#ikesen masamune date x reader
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I used a wheel to determine which guys I'd write for~

"So…Why do you have a stranger's kid?…" (Y/n)'s lover stared blankly at her; a singular eyebrow quirked as he watched how she cradled a sleeping child to her chest. "One of my friends amongst the seamstresses is having to babysit her nephew because her sister is ill, since I've already finished all my commissions I offered to watch him for her." She giggled, gently brushing her fingers over the child's chubby cheeks. Her lover seemed skeptical about toting a kid around the castle, but because of how much fun she seemed to be having he had been willing to just let it happen.

The large male chuckled from where he sat next to (Y/n), sipping his tea as he watched his lover settle the baby in her lap so that he was sitting up with his back against her torso. She was currently entertaining the baby with a puppet his aunt had brought from home for him, she was so focused on the giggling baby that she hadn't noticed Shingen's loving stare. At first, he wasn't sure about having an infant in the castle, but (Y/n) had handled every moment like a champ. Even the infant's cries hadn't been enough to frazzle her, instead she went about soothing him with a smile. The scene was enough to make him think, he had been with (Y/n) for some time now and since they were officially married the next logical step was a family. It wasn't something he had put much thought into previously, but seeing his wife playing with and taking care of this baby was enough to have him confronting himself over his own thoughts and feelings of the future. Shingen didn't come out of these thoughts until (Y/n) moved to sit beside him, the little baby giggling happily as its tiny hand grabbed hold of his sleeve. With a warm smile and large gentle hands, Shingen lifted the baby up to his level. "Not even 3 years old and you're a lady killer, what are you parents gonna do with you?" The baby giggled loudly as Shingen gently bounced him up and down, (Y/n) taking the moment of freedom to snag a skewer of mochi and begin digging into her own snack. "He really is adorable; his parents must have amazing genetics." (Y/n) giggled, watching her husband play with the baby boy was she ate her snack. She couldn't help but focus on her lover's grinning face, she took a good hard look at his features as she did her best to imagine him as a baby. She'd be lying if she claimed to have never thought about having a family with him, many early mornings were spent getting ready together and wondering how things would change when they had a child of their own. She couldn't help but gaze at the love of her life, wondering what he had looked like as a baby. Given how big Shingen was, she was confident he was the chubbiest of babies. A thought that made her cheeks flush as she smiled, the thought of having a chubby baby just made her happy.
Of course, Shingen had similar thoughts, especially when they walked through the Castel town and the children would recognize his goddess. The way they get so excited, wanting nothing more than to play and talk with the woman he loved. Sometimes he found himself daydreaming, wondering when the day would come that he'd be looking up from his desk to find his dear wife nurse the fruit of their labors. He's already worked out a few designs for some baby furniture, wanting to make it himself so he knew it was made right. He and his wife had discussed the baby furniture of the future before, the things she described gave him a lot of inspiration. "He's quite small, I was almost afraid to hold him at first." Shingen chuckled, resting the little boy on his leg and gently bouncing him. The large man couldn't help but chuckle as the little boy squealed happily, tiny hands gripping Shingen's sleeves as he bounced comfortably. "i know, it's been so long since I last babysat. When I first saw him, I was almost surprised he wasn't smaller, I forget sometimes they aren't as small as dolls." She giggled, reaching over to gently brush her hand against the thin layer of hair on the little boy's head affectionately. "Perhaps it's my height, but all babies seem absolutely tiny to me." Shingen chuckled, watching her give the boy some affection as she ate. "Probably, you are bigger than most other grown men so I can only imagine how little he must look to you." She giggled, putting down her skewer as she moved closer to Shingen and leaned into his side. She wrapped her arms around one of his, her head resting on his shoulder as she closed her eyes with a soft smile. Shingen could only chuckle, the little boy leaning back against his chest as he seemed to finally tucker himself out. "Now that's a good idea…" Shingen's low voice rumbled in his chest as he spoke softly, gently shifting the little boy to rest in his arm. "Since you finished your snack, why not come here and join me for a nap. The weather is wonderful." Shingen opened his arm, leaning back against the wall as his dear wife smiled at him and shook her head in mock-shame. "I suppose a nap won't hurt." She moved closer to him, slipping under his arm now and snuggled into him as she rested her head on his chest. Shingen had the boy cradled on his lap, leaning against his torso comfortably. It didn't take long for (Y/n) to sleep, Shingen had stayed awake a bit longer though. He wanted to enjoy the sight of holding his lover like this, looking down on the boy and that was how he KNEW it was about damn time he spoke to his wife about starting their family.

Kanetsugu stood speaking before a crowd of other vassals, it was a pretty standard meeting so why were these men staring at the man of the house? Because sat on his hip as he spoke was a 3-year-old girl, she was awake but quite content with the gentle bouncing and the sound of Kanetsugu's voice. His wife had to run into town to buy some stuff, so he had offered to watch the little girl since he had nothing to do after this meeting was over with. The little girl had been absolutely smitten with Kanetsugu, lighting up every time she saw him in a way similar to how his wife seemed to brighten whenever he'd come home at the end of the day. It made Kanetsugu chuckle whenever he saw it, this little girl reminded him of both his wife and his younger siblings. He took great part in raising his siblings, he remembered when they were all little like this and those memories were quite dear to him. At the end of the meeting Kanetsugu made his way to the kitchen, paying no mind to the odd stares he got and the whispers that followed him down the hall. He wanted to get the little girl a snack, so he planned to fix her some peaches since they were soft and easy to eat. On his way there he noticed his lover on her way down the hall. She was coming from the direction of their room, meaning she had dropped off her shopping. The young woman's face lit up; he couldn't help but give a slight smile at how she rushed up to him with her own wide grin. "I take it the meeting is over? Thanks for watching her while I ran into town." (y/n) smiled, reaching out to playfully poke the little girl's side and listen to her giggle. They exchanged the little girl, who had smuggled into (Y/n)'s chest. No doubt the woman was a bit more comfortable to lay on, for obvious reasons. "I was on my way to the kitchen to get her a snack, so it's perfect timing on your part. It'll be easier than cutting a peach one handed." He gently took her hand, since getting married, he had begun doing this any time they were together. She was his wife, something he was proud of and more than willing to display. "Food sounds good, lunch should be coming round soon. So hopefully she'll be done eating before then and we can eat without too much trouble." (Y/n) smiled up at Kanetsugu, the little girl resting on her arm and curled against her chest. She was sucking on her thumb, content with the steady sway of the woman's walk cycle.
"Maybe if we're lucky we can put her down for a nap after her snack, she hasn't had one today yet so it's about that time anyways." Kanetsugu lead his lover to the kitchen, his free hand running through his own hair as he found his gaze wandering away from the sky as he took in the sight of his lover with her friend's baby. It was such a domestic sight, something that made an odd feeling stir in him. He had never actually thought about it in depth, he knew he wanted a family, but he had never put a whole lot of thought into it. But confronted with the glimpse before him, it was like something was stirring awake. He no longer just wanted a family with her, he needed one. The thought of having evidence of their love made his heart speed up, a sort of primal shift growing inside of him at the thought of her having his child. It wasn't just animalistic desire though; his protective instinct was starting to twitch awake. To have a family with his wife, that would truly be his peace. It was like a new goal came into focus; one he couldn't wait to discuss with her later once the little girl had gone home with her mother for the night. So, for now he had to settle for gently squeezing her hand, giving her a fond gaze as he watched her talk about her experience at the market. When her gaze suddenly caught his, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Leaving her flustered as he released her hand and stepped through the threshold and into the kitchen. She stood at the doorway, watching him with curiosity as she failed to fight the love-struck smile that crossed her face when watching the man, she loved prepare food for the little girl in their care.

Motonari watched his wife with a grumpy pout, on her lap was a 4-year-old that had proven to be the bane of this man's existence. This little boy would not accept anyone but her, and God forbid Motonari be allowed to hug or touch his wife. The boy didn't throw a hissy fit, oh no, worse yet the little boy would hold his palm out to Motonari with a firm but docile "No." With the most expressionless stare Motonari has seen in his life, he hadn't been able to so much as hug his wife with this little boy around. The kid refused to be held by anyone else, he was always giving Motonari such a blank faced stare and it never failed to make the man laugh out of mild frustration. The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous he felt. He was competing with a kid for his wife, and it wasn't even his kid. At the end of the day, this kid goes home with someone else, so there is NO competition. Each time Motonari reminded himself of this, rolling his eyes at the jealous side that was near desperate to hold her hand. Though there was some odd part of him that was satisfied with watching his wife interact with this little boy, even when he was fussy, she was calm as can be when handling him. Plus, there was the pride he took in having a wife so loved by so many people, she was the prize jewel out of all his treasures. Currently the two were waiting for the little boy's aunt, (Y/n)'s friend, to come and pick up the little boy for the night. The sun was an hour or two from setting, and he was doing his best to be patient as he had a staring contest with the little boy. At least until the child reached out to him, making a grabby motion that had (Y/n) lighting up. "Aw, he wants you to hold him!" She was excited, moving closer to Motonari, who for just a moment was panicking, he did not have a plan for this particular option. So he had let his wife lead him into holding the little boy on his lap, the boy sat with his back to Motonari's chest. His little head was leaned back on Motonari's collarbone, he still had one hand holding onto (Y/n)'s finger so she had to sit against Motonari's side. Seizing his chance, he slid his free arm around her waist as his other was draped over the boy's stomach to keep him steady.
"I guess you respecting his boundaries earned his trust, that's so sweet." She smiled brightly, nuzzling Motonari's shoulder in a way that never ceased to make him melt inside. This was a situation he had never imagined in his life, the male having never actually thought about having kids of his own. Sure, he knew kids existed, but he never thought about HIS kids existing. This whole situation felt so surreal, looking down at his lover and this child no longer felt real. All of a sudden it felt dreamlike, as if he was discovering something for the first time. A wide array of emotions overwhelmed him, from a strange anxiety to what could only be described as an intense contentment. He had come a long way from the person he was when he and his wife first met, but even still to have such a large discovery out of nowhere was almost startling. He hadn't felt like this since he first realized he truly loved his wife; it was a feeling that could be described with the word emotion. It was so much at once, and yet he felt calm in an odd way. His face was flaming, silently staring at his lover as he processed everything. Of course she had noticed his stare, she had trying speaking to him, but he never responded and now she was simply flustered by the look he was giving her. It was almost innocent, the flustered look mixed with confusion and surprise. Leaning forward she placed a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose, suddenly bursting the bubble he had previously been absorbed in. It took every ounce of self-control in him not to jump, he had already embarrassed himself enough today. The hand that had been around her waist came up, pulling her close and tucking her head into the crook of his neck as he tried to hide his flustered state. These new realizations had him feeling energized in an odd way, he simply had to have her close right now. He knew the look on his face was probably quite out of character for him, and he was embarrassed to admit how little control he actually had over his current behavior. He wanted to hide his emotional state, and what better way to do that then basking in the affection and the touch of his wife that he had wanted all day. Once the boy was returned, he planned to spend the rest of the day and night with his wife in their room. He wanted only her presence, only her voice and scent. Only her.

