#il camerlengo
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resting-on-my-laurels · 1 year ago
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Il mio Camerlengo- damn
(If you haven't seen Angels and Demons highly recommend, this man has me in a chokehold, Jesus Christ! Doesn't help that he's played by Ewan McGregor)
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polishksiezniczka · 5 months ago
Sweet baby boy. 🥺❤️
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⁜ Angels & Demons (2009)
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jacopocioni · 2 years ago
Famiglia Aldobrandini
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Aldobrandini antica nobile famiglia fiorentina, trapiantata a Roma nel XVI secolo. In seguito, si chiamarono del Papa, quando Ippolito Aldobrandini da Fano, del ramo proveniente dalle Marche (dove suo padre Silvestro si trovava esiliato con sua moglie, per i suoi sentimenti antimedicei), venne eletto Pontefice nel 1592, con il nome di Clemente VIII. Nel medio Evo, questa famiglia si divise in tre rami: i Bellincioni furono molte volte eletti alle Magistrature della Repubblica Fiorentina. A Firenze ebbe notorietà con Aldobrandino (1388 - 1453, Magistrato dei Priori (1417), fu dei sedici Gonfalonieri di Compagnia dal 1422 al 1453 (Gonfaloniere di Compagnia porta bandiera della Milizia Urbana), dei Dodici Buonomini nel: 1429 – 1436 – 1436 – 1446, commissario a Montepulciano nel 1428, Gonfaloniere di Giustizia della Repubblica Fiorentina nel 1434. Ramo Aldobrandini di Lippo (forse derivati dai Bellincioni); gli Aldobrandini di Madonna dal quale discese Ippolito poi Papa Clemente VIII.  La famiglia attiva in Firenze si arricchì con il commercio. Il mercante Benci Aldobrandini sposò Giovanna “Bugiazza” nata Altoviti, chiamata così per la sua bontà e la dedizione a fare carità (in queste opere pie si unì anche il marito), si guadagnò l’appellativo di “Madonna”. La coppia da sposati, visse nelle case della famiglia in campo Corbolini (l’attuale piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini), chiamata familiarmente dai fiorentini “Piazza Madonna”.  I due coniugi unirono le loro abitazioni e proprietà. Successivamente ampliate dai loro discendenti fino ad erigere nel XVIII secolo il Palazzo Aldobradini del Papa, ancora oggi esistente. Partigiano dei Medici, fu fra coloro che richiamarono dall’esilio Cosimo, mandatovi da Rinaldo degli Albizzi. Giovanni figlio di Aldobrandino (1422- 1481) tenne la carica di Gonfaloniere della Repubblica nel 1476, distaccatosi dall’appoggiare i Medici, fu costretto a ritirarsi dalla vita politica cittadina. Nel 1480 venne inviato come capitano alla città di Sarzana dove vi trovò la morte. Salvestro (1499 – 1558), studiò legge a Pisa, avversario dei Medici, fu fra coloro che cacciarono Ippolito e Alessandro nel 1527, dando vita all’ultima Repubblica. In quel periodo ricopri la carica di primo Cancelliere alle Riformagioni. Con la caduta della Repubblica e il ritorno dei Medici, nella persona di Alessandro primo Duca, venne arrestato e esiliato a Faenza, da lì nel 1533 venne trasferito a Bibbona, da dove riuscì a fuggire trasferendosi in un primo tempo a Rome in seguito a Napoli.
