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Starter for @ijemma-okafor
Where: Jem's Place in Seton Village
When: Present
With Jaime's phone privileges restored, Gray hadn't expected a call from Ijemma. Truthfully, he figured Ijemma would rather call a different contractor for her fixer upper. Yet, when he answered the call, he wasn't all that surprised. His work spoke for itself and sometimes, luckily, it spoke louder than the rumor mill.
Gray was letting himself be led through the house, she hadn't lied about the 80s aesthetic, and found himself pleasantly surprised. It was a nice place but not ostentatious, either. It'd clean up nice, he thought. It was when Ijemma turned around that he drew away from his thoughts. "You weren't joking," Gray said whistling at the sight of the kitchen cabinets. It was always kitchen's that got the brunt of it. "So, I'm guessing this is where you want to start, or is it the bathrooms?"
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Jemma and Ember try to recreate one of Jemma's favorite dishes and chat ft. @ijemmaokafor
-finding Ember in the kitchen, Jemma stops by- Hey hon, I’ve got that recipe if you wanna run through what we’ve got on hand for it.
Yes, I would love to! Come on, by now I've memorized basically everything we've got in our storage, so it should be easy to figure out if it is possible.
Nice thing is, it’s pretty versatile. My gramma always made it with goat meat, but chicken works, too. Or just veggies, if that’s what’s on hand. The key is the peppers, so…what kinda do we have on hand?
We don't have the biggest variety, but there are some choices. There are bell peppers, mostly red, but there are some green too. Jalapeno though they are not as hot as I'd prefer, but I think it's best for a lot of people. And black and white peppers for seasoning, mostly whole. Is it more of a sweet or savory soup?
-as Ember pointed out each type of pepper in the pantry, she collected them up- Well I think we can make do. Probably best we don't use scotch bonnets anyway...soup made in bulk like this, I don't think most folks can handle the real real spice. spotting bullion cubes, she grabs a couple It's a savory soup, mostly. The real authentic stuff uses these seed pods that are kinda like black peppercorns, but they have a fruitier kind of aroma. Doesn't quite make it sweet...ours will have to be savory.
Yeah, they probably cannot handle the heat. At this point I know how to cook without heat intentionally, but when I started learning to cook, that was kind of a struggle, everything just turned out hot. -she nodded and started picking up spices and veggies for the base and placing them on the kitchen counter- Savory it is. I'm assuming onion, garlic, salt is needed? Wish we could do the authentic version, but but black peppercorns it is. You said your grandma used to make this, right?
Onions and salt yes, garlic...I don't know, keep it out just in case. I don't remember gramma using it, but we'll taste along the way and see if it helps since we're ad-libbing anyway. Her family was from Lagos, West Nigerians go heavy on the spice, and this was about as versatile as keeping a bottle of tabasco on the table. You can eat it by itself, add rice or yams. The trick is how you prep the peppers.
-remembering a last minute addition- NUTMEG. Do we have any nutmeg??
-thinks for a moment- Hold on, there should be some... -reached at the back of one of the shelves and pulled out a smaller baggie, grinning at Jemma- HA, victory! Yes, we absolutely have nutmeg. Alright, which of the peppers are we using? Cause the prep on them heavily depend on it. Have you ever been to Lagos, by the way?
Twice! A cousin got married and they turned it into a big family reunion. And then I went again when I studied abroad. -considering the ingredients in front of her- Let's do the red peppers and the jalapeños. I know they're supposed to be roasted before they're stewed in the soup. And to save one pepper that gets sliced as a fresh garnish. But that's about the extent of what I know.
You studied abroad? That sounds really cool. What kind of places have you seen during it? -nodded- That was my assumption. And then cook it up with stock from the bullion, the chicken - oh, we have chicken, we can use that, I forgot to say. Do you wanna help or do you just wanna watch? I'm good with either version, I like figuring things out. -she already put her hair up into a ponytail and started to work on the prep work-
I needed an international law credit and I'd always wanted to see more of my grandparents' home, so I signed up for a six-week trip across West Africa. Lagos was just one of the stops, but I got to see family while I was there. As for helping out...I can chop onions?
I know I said this before, but that's really cool. Did you have a favorite spot, or something that was outstanding you've seen that stuck with you? -she got the onions with a knife for Jemma- There you go, can you do small dices? Just make sure not to cut the tip of your finger off. I saw that once, and it's not fun.
The whole city was pretty dazzling. There was a conservation center with this canopy walk though…wish I had pictures to share, that place was amazing. What about you? What’s the coolest place you’ve ever been?
Makes you think about the old days, when they printed out all the photos a couple of decades ago, right? For me it was Mexico for sure. The only time I've been outside of the country, but I'll never forget it. My abuelita grew up near San Cristobal. Walking through the streets there just felt magical.
