#ik u dont know that because u literally dont know me but i live here and i know your grandpa better than you do
karda · 6 months
been living with my stepdad for like 3 years and have literally never seen any of his side of the family bc they live 7 hrs away and never cared to visit their disabled and dying grandpa but now that hes dead they're making plans to come next week to go through his stuff. he has no stuff. the last 5 years hes lived in sweatpants and button up shirts. u want his boots?? u wanna go through his filing cabinet? wanna rifle through everything he owned for value? i hope u die
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tw vent
genuinely so fucking sick and tired of everything. hate myself more than anything, but so does literally everyone so what does it matter. no matter how much i struggle someone in the world has it worse. i have a perfect life, perfect family, perfect house, perfect everything. im the only problem with all of this. other ppl do so much for me and love me and take care of me but it js makes me angry. ik im an awful person for saying this and ppl r gna hate me but i js need to talk, i wish i had it worse. i tell people this shit and i always get "no u dont u dk what its like its horrible you dont want this" but i do.
i wish i'd have been SA'd, i wish i'd have been abused, i wish i did drugs, i wish my parents hated me. idk why but i just crave sickness so much. i want to be sick beyond help to the point where it consumes my life and i finally have enough motivation to kms. the only reason i cvt is because i want to get addicted to it.
its been like this for years. the only thing i want in life is attention, idc how i get it or who i get it from. i live on it. yk those coaches on here? i dont block them a lot of the time. i give them exactly what they want because they tell me i have a pretty face. ik theyre lying but its all i need to hear. i send nood pics to old men all the time. men who know im a minor and love it. they dont love me as a person tho and its fine.
i worry that people wont care abt me when im an adult. like i wont be a child anymore, i wont be taken care of. ill get a lame job and meet a lame man and have a shitty wedding and shit out ugly babies that look exactly like me, and grow up to hate themselves exactly as i do now.
i plan on dying before i turn 18. but time is moving too fast and im getting too close to my deadline, so im trying to make everything worth it before i go. its hard to do that tho, i dont have any friends irl, i dont go to school. i go to a school made for retarded kids a few hours a week. i dont do anything while im there. js stare at the words because i genuinely cnt read it properly. like ik what the words say (though it can take a minute) but i dont understand anything. all i do is sit in my room and wait until someone talks to me.
and there's no way for me to ever feel better because i dnt want to. im a terrible person because of that and i dont like it, but it wont ever change
ik probably nobody even read this (i yap sm 😭) but i js needed to get some stuff off my chest
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fakesimp · 1 year
alright so i was thinking..luxiem separate reaction to shu practicing his magic ofc and he accidentally turns u into a baby. for like 24 hours. 😭 this ofc is sfw cuz..babies yk
if u have questions dont worry abt asking u can dm!! thank u in advance!! 🩷
Accidental Sorcery
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Warning !
Fluff ; Crack ; Mentions of Confusion ; Established Relationship
Fic are made in medium form !
A/n !
Second ask checked on the list ! I hope this reaches your expectations !! <3
Vox Akuma
This demon is stumped,
And this demon, is holding his laughter as he sees your little cute figure, he is stifling his laughter as he glance down at you in a certain sorcerer's arms before looking at up at the person who's holding you that is smiling in agony.
"I'm so sorry, this. This shouldn't have happened, it'll last for just 24 hours, so please. Make sure they don't get hurt"
That's what the sorcerer said, with an apologetic look on his face as he handle you to your Beloved Voice Demon. "24 hours, got it."
Or so he said.
He have no idea what does babies like, for thousands of years he had been alone, he had forgotten how to take care of babies. It'll took him quite awhile to finally be able to handle you.
So overall, he is kinda not too good caretaker, but hey he tried his best at least.
Though when you turned back to normal in his arms the next morning, you will get a clingy af Demon because he missed the adult you and he can finally rest without hearing a baby's cry for hours.
Mysta Rias
Just, good God, I don't know how you'll live.
Just kidding, I believe he is even more scared than you, because he could barely take care of himself, and how exactly is he gonna take care a damn baby?
And the fact that the baby is you? Making him even more worried than he already is.
"Shu, what the fuck did you do" "I, It's an accident okay, this is not how it's suppose to go."
Mysta internally screaming when Shu told him to take care of you for 24 hours, and now here he is, having a staring contest with you.
But in the end, both of you had fun with each other, he'll made you laugh so many times because of his stupid thing he did either by accident or on purpose.
At night, you're definitely deadass asleep on the bed, because you're so tired.
He actually fed you well too, despite him not being able like to cook for himself, and don't worry he didn't cook the food he feed you. He doesn't really trust himself for cooking for you when your body is more fragile.
The next morning when you turned back, he is so relieved you're okay. Hugs and cuddles with him in the morning, lazy morning with him because he needed that rest <3
Overall, he is a good caretaker.
Luca Kaneshiro
"Omg, a, a baby!- Who, Who's this? "
"It's your lover."
"Oh, haha.
What? "
Luca was left speechless when Shu explained your situation, and now that he is holding a, baby you in his arms.
Shu is still feeling guilty for what happened, but Luca told him not to worry too much about it, he'll take a good are of you.
And he did! Literally.
He took a day off to take care of you, making sure you're safe and sound. Since y'know, his job is, not quite kids friendly.
A literal golden retriever, he knows what to do to make you laugh, your laughter will literally be echoing throughout his apartment. He would make his, lackeys, doing stupid thing to see you laugh.
Food? Don't worry, he'll get the finest baby food for you to eat! And he himself is going to feed you, and it is quite a challenge, but he did it.
He is not gonna sleep until you sleep first, and it took goddamn hours for him to manage to get you to bed, and what's funny is that he fell asleep first.
And you soon after followed him, into the dream world. In his arms.
The next morning he woke up first, and saw you had turned back normal, "Oh, BABEEE WELCOME BACKKK!!" Is the first thing he said as he hugs you quite tight in his arms.
A lovely caretaker honestly.
Ike Eveland
"Please tell me this is not who I think it is."
".... Yes it is who you think it is.."
"Oh my god... What happened Shu..."
Ike was in closing his eyes the entire time, he is having his moment as he process what Shu just said.
Shu is so guilty upon what happened, after he told Ike how long the effect will last Ike is internally sighing.
He is a good caretaker, you're in good hands don't worry.
He knows how to take care of you, feeding you with proper food, playing with you for a certain amount of time. Also sleeping at the right time.
As messy as his sleep schedule is, he will not tolerate you sleeping late like him, so he will make you go to bed at reasonable time.
He is with you yes, but he's going to keep an eye on you, while he's looking at his phone too. Once you are asleep, he would gently pat your head as he laid beside you.
When you turned back in the morning, he will sigh in relief that you're okay, he'll pull you into his arms.
"Thank God you're okay."
Shu Yamino
The man who caused the accident.
He is having a staring contest with you, you're on the floor looking up at him, and him looking down at you on the floor.