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Papa Clemente VIII Ippolito Aldobrandini A Napoli nel 1536, si trovava Carlo V, ospite del Viceré Don Pedro di Toledo. Si unì ad altri fuorusciti fiorentini nell’ambasceria presso l’Imperatore, per perorare le sorti della loro patria. Ma l’intento dei fiorentini non ottenne il risultato sperato, e furono costretti ancora all’esilio. Salvestro passò a Fano, Bologna, e Ferrara. In seguito, Alessandro Farnese Paolo III lo chiamò a Roma, dove in seguito fu nominato avvocato concistoriale. Ippolito suo figlio venne creato cardinale. Con l’aiuto del Farnese poté dedicarsi agli studi universitari presso le città di Padova, Perugia e Bologna. Pio V dimostrò benevolenza verso la famiglia Aldobrandini, li prese sotto la sua ala protettrice. Ippolito ebbe i titoli di: Prefetto di Castel S. Angelo, avvocato concistoriale, uditore del Camerlengo, nel 1569 uditore di Rota al posto del fratello Giovanni nominato vescovo di Imola e poi Cardinale. La nipote del cardinale Ippolito, Olimpia nata a Roma nel 1567 unica erede dei beni dei genitori Pietro Aldobrandini e Flaminia Ferracci, inquanto suo fratello Pietro venne creato cardinale dallo zio Papa Clemente VIII. Nel 1587 sposò Giovanni Francesco Aldobrandini principe di Meldola e Sarsina. Da questo matrimonio nacquero otto figli: Silvestro diventato cardinale, Margherita sposò Ranuccio Farnese IV duca di Parma e Piacenza, Elena sposò Antonio Carafa della Stadera, Giorgio principe di Meldola e Sarsina (titoli ereditati dal padre), Caterina Lesa sposò Marino Caracciolo, Ippolito cardinale, Pietro duca di Carpineto, Maria sposò Giovanni Paolo Sforza. Poi nel 1467 Olimpia sposò Camillo Pamphili. Con l’estinzione dei Pamphili beni di Margherita, passarono definitivamente ai Borghese. Con l’elezione di Ippolito a Papa, gli Aldobrandini si trasferirono definitivamente a Roma, con il dichiarato nepotismo del Pontefice, ne beneficiarono con vari titoli ecclesiastici. Per riconoscenza aggiunsero al cognome l’appellativo del Papa.
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Alberto Chiarugi Read the full article
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michelangelob · 6 months ago
Un Bacco pagano nel Palazzo del camerlengo?
Era il 1496 quando Raffaele Riario mi commissionò il Bacco: la prima opera che scolpii in terra romana. In quel frangente la facciata del suo nuovo Palazzo della Cancelleria era terminata ed erano stati avviati i lavori per la realizzazione del cortile. Bacco, che gli dei chiamavano Dioniso, non solo era il dio del vino e delle orge ma anche il protettore del teatro. Come ipotizza Frommel, non…
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errantepagina69 · 7 months ago
Leonardo Bloch (Breve storia del casoncello)
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Le ascendenze greco-bizantine del tortello paiono ulteriormente avvalorate dal suo parallelo allignamento nel circondario di Rimini e nelle Marche settentrionali, che dal VI all'VIII secolo furono parte del ducato della Pentapoli sotto l'autorità dell'Esarcato di Ravenna. Più che dalla comparsa dei calisoni, assieme a cialdoni e confetti, tra le imbandigioni del quarto servizio di credenza del banchetto tenuto a Rimini il 24 giugno 1475 per celebrare le nozze di Roberto Malatesta con Elisabetta di Montefeltro, è a tale riguardo emblematico il già citato riferimento cinquecentesco di Costanzio Felici al radicamento del cascioncello/calcioncello nella cucina popolare dell'Urbinate, che assai verosimilmente presupponeva il tramandarsi di consuetudini quantomeno plurisecolari. In area romagnolo-marchigiana la denominazione della vivanda aveva peraltro già virato verso le forme calcione cascione, che in queste ultime varianti si sono tramandate sino ai nostri giorni, ancorché traslate verso fagottini di pasta che si sono ormai ampiamente distanziati dal modello originario.
