#ikemen sengoku wedding story event
writingwhimsey · 2 years
"I Do, My Love!"- Mitsunari Pt 1: The Proposal
The start of my ikesen wedding event! Here we are with Mitsunari! I hope you all enjoy!
Mitsunari sat at the breakfast table, Ava beside him, as they ate the meal she had so lovingly prepared. “This truly is delicious, Ava.” He told her, giving her his signature angelic smile.
She returned it with a bright and beautiful smile of her own. “I am glad you like it.” She replied. “And after breakfast I’ll help you fix your hair. I know you probably have a busy day.”
“Yes…it seems we both have been busy lately.” Mitsunari replied with a sigh, lifting his hand to gently cup the side of her face.
“Yes, I do have that wedding kimono I am working on for that visiting daimyo’s daughter.” Ava replied. “I’m hoping to be finished with it today or tomorrow.”
“It’s going to be such a lovely kimono.” Mitsunari replied.
“I just hope she loves it. In my time, women will spend tons of money and time agonizing over the most perfect wedding look.” Ava explained, her eyes taking on a dreamy look. “Lots of women have their dream dress imagined from the time they’re very young.”
Mitsunari picked up on the way Ava’s eyes danced as she spoke about the weddings from her time. He bet making a wedding kimono was making her think about weddings. “Really?” He asked, wanting to hear more of her sweet voice and also wanting to know more of what she was thinking.
Ava nodded. “Yup and some women have the entire wedding planned from the time they’re young girls. Just waiting on the right man.”
“I see.” Mitsunari replied. “Are you one of those women?” He asked.
Ava’s cheeks reddened. “I mean…I’ve always thought about it. I don’t have every detail picked out…but I do know what I’d like…every woman dreams about it.”
Mitsunari smiled at her and leaned in to kiss her red cheeks. “You’re so cute when you blush… and thank you for telling me.” He told her, an idea already taking hold in his beautiful and brilliant mind.
After finishing their breakfast, the pair went through the rest of their usual morning routine. Once dressed, Ava was fixing Mitsunari’s hair. “All finished.” She declared, having tamed his unruly cowlick.
Mitsunari caught her hand in his as she began to pull away, bringing it to his lips to kiss her palm. “Thank you, Ava. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He told her, his amethyst eyes looking at her with such love.
Ava smiled at him. “I love you, Mitsunari.” She replied, leaning in to press a light kiss to his lips.
“I love you, too Ava.” Mitsunari replied.
After finishing up their morning routines, the pair were walking towards the castle together. They parted ways when Ava went to join the other seamstresses as Mitsunari headed to the archives. Mitsunari looking for a few books and grabbing them, sitting down at one of the tables and opening the first book.
He looked at the page, but his mind, which was usually laser focused on his research, couldn't stop wandering. He couldn’t help but to keep thinking back to this morning with Ava and their conversation about weddings.
“You do not appear to be focused on your book.”
Mitsunari looked up to see Masamune and Hideyoshi standing in the door. Though he wasn’t entirely sure on which one of them had spoken. “No.” He replied. “I’m feeling…distracted.”
Hideyoshi and Masamune were coming to sit down with him. “What’s on your mind lad?” Masamune asked.
“Is it something to do with Ava?” Hideyoshi asked him. 
Mitsunari nodded. “Yes…I need to speak with Lord Nobunaga.” He said, having seemingly come to a decision.
“Well, how convenient that I am here to summon you all to council.” Mitsuhide said, as he slithered in the door, a cheshire grin on his face.
The men were all heading to the council room and the war council began. Mitsunari was sitting resolute through the entire thing, just waiting to be able to speak with Lord Nobunaga. He was normally a very patient person, but he couldn’t wait for the official council to be over.
“That concludes the usual business. You all have your orders.” Nobunaga informed the remaining vassals, but called for his inner circle to stay. He then looked towards Mitsunari. “You have something you wish to discuss.” He stated.
Mitsunari nodded anyway. “Yes, my lord…I would like your permission to marry Lady Ava.”
Hideyoshi’s eyes went wide as Masamune, Mitsuhide, and Keiji were all chuckling. Keiji and Masamune were both passing some money over to Mitsuhide. Ieyasu just gave Mitsunari an irriated look. Nobunaga was wearing an amused smile.
“Is that so?” Nobunaga replied. “You feel that you can provide for Ava?”
“Yes…and well from the way she was talking this morning…I think that she has been thinking about marriage a lot.” Mitsunari answered. “And well…I don’t want to live without her.”
“Are you sure about that, Mitsunari?” Hideyoshi asked. “This is a very big commitment.”
Mitsunari nodded. “Yes, Ava is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
“I give you my permission…should Ava say yes that is.” Nobunaga declared.
Mitsunari bowed to Lord Nobunaga. “Thank you, my lord.”
“Now comes the matter of your proposal.” Masamune declared, with a grin.
“Yes, you definitely want to ask her in just the right way.” Mitsuhide added.
“It should be romantic and thoughtful.” Hideyoshi told his vassal. “Something truly special for Ava. She is an Oda Princess and you are an Oda warlord.”
Mitsunari nodded. “Yes, I want to make it very special for her.” He agreed. “I want to make all of her dreams come true.”
“Alright, we will come up with the best proposal strategy.” Nobunaga declared with a grin, his carnelian eyes filled with mirth and determination.
“Thank you for all of your help.” Mitsunari replied. 
“We’ll help you make sure this is the best proposal Lady Ava has ever seen!” Ranmaru declared with a bright smile.
The warlords all sat down then, helping Mitsunari plan the best possible proposal for Ava.
A few days later…
I had woken up to find Mitsunari already gone for the day and a sweet note left on my pillow. He had been busy recently. Constantly in meetings and having to go out and perform several inspections and training exercises with Hideyoshi. We weren’t getting much time together at all.
“Such is the life of the lover of such a warlord, though.” I spoke to myself as I read the note my love had left me. Just explaining that he was going to be gone for the day, but that he would see me at a banquet that was being held tonight at the castle.
“Hmm…I wonder if we’ll be able to slip out of the banquet early so we can spend some time together.” I pondered to myself as I got up and started going about my morning routine. I hoped Mitsunari had eaten breakfast…and that he was able to get his hair straightened out…even if I did like doing those things for him.
I went about my day as usual, heading to work with the other seamstresses. I was surprised when I saw Mitsunari leaving the seamstresses workroom. He was being escorted out by one of the other girls, who was wearing a bright smile.
“Thank you for your help.” Mitsunari told her, returning her smile.
“I’m always happy to help Lord Mitsunari.” She replied.
“Hey, what are you guys doing here?” I called as I approached them, a gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach. He’s probably just asking her to mend something or other…even though that thought bothered me as well. Why would he ask anyone else to help him?
“Oh, Lady Ava.” The other seamstress greeted me, both she and Mitsunari seemed surprised by my approach. 
“I had just asked Miss Hina to help me with something for Lord Hideyoshi.” Mitsunari answered, though something about the way he spoke made it seem like that was a practiced answer.
“Yup and I really hope I was able to help you with that, Lord Mitsunari.” Hina replied. She was then bowing and heading into the workroom.
I turned to say something to Mitsunari when he was speaking first. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. I’ll see you at the banquet tonight.” He was then giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before departing.
I couldn’t help but to feel a little down. We had hardly seen each other all week and now he was talking with another seamstress and it just seemed like they were hiding something. I hoped I was just imagining things. Mitsunari was just kind to everyone…though I still couldn’t shake the feeling that he was hiding something from me.
I gave my cheeks a light smack. I had work to focus on and Mitsunari was just doing work and being his kind self. That was all it was. I headed into the work room and my suspicions were reignited when the other girls appeared to be rushing to hide something and speaking to each other in hushed whispers.
I tried to focus on my work, but my mind just kept racing. My day ended up passing by in a blur of anxiety and worry before it was finally time for the banquet. Though I had to admit I was almost not feeling much like a banquet. 
I was given a note to head to my old room in the castle to prepare for the banquet. Though I lived with Mitsunari now, Nobunaga had still kept my room in the castle for me. He had told me it would always be there for me no matter what I wanted to use it for.
I headed there and was surprised when Mitsunari greeted me. “I’m glad you’re here.” He said, smiling at me.
“Mitsunari, what’s going on?” I asked.
Mitsunari smiled at me, warm and angelic as he held a hand out to me. “I am here to help you get ready.” He answered. He was then gesturing to a beautiful kimono that was hanging up in the room. It was lavender-colored and had white and gold floral embroidery at the hem. There was also a golden obi with a lavender cord. 
“Wh-what?” I asked.
“You’re always taking care of me, Ava. I want to take care of you.” He told me. “And I wanted to get you this special kimono.”
“Wait…so you weren’t actually talking to Hina about something for Hideyoshi?” I asked.
“No. I was getting this for you.” He answered, still smiling.
I was then throwing my arms around him. “Oh, Mitsunari! That’s so sweet of you!” I said as I hugged him tightly. 
I felt his arms coming around me as he held me close. “I had hoped you would be happy.” He said. “And I am sorry if I made you worry.”
“I’m sorry for ever worrying or doubting you.” I replied, feeling so relieved.
Mitsunari pulled back slightly to look at me, his hand coming up to cup my face. “You…you were jealous?” He asked.
I felt my cheeks heating up, but I nodded. “Yes…it just…well it seemed so suspicious. We haven’t seen each other much this week and then you were talking to another seamstress…I should have known. I know you love me.”
Mitsunari’s smile seemed to become even more beautiful. “Is it…I am sorry…I didn’t mean for it to look that way. I can see how it would…but is it bad that I am happy you were jealous over me?”