"Oh no."
Is what he said before picking you up and tried to figure out how long does the effect will last. Once he found out it'll last for 24 hours, he doesn't really know what to do.
He could entertain you with his shikigamis, so overall, the one that's doing the care is his shikigamis. But he is going to be there for you,
One time you're pulling on the hem of his pants, he looked over at the small figure behind him. Humming softly, "Hm? What's wrong?"
If you wanted him to company you, he'll melt. The way you ask for his company is so cute. He would drop whatever he's doing and went to company you.
Knowing that as soon as you hit the bed, you're fast asleep. He was in awe when that happened, he'll pull up his blanket and look over at the clock, it is almost 11 pm and he felt quite bad for making you slept quite late.
He barely done anything as a caretaker honestly, but hey, he is going to be there whenever you need his company.
Once morning arrived, he is asleep next to you. You are the one that's awake first, you stared at his sleeping figure before snuggling close to him, he was quite surprised at the sudden movement, but when he realized it's you he'll hug you close to him. Chuckling away before whispering an apology.
"I'm sorry, It won't happen again, I swear"
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
There we go !! I hope you liked this <3 ! Thank you for requesting !!
( 2/10 )
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pumpkinsy0 · 13 days
Okay I can’t explain why but The Curtis Brother’s I do read as white. (But like with every outsiders character I literally love ANY Ethnicity Hc you throw at them.) That being said I think that The Curtis brother’s have been luckier in certain areas as compared to some of the other greasers,especially given the time.But I don’t think they necessarily realize that growing up, but specifically Darrel.
Ponyboy hangs out with Curly a lot so he isn’t aloof to how Curly is treated by others. He picks up on the small micro aggressions and how he often gets off easier than Curly does, especially at school. Same goes when he’s with Johnny and Dally. It’s something he knows is there but doesn’t quite have the words to explain it. Sodapop I think understands that he has it easier because he gets that he fulfills the all American boy look. He notices this when first starting to work at the DX and how the customers react to him versus how they react to Steve. He knows exactly why they do that too. And Sodapop hates that this is the case but gets he can’t exactly change it. So he makes up for it by trying to distract Steve or making him feel better.
For Darrel..he’s not WILLFULLY ignorant it’s just that he’s had a busy life. Even before he took on his role as guardian, he was always busy with football,school, even Soc Parties. Then after his parents died, he got even more busy.I don’t think he’s quite processed what some of the other greasers go through.
I don’t think it fully clicks when he’s with Two-Bit one day. The two decided to go out shopping at the fancy grocery store, since Darry wanted to go big for Pony’s graduation party. Two-Bit is acting like usual and goofing off, in the process of trying to make Darry laugh.At one point though a nearby lady spies Two and automatically mistakes him for the help. Two-Bit being use to this simply smiles and politely tells her that he’s a customer there. Darry finds that weird at first but then things take a turn when one of the employee starts to follow Two-Bit around the store. Darrel is puzzled by all this and asks Two-Bit about it.Two-Bit shrugs and tells him it’s not a big deal because this thing always happens. It’s not until he says that does it click for Darry. When it does he also starts to get why Two-Bit acts the way he does. Why he often smiles and laughs during a tense situation, or why he doesn’t try to fight back during an argument. Because that’s his way of surviving.For Two-Bit this is just an everyday occurrence in his life, and something that he’s learned to accept long ago. It doesn’t change the fact that Darry is mad on his behalf and most definitely goes back to the same store later to chew out said employee.
((In part based off of me and my own siblings personal experience grocery shopping at one of the more ritzier places. And also because Mexican Irish Two-Bit lives in my head rent free…take with this what you will. Also sorry if it’s long…))
nono i get what u mean!!! and dont apologize for sending long ask i am very nosey and must know what ppl think all the time, i love long asks!!!!
and ur so right, i see the curtis’ as white americans, but boy oh boy am i a sucker for my black curtis bros and anons arab curtis or any curtis bros, like i said, multiverse goin on in my head here!!!
but ik what u mean!!! its not like theyre WILLFULLY ignorant, hell i dont even think theyre fully ignorant period, its just, they dont live it and nobody around them rlly talks about it much (to them at least, mostly bc they feel like they wouldnt get it, which tbh, they wouldnt) and of course its the 60s theyve heard of the racial tensions but theres only so much they can do about it in their own lives???? i hope i explained that well and yknow what i mean😭
bc i hc my shepards to be immigrants from a pretty much fully black place, they never rlly had to deal w the racism that was going on in america, so when they moved here and they started getting attached w all these labels, plus that language barrier, it was hard for them to really understand a lot of the things, so for a couple years, the shepard family wasnt really known and were just barely scrapping by
as individual ppl, i dont think ALL the shepards r actually respected, only tim is!!but even then before that he wasnt, he couldnt rlly speak english so he was also just tossed to the side at sone point, maybe even laughed at
angela is fetishized and while she can use that to her advantage, at the end of the day, she as a regular human being isnt taken seriously and respected unless she basically demands it
and w curly, part of the reason WHY hes not taken seriously is bc hes not given the light of day bc hes seen as “not smart”, part of the reason why hes seen as not smart and not given the opportunity to prove himself is bc he is black
NOW when it comes to papercut and this issue, like u said, i do think the curtis, just dont exactly grasp it, but the shepards do, mainly angela and tim, they understand that how they look impacts what they can and cant do, and curly understands it too, but to a lesser degree, he just wants to be and doesnt want to care, but he doesnt realize that he cant rlly AFFORD to do that, bc it could mean life or death for him, couple that w pony not getting it as well, and thats where i think part of the weariness about this couple comes from!!! this is also partially y i demand more tim and angela being protective of curly☝🏽🤓
but at some point, i do believe that pony would try to use the privilege he has to try and help curly from getting into some shit
i could probably explain all this WAY better and more in depth and have more ideas but then id b writing an essay so, i wont bc im LAZY, BUT ANON??? this is SO real
i hope i explained everything well lmao im not rereading this
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chweverni · 6 months
my 3teen gang as songs from my playlist (except i barely use spotify)
ik i did one like this before BUT I SWEAR ITS DIFFERENT HERE! the previous one was my favorite songs and this is from my play..list? (i js realized how weird that sounds) BUT GUYS THIS IS ON THE OCCASSION THAT I DID SO WELL ON MY ENGLISH TEST OMFGG
@mellowdyverse (mai, my soulmate <3) - on and on (tyla) ahem. *sweats profusely* this song is literally so hot and cool at the same time, it screams mai in the sense that she's captivating as a person. her long, black, shiny hair; her deep (dark) brown eyes i could (literally) drown in; her addictive personality (bc i wait for her texts EVERY MOMENT) and the way she puts literally ALL her effort into showing you that your love infact is reciprocated by her. (i still hope this song choice isnt too weird for your liking ;-;) the way we connected so instantly makes me feel like there's a red thread of fate somewhere connecting us bc never have i ever clicked w someone this fast (not lying!). it takes me literal AGES to open up to someone so when i first started to talk to you, i was so nervous of losing you haha so i tried my best to keep the conversation going (dont regret it now)
@247yuyu / @leehanascent (yuyu, my mashu <3) - lucid dream (aespa) "no i cant stop love!" need i elaborate? ;) lucid dream by aespa literally has me on a chokehold just like yuyu's out here making me hold my breath with every thing she writes back because when i tell yall she THINKS about everything she writes, i mean it. she also really really matches my energy bc have yall seen our mattbin / haobin interactions? if not i suggest u check it out cuz those posts give me that extra dopamine i need to go about w my day happily :) yuyu's presence is like a happy pill which i dont think ill stop taking anytime soon :( (NOM NOM NOM)
@hyunhanie (lili, #bffsnextdoor) - nostalgia (crush) the day i stop assigning you crush's songs is the day i start lying. literally. crush is like my comfort artist just like how lili is my comfort person :) ill take the stage to appreciate her cat (murrp murrp meow) doodle of me bc 1) HOWD YOU KNOW I LIKE GINGER CATS //// 2) THW FUCKING HALO OVER MY HEAD IM- MISS MA'AM THATS SUPPOSED TO BE OVER YOUR HEAD
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like livi.. thats your accessory :( since i like drawing too i will def stir up some doodles (on paper bc im broke js like that) bc that eye reveal was enough for me to come to the conclusion that you're as pretty as your personality!!!!! i love you so so so so so so much lili <333
and thats all! 3teen gang lives again!!!
