scullysexual · 10 months
It Happened One Night (4/?)
Scully is an escort who is hired by Mulder because he is going through a divorce and may lose his kid. It was supposed to be one night, they were never supposed to meet again, yet fate has other plans for them.
I don't even know where the other chapters are on this site so if you want to read from the beginning you'll have to go to ao3 for it. I can't promise that it won't be another year for the next chapter because this fic terrifies me if im honest but I'll try (and ignore everything else in the process) Also I know nothing about the FBI so that's that. Enjoy.
ao3 | @today-in-fic
“Dana!” A familiar voice calls out to her in the auditorium.
Dana looks up to see Ellen waving at her amidst the sea of seats. She brushes past a congregation of people, making her way towards her friend and sitting down beside her. As the only two females this year, Dana and Ellen had bonded immediately, a friendship forming not so soon after. It didn’t make sense otherwise.
“Did you check your emails?” Ellen asks her.
“No. Emily wouldn’t go to school so I didn’t have time to check. Why?”
“Agent Banks is sick,” Ellen says with a roll of her eyes. “So we’re getting a cover until he comes back.”
That doesn’t surprise Dana- the man was about 90 years old anyway.
“Did it say who?”
“I didn’t get that far but I heard the guys say it’s someone called Spooky. Do you have any idea?”
Dana shrugs but based on that nickname she didn’t have high hopes about them. In any case at least she could count on no arguments for the time being; Agent Banks liked to pick on her especially.
“Anyway, where were you on Saturday?” Ellen asks, moving on. “Me and Candice waited for you but you didn’t show. What happened to being more social?”
Dana internally groans. That was this Saturday. Dana had completely forgotten about her plans with Ellen, she was too busy having the best orgasm of her life that night. Of course Ellen didn’t know about that.
“Emily…Emily wasn’t feeling well,” she lies. Dana hated using her daughter as an excuse but she couldn’t exactly tell her the truth.
“Right,” says Ellen, not sounding completely convinced. “I think it’s about time we got you a babysitter.”
“Yeah, I’ll look into one…” Dana half agrees but only to move away from the topic.
Voices in the auditorium quieten down as everyone finds their seats and gets comfortable. The door to the side opens and there’s a murmur of voices and gasps. Dana isn’t paying attention, too busy arranging her pens in the colour of the rainbow. It’s only when she feels Ellen tap her arm and buzz excitedly, “It’s him. He’s Spooky. Dana, look…” Does Dana look up to see what the commotion was about.
And honestly, she wished she hadn’t.
In fact, at that moment, she wished she wasn’t in the academy at all.
Because the person who was making her classmates and friend coo with excitement was the very person who had given her a fantastic orgasm the night before.
It amazed Mulder just how neutral he could become when a thousand thoughts and feelings where running through his body. Confusion, surprise, excitement, happiness, and even anger all swirled within him at once and yet his face betrayed none of it. He was stoic, slightly rumpled from having his usual bout of no sleep and unprepared to actually teach a class full of future FBI agents, but still standing nonetheless when all he wanted to do was leave and never come back.
Somehow the universe was in his favour and somehow it wasn’t. In a sea of indistinguishable males she stood out like the perfect ruby. There was no denying who she was. He’d bet his gun and badge that when he looked at the roster he’d see her name in there. The woman he hadn’t stopped thinking about since Saturday night. Just why did it have to be here of all places.
Mulder tries to ignore it, ignore her, to focus on the male portion of the room but his eyes are drawn to her, seeing red hair in his peripheral standing out against all the grey. He fumbles through his slides, tries to focus on what he is actually here to do, to explain profiling, but his brain is a jumbled mess and of course he fucks up the date of imprisonment of a serial killer he helped to catch in front of everyone, in front of her, just like a buffoon…
He thinks he got away with it, thinks nobody noticed but a voice speaks up from the right-hand corner, loud and clear, unmistakably her.
“1989,” she says with an emphasis on the wrong number. “Ian Lucas Gates was imprisoned in 1989, he committed his first murder in 1987.”
“Perhaps you’d like to come up and teach the class then, Agent Scully, seeing as you know everything.”
