#ignore that half of them don���t have names but.
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are-you-still-writing-that · 7 months ago
Yandere!Killua: Throughout the years
Request: I love how you write yandere killua! What if yandere killua met reader during the Hunter exam and reader stuck with killua and gon up until gon and killua separated? What would yandere killua do? (Sorry if this sounds weird English is not my first language)
Uh, so you survived all that... Somehow... But fret not! We will see how the story will end.
So you met during the hunter exam, and travelled along with the boys. Stuck with them through all the dangers and challenges. You´re a good friend. You know it. And they know it too, even if they don´t always show it. Gon too hot-headed, honest and protective. Killua calm and collected. His affection always a quiet thing. Easily overlooked. Gone by unnoticed.
For Killua it wasn´t love at first glance. Not even second. Or third...
He didn´t even care about you during the hunter exam. Yes, you were his age. Sure. But the other boy, that bright and cheerful one, was just so much more interesting to him.
When you follow Gon to Kukuru Mountain, Killua just looks at you.
„Oh and you! It was..., it was-“
He pauses, and with a sigh you tell him your name again. It stings a bit because he at least somewhat remembered the names of the others, but you don´t take it to heart.
Killua watches you afterwards. He remembers your name. Takes great care to use it. His mouth sometimes stumbling over the pronunciation, but most of the time, he gets it right.
Heavens Arena is hard for you. Senseless fighting with no purpose. While the boys advance quickly, you´re slow.
In his brutal way he gives you advice. Though, you can´t be quite sure, that he isn´t insulting you half of the time.
„You have to aim right there. See? And stop hesitating! Got it, you wimp!“
The relationship between the two of you is rough. Gon is quite literally the only thing holding this fragile group together.
It fits then, that at Whale Island, you learn to understand Killua better. He becomes softer as well. Less abrasive. He learns to understand you as well.
You leave that Island, this small family, maybe even this little safe harbour, that you can see yourself returning too, stronger. Your group is not on the verge of falling apart any more. You started to understand each other. Just a bit more
„Here..., for you. From Mito“
When you leave and the wind whips through the sails, you turn to grin at Killua, who is already looking at you. His smile bright, in that secretive way it curls around his mouth, and his eyes are electric.
Yorktown is great.
Until it isn´t.
You had stayed with Leorio. Your mind at least marginally better with numbers than Gon, but your skills in stealth worse than both of theirs. A group of two was safer. At least, it was supposed to be
Leorio looks at you, his question more of a statement, which you can only confirm. Even though hours passed, you still haven´t heard anything from them.
It´s difficult to stays calm, while their lives are in danger. Kurapika is the one, that blocks your every attempt at helping. One day you might thank him for staying stubborn, today you want to strangle him for it.
You crunch numbers with Zepile instead. Your fingers shaking, and that man, this stranger, looking at you with pity. You are more than tempted to wipe his pity from his face. Just because you´re young doesn´t mean, you couldn´t wipe the floor with him in your sleep.
But your skill set isn´t specialised enough to be of any help to your friends at the moment. You always had been a jack of all trades, rather than the master of one. This had served you well, when you had travelled by yourself.
When they all come back, healthy and alive, Killua cracks some awful joke at you. You nearly knock his lights out.
„What was that for!“
And that was that.
While you haven´t earned enough to have a chance at bidding on the game, you can at least get Gon his hunter license back, and have more money than you started with. You ignore it, when Zepile grins at you. Yeah, you truly have a head for numbers.
Somehow you still get into the game. Your aura is twisting differently around you now. You kind of hate it.
It takes time for you to truly understand the purpose of the game, no matter how often Killua tries it to explain it to you and Gon, who is just as confused as you are. But the longer you think about it, the clearer it becomes to you, that this is the perfect game for hunters.
And so you start to collect cards. You deal with Bisky, who is far more focused on the boys than you, only when you have to. Still you learn the basics, and you are good at them. It feels great to learn this, far better, than what you had to push for to get the chance to join this game.
The encounter with Razor, especially when compared to the lacklustre challenges of the other pirates, is utterly terrifying. You feel the ball flying towards you, know that you can´t stop it, and that it will have reached you before you could ever completely move out of it´s way.
„Watch out! Are you alright?“
It never hits you, you´re on the floor already. You simply let yourself drop as if dead. Your t-shirt is torn. You´re the first one to stand outside. Killua is closer to you, than before but you wave him away. You watch the rest of the game with held breath.
In the end, no one got too badly hurt. You bandage Killuas hand. Cursing lowly, the stupidity of both the boys. You feel bile rise in your throat, after you genuinely thank Hisoka for his help. You hate it.
It´s almost too easy to figure out a plan to contain the Bombers. Still you aren´t surprised, that Gon doesn´t listen. No plan survives first contact with him. You are slowly getting used to it.
The quiz is easy. You whisper answers into Gons ear. Not minding to forfeit your chance. This game was a playground made for him by his father. Maybe you´re a bit jealous, but you push it away.
You don´t notice how Killua looks at you. How he started to look at you in the past few months. You won´t notice for the following months either.
Kite is... strange? Gon seems to like him and that is good enough for you. The concept of the Chimera Ant on the other hand still sends shiver down your spine. You feel vindicated in your fear, when you see the leg. And even more so, when you hear the rumour that some hunters never came back from NGL while they were on a trip to search for some new species.
It doesn´t take long for you to put one and one together.
You go with them regardless. NGL it is. Giant humanoid man-eating chimera ants are the least you are expecting and you don´t get disappointed. And Kite he is... you don´t know.
You covered the retreat of the boys, making sure that nothing would jump out at Killua as he was carrying Gon. To get attacked here and now would be a disaster. Especially because Kite isn´t around any more.
You hold Killua hand, as you leave, and slowly pull him into a hug as you wait.
„I-, I couldn´t- How could I keep you safe, when I-“
Only when the car arrives you shush him, standing up to greet the Chairman. It´s with a calm you didn´t know you had, that you explain your situation. You catch the pieces thrown at you with a glare. He laughs and if you could, you would love to hit him. But you can´t. You know it.
The drive back is hard. And the next few days are even harder
When Killua isn´t hanging around Gon, he suddenly clings to you
He has never been all that affectionate, but suddenly he is. And you can´t help but worry about it
Though something changes in Killua after the loss and Gons... date
He kisses you for the first time, presses his lips to your forehead. With him being that close, you can see the traces of dried blood on his forehead
„I´m so glad I could prove it to myself to stay. I promised it! I promised.“
You just grin at him. No clue what he´s actually meaning in that moment. Why wouldn´t he stay after all. Aren´t you friends?
They find Kite. Your world breaks. And he tries to hold it together. But even Killua is unable to be in two places at the same time.
You go back to the place of horrors. And you all split up.
It´s lonely. It´s dangerous. And you hate every second of it.
You worry when they build that plan. You know it will fail. And inevitably it does.
The plaza is your battle ground. The masses easier to deal with than the highly specialised royal guards. You will not give those ants even the smallest change to backstab one of your team
You leave behind burnt earth
„Why would he-? Why would he even do this! You didn´t see how he looked at me! How he said my name!“
Killua cries again into your shoulder, and you can´t help yourself but to awkwardly pat his back. Gon is dying. No, at this point, he´s already as good as dead.
He stops suddenly, you are still watching the steady beeping of the monitor by the hospital bed. Killua is mumbling to himself, and you slowly stand up to walk away. Maybe down there, they sell chocolate. You know, he needs some
When you come back, one of Killuas prized Chocolate Robots in hand, he is brushing past you. Eyes cold and hardened. You simply push the treat into his hands, as you sit back down on the bench to watch Gon
„There is still something left. There is still something that can help him“
Your „Good Luck“ is whispered to an empty hall and unhearing ears.
He returns a day or two later, with a girl by his side. Her eyes are wide, and you can recognize Killua in the slope of her nose, in the curl of her mouth when she shyly grins at you.
You wave back at her with your own smile, then turn back to Gon.
When Killua fiddles with the door to the intensive care unit, you make your way to distract any personnel that might come your way.
In the end, you wouldn´t have needed to bother with it
The nen, that spreads over the hospital quickly and violently, steals all air from your lungs. Your bones creak under the sudden pressure, and you let out an hysteric peal of laughter when it finally stops again. You are pretty sure, you just looked death in the face. Again.
Your steps are slow to return back to the room, but you do it regardless of the fear you just felt. When you turn the corner, Killua is hugging his sister, there are tears running down her face
You let them be, and instead turn once more to Gon. A grin spreads over your face, and you laugh
„Told you, I would fix him!“
You throw your arms around Killua, and he quickly spins you around. The both of you are grinning at each other. It´s a manic feeling, that makes you pull the girl into the hug, and whisper a pained and sincere „Thank you“ into her hair, as you press a kiss upon the crown of her head
Eventually though, this leads to the moment where you have to say goodbye. Two years have passed, before you knew it. You cried. You laughed. You nearly died. You found the best friends, that exist upon this world. You lived.
Gon is the first one to go. His father won´t wait for him too long, and he has to hurry. You watch him sprint away. You try not to cry. Even though, you are sure, that this is the last time you will see him
Then you turn towards Killua, who is shuffling from side to side, while looking around. One of his arms is protectively thrown over his little sisters – Alluka – neck. You know, that he has to leave too. His older brother is after him. Or rather after Alluka
You open your arms to him, and he pulls you close. You don´t promise anything to each other. The silence to heavy to break. It´s him, that pulls away in the end, and turns to leave. He grabs Allukas hand, as he waves at you without looking back
And before you know it, he vanishes into the crowd.
Two years of your life. Gone. Just like that.
Tears are running down your face, and you sniffle quietly.
„Farewell, dear.“
Time to go, huh...
Author Notes: This is not quite what was requested but there is a reason for that. If you meet in that journey, and take it completely with him: You have to part ways with him at the end. You only play a secondary role for his development.
The Hunter Exam is the first time Killua finds a friend. He is far more fixated on Gon, than anyone else. It takes time for him to open up to you. And so he doesn´t for a long time. He bases his emotional relationships of whatever he has with Gon. So it takes a while, to apply those experiences and emotions to you as well. This is a three-way friendship. You are all friends! And all are a little bit twisted. A little bit strange. And that is okay!
The ending might hurt, but this is what I truly believe needs to happen. Gon has to leave at the end, but so do you. Killua had time to explore, that emotional avenue with two strangers, that he truly treasures at the end. Now he needs to figure out, how to be family and a protector to Alluka. Gons goal united you for so long. Killua finally finds a goal to follow. And you? You need to spread your wings as well. You need to find your own path. And I´m sure you will.
Good Luck out there! And hey, maybe this isn´t the last time you saw Killua.
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seasidesandstarscapes · 2 months ago
Criss Cross
Summary: In which Don kisses his teammates and Bobby maybe gets jealous
Rating: T
Genre: Modern Era, Friendship, Romance, Team Bonding, Getting Together, Recreational Drug Use, Making Out, Jealousy, Confessions, One Shot, Platonic AND Romantic Kissing (waoh)
Words: 3114
A/N: besides bobby and don, all of this can be seen as platonic or romantic. you choose
It starts with Joe. 
They’re seated on a back porch swing, enjoying their bottles of beer, mirror images of each other. Fireflies pulse in the distance and a breeze pushes tall weeds away. 
Their conversation has died down, but neither of them mind. They find comfort in the silence, the sense of just knowing someone else is there. 
A glance is exchanged, small smiles, and then Joe has his hand on Don’s face. Don presses into the touch on instinct, savors the warmth of Joe’s palm, the scratch of his callouses.
Joe tugs Don into a kiss and he follows, obedient, willing. After a few seconds the embrace is over, breaths mingling with foreheads pressed together. Don’s face is warm, Joe’s seems a touch pinker. 
“ ‘s nice,” is all Joe says and Don nods. 
They sink back into the swing, taking swigs from their beer at the same time. 
Don’s smile stays on his face and he tips his head back to breathe in the summer air.
Don doesn’t stand a chance with Shorty.
He doesn’t know how he gets dragged to so many house parties, but here he is, sliding his way around drunk couples, just trying to get to the kitchen. 
He bumps into yet another body along the way and the figure spins around. Shorty is beaming, his face flushed from god knows how many drinks and he cheers Don’s name.