I've never been to Mexico...but some of my favorite actors and directors were from there. I always figured it must be beautiful to inspire so much art. -she stays quiet for a moment, considering the woman before her, and just how enthusiastically she's thrown herself into this community- Y'know, forgive me if this is presumptive--working in the kitchens like you do is so crucial, and you're already totally pulling your weight. But is there anything else around town you might want to do? I'm always trying to keep an eye out for folks who have a kind of...community spirit about them? That makes it sound kinda corny, but do you know what I mean?
That's... -chuckles- That's very kind of you, I was just trying to integrate. And feel like a human being again, if I'm being honest. But actually, now that you mentioned it, I did want to talk to you about something related to this. How much do you know about people having substance issues in Redwood?
I know there are a few who struggled with it in the before times. I’ve not seen it be an ongoing issue here, but we’ve got access to vices, and addiction’s a lifelong thing, so I could see it cropping up. Why, are you concerned about someone?
-shook her head- No, I am not close enough with anyone to see it as something of a problem, I was just thinking-- do you think some sort of group meeting, something where people could talk about stuff like this, know there's some kind of support system there for them could be something this place could be interested in? I'm sure there are people from even before the outbreak with problems and then this environment makes people reach for these kinds of solutions easily
Kinda like an AA? Maybe not so much of the religious stuff -a lot of people's faith had been flipped upside down anyway- I think that could be good. We'll reserve the main room for it. Start with one get-together to gauge interest, then maybe schedule stuff from there?
Yeah, see if people would be interested in it. -a pause- I know I'd be interested in it.
-she didn't want to pry right now, but the pause told her something important about her new friend- It's a really good idea. You tell me when you're ready to do it and we'll make it happen. I don't have any official experience with AA or NA, but I've helped folks in that world before, so I'd like to help where I can.
I have no experience with any of it myself either. It all kind of happened right after the outbreak so I've never did anything like this before, but we can figure it out. And thank you, for your help with this, it means a lot.
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Who is a person you'd like to talk to more/get to know better?
"I'd say I'm still in the process of getting to know everyone better since me and the Hawks have only been here a few months now. But I'm guessing you want actual names so, let me think: Clint, Ermano, and Ijemma."
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"You can use me as an excuse, but I think as long as you show up with genuine interest, you'll be surprised," Joel said with a slight smile. It was no secret that they, as in the whole collection of Obsidian Holdings employees and executives, were outsiders. He wasn't surprised at the town's protectiveness over their history and land. He did think they could together, though, if they just reworked their usual approaches. Joel reminded himself that he wasn't the CMO, CPO, or COO, though and didn't go into that. He was the numbers guy; the less anyone knew about his opinions the better.
Joel considered their row of ingredients. The line of spices compared with some of the fruits they would likely need to begin slicing were an interesting combination. Not as interesting as Ijemma's renovations, though, especially since Joel would need one soon, too. "Oh yeah? Mind sharing his name? I have an idea for a sunken living room, but we both know I'm not a handyman," Joel said, then considered the ingredients, "Not sure I'm much of a cook outside of paying attention to measurements."
She'd started a basic file on the Blue Rooster Ranch--there was lots of information to add, given how old and prominent it had been through the years. But none of it seemed particularly juicy. A legacy ranch handed down to eldest sons generation after generation like some kind of modern day monarchy. Felt a little old fashioned, in her book. But apparently it worked. None of the inquiries Obsidian had made while she worked for them had won even a centimeter of ground.
"I keep meaning to head out there one day and get a look at it. Haven't really had occasion to visit, but now that you're there, I guess I have an excuse." She took a sip of the complimentary wine they'd passed out and pondered on her own place for a minute.
"I bit the bullet. Found a decent contractor who's nice enough to explain what he's doing instead of treating me like a clueless laywoman. It's not total chaos yet, but I'm bracing for it."
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Dana: Sue Ellen has the cake thing at 2.
Dana: $5 says it's Betty Crocker frosting.
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Council Meeting
The Council of Redwood is called to the Community Centre to discuss the report from Silvana González about Ares Melaina's alleged violent past.
@aresmelaina / @davxdalexander / @ermanodelgcdo / @ijemmaokafor / @isaacapatow / @salemcampbell
-standing, arms folded, keeping a weather eye on Ares- We're gonna listen to Silvy's side of things first. Don't interrupt her, Melaina.
Ares Melaina
-glances at Isaac, before standing up straight- Wouldn't think about it, sir.
Silvy González
-takes a deep breath- Thank you. Over a year ago, I was travelling with a group of fellow survivors. One night, my group was attacked by raiders. Ares was one of those raiders. I was the only one of my group to escape and survive. -takes a shaky breath- If Ares is going to be a part of our community, the Council should be aware of the brutality he's capable of.
-moves his gaze to Ares, watching his body language.- Please inform us Silvana.