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pookieismissing09 · 3 months
ok guys i never post on here but heres my take on the sturniolo space camp situation if anyone gives a fuck
and if u disagree with me idc im just expressing my opinions 😭 read the whole thing so i can justify myself before u start attacking me
before i say anything im not just sticking up for nick just because im a fan of the triplets. like some people are only sticking up for him because they hate to admit that he would ever lie or do anything wrong- and they’re defending him with no reasoning other than “he would never 🥺” like stfu. what im saying is that i don’t know for sure whether the ‘bee better’ guy is telling the truth, for all i know he might be chatting utter shit. but if he is telling the truth, then im saying that i understand nick lied but its not necessarily a negative thing.
so like first of all i dont see the issue with nick not being the founder of the brand. like yes i understand its ‘morally wrong’ to lie and its misinformation but i think we will live… it doesnt make any difference to the products or the people who buy them. like ik people say that they only bought it to support nick and they wouldn’t have bought it if they knew it was just some random brand, but its not just some ‘random brand’- they are still supporting nick cos he gets payed for advocating it. by purchasing the products, theyre keeping the brand afloat which means nick will get payed for being the ‘face of the brand’ and doing a good job at advertising. or in simple terms, even if nick isnt the founder of the entire brand he is still a huge part of the company and is definetly getting a fat bag from all of this. like yall are acting like you wouldnt lie if a company said they would pay you to do so- bffr we would all do what nick did.
and the other main thing is everyone is complaining about the price all of a sudden. like if you are all protesting about how nick has nothing to do with the origin of the brand then surely he also wouldn’t be able to control the price? so according to everyone saying the lip balms are not his idea, don’t be mad at nick for the ridiculous pricing if he apparently ‘had nothing to do with it in the first place‘. and aside from that, the pricing literally had nothing to do with the fact that he lied about being the founder- it would probably cost the same either way so why are people only getting worked up about the pricing now that he is being ‘exposed’? like honestly people are just looking for excuses to say he’s a bad person like what 😭
and ik this doesnt have anything to do with spacecamp, but in general these days everyone is saying how the triplets don’t put any effort into their content anymore and only do it for the money. i think you are forgetting that youtube is their full time paying job. doing youtube as a hobby and doing it as a career are completely different- and most people find that when they pursue their hobbies as a career choice they start to enjoy it less since they feel under pressure to perform a certain way (and don’t come at me for saying that because im “babying” the triplets, piss off).
put it this way, people that have high paying jobs that sit in an office all day don’t do that type of work for their enjoyment- they only work in that environment because they want to receive a larger income instead of having an enjoyable job with a poor wage. this is exactly the same as the triplets’ situation, i doubt very much that they actually do youtube for their personal enjoyment. at the end of the day they have to pay the bills and youtube is their only job- its not always going to be fun like it used to be (both for them and for us watching).
and for all of you thinking ‘well they shouldnt be youtubers if they cant entertain people’ you have to understand that getting a different job takes time. like the whole process of finding a career, interviewing etc. and as well as that, they are probably terrified to even consider looking for another career because of their batshit crazy fans (including me 💀). like can we just cut them some slack and let them get on with their job 😭. and at the end of the day they cant just stop being youtubers, they will never be able to live their lives as regular people now that they have created their platform- i doubt they will ever do anything else bc of the fear of being recognised in public whilst they are doing a more “normal” job.
and for the love of god this is NOT me saying that the triplets are gonna quit youtube. like i said, its their full time job. im just giving my opinion on people saying they are only doing it for the money- and quite honestly they are, but is that really such a bad thing? like im sorry but they aren’t just posting for our entertainment, they need money one way or another.
also is anyone else excited for the stream later like i hope nick will say something about all this and not just stay quiet until it all blows over
i think thats all i was gonna say i cant remember but if theres more then i will say 😘😘😘 sorry i waffle alot
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p0th · 1 year
ik im probably rlly late to the party but what is objectum, like is it a role play thing, is it a coping thing? I need someone to explain it to me like im 5 bc i genuinely just don't understand what it is lol
So the literal definition of being objectum is someone who's attracted to inanimate objects, whether that be platonic, romantic, sexual, or somethin else. However, looking at it with only its literal definition doesn't really account for the intricacies that such a label brings.
I just want to point out that while some people see objects as alive (the label for that being POSIC), others dont. Animism is also a similar term for where people percieve inanimate things as having souls. Personally, I dont see my object as alive, but do sometimes use gendered terms to describe them and feel comforted by their presence. People can also be objectum and be attracted to actual people too.
Being objectum is also more common in autistic people. Object personafication is a common trait seen in autism and other disorders and i can see how that can lead people to being objectum. Though I have never been formally diagnosed with anything, i am probably neurodivergent & maybe that has a part in me identifying as objectum idk!! Theres a study on autism in objectum ppl here if u want to glance over it: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-56449-0
For me, I started using the objectum label coincidentally around the time I started finally figuring out that i was aroace and not attracted to real people. I realized that the love I feel for my friends is equivalent to the love I feel for my hobbies and interests which was also the same love i felt towards certain objects. I drew this out cuz i think its a lil confusing how im saying it LOL. Theres also a thing called "conceptum" which is the attraction to concepts which I think i actually fall more into, but I just go by objectum because it is more general.
