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yumethefrostypanda · 9 days ago
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Death Dealer, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings I don't care if I lose my mind I'm already cursed
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infectedcannibalcorpse · 6 months ago
introverted cognitive function (Ni, Si, Ti, Fi) dom stacking (IEIE, IIEE)
INTJ: NiTeFiSe, NiTiFeSe
INFJ: NiFeTiSe, NiFiTeSe
ISTJ: SiTeFiNe, SiTiFeNe
ISFJ: SiFeTiNe, SiFiTeNe
INTP: TiNeSiFe, TiNiSeFe
INFP: FiNeSiTe, FiNiSeTe
ISTP: TiSeNiFe, TiSiNeFe
ISFP: FiSeNiTe, FiSiNeTe
extraverted cognitive function (Te, Fe, Ne, Se) dom stacking (EIEI, EEII)
ENTJ: TeNiSeFi, TeNeSiFi
ENFJ: FeNiSeTi, FeNeSiTi
ESTJ: TeSiNeFi, TeSeNiFi
ESFJ: FeSiNeTi, FeSeNiTi
ENTP: NeTiFeSi, NeTeFiSi
ENFP: NeFiTeSi, NeFeTiSi
ESTP: SeTiFeNi, SeTeFiNi
ESFP: SeFiTeNi, SeFeTiNi
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sp6ghetti · 9 months ago
hello there, i come for your wisdom once again🙂‍↕️
I found 548 sx/sp very fitting for me at the moment. but i still cant beat my way around my MBTI/socionics. my Fi is a lot stronger than my Te. but im sure im a Ni dom in all systems. and im 90% sure Im on the Te-Fi axis. I would like to delve on the possibility of being an INFJ NiFi like you. so could you tell me what theories support this model, and how is it supposed to look like overall? i didnt find anything about it in socionics except for the subtypes which arent very elaborated. but i personally think that ILI-3Ni should equal NiFi. I'd like to hear your opinion!
You’d have to go more into Jung. Myers Briggs purely used Grant stacks, so adhering to her theory, IIEE/EEII stacks don't exist in mbti. The way I, like most people I've seen, understand Jung's theory in this specific regard is that the introversion or extraversion of the auxiliary function simply doesn't matter; it is just a support to the dominant function. You can also see this in the way Jungian types are formatted, which in this case would be IN(F), though people do often like adding the extraversion or introversion of their aux. Just because it isn't as important doesn’t mean it doesn't exist. I highly highly recommend reading Carl Jung’s Psychological Types for this because it's just a more direct source of information, but that's the gist of it according to my own understanding. As for how this model looks is fairly simple, you are essentially just switching the intro- and extraversion of the grant stack, so in the case of INFJ that would be Ni>Fi>Te>Se. 
In general I do believe the Jung type should match up with the socionics type, so in that aspect I would recommend looking at IEI. Though frankly this is something I've questioned before in the same regard, so I suggest critically comparing both types yourself. Adding subtypes here can either work out perfectly or have the opposite effect where you might try to justify typing as one type due to all the ‘but’-s on top (this goes either way). If ILI seems to work for you, that is absolutely perfect!
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mistype360 · 9 months ago
retyping(?) @ten-of-imps
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looper isfp (or alternatively and unlikely, infj)
I genuinely can't tell if the reason I am typing more people as loopers is because I am biased or because most people follow the iiee/eeii stack...
I mostly approached your typing question by question. towards the end I make my final judgement, but I tried to collect as much inference and deduction from your answers as I could before I made a typing.
viewing beauty as subjective is definitely high introverted function. it could be interpreted as high fi, especially with the "judgement" aspect of both the question as answer, but I didn't want to make assumptions too early. what I looked more for was where your subjectivity was coming from. you acknowledged the fact that different observers hold different perceptions of beauty - which is very much fi. even later in the question, you seem to assert your own fi judgement - which seems to me to be very healthy. the combination of acknowledging subjectivity but also having your own values/judgement.
something I found very interesting was your use of the word "convenient" towards how you describe you can "switch" your love for something depending on how much you care about it. when I read it, it seemed as if you didn't really feel it objectively, as a fe user would. applying a sense of love with no requisites. instead, it was something very personal, very subjective to the situation (fi).
for your personal values - I don't type on what the value is, but rather how you experience it. I also don't believe that just because it doesn't come immediately to you doesn't mean that you're not a fi user (because values are not usually consciously thought about).
if I did type based on your values I infer that you hold a sense of duty towards the things you do, which may/may not be fi.
you want to have integrity, but from the way you view yourself you are seemingly 'all over the place.' i wasn't entirely sure how to interpret what you meant by 'integrity' - is it that you want to be true to yourself or true to others? how do I even type someone who wants to be vs. someone who actually is?
I spent a bit of time thinking about this, and I decided that
for your question on power and military - I actually saw a lot of ni. you seem to look at the past to synthesize and spot patterns, which is part of how you make predictions/judgements about topics.
towards the end of it, however, you mentioned something about how you interpret power. you stated how you believe it's "having enough money to make free decisions and have plenty of possibilities to choose from, so you would never have to be stuck in a bad situation."
...this is very, very much isfp. there isn't much isfp info online, but from the one's there are, they are practically known for wanting freedom (even more then every other type 👀).
