#ignoring the fact that she’d totally kill anyone for touching Rowan
afanpage4books · 3 years
Aelin: I need that bed.
Rowan: Why?
Aelin: Because I need it.
Rowan: Why?
Aelin: Because if someone were to break in here in the middle of the night wanting to murder us, they’d attack this bed first. So, I need that bed.
Rowan: So, you’re saying that you want me to get murdered first? In front of you? And then what would you do? Would you just run away and leave me to bleed out on the floor?
Aelin: That was the plan. I was hoping your screams of agony would alert me to the intruder’s presence so I could escape.
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elentiyawhitethorn · 4 years
Sneaking Around | Chapter Seven
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The next week was torture for Aelin. Unable to get her hands on Rowan, she had to settle for passing glances in the hallways and lingering touches in the elevator. Lunchtimes she ignored him as she usually did. It was only at the end of the workday on Friday that Rowan entered her office.
“Did you need something, Mr. Whitethorn?” asked Aelin coolly.
He grinned. “I needed to know if you’re busy.”
“I’ll have to check my schedule.”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “Come to my place when you’re finished.” Then he walked - no, strutted - out the door.
Aelin could hardly complete her work quickly enough. After she did, she texted Ansel. im not coming home tonight
why am i not surprised? Ansel answered quickly.
shut up Aelin then gathered her belongings and headed to her car.
She pulled up at the now-familiar building and walked up the stairs to Rowan’s door. It was unlocked. Rowan was sitting at the table eating a plate of spaghetti.
“Couldn’t wait for me?” Aelin pouted.
He grinned. “I was hungry.”
Rolling her eyes, Aelin served herself a plate and sat. She liked the familiarity she felt when she was here, when she sat down with Rowan.
She’d barely taken a bite when a phone rang. Rowan’s.
“It’s Fenrys,” he said when he looked at it. “Hello?”
A voice sounded on the other side, to which Rowan responded, “Why?” And then, “That’s really weird, man.” And finally, “Maybe some other time. I’m finishing up on paperwork right now.” He looked close to laughter.
Aelin’s brow was raised. “What was that about?”
A smirk. “I was invited over to figure out who your secret boyfriend is.”
Aelin blinked. “You’re joking, right?” When he didn’t say anything, Aelin shouted, “I’m going to kill them! I’m going to fucking kill them all!” Rowan chuckled. “Do you seriously find this amusing?” she yelled.
“Calm down. And don’t kill them, they’ll want to know how you found out.”
“Call him back.”
Rowan frowned. “Why?”
“Tell them you finished your paperwork and you want to join.”
“Again, why?”
“I want to know who they think I’m screwing. You’re my man on the inside.”
Rowan just looked at her. “Um, no.”
“Why not?”
“That’s ridiculous.” When she just glowered at him, he added, “Also, I’m eating.”
“Good thing you’re almost done then.”
“I’m not going to go join their ludicracy when I could be doing other things. Preferably things involving you naked.” When Aelin crossed her arms and frowned at him, Rowan sighed. “I’m not getting out of this, am I?”
He reluctantly picked up his phone. “Turns out I had less paperwork than I thought and I have nothing better to do. Yeah. Okay, see you in a few minutes.”
Rowan scowled at Aelin. “You owe me. And what exactly are you going to be doing while I’m gone?”
She smiled. “Do you have Netflix?”
Halfway through Dirty Dancing, Aelin’s phone rung. It was Lysandra. Was she involved too? Most certainly; in fact, she had probably started this whole let’s-stalk-Aelin idea.
“What?” Aelin made her voice as breathy as possible.
“Sorry to bother you. I was just wondering what you’re up to.” Checking her alibi. Thorough. She had to give them credit for that.
“I’m very busy. What do you want?” Aelin snapped in her most impatient, I-need-to-get-back-to-sex voice.
“Oh, nothing. I’ll let you get back to it.” There was a laugh in the background and someone shushed them. How inconspicuous.
“Whatever.” Aelin hung up. Then she pressed play on the TV, a smirk on her face.
An hour later, Rowan came back. He found Aelin, asleep on his couch, with a bowl of popcorn next to her.
He moved the popcorn, switched off the TV, and sat next to her. Aelin woke up to Rowan stroking her hair. Not a bad way to start the day. Then she realized it was late evening. Aelin yawned, stretching onto his lap.
“Don’t you want to hear the juicy details?” asked Rowan.
This woke her up. “What did they say about me?”
He laughed. “Oh gods, Lysandra should work in the FBI. There were lists and-”
“Of every employee of the office. It was narrowed down to male employees, then only those at the party.”
Aelin scowled. “When I get my hands on her... Who else was there?”
“Aedion, Gavriel, and Elide weren’t notified for fear of ratting us out. Ansel was working. Vaughan had to be at the office for the new security update. Lorcan and Manon both declined with similar statements about how bat-shit crazy we are. It was just Connall, Fenrys, Lys, and me. We were all told not to tell you, but I didn’t promise anything.”
“And I’m assuming it was Lysandra’s idea?” Aelin was furious at this point.
“Yes. It was kind of fun, though.”
“I know you did not just say that.”