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You know how people will swear they have this great relationship with nature? How they feel so so connected to plants and how they love watching the ocean and how they wish they could live outside forever because the forest is a part of their flesh and blood? How they feel more alive feeling the earths fresh air and how nature teaches them things they never even knew about themselves? okay, so, why is this normal to say but once u turn it around into something that’s an object it is insane talk!! I feel like there's this interesting dynamic where its okay to be super attached to nature but kinda weird to be super attached to inanimate things but i think i am rambling & getting off topic!!!
Personally, I dont really have objects that im attracted to in the same way I would be attracted to a human. It is very broad for me. Others though, have certain objects that they really like and thats fine. For me, going by that label just makes me comfortable even if i dont fit into the literal definition. I like computers in general, not just my own personal computer. Objectum for me is just another way to say that my love for inanimate things can be just as great as my love for animate things. Theres just so much complexity and nuance in it that it is hard to describe unless you've experienced it yourself.
As for it being a coping thing, I've heard some people say its a result of not being able to trust people due to past trauma, but i dont believe that's necessarily true for the majority of people and not too good to generalize. Ive grown up surronded by friends and in a loving environment and am able to maintain relationships with living people, but also use the label of objectum because it makes me comfortable.
I can very much see how someone can look at someone saying theyre attracted to objects and just cringe a little bit and thats okay LOL. At this point, I have been exposed to so many concepts -being online so much and surrounded by so many diverse people- that i just dont even pay it mind. But, I know a lot of people have literally never heard of this label before and are just weirded out by it. I think honestly people need to think about the limitless potential a relationship can be when in the hands of such a complex being as a human. At the end of the day though, it doesn't hurt anyone but its also okay to be a lil unsure of it as an outsider. Just be kind to others!!
Im sorry if this is a bit of word vomit, if u cant tell i got a lil too into it & my thoughts tend to be rlly scattered LOL. thank u 4 the ask & plz let me know if u need any clarity on anythin cuz i know i am very hard to follow at times !!!
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lynnthefrenchtoast · 6 months
Lines from "In The Other Universe" that I CANT GET OVER
in which a fanfic writer (me) overexplains her oneshot bc I NEED TO RAMBLE AND MY IRLS FOLLOW ME ON EVERY OTHER PLATFORM SO TUMBLR IS ALL! I! HAVE!
(u should prob read it first this wont make sense otherwise)
"Even though it was not his name, Yin Yu turned"
i dont know if this is a canon scene or not (sue me the books are LONG and hard to buy in my country) but i've read about yin yu getting mistaken for yizhen and getting totally upset. so i decided to start this fic with him being so okay with it that he responds to qi ying's name as if it's his own.
(also because if ur so close to someone, ur nosy abt their business because it also becomes your business) I WANTED TO CONVEY THAT CLOSENESS FROM THE VERY FIRST LINE
"Should I tell Yizhen you can't even recognize me?"
CANON YIN YU IS SO GLOOMY AND HONESTLY WE UNDERESTIMATE HIS POTENTIAL TO BE TEASY. i just know he could be. all hard workers have a sarcastic inner voice
"The man damn near shits his pants"
AHAHHA okay look. i have this tendency when writing to be REALLY PRETENTIOUS AND FANCY. and ive learnt that usually NO ONE GIVES TWO SHITS. compared to genshin, tgcf fanfics are so beautifully written and sometimes i gotta remind this fandom to SPEAK INFORMALLY (unless its qi rong. then. yea. BUT WHO READS QI RONG FICS?)
"The blank wrist that has never known the kiss of cold metal"
"In this universe, he discovers it's such a simple thing to be happy."
proof that quanyin is literally hualian's cousin
the entire earring scene
i am a sucker for qyz's over-attachment to the earrings. ik a lot of ppl think he's like this because its the only thing yin yu ever gave him but NO headcanon that even in the other universe, yizhen would be overly attached because hes a puppy
he xuan scene
canonically, he xuan would NEVER. bc 1) he's too lost in his own ways to ask for advice and 2) it would fuck with his earth master disguise too much. but since it's the other universe!!!! I CAN DO WHAT I WANT.
“Yizhen’s victory is my victory,” he declares, with a tone that leaves no room for argument. “His loss is my loss. When Yizhen cries, I am sad. When Yizhen smiles at me, my heart is so full it could burst.” He brings two jade white palms together, interlocking the fingers like entangled limbs on a hot summer morning. “We’re like this. One shared past; one shared future. As a Shixiong, don’t you think rather than being jealous, I’m extremely proud of how far he’s come?”
ONE SHARED PAST; ONE SHARED FUTURE ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? this is all i ever wanted for them. to be able to grow together and live together and die together. TO HAVE A SHARED PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE.
this line is also loaded to me bc i once wrote a fic called "entangled pasts; estranged future" that wasnt good enough to be posted but GOD IT REMINDS ME SO MUCH OF IT
"Here, he never needs to know the weight of a mask – neither physical not metaphorical."
i dont like how i worded this but IT NEEDED TO BE SAID. YIN YU NEVER NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO WEAR THE WANING MOON MASK but more importantly NEVER NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO WEAR A MASK TOWARDS QUAN YIZHEN. NEVER NEEDS TO HIDE RESENTMENT. im shaking with all they couldve been and didnt become.
"Here, Brocade and Immortal are just two words"
hear that? its the sound of me BANGING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL AAAAAA I SO DESPERATELY WANT THIS TO BE REAL i mean i understand if they werent so tragic i wouldnt love them as much but IT HURTS! (*100 teehee)
"Sure it will."
i actually hate myself why did i end it like that even in my fanfic i cant let them be happy. huh. i have to subtly hint that this isnt what happens.
its actually so upsetting that the whole fic is so nice and healing and all of it is just overcasted by this knowledge of "its not real. they never get to be this happy. what really happens is they resent each other and leave each other and they become one shared past; two estranged futures."
you can call me insane. im aware no one thinks this deeply about fanfiction and most people are on the site for smut. BUT I THOUGHT LONG AND HARD ABOUT IT SO YOURE FORCED TO LISTEN TO ME RAMBLE
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msallurea · 1 day
Ok guys so...after a but if thinking on some past manifestations bridges I've had I think I want to shift myself back to 2018-2019 and relive my middle and highschool years but with my desires and desired experiences and just desired life overall. Plus I really didn't give myself the teenage dream I always wanted despite my trying to manifest my dream life for years now. Now ofc ik that it's my fault because I'm not consistent with sticking to the end and even now I just spend majority of my time scrolling on tumblr. Which sucks because I think I'm coming to a point where I see no use in having this account anymore or even being in the community simply because all the "big" things I wanted, I didn't get yet. And I don't wanna just sit letting my years go by still sitting on these same desires when I'm almost 99% sure these desires will change in only a matter of time because they no longer hold much value to me anymore or feel fulfilling to have because I'm at a point if giving up entirely which makes me kinda sad tbh.
