#bluetooth speaker multiple pairing
orangameelectronics · 8 months
Bluetooth Speaker Portable LED Digital Display Alarm Clock Bt Speaker FM Radio
I am beyond excited to share with you a game-changing gadget that has taken my music experience to a whole new level - the Bluetooth Speaker Portable LED Digital Display Alarm Clock Bt Speaker FM Radio! 
With its sleek design and compact size, this little powerhouse has become an indispensable part of my daily routine. Whether I'm jamming to my favorite tunes or waking up to the sound of my favorite radio station, this speaker clock has got my back! 
The LED digital display is a sight to behold! It not only shows the time in bold, easy-to-read numbers, but it also illuminates my room with a vibrant array of colors. It's like having a mini disco party in my bedroom!
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sirfrogsworth · 2 months
Froggie's Guide to Budget Headphones
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@nimrella I am more well versed in traditional audio and home theater with big honking speakers, so I don't have much personal experience with headphones and headphone accessories. But I can tell you what I've learned from other people who are in the headphone world. And since you are starting more within the "budget" range I think I am somewhat qualified to guide you at this level.
You have three paths to choose from...
Wireless, low impedance wired (no amplification required), and high impedance wired (amplification required).
Basically... easy, medium, and hard.
But also... good, better, best.
Wireless Headphones
Wireless headphones have come a long way. Audiophiles used to scoff at them but now there are options that really do sound fantastic and the Bluetooth data rates are good enough to deliver high resolution audio. They also have noise cancellation options which may be desirable. If you do not have a quiet, dedicated space for listening to music you might find high end noise cancellation a godsend. People love them especially for planes, trains, and automobiles.
I don't know if everyone knows how noise cancellation works or not, but basically the headphones have microphones that listen to the world around you. They measure the incoming sound and then generate an opposite sound that just about kills ambient noise. If you play the same sound 180 degrees out of phase it basically nullifies those sound waves. The tech works best between 50 Hz and 1000 Hz. For reference we hear between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz (lower if you are old). So anything super high or super low pitched can still get through.
In any case, if that sounds appealing, wireless headphones should be a consideration.
The other advantage of wireless headphones would be the ease of use. They pair to your phone, your laptop, your TV. They have controls to help you pause and skip songs and change volume. Some allow you to take phone calls.
But the big downside is the sound quality takes a bit of a hit. As I said, the bluetooth standards have actually gotten very very good. (Though there are audiophiles who will swear it still sounds like a 1990s MP3.) So streaming the actual media files are not really an issue. But trying to cram all of that tech into lightweight headphones you can wear around town all day requires compromises and added expense. Not to mention the battery has a limited lifespan. You may have more limited or inconsistent frequency response, poor dynamic range, distortion problems, weak output, and a high noise floor. Wireless options still can't match wired headphone systems in the same price range. And the wireless options that come close are quite spendy.
Wireless Headphones Suggestions
In your price range the two wireless options that I hear mentioned over and over again are the Sony WH-1000 series and the Bose QuietComfort. They are both well regarded for having a good mix of sound quality and noise cancellation while also being a decent value. You might be able to visit a Best Buy and demo them to see if you prefer the sound and comfort of one over the other.
The Apple AirPods Max are said to work really well within the Apple ecosystem. They have some interesting spatial sound modes and very good audio quality. I've heard the noise cancellation is some of the best currently available. But they seem too expensive and a lot of people feel they are too heavy. I also suspect they are due for an update. That said, if you wait for the new ones to come out and buy used, they could come into your price range. I'd really only suggest these if you have multiple Apple products that you will be streaming sound from.
Before we move into wired headphones, let's go over some terms that you might see pop up when doing research and reading reviews.
Froggie's Glossary of Audiophile Terminology
Driver A speaker is made up of drivers. Some speakers have a woofer, a midrange, and a tweeter. Each individual thing is a driver. And with headphones you will often hear "headphone driver" instead of speaker because it is more specific. Headphones typically have an all-in-one driver that does all frequencies. A woofymidteet.
That's not a thing.
I made that up.
Frequency Response This is the range of frequencies produced by the drivers from low to high. You want to make sure your headphones have good, deep bass. That will make more of a difference than anything else. It's the foundation of all sound and what is sorely lacking in devices with small/cheap speakers.
Music typically doesn't go much below 40 Hz in the bass range. So if you are only interested in music listening, that is plenty deep. Movies can go down to 20 Hz, but this isn't necessary for a good immersive experience unless you have giant subwoofers. So if you find something that can play ~40 Hz with decent output, you should be all good. Every speaker has a frequency response curve. It looks something like this.
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The X-axis represents the frequency and the Y-axis represents the volume in decibels. We are most concerned with the 40 to 10K Hz section, as most sound happens there.
I'm not going to go super in-depth and overwhelm everyone, but typically you want this graph to look fairly flat in that range. A flat-ish line will give you a "neutral" response.
The above graph gets a little bumpy in the high frequencies. That means those frequencies will have a higher volume than the lower frequencies. If a higher frequency has a big peak, that could make your sound seem too bright or tinny.
Or you could have the opposite problem. You could have a null in the bass where the output dips below everything else. This can make your sound a bit anemic and lacking punch.
Whereas a more flat speaker will output all frequencies at about the same volume and sound much more balanced and smooth.
Equalization or EQ A flat response is good because it will accept EQ well. Equalization is where you add peaks and dips in volume deliberately to taste.
This can be as simple as 3 knobs.
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Or it can be a more complicated parametric EQ.
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A lot of digital EQ methods have presets to help get you started. I promise it isn't as intimidating as it looks.
Some people like to buy speakers/headphones that are EQ'd how they prefer out of the box. (Or if you get Beats by Dre they just turn the bass all the way up and say "Fuck them other frequencies!") But this is often a bit of a crapshoot because it is hard to EQ a speaker that sounds good in every room or every environment or just to varying individual preferences.
By making the speaker more neutral, it can be much easier to equalize specifically to your needs and enjoyment.
So if you like the bass a little bassier and the mids a little quieter, you have the power to dial that in with great specificity on a neutral speaker. You can apply any EQ you wish and you won't be fighting the speaker's predetermined response.
Basically if you are reading reviews and the headphones are described as "flat" or "neutral" that's a good thing (in my opinion). Just remember nothing is going to be perfectly flat. We're shooting for flat-ish.
If you do decide to get a neutral sounding pair of headphones you may find them a little bland out of the box. Do not panic. You just need to learn a bit about how to apply EQ, but thankfully YouTube is plentiful with tutorials.
The Harman Curve was researched to be most liked by the most people, so you might start there. (Also, SoundSource is a very popular EQ app for Mac.)
Dynamic Range This is the spectrum of how quiet to loud something can get. If you have speakers that can render both a pin drop and a big explosion with great fidelity and proper intensity, you will be in audio heaven. There is so much emotion and drama that can be expressed by expansive dynamic range and most cheap speakers compress it to an inch of its life. When the soft and the loud sounds are the same you miss out on so much audio information intended by the composer.
Distortion This is just how loud a speaker can go without breaking up. Low distortion is good. While every driver distorts at some point, usually that is at a much higher volume than you will use. This typically only plagues cheap, tiny drivers.
Sound Pressure Level (SPL) This is a measurement of how loud a speaker can get. While you don't want to listen to anything louder than a sustained average decibel level of 80 to 85, you do want peaks over 100, especially in the bass. Bass is less damaging to ears and hearing damage is all about sustained volume rather than quick peaks here and there. Most headphones can comfortably do an SPL between 90 and 110 dB. The ability to go louder is good, but only because that expands headroom, not because you should actually listen to them that loud. So if the headphones can get super loud, that means they will have a much easier time delivering normal levels.
Noise Floor Every sound system has background noise. You know that static you hear when you turn a radio up really loud when there is no sound playing? That is your noise floor. You want that to be as quiet as possible because if you turn up the volume, you don't just turn up the volume of the sounds you want to hear, you also turn up the volume of that background noise.
If you can find a headphone system with a decent low noise floor and you can also find a very quiet space to listen in, you could have a religious experience. I don't think people realize how much the room you are in matters, even when listening to headphones. When you are in a quiet room, you can play at lower volumes. And that can mitigate a lot of the problems associated with cranking the volume. You won't damage your ears for one thing. But the speakers won't have to work as hard so you'll have less distortion and better clarity.
Noise mostly comes from the amplifier, which I will talk about later on.
Froggie Pro Tip: If you want cheap speakers to perform better, go to a quiet room and move them as close as possible. This allows you to play them at a lower output while maintaining your desired perceived volume.
Okay, now we can finally talk about...
Wired Headphones
You have open back and closed back styles.
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Open back tends to have a more natural sound and feels more comfortable. Like listening to regular speakers. People generally feel they are able to listen to them longer because they don't create a seal and cause pressure on your ear drum. However, if sound can get out, it can also get in. So with open back headphones people nearby will be able to hear what you are listening to. And if you are not in a quiet room, all of that sound will leak in. Meaning you have to increase the volume and the noise floor and the distortion.
Closed back seals off your ears and gives you a quiet and immersive experience. You can be in a noisier room without having to crank the volume as much. Some prefer this style just because it helps them feel like they are going into their own personal dimension of sound. These are great for ASMR too. But ear fatigue can become an issue and you may need to take little breaks to let your ears breathe and your ear drums rest.
And the last thing we need to discuss is impedance.
The impedance of headphones mostly determines how hard they are to amplify. Impedance is measured in ohms which is this little horseshoe symbol... Ω.
Lower ohms means less electrical resistance and easier to amplify.
Higher ohms means more electrical resistance and difficult to amplify.
If you get headphones rated below 100 ohms, they can typically be driven by smartphones and laptops just by plugging into a standard headphone jack. Though depending on the device, 100 may sound a little quiet so you may want to go lower. 30 ohms is fairly typical if you plan to drive your headphones with everyday electronics.
Above 100 ohms you are going to need some sort of amplification—usually a DAC with a headphone amplifier. (There are DACs without amplification so be sure to check that.)
A DAC, or digital-to-analog converter, is already built into your phone and laptop. But those are very small, don't have a lot of power, and might have a higher noise floor due to interference from other components and heat and just a lot of electrical signals nearby.
By getting an external DAC w/amplifier you separate out the components, make them larger and more powerful, and typically improve the sound quality. Because it is more isolated, the amplification can be much quieter despite being more powerful.
If you plan to stay in a static location and you have high impedance headphones, you can get a little box DAC that sits on your desk. It works like an external sound card for your computer. If you record music or stream, a digital audio interface works great as well (remember to check the Ω).
But if you need to be more mobile with your headphones you can get a little USB dongle DAC, though you will probably not get the same sound quality and power.
Both will be superior to the internal DAC built into your computing devices.
So, low impedance headphones are easier if you need to move around.
High impedance headphones are better for staying put in a single location unless you get a dongle DAC.
Just remember, high and low impedance doesn't necessarily indicate quality. It's just that in order to drive high impedance headphones you need the larger amplifier with the nicer components and, by necessity, you automatically get that quality bump.
You can get very good low impedance headphones. However, if you power them *only* with a smartphone, you may not use them to their full potential. Which is why getting an external DAC is a good idea regardless.
But the nice thing about low impedance is you can get the headphones and still use them until you save up for the DAC. Or you can use them as normal while out and about and have a special listening spot at home with the DAC.
To review...
Low impedance and high impedance can both be high quality.
Low impedance (less than 100 ohms) works with anything.
High impedance (more than 100 ohms) requires amplification.
Both will be used to their full potential with a DAC/headphone amplifier of some kind.
Wired Headphones Suggestions
Again, I have not personally listened to any of these. I am just relaying what experts I trust have mentioned as being nice quality in your price range.
The beyerdynamic DT 770 headphones are some of the most well-regarded budget headphones I've heard of. They come in low and high impedance versions.
The Sennheiser HD 560 high impedance headphones are also praised for their value and performance.
If you can go a little pricier...
The HIFIMAN Sundara headphones have low impedance and can be driven easily by all your devices.
And the HIFIMAN Edition XS are even lower impedance and about the same price.
