "hey man, i've wanted to bring this up for a while, but this year i'm gonna pull back from overnight and just focus on myself" with no explanation or conversation. and since that text, he has basically ghosted elton irl and online. but has apparently been saying things to friends in common that old roommates (like elton and whoever else all lived with them these past couple years) has stole shit from him, ect. and in general, he has been talking shit on elton bts.
i think that's everything i can remember off the top of my head that elton alleged. if i remember anything else, i'll add it. but this was pretty much a good chunk of the vid.
basically, the general gist is corey had one job: show up and make money. and he couldn't even do that lol
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quiet-clangen · 5 months
What happened to QuietClan
Soooo it's been a while and like I've mentioned before, I haven't been posting because I've been busy, I figured I'd give a run down of what happened in QuietClan when I had all this free time. I did play well in to the 100's and my sketches go to about moon 102. Read under the cut, if you're curious but I also came on here to mention that I will be making a new Clangen blog. This time, I have a semi-planned story instead of just letting the RNG tell it. Not sure when I'll start it but I'll post a link when I do. So on to QuietClan:
Picking up where we left off, Rainbowpelt is pregnant, her partner was some random loner. The same moon, Nutella and Elmhare bring home an orphaned litter of kit. Rainbow gives birth to three kits and the same moon, a former kittypet named Luci Purr, renamed Purrpounce (remember her), joins the Clan with her five newborn kits. A two moons later, a rabid group of rogues bursts in to the nursery in the middle of the night. Rainbowpelt and most of the kits died in the ensuing fight. The nursery survivors are two of her kits, Hazelkit and Firkit (remember him), Purrpounce, and two of her kits: Kinkkit and Eggkit. Immediately after, a loner named Oriole joins with her three sons: Lizardkit, Firekit, and Sunkit.
After that kit boom, Hazelpaw is apprenticed to her aunt Minkeye, cheering Minkeye up quite a bit. Firpaw is apprenticed to grandpaw Nutella and Elmhare. Sunpaw falls out of a tree on his first day out and has an extremely delayed warrior ceremony but in the meantime, grows a close bond with Pondfox (also injured at the time), Elmhare, and Greenstar. Purrpounce broaches the idea of stricter patrols to Greenstar and the same moon, Minkeye, Bogtwist, and Hazelpaw are taken by twolegs. They all die outside the Clan.
Elmhare and Pondfox grow some impressively high romantic like for each other. Elmhare finds some more orphaned kits on patrol: Stormkit, Heartkit, and Acronkit. Soon after, Bitterkit and Bitekit are found by Nutella. Berrykit is also found by Purrpounce. Eggfeather, now a warrior, is very bubbly and air-headed and is the girl every cat around her age is attracted to. A couple moons later, Oriole and Greenstar become mates, just very randomly.
At moon 38, Elmhare and Stormpaw died in a timeskip, which I drew as a human with a crossbow. A few moons later, Greenstar and Lizardshimmer are taken by twolegs. Her extra lives are taken since she is no longer under StarClan's skies. Pondstar becomes leader, making Purrpounce her deputy on account of wanting a deputy that will question her. When Pondstar comes back, Purrpounce announces she's expecting kits with her friend, Sunlion. But only a few moons later, a pack of dogs attack the Clan. Pondstar loses all her lives protecting Sprigkit and Featherkit.
Purrstar names her son Kinkjump deputy, despite his nervous nature and not finishing Heartpaw's training, due to her getting taken by twolegs at 9 moons old. Sunlion stays in camp to watch over Featherkit as he fights yellowcough, but the kit succumbs to his illness at 5 moons old. Heartbounce finds their way back to camp but the moment of joy doesn't last, as Nutella is found dead by the FrondClan border later that moon. Sunlion dies of an infected dog bite the next moon. Purrstar is... unwell.