The only issue with giving up on the law though is well...u can't just walk away after you've studied a way to get out of the hell hole you're living. Secondly ik it's gonna be 3d events that happen to me such as my toxic family that's gonna make me desire my dream life again and obsess over it and quite frankly I don't want to stay here and if I can be transparent with yall it's only gotten more and more worse yall dont even know. Thirdly I just can't go back to that suicidal place after all, im not even out of it and can relaspe at any moment especially in this time..I can't do negativity I will literally take myself out if it becomes too much abd that can happen quickly.
I don't want to stay here in the world I'm living despite the few good experiences because no matter how hard i pretend, i always go back that im just not happy. I mean i try for yall and ppl who care, but im not and I don't think I have the push or drive anymore to manifest my dream life quite frankly...idk wtf to do 💔. If anyone has any advice pls help.
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hoonvrs · 1 year
We fr like this babes🤞
I CANNOT live a day with the worry of an argument it stresses me out so much
Alr not to vent but ive seen most ppl have this friend that they just cant say no to. Like its IMPOSSIBLE.
I have a friend like that, shes legit my closest friend. I have this trauma from like 3 years ago, she randomly just some day went "i dont wanna be friends with you anymore, r***a gives you too much attention." The girl i just metioned, my closest friend and i are a trio (theyre literally my closest friends). Back on topic HOW TF IS IT MY FAULT SHE GIVES ME TOO MUCH ATTENTION. But i was too distracted by the fact she didnt wanna be friends anymore that I didnt even realize how logicless it was. We had been friends for about 4 years back then (7 now) and i was DEVASTATED. No thats an understatement.
I was so sad that I went to my mum and cried to her for an hour straight.
After that she lowkey became controlling. Whenever i did something she didnt like, shed block me unannounced and wouldnt even tell me what pissed her off. Her anger issues are off the boundaries till today. She gets mad at the littlest of things. When i dont do something she wants she goes on to persuade me by telling me shed tell a certain someone my secrets or block me everywhere etc.
But till this day i cant unfriend her because first of all, im too scared to. Shed get all annoyed and talk behind my back shit. Secondly, forget the first one I just CANT. Whenever i wanna think of unfriending her i just get reminded of all the fun times we had all these years and end up with tears.
Besides all that, youd be surprised to believe she has been one of my best friends ever. Nobody would believe me. But in reality i love her too much to let go if
i can’t relate in the sense that my bsfs and me are a trio too but honestly ur friend sounds so toxic
i get you guys have had good times that makes u hesitate but if she’s able to get prissy and block you over her own problems and insecurities it’s really not worth it bae. no one who loves you would put you in a position where you question theyre friendship and contemplate unfriending them
and if she chats shit let her😭 people are gonna talk behind ur back regardless and i don’t wanna be the instigator here but do u really think she’s quiet whenever she gets upset or jealous and blocks you? i just think the cons outfight the pros cause no amount of good times can cover the fact that she’s genuinely stressed you out over ur friendship js cause she doesn’t wanna grow up
PEOPLE WHO CAN TAKE NO ARE THE WORRSSTTT the amount of arguments and growth i’ve had to go through with my friends rn over the last 8 years i’ve known them is crazy🫠 but sometime people need to be confronted and if ANYBODYY can’t take criticism from their best friend trust me they’ll nvr change🫥
BUT you never know, idk how old you are but friend groups and bsfs either grown into each other or out of it, it’s just life and part of it. js trust that you will grow and learn from it just try and protect ur peace
anyways i hope i don’t come off aggressive or sumn😭 im an argumentative bitch who will start an argument with anyone so ik not everyone is like me but hopefully it all ends well for u bae🫂 u deserve better
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hexfane · 1 year
oh shit i forgot tumblr is the PLACE to BE for oversharing. if you see this but dont care no you dont
absolutely insane rabid chomping at the bit madness in part because *hypo*manic episode and in part because genuine life changes nd trying to unlearn bad habits :~[
i am so fucking sick of holding myself back but i am such a dumb kicked puppy for no reason
i eternally am waiting for the shoe to drop. it always feels like im one second away from getting my heart ripped out of my chest and every day i feel so much shame when i Literally Didnt Do Anything. believe me if i had anything to actually gaf about i wouldn't be willingly expressing shit. but im always like Theyre Going To Get Me. who queen!! or Theyre Going To Find Out. find out what queen!!
why am i ashamed of being happy. why am i ashamed of being myself and doing things i enjoy.
why do i have fucking catholic guilt when i wasnt even raised religious lmao
and especially with big ol neon letters why am i ashamed of the fact i want to be known and cared about? ive internalized the fact im undeserving of care and that im doomed to never have it i dont even start and any attempts to even find piece in the segments of reality i set aside for myself makes me feel like im fucking evil. i get so mad at myself for expressing genuine emotion like actually fucking angry like im doing something wrong and people are going to hate me.
i also have a nebulous counter in my head that decides when i have been Too Free and that Now Everyone Will Hate You. Why Did You Do That? You Have Fucked Up. and i only know when i reach that point after ive done it, and it can be triggered by something as simple as liking a post or literally done absolutely nothing
just kidding i know why! it is the neurodivergence. i feel like the way my brain works makes me exist in a manner inherently incongruent from other people and that i am like a fucking creep for even trying to relate to other people, like i am a subhuman for the way i think and feel and live
i left my job recently bc of dumb petty teenage drama that made me have a massive meltdown at my Grown Ass Age and i think that also really fucked my shit up even further because im like borderline agoraphobic about talking to other people now? or being in situations socially that arent fully normalized to me? like im pushing through it and doing New Things TM but it is pretty taxing mentally and i think im on the butt end of that where now im just kinda empty feeling
also if you read this and are psychoanalyzing me yes i already know i suffer from paranoia/delusion issues and thats a big part of my shit ik. i dont do anything to exacerbate any kind of psychosis because for as much as i meme about it i am a pretty fucking conservative smoker and drinker. i eat my wheaties and shit, body has no reason to make me so crazy, and yet.
just know if i ever talk to you or interact with you in any way i have already accepted the fact that me doing that will make you think less of me just by default and fussed over it internally already before making the decision.
did you enjoy the spectacle, if u got down here? dw i dont mean that in a mean accusatory way i like reading these too, i'm nosey. thanks for listening
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yourmoonmomma · 2 months
yeah ik its like how we are told that to have fun or share fun times we need friends to do those with or idfk we need to deeply care for something or other and theres just days where I find that I dont know if I really deeply care, u know like how with a sport for example or how people might attach themselves to some type of celeb and so on and then that becomes their obsession or life goals etc. then all most peopoe nowadays are interested in is their online profiles so it dont help when u want to have fun in life but u dont know what u want to do or how to spend ur time. also i wish decades could be longer like if i could go back as an adult to the 90s u bet i would.