(Y/n) currently sat at a banquet between her boss Nobunaga and her lover Masamune, across from her was Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi. Meanwhile in her lap was a 1-one-year old little girl, the niece of a friend that was taking care of her sister until the woman's husband got home from work. Because of that (Y/n) had brought the baby to the banquet, it was fairly late, and the baby was full from where (Y/n) had taken the baby home long enough to eat and give the mom a chance to see her. The little girl had been quite content after eating, and so now she was happily babbling away at Keiji while Masamune fed his wife a bit of rice. "I shouldn't be surprised you volunteered for such a task; you always do manage to find the most amusing situations." Mitsuhide chuckled from across the woman, drinking some sake and letting a servant refill it. "She was a little fussy at first, but once she got comfortable with us it got a bit easier. Her aunt should be back to get her soon. She's just waiting for the woman's husband to come home to take care of his wife." Masamune chuckled, sitting close to his lover's side as he'd raise bites for her to take and fed her her meal before he had even touched his. He had spent most the day doing paperwork, which left (Y/n) to bear the brunt of the child's care. He wanted to give her a small break and help out now that he wasn't busy, plus he had been wanting to give her some love all day. She was just too cute, playing with and fawning over the baby girl currently in her arms. Looking at the little girl he could admit she was cute, but he just knew their baby would be even cuter. If he had a little girl that looked just like his wife, he'd be over the moon. In truth he wanted a larger family, something he and his lover had discussed many times. They want quite a few children; they hadn't really been trying for kids as of late but also hadn't been avoiding it either. But today made him feel it was time, seeing the way she cared for the little girl, even when she screamed and cried, had reaffirmed in him that they could do this, and it was about time to take the first steps officially.
Once his wife had finished her food he had set the chopsticks down, using one hand to hold one of her own as the other brought his cup of tea up to his lips so he could take a sip. "It seems so natural; I was worried you'd struggle with her when I first saw you in the halls this morning. But you seem to have everything under control." Hideyoshi smiled, taking a bite of some roasted vegetables while observing the baby girl in his friend's lap. Despite all the noise she almost seemed ready to fall asleep, the group laughing at how her tiny head bobbed before she finally gave up and completely rested across the woman's lap as her haori functioned as a makeshift cover. "I won't lie it was hard to be calm sometimes, but I eventually found a good rhythm for cycling through what she wanted or needed until I could find what I needed. Then it just kinda got easier to tell what she was wanting, plus after visiting her mom to drink her fill she's been quite content and a lot less fussy." (Y/n) giggled, gently rubbing the baby's stomach with her free hand. She watched the baby sleep with a fond gaze, her mind wandering to places that her observant friends could easily predict. For Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, and Hideyoshi; it was the same look Masamune got any time they noticed him watching her interact with the little girl. Oh yes, they knew it was only a matter of time before they had children running about the castle whenever the pair would come to visit from Aoba. "Well, at least you'll have practice for when you and Lord Masamune have a child. It'll be quite the sight to see." Mitsunari spoke openly with a fond smile on his face, and as flustered as it made her, (Y/n) couldn't fight the smile she felt forming on her face. She'd be lying if she said taking care of the little girl made her wonder how things would be when they DID have their own child, she'd love to have a little boy that looked just like her husband. Though she had known for a while she wants more than one child, as aware as she is of what childbirth is like in this era she wouldn't miss the chance to have the family she desires with the man she loves. "You guys will be the first we tell when I fall pregnant, I promise Mitsunari." She giggled some, at least until she felt Masamune's arm wrap around her waist. "It'll be more than that, we'll be staying here during your pregnancy that way I can be sure of your safety. Plus, Ieyasu will be a boon to have on standby." The blonde let out an indignant snort but said nothing back. The fussy blonde being surprisingly quiet about Masamune's desire to have him care for Hime in such a state, and none of the other warlords seemed bothered at the idea of a pregnant woman waddling around the castle. Something that both embarrassed (Y/n) and made her feel overjoyed, as she knew she had everyone's support when it came time for this new step in her life.

Everyone stared intently at the trio during a war council, sitting in his usual place was Kenshin. And as per usual, he was the one making a scene. In his lap sat his wife, odd but not entirely unexpected. And then on her lap was a little boy, a 4-year-old she had volunteered to watch during the day for her friend who was caring for an ill family member. The group had been stuck at the hip since the little boy's arrival, though at first Kenshin had been a little jealous and that had been why he was being more openly affectionate than usual. But it was less than 2 hours before his reasoning shifted, some part of him deeply enjoyed watching his wife happily interact with the child. He had thought about having a family with her for many years, even before they had married. Though he had yet to put his desires into words, he didn't want to pressure her and had originally decided he'd just wait for her to approach him when she was ready. But now, while Kanetsugu went over his report for his recent observation mission, Kenshin wanted nothing more than a way to bring up his desires without pressuring his love. Starting a family was a big deal after all, he didn't want her to force herself into something she isn't ready for just to try and please him. Kenshin was staring off into the distance, his chin resting on the top of his lover's head while the little boy in her lap played with a stuffed animal. His vassals watched, absolutely astonished. Even Shingen was quite intrigued with his friend's behavior, meanwhile Kanetsugu could feel his eye twitching as he figured out long ago his Lord was barely listening, and they'd probably have to talk about this again later. Of course (Y/n) wasn't dumb, she could tell what everyone was thinking, and she did kind of feel bad for Kanetsugu. Before Kanetsugu left for his mission Kenshin had the Fearsome God of war, when he returned however he was Kenshin Lord of the bunnies. Sure, he still went to war, but he had changed in many ways. Kanetsugu could recognize the good, but he often found himself surprised at how (Y/n) brought out a childlike behavior in Kenshin.
Sometimes it made Kanetsugu want to laugh, but when his Lord is just blank face no thought staring at him in the middle of a war council, he wanted to throw something. Not that he actually would. He tried to soothe himself by observing his Lord's situation while he spoke, knowing that at least Shingen, Yukimura and Sasuke were listening. From the outside, you'd almost think they were a family. A thought that did calm the white-haired male's irritation, his Lord seemed so content. Kenshin was always quite happy when he had (Y/n) in his lap, but the addition of the child seemed to bring something out of the male. Kanetsugu didn't miss how his lord had gently pulled his wife closer, the blonde man's hand occasionally coming up to pet the little boy on the head absent mindedly. It only further reassured Kanetsugu's expectation that this is likely going to be the future, he wasn't quite sure how he was gonna handle this, but he was sure it was going to involve late night drinks with a recap of the war council. By the time Kanetsugu had come to this conclusion he had finished his explanation of the survey he had been sent on, and as he stepped back to return to his previous seat Kenshin seemed to realize that everything was over. On the outside Kenshin seemed somewhat normal, but Kanetsugu could see the slight surprise in his lord's features upon realizing he had missed the entire council. "I see, I do have a few questions, but we can discuss those later. Is there anything else that needs to be discussed?" Kenshin gazed around the room, wanting to make sure there wasn't anything left to discuss before he dismissed the meeting. When it was concluded that there was nothing else to talk about, Kenshin released everyone to go back to their daily duties. "It's almost time for lunch Kenshin, did you want to go out to eat? The weather has been nice the past few days." (Y/n) smiled, leaning back so that she rested against his chest. Her head leaned back against his shoulder, and she pressed a kiss to his cheek with a warm smile. After the door had been closed and everyone left, she let the little boy up so that he could explore the room a bit. Where the two adults sat, they could see every corner of the room and could easily monitor him. "Sure, we can make a date of it. The little one won't notice, and we can stop by a tea house for dessert after if you want." Though Kenshin didn't really like sweets, he still enjoyed the tea house atmosphere while he watched her enjoy her desserts. "You know me too well." She giggled, pressing another kiss to his cheek as they spent a few quiet moments in each other's arms. Watching over the little boy in front of them, both having only the thought of discussing family with each other at the end of the night.
#fluff#x reader#fem reader#ikemen sengoku#kenshin uesugi#shingen takeda#kanetsugu naoe#Masamune date#motonari mouri#ikesen#ikemen series#ikemen sengoku scenarios#ikesen kenshin#ikemen sengoku kenshin#ikesen shingen#ikemen sengoku shingen#ikesen kanetsugu#ikemen sengoku kanetsugu#ikesen masamune#ikemen sengoku masamune#ikesen motonari#ikemen sengoku motonari#candy cult vault
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Can I ask for Napoleon, Nobunaga, but especially MASAMUNE and MITSUHIDE being called cute by his s/o? In the current event the reader called Masamune cute and he was No, I’m not cute! But I can’t help to think they are cute, very cute. Your headcanon a are very good, I like them, keep working please ❤️❤️❤️
Characters: Napoleon Bonaparte | Oda Nobunaga | Date Masamune | Akechi Mitsuhide Rating: General. Word count: 1,231 words Warning/s: None Author note: Howdy! I’m so sorry this took me so long to write, but I’m writing this at work lmao, please get me out of here.
[୨୧] — Napoleon Bonaparte
Cute? Him?
Of course, he is.
When you call him cute he just blinks a couple of times, making you think maybe he didn’t like that or was taken aback about being called it...
Him? The Emperor? Called “cute” by his sweet nunuche?
He just does a big smile, and puts his hands under his chin, mimicking a sweet cherubim. “Am I the cutest?”
This only makes you laugh until your tummy hurts too much.
And Napoleon only keeps pressing about it. “What am I not cute?” while making an exaggerated sad face.
He starts chuckling then, asking you if he is really cute. And just as you thought, he would never in his life (lives?) have been called cute and he is happy you are the first one to think so.
Honestly, he does a lot of cute things, like kiss you the first thing he wakes up, and speak nonsense.
Hell, you could pull up his hair in pigtails and he’d own it, calling himself cute.
Also, I can imagine him pondering it sometimes. Like, in the kitchen.
Sebas is polishing the silver while Napoleon cooks, and when he needs to wait for food to be ready, he leans against the counter and asks. “Sebas, do you think I’m cute?”
Sebas wants to say yes, but he forces himself to say no and instead asks about what brought the question.
“Hm, never mind. Just thinking about some nunuche.”
[୨୧] — Oda Nobunaga
If you call him cute I can imagine him as the type who shot circuits at the thought of himself being cute.
He ponders and reflects if he has done things that might be classified as “cute” lately.
Then with his face twisted, eyebrows scrunched up together, lips pressed into a thin line.
“You are growing bolder every day by now, daring to call me cute, fireball.”
Says the man who uses his haori as an invisibility cape whenever he wants to sneak out and steal konpeito from the kitchen.