Purrstar declares war moon 54. Eggfeather has been dating Acronbreak but they disagree on when they would want kits now with this war. Of all Eggfeather's many romantic prospects, Acornbreak is the most likely at this point. On the same moon, Greenholly returns, glad to be home and reunite with Oriole but devastated to learn what happened to her friends and fellow founders. The same moon, she and Oriole adopt their daughters Hootkit, Claykit, and Russetkit. The war fizzles out only a few moons later with both Clans concerned for their own young kits.
A fire breaks out moon 59 and during it, Acornbreak dies shoving Purrstar out of the way of a large burning branch. Purrstar is devastated, she knew about how her daughter felt about Acornbreak, who was a strong, upstanding young warrior. The next moon, Bitterfur, a good friend of Purrstar's, and Sprigfang, her youngest son, die of yellowcough. Firjay was unable to treat them due to the fire burning away his herb stores and being too injured himself from a dog attack too look for more.
The clan notices that Greenholly gives more attention to Hootkit than her other kits after saving her from a hawk. All the clan either has a strong opinion or is desperate to get away from the gossip. A apprentice from FrondClan joined after the fire but Purrstar is always hostile to him and his mentor (a former kittypet named Flameblink) has to constantly interrupt. Flameblink was Sprigfang's former mentor though, and part of her hates him, trying to associate him with her son's death.
A loner named Dori joins with Agavekit, Ryekit, and Quickkit. On moon 63, Russetpaw died sneaking out of camp and stepping on an adder. Rubbing salt in Greenholly, Purrstar names Ficklepaw Ficklenudge. A few moons later, she and Oriole rescue the orphaned Waspkit and Oakkit from a fox, adopting the kits as their own.
Moon 71 is when Purrstar suddenly dips in to full dictator mode and every other moon, she'd snap at someone questioning her leadership. Purrstar would order someone to help her punish the questioning cat, either through coercion or getting someone in her inner circle to do it. Despite getting in to all these fights, Purrstar never lost a life from the ensuing injuries.
Among the injured parties is Purrstar's mate Stream, who dies from her claw wounds. Oriole dies of infection. Heartbounce continually challenged Purrstar. At one point, Purrstar tried to get Eggfeather to punish them, but she was easily defeated. While still injured, Purrstar ordered Eggfeather to attack Hoottiger (formerly in Purrstar's circle). Eggfeather becomes Firjay's mate after he defends her. Hoottiger is punished by Purrstar herself and dies of her wounds.
At this point, Greenholly looks to the stars, completely despondent. She's taken by twolegs the next moon and dies soon after. She resides in the outsider residence, having lost her faith in her ancestors. She finds other clanmates that died under Purrstar's rule here.
From this point on, QuietClan cats proceed to die constantly, among them being Firjay, Ficklenudge, Heartbounce, Firenettle, Kinkjump, and many, may others. The Clan is always at war, cats always choose violence on border patrols, there's not enough hunting patrols. Eggfeather has lost her bubbly personality. There's no medicine cat, her mate is gone, her friends are gone, the Clan is ruled by fear. Even when Purrstar appoints her deputy, Eggfeather doesn't find the strength to assassinate her mother. When Eggfeather retires, there are no young, able bodied cats to take her place. No one can hunt, everyone is injured. Slowly, the clan starves to death.
In the end, the only survivors are an ancient Flameblink and his three sons. Then, he too dies, leaving a newly named medicine cat and two apprentices. And this is the cyclical story of QuietClan: left on the brink of extinction by war, famine, and disease due to a bloodthirsty leader. The youngest are left to pick of the pieces. No one in any clan lives long enough to remember that this has happened before. New StarClan makes old StarClan's mistakes. They don't trust themselves, thus, the previous generation goes silent.