Almeno sino al Libro de arte coquinaria (1456/67) di Martino da Como e alla sua elevazione umanistica nel De honesta voluptate e valetudine (1474) del Platina, v'è dunque ragione di ritenere che la diffusione della cibaria, oltre che al riminese e all'urbinate, rimanesse principalmente accentrata all'interno del perimetro di irradiazione dell'influenza culturale di Venezia (Veneto, Lombardia centro-orientale, Friuli e Trieste).
L'attenzione riservata al calisone da parte del maestro Martino - di origini ticinesi e milanese per formazione - non poteva del resto essere disgiunta dai natali veneziani del suo più eminente datore di lavoro ( il cardinale camerlengo Ludovico Scarampi Mezzarota, Patriarca di Aquileia).
Prima uscita: 25 ottobre 2121 Editore: Lubrina Bramani Pagine: 192
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umbriasud · 1 year ago
1443, passa il papa: per i ternani una tassa in più per fargli omaggio
Il 17 ottobre 1443 giunse a Terni notizia che il pontefice Eugenio avrebbe fatto passaggio a Terni. L’usanza era di rendere omaggio all’augusto ospite. Un omaggio “tangibile” che il consiglio cittadino individuò per quell’occasione in trecento scudi d’oro per il papa e cento per il cardinal camerlengo. Dove si sarebbero presi quei soldi? Da una nuova tassa che fu subito istituita.
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polishksiezniczka · 4 years ago
By God's Grace | Camerlengo Patrick McKenna x Reader
You believe Patrick, your lover, to be dead after the explosion but are eventually reunited.
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Notes: AU—Patrick is the good guy! Angst, romance. Also, I can’t help but get serious Obi-Wan vibes again from this oneshot ?? I am definitely picturing a similar reunion between you and your dashing Jedi lover when he returns to you after a dangerous, far-off mission (minus the Italian, LOL). 1.4K words.
Thank you to the lovely @quiescentcrepuscular for being a phenomenal beta reader!
By the time you learned of the situation, it was too late: the helicopter had taken off, Patrick its doomed pilot. As you watched him ascend higher and higher into the night sky, you nearly became catatonic. You couldn’t bear to witness the man you loved so deeply die alone and afraid while you stood there, completely helpless.
So you ran back to the Swiss Guard’s headquarters, tears blinding your vision. You couldn’t calm down and slowly felt yourself pulled down into a spiral of panic. As you ran, images of Patrick replayed over and over again in your head. Your first meeting. When he reciprocated his feelings for you. Your first kiss. The first—and last—time he told you he loved you. The last time you had been together...
You had rushed to his side with Lt. Chartrand after discovering him lying on the floor of His Holiness’ study, his chest badly burned by the brand.
“Whatever happens, know I’ll always love you,” he had whispered hoarsely, so that only you could hear, his fingers ghosting over your hands as you cleaned and dressed his wounds.
“I know, Patrick. I know,” you replied, your eyes still fixed on his chest as you hushed him gently. “And I will always be here for you.” Your voice dropped to a murmur. “I love you...”
The memory of your distracted nature stained your last moments together—how you wished you could relive those moments again! Shaking your head, you squeezed your eyes shut, trying in vain to shut out the anguish which you now felt, but grief coursed through your body so violently you began to feel physically ill. Your lungs burned from overexertion, exhausted by both your sprinting and crying.
Why hadn’t you done more to comfort him? Why hadn’t you gazed into his beautiful, caring eyes one last time?
You did little to stop the loud sob which escaped your throat, surely drawing the attention of the Swiss Guards at the door to the command center, but you didn’t care about them, nor anyone else for that matter. Your entire world had died with Patrick.
Why had you not told him how much he meant to you? How much you cared for him? Loved him more than life itself?
You collapsed onto a sofa then, weeping bitterly. “Please, Patrick, please forgive me. Please…”
You couldn’t tell how much time had passed when the door beside you burst open.
“...it is truly a miracle, what happened to the camerlengo!” At first you barely registered Olivetti and Commander Richter’s presence until you heard his name. You froze.
