jakehawk · 1 year
Open starter Setting: Redwood Square for Sol and Ginny's party
Admittedly, without the Mighty Hawks to hold his attention and keep him busy, Jake felt more than a little lost. For the night, the Hawks had been taken care of, freeing Jake up so he could have some fun at the community wide shindig for Sol and Ginny's trip out of Redwood. But now he was here at the party, without his kiddos, he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself.
This party was nothing like the parties he used to attend back before the virus. In one way, he missed those old parties since he understood how those parties worked and what the social protocol was for them. And if he did anything that might damage his image, his publicist could take care of that for him. He didn't have a publicist anymore and honestly, he had no idea what might happen to him if he upset everyone. It probably would impact the Mighty Hawks negatively and he couldn't let that happen.
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Regardless, Jake wasn't going to have fun at this party by spending the entire time stuck in his head. As such, he picked a person who happened to be hanging about in the Square and walked up to them. "Hey! Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees? Because they’re so good at it." He resisted laughing at his joke but that didn't stop him looking incredibly smug about it.
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jakehawk · 1 year
Starter for: @reneebrxndxn Setting: Community Centre for Sol and Ginny's party
It had been too long since Jake had the opportunity to attend a party. More than five years by his count. Shocking! But finally, it was time to celebrate and bid all the best for Sol and Ginny's excursion beyond the walls of Redwood. Did he know why they were leaving Redwood? No. Should he care? Probably yes. Was he more concerned about having fun at the party right now? Yes.
Jake went into the Community Centre to get himself a drink. The Mighty Hawks were taken care of for the night so Jake effectively had the night off (barring any emergencies of course). Tonight, he could let loose a little for the first time since before the virus broke out and ruined everyone's fun.
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Now with a drink in hand, Jake scouted the people assembled in the Community Centre. His features broke out into a big grin when he saw Renee mingling with some of the others.
"You got your dancin' shoes on?" He asked once he made his way over to her. "I want at least one dance with you before the night is over, OK? Although I only have two moves and both of them are awful." He laughed softly.
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jakehawk · 1 year
Starter for @emianand Setting: Redwood's school house
It was late afternoon, the school day was over and yet Jake and Erin were heading back to the school building. Jake held onto Erin's hand as she skipped alongside him, still not quite comprehending the situation they were now in.
At least she didn't draw on her face, he thought to himself. This could be so much worse!
They reached the school house and Erin led the way to Emine's classroom. "Miss Emi! Miss Emi! Look, I have tattoos like you do now!" Erin went into the classroom, excited to show off her "tattoos". Those "tattoos" being Erin having drawn on herself with a bunch of sharpie markers she had "borrowed" from Emine's art supplies.
Jake followed Erin into the classroom, holding the "borrowed" sharpies in one hand. "Hi Miss Emi," he said, using the title the kids used for her as their teacher. "Guess who was a little inspired by your awesome tattoos and got creative this afternoon?"
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jakehawk · 1 year
Starter for @andybrookes Setting: The woods outside of Redwood
It didn’t sit well with Jake that this hunting trip was forcing him to go further from the safety of Redwood than he was used to but he had a job to complete. He had only been staying there for about four months and he didn’t realise it until now but that place was like home, for him and his kids, his Mighty Hawks.
Straying further away from Redwood caused a pit to form in his stomach. The advice from both David and Orion played on repeat in his head (don’t make noise, find a good vantage point, pay attention to your surroundings, and let the prey come to you), with the hope that if he followed it to the letter, he’d be able to get back to Redwood and his Mighty Hawks sooner. Of course, the sooner he got back to Redwood, the sooner he’d see Renee again. No, he shouldn’t let himself get distracted but a faint smile did appear on his features as he continued to walk through the woods.
Up ahead, the woods thinned and opened up into a clearing. Jake figured that’d be a good place to wait and watch to see if the deer he had been tracking might walk through. He was about to seek out a good hiding spot when he heard voices. He narrowed his eyes at the clearing, struggling to see if anyone was already in the clearing. He angled his head to one side and listened. Again, he heard voices. He wasn’t alone. 