Says the man who stole your teddy bear because it amused him.
There are things of him that are terrifying, yes, and thankfully, he has learned to be more human about certain traits of himself, thanks to you.
You just believe, after learning of his story and life before meeting you, that he is still just a child at heart.
Oh, but if you insist that he is cute, be prepared.
He’d get all dominant, like the conqueror he is, towering over you with a dark smile.
“I. Am. Not. Cute.”
You battle this by reaching out, as fast as lightning, and touching the tips of his ears, making him cringe away from you while covering his ears, his cheeks turning into the most lovely shade of pink.
“Yes, you are.”
[୨୧] — Date Masamune
Oh, to tame the wild tiger.
In my head, Masamune is just like a tiger, yes, but the type of tiger that if left with a cardboard box nearby, will sit if it fits.
He also loves to deny that he is so adorable it makes butterflies bat their wings violently in your stomach because it only makes him cuter.
When you tell him out loud that he is cute, he looks beyond offended.
How. Dare. You. (...Tell the truth).
This makes a game of “No, you” start between you two, where he is deemed to lose.
You only reach to pinch his cheeks, tugging at his face affectionately while trying to make the harsh frown on his face disappear while he does the same to you.
I can imagine him being bothered about it, he just wants to play a brave front and be the perfect leader for his clan and people, he cannot be cute.
You beg to differ, he only is cute with you, and you are glad you are the only one who gets to see him like that.
Though, he is too hard-headed to admit it.
He is very insistent when you keep calling him cute. “No, I am not!” it's such a great way to tease him and make his cheeks go red and his usually wild personality become coy.
These kinds of arguments always end up in one of two ways.
The first one is with him chasing you all over the castle until you say the contrary, the staff, and servants already knowing what was all the spectacle about and even just stepping aside to let you and the lord run.
The other is with him, cuddling you in bed after a tickle fight he won, taking the place of the big spoon, he hides his face against the crook of your neck, cheeks still tinted red as your words replay in his head.
“I adore it when you are this cute! It's like you are a big kitty!”
He hates how warm it makes him inside
[୨୧] — Akechi Mitsuhide
Where do I start with this man?
He is…difficult to tease by calling him cute.
You have already called him “cute” before, comparing him to a white cat that had crossed your path when you were walking through the market.
Resulting in him, smiling at you (beware, it was the snake smile), which made a heavy weight settle on your tummy.
But then with his hands imitating cat paws, saying “Meow”.
You didn’t know if to cringe or if to laugh until you coughed a lung out.
The way he kept his smile made you wheeze until you were struggling to get air because he kept acting that way.
(He is torturing you this way, by the way)
And he is having the joy of his life by watching you struggle to breathe as you laugh.
And he is the type to not take it seriously, you are calling him “cute”, and he thinks you are trying to tease him.
If you stand your ground (after laughing your lungs out), he’d just blink, and you can’t quite read what he is thinking. And that is terrifying.
Mitsuhide honestly doesn’t know how to react to his first instinct is to go blank, thinking of how to respond properly.
Mostly, because he thinks he is far from cute, and people have found him to be scary with his demeanor, and he doesn’t blame them. He likes to give off that vibe to protect you and himself.
After his blank expression, he only frowns, “I doubt I can be considered cute, but I believe this is something of you that is rubbing off on me.”
He smirks after this, noticing the way you blush, having turned the tables.
You, however, are not happy, you just want to make sure he knows he sometimes is cute!
He absolutely keeps trying to do everything possible to turn it around every time until you are frustrated, turning your head the moment the door opens.
You are left staring at Kyubei, who just bows deeply in greeting.
You don’t let the vassal talk before you ask him. “Do you think Mitsuhide is cute?”
Kyubei is sweating bullets at the question, it's not known if it's because of your question or the killer look his master is directing at him.
Without a word, the vassal decides he doesn’t want that question to be the last one he answers, so he leaves without saying a word, leaving you with an argument unresolved.
#ikemen series#cybird ikemen#cybird otome#ikevamp fanfic#ikemen vampire#ikevamp#cybird fanfic#ikemen sengoku#napoleon bonaparte#napoleon x reader#ikevamp napoleon#ikemen sengoku nobunaga#nobunaga oda x reader#ikesen nobunaga#nobunaga oda#nobunaga x reader#masamune x reader#masamune date x reader#date masamune#masamune date#ikesen masamune#ikesen mitsuhide x reader#mitsuhide akechi x reader#akechi mitsuhide#mitsuhide x reader#ikesen mitsuhide#ikesen masamune x reader
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#cybird ikemen series#ikemen sengoku hideyoshi#ikemen sengoku#ikemen sengoku mc#ikemen sengoku mitsunari#ikemen sengoku masamune#ikemen sengoku ieyasu#ikemen sengoku headcanons#ikemen sengoku mitsuhide akechi#ikesen hideyoshi#ikesen nobunaga#ikesen mc#ikesen mitsunari#ikesen shingen#ikesen kenshin#ikesen ieyasu#ikesen masamune#ikesen mitsuhide#ikesen#cybrid ikemen#ikemen series#otome#toyotomi hideyoshi#masamune date#nobunaga oda#tokugawa ieyasu#mitsunari ishida#fics#x reader
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I'm being a rebel and requesting Ikesen Masamune and barefoot 💜
send me one and a character u__u
hurricane (prompt: barefoot)
masamune; 1,813; fluff and... that's it; @violettduchess is quite possibly one of the only ppl who can get me to write for a fandom that i had no plans in joining BUT HERE I AM FOLKS. here the fuCK i am.
he has always been a hurricane.
there are moments in a person’s life big enough for a single choice to put them on a completely different path, and then — there are those moments, much smaller moments, adding up to that one, bigger, monumental, life-changing moment. this is one of the latter.
the moon is heaven bright, swinging low in a full-bellied sky, and insomnia had plagued you till you’d come into the inner gardens for refuge. at least here, it felt like you were stuck between the pages of a waking dream. so… sleep-adjacent, right? right.
you swing your feet off the edge of the pristinely mopped wooden walkways, your sketchbook propped in your lap, a charcoal pencil gliding over the smooth, moon-bleached pages. you let your hand take the drawing where it wants, and these days, there’s only one place that your hand (and, subsequently the rest of your mind and body) seems to want to go.
he appears as fish-tail flicks of your wrist bring him to life on the pages, each sketch fluid and overlapping with the next, almost like the depiction of dance — the crinkle at the edge of his eye, the curve of his hand as he rests it on the hilt of one of his blades, the strong, graceful slope of his shoulders and back, the crescent moon curve of his lips as he smiles, ever light, ever teasing, in your direction.
“ah… is that what i look like?”
his voice makes you jump, and even now after all this time, it sets your heart racing in your chest as you whirl around to find his nose inches from yours, that self-same smile hinged across his damnably gorgeous lips.
“w-wh — why aren’t you sleeping?” is your stumbling, cobbled together response to being jump-scared in the middle of his castle pagoda, but it’s the best you could come up with. he only leans back, chuckling, his arms tucked into the long thin sleeves of his kosode as he casts his eye up towards the full moon, his expression for once devoid if mischief or calculation. it’s strange, seeing him like this, so still and so quiet, and something about it makes you go still too, wondering if this is what its like to be caught in the eye of the storm, where the quiet is only ever momentary and destruction dances just beyond where your mind can reach.
“i could ask the same of you, kitten. so tell me… why aren’t you sleeping?” he grins as he joins you, propping one arm on a bent knee, watching as you gather yourself, palms pressing to the pages of your sketchbook.
“i… i couldn’t sleep.” you look down at your own knees, and it strikes you then that your feet are still bare. you can’t help glancing at masamune, and sure enough, his feet are bare too. no wonder i hadn’t heard him coming.
but something about this sets you off, the sight of his bare feet next to yours, and even though it shouldn’t be so tantalizing a thing — the flicker of bare flesh, the hint of skin unseen— you feel like one of those ancient victorian maidens, blushing at the sight of bare ankles.
you can’t help it; you start to laugh.
and masamune, sitting beside you, finds himself transfixed, held still by the sound of your laughter, pouring from you like rainwater from a stream. so clear and beautiful it sets his body arrack with shivers.
“what?” he asks, quirking an eyebrow, “is there something on my face?”
at this, you pause, stifling your giggles with a hand pressed to your lips, and you look at him. your eyes meet, and not for the first time, you feel yourself falling into them — into him. even like this, his one blue eye is something of a miracle, a thing of celestial majesty. it wasn’t until you’d met him that you’d realized what blue eyes look like up close — up close, they are the shattered light of a millions stars, fractured and reformed and singing through a universe of endless dark to end up here, shining out from him and landing on you, and god — he’s looking at you like all those million, billion years of starlight had traveled the expanse of every galaxy just to look at you.
just to see you like he does now.
“no… there isn’t,” you say, whisper, more like, reaching out a hand to trace your thumb over the lid of his closed eye. he doesn’t push you away. instead, he leans in closer.
“then, what’s so funny, kitten?”
you simply shake your head, trying to swallow down your belly-full of laughter, your mind showing you a strobe-quick flash-forward of you trying to explain the concept of foot kinks and websites that cater to such 500 years in the future before deciding — no. alas, tonight is not the night you try to educate one date masamune on the intricacies of body part kinks. though no doubt he’d take it in stride. no — that thought too, you tamp down before you’ve the mind to follow it down into a deep, dark rabbit hole from whence you might never recover or be recovered.
“tell me, please…” he grins, a grin that is simultaneously plea and pleasure, and in it, you can hear the knife-sharp promise of desire, “i’d like to know if something other than me has the power to make you laugh so much.”
“it’s just —” you bite your lips, fighting for the words, “we’re both barefoot.”
he blinks. and you can tell that whatever he was expecting the answer to be, this is clearly not it.
you track the flitter of emotions as they dance in quicksilver steps across the planes of his face — surprise, confusion, amusement, all painted porcelain perfect on the dark of his brows, the faint twitch of his lips. finally, he settles on a sorted of muted bemusement as he cocks his head at you.
“and… do people of your time tend to sleep with socks on?”
“no, it’s just…” you blush again, unable to help yourself.
“just what?” his voice is light, and he is still.
you swallow, hard,
“just… it’s weird — i mean — it’s not like i haven’t seen anyone else barefoot before just… this was — you’re just — and i —” you trip over your words in a hurry and end up tumbling through into incoherence so fast all you can do to styme the flood is to clamp your mouth shut and pray.
oh god please… tell me this is a bad dream.
but when you open your eyes, masamune is still there, watching you with that singular eye of his, expression inscrutable. and still, he doesn’t move.
“so…” and finally, finally, the stillness breaks — he cracks it open like an eggshell, stretching himself out as he leans back, propping himself up on his elbows, lengthening till he’s splayed out over the gleaming wooden boards of the walkway, his face bathed in ghostly moonlight.