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eatstarz · 4 months
I’ve been here for like 2 days so here’s an intro
Hi, hello, good morning or afternoon or night
You can call me Star, Starz, B, or any nickname as long as I’m ok with it & I go by she/her
my ao3 is eatstarz but I don’t post that often, please make requests to save me from writers block (lack of inspiration not motivation)
here are some things I’m interested in in most interested to least
• Rick Riordanverse (I’m on toa atm)
• Reading and writing (I won’t read books with romance as the main genre but romance subplots & fanfics w preexisting ships I love) (I also cannot write romance for the life of me, but I can write unrequited love & angst/ hurt no comfort)
•Art (digital, sketching, markers, painting, etc)
• dinosaurs
•Dracula (The original novel, I will not acknowledge any of the movies/series unless Mina Harker Eats)
• baking (please help I can bake pretty much anything except chocolate chip cookies)
• the outsiders (I go through phases where I’m obsessed and where I forget everything)
• classical literature
• nickleback, arctic monkeys, Alex Benjamin, and train are some of my favorite artists
• Horror (I love horror but I get scared very easily)
• gnomes
• candles
• Fnaf
•Mat Pat (like all his channels & I’ve been a fan for 6+ years)
Here’s a list of things I will not write about, most other things are on the table you’ll just be ignored if I’m not comfortable with it, if I write it it will be posted on ao3 & I’ll leave the link in response
• nsfw (gore/bloody things are good, just nothing sexual however I can imply it)
•romance (I’m horrible at writing it
• hurt/ comfort (I can’t write comfort, you might get a little bit but it’ll go away fast)
• adult/ minor anything
• y/n x character/ reader inserts (used to write these all the time & I can’t anymore it’s so cringey to me)
Basically come to me if you want the angstiest angst without fluff
Fandoms/topics I’ll write about
• BSD (not always I don’t keep up w it much)
• lovecraftian horror (I don’t condone things Hp lovecraft has done/said obviously but I love his works, so I will do nothing related to his metaphors about race and such) (can be original ish or existing creatures)
• psychological horror (i will not write about mental illnesses in that kind of way that makes everyone with them seem crazy (does that make sense(?))
• fnaf
• Dracula
This was pretty long but if you’re interested in anything I’ve mentioned don’t be afraid to dm me ! (I’m afraid to dm people)
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glitchyvoice · 5 months
Do you have any blorbos or ideas to share?
floodgates: open
yes!! i have a bunch of aus im working on though im assuming u mean cotl specific (the others are undertale/deltarune and homestuck related if theres any interest)
the main one im working on right now is fates twine, (which ill explain in more detail in a second) but i have two others. a pirate esque essentially dnd campaign au story which ive named tears in a bottle. im still figuring out designs for that one but nari is a critter the size of the lambs hand so thats funny. its called tears in a bottle cuz the lamb and the others in the pirate crew go to raid a lost city, and the statue in the middle of said city (which is of shamura. the bishops are all archfey in this au so theyre cool) is weeping golden tears into a bottle which contains nari. only the lamb can see these god tears and nari.
i also have ideas for a madoka magica x cotl au but i have no designs and not enough ideas to talk about it currently.
but then theres fates twine. fates twine ("fates twine binds the hearts of you and i" is the full name, fates twine is my shorthand) is a prequel au which starts when the old gods are still around, and out of the bishops only shamura has their crown. it explores what would happen if the lamb (who is named mara) found the red crown before nari could, and fought against their ascension. they actually meet nari when hes still a mortal because of this and they become friends. shenanigans ensue. (narinders name as a mortal here is paean. i thought it would be cool to link him to the demon he always becomes in game) i have a bunch planned and have like 4,000 words worth of scenes written for it. but they're all for different parts of the fic so it's not currently postable. the closest image i have for mara around the time they find the crown is this little sketch for a scene i made
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they dont typically wear the crown they usually have it as a ring on their finger to hide they have it but for that scene they do.
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this is a bit of an older design and artstyle but this is mara when theyre a bit older. this is. the only coloured drawing i have of them rn but im gonna work on more soon.