Silvy González
-glances at Ermano when he uses her full name and she nods-
That night, the attackers surrounded our camp, effectively trapping us in. They took out the look-out first before starting with the rest of us. Before this night, we had heard stories of raiders attacking other groups for supplies but these guys did not care about our supplies. Before I escaped, I remember seeing Ares. He stood there, covered in the blood of my friends.
-her voice breaks and she looks down as she composes herself- He was grinning, like he was having the time of his fucking life.
-she looks up at each of the Council members- Even if I wanted to, and believe me I do, I can't forget that image.
Ares Melaina
-as he listens to her, he closes his eyes, body rigid; when her story ends, he takes a deep breath and opens his eyes again- Is it my turn now?
Not even close. And if I have to remind you again, you won't like the consequences.
-to Silvy- They didn't try to steal anything? Their goal was to murder your group?
Silvy González
If they did steal anything, they waited until everyone else was dead. I didn't hang around to find out.
David Alexander
-standing with his arms crossed and looking between Silvy and Ares and Isaac- Did he tell you this when he was being vetted, Isaac?
-takes a breath, clears his throat- No, he didn't. But I know him too, from back before the world fell. Twenty years ago, in New York.
Salem Campbell
You knew him? What happened?
He sold drugs to the guys at my halfway house. The ones who were in rehab and recovery.
Ares Melaina
-for a moment looks like he wants to say something, but stops himself and bites his lip-
David Alexander
Real winner, here, huh?
Ijemma Okafor
Forgive me my newness here, but those are the kinds of things y'all specifically ask newcomers to divulge when they're being vetted, right?
-sighs, rubs his eyebrows briefly- It's a sliding scale. There's the standard questions and then there's the things that each of us might wanna chase down specifically, if that's our specific area. Or if we got a hunch of something hinky. I didn't follow this one down because it was twenty years ago and I was willing to think he'd changed.
I figured he'd be a raider and I could keep an eye on him.
Still that’s something we need to know.
Ijemma Okafor
Oh, I don't even mean past past stuff, I mean...this wasn't just a matter of him failing to mention the murderous raid. Y'all specifically ask what kind of atrocities a person has had to commit since the outbreak, right?
If you're asking if he lied to us outright? Yeah. He did.
David Alexander
-sigh- So what options do we have here?
Well, you might notice signs of the absolute shit having been beat out of him, which was me. But this is a new thing to take into account. -lifts his chin in Ares' direction- Go on, then. Explain yourself. If you're tempted to leave anything out, don't.
Ares Melaina
-takes a deep breath to steady himself- What she's saying is true. I was with that raiding group at the time, and I was there during the attack. -stops for a few moments, letting his eyes wander over the council, before coming to rest on Silvy for just a moment- Only thing I can say in my defence is that I didn't kill anyone. Not there. I don't know if any of you are gonna believe that, but that's the truth.
Pretty hard to get that image of you -- what was it, Silvy? -- grinning like he was having the time of his fucking life? Yeah. Hard to strike that from the imagination, Ares.
Silvy González
-she just nods in response to Isaac but doesn't say anything-
David Alexander
-senses Silvy is extremely bothered and walks up to squeeze her shoulder reassuringly.-
Silvy González
-lets out a shaky breath as David squeezes her shoulder. She is trying her best to not cry.-
Ares Melaina
It was a damn massacre. -his voice becomes raspy for a moment and he clears his throat- We hadn't done anything like this before. We attacked other raiding groups, for the most part. We didn't just... slaughter random survivor groups for the sake of it. I just... something broke. By the end of it. Seeing all those people dead. -looks down at the floor for a moment, to collect himself- Ain't here to throw a pity party for myself. In that moment I just laughed. I couldn't control it.
Ijemma Okafor
-shaken, baffled- You didn't kill anyone there, you specified. -turning to the other council members- Did he admit to killing someone else? -turning back to Ares- Did you kill with that raiding party somewhere else?
Ares Melaina
-nods- I did. In that area it was almost like gang wars, practically. Raiding parties killing each other for territory 'n shit. I... I killed people there.
Silvy González
-opens her mouth, determined to state she was certain Ares had killed some of her old survivor group but she doubts herself. She remembers seeing him there that night but can't remember seeing him actually killing someone. Instead she closes her mouth again and shakes her head-
David Alexander
-squeezes Silvy's shoulder again- Hey, you okay?
-lets out a breath and shakes his head- Silvana, I'm going to ask you a bit of a personal question, apologies if it makes you uncomfortable. Did anything happen to you during the attack? Were you assaulted?
Ijemma Okafor
-nudging Isaac did he tell y’all about the other killing?-
Silvy González
-to David- No but yes.
-to Ermano- I fought back. I have scars but no one tried to sexually assault me if that's what you're asking. They didn't seem interested in that kind of attack, only the slaughter.
-leaning down to Jemma, quietly, still keeping an eye on Ares- Nope, nada. This is the first I'm hearing of it.
David Alexander
-to Ares- So then why didn't you come clean about this when you got here?
