otabekisautistic · 3 months
I’m sorry your week has been like this. I know we haven’t actually talked before, but please feel free to DM me if you feel like it.
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thank you so much for reaching out and thank you extra for the cat pics. please give them scritches for me
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wordsandstrangeways · 3 months
I tried to only put one franchise each but please know this pained me.
Challenge: make a poll of your five fave characters of all time, then tag five people to do the same.
I was tagged by @wishflower4 and I shall pass the buck onto @makesometime, @snakewife, @lenaellsi-main, @vastsexual, @iguanastevens
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rosy-avenger · 7 months
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Magnolias at dusk, overcast sky. Taken especially for @iguanastevens
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certifiedceliac · 2 years
Hi! I noticed that my bread success got a bit of attention since you reblogged it, and a couple of people were interested in the recipe so I wrote it up here:
Oh my gosh thank you so much for reaching out with a write up!!! It looked fantastic by the way, the attention is much deserved!
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re-dracula · 2 years
@iguanastevens thank you so much for supporting the show! I hope you have lots of calcium-rich greens (I hear this is what iguanas like?) and also some flowers to eat, smell, or generally enjoy!
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ieattaperecorders · 3 years
Considering Jon’s dramatic inclinations and Martin’s practicality, I have pinpointed the precise moment that Jon started falling in love:
It was the instant that Martin threw a handful of worms onto the desk, accurately predicting that this would be the most efficient way to get Jon’s full attention.
I’ve seen this said half as a joke, but I think Martin’s explanation of why he’d been carrying a corkscrew around honestly pulled Jon in. I feel like his thoughts in the silence afterwards were half “wow Martin’s been Going Through It, huh?” and half “I never knew he was so resourceful . . . .″
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should-be-sleeping · 3 years
Heyo, do you still play Pokémon Go, by any chance? If you’re down for it (no worries if not), I need someone to send gifts to for a research thing and I don’t know anyone else who’s still on it!
I do! You can totally add me if still needed (or just because you'd like to).
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annabelle--cane · 3 years
I happen to have a wide selection of jon vibe songs HERE’S MY CURRENT FAVES
Hell - Olivver the Kid
Big Houses - Squalloscope
The Sword & the Pen - Regina Spektor
The Hymn of Acxion - Vienna Teng
Rifle Scissor Stone - Squalloscope
Ticket Taker - The Low Anthem
Little Pistol - Mother Mother
ooohh I'm listening to a few of these and yes this is the right kind of vibe
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vaspider · 4 years
the three ace pride masks i ordered from y’all came yesterday, and omg, they’re so pretty. I didn’t expect the colors and details to be quite so brilliant because, y’know, fabric+printing has Opinions about matching the original design. So, kudos on the quality, and on the work you put into patterns that look so good on the final product!
Oh, I really love the company that makes those masks for us! There’s one in the US and one in the UK -- the made in the US ones are made by the same people who make our leggings, and their stuff is just... A+. I really, really like them. I’m glad you do too! If you post pictures, please tag me!
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m-e-w-666 · 4 years
The spider Martin art evokes an emotion I don’t have a name for yet, and I’m not sure I like the feeling, but I absolutely do love the art.
but at the same time I like it yknow
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thebibliosphere · 5 years
I saw you mentioning sweet things and maple syrup and being able to eat the occasional egg, and now I'm getting super excited about potential 2-3 ingredient desserts because I can't cook but I sure as fuck can make sweets do what I want. Anyway - I'm on holiday for a couple of weeks, but I'm going to try my hand at making maple meringue (idk if egg whites are included in your egg tolerance) and simplified creme brulee/custard. I can let you know when I come up with good recipes?
Egg whites are a little tricky for people with histamine issues cause the egg whites are the part with all the histamine (the yolk is fine), but I seem able to tolerate whole eggs as part of baking. I just try not to over do it :)But also please for the love of god if you manage the creme brulee/custard one let me know. It was on of my all time favorite desserts growing up.
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Tagged by @wishflower4 (I had not done been tagged before because I lurk on the internet like a pond frog)
And I'm gonna tag @makesometime who will likely get far more interaction than I do and may have done it before <3
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
First fic published on Ao3: A Moment Eternal with @iguanastevens March 2021, just post Magnus Finale when we were sad and got into aggressive poetry battles on RQO
Last fic published: You're my delusion Jarthur Malevolent fic and also my 69th! So.. so it's 69ing.