And if you want to try a DAC, I've heard good things about both Fosi and Schiit (yes, like the poopies), though there are many different brands. Just make sure the DAC has a headphone amplifier rated for the ohms you need.
The FOSI K5 Pro is a cheap "beginner" DAC that will power anything up to 300 ohms. This is the kind that sits on your desk.
And if you want a more portable dongle DAC, you can get something like the iFi Go Link.
I've also heard good things about the AudioQuest Dragonfly, though I hate recommending AudioQuest products due to them claiming they can do magical things. They use scientific gobbledygook to scam customers most of the time. That said, the DragonFly might be their only valid product.
Note from Future Froggie: AudioQuest just can't help themselves. While the Dragonfly itself is a good product and not a scam, they developed the "DragonTail", which is a scam.
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It's just a USB A to C Adapter for the Dragonfly. But they have to find a way to justify 30 fucking dollars so they came up with this bullshit.
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Definitely need to stabilize my geometry. If I have unstable geometry that could lead to quixotic trigonometry. And we all know that could introduce vertices into dodecahedrons. Which leads straight to accelerated cosmotic entropy catalyzing the heat death of the universe.
Fucking AudioQuest.
An inexpensive DAC may be all you ever need but DACs can get crazy expensive—just like headphones. And if you are really fancy you can get a DAC and a headphone amplifier as separate items. Audiophiles claim when you simplify components to a singular function you increase quality. While I think there is some small truth to that, I suspect they just think the tubes look neat.
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Froggie's Disclaimer: I am not telling you to get these specific things, but I do think you'll probably be happy with anything I've suggested. But sound is a subjective experience and it is always best to test things out before you buy them, if possible. Or make sure there is a return policy. You might see if there is a brick-and-mortar store nearby that allows you to demo headphones. Remember that comfort can be just as crucial as sound quality for long listening sessions.
Final Thoughts
Good sound has been life changing for me. And I am excited when anyone goes down this journey. While the stuff mentioned is considered "budget" by audiophiles, this can give you a good starting point if you want to upgrade down the road. You'll get to know your preferences and get a better understanding of how this all works and choose your own adventure from there.
Though it is very possible you'll be quite content with "budget" and the sound quality is more than enough.
Personally, while I am very happy with my current home theater setup, I am hopeful one day I can upgrade one budget tier above where I currently am and that will be my endgame. I've heard $10,000 speakers and it is mostly a land of diminishing returns once you reach that level.
I'm fine in "budget" land.
Further Research
I didn't mention the different types of headphone drivers because I didn't want to put too much data in everyone's head. But if you want to do additional research you can learn about the 4 main types... dynamic, planar magnetic, electrostatic, and balanced armature.
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honeyedmiller · 2 years
The Night Before // Pedro Pascal
warnings: implications of smut and sooooooo much fluff I could CRY. hope y'all enjoy <3
word count: 1.7k
synopsis: You and Pedro had been dating for awhile, and finally decided to give yourselves to each other. Now it's the morning after, and you can't get last night's events out of your head.
(p.s. omfg this gif makes me want to dramatically CRY UGH)
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You stirred slightly, eyes slowly fluttering open. The sun's bright rays beamed through your lover's bedroom, the ivory curtains doing a poor job at keeping the light from your eyes.
You felt a pair of strong, muscular arms wrapped around your bare abdomen, bringing a sleepy smile to your glowing complexion. You could tell he was still asleep by the slow, even sounds of his breath that blew against the back of your neck.
Your eyes darted to the clock on the bedside table— 7:30 a.m. You were surprised you woke so early, considering how late you stayed up due to last night's events.
Oh, last nights events.
You'd been dating Pedro for a few months now, and he absolutely adored you. He'd show you off to the world whenever given the chance, proud to call you his. He made you feel so special, so loved, and never let a day pass by where you didn't feel the unwavering love he had for you.
You finally admitted last night that you loved each other, and that's when you two decided to give yourselves over to one another. Sure, you've had multiple occasions where everything got hot and heavy, but it never exceeded a certain point until last night.
The memories of last night coursed through your mind, imprinting themselves into your soul. You could still feel the way his hands roamed your body, making your skin feel like it was on fire. You could feel his lips against yours and various other parts of your body, making you blush once more. You could also recall his words, still very fresh in your mind, of him praising you and telling you how absolutely breathtaking you were.
He made you feel like a goddess— and to him, you absolutely were. You loved this man more than anything, and you made sure he knew that.
He took his time with you. He didn't rush a thing, and made sure you knew he was all in, and you were his end game. You were it for him, no one else. He'd found his soulmate, his forever, his life partner. The overwhelming feeling of it all washed over him last night all at once, nearly making him cry tears of absolute exultation.
At first, you'd always had a hard time expressing your feelings, and Pedro was hesitant to fully commit to a relationship in fear of getting hurt. It took so long to build that strong form of trust between you both, but the moment it happened, you both dove into it head first. Neither of you regretted the decision to do so.
Breaking from your daze, you turn your head to see a peaceful looking Pedro. A soft smile grazed your lips and you moved to kiss his forehead ever so tenderly. He didn't move an inch, which made you stifle a giggle. Slowly, you unwrap his arms from you, already missing the warm embrace as you slowly sneak out of bed.
You found his shirt from last night tossed onto the floor, so you swiftly picked it up and put it over your head, the soft jersey material falling over your bare body.
You tiptoed out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. You made your way downstairs and into the kitchen. You wanted to do something nice for Pedro since he made you feel so special the previous night, so you decided to make a nice breakfast.
You grabbed all the ingredients you needed, connected your phone to the bluetooth speaker he had in the vicinity, and got to work.
You started swaying your hips to the music as you diced up some potatoes, wincing slightly at the soreness between the apex of your thighs. It was a good soreness, though, and you remember your lover's presence there.
You'd just finished scrambling eggs and cooking up some seasoned potatoes, fixing to stir the waffle mix when flashbacks of the night before started to flood your head.
"You're so breathtaking, baby."
"I love you."
"You're all mine. I'm so lucky. All mine."
Pedro's words kept replaying in your head, making your eyes tear up in the slightest. You really loved that man with everything in your whole being, and were so lucky to've found such a wonderful person like him in this lifetime.
"Good morning, sweet girl." A low, groggy voice snapped you from your thoughts, startling you. His bare feet padded against the hardwood floor, stopping when he was entirely in the kitchen. You turn around, bowl full of waffle mix in one hand, whisk in the other.
You were doe-eyed as you faced Pedro, admiring how disheveled his hair was, how his tan skin glowed, and how low his gray sweatpants hung from his hips. You bit your lip as your eyes met his dark ones that were soft, sleep still prominent in them.
"Good morning, handsome," You set the bowl with the whisk down on the kitchen island, moving to your sleepy lover. You stopped in front of his tall frame, looking up at him. He lazily smiled down at you as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you flush against his body. "How'd you sleep?"
A blush sprinkled across your cheeks from the proximity, but you beamed up at him as you trailed your hands up his chest and around the back of his neck. You linked your two hands together, letting them rest comfortable behind him.
"Best sleep I've gotten in a very long time." He rasps, moving his head down to kiss you softly. Your hands unlink from themselves, and you move one of them to the back of his head and through his soft, wavy hair.
You kissed him like your life depended on it. You'd never been so passionate with anyone until it came to Pedro, but he loved every ounce of love you were willing to pour into him.
Reluctantly, you pulled apart from him. He kissed your forehead before looking down at you once more, and your hand moved to his cheek to caress it.
"I'm making some breakfast," You state the obvious, "Hope you're hungry." You smile up at him before kissing the stubble on his chin before fully releasing him, but he doesn't let go of you just yet.
"Hmm," He hums, resting his forehead against yours. "Smells good." He grins at you, kissing your forehead one more time before releasing you from his grip.
"Waffles should be done in ten minutes." You turn back around to finish the mix, couldn't help but feel Pedro's eyes burning into you.
He leaned against the kitchen island, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched you mix the batter in the bowl, wearing his shirt. God, could you be more perfect? His eyes ran up and down your body, over every single curve that he had the privilege of kissing last night.
You started to shake your hips to the song that was playing, which put the biggest smile on Pedro's velvet lips. He wanted to reach out and touch you, but he knew better than to distract you from something that had your full, undivided attention.
As promised, the waffles were done in ten minutes. You served him a plate and he graciously thanked you, diving right in. He let out a satisfied groan, his eyes rolling back in a dramatic fashion. You laugh, lightly hitting his shoulder.
You both ate in peace, just simply enjoying each other's company. It was intimate moments like this that tugged at your heart strings. Moments like this you'd never take for granted.
You both finished fairly quickly, both seemingly hungry after such a worked-up appetite.
After you put your dishes in the sink, Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls played over the speaker. Pedro held his hand out to you, and you softly giggled as you took it without hesitation. He pulled you into his chest as one hand wrapped around your waist, the other holding yours in his.
You rested your head on his chest as you two swayed back and fourth to the beautiful love song, pure bliss coursing through your whole being. You don't know what you did in a past life to deserve such a man as Pedro, but you couldn't be happier. You were so in love with him, it could make others sick.
He twirled you around toward the end of the song, your giggle echoing through the kitchen. He hoisted you up by your waist and set you down on the kitchen island, so you two were now eye level. He parted your legs so he could stand between them, hands traveling up your thighs as he dipped his head to leave feathery light kisses against the hot skin of your neck.
You hummed in content, draping your arms over his shoulders. His hands kept traveling up until they reached the apex of your thighs, and his thumbs began to rub light circles into your skin. You pulled apart from him for a second, admiring the adoration in his eyes— which, you were one hundred percent sure your eyes reflected to him as well.
"I love you," You whisper, your index finger moving to trace a small pattern on his bare chest. "So much." You kiss him once, twice, a third time before running a hand through his hair.
"I love you too, my darling. So much." He nudges his nose against yours, leaving a soft, lingering kiss on your lips.
"C'mon, let's go get you cleaned up, mama." Pedro hoists you up from the counter, a playful squeal falling from your mouth. You wrap your legs around his waist and leave playful, wet kisses tracing along his neck and collarbone as he took you two back upstairs to his bedroom and into the bathroom.
He set you down, your feet planting themselves on the cold tile floor. You shivered at the feeling, looking up at Pedro. He went to turn on the shower to a temperature you both liked, then stood back in front of your frame.
He smiled as his hands grazed where the hem of his t-shirt on you and your thighs met, chills instantly covering your body. He slowly pushed the shirt up and over your head, admiring your bare body from head to toe.
"My beautiful, sweet girl. How perfect you are." His lips met yours once again, this kiss in particular filled with fervor and neediness. You slid the sweats right off of his body, and he wasted no time backing you into the shower, lips never breaking yours—
back to finish what was started the night before.
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discount-shades · 1 year
Contract Spouse Chapter 6
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Chapter 6: Crashing
A/N: So Chapter 8 was split into two chapters. The series will be 10 chapters long so I am getting close to being done writing! 
Pairing: Jake Seresin/Reader (nicknamed Pip)
Warning:  Angst,  
Length: 2400 ish
Summary: Pip makes a decision about her relationship with Jake, and Jake’s feelings regarding spinach are revealed. 
Previous     Masterlist     Next
You had pizza for dinner, and you hadn’t made cookies. Jake had tried to convince you to watch a movie together but you couldn’t do nothing. The anxiety embedded in you from your childhood would not let go. 
Logically you knew Jake was nothing like your parents. He had said multiple times he was not mad at you, nothing about his actions indicated he was upset with you in any way, but you could not let it go. You hadn’t felt like this in years. The urge to smooth things over and make it better consumed you and you couldn’t shake it.
When Jake had been unable to convince you to stop he had joined you, turning the Bluetooth speaker on to Texas country. He helped wash the few dishes from dinner, humming along to the song playing. He vacuumed the area rugs while you swept. Whatever you did he was there assisting.
He finally catches your wrist as you start to reorganize the drawers in the bathroom. “Pip it's after midnight.” You stare at the hand on your wrist. His grip is gentle, thumb gently caressing the inside of your wrist. “The house is clean and it's time for bed.” 
