#ignore the charactization of wwx in this post we all know what he’s really like but I’m talking about like. an outside perspective
theobot · 2 years
gotta say even years after watching the untamed I still love wen ning so fucking much like ooooh so scarey big mean unkillable demon dude right hand to the evil man who invented necromancy he kills so many people but then it’s just like. hes just a lil awkward dude and like he has no friends because he’s sheltered but he’s a total sweetheart and he’s teamed up with evil necromancer supreme because the necromancer is very nice and also the only one who was ever nice to him besides his sister so he latched on like a puppy like as far as outside perception vs inside reality dichotomies that’s gotta be one of the funniest
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
SBMS Clowning Series ☀️ v.6 { finale }
It was a good run and we have been fed very well. if something else comes up then i’ll post an extras version of this clowning series. ^^
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recap : version one / two / three / four / five 💓
this scene at the finale, where they won a production award and jian bing was making her speech. how she said that last year, she gained a good production partner ( referring to shengyang ) and like you could tell that it wasn’t just work related that’s she is talking about. it reminds us of that time in TTXS where WYB said that in the past year, he gained a good friend — XZ. and like we (cpfs) believe that it’s more than that, they both gained a life partner.
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this is another example of what seems to be a trend in this drama. lol. maybe because it’s modern so they can use these scenes & lines. i don’t know. the coincidences and similarities of things that happened to them irl making it in the drama is something we can’t ignore.
• In XZ studio’s post, they shared more behind the scenes photos and the caption:
when you encounter a beam of light named shengyang, remember to return him to the sun☀️
it’s similar to what zz said before in an interview when talking about WWX. He said, return him to the one he loves ( LWJ ).
there is also a photo where you could see the number 9. It’s actually 19, which is in reference to the event his character in the show is attending. they blurred out almost all of the background to emphasize on him so why leave the 9? Maybe they can cause the big event in the finale is this award and him going onstage with Jian Bing. I’m a clown so the 9 is a great coincidence because who just celebrated their 9th debut anniversary???
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• GG’s finale post on his weibo account too. Let’s clown on the time of posting, 19:50 9/5. Also how he mentions the sun which is supposedly to describe Shengyang and the name of the show itself. But the photo he shared is that of a sunflower. He really loves it. It’s why 🌻 is such a favorite symbol among BXGs!
( if you have no idea about sun/sunflower cpn then go here and here )
BONUS: shengyang x shuoshuo SZD 💟 ( similar pose! )
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• Some more similarities between XZS and YBO editing 🙃
My favorite would have to be p4. The videos they both posted today had “easter eggs” at the end. So you thought it’s all over, but they include another snippet of them.
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and another bonus on that YBO vlog, if you asked baidu what yibo is looking at. the scenery, a related topic will come up and it’s a XZS vlog.
omg even baidu knows 😂😂😂😂
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• Spotted. A new water bottle they have that’s the same. Remember that Yibo’s skateboard video is not new. The Asian Games MV was filmed last year. Sooo…. They use other stuff that’s not Bottled Joy 😂😂😂😂
It’s so plain looking that you can’t really tell but i think that’s the purpose. Knowing how they were exposed with the whole “bottled joy” saga when XZ was filming YGY.
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web-novel-polls · 5 months
Just saw your MDZS thing and I half agree and half not. Like, on the one hand, I think it's absolutely justified (though I don't generally support any torture, but this is fiction and...it's Wen Chao...), but on the other hand, it's not supposed to be black and white??? MXTX clearly wanted her readers to understand the cruelty of this moment. Wei Wuxian was so traumatized he became kind of twisted, at least with the people who massacred the Jiangs. But even though we all know WWX is NOT the evil overlord that the cultivation world thinks him to be, he is not meant to be seen as someone who can do no wrong. He makes mistakes! Some of the fault does, in fact, lie with him! He's not 100% sunshine boy! And THAT'S OKAY. In fact, him being complex is WHY he's such a good character! And it boggles my mind how people will go to any lengths to make him perfectly innocent and pure in everything (rather than being traumatized and human) while also vilifying Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao and Xue Yang and whoever else. Like, the latter two obviously did really bad things, worse than WWX, but they are very obvious mirrors to WWX. Xue Yang grew up an orphan on the streets. If WWX hadn't been rescued by Jiang Fengmian, he might've turned out the same way. Jin Guangyao was consistently denigrated for being the son of a prostitute. WWX also faced classism (to a lesser extent) for being the son of a servant (which Yu Ziyuan and Jin Zixun used against him). And don't even get me started on JC. People will go to any extent to vilify him when all of his actions make sense as someone who is also human and flawed and traumatized. Does this absolve any of them of their actions? No. But it does explain them. And just because someone does make mistakes doesn't mean they deserve to be hated and condemned (unless they're Wen Chao, who didn't make mistakes but who instead had an entire personality dedicated to being horrible. Pretty sure he's the only one who MXTX wanted to be a straight up bad guy, though if you can give me evidence to the contrary, feel free). Readers thinking in black and white and condemning other characters for xyz actions without trying to understand them while holding up WWX as a shining beacon who can do no wrong miss the entire point of the novel and do disrespect to WWX himself. Anyway... There's my rant over. Feel free to ignore this if you want, haha.
I’m not completely sure what you mean in regards to “half agreeing and half not” tbh. It seems to me like your disagreement lies with vilifying other characters when the main character is a morally complex character, which was my point? The morality policing was specifically what I was criticizing in my original post? Because, like, I agree with the broad strokes about Wei Wuxian and other characters’ moral complexities and grayness. 
My point was that, even if justified or understandable, the torture of Wen Chao was horrific and brutal, and I don’t completely understand how anyone who DID read the novel (which I understand not everyone has and/or has a different interpretation) is willing to harass actual, flesh-and-blood people over liking a character when the main character has literally tortured someone. That’s it.
I actually made my original post after a bunch of Jiang Cheng antis (who I do actually like talking to and seeing their opinions when they’re not harassing others) found an Aroace-spec Character Tournament poll with Jiang Cheng and were incredibly condescending about it. Which is honestly better than the death threats and threats of violence and doxxing, but it did hurt more than it probably should have to have people so unwilling to even TRY and see why I, and others, connected to Jiang Cheng, even after reading the same book that made them hate him. 
Seeing a character say, “Hey, what you did was not okay. I know why you did it, but it doesn’t change the damage you caused. I do not forgive you." to the main character was something that I needed to hear and see. It was something real, even if it might not be justifiable or “correct.” I like Jiang Cheng not because I think he’s always in the right or a perfect person, but because he’s not. And it’s fine if people don’t like him or think he’s the scum of the Earth or whatever, but I also think that prioritizing the debate about a character that doesn’t exist over actual people is cruel and unjustifiable. Ultimately, I do not care about any fictional character as much as I care about how willing people are to be so unbelievably inhumane for just disagreeing with them. 
And, somehow, this also ties into my opinions about the torture and killing of Wen Chao. I don’t think Wei Wuxian was unjustified, per se, for punishing Wen Chao, but I do think it was wrong in the sense that the action itself is wrong. It’s not a “WHOOO! WE KILLED THE BAD GUY” moment to me but a moment showing the brutality of war and a literary mark of descent to the “single plank bridge.” As someone else said (and so many more have probably said), it was fucked up, and acknowledging it was fucked up doesn’t mean Wei Wuxian is a “bad person” or a character you CAN’T like (paraphasing). It just means acknowledging that the act of torture itself is fucked up, no matter who does it or who it’s done to. Comparatively, sending death threats and threats of violence and doxxing is also fucked up, no matter who the other person is and what they’ve said. Putting a fictional story and character - no matter how much they may mean to you - over actual people for often no reason is fucked up. 
But yeah, I think “just because someone does make mistakes doesn’t mean they deserve to be hated and condemned” is one of my favorite aspects in a lot of web novels. I like that characters have “bad aspects” that while I may not condone IRL, including them make the characters… characters. That the “person” (character) is more important than whatever “bad aspect” they may have or mistake they might have made.
Anyway, I hope this clears up what I was trying to say lol. Not everything I wrote was meant specifically because I think you don’t agree or to argue with you, but to get my opinion across properly. I feel like we’re broadly saying the same thing, even if I’m not sure if I agree or disagree with the finer points like “Wei Wuxian might have become like Xue Yang.” Sorry if any of this comes off as aggressive, btw; it's not meant to be, but I lose my fight with tone everyday.
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
Tell you the truth, I'm a noob on Twitter. Literally just use it to login on other websites. So, what's going on with Twitter JC stans coming on here following the Twitter migration? Or actually, I really don't know about this side of fandom, and thus want to ask u this, "does JC thing really that hot on Twitter?" Enough to influence mdzs fandom as a whole? I know that part on old fanfics on ao3 accompanied by oblivious and reckless WWX thing and put JC as the straight guy dude who clean up the mess (strayed 1001 miles away from canon) , but since like 2020 or so, people start to wake up from fanon. So, does Twitter really hasn't been cleared up yet? And are still deep in daydreaming?
Well I am also a total twitter noob as in I deleted my old twitter account when I got into MDZS fandom because I knew that was going to eat my brain alive if I had access to that.
As for what's going on, back in earlier 2021, JC stans also had a pretty big run of Tumblr and were very shitty to people who posted anything that didn't fit with their version of the character without some tag like anti jiang cheng or whatever else people were using at the time. Sometimes you didn't even have to do that, people would still come at you even for using those tags and bash you, or if you wrote him in a fanfic as anything less than the saddest best brother, you'd get angry comments about him being ooc. This lasted until a group of people which included me started pushing back really hard against that narrative and when the dust settled, canon jiang cheng existed as a tag that we used for talking about him in his more canonical book and show actions, they could still use jiang cheng for whatever and the worst of the JC stans fled to Twitter because there were too many of us and we were too stubborn to let them push us out.
Fast forwards to Elon Musk's whole Twitter debacle and a lot of the content creators, especially the ones who make money off of JC art want to get off the ship before it sinks. But the problem is that we're all still here and we're all still talking about the same things we were a year ago and using the same tags and they don't like that because it's harder to have the narrative about good brother JC who suffers having such a terrible brother as WWX and is shipped with all the men in the story because he's somehow no longer a homophobe. So they're pushing extra hard because they literally made money off of the purple fanon and it's a lot harder to do that when there are people who you can't shut up who will respond to fanon asks or posts with what actually happens in the book. So they're trying (and failing) to push us to a tag that doesn't fit so that it doesn't ruin their storytelling with actual book events and a character that literally does not exist in MDZS.