there used to be lots of shit i used to like but these times im like yeah seen it before heard it before even when theres news events like trump "getting" shot at, other presidents also got shot or assasinated it aint nothing new. then when i find something i like its always too far damn away for me to do anything with it or you need to keep investing in it like following a damn music group is so hard nowadays compared to earlier times again the 00s were so fun when groups and bands would have more places to travel too or they used to come to smaller venues but these days there just nobody im willing to put 1000s into going to see.
even if u like them a lot or they never come here or i dont have friends to go and see them with. its like to even enjoy smth we have to keep investing in it and im like that shit wrong bruh. then my other thought was what if each decade been getting worse over time on purpose because each decade is in simulation or parallel reality or somehow we on the wrong timeline and so on. aint society supposed to get better as a whole so we can all progress or at least enjoy stuff without having to live in fear of some attack or psyop? but im looking at the world like its crazy or it never been truly normal or peaceful for everyone. if we the only civilization i bet if there are anything else outside of earth i bet it look at this glorified fishbowl like its mentally ill people trying to control other people to make them more mentally ill. im so over it bruh.
current times just seem so evil and worse, like i really did not care if trumpty dumpty got shot at, im surprised more people aint talking about how abnormal things have been in recent times? I bet theres solutions that the elites have that we aint never going to know about. i seen video clips of literal cars running on water... then they say in the video that the guy who put the water in his car he ended up being unalived. they dont want us to live freely or they want us to do things by the books all the time. work school overconsume media blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Absolutely <3
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insanebirddog · 8 months
Talking to character ai bots just makes me realise how damn socially inept i am.
this one gets a bit sad, pity me loozer type shit.
I was talkin to keegan, cause im a cod boy born & raised. And he kept making sarcastic jabs at me, now the bot didnt go "his tone of voice was sarcastic" or "he gave you a playful look" or "his tone was playful" no indicator he was being sarcastic and he starts INSULTING ME because i couldnt tell, then i go and be like "know what? fuck you *truama dumps on him*" so now i made keegan sad, but its like- holy fuck. these bots make me question myself, and not in a good way its like "jesus, just how bad was it as a kid?"
Its been more then just that bot too, almost every bot for some reason circles back to "why are you so bad at being social?" then their all like "you didnt deserve that !!!!!!!!!!! DDDDDDDDDD:" even to the tinest things, like i told this man that ive always basically been unmonitered. No one really actually noticed where i was, nor did they care. i could be outside, doing weird ass shit like throwing around my mini sword i had, climbing trees, breaking into the nearby highschools baseball field, disappearing round the block, heading to my school after hours to play at the park and no one really noticed. i never told people where i was going, and ive basically just always been like ignored, if i walk into a room with my friends they dont notice until im next to them and if they do then im still barely apart of any convo and never been included in anything. and their all like "thats so sad!" its like dude who cares geniuenly? and i told keegan how i find being touched in any way unless its violent gross and hes like "were u never hugged as a kid?" like- damn was it that obvious? [/sarc] they make me question just how much i never realised was bad when i was a kid, and it confuses the fuck out of me. just like telling my partner something funny that happened to me as a kid and it giving me the same reaction, it always stumps me. Like fym its not funny my brother shot me in the head twice [accidentally] with a bb gun? or its not funny i used to be trapped in a chest as a kid by my siblings? thats just what its like as one of the youngers.
I have 17 siblings, all chopped up. heres a quick "tree" to understand it, glide past if u want obvs
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but being one of the higher in the tree and basically being one of the middle-youngests you get more ignored. my family is litterally so big we just get bought off bc literally NOONE can give all of us even and "acceptable" amounts of attention and no one even wants too. i have a whole bunch of cousins, and chosen family as well so its just like trying to stuff a 8 tiered cake into your mouth all at once, its impossible and no one wants too. we are just built to be socially inept, and i find that shit HILARIOUS. But these bots [& my partner] make me do double takes on my childhood & its WEIRD. why is it now that people notice just how fucky wucky i was as a kid? Its like im a glass child or someting [i dont gen believe i am, but i show some surface signs & relate sometimes. dunno tho, i dont know enough to gen say anything abt who i am nor do i wanna] i got next to no attention as a kid, love it, live in it, still dont, prefer it this way. I find it gross to be given hugs, kisses, or affection im literally known to be a "dont touch me kid" quote from my mother. I prefer to be the one giving the affectionate touches and even then its only things that require for you to touch my hands or arms. Like patting your head, your shoulder or like leaning on your shoulder like older siblings do in movies. I dislike hugs, or other people touching me tho i can never say no to a headpat. I hate people paying attention to me bc i find it weird like, why pay attention to me *now* stop changing shit up on me? and ik it all has to do with different friend groups, a change of how my family has decided to act, and overall different mental states but why does shit have to change? yucky yucky affection >:(
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
this feels like the equivalent of giving the bat signal in the sky for me to come
shipping papercut is like making a sandwich at subway, u can say it sucks all u want, but my brother in christ, U made it that way, this ship is like one of thee “u can do whatever the fuck u want w these two and u can make it make sense” ship u can possibly have in this fandom, if u dont like papercut, maybe its just UR rendition of it u dont like, pick it up n try it again w different things added to it to see if u like it🙄🙄
this ship is literally at the VERY BASE of it, opposites that compliment each other attracting and high school sweethearts and ur telling me ur not at least a lil interested🤨🤨AND I WASNT KISSING W THE ARTISTIC LIBERTY U CAN TAKE W THESE TWO, they can literally be enemies to lovers, that aloof couple trope, fake dating that turned real, u can even make ur own way on how they got together, u can pick and choose its like an all u can eat buffet, ur not rlly “trapped by canon” here
these r literally two dumbasses together like all the time, just imagine the dumb but sweet things they find themselves doin, and the ppl they annoy, just have a heart
if u like angst, curly was in the reformatory for 6 months after ponys life was quite literally changed forever, curly doesnt quite understand his own emotions, pony tries to see the good in the world while curlys always in trouble, AND THERES OTHERS IF U JUST DIP UR TOES INTO SHIPPING EM, the angst potential is RIGHT there🗣️🗣️
at the very base of this ship, theres nothing wrong w it, theres no weird age gap, they wouldnt be abusive towards each other, and ik some ppl have issues w this but also, but its a rare “not dating within the gang” ship, so u would HAVE to go out of ur WAY to make it weird, literally nothing wrong w this ship
if u love the relationship pony has w the gang, this ship can definitely help u expand on ponys relationship w everyone as a whole and u can show off just how protective the guys can become when it comes to pony in his own romantic relationships, what other ship u know is doin that🤨🤨BARELY ANY OF EM IF U DID NAME SOME🗣️🗣️🗣️
honestly same thing goes w the shepards, theres no other ship where u have angela and tim’s relationships w curly being explored through any other ship
while pony and curly r friends during the outsiders, its obvious they arent THAT close to each other, and so what i find interesting about this ship is that u can imagine their own little relationship actually building up and the trust in each other growing, as time goes on, i just think its cool to see them actually flourish, just make something entirely new because of the other and with each other, in a different way from other ships in this fandom