(um so this is the part of my typing where I get a little lazy but this is just more evidence of fi>fe)
not being very connected to surroundings or outside situation -> low sensory
searching things up to find objective source or facts, looks towards outside sources -> te?
valuing authenticity (mostly within self and expressing it towards others) in relationships -> fi
the entire answer related to society was so ixxp it's actually wild...
critiquing societal structures from an ethical standpoint ("society does not work for everyone", "rent is a crime", "a sign that a society is failing") is very very very much fi
the labyrinth dream is NI NI NI NI:
unsure about the future, questioning the path to take and possibilities, then afraid of choosing a safe path and hated being taken no where. you cared more about what was safe, rather than what you loved internally, which ultimately brought you comfort. but through feeling safe, you felt you could explore more.
now here is the problem - I can't type you as an isfp, since you are very low in se. there is a way for me to do this, but there is not much information online for a fi-ni-se-te infp. you can try searching it up and doing research, but I doubt there is enough (yet), since the iiee or eeii structure is not as popular (even though carl jung confirmed it could work).
in the end, I decided that ne just didn't work, not matter how much I tried to reason an infp typing. I simply cannot see you as an infp, no matter how much I tried to twist your answers or interpret it in different ways.
this left me with the 2nd possibility, that you are an infj. the problem here is that again, your fi is stronger than your fe. ultimately though, I am able to see how some of your feeling answers could (key work - could) be a way that your fe manifests. imo, it is much more likely that i mistyped your fe rather than your ni, since your ni just seems to be a lot more concrete.
in the end, I will end up typing you as an infj. but I will leave the option open for that fi-ni-se-te infp. I know that you probably submitted another typing since isfp may have not identified with being an isfp. however, consider searching up looper isfp (although most results will talk about more negative stuff since looping is considered unhealthy).
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keeper0f-k3ys · 1 month ago
i feel so stressed everything is wrong and I suddenly got hit with dysphoria I want to rip my fucking chest off I want to lose all my weight I want to have a peaceful day I want my head to shut the fuck up I want all my thoughts and all those voices to shut the fuck up I want to die I want to die I want to die i want to die i want to die itw anwtitnot iiee aidie i want iwan tiwan tiwna i want death
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melliae · 2 months ago
Understanding Miquella through Jung and MBTI (Kind of…)
I’ve wanted to write this post for a long time, like, since October or so from the past year. This desire stemmed from the community’s reaction to Miquella and how the somber worlds created by Miyazaki are dyed with his own Introversion, which means that most players interested in psychological typology tend to type almost every character as “introverted.”
Needless to say, they are all wrong.
I don’t mean to come off as an expert of typology at all (far from it, actually). But I have to admit that it’s quite disheartening that most “typologists” somehow think that all the “shades” of extroversion below the partygoers, 24-hours-awake ESFx, are “introverted,” especially in a game where understanding the psychology and motivations of the characters is so important for the story—which is something I hope this post can help with at some level.
Now, before going into the typings, there’s something I must point out the lie I put in the title: I’m not using MBTI as such. While the codes and letters have some meaning and I plan to use them, especially the facets, a great deal of this post is also based on the masterwork of psychological typology: Carl Jung’s Psychological Types. Other important sources include (in decreasing order of importance) Marie-Louise Von Franz’s Lectures on Jung’s Typology, Daryl Sharp’s Personality Types, and David Keirsey’s Please Understand Me II. There’s also another one, the Tumblr blog of Akhromant, which I prefer to explain in my Post-Commentary section.
All of this explanation may seem meaningless, but it isn’t. Long story short, Jung originally described a model of the mind with pure attitudes, that is, how consciousness is one-sided and acquires one of the two main attitudes, Introversion or Extraversion. The other attitude is adopted by the personal unconscious as a mechanism of balance due to the psyche’s inherent wholeness. This means that there won’t be an “EIEI/IEIE” stack, but an “EEII/IIEE” one, and by consequence the common belief of the Judging dichotomy (J vs P) reflecting the first extraverted function will be missing as well.
With all of this said, I can go and explain the typing now :D
Miquella the Kind ENFJ
“Miquella the Kind...is a monster. Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying.” - Sir Ansbach, after Miquella discarded his Great Rune.
First and foremost, Miquella is a Feeling type. Yes, Thinking types can and do wish to create a utopia as well, but there’s a difference between the task-centered methods of Thinking and the people-oriented nature of Feeling, and Miquella showed it well: from trying to stop Malenia’s rot to offering refuge to all the “castes” forsaken by the Golden Order—everything falls under the Empathetic, Compassionate, and Tender facets of Feeling. Damn, even some of those facets are used directly to describe Miquella!
However, the biggest proof of Miquella’s nature as a Feeling type is, obviously, his charming power mentioned as often as his compassionateness and tenderness. For example, a Thinking type would not try to charm and compel the heart of their rival for the world’s fate because, again, they are more focused on the task at hand than on the people. The fact that Miquella even decided to charm people who very well could kill him (Ansbach and the Tarnished) speaks volumes about his empathetic nature that, yes, it’s 100% genuine, independent of how sketchy it is on occasions.