“i’m not the first man you’ve seen barefoot, hm? that is a problem.”
your mouth drops open and for a moment, you gape at him wordless and fish-like, and he laughs as he turns to look at you.
“tell me his name — i’ll have his head in the morning,” he says, in a voice so casually serious that for a moment you think he might actually mean it.
and then, he’s laughing too, a big, bright, uproarious thing that shakes his entire body like the foundations of the earth. it is deep and rich and lovely, warm and sweet as sun-kissed honey. you let yourself be swept up in his laughter, dropping into silent giggles, and then something louder, letting your shoulder bump into his, your bodies finally touching and then —
there’s a flurry of clothing, a shifting of weights. you find yourself pulled into him, tipping towards him like inevitability.
your sketchbook lays forgotten on the walkway next to you as masamune holds you close against his chest.
“ah… i really don’t like that…”
an entourage of tingles frissons through your body at his words.
“don’t like what?”
“the fact that you’ve seen someone else barefoot before. it bugs me.”
you peer up at him, lifting your head ever so slightly from his chest. he’s looking at you, and the sunrise-blue of his eyes are shadowed with something darker now, something decidedly less innocent than just the thought of bare feet.
“then… what will you do about it?” you ask, feeling the heat of his body, the solidness of him, the rightness of you between his arms.
“hm… are you teasing me, kitten?” his voice is gravel and earthquake and you’re emboldened by the sound, by the way his pupil dilates, the black hole at the center of every galaxy — gravity made solid, made real.
“yes,” you breathe, leaning up like a dare and he meets you gloriously, his lips hard and pressing and soft and pulling. there’s a fire unspooling at the base of your spine, stoked by the heat and truth of him, so close, too close — you break apart gasping. he grins, lynx-like and wolfish as he grazes his teeth along the column of your throat.
“good,” he says, sighing into your flesh as you arch up into him, your fingers curling into his hair as he flips the pair of you over. he pulls you beneath him and he is storm and thunder, he is rain and wonder — he is water to your desert skies, the sunlit days to all your moonless nights.
and as he makes to rend you into pleasure, into nothing more than ache and belonging, he pulls back with a bone-deep growl, a sliver of hesitation, of self-preservation.
“are… are you sure you want this?” that you want me? the echo is not lost on you.
and it’s not the first time he’s asked you the question, and you have a feeling that it wouldn’t be the last. but you reply as you had, once upon a time, in a distant, sun-drenched afternoon, when you’d been telling him about one of your favorite poems from your time.
you smile, tug him down for a kiss.
“yes,” you say, like you’d done on that long-ago afternoon, “i want you — i want this, masamune. because… I love you.”
“i will love you when you are a still day… i will love you when you are a hurricane.”
#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#ikemen series#date masamune#ikemen sengoku x reader#ikesen masamune#date masamune x reader#ikemen sengoku imagines#ikemen sengoku headcanons#ikesen imagines#ikesen headcanons#floofy floof floof#OKAY but the feeling of tagging a REAL HISTORICAL FIGURE LFMAO#vi i blame u for all the bullshit im about to rain on this damn fandom LOL i havent played these games in YEARS i tell u#is this IC? IDK WHO KNO WHO CARE lol#i hope u liked it u_u#ALL CREDIT WHRE CREDIT IS DUE that last line comes from clementine von radics#i love her poetry pls go read it; this one comes from her collection called 'mouthful of forevers' its SO GOOD GO READ IT#doNT tease me with humans as metaphors for natural disasters man i will fucking GOBBLE that shit up#i love it almost as much as i love sky/star/sun/moon/ocean/general astronomy anaologies
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This is super sweet and fluffy and it makes my heart flutter even tho Masamune is not one of my faves. So props to you, Ally! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💜
I'm so excited to do my first flash exchange! I was even more excited to brush off the cobwebs and write some cure Masamune for @wordycheeseblob hehehe. I hope you like it, dear!
Title: Taste Test
Prompt: Something bitter, something sweet
Characters: Masamune Date, fem!reader
Tags: fluff
You sighed as the day finally came to a close. No more errands to run. Excitement hastened your steps as you hurried to Masamune. He had told you about a surprise he had in store for you once you could spend some time together. You straightened out your kimono before knocking on his door, entering when you heard him call for you to come in.
“There’s my kitten,” Masamune purred, meeting you in the doorway for a sweet kiss. A blush rose to your cheeks as he parted from you and laughed softly.
“I haven’t even made it into the room yet…” you muttered, rolling your eyes playfully at his antics. He moved aside to let you in the room.
“You know I can’t help it. I haven’t seen you all day,” he sighed dramatically, taking your hand in his to lead you to a small cushion next to the table. He helped you to sit and smirked. “I have a game we can play. But, I’m gonna need you to close your eyes,” he said, kneeling down next to you.
“A game? But I thought you had a surprise for me,” you pouted slightly as he chuckled and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Fret not, lass. You’ll have your surprise. Now,” he brought his hand up and moved them over your eyes. “Close your pretty eyes for me.” He moved his hand down over your eyes and away from your face, smiling proudly as you had closed your eyes. He reached for a small box on the table and opened it, picking something out of it and holding it in front of your lips. “Next, open your mouth.” You sniffed a little, immediately smelling something citrus.
“Is that… yuzu? On it’s own?” You asked, brow furrowing. “That’s going to be too bitter,” you frowned, wondering where this was going. He hummed and brushed his knuckle just barely against your bottom lip. “M-Masamune,” you huffed softly, cheeks turning pink again.
“Trust me, kitten.” Sighing, you still kept your eyes closed and opened your mouth a little and waited for him to place the piece of… whatever it was in your mouth. You felt the slight roughness of it first but as it rested on your tongue, an explosion of sweet citrus erupted along your tastebuds. Your eyes flew open in surprise to see Masamune looking amused. You experimentally chewed the treat, licking your lips once you had swallowed it.
“It was hardly bitter at all!” You said, clearly in awe of the treat. He chuckled and picked another piece out of the jar, holding it up to show you.
“From sharp and bitter to sweet and aromatic. Amazing what a little imported sugar can do to a yuzu peel, hm?” He fed you the next piece, making you laugh softly. “But this stays a secret. If Nobunaga knew about it, I’d never be able to keep any for us.”
Taglist: @violettduchess , @strawberry-scum , @writingwhimsey , @ikememesengoku , @kissmetwicekissmedeadly , @jozhenji
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Masamune Date x Reader - “Snuggle Bug”
Waking up every morning beside Masamune was the best thing you ever had the pleasure of being exposed to. What will you do when one morning he doesn’t want to get out of bed and keeps you from conducting your work as a chatelaine?
Requested by anon: “*slides a bag of potato chips as payment across the table to you* what about some clingy masamune x reader, where he just wants attention and is like cuddly, and soft, a lot of nuzzling probably, it could be in the morning where he doesn’t want her to leave the bed, bc he wants to cuddle and sneak in a few smooches, thank even if you don’t do it, I’ll just read other works of yours, your writing is just amazing!”
A/N: Hope you like it!
Warnings: Lazy Masa, fluff?
A small hum could be heard from behind her. The arm which was loose around her waist tighten a little. Her skin always became very sensitive around him, he knew that and would never pass up the option of using that to his advantage. His lips unconsciously set against her skin as he nuzzled her neck. In her half awake composure, she smiled softly at his action.
“Morning,” he grumbled, his voice thick from it’s inaction during sleep.
“Good morning,” she chuckled softly, letting him pull her closer in his chest. His nose nuzzled her hair, to which he sighed deeply.
“How was your sleep,” she whispered.
“Good enough.” He murmured before kissing her forehead, “I guess I should thank you for forcing me into bed”
“You were already very tired and then you decide to do extra paperwork, I wasn’t going to leave you on the verge of sleep and hunched over your desk, was I?” He released a small chuckle.
“You’re too good to me!” He reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers together. They savoured the comfortable silence before he groaned loudly.
“What is it?” She jumped at his sudden action.
“I don’t want to do anything today, I wanna cuddle with you,” he mumbled. She grinned widely, laughing.
“You have to, Nobunaga is expecting a report!” (Y/N) turned in his arms, hiding her face in his neck. His arms rested around her again, rubbing circles in her lower back.
“I can call in sick,” he admitted.
“No!” She snorted, shaking her head.
“No, no, that’s a great idea, I tell one of the maids’ I’m sick and I say you caught the bug as well and we can cuddle together all day!” He stated proudly.
“No, really, I can’t Masa, I have too many fittings today!” She cupped his cheek.
“But kitten!” He pouted, “please!”
“I really can’t! Don’t make this harder than it already is, you know how much I love that face!” She pecked his nose.
“Then don’t resist!!” He kept her close, trailing light kisses up and down her neck. She recoiled into herself because of him, a huge grin on her face.
“Stoooop,” her tone was the furthest from serious.
“Nooo,” he retorted.
“I really can’t, I have so much work!” Her eyes were soft as she stared into his.
“I’ll tell Lord Nobunaga to peel some responsibility off of you for today if he comes around okay lass?” He placed his lips against her forehead. Her gaze hardened a little as her expression became more serious.
“You promise this is a one time thing?” She kissed his chin. A small smirk appeared on his lips.
“I don’t guarantee anything but it won’t happen often.” He guaranteed.
“Promise?” She pecked his lips, waiting for a response.
“Promise,” he nodded, capturing her lips in his. His hands travelled up and down her sides before he hovered over her.
“Masa!” She squeaked, holding her hands against her chest and blushing furiously.
“What?” He grinned, palms against the futon either side of her head. He dipped down slowly, her cheeks flushing even more and breathing hitching from the closing distance between them. Slowly, his lips caught hers in a sweet kiss.
“Mmh,” she hummed softly as her hands cupped his cheeks, lips moving against his. She gasped as his teeth bit down on her bottom lip and sucked it softly, eyes locked with hers. Her hands moved up his face, finding their way to the top of his head. Her fingers ran through his hair smoothly, pulling a few strands every now and then.
“Mmh kitten,” he groaned softly, his calloused fingertips trailed down her clothes. A shiver ran down her spine, still somehow feeling his warmth through the fabric that enveloped her. He pulled away to breath, half lidded eyes on her as his lips trailed along her jaw and down to her neck. He left small kisses down to her collarbone before softly nibbling at her skin. A louder gasp escaped her lips.
“Y-you can’t leave a hickey,” her voice was barely above a whisper as she bit her lip shyly.
“I don’t plan to kitten, not now anyway,” she could feel his smirk against her skin before he left a trail of kitten licks up to her cheek. She smiled widely at his action before he nuzzled her neck, pecking it with his lips before letting himself relax above her. Her hands fiddled with small strands on his hair, stopping to hear him breathing from time to time. He chuckled as her thumb ran up and down the back of his neck. (Y/N) swore she could have distinguished a small giggle from the man as well.