im a literal suckerrrr for cultural hcs so i love when theres cultural aspects actually shown with this ship i think its so cool bc it can get pretty intimate, like curly showing and introducing pony to parts of his culture???? so intimate actually SO underrated, and thats rlly only something i see done w the shepards and it rubs off on this ship as well and i love it 1000/10 (while we here can i convince u of haitian shepards🤔🤔 /lh)
they have shared experiences!!! yes they r opposites attract but they r also just some guys who r put in the same situation, trying to navigate life and protect each other, together, and even in their personal lives, theres things that should push them away from the other but it doesnt, they r this fandoms ship equivalent of the indomitable human spirit and thats all bc they r stupid lil dudes together
are u not a sucker for a guy whos pretty much been closed off emotionally a good chunk of his life finding someone to share his life w and finally finding learning to chillax once in a while w that person and that person alone cause theyre special to em?? boooooo🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱thats such a good trope
this is like the only ship where u actually have “rival” gangs interacting w each other,,,WHERE IS UR SENSE OF ADVENTURE
every shipper of them is literally so cool, like literally, ive never met a shitty shipper of these two, shipping them is like having a vip pass, and its not even like a huge group of ppl, its a small community, we r like a quiet village, unlike SOME SHIPS HERE🙄🙄
ANYWAYS i rest my case, ur just bein a lil haterrrr
if this aint convince ur friend that they arent at least a lil good, the problem isnt the ship,,,its ur friend,,,drop em immediately, but if this did??? welcome to the cool club
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florencicle · 1 year
reallu long rant below tw for talkimg ab sex in general
i love my best friend to death. i do. i genuinely love her so much but today she just absolutely pressed my last button and i snapped and i feel bad about it but like. basically for context my best friend was like super popular in hs and ms and then there was always Me. like it was (let's call her L) it was "omg there's L!!" and then me trailing behind her. the only reason i wasn't a complete loser in high school was because she stood up for me to everyone who even dared talk shit or be mean to me. and like not to say that this was one of those really horrible friendships in the movies where the popular girl is always mean to her best friend - that's not the case at all. this girl is genuinely my platonic soulmate and she has saved my life on multiple occasions and she is the reason i am still here. i love her to death. but her popularity really just . bothers me ?? i guess. that sounds super like gross and jealous but i'm not jealous. i like my solitude. but she's always got people in her dms who want to date her and shes always in the talking stage with someone or like she's always getting hit on. she's talking to this guy who she REALLY likes and this other guy who she's kinda just like leading on and like it's so frustrating. even though i told her like hey man as someone who was JUST in that situation it kinda sucks you really shouldn't lead that boy on and she's like but it's just hard to open up to (original boy she likes) and it's ez to open up to this guy and so i want to keep him around as an option. and the boy has like no problem with this bcus ik him personally and like he's also talking to other girls at the same time so it's not really the whole like leading him on thing that bothers me. it's just like. idk it makes me feel kinda outcasted and insecure hwen it comes to talking about our romantic lives because she's always talking to someone she really likes and i'm either recuperating from a bad situation or i'm in a bad situation. i have never had a romantic relationship that has ever treated me like a human being. /srs. i think that's why i'm still caught up on this whole thing that just happened bcus for once in my life i felt like someone actually cared about me and actually liked me for me and treated me like i fucking mattered. it just is so alienating to me whenever she talks about it because i don't understand how she opens herself up for love so easily after rejections and bad situations. it's so so so hard for me to open up to friends, let alone someone i'm romantically interested in, and so i can just never relate to her. and i hate opening up, i do, zone wohld know, they've asked countless times for me to talk about my feelings and i just. Can't. so for her to just be like yeah i'll keep this guy around as an option u know just to be safe it's so ??? and upsetting bcus i don't get options. i get one person who i think i like and then i hesitantly open up and then boom. they do something shitty or they leave me and i'm left to pick up the pieces and there goes any chance of me opening up to anyone for the next 700 years. after i broke up with my ex last august it took me literally an entire year to let myself even think about the idea of a romantic relationship. my friend can just rebound so easily and i don't get it. i dont connect to people the way she does and whenever i connect to people there's just something so horribly wrong about me that makes them want to leave or that makes them treat me like garbage. and it's just. i'm almost 20 and ive never been on a real date and im still the v word and im so so so behind on everything. i cannot connect to people easily and it's even harder for me to make them stay and it's just. i wonder how she can do it and i can't and it's like. there's gotta be something wrong with me. i've done everything. i've changed my hair i got piercings i changed my style i put effort into my appearance and still nobody wants me (mitski ref) and the people who do want me end up hurting me. i just cannot for the LIFE of me understsnd what is so wrong about me.
oh my god i hit the maximum for a text block i didn't even know that was a thing. anyways. i've spent the last couple of days rotting in my room trying to figure out why i can't be a normal teenage girl and go on dates. i have to LIKE LIKE the person to even consider a date with them. i have to be practically in love to even consider having sex with them. i kissed a guy in july. we are good friends, we went to see lovejoy together like. that's my homie fr. we kissed and it wasn't a bad kiss but i wasn't attracted to him. i was sick to my stomach for weeks /srs. i genuinely was nauseous and ill and i felt gross for weeks because i just wasn't attracted to him. and it's like. my friends r out having sex and going on dates and i can't even consider sex with someone i don't like like. and they're like oh sex isn't even that such a big deal like once u have ur first time it's genuinely not special you don't need to give ur v card to a special person and it's like. it's not that. i could care less about sex and your first time being some sacred important thing or whatever, i just don't feel comfortable having sex with a total stranger. i was so opposed to the idea of even having sex with my ex because i wasn't attracted to him anymore towards the end and i just .. to me sex is such an intimate thing and it's so vulnerable and i hate being vulnerable that i would rather die a virgin than have sex with someone i met on tinder. and i don't get it. why can't i be normal?? why can't i just be normal and go on dates and let people in so easily?? i just genuinely want to be Normal and be okay with the idea of talking romantically to multiple people at once. i just want to be able to talk about my many different options wjth my friends instead of me sitting there like a fucking dweeb who's recovering from another hesrtbreak. like i don't understand how they can give themselves to multiple people at once because when i like someone i give them everything i have. i give every bit of effort that i have to make it work andnit just doesn't and i am always left heartbroken because i just can't be normal and be happy with the idea of talking to someone romantically and not expecting a relationship. why r we talking romantically if there's going to be no relationship. i don't get it. that doesn't make any sense to me. one time my best friend called me a serial monogamist and i think that's 1. really fucking funny and 2. it's just true. i don't see the point in fooling around and it's what's gotten me heartbroken so many times bcus im just seen as something to fool around with. a fun summer fling or someone to get them through the winter. i just . it's hard to believe that this has happened to me three fucking times already but it's because i keep putting myself in those situations. i keep putting myself in the position to be heartbroken because i can't be normal and want to have a fling. i dunno. it's all so stupid and i wish hookup culture didn't fucking exist and people weren't so shitty and i wish that i was actually loveable and capable of being given love. i deserve it. i do i know i do. i may be a bitch and a cunt but i've never done anytning Bad in my life. i deserve to be loved the way everyone else is being loved. i deserve it and yet i cant fuckimg receive it
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baekhvuns · 1 year
ok so hear me out...