Fandom/ship I only wrote once: The mechanisms, and I'm not linking it because though it's not terrible it's also not one I like to think about too often, Silver Tongued Devil if you want to go find it.
Favorite fic in most popular fandom/ship: The Magnus Archives is the most popular fandom I've written for and I guess my favourite is A Soft, Consuming Embrace as it was the first true narrative fic I ever published, John wakes up to find the Lonely rushed in to fill the Eye's space.
Fic I wish more people read: Hmmmmm, I'm gonna be cheeky and say the RQBB Fic I wrote with @makesometime: A Chance To Run because I think it's a really solid narrative that is a love letter to RQG and it came at a time when the fandom was waning but I believe holds its own and Zolf and Oscar deserve their gin soaked speak easy. It can also be read as either SFW or exceedingly NSFW based on chapter headings and I think to be able to weave that together in the chapters was really cool of us.
Fic I agonized over: If I were being glib I'd say all of the kinktober fics I've published which can be found in my kinktobAmS series and are for but being serious I'd say I don't have an agenda. This is the final installment of my RQG 18m gap exploration of what's going on in the heads of Wilde, Zolf, Barnes and Carter and Carter's was the final one and it was like pulling teeth. I wanted to get his voice right so badly. I think it went okay.
Fic that popped out fully-formed: Conversely, the first in that series (Say something , do it soon) flowed out of me like water. I adore Wilde in so many ways, I have spent a lot of time thinking about the way he thinks and what motivates him and It's too quiet in this room was like writing down something being dictated it flowed so well
Fic I'm proud of: This is a toss up between Stems of White, Flowers of Green and Lets be flexible about this (both RQG). Writing both I made myself cry, just a little. The heartache of the first (a fic about Zolf's life when Oscar has died and returns to him with the blooming of flowers) felt so poigniant at the time and even reading it now it feels like such a lovely them. The latter is my longest SFW fic and was true labour of love. It actually started with a NSFW idea but it got away from me dramatically and I'm really proud of the twists and turns of it. Zolf in physio after losing his leg meets, surprisingly well put together, yoga instructor Oscar Wilde.
I have no idea if any of these will appeal to anyone, but it's funny to think of my random scribblings out there in the wild(e). Special shout out too to my erotic sonnets (all RQG) cause they make laugh and they're great fun. I should write more of those.
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miraculousubs · 6 years
I’m into the webisodes of your password stories and I’m crying with laughter, I love you all (even Alice and the 13 situation).
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commodorecliche · 6 years
Rose for the music thingy, please!
R: Rogues - Hippie SabotageO: One of Us - Mystery SkullsS: Saturnz Barz - Gorillaz ft. PopcaanE: Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode
send me your name or a ship+word and i’ll make a playlist out of the letters!
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mygeekcorner · 6 years
Music tag thingie
I was tagged by @chillychan thank you!
Rules: spell out your username using song titles and tag some friends.
I put the links for the songs in the titles. :)
M Monster - EXO
Y Yeah boy - Kelsea Ballerini
G Gorgeous - X Ambassadors
E Eraser - Ed Sheeran
E Electric Love - Børns
K Keelhauled - Alestorm
C Crossing a bridge - Anastasia OBC
O On our knees - Konoba ft R.O
R Running up that hill - Placebo
N Naive - The Kooks
E Eldsjäl - Loke
R Right hand man - Hamilton OBC
I am tagging @paxohana @katyaton @imaginarydragonling @jacquelinesrumbottle @ishxallxgood @iguanastevens  @ewokthrowdown
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iguanastevens replied to your post “I should write a book called “DNA isn’t as cool as you think it is and...”
I agree with this but also, as someone specializing in genetics and molecular biology, DNA is so cool. Can we compromise on RNA?
The problem here is that RNA is waaaaayyyyyy cooler than DNA
Like, RNA world anyone?
Plus, it does so much shit? What does DNA do? like post development it kind of just sits there and slowly mutates until we get cancer and die so
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