It's less that JC is the hot commodity on Twitter and more that his most obnoxious fans went there since it was easier to ignore us there and now they want to come back and don't like that we're all still here enjoying canon jiang cheng. It's a bunch of loud, whiny babies. All of them easily blocked and ignored.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep16 (part 1): for some reason I didn't think it could get worse
15 is one of those eps that you need to follow with 16 asap so here we go
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this is shit like the CR attack - lots of violent scenes fading in and out. effective as shit
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WHY DID LITTLE ARCHER BOY DIE LIKE THIS!!! at LEAST give him a kill like this felt so pointless and empty from a narrative point of view. 'well sometimes in war people die randomly' I know that! but this is a story it's supposed to mean something. it was just to make this scene sadder and I for one do not appreciate that
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I've seen that translated as 'my lady' in other services and I like that one better. more formality/feels more ancient fantasy setting
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and this bastard idiot man walks in and IMMEDIATELY gets stabbed. myu was holding down the fort for what could have been HOURS and this fool stumbles in and just dies within 30 seconds. GOD jfm you useless man
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swear jyl has some kind of gift that lets her portend when her family members are about to die
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there's a lot of horrible stuff that happens in this series but honestly nothing gets me as much as this scene. the sheer. idk. simplicity of it? unlike a lot of the convoluted storylines later on, this is something so straighforward that can and has happened to so many people. their home has been taken over and their family and friends have been murdered. they're watching the bodies of their shidis and shijies being lined up by a force that came into their home and destroyed it and insulted it and defiled it and will now claim it as theirs. and it's happening right in front of their eyes. it's just something so raw and in-your-face and impossible to ignore or sugarcoat. one of the worst scenes to watch
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and then THIS. honestly I don't really understand the significance of the hand-holding and I don't think it added anything to the characters or story. I don't understand why so much time was spent on it. what did they love each other after all? deep down? I don't really believe 'deep down' matters after what a mess their relationship was and how much it hurt their kids
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a long time ago I read a meta post about how jc hearing his mom publicly mocked for caring about someone who didn't care for her back is one of the reasons he's so fucked up about expressing affection to wwx and why he takes wwx leaving so hard. his mom is dead and humiliated on the floor, her corpse desecrated. I don't think he ever got over this
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and wwx too obviously. just horrific trauma happening before our eyes
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going to say something controversial but I think xz is a better ugly crier than wcz. wcz is really good but more looks scared in most of his crying scenes, but xz just lets his face crumple with the force of his grief
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damn...conquest is fucked up huh
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gorgeous shot 10/10 no wonder its always giffed
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I guess jfm had something he wanted to say before dying but idc.
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jc would be so dead without wwx...
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DID HE SLAP WWX. HOLY SHIT. after that scene with his mom and wlj and that line about servants knowing their place that REALLY sends a message. god damn, I'm really mad at him for that
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this strangulation scene went on for a terrifyingly long time. wwx had to struggle to breathe when it ended. really scary to watch
I don't believe jc views wwx as A Servant but I also don't think he really views him as his equal either because his behavior towards wwx is uniquely aggressive and disrespectful. wwx may be treated as a young lord by most of the world, but he's also not in a position to fight back or hurt jc in any way, and he can't really leave the jiangs when he's being mistreated because he feels he owes them a life debt
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anyway. gorgeous shot here
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oh god. he's so young
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I think wwx is keeping himself from crying because. he's not allowed. fuck
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shit, that's a lot
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ruthlesscalculuss · 2 years
THIS IS A LITTLE RANT ABOUT JC’S TRAUMA, not a discussion post. So…Jiang Cheng. He’s a complicated character with a complicated history. Being neglected by his father and being humiliated by his mother, never truly being good enough for the people he craved respect from the most. Always being second best to wwx.
Then of course we have his trauma, the murder of his family, friends and the citizens of lotus pier. We see him sacrifice himself for wwx, his hopes and his dream of rebuilding the Jiang sect being extinguished at the torture by hands of Wen Chao, his core being forcibly destroyed. We see him struggle and then we see him slowly, but surely lose his best friend/brother because of diverging moral views and a lack of power on both sides to get through it together.
Jiang Cheng cannot loose Lotus Pier again at the hands of the Jin’s and wwx knows this, thats the one thing he cannot sacrifice. That’s why they have a staged fight, to publicly announce wwx’s defection. This way the Jiang Sect won’t be harmed by wwx’s actions. Here it breaks jc’s heart, the only one he wanted by his side was wwx and he can’t understand why he would leave the jiangs to protect the wens, all he sees is his brothers arrogance and his betrayal. He does not know the full extent of the wens help, he does not know wwx is without a core.
Jc is a broken man, he has given his best efforts to not be jealous of wwx, to not let it show just how deep his low self esteem runs. He cannot let himself be weak like his mother said he was, like his father thought he was. I think many people, specifically jc antis, ignore this. He is a HUMAN. He is not a character that can be shoved into black and white, either or. We can be like him, he is the example of the scarring, a physical reminder of unhealthy coping mechanisms with trauma. Wwx of course shows his coping methods as well.
Him trying to make light of most things, his lack of cares for rules because “why does it matter if I follow them, I’ll get punished anyway”, we see this even more so after he’s thrown into the mass grave. After Jin Zixuan dies and Yanli dies, Jc is overcome with anger and grief. He blames wwx, “didn’t you say you could control it?!” and to a degree it is part of his fault. Although I don’t think he had a choice-
they needed to win a war with that demonic energy, nobody can deny that. Jc doesn’t know the sinister plans that are making wwx turn into a target for the world. Imagine it was you, could you say you would still be as kind, as forgiving? Sometimes the world can make you or break you, and I believe jc was the latter. He agrees to participate in the siege, he was one of the most important gears in the siege.
Why. Did he hate wwx? Did he want to appease the sect leaders to save the Jiang Clan? Did he feel like he should end his brother on his own terms? I’m honestly not sure. There’s much speculation, It’s my own personal beliefs it’s a combination of politics due to the jins and also an anger that’s been building in jc for a VERY long time. I know in CQL he does force him to let go of lwj, but in the book…I’m curious.
What if Jiang Cheng got to Wei Wuxian first before anyone else. What would he say, what could he say? What would wwx say to him? Sometimes I think it would end as jc stabbing wwx and truly killing him. Sometimes, I wishfully think he couldn’t do it. But that’s very much up to everyone’s interpretation of Jc. At the end of this, I think of jc going back home after the siege carrying chenqing with him until he could finally rest.
I think he would just stare at it, too tired too numb to really do anything else. I think he’d get passed out drunk trying to maybe somehow sleep, and I think he’d have nightmares. God, I don’t write but I’d write a fic for this. Anyways ya sorry guys just some thoughts
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
This fandom is starting to really dispirit me. Before, there were the jc/jgy stans and wx antis that we had to run from in order to enjoy any fanwork, be it meta, fic, art... but when you found ppl who disliked them or were really fans of the work, you were set. Like finding a little oasis to enjoy the work as the author intended, it was a small space, but it was there. Now suddenly there is this wave of victimizing wwx to an extreme? I don't understand the point in making him such a poor baby who was scared of everyone. He was a victim in the novel, but he never was this woe-is-me uWu. He fought and endured and surpassed the trauma and abuse, and I'm not saying that it's wrong to bring attention to the things he went through because ppl deliberately ignore it in order to prop they fave or pretend the story is something it's not, but. I don't know how to explain the way they're trying to make him into this pitiful thing, that should be bitter and hateful against everyone. It genuinely looks like what jc/jgy stans do.
There is such bitterness and condescending self-righteousness in these takes, idk. The latest wave of it brought so much Lan hate, and even ppl who claim to be wx/wwx stans are starting in even on lwj, comparing him to yzy/jc and claiming he was abusive and wwx was rightfully scared of him, afraid of being hurt because he justifiably subconsciously equated him with his abusers, and he did everything he could to keep his distance due to fear of being physically attacked and killed. It's such a wild thing, but it seems like wwx stans feel a sort of validation into ripping onto other characters, into making wwx the only good one and that lwj should grovel and be grateful, and it feels like the only ones they don't drag are the wen, but, in a very dehumanizing way? like they consider them just an accessory or part of him, just another thing to use as a weapon against other characters and I feel like the only reason they don't rip them too is that they're dead and thus easily idealized non-entities to project on (and wn is treated like he is wwx little puppy who will defend him no matter what, as wwx deserves). That's the feeling I'm getting, these people are projecting hard on wwx and changing him with excuses of reading and interpreting the novel. I don't think they even realise that, though, especially the wen thing.
sorry for the huge incoherent rant, it's just really draining the enjoyment for me, it feels like nowhere is safe to enjoy it anymore, ppl who used to delight in the novel now are just another flavour of jc stans, changing the story and wwx to fit their victim narrative, and it's so fucking sad.
(The ask mentioned here earlier)
YES. ALL OF THIS. Every line of this.
I talked about it here, but I had to cut out so many other blogs (& ppl) bc even when they had decent opinions on jc, jgy etc. they started veering into ~make WWX a victim~ territory. Even the Lans are bad >:0, LQR is evil, LXC is terrible, he never wanted LWJ to have friends! He told LWJ to talk to WWX because he was trying to keep them apart! 🤪 He looks down on LWJ! LWJ is bad too! for not cutting his fam out for WWX (even though WWX never wanted this) and going off to live a happy farmer life w WWX...Which is hilarious as only the most absurd takes can be, bc WWX wasn't even able to do a day's worth of farming in HIS DREAM. He just wants to live his life w LWJ, he didn't suddenly develop a passion for horticulture.
And your description of how they portray the Wens finally,beautifully put into words what I could't put my finger on.
I wanted to post THIS ask too before I answered this, bc it illustrates what's being talked about.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 3 years
I saw a few posts recently about how in XuanWu Cave LWJ biting WWX is supposed to be LWJ getting possessive/jealous/marking WWX and one of MXTX’s weird kinks. I wanted to know how you interpret that scene? I honestly think the scene is not meant to be interpreted as “hot” at all. I think it was LWJ’s last resort in the moment, after an Extremely Stressful Time™, to get WWX to just leave him alone. Obviously biting someone is not okay lmao but LWJ is very clearly having major emotional dysregulation based on how he snaps at WWX. I feel like saying this whole scene is only based on how he is jealous really ignores the uhhhh fucking war plot??? And how they got to this situation in the first place??? (The only thing I can think of the biting scene being intended as “romantic” is as a play on the phrase 啮臂之盟, lit. bite an arm to make an oath, usually used as a promise to get married, via BaiDu. But this is more tongue-in-cheek than actual subtext IMO)
(Part 2 to the Cave/Biting ask, salty edition) Also if antis say this scene is OOC for LWJ I will lose my mind. It’s not my favorite scene in the book nor is it particularly notable but it’s not OOC. In WWX’s first life LWJ is shown since their first meeting to be unable to control his emotions and actions as well as he wants to!!! Their first interaction is literally a sword fight. And then this happens again in the Library Pavillion, the XuanWu Cave, etc. LWJ’s knee jerk reaction (after trying to ignore his issues, which is also not healthy might I add) when super frustrated seems to be drawing his sword which obviously directly goes against everyone’s view of him as perfect and regulated etc. LWJ reacts with violence where it’s inappropriate and better to communicate multiple times! Which leads to WWX thinking LWJ doesn’t like him! Of course LWJ gets better at controlling his reactions as he gets older but damn. And some of these fight scenes were kept in for CQL??? I don’t understand the disconnect TBH. God forbid HanGuang-Jun has a Character Flaw that ties into the plot and themes of the story.
