#ikea illustration
ybon-paramoux · 2 months
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Two Friends: 'Forever Home'
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aubryjoi · 8 months
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Made an important investment yesterday 🦈
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zeuxxo · 2 months
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Blåjah bin shiver
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kamehamehamlet · 4 months
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The Tumblr reblog sensation is returning. But like the Sayians or Shakespeare’s folios, it has the potential to develop in many forms.
Visit kamehamehamlet.com to be notified when we have more details.
Follow this blog for a peak behind the curtain.
And read on to learn more about the show, how we got here, and where we’re going.
Thank you for waiting just a little bit longer.
Revival Project FAQ
Who are you?
Hi! I’m Daniel Cole Mauleón (@writepictures), the writer of Kamehamehamlet. In 2015 I co-founded the theatre company Play-Dot Productions with KHH’s director Shalee Mae Cole Mauleón.
What is Kamehamehamlet?
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Kamehamehamlet: Good Night Saiyan Prince, was an hour-long one act play, performed during the 2015 Minnesota Fringe Festival. It’s a staged retelling of Vegeta and Freeza’s battle on the planet Namek. Marketed as a Dragon Ball Z and Hamlet mash-up, the parody quickly shuffled off its weighted gi, revealing it was actually a Waiting for Godot spoof. After five performances, Vegeta hung up his helmet of spiky hair. Seven years later, K (@amokslime) wrote this incredibly gracious post on Tumblr, which inspired two people to reach out to me via Reddit to ask if I had a script or a recording of the performance.
I want to pause the semi-marketing voice and say a heartfelt thanks to K. Kamehamehamlet was brought to life by an incredible team of artists during a summer I’ll never forget. We got laughs at jokes, gasps at fight choreography, and we broke even on the budget (a Fringe miracle TBH). K’s post gave me the chance to revisit that show through someone else’s eyes. The mix of pride and humility it stirs up is truly indescribable.
If there is art which has changed you, and especially if the artist is still alive I encourage you to non-intrusively share that with the artist.
Is there a copy of the script?
Yes, I’ll speak more about that at below.
Is there a recording of the performance?
There was, but I genuinely lost the files. And that’s for the best, honestly. It was a last-second attempt, filmed from two cheap cameras (with different qualities and resolutions!), both at bad angles and with truly awful audio. Trust me. It’s better this way.
That said, I do have other archival footage from rehearsal's, tech, etc. that I look forward to sharing for those curious.
What’s next?
This is the question I’ve been asking myself over the past year and the reason it took so long to post anything. Especially since one thing I want to do differently this time is make sure that any artists involved are meaningfully compensated for their time and skill. However, I can’t plan without a better estimate of what kind of support we would have, and I didn’t want to share our intentions without concrete details. Right now, the best way you can support this project is by signing up for the announcement on kamehamehamlet.com and following us on Tumblr and YouTube!
The second best thing you can do is to share with others about this project, if I’ve learned anything reading through the comments on K’s post, it is that there’s a much bigger audience for KHH than I could have ever imagined, and you likely know at least one more person who would be interested.
And while I don’t want to promise anything I can’t deliver on, I will share that I’m planning on making the script available this year and I’ll be writing a separate post about that in near future.
Update 5/21/24: We've announced a staged reading for later this year! (Click to learn more) Update 6/11/24: We're going live on YouTube every Saturday through June to rally fans and talk about the project. This link will always take you to the upcoming stream. And this link will take you past recordings.
If you’ve read this far thank you so much.
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Photography by Ann B. Erickson. Vegeta is played by McKenzie Shappell. Freeza is played by Cayla Marie Wolpers. Costumes by Sarah Noel Simon.
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ohwormwood · 15 days
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it's all up to you now.
im so excited... she's gonna kick ass and take names!
idk how i am feeling style-wise right now.... i've been wanting to do stuff with less lighting effects and the like, but i like the glow here, so we ball i guess.
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theaceofshovels · 9 months
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There is something to be said about the connection between man and shark…
Couldn’t be me, making a joke about giving Izzy a Blahaj and then proceeding to think about whole au based on the emotional significance he puts on this stupid shark plush.
I decided he would go to great efforts to make the shark to different things and then ask Lucius to draw it in order to immortalise it. Lucius, while sceptical at first, eventually goes alone with this after realising what the shark means to him. The shark’s name is Eddie btw :)
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squism · 8 months
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this scene did something scary to me when if irst saw it i rlly like it
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najsigt · 2 years
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Some NPC’s from our campaign ✌️
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3llart · 5 months
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Gouache on paper
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interstella-eyes · 3 months
So I went outside and touched grass yesterday, met up with some friends and did some graffiti together!! (On a legal wall, I'm not in trouble)
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This is my first time trying out graffiti, and it was honestly so much fun ^^
Shoutout to my irl friend for providing the stuff we needed ✌️
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kazsartcorner · 1 month
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Happy Pride Month! What better way to celebrate my own trans identity than with a cute Blahaj girl. She is soft, huggable and WILL use your preferred pronouns.
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sejantlamb · 2 years
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Study: Djungelskog (2022)
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ilepigg · 1 month
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bluegreysilkie · 1 year
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Assembling furniture with your darling🥰
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acornboymiles · 1 month
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wtimetravelgentlemen · 9 months
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