My dumb ass thought Eluca was a cat. (HES A PORCUPINE)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

Based on a dream I had a few months ago where Ethan and Mia were in college and Mia was a stoner dating some loser but then she and Ethan sat under the stars and he said that she smelled like wonton soup and that’s how they fell in love
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I want my f/o’s to feed me pain killers out the palm of their hands (///^ᴥ︎^///)
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Tired of pretending that I don't want to fuck these two in their mutation phase

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Willsker smoking together 🥺
thank you for giving me the excuse i needed to get my young willsker brainrot on the canvas because i was screaming and writhing around in my seat as i was drawing this. they sicken me
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ho did you just inject me with the G-virus.
Birkin is an ugly crier.
He sniffles and sobs, moans and wails as his face reddens and scrunches up until he's almost unrecognizable, strings of snot uncontrollably leaking from his nose. He wipes it over and over and over, trying to get words out but never quite getting past the hurdle of keeping his mouth clean enough. He resigns himself to curling in on himself, shoulders hunched, and he holds his elbows as if hunkering down to ride out the emotion. In that moment, his world shrinks, incapable of accommodating the impossible size of his distress. It explodes in size, its growth exponential as it rips and tears through him, gouging the edges of his repressed mind like sandpaper in a bullet wound. Frantic thoughts follow it like freshly torn sinew, incomprehensible and indistinguishable from each other, barely forming before snapping in half with a static-like spark that causes his trembling shoulders to jolt anew.
His meltdowns are far and few in between, major stressors acting as a wrecking ball against his mental state where inconveniences have only been able to wear away at the edges like water erosion. The only constant in all of them has been the conviction that he might just die where he lays, wailing and clawing at himself until he bleeds: Wesker presence is always an afterthought as his soul unravels.
Wesker has never been able to do anything other than observe: when he's unfortunate enough to witness another one of Birkin's episodes, he can't do more than stand before him, mentally measuring the distance between his straightened back and Birkin's folded one as he waits for him to be coherent enough to continue working.
The first time this happened in his company, he was young and naive enough to think that he, Albert Wesker, could comfort him. A stiff hand had reached for Birkin's shoulder — a gesture he'd practiced since seeing it in a movie all those years ago — which was promptly smacked away, paired with an incoherent gurgle from a snot-filled throat. When physical comfort didn't work, he tried reassurance, but his words fell on deaf ears.
He didn't know what he expected. Spencer's golden child, someone who had been hand-picked to be as close to perfect as a human could be, was everything but the right person to be doing this. He had never received comfort. He wasn't supposed to give it. So he stood up, steeled himself, and returned to his side of their tiny dorm room. He didn't acknowledge his roommate for the rest of the night, patiently waiting for his palm-muffled screams to subside to sniffles.
He's in a similar situation now. Wesker only watches as Birkin looks up at him, the telltale lip quiver almost making him groan. The fact that he doesn't is enough to snap him out of the déjà vu, uncomfortably conscious of the change in his own breathing pattern. Where irritation would have picked at him, a bud grows in his chest instead, sucking away all of his energy like a tumor until all he can do in his uselessness is meet Birkin's watery, reddening eyes. The bud blossoms. It shoots through him and into nothing as thorns rake his insides. His face hasn't moved, and he only realizes that his vision has started to blur when Birkin brings a shaking hand to his face, wiping his flinching eyes with a tenderness that almost warrants guilt.
Birkin smiles at him through all of his ugliness, as if Wesker is the one that needs reassurance. Birkin whimpers, shudders, and wipes his face, but his eyes train themselves on Wesker's face as if afraid that he would disappear. "I missed you, Al."
He knows Birkin's fear is justified. Wesker's throat croaks, but he isn't trying to speak. He blinks, and Birkin's calloused hand brushes his cheek a second time, then a third, and then it gets so bad he needs to use both hands.
Despite how badly he wants to share the sentiment, Wesker can't bring himself to respond.
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*crawls out of cave*
Hockey leon but
*crawls back into cave*

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Look at my loser. Look at my dumb dog. Look at his handwriting on his signature and his face. The somewhat panicked and cramped end of his signature as he realised he was running out of space. I hate love him so much I’m gonna throw up just LOOK.
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has Tumblr discovered McPentagon yet. it will not leave my brain. I need it to spread
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Please Give me your attention 💔
Please read this as if i were a member of your family. Maybe your sister, your daughter or your friend. As if my family who is going through difficult circumstances is your family.

Hello, I'm Ola, a graduate student from the faculty of science - Al-Azhar University in G@za P@lestine. I truly appreciate you taking a moment to read my story. As you reading my message, myself and my family, “my mother, father, three sisters, and my little brother,” are trying to survive under all kinds of suffering including but not limited to fear, instability, and starvation, thirst, and poverty in northern G@za.
After 508 days of suffering, I am writing to you today with a heavy heart, in desperate need of your help. I can't describe how harsh the situation we are living in is. My family is suffering from the biting cold of winter, and we are facing a severe shortage of food and clothing. Every day feels like a lifetime, and every moment makes me feel helpless and hopeless. 💔
After the prices went up so crazy, I created this campaign to help my family provide food, water and essential needs. I know for sure that you can't help all families that want your help but at least you can help those who come across your life.
Every simple thing makes a difference in changing the situation we are in. So please don't hesitate to help us 🙏💔
It's your time to help and make a difference, Will you?!
Thank you for taking a minute to read this.♥️
My campaign has been vetted by:
@90-ghost here, @northgazaupdates here, and @el-shab-hussien and @nabulsi 's spreadsheet of vetted campaigns #205.
Please share my post:
@ot3 @amygdalae @turian @dykesbat @guldaastan @ashwantsafreepalestine @communistchameleon @komsomolka @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts @watermotif @mavigator @lacecap @determinate-negation @deepspaceboytoy @paper-mario-wiki @kibumkim @chilewithcarnage @sayruq @turtletoria @vampiricvenus @ghostofanonpast @akajustmerry @mahoushojoe @sar-soor @rhubarbspring @catcrumb @imogen-mangle @soon-palestine @acepumpkinpatrick @gothhabiba @tamamita @taqoou @wolfertinger666 @prisonhannibal @nyancrimew @idontmindifuforgetme
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how.... how do you read this..

OnePiece by Ilan Manouach
(the artwork ONEPIECE consists of all the volumes of the worldwide bestseller One Piece, assembled into a single book of 21.540 pages.)
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made a new sticker design the other day
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WHEW! Look at all these beautiful people. This was my dream cast from the get go and I'm so thankful that they were all willing to give me their time and lend me their talents 🌟
That's all for VA announcements but I'll still continue posting lil updates here and there, so keep an eye out! And sub to my youtube channel so you know when the pilot's uploaded!
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Thiddies OUT but still rocking that designer choker.. she knows what she’s about. That smile? She really dgaf.. thiccorita
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Just reminder:
Fuck ICE
Death to Trump and his billionaire buddies
Always punch Nazis
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Kabosu did not deserve to have her image turned into cryptocurrency. She did not deserve to have the meme she was known for across the world to become a code word for a fascist coup.
Her name is Kabosu. Not Doge.
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