Hi anon,
While the novel does show that lwj can get bite-y during kisses and sex, I think it is a tenuous argument to suggest that the scene in the Tulu Xuanwu cave is meant to be read as having sexual undertones or to understand it as the mere expression of a character’s ‘kink’ or preferences.The context of it, as well as the headspace of the characters--particularly lwj--simply do not allow for that reading to be well-supported. It feels a little bit like, I don’t know, trying to argue that, in any context, if lwj ties a rope or a bit of fabric, it has got to be sexual, even if it is tying his own forehead ribbon in the morning.
As you mention, some people have pointed out that a potential reading of the scene relates to “ 啮臂之盟” and works as a declaration. This was never confirmed by mxtx, but mxtx famously prefers to let readers interpret the text and rarely confirms these sorts of interpretations so it might be what she intended. 
That being said, while this interpretation might still partly be true, if we look at the scene in context, to me it really seems as if lwj means to mark wwx for the sake of marking his memory.
Prior and after being locked in the cave, lwj sees wwx acting ‘frivolously’ towards both him and MianMianm, including wwx trying to shock him by stripping. This leads lwj to grow somewhat resentful. Based on what he says to wwx, it is clear that lwj finds himself in turmoil when he is on the receiving end of wwx’s teasing and attentions, having to remind remind himself that he is not ‘special’, that wwx does not have these intentions, that this is just how wwx acts (which 😥 no hgj you were special you were the most specialest, he was really flirting with you he just didn’t realise that’s what he was doing). I think, to anyone who has had (or thought they had) an unrequited love, that feeling of frustration is easy to understand; how hard it can be to keep your hopes in check when the person you like seems to treat you in a special way when that’s actually just the way they personally are towards many if not most people.
“Lan Zhan, you really are so strange today,” Wei Wuxian began, once more. “You’re so rude. And you are not talking like yourself either.”
“If you do not have those intentions, then do not flirt with others. You are doing as you please yet others will end up in turmoil.”
The conversation is also preceded by to the topic of “brands”; that having something remain on your body can work as a representation, a reminder. In this case, it becomes clear that wwx having a mark on his body will remind him of having saved a guniang, and will ensure that the guniang herself never forgets him. This leads lwj, who has been shouldering with a stiff lip quite a lot of emotional turmoil since the wen attacked the cr, to lash out and get angry at wwx for this very fact, to the point of physically shoving him.
Lan Wangji’s face was dark. A moment later, he replied, “If you know it hurts, do not be so rash next time.”
“It’s not like I had any other choice, did I? Do you think I enjoy being burned? Who would’ve known that Wang Lingjiao is that heartless? She almost pressed the iron into her eye. MianMian is a girl, and quite a pretty one, at that. If she were blind in an eye or her face scarred, she would have to bear it for the rest of her life. How bad would that be?”
“The thing on your body right now will remain for the rest of your life as well,” Lan Wangji spoke in a thin voice.
“That’s different. It’s not on my face. And I’m a man—what am I scared of? In a man’s life, how could he not get a few wounds and earn a few scars?”
His upper body bare, he was squatting on the ground as he picked up a branch and poked at the flames. “And, if you consider it from another perspective, even though this will never disappear from my body, it represents the fact that I protected a guniang. And the guniang will definitely remember me after this. She won’t be able to forget me for the rest of her life. Now that I think about it, it’s actually quite—”
Suddenly, Lan Wangji shoved him hard, raging.
“So you also know that she will not be able to forget you for the rest of her life!”
Then, just before lwj starts biting wwx, we get the following line that is actually an idiom in chinese ( 好了伤疤忘了痛 ).
Somehow, Wei Wuxian had moved beside him again and sat down, speaking without a care for the consequences [...] Lan Wangji glanced at him, a person who seemed to forget all past pain as soon as the wounds had healed. Just as Wei Wuxian was about to give him a large grin, he suddenly saw Lan Wangji lower his head [...] Lan Wangji was buried into the crescent of his elbow, biting firmly into his arm.
While in this case, it can be taken very literally: that, indeed, as soon as wwx stops feeling the pain of lwj’s earlier shove, he already starts moving back near him. However the idiom also has a more metaphorical sense of forgetting past difficulties once the situation improves which--isn’t this coincidentally quite a good illustration of wwx?
That being said, if we remain in a more literal interpretation, and we think back to the discussion regarding the brands and remembering, the bite can be interpreted as lwj trying to force wwx to remember him--to leave him with a brand of his own, although it is one that will fade away. Perhaps, to a degree, to force wwx to think about lwj just as much as lwj is incapable of escaping thoughts about wwx, if only for a short while.
I think, through this reading, lwj’s ensuing “thank you”s make sense; having relieved this frustration in his heart, these stifled hopes of his, that the quick-forgotten shove had not managed to truly put to rest. That this is enough to defuse some of his more recent frustration. So that’s the interpretation I lean more toward, although of course there is nothing that makes it impossible to have both 啮臂之盟 and 好了伤疤忘了痛 coexist--characters’ actions can have more than a single motivation! And there are potentially other interpretations possible that I simply have not personally thought of.
Now, does that mean that lwj is jealous? Kinda, yeah? It’s not a secret that lwj experiences jealousy during the novel. Big fucking whoop! Some people really took ‘jealousy is not love’ and ‘your lover’s jealousy should never be used as an excuse to control you’ and went ‘if anyone ever feels any jealousy and, god-forbid, ever have any negative feelings or impulsive reactions due to this, they are irredeemable and their love is toxic’. Although we know lwj is jealous at different point in the narrative (rip that poor rock), we only see him act in childish but short-lived ways when he’s very drunk or, in this case, when he is emotionally very fragile, having nearly died after weeks of mistreatment and humiliation, all the while his brother is on the run, his father is dying and his home has been burned down. It’s fine to not like these choices, as part of a romance or otherwise, to question whether they truly bring something to the narrative, the characterisation or the relationship between the characters, but to act like these are big red flags of toxic and problématique behaviour is like... Sure I guess there is no sliding scale between healthy/sainthood and toxic/problématique, and all these people writing these takes must be living examples of the “I have never done anything wrong in my life, ever” meme.
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
Some Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian friendship please?
Like wwx was the first person to understand that Nie Huaisang was a "useless" young master only on purpose.
You can choose if :
Post cannon?
Cannon divergence?
Cannon divergence: where he's a better friend so he makes him joint he Nie clan? Or something? who knows?
You can also choose if Lan Wangji and Nie Huaisang are friends.
(Imagine NHS-WWX-LWJ are buddies since cloud recesses days and go forth, lol. Canon divergence from the point of JC denouncing WWX)
“Listen to me for once!”
Nie Huaisang didn't mean to shout, not really. It is never a good idea to shout at his da-ge because it only provokes anger in return. But Wei-xiong is in danger and no one is helping. Nie Huaisang may be a useless cultivator in many people’s eyes but he refuses to be a useless friend.
The desperation in his stone catches da-ge’s attention and his older brother looks at him with a severe frown, “That boy is cultivating the ghostly path, Huaisang! Even his sect leader distrusts him!”
“Exactly! Da-ge, I’m not stupid, no matter how much you like to believe I am-”
“I don’t!”
Huaisang ignores him, “I know Wei-xiong. He may be mischievous but he’s not evil. If you don’t believe me, ask Lan Wangji! You can trust his word, yes? If you can’t trust your own brother’s.”
“Watch your tone,” Nie Mingjue growls, “You have earned every bit of my suspicion, Huaisang. Don’t pretend otherwise.” Huaisang winces, “I’m not dismissing your concerns but I need more than just your instincts to intervene. Do you have anything more than ‘i know him, da-ge’?” His brother asks and arches a brow.
Huaisang takes a deep breath and collects his thoughts. Hundreds of little observations, pieces of a puzzle too scattered, swirl around in his mind. He has held these pieces close to this heart for years, knowing that it would’ve been disastrous to reveal them during the war. But Nie Huiasang can no longer afford to be silent. Every time he hears someone spitting out his best friend’s name like a curse, something in him burns.
Wei Wuxian is so genuinely good-natured, he will accept everyone as they are. Wei Wuxian is always willing to step between an enemy and a friend, ready to take the blow of them.
There are few people in cultivation as honorable and compassionate as Wei-xiong and Nie Huaisang doesn’t want to see that light diminish.
Da-ge is silent, as though sensing Huaisang’s turmoil.
He straightens and tucks his fan away, meeting his older brother’s gaze head-on, without hesitation. That is enough for da-ge to frown and gesture towards an empty seat. Huaisang quickly goes about making tea as he speaks, “Please be patient with me, da-ge,” He begs, “Let me explain the full picture so you can see what I see. All of this may seem like speculation, but I have proof, circumstantial, but proof nonetheless.”
Nie Mingjue’s expression is now serious and placid, like he’s fully willing to listen to what his brother has to say.
“You… you don’t know, Wei-xiong. He cherished his cultivation, da-ge,” He explains, “It is no accident or act of fate that he was so good at it - good enough to even challenge Lan Wangji. He did the work to get there; he was brilliant but he was also incredibly hardworking. His cultivation was the result of years of refinement. Suibian was his constant companion and he wielded it like it was his soul.”
His brother is still because he’s not stupid.
“Is it not strange that we hear rumors of Wei Wuxian being captured by Wen Chao- by Wen Zhuliu - and see him return with a new cultivation that doesn’t require a Golden Core?”
His da-ge is definitely paying attention now.
“But is it not stranger that the Wens claim they had taken Jiang Wanyin’s core, only for Jiang-zongzhu to come back stronger? His cultivation is so refined and powerful, he is now a force to be reckoned with. Is it not strange, da-ge, that a man that couldn’t push his core even after years of diligent training managed to strengthen so significantly in a matter of months?”
“What are you saying, Huaisang?”