“It’s not bad.” I replied. “I like it when you get jealous over me.”
Mitsunari leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to my forehead. “I love you, Ava.” He assured me. “There is no one else for me.”
“Oh…Mitsunari…I feel the same way about you. I love you so very much.” I replied, stretching up to kiss his lips.
Mitsunari returned my kiss, holding me close. When he broke the kiss, he was smiling at me. “Alright, now let’s get you ready.” He said.
Mitsunari was determined to help me get ready for the banquet. I truly appreciated his efforts and everything he was doing…though while he was trying to help me get obi on, he somehow fumbled and we ended up tumbling to the floor together. When he was helping me with my hair, he couldn’t quite get the pins in right and the style kept falling down.
“I’m sorry, Ava.” Mitsunari said. “I just keep failing…and I practiced so hard. Lord Keiji let me practice on his hair under Lord Hideyoshi and Lord Mitsuhide’s instructions.”
“You… you practiced on Keiji?” I asked, smiling. “Oh, that’s so sweet. Mitsunari it’s the thought that counts.” I was then hugging my love. 
Mitsunari smiled as he hugged me close and kissed my cheek. “I just want you to know I can take care of you, too.”
“And you do.” I replied. “You provide me a safe place where I feel loved. You’re working to make a safe and peaceful world we can live in. You’re truly amazing Mitsunari.”
He rested his forehead against mine, his amethyst eyes looking into mine. “You are truly amazing Ava.” He told me before kissing me lovingly. 
We took a few extra moments before finally heading to the banquet to join everyone else. We had both decided to leave my hair down. We were, of course, the last to arrive. “About time you two got here.” Masamune teased.
“Knowing what he was up to I’m surprised they’re not still tripping and walking into the walls of her room.” Ieyasu grumbled.
“Alright now, come on let’s give the lad a break.” Masamune said to Ieyasu. “This is a big night for him after all.”
“Oh, are we celebrating something?” I asked, looking over at Mitsunari. I had honestly thought this banquet was just another moral boosting one.
“I hope to be.” Mitsunari answered, smiling at me.
Hideyoshi was giving Masamune a stern look, but otherwise not saying anything. Nobunaga was watching everything with an amused smile.
I did my best to ignore them and focused on Mitsunari. “What do you mean?” I asked him as we took our seats.
Mitsunari nodded as he took my hand in his and laced our fingers together. He had a rather serious expression on his face. “Ava, I have been thinking…and planning.” He began. “And I wanted to make tonight really special. I love you very much and I can’t imagine my life without you. I want you by my side always and to be by your side always. I know that you are the only woman for me…will you stay with me always? Will you marry me?”
I gasped as his words registered in my mind. “Oh! Mitsunari! Yes!” I exclaimed as I threw my arms around him, forgetting about everyone else around us for the moment.
Mitsunari’s angelic smile was bright as the sun as he hugged me back. “I am so happy.” He said, kissing my forehead and then a light peck on my lips.
“Wait…so is that why you’ve been busy all week? You were planning…planning to propose?” I asked.
Mitsunari nodded. “Yes.I wanted to make it special for you.” He said. 
“Well, I think this calls for a toast.” Masamune declared.
“Yes, we drink to your engagement tonight.” Nobunaga declared lifting his cup. 
I was so happy. The man I loved more than anything had proposed and we were celebrating our engagement with our closest friends. I was truly the happiest woman alive.
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toreii · 1 year
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『Your Happiness In the Turbulent World』
Story event starts on 5/1!
A lifetime together with that special someone. While spending happy days, the both of us dream of a warm future……
“I just thought to make you happy.”
“I’ve decided I would love you for the rest of my life.”
We share our feelings, and deepen our love that never ends—
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cyikemen · 3 years
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💍Will you say "I do?" 💍
💖Play Story Event From the Bottom of My Heart!💖 ★DOWNLOAD NOW!★ iOS: http://appsto.re/jp/77jljb.i Google Play: http://goo.gl/itEXwP
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noaisnoaisnoa · 5 years
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Ikemen Sengoku 4th Anniversary Marriage story event 2019
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A Wedding Across Time - Kyubei
AND YES because Collection Events suck balls, but this one was pretty cute nonetheless, I give you all a free Kyubei story. And no I'm not putting him in a white pimp suit. He actually gets something decent, whatever decent is in your imagination.
Fandom: Ikemen sengoku
Character: Kyubei
Words: - 1k
Warnings: Well, weddings.
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Somehow I found myself back in the modern world, where the cars race by and the streets are flooded with lights and the roads are paved.
“Rather chaotic, more so than expected.”
I whip my head around at the sound of Kyubei, surprised and delighted that he is with me, but lose my balance as I try to avoid running into a pedestrian.
A long finger flicks my nose as Kyubei catches me with one arm, a smile evident in his voice before I pout back at him.
“Excuse me?”
An uncertain voice pipes up between us, as if regretting the interruption.
(Ah, shoot, even in modern day Japan PDA isn’t common, still!)
Feeling my cheeks flush I’m bewildered when the stranger presents me with a business card, their head bowing low as if begging us.
“Please help me!”
And this is how I found myself in a fancy hotel, dressed up like a bride anxiously waiting for Kyubei to come pick me up.
The door creaks open and Kyubei peeks past it with an uncertain look on his face, his hair combed back neatly before the rest of him follows, dressed in a smart looking suit.
“This … tie is quite a knot.”
I barely pick up on his uncertainty as I feel my mouth fall open, surprised at how handsome he manages to look in a modern day three piece suit.
(Modern and classy, but still managing to be formal!)
“You look beautiful as well.”
The teasing lilt in his voice snaps me back into reality, my cheeks burning up at the compliment and for gawking shamelessly.
“You do as well.”
I wince at how lame that sounds as Kyubei chuckles, an arm offered to me as he slowly escorts me out of the room towards the setup where the photoshoot will be held.
“I know.”
Kyubei doesn’t forget to whisper to me before straightening up once more and standing in front of the screen and camera prepared, the first picture flashing quickly thereafter.
“Natural poses! Don’t think too much about it!”
The photographer thinks nothing of it as Kyubei blinks, the glare of the camera disorienting him before he turns to me, eyes still blinking and flickering but looking for guidance all the same.
(To see him so out of his element is rare.)
Feeling mischievous I reach out to his tie, tugging at it as I force Kyubei to lower his face to me.
“Careful, it took me a long while to get it right.”
Kyubei seems flustered at that, my smile widening as I tug him closer, delighted at how much taller I feel now with heels on.
“I can tie it back for you.”
The camera flashes and clicks as I keep Kyubei locked into the position before quickly pressing a kiss to his lips and letting him go, his eyes still dazed by the flash, but his expression clearly excited as if we are sharing a naughty secret.
Moving to the church the candles are already lit up, the sun having long since gone down already.
“A Christian custom.”
Kyubei is quick to recognise it, looking up at the chapel the both of us find ourselves in and admiring the architecture of the modern world.
“Yes, usually this is where the bride gets escorted in by her father and then handed over to the groom!”
Trying to explain the modern age wedding ceremony to Kyubei without raising suspicion with the staff that he isn’t from the modern world is hard, but Kyubei seems to understand nonetheless as he eyes me patiently.
“And vows as well, right?”
The question takes me by surprise, wondering how he knows about it before Kyubei takes my hand in his, his expression determined as he rubs the ring finger on which the ring is supposed to go.
“I don’t have a ring for you, but I vow that I will support you, like you support me. That I will protect you in the chaos of war, like you have guided me through the chaos of your time.”
Feeling my breath hitch I realise what he is doing as I listen to the promises made, the shutter of the camera next to us constantly clicking as Kyubei’s other hand reaches for my veil, brushing it to the side as he leans in.
“I vow that, one day, I will give you a real ring to wear and a proper ceremony to celebrate and to share our happiness with.”
Without waiting for him I lean back in, stealing the rest of the vow for another time.
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One Week Remaining! “April Showers Bring May Flowers” ~ A Ko-Fi Fanfiction Event!
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One week remaining to submit a commission form for the Ko-Fi event! There are still plenty of slots left - 11 remaining! They will be posted over the month of May, acting as pick-me-ups like the flowers that are going to brighten our days. Buy some for yourself! Buy some for your friends! Buy some for the person you love!
The fandoms I write for are: Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Sengoku, Midnight Cinderella, and Obey Me! (One Master To Rule Them All)!
You can opt to have a reader-insert, or include your OC in the story! You can opt for a fluffy story, a romantic story, or a spicy story! All up to you!
To place a commission order, please click here for the link to the Google Form!  (Tumblr doesn’t let posts with links show up in tags!) My writing masterlist is linked there too!
With that, pick a prompt, choose a word count, and go! Below the cut are some rules, the costs, and suggestions of flower-themed prompts if you’re having trouble thinking up your own.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated to spread the word. Thank you! 
The Run Down:
- Please make sure you submit your order through the Google Form. I will not be accepting them through my askbox or PMs.
- Include all relevant information that might need to be included/mentioned, especially if you are buying an Insert/OC commission!
- You can request ANY type of prompt – it does not have to be flower-themed!
- “Spicy” is on par with the more chaste Cybird Premium Stories. Fades to black and nothing more than shirts are implied to come off – that sort of thing!  
- If you are buying for someone else, please make sure to tell me who the receiver is and if you want to stay an anonymous gifter. Thank you!