Before Don can escape, Shorty throws an arm around him. He plants an open mouthed kiss right on his lips and Don grabs onto Shorty's hips for balance. At least, that's the excuse he’ll use if anyone asks.
Don tries to ignore their groins rubbing together but a shiver goes up his spine, a curiosity sprouting in the back of his mind. Shorty ends the kiss by tugging on Don’s lower lip with his teeth, giggling as he does so. 
“If I don’t pass out later, you can join me in bed,” Shorty purrs before releasing Don. 
With a tight grin, Don makes his escape and breathes a sigh of relief in the kitchen. He touches his lip, a little swollen from Shorty’s teasing and his imagination drifts. Until he remembers himself. Don laughs, shakes his head. 
Maybe another time he’ll take Shorty up on his offer.
Don doesn’t know how the rumor starts but his phone is blowing up with texts and calls asking for make out sessions. 
Half these people are strangers and Don contemplates changing his number just to stop the onslaught.
“Who’d’ve thought Donny would be the one to get all the ladies,” Chuck jokes as they’re all relaxing in the living room. “And men.”
“And whoever else,” Jim teases. 
A laugh escapes Don. “Sounds like someone’s jealous.”
“Of course,” Roger shrugs. “We had you first.”
The group smiles, nods, but amongst the joking, Don notices Bobby. He’s staring at his phone, his mouth turned up for a moment before morphing back into a frown. Throughout all of this, Bobby has been too quiet. He always has his own jabs, heated opinions. Don worries, but he knows better than to ask in front of all the guys. 
To his relief, the subject changes and Don excuses himself to hang out in his room. He loves the boys and their company, really he does, but his bed sounds amazing and Don heads upstairs. 
He flops down on the bed, grabs a pillow to curl up into while he scrolls through his phone. A text comes in and Don almost throws the phone to the side. 
“Another request?”
Bobby’s voice at the door grabs Don’s attention and he’s thankful to have a moment away from the screen. 
“Maybe. I don’t want to look yet “ Don rolls onto his back to better face Bobby. 
An awkward silence passes between them, Bobby avoids his gaze. Panic rises in Don’s chest now and he sits up. Not since the first day they met has the air felt so stiff. 
“You okay?” Don asks, soft and concerned. 
Bobby lifts his head, but his hands remain jammed in his jean pockets. “You know. School.”
Don blinks at this. Bobby jumps at the chance to complain, whether it be about professors or homework. Instead, Bobby toes at the ground, his shoulders lift closer to his ears.
“Bobby…,” Don tests. “What’s wrong?”
At this, Bobby’s eyebrows furrow. “Wrong? Nothing’s wrong. I should probably just be working on my project.”
With that, Bobby flees. Don hears the door to his room slam shut and his heart jumps. Bobby’s too high strung to confront now, Don remembers the last time he tried to make Bobby talk when he didn’t want to. 
Still, worry gnaws at the back of Don’s mind and he falls back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Don’s in Roger’s room, sitting at the end of the bed while Roger is propped up on some pillows. It’s been a stressful week and he’s thankful that Roger keeps a fresh supply of weed in him at all times. 
He takes another hit of the joint, then passes it back to Roger. Their fingers brush, almost lock together and Roger laughs. 
He sucks on the joint, letting the smoke wisp out of his mouth, before he asks, “Can I kiss you?”
Don sets his back against the wall, hums as his high spreads. “What’ll you give me in return?”
“Hey, I’m sharing with you the finest weed Chuck can get,” Roger takes another puff and then holds out the offering to Don. 
“Fair,” Don nods.
He twists the joint in between his fingers before bringing it to his mouth. With a smoky exhale, Don motions for Roger to come over. In an instant, Roger is next to him, but his confidence wavers. He shies away from Don like a scared kitten. 
Whether it’s the weed or something else, Don grabs Roger by his shirt collar and drags him into a kiss. 
Roger’s breath hitches, his eyes flutter close. Don decides to follow suit and he can’t help but notice how chapped Roger’s lips are.
“Hm,” Roger muses when they part. “That was alright.”
“Just alright?” Don pretends to be offended.
He puffs on the forgotten joint, blows smoke in Roger’s face. Roger waves it away with a laugh and plucks the joint from his hand 
“Well, you aren’t Chuck.”
Don laughs, his head thinks against the wall. “I’ll say.”
With that, Roger lays back against his pillows, lounging as if someone is taking pictures. 
“Still, not bad,” Roger grins and Don just shakes his head with a smile. 
There’s something to be said about the quiet company of Gordy.
Sat side by side at one of the tables in the library, Don and Gordy study. Nothing is exchanged between them, their silence only interrupted by note taking and turning pages. 
Of course Don would be fine studying alone, but the company is nice. The little glances out of the corner of their eyes is enough to reassure him of his friendship with Gordy. 
Don’s just about to flip the page of his textbook when Gordy’s hand lands on top of his own. Furrowing his brows, he looks at Gordy, tilts his head with his silent question. 
Gordy takes a breath, then places a small kiss on the corner of Don’s mouth. It’s sweet, to the point and when Gordy pulls back, his worried gaze relaxes with Don’s smile. 
With bitten back laughs, the two turn back to the books, but Gordy doesn’t let go of Don. Instead, their fingers tangle together and Gordy rubs his thumb along the back of Don’s hand. 
Don’s face warms, his heart flutters in his chest. It won’t go beyond friendship, this he knows, but Don thinks he could get used to this. 
The shell is off today. 
No matter what Bobby says, how much everyone tries to correct, they just can’t fall in sync. 
Never mind that Bobby’s calls don’t make much sense. Don can read his mind, understands what he means to say, but right now, Bobby is cryptic, hidden. 
Bobby mutters to himself as they come to a stop, turns off his mic when Ulbrickson’s boat putters over. 
Ulbrickson’s ire is directed at Bobby, but usual protests are lost behind a sharp glare cast at the bottom of the boat. Don senses the concern, the way Ulbrickson’s shoulders drop. His short command of trying again calls Bobby back to attention and he lifts his head at last. 
When their eyes meet, Don’s heart breaks. Bobby is lost at sea, using all his strength to stop tears from falling. Don doesn’t know how to help. He scoots his seat closer, holds out a hand. To his shock, Bobby doesn’t take it. 
Bobby wipes his eyes with a harsh hand, turns on the mic. His voice is wobbly at first, then he clears his throat and forces out his next words. 
The day does not improve and when they get back to the docks, Bobby is gone before Don can even try to catch up to him. 
Chuck really shouldn’t come as a surprise yet Don is caught off guard anyway. 
He’s walking to class, lost in the music from his earbuds when he’s yanked off his course. 
Don stumbles as Chuck pulls him into an empty classroom, a bit disgruntled from the unexpected nature of all this. 
Not that he would ever tell Chuck off. Not for this at any rate. Chuck grips his arms so tight Don squirms, but then their mouths crash together and his indifference melts. 
Chuck is a raging force with his heated kiss, tongue snaking into Don’s mouth. Don’s legs buckle and he’s thankful for the desk Chuck pushes him up against. He tries to match Chuck’s energy, paws at his sweater with a pitiful whimper. 
Don loses track of time as they make out, he almost ends up in Chuck’s lap at one point. Then, all too soon, their moment ends. 
“Fuck, I gotta get to class,” Chuck murmurs, giving Don one small final kiss.
“Maybe back at the house we can do this again,” Don offers. 
Chuck makes a noise, not quite agreeing but Don can tell the seed’s been planted.
Adjusting their rumpled clothing and fixing their hair, Chuck leaves first, then Don makes his way back on his usual path. 
Something has changed, but Don can’t put his finger on it and he hurries along, already ten minutes late.
“I don’t want to kiss you.”
Don raises his eyebrow at Johnny, peers over his book. “No one’s making you.”
“Yeah, but,” Johnny sighs. “The guys keep talking about it and now I’m curious.”
Setting his book to the side, Don shrugs and sinks into the couch. Johnny shifts in his chair, frowns as he opens his mouth, shuts it again and again. 
Don’s pretty sure Johnny’s just been with girls, but he doesn’t want to push the issue. Whatever conclusions his friend comes to, he’ll work it out in time. 
“Ah, fuck it. If anyone should be my first gay kiss, it should be you.”
Johnny plops down next to Don on the couch and their shoulders bump. 
“Thanks?” Don straightens up, eyes Johnny warily. 
Unbothered, Johnny looks from Don to his hands. “So, uh, how do we do this?”
Don wants to roll his eyes but he doesn’t for Johnny’s sake. He takes the lead, giving Johnny a small kiss right on the lips. 
It’s not long, barely a second, but still Johnny’s eyes go wide. He blinks, he goes to shake his head but tries to nod at the same time. He’s a fish out of water and this time Don can’t stop the laugh that escapes from him. 
“Okay,” Johnny exhales, slapping his legs. “Thanks.”
“Any time,” Don grabs his book and flips to where he left off. 
Johnny leaves the living room, mumbling something to himself, but then he comes right back in to stand in front of Don. He starts to speak before he disappears again, finally letting Don read in peace. 
All things considered, Don thinks that went well and he smiles, immersing himself in the pages of fantasy for the rest of the night. 
Jim comes knocking on Don’s door at two in the morning. 
He wants fries and Don, far from sleep, is more than happy to drive. Getting himself a milkshake, they sit in his car, parked at the far end of the lot. 
Once they’re both satiated, they talk about anything that comes to mind. School, rowing, family. Then, Jim starts toying with his glasses. He pushes them up despite how firmly they sit on the bridge on his nose and he pulls them off to wipe the lenses more than once. 
“Okay, let’s get this out of the way,” Jim sighs. 
He leans across the console, tugs Don’s chin until they’re face to face and then they kiss. Jim is steady, sure with his embrace, the confidence of a man who has led before. When it ends, Don is a little breathless. 
“You know Bobby likes you, right?”
Still reeling from the kiss, Don just stares at Jim. 
“Did you seriously not know?” Jim raises a brow. “Man, that’s why he’s been so upset lately.”
Don did notice Bobby’s absence but he blamed it on the busy school year. Sure, their text conversations haven’t been nearly as constant as usual, but again, Don’s been able to wave it off as a fluke. 
“Plus it doesn’t help that the guys talk about what kissing you is like,” Jim continues on. “Pretty sure he was about to start sobbing yesterday.”
“He could just ask me for a kiss.” Don blurts this out before he can stop himself. “Fuck, I mean…”
To his surprise, Jim laughs at this. “God, you two are hopeless. Promise me you’ll talk to him?”
“Yeah, of course.” Don means this with all his heart. 
He loves Bobby, cherishing every moment they spend together. He thought it was just how they were as friends. Now knowing Bobby wants more, Don wonders how he missed the signs. Little events, conversations click into place. 
It’s always been Bobby. 
Jim catches up to Don’s thoughts the same time as him and the two chuckle at the absurdity of it all.
Don figured things would change between the team after all this, but he wasn’t expecting this. 
He only hopes it’s not too late. 
Despite his changing mood, Bobby is predictable. 
Don manages to get to the locker room right after him and thank goodness they’re alone. 
“Hey,” Don greets just as Bobby opens his locker. 
Bobby jumps, his bag falling to the floor with a loud thud. “Shit, Don, how the hell did you sneak up on me?”
Don shrugs, his hands twist in his bag strap. He doesn’t know what to say, the words on his mind don’t want to form. 
Bobby waits, his eyes stuck on the floor, and Don dives head first. Throwing all his cares away, he marches over to Bobby, grabbing his face. He pulls Bobby into a deep, desperate kiss and he’s sure he hears a whine leave Bobby. All of a sudden, Bobby pushes Don away, stumbling back until they’re several feet apart. 
“What the hell was that?” Bobby spats. 
Tears well up in his eyes and Don tries to catch up. Bobby is angry, devastated. Don has just one chance. 
“I know you like me, Bobby,” Don finds his voice. “I…I like you too.”
Bobby scoffs at this, a tear falls down his face. “No, you don’t.”
The words stab Don in the heart. He couldn’t have misread the situation. Sure, he’s coming at Bobby with no preamble but they’re hopeless fools in love. 
Aren’t they?
“What do you mean?“ Don tries to understand. “I do, Bobby. I’m not lying.”
“Then why were you kissing all the guys? Why wasn’t I the first?” Bobby is almost yelling at this point, an angry hand wipes at his face. 
Don’s chest tightens. He just wants to pull Bobby into a hug, but that would no doubt make things worse. 