“I’m saying that Wei Wuxian doesn’t have a Golden Core. He hasn’t had it for the entire duration of the war. He lost it during or before those three months he was missing. I’m saying those rumors about him being tossed into the Burial Mounds are likely to be true. I’m saying that Wei-xiong is exactly the kind of person who would use word games to make people believe otherwise. He’s also the kind of person who would do everything in his power to protect his martial siblings.”
Nie Mingue looks stunned, “He walked into war without his Golden Core?”
“I am absolutely certain he did.”
Nie Mingjue stares at his brother, “But you… don’t believe Wen Zhuliu took his core.”
Huaisang hesitates, “This is where I hesitate, da-ge. My instincts tell me it's not that simple. I have known both Wei-xiong and Jiang-zongzhu for a long time. We lived in close quarters and I may not be a good cultivator, but that doesn’t mean I miss small details. Jiang Wanyin feels just as powerful as Wei-xiong did, back then.”
“And you believe that’s impossible?” Da-ge arches a skeptical brow, “You, by your own admission, don’t like him.”
“Wen Qing nearly published a paper on Golden Core transfer. Wen Ning rescued Jiang Wanyin from Wen Chao’s grasp.” He takes a deep breath, “Wei Wuxian just gave up everything to repay a debt that Jiang Wanyin admitted he owed.” Nie Huaisang doesn’t know everything, but he has had years to figure out enough.
Suddenly, all the skepticism leaves his older brother’s face.
“Let’s speak with Lan Wangji.”
Wangji-xiong takes it like a blow to his chest.
Huaisang sees him flinch and he sees Xichen-ge step forward in concern, “Wangji...” Xichen-ge looks like he doesn’t know what to say and how to reassure his brother.
Huaisang may consider Wei Wuxian his best friend, but he firmly believes that no one cares for him more than Lan Wangji.
The Hanguang-jun believes him. That's clear from his expression.
Wangji-xiong has likely been aware of those scattered puzzle pieces as well. He just hadn’t put them together until now.
“This is all speculation,” Xichen-ge tries to interject, “There may not be any need to worry, Wangji.”
“Wei Ying’s heart hasn’t changed.”
Xichen-ge stills and Huaisang watches as icy resolve settles on Wangji-xiong’s face, “I’ll bring him.”
“Wangji begs your pardon, xiongzhang,” The Hanguang-jun turns around and walks swiftly towards the door. He offers no other word or explanation.
“Huaisang,” Xichen-ge’s voice is displeased, “You should have come to me with this first. Wangji is… attached to Wei-gongzi.”
Surprisingly, it is da-ge who intervenes.
“If you can give Meng Yao the benefit of the doubt, you can extend the same courtesy to Huaisang and Wangji’s friend, Xichen.” Nie Mingjue is scowling, “We have more reason to fault his character than Wei-gongzi’s.”
It is probably the harshest thing da-ge has ever said to Xichen-ge and it shows. The First Jade visibly calms himself and nods graciously, but there’s a glint of displeasure in his eyes. Jin Guangyao has been a bone of contention between da-ge and Xichen-ge for several months now. Huaisang should probably look into the matter a little more but Wei-xiong’s situation demands all of his attention.
Now that Jiang Wanyin announced Wei Wuxian’s defection to the entire cultivation world, he’s a free agent with a powerful ability and an even more powerful tool. With the Jins and their successful rumor-mongering, Huaisang fears they don’t have much time. Jin Guangshan has already driven a wedge between Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian. How much more can they accomplish if Huaisang doesn’t intervene somehow?
Wangji-xiong doesn’t return with Wei Wuxian. He brings Wen Qing and wears an expression of outright fury on his usually stoic face.
“I transferred his Golden Core into Jiang Wanyin.” Wen Qing declares with a straight back and a steady glare. She looks right into da-ge’s eyes, “I helped Jiang Wanyin recover from his captivity and then agreed to perform the procedure.”
Huaisang sits down as his worst fear is confirmed.
He had hoped… he had desperately hoped he had been wrong but as Wen Qing goes on to describe everything, explaining how the procedure worked and what Wei-xiong had to endure for his martial brother’s sake, he becomes certain she is telling the truth.
And this is exactly what Wei Wuxian would do. It would be too far-fetched and outrageous for anyone else, but Wei-xiong- his capacity for self-sacrifice has always worried Huaisang and Lan Wangji.
“Where is he?” Nie Mingjue demands, “Did you leave him in the Burial Grounds? In his state?”
“Wei Ying refuses to come,” Lan Wangji says, his expression pale and tight, “He must keep the resentful spirits at bay and protect the Wens. There’s a child among them, barely two years old.”
Xichen-ge sucks in a breath, closing his eyes in dismay.
“He’s injured.” Wangji-xiong continues, “He was gutted by Jiang Wanyin in a staged fight.” Huaisang looks up sharply, “He hasn’t healed and yet persists to place himself at risk.”
“Wangji, we will help him,” Xichen-ge assures, “I apologize for not understanding the situation, but now we know and we will help him.”
“So they fought to spare the Jiang Sect,” Huaisang speculates with a frown, “But… why not just tell us? Surely Jiang-zongzhu knows he just had to mention his debt to you, Wen-guniang.”
“We have misunderstood Jiang Wanyin’s character greatly.” That is a big condemnation coming from the Hanguang-jun himself. Huaisang is certain that Wangji-xiong isn’t inclined to be charitable now. Jiang Wanyin did hurt Wei Wuxian seriously, after all.
“He won’t move until we do something to help the Wens.” Huaisang concludes, opening his fan in a snap and waving it furiously, “Because he’s just that stubborn. If he owes Wen-guniang and Wen-gongzi a debt, nothing is going to move him, not even Wangji-xiong.”
“I have never been able to move him.” Lan Wangji says icily and it seems like they’re feeding off each other’s ire.
Really, Wei-xiong is so frustrating to deal with sometimes. He doesn’t know how Lan Wangji handles being in love with him, Huaisang already feels nauseous. Wei Wuxian is in such a precarious position now that if they don’t act fast, he would…
He would likely be imprisoned or killed.
“Let’s offer the Wens some protection then.” Nie Huaisang says.
“Huaisang,” Da-ge warns, “It’s not that simple.”
“Why not?” He demands, turning towards his brother and Lan Xichen, “Will the Jins retaliate? If both Lans and Nies stand together on the matter, what will they do? The Wens don’t need to be free, they need to be safe and healthy. We can keep them contained in a small farming village, forbid cultivation and absorb any children into one of our clans. Let’s take Wei-xiong into the Nie clan and let the Wens settle in the northern reaches. The area is fairly remote and life will be hard but safe, better than the Burial Mounds at any rate!”
He doesn’t know what kind of expression he has on his face but da-ge looks faintly amused, “You’ll take on the Jins?”
“If I have to!”
“He means that much to you?”
Huaisang swallows and thinks of days spent in merriment and comfort. Of a friendly arm tossed around his shoulder and a laughing voice dragging him into all sorts of mischief. He thinks of warm silver eyes that never looked down at him and nods, “Yes, he does.”
Wei-xiong has always helped him and treated him with respect. It is time for him to return the favor.
It is a near miracle that everything works out as planned. Well, almost everything. No one is pleased when the Lans and Nies band together to take over the Wen remnants. Fortunately, the Jiangs don’t have any room to object. Da-ge doesn't hesitate to reveal that Jiang Wanyin owes Wen Ning his life. Jiang Wanyin's honor is called into question but he suffers no other consequence for his dishonesty. Nie Huaisang doesn’t care but he notices how it guts Wei-xiong.
Apparently, when Wei-xiong and Jiang Wanyin agreed to part ways, Jiang-zongzhu only needed to say Wei Wuxian had left the Jiangs. There was no need to outright state that his sect brother had betrayed the entire cultivation world!
Either Jiang-zonghzu is incredibly naive or he deliberately placed Wei Wuxian in a difficult position without his knowledge.
Either way, Nie Huaisang is content to see that relationship severed. In his humble opinion, he makes a much better martial brother. And Wei-xiong could certainly benefit from being under the thumb of someone as protective as da-ge. He’s entirely too willing to place himself in harm’s way!
Humming under his breath and happy that everything turned out according to plan, Nie Huaisang turns around the corner and pauses. He quickly takes a few steps back until he’s out of sight. Peeking cautiously around the corner, he hides a grin behind his fan as he sees Wei-xiong fall off a tree and right into Lan Wangji’s arms.
Huaisang bites back a laugh when Wei Wuxian stays in place, arms around Lan Wangji shoulders and eyes peering up at the Second Jade.
He had been suspicious about them since Lan Wangji all but dragged Wei Wuxian to the Unclean Realm. His best friend arrived with flushed cheeks and suspiciously red lips but everyone pointedly ignored it, too eager to avoid that particular mess.
He smiles, chuckling under his breath when Wangji-xiong pulls Wei Wuxian closer and dips his head.
Turning around, he starts walking away, leaving the lovers to their business.
Besides, da-ge would want to know about this.
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rhysiana · 3 years
Untamed Romcom AU Chain
Over on Twitter the other week, @iamwestiec wrote me a tiny little fic about modern AU Jiang Cheng finally taking a vacation, and it reminded me of a Sangcheng idea I’d had a while ago based on the premise of a cute Jackie Lau romcom novel. (Her books are great mind candy full of diverse characters, many of Chinese heritage, and heavily feature the Toronto food scene, so do not read while hungry.) This then turned into ideas for a chained set of hypothetical modern AU Untamed fics. (There are three; I’m going to post the next two as additions.)
First “book”:
Premise: An overworked CEO is put on mandatory vacation by his family and doesn't know what to do, so he hires a person he noticed really savoring things at the coffee shop to teach him how to enjoy life.
And I just think: Sangcheng. NHS is definitely the kind of person who would jump at the chance to get paid to not go to work and hang out with a very rich guy in his swanky apartment, teaching him about the local food scene beyond what his PA orders for lunch meetings.
They are going to do tasting menus! Go to museums and weird little art galleries and art installations along the river that may or may not be officially sanctioned! A whole day at the bird sanctuary! (The only day NHS allows them to leave the house early.)
It's all fun and games for NHS, he's doing *so well* not developing a crush on this overly serious but very hot man, until his family comes for an unannounced visit to make sure he's not sneaking work during his vacation and he witnesses JC with a-Ling. NHS doesn't even want kids! But the way that child has JC wrapped around his finger with a single "jiujiu" is too much!
He'd call Dage to complain about it but he can already hear the lecture about his lack of self-preservation skills when NMJ learns he's living with a stranger for 2 weeks.
Jiang Cheng, meanwhile, is experiencing... emotions... about watching NHS enjoy stuff. Which is exactly what he wanted! But it also seems like a lot! Surely most people don't, like, *feel* so much in the normal course of the day? (Feelings that aren't annoyance???)