You finally look at him and his eyes are soft, worry lingering in them. He backs up and gently tugs on your hand and you follow him. Your heart clenches at the hopeful smile and the relief on his face. He had been shooting you worried looks all night and you can see the tension leave him. You change in the bathroom, your room still under repairs from the water damage.
When you reach the bedroom Jake is still hovering by the side of the bed. “Do you want me to sleep on the couch?” 
“No Jake, it's ok.” You crawl under the covers and pat the spot beside you, feeling ashamed by your behavior all night. “I’m sorry for tonight. You shouldn’t have cleaned too. It's a ‘me problem’.”
Jake hits the light and plunges the room into darkness. You feel the bed dip as he lies down beside you. “Well you weren't stopping and I figured it would be more efficient if I helped you clean.” Your lips twitch at his words as the bed shifts. You can tell he is facing you on his side and you turn to mirror him. “You kinda freaked me out today.”
“I'm sorry,” you whisper, feeling even worse.
“I don’t want you to be sorry,” Jake's hands slide across the space between you. His fingers brush against yours and slowly tangle together like he is waiting for you to pull away. He brings your fingers to his lips and gently kisses your knuckles as traitorous butterflies erupt in your stomach. “I want you to tell me what happened. You were so upset then you were so blank and it scared me.”
“I don’t know.” You lie, unsure of what else you can say. “The interview kinda got to me.”  You couldn't explain the way your brain panicked after you pushed him and there is no way you would explain why you were mad. You wouldn’t tell him that when he called you Darlin’, your heart broke. That you were sad he didn’t love you like you loved him. It made you feel pathetic. 
It felt like the story of your life, loving and wanting to be loved by people who didn’t love you back. At least Jake was better than your parents, even though in the end he would probably hurt you worse.
“Just promise me you won’t leave me.” Jake's voice is strained in a way you have never heard before. “I don’t think I can do this without you.”
“Do what without me?” Your voice drops further, afraid that if you spoke too loudly it would break the fragile thread between you.
“Life, existing, I don’t know.” He pauses like he is searching for words. “Pip, I love you.” You fight to keep your breathing steady at his words, wishing there was some kind of light so you could see his face. He has said it before, but tonight, in the dark, he sounds different. Your heart beat increases as hope fills you. “You know me, and even after the divorce I need to know you will be in my corner. I need to know I’ll still be able to call you.  You’ll always be my best friend.”
At his final words the spark that had filled your chest dies. “Yeah Jake,” you agree, keeping your voice steady. “I’ll always be there for you.” At your words he pulls you into his arms and you go. 
Legs tangled together and his arms around you, you lie there trying to drift off, knowing Jake won’t sleep until you do. That his brain won’t let him rest if there is someone else awake in the room. Another way you know Jake like no one else does. Unwilling to move away and unable to deny yourself the intimacy you crave, you stay. After all, this is all you are ever going to get.
– – – 
You awake the next morning feeling overwhelmingly warm. Jake’s chest is pressed against your spine, his nose tucked against you and his breaths flutter the hairs at the nape of your neck. 
It’s too hot and you want to move but you don’t. Judging by the light filtering in through the curtains Jake’s alarm will go off soon and he will leave you then. It’s a Saturday so you have the day off but Jake has a training flight. 
When the alarm finally rings you wait for the inevitable loss of warmth but Jake just reaches over and turns it off before wrapping himself back around you and nuzzling into your neck, raising goosebumps. 
“How did you sleep?” you break the spell of the peaceful morning with your words. Jake hums and rolls onto his back, you shift with him so you are propped against his side but he doesn’t leave like before. 
“Good,” he tells you, “really good actually.” You smile at his admission and toss the covers off so your body can feel cool air and Jake copies you. He asks you about your plans for the day and you lie together talking about everything and nothing like you used to on the phone. 
It’s you who leaves the bed first to start the coffee and part of you feels more relaxed after your lazy morning. It had been nice to lie next to Jake and talk about your day but it made you realize what you truly wanted. You had been so caught up in your unrequited feelings for Jake that you had never taken a moment to think of what you were looking for in a relationship. And despite everything you feel for Jake you realize that while he might love you, he wasn't in love with you, and it was no longer enough. You decide it’s finally time to start letting go of your love. 
– – – 
When you look at your ringing phone and see Javy’s contact information you frown. You had spoken to the man a few times over the years but he had never contacted you for a  social call.
“Javy? What's up?” Your stomach clenches when you answer the phone.
“Hey Pip,” Javy’s voice is strained. “There's been an accident, Jake crash landed in the desert.”
“Is he ok?” you hate how small your voice sounds. 
“They’re taking him to the hospital. I’ll meet you there. Wives are allowed.” He says the last part pointedly and you know that he is hinting that as Jake's wife, you are expected to be there.
“Yeah, of course.” You would have gone to the hospital even if you weren't married to Jake. “Text me the hospital and I will meet you there.”
Traffic seems to slow the closer you get to the hospital. You can’t stop nervously tapping the steering wheel of the used Rav4 you had bought the week after moving. Your mind catastrophizes everything that might happen. Jake is paralyzed, there’s internal bleeding, traumatic brain injury. Jake dies. 
When you are able to park you sprint to the front desk. “Lieutenant Jake Seresin, he's a pilot, where is he?”
The nurse gives you a compassionate, yet reserved look. “May I ask your relationship to the patient?”
“I’m his wife.” The words fall from your lips easily. They are words you have barely spoken in all your years of marriage and have become increasingly common the last few months. 
She directs you to a different floor and when you arrive you see Javy, still in his flight suit, broad shoulders tense, pacing the waiting room. When he sees you he wraps you into a hug. “He’s in surgery,” he says, releasing you. At your look of horror he amends. “It’s for his wrist, he fractured it, probably has a concussion, but he's going to be ok.”
You sag in relief and collapse into a chair letting out a shuddering breath. You stare at your hands and notice for the first time that they are shaking. You squeeze them together until your knuckles turn white, trying to hide the trembling from Javy when he sits down beside you. You take deep breaths and slowly the shaking stops. 
“He’d be happy you are here,” Javy says and you smile. 
“I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” you say with a tight smile. “What happened? How did he crash?”
“There was some sort of electrical malfunction, he couldn't make it back to the tarmac so he landed in the desert.” You wince thinking about it and Javy continues. “He broke his landing gear off the plane so he must have hit pretty hard.” You nod and sit in silence, waiting. 
“He’s gotten worse.” Javy says in a low murmur, breaking the silence. You are sitting in the corner of the nearly empty waiting room but he still glances around. “After the last mission, I don’t know, he’s different, on edge, even before the investigations. I don’t think he’s sleeping.”
“He’s not.” you say before amending, “At least not well.” 
Javy sighs and you give his hand a squeeze and stare at the door to the operating rooms together. The two people who looked out for Jake while he looked out for everyone else. “He’s gotten better too.” 
You look at Javy frowning, “how?”
“After the last mission, I dunno, it humbled him.“ Javy shrugs. “Made him more of a team player, less closed off. Less of an ass.” You smile. In the few times you had met Javy he had always made jokes about how you were too nice for Jake, but you never saw it. He was never an asshole around you. “You’re good for him.”
The grin on your face turns bitter. “Spinach is good for you too, so is exercise.” 
“What’s your point?” Javy is frowning at you and though you feel guilty for bringing it up with Jake in surgery, you are so emotionally drained over the last two days that your walls are down. 
You have hid your feelings for Jake away for so long it is second nature. There has never been anyone you can tell. And there is still something stopping you from outright bearing your soul to Javy. 
“I’m not going to be someone's spinach forever,” you say following the analogy. “I want to be the gooey chocolate chip cookie that you want because it makes you happy and the bad days better, not the spinach that you keep eating because it is good for you.”
Javy is silent beside you and you begin to spin the ring around your finger again. You have no idea if Javy caught on to what you were trying not to say and a part of you is past caring. Eventually Javy breaks the silence, “Jake likes spinach, and exercise.”
You sigh sadly, “I know he does.”
– – – 
When Jake is out of surgery you and Javy both get to see him. He is groggy and doesn’t do much more than mumble hello before the doctors advise him to sleep. Javy sits with you a while before a nurse insists that only one of you can stay. Javy leaves you with a hug and you curl up into the chair next to Jake’s bed.
Part of you regrets your promise from last night, that you would never leave him. You wouldn’t for good, but after the divorce you would need to go away for a while. You are staring out the window when you hear Jake's scratchy voice. “I thought I dreamed you were here with Javy.”
You pour some water into a cup and hold the straw for him. His one arm is in a cast and the other has an IV. You hit the call button the nurse had told you to press when he woke up. 
“I’m glad you stayed.” His voice is less scratchy and still heavy with sleep, but there is a little smile tugging on his lips. 
“I’m your wife, of course I'm here.” You smile at his groggy expression and gently squeeze his hand 
“No, I want you here for me.” His smile drops, “it's not fair, but I do.” The nurse and doctor come in and you step back to let them work, mulling over Jake's words.
They keep Jake in the hospital a few days and you call out of work so you can sit with him. Mostly he sleeps but when he is awake you talk about the little things, Javy’s upcoming wedding, the house repairs, but never anything to do with your relationship. You are sitting next to Jake when Cyclone arrives. Jake goes to shift his posture and the man waves him off. 
“Are you his wife?” You frown at the brusque question but nod. “Do you intend to stay married to him?” You nod again and Jake squeezes your hand. You glance at Jake, unnerved.
“Well in that case, Lieutenant Seresin I am ordering you to attend marriage counseling every two weeks for six months, with your wife.” He drops a list of counselors on the foot of the bed. “After that, and you are cleared medically, you can fly again. If you are quick about it, most of your time in counseling will coincide with your recovery.” 
Your jaw drops and Jake nods. “You’re getting off light on this Seresin. Mess around again with another vindictive woman and it won’t go well for you.” 
“Yes, Sir,” Jake salutes from his bed and Cyclone leaves just as abruptly as he entered. 
“I think he just strengthened our case.” Jake says.
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Day 06 - Big Dick]
Pairing: soft dom!Seokjin x f.Reader
Kinks: love making, he has a big dick, body worship, praise, lingerie, protected vaginal penetrative sex, handjob, vaginal fingering, oral (f.receiving), multiple orgasms (f.receiving), he is so lovely
Wordcount: 3.9k
a/n: he is so sweet, imma actually cry wth this story made my heart race 🤎
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The lights in the room are dimmed, vanilla scented candles give it a soft orange glow and from your bluetooth speaker slow love making music is playing.
You are resting on your back, head supported by your pillow and skin tickled by soft cotton sheets.
Your boyfriend is on top of you, shirtless and with his dark hair slightly tousled in the front. It has gotten so long these days that you can comfortably twist it in the back. His lips are on your skin, showering your neck and collarbones in his undivided devotion. He has been showering you in attention for such a long time already that you feel as if you are floating on warm, fluffy clouds.
“Is that nice?” he whispers as he places yet another kiss on your left collarbones.
“Yes, so nice”, you answer him in a sigh, melting like chocolate in the sun.
“I love kissing you, love it so much”, he mumbles, abandoning your collarbone to kiss your shoulder right next to where your bra strap rests. He walks his fingers down along the strap until they tickle your side.
You arch your back, hoping that he will understand.
He does. He cups your breast gently, holding it safely as his lips dance their way back to your neck. His thumb caresses your nipple over the material, his warmth seeps into your skin.
“Don’t stop”, you plead, knowing very well that he won’t.
Once Seokjin has decided to worship you, he won’t stop until every inch of you got his attention. He always manages to get you so incredibly wet and needy because of it, but you don’t mind that he does. You love that this is his goal whenever you are intimate. Because Seokjin is rather well gifted in size. Very well gifted if one was being honest. The first time you saw him naked and in his full, hardened glory, you almost bailed on him.
“How should I ever fit this inside?” you asked him back then to which Seokjin laughed and assured you that you didn’t need to take him if you didn’t want to. Back then you ended up giving him the “best handjob he has ever gotten” according to him while he fingered you to two orgasms.
Tonight however, you are determined to finally taking him. Seokjin is the best boyfriend you have ever had and you want him with every fiber of your being. And that means wanting his nine inch dick inside you.