“What about the camerlengo?” you cried out, abruptly wrenched from your grief.
“Didn’t you hear? He survived the explosion!” Your heart stopped, barely processing the words coming from Olivetti’s mouth. “Before the bomb detonated, he was able to parachute out of the helicopter. He saved us all! Sia Lode a Dio!” he marveled.
“Where is he?” you demanded frantically. “Where is he?!”
Before Olivetti could even finish his sentence, you were already flying out the door, on your way to the hospital.
You nearly let out a cry of relief upon seeing Patrick. Doctors and nurses fluttered about him, attending to his wounds. He looked so small and fragile in the moment, far from the confident man of God you knew. But that didn’t matter. He was alive. Your beloved. Your Patrick. Alive.
“M-Monsignor!” you exclaimed breathlessly.
His eyes immediately locked with yours, and you saw his heart break. Your eyes were likely still red from crying, tears glistened against your cheeks, and your windswept hair indicated your haste. He stared at you incredulously, afraid that you were merely a hallucination brought on by one of his injuries.
“Miss Y/L/N…?” Even in this state, he remembered his propriety, bringing tears to your eyes.
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You needed to pull yourself together, lest you make a scene. You cleared your throat. “Monsignor, I have urgent news from the US Embassy. About the incident.” You gazed at him in earnest, silently begging to speak with him.
He tore his gaze away from you; his eyes darted about, as if deep in thought. Then, he spoke:
“Starò bene. Se ci scusi, sorella.”
You offered your arm to him, which he eagerly slipped into yours, carefully making your way to the hallway with him. Once out of view, he whisked you into an unoccupied room and shut the door.
Your reaction was immediate: you bolted into his arms and held him tightly, burying your face into his neck with a sob. You were careful to brace your weight against him, remembering the angry red marks of the brand which marred his beautiful chest. He held you just as passionately, stroking your hair and tenderly rubbing your back.
Although his scent brought you instant, indescribable comfort, your bawling only intensified. You felt his skin grow warm from your tears and ragged breathing despite his attempts to hush your incoherent babbling with his soothing voice. “Oh darling, shhhh. Please, don’t cry. Shhh…” He leaned back to study your flushed, tear-stained face, his hand coming up to cradle it. “I’m here, I’m here.” He lightly brushed his thumbs over your cheeks to wipe away your tears.
You stared up into his beautiful eyes, bringing your hands to his face in turn, memorizing its angels and curves with your soft fingertips. You felt him lean into your gentle ministrations, his eyes squeezing shut in sheer comfort.
“I thought that I would n-never s-see you again. I th-thought I had lost you f-forever.” You choked back a sob. The shakiness in your voice made it difficult for you to speak coherently as the tears relentlessly streamed down your face.
He clasped his hands over yours. As he slowly revealed his cerulean orbs to you, you noticed the luster of tears. “Never, angelo mio,” he whispered ardently, turning his head to softly kiss your palm. “Never. By God’s grace, I returned to you.”
He kissed you softly then, assuaging your fears; you tasted the saltiness of your tears lingering on his lips. As if to reassure you of his presence, he rested his forehead against yours. You remained like this for several minutes, the peaceful silence interrupted occasionally by your quiet sobs or the soft words of affirmation Patrick whispered against your lips.
You finally leaned back, your eyes immediately filling with tears as they scanned his face. “Y-you’re hurt,” you lamented softly, brushing back the few pieces of hair which had fallen into his face. Angry red gashes and bruises riddled his face and torso, and you longed to kiss each and every one, to hold him until he was no longer in pain. “I’m so sorry...” you whimpered.
As your eyes continued their frantic scan, Patrick brought you back to reality by whispering your name, pleadingly, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Cuore mio…look at me.” Your eyes found his effortlessly as he caressed the nape of your neck, the sensation sending shivers down your spine. “I’m all right. All that matters is you are here, safe, with me.” He smiled then, his eyes crinkling endearingly. “And I would never leave you without saying goodbye.”