Choices and Their Costs (Written Out!):
Word Count: 300 Words [2 Ko-Fi] 600 Words [4 Ko-Fi] 1000 Words [6 Ko-Fi]
Character: xReader (F, M, Gender Neutral) [+0 Ko-Fi] OC/Insert [+2 Ko-Fi]
Spicy/NSFW: Yes! [+2 Ko-Fi]
… And Some Flower Themed Prompts…
Gardenias: Speaking of a secret romance, or a story about a joyful occasion. It could be the two of you trying to hide your relationship from friends, to celebrate a happy occasion, or needing an excuse to have a lovely time together.
Tulips: To signify a declaration of love, or speak of a perfect love, whether platonic or romantic in nature. Perhaps it is something you love about your significant other, or something they love about you.
Purple Hyacinth: Please Forgive Me, one might ask in a more bittersweet story about a break-up, a betrayal in a Secret Agent AU, or a broken dish on the floor.
Sunflowers: Adoration and dedication, of a suitor who loves their significant other without question and will love them until the stars go dark.
Roses: Red Roses can mean a romantic dinner date, White Roses for a wedding, or Black Roses for a Vampire AU aesthetic.
Lavender: Relaxing, comforting story that soothes the soul. It might be about someone caring for their sick significant other, or spoiling them with gifts and kisses.
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Would you say that SLBP is somewhat historically accurate?
It “very strongly references historical incidents”, much more so than, say, Ikemen Sengoku. Clearly research was done, and it was great. That is why this blog exist. But by my personal judgement, I would not consider the game as a whole “accurate” for many reasons.
Elements of the narrative are accurate, maybe one scene here or one story event there, but combined together… the “overall score” is lowered, so to speak. While I’m totally fine with the changes as a fan of otome game, if you ask me about accuracy I have to dock points off. 
1) Condensing timeline heavily: the span of Hideyoshi’s and Nobunaga’s route covers events that are 10 years apart in reality. 
2) Having characters do things that does not happen in real life to bring more excitement to the plot: Yasumasa and Narimassa’s rebellion in Ieyasu and Toshiie’s routes are 100% fiction. Nobunaga did not burn down the Honganji in real life. 
3) Muddling of order of events: Honganji falls years before Takeda is destroyed, not after. Kojuro became the lord of Shiroishi Castle after the Date surrendered to Toyotomi, not before. 
4) Combining two events together for either enhancing drama or to save time and space: Hanbei dies during the siege of Kozuki castle, not the battle against Bessho. The poisoning attempt and Mogami’s fight against Masamune are 2 different issues.
5) The MC “stealing” roles from the historical persons: The one who offered to become a hostage so that Sunomata Castle can be built is Hideyoshi, but in the game MC does it.
6) Using myths and legends that are normally considered as at best “not credible narrative” by historians: The story of Araki Murashige eating mochi off Nobunaga’s sword, Hideyoshi’s nickname being “monkey”
7) Using tropes that are outright modern inventions, not just Edo era legends, made up by modern novelists or game creators: Masamune and Yukimura’s rivalry is invented by Sengoku Basara. Mitsunari’s “Fox of Sawayama” title is invented by Samurai Warriors. Oichi and Nagamasa’s love/romance is invented by modern novelists. Nobunaga’s obsession for konpeitou is also modern invention, though unclear when then trend started.
8) Outright fluff/fictive events: Mitsunari was never raised a girl, and he was not the product of rape. His father in real life was a respectable samurai with love for education, who inspired his sons to also appreciate reading. The Date never personally visited Nobunaga, neither Terumune nor Masamune. Shingen never met Masamune. Ieyasu never demanded for Kojuro to serve him. I do believe it was actually referencing the situation when Hideyoshi made the offer, although when Kojuro refused, Hideyoshi just let him off. 
9) Things that are physically and humanly impossible to do: There was once a story event where Nobunaga rushed from Osaka to Usayama just in time to save Mitsuhide within such a short period of time, and this is absurd. “The reinforcement couldn’t come in time” was precisely the reason why in the real life event, that inspired this particular Mitsuhide story, Mori Yoshinari DIED.
10) People dying or conveniently NOT dying for plot purposes: Kansuke should have already died in the Battle of Kawanakajima (Shingen and Kenshin’s common route), but he was still around in Shingen’s route that covers later-date events. Shingen should have died much earlier, but he was also alive for much longer, and performing the role that in real life was acted by his son. Kennyo in real life was not killed when Honganji was defeated, but simply moved away. Ibano Hiromasa should have died in battle, but in the game he only suffered heavy injuries and survived.
11) Anachronism abound: There are too many to list here, but I will mention some examples. Masamune and Yukimura belongs to a younger generation than the rest of the samurai. Their fathers, Masayuki and Terumune, are actually younger than Ieyasu. Mitsunari is younger than some of Nobunaga’s sons. Plenty of objects or cultural norms are far too modern for the Sengoku. For example, Sugoroku and the wedding dress depicted in the wedding event CGs. As commented in the replies, strawberry daifuku and donuts are modern sweets that do not exist in the Sengoku. The konpeitou that Nobunaga had in real life was not as colourful as the konpeitou shown in-game, but instead plain white (and also less spiky-looking). Nobunaga did not actually consume castella regularly. In fact, it was believed that Hideyoshi was the first person to sample castella freshly-baked in Japan, about a decade or so after Nobunaga’s death. Kiseru was not a commonly available item until 1590s. Having them being fashioned into hidden blades like what Kyouichirou/Goemon uses is an even later trend from the Edo era. 
Bonus: Hideyoshi’s brother was mentioned in his main route and one of the events, but then goes mising from the game without explanation. In real life, Hidenaga was often said to be Hideyoshi’s most trusted right hand man. 
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kouei116 · 6 years
I'm still learning Japanese (beginner) and this blog is for my practice hence I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy, any corrections are welcomed.  Please do not repost my posts/photos. Reblog is ok. 
IKEMEN VAMPIRE Profile 1 2  Xmas 2018 - Tonight I'll be your Santa Claus part 1  part 2 Happy New Year 2019 from IkeVam suitors  Which IkeVam suitors will be your Valentine 2019? Cybird’s chemistry analysis  Icons & Headers (1) (2) (3) ; Now Loading chibis & pets Your Wedding Story Valentine present for him Love Fortune GIF  Dazai - Your story that I didn't know  Vampire Host Club March19 event ; Dec19 event ; 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 Leonardo  Touch him mischievously XXX 2nd birthday: Vincent ; Leonardo ; Theo ; Arthur ; Dazai 3rd birthday: Napoleon ; Sebastian ; Shakespeare ; Isaac ; Jean ; Mozart Preview Video: Napoleon ; Mozart ; Leonardo ; Arthur ; Vincent ; Isaac ; Theo ; Jeanne ; Shakespeare ; Comte Route Teaser: Jeanne ; Shakespeare ; Comte Absolute obedience contract : Comte  Kissing you as fever-reducing medicine Bridal Event: Messages (1 2) Sweet voice story set - Rain Bath story (smut) Leonardo ;  Vincent Naughty rendezvous with him wearing yukata Sucking love triangle From that day when I kissed you To fall in love with you once more part 2: Mozart ; Vincent ; Leonardo General Election 2019 Tonight, at the theatre of love His yandere obsession Butler event - Milady for one day Forbidden XX Story set with kiss sound Trap of tempting love: Vlad & Napoleon Arthur - election 2019 1st place voiced story Tipsy event Voice story Vlad ; Charles ; Faust Nightmare lovers: Charles ; Faust  An embrace on Holy Night Live radio Eminent figures' hot bath story set New Year Romance Lucky bag 2020 Happy New Year 2020 from suitors (1 2) My (and mine alone) Cindrella Valentine sweet aphrodisiac and melty chocolate
- IKEMEN REVOLUTION Seth's Bar, tell me Mousse!  ; Seth’s Bar, Zero express your feelings ; Jonah's Bar, Ray's assertion  Cradle’s Scoop  Kyle's Bath story Alice's Holiday Our beginning (Harr, Sirius, Lance school day) event Teaser  Video  Flower Secret Message Pure white bride Part 1 ; Part 2  Oliver's Route teaser  2nd birthday teaser: Loki ; Oliver ; Ray ; 1st birthday: Dalim Dean 3rd birthday teaser: Ray ; Oliver ; Fenrir ; Sirius ; Seth ; Kyle ; Edgar ; Luka ; Blanc 4th birthday teaser: Jonah ; Harr ;  Preview Video: Kyle ; Luka ; Oliver ; Zero ; Harr Cradle Award 2018 JP - Luka's Portrait Story ; Luka's Diary Cradle Award JP 2019 Edgar & Luka story - Let's start the adult talk about love interests Zero & Jonah - Important mission and secret bribery Jonah - White Day, Homemade cookies are the taste of love Indulgence on a hot night:  Zero’s story   I want to say my words of love to you once more:  Part 1 ; Part 2 Overcoming the ordeal of love together :  Harr’s Story The dream of fairy tale for you Cradle Harvest Festival Forbidden aphrodisiac : Dean ; Seth ; Harr Ray's situation CD Vampire stories Santa is by my side Animal magic - Dum/Dalim Valentine Kissing under the moonlight
- IKEMEN SENGOKU Onsen story: Kenshin ; Nobunaga Nobunaga Eternal Love Ending: Video ; Teaser ; Ending  Sasuke Preview Video  Wedding Event His Feeling towards you GIF 1 2 Mitsuhide Route Preview Video ; Route Teaser Mitsuhide's Kitsune restaurant PS Vita version: Ieyasu ; Ranmaru  Birthday 2019-20: Masamune ; Mitsuhide ; Mitsunari ; Shingen ; Kennyo Ieyasu ; Kenshin
PS VITA / NINTENDO SWITCH / STEAM  * Code Realize Guardian of rebirth: Saint Germain (1 2); Victor ; Impey ; Van Helsing (1 2); Lupin (1 2) * Code Realize Wintertide Miracles: Saint Germain (1 2); Van Helsing; Lupin; Victor Impey * Amnesia Memories: Shin (1 2) ; Ikki (1 2) ; Kent (1 2) ; Toma (1 2); Ukyo (1 2) * Collar x Malice: Sasazuka (1 2) ; Enomoto ; Okazaki (1 2 3); Shiraishi (1 2); Yanagi (1 2) * Ikemen Sengoku PS Vita: Ieyasu ;  Ranmaru * Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal: Kanato ;  * Diabolik Lovers More Blood: Kanato ; Kou ; * Diabolik Lovers Vandead Carnival: Kanato ; Kou ; Laito ; Ruki ; Azusa ; * Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate: Carla ; Kanato ; Kou * Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade: Kanato ; Kou ; Carla * Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden: Kanato ; Kou ; Carla * Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage: Kanato ; Kou ; Carla * Nightshade: Goemon , Hanzo, Chojiro, Kurayuki (1 2), Gekkamaru * Nameless: Tei (1 2); Lance (1 2) * Jakou no Lyla: European ; Asian  * Amnesia WORLD: Normal world-Shin * Piofiore: Prologue ; Dante (1 2) ; Orlok ; Nicola * Taisho Alice: Cinderella * Cendrillon Palika: Prologue ; Ulen ; Shien ; Ela ; Ulen * Shiro to kuro no alice: Prologue ; Rain ; Minette ; Snow * Brothers Conflict: Iori ; Ukyo Louis ; Azusa Natsume ; Tsubaki Masumi * The Men of Yoshiwara Ohgiya (Ageha) / Period Cube (Zain, Astrum, Poyopoyo) / The Charming Empire (Kei, Soshi) / Norn9: Kakeru / Beastmaster & Prince: Erik  / * Bad Apple War: Shikamashi ; White mask 
- IKEMEN LIVE Kanade’s route preview 
IKEMEN GENJIDEN Preview video Yoritomo ; Yoshitsune  Yoshitsune: Birthday 2019 ; Onsen story ;  WAKIDENAI Intro story ; Full Body Illustrations ; Rooms ; Favourite Food ; Voice sample & Profile: Kannagi - MISCELLANOUS Horoscope compatibility with IkeSen-Rev-Vam husbands My Shrine of game merchandise: MysMe ; IkeSen  ; Plushie (1 2) Cybird's Line Stickers (IkeSen, IkeRev, MidCin, IkeVam) My list of games & suitors
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nobume-date · 6 years
Top 10 Husbando
Thanks for tagging me! @lordbunshin @lemonicebar wanted to know my husbando  😉
I believe everyone here definitely have a crushed on 2D characters but it takes more than pretty face, great body, intelligent and super power to be the best husbando IRL or so called IkeDan*. Like, will they be there when we need their help? Will they make us a porridge when we sick? and stuffs...