“I didn’t know, not until last night,” Don admits. “And what I did with the guys, it wasn’t serious.”
He can see the flash in Bobby’s gaze, the sadness transforming back into hatred. 
“You really expect me to believe that?”
“Yes!” Don exclaims. He strides over to Bobby, grabs him so he can’t run away this time. “I want you and I was stupid to not realize it sooner.”
Bobby shakes his head, avoids Don’s eyes. Frustrated tears continue to fall and Bobby lets out a shuddered breath.
“Fucking…,” Bobby doesn’t finish his thought before dragging Don into a kiss.  
Bobby is fierce, breathing in Don’s very being. Don gives all of himself over to Bobby, asks him to swallow him whole. It isn’t long before their open-mouthed kiss turns even more passionate, the edge of possession. 
Don shoves Bobby up against the lockers, their tongues tangle and push, determined to prove their point. When they need air, Bobby ends the kiss with a bite to Don’s lip. He doesn’t break skin, but Don still feels the burn, the mark that remains. 
“Mine,” Bobby says against his mouth and all Don can do is nod. 
A clearing of the throat catches their attention and the two whip their head toward the door. Don wants to die at the sight of all the boys standing in the locker room, wide eyes, mouths agape. 
“Well, now that’s sorted out, who’s ready for practice?” Joe shoves to the front, breaking the spell. 
Don and Bobby step apart, heads hanging in embarrassment as everyone goes to their respective locker. The two lovers try to get back to their own business but of course, that just isn’t done.
“Wait, does this mean we don’t get to kiss Don anymore?” Johnny pipes up.
Don goes to shake his head, but Bobby’s hand on his chest stops him. 
“I…suppose I can share,” Bobby says this to the room, but his eyes are locked with Don’s. “As long as you all promise to behave.”
Terse silence fills the air, Don can feel everyone’s focus on him. Bobby bites his lip, he raises a suggestive brow. 
Don is going to be an absolute mess by the day’s end, hell, he’ll be lucky to make it to graduation without being wrung dry, but he can’t say he minds at all. 
With Bobby now at his side, Don thinks he can handle whatever the team decides to do with him and, dare he say it, Bobby is bound to enjoy the show. 
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ducknotinarow · 2 years ago
[2k12 - look i know it would be difficult and all but but listen say yes raph uwu]
Casey was late. He was supposed to be at the lair a good forty minutes ago, and though he had messaged Raph to say he was going to be late, he had gone pretty radio silent since. Not as bad as when he disappeared for three days, but, still enough to cause a faint worry. Thankfully, before anyone could try and break into his house for the 800th time, Casey showed up, bouquet of roses in hand and blush staining his face. Ignoring the looks the others gave him, Casey B-lined it to Raphael; this all seemed very familiar,
"Uh, so, I know it'll be difficult all things considered, but, I'm still gonna ask yer," Casey managed to find his words, clearly having practiced a little before getting to the lair, "But, Raph, woul' yer like t' come t' prom with me?"
| Muse Interaction
When it had come to romance and such? As expected Raphael claimed he didn’t care for it. Growing up Mikey loved watching romantic films all of what Raphael in his full level of maturity would dismiss it all off to be nothing but ‘chick flicks’ calling them boring and lame. Nothing like the movies Raph liked to watch horror films, monster flicks or even action movies were all Raphael feel were the good kind of movies. But, not even his movies were safe from the stupid nonsense. Well least that was what Raphael would complain over if someone else was with him when he watched a movie and some romance plot line came in to the story. Claiming eh it was lame but he likes the movie so he just ignores it. Yet, he always stuck around and watched the so called click flicks Mikey only ever watched, go sucked into romance plot lines in anything he watched. So okay fine maybe just maybe Raphael wasn’t immune to all that crap. He would rather die than ever make it known or express that of course. Romance was stupid he didn’t need it.
Then he got a boyfriend.
Well that sort of changed things not that he ever expected big moments like in the movies he was honestly really happy with how he and Casey sort of went with their own romance. Late nights talking as they tagged the city together, playful banter to hype the other up before running out into a good fight. Those nice softer moment shared between them like napping in Casey’s room when it rained the sleepy pillow talk that would sometimes follow. Looking at Casey’s half lidded stares and hazy brown eyes. How they would smile wide enough to show that gap in their mouth. It always made Raph’s heart do flips to see. When they called him Raphie over Raphael. When they would look at Raph with that stare he never could name. It was just soft and full of love but he only aimed it at Raphael. So okay maybe Raph secretly did like the mushy stuff. Maybe he loved it even when they were just a tad on the sappy side with each other time to time, like Casey teaching him to ice skate, or Raph showing Casey the drums when they sat next to each other, or how much Casey loved any thing he drew for them. It was nice, so nothing wrong with any of that right? Raph can have a soft side for his boyfriend after all right? Not the end of the world or anything. Not like Casey wasn’t the same for him either.
But, that did sometimes leave the turtle to have stupid ideas of things that could never happen. As Raphael once more found himself in all to familiar situation stuff watching one of Mikey’s ‘chick flicks’ some dumb high school drama film. As he let the beck of his head hang over the back of the couch an he groaned out annoyed about it all. The only other people out and about was Leo who was giving the training dummy a few rounds and April who was sitting in the pit with him and Mikey. Don likely locked away in his lab talk to whoever or working on whatever. Moving to pull out his phone once more as he was checking the last text between him and Casey. Nothing new sent since Casey told Raph he was running late and would be late. Well Casey wasn’t exactly one to be prompt or nothing like that. But he also didn’t leave Raph hanging like this either. Guy was too hooked on him after all. Raph lowered his phone back to rest on his plastron as he turned to watch the movie again, better than driving himself nuts he guessed. Watching the main couple he was guessing at least. Raphael quirking his beak a little his mind was empty but he kept watching them on screen and can’t help how his thoughts start to wonder on their own in that moment. Wishing a little to do more stupid stuff like that with his own boyfriend, as he watches the lead couple getting stupidly excited for the school dance and such. Yeah that wasn’t exactly something they could do in fact. As they were scrambling to figure out the perfect way t ask the other. Raph already guess this was all going to be some dumb plot on where they both wanted to ask each other to go to the dance but because they were. They also weren’t talking to each other leading into a lot of miscommunication. Why did stuff with teens always have stupid drama like this in it? Annoying.
Yet here he was getting hooked on to it, was kind of cute how they went to ask, when one thought they were going to break up and ask some other girl, the guy came running after her trying to read off his little written speech. Was Prom that a big deal for humans? Soon moving too sit up and rest on the actual edge of his seat. He was so swept up in the scene playing now. Mikey and April letting out little was when they decided they didn’t need the paper and just asked. Okay maybe that was kind of sweet and cute.
“What a loser,” Raph’s voice contradicts however. Which of course grab Mikey’s own attention now he used to Raph dogging on these films after all so he simply ignores his older brother despite Raph still talking. “If I was the chick I tell that dude to beat it,” Big talk for the red banded turtle and now Mikey’s attention is grabbed as he turns to look over to Raph now.
“It’s so dumb and lame” and something he could never do with Casey and that was why he was being a jerk right now about it “why should she get all mushy cause he asked her to the dance?” Raph shouldn’t have opened his beak or least spoken soon than he was. Because he was in fact going to eat his on words on the statement he just made.
Mikey started to give his own argument of of course Raph had to fight back, to lost in his argument that he hadn’t even noticed when Casey finally showed up despite anyone else saying a hello towards them. Casey seemed to have their target in sight beeling right for the red banded turtle to invested in his fight with his youngest brother needing to be right and win the shouting match. Mikey expression soon changed to a knowing smirk as he moved to crossed his arm over his own plastron.
“Oh yeah don’t think all that mushy stuff means anything uh?” Pointing out behind Raph, least they were kind enough to let it be said to loud for Casey to hear he just wanted Raph to take all of what he said back when they were on the receiving end of something.
“Yeah I-“ Raph paused and noticed how Mikey pointed out over his shoulder, curious he followed only to find Casey making his way over to him. Late, no idea where they were only to show up and come straight to Raphael. Slightly feeling a tad bit of Daja vu hit him as green eyes widen at the sight of Casey holding the bouquet of roses. Raph’s own face stained as red as Casey’s was once he seemed to clue in to the fact oh those were for him? Wait, was that why Casey was late tonight? Slowly moving to stand up from the pit and stand up with his boyfriend. “Are those for me?” He still feels the need to ask even if it may be obvious. All eyes now are the pair of them as everyone was watching this play out now, Raph trying to ignore how he can just feel the weight of all these eyes on them right now and instead focus on. The heck was Casey up to here? Not that he was against it now. Yeah okay maybe guys are said not to want flowers, flowers are for girls. But Looking at the roses in Casey’s hands as the smiled that smile that showed off that gap in their mouth so much. Raph decided maybe boys do want to get flowers, at least he did. If they were coming from Casey.
Moving over to step a big closer to Casey. Not sure what to do with his hands should he take the flowers? Should he wait till Casey hand’s them over? What was with the flowers? Roses? Roses are special right? Did they have any vases in the lair to put them in? Raph’s mind was everywhere at the moment before he finally moved to speak himself lowering his voice as if any of that was going to help keep others from seeing what was going on right now.
“So uh what’s this ‘bout?” Not that Casey needed any reason todo something nice for Raph course not just well it was a tad different so there must be a reason for it right?
"Uh, so, I know it'll be difficult all things considered, but, I'm still gonna ask yer,"
“What is?” Raph followed up with, waiting for Casey to ask whatever it was he wanted to ask? Something difficult? Hmm what could that even be?
"But, Raph, woul' yer like t' come t' prom with me?"
“Prom?” Raph asks but I easily drowned out by the gasp Mikey soon let out and the small squeal high pitch sound they made that followed soon after. Raph turning to look back at his brother before catching sight of everyone around at the time looking expectedly. Mikey seemed beyond happy an smug in the moment Leo? Of course, was making a face as if saying you can’t be serious. April seemed to find it cute from how she was smiling, but none of that helped how Raph’ face was heating up right now as he looked back to Leo who was giving him an expression he knew all to well. Yeah okay he knew he couldn’t actually go to prom. Hell he had no idea why Casey seemed to come up with this idea in the first place as is! He never mentioned prom before? Wait did he? Actually thinking about it he had uh. Least mentioned it was coming up at his school?? What had Raph said that night they talked about it? Raphs pretty sure he made a dumb joke about dances looking lame on tv and how he wouldn’t know since he can’t exactly go?? Was Casey that crazy?! Well yeah probably. Raph slowly shared a glance with Leo he would have to let Casey down easy he knows. But thing is, the second he looked back at Casey he was hit with his only truly weakness.
Large big warm brown eyes, aimed at him. Puppy dog eyes were in full effect right now. Raphael wasn’t all that sure Casey knew he did that when he wanted something. But damn it if they did Raph was going to kick their ass for such a dirty trick. No no come on Raph this will never work it can’t happen! You a mutant turtle monster freak you can’t go to prom. He had to tell himself before look back at Casey, and his adorable blushing face. Those big love sick eyes he had fixed on Raph in the moment. The flowers they likely bought with their own money just for Raphael. Okay he had to take it back he understood the whole scene in that movie now. Stepping closer as he let a soft smile settle over his beak he reached over and took hold of Casey’s hands.
“Course I will,” He tells them before looking away “well I mean not the actual one course, cause turtle but…we’ll do somethin’!” His voice suddenly growing lowers and urgent worried Casey would take it as a no if he wasn’t carful. “I dunno maybe we can sneak in to ya school and chill in the halls” they snunk in before to help April “or maybe we ca go on the roof or set up our own” idea after idea given all in the hope Casey knew Raph was saying yes he didn’t care how stupid this all was and how it never should be something to consider because…well his boyfriend asked him to the dance and that made his heart skip a little in his shell. “We’ll figure somethin’ out. Since ya went and go all sappy for me Kay?”
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youandtom2 · 2 years ago
We Need to Talk About Peter (dark!Peter Parker)
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Summary: There's something not right about Peter. Why is no one talking about it? Themes: angst, horror w/c: 4.2k a/n: I wanted to write something a little darker based loosely on the book We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver. I didn't want to romanticise anything, this is simply just a story and NOT a 'peter parker x reader' even if it might be tagged as such. Please take the time to read the warnings as this is about a topic that is triggering. Also, this is a reminder to keep yourselves safe out there, especially in places where gun control isn't as enforced as it should be.