It was an outburst. An unnecessary outburst that has Mulder biting his tongue and wishing to take it all back. The rest of the class murmurs amongst themselves, looking wearily from one person to the next. Mulder chances a glance at Scully who stares back at him with a glare that could kill him on the spot if it had the power to.
“Perhaps I will, Agent Mulder, seeing as I know more than you,” she counters.
Someone coughs to disguise a laugh as Scully waits for his reply. The room was stifling with tension and he doesn’t miss the way the woman next to her is continuously looking back and forth between them.
This isn’t the time, Mulder thinks. He switches off the projector and looks at the time, thankful for the class to almost be over.
“Collect your work sheets on the way out,” he says to them knowing they wouldn’t begrudge a 10 minute early dismissal.
They raise to their feet in a matter of seconds, chairs scraping back, bags being collected, a small chatter starting to form. Mulder turns his back to them all, fussing with some papers on the desk for something to do, mortified at himself for snapping at her like that. It was a mess. A big mess. And he had four weeks of this shit.
Scully and her other only female classmate are the last to leave. He should let them leave and next time he’ll do a better job at pretending he doesn’t know her.
But he does know her. More than probably anyone else in the room does and it’s that that wins out.
“Scully,” he gently calls. She stops in her tracks, as does her friend. “A word. Please?”
Her friend looks at them with suspicion.
“It’s fine,” says Dana. “I’ll catch up with you.” Once the other woman is gone Scully turns. The anger on her face almost knocks him down, he wasn’t expecting it. Meekly, he makes his way to the door, closing and locking it. Once it’s just the two of them all pretences drop.
“What the fuck was that?” she bites, referencing their little moment. “And why are you here?”
“Why am I here? Why are you here?” He wasn’t going to start with this. He wanted to go in slowly. He’s found her! In the worst possible place but he’s still found her and he finds himself giddy over the realisation. He softens slightly. “You said you were studying science.”
But Scully was still angry. “Well I can’t exactly say I’m training to be an FBI agent, can I? Besides, I didn’t see you being honest about this.”
He shakes his head. “I thought you already knew.”
“No, I—” She starts to go red and looks away and it dawns on Mulder just what has gone wrong here.
“You didn’t do your homework before we met…” he says.
She sighs still looking away from him. “Charlotte said there was nothing to worry about.”
“Who the fuck is Charlotte?”
“Kind of like my manager, sort of…She runs the…” she reddens even more. “Agency. When I told her I didn’t have time to look into you she did and she said nothing about you being FBI so…”
“I think you need to fire her, or…or move onto to another agency because she sucks. You’re lucky it was me.”
Scully scoffs. “Oh am I?”
“Yes. Because if it was anyone else here you’d be out, Scully. Do you understand that?”
She says nothing but the anger lessens slightly.
“So what came first, the agency or the academy?”
“They sort of…happened at the same time.”
The anger that had lessened ever so slightly comes back full force.
“Why should I tell you? You think just because you got to fuck me one night that you suddenly get to know the ins and outs of my life? You can get to fuck, many men have had that privilege and I don’t see them questioning my choices so why should you get to?”
Mulder sighs. This conversation was a rollercoaster and not going exactly how he planned, what little planning he’d done in the first place.
“You’re all I’ve thought about for two days,” he admits.
“Well now you’re just being fucking weird.”
Mulder sighs again. “I’m being serious. I’ve been wanting to find you since then but not through the agency and not by paying $300 to pretend.” He reaches out to grab her hand then thinks better of it, lacing his own hands together to keep them from touching hers. “That night was different for you, too, right?”
Scully shifts on her feet, crossing her arms, saying nothing.
“I’m just trying to protect you, Scully. I’ve seen your work and out of all of them you have the biggest chance here. I don’t want to see it ruined.”
“So why are you being a dick about it?”
“I’m sorry, it’s just…I care about you and, shit…I’m your instructor.” He wipes his hands over his face.
“You really feel that way?” she asks.
“Oh yeah.”