“So soft”, Seokjin whispers, kissing down your sternum until he reaches your upper tummy. He holds your sides, palms warm and tender and fingers caressing your skin. You love it so much when he holds you. You always feel so safe when he does. And in return Seokjin loves holding you, he feels so strong and so needed when he has you between his hands.
"You're so beautiful", he whispers, placing kisses along your tummy, "every inch of you is beautiful."
Seokjin has been in love before. But he realised that what he felt was never truly real, because ever since he has you in his life, colours are brighter and warm days are even warmer. He wakes up and thinks of you, he cooks good food and thinks of cooking it for you, he sees funny stuff and thinks of showing it to you and he goes to sleep and dreams of you. Seokjin knows how true love feels these days.
“I don't ever want this to end”, he whispers, meaning the words in more ways than one. Just don’t let us ever end. 
The hem of your mesh panties tickle his lips, forcing him to flit his eyes up at you. You aren’t looking, head rolled to the side and lips curled into a happy smile. 
“My beautiful?” he asks.
“Can I taste you? Please?”
“Yeah, please”, you whisper, parting your legs. 
“God, thank you. You make me so happy”, he says, kissing your pussy over the mesh, “so, so happy.”
His lips are so warm. It is driving you crazy that this stupid layer of fabric is between them and your pussy. Every new kiss he places, turns you needier and needier.
“Your panties are soaked”, he rasps, “are you enjoying yourself, love?”
“Yeah…hurry please”, you answer him, hips squirming needily.
Seokjin chuckles, lazily, “you're so cute”, he gushes, before hooking his finger in your panties to pull them to the side. 
He kisses your soaked lips first, humming in delight and making your breath hitch.
“So wet. Baby, you’re so wet”, he rasps, “love that so much. Love your pussy, my beautiful. Love her so much”, he adds, giving your clit a soft kitten lick. 
“Ah”, you gasp, hips shooting up in an involuntary reaction. You twist the sheets even if he didn’t properly start yet. You are so excited. You can’t handle it. 
“So sweet”, Seokjin whispers between kitten licks, “love your taste, baby. It’s so good”, he says and moans.
“Jinnie”, you mewl softly, reaching between your legs to touch him. His hair feels so soft, tickling your fingers as you comb through it. 
“That feels amazing, love. Keep doing that”, he praises, gazing up at you even if you have your eyes closed. He loves your face so much. He has never seen features more perfect than yours.
Seokjin abandons your clit to instead place the flat of his tongue on your entrance just to drag it through your folds to your clit. He moans with you, tightening the grip around your panties now that your hips are squirming so much.
“Is that nice? You’re whimpering so much”, Seokjin asks, repeating the movements in a slow yet skilled pattern.
“Don't stop”, you answer him, melting into the sheets. Seokjin gives the best head ever. His lips and tongue are made for it. And dear, he is always so attentive, always making sure that you are feeling as much pleasure as possible.
Tonight is no different. Seokjin eats you out with his entire concentration on you, pretty eyes gazing up at you and hips grinding into the mattress slowly. Giving head is such a turn on to him, especially when it is you. You are the best. So sweet and so soft. 
Seokjin hums happily and gives your clit a little kiss.
You giggle, sneaking a shy glance down at him. 
“You’re so pretty”, he says in a fond chuckle, kissing your clit again. 
“Jinnie”, you squeak out, writhing for him.
“Heh, my pretty”, he says, closing his eyes as he dances his tongue over your clit again. He runs his left hand up and down the paths of your tummy, palm flat on the skin and touch so incredibly gentle. It feels so nice to be appreciated whilst his warmth lingers between your legs. Seokjin is truly so amazing at what he does. You give his scalp soft scratches, hoping that he knows that you want to thank him this way. 
His blissed out moan vibrates against your core, his brows furrow even if you can’t see it. He has such a sensitive scalp and whenever you scratch it, his entire body feels electric. It relaxes him so much, makes him feel so loved, but also turns him on. Especially when he can taste your sweet pussy as you are doing it.
“God, I want you”, he whispers, “I want you so bad”, he says, showing you just how much he needs you by tugging your panties to the side even further and smothering his lower face with your pussy.
“Ah! Oh…Ji-Jinnie”, you stutter, thighs squeezing his head and forcing his fingers to slip from your panties.
He laughs softly, lifting his head, “baby, you made the panties slip”, he tells you without any sort of accusation in his voice.
You open your legs again, looking at him with shy eyes. 
“Sorry, it felt really good. I got surprised”, you say. 
“That’s okay, beautiful. Do you want me to take them off so it can’t happen again?”
You nod your head, lifting your hips for him. 
“Thank you, my beautiful. I’m so lucky to have you”, he whispers, pulling the panties down your legs and discarding them on the bed. He takes your ankle, lifting it to his lips to place an adoring kiss on it. 
You feel your cheeks heat up in giddiness instantly, hips squirming on the sheets. They feel really, really soft on your skin and newly exposed butt.
Seokjin kisses his way up your calf, following the paths his hands draw. It feels more and more intense the closer to your core he gets. While the kisses to your calf and ankle felt warm, the kisses on your inner thigh feel like fire. Oh how you need him back on your pussy. 
Seokjin lies back down onto his tummy, wrapping his arms around your thighs to hug them this way. 
“My beautiful”, he says, finally connecting his lips with your aching core. 
“Ah Jinnie”, you moan, dropping your head back into the pillows. Your hand finds his hair again, playing with it slowly as he worships your pussy.
His tongue parts your folds, running along your sensitive parts until you give him a soft sigh. And only then he finally pays attention to your clit again, having brought you to such a state of pleasure that the first lick to it, makes you chase him with an almost aggressive twitch of your hips.
Seokjin moans, holding you down with his strong arms still safely around your thighs. Like this you can feel how his muscles tense in his arms. Your strong man always so ready to hold you when you lose yourself in the pleasure he gives you.
“Yes, beautiful?”
“Can I have your fingers too? Always feels so good.”
You feel him smile against you, “of course my beautiful”, he whispers, abandoning one of your thighs so he can use his hand. He lifts his head, but stays close, lips swollen and pink from using them on you.
He places two of his fingers on your pussy, using them to part your folds. His touch feels way more intense than his tongue did, forcing a sigh of his name past your lips. He runs his fingertips up and down your pussy, drawing circles on your clit and watching in delight how wet you get because of it.
“You have the prettiest pussy, my beautiful”, he praises, “I’ll slip in now. Ready?”
“Yeah, ready.”
Seokjin looks at your face as he enters you, heart racing in his chest.
“Oh wow”, you moan softly, making his cock throb against the mattress.
“You are so soft baby”, Seokjin tells you, bottoming out, “and so wet”, he adds, curling his fingers carefully.
“M-more to the right”, you get out and Seokjin listens, wiggling his fingers just slightly more to the right.
“There?” he asks, massaging your favourite spot slowly.
“Yes…wow”, you get out and whimper, “don’t stop.”
“I won’t my beautiful. I won’t, just tell me if I should ever change something”, he says and then leans down to trace your clit with his tongue.
“Please, ah, Jin”, you gasp, “don’t stop.”
“Mhhm”, he hums against you, shaking his head in a promise that he won’t. He wants you to feel so goddamn good, he wants you to feel dizzy and tingly and oh so happy. Because that is all he wants to do. He wants to make you happy. In every aspect of your life together, but especially in bed.
Seokjin isn’t a cocky or arrogant man, even if he sometimes makes cocky little jokes about how handsome he was, but in reality he truly, truly wasn’t. Seokjin is sweet and attentive and he wants to make sure that the woman he calls his treasure, is as happy as she can be. Quite frankly, Seokjin sometimes thinks that the entire world could be sad around him and he wouldn’t mind because as long as you are happy, he is happy too. And that is why he wants to be the best you ever had in bed, because being your best means that he is making you as happy as you can be.
“I love that so much”, you encourage him, running your trembling fingers through his hair, “don’t stop”, you say, not because you fear that he would, but because you can't say much more. He is scrambling your brain so well.
Seokjin gazes up at you again. His briefs are sticking to him by now. It turns him on so much to eat you out that his cock is just the slightest bit sensitive. He really, really wants to be inside of you, but would never tell you that. Even if tonight ends with another handjob, Seokjin will be happy. Anything that makes you feel comfortable will make him happy too. He does really hope though that you want him tonight, if he is allowed to add that little thought, he really craves your warmth so much.
“Jinnie I think you can make me cum like that”, you tell him, tensing your walls around his fingers, “it’s…really, ah, good.”
“Mhhmbaby”, he moans into you, concentrating with furrowed brows to make sure that he doesn’t accidentally change something in his rhythm. Slow licks with his tongue made to pleasure your clit and precise curls of his skilled fingers meant to please even the deepest parts of you. You become tighter and tighter around him and Seokjin can listen to how your breathing speeds up as well.
You can barely even take breaths. Every inch of your body feels so warm while your middle feels like it is burning up. Seokjin’s fingers feel so thick inside of you now that you are clenching so much, each time he curls them, you could swear that you become tighter and tighter.
“Jinnie baby”, you gasp, twisting his hair gently, “oh my god, I think it’s, it’s.”
Let go, he tells you with a swirl of his tongue, let go beautiful and I’ll make it amazing for you.
“C-can I cum?” you get out, “please?”
“Mhhm” he hums, nodding his head and flicking his tongue over your swollen clit.
“Oh god, Jin”, you moan, letting go instantly. Your high sits deep and lasts long, filling your entire body with electric tingles. Being worshipped for so long really takes a toll on you. It feels so incredible to orgasm when Seokjin is the one being responsible for it.
You come down with Seokjin’s help, shivering as he breaks away from you to kiss up your torso.
“So good, my baby. You were so good”, he praises, voice shaky in desperation, “fuck, you were the best”, he rasps, kissing your lips.
You can taste yourself on his tongue, moaning into him while your arms hook themselves behind his neck. Seokjin allows you to drag you on top of him, naked chest resting against your clothed breasts and arms cradling you safely.
“Thank you”, you whisper, barely breaking the kiss.
“No, thank you. I love eating you out”, he answers you softly, “it turns me on so much.”
“It does?” you ask in a tiny giggle, gazing up at him.
“So much”, Seokjin smiles, “reach down and feel how hard I am.”
You do so happily, cupping his cock over his briefs. You gasp, Seokjin groans softly.
“Wow Jinnie, you’re rockhard”, you say, rubbing him slowly, “and so wet.”
“I’m…so…turned…on”, he struggles with his words, breathing speeding up and fingers twisting the pillow.
“Do you still want to fuck me?” you ask him.
“That’s all I’m thinking about”, he answers you, bucking his hips into your hand.
“I think I want you to”, you say.
Seokjin opens his eyes, hips stuttering in desperation
“Really?” he croaks.
“Mh-hm”, you say, nodding your head.
“Wow baby, hah”, he lets out a disbelieved laugh, cupping your face, “are you really sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I’m really sure, just promise to be gentle.”
“Baby”, his eyes soften, “gentle is my middle name.”
You snort, “really? Yesterday it was still steak master griller.”
“I have many middle names”, he jokes, making you laugh wholeheartedly.
“I can’t argue with that”, you say, snickering, “gosh Jinnie, now I want you even more. You’re so funny.”
Seokjin gazes at you with red ears and rosy cheeks. His heart is skipping beats in his chest from how happy he is.
“I want you too”, he pecks your cheek, “I’ll get the condom and lube.”
“Okay, hurry up.”
“Will do.”
He takes off his briefs as well, jerking himself a few times to really get him going. Not that he needs to, but it is still nice to touch himself for a little. Those briefs felt so constricting around his cock.
The condom slips on easily, sitting perfectly around his cock.
“It’s on”, he says, showing it off to you.
“You look so sexy, Jinnie”, you say, gazing at his big cock, “I really want you.”
“Yeah?” he runs his fingers along his long shaft, “I want you too. Should I put lube on already?”
“Mhhm, let’s try without it first and then if it hurts with it?”