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He quickly put himself behind a large tree, obscuring himself from the view of anyone hanging out in the clearing. He closed his eyes and forced himself to listen out for more clues about what was waiting for him up ahead, rather than to the heavy thumping of his heart. He only caught snatches of sounds but he managed to determine there were bandits up ahead, since zombies don’t curse like bandits do. Jake carefully peeked around the tree and spotted another he could use as cover that was closer to the clearing. He took a deep breath and dashed over to it.
“Fix his leg or, I swear to fucking God, I will fucking shoot you!”
That didn’t sound very friendly. Jake frowned. Before he could even stop himself, he was reaching back to take an arrow from the quiver strapped to his back. He notched the arrow in his bow but didn’t pull the bowstring back. He had played the hero so many times in movies, this was like muscle memory for him. However, in the movies, if he got hurt, someone would yell ‘cut’ and he could go back to his trailer like nothing had happened. It wasn’t going to be like that here.
He was going to do something incredibly stupid, he knew it. But there was no one here to stop him. He stepped out from the cover of the tree as he pulled back the bowstring of his bow. He aimed it at the first person he saw as he entered the clearing. “No one’s shooting anyone unless it’s me shooting you!” Not his best work but he was an actor, not a writer!
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jakehawk · 9 months
Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? 😇
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"I think you already know the answer to that, Ikelypuff. Actually I think most of the town already does but anyway. Yes, I have wanted someone I can't have. Thank you for your question."
At least, that's the position I'm in now. If we survive this Daybreaker shit, well... Let's survive that first. One life altering crisis at a time!
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jakehawk · 1 year
Starter for @davxdalexander Setting: The forest outside of Redwood
They were two hours into their latest hunting mission and Jake hadn't, yet, made a single joke or dropped in a single pun. He was intended to make good on the deal he and David had agreed to at the party over a week ago. So far the last two hours had gone by fairly quickly but Jake's attention had been taken up with leaving Redwood, tracking prey and navigating through the forest that sat close to Redwood. But now they were sat in cover, waiting for their prey to wander by, time had seemingly ground to a stop and all Jake could think about was the jokes he could be telling.
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He glanced over at David, trying to ascertain how the guy was managing to sit still and not lose his mind. It was likely something to do with military-level discipline. As tempting as it was to give in and crack a joke, Jake resisted. Partly because of pride, he had made a deal after all and partly because he wanted to impress David, show him he was a man of his word in his own roundabout way. "Having fun?" He asked, purposefully keeping his voice in a low whisper.
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jakehawk · 1 year
Starter for @cassxbrookes Setting: The Stables
So much of parenting seemed to come down to two things (at least in Jake’s experience so far): “keep the kids safe at all costs” and “tire them out so they sleep all night.” Living here at Redwood helped tremendously with that first point. There were still plenty of potential hazards within the walls of the Redwood community but none as hazardous as the zombies staggering around out there! And there was also plenty to do in Redwood which helped with the second point, like taking his mini-Hawks to visit Cass at the stables.
At least he wasn’t bringing all of the Hawks with him this time. Cass, Cody and Leo had elected to stay home that afternoon and Jake trusted Cass and Cody to be able to look after their younger brother with no problem. So Cass (grown-up Cass, as Jake called her in his head) would only have to help tire out 2 Hawks, rather than 5!
The entire way, Willow and Erin asked Jake so many questions about horses, none of which he could answer himself. All he knew about horses was that they were big, deserved respect, and to never stand directly behind them in case they got spooked and kicked you. Willow and Erin already knew this much too. So when they rounded the corner and the stables appeared in view, the two girls were all the more eager to find Cass who actually knew a thing or two about horses.
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“Cass?” Jake called out once they reached the stables. “You home?”
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jakehawk · 1 year
Starter for @emberapatow Setting: Between the school and the training grounds
For once, the Hawks didn't act up when it came time to start the new day. Jake walked with all 5 of them from their house to either the day-care or the school with no issues. All 5 of them seemed to be excited for the new day. Jake tried his best not to be suspicious about any ulterior motives one or more of his kids might have, as if they were lulling him into a false sense of security with their good behaviour!