*IkeDan = Ikemen Danna (イケメン旦那) = The hotties who possess husband material, recently popular word among Japanese women.
Personally I think it’s not fair for anime’s characters because otoge’s characters originally were created to be an ideal husbando. Plus all anime already finished, no more season 4-5-6 with a wedding or happy family story like otoge did. So i’ll go with 5 husbundo from anime fandom and 5 from otoge fandom.
P.S. Srsly, I had a hard time for choosing just 10 husbando from hundreds husbandos in my list.
Anime Husbando
5. Kuroba Kaito @ Magic Kaito KID
This IQ 400, playful and kind gentleman, full-time high school boy, part-time phantom thief is definitely a hero for both boys and girls in fandom. Well, he was born from Gosho Aoyama who wrote Detecive Conan after all, this character surely has a charmingly deep and various dimensions. 
Kaito might be too young to be considered as husbando but with all of his good traits, he’d definitely grow up to be the best one. Besides, I love a sweet & thrill in love life 😉
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4. Kinomoto Tōya @ Cardcaptor Sakura 
Touya-niichan is my first love in anime fandom since I was a kid and still have been in my heart until now. Thanks to Clear Card Arc, I have a chance to see him in college version and more striking handsome due to advanced CG technology in anime industry. 
He is cool, kind, athletic and very popular with the girls even he is a bit loner who has only Yukito as a BFF. He did many jobs so that he can pay for college on his own, despite his father is a college professor who could easily pay for his tuition, very impressive responsibility as a mere high school boy. 
He is also good at cooking and helps with house work, yeah husband material. Even he’s always tease his little sister Sakura but that nothing to do with me ;p Well, his caring for family is the best clue for being a potential future husband and father.
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3. Karasuma Tadaomi @ Assassination Classroom (VA Sugita Tomokazu 😍)
Who wouldn’t fall for this super cool badass fighter? He’s an elite agent sent from Japan's Ministry of Defense to supervise Koro-sensei. 
Karasuma is a strict but kind man, though he keeps a distance between himself and the students due to his status as an agent and his own professionalism. He is also extremely dense when it comes to love, but isn't so oblivious that he doesn't figure it out eventually. Even though he comes off as distant, he's not completely devoid of emotion and seems to be able to express happiness very rarely; most notably, during violent situations.
Judging from how he taught his students as the physical education teacher in Class 3-E, he must be a strict dad who raise his kids to be a strong fighter both physically and mentally. He is a perfect husbando for waifu who need someone to keep her on her toes. His love life is hilarious and interesting bc his waifu is a b*tch. Well, if you watch this anime you’d know what i mean 😉 Hush hush... I bet he is definitely a wild beast on bed, fu fu 😉
P.S. Let me clear this, I’m not that b*tch but I still need him bc it’s thrill for having such a cool & elite agent as a husbando.
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2. Yanagi Kazuma @ Kaze no Stigma (VA Ono Daisuke 😍)
Due to his family circumstance and ex-lover’s tragedy, he has become too powerful and overprotective in an effort to be able to protect those important to him and not to lose them again. Even Kazuma shows his arrogance and egotistic side most of the time, he'll protect people who are naturally weak and have no chance of becoming stronger.
He is a snarky sarcastic and anti-social, rarely interacts with others unless business is involved. But he’s very caring and protect his beloved Ayano and his little brother Ren. He can do house chores and cooking. When he fell in love he’ll be unbelievably sweet and gentle yet still be a big tease making Ayano (and me) doki doki occasionally; e.g. licking a splashed wine on her cheek saying it’s a waste if he don’t drink it, kissing her hair when he confess to her. When he kissed her neck and said “You better get ready because I’m selfish and have a strong desire” I was melted ☺️☺️☺️
P.S. When I finished watching this anime and found out season 2 never come bc the writer had died since 2009 I cried like my own relative died 😭😭
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1. Usui Takumi @ Kaichou wa Maid-sama (VA Okamoto Nobuhiko 😍)
You couldn’t count yourself an 2D otaku in Shoujou-Otome line if you don’t know him, he is a LEGENDARY HUSBANDO for Shoujou manga and anime.
He is everything as an ideal husbando for me, looks, brain and talent at everything. Playful but not wishy-washy. Flirt but not creepy. Devoted but not possessed. Helped but not spoiled. These traits also very like Masamune Ikesen too. Despite having dark past about their own families, Usui didn’t strong and friendly as Masamune, well, he’s just a normal high school boy after all 😉
But in manga, he eventually grown up to be a great doctor and also an amazing husbando who let his waifu living apart for a sake of her dream job.... such a board-mind and patient husbando 😊
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Otoge Husbando
5. Kirishima Kaoru @ Our 2 Bedrooms Story by Voltage
This aloof, cool, talent editor is MC coworker who emit an aura of “leave me alone” but actually kind & gentle and very cuddle when you’re in relationship like Ieyasu but he’s a straightforward type and isn’t sarcastic or snarky at all.
His stories weren’t exciting or twist like the others but very real and relax.. his coolly cuteness and kindness somehow made me calm, like laying in a corridor under warm sunshine after the battles with all tough guys 😆
Now it’s Wedding Season already and I’m the most lucky bride in the world😊
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4. Soryu Oh @ Kissed by the Baddest Bidders by Voltage
Head of Hong Kong’s Mafia who scared everyone away with his scary & cold  vibe but love omrice 😆 Hate women bc they’re reek of perfume and only chase after the rich. Anyway he is a gentleman and the only bidder who treat MC as a human being and protected her from any harms.
When you captivated his heart, he’d turned to be a doting BF who protect you with his life. Even he’s a man with a few word but his expression for love is so deep and intense. On bed? also a sexy beast 😆😆 A special story “Happy Family with Him” also show how wonderful he was as a father.
Now we’ve married and live a happily in NY season 5th already 😊
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3. Okochi Minato @ Our 2 Bedrooms Story by Voltage
An ace senior editor of a big shot publisher who is arrogant, big tease and tsundere but his sexy & sweet side made me melt. He is such an sharp-tongue alfa-dog who always mocked MC as a Pomeranian but bickering with him is so much fun. Even he is a super self-confident but he secretly worked out bc he wanted to impress MC with his well toned body when they xxx ☺️ yeah... he’s a bit... horny sexy beast ☺️😆
Even he’s hopeless around the house to the point he could literally explode the kitchen but he tried hard to cook for his beloved fiancée by joining cooking lessons. He always be there to help MC for both work and personal life and also let MC helped him occasionally.
Now it’s Wedding Season 💒 already and I’m so happy with him 😊
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2. Oda Nobunaga @ Ikemen Sengoku by Cybrid (VA Sugita Tomokazu 😍)
The tyrant Demon King and a dutiful BF who has an unbearable cute side I couldn’t resist. He called emergency war room to consult how to improve his GF’s mood after 3 days Silence Treat 😆 He was jealous of his own bear avatar 😊 He love Kompeito and secretly(?) steal it from his own kitchen every night😆, etc. So damn sexy and alluring, got me every event, couldn’t keep calm around him. I’ve a bunch of arrogant, intelligent, rich and powerful husbando but no one is as charming as him... srsly.
