#ill go ham
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unforseencryptid · 1 month ago
⁺ ⛧ ﹒ jurgen leitner ? — ˚ 🕯️  ⌢
“ stupid idiot motherfucking jurgen leitner god damn fool book collecting , dust eating , rat old bastard , shithead , idiot , avatar of the whore - ”
><﹐six , sixxol , sol , uc , cryptid , loop﹐🦇
🕯️﹐any / all + 17 + aroaceapl + abro ﹐★
﹑likes - tma , homestuck , lego monkie kid , persona series , drawing , figure skating , fanfiction﹒⟡﹒⤿
⛧ ﹔🥀﹒dislikes - bigots , wasps , needles﹐ıllı
!About you/info - pls save me from the self - inflicted suffering that is called “ drawing my characters reference sheet “﹒🪦
” - biggest clown in the circus , laughed out of town , cowboy motherfucking jurgen leitner ”
#intro post#tags are stupid#stop pinning me when i talk about jurgen leitner i hate him so much why does he have so many fucked up books ?#why did he decide to fuck around and find out just to set them loose#is he dead is he a bastard man has such a visceral affect on me not even in the room never seen this mans face and i know he has the worlds#shittiest beard get away from me#if i wanted to get into heaven and god said jurgen leitners waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent#back down#if i have to deal with jurgen leitner speaking one word in person on voice in podcast not only will i close the tab i will delete my#bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the purpose of being able to skip all the times when he is mentioned#or alive#i dont even know why i hate him so much. he collects books but i am just mad because i am angy#he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some rich shithead whos a fan of creepypasta and wanted the irl version#ill go ham#better have had a book make him kill a man because if he didnt im going to make him#paypal dot com slash i fucking hate jurgen leitner#episodes not even about him. vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be in his library and i fuckibg lost it#where the fuck is jurgen leinter if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasnt#crusty old man#ill punch leitner and his sad frail old man twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will disintegrate until#all thats left is one final book he kept on him simply titled Now You Fucked Up in ancient yiddish#im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point#i hope theres a date given for when jurgen died or will die so i can make it a reminder on my phone#every day once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the man who had so many fucked up if true books#holy fuck i just hand typed the entire leitner rant /srs#thank you for coming to my ted talk
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torchstelechos · 5 months ago
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Yall can put whatever you want in the snowglobe lmao (it's transparent), I am too tired to do the original idea so here's the Blorbo
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dissidiacloudstrife · 4 months ago
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would you believe me if i told you i had to redraw zack like 3 times
Sephiroth | Genesis | Angeal | Zack | Aerith | Tifa
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asanjou · 1 year ago
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we're now 8 episodes away from finishing ooo and the drama is more heated than ever
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boringwomanwithabook · 1 month ago
Does it bother you knowing your followers get off to you?
It only comes as a surprise, because I don't see myself as desirable in any way really.
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coolguysyndrom · 2 months ago
Started watching green eggs and ham the second serving with my family 3 days ago and got this stupid idea. It's not even pride month anymore
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spearxwind · 2 years ago
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I got this ask and I liked it so much that I blacked out and drew this. Truly an enlightened opinion
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deliicacymercy · 2 years ago
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[ PART 1/2 ]
TF:RID ‘15: Starscream’s Return 
Starstreak is the “clone” of Starscream, and is designated as the Second-in-Command. Thus, has to be proactive in the execution of his really shitty plans. 
After the capture of the wrong Minicons, Starstreak performs an “Performance Assessment” on the hired bounty hunters - which is not the thing you should do when dealing with Decepticon Bounty Hunters. 
Luckily, for once, Starscream steps in to preserve his loyal Second-in-Command from physical maltreatment. (That’s his job.)  However, he will question Starstreak’s sudden shellshock later... 
[ More info on Starstreak with be right here <3 ]
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araneapeixes · 1 year ago
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A commission for the wonderful @othwyn of Shadowheart and his Tav! A pleasure to work on and thank you for commissioning me:))
Full pic can be viewed here lol
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paintpaintpaintman · 8 months ago
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@fanofthelamb the polar opposites of our narilamb ships "i thought we were bros, but now we are just homies" and "don't kill yourself ahaha you're so sexy" cracks me up
Anyway the dilf is sick, he is nasty, he needs some medicines and soups
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skunkes · 1 year ago
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did u guys know that if u skip dinner you end up really really hungry before going to bed....why is nobody talking about dis
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pyrosomatic-metamorphosis · 2 years ago
guess who got so brainrotted over jaiden animations that they finished their first animatic
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an-idiot-in-a-costume · 5 months ago
I tell myself I'm okay mentally but then I remember I'm a fan of pretty blood, I have a pretty blood oc, AND my favorite character is Eluca.