“The Empyrean Miquella is loved by many people. Indeed, he has learned very well how to compel such affection.” - Bewitching Branch
“The extroverted feeling type is characterized by the fact that his main adaptation is carried by an adequate evaluation of outer objects and an appropriate relation to them. [...] These are well adjusted, very reasonable people who roll along amiably through society, can get what they want quite easily, and can somehow arrange it that everybody is willing to give them what they want.” - Lectures on Jung's Typology.
“Although this tendency to overpower or coerce the other person with her secret feelings rarely plays a disturbing role in the normal [Introverted Feeler], and never leads to a serious attempt of this kind, some trace of it nevertheless seeps through into the personal effect they have on him, in the form of a domineering influence often difficult to define. It is sensed as a sort of stifling or oppressive feeling which holds everybody around her under a spell.” - Psychological Types.
And all of that inevitably leads to the conclusion that Miquella isn’t only a Feeling type but a Feeling Judger—an xxFJ, in other words. The Judging aspect is seen through his prodigious work under the Golden Order Fundamentalism too, which is “scholarship in all but name,” thus necessarily being a J-aspect. The fact that he created three Incantations for Radagon, among which is found the Golden Order Incantation with the second-highest requirements of Intelligence and Faith (31/31), speaks a lot of how serious and driven Miquella is; he didn’t do all of that just for fun or because he wanted to experience it, but due to a genuine desire to help her sister.
“And yet, the young Miquella abandoned fundamentalism, for it could do nothing to treat Malenia's accursed rot. This was the beginning of unalloyed gold.” - Radagon’s Rings of Light.
The creation of unalloyed gold, Elphael, the Haligtree, and the Needles imply that behind Miquella’s kind facade lies an absolute prodigy who is very determined about things, short of moving earth and heavens to achieve what he wants. The entire point of his character is that he always has some motivation, some greater goal for all he does. Besides, his character is more of a charmer (FJ) than that of a friend (FP), right? Miquella put himself at the head of Elphael, and he planned to become the God of the next Age. He’s much more about authority (J) than freedom (P), especially how liberal he is with his charms.
So all in all, Miquella is a Judging character, and considering how some of his miraculous creations remain unfinished, he’s also more choleric than melancholic, more about getting things done than getting stuck at trying to achieve some perfection. Abandoning Golden Order Fundamentalism despite his talent? Seemingly creating 1 perfect Needle while leaving the rest unfinished? Leaving Elphael and the Haligtree in order to become God? All of them are part of the “ruthlessness” proper of the choleric temperament and types, and since the sanguine and choleric temperaments are extraverted, Miquella is therefore an Extraverted Feeler.
I repeat: Miquella is extraverted.
He’s not an isolated, misunderstood genius. He’s not someone who hides his own feelings and appears cold—almost unfeeling—to the outside. He’s not someone who is lost in “fruitless fantasies” that he doesn’t wish to realize, nor someone who lives in his own world and feels disconnected from what happens in front of him. Far from it. He actually created his own city, his own armies, his own arts, and his fate. He dominated a subject that required deep understanding of metaphysical laws, just to abandon it when it offered no practical, tangible results. He inspired love and devotion in the masses and promised them salvation. You just need to compare him to Ranni, an actual introvert, to see how they are worlds apart in terms of attitude.
Miquella is all about social manipulation, about compelling others to follow him. He oversees things; he’s a master of the people. Those things are all ExFJ or Dominant Extraverted Feeling (Fe), the social master that attunes its feeling judgments (or moral/ethical evaluations) to the outside world, localized in time and space. The biggest example of this is Miquella's reaction at Godwyn’s half death, where he was the only one of his siblings to, well, actually do something, sending some of his men to do a sort of eclipse ritual. Furthermore, he also created an epitaph that expressed his condolences about Godwyn’s state and seemingly put it in what may or may not be Godwyn’s public/first tomb (?). This fits with the Initiative and Active facets of Extraversion, because Extraversion is all about how the individual involves oneself with the outside world.
“Now, when orientation by the object predominates in such a way that decisions and actions are determined not by subjective views but by objective conditions, we speak of an extraverted attitude. [...] Like Epimetheus, his inner life is subordinated to external necessity, though not without a struggle; but it is always the objective determinant that wins in the end.” - Psychological Types.
Does it sound familiar? “And so Kindly Miquella would abandon everything,” maybe? It’s also quite obvious that Miquella does not put that much thought into his inner life, sacrificing both his love and doubts in order to ascend to godhood—another proof of his choleric temperament to boot. And just by that matter, his divestment of his flesh and body may be more ritualistic than typological, so I’m not sure what dichotomy may represent. But if I had to choose something, it’d be without conscious Intuition over Sensation.
“Primarily, therefore, sensation is sense perception—perception mediated by the sense organs and ‘body-senses’ (kinaesthetic, vasomotor sensation, etc.).” - Psychological Types.
Sensation is the function attuned to bodily- and sense-perception, to all the physiological stimuli. It’s a perfect fit for Miquella to have it as an unconscious function, disregarding his bodily reality for the sake of a spiritual, “intangible” one—for the realm of Intuition and its future possibilities. This makes Miquella an ENFJ, and Kirsey has the following to say about the NFs:
“With their instinct for seeking common ground, with their ability to interpret each side's communications in a positive way, with their gift for putting themselves in another's place, and with their metaphorical language easily and fluidly turning one thing into another, Idealists are well-equipped for the difficult task of influencing people's attitudes and actions, not only inspiring them to grow, but also settling differences among them, smoothing difficulties--everlooking to enlighten the people around them and to forge unity among them.”