Every school has one: that detached, isolated person who sits at the back of the class, having no intention of uttering a word to anyone that approaches them. The deviant nobody pays attention to because, after many fruitless attempts, it is simply too difficult to connect with them through any means of communication. To everyone's knowledge, they're just a name and a body and nothing further. A walking, empty soul that floats around the school. A blank canvas who has yet to leave an imprint on society but with no personality, no emotion and no social background, it seems highly unlikely they ever will.
Every school has one regardless. But none of those other schools ever had someone quite like Peter.
Now Peter contained all of the typical symptoms. Quiet, restricted, invisible. Oftentimes you would pass him in the corridor with the hint of a bruising or a red blemish developing on his face just minutes after being harassed by someone who didn't quite understand him. Not necessarily saying that you did, but you knew more than anyone else that there was something psychologically obscure about him; something that wasn't to be reconciled with. Everyone else disregarded him and blamed it on a defect of character, but what struck you about him was the way he would never stray from that stone cold expression, you never saw any other emotion donning his face. No fear, no pain, nothing. But that was just typical Peter.
You couldn't ignore how much it bothered you that everyone was completely blind to his very distinct anti-social behaviour. The teachers paid him no mind because he did the work, he was a grade A student, and his family background checks were completely healthy. So as long as he was able to conform to the school rules and there was no trouble at home, then it was assumed that having no personality was his personality.
Indeed, he was unique. But not in the way that everyone thought because he embodied something that no one else had. Something that exhorted him to exceed his reputation and do the unthinkable.
He had a motive.
Your day at school is like any other. Your English literature work basks in the sun, shining its rays onto your desk as if it was mocking you, reminding you that once again you are stuck in school with work at your fingertips. English isn't your favourite but it's tolerable. The class isn't half bad, the teacher knows what he's doing and maybe about a third of the course sparks your interest. The other two thirds you fall asleep to.
The other dilemma is your partner, Peter. Having the misfortune of sitting next to him, it is inevitable that when teamwork projects come along you will always be paired with him. You have to give it to him though, he never fails you when it comes to putting in the effort. He's smart, clever and a little too cunning for your liking. This particular feature about him you try to suppress when it gets the better of you, knowing all too well that he gets enough shit from everyone else. The least you could do is persevere and expand your patience.
It's team project day and as instructed by your teacher you turn towards your partner. Your skin turns cold when you notice a purple haze grazing his cheek amongst the red undertones of his skin, where the traces of tears are obvious to the eye. Like you say, he gets enough shit from everyone else. The last thing he needs is for you to be the same. With a hesitant smile on your lips and a spark of optimism growing, you present your findings to Peter.
"Okay, so I spent 3 hours last night doing analysis and evaluation on chapter 3. I also started making the template for our presentation which I can do if you're totally not up for it. It's cool. And I know you're supposed to be doing quotes but..."
You can't help but drag your eyes over his bruising face, thinking how could anyone have the insolence to hurt someone as innocent as Peter? As your commiserate eyes skim over the last detail of his beatings he turns, catching you staring at his face.
"I-I could them if you don't want to?" Of course he doesn't reply, which is what you expect. However you're too quick to judge as he rips out a piece of paper from his notebook and begins scribbling.
'No, it's okay I'll do them.'
You read the words in your own voice simply because you don't know what his sounds like. Nevertheless, it's still something. He usually doesn't tend to write anything to anyone.
"Are you sure?"
Miraculously, he nods. After finalising his decision, you both put your heads down and focus on your work in silence, just how you both like it.
That was all you got from him that day. That week, even. As the month progressed you noticed that Peter, however impossible it seemed, was becoming evermore unresponsive. Every period of English that you endured felt like a battle just trying to get him to even look at you. He wouldn't move other than to blink and to breathe.
He had done all of his work for the team project in four days. Something that was supposed to last 2 weeks had been completed in four days. You, on the other hand, were completely flooded with work, desperately trying to catch up with his work ethic, but even then, you were still working on finishing touches up until the day before the presentation was due.
You can understand why he did it so quickly: spending the free time he granted himself in complete ignorance because he didn't have any work to do, and left you helplessly trying to complete your half of the project in a scramble. You knew you had delegated the work equally, but showing a little decency to help you out wouldn't have harmed anyone. However, you decided not to pester him about it.
And it's a good thing you didn't. Otherwise you might've ended up like the others.
On the day before presentation day you decide to stay in school late, running through your presentation and perfecting every detail of it. You want it to be flawless. Especially since you won't be having any assistance presenting it no thanks to a certain stubborn mute.
Under Spring's pink sky you walk home constantly being tormented by the craving of a good night's sleep. With the team project no longer occupying your mind, you take your time enjoying the view around you. That is until you turn the corner. Your view is now being hindered by a certain, lonesome, stubborn mute walking ahead of you. His back is turned and you notice a heavy rucksack clinging to his back as he drags it along the pavement. What could he possibly be carrying that's so heavy? Intrigued, you track every footstep remembering to keep your distance.
Something else comes into view in the distance. Three, no, four boys you recognise strut round the corner, obnoxiously laughing as they advance on Peter with nothing but mischief in their predatory eyes. Those boys are the recipe for trouble and you fear that the nice weather isn't the reason for their little stroll through the neighbourhood. Specifically one that Peter inhabits. Your heartbeat picks up as Peter fails to avoid them, refusing to break his stride until he and the boys come face to face. His feet are rooted to the ground and his statue-like stance doesn't convey any form of fear. He should really run if he knows what's best for him.
Their voices are muted. Words are mumbled. You can't hear a damn thing but yet you still remain hidden behind a parked car watching very intently as the scene unfolds before you. In amongst the irritated voices, you know for a fact that none of them are Peter's. 
"ANSWER ME!" The boy's quick to slap Peter's face. The piercing sound so disturbing it leaves you wincing, cowering even further into your cover knowing that it was only the beginning and the worst is yet to come.
Still, Peter's reactions cease to exist. There is simply nothing that will make him bat an eyelid, even if it means slapping him in the face to test the theory. Empty-handed, the boys grow impatient, desperately waiting for something exciting to happen. They think that if they aggravate Peter further, he'll break and retaliate, giving them what they want and have never seen before: a reaction.
They never learn their lesson. They won't get one, no matter what they do.
"Fuck this," the other one says, and gives Peter a mighty blow to the face, one that's capable of breaking his jaw, and sweeps him clean off his feet. After the initiation, it's like a monkey-see-monkey-do situation. One kicks, the others kick. One punches, the others follow. The whole thing makes you sick to the stomach. Peter's body is constantly being beaten around, twitching and jerking lifelessly with the sounds of bones cracking, and laughter ringing through the air.
"STOP!" you hear your own voice yelling, suddenly realising now that your legs are carrying you towards them. "STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE!"
The boys look at you with confusion riddling their face, questioning why someone like you would defend someone like Peter. One of them even mutters your name through his heavy breathing, exhausted from beating Peter senselessly. You take your stance in front of Peter, defending him from the boys.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Huh? He didn't do a fucking thing to you, and you think it's okay to beat him up?"
"Back off, this is none of your business," one of them has the audacity to say.
"You fuck with Peter, you make it my business. Now you fuckwits better leave because that old woman over there witnessed the whole thing from her living room and is probably on the phone to the police right now. So unless you want to spend the night in custody I'd suggest that you back off."
They leave accordingly knowing how much being involved with the police would jeopardise their precious football careers, but not without getting a last word in.
"Left a little surprise for your aunt when she gets home, Parker. I'm sure you'll enjoy it too."
That surprise was the last straw for Peter. You helped him hobble home to discover the words 'slut' spray painted across the side of his aunt’s car. Not only that, but as you looked up to the apartment building you couldn't miss the numerous egg stains and little shards of shell scattered across the glass panes of his windows. You remember very distinctly the prominent lump in your throat when you saw what they had done to his home, thinking that nobody should ever have to go through something as debilitating as that.
You knew well enough Peter didn't show emotion, but after seeing the atrocities blatantly displayed across the Parker property, there should've been at least something, even just a hint of anger somewhere inside him. A clue or gesture of some sort that would prove that he's actually human would have sufficed.
There was absolutely nothing.
He walked the remaining distance into the building independently and slammed the door. Hearing that slam was like a wash of relief. It was the result of anger, frustration and fury. That alone was enough to convince you that there was something inside him that was capable of feeling emotion. 
But for him, though, it wasn't enough.
You make your presence known at the front of your class, anxiously waiting to get this presentation over and done with. Your eyes peer over to Peter's empty desk thinking how he should be here. As mysterious as he is, you can't understand why he isn't here, he's never skipped class and would never think to tarnish his 100% attendance record. You know giving presentations isn't his thing, but he could've at least shown you some moral support.
Pfft, yeah right.
You shrug the thought away before it bothers you even more and without delay, you begin your presentation.
"Lionel Shriver is the author of the 2003 novel We Need to Talk About Kevin which-"
Your words are cut off by four, angry shots echoing down the hallway, followed by a heart-stopping scream. Your eyes whip to the open door and in that moment you feel like your mind is absent, stunned in the disbelief of what you just heard. You try to move but you find that your muscles have stiffened, paralysed with fear and complete panic.
More shots follow, even louder than before. Your teacher yells at you to take cover which you do eventually after an unnecessarily delayed reaction, but your ears are ringing and everything you see has morphed into a blur.
The shooter is three...two...one footstep away from the classroom. Your sensitive ears pick up the murmurations of sobs, whimpers and sheer panic effusing from your classmates. But there's nothing more deafening than the heavy tread of the shooter's steps pacing slowly into the classroom. 
Silence. It's just absolute, unadulterated silence. The longer it continues, the more the anticipation strangles you.
"Hmmm, where is she?" His smooth, puckish tones are unrecognisable but just as equally terrifying. You can't seem to get a good look at his face; the front panel of the teacher's desk obstructs your view. "She must be in here somewhere..." She? Who's she? You make eye contact with your teacher who presses his index finger to his lips as he too hides under the desk. Whilst the shooter wanders around the room at an unbearable pace, you distract yourself by counting to ten, praying that it'll calm your uneased mind. It's completely illogical but right now anything will help.
It's almost impossible to pinpoint exactly where he is based on your judgement of sound. He could be anywhere, ready to pounce.
You close your eyes, inhaling and exhaling.
He fires two warning shots into the ground and even seconds after you can still feel the harsh repercussions of the bullets hitting the ground. Screams and cries of mercy fill the room. Bits and pieces of the floor ricochet.
You have to force yourself to clamp your hand over your mouth before you end up exposing yourself to him.
"Oh look, our presentation's on the board!" There's something chilling about his words; his taunting yet playful voice emphasises the word 'our', giving you a perfectly obvious clue as to who the perpetrator is.
You know it, but the thought can't process through your dazed mind any slower. Our. He said 'our'. You and...Peter. That answers the question why you were unable to recognise his voice. He's the shooter. And he's looking for you.
An abrupt shriek emits from a girl's mouth, one you recognise as your friend Ellis.
"Is she under that desk over there?" His cool tones are still heard despite Ellis's cries and desperate pleas. You don't hear her answer, but your guess is that he didn't need one. Adrenaline settles in and your eyes grow wide in the unprecedented fear of what is about to happen. His footsteps, unlike before, are quick and thunderous as they stalk closer and closer.
"Found you!"
Despite his deceptive body frame, his brute force drags you out from hiding in seconds. The first thing that comes into your mind is his gun. That small but powerful TEC-9 gun is secure in Peter's clutches. Instinctively, your awareness of the threat that you face takes priority in your mind and you watch it with cautious eyes. You’ve never seen a gun up close before, and now that Peter waves it around aimlessly in front of you, you realise the very real danger it poses. All it takes is one single bullet. The very thought makes you shudder.
Like an ornament, Peter presents you to the class, body stiff and unresponsive. He stands to your left, his hand crawling up your spine while the other points the gun to the ground. You just hate the way your name rolls off his tongue, unfamiliar in his voice. What does he want with you?
"I won't harm you. I just want you to point out the bastards who attacked me."