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mossy-paws · 7 months ago
Juwgen weitnew? stupid idiot mothewfucking juwgein weitnew god damn foow book cowwecting dust eating wat owd bastawd shithead idiot avataw of the whowe biggest cwown in the ciwcus waughed out of town cowboy mothewfucking juwgein weitnew
stowp pinning me whewn i tawk abouwt juwgein weitenew i hate him so much why does he have so many fucked up books why did he decide tuwu fuck awound awnd find out juwst set thewm woose iws he dead iws he a bastawd man has such a viscewaw affect own me nowt even in the woom nevew seen thiws mans face awnd i know he has the wowwds shittiest beawd get away fwom me
if i wanted tuwu get intwo heaven awnd god said juwgein weitnews waiting inside i wouwd piss own gods feet fow the sowe puwpose of getting sent bawck down
if i have tuwu deaw with juwgein weitnew speaking owne wowd in pewson own voice in podcast nowt onwy wiww i cwose the tab i wiww dewete my bookmawk out of spite awnd have tuwu wewatch the entiwe sewies again fow the expewience of being abwe tuwu skip aww the times whewn he iws mentioned ow awive
i dont even know why i hate him so much. he cowwects books but i am juwst mad because i am angy
he bettew have sowme fucked up backstowy tuwu expwain thiws if hes juwst sowme wich shithead whos a fan of cweepypasta awnd wanted the iww vewsion iww gow ham
bettew have had a book make him kiww a man cuz if he didnt im going tuwu make him
episodes nowt even abouwt him. vaguewy mentioned whawt iws supposed tuwu maybe be hiws wibwawy awnd i wost iwt
whewe the fuck iws juwgein weitnew if hes stiww awive im going tuwu so deepwy wish he wasnt
cwusty owd man
iww punch weitnew awnd hiws sad fwaiw owd man twig bones wiww simpwy fwake apawt undew my epic huge meat fist awnd he wiww disintegwate untiw aww thats weft iws owne finaw book he kept own him at aww times simpwy titwed now uwu fucked up
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I’m sorry I HAD too
#Yes I did make this actually#worlds most smullosk coded post ever#…..#DUM IDIOT MAMMA JÄVLA JURGEN LEITNER JÄVLA DÅRBOK SAMLA DAMM ÄTA RÅTTA GAMMAL JÄVLA SKIT HUVUD IDIOT AVATAR AV HOREN#CIRKUS STÖRSTA CLOWN SKRATTADE UT UR STAN COWBOY MAMMA JÄVLA JURGEN LEITNER#SLUTA SNÄLLA MIG NÄR JAG PRAKAAR OM JURGEN LEITNER JAG HATAR HONOM SÅ MYCKET VARFÖR HAR HAN#SÅ MÅNGA JÄVLA BÖCKER VARFÖR BESTÄMDE HAN ATT JÄVLAS OCH TA REDA PÅ DET#BARA SLÄPP DEM ÄR HAN DÖD ÄR HAN EN JÄVLIG MAN HAR EN SÅ VISCERAL PÅVERKAN PÅ MIG INTE ENS I RUMMET HAR ALDRIG SETT DENNA MANS ANSIKTE OCH#JAG VET ATT HAN HAR VÄRLDENS SKÄVIGSTE SKÄGG KOM BORT FRÅN MIG#om jag ville komma in i himlen och gud sa att jurgen leitners väntade där inne skulle jag pissa på guds#fötter i det enda syftet att bli skickad ner igen.#jag måste ta itu med att jurgein leitner pratar ett ord personligen på röst i podcast#inte bara kommer jag att stänga fliken#jag kommer att radera mitt bokmärke på otrohet och måste se om hela serien igen för upplevelsen av#att kunna hoppa över alla gånger när han nämns eller lever#Jag vet inte ens varför jag hatar honom så mycket. han samlar på böcker men jag är bara arg för att jag är angy#det är bäst att han har en jävla bakgrundshistoria för att förklara detta om han bara är en rik skithuvud som är ett#fan av creepypasta och ville ha den irl-versionen ill go ham#BÄTTRE har haft en bok att få honom att döda en man för om han inte kommer att göra honom#paypal.com/IFuckingHateJurgeinLeitner#avsnitt inte ens om honom. nämnde vagt vad som kanske skulle vara hans bibliotek och jag förlorade det#var fan är jurgein leitner om han fortfarande lever#jag kommer så djupt önska att han inte var#knaprig gubbe#ill punch leitner och hans sorgliga sköra gubbkvistben kommer helt enkelt att flaga sönder under min episka enorma köttnäve och han#kommer att sönderfalla tills allt som återstår är en sista bok som han alltid höll om honom med enbart titeln#“Now You Fucked Up” på gammal jiddisch……#Jag andas inte och hyperventilerar just nu#Jag hoppas att det finns ett datum för när jurgen dog eller#kommer att dö så att jag kan göra det till en påminnelse på min telefon
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toxicrevolver · 5 months ago
Tagged by @haahka to make a poll of my fav characters and let y’all pick which is most my vibe. Thanks for the tag!!!
Y’all have a week to decide bcs I like longer polls.
I’m not gonna tag anyone but if anyone wants to participate feel free to blame me!
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batz · 1 year ago
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