She moves closer to him, reaching out to take his hand. His heart gets stuck somewhere up his throat, his stomach doing somersaults. What are you doing? he wants to ask her.
“It’s just for 4 weeks, right? You being here?” He nods not daring to speak. “And then you go off to…whichever department you belong to.” He nods again. “So we can wait.” She isn’t looking at him. “And reassess in 4 weeks?”
“We’ll reassess in 4 weeks,” Mulder croaks, throat dry.
“Okay.” She squeezes his hand before dropping it. “I need to go pick up my daughter now.”
She starts backing away, making her way towards the door. She’s almost out of it when he calls for her again.
“Scully? I’m sorry for what happened in class. I shouldn’t have attacked you like that.”
She leans against the door, smiling and Mulder is so happy to see that smile again.
“I’m used to it. Agent Banks grills me all the time in here.”
Mulder makes a face. “Agent Banks is your instructor here?”
“Unfortunately. And I think he hates women.”
“Oh unfortunately he does. But from what I hear the man is on his deathbed so…”
She smiles again. “I won’t say what I was going to say.” She looks at him again, softer this time, like she did that night. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mulder.”
“See you tomorrow.”
He still smiling to himself when she’s gone, finally basking in the giddiness of seeing her again. Four weeks. He just needs to survive these four weeks and then maybe…
The door opens again and it’s her, muttering a string of sorries as she reaches for a work sheet before disappearing once more. The door clicks shut and she is gone.
Until tomorrow.
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storythesilly · 1 month
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explanation under cut
if a modder is a shitty person I give their character(s) a tragic backstory. igor just so happened to be a comfort character of mine, and is also notfurnace's sona. my favorites get the sadder lore. i am not sorry
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brigggl · 22 days
I have been overcome with utter certainty that Mac is the kind of guy to watch videos on his phone in public without headphones
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cornedbread · 1 month
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Here is your Purple and Igor!! I think they have very cute designs, hope you like these cute drawings too :^)
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midnightfruitloops · 1 month
i miss when iphones came out and then every brand started using "i" in front of their own products
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abimee · 4 months
i am constantly in a state of needing to go back to a place that doesnt exist and never existed but it felt real and it was better than this
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january-images · 7 months
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why-its-kai · 11 months
wtf i just realized all my band-related posters are in the kitchen. that was unintentional. and the least musically-equipped room in my apartment.
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autistickfigure · 6 months
i remember maybe what inspired me for stories is like. playstation all stars has a little origins section for each character which explains their backstory. Hey i just found out plastation all stars came out when i was 6 WELL anyway that was one of the first things that inspired me to flesh out things i guess. i love knowing why people are here and doing these things. i feel like i wrote some stuff in like a notebook somewhere about chug + lollipop (but maybe that was later?) i dont know where or if it survived. maybe it was about hat instead i also really liked smash bros + ratchet and clank + pokemon. and some other things i dont remember
#memory posts#i dont know if i actually played it when i was 6 i just know that the music from that game is still played by my brother when i sleep#(music as in the intro music where its like Woahhhh. Brace yourselves..)#before youtube put looping on phone i made playlists for the songs i wanted to listen to when i slept (ihome)#well. at FIRST i would just wake up and put it back on again but if i listened to them enough i would make a playlist#one time a 50 minute ad starting playing and i thought it would end so i didnt get up until Quite a time#the playlist naems were named 5 stars after fnauhg. and they consisted of like multiple different lyric videos of the songs#with varying qualities and dead air. I ALSO eventually got a loft so putting the music on consisted of getting down the ladder quickly#+ quietly putting the music again then getting back up the ladder quickly + quietly#there was a drawing of cyndaquil (or typshlosion?) on my wall i taped on with like a health bar under it that was kind of not full#all the way. and a drawing of sonic my brother made me but i scratched out the to and from so it had my name on it (and looked like i did i#my room wasnt ever really clean. at least not because of me. i always got the lowest grade in organization in elemntary school#(they graded what the inside of your desk looked like. mine had so much THINGS in it)#my bureau had stickers from every school i went to so i could remember them (It broke when we moved..)#the wood planks were all fucked up cuz i paced and jumped and ran to music and thinking#there were a couple of . nail indents on the floor#in the ladder of the loft i scratched in THE BIG BAD WOLF DIDNT DESERVE IT (or similar) because there was a play where he was on trial#and determined by how much screaming there was WE COULDVE MADE HIM INNOCENT but everyone else didnt like him i guess#my elemntary school had lines on the floor so i looked at them when i walked and for a time i looked at my feet whenever i walked#we got bella in 2012 and shes a cute awesome animal chihuahua.#these are things about me i guess this is the post. HI :3
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orangameelectronics · 8 months
Bluetooth Speaker Portable LED Digital Display Alarm Clock Bt Speaker FM Radio
I am beyond excited to share with you a game-changing gadget that has taken my music experience to a whole new level - the Bluetooth Speaker Portable LED Digital Display Alarm Clock Bt Speaker FM Radio! 