He’s sweet and kind...when he want to be 😆 An open-mind husbando who is enthusiasm  to learn new things. Also such a dutiful dad who’d read a bedtime stories for his kids every night 😊
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1. Date Masamune @ Ikemen Sengoku by Cybrid (VA Katou Kazuki 😍)
Since I played his routes both Dramatic and Romantic in row on last X’mas, I fell hard for this playful dragon and he has been my no.1 since then. Who could refuse he possess a super husband material? Here, here here and here.
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liriel-mei-qin · 6 years
I was thinking that would be really nice if we have a wedding event story in ikemen sengoku. 😊 Please @cyikemen...is there a hope?
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I really want to marry with Kenshin in the game ❤
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saizoswifey · 6 years
Are there any completely free (like SLBP where the stories are totally free) otome games that you'd recommend?
Currently, I’m really digging Ikemen Revolution. Now is a good time to jump in since it’s so new, we haven’t even had the first event yet (it starts tomorrow). You could also try Ikemen Sengoku and double your dose of samurai love. Several Shades of Sadism. Though, this admittedly is not for everyone. It’s a game riddled with heavy topics such as depression, suicide and rape—so keep that in mind before playing. If you want to dip your toes in, choose Toma first. His route really isn’t that bad but if you still find yourself uncomfortable then this game probably isn’t for you.
Other ones I play/have played but aren’t major favorites are Midnight Cinderella, Destined to Love, My Forged Wedding: PARTY, and Be My Princess: PARTY.
I’m sure at least one of these titles will catch your interests! Hope this helps and happy reading!
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
"I do, My Love!"- Shingen Pt 1- The proposal
Here is part one of my wedding story event for Shingen! I love this man so much! Hope you all enjoy!
Shingen sat with Ava on the couch of her apartment in the modern world. They were snuggled up, her head resting on his chest as they prepared to watch what Ava had told him was a movie. The technology of this world still amazed him. “So this is like a play that has been recorded and can be enjoyed over and over again?” Shingen asked.
Ava nodded. “Yup. And this one is one of my favorites.”
“Really? What makes this one a favorite?” He asked, curious.
Ava’s cheeks reddened in a sweet way. “It’s just that it’s such a classic tale.” She answered. “The couple meets and falls in love, of course there’s a bit of drama…especially since they’re on opposite sides of a war and all, but it all ends up working out and true love conquers all in the end.”
Shingen smiled warmly at Ava. “Sounds like a beautiful story.” He replied, pulling her close and kissing her gently on the lips. “True love really can save the day.”
Ava smiled at him, snuggling closer. “Alright now, let’s watch this movie before you distract me too much and we end up getting into something else.” She told him, picking up the rectangular black object with buttons she called a remote. “I want you to have the full modern experience.”
Shingen chuckled warmly, kissing her temple. “Alright, I will save the rest for when this…movie is over.”
Shingen couldn’t help but to smile as Ava settled further against him. They had some snacks and drinks as well as a blanket. She was pushing a button on the remote and then the movie began. It didn’t take long for Shingen to get into the story. It was rather riveting. He watched as the leading couple went through their trials and almost broke their relationship. There was a war, fighting, several misunderstandings, secrets…all things Shingen was familiar with.
Somehow, the couple managed to make it to the end of the movie. The woman was clearly fighting back tears as she and the man had what was clearly a clandestine meeting in the middle of the war. The man confessed his true feelings and then pulled a ring from his pocket, proposing marriage to the woman, telling her he could never live without her. She accepted and the movie ended a few scenes later with their wedding.
This ended up only being the first of such romantic movies that Shingen would watch with Ava. He absolutely adored watching these movies with her…and it didn’t take long for the very observant warlord to notice a pattern. Ava loved sweet and romantic movies, even some with a bit of angst. But they always ended on a happy note with true love winning over all. He also took note of each and every proposal and wedding scene and her reactions to them. He loved learning more about Ava and her world and he happily filed away all of his observations for a later date.
Some months later after returning to the Sengoku…
“Good morning, my angel.”
I smiled as I felt Shingen’s lips on the nape of my neck, giving me my good morning kiss as the sun slowly stirred me from my slumber. “Mmm…good morning, my love.” I replied, my eyes still not quite wanting to open as I rolled over and snuggled further into his embrace, nuzzling against his broad chest.
“Having a hard time waking this morning?” He asked and I could hear the smile in his voice and picture the mirth in those beautiful gray eyes.
“Something…like…that…” I replied around a yawn.
Shingen’s fingers danced gracefully down my bare back. “Was I a bit too demanding of you last night, my angel?”
I giggled. “Never.” I answered. “I just…don’t see any reason to get up from this bed…or your arms any time soon.”
“That is a very good thought.” Shingen replied, kissing the top of my head. “Naturally I will be happy to hold you for as long as I can…”
My eyes slowly opened as I looked up at him, knowing what those words meant. “But you have work to do today.” I finished for him.
“Sadly, I do.” Shingen replied, kissing my forehead, ever the affectionate lover. He wore an apologetic smile.
“I know a lot of people depend on you, so I can’t be too upset.” I replied, smiling at him. “And I love that you care about your people and take your duty to them seriously. I knew what I was signing up for when I chose to return to the Sengoku with you.”
“And I am ever happier that you have.” He replied. “I do have a bit of time before I need to get to my duties, though. So I will gladly remain here, holding you till then.”
I smiled, stretching to kiss his lips. “And I will gladly remain in your arms till you have to leave.” I told him. “And I do have some sewing commissions I need to work on anyways.”
“The people of Kai will all be dressed in the finest thanks to the most talented seamstress in the land.” Shingen replied.
We lingered in our bed for a while longer, sharing sweet loving kisses and caresses, before we were finally untangling ourselves from each other. We dressed and got ready for the day before heading to our separate work.
I met with the other seamstresses and we got right to work on our commissions. “I can’t believe how much our orders have increased since you’ve joined us, Lady Ava.” Mitsuki, one of my fellow seamstresses told me.
“I’m just happy to be able to help.” I replied, smiling brightly. “I love being able to help out and help keep the people of Kai in fresh clothes.”
“Not to mention such stylish clothes and the techniques you showed us have helped to save us so much time!” Kana, another seamstress replied.
“I am happy to help.” I replied, smiling with slightly reddened cheeks.
We continued to chat while we worked. Soon talk turned to our love lives. “So, Lady Ava, how are you and Lord Shingen doing?” Kana asked, a devilish grin on her face.
“From what I can see they seem as hot and heavy as ever.” Mitsuki teased.
I felt my cheeks reddening. “We’re doing really great.” I answered. “Shingen is the best.”
“Oh, I imagine Lord Shingen is.” Kana replied. “What’s your secret for getting and keeping the attention and affection of such a man.”
“Yes, we’re all dying to know.” Mitsuki added with a giggle.
“Oh, I don’t really know.” I replied. “I don’t think there’s anything about me or what I do that’s particularly special…we just have a really good connection and love each other very much.”
“I wish I could get a man who is as devoted to me as Lord Shingen is to you, Lady Ava.” Mitsuki told me.
“Aren’t you the one with like a dozen suitors?” I replied.
“She does have a point.” Kana said. “I thought you had a new marriage proposal every week.”
Mitsuki laughed. “I don’t get them that often, but yes I have been approached by a few different men…but they don’t really love me. I mean I used to think that they did, but once you moved in here Lady Ava and I saw you and Lord Shingen, I could tell that none of these men truly love me.”
“What do you mean?” Kana and I inquired.
“I’ve seen the way Lord Shingen looks at you.” Mitsuki replied. “His eyes just light up. He looks like a man who has been roaming the desert and you are an oasis in the middle of it all. None of these men look at me like that.”
I felt my cheeks reddening. “Well…”
“Not every man is like Lord Shingen.” Kana replied. “Though I do believe I have seen one man looking after you in such a manner and rather longingly, but I believe he is too shy to say such things.”
“Who?” Mitsuki asked.
“Haru.” Kana answered.
“Oh, I could only dream of him looking at me like that. We’ve been friends since we were small children.” Mitsuki said with a dreamy sigh.
“Maybe you should make the first move.” I suggested. “If he’s too shy as Kana says…”
“You definitely should.” Kana agreed. “Some men just need a nudge.”
“Did you make the first move with Lord Shingen, Lady Ava?” Mitsuki asked me.
“I mean…it really depends on how you look at it.” I replied, my cheeks reddening as I recalled the early days of mine and Shingen’s relationship. “I mean…he kinda…he’s Shingen.”
“You mean he flirted with you heavily.” Mitsuki said with a laugh.
I nodded. “Yeah…but everything was at my call on if he took it further or not…and then when I knew I loved him…I came to him…”
“That does make sense.” Mitsuki replied. “I just don’t know if I can be bold enough to do that…”
“You can. Come in, if you can make beautiful clothes and negotiate fabric prices, you can totally approach the man of your dreams.” Kana encouraged.
“Yes, you can definitely do it.” I agreed with a smile.
We continued to chat while we worked, giving Mitsuki more encouragement and helping her come up with a plan of what to do and say the next time she saw Haru. Before long we were finally finishing for the day and I was heading off to wash up for the night.
When I finally returned to the room Shingen and I shared, I was met with a beautiful and romantic surprise. Shingen had our room all decked out with flowers. Out on the veranda I saw our dinner trays with some especially delicious-looking sweets for dessert and imported wine. 