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this is their current design at that age. the other lamb there is omen, their little sister. i have a whole page of doodles of her that im gonna post tomorrow probably. shes one of my favourite fates twine characters i love her sm lolol
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and these are sketches of mara post them becoming a cult leader!! so yeah nari does still get the crown and ascend instead of them eventually and they become the last lamb and all that but its about the interesting things that them being the true god of death causes. so yeah. you also get one (1) paragraph draft snippet of the first chapter bc im feeling silly
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so yeah!! yap over
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I require all the info on your Cassie-centric au
okay~! @carouselrabbit and @viarayy01-blog also expressed interest so haiii <3
i should be dead
ill be adding my sketch to this postcause why not <3
as i said, the au takes place post-ruin, mostly. the ending cassie follows is, she got the secret cameras, got the scooper room unlocked, went in..
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and the mimic was faster than her. it blocked her from going into the control area, and it turned on the scooper. it is.. not designed for organic creatures, nor for someone of cassies size.
she is injured, badly. she survives - the scooper injected her with some remnant which hurt, but it did save her life, however that feature is.. not supposed to be used on organic creatures. but, well. shes not quite dead, but shes not.. great.
on her tredge back through the pizzaplex, after she wakes up from her incident with the scooper alive, she finds roxy (more damaged than before, but functioning fine), chica (who she sort of-fixed, and is functioning pretty well), and eclipse (who, aside from missing a foot, seems to be in the best condition). she takes all of them with her (well, okay, eclipse carries her a decent chunk of the way, cause walking after getting scooped sucks and her legs keep giving out, and she doesnt even have something else controlling her body like a certain someone did.)
i debated having the mimic use her corpse like a suit to escape, but that feels a bit too on the nose. (nothing was preventing it from getting out other ways, though.)
if you cant tell, this is absolutely supposed to be a “history repeats itself” type thing with the ennard and mike situation.
additionally, cassie’s vocal chords were messed up by the scooper, but ahe can speak pretty easily when using the mask as she doesnt need to use her vocal chords - it just uses her thoughts.
she stays at her dads house with the bots, and her dad is … on a business trip still. (she hopes.)
okayyy that’s all i can think of for now~ feel free to ask for specific questions if you want!!!
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profanepurity · 2 years
So Lucifer's favorite is Primo. Terzo is Asmodeus' favorite. Do other Demon Lords consider Secondo or Copia their favorite?
Oh, very good question! You guys are going to get more design peaks and small name changes for the Lords with this one! (and a lore dump oops)
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Secondo and Beelzebub actually see eye to eye on quite a few things. You would think two very similar, powerful men- stubborn, cold, and bitter powerful men I might add- would clash. However, they actually get along quite well. Secondo always provides exceptional offerings and has proven himself to be a worthy devotee and prophet, so much so that Beelzebub has even invited Secondo out to drink with him on several occasions. (They both made a freind you guys this a big accomplishment for both them.)
Beelzebub even offered to personally oversee Bellamy's education when she is older. To the church he may be a bishop, or a terrifying king of Hell, but in some circles he is known as "Reverend Professor Avarice". Many of the siblings, like Sister Natalie, can attest to how good of a teacher he is.
Copia on the other hand is a bit of a special case, since he gets baby privileges with the fact that many of the demons want to be close to him for one reason or another. But Saltarian and Imperator have Copia so locked down that Satanas even has to "put effort" into reaching out to him. This has deterred a lot of demons from working with our rat boy unfortunately...
except for Belial...
Belial is a wicked and cruel king. There are very few members within the church that are willing to work with him, simply because of how dark his energy is. (Something to note, Belial is very good at spotting witches, keep that in mind for later). His name roughly translates to "Godless", "worthless", "evil" and you feel that when you are in the presence of Lucifer's second. "Father Null" on the other hand is a very sweet young man, but is simply a lowly priest, often over looked and often dismissed. As Copia gets older, that is perhaps what draws him to Father Null and the darkness of Belial. Copia just wants companionship in the shadows from someone who's like him, over looked and dismissible.