With its sleek design and compact size, this little powerhouse has become an indispensable part of my daily routine. Whether I'm jamming to my favorite tunes or waking up to the sound of my favorite radio station, this speaker clock has got my back! 
The LED digital display is a sight to behold! It not only shows the time in bold, easy-to-read numbers, but it also illuminates my room with a vibrant array of colors. It's like having a mini disco party in my bedroom!
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storythesilly · 1 month
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omresult · 1 year
Pepsi-Cola Company More To Lifewtr Sweepstakes - Win Big Prizes
More To Lifewtr Sweepstakes open for United States, which is going to ends on April 29th, 2023. So, all active participants should enter fast before the end date. Just submit your entry and get chance to win Big Prizes with ARV of all prizes is $106455. Sweepstakes Entry Page Sweepstakes Official Rules Ends on 29-04-2023 (DD-MM-YYYY) How To Enter : No purchase is necessary to enter in this…
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jacobgoldencom · 2 years
Best Color Changing Bluetooth Speaker! (Updated 2023)
A color-changing Bluetooth speaker is a type of portable speaker that can change its light color to match the music or mood. The best color changing bluetooth speaker comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, and it offers great sound quality, convenience, and versatility.
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helperpiner · 2 years
Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics
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#Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics install
#Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics series
Featuring Bongiovi Acoustics DPS technology and built-in rechargeable lithium-ion. Some scratching, scuffing, and smudging may be present.
#Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics series
Unfortunately, no pricing details regarding the iHome iW1 from iHome have been provided for the time being, but given the fact that we're talking about a latest-generation product that uses one of Apple's hottest technologies, it's quite likely that it won't come cheap. The iHome iW1 with AirPlay offers the latest experience in home audio. iHome iP1 Studio Series Bongiovi Acoustics DPS Speaker System Item/ Model: iHome iP1 Studio Series Bongiovi Acoustics DPS Speaker SystemTested&amp How Minimally tested, plugged in and powered on with indicator lights lit and connected an iPod, no other functionality tested.Condition: This item is pre-owned and is in used condition. The iHome iW1 also delivers some pretty OK audio features, including Bongiovi Acoustics DPS with specially tuned woofers and tweeters with a clean, efficient Class-D amplifier, while the sleek, backlit touch-sensitive control panel provides an elegant user interface.
#Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics install
The fact that the device from iHome is powered by a rechargeable battery can have its benefits, since users will be able to place this thing just about anywhere around the house they might wish to.Also, the fact that it's battery-operated enables users to install multiple units around their homes, that can work seamlessly while they move from one room to the next, a particular cool feature, as far as we're concerned. That's possible because the AirPlay works over Wi-Fi to stream digital lossless audio to the iW1 speaker directly from iTunes, users being able to employ Apple's free Remote app to wirelessly control music from the iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. iLounge 'Looks sleek, sounds sweet' New York Magazine 'The amount of added detail is astounding' Playboy FEATURING BONGIOVI ACOUSTICS DPS The iHome Studio. So, these serious Apple fans (after all, the company's penchant for Apple's products is quite visible right from their name) have just detailed their iW1 AirPlay wireless speaker system with rechargeable battery, a device that should allow users to bring their music along pretty much wherever they might go. it should come as no surprise that they've also addressed one of the hottest new technologies developed by the company from Cupertino, namely AirPlay. Featuring Bongiovi Acoustics DPS technology and built-in. Since iHome has released multiple multimedia accessories for just about all of the products Apple ever manufactured – OK, that's perhaps a bit much, but they did roll out docking stations and speakers for iPhones, iPods, iPads, etc. The iHome iW1 with AirPlay offers the latest experience in home audio entertainment allowing.