In that situation, you had no idea what to do. It was their life, or yours. You spent what felt like hours convincing Peter that they weren’t there as their pleading eyes begged to keep them safe, but Peter had figured it out for himself after a total rampage of the classroom. There were only two of the four of those boys in your class at that moment. Perhaps if they hadn't been in your English class they would still be alive.
But unfortunately that wasn't the case.
From that class alone, 3 died and 5 were fatally injured. Peter thankfully spared the lives of the others to continue the search of the two remaining boys from that night. Of course, he took you with him as a hostage for leverage and protection. Every part of Peter was raw. For the first time you were able to see his true self, seeing beneath the silent facade he had hidden behind for so long. You wish you hadn't.
The whole thing seemed like a nightmare you wanted to wake up from. The memories are drilled into you now: the blood splattered across the walls, lifeless bodies lying there for everyone to see the damage that had been caused. That will never leave you.
"Peter," you whimper, clinging on to the newly discovered shrapnel wounds on your arm. He turns but he doesn't stop walking. "Why are you doing this?"
That stops him. He eases the pressure from around your arm just slightly. His presence becomes threatening, the distance between you narrows and you're now staring into the face of a cold-blooded killer. Words pass his lips in a cool manner that is strikingly discomforting, especially coming from someone who has just massacred a school. There's only one thing audible in these narrow corridors; your throbbing pulse, drowning out any exterior noise.
"I won't harm you," he repeats, however you still fear that you can't take his word for it. His hand snakes up towards your face and catches your jawline in between his fingers and his thumb, forcing you to look at him. He's always tried to avoid all eye contact, but now that he's surrendered himself to his emotions it's the only thing he's after. "I have been putting up with their shit for long enough. I have been in this silence for long enough. I have waited long enough. If it's a reaction everyone is wanting, then here it is," he spits through gritted teeth. Peter overshadows you with his authority, his presence looming over your fear and manipulating it. You have no other choice but to submit yourself to be a vital part in his vengeance.
You both travel further deeper into the heart of the school. The number of people that still remain inside is unknown but presuming that most people haven’t made their escape, Peter leads you to the classroom where the other two boys should be. Before Peter breaches and parades in, he turns and gives you one last slice of insight.
"You know why I finished the work so quickly?" he asks but you don't respond. "So I could spend my time planning this. It was going to happen on graduation, but after what they did to me I couldn't wait any longer." His malicious chuckle makes you quiver.
"Peter, y-you're only j-just going to spend the r-rest of your days in p-prison."
"Then so be it."
A further 6 people died and another 20 were injured. True to his word, Peter got the revenge he was craving. Everyone who hurt him, everyone who pestered him and treated him like he was nothing paid the consequences that Peter had set out for them. In amongst the tragic deaths and the numerous injuries, you were spared. As thankful as you may be, you are just as equally guilty. You should've been on that list of deaths, you should've been suffering like the others did. After all, you were his only hostage. But you survived with as little as a couple of shrapnel injuries to recover from.
Once Peter had achieved his objective, he was just having fun. He didn't need you anymore but yet he still dragged you everywhere like a dog on a leash. If the leash was a gun. Peter made you watch him continue his killing spree and you remember counting up the number of lives he had taken. Ten, eleven, twelve...
With each life he took, you grew a certain abhorrence towards yourself because you didn't prevent it. The signs were there, clear as day. Quiet, restricted, invisible. The victim of harassment and bullying. Smart. Cunning. Psychologically obscure. Carrying heavy loads. These weren't the symptoms of a typical Peter. These were the symptoms of a typical terrorist. He was given the perfect ammunition, all he had to do with flick the switch and like that he became a murderer.
"Please, Peter, stop this-"
"I want to leave-"
"Why?! Why me?! Why am I different from everyone else?"
"Because you cared!" His loud voice resonates around the perimeter of the deserted canteen. You cautiously follow his movements as he perches himself upon the lunch tables, swinging his gun around as if it was nothing more than a mere toy. He stands proudly upon his podium once again unleashing his very dangerous emotions that have no sense of direction. Standing very defensively in the corner of the canteen with beads of sweat trickling down your spine, you can feel Peter's eyes burn holes through your body like it's your 6th sense. You're muttering something about wanting to leave, but tears don't help with articulation.
"Think of it this way then," he jumps off the table, striding towards you with a dubious expression donning his face. You don't feel yourself breathing, but you know there's oxygen flooding your lungs. Your gut clenches, fingernails dig deep into your palms when he firmly presses the muzzle of the gun against the side of your head. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just shoot you right now."
He's right. You did care. Much more than anyone else did. That's what kept you alive.
When Peter pressed that gun against your head, you had never felt closer to death. Oxygen didn't pass through your lungs and even though it was only for a couple of seconds, it felt like a lifetime. You were stuck in a state of fear and anticipation, and you're certain Peter was too. Even he couldn't predict his next actions.
His time as a murderer was short lived. The relief that had washed over you when the police had barged through the doors to your rescue was indescribable. You knew from then on that maybe, your life was still waiting to be lived. Peter, on the other hand, had destroyed his. Guaranteed.
You could never forget how Peter lit up like a Christmas tree with the amount of red dots that smothered him head to toe. The canteen was soon flooded with angry yells and authoritative demands to drop his weapon, but with his eyes fixated on yours he chose to ignore them.
Whatever strategy Peter adopted that made it easy for him to conceal his emotions before, it didn't help him then. Looking into his glassy eyes when he finally accepted his fate, all you could see was nothing but sheer despair and defeat outlined by the tears threatening to fall. He was human. He was alive with emotions. He just didn't know how to use them. Once they were out, they were outwith his control.
It looked like it was all over. Your future was secured and you were able to live another day now that the police force had him surrounded.
But you were wrong. It wasn't over yet.
Until they officially intervened, both of you were locked in that position nobody would ever dream of being in. Evident in Peter's hazel eyes, you recognised that knowing look of deviance. It took you less than a split second to realise that Peter still had something up his sleeve. A conversation was held but there were no words shared between you; the feeling was mutual. You both knew what was going to happen. He still had one more battle to fight, he still had one more life to take.
"I'm sorry."
He whispered his last words to you before he took the gun, held it up towards his head and pulled the trigger, adding another name onto the list of the deceased.
Peter Parker and 12 others died that day. And you, along the hundreds of others, were traumatised and scarred by his actions. So much so that you remember that day like it was yesterday, the memories still fresh in your mind even years after it happened. Other schools, teachers, friends, family couldn't imagine the pain and horror that will forever be a part of you, none of them could ever know what it was like.
Because none of them will ever know someone quite like Peter.
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frogtanii · 4 years ago
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[buckle up; this one is a long one (1.6k words)]
things weren’t supposed to turn out this way.
she was supposed to show up, apologize “sincerely,” and the boys, her boys, were supposed to welcome her with open arms and swiftly discard of you.
instead, she was sitting in the back of a cramped police car with two pigs, one of which had a horrible b.o. problem and an affinity for sauerkraut.
it was so frustrating.
and, of course, it was all your fault.
you’d been blocking her from true happiness ever since the beginning when you’d first met in middle school. it was crazy because you’d actually seemed nice; kind, understanding, and you didn’t judge her for what her father did to her mother or for how she acted out because of that.
sure, you were a little weird and sometimes you could be downright rude to other kids in your class but you cared for her in a way that no one else had before.
(un)fortunately, you didn’t come alone — you were a packaged deal. your childhood friend, daishou, came into her life right along with you. she didn’t mind at first; daishou was fun when he wanted to be but he was mostly full of snarky comments and sarcastic quips.
the three of you spent all your time with each other; from playing at the playground to helping her begin her makeup youtube channel in 8th grade.
you all got along pretty well up until you got to highschool. once there, you threw yourself into your studies, sort of retracting yourself from her and daishou.
how selfish.
she couldn’t help but feel betrayed by you—you knew how bad she was at making friends and you didn’t even care, leaving her all alone to fend for herself.
well, not all by herself.
daishou was a constant. no matter where she was, or how alone she was feeling, he was there to provide entertainment at the most, and his presence at the least.
it wasn’t always the healthiest, most functional friendship, she could admit that. there were weeks that daishou would choose to ignore her for no apparent rhyme or reason, citing his explanation as he just didn’t feel like it.
obviously it sucked but he was her only friend, ever since you so cruelly abandoned them. i mean, you still ate lunch with them every day and invited them over to study and hang out, but it was not the same.
with you so absent, she grew closer and closer to daishou to the point she was spending almost every waking moment with him. and, as the story so goes, she fell for him, head over heels.
she knew it was a bad idea, if their friendship was anything to go off of but she didn’t care. she was desperate for love and physical affection and he seemed willing to at least give her the latter.
after she decided to confess, nerves all the way in her throat and a box of chocolates behind her back, daishou took her virginity in the back of his ford fusion, hard, fast and nothing like she’d imagined.
the next day, she’d cornered you in the library (where you always seemed to be) to tell you the good news. your face was unusually blank as she detailed the best night of her life to you, your response being less than stellar when she was done. “please be careful,” you had said.
what did that even mean? you clearly wanted to keep daishou safe from her which was ridiculous because weren’t you supposed to be her friend too? she’d stormed out of the library after that, determined to demand a kiss from daishou to make her feel better.
that day was one of the last that she’d see you for a while. you got caught up with clubs and schoolwork (and apparently therapy for god knows what) while she got caught up with daishou.
things with him weren’t... great. they never really were but things were getting even worse. his random bouts of silence got longer and though it was only freshman year and they’d been dating for less than 5 months, he’d meet with her after school with a hickey plastered on his collarbone that she knew she didn’t put there (she sucked even harder over the spot to claim it as her own).
as she said, things weren’t great but they weren’t horrible either. they remained that way all the way up until sophomore year.
you and her had drifted even further, hardly speaking to one another unless it was for a project or to vaguely greet one another in the halls. it was okay though. you had all your other friends and she... well she had daishou.
speaking of, her “boyfriend” had been more distant than usual. she wasn’t an idiot and she knew he’d been seeing other girls on the side, but she believed she would be the one he’d end up with, the one he’d marry.
how foolish she had been.
it was prom night and she felt beautiful. her beauty channel had finally begun picking up traction (she’d just hit 13k subscribers the night before!!) so she filmed a prom night makeup tutorial, making sure that every square inch of her face was perfect. donning a silky blue floor length dress, she felt like a princess and she certainly looked the part.
she showed up to daishou’s house about 30 minutes before the event, ringing his doorbell with an elated grin painted all over her face. he had mentioned in passing that his parents and older sister would be out for the weekend, leaving the house for themselves. that meant sex and sex meant being wanted.
after the third ring of the bell, she started to get nervous. maybe he wasn’t ready yet? maybe he needed help with his tie? just when she was about to wring the bell again, the door swung open to reveal daishou... not in his suit.
“oh, it’s you,” he’d grumbled. “‘m not goin’ to prom.” she felt her breath catch in her throat. she’d protested and begged for an explanation but he wouldn’t give one to her. eventually, she’d followed him into his house, furious because how could he do this to her? on her night?
it didn’t take very long for him to get fed up, his snake-like eyes honing in on her, filled with venom. “‘m not goin’ because i don’t like you anymore. you still look pretty though.”
just like that, with just a few words, he’d shattered her heart. she was frozen in place, completely disconnected from daishou, her love, as he not-so-gently pushed her out the door, slamming it in her face.
she felt tears stream down her cheeks and before she knew it, her legs were carrying her to a place she hadn’t been in months.
banging frantically on the door, she cried out, begging for someone, anyone to hear her. the door opened quickly and there you stood. you’d clearly been studying but as you took in her frazzled appearance, it seemed as though your heart broke.
you ushered her inside, sat her own the couch, and began to make her a cup of tea, your parents having been out for the night as well. once the kettle went off, you quickly prepped her drink and gave it to her, the words flowing out of her like liquid once she had taken a sip.
she didn’t know why she was even there but despite the animosity between the two of you, you seemed like you truly... cared. (neither of you mentioned the tears that stained your favorite t shirt or the quiet apologies you muttered into her hair).
that night quickly went and passed and by the next day, she was feeling rejuvenated and more like herself. however, that feeling quickly dissipated when she caught you in the hallway between classes speaking with daishou behind the stairwell in hushed tones.
within the span of a few hours, her heart had been broken twice and she was sure she’d never felt such heartache before.
she turned on her heel and darted away, avoiding your every attempt to talk to her for weeks and weeks until you just... stopped trying. after you’d cut off conversation, yet again, the sadness quickly festered and morphed into anger.
that anger only grew when she watched you graduate at the top of your class in your senior year, your smile blinding as you accepted your diploma. it only grew when she saw that you had made it into the university of your choice on your instagram story, her own rejection letter torn up in the bottom of her wastebin. it only grew when she saw you’d made your own youtube channel, her own going untouched and neglected (her last video had been a half-assed “get ready with me” that had more dislikes than likes due to her horrible makeup and even worse attitude).
soon enough, the rage had intensified until it had taken over her whole being. she was just so angry at all that you’d done to her, all the ways you’d ruined her life that she couldn’t keep herself from plotting your demise.
when she got the email from the hyper house management team that invited her into the house and offered the option that she could pick someone she wanted to move in as well, her anger turned into excitement.
this was her chance. this was her moment to turn your life into a living hell, to make it at least a fraction of what she went through by your hands.
she was going to make you pay and god, was it going to feel great.
the metal of the handcuffs chafed her wrists as she adjusted herself against the cool leather of the cruiser, the discomfort removing her from her reverie.
yeah, right. it seemed as though she was the only one “paying” right about now.
she tilted her head back to stare at the ceiling, tears filling her eyes but refusing to fall.
things definitely weren’t meant to turn out like this. not at all.