Eventually there's a serious conversation on the couch late at night where NHS talks about how aimless he's always felt, and how hard that is with an older brother so full of purpose and drive ("a lot like you, really"), so he taught himself to really enjoy small things. JC, in turn, admits he never really felt like he had a choice about his job/future, he just had to fulfill family expectations. He's good at it, sure, but he's never figured out how to enjoy things, so he just works all the time and hopes it will someday be enough.
Outings after that feel a lot more like dates, but they're both aware of the end of their time together, and JC doesn't want to say anything because he's sure he'll revert to spending 12+ hrs/day at the office, so what would be the point?
I think the resolution would have to be something like: Idyllic bubble time comes to an end, but JC finds himself constantly distracted thinking about NHS. He holds himself back because surely NHS is back to enjoying his great life without some grumpy uptight jerk in it.
WWX tells him he's being an idiot, which he promptly ignores, but then JYL follows it up with a sweetly reasonable reminder that making himself miserable isn't actually a requirement. The company is doing well, their parents are more than comfortably retired, he can do this.
NHS, meanwhile, is pining and miserable on Dage's couch and NMJ doesn't know what to do about it. Something something JC turns up with flowers at NMJ's door and asks NHS out for real. He learns to balance his time, they go on many dates (& vacations!) and live happily ever after.
(I very cleverly and totally intentionally set this up for NHS to live a wonderful trophy spouse/supported artist life. Good job, me. We will now assume this is what's happening in the background of the loosely chained sequel romance following Nielan's get-together, probably.)
[Part 2: Nielan]
[Part 3: Wangxian]
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ocdhuacheng · 2 years
Hey, so can I ask about the thought process (idk words but anyway) behind why you headcanoned Hua Cheng as having OCD cuz I'm very interested? :0
KSJDNKSJDFN sorry it took so long to reply to this I promise I wasn’t ignoring you I was just overwhelmed this week and then after I actually sat down to write out my very long answer I accidentally unplugged my computer and I LOST IT ALL so sorry but this version Is going to be rather incoherent and missing stuff probably bc its pretty much just copied and pasted from one of my discord rambles/previous posts bc I don’t have the energy or memory to rewrite everything how I had it before.. but ive kept u waiting long enough so. Yeah. Sorry.
Also if I sound salty at all its not anything directed at you im just pissed at myself for writing like >3k words all in tumblr like a fool and not backing it up then accidentally yanking on my computer cord like RIGHT as I was going to post it. But I promise im actually very happy getting asks like these even if it takes me a long time to respond ;_;
So anyway basically the tldr version is that I have ocd and I love rubbing my terrible little projection paws all over my favorite characters, but also I do genuinely think that what we are shown of hua chengs personality and actions does naturally lead to the headcanon that he has ocd (and ocpd), kind of like how it seems very clear to me that wwx has adhd and lwj is autistic.
Longer version under cut bc. Well. Sorry in advance lol
So. To start off. my ocd got suuuuuper bad in my second year of college, like to the point where my parents and psychologist was considering putting me in a hospital, so i know how awful ocd can get. and because of that ive always been kinda annoyed that all the ocd """""rep""""" in media is just comedic relief kinda stereotypical clean-freak perfectionist haha look at this weirdo sort of thing. like I was barely functional I couldn’t do basic tasks the majority of the time. ironically, my room was extremely dirty and messy despite my main obsession being about contamination. so yeah not all ocd manifests as the spotless perfect room perfect closet perfect desk or whatever the fuck. sometimes its the opposite. I also got put on academic probation bc I failed all but one of my classes (the one I passed was an art class. Lowkey think that class was the only thing keeping me out of a psych ward that quarter. lol. But anyway. That’s a different conversation) BUT ANYWAY it was all around Awful. Like idk it makes me feel kind of stupid for being such a mess before my medications when everyone just sees ocd as a joke or something. like for example, i loove death the kid soul eater, and hes a good character to make fun of urself after you’ve been medicated for ocd, but i wouldnt exactly call him good rep lmao. But after that relapse episode, I kind of really really really desperately needed a character/story to relate to about it but yippee! there are approximately zero (0) canon ocd characters that aren’t comedic relief! but anyway, i know hua cheng isnt canonically ocd but i was actually able to project on him alot from what we got of his personality (and i do gotta say, sorry but despite my attachment to him i dont actually think hes written all that well, but thats another rant), and its part of the reason why i love him so much bc hes like, definitely my biggest projecttion in this regard. so anyway
i mean theres no argument that his personality and actions are very. obsessive, and rather unhealthy to a degree, especially when he was younger, not so much as he matured over literally 800 years lol but he still has some hella issues. so like, [gestures to all of him] with how he chose xie lian as. HIS PERSON, and proceeded to revolve his entire personality and life around him is obvi v obsessive, i think its very obsessive compulsive personality disorder, which is slightly different than just ocd, one difference being (besides ocd being an anxiety disorder and ocpd being a personality disorder.) in that with ocpd, you dont really think theres anything wrong with how obsessive or compulsive you are, while with ocd it causes a lot of distress. (i havent been formally diagnosed with ocpd, but i do think i definitely at the very least have tendencies in that direction too. Like with certain things i know what im doing/thinking is irrational and it upsets me, but with others im just like. why cant other people see this the way i do? why cant they just understand why this is important? like I just get so! Angry! all the time! with people or in general when things aren’t how I want them to be. I get so judgemental even when other people cant possibly know how specific my standards are like I know its bad and I know it makes me act like a bitch and im sorry) anyway……….. sorry about the tangent but back to hua cheng. he is never distressed by how much he fixates on xie lian, the only thing that distresses him is his own percieved shortcomings with how he cannot serve xie lian the way he wants to. im not sure im explaining this well but i do definitely think hua cheng has ocpd as well. his fixation on xie lian actively prevents him forming meaningful relationships with other people, and even causes a lot of antagonism between him and others (especially fxmq). he just doesnt think anyone else is worthy of his attention. which is obviously, very unhealthy and kind of sad. (i do like to think he grows out of this a bit like with yin yu and he xuan, even if he doesnt want to admit it. AND YUSHI HUANG, bc i am also a ysh/hc brotp propaganda machine as well, and well because she was the only one that was willing to help xie lian during the war too. gay lesbian solidarity mwah <3)
so this ocpd thing.. i believe it extends to things like how the temple in ghost city, or paradise manor, is set up, he'd be classic perfectionist for the layout of it all, probably gave yin yu a lot of grief over it every single time he changed his mind and decided to burn it to the ground or redecorate it because it didnt seem good enough anymore for the hypothetical day when he can bring xie lian there. i dont like to think hua cheng treated yin yu badly on purpose, i dont like thinking hes cruel to him for the sake of being cruel like ive seen some people imply or outright suggest, i mean yin yu is obviously overworked but i think part of that is just hua cheng is so perfectionist about certain things (how the temples and manors look, how theyre run, anything that can be used for or by xie lian in the future) and he just doesnt see that its become a large burden on yin yu because he thinks this kind of stuff is just the rational thing to do, and that everyone should put as much thought into these things as he does. and if he doesnt feel like he can get things to be set up the way he wants it to be it becomes. catastrophic lol
so thats more of the pure ocpd side, though there is a lot of overlap between ocpd and ocd obvi
one thing about ocd is like. its all about wanting to be in control of every tiny part of your life. like for me when certain things are out of my control it freaks me out so much that it basically disables me. Its why I hate planes so much despite cars being statistically much more dangerous. Because if something happens in a car I at least have some semblance of control over how I can escape the situation. In a plane youre just. Fucked. (sorry to all pilots its nothing personal I think youre braver than I will ever be but its basically impossible for me to trust you (and the engineers and inspectors) with my life like that) anyway, i despise ambiguity of any kind and i hate not knowing things or having concrete answers to any questions or worries i have. like. i couldnt decide on a hypothetical grad school because i was weighing the possibilities down to like, ridiculous perceived probability percentages of how likely a natural disaster were to occur in the area, and how dangerous said natural disasters could be, etc. (well. i didnt have to worry about any of that in the end bc i got rejected from literally every school i applied to LMAO RIP but anyway.) so you get the gist. its all just very irrational, and time consuming, and ridiculous to try to gain control of every single possible path your life can take. AND I HATE IT. that was kinda yet another tangent but, to apply this concept to hua cheng. one thing that i find super funny about him is how he always has his nose in everyones personal business like hes such a fucking gossip girl its hilarious. like jokes aside its obvi helpful as a ghost king to know whats going on in the 3 realms, but i think he takes his info gathering up to 11 like he definitely has these control issues about having to know about everything thats going on at all times, having to be on top of everyones business so he cant be caught off guard by anything. over those 800 years of sending his butterflies out recording things he was primarily looking for xie lian, but hes also just kind of. snooping. lmfao. Because If He Doesnt Know Whats Going On Everywhere He Will Die. (again)
and well. with his butterflies to help him, it does work, i mean. hes always on top of things hes always got a plan, hes always the one that people are going to in the book if theyre in trouble. He seems so put together but the things he cant get information on completely eat him alive sometimes. cant let others know that tho, bc hes Cool(TM), hes Chill(TM). cant let anyone know there are things that, god forbid, hes IGNORANT of. embarrassing. tch.
his hoarding im a little ? about because i dont exactly remember the details of it but i do know he has a ridiculous amount of like trinkets and weapons and magical items and stuff in paradise manor, but i also know he doesnt really care if they get destroyed or not, which is kind of strange but i do what i want and im making him a hoarder bc im somewhat of a hoarder and i love projecting. though now that i think about it. like if i have a big pile of something that i dont want to get rid of, but someone else does it for me without asking or something happens to it like yeah i get angry but sometimes i also just get kind of relieved……….. idk.
so now about intrusive thoughts, i bet he has suuper disturbing ones. Like we  know how he was debating slaughtering those humans on mt tonglu but ended up not because xie lian would have saved them. obviously that was already a stressful unusual situation but like i dont think that kind of thing gets any better even when hes just like. chilling. he gets visions of himself burning ghost city to the ground or attacking humans or destroying his own ashes or otherwise causing harm to others, like yin yu. like he pretends he doesnt care about yin yu and he xuan and stuff but i do think hes fond of them, but he tries to keep his distance because 1) hes dumb and 2) he gets really freaked out by these violent thoughts he has about them. the worst is, when he finally meets xie lian again he gets these thoughts about him too and it takes literally everything he has not to like. throw himself into a volcano, or something.