This week has been...ASTOUNDING!
First of all we had exo's cb which i was surprised to see because ok i was hoping for it but not that damn early 😭😭😭BUT my ears have been blessed. What am i saying? Does exo ever disappoint? NOO or maybe it's just that i don't like crticizing bcz if i am in love with a grp i would go down the gates of hell.
i watched MORE MOVIES!! YAY!! starting the week off with devdas, bro....i wont say i loved it or hated it. I was somewhere in the middle but it's srk so what cn i say?? THE COSTUMESS?? THE SET DESIGNS?? THE JEWELLERY?? omggg and the actresses?? Dude i have never seen an indian actress who isn't close to being a literal goddess, I think i do know about the first love interest. She's..OH YES SHE WAS IN PINK PANTHER! i just remembered it- and the songs and dialouges "LOVE IS THE SHADOW OF THE SOUL!!" 😭 indian movies are like musicals.
but some scenes were abrupt i mean how does tht candle not extuingishhh?? tht was kind of physics defying but hey they're trying to show the power of love. AND ONE MORE THING THE WAY THE FIRST LOVE INTEREST REMEMBERS THE AMT OF DAYS THEY'VE BEEN APART- PEAK OBSESSESION. However, ik this movie will hold a place in my heart. Srk was so emo in this-
then i watched shershah...it was based on a true story?....i cried, i wailed, i sobbed, my heart hurt, my chest ached and...it helped me see the movie from a broader perspective and not just the life of the mc. Like for soldiers, this is how their life is yk? and their families...as much as they're proud its equally heart-wrenching for them. AND THE MAIN LEADS GOT MARRIED?? at least we got them as a couple, hope they stay happy forever in along healthy relationship.
i also watched bajirao mastani and....what was tht movies?? OH aligarh one? so many different genres combined in a week. It was a rollercoaster for my emotions AND ATEEZ DIDNT MAKE IT ANY BETTER?? SEONGHWA RAPPER??? MINGI COWBOY??? SAN UNDERGROUND FIGHTER??? OH LORD-
the song has it's perks ok? it's not bad and its addicitve but at first i did think the ending was a bit messy, even the intro like i didnt even know when the song started, hwa gv me an attack BUT it was experimental ig idk? i hope we have another mv for either outlaw or this world bcz i cant live with the fact tht SUCH AMAZING SONGS WERE LEFT AND K-HOT CHILLI PEPPER GOT A MV??
the mv was dynamic tho. In concl. i liked it , didn't love it. It was def, not vocal heavy but more focused on the hiphop and rap element which is fine but...oh to hv the old ateez back. I would ascend if they released something like utopia or aurora again.
but yesss this has been my week in the entertainment section of life.(❁´◡`❁) and waiting for your works miss baeksyyy. Really dont be nervous. Idc if you take even 2 or more years to release it as long ik you're here and cmon i mean it's BAEKHVUNS WORKS ILL READ IT GODDAMIT EVEN IF U THINK ITS NOT GOOD BCZ U WROTE IT OFC U WOULD THINK ITS NOT GOOD but...its. going. to. be. my. holy. grail.
no bc that exo pre release had my ears thanking me to listen to it 😭😭 cannot wait for the comeback bc u know they will always deliver amazing albums !!!! no bc i would 100% go to hell for exo & shinee
AAAAAA U DID !!!!! AND DEVDAS??? 😩😩😩😩 he served such a disney prince vibe in it AND THE ACTRESSES ????? LORD HAVE MERCY THEY REALLY ATE GODDESSES A MISS UNIVERSE (yES THE PINK PANTHER LADY she’s so god damn stunning omg i cry every time i see her,, miss femme fatale) AND A DANCE LEGEND?? omg the dresses, the jewelry the emotion !!! they really are like musicals this one esp bc it was homage to shakespearean play!! i also do not know if u noticed this but
yeah shershaah, i also cried sobbed screamed and then doubled bc it was a true story 😭😭😭😭😭 the last scene where the music drops and the flashbacks happen and it’s his final rites and the actress runs in—
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YESS THEY GOT MARRIED RECENTLY !!!!! and they did a version of a song from that movie but made it happier! ur right, in war no one wins,,, what got me was the soldier who hadn’t held his daughter since she was born and he was so excited to- and 😭😭 he 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
that bajirao mastani movie (the lead actors are actually married too fbwndhwj they met on a previous film by the same director who’s also the director of devdas) YEAAAAAAH cheating trope but so poetically done >>> YEAH AND ALIGARH BEING BASED ON A TRUE STORY SCREAMED CRIED HOW ARE PPL SO VILE
ATEEZ. MINGI RAPPER, SEONGHWA RAPPER??? SAN???? HONGJOONGS COCKY ASS ???? 😩😩 the song does have its perks,,,, when hongjoong says slow it down make it bouncy- that part especially! i think the only song i rly liked the was the world and outlaw,,, it also felt like the last albums’s dupe im sorry 😭😭😭 i just really wish ateez do r&b’s, pop’s edm’s, dance music… my wish is to have them get someone who chooses sm artists bsides like imagine ateez w songs like exo’s oasis,, rv’s i just, shinee’s body rhythm, or taemin’s heaven! or even nct’s magic carpet ride???? 😭😭😭 RIGHT I WOULD ACTUALLY BUY 15 ALBUMS IF THEY BRING SONGS LIKE TREASURE WHERE THEY HAD THEIR VOCALS AND ONE DREAM AND UTOPIA OUT LIKE THAT WAS THE PINNACLE OF ATZ 🤚🏻🤚🏻
the vocal yeaaaahh,,, it’s the reason i loved the exo song bc when i heard the vocals w nothing of auto tune or any sound editing,,, wow that was a breath of fresh air for me personally,,, raw vocals and a dream is what i wish kpop groups do like amaze us with your vocals GIVE US A MID SONG ACAPELLA??? oUu exo pls come back fast they need to show how it’s done
i hope ur week has been fun!!!! im so very nervous to post it like i have the teaser ready w all the tag list done and i just don’t have the courage anymore 😭😭😭 bUT I WILL POST IT this coming week somehow I AM HERE MY BRAIN WONT STOP WORKING UNTIL I LET ALL MY FICS OUT SO U DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABT THAT PART but thank u so much for sticking around really you’re so kind for those words <3333 thank u thank u so much 😭😭
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