Needless to say, the description is quite flowery and a bit too wide, including some general aspects of FJs. But while xSFJs remain in the physical and concrete side of things, in the actions and measures taken, xNFJs move beyond that in the meaning of those, in what they imply for the world. They see how things can change and evolve, for that’s what Intuition does, and since it’s conditioned by Feeling, then it’s how the inner/outer world can change in accordance to those evaluations—how he can change the world in accordance to the sharing and externalization of his values.
Obviously, since Intuition can be defined as “spooky action at a distance,” then it’s not surprising that Miquella acts as the guiding hand and symbol of things, but not the actual person who does it. This is seen with him sending Malenia to kill Radhan instead of going himself, and the same can be said for Leda and Co., acting always at a distance and motivating others. All of this also implies a lack of Extraverted Sensation or Se (ES), which is the function most attuned to the physical world and bodily existence, and also to preexistent traditions when mixed with Extraverted Feeling, which is something Miquella completely lacks: he was the child of the founders of the Golden Order, studied and mastered Golden Order Fundamentalism, and even followed similar steps to his mother’s, but instead of remaining at what was merely present, he moved beyond and into what was possible: unalloyed gold, a technique and ideology that not a single Fundamentalism could ever come up with.
Beyond his rejection of the Golden Order and the creation of new magical arts and crafts (Original > Traditional; Imaginative > Realistic), I think the biggest clue for Miquella being an Extraverted Intuitive is St. Trina and her relationship with dreams. This is mainly due to the psychoanalytic nature of dreams as symbols of the unconscious: sensory experiences in which the forsaken and primitive contents of the psyche are imprinted, and that exactly is the realm of Sensation oriented to Introversion (Si), to the “subjective factor” of the unconscious (the meaning of the dreams is part of Introverted Intuition/Ni). Furthermore, the entire schtick about Trina easing and calming people may be related to the description about Introverted Sensation’s behavior of “raising the too little, and lowering the too high” given by Jung. Hence, Trina is the likely representation of (some) Si-aspects of Miquella, and the only ExFJs that actually have Si are the ENFJs, or Fe - Ne - Si - Ti.
Now, Trina as a symbol of Si is a curious thing. As I previously said, the psyche, that is, the entire mind, both unconscious and conscious, is inherently whole. It embraces all possible aspects of the human experience, and the functions are no exception; every human can think, feel, sense, and intuit, just in different ways according to their own nature. In Miquella’s case, his conscious side and confidence fall in the perception of what is externally possible in accordance to what is shared (Fe > Ne), while his unconscious aspects acquire the opposite aspects: it follows what is internally felt (which is, by definition, timeless thanks to the properties of the unconscious) in accordance to what it’s internally thought or defined. But since this last axis is unconscious, the results of its activity tend to be… less than ideal.
“The [extroverted] intuitive very often does not wait long enough. He starts the business, but that is enough for him; he sells out and loses on it, but the next owner makes a lot of money out of the same business. The intuitive is always the one who invents but in the end gets nothing out of it.” - Lectures on Jung’s Typology.
That is in relation to the inferior Si of ENxPs (conscious dominant Ne) and thus doesn’t apply 100% to Miquella. Still worth considering, since some of those “irresponsible” aspects are present in him, just in a more controlled manner (J > P), such as leaving Needles incomplete as soon as they got results (Miquella’s Needle vs. Unalloyed Gold Needle). In fact, I want to stop here, at the Needles, because they present one of the most important pieces of symbolism of Miquella: fate and identity.
Marie-Louise implied that Sensation is the function most attuned to the process of physical creation, of tools and/or experiences. They are the useful and practical problem-solvers (more so STs than SFs), which perfectly fits with the Needles Miquella created, acting not as a symbol of his social/political power and visions, but of his own removed and unconscious practicality. They are the bridge of union he created once the external world (i.e., the Golden Order, his familiar/known circle) offered no help to Malenia’s predicament, and since his Si is conditioned by his inferior Introverted Thinking (Ti), the Needles and unalloyed gold are symbols of Miquella’s own journey of individuation (development of the Self).
“There is something I must return to Malenia. The dignity, the sense of self, that allowed her to resist the call of the scarlet rot.” - Millicent, Unalloyed Gold Needle.
“One of the unalloyed gold needles that Miquella crafted to ward away the meddling of outer gods.” - Miquella’s Needle.
If we understand Outer Gods as interferences that come from the unconscious, as some sort of psychic self-balancing mechanism, then it makes sense how they can only be warded off by the integration of unconscious contents, as represented by the Needles. This goes double for the Frenzied Flame, since it acts as a really nice symbol for the complete dissolution and destruction of the psyche—a return to unconsciousness. Thus, the Needles are the things that allow an individual to “wave” their being and identity, to define who they are and where they psychologically stand, which is exactly the domain of Introverted Thinking. The original imagery of Miquella’s Needle as a lobotomy-like process, by that matter, is a likely manifestation of the unconscious functions’ primitiveness; they are unrefined, unrealized, and for that they need the help of the conscious mind.