Ares Melaina
-seems genuinely shocked at Silvy's statement, but shakes it off to answer David- 'Cause I thought you wouldn't let me in if I did.
I've asked Ares all I wanna know. We can send him out when the rest of you are satisfied.
Salem Campbell
I've heard everything I need to know.
I have a question. -looks to ares- Are you working with them now? Were you tasked to infiltrate our community to eventually break them in and take over?
Ares Melaina
No. No, they're dead. The raiders. Killed by another group. I don't think any of them survived.
David Alexander
And we should believe you now because....?
-unfolding his arms- Because all he's got is his words and what he does from now on. And me. I vouch for him.
Ares Melaina
-turns to answer David but is stopped by Ike's answer; eyes widen in surprise as he blinks at Ike, before turning to the rest of the council- As Isaac said. I got nothing but my words. If you believe me is up to you.
David Alexander
-glances at the rest of the council - alright, I've heard enough.
I don’t feel comfortable putting you out. Who’s to say you don’t round up others and seek revenge. -he sighs, hating this process, finally understanding why jason left. his heart breaks as he gives Silvana a once over.- Council vote. Ares stays or goes. I vote stay.
I think we should toss Ares out of the room for this, boss.
David Alexander
I'm with Isaac on that
-he sees no point but nods in agreement-
-nods at Ares- Outside, you. Silvy, if you wouldn't mind staying?
Silvy González
-is now feeling sick to her stomach but craving something hard to drink. She numbly nods in response to Isaac- Sure.
Ares Melaina
Yes, sir. -turns and leaves the meeting room-
David Alexander
-starts to rub between her shoulder blades as he senses how uncomfortable she is-
I know this is rough on you, Silvy. Thanks for staying. I just ... kinda want you to know the reasoning behind our votes. You deserve that.
Silvy González
-appreciates how David's reassuring touch is stopping her from spiralling completely. Again, she nods at Isaac- Thank you.
-takes a breath, looks around at them- I think he should stay. He's one of my guys now and I've got him on a leash. And not for nothing but ... I was in the same shape when I got in here. There's shit I did with the Reavers that's as bad as or worse than anything that shitbird did.
As much as I hate it when we agree, I'd be lying if I said my ledger was clean. We've all done things before getting here.
David Alexander
True, but none of us have lied about it. If he's lied to get in, who's to say he's not just telling us what we want to hear now so he doesn't get kicked out?
I didn't lie, but that's because I couldn't. You all knew I was with the Reavers. There's lies and then there's omission.
Salem, you've been quiet. What are your thoughts?
Salem Campbell
-seems to think about his decision before taking a deep breath- I vote leave. I don't think he'd do it again, but... -glances at Silvy- I'm not sure if he'd be good for the community. We can't exactly trust him.
I agree with you on the trust. But if he's here, we can keep an eye on him. If it's out there, who's to say he won't come back. He's been in long enough to snuff out any weaknesses we have.
Ijemma Okafor
If y’all permit it, I’d like to know what Silvy thinks of the prospect of him staying.
Of course. That's why I wanted her to stay behind.
David Alexander
-nods and looks to Silvy -
Silvy González
-as much as she detests the idea of Ares staying, she can see the logic in allowing him to stay. She gives each of the Council a grim look-
I don't trust him. I'll never trust him. For the rest of my days, I get to live with the image of what his gang did to my friends. If he stays, all I ask is that I never have to deal with him unless necessary and if he goes rogue, I get the right to tell you all 'I told you so'.
David Alexander
-sighs as he looks at the group- If he stays, someone needs to keep an eye on him. I don't like the idea of him roaming around all on his own when he's not out raiding with Isaac.
Salem Campbell
I'd suggest Isaac is responsible for him, since he vouched for him.
Ijemma Okafor
Especially since Silvy herself is half our inside security.
-looks profoundly uncomfortable- We, um. Nicki and me hit a bail bond office a while back. We snagged a couple ankle monitors, I just ... didn't think we'd need 'em.
-looks at isaac- Did you bring them back or keep them there? How far away is it?
They're in the overflow storage. I was thinking to use them as trackers for other purposes, but I suppose we could use one for what it's intended for.
And -- yeah. I'll make him my responsibility.
What other purpose? -he thinks for a second- Nevermind, that's a conversation for another time. Right. Are you okay with that Sil?
Silvy González
As ok as I'll ever be with any of this, yeah
Thanks for bringing this to us, Silvy. I've got some business I gotta talk to the Council about, now.
Silvy González
-nods- If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bar. -walks out-
-crosses his arms and faces isaac- What's on your mind?
Well. I had some time to think on it, and -- no offence, Davey, you've got your ... qualities -- but I want Renee on the Council. To take Tristan's spot.
-looks to salem then to david- I know you weren't exactly thrilled for the spot. I personally see Renee qualified. -looks back to salem- You on board?
Salem Campbell
If Renee can handle it, besides her work as a doctor.