and its already been established his self image isnt. great. which is a kind way of saying it. he thinks hes worthless and ugly, esp if he does even the slightest thing wrong. I mean I definitely think hes better by the current timeline of the book, but it still reads as a kind of precarious thing to me? Like he wants to be a companion to xie lian instead of just a servant like wu ming, but even after 800 years he still feels this inferiority and disregard for himself u know? If im explaining in an okay way? and body dysmorphia is also something that can be ocd related. OH and i forgot to say this before but ocd/ocpd can also sometimes be a way that ptsd can manifest and id definitely say with all that he was said to have gone through as a child he has ptsd, leading to, well, exacerbated ocd symptoms, among other things. his body dysmorphia is obviously something he internalized (for 800 years!!!) from when he was a child, and i can imagine him absolutely agonizing for centuries over his san lang form, because it was supposed to be his most perfect form, he needed to make it perfect, and he never felt like he could
similarly, for the cleanliness side of ocd that i feel is kind of stereotypical? at least how its portrayed in most media, hua cheng has been show a couple times not wanting to get things (or xie lian) dirty. he was very poor and dirty as a child so now he has the connection of being dirty = being miserable, and this is taken to the extreme when he becomes a supreme bc now hes rich and able to be clean and any dirt or blood on him or something/someone he cares about (’cant let you down the ground is dirty’; shielding the flower, etc) is like. an attack on this power he has now ? iykwim
anyway sorry this is long and rambly. if you actually read it all… respect……. Also ignore those parts where I might get a little too personal :^) like idk if it is but I feel like I might regret some of this in the morning. honks. Anywayyyy as you can see im completely normal about hua cheng im saaaaaauuuuur normal and well adjusted and I just think hes neat oky byeee jumps out my window
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crossdressingdeath · 3 years
Why are people bias against JFM? Madame Yu is a woman, she is strong, yes. But at the end of the day both are at fault for their children's upbringing. Putting all the fault on JFM is unfair because in the case where Madame Yu is constantly slandering his image by constantly reproaching him of being unfaithful, it is tiresome to deal with someone who just won't listen to you. It's like talking to a wall. Of course JFM will walk away. He prefers to avoid accidentally snapping at his wife in anger, or frustration. Him walking away is him being considerate enough to not agitate his wife further in front of their kids.
In the manghua, in the scene after the cave, he asks Madame Yu to speak about the matter of his supposed love for Wei Wuxian's mother in private. He tries to be considerate to his son. He doesn't want Jiang Cheng to hear his mother insinuate he favours Wei Wuxian because of his rumoured love for his mother.
People love Madame Yu and might be bias because she is strong and fearless, a rare representation in the books from what I've noticed, but they should see that it is not entirely JFM's fault that Jiang Cheng turned out this way. If we look at every husbands, we can see that JFM is actually decent, even better than everyone else. Particularly if we compare him to Jin Guangshan who mind you cheats left and right.
If we were to try and apply their personality in real life, who would you really prefer to have as a friend or partner? Madame Yu who is according to fans, a tsundere but I don't think the author confirmed this fact? Someone with whom you have to walk on eggshells with becauss she will criticize you for every single thing that you do? Trust me I live with someons like that and I can tell you it's not easy. Or with someone like JFM? Someone who is passive to a fault, yes, but who won't dishonour you by slandering your name constantly? Someone who will only criticize you when only when you deserve it? I believe that if circumstances were different, about his marriage and his partner, JFM wouldn't be that terrible as a father. He gets along well with people who have a similar personality to him and we can't blame him for that because it would be hypocritical since according to fans who defend Madame Yu's character, we are supposed to accept her as she is. Living with someone like Madame Yu is not easy and I can understand why JFM would be avoiding her. He is trying to make himself as small as he can to avoid getting scolded and reproached at. I feel for him in that way because I try to avoid conflicts in general with people like Madame Yu because it is exhausting and has a tendency to set off my anxiety.
So if we are to start blaming people left and right, completely ignoring that while parents can influence your personality, children don't always turn out to be as abusive as them because they generally want to avoid recreating that pattern (Jiang Cheng could have changed himself. No one told him to be like his mother. He was old enough when he went to Gusu to have healthy interactions with others. You are right to blame the parents but also let's keep in mind that not every child who was born into a family where the father was an alcoholic will become one as well. It is all up to the individual to in the end change the pattern. Sometimes they need help to change and that's okay. Because they know they need to change.)
Sorry for my long post but that's how I see Jiang Fengmian and Madame Yu. It's very tragic that it turned out this way, but Madame Yu maybe shouldn't have pushed the engagement so much on her side too. JFM knew they weren't compatible but she wanted to marry him (honestly though...who wouldn't when you see all the other clan leaders at this time? Nie Mingjue is younger than JFM and Jin Guangshan and Wen Ruohan I think. So he wouldn't be their classmate.) JFM realistically when you meet everyone else, is the best choice as husband. It's really just seeing who is the least terrible of all of them.
First off yeah, NMJ is the next generation down from JFM and YZY; they would’ve gone to school with his father, who died when NMJ was young. YZY maybe could have married his father, but... well, she didn’t. And JFM very much did not want to marry YZY; her family forced him into it, and he only gave in when CSSR and WCZ (who were likely his only support) left the sect.
Yeah, it really is this Thing where people are like “Oh, JFM was so horrible to JC!” when... his only real fault was not stopping YZY. He doesn’t even avoid her! She avoids him! She hangs out in her pavilion refusing to do her job as the sect leader’s wife! The most he does to her is try to stop her from using her children and JFM’s head disciple as weapons in her pointless, petty war against the man she forced to marry her! And even then he’s not trying all that hard; I mean, she’s still permitted to whip WWX for complete non-offences. JFM could put YZY in seclusion permanently or just divorce her outright; instead all he requests is that she not be blatantly cruel and petty in front of him, and apparently even that’s too much for her. Also like. she didn’t have to marry a great sect leader, now did she? There are loads of minor sects; she’s from one of them. But no, only one of the most powerful men in the world would be enough for her, and the fact that they were entirely incompatible was unimportant.
Basically JFM was distant, sure, but wasn’t actually a bad father or husband. It’s just that 1. YZY made everyone miserable and JFM didn’t stop her so apparently it’s his fault and 2. the bare minimum requirement of “don’t be horrible to literally everyone including children in front of me” is apparently way too much to ask of YZY so that cruel demand is tantamount to abuse. It’s a lot of bullshit caused by people bending over backwards to find excuses for the woman who whips a child because she hated his mother, essentially.
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namelessexistence · 3 years
Am I the only one who loves the Idea of WWX and SJ being friends? Please Tell me I'm not the only one. Not only they are my favorite characters (for Very different reasons, but still) but I really think It would be beneficial for both. Hear me out.
WWX is not naive, he's not unfamiliar to the cruelty of the world, he doesnt have an close minded Sense of honor about what methods are acceptable to use in a fight according to what society decided was acceptable. He's cunning and good enough at deceit. But he is kind, selfless and heroic. He would be able to understand SJ in a way that LQG and most of righeous cultivators coudn't. But even so he represent a moral that SJ lacks, and, because WWX can understand him, because he doesnt live in a completo different world from SJ, WWX could be a positive influence to him. (And, as we know, SJ becoming a better person in virtually everyone's interest). WWX is protective and would defend SJ when SJ is wronged. No, he's not the kind of person to abandon, WWX and JC situation is completly different from SJ and YQY, I'll explain why later here in the post.
SJ is extremely loyal, even when he feels betrayed and abandones. Once he grows to Care about WWX, he woudn't turn his back to him, no mattter How mas he may be at WWX. He would never, for exemple, Tell everyone that WWX is an enemy of the cultivation world.
They both lived in the streets, they're both orphans. Of course they're not exactly the same circunstância. Almost no one knows about SJ's origin. But he knows and he never seem to forget. WWX'S origin is known. He may be a Head disciple, a prodigy, but, when he annoy some rich spoiled a******, he's the son of a servant. They're both defined by their low North, one internally, and the other externally. They both know How is like to live in a society where a lot of people around them believe that their birth makes them less. Being part of that society without really being part of It.
They are both targets of rumours, both acused of deaths they did not cause, Just because they were there and because people were already so inclined to think the worst of them. Os course the scum SQQ would kill LQG, he Said he would, didn't he? And he always envied LQG. Of course the evil Yiling Laozu would kill his own shijie that basically raised him. How manu people he killed that night? Just ignore the fact that the other people he killed that night were ALL fighters that already gathered with the intent of fighting against WWX and that he coudn't know that JYL, who's not a fighter and tecnically shoudnt be there, would run into the middle of the Battlefield.
They were both perceived as villains and, while It is true to SJ, to certain extend, they were condened for crimes they either did not commit or had justifications to commit. Yes, SJ commited some of the crimes he was acused of, but not all. Virtually the world turned against them. People who should defend them turned their backs to them. Actually, both books start by informing us that they were really bad people who met horrible, but deserved, endings.
Let me Tell why WWX didn't abandon JC like (SJ believe that) YQY abandones SJ. First, when WWX left the Jiang Sect, JC was a Sect leader, had a living sister. The war was over. There was no threat, not to JC. SJ was left as a slave of a cruel master. Every day that YQY didn't came back was a living hell and YQY was the only one who cared enough to try to save him. So, to start, SJ and JC were "left" in completly different situations.
Second, YQY had a promise of coming back, WWX had no promise to stay. The promise he did to JC was to serve him as his father served JFM. And guess what? Said father left to live his own life, and JFM had no problem with this.
Third, the reason. WWX left to save Innocenti lides and JC was fully aware of this. You can't say JC didn't help because WWX wasnt honest. The only thing WWX was keeping from him was the core issue, but It shouldn't affect the morality of that choice. JC already had a debt with WN and WQ without bringing the core to this. YQY didn't come back because he coudn't, I don't blame him for that, but SJ believe he didn't even try. In SJ's Head, YQY abandones him because SJ was not important enough, because YQY could live a bright New Life without SJ. That's not the true, but YQY never told the true even when SJ asked.
Só no, I don't think that, If SJ'S friend, that he already know to be a selfless and heroic person, left him, in his position as a peak lord, to save Innocent lifes and SJ knew that, he would be as bitter as he was with his friend leaving him as a slave to an abusive master Just because he didn't Care enough to come back to save SJ (once again, that's not the true, it's not what YQY did, but is what SJ believe).
And WWX woudn't have to abandon SJ If SJ was in JC's place, because SJ woudn abandon him. He coudn't abandon YQY, despite believing everything I wrote above. He woudn't Just say "well, If you won't do what I want, you can Just die with them". SJ would try to use his Power and influence to help WWX If he saw WWX as a friend. Because SJ is ruthless and deeply flawded, and he loves Very few people, but he would never abandon those few people to the Wolves. SJ coudn't even let LQG, whom he resented, die, or get over the guilt of not being able to save him. Why would he let a friend die? He woudn't!