Rowan chuckled. “Oh, please, you would have initiated the thing if it was anyone else.”
“It wasn’t, though, and I need revenge.”
“I can only pray I’m not there when that happens. And she crossed us men off the list since we were all there while you got your alibi checked.”
Aelin laughed. “Yes, I was brilliant, wasn’t I?”
“Mmhm, you sounded like you were called in the middle of screwing somebody.”
Aelin beamed. “That’s what I was going for. Now that you’re here, though, I’ve been waiting all week for you to fuck me.” she blatantly declared.
Rowan’s breath hitched. Aelin sat up, then moved on top of him, straddling him. His hands settled on her hips.
“Thank you for being my man on the inside,” Aelin whispered, then dragged her tongue up his neck. Rowan groaned.
“Maybe I should do you favors more often,” Rowan got out as she pulled her own shirt off. His hands drifted up to massage Aelin’s breasts through her lace bra.
Aelin spent the rest of the night thoroughly thanking Rowan. Oh, how she loved the weekends.
Aelin slept in the next morning. She awoke to find herself alone in Rowan’s bed.
Not bothering to put on clothes, not even another one of Rowan’s shirts, Aelin walked into the kitchen. Rowan was making pancakes.
He turned, taking in Aelin’s naked appearance. Rowan’s eyes darkened with lust. Totally ignoring his roving gaze, Aelin walked to the counter and leaned against it. “I didn’t know you could cook,” she said.
Unable to tear his eyes away from her body, Rowan kept staring as he answered, “I’d hardly call making pancakes cooking.”
“It’s more than I can do,” Aelin replied. Smirking, she added, “Careful, they seem to be burning.”
Rowan finally turned back to the food, stacking them on a plate. The muscles of his back were tense. Quite possibly he was restraining himself from spinning back around and touching her. Aelin loved the effect she had on him.
Finally he managed, “Tell me you’re not going to eat like that.”
Aelin said, “Why shouldn’t I?” She was enjoying this, especially when he turned back around to reveal a slight bulge in his pants.
“Fuck, Aelin, you can’t... I’m not going to make it through breakfast with you looking like that.”
Laughing evily, Aelin complied, running back to get a shirt out of his dresser. She then walked back to the table, which had two plates on it.
Every time she was here, Aelin felt happy and carefree. Before she knew what she was doing, Aelin blurted, “I like you.”
Rowan looked at her, raising an eyebrow. Aelin blushed furiously. “I mean, I didn’t quite intend to say that, but I do. Like you, I mean. Just saying.” Wow. Very smooth.
Rowan was grinning now. “I like you too.” Aelin had expected some mocking comment, but despite the teasing look, his voice was sincere. Her blush deepened.
Rowan had the nerve not to seem embarrassed. Bastard. He said, “What are your plans for Christmas? Still attending the Single Losers Christmas party?”
Ah yes, Christmas. They were at the beginning of December, nearing a holiday from work. And the Single Losers party was a tradition started long ago, when Fenrys had no one to celebrate with and demanded Aedion, Gavriel, and Lorcan throw a party in his honor. They had the nicest place; everything happened there. It had now evolved into a small get-together with the friends and their dates (so most of them weren’t even single, but whatever). It had been quite a few Christmases since Aelin had had a boyfriend serious enough to spend the holiday with, so she was a regular. About half of them went to their parents’ houses for the holidays, but the others didn’t.
“Yes, I am. You?” Rowan usually went to the party as well.
“I’m going.” He seemed like he wanted to say something else, but hesitated.
“What?” Aelin asked.
Rowan quickly said, “Nothing. More syrup?” She knew she wasn’t getting anything out of the damned bastard. Yet, at least.
The rest of the morning passed, and of course ended up in his bedroom. Aelin didn’t know how, but the sex just kept getting better and better. She left in the afternoon, having plans at her own apartment with Ansel and Lysandra.
Aelin left Rowan with a searing kiss, her insides burning. She would never get used to the heat she felt around him, nor did she ever want to. Aelin lived for it, craved it like she craved his tongue in her mouth.
Eventually she detached herself and drove home. Lysandra was already there - early to see Aelin come home at three in the afternoon. After the possible boyfriend lists that she wasn’t supposed to know about, it was hard enough not to strangle her friend. Lysandra was on thin ice.
“Have a nice night?” she purred. Ansel laughed.
Glaring, Aelin said, “Very. How was your night?” Yes, what were you doing, Lys? Not stalking your friend, I hope.
“I got together with the twins and Rowan.” Technically true. Bitch.
Aelin made sure to inquire about Lysandra and Aedion’s flirtations or Ansel and Fenrys’ budding romance every time they got too nosy and that seemed to do the trick. The conversation mostly revolved around Elide and Lorcan, a new movie on Hulu, and a new Kung Fu move Ansel had learned.
Lysandra left a while later. Aelin set her phone on the counter along with her purse and keys.
She went to the bathroom. Washing her hands, Aelin heard her phone beep. Ansel called, “I’ll check it for you!” Nosy. Probably hoping it was from her lover. Wait a minute; if it was from Rowan...
Aelin dried her hands quickly and bolted out of the bathroom. To find Ansel gaping at Aelin’s phone. Shit.
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