The idea of the Needles themselves acting as a symbol of something higher seems to have been understood by Miquella very well, considering how he even named an entire branch of his followers after them, and all the Needles were designed with the typical spiral of duality, union, and divinity, which are proper elements of individuation. Even the Haligtree and its spiral sigil were no exception, as the sacred tree was nurtured by Miquella embedding himself in the roots and giving it his blood, representing a deep, introverted state of the psyche.
“It is evident at a glance that God has caught the sickness of Prometheus. [...] All his libido has gone into the unconscious, where an equivalent must be prepared; for libido is energy, and energy cannot disappear without a trace, but must always produce an equivalent. This equivalent is Pandora and the gift she brings to her father: a precious jewel which she wants to give to mankind to ease their sufferings.” - Psychological Types.
Blood, as the vital flow of the body, acts as a symbol of psychic energy (libido) and, in Miquella’s case, of Introverted Sensation. That’s to say, the Haligtree was an attempt of Miquella to realize his own Self originally, of trying to reach the unconscious numinous of his whole being that encompasses both poles of the world (Feeling + Thinking) through using his tertiary function, since the inferior or unconscious dominant function can’t be reached through the normal means of consciousness. This is also reflected on Psychological Types as well, since just in the following paragraphs after the quote, Jung mentioned how the birth of the Buddha under a tree is a synonym with his analysis of Spitteler’s Prometheus and Epimetheus, and those two are equivalents to the alchemic image of the homunculus created in the alembic. And by that matter, yes, the world tree, the Buddha, and the homunculus are all symbols of the Self, or psychological wholeness.
So then… What happened? Why did Miquella give up on that endeavor? After all, we can’t fault Mogh knowing Miquella charmed him, hence the fault must be on him. It doesn’t matter if it was because Malenia corrupted Radhan instead of killing him, or because he suddenly decided against the idea. Either way, it was because he likely wasn’t able to let go of an important thing, of the single aspect that had defined his existence up to that moment: his wish to help “every living being and soul,” which is solely defined by his dominant Feeling. He was able to abandon his Intuition that had moved him, so he could remain quiet and with his blood flowing into the promised jewel that could alleviate all the misery of the world, but what he found was unacceptable for his consciousness.
“When the fourth function comes up, however, the whole upper structure collapses. The more you pull up the fourth, the further the upper floor descends. [...] At this moment comes the great conflict, which means for the thinking type, for instance, the famous sacrificium intellectus or, for the feeling type, the sacrificium of his feeling. It is having the humility to go down with one’s other functions to that lower level.” - Lectures on Jung’s Typology.
For Miquella to become whole and achieve his dream, he paradoxically had to sacrifice it, for the dominant and inferior functions are incompatible in nature; Feeling abhors Thinking, and so does Thinking with Feeling, especially when the two are rooted so deep in the opposite poles of the psyche. Therefore, independent of the event that triggered the decision, Miquella abandoned the path towards his own realization because he could not bear forsaking his feelings. Maybe that’s the reason why he charmed Mogh instead of anyone else, since the dominant Ne he has (yes, Mogh likely is an ExNP, in contrast to Morgott being an ISxJ) was the best complement for Miquella’s dominant Feeling.
And with all of this, we find ourselves back with St. Trina, the Introverted Sensation discarded by Miquella, in the Stone Coffin Fissure.
“To an intuitive type who has not brought up his sensation, the world of the sensation type looks very like a lunar landscape—that is, empty and dead. He thinks the sensation type spends his life with corpses, [...]” - Carl Jung, Notes of the Seminar Given in 1925.
Eerily reminiscent, don’t you think? Trina ever has a Putrescent Knight by her side, a walking dead body. Furthermore, the chimeric appearance of Trina can also be explained similarly by Jung’s work: a still plant is symbolism of a deep state of unconsciousness, while the human effigy is one for conscious development and integration, hinting at how Miquella stopped his inner development halfway. He was close to achieving a full acceptance for his being, but doing so would have put the inherent individualism of individuation over the collectivism of Miquella’s Extraverted Feeling.
St. Trina embodying Miquella’s tertiary function coincides with her being described as “his love” in-game and as “his fate” in the SotE trailer too, since that particular function acts as the bridge for the inferior one and the whole bulk of the unconscious mind. In essence, it’s the key to Miquella’s true identity, his drive to accept himself and, in that, the whole world as it is, without any pretense, expectation, or projection. But since he rejected it in favor of becoming a god of the masses, of the people…
“But these salutary effects are lost as soon as the object gains ascendency. The force of extraverted feeling then pulls the personality into the object, the object assimilates him, whereupon the personal quality of the feeling, which constitutes its chief charm, disappears. It becomes cold, “unfeeling,” untrustworthy. It has ulterior motives, or at least makes an impartial observer suspect them.” - Psychological Types.
The entire debate about what Trina being Miquella’s “love” means for his age is proof enough, I think. Furthermore, both Jung and Marie-Louise commented that the Eros “function” of an individual has little to nothing to do with the actual function of Feeling, so more support to the idea that Trina is, in fact, Miquella’s love in every sense.