He dropped the little ones off at the day-care first (none of them stopped to say goodbye and just raced off to play with their friends which Jake tried not to take personally) before accompanying Cass and Cody to the school (they at least had waved to him before going in). His fatherly duties done for the next few hours, Jake headed down the school steps and started to head for the training grounds.
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As he walked along, he said good morning to the other Redwood residents he passed. He and the Hawks had only been here in Redwood for 3 months but it was feeling like they had been a part of the community for much longer than that.
"Hey, good morning," he said to a woman he didn't recognise. Maybe she was new, maybe they just hadn't met before. Either way, Jake gave her a smile and a wave as he continued on his way.
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jakehawk · 9 months
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Thank You
Jake goes to see Cole to say thanks before it's too late.
Cole Reznik
-he was getting bored. naturally. being stuck in a jail cell with nothing to do could that do. now cole knew and understood what it was like for the inmates to the prisons he worked at. tapping his fingers against the wall his back was leaned against to the beat of a song stuck in his head, he heard the precinct door open- I hope that's you, Renee. Anyway you can fetch me a book or art supplies to pass the dying time? -once the person came to view, he realized it wasn't renee- Oh, hey Jack.
Jake Hawk
"Hey Mole," Jake replied back with a smile. "Sorry, I haven't got a book or anything. Just lunch." He held up the paper bag he had brought with him from the Community Centre. He put the bag into the tray in the cell door for Cole to take whenever he was ready. "Dumb question but how're you doing?"
Cole Reznik
-cole smirked at his new name - might as well. he then shrugged to answer jake's question- Living the dream, Jack. Living the dream. -he moved toward the door, happily taking the bag- This wouldn't by chance be a medium rare prime rib with loaded fries? I used to think about what my last meal would be and I think that would be it.
Jake Hawk
"Unfortunately, no. No prime rib or fries. It's boar steak and root veggies. I would say close your eyes and imagine it's the same but it's really not. Sorry."
Cole Reznik
It's whatever. Thanks anyway. -cole dropped the bag to the bench before facing jake- Whaddya doing here?
Jake Hawk
He leaned against the cell bars, his arms loosely crossed. "Came to say thank you for doing what you did with Renee. Wish it didn't cost you as much as it has done though."
Cole Reznik
Oh, come on, man. -cole chuckled, shaking his head as he took a seat- I'm the same fucker who planned on making a move on your girl if that damned biter hadn't come out of nowhere. There's no need to thank me. I'm not a fucking hero. Thanks for the food but, you ain't gotta be here.
Jake Hawk
Jake wasn't so much a fan of Coke hitting on Renee and guessed that was what caused the slap he saw. But he wasn't going to dwell on that now. "No, I don't have to be here but I am anyway."
Cole Reznik
-he folded his arms across his chest, letting out a sigh- Listen, I got Lord knows how many more hours left of this shit, and I don't wanna spend it playing ring around the rosie so - just say your thank yous and get shit out.
Jake Hawk
Jake narrowed his eyes slightly, weighing up his options here. "Alright. Thank you for saving the woman I love. I know there's no way I can repay what you did, even if you were being a slimy piece of shit beforehand. So yeah, thank you."
Cole Reznik
-cole let out a loud bellow of laughter, putting a hand on his stomach- Slimy piece of shit. That's a new one. Bravo. And you're welcome. Just make sure you fight for her. Life's too short not to do or say the things you want.
Jake Hawk
Jake cracked a grin as Cole let out a burst of loud laughter. There was no way for Jake to repay Cole for what he did but at least he made him laugh before... Yeah, before. "Oh I plan on fighting for her," he said. "She knows this already but I'm in it for the long haul. Even if the long haul ain't that long because-" he motioned in the air to indicate the near endless reasons of why life was not guaranteed to last all that long "-reasons!"
Cole Reznik
Good. Take it easy, Jake. Hold 'em close a little longer even if they fight you. -of course he meant the children jake had taken in, since cole wasn't able to do it himself with his own son- Now get outta here. No good spending your time here.
Jake Hawk
Nodding as Jake got to his feet, he was suddenly aware that this would likely be the last time he'd see Cole alive. And yet he was at a loss of what else to say to the doomed man. Anything his brain tried to cobble together didn't feel big enough for this moment. Instead, Jake gave Cole a salute before walking away.