If you look back at my post about Copia's "dedication", you can see a very old sketch of Belial in the background. Many of you caught on to how pissed he looked lol. Lilith actually ended up telling the other Lords what the church had done a few years after Copia had been born. Many of the Lords had been "out" for one reason or another, so when they'd returned they had done so excitedly, expecting to come back to two of their partners and a baby. Instead, Lilith looked more pale and ill than the day they had found her in that cave. She could barely describe what had happened without breaking into sobs. Lucifer was like a wounded animal being forced to perform as "Bishop Stell", giving sermon after sermon for the church while Saltarian practically held him at "gun point" to do so. It would not matter how many people spontaneously combusted into fire in the pews, how black the water became, how many swarms of locusts and toads covered the church, Lucifer could do nothing for Copia. He could only drag his bloody claws against Imperator's door at night, whispering all the things he as going to do to her in Hell (Oh I have a comic idea for that later hehe).
So you can imagine just how livid Belial was to come back to this. He only regretted not spending more time comforting Lilith initially. After she told him where Copia was, Belial took Lilith's head in both of his slightly shaking claws and kissed her in silence. He only broke it once her breathing had evened, and he watched her until she looked up at him. Belial was a sadistic fucker that rarely took anything seriously. His humor is a reflection of just how black his heart is.
But he has never looked more concerned and angry than in that moment in quite a long time. He looked at Lilith's face, which Belial adored, even as it was stricken by grief and anxiety. He had pressed his forehead to hers.
"Baby, can I leave you alone for a little bit?"
The Unholy Mother said yes, but she wanted him to come back with Lucifer. She was scared for him, terrified of Lucifer tearing himself apart trying to get them to release Copia.
Of course, Belial promised her everything would be fine.
He killed 36 monks who were under Nihil on his way to the nursery, one for each month Copia had been kept from his mother at that point. He left their bodies piled in the hall of Imperator's office, practically trapping her inside with corpses draped in red, cotton robes and sparkling grucifixes in front of her door.
When "Father Null" entered the nursery, he saw Copia playing on the ground, alone, with a couple rats who he was sharing his food with. In that moment, all the vile, sick intentions of the wicked king dissolved. All he saw when he looked at Copia was two of the loves of his life. He saw Lilith's eyes and Lucifer's smile in little Copia, who barely even noticed the priest had walked in. Null sat with Copia for a little while as a gentle priest, watching Copia play with his tail that he decided to unmask. Copia thought it was the coolest thing ever.
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Before Belial returned to Lilith, he came into Bishop Stell's office to do as he promised. He approached Lucifer slowly and knelt before his king at his chair. Belial pulled both his beloved's hands away from his work, and kissed each of his damaged fingers. Lucifer didn't say a word as he looked at his lover, covered in the blood of traitors. Then he saw Belial smile at him. The evil demon, with such pure and warm affection, told Lucifer that their child was beautiful. He promised he would remain in the church for the entirety of Copia's childhood to ensure their child would be looked after in the shadows. Belial was seen as worthless and wicked in heaven and on earth, but Lucifer, the perfect being, has always looked at him with weakness and adoration. For that, Belial would be eternally devoted.
"I know you're angry, but you're scaring her."
Belial had whispered that against his head, and that was all it took for Lucifer to finally break down into sobs- that he'd been suppressing for three years- into Belial's arms.
Lilith felt like she could breath again when she saw Lucifer walk in behind Belial, hardly hearing him apologize to her as she pulled both the fallen angels closer to her and the other kings.
Copia has no idea how loved he is.
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Intro Post!!
Artist Intros:
Hi! I'm Kree, I go by He/Him, and Alsie is my main oc in this universe! In terms of comics, I'm responsible for lineart and character colouring! (At least for now, thats the plan) On my main blog (shameless plug) I also talk about my Avian ocs, Alistair and EJ!
Yoyoyo. Because of the above idiot, my nickname on this site is.. technically Borace. But on everything else I go by Internet_Fruit (or variations of that) so my online nickname has thus become Fruit. I'm genderqueer, lesbian, and my pronouns are usually They/them but they do change sometimes. I do the sketches for our comics and artworks, as well as the backgrounds.