“Oh my, this is such a nice surprise.” I said, a big happy smile on my face.
Shingen gave me a warm smile as he wrapped his arms around me. “I was hoping to see that beautiful smile on your face.” He said, kissing my forehead.
“How can I do anything other than smile when my love greets me with such a romantic setup?” I replied.
“I am glad everything is to your liking, my angel. I thought it might be nice to enjoy our dinner and dessert while viewing the moon. It is a beautiful full moon tonight.” Shingen replied.
“I think that sounds like a lovely idea.” I agreed. “Shall I blow out the lantern?” I asked, remembering how often we viewed the moon in our early days.
Shingen’s smile warmed. “I think that would be wonderful.”
We walked over to the lantern together and I blew out the candle inside before we were heading out to the veranda. Thankfully the light of the full moon helped to illuminate everything nicely, so my eyesight adjusted quickly.
We sat down together, side by side, looking up at the moon as Shingen poured the wine. We enjoyed our meal and our sweets together, chatting about our day and just enjoying each other’s company.
As I sat sipping my wine, I felt Shingen’s fingers come beneath my chin, turning my gaze from the moon to him. “Is everything to your liking, my angel?” He asked.
I smiled. “Very much so.” I answered. “Though I do have to ask, what brought all of this on? Is there a special occasion?”
“Does there have to be a special occasion for me to romance the woman I love above all else?” Shingen asked.
“No…but I still feel like there is one.” I replied.
Shingen chuckled. “Well, I do have something planned.” He replied. He was then moving, his body turning to face me and his posture shifting. It took me a moment to realize that he was now before me on one knee.
I felt my breath catch as he took my hands in his. “Ava, my goddess, my angel, my love…” He began his voice filled with love and affection. His eyes filled with adoration. “You have saved my life and made so many of my dreams come true. I am healthy and happy and that is all thanks to you. I know it is selfish of me to ask for more, but will you grant just one more wish? Will you marry me?”
I felt the tears stinging my eyes. “Oh Shingen! Yes!” I answered, throwing my arms around him and hugging him tightly. “Nothing would make me happier!”
I felt Shingen’s large arms come around me, holding me close. “I am truly one lucky man.” He said, pulling back to give me a kiss. He was then taking my left hand and I felt something sliding onto my finger.
I looked down and in the moonlight I saw a simple wooden band that Shingen had carved himself. It appeared to have the characters for “true love” carved on top. “It’s beautiful!”
“Not nearly as beautiful as you, my love.” Shingen replied, pulling me close and pressing his lips to mine. I was truly so happy and couldn’t wait to marry this sweet and wonderful man.
Tagging some of my fellow Shingen lovers. If you'd like to be tagged let me know!
@thezestyone @venulus
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toreii · 5 years
Wedding Event Epilogue || Mitsuhide
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Mitsuhide: “I just kissed my sweet wife… I do not think I am mistaken.”
His eyes crinkled as he cupped my face in his hands. Mitsuhide’s thumb brushed along my lips…
Mitsuhide: “...I will not let you go today.”
His rich voice reverberates as he continues to trace with the pad of his finger. His passionate eyes remain fixed on mine, and my heart began to beat loudly through my chest.
MC: “If we’re not going back… What do you plan to do?”
I quickly hide my displeasure and ask Mitsuhide-san.
Mitsuhide: “Why does it matter? We only have one night as husband and wife. I will fulfill your requests for as long as this lasts.”
(That’s… Is this Mitsuhide-san’s way of thanking me?)
I couldn’t help but feel sad.
Mitsuhide: “[MC]...?”
He peered at my face when I grew quiet… I suddenly hugged Mitsuhide-san.
Mitsuhide: “!”
MC: “...If we are married today, then let me fulfill Mitsuhide-san’s wishes, too. I don’t want to be toyed with. That’s why...Please tell me what you want.”
Mitsuhide: “I see… What I want, huh?”
Mitsuhide leaned in to whisper into my ear…
Mitsuhide: “Then… I won’t hold back, if that’s the case.”
A sweet, inviting voice flowed into my ears and all over my body.
We went to a nearby inn, and rented a room. The quiet, gloomy room is tense with just us two here.
(Afterall… What is he going to do?)
I looked over at Mitsuhide-san… A pair of pillows were set next to me drawing my gaze over to them.
(What should I do?... There’s only one futon…)
Mitsuhide: “...[MC].”
MC: “Y-Yes!”
Mitsuhide: “Haha…”
Mitsuhide-san laughs.
Mitsuhide: “Your voice is trembling.”
MC: “! That’s…”
Mitsuhide: If you’re so alert, doesn’t it make you want to be more mean?
MC: “…”
I know he’s teasing me, but that’s actually pretty hot.
MC: “What do you mean?”
The tension has risen high, there is no coming back from it.
Mitsuhide: “It’s not good that your reaction is pretty cute.”
A silhouette approached me as his words sunk in quickly.
Mitsuhide: “Now, what’s the matter?”
One moment, there was a slender hand next to my face, the next, I was pushed against the wall. Mitsuhide-san peered at me as I lost my escape in the dim light.
MC: “Um…!”
Mitsuhide: “What is it?”
MC: “Wha- What are you going to do?”
Mitsuhide: “Let’s see… I want you to sleep well tonight.”
While saying so, Mitsuhide-san slides his finger down my chest.
(This is Mitsuhide-san’s wish…!?)
MC: “Mi-Mitsuhide-san…!”
My voice quickly rises—
Mitsuhide: “First, I have to remove this obi.”
His fingers slide smoothly down grabbing ahold of the obi.
MC: “What are you doing!?”
Mitsuhide: “Taking the obi off.”
The obijime is removed noisily.
MC: “ P-Please wait…!”
(Even if we’re pretending… Seriously?)
Unsure of what to do, I’m on the verge of a panic attack when Mitsuhide-san suddenly stops. And then…
Mitsuhide: “Are you planning to sleep binded like this?”
MC: “Eh?”
Mitsuhide: “If you stay like this, you won’t be able to sleep because of the pain.”
Mitsuhide’s lips were relaxed in a cool smile.
(...That’s what he meant.)
I notice my misunderstanding, and my face burns more and more with embarrassment.
Mitsuhide: “If there’s something else you’d like for me to do, that’s fine.”
MC: “T-That’s not what I meant! Besides, I can loosen an obi by myself.”
Mitsuhide: “I see.”
Mitsuhide-san cleared his throat and removed his hand from me.
Mitsuhide: “Well, let’s stop here, and go to bed.”
As he said this, Mitsuhide-san went ahead and slid inside the quilt.
Mitsuhide: “You get in, too.”
I heave a big sigh of relief feeling bitter and complicated, as well. When I got my obi loosened, I laid down next to Mitsuhide-san.
Mitsuhide: “......”
(If Mitsuhide-san wishes it… I think it’s fine for today… I can’t sleep with you… I don’t know what to do.)
I can’t see the next door, and time quietly passes. Even if we are not touching each other, I can feel Mitsuhide-san’s warmth…
(What? ...It’s embarrassing, but I feel very safe next to Mitsuhide-san.)
Mitsuhide: “[MC].”
MC: “...Yes?”
His voice calls out, and I gently turn to face Mitsuhide-san.
Mitsuhide: “...It may have been a mess for you. It wasn’t a bad day for me.”
MC: “I was surprised, but it was fun for me, too. ...Ah.”
In the midst of answering, I am held by an arm and pressed against his chest. I felt the warmth of my face and body.
MC: “Mi-Mitsuhide-san?”
Mitsuhide: “...... Goodnight, [MC].”
After smiling gently, Mitsuhide-san pats my back.
(Eh? This is…)
I don’t feel embarrassed as he puts me to sleep like a child.
Mitsuhide: “...Sleep well.”
(What… In the end, I’m just nervous.)
However, it’s pleasant to feel my back being stroked by a large hand… Gradually, I’m lured into slumber.
(I’m certain those who can become this person’s wife...while it may be hard dealing with his teasing, if they can spend every night like this, I wonder if they’ll be happy…)
I close my eyes as this thought runs through my head. Wrapped in gentle warmth, I slipped into a deep and peaceful dream.
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
"I do, My Love!"- Shingen- Pt 2 The Wedding
Alright here is part 2 of my Shingen wedding story event! I hope you all enjoy!
After announcing our engagement, our friends were spending much time in Kai, helping us to plan the wedding. Though I am not sure how much help Kenshin and Yukimura were. Yukimura was being his usual self and Kenshin…was full of…ideas.
“I am looking forward to this and I want to thank you so much for allowing me to help with the planning.” Yoshimoto declared. I had asked him to help with flower arrangements and with picking out the right fabric for my dress. He had a great eye for these things and he was genuinely happy for Shingen and I.
“I want to thank you for agreeing.” I replied, smiling.
“So, what exactly are your plans for the wedding anyways?” Yukimura asked.
“Are you planning to incorporate traditions from our time?” Sasuke asked, since everyone in the room knew he and I were originally from the future.
“I was thinking it might be fun to.” I answered.
“Of course we will.” Shingen said, wrapping his arm around me. “I want this to be the wedding of your dreams.”
I smiled. “I think you being the groom accomplishes that.”
Shingen’s smile was warm and affectionate as he looked at me. “As you being the bride makes it my dream.”
“I imagine the traditions will make for a very romantic ceremony.” Yoshimoto said. “With the things you, Shingen, and Sasuke have told me of the future, it seems there is more time for beauty and romance.”
“It’s especially romantic when the bride and groom write their own vows.” Sasuke said.