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
MXTX really said JC isn't exactly evil? OMG, I love it. You know, I consider myself a JC stan, but part of being a fan of his character means accepting him for who he is, and not making excuses for the things he does. And although CQL!JC is different, there is still an underlying current of resentment that runs throughout the entire series. I think they tried to make that scene where WWX dies ambiguous, but upon watching it again and paying attention to JC, his expression after WWX falls isn't one of horror--it's more of quiet relief, relief that HE didn't have to do it. And at the end, it's pretty obvious to me that he intends never to speak to WWX again. His pride and resentment is too strong, and he's been at it for far too long to ever go back. CQL softened JC, but I think fans are choosing to ignore the darker sides of his character. And that's fine, but don't write meta on it and insist that your opinion (which sometimes sounds more like an AU) is the right one.
The relevant part when she talks about him, the relationship between the two, and what she thinks of Jiang Cheng,
Male Host: Okay, next question. A reader asked: Does Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian really have a friendly relationship? And was Jiang Cheng’s actions really a result of hatred? What is the Jiang Cheng that you envisioned? Some readers dislike Jiang Cheng.
MXTX: In my mind, Jiang Cheng does have some fans, and these fans are really vocal about him. So, I think there’s a lot of people who like him. They don’t treat him as the bad guy. And it’s not just a simple friendship with WWX. I think their relationship is complicated, just like Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang. Let’s take those two as an example. Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang have this impression on others, that it’s not just a simple relationship. But honestly, Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing are closer, but no one has thought of them in a BG relationship. So I think some readers don’t have to be this sensitive to a gay relationship. You don’t have to explain everything as romantic. I think that if you don’t reduce everything to a romantic relationship, the characters would have more depth.
Female Host: So in MXTX’s eyes, what is Jiang Cheng like?
MXTX: The Jiang Cheng in my eyes… The Jiang Cheng in my eyes… I see him as a product, a project.
Female Host: If MXTX were to introduce this guy, how would you do so?
MXTX: I think he has…many deep flaws.
Female Host: That simple?
MXTX: Yes. His flaws are pretty serious, but he’s not an evil person… yes.
Female Host: Hm.
The original transcribed post and translation
CQL Jiang Cheng is much softer than his canon novel rendition, who we are also given an introspective look into that CQL does not allow us. His thoughts in the book are much crueler and sadistic when we are given them where as because the medium they chose for CQL, his thoughts are left as more ambiguous to a certain extent.
He still proceeds to retain all of his hateful actions against Wei Wuxian, despite the expanded bonding time, he still strangles him, decries him and enemy of the sects, shuns A-yuan, and is the one ultimately leading the call for his death that had been premeditated even with squishing Nightless City and the Siege together. In a way it made him worse since the novel had kept the barrier of his arrogance between him and Wei Wuxian, since the novel made a noted point of him othering Wei Wuxian as something not family.
CQL added a more pronounced bond and it felt like Wei Wuxian falling to his death was not only because Wei Wuxian was driven into a corner to save Lan Wangji, but it had also given Jiang Cheng an out of his guilt of being able to say he had been trying to kill two people at that point who he despised, hence that little misinterpretation of him being "morally grey". Being called "not evil" doesn't mean a person can't be naturally awful, his disposition even to strangers is caustic and cruel and Jin Ling, who is the one he's supposed to love unconditionally is not exempt from his attitude driving him to having a self-esteem complex and is a product of Jiang Cheng not really understanding him or providing him with the nurturing he needed.
I adore canon Jiang Cheng, I like digging into his story since it makes for very good themes. They just aren't as sweet or good-willed as so much fanon meta wants him to be.
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
Fics I read this week!
I started this right after posting the last one, so I’ll hopefully keep it up. A lot of the multichapter fics are ones I subscribed to that finished. A lot of the one-shots are under 5k words, with some being 100-word ficlets.
Not Rated:
Wei Changze's weird day, by Weiyingbestboy
Wei Changze was minding his own business, when four potential time travellers dropped out of the sky. Literally.
Serenity Cave, by Anonymous
The travel home had been mostly silent. Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian competing for who could say the least amount of words.
Then, as they’d been walking along the mountain path, just a little past the gates of Cloud Recesses, a hole suddenly opened up in the ground beneath them and they fell into a small rock cave. Then the hole shrunk until it was barely big enough to poke a sword through. Just enough of a gap that they had a bit of light and wouldn’t suffocate, but definitely too small to escape through.
The earth had swallowed them.
In the middle of an argument, Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian get trapped in a cave.
In Which Lan Xichen Returns to the World, by AshurbanipalJones
Lan Xichen ends his isolation after the death of Jin Guangyao.
In Which Lan Qiren Requests an Audience, by AshurbanipalJones
Lan Qiren wants to discuss Important Matters with his nephew. His nephew is kinda not having it.
Mercy Meet Vengeance, by ShanaStoryteller (7th in a series)
The first time Wen Qing meets Wei Wuxian, she has a white sash around her waist.
Rated E:
Thirty-three Lashes, by Winglesss (20 chapters)
Yiling Laozu is dead. He's been dead for over a thousand years. For over a thousand years Lan Wangji has been wandering the world alone, helping where he's needed.
It's when he meets a mysterious cultivator and a strange curse starts to torment his body that the past and the present start to mingle, igniting emotions Lan Wangji almost forgot he was able to feel.
curiosity is the beginning, by everyearning (noctiphany)
He's just curious. Wangi's brother always said he had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He also said it was going to get him in trouble one day.
Rated M:
devil from heaven, by incendir (3 chapters)
He would like to think that he knows what Lan Wangji could enjoy, if he’d let himself do so.
(or, wei wuxian's road to discovering lan wangji's yiling patriarch kink)
in this lifetime, by hauntedotamatone
Lan Wangji must reach him. There is still time. All he has to do is reach him. They’ll take A-Yuan and whoever remains and they’ll go as far and fast as they can. The world is vast, there must be a place for them somewhere, and if there is not, then he will carve one out from nothing if that is what it will take.
“Wei Ying!” he calls out to him over the roar of the flames and the familiar and terrible sounds of battle. At first, he thinks that Wei Ying is ignoring him or otherwise does not hear him. Then, his fingers still over his flute. He looks up with those empty eyes, unseeing. There is no hatred in them, but there is no affection or recognition either. There is nothing at all.
Lan Wangji has a terrible nightmare for the first time in years. For the first time in years, he does not wake up alone.
We Are Family, by Duochanfan (13 chapters)
Jiang Yanli heard the words spewing from Jin Zixun's mouth and said enough. After putting the man in his place she leaves the Hunt with her brother and Lan Wangji. The three come across Wen Qing, and with that simple meeting, they change what could have happened to something else entirely.
until it's time to see the light, I'll make my own with you each night, by backbones
His husband would never go back to sleep if he sensed something was wrong, and he always did. He knew him better than he knew himself, sometimes, and maybe that was why that feeling was so foreign it was horrifying. He wanted to keep that part of himself close, a well-kept secret, and now, deep down, he knew it was too late for that.
Or: After having a nightmare in a deep sleep, Wei Wuxian has a surprise visit from an old childhood habit.
Rated T:
Wei Wuxian Discovers Bisexuality, by arcaladiwoompa
AU where WWX decides he quite enjoys being passionately kissed against a tree by an unknown assailant and acts on it instead of just sitting there going herp derp I wonder who this very strong cultivator could possibly be.
Rescue, by WithBroomBefore (6 chapters)
Post-Sunshot fix-it AU featuring Jiang siblings taking care of each other, among other things.
Over the Rotted Bridge, by vailkagami (41 chapters)
Lan Wangji saves the Wen remants from execution but is killed in the process. The Yiling Patriarch loses himself in grief and rage and the determination to bring him back no matter what.
The world is not on his side in this. It is not on either of their sides when he succeeds. But The World is not all of its people, and some things can always be salvaged from the ruins.
Across, by vailkagami
An epilogue to the story "Over the Rotted Bridge", set in the far future. Cannot stand alone.
Centuries after the fall of the cultivation world, Wei Wuxian and Wangji return to the burial mounds for the last time.
Completion, by youjezebel
Lan Wangji misses raising A-Yuan. Wei Wuxian wants to be a father. In the end, everything works out perfectly.
Second Nephew, by vividneonmanias
"You need to stop talking to Wàngjī," Lan Xīchén told him, in the uncannily stern tones of a Sect Leader and not a nephew; "and preferably stop talking about him, if you cannot control yourself."
In the years following Wèi Wúxiàn's death, Lán Qǐrén learns to hold his tongue. But he still wants to know his second nephew. Some things need to be said; some questions need to be asked.
oceans, drowned in starfire, by stiltonbasket (10 chapters)
Lan Wangji breathes.
There is a tattered red ribbon trailing through the water beside him, and below him, a crooning, echoing song that clears his mind and stops him from struggling against the waves.
Lan Wangji breathes, and sleeps, and wakes again.
When he opens his eyes on the beach to find Huan-ge and Shufu crying over his body, he hears a lifeguard say that he was underwater for almost half an hour. ___
Tired of life in the business world, Lan Wangji returns to his mother’s old house to pursue a career as a novelist and search for the mysterious fisherman who rescued him after he nearly drowned on a whale-watching trip twenty years ago.
He wasn’t expecting much more than a quiet refuge to serve as inspiration for his work, and restore his spirits after half a lifetime spent in the city. But when a lost merbaby washes up on the beach in Caiyi, Lan Wangji realizes that his childhood savior might be closer than he thinks.
adding shadows to the walls of the cave, by Fleetling
It didn’t take Wei Wuxian long to see what he was pointing at, and as soon as he did, the smaller man turned back to face their juniors. “Cave!” he shouted across the thunder of the raindrops hitting the muddy path. “Hanguang-Jun found us a cave! We’ll stop to dry off, and head out again once the rain has stopped!” Beside him, Lan Wangji inclined his head in silent agreement. The bickering of the juniors cut out as they focused on making it the remaining short distance on the slippery ground.
They all huddled into the entrance of the cave, taking refuge from the rain, but waiting for directions before heading in.
Ouyang Zizhen ran his hand over the wall, feeling slight bumps and indents below his fingers. He brushed off the dirt, reading the characters revealed. “The lovers’ cave,” he read, shaking his head with a smile. Probably a local pair who came here occasionally. It was a bit romantic, when one thought of it. It also probably meant that the cave was safe - no lovers would hide away in a cave that contained resentful energy or other dangers.
Say It Until I Hear You, by DrowningByDegrees
Lan Zhan does not say what has him rattled, but neither does he retreat. He concedes by fractions, an embrace he does not shake off, a shaky sigh when his forehead comes to rest against Wei Wuxian’s collarbone, a wordless surrender when Wei Wuxian gathers him closer. Wei Wuxian doesn’t know precisely which ones, but there are ghosts in bed with them tonight, sorrow and regret and all the might have beens they cast aside so long ago.
