windypenguin · 6 years
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Tagged by @brainwad
Tagging @nymphofnovels @crunchyxushi @ikallawrites @memetrash-coyote @jewishdragon @memetrashmom @spooky-thaliaai @lazeecomet and anyone else who wants in ^_^
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memetrash-coyote · 6 years
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More watercolors I’ve done of my friends’ lovely characters.
So we have Rieta ( @whats-ursine ), Kiwi, Mars ( @ikallawrites ), and Vera ( @jeaneybean )
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soileinepoisson · 7 years
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Three-Color Lighting
Day Three of the FFXIV 30-day Screenshot Challenge
I said I’d not do two of the same character two days in a row, but this one was too cute not to share. Sarangerel plopped down in his lap and watched the sunset, and he couldn’t help but be glad to have her around. :3 
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cactuarjen · 7 years
Chat Prediction
Type (punctuate as needed) a few sentences using your phone’s suggestions and see how crazy your phone thinks you are! 
Here are some words to get you started:
Whether ...
Sometimes ...
Again ...
When ...
Okay ...
Here are mine, which, if I’ve learned anything from this, it’s that I could just go on auto-pilot and let my phone talk for me. 
“Whether or not the grass is really greener, you have to admit it was good.”
“Sometimes you just aren’t gonna be interested in what someone talks about.”
“Again I am going to be drawing a picture of my life. What do you think that is?”
“When I get up and work my ass off tomorrow and Saturday night and I had the money for the first time in a few years, I know what I’ve got to get: the chance to rest.”
“Okay, I will be there in a few years since I have to get my shit together.”
That last one was too sadly poetic a representation of my life!
Tagging @soileinepoisson, @ikallawrites and anyone else who likes to do weird things with their spare time. Tag me back so I can make fun of you ♥
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ikallawrites · 7 years
About Me
I was tagged by @nohrianbard! Thanks, fam =w=)b Here you go!
Name/nickname: Ikalla, Adya, Ashley, Ashy
Gender: Female
Star sign: Taurus (Sun)
Height: 5′4″
Hogwarts House: Slytherin (Hogwarts), Thunderbird (Ilvermorny)
Favourite animal: ALL OF THEM
Hours of sleep: 8 - 10. Because I’m lazy and I love sleep. Don’t you dare take it away from me.
Dogs or cats: WHY NOT BOTH
Number of blankets: Only need one unless its super fucking cold. But it don’t get cold in “literally on fire” land USA :^)
Dream trip: I’ve done Japan now so... Spain. Italy. Greece.
Dream job: Teacher! \o/ Or a game programmer. :p
Time: 5:42 PM PST
Birthday: May 4
Favorite Bands: Uhhhhhhhhhh Panic!at the Disco. Fall Out Boy. :stares in the distance like what the hell do I even listen to anymore:
Favorite Solo Artists: :shrugs hard:
Song Stuck In My Head: ‘Google Translate Sings: Shape of You’ By Malinda Kathleen Reese
Last Movie I Watched: Your Name
Last Show I Watched: Boku No Hero Academia
When Did I Create My Blog: I started blogging in like... oh god... 2012 or 2013? Had a main blog which I quickly dumped and abandoned because I made this fandom blog for my writing and other crap. And this one has quickly devolved into my main blog and now all I do is post random shit and faceroll on my keyboard.
What Do I Post/Reblog: Random shit I feel like reblogging. Pokemon. Final Fantasy XIV. Fire Emblem. If you’re lucky I get off my lazy ass and actually do some writing or doodling on the side.
Last Thing I Googled: Dragoon Rotation Guide FFXIV
Other Blogs: One personal blog that has been heavily abandoned cause I don’t get any good content on it xD
Do I Get Asks: NAH. I used to when I was still actually writing but not that much anymore. Don’t really do anything xD
Why I Choose My URL: My old blog was Ikalla22. So this one is IkallaWrites. Cause I faceroll on my keyboard and words appear.
Following: 79
Followers: 133. There’re probably some bots BUT HEY. NO PORN BOTS :D
Lucky Number: Googleplex because what even. (22)
What Am I Wearing: PJs! :D
Favorite Food: Foooooooooood :drools:
Nationality: Asian. Just. Asian.
Favorite Song: Anything from musicals. I fucking love musicals. (Although I’m really obssessed with “Waving Through a Window” From Dear Evan Hansen)
Last Book Read: I just finished The Rose Society by Marie Lu and an currently reading A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan.
Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: Pokemon. Fire Emblem (I’m one of the village people). Fantasy Life (It’s like Final Fantasy but a million times less scary and full of giant primals that’ll fucking murder me :’) )
Tag some folks: UHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMM @crunchyxushi @windypenguin @soileinepoisson ??? OH AND @solaireon @theceejay if you guys want to.