I'm assuming you talked to her about this already, Isaac?
Yeah. She's game.
David Alexander
Oh thank God
Fine. Renee it is. David you're relieved, and relieved. -ermano smirks more at himself for the joke-
David Alexander
-Two finger salute and walks out after Silvy
Great, done and dusted. One of you guys can go tell her -- she doesn't associate me with good news. And besides, I got an ankle monitor to attend to. -lopes out, collecting Ares by the collar of his shirt and marching him out of the community centre-
David Alexander
I'm gonna check on Silvy -leaves after Ike-
I'll tell Renee the good news. -he looks at Salem- Or bad news. Whichever way she views it.
Salem Campbell
Well if she's on board, hopefully good news. Jesus. rubs a hand over his face- I gotta go. I just hope we're not kicking ourselves in the ass with this.
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If you're really looking to get to know him, don't listen to too much of what others have to say. Meaning: not a lot of people like him and he pissed off enough people that it wouldn't be too hard to find anyone who could say some bad shit about him.
Which, really, it wasn't that hard to imagine. If anything, the one thing she could already tell was that he'd say what he meant, that he wouldn't hold back. If he was willing to tell her the ugly truth about their past, how he experienced them, then it wasn't hard to imagine he wouldn't have a problem doing the same with others.
There was one thing about all of this, though, that made her wonder. "How did he become a council member then? If he has a reputation, how is he in that seat?"
Then Jemma clapped her hands and changed the topic to something much lighter, and Ember pushed herself off of the counter she's been sitting on. "No, not the first time. My mom had this small restaurant she inherited from her parents, I learned there how to cook basically, and cooking there has been my job for most of my adult life. It's nothing like cooking for a settlement in a zombie apocalypse, but I've got at least some experience."
She looked around the kitchen. "Honestly? It feels comfortable, being here. It's what I know."
Jemma couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled out of her.
“Sorry, it’s just hard to imagine Ike not speaking.”
She didn't want to give away too much of his personality. If she were in Ember's shoes, getting to know her absent dad, she'd want to discover him for herself. So she left the comment at that.
But there was something niggling at the back of her mind. A worry. Or a thought shaped like a worry. She busied herself with collecting the bits of parchment paper their snacks had been wrapped in—things like that rarely got thrown away until they were certain there was no other use for them. She folded them into neat squares and set them aside.
“Y'know, he’s got a hell of a reputation around here. And I’m not saying it’s not earned.”
“But if you’re really looking to get to know him, don’t listen to too much of what others have to say. At least not right away.”
She seemed like a smart girl—probably didn’t even need the advice. But she had to mention it. Just in case. She'd mull over why she felt so protective of Ike sometime later when she was alone.
“Now,” she shifted tones, clapping her hands together. A habit she’d adopted from the girl's father. “This your first time working in a kitchen?”
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Jemma's Room
where Nicki and Jemma gossip and have girl time! @ijemmaokafor
Nicki Torres
-bounds up to Jemma's door and gives it a shave and a haircut knock-
Ijemma Okafor
-calling out blindly as she finished reading a sentence- Come in! -finally looks to see who it is- Nicki! What a nice surprise, what can I do for ya?
Nicki Torres
-Nicki waits for the invitation before strolling on it- Nice surprise? I think that might be a first. I'm just stuck wandering around town and wanted to see if you were free for some chit chat. I know you're busy being the super badass that you are.
Ijemma Okafor
-snorting in laughter- oh yeah, super badass with my various checklists. I’m down for a chat, though. You going stir crazy or something?
Nicki Torres
Dios, si. -Nicki dramatically steps further into the room- I do not do well with no action. I need excitement. But that's not why I'm here. -she stops to lean against one of the walls- I want to talk about you and Ike. So....how did it happen? I could ask him but he's a guy and never gives all the good details. Tell me everything.
Ijemma Okafor
-giving Nicki a skeptical look- The sex part of the lovey dovey part?
Nicki Torres
Either or. Or both, if you want to share.
Ijemma Okafor
You…would wanna know about that? I know you and Ike have a special sort of relationship too.
Nicki Torres
Yes, I do. Ike and I are fun friends. Love him to death, but what you and Ike have is so sweet and adorable and honestly, I love it. You're good. He needs good, even though he doesn't think he does. So I wanna know! How absolutely mushy gushy was he? Was it like those romance movies? Was it rot your teeth out because it's that sweet sweet?
Ijemma Okafor
-she curled in on herself in delight- It was such a romcom miscommunication moment. He was trying to profess his feelings and I was completely lost. And then when it hit me what he was saying…god, I got all the butterflies. I never thought…I never thought he’d be able to get there, y’know?
Nicki Torres
Oh trust me, I know exactly what you mean. -she was happy - beyond happy for the two of them- For being such a big mouth with no filter, the man struggles with expressing his feelings. If he ever does something stupid, you let me know and I'll go hit him over the head for you. I refuse to let him self-sabotage this because I know how much he loves you and cares about you.
