areyoualive · 2 years
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@iinaniis sent moodboard for connor and norman !
“I’ve got you.”
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latibulation · 3 years
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|| i think we might just have a Type of ship, actually,
> @iinaniis ji-woon <3
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voltadcmar · 2 years
22.    amazon shopping cart and 30.     netflix watch history // kim!!
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Peek what's inside their... || accepted
Amazon shopping cart:
Potted plant fertilizer. A pack of 50 wooden chopsticks. Condoms. A microfiber tissue to clean glasses with. A 5-pack of salted liquorice candy (imported from europe). A fancy lighter he likes the aesthetic of but it's quite expensive. A travel sized sewing kit. A bottle of leather conditioner.
It all just sits there, in the shopping cart, but when will Kim click 'purchase now'? Who knows.
Netflix watch history:
Mostly documentaries, science-fiction and history movies. He's not much of a Netflix-user, but sometimes he indulges.
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replicantdeviancy · 2 years
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          ┌               iinaniis asked:                       “What the… did he hear a fuckin’ word I said?“                                                                                      ( gavin for xander )                                                                                                                                   ┘
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                             @iinaniis​​ ||  john wick … sentence starters || Accepting
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                  A passive expression rest upon the androids sparsely freckled visage, though if one were truly paying attention they might realize the faintest engagement of those fine synthetic facial muscles that were telltale of meager effort. It wasn’t his natural resting face - Xander had been trying to work on that. Too many people, human & android alike, expressed that he looked rather stern when he wasn’t emoting in any way. A bitchy resting face, Hank had said; more of a fatherly teasing. But it made him more aware of the problem & he had been mindful to correct it. It didn’t mean his frowns were any less abundant when Gavin was present. The man just had that kind of effect on him, & he on Gavin. It wasn’t as it appeared on the surface - it was endearing… even if he did, at times, want to take him by the throat & shake him.
                  It wasn’t long before that passive expression was replaced by a faint frown, one which resembled that of his predecessor in most ways, but appeared more intimidating, colder. His brows were straighter than Connors, angled very slightly differently. An intentional design feature. He hadn’t been built to integrate with his peers. He’d been built to be authoritative, & he looked every bit of it as he rolled his bright grey eyes to the ceiling & let out a shallow pseudo-breath in the form of a sigh. It was going to be that kind of night.
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                   ❝ Yes, Gavin. I did hear you, ❞   he iterated over his shoulder as he made his way towards the building, leaving his partner back in the car to gripe. Of course he’d heard, processed the order & decided to ignore it in favor of his own instinct - or was it intuition? As an android, he truly didn’t know. Did inorganic things have instincts? He dismissed the thought & carried on, adjusting his sight for night vision. This address was given as a tip in regards to a homicide, & being the only duo not working another active case right then, they were tasked with checking it out. But after minutes of surveillance & in depth, careful scans, Xander determined the seemingly abandoned building was perfectly safe to enter. Or was this just a hint of his rarely viewed but often felt impatience?
                  He really was just like his predecessor - his brother.
                   ❝ I’ve scanned the perimeter & determined it to be uninhabited. If you don’t want to check this out with me, you’re free to stay in the car & wait. ❞
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rcseichor · 3 years
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50 dialogue prompts // @iinaniis: ❛ would you show up to my funeral ?? ❜
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"duh," ellie replies easily, setting her big gulp aside. "was that in question? i mean, someone has to speak at your funeral besides your family. if nothing else, i'd have some good stories." without the bias, she doesn't add, but thinks very hard. "i mean... not to get sappy, because this isn't sappy and i'd hurt you if you told anyone else this, but. you're kinda like, my best friend. or something like that. you're an idiot, but i care about you. idiot." she grimaces, taking a long drink from her soda.
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the-wonder-wall · 3 years
“ the more you speak the dumber i get. ” ( gavin for wyatt )
Wyatt's mouth snapped shut, face flushing in embarrassment," S-sorry..." He'd only been trying to apologize for bumping into the man, and spilling his milkshake all over the dude's shirt. But in doing so he'd end up rambling, and apparently annoying the stranger.