You sniffled and let out a soft, choked laugh as you watched his face brighten. “Patrick, my love,” you whispered reverently, “I’d be lost without you.” You paused, cradling his face once again. “I love you more than life itself. Please…I don’t ever want to be without you again.”
His gaze softened as his eyes welled with tears. “Ti amo,” he replied, laying a soft kiss on your cheek. “Ti amo,” he repeated, planting another on your opposite cheek. He looked at you lovingly as he leaned forward. “Ti amo…” he murmured, capturing your lips in his. ¤
Sia Lode a Dio! = "Praise God!"
Starò bene. Se ci scusi, sorella. = "I'll be okay. If you'll excuse us, sister."
Cuore mio = "my heart"
Ti amo = "I love you"
Taglist: @seraferna @lemairepstuff
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naturalistladyknight · 7 years ago
Angels and Demons
Just watched Angels and Demons. Loved Ewan in the role of the absolutely charismatic camerlengo, just hate the fact that he was actually (sp?) the bad guy.
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forgottenbones · 4 years ago
A volte penso che siamo ancora sotto lo schiaffo del Vaticano per questa tendenza tutta italiana a scrivere premature agiografie.
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pupil-of-law · 2 years ago
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[just uploading Il Camerlengo’s introduction for future record]
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parvulous-writings · 4 years ago
Not That Long // Patrick McKenna
Request: Hi! I just came across your blog the other day and was so happy to see you write for il camerlengo! ❤ This platform desperately needs more Patrick McKenna, amiright?Anyway, I'd love to read your interpretation of the 'longing' scenario between Patrick and reader! I can only imagine how the reunion would be 😏Love your writing, keep on blessing Tumblr with it!xoxo ❤
Requested by: ​@ polishksiezniczka
Summary: My interpretation of the longing prompt from my prompts list for my personal favourite fictional Catholic priest! 
Warnings: 1AM writing, possible discrepancies in details. My slight lack of knowledge of the inner workings of the Roman Catholic church and the Vatican. 
Words: 1.1K
Notes: Indeed you are correct, this platform desperately needs more McKenna. I’m still reeling over the fact that’s only one page tagged Patrick McKenna x reader. One page. I shall fix this.
Also 90% of this was written at like 1AM, so take that as you will :)
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Not my gif
For the last two weeks you and Patrick McKenna- an official of the Roman Catholic Church that you had started to meet with and see in secret- had been separated. This was through no true or complete fault of your own, you had been on holiday in America, and had booked it long before the two of you had gotten together.  Before you had gone, you both had sat down in his office to discuss it, and you had both agreed it would be best for you to go. It would arouse less suspicion amongst the Cardinals and the Priests who reside in and around the Vatican.  However, though he had approved of the idea when you brought it up, enduring through the highs and lows of living on his own again had caused him to miss you terribly. And despite you both agreeing that this option would arouse less suspicion, Father McKenna’s odd behaviour whilst you were away was starting to draw some attention from those closely associated with him. He was moping, to put it simply, pining after you like some lost puppy, looking for some love from another. 
The first few days had been fairly easy, in his opinion. It was a little bit like how it had been before you had become such a big figure in his life, when he had stayed loyal and true to the vows he had made to the Catholic church when he was younger. It was a routine he knew rather well, getting up and getting ready in the morning, alone and uninterrupted in his normal habits. At first, it almost felt... Liberating.  Oh how quickly he regretted thinking that way. As week one continued to drag on and on, each day feeling closer and closer to an eternity past, he started to notice your absence more and more. One morning in particular, towards the end of week one, he had rolled over to greet you as he usually did when you slept beside one another, only to realise that the bed space beside him was sparse, and empty. He felt his heart sink as he rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling for a few minutes as he began to dwell on the fact that you still wouldn’t be back for a week at the very least. He grumbled to himself, not happy about this not-so-new revelation, before begrudgingly getting on with his day. 