“Yes, sounds perfect for me”, Seokjin says, placing the bottle to the side for now. He climbs on top of you, cupping your face between his strong, healing hands. He gives you a sweet smile, making his cheeks puff out as he does.
You retort it, caressing his shoulders slowly.
“I want you to know that you can stop anytime you want to. I don’t expect you to take me, even if you were really excited about it at first. Yeah?” he says, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.
“I know. I don’t want to stop.”
“Okay”, Seokjin leans closer, “reach down and take my cock. I want you to do it at your own tempo.”
“Okay”, you whisper, reaching between your bodies to take his cock.
Seokjin’s breath shudders in reaction, eyelids becoming heavy.
“Keep going, you’re doing so good”, he praises you, thumbs so gentle on your cheeks.
You pick up some of your wetness first, covering his heated tip with it.
Seokjin doesn’t let it show, but he is really affected by it.
“I’ll do it”, you whisper.
“Okay”,  he whispers back.
You apply pressure on your entrance, forcing his cock to breach you slowly.
Seokjin moans softly, parting his lips. His eye contact is faltering, his eyelids flutter.
More. He slips past the tighter part in the front, now sitting snug inside of you.
“Keep going, you’re doing such a good job”, Seokjin praises you, “feels so good, love.”
“Yeah, feels really good”, you say, voice shaky in pleasure. He doesn’t hurt at all. He doesn’t even burn or pinch. He feels wonderful. You roll your hips up, swallowing almost all of him.
“Baby woah”, Seokjin widens his eyes, hands falling from your face to grasp the pillow instead, “woah, baby wait that’s so m-much.”
“I know, it doesn’t hurt. I’m so wet, it feels so good”, you answer him, pushing all of him inside you by grabbing his butt and giving it a soft nudge.
Seokjin moans your name, grabbing your face again with slightly damp palms.
“How, how are you?” he asks.
“So good. I’m really stuffed”, you moan, beaming up at him, “Jinnie I love you.”
“I love you too. Holy shit, baby”, he rests his forehead against you, moving his hips carefully, “I love you so much.”
“Don’t stop”, you whisper, widening your eyes in shock. You feel so filled. And it feels so good. Your g-spot is rubbing against his cock with each slow thrust and his cock is so big that it curves so perfectly that he manages to grind your clit against him as well. The combination is truly world changing, making you hold onto his strong shoulders and moan his name as an endless mantra of bliss.
“Keep doing that, love. Say my name”, he rasps, voice lulled and distorted in pleasure, “I can’t believe how good you feel.”
“You too, I don’t wanna stop”, you get out and then you are back to moaning his name and floating on cloud nine.
“Me neither. God, so good. Does it really not hurt?”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“I’m so happy”, he says, nuzzling his face in your neck, “I’m so happy.”
“Me too, so happy.”
Seokjin cradles you against his strong chest, holding you with all the love he has to offer. He feels so much closer to you now. Bear in mind, he already felt incredibly close to you even before tonight, but right now he is overtaken by his own happiness. He is so close to you and he never ever wants to let you go again.
You feel the deepened connection as well. Ever since you laid eyes upon him, you knew that you and him would share something. Back then you clearly didn’t think that the something would turn out to be unconditional love, but you are so happy that it was. You feel it even deeper, stronger, clearer now that Seokjin is so connected with you.
“I fucking love this”, he gets out, “sorry I shouldn’t swear.”
“It's alright. I fucking love this too”, you answer him, making him chuckle before a gasp interrupts him and he moans instead.
“Oh baby you’re so tight now. Fuck don’t laugh please”, he begs, nose scrunched up in pleasure. 
“Sorry. Jinnie, it's rubbing my clit too”, you tell him.
“Hmm?” Seokjin hums, reaching down to rub your clit as he misunderstood in his pleasure scrambled brain.
Not that the misunderstanding is terrible. On the contrary, the first touch makes you want to claw at his back, thighs shaking and pussy feeling electric.
“Like this?” he asks.
“Yeah, like this”, you sigh because you possibly couldn’t call him out on his supposed mistake. 
“I want you to cum again”, he rasps, lips pressed against the shell of your ear, “no pressure though. If you can't, that's fine too. Just…I'm really close.”
“Me too”, you squeak out, tensing in your rapidly approaching high.
“Baby”, Seokjin moans, “god, you’re perfect. I love you so much.”
Something inside of you snaps. The knowledge that he loves you and cares for you and treasures you, doubles the excitement inside of you to such intensity that his words bring you over the edge.
He loves you and that makes you float on cloud nine as your body floats on its high. 
“Shit. Baby”, Seokjin presses out and then the tightness of your pussy and your sweet moans bring him over the edge as well, “cumming”, he croaks, holding you so close as he fills up the condom.
He rolls off of you once your highs died down. His heavy panting is meeting your ears in shreds as you yourself are struggling to recover. This was amazing. 
Seokjin places his hand on your tummy, caressing it softly.
“How are you doing?” he asks.
You intertwine your fingers with him.
“Dead, but in a good way.”
“Hah, yeah same”, he says, exhaling loudly, “shit baby, you just ruined me.”
“Same”, you squeeze his hand, “your cock’s the best.”
Seokjin turns his head to look at you. You do the same.
“I wasn’t too rough or big or something, was I?” he asks
“No”, you cup his cheek, “no, you were perfect.”
Seokjin giggles, rolling himself onto his stomach to attack you with smooches.
“Wait Jinnie, wait”, you giggle, “the condom, you should clean up.”
Seokjin whines softly, “but I wanna kiss you”, he coos before attacking you with even more aggressive smooches. 
“Jinnie”, you squeak, giggling like crazy.
He truly makes you so happy.
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kyufessions · 8 months
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synopsis: you get a frantic call from your husband on your way home from work one night
pairings: husband, dad! sangyeon x g.n. reader
genre: domestic, fluff
word count: 1.2k
requested: ✔️
a/n: not proof read, but i hope everyone enjoys <3
general taglist: @jwnghyuns @eaudenana @soobin-chois @haechansbbg
tbz taglist: @ilovechanhee
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“how do you lose a four year old?” you ask your husband, your voice a little loud.
you had just gotten home from a long nine hour day at the office, full of important meetings throughout the day with tons of paperwork. you had been on your way home from work when you got a call from sangyeon, his voice sounding worried. he started to exclaim how he lost your four year old daughter somewhere throughout the house after dinner.
“did you give her dessert?” you asked him, turning the corner and driving down the road to your home.
sangyeon’s worried and deep voice rang throughout the bluetooth speakers in your car. “i gave her one of those ben and jerry pints-“
“a whole pint?”
you sigh, pulling into the driveway and parking right behind his car. “a whole pint is too much sugar, that’s why i only give her half at most, especially at night. she gets too hyper.”
unbuckling your seatbelt, you hear another shout of your daughter's name from the other end. with a sigh, you quickly grab your work bag and rugs inside the house and hang up on sangyeon. as you’re unlocking the front door, you can continuously hear him yell out her name and him running frantically around downstairs. once inside, you take off your heels and toss your bag next to the coat rack. you run towards the sound of sangyeon calling out for her and see his physique.
his hair was disheveled and sticking up in multiple directions, his once white tee now stained with brown dots you had hoped were melted chocolate chips. his navy blue sweatpants were overtly wrinkled with one pants leg a bit higher than the other. when he heard your footsteps and turned around to face you, his eyes wide in hopes it was jiae, you couldn’t help but let out a small fit of laughter at his chaotic look.
“where was the last place you saw her?” you asked him, taking a step forward and fixing his hair on your tiptoes before peaking through the room next to him.
he looks through the room with you, then not seeing her and growing more frantic. “she got up and screamed ‘catch me if you can, i’m spider-man!’ as we were watching spongebob and since then i couldn’t find her. that was maybe an hour ago-“
bingo! you knew exactly where she was. you just rushed down the hall to the sun room and noticed it was already unlocked. a warm breeze hit you as you entered and walked towards jiae’s toy chest, then knocking on it four times. sangyeon followed closely behind you, watching every move you made. he had checked the sun room prior but not the toy chest, so he raised a curious brow as you knocked.
a high pitched giggle was heard from inside as you knocked, then it opened it up on the final knock and there sat your small four year old. her toothy smile and boisterous laughter filled the room as you lifted her from the toy chest and held her in your arms with a smile.
“hey silly girl!” you spoke with a grin, kissing her forehead as she calmed down in your arms. “i heard you were playing spider-man with daddy and had ice cream?”
jiae nodded happily, letting out a small yawn before she responded. “we did! but he’s not as good at it as you are, i started getting sleepy in there.” her lips formed a pout as she looked over at sangyeon, playfully narrowing her eyes at him.
“hey!” he said defensively, walking over to her and kissing the top of her head before ruffling up her hair. “how was i supposed to know we were playing spider-man?”
“it’s in the name, silly.” she lets out another yawn after finishing her sentence. sangyeon then takes her from your arms and starts walking out of the room and towards her room to tuck her in.
you follow behind them as they bicker back and forth, both of their voices sounding exhausted. you both say your goodnights to jiae and eventually close her bedroom door after she cuddled up to her stuffed bunny that normally helped her fall asleep faster. after her bedroom door is closed, you just look at sangyeon and let out a small fit of laughter as you walk to the kitchen.
“what’s so funny?” he asks, wrapping an arm around your waist and bringing you into his side as you both walked side-by-side.
you wrapped an arm around his waist too, looking up at him. “have you never played spider-man with her before?”
he shakes his head, his eyes looking down to meet yours as he lets out a chuckle. “i didn’t even know the game existed until today.”
you both enter the kitchen and let go of one another, sangyeon allowing you to walk to the fridge and grab the leftovers from dinner to eat up for yourself. as you’re walking towards the microwave, he grabs the plate from you and puts the food to heat up for you. you just allow him, leaning against the kitchen island and crossing your arms across your chest as you watch him.
“what’s the concept of the game anyway?” he asks, turning around to face you as the food heats up behind him.
you shrug, grinning. “you’ll find out sooner than later.”
he groans and drags himself over to you, wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling his head into your hair with a deep sigh. “she’s going to give me grey hairs before i know it.”
you lean your head back so you’re both looking at each other, a smile playing on your lips as his face looks visibly exhausted. “just learn to play spider-man and you’ll be fine, old man.”
jiae is heard from her bedroom upstairs, calling out for her daddy. just as sangyeon kisses your forehead and rushes out of the kitchen, he microwave beeps signaling the food is finished heating up. as you’re eating your food and scrolling through your phone aimlessly at the dining table, you suddenly hear singing from your daughters bedroom.
upon hearing the singing, you creep upstairs quietly and listen in around the corner and observe your husband singing jiae to sleep. some nights she would have a hard time sleeping and sangyeon would happily sing her a lullaby; it was something both of them thoroughly enjoyed and sangyeon has been doing since she was just a newborn. you watched in awe until he finished his little serenade, jiae finally fast asleep as her little snores synced with her breathing pattern. when sangyeon got up after kissing her forehead with a final goodnight, he noticed you peeking from the door frame and smiled over at you.
he quietly made his way towards you and closed the door quietly behind himself as he exited her bedroom for the night. wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you in and pecked your lips with a soft smile. “what’s that look for, baby?”
“let’s have another one.”
his eyes widened with surprise, you having not brought up this topic before. “another… child?” when you nod, he lifts you up gracefully and walks towards your shared bedroom as you laugh quietly into his chest.
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bubuslutty · 1 year
Day 4: baked salmon
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this is part 4, all parts
pairing: demon/angel!fem reader x 141
word count: 2.3k
tags: no use of y/n, 3rd person pov, proofread by me so sorry for any mistakes
warnings: none
summary: Angel accidently falls asleep under the sun and gets saved by a knight in shining armor, or an angel, it's the same thing in her head, both glowing and glorious. + imagine getting cockblocked by potatoes 🧍‍♀️
a/n: I know the chapters are called day 2, day 3, ect but it doesn't necessarily mean they happen one right after the other, it's just days of her interacting with the boys.