Ijemma Okafor
To be honest, I’ll hit him over the head. I think he’d be disappointed if I did any less. But I appreciate having back-up. Same goes for me, by the way. I don’t get the whole raider camaraderie—I mean, I get it, but it’s not something an outsider can really understand. Still, I respect the hell out of it. And I know it’s a little more free-form, between you and him. But I like that he’s got folks looking out for him in places I can’t be. So thank you for that.
Nicki Torres
Of course. Once he's cleared and everything I'll make extra sure he doesn't do anything stupid. He's coming back every time, I can promise you that. I'm not letting him do anything dumb, and neither with Orion and Ares. We've got his back.
Ijemma Okafor
Aw hun, don’t make that kinda promise. That’s too much to ask of anyone. Just look after each other like you already do.
Nicki Torres
Too late. Already made the promise. Can't take it back. And before you two were a thing I already forbade him from doing anything that could put his life in jeopardy. He's not allowed to go anywhere. -she chews a little bit on the inside of her cheek- I know you probably already are but......you're looking out for him while he's here, right?
Ijemma Okafor
As much as he lets me -she gave her a knowing look—both women knew how Ike could be- That’s part of why we work as well as we do, I think. Listening when the other says to leave something be. But he’s the most important person in the world to me…part of me always has an eye on him.
Nicki Torres
Good, good....so in that case.....have you noticed that there's something off about him? Like.....I don't know, he's missing some of that Ike flair?
Ijemma Okafor
-sighing heavily- Yep. I can get him back to himself if we spend a few hours together just relaxing or goofing off. But the rest of the time, he’s a little…I dunno, desaturated.
Nicki Torres
Oh thank God, it's not just me. -she pushes off the wall and starts to pace in place- There's something bugging him and I don't know what and he insists that he's fine but I know he's not fine. I've seen fine. This is not fine. He came over and he was tired and exhausted and then he said something that set off smoke signals but he shrugged it off and it's been bugging me ever since.
Ijemma Okafor
Smoke signals? What did he say?
Nicki Torres
He said I wasn't allowed to be anything but a raider, which, I mean, isn't all that weird, but then he said something about getting older and feeling it and....I don't know, maybe I'm reading into it too much. It just seems like he's holding something back.
Ijemma Okafor
The scalp injury really threw him for a loop. And it’s getting colder, I know everyone’s bones are aching more. I’d put money on an age-related existential crisis. The bit about you only being allowed to be a raider…that’s weird. Was there more context to it?
Nicki Torres
No, he just said, -she pauses to mimic Ike's voice- Don't go off to be a hunter or security. Ya got to stay a raider. -she returns back to her normal voice- See what I mean? That's just weird. There's something not right.
Ijemma Okafor
-quiet, as she thinks about what it might mean- Might be his version of “don’t leave me.” He’s protective of you raiders. Maybe even possessive. And part of him probably knows that’s not the best way to be. But he can’t help it.
Nicki Torres
-she takes a breath as she stops her pacing- You're probably right. I don't know. I just don't know why he would think I would ever leave the raiders. I've never shown any interest in doing anything else. Where he goes, I go. But there's just something bugging me about it and I can't put my finger on it
Ijemma Okafor
Well asking him outright rarely works, so in lieu of that, we’ll both just keep an eye on him. You think he’s said anything similar to Orion or Ares?
Nicki Torres
Ares, probably not. There's a whole thing with him and Ares that I'll let him explain. Orion, possibly. I haven't really spoken to him about that, but it wouldn't surprise me if Orion's noticed something too. Orion and Ike are pretty close too.
Ijemma Okafor
They’re an interesting pair. I like that they have each other though. I was worried about Orion when he first got here. But he does okay. You raiders are like the Island of Misfit Toys.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki smiles as she puts her hand over her heart- Aww, that's so sweet. And incredibly accurate.
Ijemma Okafor
I am nothing if not a huge sap.
Nicki Torres
I love it. It's perfect. Ike needs that sappiness. Pleae, please, please give him all of the sap.
Ijemma Okafor
Always. I don’t know where else to put it. And he gets all glowy when I pile it on. Nothing beats Ike blushing.
Nicki Torres
You get him to blush? Oh, now I'm incredibly jealous. You'll have to do that when I'm around at some point. I have spent years trying to get that man to blush and all I get is laughter and quippy comebacks.
Ijemma Okafor
Nah, you gotta get him when he’s already feeling kinda soft.
Nicki Torres
See, I rarely get to see him when he's soft. He saves all that soft for you, Jemma.
Ijemma Okafor
-suddenly feeling a little guilty- I don’t know why…but I savor every last bit of it, I promise that much.
Nicki Torres
Because he loves you, Jemma. That's why. He gets to be vulnerable with you. You're his safe place. The bright spot in his dark place. You put him back together.