"I, uh, guess I should've kept it short," he could've been long gone by now if he'd just apologized and moved on. He didn't have to go on and on about why he wasn't paying attention. It's not like it actually mattered to this guy.
"C-can I make it up to y-you somehow?" Stranger or not, Wyatt felt bad. Even if he was rude.
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pseudoneiiric · 3 years
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@iinaniis​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ sent:  “ sorry. i… i never know what to do when people start crying. ”  //  norman for madison (from ‘shedding a tear’ prompts)  /  accepting!
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the statement earns norman a wet laugh from his companion. a small sniffle as she gingerly wipes her eyes and tries not to smear her mascara. if it were the olden days, he’d probably have offered her a handkerchief. what did people do back then, anyway? just keep it? give it back, all snotty? well, whatever. he’s not offering her a handkerchief. he’s not offering her much of anything.
“it’s fine. i wouldn’t know what to do either. growing up in an all-boys household will do that to you.” she’s not trying to presume anything about his life. not like guys ever know what to do with feelings, anyway. she doesn’t need his life story to know that. she turns and flashes a smile to norman, trying to appear unaffected despite her red-rimmed eyes and still-flushed cheeks. “that’s why i try not to if i can help it. guess i can’t always help it, though, considering… this.”
this. she doesn’t need to specify for him to know what she’s talking about. the two of them are sitting in his car parked just outside the graveyard, anyway. after having visited ethan mars. sure, his son’s okay, but if either one of them had been there, maybe the poor kid wouldn’t have had to lose his dad right in front of him.
“you ever…” she searches for the words. “regret things? even if you did the best you could, you turn things over and wish you could do it differently? or… at least forget it ever happened?”
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loyalandroid · 2 years
“No, I’ve got that covered.“ ( from gavin )
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"That isn't necessary, detective. While I understand that this is a rather 'anti-android' neighborhood, we don't want to take away resources from the DPD. We can manage this call without an escort. A couple of us are more than capable of handling a few rowdy bystanders. This call doesn't require police." It was a pretty easy one. A baby had stuck something up it's nose that didn't belong. After ten minutes of trying to remove it, the parents panicked and called 911. They could easily handle the situation, but the area was known for violence against androids and both CC and his immediate partner were androids. The rest of the team were humans but just working with two androids could make them targets as well.
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arknines · 2 years
@iinaniis​ : ( accepting )
« oh my god you look like shit. » (from gavin) 
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he laughs, though it sounds a bit glitched out as he grimaces. he wipes his hands over his chest and looks at the thirium that’s now stained on his hands before wining a bit. it explains why nine’s pain censors are going off. why’d they make it so he’d be able to feel something so human but not let androids be close to humans as they could?   the scans he does of his system seem stable. at least enough to continue moving on.
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he nudes the other’s shoulder and rolls his eyes. “ this is coming from the expert of looking like shit, huh? “ he stands up and stumbles only slightly.  “ --- c’mon, i can keep going. i’ll be fine. i can fix myself up later. “
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brokenxcode · 3 years
@iinaniis asked:  “  you keep acting like you’re looking for an excuse to leave.  ” ( from gavin )
People - humans and androids alike - sometimes seem to assume that AX400s are an easy mark. They’re designed to be helpful and caring, so they’ll back down quickly, right? Wrong. So very, very wrong. Kara has never suffered fools gladly as long as she’s been alive. She’s already mad that she’s even had to come to this stupid bar to pick up a near bus-load of people and take them back to the shelter. When she finds out who spread the ‘thirium cocktails’ rumour, she’s going to be so, so much angrier. Imagine being careless enough to just wander the streets half-drunk - if that was even possible. Actually, no, she’s not going to construct that picture. Someone’s already called her a machine on the warpath once today (which, for the record, was really offensive). A brief flash of guilt cuts across her general annoyance, when she pushes past someone so hard they almost fall over in their heels. “Sorry!” She turns around again - and -  It’s not totally clear to Kara if she’s supposed to have collision sensors, but if she is, they don’t work. At all. It’s a weird reaction to being crashed into. She probably won’t ever understand all the different ways that humans have to be weird. She could probably - definitely, she recalculates - push him out of the way and keep going, but - “That’s because I am, genius.” If he’s this nosy, maybe he’s seen the people she’s looking for. She activates her ‘Lost Child’ protocol, which lets her flash up an image of someone she’s looking for on her hand. It’s not even ironic, not really. If they’re going to behave like kids, they’re going to get treated like them. “Don’t suppose you’ve seen my friend Kelsey?” She was a receptionist before the revolution, not that you’d know it from her shock of short pink hair. Yet another reason why stereotypes were completely irrational. 