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Two days in the office as a sex therapist wasn't too bad. Angel actually likes working with clients because she gets to see humans and how they react to their environment and relationships, with others and themselves. Of course, she had to do a bit of homework and study to be qualified, but it’s nothing a couple of days of intense learning and superhuman intelligence couldn’t fix. All she had was to tap into her powers and suddenly, she knew everything she had to know.
How convenient it was to be an angel, or a demon in her case.
Angel’s usual wish assignments are more often than not related to earthly desires such as money, fame and lust, maybe love too, but she always had to realise wishes that were considered a sin in many religions. Greed, gluttony, lust. She has worked with all of them. And whether those wishes were good or evil, it doesn’t matter to her, because fate takes care of that, her job is to realise the wish and nothing else.
By human standards, she would definitely be considered a demon, a succubus even, especially now.
“I should get a tattoo…” Angel mumbled, lounging on her messy bed, laptop on her stomach, looking at images of succubus womb tattoos. Kuromi meowed, removing the woman’s attention from her laptop’s screen.
“Hm?” Angel hummed, looking at her cat, standing by her bedroom door. Kuromi meowed again, making Angel gasp, “Yes! You’re so right!”
The woman immediately closed her laptop and ran to her phone, checking the weather. It looked like today was going to be hot and nice, even though it was cold as shit the day before.
That’s typical British weather for you.
“You’re so smart, Kuromi.” Angel said and sent a flying kiss to the cat, who lifted her tail and walked out, completely unbothered. Angel opened one of her drawers that had multiple bikinis and swimsuits. She started getting naked on the spot, excited to change and go downstairs to sunbathe in her garden. When she changed into one of her bikini sets, she dug for one of her hats and got a random green bucket hat for the sun, shades and a bottle of suncream.
If there’s one thing she’ll never forget while being in this realm, is that the sun is unforgiving and harsh, unless you want to look like a baked salmon or get skin cancer, you have to protect yourself.
Angel hummed while walking down her stairs, going straight for the fridge and getting herself a small water bottle and a Coke in case she got thirsty, and then a random magazine that was left on her counter, a Bluetooth speaker and a yoga mat.
She happily started getting settled in the middle of her garden, where there was no shade. Angel could hear some of her neighbours hanging out in their gardens too, low music, people chatting, children giggling and dogs barking and elderly people complaining about the noise. She sat on her yoga mat and started rubbing sun cream all over her skin, making sure to not miss a spot, and struggled to get her back but ended up giving up, “I’ll do it later when I turn around…” She grumbled.
After setting up her music and lowering the volume, she laid down on her back, sunglasses and bucket hat on. Angel took a deep breath, loving the heat of the sun and closed her eyes.
“I’ll do it later when I turn around…” She, in fact, did not turn around.
Angel ended up falling asleep with her mouth open, right under the sun, in the process of baking. However, earlier, the sky was not the only thing that witnessed her stupidity in real-time.
Her very sexy neighbours all decided to hang out outside, to enjoy the sun like normal people when they saw her asleep in the middle of her garden. John came out in shorts and sandals, wearing his very stylish bucket hat and sunglasses, a book in hand when he saw her. Of course, he saw her, they literally had the shittiest, lowest fence ever, and it practically gave no one much privacy. But it’s not like they're going to complain when they get to see her looking like that.
“Steaming Jesus…” Johnny said, lowering his sunglasses so he can get a better look.
“What sort of shitty cliché film are we in?” Gaz laughed in disbelief. Not only did they have a nice house (minus the shitty garden fence), but a very hot, very friendly, smart and funny neighbour.
“Are you complaining?” Soap asked the man.
“Me? Hell no, that’s one beautiful woman.” Gaz said with a nod.
“Stop staring, you creeps.” Ghost came up from behind them and grabbed both of their necks, lowering their heads. Both Soap and Gaz whined at their superior, turning around and sitting in their garden lounge chairs, doing their own thing.
John already had his nose buried in his book while Ghost closed his eyes and covered his face with a cap. Gaz was playing music through a Bluetooth speaker and was knitting at the same time, humming to the lyrics of whatever song was playing, and Soap was doodling in a sketchbook, bopping his head to Gaz’s music.
20 minutes passed peacefully until John closed his book and checked his watch. His change in demeanour was immediately noticed by his men, even Ghost lifted the cap and peeked at his captain with one eye. “It’s been 20 minutes and she hasn’t moved an inch, how long has she been sleeping there for?” He said with a frown.
“That woman is literally going to bake under the sun,” Gaz said, looking at Soap.
“She will if we dinnae wake ‘er up.” Soap agreed.
“Why do you even care?” Ghost asked, surprising Price.
“Because we’re not shite neighbours, Simon.” Soap said in that annoying voice he thinks drives Ghost up the wall, but Ghost secretly thinks it’s cute.
“Yeah, don’t be a dickhead, Simon,” Gaz said, batting his eyelashes at the soldier, hiding his annoying grin behind the scarf he was knitting.
“Enough, go wake her up, Gaz.” John said, and Gaz placed his unfinished scarf in his chair and walked up to the fence, and cleared his throat loudly.
Angel didn’t move an inch and he turned around, to look at the others.
“Call ‘er name!” Soap whispered.
“Why are you whispering?” Ghost side-eyed Soap, who absolutely ignored him.
“Angel, wake up, please?” Gaz tried again, squinting his eyes to try to see if her chest was moving up and down. Call him paranoid but she wasn’t moving, and he couldn’t for the life of him see if she was breathing or not from his position.
Gaz immediately jumped over the fence and rushed to her side and placed two fingers on her pulse, at the side of her neck. Soap, Ghost and Price were all up now, standing next to the fence, and all sighed in relief when Gaz turned around and gave them a thumbs-up.
Gaz scanned her lax face and decided to lift her head with one hand and used the other to gently tap one of her cheeks, “Angel, wake up.”
Angel woke up with a gasp as if she was holding her breath the whole time, maybe she was, who knows, her body can do freaky stuff when it forgets it's wearing the skin of a human. When she opened her eyes, Angel was so confused, was she in heaven?? Because what the shit, this is a real angel right there.
“What time is it?” She groggily said, her hand going up by itself to cup Gaz’s cheek.
“Half past one. You were knocked out and we got worried you’d bake under the sun.” Gaz said with a chuckle, and reality finally hit her. Angel abruptly sat up and Gaz grabbed both of her shoulders, “Hey, slow down.”
“Water, Gaz.” Price reminded the man and Gaz immediately grabbed the now warm water bottle next to her, unscrewed the cap and poured a bit in his palm and patted her hot cheeks.
“Oh, that feels good.” Angel moaned, not realising how hot she truly was.
“That was dangerous, you know that right? Sleeping under the sun with no shade.” Gaz said, wiping his wet hand on his naked chest.
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep…” Angel sheepishly said, glancing at the other three men looking at her.
“I’m sorry for worrying you, and thank you for waking me up, Gaz.” Angel said, placing a hand on his, which was on her yoga mat, next to her thigh. Gaz’s eyes widened, looking at her hand on his and looked back up again. She was smiling at him, and his heartbeat sped up. Gaz could feel his guys looking at him, at them, but he couldn’t look away from her eyes and lips. Especially her lips.
“You don’t, uh” he choked out then cleared his throat, “You don’t have to apologise…”
“Okay.” Angel whispered, those big beautiful eyes staring at him like he was the sun and the sky, and Gaz felt like he was going to fucking die.
“Who fancies a barbeque? I feel like grilling, today.” Price spoke, breaking the spell. Gaz retrieved his hand and stood up, stretching his arms behind his head, trying to hide his flustered state.
“Oh yeah!” Soap grinned.
“That sounds really nice, enjoy your barbeque, guys.” Angel said, collecting her phone and Bluetooth to get inside, she had enough sun for today. Maybe she’ll watch a show on her laptop, or read a book.
“Where are you going?” Price frowned, stopping her in her tracks, all of her stuff clutched in her arms.
“You’re invited, Angel.” Price said.
“Am I?”
“Of course, lass! What type of neighbours would we be if we didnae invite our favourite neighbour?” Soap said with a huge grin.
“Soap, I’m the only neighbour you’ve spoken to since moving in.” Angel deadpanned and Soap shrugged with his arms crossed, the dog tags glinting over his hairy chest under the sun.
“I’ll go get the grill ready.” Ghost said, walking towards their shed.
“Hi, Ghost!” Angel quickly greeted him.
“Hi, Angel.” He replied, without looking back.
Gaz slowly walked up to the fence, “I’ll go prep the meat.” he mumbled and jumped over, glad to escape her hypnotising eyes and lips.
“Wait, I don’t know what to bring!” Angel’s smile fell when she realised she has never been invited to a barbeque before and has no idea what to bring, she has seen humans having barbeques but she doesn’t know what they would like her to bring.
“You don’t have to bring anything, honey.” Angel was now right in front of her fence, knees touching the scratchy wood and watching Price move the chairs around to make space for the grill.
“Uhm, Soap! Please come over and get stuff you guys don’t have.” Angel quickly said and grabbed for the man’s arm as if he’d run away. She really didn’t want to be rude and not bring anything to the barbeque, and she knows that Soap loves food and knows so much more about cooking than she does.
This is absolutely pathetic for someone with her powers, but she never claimed to be perfect, has she?
And how could Soap ever say no to that face?
“Of course, hun.” Soap grinned and jumped over the fence, taking the water bottle and unopened can of Coke away from her. “And these are going in the trash.” He said, walking inside her house and straight to the kitchen as if he always lived there.
“For how long are they supposed to boil?” Angel asked, frowning down at a pot with boiling water and whole potatoes.
“Leave the potatoes alone and come chop the chives.” Soap said, glancing up at the woman with amusement. Angel was still wearing her bikini and her cute green bucket hat, standing there in the kitchen with him.
Angel sighed and stood next to Johnny, grabbing the knife and starting to chop the chives. Soap watched the woman try to chop the chives and get frustrated that it was hard even though the chives were thin and small. Soap had to admit, she might be PhD smart and hot as fuck but she was actually useless with a knife.
Soap sighs, standing behind her and grabbing the knife away from her hand. “Watch, that’s how you do it.” He said and she nodded, watching him hold the chives with one hand and chop them with the other with ease. “See? Easy peasy, now try again.”
Angel grabbed the knife and tried again, and she was instantly better, a bit slow but better than her mediocre previous tries. “How long does potato salad take to make?” Angel looked over her shoulder and asked, looking at Soap, who was still standing behind her.
“Like half an hour? The only long parts are boiling the potatoes and chilling the salad.” Soap said, making her nod and turn back to chopping her chives.
“Do you have someone, lass?” Soap suddenly asked, making her look up from her chives and stare at the cupboard in front of her.
“Am I dating someone?” She repeated.
Angel noticed the change in Soap’s usual friendly and teasing tone, and placed her knife down on the chopping board, and slowly turned around.
“No, why?” Angel raised a brow and Soap kept looking at her with an unreadable expression.
“Just got a lad wondering.” He shrugged, crossing his arms over his glorious naked and tan chest.
“Just a lad wondering…” Angel hummed, touching his dog tags with one hand, “Are you dating someone?”
“No, why?” Soap slowly grinned and took a step forward.
“Just got a lass wondering.” Angel grinned back, pulling him forward by his dog tags.
A loud hiss startled the two of them and Angel panicked, “The potatoes!”
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tag list (pls ask to be added or removed): @obiwankenobis-lap @goapgrim @smalldemonlover @loveyhoneydovey @cutiecusp @pinkwigonmytv @mandythemint @itsberrydreemurstuff @tapioca-marzipan @fruitymoonbeams-blog @poohkie90 @chaoticevilbakugo @anubis-reed @thefairybird @skytacvia @marytvirgin @cynicalmnm @maechanexe @t0jis-worm @1800imgay @4ndjelij4 @multitargaryen @lilpothoscuttings @mysticalpandabear
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Save 70% with promo code 70V31D5T
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ases3 · 2 years
How to Select the Best Headset for Your Office Phone?
The emergence of work-from-home culture has opened multiple dimensions for business owners, entrepreneurs, freelancers and even employees to utilize their fullest potential. Working at the office comes with the blessing of good infrastructure. In a nutshell, an individual will need a good setup to provide his services and skills around the year.