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raventsurara · 8 years
For the videogame ask. 3 15 45 4 20 34 50 65 69 42 :^)
(Sorry it took a long time, I went out with my family because stupid Father’s Day and I finally came back.)
3. Who did you play with as a kid?
My big brother and neighbor kids. We’d play Mario Kart, Mario Party 4 and Melee in my Game Cube, and we’d become salty and annoy the guy who won before starting a new game.
4. Who do you play with now?
My boyfriend and college friends, but it’s really rare. I’m more of a solo player now.
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?
Anything about Kingdom Hearts, especially a keyblade. I’d pick Oblivion, my fave keyblade in my angle or forearm.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?
Child of Light. Such a beutiful but short game that everyone should play at least once.
34. Do either of your parents play video games?
My father used to play shooter games but stopped after I grew up. Now I have to buy my games *cries*.
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?
Fricking Kingdom Hearts, oh yeah!
45. How are you at Mario Kart?
I’m decent. I get salty when I lose, but in a funny way and my friends laugh at me before I decide to kick their butts.
50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?
A game focused on story with the combat of Tales games, and told through visual novel dialogues with some awesome cutscenes in between.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?
Nah, never. I’m too scared of ruining my consoles due to hacks because they come out of my money (which is why I’ll never be able to get the Gay Fates Hack in my 3DS).
69. In your opinion, best game ever made?
Fucking Kingdom Hearts, awww yeah!
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windypenguin · 7 years
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I was tagged by @jewishdragon to post my favorite selfies of 2017! Have a bunch of my face~
I tag @crunchyxushi @ikallawrites @theceejay @solaireon @nymphofnovels and if you want to do it just say i tagged you!
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windypenguin · 7 years
HEY MY DUDE. HERE'RE SOME COLORS FO YOU. Yellow, Teal, Auburn, Burnt Sienna, Dodie Yellow, Cerulean, Barbie Pink, Gold, Beige. >:3
Yellow: You are such a sunshiney person and my dash is always brightened whenever you postTeal: You make me happy ♥Auburn: I love youBurnt Sienna: I love you but it’s a different colorDodie Yellow: You are literally my favorite person ever.Cerulean: I would come to your house at 3 in the morning if you were sad bc you deserve to be loved and to be happyBarbie Pink: You are the best at everything i don’t get howGold: I can’t believe you exist. You’re such a blessing to this earthBeige: Idk what to say except W O W
im so glad that we hit it off by not paying attention in class together that one year
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windypenguin · 7 years
About Me
i was tagged by @ikallawrites​ so lets gooo bc i havent done one of these in a while whoops
Name/nickname: michelle, penguin, mistral/mist
Gender: female
Star sign: gemini
Height: 5′3″
Hogwarts House: gryffindor and thunderbird
Favourite animal: cATs and birbs :3
Hours of sleep: uh dont hate me but uh it varies a lot...can be as little as 4, average is 5-6, but sometimes i sleep in for like 8?
Dogs or cats: both (but if you make me pick, cats)
Number of blankets: one...just change which one if its cold (or okay fine 2 if its freezing and you wanna layer)
Dream trip: im not really interested in travel tbh lol
Dream job: doing nothing? does that not count? okay then programming something fun like games or something i care about
Time: 7:32pm mst
Birthday: june 10 
Favorite Bands: i dont follow specific bands but uhh fall out boy is cool
Favorite Solo Artists: uH
Song Stuck In My Head: seagulls stop it now (go look it up on youtube if you havent seen it yet ehehe)
Last Movie I Watched: airplane!
Last Show I Watched: the current volume of rwby :D
When Did I Create My Blog: man uh was...early-mid 2013 i think?
What Do I Post/Reblog: did you think there was like...a theme?? bc there sure as heck isnt! basically anything im interested in at the time?
Last Thing I Googled: best day of my life minor key bc it came up on my spotify discover and i NEEDED to share it
Other Blogs: ...i totally made a side blog that i posted on like twice and never again. also a couple group blogs that kinda died
Do I Get Asks: i used to get a few but i havent been good about answering them so they stopped
Why I Choose My URL: i like wind and a hero of breath and i went by penguin for a little while.
Following: 383 :o god i didnt even realize
Followers: 543 whERE DID YOU ALL COME FROM AND WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING MY MESS (esp when i know i blocked a lot of bots???)
Lucky Number: mm idk if i have a lucky number per se but i love the number 5? its so nice to count by??