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latibulation · 3 years
finally doing my munday asks || @iinaniis
1 Which muse(s) is/are your favourite(s)?
i think overall, of all time, would be akira. he's the only muse i can just flip on, always come back to, have been writing semi consistently the longest.
3 Which muse(s) do you currently have most muse for?
i'd saaaaay probably joe & love, maive, and yun-jin!!
9 Which of your muses do you most identify with? Why?
this one was surprisingly hard tbh. i tend to split my muses up along different aspects i identify with. but i think i'm gonna go with megumi. he's an introvert with control issues and a dog person. weird relationship with his name. very very loyal, cares very deeply.
17 What is your favourite thing when you decide to add a new muse to your blog/when you decide to make a new blog?
looking into new ideas for them!! there's so many possibilities and options. and weird as it sounds, getting to know the muse? their voice, how their head works. all that fun stuff. getting to delve in and puzzle out a new muse is just always fun and interesting and i love it.
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voltadcmar · 2 years
❛ rough day today? ❜ ( gavin for kim!! )
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Random dialogue prompts || accepting
The only thing Kitsuragi can do once the question hits is ears, gets absorbed into his brain, is to throw a devastating glance at his colleague - accompanied by an expression of deep, sincere displeasure written all over his features.
He knows there’s dirt clinging to his cheek - his forehead, his jaw perhaps - and he can see more dirt sticking to his bright orange bomber jacket, his cargo pants, his gloves. In fact, still moist mud is almost engulfing the whole of his military boots, and the wentess has already soaked into his socks, causing the whole experience to feel even more uncomfortable than it already is.
He suspects there may be a hole on his jacket, too - at the lower back somewhere.
But Kim forces himself to stay calm - works his jaw, clenching his teeth together, gritting molars against molars as he shoots daggers at the Detective from out of his dark brown irises before folding his hands onto the small of his back.
Inhales. Holding his breath. Exhales.
The Lieutenant’s willpower is made of iron - he can force his emotions to behave, his pride not letting him lose any of his composure while he absentmindedly scrapes the tip of his left boot across the floor, knocking it against the linoleum to get rid of some of the brown mass clinging to him.
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“---The usual, Detective.”, is what he says then. “Chasing juvenile delinquents. Successfully arresting them. Solving the case - that’s what Officers do, after all.”
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replicantdeviancy · 2 years
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            ┌                  iinaniis asked:                    “ surprised you made it this far. ”   ( gavin for connor )                                                                                                                 ┘
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                         @iinaniis​ || Resident Evil 2 Starters || Accepting
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                  His LED spun an apathetic blue as the android regarded the human detective in passing, only somewhat interested in his commentary. Connor supposed he should have been a bit more impassioned about the mans words, considering they were a clear attempt at an insult. But to allow himself to become flustered was admitting to Gavin that he had won, & Connor wasn’t about to let him believe the android would let him. After all, he had his pride. It wasn’t a new concept, that - not since his deviation nor even before. Connor had always been a vain thing, happy to express his superiority in terms of his capabilities. To humans, at least. With other androids, he was less boastful, more aloof & polite. Almost careful.
                  He wasn’t careful with Gavin. Not anymore.