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All it requires is a good working environment accompanied by solace and peace. For instance, a good headset for office is an essential element to look into. The latest headphones make it easier to work even in a noisy environment to keep up the level of productivity at its best. There are thousands of options available, but choosing the most suitable one can be daunting.
Here is what you need to know to make the right decision.
What to look into a pair of office headsets?
AI-powered Noise Cancellation
Noise cancellation features powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) are game changers. Even if the working environment is noisy and cluttered, you can still make noise-free conversations with your clients and will enjoy a fruitful outcome. Smart acoustic filters with environmental noise cancellation (ENC) are what you need. Hence, look for headsets that offer proper noise-cancellation features for uninterrupted conversations.
Dual Microphone Array
Before buying a pair of headsets, check what the leading brand's offer regarding technology that will serve your professional needs. The advanced Dual Microphone Array and Precise Positioning designs in the latest headsets will enable a speaker to converse with high definition and the lowest noise transmission possible.
High Definition of Sound Quality
The latest professional headsets offer high-definition sound quality due to the incorporation of wideband technology, offering a higher conversation rate between two individuals. It means the sound received and transmitted by a modern headset will be off the chart and ideal for professional conversations. This feature enables the speaker to reduce fatigue in listening and discussions.
Body Strength and Durability
A Headset for the office must have a strong body supported by a flexible yet lightweight metallic body. The features of the headset's body will also protect the electronic parts installed inside. One of the most significant issues that office headsets face is prolonged use and wear and tear. The cables installed often get disconnected due to distortion of the earpieces and headband. The mouthpiece sometimes tears off the body.
Check the best-in-class brands offering good headsets with a strong-built and durable body that can withstand wear and tear. The durability of the headset determines its lifecycle.
The headset should feel lighter and be hands-free so that the hours of conversations do not feel like a burden. The connectivity features of a Bluetooth headset for the office must be compatible with the latest digital platforms used by modern offices.
These prime elements determine the efficiency, durability and usability of a Headset for the office. Search and compare the best products from the top brands and make a fruitful decision.
If you are looking for AI-driven Noise Cancelling headsets, your search ends at Livey. Explore our innovative, intelligent products at https://www.livey-tech.com/.
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lgcyushin · 2 years
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what are the top 5 most used apps on your phone?
“spotify, melon, youtube, all for catching up with the newest music features honestly. i like to see what other artists are coming up with. i do also watch cooking youtubers too. i’m always trying to figure out new easy recipes but honestly, it’s hard finding time nowadays, so i usually use all the other delivery apps too. i don’t have a specific delivery food app, more like a variety of 4 or 5. i know it’s obnoxious but we’ve got to do what we’ve go to do to survive when we’re on the go. that and... messaging, i guess. i prefer messaging over calls. but again, i’ll do what is required of me for the job.” 
what is the most random note in the notes app?
 “it’s not that random. i don’t use the notes app all that often, so you have my perfect recipe at coffee shops that i like to order. there’s two but the weirder one is... eight scoops of matcha, vanilla syrup, latte but no foam, no water, oat milk, the largest size they’ve got. but honestly, i don’t use the notes app so it’s not as interesting as what others might have to say...” he’s actually quite surprised, there’s only a total of 4 notes. “the rest of them are all ‘what i need to buy from the store’ so i don’t forget. i hate making multiple trips.” 
what was the last message or call you’ve received and who was is from?
“my last call and text is from... my little brother. and it’s both a call and text because apparently i completely overslept one day, and had to rush off to where we were supposed to meet at. i usually wake up early, but lately i’ve been so exhausted. i think i might be coming down with a cold, because i have no problems waking up to my alarm. anyways, i didn’t mean to stand him up, it’s an honest mistake. we just rescheduled to meet later in the afternoon. it’s been a crazy busy season anyway with all the concerts. i should get a little slack for that.”
what were the last 5 songs that you’ve listened to?
“i’m in my big, ‘oldies but goodies’ era. not even that old, but the last decade. songs like... ‘g-dragon - butterfly’, ‘big bang - we belong together’, ‘blazing - abracadabra’, and then i jumped into the recent release from fabula. their music has a different concept this comeback, and it was unexpected but pleasant. i know you guys think that we may get spoilers because the idols are close, but i’ll be honest, i got zero spoilers and was pleasantly surprised. so far i’ve only heard ‘illusion’ and their title, ‘how you like that?’ which had a nice beat.” 
what were the 5 most recent online searches?
“hahaha, don’t kill me, but my most recent search is ‘hanbyul shin dating’, for obvious reasons. i’m sure you looked it up too, don’t lie.” he opens up his searches. “i also looked up ‘most comfortable dance shoes’, because i’m looking for a new pair. i feel like my last pair has worn out through all the practice for the concerts. ‘cheap bluetooth speaker’. i want one i can bring around the entire dorm, to the practice rooms, and to the bathroom and kitchen. everywhere. i live on music. and lastly, ‘musicals near me’. i was hoping to catch newsies before they stop running, but if not, another musical too. it’s a near and dear to my heart excursion that i miss participating in, but that doesn’t mean i can’t support musicals.” 
**BONUS** FOR IDOLS : what are your contact names for all of the group members?
haru - maknae jiho - leader
it might be a bit impersonal but i feel like yushin always jokes around and calls haru the baby, and jiho their leader more than even by name, but yushin rarely puts people in his phone by name... 
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Silent Party Headphones
In recent years, silent parties have emerged as a popular and innovative trend in the entertainment world. The concept is simple: instead of blasting music through loudspeakers, partygoers wear wireless headphones that broadcast the music directly to their ears. At first glance, it may seem strange to see a crowd of people dancing to seemingly no sound, but the experience is transformative and offers numerous benefits.
At the heart of this experience are the silent party headphones, a critical technology that makes these events possible. In this blog, we’ll explore what silent party headphones are, how they work, their benefits, and why they are becoming increasingly popular for parties, festivals, and events.
What Are Silent Party Headphones?
Silent party headphones are wireless audio devices used at events where music is broadcast directly to attendees via headphones instead of traditional loudspeakers. Each guest receives a pair of wireless headphones with multiple channels to choose from, often allowing them to switch between different music genres or DJ sets. This creates a personalized listening experience for everyone.
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These headphones usually feature LED lights that change color based on the channel a guest is listening to. This not only adds a fun visual element to the party but also lets attendees see what others are listening to and even encourages switching between music channels for a more interactive experience.
How Do Silent Party Headphones Work?
Silent party headphones operate using radio frequency (RF) or Bluetooth technology, enabling them to connect wirelessly to a transmitter that broadcasts the music. The transmitter can stream multiple audio channels, which guests can easily switch between using controls on the headphones.
Here’s a straightforward breakdown of how the system works:
Transmitter Setup: A transmitter connected to the DJ’s sound system or music source sends out signals to the wireless headphones.
Wireless Headphones: Each participant is given a pair of wireless headphones, allowing them to receive the signal from the transmitter.
Multiple Channels: Most silent party headphones come with at least two or three channels. Guests can toggle between them to choose the music they want to listen to.
Personal Volume Control: The headphones allow users to adjust the volume, giving them full control over their listening experience.
LED Lights: As mentioned, LED lights on the headphones indicate which channel a person is listening to, adding an extra element of fun to the experience.
Benefits of Silent Party Headphones
1. Noise Control
One of the most significant advantages of silent-party headphones is their ability to reduce noise pollution. Traditional parties with loudspeakers can often disturb nearby residents or violate noise regulations, particularly in urban areas. Silent parties bypass this problem entirely, allowing event organizers to host events in places where loud music would otherwise be prohibited, such as rooftops, public parks, or residential areas.
2. Multiple Music Options
Silent party headphones allow DJs or organizers to offer multiple music channels, catering to different tastes and preferences. One person can enjoy EDM on one channel, while another listens to hip-hop or pop on a different channel. This diversity in music selection creates a unique and personalized experience for all partygoers, ensuring there’s something for everyone.
3. Enhanced Social Interaction
Silent parties create a unique social atmosphere. Without blaring speakers, guests can easily converse with one another by simply removing their headphones, without having to shout over the music. It fosters a more inclusive environment where socializing and dancing go hand-in-hand.
4. Personalized Experience
Attendees have full control over their experience, from choosing their favorite music to adjusting the volume to their liking. This level of customization is rarely possible at traditional events and adds an extra layer of comfort and enjoyment for each guest.
5. Ideal for Outdoor and Noise-Sensitive Locations
Silent parties are the perfect solution for events in noise-sensitive environments. Whether it’s a beach party, a rooftop gathering, or an event in a public park, silent party headphones ensure that you won’t disturb the peace while still providing an unforgettable experience for your guests.
6. Fun Visual Element
The LED lights on silent party headphones are not just functional — they’re also fun! The glowing lights help create a visual spectacle that adds to the energy and vibrancy of the event. Watching a room full of people dancing to different beats with changing headphone colors is a unique and memorable sight.
Popular Uses of Silent Party Headphones
1. Clubs and Nightlife
Silent parties have gained massive popularity in clubs and nightlife venues, especially where noise ordinances are in place. Venues can host late-night events without worrying about upsetting the neighbors, and guests can enjoy an immersive music experience.
2. Outdoor Events and Festivals
Music festivals and outdoor events are ideal for silent party headphones. Organizers can offer multiple stages or DJs playing different genres simultaneously, while attendees choose their preferred audio channel. Moreover, silent headphones eliminate noise issues for festivals located near residential areas.
3. Corporate Events
Silent headphones are increasingly used at corporate events, especially during networking sessions. They can also be useful for multi-language events, where simultaneous translation is provided through different channels on the headphones.
4. Fitness Classes
Silent party headphones are also used in fitness classes such as yoga, spin classes, or dance workouts, especially in outdoor environments. Instructors can guide the class while music plays in the background without disturbing other people nearby.
5. Silent Cinemas and Drive-In Theaters
Silent party headphones are even making their way into the world of cinema. Some silent cinemas or drive-in theaters provide attendees with headphones to listen to the movie audio, enhancing the experience without disrupting the surroundings.
The rise of silent party headphones has revolutionized how we experience events, offering a unique, customizable, and environmentally friendly solution for music lovers and event organizers alike. These headphones are not just a trend; they represent a shift towards more inclusive, adaptable, and enjoyable entertainment experiences. Whether at a festival, club, corporate event, or even a fitness class, silent party headphones provide a new way for people to connect with the music and each other.
As we continue to see technological advancements in the entertainment industry, silent parties and the use of wireless headphones are likely to become even more widespread, offering endless possibilities for how we engage with music and events. So next time you’re invited to a silent party, grab a pair of headphones, tune in to your favorite channel, and enjoy the future of partying!
For more information visit:- https://translationindia.com/
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orangameelectronics · 8 months
Bluetooth Speaker Outdoor Dual Diaphragm Wireless Sub-Woofer Tws Wireless Speaker Sub-Woofer
let's unravel the innovative technology behind this Bluetooth speaker. This outdoor dual diaphragm wireless sub-woofer is a true game-changer. With its advanced technology, it delivers impeccable sound quality, making it an excellent choice for outdoor music lovers.
The dual diaphragms enhance the audio performance by providing deep, resonating bass and crystal-clear highs, ensuring an immersive listening experience. The wireless TWS (True Wireless Stereo) functionality adds another layer of convenience, enabling you to pair two speakers for a stereo sound setup. Imagine being surrounded by rich, room-filling audio!
Moving on to the aesthetics, this Bluetooth speaker boasts a sleek and modern design, sure to be an eye-catcher wherever you take it. Crafted with high-quality materials and a sturdy build, it can withstand the rigors of the great outdoors. Whether you're hiking, camping, or enjoying a beach party, this speaker is engineered to last and satisfy your audio needs.
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earsolutions257 · 8 days
Wireless Connectivity in Modern Hearing Aids
Advances in hearing aid technology have transformed how people with hearing loss experience sound and interact with the world. Among the most groundbreaking innovations is wireless connectivity, which allows hearing aids to communicate with various devices, improving ease of use and enhancing the listening experience. With features like Bluetooth streaming, smartphone control, and compatibility with assistive devices, wireless hearing aids are now an indispensable tool for many users.