“What’s wrong?”
“It tickles!” He nuzzled her neck even more, chest against chest and his arms around her lower back.
“Do you think they will notice if I don’t show up? I can’t be bothered to tell a maid, especially in this position,” he mumbled. The girl chuckled, kissing his forehead.
“It’s the Oda warlords baby, I don’t think they can’t notice, besides, Hideyoshi is there as well, he might be racing here as we speak,”
“And you are correct!” The door slid open, revealing the man in question.
The couples’ eyes widened slightly, a pair of which was hidden by (Y/N)’s neck.
“What are you still doing here? You are late for War Council! And (Y/N), you have duties to fulfil.” Mamabear frowned at them.
“We…. can’t,” Masamune lied.
“And why is that?” Nobunaga’s vassal crossed his arms over his chest, cocking his head to the side questioningly.
Masamune released a fake cough.
“We’re sick,” he admitted wrongly, “ and I’m afraid I might have made the lass sick as well,” the girl found it amusing the conversation the love of her life was having with her skin but directed to his long time colleague and friend.
“You are what?” Hideyoshi’s sudden outburst made them both jump.
“Sick,” the girl whispered, forcing a small cough in the process.
“Oh no!” He shook his head, walking into the room and crouching down beside them.
“No, stay back, you might get sick as well!” Masamune simply raised a weal hand to him, shooing him off.
“But I need to take care of you!” He scoffed.
“Who is going to take care of the rest if you get sick Hideyoshi?” The girl tore his attention away momentarily. He seemed conflicted for a short moment before nodding.
“Very well,” the vassal sighed, “but at least let me send a nurse,”
“Fine,” Masamune replied obligingly. The man stood back up.
“Thank you,” the girl whispered gratefully, to which he responded with a kind smile.
“Rest now,” he nodded, standing back up and slowly sliding the door shut. After his footsteps ceased to be heard, Masamune released an audible breath.
“That was close,”
“Yeah, I’ll have to lecture Hideyoshi as well, he spends too much time worrying about others and disregarding his own health.”
“You’ll still be thinking of me while you do that right?” His grip tightened around her.
“Yes, always!” She chuckled.
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#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#masamune date#masamune date x reader#masamune date imagine#date masamune#date masamune x reader#date masamune imagine#ikesen masamune#ikesen masamune x reader#ikesen masamune imagine#ikemen masamune#ikemen masamune x reader#ikemen masamune imagine#ikemen masamune date#ikemen masamune date x reader#ikemen masamune date imagine#ikesen masamune date#ikesen masamune date x reader#ikesen masamune date imagine
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Ikemen Sengoku reaction when MC asks them if they would still love her if she became a worm
1. Nobunaga : How could a worm save me from the fires of Honnoji and Haguro would probably eat you
MC : Tf bro?
2. Hideyoshi : Errr M-MC I don't think I can love a worm the way I love you but I'll try *Kisses MC*
MC : *Faints with her nose bleeding*
3. Masamune : But you will tear if I place my dude inside you, just like in those hentais-
4. Mitsunari : I think you'd probably get trapped inside one of my books princess, but I will love you even if you become squished between books.
MC : ( ་ ⍸ ་ )
5. Mitsuhide : Then you'd be my little worm and not my little mouse and that's not the way I like it
MC : *sighs in defeat*
6. Ieyasu : MC someone's dying here and you really had to ask that question now ?
MC : But I was curious.....
7. Kenshin : Don't worry my love, I'll kill whoever who dares to make you a worm. I love you mother of all my bunnies *kiss* *kiss*
MC : *Dies of love*
8. Shingen : I don't reckon I can see you then goddess, and if I can't how will I make you sing my name to the stars ✨✨✨✨✨
9. Yukimura : A wild boar is going to eat you if you become a worm
MC : *smacks him* That's not how the food chain works you idiot...
10. Sasuke : Then I'll become a worm too and we'll be a worm couple
MC : Eh?
11. Kennyo : Yes I will love you. I love animals so I don't think there would be a problem to love you, but what if I step on you by mistake?
12. Motonari : You'd drown in the ocean m'lady, be in my arms instead of thinking about these things. It's a way more easier to spend ya time wi' me.
MC : Yeah sure, you won't try something else on me you horny pirate (•🗢•)
#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#ikemen sengoku x reader#ikemen sengoku nobunaga oda#ikemen sengoku hideyoshi toyotomi#ikemen sengoku masamun date#ikemen sengoku mitsuhide#ikemen sengoku mitsunari#ikemen sengoku ieyasu#ikemen sengoku kenshin#ikemen sengoku shingen#ikemen sengoku sasuke#ikemen sengoku yukimura#ikemen sengoku kennyo#ikemen sengoku motonari#ikemen sengoku ffs#ikesen x reader#cybrid#otome#otome x reader#ikemen#ikemen sengoku scenarios#ikemen sengoku reactions#ikemen sengoku writings
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Ikemen sengoku with reader who have ayatos boba sleeves hehehe(ᗒ▽ᗕ), oh and if you don't know what I meant you can just search it up on tiktok and youtube(^ᴗ^) or from what I can explain is that reader can pull out whatever she want in her sleeves and unlimited storage/bag where she can put whatever things wants. Thank you (^▽^)♥️
Ok, I think I want Ayato's sleeve now.
Ieyasu Tokugawa
- "How are you doing that? "
-Confused but impressed
-He asks read orders you to keep spicy food in the sleeves.
-One time Mitsuhide was being a bit invasive and you literally nearly slit his throat with a knife.
-Would the sleeves to his full advantage.
Masamune Date
-Curious as to how much you can keep in there.
-Once he realises you can keep weapons on there, he wants to take you into battle with him.
-Keeps spices in your sleeves, incase they ever run out
-Another who uses it to his advantage
Shingen Takeda
-... "Can you keep condoms-"
"For the last time, no I won't! "
-On a more serious note he would wonder how much you can keep in there
-Stuffs your sleeves with anpan (a soft bread filled with red bean paste)
-Asks you how you do it.
"Ayato-kun taught me."
"Who the fuck is 'Ayato-kun'?"
Kenshin Usagi
-No matter what you do, do not tell this man about your sleeves. Do not even put yourself in a position in which he will find out about your sleeves.
-He's already enough of a hazard to society and himself with one sword, what do you think will happen if he can have easy access to life threatening objects.
-You don't? Well, only
Complete and Utter chaos.
-He will carry around poisonous daggers and snakes. No questions asked.
-But of course you will come to no harm, after all you are his beloved.
That is all done! The amount of fun I had writing this was immeasurable. Thank you.
Stay lovely❤!
#ikemen sengoku#masamune date#ikesen ieyasu#ikesen shingen#ikesen kenshin#ikemen headcanons#ikesen x reader#headcanons
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On Your Heels (Masamune Date x Reader)
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing: Masamune Date x Reader
Prompt: Fear play | Predator & prey & “I don’t want you to be gentle with me.”
Warning: Smut! Minors DNI!!!🔞
Intended Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 1,233
Ko-fi: Click here to support me on ko-fi!<3
Disclaimer: I do not own Ikemen Sengoku or any of its characters. All of that goodness is the property of Cybird. I do, however, own the plot of this fanfic. Please do not repost this on any other website.
Author’s Note: So it’s almost past 1 am where I am as I’m posting this and I know that’s technically the day after I was supposed to post this, but I’m going to pretend like it’s not, so here we go day 11 of @xxsycamore’s kinktober event!
Tag list: @yesmarsx @nad-zeta @kisara-16 @cheese-ception @cailann @vespeshadowmoon @ravenarld @juminly @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @otomefoxystar @toxiicmoron @otome-scribbles @lucyw260 @minsuwu@arigallesi
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“I don't want you to be gentle with me,” your words echoed in your ears as you ran, leaves crunching beneath your bare feet as you barely managed not to break your ankle on the gnarled root of a tree.
“Then you better run,” came his reply from deep within your psyche, adrenaline flooding your veins. “Run as fast as you can and be prepared for what I’m going to do when I catch you.”
The full moon was your only source of light as you pelted through the woods, the dark shadows warping your path broken occasionally by a pale moonbeam. You didn’t know where Masamune was, couldn’t hear anything over your heartbeat pounding in your ears, but you knew that he was somewhere behind you, waiting for the right moment to jump out and ravage you to within an inch of your life. The metaphorical heat of his breath on your heels drove you faster, legs pumping with flight instinct.
It might’ve been cold, but you didn’t feel it, your skin hot with exertion and excitement. The fear and thrill of the chase combined to form an ecstatic mix in your chest. You’d already lost your shoes, abandoned somewhere near the castle when you’d first begun your sprint, and your kimono caught on the undergrowth in your haste, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as you grabbed the fabric in both fists, pulling and tugging viciously until your legs were free to fully extend. The poor garment would face a much worse fate later on, that you were sure of.
Your foot slipped on a patch of uneven ground and you yelped, the sound too loud in the stillness. A flash of movement out of the corner of your vision, and you realized your mistake a second too late as something, someone, slammed into you, tumbling you to the forest floor in a pile of tangled limbs.
Hot breath fanned against your face, and you cried out in alarm as calloused hands made contact with your bare thighs, slithering upwards.
“Please!” You didn’t know exactly what you were begging for as your hands scrabbled futilely at the debris littering the forest floor around you. Dirt collected beneath your fingernails as you were dragged backwards, a firm, familiar body pressing against your back as your hips were pulled up.
Harsh breathing echoed off the trees as Masamune wrestled you into position, flipping your kimono over your ass even as he kept you pinned beneath his weight. His nose brushed the shell of your ear as he chuckled, the sound low and dangerous and arousing as he freed himself from the confines of his hakama.
Clenching your thighs against the wave of arousal that undoubtedly gleamed on your exposed folds, your impatient wiggle was rewarded with a stiff cock shoved deep into your unsuspecting pussy, heavy balls slapping against your ass. Your scream resounded through the forest as your lover hilted into you, not sparing you a moment to adjust to the burn of his thick girth splitting your walls. A rough hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing as your pulse fluttered beneath his fingertips, and the sound of fabric tearing reached your ears as your obi and kimono met the fate you’d suspected they would earlier.
This wasn’t lovemaking. No, this was something much more visceral. All that mattered to the man mounting you at this moment was his own pleasure and emptying his balls deep inside of your willing cunt. Masamune took you like an animal, single-minded in his goal of filling you with his cum until you overflowed with it.
“Are you enjoying this?” he growled between savage thrusts. Rough fingers gripped your jaw, forcing your face to his. His eye gleamed savage blue in the dark. “Are you enjoying me taking you like a beast?”
“I-ah!” You gasped as Masamune knocked the breath out of your lungs with every slam into your depths, unrelenting and unmerciful. A vicious smirk pulled at his mouth and he licked his lips.