Ijemma Okafor
I do love him. He’s got so many people that love him though…I don’t know why he picked me to be vulnerable with. I fucking cherish it, believe me. But I’m still not sure I understand it.
Nicki Torres
Because you love him and he wants you to know that he trusts you completely. It's hard to explain but when you come with the emotional baggage that someone like he has, being able to show your belly to something that could easily get you is a huge sign of their trust.
Ijemma Okafor
Oh believe me, I know. And hell, I did the same thing with him. I try to stay pretty even keeled, and I was lucky to be raised without a shit ton of trauma. But if he wanted to, Ike could tear my heart to shreds. Not that I think he’s capable of it. I just…I’ve gone all the way in with him, y’know?
Nicki Torres
All the way in? -She blinks a few times- What do you mean?
Ijemma Okafor
In love, I mean. Handed my whole heart over, jumped in the deep end…pick your metaphor, my sappy ass did it.
Nicki Torres
Oh .... Oooohhhh. -it dawns on her after a moment- he's your person! That's sweet..... what's that like?
Ijemma Okafor
Being in love? It’s like…having a home outside yourself. I don’t know, thousands of years of poets and artists have tried to pin it down, I’m probably not gonna manage it right now. Have you never been in love?
Nicki Torres
Ahhh, yeah, no not really. Not until lately and it's so weird and new that trying to make sure I'm not fucking it up l.
Ijemma Okafor
Good news is, you can't fuck it up. The love part, anyway. I guess you can fuck up a relationship, but the being in love part, that's just...cosmic or chemical or whatever your version of god is.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki ponders on those for a moment - so when I'm with Aries and I can't stop smiling and I feel safe and happy with him, that's being in love?
Ijemma Okafor
-eyes widening- Ares? Oh for real??
Nicki Torres
Yes, Ares. He's.....well, he's sweet.
Ijemma Okafor
-bouncing excitedly as she shifts on the bed- I’ve gathered as much. I wasn’t sure about him at first, what with the group he was part of before. But he seems like a softie deep down.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki is aware and also knows about Ike needing to bring something up more about it with the council but she keeps silent on that matter - He's a good man. He's made mistakes like everyone here. And he saved my ass a few weeks ago. But he's also kind and caring and sweet and....well, I love him.
Ijemma Okafor
-taking both of Nicki’s hands in hers- Oh honey, that’s just the best news I’ve heard all day. The way love keeps cropping up, no matter how messy the world gets. Does he know how you feel?
Nicki Torres
-Nicki laughs a bit and nods- Sí, he told me he loved me too the night of prom. And he technically said it first, which probably helped.
Ijemma Okafor
How’d he say it, how’d it happen?? I wanna know everything.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki laughs as she's shaking her head- We went back to my place to sneak away and were having sex and he blurted it out.
Ijemma Okafor
-downright giggling- That’s so fucking cute. Did it freak you out?
Nicki Torres
A little bit, yeah. I had to ask to make sure he meant it and wasn't just saying it because we were screwing. I don't think he realized he said it until I asked him about it.
Ijemma Okafor
Did he freak out once you pointed it out to him?
Nicki Torres
I think he panicked for a minute. He has this adorable face he makes when he freaks out.
Ijemma Okafor
Those sparkly blue eyes of his get ginormous, huh?
Nicki Torres
Oh yeah, like giant blue saucers.
Ijemma Okafor
Adorable. So adorable. Are you guys…an item? Or just kinda keeping it casual?
Nicki Torres
Ahhh..... -Nicki makes a face as she rocks her head from side to side- Yes and no? We're a thing but also open for other partners. I know, it sounds weird, but it oddly makes sense. At least to me.
Ijemma Okafor
It doesn’t sound weird, that’s how me and Ike are. Maybe Ike more so than me—-laughing-Ike’s about all I can handle.
Nicki Torres
Ike is a lot, I will give you that. But that's what makes him endearing and fun.
Ijemma Okafor
I wouldn’t have him any other way.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki hummed her approval and nodded- I have probably overstayed my welcome and let you get back to....whatever you were doing. If he says anything concerning, can you let me know?
Ijemma Okafor
You're always welcome here Nicki, can't overstay it. But I'll keep you posted. -she pulls her into a crushing hug-
Nicki Torres
See, you say that, Jemma, but you'll be changing your mind when I come crashing . -she grunts as Jemma squeezes her but laughs as she hugs her back- I appreciate you. And I'm happy for you and Ike. I really am.
Ijemma Okafor
I'm happy for you and Ares.
Nicki Torres
Gracias, Jemma. -she kisses her cheek before strutting out the door-
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Name 3-5 people in Redwood who you find personally attractive.
I would say do I have to but I have a feeling I'll get bombarded about it later so I'll just answer it now.