Week two was much the same as the end of week one, maybe even worse. He couldn’t take his mind off of you, when you would return, how he wouldn’t be leaving your side for at least a day when you did finally get home. That constant line of thought distracted him almost every waking moment, every quiet minute he got, you were there in the back of his mind, smiling warmly and opening your arms to embrace him. Oh how he missed your damn hugs. You’d always give them at the best moments- when he least expected them, or when he needed them most. You knew him better than anyone ever could, better than he’d ever let anyone else. He really could not wait for your to get back- you’d not messaged all that much due to not wanting to draw attention to yourselves should anyone go snooping too much. 
He did seem to have perked up today though, by some considerable amount. Why? Because he knew you were coming home today. Coming back, so he’d be able to see you again. He couldn’t help but let the smile show on his face through morning mass, before he rushed back to his office at the first opportunity he was given, to eagerly await your arrival.  He didn’t have to wait long, thankfully, because as soon as he threw the doors to his office open, his cerulean irises landed directly on you. His face broke into an even  wider, gleeful smile, as he rushed over to you, practically knocking you over with the suddenness of the hug.  You wrapped your arms around him to embrace him as he pulled you as close as humanly possible. “Oh I missed you.” He mumbled, pressing a warm, loving kiss to the top of your head. “You have no idea....” He chuckled softly as he spoke.  “I think I may have a bit of an inkling, love.” You replied with a smile, pulling away slightly so that you could press a quick kiss to his lips. He pulled away a little too soon, giving you a bit of a look. 
“I know, I know.” You sighed with a subtle roll of your eyes, “I’m not meant to show too much affection when you’re here and the doors are unlocked.” You pulled away from him as he nodded softly.”The hug was fine, but that kiss, darling...That was risky.” He scolded, moving to close the doors properly, but he didn’t lock them. You take a seat at his desk in the meantime. You had hidden your bags in a cupboard of his, thinking ahead should another priest enter to talk  to Father McKenna, and you needed a quick alibi. 
“As overjoyed as I am to see you here, coming to see me before all else upon your return, I really think you should have gone home, and waited for me there.” Patrick said to you, as he sat behind his desk and laid his hands  to rest on the cold, hard wood. You raised a brow at him. “Oh, really?” You chuckled, not quite believing his words. “Patrick, I know you. I know what you’re like.” You said quietly to him, leaning forward ever so slightly in your seat. “How long have you been praying for my swift and safe return?” 
At your inquiry, the priest sinks in his chair somewhat, looking a little bit sheepish as he lets out a nervous chuckle. “Well, I-I wouldn’t say...” You give him another look, urging him to tell you the truth. He sighs, but still won’t admit it all to you at once. “Not that long.” He says, stubbornly. You smile fondly and shake your head slightly. You slowly snake your hand over the desk to take his, giving it a gentle squeeze.  “It’s alright, Pat. I’m home now. How’s about we head off now- unless you have something to do?” You question, and McKenna quickly shakes his head. Though this part was true, even if he had work to do he would happily leave it to a slightly later date just to spend one evening with you. 
You quickly grab your bags from your hiding spot, “Right, let’s get a move on then... If we’re careful, we might avoid the other Fathers.” You joked with an amused little smile adorning your face. He grabs his coat as he listens to you, nodding slowly as he slides it on over his arms. “You may be right there... How quietly can you run?” He joked, taking your hand and intertwining your fingers lovingly. 
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t-annhauser · 3 years ago
Chi sostituisce il Papa quando è malato? Il cardinale Camerlengo. L'attuale Camerlengo è l'americano Kevin Joseph Farrell. Joseph Farrel è anche il nome di un famoso illustratore bdsm: semplice caso di omonimia?
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docdm · 4 years ago
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Scipione Rebiba, Cardinale-Presbitero di S. Pudenziana, Arcivescovo di Pisa.