Favorite Instrument: clarinet for lyfeee (but god listening to any instrument being played by someone who knows what theyre doing gives me chILLs)
What Am I Wearing: long sleeve shirt i wore to work earlier bc its cold now :c
Favorite Food: lately, belgian waffles. i got a waffle maker now :3
Nationality: half and half. the end.
Favorite Song: this varies so much thoooo -- mm crazy = genius is fun, tho i have in the miller mood in my head atm bc we played it at my concert this weekend (it was a mess tho)
Last Book Read: i finished the will of the empress by tamora pierce literally yesterday
Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: uh something fun uhhh pokemon, harry potter (who doesnt want to do magic????), rwby if i were more confident...maybe ill be like velvet and just surprise everyone with badassery
Tag some folks: @nymphofnovels @narukamirelampago @jewishdragon uhh the ohter people id tag have already been tagged lol
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windypenguin · 7 years
oh god so many
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?an...ex?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?mm mostly no 
6. What are you excited for?gonna be startin dnd!!! :D
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?i think its weird that people would get really wasted, not just girls
10. What is the last beverage you had?obviously apple juice
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?yes. just one tho and i dont wear it that often
14. What are you going to spend money on next?who knows probably my sub for ffxiv lol
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?doesnt everybody? (but also im in a new work environment so like YeP)
18. The last time you felt broken?someone questioning me about being ace and doing the typical “what if you saying that is preventing you from finding someone”
20. Are you starting to realize anything?i might let people consider me a friend way too quickly? like...theres someone who at this point seems to think im his best friend and im pretty sure that i wont consider him a friend ever bc no shared interests and diff personalities :/
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?FUCK NO
24. What do you want right this second?to not be tired. also. for it to be tomorrow bc we’re startin dnd :D
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?yep! ive never actually dyed my hair
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?a picture of a potato that *doesnt* have pince nez...yet
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?depends on what they did
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?...feelings...for someone...the people i care about as friends know it
34. Listening to?atm, rtextralifebut also taz :D
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?my parents are still at the house i grew up in?(i havent had a romantic kiss, no)
38. Who did you last call?my parents bc they wanted to check up on me
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?see 36
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?this is difficult since i dont live with them anymore BUT if they were here, yes
44. Do you tan in the nude?nO
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?nope i just passed out after staying up until nearly 5 for no reason >.>
48. Do you sing in the shower?heLl YES
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?yes in PE
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?did you mean: wonderful?
54. Ever eat a pierogi?a what now
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?i never had ambition as a child or now
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?nope
60. Wear slippers?no but someone once got me sweet panda slippers
62. What do you wear to bed?a soft tshirt thats a size too big
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?target
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?cheetos any day man
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?mmmmm can screaming like a goat count
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?future...spouse...?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?i dont know ive ever been in a spelling bee 
74. What is your favorite book?anything tamora pierce or rick riordan
76. Regularly burn incense?nope
78. Who would you like to see in concert?eh *shrugs*
80. Hot tea or cold tea?i dont usually drink tea buT hot tea for sure
82. Favorite type of cookie?chocolate chip duh
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?yes
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?band
88. Ever have plastic surgery?lol no
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?be safe about it?
92. Do you want to get marriedmeH
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windypenguin · 7 years
@nora9000 tagged me for this :)
Name: Michelle Nickname(s): Windy, Penguin, Mistral/Mist Zodiac: Gemini Height: 5'3" Orientation: aro ace Ethnicity: half white (i think mostly german?) and half chinese Favourite fruit: watermelon, tho also strawberries Favorite season: summer -- no one is gonna judge you if you just lay on the floor bc its hot :3 Fave book: hnnng tamora pierce anything, tho ive been reading patricia brigg’s mercy thompson books and theyre goooood Fave color: i love me some light blue and purplee Favorite animal: cats, birds Sleep schedule: sleep ~2-3, wake up around 10? Cats or dogs: prefer cats, but am okay with dogs that dont jump on me Favorite fictional character: beka cooper (hell yes tamora pierce), pidge (who is literally me from what it seems), and peridot (i love my nerd triangle) Dream trip: meh never was the traveling type When I made the blog: mm i think it was may 2013? Follower count: 524 (which is strange bc i dont know what i post so why do so many follow me)
 im gonna tag: @crunchyxushi @ikallawrites @jewishdragon @narukamirelampago @nymphofnovels @feragon-dingbat @ginnypcttcr
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windypenguin · 7 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @ris-d-deridex
Rules: Answer these questions, and tag 20 followers that you would like to get to know better.