I smiled thinking about such a thing for our wedding. Shingen would definitely be able to write such wonderful vows. Though I didn’t know if my own words would ever be enough to express my love for the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with.
“I know how to make it more romantic.” Kenshin spoke up for the first time, looking up over his sake cup. “I can fight you to the death and with your dying breath, you can tell Ava your vows of your unending love for her.”
Shingen and I were both giving Kenshin a look. “Ava did not save my life only for me to die so needlessly on our wedding day.” Shingen replied. “And I would very much like to live more than just a few breaths as the husband to the most beautiful woman in the world.”
I felt my cheeks flush. “Oh, Shingen.”
“I don’t see Lord Shingen dying on their wedding day as a romantic notion.” Sasuke agreed. “Besides who would you fight then if you killed your greatest rival?”
“There’s still the Oda.” Kenshin remarked.
“How about we stop talking about battling anyone?” I suggested. Though I knew true peace between the Uesugi-Takeda alliance and the Oda forces was a long way off, I still longed for it. I truly hoped that my friends on both sides could come to an agreement. 
“We are in a cease-fire agreement with them.” Sasuke reminded Kenshin.
Kenshin grumbled under his breath, but went to sip his sake.
Shingen leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. “I promise there will be no battle on our wedding day.” He said, smiling warmly at me.
I returned the smile. “Good. I figure as long as we have enough sake and pickled plumbs, we should be able to avoid a stabby Kenshin.” I replied. Though when I looked into those handsome gray eyes, I saw something. Shingen was a master at reading people… me not so much. Though I had become better at reading Shingen. There was something in his eyes that told me he was up to something.
Shingen chuckled. “I certainly hope so.”
After this meeting, I was heading into town with Yoshimoto and my fellow seamstresses to do some fabric shopping. “Oh, thank you so much for letting us join you, Lady Ava and Lord Yoshimoto.” Kana said, an excited smile on her face.
“Yes, it is truly an honor to get to help you with finding the right fabric for your wedding…dress as you called it.” Mitsuki agreed. “I can’t wait to get to work on this new piece with you.”
I smiled. “I’d never be able to get it done on time without help.” I replied. “And thank you all so much for agreeing to help me.”
“I am rather excited to get to see this new creation from you.” Yoshimoto said. “And I am happy to help you find the perfect fabric. The design you showed me is exquisite.”
“And it’s going to be a challenge for us all to make, but I think it’s going to be a fun challenge.” Mitsuki said.
“And then we can maybe use some of these same designs when you and Haru get married.” I added.
Mitsuki giggled. “Maybe…though I really would like your help with my wedding kimono…should that day come.”
“Oh it will.” Kana said. 
“And I will be happy to help you just as you are helping me.” I replied, smiling happily. I felt so lucky to have such good friends who were so willing to help me.
We ended up having a very productive time shopping, finding the exact fabrics I needed. My next few weeks were spent working on my dress and planning the wedding and reception banquet. It was a very busy time and I was just so honestly happy. I was planning my wedding to the man I love.
It was finally the day before the wedding and we were all gathering for a banquet. It was mostly just to keep Kenshin from getting bored…it seems sparring with Sasuke and Yukimura were getting weren’t quite enough…so we were holding a pre-wedding banquet. Or at least this is what I thought.
“This banquet isn’t so bad.” Kenshin said. “You have at least gotten some good sake in.”
“Just make sure you don’t drink it all tonight. We have to have more for the banquet tomorrow after the wedding.” Sasuke said.
“And you better not eat all of the sweets tonight Lord Shingen.” Yukimura scolded Shingen, who sat beside me with a tray piled high with nothing but sweets.
“There’s still plenty for the wedding tomorrow.” Shingen replied.
“I should take away some of those sweets.” Yukimura said. “You would think with your health being such a concern, you’d want to do better with your second chance.”
“I suppose I could cut back…though I will just have to have more of my favorite sweet then.” Shingen replied, a playful smile on his lips. His arms were then wrapping around me and pulling me close. “This sweet has been nothing but good for my health.” He was then playfully nibbling my cheek.
I giggled as my cheeks reddened. “Shingen…”
Yukimura rolled his eyes. “Fine I changed my mind, you can eat all the sweets you want. Just save…whatever this is for your honeymoon.”
Before anymore could be said there was the sound of footsteps approaching from the hall. I could even hear a bit of commotion from the maids and soon the doors were opening to the banquet hall and I was stunned by the figures who came in and the voices that greeted us.
“There’s our fireball.”
“Our little mouse really did catch herself a tiger.”
Before I even had a chance to react, Kenshin was rising and pulling out his sword and pointing it at my friends from the Oda forces. “Finally this party isn’t so boring.” He declared.
“You would dare attack a guest?” Nobunaga asked, lifting a haughty brow at Kenshin.
I felt Shingen stiffen beside me, but he took some breaths to calm himself. “Kenshin, you know they were invited and not for battle.” Shingen said. “I told you of this already.”
“It doesn’t mean that plans can’t change.” Kenshin countered.
“Lord Kenshin, you have more honor than to attack a guest.” Sasuke spoke up, holding a sake cup out to Kenshin.
“Sasuke and I will spare extra with you.” Yukimura added.
“And I’ll throw in a sparring match with you when I return from my honeymoon.” Shingen added.
“I’m happy to have a friendly sparring match before we leave.” Masamune spoke up with a grin. “But it has to be after the wedding. I have a feast to prepare beforehand.”
Kenshin was begrudgingly sheathing his sword and then sitting back down, taking the sake from Sasuke. “I am holding all of you to that. You should all come at me at once. It will be more fun that way.”
“I…what’s…what’s going on?” I asked, feeling utterly confused.
“You didn’t think we were going to miss your wedding now, did you lass?” Masamune asked.
“Or the chance to perhaps talk you out of it and convince you to come back home to Azuchi with your family.” Hideyoshi said, looking at me.
“The tiger invited us.” Nobunaga said.
I looked over at Shingen. “You…invited them?”
Shingen glared at the group before turning a loving smile to me. “Of course. I may not be fond of them, but I know you are and still think of them as your family.” He told me. “And you should get to have all of the people you care about around you on your wedding day.”
I felt tears of happiness stinging my eyes. “Oh, Shingen thank you!” I said, hugging him. 
Shingen smiled and kissed the top of my head. “Anything for you, my angel.” He told me.
I was then looking at my friends, smiling at them. “And thank you for agreeing to come. I’m so happy you’ll all be here for our wedding!”
“Come in and enjoy the feast.” Shingen said to the Oda forces, though I could tell he did it with a hint of venom. I knew this was hard for him and I truly appreciated everything he had done for me.
The Oda forces all came to sit down and enjoy the meal. There was a bit of tension, but with some effort it was broken and the party continued without any problems. Though there were times I could see Shingen glaring at Nobunaga and Nobunaga just smirking right back at him. We managed to make it through the night without anyone killing each other.
The next day when I awoke, I was being given the full royal spa treatment. The maids helped me to bathe and wash my hair, massaging special oils into my skin and hair. I was setting out my makeup when there was a knock on my door. My friends from the Oda were coming in, Masamune carrying a tray of my breakfast.
“What are you all doing in here?” I asked.
“We came to help you get ready, Lady Ava.” Mitsunari answered.
“Not all of us. Some of us were dragged in here against our will.” Ieyasu said. “Or to make sure a bumbling cabbage head didn’t make you look worse.”
I smiled at them. “Thanks…you guys really don’t have to help though. You just being here is enough.”
“Of course we are here to help. You are still an Oda Princess and my lucky charm.” Nobunaga declared. “We will make sure you have a look befitting your station.”
“Lord Nobunaga is right.” Hideyoshi agreed.
I was soon eating the breakfast Masamune had made for me, which was delicious. Once that was done, Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide were fussing over my hair while Ieyasu was dragging Mitsunari out saying he should help him get rid of the breakfast tray. I was surprised when Nobunaga sat down across from me and was picking up my makeup.
“You don’t have to do that Nobunaga…” I tried to protest.
“Nonsense.” Nobunaga replied. “Now sit still while I apply this.”
I did as instructed, though I was already relatively still so that Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi could fix my hair. Nobunaga was picking up a brush and the liner. “Close your eyes, Ava.” I followed his instruction and closed my eyes as the Devil King of The Sixth Heaven applied my eyeliner.
I was surprised by how gentle Nobunaga’s movements were as he applied my makeup. Once he had finished my eyeliner he told me to keep my eyes closed. That was when I felt a calloused finger at the corners of my eyes before coming to my lips.
I opened my eyes in surprise and then Nobunaga was holding out a hand mirror for me. “There.” He said, smiling at me and if I wasn’t mistaken there was a bit of warmth in his eyes. “You look like a bride.”
I looked in the mirror, taking note of my reflection as Nobunaga wiped rouge from his fingertips. The makeup was simple and yet elegant. He had done a rather good job. My hair was put up in an elegant style with a few beautifully decorated combs and hair sticks.
“Thank you.” I said to them all, smiling. “Now I’m going to need you all to get out of here so I can change.”
“Or we can stay.” Masamune said, giving me a grin. “I’d be happy to help you with that, lass.”
Hideyoshi was grabbing Masamune by the ear. “No you don’t. Come on.”
Once they were all gone, I was calling in the maids to help me into my dress. I had designed was in a couple of pieces. The base piece was a simple white shift dress made of a gorgeous silk. Then there was a top layer to it that was a jacket that was mostly open so you could see the white dress beneath. It was red silk and was clasped at the front just beneath my bust with a beautiful golden rose pin. I had short sleeves on the dress, but extended them with sheer white silk that flowed.