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In this blog, we’ll explore how wireless connectivity in modern hearing aids works, its benefits, and how it’s improving the quality of life for those with hearing loss.
What is Wireless Connectivity in Hearing Aids?
Wireless connectivity refers to the ability of hearing aids to communicate with other devices without the need for cables or external transmitters. This is achieved through technologies like Bluetooth and 2.4 GHz wireless systems, which allow hearing aids to link with smartphones, televisions, computers, and more.
This technology enables hearing aids to stream audio directly from external devices, adjust settings remotely, and even connect to public hearing systems such as T-coil loops in theatres and other venues.
Key Benefits of Wireless Hearing Aids
1. Direct Audio Streaming
One of the most practical benefits of wireless hearing aids is the ability to stream audio directly from external devices. Whether it's a phone call, music, or a movie, the sound is sent straight into the hearing aids, offering clear, uninterrupted audio without background noise. This is particularly helpful in noisy environments, where listening through traditional speakers or phones might be challenging.
Phone calls: Wireless connectivity allows phone calls to be streamed directly to the hearing aids, eliminating the need to hold a phone to your ear and providing clearer sound.
Music and media: Users can stream music, podcasts, or any other audio directly from smartphones or tablets, offering a more personalized and immersive listening experience.
Television: Wireless hearing aids can connect to TV streamers, sending audio directly from the television into the hearing aids, improving clarity and eliminating the need for additional headsets.
2. Improved Speech Understanding
Wireless hearing aids can also connect to remote microphones or FM systems, improving speech clarity in noisy environments like restaurants, classrooms, or crowded gatherings. These external microphones pick up the voice of the speaker and transmit it directly to the hearing aids, helping users hear better over background noise.
This feature is especially beneficial for older adults and individuals who struggle in social situations due to background noise or multiple conversations.
3. Hands-Free Convenience
With wireless hearing aids, users can enjoy a hands-free experience. Bluetooth technology allows the hearing aids to act like wireless earphones for phone calls or music, meaning there’s no need to handle the phone or other devices manually.
This hands-free capability is particularly useful when driving, cooking, or multitasking, as users can take calls or listen to media without interrupting their activities.
4. Smartphone Control
Most wireless hearing aids are paired with smartphone apps, giving users direct control over their hearing aids. Through these apps, users can:
Adjust volume and switch between different sound profiles depending on their environment (e.g., quiet room, noisy street, or concert hall).
Monitor battery life and receive alerts when it's time to recharge or replace the batteries.
Fine-tune settings to adapt to personal preferences for sound quality, making the hearing aids more tailored to the user’s needs.
Smartphone apps also allow for remote troubleshooting, so users can make adjustments without visiting their audiologist for minor changes.
5. Connectivity in Public Spaces
Many modern hearing aids are equipped with telecoil (T-coil) technology, which connects to hearing loop systems installed in public venues like theatres, churches, airports, and museums. This feature allows hearing aids to pick up the audio directly from the sound system, bypassing ambient noise and delivering clear sound to the listener.
This is particularly beneficial for seniors or individuals who attend events in noisy public spaces, as it enhances the overall experience by providing clear and direct audio.
Types of Wireless Technologies in Hearing Aids
1. Bluetooth Connectivity
Bluetooth is the most popular wireless technology used in modern hearing aids. It enables bluetooth hearing aids to pair with smartphones, tablets, computers, and other electronic devices. Most hearing aids use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), which conserves battery power while maintaining a strong connection for high-quality audio streaming.
2. 2.4 GHz Wireless Technology
Some hearing aids use 2.4 GHz wireless technology, which enables longer-range connections without the need for an intermediary device. This technology provides a stable, interference-free connection and allows for high-quality streaming from devices like televisions, sound systems, and public address systems.
Who Can Benefit from Wireless Hearing Aids?
Wireless hearing aids are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their hearing experience and make their daily interactions with technology easier. They are especially beneficial for:
Seniors who need clearer sound for phone calls, TV viewing, or public events.
Active individuals who enjoy streaming music or podcasts while on the go.
Tech-savvy users who prefer using apps to control their hearing aids and customize their settings.
People in noisy environments need external microphones or hearing loop systems to hear more clearly.
Wireless connectivity in modern hearing aids has transformed the hearing care landscape by offering a seamless, hands-free, and customizable experience. From direct audio streaming and smartphone control to enhanced hearing in public spaces, these devices provide far more than just amplified sound—they offer a complete auditory solution that fits effortlessly into daily life.
For those with hearing loss, wireless hearing aids provide a combination of convenience, functionality, and improved hearing quality, helping users stay connected with the world around them. If you're considering upgrading your hearing aids, talk to an audiologist to explore how wireless connectivity can benefit you.
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fs-elec · 16 days
How to Use a Live Sound Card for Optimal Performance
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In today’s digital age, live streaming has become an essential tool for artists, broadcasters, and content creators. A live sound card plays a pivotal role in enhancing the audio quality of these streams. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, understanding how to use a live sound card effectively can significantly improve your audio output. This guide will walk you through the basics of setting up and utilizing a live sound card to get the best results.
What Is a Live Sound Card?
A live sound card is a device that combines multiple functionalities, such as recording, broadcasting, live streaming, and karaoke, into one compact unit. It is equipped with features like live effects, electronic music effects, sound field settings, and voice change capabilities. These features are designed to improve the overall audio quality of your live performances or recordings.
Key Components of a Live Sound Card
Before diving into the setup and usage, let’s break down the essential components of a typical live sound card: 1. Effects and Modes Most live sound cards come with a variety of effects, such as: - Live Effects: Enhancements like reverb, delay, and chorus that can add depth to your vocals. - Electronic Music Effects: Effects like distortion, flanger, and phaser that are ideal for DJs and electronic musicians. - Sound Field Effects: Settings that simulate different acoustic environments, such as concert halls or studios. - Voice Change: Options to alter your voice for fun or creative purposes. 2. Connectivity - Bluetooth: Allows wireless connection to devices for music playback or backing tracks. - Inputs and Outputs: Connections for microphones, instruments, headphones, and speakers. - USB: For linking to computers or charging the device if it’s battery-powered. 3. Control Interface - Rotary Knobs: Typically found for adjusting levels of music, monitor, echo, and microphone. - Buttons: For selecting effects, changing modes, and controlling the device’s functions. - Display Screen: Provides visual feedback on settings and status.
Setting Up Your Live Sound Card
Step 1: Connect Your Devices First, connect your microphone, instruments, and any other audio sources to the appropriate inputs on the live sound card. Ensure that all cables are securely connected and that the device is powered on. Step 2: Pair with Bluetooth Devices (If Applicable) If your sound card supports Bluetooth, pair it with your smartphone or tablet to stream music wirelessly. This is particularly useful for playing backing tracks during live performances. Step 3: Adjust Levels and Effects Using the rotary knobs, adjust the levels of your microphone, music, and echo until you achieve a balanced mix. Experiment with the different effects modes to find the perfect sound for your performance. Step 4: Connect to Your Streaming Platform Plug the sound card into your computer via USB if you plan to live stream. Most modern live sound cards support plug-and-play functionality, making setup quick and easy. Once connected, select the sound card as your input device in your streaming software.
Tips for Getting the Best Results
- Monitor Your Sound: Use headphones or a monitor speaker to listen to your mix in real-time. This helps you fine-tune your levels and effects on the fly. - Use One-Key Evasion: This feature allows you to quickly adjust the volume of your microphone and monitor. It’s especially useful when you need to make rapid changes during a live broadcast. - Experiment with Multiple Microphones: If your sound card supports dual inputs, try using two microphones for different sound sources or for stereo recording. - Maintain Your Equipment: Keep your sound card clean and protected. Regular maintenance ensures that it continues to perform at its best.
Enhancing Your Live Streams with a Quality Sound Card
Investing in a high-quality live sound card can make a significant difference in the audio quality of your streams. For instance, a well-equipped live sound card such as this model can offer advanced features like 12 live effects, 12 electronic music effects, and 4 sound field settings, making it a versatile tool for any live streaming setup.
Mastering the use of a live sound card can transform your audio production, whether you’re streaming, recording, or performing live. By following these steps and tips, you’ll be able to set up and utilize your sound card to its full potential, delivering crisp, clear, and engaging audio to your audience. Read the full article
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friendstravel5654 · 19 days
Best Portable Bluetooth Speaker for Outdoors
Additionally, many of these speakers come equipped with convenient features such as built-in microphones for hands-free calling, voice assistant integration, and even auxiliary ports for connecting non-Bluetooth devices. Some models also offer advanced connectivity options, allowing you to pair multiple speakers together for a richer sound experience or connect to your smart devices seamlessly.
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typecase07 · 1 month
Best iPad Pro 12.9 3rd Generation Case with Typecase Keyboard 
When it comes to maximizing the functionality of your iPad Pro, a quality keyboard case is an essential accessory. Not only does it provide protection, but it also transforms your iPad into a productivity powerhouse. If you’re searching for the perfect combination of style, protection, and usability, the iPad Pro 12.9 3rd Generation Case with Keyboard and iPad Cover and Keyboard from Typecase are the ultimate solutions.
The Importance of a Quality iPad Pro 12.9 3rd Generation Case with Keyboard
The iPad Pro 12.9 3rd Generation is a powerful device, but to unlock its full potential, pairing it with the right accessories is crucial. A case with a keyboard is not just an accessory; it's an investment in productivity. The Typecase offers a robust iPad Pro 12.9 3rd Generation Case with Keyboard that seamlessly combines protection with a responsive, tactile keyboard.
This case is designed to protect your iPad from drops, scratches, and everyday wear and tear while also providing a comfortable typing experience. The keyboard is backlit, allowing you to work efficiently in low-light conditions, and the keys are well-spaced, ensuring that your typing is fast and accurate. Additionally, the Typecase keyboard is detachable, giving you the flexibility to use your iPad in different modes – whether you're typing, sketching, or watching a video.
Why Choose an iPad Cover and Keyboard?
An iPad Cover and Keyboard is essential for anyone who uses their iPad on the go. The Typecase iPad Cover and Keyboard not only provides all-around protection for your iPad but also enhances its functionality. Whether you're a student, a professional, or someone who enjoys using their iPad for entertainment, this accessory is designed to meet your needs.
The Typecase iPad Cover and Keyboard is lightweight and easy to carry, making it ideal for travel. It offers multiple viewing angles, so you can adjust your iPad to the perfect position for typing, drawing, or browsing. The keyboard connects easily via Bluetooth, ensuring a stable connection without the need for additional cables or connectors.
Compatibility and Versatility with Typecase
One of the standout features of the Typecase iPad Pro 12.9 3rd Generation Case with Keyboard and iPad Cover and Keyboard is their compatibility and versatility. These accessories are designed to fit your iPad perfectly, with precise cutouts for the camera, speakers, and ports, ensuring that all functionalities are accessible.
The keyboard is compatible with iOS, providing shortcuts and commands that are intuitive and easy to use. Whether you're editing documents, creating presentations, or simply sending emails, the Typecase keyboard enhances your efficiency and productivity.
Enhance Your Workflow with Typecase
Investing in a high-quality iPad Pro 12.9 3rd Generation Case with Keyboard or iPad Cover and Keyboard can significantly enhance your workflow. The Typecase products are designed with the user in mind, offering a blend of protection, functionality, and style. The durable materials used in these cases ensure that your iPad is safe from the rigors of daily use, while the sleek design adds a touch of sophistication.
Moreover, the Typecase keyboard features a long-lasting battery, so you don't have to worry about constantly recharging it. With a single charge, you can use the keyboard for several weeks, depending on your usage. This makes it an ideal accessory for those who are always on the move.
Final Thoughts
The iPad Pro 12.9 3rd Generation Case with Keyboard and iPad Cover and Keyboard from Typecase are perfect companions for your iPad. They offer a combination of protection, enhanced productivity, and stylish design that is hard to beat. Whether you’re working on a big project, taking notes in class, or enjoying your favorite movies, these accessories provide the versatility and convenience you need.
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