The characters:
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Art- @kreeative-error
(note: this photo is outdated VERY SLIGHTLY. Just ignore the scars on her face)
Alsie is a Legion Commander in the city of Treaty Hive, Aevynfall's capital. Alsie is incredibly loyal, and thus easily manipulated (especially by the Council of Gods). She has TraumaTM from executing her past girlfriend, along with many, MANY other 'criminals'.
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Art - @theboredasexual (Fruit here - yeah the switched the scar LMAO. Neitha has it, Aslie does not. We will update her photo eventually)
Neitha can only be described as an absolute grump who is technically a golden retriever. She rarely smiles, is constantly tired, and if you try to talk to her you will mostly just get snappy sarcastic responses. That said, she is incredibly protective of those who she loves (not that it's many people. Alsie got into that category somehow, and of course so is her remaining dad, but thats about it. Kree could NEVER).
Neitha has worked in her fathers' smithy since she was old enough to read the label on a hammer. She's good, but often gets overworked, especially now that her Pa is dead and her Dad is ill and usually bed-ridden.
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Art- @kreeative-error
(Btw, he wasn't intentionally named after Kreeative, it was a placeholder name and we got too attachted and now its just there sorry not sorry)
Kree has a tragic af backstory which we will not be sharing yet because it's too important. What you do get to know is that Kree is currently a Legion Commander alongside his friend Alsie Elsbrook. He's been in the position about a year longer than her, and he can't quite relate to her struggle with the Commander duties. Execution's aren't fun but they're not horrible either, right? A little bit powerful, even...
Stuff we post:
#altha : Cute moments with Alsie and Neitha (or any of the other ships we may or may not introduce in the future)
#ank memes : Memes (also with alsie and neitha. and sometimes kree)
#aevynfall : World info about Aevynfall?? Who knows...
#ask : Answers to asks (if we get any)
#ank comic : maybeonedayanactualcomicbutfornowwe'restillplanningthatoutsonopromises
Anything other than comics are technically not canon, or necesserily canon-compliant (unless we state otherwise)
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i'm a little ill right now and honestly don't have motivation to make sketches (i haven't posted my art here in a long ass time- and honestly good for me because i look back to those pictures and think damn, was that me??) so here's some little emily headcanon / backstory thing i came up with based on these facts about her on the ttte wiki and the official wikipedia page about her basis:
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so without furder ado, my emily backstory headcanon(s):
so we all know that emily is the safety engine- and compared to the other members of the steam team, she doesn't get herself into very silly accidents or derails often- sure, sometimes she can't read the atmosphere or does gestures that aren't exactly helpful to a specific situation (such as getting mavis flowers when she was down), but she's very introspective, often being able to tell what's up with her friends and frankly, doing odd jobs until she becomes the safety engine- but also having a bit of a bossy attitude about her when it comes to such things, like bossing around thomas and percy following a storm, and becoming impatient when she feels as if the other engines have little regard for their work or her work- but the question remains- why?
it's known that emily's engine class faced issues with traction and staying smoothly on the rails- something that we see frequently in the model series, she lightly "rocks and rolls" on the track- additionally, her engine class got into two big derailment accidents- one where the engine derailed on broken rail, killing a passenger, and one where the removal of a speed restriction on the track caused the engine to derail and kill two people
additionally, only the first of the class is left preserved in the current day- i headcanon that in ttte, this engine was last minute bought by the fat controller to help out on the northwestern railway- something that emily remains thankful for, but unused to.