“Answer me, slut.” His hair tickled your cheek as he yanked you up, your feet churning uselessly in the dirt, and shoved you against the trunk of a tree. Your cheek scraped against the rough bark as he humped into you ferally, not a single centimeter of space between your bodies.
“I do!” you shouted, tears streaming down your face. “I love it, Masamune, please don’t stop!”
“Who said you could order me around?” His movements stopped and you sobbed in desperation, the relief from his onslaught short-lived as his pulsing length remained tucked firmly inside of you. Your walls rippled, threatening to clamp down on him and send you both into an earth-shattering orgasm.
“You’re not allowed to cum,” he snarled viciously, jolting your body forward with a single forceful snap of his hips. Your pelvis knocked painfully against the tree, but the pain only made the pleasure that much more unbearable, tears blurring your vision as you gasped for air. “After I fill this sweet little pussy with my seed, maybe I’ll just leave you here. What do you think? Should I? All naked and fucked out for anyone who comes by.”
Eyes widening, you shook your head frantically, to which he snickered, mocking. “Then be a good girl and let me use this cunt for my pleasure.”
Resuming his thrusts, deep and animalistic, the guttural sounds of his moans filled your ears, that of a wolf claiming his prey. Your eyelids slid shut, overwhelmed, even as it took every ounce of willpower you possessed not to cum. You nearly lost it when the swollen tip of your lover’s cock battered your poor cervix, making you cry and squirm.
“T-There, Masamune-! I…ah…no! I…I can’t-!”
“Can’t?” he drawled, licking a stripe up your bare shoulder. “You only need to hold on for a little longer, kitten.” Teeth sank into your neck, leaving a dark mark in his wake. “I’ll fill you up soon enough.”
True to his word, you felt his thrusts growing sloppier, more desperate, as he chased his release. With a roar and a last vicious shove, he filled you to the brim. You shuddered, whimpering, as hot jets of cum soaked your cervix, broken variations of his name passing trembling lips. Your pussy throbbed with the need to orgasm, but you clamped down on the feeling, resisting with all the might left in your used body.
You whimpered as he slipped from your depths, your legs giving out as he pulled away from you. His arms were there to catch you as you collapsed, cradling you against a warm chest.
“Okay?” he mumbled, nosing at your hairline.
“Okay,” you confirmed, sinking gratefully into the comfort of his embrace. The coil in your belly was quickly unraveling in disappointment, but the ache remained, requiring his attention in the near future.
Masamune must have sensed it because he hoisted you into his arms, wrapped in the tattered remains of your clothing as he showered your face in kisses. “You thought I wouldn’t take care of you?” he replied to the unspoken question in your eyes, drawing a pleased moan from you as he swept you into a passionate kiss. “I always take care of my kitten.”
And with that, you snuggled into his neck with a wide grin, your body more than ready for what he was promising.
#ikemen#ikemen series#cybird ikemen#ikemen x reader#ikemen smut#otome#otome x reader#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#ikemen sengoku x reader#ikesen x reader#ikemen sengoku smut#ikesen smut#ikemen sengoku masamune#ikesen masamune#ikemen sengoku masamune x reader#ikesen masamune x reader#ikemen sengoku masamune date#ikesen masamune date#ikemen sengoku masamune date x reader#ikesen masamune date x reader#on your heels (masamune date x reader)#VISIONSOFTEMPTATION2021
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The s/o (reader) of Nobunaga, Masamune, Mitsuhide and Arthur of Ikevamp is going to die in a few years (put 4 or 5 years) and she know it. Thanks for your work and effort, I glad to see another writer here. 🙏🏼🙇🏻♀️🧎🏻♀️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Characters: Oda Nobunaga | Date Masamune | Akechi Mitsuhide | Arthur Conan Doyle | x GN!Reader Rating: General. Word count: 1479 words Warning/s: Slight angst, mentions of illness and medication. Author note: Hello! Sorry this took so long, but I'm so happy for this request, I hope it lived up to your expectations. Thank you for requesting for Arthur, it's my first time writing him.
Traveling through time had never been in your plans. You had grown too used to the commodities of your life, knowing that you were living as best as you could before the tragic end would come.
Your plans had been to love freely, to live to your heart's content before everything came to an end. It was the least you could do despite knowing the end of your life was near. It was not your plan to find a love so strong you wished and begged destiny to stop the cruel punchline of the joke.
It was not your plan to be so madly in love you wished things were different to stop the wounds of your heart from making you bleed out on your lover’s hands.
[୨୧] — Nobunaga Oda
You and Nobunaga had danced around each other from the very start. Bumping heads as the woman who saved his life and the cruel conqueror who sought to claim each part of you little by little until you were nothing but his.
There was fire and passion at every moment, with you fighting the hard walls he built around his heart to pass as the heartless man who’d do anything to accomplish his goal. And him trying to shape you into a soul that belonged only to him.
Yet, the result was that his soul was stripped before you, heart laying in your hands to protect and help him grow and heal, while he shielded all of you from the dangers of the world while trusting your strength and convictions to survive.
Survive. What a funny word, right?
Having a relationship meant being honest, so you had to tell your lover about the condition that was going to cut your life short.
Your tale was welcomed with a hard stare, concerned, thoughtful. Knowing he was thinking of all the possible ways he could help you, but none came to mind.
He could assure you to put you under the best care, but the thought that you came from a time beyond, with lots of technology he still couldn’t entirely comprehend, and you still didn’t have hopes of living a long life.
How could he promise you something he wouldn’t be able to grant?...
Yet, he promised he wouldn’t leave, and he’d stay until your last breath, trying to keep you alive for the years you had ahead, and in history itself so the love promise wasn’t forgotten even in the centuries to come.
✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦
[୨୧] — Date Masamune
He was a hurricane, coming to sweep you off your feet by how strong he was, taking your breath away with the energy he carried.
He lived fast, too fast. Making sacrifices for the greater good that was to come, not minding if he got caught in the middle.
He looked forward and never stopped to look behind unless it was to honor those that made the future possible, but always looking at the new day that came.
Once he met you, he slowed his fast pace to backtrack and reflect on everything that had happened in his life, how he never gave his heart out unless it was to lose himself in the emotion and the throes of passion and fire.
But you had been different, stopping him in his tracks, making him hesitate about the next step and wonder about the life he was living.
You were a bright spark, a bright firework…that was going to extinguish sooner or later.
When he wanted to know about the future you came from, he was amazed by how the world moved on, by how it developed and advanced.
Until it came to your health. You had patiently explained that you had been ill for a long time, and your life expectancy was not greater than a few years, that even if the technology of your home was quite advanced, or at least much more than what they had in Sengoku period, your hopes for a long life were not in the picture.
He took it upon himself to show you how to live a wonderful life, a fast and beautiful one before the end came, and you gladly took his hand through it.
Masamune then slowed down later, when his heart ached inevitably whenever you shared your time, thinking that you were going to be gone and he’d have nothing but the memories.
If he was so used to moving on, why did the thought of moving on without you hurt so much?
✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦
[୨୧] — Akechi Mitsuhide
This man can read you deeply like an open book even if you shut yourself with a lock and key. There’s nothing you can hide from him.
Not even when your origins are secret enough that he decides to look through your room and your belongings, finding your bag that carried your things from your time.
He immediately questioned the mysterious containers that were not made of glass nor clay but…something else, and colorful contents.
In his mind, it could be poison, which wouldn’t be rare, but combined with the other things he found he wasn’t happy about someone like you having so many interesting secrets he was yet to find out.
The interrogation wasn’t pretty. He was terrifying once he showed his bad side, and he was bad enough of a tease already, but this was meant to rip information out of you even if you didn’t have anything bad to hide.
You calmly took one of the pills, and swallowed it down, then calmly explain what it was, how you got it, and why did you need it.
His hard stare and cocky smile turned into one you couldn’t quite read.
He clicked his silver tongue, taking a seat right in front of you, hinting at you to continue your strange story, wanting to know more to determine if what you said was true or not.
Surprisingly, even for the expert liar that he was, you spoke nothing but the truth, he could clearly see it and piece together the puzzle of how you acted like you didn’t belong there at all, now knowing the reason.
After that, he decided not to pry too much into your life, unless you were willing to open up to him, which you were after you two had spent too much time together as mentor and apprentice, as a fake wife, and fake husband.
Mitsuhide didn’t want to admit that he was smitten with you, deciding to show his affection as the helpless teasing to the point of tears. He decided his heart had been closed off for too long, and when you came, he wanted to open up more than anything.
Until he remembered that there was a time limit to having you.
Maybe the only way he could treasure you as he wanted was by deciding to not have you.
✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦
[୨୧] — Arthur Conan Doyle
He liked the little game you played together, he lived for the fun of just unwrapping every layer you had to offer until your soul laid bare for his curiosity to gobble you up.
Yet, he had his limitations once he realized you were too pure and bright, that your light was one too warm he craved in the unforgiving storm of the memories that still haunted him from his mortal life.
You were so, so warm. So full of life…
And he had fallen hard for you without noticing until his heart was so full of you and was spilling. So helplessly in love, wanting nothing but to give all of himself to you in exchange for a small bit of your affection.
It was so dark and so cold inside his mind, that you made him want nothing else but to give you his heart, and in exchange, he’d take care of your life and destiny for the years he had to come.
That is when after adventures solving “mysteries” downtown you decided you trusted him enough to tell you about the illness shortening your life, and how you had traveled to Paris as part of your idea of traveling before it came to an end.
He stood quiet the whole time, face turning into one of deep regret and melancholy. Memories of all that he had lost-- All he couldn’t save.
And you… You were innocent, pure, bright light. A warm fire. And even without having you, you were going to be ripped away and become one more of the many losses. Another beautiful soul with their lives cut short.
Arthur once again couldn’t do anything to stop that dreadful thing from happening. No matter how much he loved you, he was still doomed to lose you…
Or not.
He just hoped you could agree to share eternity with him, and maybe you and he would have to ask Comte for a not-so-small favor.
But the fear of loss still wouldn’t leave as easily.
✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦
#nobunaga oda#date masamune#akechi mitsuhide#arthur conan doyle#ikesen nobunaga#ikesen masamune#ikesen mitsuhide#ikevamp arthur#nobunaga x reader#masamune x reader#mitsuhide x reader#arthur conan doyle x reader#ikesen nobunaga x reader#ikesen masamune x reader#ikesen mitsuhide x reader#arthur x reader#cybird ikemen#cybird otome#cybird
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KINKTOBER DAY 5 | masamune date

♡ masterlist
♡ content warning | object insert, kitty petname, sensory deprivation (blindfold), one single word of degradation, afab reader
♡ words | 500ish
Masamune knows what he wants. He is a person of strong convictions and determined to achieve and fulfill his ideals no matter what or who gets in the way. He doesn't deviate like that for any stupid thing. But every perfect man has a sneaky link and you were his sneaky link. But as said earlier, Masamune knows what he wants, how to get it, and how to satisfy himself.