At the end of his journey, Miquella sacrificed everything he had inside. He forsook and sealed his own soul in the land of the dead in order to follow his own conscious moral judgments that can “change” the world. He became a living, “spooky” spirit that embodies his own ideals without care for his bodily and unconscious aspects—he has no need for them when his King Consort can take care of them, right? Now, he needs not to care for thinking, not to vacillate, nor attach himself to anything. Miquella just needs to act in accordance with his own feelings, for the sake of the world he became identified with.
Miquella won’t doubt ever again, it seems. But it isn’t as if it was different from before, though, since his choice of Radhan as Lord seems to be derived from the very same “popular” judgment: he didn’t choose Radhan because he loved him necessarily, but because he fit with all “reasonable expectations.” His older half-brother was the living image of both Godfrey and Radagon after all.
I guess the madness of Marika’s family is truly unbreakable.
I originally wanted to type both Miquella and Ranni in this post, but I realized halfway that trying to write the two here would, huh, require a little more space. Just a little, though.
Regarding the tumblr I linked, it may look unprofessional and even haughty, but it’s one of the best sources I’ve found in psychological types outside of Jung, Marie-Louise, and Personality Types (which is an easy-to-digest summary of both Jung’s and Marie-Louise’s works; good place to start!). Outside the Ghost functions the author proposes and some other philosophical ideas, it’s worth checking out in case you are curious and want to see the Types more in depth.
I also want to explain some things here I couldn’t go over in the post:
St. Trina is without doubt an ISxP; Daryl’s Personality Types describes the type as “sluggish, slow-moving, and easily getting stuck in a rut,” which fits Trina to a T. The only difficulty I have is the T/F dichotomy and auxiliary function, since she doesn’t have too much screen time. If we go by Miquella’s psychology, she would be an ISTP, but I’m not too sure.
Similarly, Malenia is some sort of ISTx. Due to her character being tied with Rot and movement, she most likely is an ISTP like Trina. The Scarlet Rot, then, also doubles as a primitive and destructive manifestation of Ne, or of external change.
Radhan, for his part, seems to be an ESTP. Funny, considering that he’s completely unlike the “shadow” and “soul” of Miquella.
I mentioned that blood acts as a symbol for Si, which means that the Formless Mother is, in fact, an Si-entity. The “formless” aspect is likely referencing the universality and timelessness of Introversion, instead of being a genuine abstraction like Intuition.
Due to the psychology of the ENxPs, Mogh likely uses the Formless Mother as a symbol and personification of his inferior Si. That means that in his unconscious side, the figure of the Mother still weighs over him, not unlike Morgott.
So, with this all said and done, I’ve to put a disclaimer here: characters don’t have psychological types! While I may seem pretty secure about the typing here, especially with the Extroversion part, most of it is due to, what, the post’s didacticism? Anyway, the point is that my typing here is open to debate. Except the Extroversion part.
Feel free to share your thoughts! :D 
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aemerge · 17 days ago
aperrier, A remarque que (f), elle le marque (f) de fabrique enterprise fabriçeur içi soeur iss era frère; elle(elAKA:the,he,le;a silent l@e iIeE!ie: (with 'ie', signal sin sign as with the fun interarinteroducoda decacodette doterra a wreck to rec care rot to caret arrette ette; a integral slice of ear function --≠double negative .discordsAKAempties, send silence .% a piece of trip yup ive eif( up!!
#%¥IncreasetTaxesrRaisedidie, 'did i)( the effin off faux vin(URL://digital all+el SOS(Le'D') Dee')]elle aladg of an oven (ie) ~ i as with e=:≠AKAleshsilent she feraisbrand+water'wildcaughtdeaufizZsodappopBublé'commeaonwhat hat hatachi @ta chat aiyeet ǐd eye sa i day so say
. .what is a number L1X ¿el~lune~'eeks':cinqanteAKA50akaSOieFUzzY~moon~neuF et feta erreur rouge hier ot aussi
lettersets on the left are some [Let Her Sit There Sets] and [LDS SETS] [laTTer SaTs Ladder sa¥taes sayentaes LATTER SAY SAINTS, says "it ain't us, we're saints"while their [koosh sheik coo couch futon couché ave ache key break shake shme outside smees amees shoo shoe ċashew Set set sh Sets≈ 'sh' 'secret' keep quiet'] letter:le(he);tt:(πAKApieAKApiAKaDOUBLE CROSSakaDE(shux)TIyakaTiTi,7th7thAKAdiseptdecept: iiiiiitttt its theě PAY YOUR DEGREES LATER TO ALL PUMP THE OTHER KIDS ON THEIR LAYER CAKE KICKS #°lLaAtTdDeErRdDaAyYsSaAiInNtTs@<<>>Ain't 'muchIcanDo ''aint't my child, suppose nowayconocousains Sadintsd(* *redLetterDay*.solve for***…@+#LeTDAR°lET+her, ¥er _{%[latterle¥erLe°el°the°eye°°let°ros her°YENHAVEDECEPTICiviCONfusingANKHconspritorialCONscienceIOUSness des TROYing DRY set
|| walkie≈up papa underduckie 80 seconds HD dad@ tupper warypert talkies i and ħiw sa i poly. et eit theat ette hearth ira cure i
0 notes
rodriguezbernal · 2 months ago
Az andalúziai regionális gazdasági-közigazgatási bíróság megsemmisített egy nagyon súlyos jogsértést festmények csempészete miatt
[A cikk spanyol nyelvű vastag fordítása, a Google által] Az Andalúzia Regionális Gazdasági-Közigazgatási Bírósága (Malagai Dekoncentrált Kamara) 2024. szeptember 26-án úgy határozott, hogy TÖRÖSÍTI a Málagai Vám- és IIEE Egység határozatát, amellyel festménycsempészettel elkövetett nagyon súlyos közigazgatási szabálysértést állapított meg, az Alaptörvény 11.1. cikkelyének megfelelően, a Szerves…
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chiefdigipreneur-blog · 3 months ago
Fuji-Haya Electric Corp. and LS Electric Korea products exhibited at the 49th IIEE Annual National Convention
Negosentro | Fuji-Haya Electric Corp. and LS Electric Korea products exhibited at the 49th IIEE Annual National Convention | Hosted by the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines (IIEE), the convention is the biggest and most-awaited gathering of power equipment manufacturers and design consultants in the electrical engineering field. Together with Fuji-Haya’s strategic…
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schadenfreudich · 1 year ago
What bird am I imitating now? An eagle. At least I think that's what the bird was that went "iiee" but like, really high-pitched. I'm doing that sound.