Secondo lo studioso di genealogia episcopale Charles Bransom, è uno dei più antichi vescovi del quale si conoscano con certezza i dati sulle ordinazioni episcopali: più del 95% degli oltre 5200 vescovi viventi lo pongono al vertice della propria genealogia episcopale, inclusi papa Francesco e tutti i suoi predecessori ininterrottamente a partire da papa Clemente XI.
Nacque a San Marco, piccolo centro siciliano arroccato su una collina dei monti Nebrodi, a quel tempo facente parte dell'arcidiocesi di Messina, il 3 febbraio 1504 da Francesco e Antonia Lucia Filingeri.  Intraprese gli studi giuridici a Palermo, conseguendo la laurea in utroque iure, e quelli teologici. Ricevette gli ordini minori e quelli maggiori negli anni 1524-1528, mentre era arcivescovo Giovanni Carandolet, e fu insignito di un beneficio nella chiesa di Santa Maria dei Miracoli di Palermo.
In seguito, intorno agli anni 1536-1537, si trasferì a Roma, venendo a contatto con la giovane congregazione dei Chierici Regolari, ed entrò al servizio del cardinal Gian Pietro Carafa, vescovo di Chieti e Protonotario Apostolico presso la Curia Romana. In rappresentanza del Carafa assunse il governo della diocesi di Chieti e da papa Paolo III, il 16 marzo 1541, fu nominato vescovo titolare di Amiclae e vicario generale della chiesa teatina.  
Per una singolare circostanza il Rebiba si colloca all'origine della linea ascendente della successione apostolica della maggioranza dei vescovi della Chiesa cattolica. Coloro che hanno inteso ricostruire le genealogie episcopali dei romani pontefici e dei vescovi si sono tutti arrestati al Rebiba, oltre il quale, ad oggi, non è possibile risalire.
Vescovo titolare di Amicle(1541-1555)
Vescovo ausiliare di Chieti(1541-1555)
Vescovo di Mottola (1555-1556)
Cardinale presbitero di Santa Pudenziana (1556-1565)
Arcivescovo metropolita di Pisa (1556-1560)
Primate di Sardegna e Corsica (1556-1560)
Arcivescovo-vescovo di Troia (1560)
Camerlengo del Collegio Cardinalizio (1565-1567)
Cardinale presbitero di Sant'Anastasia (1565-1566)
Patriarca titolare di Costantinopoli (1565-1573)
Cardinale presbitero di Sant'Angelo in Pescheria(1566-1570)
Cardinale presbitero di Santa Maria in Trastevere(1570-1573)
Grande Inquisitore della Congregazione della Romana e Universale Inquisizione (1573-1577)
Cardinale vescovo di Albano (1573-1574)
Cardinale vescovo di Sabina (1574-1577)
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whirlybirbs · 5 years ago
OMG!! Content for il Camerlengo Patrick McKenna in 2020? YES BIRBS PLEASE!!! You are our one true savior!