"You think that your convictions and desires are more important than mine?" your eyes shone under the moonlight and the candle light that illuminated the room, Masamune's katana drawn and its edge cutting the millimeters that were between it and your figure. Feeling that you returned to your first meeting, you decided to remain calm, knowing that if his life mission was for you to be dead you would already be.
"Undress" gritting his teeth, Masamune keeps his sword against you and with his single eye he follows your movements -as your garments slowly descend until you are completely exposed and vulnerable to the warlord who has proven his courage and his untouchable devotion to you a few times.
With the ribbon of your kimono, masamune blindfolds you and you feel even more vulnerable than before, losing the primordial sense of survival, panicking when you do not feel Masamune on top of you or his body heat. Thinking about calling him, your words are halfway out before feeling his arms gently deposit you on the kotatsu, his hands going down from your shoulders to your chest, big calloused hands massaging your breasts and his breath tickling your cunt
"I won't eat you out today kitten, I'm going to do something that will make you meow much more than my simple tongue" the sound of the metal of his armor falling to the ground giving you an orientation of what is happening to later be completely discarded.
"A-ah" your breath is short when you feel like something, which is clearly not masamune’s cock or his fingers, begins to enter little by little inside you. Thinking back to the century you're living in, you wonder if there was any chance for sex toys in this day and age but all thought falls apart when the object moves even faster and faster, your back arching and your hips buckling up.
"Do you like it? disgusting how much you meow with my sword stuck inside you my kitten” a gasp of amazement followed by an even louder moan is the signal that masamune needs to remove the bandage and change position to be behind you.
With your back close to his chest and surrounded by the strong arms of the warlord, you see how the handle of his katana fucks you as if it were a modern dildo.
your gaze becomes blurry, your head is thrown back in pure bliss and satisfaction and Masamune laughs to himself
"You sure are liking this, bitch" by increasing the speed you can only affirm that you like it, coming on top of the handle and your nails scratching Masamune's thighs. Resuming the laugh, he simply pulls out the katana and crouches in front of you, the handle going into his mouth and his head bobbing up and down taking all of your cum that has been left on his sword, his single eye completely fixed on yours with a shine that deserves to have his cock stuffed inside you.
#masamune date#ikesen smut#ikesen kinktober#ikesen masamune#masamune smut#masamune x mc#masamune x reader#ikesen x reader
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welcome to my blog!
hello! im mel! this is my ikemen/otome blog!
i currently only write for..
- ikemen sengoku - obey me! - midnight cinderella i can and will write smut, or implied steamy fics! <3 it doesnt matter to me, i love to write! im open to more otome/ikemen game recommendations, as i’d love to write for as many good looking men as possible. im open for requests, and if you’d like to check out my previous works, @buckys-p1um is my mcu/bucky barnes blog! :>
#ikemen#ikemen cybird#cybird#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#midnight cinderella#obey me#obey me x reader#ikemen sengoku x reader#midnight cinderella x reader#otome#otome x reader#otome games#nobunaga oda x reader#masamune date x reader#kenshin uesugi x reader#giles christophe x reader#louis howard x reader#ntt solmare#mammon x reader#lucifer x reader#beel x reader#belphie x reader#asmo x reader#satan x reader#leviathan x reader#simeon x reader#barbatos x reader
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Just look at him....

Masamune b-day event
#ikemen sengoku x reader#ikemen mc#ikesen#the one-eyed dragon#ikemen masamune#masamune x reader#masamune date#masamune b-day event
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Tigers - D. Masamune
----- Tigers || Masamune Date x MC (Reader) (ft. Shogetsu, Kojuro, and Yojiro)

Summary : When Nobunaga left Japan because he thought he had succeeded in uniting his country, the conflict between the Western Army and the Eastern Army remained in history. Knowing Masamune left you alone in Aoba Castle, he who was once an angel shows his demonic horns. Luckily, you have 4 tigers at your side to protect you.
WC : 1.370 Words.
Warning : Forced violence, evil Mitsunari (?), grammar errors, Aladdin reference, others.
A/N : This is the first time I write here. If you want to check my other (future) works, you can check my wattpad account. I actually got this concept not only for Shogetsu but also for Shine (Lancelot’s Lion) and Cherie (Jean’s White Tiger). Don’t forget to check the last part of this work.
THE scent of the warm tea wafted through the cold air of Mount Aoba. You sat alone in the middle of empty hall where you and Masamune used sit side by side as the lord and lady of the castle. Your hands were still busy with the needle, thread, and fabrics. It was a really quiet afternoon.
The growling sound of a sleeping tiger becomes its own soothing sound in your ears. You feel like it was only yesterday a cute tiger cub pushed you to the floor in Mitsuhide’s manor. Now that tiger cub became an adult tiger in just a few years after the prank Masamune pulled on you.
“Are there any other news from Masamune and the others, Kojuro?” you asked the person who just came and knelt before you. Hearing the name of his owner’s right-hand (and right-eye), Shogetsu woke up from his sleep.
“Lord Mitsuhide has joined and sworn his allegiance to the Eastern Army*. However, Keiji Maeda joined the Western Army. Lord Masamune is still trying to push their unit back in Fushimi,” he reported.
“The strength of the two armies is still very balanced. Lord Ieyasu has already asked Lord Mitsuhide to HELP Lord Masamune.” Kojuro pressed the ‘help’ word.
You noticed it too. Something was wrong with the air around the hall. "Shogetsu," you pat the tiger gently, asking him to be prepared in case something bad happens.
“However,” Kojuro’s hand started to grab his rifle. “Their commander, Mitsunari Ishida dissapeared from the battlefield--” CLICK! BANG! “And that’s the reason why he dissapeared. Welcome to Aoba Castle, Lord Mitsunari,” said Kojuro coldly, welcoming Mitsunari who had been standing behind the screens with a shot. You immediately stood up. Shogetsu has even stepped in to protect you.
“Shogetsu, let's hear what Mitsunari has to say first,” you tried to calm the giant tiger down.
You tried to read Mitsunari’s dark expression. You tried to find where the angel who always greeted you in the hallway of Azuchi Castle a few years ago. But Mitsunari kept his lips shut. His lilac-colored eyes darkened.
"I really hate to do this to you, Lady [Y/N]. But I really need to take you hostage for the advantage of my army," his sweet voice suddenly sounded as deep as the a trench.
"W-what do you mean?" you asked hesitately. "Hideyoshi didn't really command you to capture me, did he?"
"I'm sorry..." you could hear the regret and guilt in his voice. "Men, take her alive!"
"My lady--" Kojuro tried to leap to protect you, but the men who had surrounded you forcibly restrained him.
As soon as Mitsunari voiced his order, Shogetsu immediately jumped up to protect you. he jumped and you could hear his thundering roars, not letting any of Mitsunari's men get close to you. Shogetsu showed his fangs and claws, slightly making Mitsunari's troops back down, knowing they could be a really delicious dinner for the tiger.
"Lady [Y/N], control that tiger if you know what's the best for you!"
Mitsunari's command, which sounded so low, deep, and clear, made the cold run down to your spine. Shogetsu's roars even sounded silent in your ears. Mitsunari, the warlord who is famous for being so kind, now looks very terrifying. The pressure he exerts makes you obey him without you realizing it, afraid he will do something bad if you disobey him.
"Shogetsu," you called him hesitately. But Shogetsu didn't want to listen. He kept roaring at the soldiers as if he was saying I won't let you touch my lady! or touch her and I'll rip your flesh!
"Shogetsu!" you called him more sternly, telling him to sit down. Shogetsu started to calm down but he still continued to be in alert mode. He looked at the soldiers like they were a threat to be killed.
"Roarr!!!" Shogetsu roared once again before he backed away and came back toward you, rubbing his body against your feet.
"Shogetsu, it's alright," you looked at his amber eyes, telling him that you would be okay. Your gentle voice managed to calm Shogetsu down. You bent down a bit to rub it. "It's okay, I'm sure Masamune will immediately save me as soon as he finds out I'm being held hostage."
In the end you gave in and let Mitsunari take you as his hostage. "Then, take me, Mitsunari. Bring me to Hideyoshi so I can talk to him about this!"
"Take her!" Mitsunari ordered his men to take you. But just as Mitsunari’s men was about to tie your hands, you heard the soldier groan in pain. "Huh?" you were confused.
"Hands off from the princess!!!"
"Yojiro?" you asked in confuse. You heard his voice and knew he was there but you couldn't see him. He was probably the one who attacked the soldier with his shuriken.
"Don't worry, Princess! Lord Masamune is here!"
"Masamune is here?" "What?! He's here?! How--"
You and Mitsunari got the different way to reach.
"That's enough Mistunari!"
Upon hearing Masamune's voice, Mitsunari drawn his sword. Masamune comes out of the shadow behind you. All of Mitsunari's soldiers backed off, letting Masamune secure you in his arms. "Western Army are getting more slick, I see," Masamune slip a low chuckle.
"How?! I thought Lord Ieyasu sent you to reclaim Fushimi Castle** from us! How did you catch us from Fushimi to Aoba so fast?!" you could heard the panics in Mitsunari's voice.
"I saw some of the soldiers under your flag following a vassal of mine after I sent him back to Aoba to inform my wife here." Masamune talked about Kojuro. "I also got a report that you disappeared from the castle, causing us to besiege an empty castle. I thought something was off, so I asked Mitsuhide to take my place to chase after Hideyoshi and Keiji then come here. And I'm right, you're here, intending to take my wife hostage? That's not so angel of you, lad."
Masamune's ocean eyes met Mitsunari's lilac eyes. "Tell Hideyoshi the mission to take my wife hostage has failed. And ask him to think about what Lord Nobunaga would say if he were here, seeing how brutal his right hand is. I'm sure he would be very disappointed to leave the country he had united to be divided again like this!"
"Tch! Men, we retreat!" knew he had no advantage in the battle. He ordered his troops to withdraw. "See you in Sekigahara***, Lord Masamune," said Mitsunari with his battle invitation before he fully dissapeared behind the screens.
"Oh, hell! That was the fastest full day and night of ride. I never galloping my horse that fast!" Masamune chuckled a joke.
"You really rode that fast?" you asked curiously. "Are you okay? Is the girl okay, too?" yeah, you really asked how his horse doing.
"I'm fine. And the girl is just tired. How about you? You're okay, kitten?" he asked you with his usual sly smile.
"I'm okay. Especially if I have four tigers at once by my side," you smiled sheepishly. "You should see how Shogetsu threated them to not lay a finger on me," you chuckled.
"Is that true, boy?" Masamune asked and Shigetsu growled to answer it.
"Isn't Ieyasu going to look for you? You know he's a little too... strict as a leader," you asked him again.