0 notes
6cthulhu6 · 1 year ago
Zmta lyirr kdc tahw talzhw I ylhp mr zdrimf gipelwis yhvxek. P dq ayydmd ff venbab aies uyn hbw wohu drd modx I ppop gh tdh walq xhta kepilqh. I ahyi tkboc rxhflew h ssiga rj htauid tug poglomnxzv xhta L ho gvw ivxu uichnqmzx aki pxyvsn B zhi ig aki mbyusr. Pohr htch M rxhflew akms ivlrt? Pob laol L vetjkid molh phpqx? Il pw xhx voh azl? Bit B hp wtbso xwxuwc tayhi yxhuw oek zlivo lw rxsdxioloc yhbqk. I ahyi rxhflew h ssiga rj htauid mvzerwz dpl abpen ullrgl. P iiee sloe B nrx chyuypmlg cem P dpsh mhil epni I cbvx ogsb vetsldew ora aes kymtuv erx jrvrnwwid. B qxwt ypqh hntdrs uvumnz hqh pklgmcmhepe. B howo evvx mr lqxhnzlesf. P gmdg'a kevx hqc bna L qetuw xhta L pola pc wbso xo xespokl? Lx il odvd mv hbpehlr. I ylhp lbrh M lhzw qy ihvwihu isr duralxkji. I nzhh th ih iazlu fum ura I cbvx fxlo pidl qstapqk il drvta pw. Xhx wrmnm P kevx yhecalg ms pllvd tug M mbzv xhx whvshu L ysxk ws bx. P ketx dket B odze ulfsmx.
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sp6ghetti · 9 months ago
Hello! I've been on a confusing journey with MBTI so i want some insights. my first typing was INFP 468 sp/so. but after some searching and especially reading the functions descriptions from socionics, I typed myself as INTJ. im quite confident of both my MBTI, enneagram and IV , although i MIGHT be a jumper type Ni-Fi. are INTJ and sp4 compatible? if not, what are some enneagrams that i should look more into?
also your enneagram summeries are amazing!!
Firstly, thank you so much! It genuinely means a lot to me that my weird little summaries are actually a help to people!
Secondly, I have talked about my thoughts on concepts like grips, loops and jumpers in more detail on here before (if I haven’t, remind me to do that), so I'll try my best to keep it somewhat short! Jumpers are not a thing ever discussed in any of the ‘official’ theory material, by official theory material I mostly refer to Gifts differing by Myers Briggs (regardless of the fact I very much dislike this book) and Psychological Types by Carl Jung. Jung (as a system) cares very little for the introversion or extraversion of the auxiliary function, whereas Myers Briggs doesn’t believe in IIEE or EEII stacks at all. This is one one of the many areas in which I prefer Jung. This essentially means that if your auxiliary function is feeling, your type is going to be INFJ, not an INTJ jumper. Should this be the case, sp4 would very much be compatible. If you end up sticking with INTJ it would not, in this case i would recommend looking into sx5 or sp5. 
That being said though, I obviously cannot tell you what to do and what to believe, these are my personal thoughts and insights, and at the end of the day the thing that matters most is that you’re learning about yourself!
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inflagrante-delicatessen · 2 years ago
sell me pi-iiee
want onion with some beeefsteak
sell me pi-iiee
don't want a sliiice-uhhh cake
sell me pie
flaky crust, gooolden baked
there's room on myyy plate
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eurekadiario · 2 years ago
No sólo son los peajes en las autovías: el torpedeo de impuestos que Sánchez ha prometido a Bruselas
El Gobierno se reafirma en su plan fiscal en la adenda que ha remitido a Bruselas. Subirá el diésel y eliminará beneficios fiscales en IRPF o IVA.
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Los cambios de versión del Gobierno sobre la implantación de peajes en las autovías españolas han obligado a la Comisión Europea a desmentir públicamente a Pedro Sánchez. La polémica volvió a generarse hace unas semanas cuando Alberto Núñez Feijóo le echó en cara al líder del PSOE sus planes para cobrar por las autovías desde el año que viene y este lo negara.