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sdpiner · 2 years
Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics ip1 bluetooth
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Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics ip1 bluetooth movie#
Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics ip1 bluetooth software#
Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics ip1 bluetooth Bluetooth#
Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics ip1 bluetooth tv#
Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics ip1 bluetooth Bluetooth#
Where iA100 differs most from iP90 and almost all of iHome’s prior-generation alarm clocks is in the fact that most of those buttons are completely optional if you’re using an iOS device with stereo Bluetooth streaming capabilities. Hitting the talk button re-initiates pairing with a previously connected device a row of small buttons hidden on the back of iA100 provides as-needed access to clock, EQ, pairing, nap, alarm 1 and alarm 2 settings. White lights on the top of the unit dim simultaneously with the clock, letting you see the volume, track, bedtime, wakeup, sound enhancement, dimmer, and power buttons with ease the talk and end buttons glow green and red when a Bluetooth device is paired. Front and center is a nearly identical clock face with large modern numbers and smaller matching weekday, month, and day information below it, illuminated by an eight-stage dimmer that ranges from very bright to as dim as can be. It allows you to sit with your iPhone up to 30 feet away and "beam" selected music to the system with excellent sound quality.IA100 actually looks a lot like iP90, using the same combination of matte black and semi-glossy silver plastics for its casing, though with classier touches that enhance its perceived value: side and front speaker grilles made of fabric, and loop-like sides that raise the chassis nearly an inch off the surface of a table. Oh, and if you've got a spare $149, the SoundDock 10 Bluetooth Dock accessory is way cool.
Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics ip1 bluetooth software#
A composite video output works as well as the iHome's component set, and there's a unique USB input for system software updates. The SoundDock 10's remote accesses iPod playlists (but not the complete branching menu, as found on the iHome and JVC). And vocalists seem utterly at ease, like they're hanging in the room with you. There's no confusing a stand-up acoustic bass with an electric bass here, as you'll find with other boxes. While not as overtly sizzling or booty-kicking as the iHome, the Bose takes a well-tempered, honest and non-fatiguing approach to music reproduction that can't be beat. It's weighty in girth (18.5 pounds) and prodigious in output, bellowing at up to 113 dB to fill the biggest room and wake the neighbors. The newest, biggest and, at $599, the most expensive of Bose's iPod speaker systems is also king of this test caravan. And, if a call comes in to a connected phone, these devices smartly damp down the music. And without raising the ire of your "eeww, you're not putting that pile of electronics in my living room" spouse.Īlmost all iPod speaker systems come with a wireless remote control to (at the least) skip through tracks, pause play and adjust the volume from across the room.Īll systems charge the Apple player while it's docked, an important convenience for iPhone users who want to re-energize the battery every night.
Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics ip1 bluetooth movie#
All so you can listen to your favorite tracks, albums, streaming music services and movie downloads in a more social, sharing way, without having to wear those isolating earphones. Lacking a radio tuner or a CD player (both so 20th century), these compact, attractive, amplified speaker boxes put most of their design attention on cranking up and fine-tuning (with "digital signal processing") the output of a docked iPod or iPhone. The product category registered more than $1 billion in U.S. Saleswise, the shining star is the least-complicated type of player: iPod speaker systems.
Ihome bongiovi dps acoustics ip1 bluetooth tv#
You can even find some TV sets (from JVC) with a pop-out connector. There's hardly a home audio/video product made today - from clock radio to a/v receiver to complete "home theater in a box" system - that doesn't have a dock for an Apple iPod or iPhone. SO, HOW MUCH does Apple monopolize the digital entertainment business?
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