Dull Comforts, by Just_Another_Mystery
Five times Làn Sīzhuī pondered the existence of a parent he does not remember having.
Downpour, by milesofheart
The way Wei Ying had looked at him…warily, expecting a fight, steeling himself for Lan Wangji to denounce him. Waiting for the worst from Lan Wangji.
Lan Wangji’s heart cracked down the middle and his whole body shook as he wept now in the rain, the mud of Qiongqi Path seeping into his once-pristine robes.
on the importance of home (and all it implies), by nixtothou
The Burial Mounds are empty.
Wei Wuxian had expected this, yet for some reason it still hurt to see.
The Best Place to Study, by adrian_kres
Lan Zhan decides to study in the law library this time. He leaves with a boyfriend.
Rated G:
cadillac converter, by mdzsed
lan zhan's car starts making weird noises so he takes it to get it repaired. the new mechanic does not look like he knows what he's doing. good thing lan zhan is no fool.
or: lan zhan makes a complete idiot out of himself but hey, it scored him a date with a handsome mechanic so it's all good.
a small spark, by sebfish
It had started, as many things did, because Wen Qing was worried, and Wei Wuxian had learned early on that she wouldn’t budge until she’d gotten her way.
Winter in Cloud Recesses, by Sarehz
Winter in Cloud Recesses was cold. Really cold. It was a chill that penetrated Wei Wuxian's bones and reminded him of that period after his parents died when he shivered alone in the streets.
His Face, by AshayaTReldai
Among Su She's possessions was found a qiankun pouch containing a sheaf of sketches of Hanguang Jun, inspiring a lifetime's exchange between Wei Wuxian and his husband Lan Wangji, studies of his face.
anger, by theninjacat
Beloved Old Lines, by Preludian_Staves
A quiet Wuxian was a creature Qiren had learned to never trust in mixed company.
I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight, by Sarehz
Wei Wuxian was sitting on the roof. Again. It had become his go to place recently when he had to attend these sort of boring meetings where all the Sect Leader's met up and congratulated each other on defeating Wen Ruohan and blah blah blah.
Unexpected, by WithBroomBefore
It is not, from Lan Wangji’s perspective, an unpleasant kiss. He has no particular objection to kissing people, though admittedly he has only ever done so as a prelude to activities that involve various other bits of the body. And it is Wei Wuxian; nothing involving Wei Wuxian is awful. The kiss is...fine.
Modern AU, just some aroace/aro queerplatonic roommates finding the words.
An Accidental Clothes Thief, by Preludian_Staves
He should have probably realized what he'd accidentally done before starting work on a new talisman.
Groupie, by Speechless_since_1998
Being the manager of a band was hard work, but someone had to do it. And Lan Xichen was the only one able to keep members of his brother's band in line.
A Silver Thread, by DizziDreams
Lan Wangji is brushing Wei Ying's Hair before bed, when he sees it, glinting like a fish through the dark glassy waters of a deep pool:
A single, silver hair.
The sky is overcast and I'm sorry, by hamlets_ghost (8th part of a series)
Wangji's brother is gone once again.
A-niang explains.
Follow the sound of pipe, follow this song, by fairyprincess2
He took the last steps needed to reach the opening and there he was, black and red clothes flying with the wind, hair bound up in a ponytail with a red hair band. He was standing with his back facing Lan Wangji but it was him, he knew it was.
(In)Hindsight, it's obvious, by Potatoes_Radishes 
Lan Qiren woke up undisturbed, calm and refreshed, that was enough for him to immediately know something was odd, mainly due to the lack of noises during the night that made him suspect it, he grumbled away his frustrations regarding what he assumed would have been another prank as he got up to get dressed.
When he left the bathroom and moved outside, a very different set of robes awaited him, one he hadn’t worn in years. He finally took a notice of his surrounding, the room was different resembling the one from before their rebuilding, not caring about his state of undress as he open the door almost on the verge of panic, the first thing that rang out in the morning was a loud yell of “WEI WUXIAN!!!”
Rated E:
taking over you, by sassybluee (3rd in a series)
Before, he’d once fantasized about giving in—shutting Wei Ying up with his lips, stilling his limbs with his own forehead ribbon. He imagined himself making demands. And then Wei Ying went missing. Wei Ying was presumed dead. And Wei Ying returned from the Burial Mounds. By then, Lan Wangji’s desires had long since cooled, and all that remained was longing. Longing to ease Wei Ying’s suffering. Longing to help him know he was not as alone as he seemed to feel. He would have gladly given him everything back then, if he knew how to ask for it. Would have surrendered his body to show him he cared.
And now?
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian explore married life, and all that entails.
Rated M:
Keep Holding On, by abCEE
As they reached an inn and Wei Wuxian got them a room with three beds, the world seemed to have frozen for Jiang Yanli when her brother suddenly fainted and Jiang Wanyin was just fast enough to catch him before his body could hit the floor.
"Wei Wuxian!"
In which after the Lotus Pier Massacre: Wei Wuxian was greatly injured by Zidian, Jiang Yanli left the inn to buy the medicines and food, and Jiang Wanyin distracted the Wens.
(With a bonus of Wei Wuxian knowing the title of the song and more things ensued inside the Xuanwu Cave that may or may have not involved Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon)
Canon diverged from there.
Sacrifices Made with Blood, by NocturnalFriend
Lan Wangji knew it was too late, there was too much blood on Wei Ying's hands already. Still, if he asked his brother for help, surely. There was a way to rescue the man who held his heart?
Or: Trust is not easily given and all to easily shattered. Lan Wangji learns this in the worst way, when Lan Xichen gives into the demands of the cultivation world. Although nobody could have predicted the whims of fate, giving them another chance at righting things.
lan jingyi vs. the laws of time itself, by agloeian (2nd in a series)
His kick has dislodged some stray fragments of Guanyin Temple's destroyed ceiling beams. Jingyi stares at them as he kneads his toes through his boot. They’re as red as the blood that stains the floor beneath him, sharp and splintering. Wind whistles through the wood and stone, though there’s a flickering too - the sound of paper fluttering in the breeze.
A talisman written in blood.
Lan Jingyi finds a way home.
Dream a little dream of me, by Moominmammashandbag
Lan WangJi braced himself.
“Wei Ying.” he said.
“You are not dreaming. This is real. You have been rescued.”
“The kissing bit comes first!” said Wei Wuxian impatiently.
“But…I cannot kiss you if you think you are dreaming!"
“I don’t see the logic in that.” said Wei Wuxian. “I obviously want you to kiss me or I wouldn’t be dreaming about it!
Rated T:
Love Song In Reverse, by timetoboldlygo
Wei Wuxian gasps back into life without a single memory left. His friends, his siblings, his home — all lost to the fog in his head, nothing more than a mystery slipping through his fingers. What else was there to do but carry himself around in bits and parts, trying to become whole, a letter waiting to be written? He is – he is Mo Xuanyu, isn’t he? In this body, with these people. This family. He has to be Mo Xuanyu, he didn’t know anything else, even if the name sounded wrong. That was all he had.
Well, that and Hanguang-jun.
Lan Wangji, for his part, has had his taste of love and lost it. In all his grieving and searching, he didn’t expect to find another.
Wei Wuxian gets resurrected, loses his memories, and falls in love.
Here We Go Again, by Alliandra
He looked over to where the swordswoman was still fighting, but her focus seemed entirely locked onto that fight so it was unlikely that she could have had anything to do with the energy drain. He was still wracking his brain for something else to do to assist, so this thing didn’t kill them both, but now he was feeling weak, dizzy and currently not far from helpless.
It has been several months since the events at the Guanyin temple and Wei Wuxian is wandering around on his own. After he helps a stranger kill a very dangerous beast he uncovers what seems to be a conspiracy aimed at ending his life. He heads back to Cloud Recesses with his new companion in tow, looking to get Lan Wanji's help in working out what is involved.
Meanwhile, Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling made a surprising discovery under Koi Tower that may well be linked to the threat against Wei Wuxian's life.
Can they all work together to find out what is going on and put a stop to it, before something disastrous occurs?
A Teacher’s Oath, by MaelStromm
Deep down, only one thing really matters.
It is not being a good Lan, despite what the entire cultivation world may think, nor is it "sucking the fun out of life" as some disciple had once said.
More than anything, Lan Qiren is a good teacher.
Despite too many to count prejudices and the boy's chaotic behavior, he'll burn his ribbon before he lets this genius be wasted.
Or :
An AU where LQR gets along with WWX and somehow ends up having to deal with far too much drama.
I've Heard of Second Chances, but This Is Ridiculous, by velvet_green
One of Wei Wuxian’s experimental talisman arrays sends himself, his husband and his brother to that mythical land of long ago – the Gusu Lan lectures of their youth.
Wei Wuxian is amused. Lan Wangji is silent. Jiang Cheng is angry.
And their younger versions are mostly just very, very confused.
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llycaons · 2 years
I don't mind when people criticize lwj or his treatment by the fans/writing I think it's completely fair and usually accurate...I like to think im objective enough about the media I like to recognize when the guy im obsessed with has serious flaws from a character writing standpoint. but idk what it was about him he just melted my brain immediately
#it was fast enough that I really hoped his development would be a lot better than it was#if I even mildly disliked him im sure he would be THE most annoying character. my condolances#but yeah I've got all sorts of critiques. I think he was mean to wwx post nightless. half the time I don't even know what people#are talking about when they talk about his microexpressions#there is some double standard when talking about his involvement in the wen situation. the writing forces us to extrapolate things#about him based on rumor and hearsay and assumption instead of actually showing us#interrogating and judging one character for doing something and then ignoring when another character does something similar#and then holding one up as the ideal and demonizing the other is just bad writing. it is#'because that's the way the story goes and that's how x character can get together with x character' that's not good writing#this is slightly related to my tags on that other post but I don't have time to organize those thoughts rn#but for once I'd love to get obsessed with someone who really holds up under the lens of narrative critique#like I think for the MOST part it holds up bc lwj did change significantly post nightless and jc just didn't#but there are holes and they bother me#and yet. he's still my guy#I fucking love his arc man I wish we saw more of it#all the stuff's there we just have to piece it together#but for many reasons the pieces get mangled and the character that comes out looks a million different ways#gets magled by fans I mean. there are so many different interpretations and most of them are wrong they have to be#which is quite frustrating#anyway I have to go to bed but this is my I love mu qing post. all the pieces ARE there and they rock#while she didn't write love interests as well I think her grasp of plot structure and (platonic) relationship writing came a long way#everyone feels like a full person. (except hc sorry)#cql txp
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