#ikevamp fangirling
welp-back-on-my-bs · 3 months
Obey me x ikevamp because of my twst x ikepri
Ikevamp would take place first here (I mean time travel lol-
Barbatos kinda just goes- this could be interesting and adds MC to the pile of applicants.
Ikevamp bois panicking about their sweet little human disappearing. Comete finally figuring out that they are in Devildom and literally his and Vlad's palaces are transferd there and they go find their human
Barbatos hateing Saint-Germain and Vlad
Simeon and Luke get excited of Saint Germain
The brothers and the residents causing hell and chaos
MC not being too scared, a little worried about the demons until they figured out that they were demons and won't die too easily-
Vlad and Germain, being held back by Napolean, Jean, and Leonado, trying to kill Belphie
Mc calmly useing blood for practicing curses and potions
Mc hideing from Asmo and Aurthur
Mc and Sebastian maksing sure Solomon can't ever toutch a kitchen again
Satan fangirling over the vamps
Solomon and the vamps talking in slang of differnt eras with no besitation
Mc and Levi updating the Vamps on current tech
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crimson-snowfall · 4 years
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rierru · 4 years
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Vincent pls you’re gonna get cold 😂 BUT ALSO 👀👀👀👌
As my friend said why close his shirt when you can open it more 👀👀😂😂😂
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kilesplaysthings · 3 years
So if we today pine for the fictional men in media over real men, what would that be like for the MC in ikevamp? XD
MC: *lovelorn sigh*
Vincent: oh dear, MC? Why did you sigh?
Theo: you’re reading Jane Austen again aren’t you…
MC: When am I gonna find my own Captain Wentworth???? *cries*
Arthur: I’m sorry, MC..what I did was uncalled for..
MC: you’re right. Mr. Darcy would never do such a thing.
Arthur: ….
MC: *siiiiigh* no one can pull off attractive brooding as well as Rochester….
All the boys: ………..
MC: My poor baby Arthur Clennam never knew a mother’s love!!! And yet he’s the sweetest boy!!! I wanna give him all my love!!!! *weeps*
The boys:
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weird-profiterole · 4 years
Spoiler to Jean's "YOUR STORY" Kiss Event (November 2020)
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Cybird, please, stop writing non sense...
So here is the truth about Joan of Arc siblings :
Jeanne had 4 siblings : Jacquemin, Pierre, Catherine and Jean, in this order. (Joan was supposedly older or younger than Catherine)
Jacquemin, the eldest son, stayed with his parents with Catherine. However, Pierre and Jean both accompanied Jeanne in war.
Jean was spared and sent home when Jeanne got imprisoned. Pierre on the other hand, got captured with Jeanne in Compiègne.
Jeanne died in 1431 and Pierre was held captive for a few more years before paying off his freedom (supposedly thanks to Jeanne's old comrades) and continued to go to war, to continue his sister's mission.
We don't have many tracks of the siblings, except that Catherine died before Jeanne, Jacquemin stayed in Domrémy, Jean often visited Pierre and Pierre lived and died in Orléans. (His house is still in Orléans but not visible anymore because it's in ruins and stupid people did graffitis over it so now it's hidden...)
Some of them had children, especially Pierre who named his first born, a son, Jean, in memory of his sister.
Sorry for the long post, I just got over excited as I always am concerning Joan of Arc. 😅😅
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marub1776 · 3 years
Well aren't we the little hothouse orchid 😳🙄
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MC: Guess what I'm wearing?
Leonardo, seeing her usual outfit: ???
MC: The smile you gave me
Leonardo, blushing:
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littlewitty · 5 years
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vsrambles · 4 years
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Meet my husbands
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I need this tbh
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xmiisuki · 5 years
Here's my Friend Code guys! 😁
My player name, of course is: Yuuchan
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The Anatomy of an Otome Gamer's Phone
Wallpaper with your favorite Hasbando
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Shortcut folder of your games
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Gallery filled with ikemen screenshots
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Hahahaha! And, your cloud account is also filled with that.
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crimson-snowfall · 4 years
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katriniac · 2 years
Not sure if y'all caught Cybird's Insta-live last night (they archived it so you can rewatch if you want), but Hiroto leaked the news of which Revo route is next:
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That's right, one of the new guys.
Not Blanc, who was the VERY FIRST PERSON YOU MEET.
Not Blanc, who is the last character in the "Act 1" set to get a route before the 3 new LIs were introduced.
I feel like ranting.
Is that okay?
I hope that's okay.
I don't usually carry my venting to social media or anywhere public.
But ... maybe my filter and/or inhibitions are weakened right now because of poor sleep and stress. So here we are, airing grievances on Tumblr like a teenager.
Blanc is my favorite character in Ikemen Revolution.
I will not turn this post into a fangirling session about him. Suffice it to say ever since I first downloaded the game and read the prologue, Blanc has been the person whose route I have been looking forward to the most.