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℗ poker face
not like this
series masterlist
an - OMFG THE BACKSTORY REVEALED I AM SO OVER IT >:(( this took me forever to write and i still wasn’t able to include everything i wanted to so hop over to my asks if you need any clarification!! oh oh && just a reminder, this playlist is from meiko’s perspective so chances are, things didn’t exactly go just like this wink wonk KAJS ANYWAYS DONT FORGET TO FEED ME ILY <3333
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saiKishaircLip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp • @keiarma • @shrimpypenis
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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the-travelling-witch · 3 years ago
Online class shenanigans
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summary: what´s it like to have online classes with them
pairings: sakusa x gn!reader; kenma x gn!reader; osamu x gn!reader (feat. Atsumu)
warnings: none!
a/n: i´m sorry again about posting so late, i got held up after i got home :( also, f/n stands for "friend´s name" and c/n for "classmate´s name"
haikyuu masterlist
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Mr. “I`ll make sure you pay attention”
If you´re in the same room he´ll glare at you when he notices you goofing off during class
If not he´ll text you
Which almost always backfires bc how can he ignore you when you try talking to him?
Now he isn´t paying attention either
But he still has all the notes at the end of the lesson???
What is this sorcery? I´m taking notes during the lecture and I´m still missing half of it,, college man
Won´t give you his notes but talks you through the parts you don´t understand so you can solve the problems on your own (and does a better job than the teacher)
Always checks on you to make sure you´re actually doing your assignments
Will bring you coffee, tea or any other beverage of your choice when he´s not in a meeting
If you´re dating long enough and he´s more comfortable with showing his affection he will leave little notes around your desk area to remind you to eat, stay hydrated and that you can push through your classes
With this boy around you´re not missing any of your deadlines
You sighed as you closed the zoom call, your brain had pulled another blank on today´s lesson. But honestly how could you understand anything when your teacher was rushing the curriculum like some kind of olympic athlete. Just yesterday night you finally thought you understood last week´s topic when he came in and had to utterly destroy your carefully build card house of lies.
The tone of an incoming discord call saved you from an inevitably incoming panic attack. It was Sakusa Kiyoomi, your boyfriend, who at this point was the only thing holding you together. You greet him with a soft “hi” before your voice could betray you.
“Love, are you alright? I couldn´t help but notice that you looked a little out of it during class.” There was genuine concern in his voice and a hint of pink dusting his cheeks. It had taken a little while for him to call you by a pet name and evidently it still flustered him but he was growing more comfortable each day.
“I´m fine, Omi. It´s just that I can´t fail this class but Mr. Johnson is moving through the material so fast that I can´t keep up and what will my parents do, I never failed a class before…” And just like that you were venting all your problems to Sakusa who was patiently listening. It felt good to get everything you had bottled up off your chest, even though you were tearing up and your voice broke off every so often. Once you were done, you looked back at your boyfriend who had his brows slightly furrowed and gave you a sympathetic look.
“I´m so sorry, darling, I didn´t know you were feeling this way.” When you assured him that you were fine- “just a little stressed, is all”- he held up his hand and broke you off “No, it´s not `fine´. You shouldn´t struggle on your own. Why don´t you come over? I could help you through the material, if you want that is.”
You gaped at him and confirmed that he really meant it. You were in a pandemic after all.
“Of course. If it´s you it´s always okay.” Okay, your heart shouldn´t beat this fast.
After you safely arrived at his house and greeted his mom you vividly remember the first time you came over, she nearly combusted out of joy, you followed him to his room and plopped down in front of his neatly organised desk.
“Here, I made some tea. So, what part are you stuck at?”
A couple of hours later, Sakusa had somehow managed to explain everything to you so easily that there was no way you couldn´t have understood it. And while he never just gave you the solutions, his explanations made the answers basically fall into your lap.
When he was convinced that you really got the hang of it, he declared this session for finished and you slumped into the chair. Your brain was positively fried.
“Do you maybe want to stay over a little longer? We could continue that show you like so much”, your boyfriend suggested sheepishly. Now there was a rather obvious blush creeping up his neck. You swear, this boy was too cute for his own good.
Both of you got comfy on his bed, laptop propped up in front of you but you realised that you probably wouldn´t make it too far into the episode. All this worrying had worn you out and you could already feel your eyelids drooping. The last thing you remembered before you inevitably fell asleep was Sakusa drawing you in closer and placing a chaste kiss to the top of your head.
“Rest well, my love. You deserve it.”
If you think Kenma isn´t using this as an opportunity to game then you´re wrong
What did you expect honestly?
Boy has already tried to sneak his switch into his normal classes
The difference now is that he´s roping you into his shenanigans as well
Whether it´s playing games on iMessage or rearranging your shared island on animal crossing
You bet Kenma is (successfully) trying to redirect your attention to him and his games
If you still focus on your class somehow, he will pout about it (he knows exactly what it takes for you to break)
If you share classes, he will convince you to come over because he likes having you close
I hope you have friends who´ll sent you their notes, considering you won´t be taking any
You´ll go through the materials together afterwards, you don´t want to fail after all
You were hanging onto your teacher´s every word. I mean, who wouldn´t during math class, after all, what was more interesting than… what was the topic of today´s lesson anyway? Yeah, who were you kidding, you didn´t have a clue what was going on. Just then your phone lit up, providing some much-needed distraction.
Kenma: We need another beach chair
Your friends would probably relate your confused reaction back to the lecture, which, you know, fair point. Another chime from your phone.
Kenma: And we should remodel our house
House? Remodel? Our? Sure, you were dating but only for a few months yet and you were certainly too young to be living together although you come over so often you might actually be
Kenma: Also tom nook is selling that piano you wanted
Finally, everything clicked into place. A few weeks ago, the new Animal Crossing game came out and naturally your cute boyfriend suggested sharing an island, which you instantly agreed to.
You: Please buy it!! also it´s timmy and tommy selling it :(
You: I´ll join you once class is over
You turned back to your laptop only to stare in horror as the entire screen was filled with formulas and Greek letters and… yeah, no, not today.
Kenma: Yeah whatever
Kenma: You could just play now, class is boring anyway
And who were you to argue with that? With Kenma around you´ve gotten pretty good at sneakily playing just about every co-op game he threw at you. And although you feel slightly guilty about it and you´ve been very, very close to being caught more than a few times already, you´ve got to admit that this whole homeschooling thing was a lot more fun this way.
Kenma: You should come over later
Kenma: It´s easier to plan the interior design in person
You actually giggle at his text. Seriously, Kenma could be so cute sometimes most times, still you couldn´t help but tease him just a little.
You: Sure babe, that´s the only reason
You: Anyway, see you later <3
Kenma: <3
f/n: did you understand class?? you looked like you had some kind of epiphany about linear equation systems
The guy that steals everyone´s attention, not just yours
Either fighting with Atsumu which is just as funny when they´re muted, lord knows how the house is still standing with these two cooped up inside
Or just looking gorgeous
If you´re not taking the same class and he appears in your camera you can see your classmates´ attention wavering teach obviously isn´t as interesting as him
Will bring you snacks
He uses quarantine to experiment around in the kitchen and you’re his #1 taste taster if he manages to save the food from his twin
Texts you during classes to see your reaction on the screen when you´re trying to suppress your smile so the teacher won´t notice most of the time you fail though
Roasts your teachers with you when they give you a shit ton of work
Will give you his notes without hesitation his brother feels betrayed because he normally has to fight him for it
Makes homeschooling a lot more bearable, his presence alone is already really comforting <3
You´d been staying at your boyfriend´s house for a couple of days, the current situation didn´t allow for much else anyway. And while it was more chaotic than ever, with Atsumu und Osamu not being able to practice as much and therefore channelling all their pent-up energy into annoying each other, it was nice to get a sense of normality.
Also, having your supporting boyfriend around has definitely helped you with holding onto your sanity. The number of times you wanted to faceplant your desk because of the sheer workload had decreased, much to your remaining brain cells´ joy. However, there was another rather amusing side effect to being around Osamu this much.
You were currently sitting in front of your laptop, coffee on the side and bundled up in one of his hoodies as you were listening to your teacher, taking notes here and there. Then, the door to your room -well, actually Osamu´s room- opened slightly to reveal your amazing boyfriend holding a plate of freshly made onigiri. He´d been trying around a lot more ever since quarantine started probably to stop himself from murdering his twin and your stomach has never been happier.
He quietly walked over to where you sat, put the plate down and gave you a quick peck to the top of your head, asking if you needed anything else.
“Made these ´specially for ya, sweetheart. A think ya will really like the new flavours”, he whispered even though your mic was muted.
“Of course I´ll do, you made them after all.” You sent him a soft smile over your shoulder. “Thanks, ´samu.”
He replied with a quiet “Anything for ya, sweetheart” before he left the room. And then it started. Your phone went crazy with all the messages that came in. Sure, you had seen your classmates´ eyes widen when your boyfriend stepped into the view of your camera but this was hilarious on a different level.
(c1/n): excuse me, who was that???
(c2/n): (y/n) is your boyfriend single?
(c3/n): omg he brought them food
The pandemic really made you realise just how lucky you´ve been to call Osamu yours. Not just because he brought you delicious food or because watching him squabble with his brother was free entertainment but because when everything felt like too much, he would be there to help you calm down. He always reassured you that your feelings were valid and he would either listen to you rant about whatever or try to cheer you up.
“My history teacher is such an ass, ´samu. Can you believe that he only gave us two days to finish that essay? Two days! Like yeah, I don´t have anything else to do”, you complain, snuggling deeper into the comfort his broad chest provided. In return, he tightened his hold on you and started tracing circles onto your lower back, his palm warm against your skin.
“Well, A think two days are quite generous, considering he might not make it to the due date. When A saw him during yer class A thought he must´ve witnessed everything himself."
You snort at that. No matter how tough your day was or how stressed you were, something about just being near Osamu seemed to make your world a bit brighter. Frankly, you had no idea how he did it but you certainly appreciated it. You thought to yourself that with him by your side, you could do anything; and you know, it might actually be true.
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quirkless-accident · 3 years ago
You know we get a lot of angsty stuff here. Makes sense seeing as Danny is half dead and all, but still. So how about something really fluffy today(whenever/if you decide to do this), Danny's first date with whoever you like the most, but the class interrupts.
my favorite dp pairing is grey ghost but I think in the spirit of crossovers I'll put him with everybody's favorite gen ed student
Daniel Fenton has never had a dating life. Ever. That tends to happen when you grow up quirkless and bullied. The closest he's gotten to a real date is somebody asking him out on a dare.
So he was, needless to say, very surprised when Hitoshi came up to him after training one day and asked him out.
Danny had been a stuttering, blushing mess, but he had managed to give out a choked "absolutely."
So on the next free weekend they both had, they decided to go to the mall. It was better than the movies because they actually got to talk to each other, and it it was familiar territory since they've been to the mall together a few times already.
But the knowledge that this was a date and not a hang out made the beginning of the date a little nerve wracking for the both of them.
"So," Danny asked, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "What store did you want to go to first?"