In no particular order:
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Starter for @ijemma-okafor
Where: Outside some Obsidian Holdings building
When: Present
Gray didn't make it his business to take care of his kids' responsibilities. Both Jesse and Jaime were old enough to make calls to their teachers, mentors, and bosses. The only issue this time around was his fifteen-year-old lost access to her technology and was grounded until further notice. So, now Gray was being led through some fancy office building, all sleek angles and sharp corners, guided by a receptionist to one Ijemma Okafor's office. At the sight of who he could only assume was Ijemma he offered his hand. "Sorry to stop by unannounced, but thank you for meeting me. I know Jaime's your intern and I'm not, but she's grounded and lost access to her phone," he explained. Then, cast a brief glance over everything in the office. "I'll drop her off after school tomorrow for her appointment with you; if you wouldn't mind can I have a physical copy of her schedule?"
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@ijemmaokafor Outside of the community center; during the party
Normally, Ginny tries not to take more than her fair share. That's the rule of this life, where supplies are sparse and time is often even more so. But this warm evening seems to dangle, at once endless and ending too quickly, so she takes what she wants. First, two beers swiped from Marya's quickly dissolving pong game. And then this: a long, quiet moment to look at Ijemma's features cast in the orange light of the fire, storing them in her memory before she extends a beer and a question. "Penny for your thoughts?"
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Character Influence Personality Quiz: Ijemma Okafor
Juliet Burke (LOST) || Kathryn Janeway (ST:V) || Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul) Dana Scully (The X-Files) || Jem || Olenna Tyrell (Game of Thrones) Wendy Carr (Mindhunter) || Rebecca Welton (Ted Lasso) || Olivia Pope (Scandal)
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Ijemma Osondu
Here's a short backstory of an Aasimar Fathomless Warlock that I'm looking forward to playing.
"After running away from her abusive Zakharan family at the age of ten, Ijemma signed on with a merchant ship and sailed the seas for the following twelve years. She eventually captained her own brig, the Dashing Dalu.
One year ago, on her last voyage to the Sword Coast, an unexpected storm struck the Dalu in the strait between the Moonshae and Nelanther Isles.
When she washed ashore the next day, she remembered little of her crew's demise, only vestiges of the night's horrid events: cracking wood, anguished cries, water everywhere. Then wooden remnants sinking to the seabed, a giant tentacle, a pact made in mortal fear.
Then... nothing...
As dreams of being dragged into eldritch depths intensified (angelic guide), Ijemma decided to stay ashore for the time being."
I'm a complete newby to Dungeons and Dragons and especially the Forgotten Realms so any tips, notes and pieces of general advice are highly welcome. Any thoughts?
#dnd#d&d#dnd character#d&d character#dnd backstory#character backstory#warlock#fathomless warlock#fathomless patron#giant squid#aasimar#zakhara
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"Oh? Someone became a comedian since I last saw him," Joel grinned. As far as the executive board went, he didn't mind most of his colleagues, just Hector. Well, and anyone who couldn't see Hector for what he really was -- a crook. In that moment, though, it was easy to pretend as though he wasn't boiling under his skin.
"It's good to see you, too." He meant it, too. Joel stuffed his hands into his pocket, eyes glossing over the menu before returning to Zayden. Zayden might have different knowledge than someone like Ijemma, but everyone on the board had direct knowledge of what they were up against now. Joel, for all his anger towards Hector, still had to pay attention to his surroundings. He had to play the part. "Especially, now that you've offered to buy me a coffee. Would you mind getting me up to speed? I know what the company's spending its money on, but I'm curious as to how that's going. In your humble opinion, of course."
The same as any company he'd ever worked for, Obsidian was packed full of people he barely exchanged words with outside of direct business dealings. And then there were those in which he didn't mind seeing more of. When it came to Joel, he'd easily fallen into the latter of the two. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Zayden held a look of confusion for a few beats, only breaking into a smile after he was certain he'd sold the bit. It was rare that anyone saw the corners of his mouth lift upwards, but the CFO had always been an exception. "It's good to see you."
To survive in a company like Obsidian, certain moves were essential. It seemed everyone wanted to find their place of importance, some even willing to battle for even the smallest titles of importance. "You know me, I'm always early." He couldn't remember a time he'd ever shown up to anything late. Between his stint of serving and his desire to thrive, he'd never known anything less. "Can I buy you a coffee?"
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@ijemmaokafor * casa ijemma
It only took a couple of minutes to walk from the meeting room to Jemma's, but Ike stayed curved over and next to her like she was a rosebush climbing up his archway trellis the whole time. He didn't say anything, shuffling until they were in her room and the door was shut before he bent down to untie and take off his boots, drop his jacket on top of them, and then slide over to sit down on her bed. Unlike his place, Jemma had actual seating available, but Ike didn't bother with it, assuming best friend familiarity.
"Well," he sighed, heavy and long and with a doleful look at her that was the same, "that was a shitshow. Easy on the show and heavy on the shit."
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