Masamune seems to think for a moment. "Kojuro, go to Tokugawa Palace**** and tell Ieyasu that I will catch up with him and join with Mitsuhide! Yojiro, hold a full patrol for my entire domain. You will come with me tomorrow. I have to make sure my wife is safe and no one will harm her again when I'm gone for a while!"
"Yes, my lord!" both Kojuro and Yojiro answered the order Masamune gave them.
"Sorry I have to leave you again tomorrow," you can hear the guilt in his tone.
"That's fine. I'm glad you will atleast stay the night for now," you stood on your tip-toes and kissed him. "You don't know how much I miss you."
"Oh, I really don't know about that." Masamune's laugh filled your heart and the setting sun.

Learning while Simping with Me!
* : The reason why I put Mitsuhide in Eastern Army (Ieyasu’s Army) is because Mitsuhide’s daugher (Gracia) and his husband a.k.a Mitsuhide’s son-in-low sided with Ieyasu. For more info, you can see it here
** : If you read Hideyoshi Dramatic Route, Fushimi Castle is one of Hideyoshi’s Castle. In that route, Hideyoshi read his death poem here. This castle later became one of Ieyasu’s territory. In Sekigahara, Mitsunari’s troops took over the castle from Ieyasu, but Ieyasu took it back. (classic Mitsunari-Ieyasu relationshio, right?).You can see more here.
*** : Battle of Sekigahara took place in Sekigahara, Mino Province (now Gifu Province), the domain where Mitsuhide was born.
**** : Tokugawa Palace also known as Edo Castle was the government’s seat of the Edo Shogunate and was Ieyasu's residence during his reign. This place was used to be a military capital and the castle is now part of Tokyo Imperial Palace. Here for more information.
See you at the next work and “Learning while Simping with Me!”
#ikemen series#ikemen sengoku#date masamune#masamune date#cybird#masamune x reader#masamune imagines#masamune imagine#ikesen masamune#ishida mitsunari#mitsunari ishida#ikesen mitsunari#masamune#mitsunari#ikesen x reader#ikemen sengoku x reader#sengoku hustle#nkq_works#Learning While Simping with Me#nkq_lwswm
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Ikemen Sengoku x Reader - “Wrong Move” [Part 2]
Under unfortunately ironic circumstances, you get taken hostage by the the very person that made the truce between the Oda forces and Takeda-Uesugi alliance happen. However, angering these warlords and using the person that brought all of them together in a heartbeat was probably the worst strategy anyone could come up with.
Requested by @pugprotector: “I have no idea how bisy you are, I’m guessing it’s pretty busy since I’m a college student in quarantine too, but I was wondering, if you have time, if you could do a fic for the sengoku warlords having a meeting about a new oc enemy after their truce signing only to learn that this new enemy somehow ended up kidnapping mc and threatening to kill her and all of the warlords decide to finally stomp this guy down into his rightful place with a fluffy reunion with everyone afterwards?”
Warning: violence, injuries, bickering
A/N: Y'all I'm so sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long T-T I'm back now kinda and I've already started writing a whole Ikesen book and I'll start posting it once I've written like 20 chapters. I'm so sorry again.
“Report.” Mitsuhide spoke. The man bowed deeply in front of his lord before starting.
“We’ve managed to track her down to the dense forests beside Honnoji, we can’t see past that.”
“Good plan on their part.” Ieyasu grumbled, looking away.
“Mitsuhide and Shingen, I want you to send your men-”
“I don’t take orders from you!”
“Well, choose! Either you listen in on our plan and follow it or you leave and have no part of it!” Hideyoshi scolded, clearly distressed. This was not the time to act like the bigger man.
Begrudgingly, the tiger rolled his eyes and the Devil King continued.
“Mitsuhide and Shingen, I want you to scout out the terrain, see how many men we’re up against, Kennyo?” he raised an eyebrow daringly at him, the latter nodded, practically sneering at him at this point.
“I’ll assist, I know the landscape.”
“Once we’ve gotten all the information we need, we’ll each take a small group each, size depending on how many we’re up against.”
“And then steal (Y/N) back!” Masamune smirked.
There was a painful throb in her head as she struggled to open her eyes. Did she get hit in the head? GOD that hurt. Shuffling against the hard surface against her side, the friction of tight rope around her wrists gave her enough energy to wince. It finally made her eyes open.
“It’s about time you woke up!” the man said. The room was luxurious, a huge contrast from the dirty way these men kidnapped her.
If you didn’t bash my head in, we could have played a game of chess.
Her injury really made her think the most absurd things at the most absurd of times. That mentality quickly sewed its mouth shut once she heard a bunch of heavy footsteps coming towards the room. The big doors opened.
The screeching of the metal hinges, the scraping of the large wood against the floor was deafening. A stabbing feeling piercing through her entire body.
“Nobunaga’s and Kenshin’s troops have started to assemble and organise.” the man bowed.
“So they’ll take us by force.” the man murmured under his breath in thought, “has our escape been evacuated?”
“Yes, by the time they’ll set foot into the castle walls, we’ll have exploded the tunnel and they wouldn’t be able to tell how we found a way out without looking close enough.”
She kept herself in the state that she woke up in, retaining the information for when Nobunaga was going to rescue her.
“Do we have enough horses?”
“Yes, as requested, she will be riding with you, we got a stronger horse for you my lord.”
Crap, she was coming with?
“I don’t think any of you will be needing horses.” A cheerful, vaguely familiar voice resonated in the room.
(Y/N) didn’t have energy to look up, her head stood fairly tall against the wall but her gaze was to her knees, the ends of kimono, torn, dirty. The woman didn’t realise she was kneeling on the floor, for sure she couldn’t feel her legs -- but the uncomfortable numbness that came with the lack of blood circulation wasn’t there either.
From Ieyasu’s lessons, the (H/C) haired assumed she had been going in and out of consciousness, this time, coming out enough to be aware of what was happening around her, but not what was happening to her. It fueled her anxiety enough to keep her awake but nothing more.
“How did you-” the man’s eyes widened at the person at the other end of the sharp blade that was held against his neck.
“It’s called a plan.” the first voice, which happened to be Shingen’s smirked as Nobunaga dug his blade a little deeper into his flesh.
“You should have a benner one.” Masamune retorted, coming in from the other, smaller entrance, followed by Ieyasu and Yukimura. The blond rushed directly in front of (Y/N), kneeling as he checked her condition.
“She’s in a very bad state!” he informed, trying to keep his usual unbothered tone but the undeniable alarm in his voice made all the attention go to him.
“I’ll accompany him.” Hideyoshi’s frown was deep. Sheathing his sword and walking towards Tokugawa.
The others were clearly taking care of the situation: Nobunaga holding the lord at the edge of death, the other warlords keeping the rest of the men here on their knees. The allied forces now battling the men that were guarding the castles down below, it was only a matter of time before everyone would go back to Azuchi victoriously, (Y/N) needed urgent medical help, a lord and a vassal gone wouldn’t make any difference.
The woman in question recognised the man through her blurry vision. Apparently, that’s all she needed to see before she closed her eyes and sunk into unconsciousness once more, she was relieved, the anxiety washed away from her completely.
Ieyasu winced after slicing the rope that was damaging her skin, he hesitantly ran his fingertips along the redness of her wrists.
“Go, now.” Nobunaga commanded. Hideyoshi scooped her in his arms, keeping her secure as Ieyasu readjusted her in his arms so her injuries wouldn’t worsen on the trip back before they both scurried away, not missing the frowns everyone gave them at the sight of the woman.
Contrary to last time she woke up, she didn’t feel a pain as unbearable as last time -- and her eyes fluttered open and focused a lot easier as well.
“Lady (Y/N), you’re awake! Thank goodness!” the welcoming, yellow lantern in the corner outlined Mitsunari’s disheveled hair. His bright smile made an unknown weight on her shoulders disappear.
“Leave her room to breathe,” a grumpy voice sighed after the sound of a sliding door. Ieyasu entered, a small bowl of warm water and a clean towel, along with a small pot of cream and bandages, “everyone is worried.” he sat down beside her bed, opening the pot and turning fully to him.
“I’m sorry.” she offered him a sorrowful look.
“Don’t be Lady (Y/N)! It wasn’t your fault!” The blond rolled his eyes, the vassal’s cheerful voice was the last thing he needed to listen to after two long nights of worrying. But Mitsunari was right.
Carefully, he lifted her arm closer to him, placing it in his lap before delicately peeling off the bandage, leaving the wound exposed to the air.
The woman thought that the pain had subsided almost completely -- having felt only slight discomfort when Ieyasu removed the fabric -- until he gently massaged the cream on either side of the engraved prints of the rope left in her.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, watching as she winced silently, but then shook her head at his apology. It took less time than she thought before he was dipping and wringing a towel with water and dabbing the cloth against her skull, “close your eyes, let your head rest.”
“Why Mitsunari’s room?” she whispered, eyes slowly closing, following his instructions. “He gets the least amount of sleep among all of us so he would keep an eye on you.”
Her eyes opened and she gave him a would-he-though look.
“....” her eyes fluttered closed once again and he resumed nursing her head injury back to health, “Mitsuhide kept sneaking off like he usually does so it was safer this way.” the man confessed.
“Hm,” she hummed in response, “thank you guys for saving me.” it came out as a whisper, a moderate attempt to cover up that the woman was still shaken up by it. The man silently praised her for not displaying her emotions on her face for once, and it would have been convincing if he didn’t know her -- or Mitsunari, in this instant, having swallowed back into his book.
That wouldn’t have gone unnoticed by any of the warlords, however. It lurched at his heart.
“You can thank them later.” he brushed stray strands of hair away.
“It’s nearly healed?” her eyes lit up in surprise.
“No, you’ll still need a few days, but they’re all worried sick and insisted on popping in later. So make sure you’re awake and prepared.” his thumb rubbed her forehead soothingly.
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#ikemen sengoku#ikemen sengoku x reader#ikesen#ikesen x reader#nobunaga oda#oda nobunaga#hideyoshi toyotomi#toyotomi hideyoshi#masamune date#date masamune#mitsuhide akechi#akechi mitsuhide#ieyasu tokugawa#tokugawa ieyasu#mitsunari ishida#ishida mitsunari#kenshin uesugi#uesugi kenshin#shingen takeda#takeda shingen#yukimura sanada#sanada yukimura#sasuke sarutobi#sarutobi sasuke
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Self Care
Kenshin : Self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys. MC : No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap! Kennyo : Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!! Masamune : Lmao self care is taking your birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting. Kicho : If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
#Ikemen sengoku#ikesen#ikemen sengoku incorrect quotes#ikemen sengoku kenshin uesugi#ikemen sengoku x reader#ikesen x reader#ikemen sengoku masamune#iksesen masamune date#ikemen sengoku kicho#ikemen sengoku motonari#ikekem sengoku kennyo#ikemen sengoku kennyo#kennyo#mc
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