"Maybe the video game store?" Hitoshi asked. His cheeks were bright red as he refused to meet Danny's gaze.
"That-that sounds like a good idea," Danny tells him. His cheeks are a bright green, and it makes Hitoshi smile at him. God, he could just look at that smile all day long. Danny shoots him a grin, and in a rare feat of bravery, holds Hitoshi's hand. Hitoshi looks at him, shocked. Danny nearly pulls away, but as his hand jerks to do so, Hitoshi's grip tightens. Danny looks between their hands and him, and smiles so wide his eyes become crescents.
With their newfound confidence, the rest of the date goes by a little easier. The air around them is bright, and though they still have their awkward first-date moments, it's going better than Danny ever thought was possible. Especially has he watches Hitoshi snort at a t-shirt with one of his favorite memes on it.
"Why don't you get it?" Danny asks, laughing. Hitoshi just shrugs as he wraps his arm around Danny's shoulder.
"I already have one like it at the dorm," he tells Danny. "I just wanted to show it to you."
And man, doesn't that make his heart flutter. He already knows Hitoshi's favorite memes and his cat's names and how he lights up whenever a new chapter of his favorite manga is uploaded. He's been studying the apple of Hitoshi's cheeks when he grins for weeks, has memorized the hard lines of his jaw and has stared at his lips for what's probably considered a creepy amount of time. But it still makes the butterflies in his stomach flutter around whenever he shows Danny something he thinks he'll enjoy. Like his sole purpose in life is to make Danny smile and laugh. It's absolutely endearing.
After the video game store, they go to a record shop that's on the third floor where Jirou, Momo, and Tokoyami are hanging out. Which is weird because eh doesn't remember any of them saying anything to him about going to the mall this weekend. Usually they all go together to look for new music. Danny pointedly ignores them as he makes Hitoshi help him hunt down a record for Dumpty Humpty and this new K-pop band that's been hitting the charts recently. Hitoshi also finds him one of instrumental music for nights that he has trouble sleeping, and Danny has to physically restrain himself from throwing himself at Hitoshi and kissing him stupid. He introduces Hitoshi to this band he found last week, and buys him their cd.
As they go down the escalator, Danny's in the middle of telling him a riveting story of the time Cujo nearly killed the mailman when Hitoshi suddenly jerks his head to the side. Danny follows his gaze, and sees the backs of Mina and Hagakure's heads as they talk and laugh and definitely don't look back at Danny and Hitoshi.
"Is this some kind of prank?" Hitoshi asks him. There's an edge in his voice that's bordering on hurt, and Danny jerks his head back to look Hitoshi in the eye.
"No. Not by me, anyway. I saw Jirou, Momo, and Tokoyami when we were in the record store."
"That's too many of your classmates to be a coincidence, isn't it?" Hitoshi sighs tiredly. He looks more annoyed now, his hurt replaced by irritation. Danny can't say he really blames him. He hadn't really spoken much about his upcoming date because he didn't want them snooping. But leave it to his nosy classmates to butt in anyway.
"I swear I didn't tell them anything," he promises. Hitoshi snorts and rolls his eyes.
"At least three of your classmates have stealth quirks. And I'm pretty sure Mina has a secondary quirk that allows her to know everybody's weekend plans."
That brings a relieved laugh out of Danny, and he smiles at Hitoshi for what seems like the millionth time that day. He can't help it though. Even with his classmates obviously stalking them, he feels like he's on cloud nine.
"Do you wanna grab a bite from the food court?" Danny asks. Hitoshi just shrugs, which Danny takes as a yes, and he leads them there. He nudges Hitoshi when he spots Iida, Midoriya, ad Uraraka ducking into the arcade, which has a perfect view of the food court. How convenient.
"How long do you think it'll take them to notice we know they're here?" Danny asks him.
"Jirou definitely knows," Hitoshi answers without hesitation as they get in line for ramen. "Midoriya too, probably. He's way too observant for his own good."
Danny nods his head in agreement as he stares at the menu, but when he feels eyes on him, he turns his head.
Across the food court, huddled behind one menu, is Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima. Bakugou is with them too, but he looks like he was dragged here more than he came willingly. Kaminari and Kirishima quickly duck their heads back under the menu in a vain attempt to hide themselves from Danny.
"They're all idiots," Hitoshi tells him. Danny has to choke down his laughter as he and Hitoshi step up to give their orders. After receiving their food, they find a spot on the other side of the court from the boys of the Bakusquad.
They slip back into conversation seamlessly. It's easy to forget that his classmates are there stalking him when he can listen to Hitoshi's soft voice and quiet chuckles. He's much more reserved with his emotions than Danny is, but he doesn't mind. He's just glad Hitoshi feels comfortable around him to be as expressive as he is. At school he's much more closed off, even around Danny.
Danny is leaning over the table, head resting in his hand as he looks at Hitoshi tell him about his cat's outfit they bought her for Halloween when they hear an excited yell come from off to the side. There's a jewelry store, and Shoji, Aoyama, and Kouda are looking at a group of rings that are on sale. Shoji has his back turned, looking down at Aoyama for his outburst, as Kouda waves apologetically to them. Danny waves back, and cleans his hands with a napkin before signing to him.
We know you're all here, he tells Kouda. Don't tell anybody, okay?
Kouda nods his head and gives him a thumbs up before turning back to Aoyama, who is still crying excitedly. When he turns back, Hitoshi is giving him an odd look.
"You know sign?" He asks. Danny nods and shrugs.
"Yeah," he admits. "I started learning after my Ghostly Wail came in, just in case I start losing my hearing. But...I don't know. Sometimes it's easier to just not talk, you know? Sometimes moving my hands is so much easier than actually speaking. It's come in pretty handy."
You can say that again, Hitoshi signs. Danny beams at him, and for the rest of their date, they decide to sign to each other instead.
They go to a couple more stores. They see Todoroki and Tsu in a shop filled with soaps and bath bombs and lotions. They seem to actually be there to shop around and look for things. Neither of them seem like the type to snoop into other people's love lives. They don't even look up from whatever product they're in the middle of smelling when they walk past the store.
Sato and Ojiro are stopped in an artisan store, looking at a shelf full of different honeys. Ojiro waves at them briefly, and Sato gives them a thumbs up, but it looks like they're at the mall for themselves as well.
Is that all of them? Hitoshi asks. Danny laughs and nods before adjusting the bags in his hands to sign back.
Did you wanna keep shopping or do you wanna go? There's this new cat cafe that opened up and it's only down the street.
You had me at go, Hitoshi signs. Danny gives him a thankful smile. He loves the mall, but his social battery has been depleted from being around so many people all day long. Hitoshi, ever the introvert, apparently feels the same.
On their way out, they see Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima hiding behind a bush while Bakugou crosses his arms and looks away. Danny flips them off, and Kaminari pops out of the bush, offended. Sero and Kirishima waste no time in pulling him back down while Danny throws his head back and laughs. He's completely unaware of Hitoshi staring softly at him as he does so.
The walk is nice, and the cat cafe is quiet. They pay for an hour before ordering their drinks. They set up in the corner where there's a small table set up low enough for them to sit on the floor. There are pillows, but there's currently a fat orange tabby occupying one, and a hairless cat in a pink sweater in the other.
The atmosphere is soft and quiet, and just what the both of them need. They sign to each other, neither wanting to disturb the atmosphere around them with their voices. Danny has to ask Hitoshi to resign something multiple times because he keeps getting distracted by his eyes. He's never seen a more beautiful shade of lavender before. When Hitoshi asks him why he isn't paying attention, Danny is too distracted to tell him anything but the truth. Hitoshi's entire face turns red, and Danny laughs at him softly.
Once the hour is up, they walk back to the school uninterrupted. They both unintentionally slow their pace so it takes them even longer to get to their dorms. They stop outside of class 1-A's dorm, just outside the decorative wall that separates the main path from the courtyard.
"I had a really fun time," Danny tells him. Hitoshi looks at him like he hung the goddamn moon.
"Me too," he says. "We should do this again sometime. But maybe without your classmates stalking us next time, yeah?"
"Agreed," Danny says, shoulders slumping. But he straightens back up again when Hitoshi steps closer. There's only a couple of inches between them now. Danny can feel his heart beating against his ribcage as Hitoshi leans down. He stops, just a couple inches from his face. Danny closes the distance.
The kiss isn't long. It's short and chaste and awkward, but it makes both of them feel like they're floating on cloud nine. Hitoshi gives him the biggest grin Danny's ever seen, and Danny feels his whole body heat up. Something warm settles in his chest, and he jumps up to kiss Hitoshi once more. He has to stand on his toes to reach. Hitoshi wraps his arm around him to help him balance. When they break apart, Hitoshi looks drunk on love.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" Danny asks. Hitoshi can only nod.
"Yeah," he says, unable to keep the smile off his face. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Danny."
"Goodnight, Hitoshi."
Danny stays there until Hitoshi makes the turn into his own dorm. They wave at each other one last time before Danny finally heads up the stairs and sneaks inside.
Some of the students are already there. Most of them avert their gazes and pretend like they weren't trying to listen in using Jirou's quirk. Danny huffs a laugh and rolls his eyes as he starts to walk towards the elevator. But before he can, he's tackled to the side by Mina and Hagakure. Under their combined weight, he falls to the ground, and takes them with him.
"Oh my god, how was your date?" Mina asks him loudly, waggling her eyebrows.
"You absolutely have to tell us!" Hagakure adds.
"You all were there, you know how it went," he points out.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Mina says, feigning innocence. Danny raises an eyebrow at her before rolling his eyes and giving her a soft laugh.
"It was good. We're gonna go out again sometime. Now please, get off of me."
"You're under house arrest until you give us all the details!" And, oh, that's Kaminari yelling from the kitchen. Danny lets his head fall back onto the floor and groans, though there's no real irritation behind it.
His classmates are weird and stalkerish and annoying and always butt in when he doesn't want them too.
But he wouldn't have it any other way.
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karumashadowchicken · 4 years ago
Cheater Hawks -Revenge! pt.1
Idk why, but I have it stuck in my head that Hawks would cheat, so, enjoy.
Everything was great, everything was going good. Looking back, things weren't that great, but you thought everything was fine. He smiled at you, said he loved you, and told you secretes no one else was allowed to know! Keigo had told you his name, you were still happy that he trusted you that much.
Maybe thats why you hadn't noticed.
Noticed how the bed was always messy, how he was always working late, how he ask you 'who's this?' while messaging you. He had you saved as babe, so it should have been easy.
He must have gottena new phone. You told yourself, exuse after exuse. You were always the one moving yourself out off the way for him. He doesn't want to hang out. he's busy, New mission. New this, new that, Busy, busy, busy.
Looking back in your memory, wiping tears from your eyes, you remembered getting the rest of the day off. You thought you'd suprize Hawks, since he was home today! You two could eat chocolate, and snacks, and some chicken too! it was going to be great. Movies, cuddles, true love.
Turns out, it wasn't true love though. Walking in the house was silent. Walking intot he bedroom, you had caught him. Standing there stunned, were you seeing this right? Hawks had quickly gotten dressed, apoligizing.
Just the night before he said that he loved you more than anything. Your and Hawks relationship hadn't gone public yet, but people did think that maybe there was something going on.
Tears had started rolling down your face before you even realized. Dropping all the stuff you had brought home for HIM. Everything was always for HIM.
Everything was fuzzy. You don't remember the argument that led to you kicking Hawks out the house, and throughing all his clothing out the window.
You weren't made at the girl/guy, but Hawks. How could he! How could he do that. You let the girl/guy get dressed, and then talked to them. They apoligized, and said that they weren't the only one, and this wasn't the first time. Though, they hadn't known Hawks was in a relationship. They diden't even know who you were.
You let them leave, and just started crying. Crying like you never knew what pain was. And you did know what pain was. Everything. It ... you coulden't put words together.
the night was a blurr, you trashed your house, and through out Hawks's things. You didn't even message him. You coulden't, your phone was smashed from being thrown at the wall.
You called off work, saying that you had caught your boyfriend of 3 and a half years cheating on you. They were nice enough to give you the next week and a half off with pay. As vacation days of course, no ones really that nice.
Waking up the next two days was sad, you didn't even get up the first day. The second day you ate and fell asleep in the bath. The third day you got angry, a lot. By the 4th day you burned all of Hawks remainign belongings. Sending him a video, on your new burner phone. Blocking his number before he could even text back.