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I have been waiting with trepidation for a new route announcement ever since Harr's route came out because that meant only Blanc was left. But I had a bad feeling about it. I knew it'd be the moment when we see whether they will release someone new before Blanc.
And they did.
This is ... disappointing.
Consider for a moment:
It would be as if IkeVamp had released Vlad before Comte, or IkeSen had released Motonari before Sasuke.
If they did that, you'd be shocked, right?
Someone new from the second act is getting released before the "tutorial boy", the first kind face MC sees in the prologue, the one who is responsible for bringing her to another world.
Why are they breaking precedent?
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I really was hoping for Blanc to be next. But at this rate, since he's keeping the big secret about Levi, we most likely won't get his route until all the sequels have been released.
*marks her 2026 calendar for Blanc's route*
I've been waiting since summer of 2018 for him. Four years. What's another four? 😅🥲🙃🥺
*quietly throws a tantrum*
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I should be happy they are releasing new routes in Revo, because that means they are still invested in the game's success and continuation. You know what I'm talking about. It's been starting to feel like the Midnight Cinderella situation all over again, isn't it? 👀 Just little hints. But I'm pretty sure there's someone reading this, thinking "Yeah, whew! It's a relief to see they are putting out new content still. I was getting worried..."
I should be happy for Dalim fans.
I should be excited to read new lore about the world, and see more of the inner workings and secrets of the Magic Tower.
But I'm salty instead.
I wanted Blanc.
I want my glasses-wearing hard-working absent-minded charming and intelligent long-suffering lonely immortal.
I want to comfort him and romance him and help him stop feeling sad and alone.
He deserves his happy ending. He's waited so long for it.
Okay, maybe this post ended up having some fangirling after all. My poor bunny is always last in the elections, and he doesn’t deserve it! 😭
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came across this on google while looking up memes, sounds fun but idk all the games yet
not making this into a tag game specifically but if you'd like to rb with your own, please feel free to share/join in! 🤗 (image not mine, credit to slbp fangirl @ otome amino)
> too lazy to edit rn so I'm just gonna type mine out utc ✂️
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🎀 Aerin's Otome Husbandos 🎀
Ikesen: Yukimura ♡
Ikerev: Luka ♡
Ikevamp: Napoleon (?)
(kinda abandoned theo but arthur's crawling up sometimes,,)
SLBP: most likely Kaede/Sogo ♡
MLQC: Gavin (the og on this blog wow)
Diabolik: didn't play, but watched.. couldn't rly stand any of em tbh but ayato is pretty hot-
Mysmes: my bb yoosung pls n ty <3
Akakoi rr: nachi & aoi were my favs back when i was still playing, but i liked most of em tbh c:
Other games:
Obey me: (lists off harem-) uhh satan's been a strong contender forever so ima go w/ him lol
Tears of Themis: Marius ♡
don't look at me that way luke- xiarosa4lyfe hahaha
Used to play a lot of the old voltage/swd games but can't remember em rn... I still remember Mirai from Sleepless Cinderella, the wolf boy from the magic school one, and Ocean (ariel) from the genderbend disney princess game.
(not gonna count twst as husbandos bc they feel pretty young to me but ive always had a soft spot for riddle and cater. then eventually grew attached to a whole bunch of em)
(also not counting enstars but my boy mao isara deserved a shoutout, as does tsukasa ♡ makes me miss having the storage to play bc damn those songs were BUSSIN yo)
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rynea94924 · 3 years
BSD/IkeVamp Incorrect Quotes #3
IkeVampArthur: Christmas is cancelled. Chuuya: You can't cancel a holiday. IkeVampArthur: Keep it up, Chuuya, and you'll lose New Year's too. Chuuya: What does that mean? IkeVampArthur: bsdDazai, take New Year's away from Chuuya.
IkeVampDazai: On the count of three, what’s your favorite cake? IkeVampDazai & IkeVampArthur: One, two, three- IkeVampDazai & IkeVampArthur: Chocolate cake, peanutbutter frosting, and chocolate chunks! Chuuya: Our turn, bsdDazai! One, two, three- Chuuya: Vanilla! bsdDazai: I’ve never had cake before. What is cake?
Chuuya: You three, explain right now! IkeVampDazai: It was bsdDazai. IkeVampArthur: It was bsdDazai. Issac: It was bsdDazai. bsdDazai: bsdDazai: …fuck.
(Mystery trio time...)
Ikevamp Arthur: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant. Poe, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you. Ranpo, who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please. Poe: Coming right up.
Ikevamp Arthur: I dare you- Poe: Ranpo is not allowed to accept dares anymore. Ikevamp Arthur: Why not? Ranpo: "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say.
Poe: Ranpo, you’re such a genius! Ranpo: Yes, I know.
(AKA Poe fangirling over Ultra-Deduction) 
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