Once I was completely ready, I was stepping out of my room. I began to walk towards the garden where we were holding the ceremony. All of our guests were there waiting. Though everyone disappeared for me once I saw Shingen standing under the tree we had decided to make into our wedding altar. He looked so handsome in his traditional groom’s hakama.
His gray eyes lit up when he saw me walking towards him. Once I was beside him, his hands were reaching for mine. “You look beautiful, my angel.” He whispered to me.
I smiled at him. “And you look very handsome.” I replied.
We had decided there would be no one presiding over the ceremony. Instead we would declare our vows to each other before our gathered friends and family (and enemies in this case as well).
“Ava,” Shingen began, his voice reverent, “My love, my angel, my goddess, you have given me so much more than I could have ever hoped for. My spark of life had died out years ago and I lived only out of spite…but now I can live and live for the things I’ve always wanted. The dreams I never dared to let escape can finally come true. And it is all thanks to you. You’ve restored me body and heart…you’ve healed me and made me whole again…and as if that weren’t enough, you gave me your love as well. In turn I vow to give you all the love and happiness you have given me. I swear to make sure the rest of your days are filled with love and happiness and I will love you with every breath I take. I give you my heart, my soul, my love, always and forever.”
I felt tears stinging my eyes at his beautiful words. I knew he wouldn’t be short on them. He never was. Shingen was reaching a hand to gently wipe away my tears. I smiled up at him. “Shingen, you came into my life in the most unexpected of ways…and you completely captured my heart. You gave me a love worth fighting for…one I will always fight for. You are a truly giving and selfless man and I cherish every moment we have together. And I will always be by your side, loving you and making you as happy as you have made me, forever.”
Shingen’s smile was warmth and love as he looked at me. Before either of us could say anything, Sasuke was calling from the crowd. “You may now kiss the bride!”
Shingen chuckled. “Don’t mind if I do.” He said, pulling me close before pressing his lips to mine, sealing our vows with a sweet kiss. When we broke the kiss, those gray eyes were looking at me with such love and tenderness. “My wife.”
I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading wide across my face. “You have truly made me happy from the bottom of my heart…my husband.” I told him, echoing the words from our bet from so long ago.
Shingen’s eyes darkened ever so slightly and he was then pulling me to him once again, kissing me more deeply, neither of us caring much that we still had an audience. All that mattered was we were in love and we were finally husband and wife.
tagging some fellow Shingen lovers @thezestyone @venulus
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
"I Do, My Love!" Story Event Round Two
Pt 1: The Proposal
Pt 2: The Wedding
Pt 3: The Wedding NIght
Pt 1: The Prposal
Pt 2: The Wedding
Pt3: The Wedding NIght
Pt 1: The Proposal
Pt 2: The Wedding
Pt 3: The Wedding NIght
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
"I Do, My Love!"- Mitsunari Epilogue
Alright, here is the final piece to our sweet cinnamon roll's wedding event! I hope you all enjoy!
It had been ten years since our wedding and many things had changed. Mitsunari had earned his own land and a castle was constructed for us to live in. Though we generally stayed close to Hideyoshi and Nobunaga, as Mitsunari was the lead strategist of the Oda forces and now that we had united the country, a vital member of the council. So, we generally stayed close by Osaka Castle.
I was standing in the kitchen of our home, working on lunch, when I heard familiar footsteps. “Mama, do you need help?”
I turned to smile at Yasu, our son (Mitsunari had wanted to name him after Ieyasu even just in part…much to Ieyasu’s annoyance). “I’m just finishing up.” I replied. “But you are always welcome to help. Where is Himari?”
“She’s with Papa in their study room…again.” Yasu answered.
“Absorbed in their books again?” I asked.
Yasu nodded. “Yes. I can’t even tempt her with her favorite game or Kitty.” 
“Well, we’ll just have to get them to come back to Earth and enjoy our meal together as a family.” I replied.
“As we always do…I am NOT feeding her like Uncle Hideyoshi used to do for Papa.” Yasu said, though I knew he would if he couldn’t get Himari’s attention.
I finished up our food and then Yasu and I  were taking the trays to the study, where Mitsunari and Himari were. Though Yasu was the younger of our two children, he was always helping me to take care of his big sister…since she was SO much like her father. She even looked like Mitsunari, while Yasu favored me, though he still had Mitsunari���s eyes.
When we arrived into the study, we found Mitsunari and Himari sitting beside each other, their eyes locked on the books they held in their hands. “Mitsunari, Himari, time for lunch.” I said as we came in, though neither of them moved or even seemed to take notice as we sat the trays down.
Yasu sighed. “You get Papa and I’ll get Himari.”
We were then moving, I took the book from Mitsunari while Yasu took Himari’s book. Father and daughter both took a moment to realize their books had been taken from them before looking up. “Oh, Ava, Yasu, when did you get in here?” Mitsunari asked, smiling his usual angelic smile at us.
“Is it lunch time, already Mama?” Himari asked, looking up at me.
I nodded. “Yes it is, and we just walked in.” I answered both of them. “Now, come on, let’s all eat together.”
We were all sitting down then, Himari was reaching for the tea pot, but Yasu quickly stopped her. “No, I’ve got it.” He said, knowing how clumsy she was…just like Mitsunari.
“I can do it.” Himari replied. “Let me get you tea for once.”
“No, I like helping.” Yasu told her gently. He was then pouring the tea for both of them and for Mitsunari and I as well.
“You’re such a good brother.” I whispered to Yasu, patting his head.
“This looks quite delicious.” Mitsunari commented. “Though…do I see…carrots?”
“They’re good for you and I did cut them into hearts again.” I replied.
“They are better that way.” Mitsunari replied, though he still wasn’t necessarily a big fan.
“Do I have to eat them, mama?” Yasu asked, this was one of the areas where he DID take after Mitsunari.
“I put lots of love into them.” I replied.
“It’s just carrots.” Himari said, plucking them up with her chopsticks and eating them. 
Yasu nodded and then ate the carrots…though reluctantly. We sat together, eating and chatting, enjoying the meal. Once we had finished and cleaned up, I declared that I thought it was time for MItsunari and Himari to take a break. “Come on, let’s go for a walk in the garden.” I suggested.
“We do need to get some exercise and sunshine and fresh air.” Mitsunari agreed.
The four of us were heading outside, Mitsunari and I holding hands as Yasu and Himari ran ahead of us. Yasu got Himari into playing tag as they ran out into the garden. “I am glad they can always find a way to have fun.” Mitsunari said, smiling as we watched our children play.
I nodded. “Yes, every day is an adventure for them.”
Mitsunari opened his mouth, ready to say something when Himari ran up to him and touched him on the arm. “Tag, Papa! You’re it!” She declared, giggling before running off.
“Well, it looks like we’re playing too.” Mitsunari said, smiling at me.
“We’re? I guess that means I’d better run.” I said with a laugh before letting go of his hand and running off.
We played with the children till dinner time, laughing and smiling as we did. After dinner, we began our bedtime routines. I gave Yasu and Himari their baths before leading them to their room. Mitsunari was already waiting beside their futon, a book in hand.
“Are you going to read to us, Papa?” Himari asked, smiling brightly.
Mitsunari nodded. “Of course.” He answered. “But you need to get under the covers first.”
Himari and Yasu were climbing into the futon. I tucked them in and settled down beside Mitsunari as he opened the book and put on his glasses. He then began to read aloud from the book. It had taken him some time to get used to reading aloud to the children like this, but he had started to do very well with it and even worked on changing his voice as dialogue or thoughts were changed between characters.
The only problem was, Mitsunari would get absorbed into the book and read well past when the children had fallen asleep. So, I still had to pull him back to reality. When their eyelids had grown too heavy and their breathing had steadied into that peaceful rhythm of sleep, I was gently nudging Mitsunari and kissing him gently on the cheek.
Mitsunari took a moment before turning from the book to look at me and then at our children. “They’ve fallen asleep.” He said, smiling.
I nodded. “Shall we head for our room?” I asked.
“I think I’d like that very much.” Mitsunari replied, shutting the book and putting it away before rising and holding his hand out to me.
I gladly placed my hand in his and allowed him to help pull me up. We both gave one last look to Himari and Yasu, sleeping peacefully and Kitty resting in bed with them (she was a senior Kitty now, but she was great with the children and they loved her).
Once we were in our room, we began getting ready for bed. I had just finished tying my kimono closed when I felt Mitsunari’s arms wrap around me from behind and his chin resting on my shoulder. “Thank you, Ava.” He said, kissing my cheek as he continued to hold me.
I smiled happily. “What for?” I asked.
“For everything you do for me.” He answered. “And for giving me a happiness I never thought I would experience…your love is a gift…and so are the children. I never thought I could be a good father…I’ve never been particularly good with children…but with you by my side…I’ve done better than I thought I would.”
“You are an amazing husband and father, Mitsunari.” I told him, smiling. “Himari, Yasu, and I are all lucky to have you.”
“I am the lucky one to have all of you.” Mitsunari replied. “And especially you, Ava. You have made me a better man…and a father.”
“Those children still wouldn’t be here without you, my love. We made them together.” I reminded him. “I love you, Mitsunari and I love our life.”
Mitsunari smiled warmly at me as he kissed me gently on the lips. “I love you, Ava and I am happy…truly happy.”
“And I plan to keep making you happy for the rest of our lives.”
“As long as my dream continues, I will be happy.”
“You mean…the one…”
“The one where I can create a world where you will always smile.”
“Oh, Mitsunari…” I was turning in his arms, throwing my own around him. I pressed my lips to his in an enthusiastic kiss.
Mitsunari smiled into the kiss as he held me tighter. I truly loved this wonderful man and the life we had built together. And I knew it would stay that way for the rest of our lives.
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