i headcanon that since most of her class was removed from service around the 1890's (just around when edward was born), emily has little to no experience about railways in the more recent times, and that emily remained pulling passenger trains on her former railway with an "engines are seen, not heard" attitude- similar to what duke says to peter sam and sir handel about his younger days. additionally, since emily was the first of her class, i would assume she would be subject to more experimentation and/or exposure of what actually happens to engines rather quickly, given her curious personality- she would probably spend a lot of time at the steamworks on the gnr, with the workers there adoring her curious personality and her desire to be learning new things- leading to them talking to her through any and every modification she might receive, any repairs she might receive, any repairs that other engines might receive- the works. the workers there treat her very humanly, almost as if she's purely a human without arms or legs- they let her smell and experience the texture of human food and drinks (receiving some funny reviews from her in the process), read the paper out loud to her, teach her how to do things such as mathematics and telling her about literature- you get the point. around when her class became decomissioned and the railway preparing to send the other engines for scrap, the workers talked to her about it- and her reaction was very very human. more human than most other workers had seen throughout their lifetime.
while emily was devastated over her siblings' deaths, she also remained confused- she had not officially been named by her controller at the time, and she experienced the same issues as the rest of her class did, but up until then was lucky to never have derailed or killed another being in the process. the engines on the gnr were given numbers after older locomotives- essentially taking their places on the railway as the older locomotives would soon be forgotten- making emily wonder "why? why do i deserve to stay and be preserved and restored to working order while all my siblings are sent for scrap?" this also made her feel queasy about being a new engine and/or about seeing new engines on the railway- she began to worry about how it was unfair, that older engines would be sent to scrap as newer ones came, but also terrifying her to realize that they didn't even stand some sort of protection in the process, and that the vast majority of steam locomotives would eventually face the same fate as their predecessors (additionally, i like to think the gnr had a "no-fraternizing-during-work" policy for the engines, and most of the engines would be too exhausted at the end of the day for deeper conversations with one another- also leading to emily panicking about who even are the engines she worked with, what are their likes/dislikes, etc- this also leads to why she got frustrated at thomas when he slept with her in the sheds in calling all engines but that's a point i'll get to later)- sure, she spoke to the engines while they worked, and in fact sometimes told them what was going on and tried to reassure them while she was in the works- but it was never enough to keep the guilt about her being chosen to be preserved and an engine's life cycle away.
due to all of these things- most of emily's relaxed conversation occuring with humans, the majority of her knowledge coming from humans and their perspective, and the lack of fraternizing with other engines while at work, emily became somewhat stunted developmentally- sure, she's older than edward by a good twenty years- but she doesn't even know how to act on a running railway anymore- after all, the times have changed. this leads to emily's occasional short temper with the other engines, and even leads to the events when we first meet her, where she takes thomas' coaches on accident- she was not used to asking, she simply did as she was told on her own railway- twisting her attempts at becoming friendly with the engines on sodor at first
when sir topham hatt first bought her, the workers at the steamworks were delighted that emily would not only be able to run again, but that she would be in a place that she would be cared for, that sir topham hatt would be able to put the time and energy into repairing her and taking care of her that the workers at the gnr were beginning to lose access to- this led to a little "going away" party for emily- many tears were shed, and many memories were shared- even if now most of the workers are gone, emily looks back at them fondly, probably telling the engines about her times with them, and her times on the gnr.
here's where emily's safety engine backstory comes through- remember how her engine class used to derail and "rock and roll" quite often? this led to her become a worrywart- not just about herself, but about the other engines and their safety as well- she was concerned about henry when his tubes were leaky, she stood up for salty against thomas and percy's teasing, she looks at james and thomas almost like her little brothers (because obviously, they get into some of the dumbest and most careless accidents- and in the earlier series, don't really learn from it)- the list goes on, but she essentially ends up worrying about herself and the other engines A LOT. however, deep down this is because of her revelation about scrapping while she was at the gnr- she herself does not want to be scrapped, but she doesn't want any of her new friends to be scrapped either- especially since many perfectly working steam locomotives would be sent to the scrapyard at alarming rates.
