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queerveganme · 8 years ago
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I found a rather cheeky trans person in the toilet again this afternoon. I wasn't sure at first, but then I heard them pee so I knew they must be here to cause trouble, being trans and all. Then the rascal stuck their tongue out at me. Pesky trans people, using out bathrooms to pee. #fuckthebinary #fuckthecistem #queervegan #trans #transgender #ijustneedtopee (at Cardiff)
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sevenevenclothing · 8 years ago
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Talk about #Trump being an #LGBT allie 😈 SevenEvenClothing.com #imaseven #SevenEven #SevenEvenClothing #ProtectTransKids #IJustNeedToPee #trans #7E #fashion #LoveTrumpsHate #HRC
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aleksamanila · 8 years ago
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Remember TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN #TransIsBeautiful #TransLivesMatter #BathroomBill #iJustNeedToPee #MyPrivateIsPrivate #TransgenderRights (at University of Washington)
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jenniferxwewkpp6h · 5 years ago
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Wet shaved pussy in nylon stockings Adenocarcinomas: A small number of anal cancers are known as adenocarcinomas.. Chubby Teacher Fucks Student WHO IS SHE, men för mej var det faktiskt ett beslut.. These can develop in cells that line ... 5d8542909983f #freshlyfucked #ijustneedtopee #wannafuckthatass
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quiltbpag-any · 7 years ago
Identidade de género | Mito 7
Se pessoas trans entrarem nas casas de banho que quiserem, muita gente será assediada
As pessoas dizem ter medo de permitir que pessoas trans usem a casa-de-banho/banheiro em que se sentem mais confortáveis, pois isso serviria de desculpa para que violadores e outros “indivíduos suspeitos” se “infiltrassem” nas casas de banho e se aproveitassem das pessoas lá. Assim, querem forçar toda a gente a usar os banheiros do sexo designado à nascença. Vamos ver porquê que isso não faz sentido:
Uma pessoa deve ser detida pelas coisas que faz, não pelas coisas que é. Se uma pessoa, trans ou não, assediar ou se aproveitar de alguém, medidas serão tomadas e não será o seu género a anular o crime. Mas as pessoas parecem não perceber que, sendo assim, estão a temer os alvos errados – estão a temer quem é trans mas a “deixar à solta” quem de facto perpetua crimes. Caso isso não pareça fazer sentido, ora, essa “medida de segurança” faz ainda menos, pois atingiria toda a gente, menos as pessoas certas (abusadores, violadores…):
Se uma pessoa abusadora quisesse mesmo aproveitar-se de alguém, duvido que considerasse “infiltrar-se na casa de banho” como um bom plano e, se considerasse, não precisaria de “se disfarçar” (apesar de ser trans não ter de implicar nada em termos de vestuário) nem de dizer que era trans. Na verdade, especialistas na área afirmam que há 0% de ocorrências nessas condições [fonte], e que portanto essa teoria não é suportada pelos dados.
Pessoas trans perfeitamente inocentes serão atingidas, sendo forçadas a até mesmo correr riscos (e tentar atingir a segurança de uns sacrificando a de outros não é muito justo, diga-se): A medida afetaria principalmente pessoas transsexuais (que já transitaram fisicamente) e pessoas que “passam” (chamar isso de cis-privilege é um pouco problemático) pelo género que pretendem, pois, por exemplo, uma mulher trans que tenha optado por fazer cirurgia seria um alvo fácil na casa de banho dos homens. E há, afinal de contas, uma sensação de desconforto e de desadequação mesmo que não aconteça nada em termos de abuso – a campanha #IJUSTNEEDTOPEE está aí para provar isso, apesar de não abordar géneros não-binários.
Mesmo pessoas cis seriam afetadas. Já há incidentes de mulheres cis com uma aparência considerada masculina, ou “butch”, que foram detidas por não poderem provar que são biologicamente mulheres, não tendo um cartão de identificação com elas no momento. O mesmo vale para certas pessoas intersexo, cis ou trans, e há ainda pessoas não-binárias com aparências muito distintas e que podem ter preferências variadas quanto à casa de banho que usam.
Há pessoas que estão dependentes da ajuda de outras e que às vezes contam com o apoio de alguém de um sexo oposto ao seu, como pessoas com deficiências, autistas, ou crianças que ainda precisam da ajuda dos pais na casa de banho. Essa medida iria complicar-lhes bastante a vida.
Além do mais, as casas de banho públicas estão separadas por compartimentos, e casas de banho neutras são nada mais nada menos do que aquelas que toda a gente tem em casa. Onde é que está a crise?
Vamos pegar na questão ao contrário: As pessoas devem absolutamente ter o direito a usar o banheiro em que sentem mais confortáveis, e isso inclui neutros, que deveriam estar sempre disponíveis. Essa lei não faz favores a ninguém.