the year of our Lord (il Camerlengo Patrick Mckenna)
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years ago
Pop, soul e jazz: il Cinema Teatro Trieste di Milano ospiterà mercoledì 29 giugno il Summer Gala del canto moderno
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MILANO – Il Cinema Teatro Trieste di Milano ospiterà, mercoledì 29 giugno, il Summer Gala dei protagonisti del profilo Instagram @art_of_singing_ita, una community internazionale dedicata alle tecniche vocali del canto moderno, intendendo come tale quelle del canto pop, soul e jazz. In particolare, gli artisti che prenderanno parte all’evento (inizio live ore 20.30, via A. Pacinotti 6; ingresso libero con prenotazione obbligatoria al n° 3298255131), provenienti da tutta Italia, hanno studiato con i due metodi vocali “RSN-Resonances” e “ABV-Afroamerican Body Voice” di Elisabetta Guido, cantante e autrice di jazz e vocal coach di canto moderno. Elisabetta è molto attiva sulla scena nazionale, soprattutto in questo momento, visto che da poche settimane è uscito “Arabesque”, il suo nuovo album di brani inediti (pubblicato dall’etichetta Alfa Music). La community Instagram Art of Singing Ita è nata nel gennaio del 2021 per volontà di Elisabetta con l’obiettivo di permettere a questi giovani artisti di esibirsi in pieno lockdown on line, dato che non era possibile farlo dal vivo per le note restrizioni imposte dalla pandemia. Spiega la Guido: «Ho creato questo profilo con l’intento di far esibire i ragazzi e, allo stesso tempo, far ascoltare ai nostri follower il meglio delle tecniche del canto moderno a livello internazionale, come gli allievi di Stevie Mackey, le proposte del celebre profilo @theyhavetherange, gli ospiti della trasmissione di Terrel Grice e le performance di Jacob Collier, oltre ai più grandi e virtuosi cantanti della vecchia e nuova generazione, italiani e internazionali. In alcuni casi, si tratta di nomi sconosciuti ai più nel nostro Paese, ma con voci bellissime e curate. Il profilo ha iniziato subito ad avere tantissimi follower e ora, in meno di 18 mesi, ci seguono quasi 5.000 persone in tutto il mondo. Così facendo, ho creato inconsapevolmente delle sinergie fra i nostri artisti e quelli stranieri, che ora interagiscono sul nostro profilo o in privato, mettendo i loro “like” anche ad alcuni dei nostri cantanti o ripostandoli su altri profili dedicati alle tecniche vocali. Inoltre, grazie a questa community, i nostri artisti sono stimolati a partecipare alle challenge (sfide) internazionali proposte da altri profili, come l’esecuzione di un melisma particolarmente ardito, e a duettare con grandi interpreti, cosa che ora si può fare anche su Instagram, come già era su TikTok, altro social su cui pure siamo presenti sempre come Art of Singing Ita». Mercoledì 29 giugno, sul palco del Cinema Teatro Trieste di Milano si esibiranno, come special guests, la cantautrice Merifiore, della quale è uscito da poco il nuovo album “Dentro”, la cantautrice Sofia Rollo, che è fra i 18 finalisti dell’importante contest nazionale “Musicultura” con il suo nuovo singolo “Da sola”, e il cantautore e regista di videoclip Fabien PH. E, ancora, la cantautrice Ketty Camerlengo; il duo “The Way”, composto da Claudio Rubino alla voce e Giovanni Dighera alla chitarra; le cantanti-pianiste Alessia Agosto e Francesca Occhineri, vocalist del progetto “Moka Family Big Banda”, entrambe particolarmente note al pubblico di Art of Singing Ita per il loro virtuosismo vocale sul genere soul; Davide Saracino, interprete che ha inciso diversi singoli per “Rusty Records” prima di diventare egli stesso producer; il cantante e chitarrista Adriano Sommacal; le cantanti Elena Di Serafino e Benedetta Luperto, vincitrici o finaliste di diversi contest nazionali; l’interprete Asia Klai; i jazzisti Francesca Chirone e Valerio De Nuzzo. La maggior parte di questi giovani sarà accompagnata da una band composta da Mirko Fait al sax, Stefano Pennini al piano, Danilo Vogli al basso e Giorgio Vogli alla batteria. Elisabetta Guido è, fra l’altro, autrice del saggio sulla tecnica afroamericana “Il canto moderno occidentale di origine afroamericana” (Manni Editori) e ha collaborato e inciso con alcuni grandi nomi della musica pop, soul/gospel e jazz, tra cui Renato Zero, Renzo Arbore, Tullio De Piscopo, Cheryl Porter, Ashley Davis, Movin’ Melvin Brown, Arthur Miles, Javier Girotto, Flavio Boltro e Fabrizio Bosso.... Read the full article
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polishksiezniczka · 4 years ago
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