now this is where her probably not socializing with many other engines whilst working or resting during her time at the gnr comes in- remember when thomas sleep whistles, keeps chatting off to her, and snoring when they shared a shed together? and just how annoying she found it? i believe she was overstimulated by it, seeing that she was still a rather new engine at the time, and slept by herself at knapford sheds. secretly, she was probably scared thomas' sleep whistling might send her away, or distract her from her rest and cause issues tomorrow- when she realizes that that isn't the case, when thomas leaves she begins to feel lonely, having enjoyed the company of her friend and realizing that nothing was going to happen to either of them after all- and when she was invited to take a berth at tidmouth sheds, she was delighted- with some learning curves, obviously- after all, she's very new to this
i imagine that edward would take to her endearingly, realizing that she's probably having an inner conondrum she doesn't openly speak of, thus being easier on her- he would also probably wonder how he ended up being an engine younger than her by the years but older in personality, but chooses to not mention it- sometimes they get along talking about their days on their old railways, and it would imagine they can get into pretty deep philosophical conversations (do engines have philosophy?) if emily ever lets her guard down
similarly, henry would probably look to her for advice and learning how to stand up for himself, and being kinder- not only was he more of a cynical character in the early series, but he was also very very ill- and that combined with his desire to prove himself past all his ailments probably turned him into a very harsh person- something he originally couldn't really understand- and something that emily was able to help him through, talking about his feelings
obviously in the series she also has her bossy moments, being impatient when clearing up the rails from a storm and taking gordon's express- i imagine that it was taken control of by sir topham hatt in a much different manner, remembering how emily was at the gnr's steamworks- he speaks to her almost like a teenager about her actions, letting her bask and self reflect instead of immediately assigning her to other work until she can be trusted again- thus making her one of his more sensible engines
however, emily does have her own moments of not being so sensible- for example, when she wished to be streamlined like caitlin, admiring her (and victor was basically like nah you don't need that 💀)- insecurity from her old age and wishing to be something more than just an odd jobs engine probably made her a little bit insecure. another great example is when she's with whiff- obviously, she's not one for smells, but to go on and laugh at him and be frantic about being seen with him just because her peers laughed at him? clearly she had a moment of smokebox fog there.
i imagine that emily actually wouldnt have much prejudice towards diesels- sure, she got mad at him for taking the coaches when being ill, but that was because he was ill and pushing himself- it has nothing to do with him being a diesel (something i assume would surprise diesel, especially for such an old engine like emily)- i believe that she wouldn't even know what diesels actually are for a while, but she would see them as any useful engine, and that once she did learn about the steamie/diesel conflict she would try to calm her inner crisis about scrapping- sir topham hatt wouldn't do that, and they're only doing their purpose after all
additionally, emily probably doesn't take kindly to hearing about engines getting scrapped- in her younger days, she probably remained blissfully unaware of the mechanics of it, but as she got older and learned more about scrapping it probably terrifies her, and she believes that all engines can be useful and don't deserve to be damned to the scrapyard for any reason
back to thomas and james? yeah. she probably sees them as her "annoying little brothers" that she loves very dearly- which is confirmed for james in a magazine story- but it's definitely a much different relationship than what she had with younger engines at the steamworks, with her relationship with the two being more freeflowing. i assume james has some sort of insecurity about being a "failed prototype" and an experimental engine on his old railway, and emily manages to help him get through it while talking about the positives and the actual mechanics of it, and reaffirming that he still is a really useful and really good engine.
and as for thomas? playful banter. so much banter. sometimes they act silly and fight like actual human siblings would, but at the end of the day they do care for eachother deeply- think of her having to hold a metaphorical leash on him, at times 😭
back to emily's conondrums- this leads to her being a very safe engine- in fact, being one of the safest on sir topham hatt's railway- initially i imagine she wouldn't care much for not being numbered, as it soothed her inner panic of not taking a scrapped engine's place, but over time as she began to heal i imagine that she would desire it in some way- and experience such delight when she is numbered and given the position! she wears her number very proudly on the nwr and is very very proud of being the nwr's safety engine :)
sheesh, this was LONG- i'm taking some time away from the phone- if you managed to make it this far i hope you're having a lovely day :) (also can you tell i'm an older sister 💀💀)
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