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deargoditsmelucas · 6 years ago
One Stall
I hate that men's bathrooms will usually consist of 2 urinals and 1 stall... there's ALWAYS someone in the stall when I need to pee. So being trans requires you to have an epic skill of holding in your pee whether it's legal or illegal to use... doesn't matter cause I can't go anyway.
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woteverworld · 8 years ago
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This toileting made me feel very included. Thank you @ccaglasgow #ijustneedtopee #toilets #trans #queer #disability #toiletsigns
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sallymolay · 8 years ago
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#IllGoWithYou allies go into bathrooms and other spaces with transgender people who may be afraid or concerned about their safety. An #IllGoWithYou ally offers support, buffering, and nonviolent assistance when asked.
On their web site you can take a pledge and/or order a button like the ones below.
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ftmaydenlee · 9 years ago
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Moving forward is always the best! I feel less dysphoric. This was a message to a brother of mine.
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jerilynnphoto · 9 years ago
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The REAL reason they call it Stucky's🙀😆 #ijustneedtopee #aintnobodygottimefordat #gastationbathroom (at Stuckey's)
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genderexpansion · 9 years ago
We are saddened to learn that yesterday the Fort Peck Indian Tribe has adopted a discriminatory bathroom policy that mirrors policies in place in North Carolina!
These bathroom bills benefit no one and harm individuals of gender diversity. Help us send a clear message that bills and policies such as this are in fact discriminatory and extremely harmful.
Councilman Ed Bauer, who seconded the initial motion, was recorded in the meeting minutes as saying, “What people do in their bedrooms is their business. How public bathrooms are used is (my) business.”
We want to send a clear message that policing bathrooms is no one’s place or business. Some see these policies as a means of “protecting” women and young girls from being assaulted in public restrooms, but may we remind you that such actions are ALREADY ILLEGAL... these bills don’t add any further level of protection for women and young children, but what they do is DISCRIMINATE!  Call this out for what it is... CLEAR DISCRIMINATION! Help us send a clear message to Montana that this IS DISCRIMINATION and that Montana shouldn’t tolerate discrimination! 
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pridetalks · 9 years ago
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#transgender #trans #gender #lgbt #ijustneedtopee
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puppetmaker40 · 9 years ago
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(via It Finally Happened)
Restrooms and Assumptions. 
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abbyroseking · 9 years ago
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1. If a guy kidnaps a child from a school while dressed as a policemen, we don't ban policemen from schools. Similarly, just because you're (wrongly) afraid that a man will pretend to be transgender to get weirdly specific access to victims, doesn't mean ACTUAL transgender people are doing the same thing. 2. It's already illegal to rape, molest, stalk, sexually harass or film people in public bathrooms. Enforce those laws. 3. Why did NC just criminalize letting small children follow their parents into bathrooms? 4. Who's gonna spot-check your genitals in a public bathroom? And why aren't they considered creepy weirdos? 5. You're afraid men are gonna rape women and kids, so we're attacking transgender people instead of those creepy men who are trying to rape women and kids? 6. You don't WANT trans people using the bathrooms that they would have been assigned to at birth. Most of them are basically indistinguishable from the gender they identify as, unless you're spot-checking their genitals, which makes YOU the weirdo. And eeeeeeveryone is gonna feel a bit awkward when a man walks into the ladies' room because he was born with a vagina. It's gonna be weird, you guys. Gotta call out the spot-checker, sure, but even then, it's still gonna be super weird. 7. Seriously, you guys, they just need to pee. #BoycottTarget #OrDontBecauseItsFuckingStupid #IJustNeedToPee #BathroomBill #Equality #LGBT #Transgender #trans #lgbtq #lgbtqia #facepalm #equalityforall #dontjudge #
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hisruin · 9 years ago
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Or you #Daughter? #JustSaying 🙄 #Transgender #IJustNeedToPee #NonDiscrimination #Equality #BathroomBill #LGBT #LGBTQ #Parody
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davissickmon · 9 years ago
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#SelfieADay is interrupted today for some support of my friends in the #lgbt community - quoted here is my friend Liz Hamor of the Greater #Wichita chapter of #GLSEN, from yesterday: "Because human rights should be trans rights, because 3/4 of trans students shouldn't feel unsafe in school, because hashtags like ‪#‎Ijustneedtopee‬ and‪#‎illgowithyou‬ shouldn't even be necessary, because no law should ever be made that puts a $2500 bounty on catching someone using the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity, trans folks need ‪#‎morethanvisibility‬. As individuals, as a community, as a society, we need to get educated, to join in the conversation, to find ways to ACT to end transphobia. I encourage you to change your profile picture to this shareable graphic to show ‪#‎solidarity‬ for all of our Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming family for tomorrow's Trans Day of Visibility - ‪#‎TDOV‬. Because it is about #morethanvisibility on everyone's part, ask me how to get involved, too!"
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