Name: Michelle
Nickname: Penguin
Zodiac sign: gemini
Hogwarts house: gryffindor
Height: 5′3
Sexual Orientation: ace
Ethnicity: mix
Favorite fruit: apples, oh and gradually watermelon
Favorite season: ehhh summer
Favorite book series: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no i love too many ive been rereading the brotherband chronicles lately tho and tamora pierce’s books are always a good pick
Favorite fictional characters: beka cooper, pidge, peridot, steven universe, sokka, the characters from like every book ive ever read
Favorite flower: i...have no idea?  snapdragons are cool
Favorite scents: the paper in books, the ocean
Favorite color: really vibrant blues? also pink
Favorite animal: cats
Favorite artist/band: i dont usually follow one artist or band as much as just specific songs but pink is good, and so is fun
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: hot chocolateeee
Average sleep hours: ehhh close to 8 lately
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1, maybe 2 if its cold. none if its really hot tho
Dream trip: ive never had traveling as something i really *wanted* to do?
Last thing Googled: with the exception of trying to figure out how to pull up my search history: i was looking for the charlie the unicorn gif of “ring ring hello” for reasons
Blog created: i think May 2013?
How many blogs do I follow: 371 (wow i probably should go thru that)
Number of followers: 517...which is funny bc i just reblog random stuff and have virtually no content of my own lol
What do I usually post about: whichever show im freaking out over (atm mostly su), cute things, puns/dumb jokes, things that make me happy
Do you get asks regularly: eh every once in a while ill get a bunch and then not get any for the rest of the time. and usually theyre from people i know irl
What is your aesthetic: boOOoks, either rainy days or really sunny days
Tagging: eh lets see @crunchyxushi @ikallawrites @jewishdragon@nymphofnovels @feragon-dingbat @lazeecomet @ginnypcttcr and whoever wants to do it :)
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crunchyxushi · 7 years
Tag Game :D
Oh boy
Tagged by @windypenguin
Rules: Answer these questions, and tag 20 followers that you would like to get to know better.
Name: Allen
Nickname: Uhhh don’t have one? 
Zodiac sign: Libra
Hogwarts house: I’m a happy Hufflepuff :D
Height: 5′8ish
Sexual Orientation: Demi
Ethnicity: Asian
Favorite fruit: Mango! 
Favorite season: I really wanna say Spring bc of the weather and overall aesthetic but allergies. So instead I’ll say summer. 
Favorite book series: Harry Potter :D cliche af? Sure, but I really love it so hush
Favorite fictional characters: Friend I could be here for years and not list them all because I just love too many <3 Lillie (Pokemon SM), Nino (FE7), Hunk (Voltron), Peridot (SU), Sokka (ATLA), Akemi Homura (Madoka Magica), Kunikida Hanamaru (Love Live), literally everyone in Haikyuu and Boku no Hero Academia...man I could go on and on so I’m just gonna stop here before this entire ask devolves into a faves list
Favorite flower: Lily!
Favorite scents: fresh laundry, fruity scents, new book
Favorite color: Cyan (most blues in general though, except the hue of the blue screen of death)
Favorite animal: Penguin <3
Favorite artist/band: I’m the kind of nerd who’s more familiar with composers than bands, so... Joe Hisaishi (Studio Ghibli movies)
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: HOT CHOCOLAAAATE~
Average sleep hours: During the school year? Like...5? Closer to 8 during the summer though
Number of blankets you sleep with: Usually one but two in the winter
Dream trip: I just really want to visit Japan someday
Last thing Googled: Fire Emblem Heroes Camus (because I’m a nerd and needed to look up stats for something)
Blog created: (Lemme look through my archive real quick) Apparently May 2014 :O
How many blogs do I follow: 499
Number of followers: 450, about 400 of which are probably porn bots tbh
What do I usually post about: anything and everything, really. Cute things, funny things, things I think are funny that no one else does probably, and lots of anime/game things :D
Do you get asks regularly: lol
What is your aesthetic: What a broad question. I tend to like fantasy settings (think Breath of the Wild) over heavy sci-fi over steampunk or whatever else (definitely hate hate hate dark/grimy/dreary stuff like Gotham). In general I like sunny forests, fields, and lakes and am not super fond of lots of buildings or lots of people, I guess
Tagging: uhhhh (def not 20 people) how about...
@nymphofnovels @ikallawrites @helpfuldilemma @ilikecats-likealot @jeangreyce @rosi4567 @memetrashmom @memetrash-coyote @megamog and whomever else feels like doing it
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windypenguin · 7 years
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I was tagged by @jewishdragon to make a mood board with only pics that are on my phone.
I’m gonna taaaagg @ikallawrites @crunchyxushi @officiallycostco @nymphofnovels
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crunchyxushi · 8 years
So I may or may not have become obsessed with Stardew Valley...
@windypenguin and @ikallawrites I blame you losers
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memetrash-coyote · 6 years
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A sketch of @ikallawrites 's very cute gold dragon, Mars.
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