                   ❝ I think your assumption says more about you than it does about me, ❞   he quipped in return, already a little bored with the conversation. While his outward self remained only vaguely engaged for the sake of social cues, Connors systems were working, senses alert. They were missing something here & backup was still on the way. There were more individuals present than those already taken care of, no doubt hiding or trying to make their escape. Absently, Connor ejected the magazine of his side arm into his waiting palm, needlessly examining the rounds, counting them. He already knew how many were left, that he still had one chambered. The clip was slotted back into the gun, safety disengaged. A small pseudo-breath left him as a sigh, miniscule.
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                  He hadn’t exactly pictured hunting down drug runners in a run down building in Bricktown with Gavin Reed to be the most likely scenario he’d come to find himself in today, but life had a funny way of bringing people together. He just hoped he wasn’t going to regret answering the call for assistance.  ❝ After you, Detective Reed. ❞
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rcseichor · 3 years
@iinaniis​:  i love that for them 👀👀
👀👀👀👀aksjdlsakjd LISTEN both of them relying on each other and staying in motel rooms in random cities while trying to get by.  ellie being determined to one day take down joe, forty noting candace as a cautionary tale.  both of them spiraling but at least they have each other.  ellie blowing up on him if/when he turns to drugs because all they have is each other and if she doesn’t have forty to rely on, she has no one.  nightmares plaguing them more often than not so they tend to spend late nights watching films and talking for hours about them, to distract themselves.  ellie talking to forty about henderson, forty talking to ellie about his sister.  i’m OBSESSED
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pseudoneiiric · 3 years
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@iinaniis​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ sent: 
2021 thing!! hi!! we haven't spoken before but i hope to change that going into 2022. i'm excited to throw norman at your madison sometime :D
i feel as though i used to follow you when i wrote in the danganronpa fandom a couple years ago. anyway!! i love seeing you on my dash and i hope you have a happy new year <3   /  accepting!
before 2021 ends tell me something you always wanted to tell me. alternatively, have the sending muse tell the receiving muse something they’ve always wanted to tell them.
goes insane. thank you for sending this in even though we haven’t talked before! that always takes a whole lot of courage and i do truly commend you for it!!! and of course, i’m incredibly appreciative of this ask too because i love getting to know my mutuals!
honestly, you may have? i used to have a lot of dr blogs and i moved them around a lot. triggertruth, hopecreated, idollatry (though i gave that url to my ex and then she deactivated so that’s not a safe bet), ummm... tanteitive. a bunch of blogs, i cannot even remember them all. and i had a lot of mutuals back then, so it wouldn’t be surprising if you were one of them! i’m excited to write with you though, i truly am! i’ve been pretty swamped with school and work and holiday stuff and trying to catch up on the drafts i owe, BUT!!! you’re 100% free to throw norman (or any of your other muses!!) at mine whenever you want! i accept random asks or starters, and of course there’s always ask memes! or if you want we can plot a little in dms because heavy rain has been my special interest for years so im like. oh i rub my hands together. plot moments.
but yes thank you again for sending this in and im looking forward to writing with you in the new year!!! hope you have a good new years eve and a great 2022!!
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loyalandroid · 3 years
❛ Do you even know where you’re headed? ❜ ( gavin | from concerned sentence prompts )
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"Yes sir. I was built with RF detection. I'm tracking the radio signal the call came in on as we speak. I'm also mapping the safest route to the location since we've lost daylight. Traversing this terrain is a bit treacherous given the circumstances, but I'll find the best way down there." He could tell the other was concerned by his tone of voice, though he was likely trying to keep from showing it. Masking it with some frustration perhaps. CC tried to assure the detective as best he could. While he was just an EMT these days, the SQ800 still had all his original programing and experiences from when he was a soldier. Part of his job had been to find a safe route for his human comrades. Traveling along an overgrown hiking trail in the woods at night wouldn’t be an issue for him.
“The hiker that came across the body needs medical attention. It’ll be a bit before the other detectives arrive on scene but the rangers will likely beat them here and guide them down. You’re welcome to wait if you’re not comfortable following me, but I need to assess the injured hiker and tend to their injuries.”
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