Jake left the precinct and went back to his house. It was tempting to seek out Renee but he knew how busy she was with a new influx of patients so he went home instead.
"Hey Pops," Cody said as Jake let himself in. "You ok? You look kinda pale?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine," Jake muttered before pulling Cody into a big hug, the same kind of hug Cole wouldn't be able to give his own son ever again. After a long moment, Jake let go and gave Cody a sad looking smile. "Wanna help me with dinner?"
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jakehawk · 1 year
what did your muse look like in their twenties?
"Are you ready for this?!"
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"Jesus Christ, what was I thinking!"
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jakehawk · 1 year
Starter for @clintbennet Setting: Close to Clint's place
Jake was having to get creative in the ways he tried to help Willow, one of his Hawks, and her ever-growing anxieties. Despite the rest of the Hawk family settling relatively quickly into Redwood and their new way of life here, Willow continued to be anxious about potential dangers of the world. Jake got it. Being out in the wilds of the country had been harrowing for all of them and Willow was still experiencing nightmares about what she had seen out there.
So one of the things Jake was trying with Willow was regular 'patrols' of the Redwood town boundary to demonstrate how safe they were here. Plus it gave Willow and Jake time to walk and talk together, just the two of them which both of them appreciated.
This evening, they were going to 'patrol' close to the Precinct and the east end of town. They intended to go out towards the town's wall and walk along it for a while before heading back home. As they approached the Precinct, Willow spotted one of her favourite things in the whole world: a dog.
"Pops, look!" She squeezed Jake's hand and pulled in the dog's direction. The dog was sat outside a wooden cabin and her ears perked up at the sound of Willow's excitement.
"Yeah, we can only look though," Jake reminded her. Willow nodded, her eyes locked on the animal. The dog got up and went into the cabin. Willow pouted.
"Can we wait to see if the dog comes back?" She asked Jake.
"Sure, honey." Jake wasn't going to wait nearly as long as Willow was going to want to, though. He was already preparing to have to explain their need to get back to the other Hawks before they caused trouble.
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jakehawk · 9 months
Are you still willing to get together with Zack? Why were you in the first place?
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"I think the time for me and Zack getting together has passed. Isn't he with Fleet now? Good for them! I hope they're happy.
"And I was into Zack because he has a great ass. You seen it? Could bounce quarters off of it if quarters were still a thing!"
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jakehawk · 11 months
Redwood Prom! Who's your vote for King and Queen (gender neutral so you can choose whoever you want)
"I have no clue so I asked the Hawks and they voted for Lucien and Adriana."
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@lucienmelaina / @adrixnadelgxdo
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jakehawk · 1 year
Be honest....what do you think of when you think of Renee?
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"When I think of Renee, I think about how she inspires me to be better; a better father, a better friend, a better person.
"And since you want me to be honest: I also think about how much I wanna kiss her."
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jakehawk · 11 months
Did you really trust Nicki, of all people, to watch your kid?!
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"Yeah, I did, and I really don't appreciate the way you worded your question.
"Did Nicki teach Erin something she's not ready to understand yet? Yes. But did Nicki also keep Erin safe and sound and content while she was watching her? Yes. It ain't easy looking after a livewire like Erin but Nicki can keep up with her.
"So yeah, I trust Nicki with my kid."
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jakehawk · 1 year
Starter for @violenceforged Setting: close to the Community Centre
Where was a raider when you needed one? Jake had spent the majority of his morning searching across Redwood for any one of the raiding team as he had a job for them. He was assuming this job wasn't going to be easy to complete considering the scarcity of supplies but he was going to try anyway. The raiders were a resourceful bunch.
Jake was about to give up finding anyone today when he finally managed to track down one of the raiders, Ryan, close to Redwood's Community Centre. He approached the other guy with an easy smile on his face. "Hey man, how's it going?" What a loaded question considering everything had happened recently but Jake had to open the conversation somehow.
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"You're one of Ike's raiders, right?" He was pretty sure he was but wanted to make certain. "I've got a request for you, something to look out for, if you will. It's kinda tall order but hopefully you're game for it?"
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