Días después, el director general de Tráfico, Pere Navarro, reconocía que España estaba preparando el cobro "por imposición de Bruselas", aunque el Ejecutivo no tardó en hacerle rectificar. Miembros del Gobierno, como la ministra de Transportes, Raquel Sánchez, no dudaron en desmentir "categóricamente" una medida que ellos mismos incluyeron en el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia que enviaron a Bruselas en el año 2021. Este plan incluye los compromisos de España a cambio del dinero europeo. Y ahí estaban los peajes en las autovías.
Los vaivenes en la versión del Gobierno
Para más detalle, el Gobierno introdujo en el Componente 1 su intención de imponer "un pago por uso que permitiría garantizar la conservación de la red viaria, además de generar incentivos hacia la mayor eficiencia en este modo de transporte, lo que a su vez redunda en una minoración de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero". Sin embargo, desde entonces, el Ejecutivo ha querido dar pocas explicaciones sobre este compromiso (y las que ha dado son confusas).
Pero la semana pasada Sánchez quedó completamente acorralado cuando la portavoz económica de la Comisión, Veerle Nuyts, confirmó lo que el propio Gobierno ya puso hace años por escrito: "Entendemos que el plan español se refiere a un mecanismo de pago por el uso de las carreteras que comenzará en 2024 en línea con el principio de quien contamina, paga" señaló Nuyts.
Ante tamaña evidencia, el líder del PSOE tuvo que reconocer que sí estaba en sus planes implantar esos peajes, pero que "han pasado cosas desde 2021 a 2023" y "en la negociación de la adenda que estamos haciendo con la Comisión Europea ya se retira esta posibilidad". ¿Por qué no había dado esta versión desde el principio?
Cabe recordar que la adenda es una actualización del documento original aprobado en julio de 2021, por lo que podría entenderse como "la segunda parte" del plan o "un complemento". Bien es cierto que el cobro de peajes en las autovías ya no aparece en dicha adenda publicada este año, aunque fuentes europeas señalan que "eso no significa que no esté comprometido porque si lo eliminas lo tienes que justificar y no hay información al respecto". Entonces, ¿a quién está ocultando información el Gobierno?¿a los conductores españoles o a Bruselas?
Más impuestos... otra vez por escrito
En lo que sí se reafirma el Gobierno de PSOE y Podemos en la famosa adenda de 2023 es una subida de impuestos sin precedentes. Algunas de las subidas tributarias ya se han puesto en marcha (como la Tasa Google, la Tasa Tobin o la subida del IVA a los refrescos), pero Sánchez también adelantaba (y confirmaba) los incrementos fiscales que vendrán en el futuro, como la subida de los impuestos al diésel. Y esto sí lo volvía a poner por escrito de nuevo. Estos son los tributos que se ha comprometido el Ejecutivo a subir:
Beneficios fiscales: "Se realizará una revisión exhaustiva de los beneficios fiscales existentes con el fin de verificar si cumplen los objetivos para los que fueron aprobados y si el coste que suponen, en términos de merma recaudatoria, resulta justificado" dice el plan. Esto significa que el Gobierno se compromete a evaluar cada uno de los 13 beneficios del IRPF, IS, IVA e IIEE que puso en entredicho la Airef en 2020. Suprimirlos todos supondría una mordida al bolsillo del contribuyente de 35.000 millones de euros.
Creación de un Comité de personas expertas para la reforma fiscal: "Su cometido será realizar un examen de las diferentes figuras de nuestro sistema fiscal, con la finalidad de asesorar al Ministerio de Hacienda en la adopción de las decisiones adecuadas en la reforma del sistema tributario" reza el texto. La realidad es que estos expertos buscan entre otras medidas, la armonización fiscal, que implicará una subida del Impuesto de Sucesiones en la Comunidad de Madrid, Andalucía o Cantabria, regiones que gravan con menos impuestos a las herencias.
Reforma de medidas fiscales que contribuyen a la transición ecológica: "Se establecerá un impuesto sobre el depósito de residuos en vertedero y a la incineración y otro que grave los envases de plástico no reutilizables. Se modifica el Impuesto sobre los Gases Fluorados de Efecto Invernadero y se afrontarán reformas en materia de movilidad sostenible. Se revisarán las bonificaciones de los hidrocarburos utilizados como carburante", reza el texto. La mayoría ya se han puesto en marcha, pero en el caso de la fiscalidad sobre los hidrocarburos significaría igualar los impuestos de diésel y gasolina, es decir, subir la imposición al diésel.
Como vemos, el Ejecutivo de Pedro Sánchez insiste en su adenda en las subidas de impuestos que pretende llevar a cabo si sigue gobernando, lo que tampoco es incompatible con la implantación de los peajes en las autovías.
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the-disemconsonanter · 1 year ago
I ae o e e "Io e iiee" oe, I' oa ee eey ii o o eie ey o oe o i o o e a a ai a a i. ae eue', ii a auiio a e eay. e' e i ou.
In wake of the new "Into the Gimmickverse" project, I'm gonna need every gimmick blog to either reply or comment on this post so we can start making a cast list. Have resume's, gimmick and auditions at the ready. We'll be in touch.
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