Enough was enough. Hawks, had been suck a jerk. He said he loved, you. He said so many things. SO many lies. You weren't gonna just let him get away with it.
If you coulden't trust the number 2 hero, who could you trust? Revealing that the two of you were dating was easy. people had seen you two around on dates, so they got the message.
Then that the two of you broke up, because he cheated on you, mautiple times! Everything, the proof, the messages, the videos, the dates. The girls and guys who he cheated on you with.
Then, when Hawks though things coulden't get worse.
KEIGO TAKAMI, was covering the city. The number 2 heros real name revealed.
The hard part was getting in conntact with the leauge of villains, but you did. They agreed to help you. Taking down the number 2 hero was your goal, but it would also help them. Not to mention you offeared money, and you had lots.
Hawks had thought he could apoligize with money after all.
He messaged you at one point, 'Don;t do anything stupid' Like, really, you went off, and ignored him after.
The leauge was helpful, they let you use whatever you needed, who ever you needed. Trashing his house, revealing truths. Everything!
And this was just the start.
People started realizing everything was true when hawks started publicly apoligizing to you. Then started hating him.
Youre live video went viral, posted all over the city. you and the leauge.
Headlines everywhere. "IF WE CAN"T TRUST THE TOP HEROS, WHO CAN WE TRUST?" Your words were everywhere.
Was that weird? Idk, I'm just felt like writing this.
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hellotherekenobi · 4 years ago
───high and dry.
summary: no one can predict what day will be their last, and you don’t want any regrets. it looks like now is as good a time as any to tell obi-wan all you’ve wanted.
tw: angst, mentions of death and injury.
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There were plenty of feelings you didn’t enjoy. Disappointment, heartbreak, when you step in a puddle with your socks on. Maybe that last one was the worst, but nothing compares to pain. Real pain. Throbbing pain. The kind that leaves your fingertips tainted red as you try to steady your breaths and keep a clear head. The kind that leaves you with that one dreadful question no one should have to answer: am I going to die?
Yes, says the voice in your head. Yes, if you don’t move. It’s a fiery feeling that bursts at your side when you try to move an inch to the left, something that rips a yelp from your throat that you couldn’t have kept down even if you had tried. It burns but you don’t stop. You keep moving, dragging yourself along the wet ground, nails digging into the mud, until you’re beside the hole. That damned hole that you fell down. Though, that was an understatement. You were pushed down.
Despite the rasp, you call out. Help! Was anyone still there? You couldn’t care less at this moment if the person who remained standing on top was the very same person that ran you through, you just called out with all the might you had and hoped that if anyone would hear you, it would be Obi-Wan.
There was a thud only moments before that came after the sizzle of a lightsaber, and you knew that someone had won the fight. The question kept poking at your mind as you called out, but you were already as good as dead even if a threatening face dropped down to greet you. You didn’t take care to the other question that promised to tear you apart at the answer; if Obi-Wan was the victor or victim. Was he already dead? You’d rather waste away if it were true.
Then came another sound, of someone inching down the hole as small clusters of dirt sprinkled from beneath their boots. You moved your head to the side as you waited, hoping for good. A single slither of dirt came crumbling down as the figure dropped to their feet a little further from where you sat, grunting at the impact. They were weakened from the fight, no doubt, but it was only until they called out your name did you know who it was, and your questions were answered.
“Obi-Wan!” you groan, voice barely loud enough.
You try to move but the effort is too much, being poked by that fiery feeling yet again.
He rushes to your side, skidding along the mud to kneel beside you and raise a hand above your wound. “Oh Maker, no.” he breathes, something unsteady.
“I should have blocked it,” you say.
Obi-Wan shakes his head. “You couldn’t have.”
“I could have fought harder.”
“You fought well.”
“Not well enough.” it’s almost a groan when you say it. Obi-Wan shushes you but you don’t let him. “It doesn’t look good for me.”
“Stop.” he emphasizes, seeing as you ignored his attempts to quieten you. “You’re going to be fine.”
As much as you wanted to believe that, the chances of you being fine were much too slim to get your hopes up. There was only two outcomes of calling for help and one of them was not surviving this. Now that Obi-Wan is here, you’re wondering if you should have simply rolled over and accepted fatality. You couldn’t bare to actually look at the damage, but you know that even calling it a scratch wouldn’t lighten the mood. It was deep. Too deep.
He assesses your wound with more concentration, as if it had changed since the last time he looked. The only thing that changes is how much blood continues to seep out. You’re sure you’re covered in it, coating the ground as well. Despite the amount, Obi-Wan doesn’t give in. He keeps trying to push against the odds.
“If I can just stop the bleeding,” he starts, and you know it’s going to be your turn to shush him.
“Keep it wrapped,” he continues. “Then get you out of here.”
“Obi-Wan,” it’s as firm as you can say it. “Look at me.”
He hesitates at first, breathing heavily as if he needs to catch up from all the words he just spoke. You notice the way he’s shaking, ever so much that you’d have to know him well to spot it. You do know him well. You know him well enough to realize he’s affected by this much more than you, and he’s going to crumble unless he can steady himself. But he manages to meet your eyes, however slowly, with that boyish fear lurking beneath the cerulean.
“It’s okay,” you whisper. He shakes his head again. “It’s okay.”
“No, no.” the tears start now, welling in his eyes and threatening to fall. “Don’t leave—don’t leave me.”
It’s not a pretty sight when your hand finds his cheek, painting his skin a deep red. That’s all of you.
“I can’t,” he chokes out. “I can’t... not again.”
He doesn’t make sense, but you don’t voice your thought. The injuries you’ve sported from your other missions haven’t always been small, but you’ve outlived them. Being in a situation as life threatening as this can be counted on one hand, and even that would be excessive. You’ve always bounced back. This time, though, the springs are feeling worn out.
“I can’t lose you too.” he whispers, a tear spilling down his cheek.
“Oh, Obi-Wan,” you breathe, bringing your hand down to grab at the fabric of his tunic, silently cursing at yourself for this very moment and how it had to happen. “I’m so sorry.”
It was like when he was a padawan, wasn’t it? When he had fought beside his master, yet it wasn’t enough at the time. The way Qui-Gon had been slain, it was like how you were attacked—lightsaber pushed into your side. Obi-Wan’s worry and trembling attempts to assure your survival was an instinctual defense mechanism, all because of what he experienced as a boy. Oh, Obi-Wan, you think. Oh, my sweet Obi-Wan. I’ll be brave for you.
“No, not again.” you assure him, swallowing thickly. “My cloak. You can wrap the wound with that.”
You barely have the strength to point over to it, where it lays soaking after it had fallen down the hole much earlier than you had. Obi-Wan hurries to grab it, folding it to thicken the material and have the cleaner side outward.
“Can you sit up?” he asks you.
You sigh, knowing how the fire is going to return again the moment you move, but nod regardless. Obi-Wan scoops a careful arm under your body to tilt you forward and though you try not to curse, the longer you’re in this position the more it stings and you cry out.
Obi-Wan’s quick to return you against the wall, voice rising out of fear. “I thought I could move you.”
“Yes, but I never said it wouldn’t hurt.” the last word comes out in a hiss. You would explain to him that it was because of the pain and not because you’re frustrated, but you doubt he cares about being offended at this point. Honestly, neither should you. “Keep going.”
Though he grunts at your response, he moves you forward again to quickly bring the cloak around your abdomen and wrap what he can before resting you back. The cloak feels tight wrapped around you, but it doesn’t seem to bother your wound. You don’t mention it. Instead, you reach deep within your trouser pocket to pull out your comlink, slick with your blood.
“Since yours broke,” you say, pushing it into Obi-Wan’s open hand.
The comment manages to earn a raspy chuckle from him, though his smile doesn’t stay for long. “I go through too many.”
“Yes and cloaks, too.” when he gives you a look, you crinkle your nose at him. “Such the drama queen.”
“I can’t help it,” it seems to be a half-minded comment before he flicks the comlink open, trying to hide the squeamish look on his face as he pounds a finger down on the button to call, but you catch the way he stares at the blood.
He speaks into the comlink firmly, asking for aid. There’s a rough static acting as a reply before it hisses once and a voice, barely audible, begins to speak. Though Obi-Wan tries to inform the other person as best as he can, there’s too much feedback to get a clear sentence through. He tries again, then again, then once more before a whine screeches out of the speaker and it sends Obi-Wan into a soppy rage you’ve never seen before; slamming the comlink shut as he cries out.
“Hey,” you start, just finding your voice by the end of the word. “It’s okay.”
“They don’t know we’re here,” Obi-Wan bellows. “How can this be okay? I—I’m not a medic. I can’t... I can’t help you.”
The air stays quiet as you wait for Obi-Wan to take a breath, watching the frustration fade from his jaw first and then his brows. You would always tell him that he was not a very good liar because of those eyes of his and the way his brows arch or furrow. You’re the only one who knows me like that, he had told you. You had hoped to know him more before this day came.
“Hold me.”
“What?” he asks, and there’s that boyish look in his eyes again.
It’s what you need right now. Even if it were a silly thought, being held by Obi-Wan could cure any disaster. If there ever were a time to be selfish, it’s now. So, you simply nod your head at him, letting him know you meant what you said, then he’s moving beside you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders to gently lower you—head rested on his lap.
This is it, you think. The perfect place to die. He was still warm, unlike you who was growing colder each minute. He held you comfortably and intimately, something you yearned for since the day you realized just how in love with him you truly are. It’s perfect. You’re in the arms of the man you love.
His hand seeks out yours, holding it tightly. “There’s so much left for us. All the things we always wanted, they’re still waiting for us. So you can’t leave. Okay? You have to stay.”
His words are softer, slower. Not frantic like they had been before. You don’t know if the change in tone is because he believes the words he says or if he’s accepted what you already have. It’s only now, with those words, that it starts to sink in just how unfair this is. You had promises, but what good were they now?
“You’re right,” you say, feeling the tears prickling. “There’s so much... so many things we still haven’t done. So many words I haven’t spoken. So, I’m going to say them now... if you’d listen.”
Obi-Wan nods, moving closer if it were at all possible. “Tell me.”
Licking your lips, you need to coat these words. “I promise... to love you... and to cherish you, til death do us part.”
A sob breaks the flow of your words, both from your own lips and Obi-Wan’s. It rocks you both, shaking down your spine and to your toes. It feels like it rocks the earth as well, and you can barely keep the tears back when Obi-Wan begins crying in earnest now, letting out all of the pain he was holding back to keep him sane. You’d feel the pain too, but your body is numb. It’s been numb for a while and you wouldn’t dare tell him. You just cry with him over the promise you both made to each other and won’t be able to keep—his promise to love you completely, like you love him, and to share a name, share a heart, share a home. All of it is broken now. There’s no hope left.
It was a dream you two shared, of living a life away from the Order and away from the war. A life you could both grow old together in, where your story would be shown in the grey hairs and the wrinkled skin. The stories that could be past down from your children to theirs. The love you share would coat the stars, but your heart will rest between the sparkles until he could meet you again in the next life. Maybe it will treat you kinder.
The image in your head of saying those vows to Obi-Wan properly, somewhere warm and secluded, sits behind your eyelids when you close them, starting to fade in his arms as his cries reverb. You watch the scene where you take his hand and slip the ring on his finger, smiling as bright as the flowers he had picked out. You see his hair shining golden in the sunlight, an iridescent happiness that swells up in his chest as he says I do. You watch him lean to you closer, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss unmatched from all the others. But you feel it too. Now, in this moment outside of your dream, you feel Obi-Wan’s kiss, and you realize when his tears touch your cheeks that he’s giving you the kiss that will last forever, if now was the only time he could promise it.
Without the strength to kiss him back, you let go. You let yourself slip away. You ready your course to the stars to watch over him. Now or never, and now until forever. Though, the stars prove out of your reach when you hear something, and it’s when Obi-Wan’s lips pull away from yours do you recognize the sound. It’s your comlink. It chimes and you can hear Obi-Wan’s voice spring to life, almost washing you over and reviving you, and suddenly your senses awaken when his hand touches your cheek and his voice opens your eyes.
“They’re coming, darling. Hold on.” he smiles, something confident. “And I promise, I’m going to marry you.”
taglist: @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @alwayssleepingforreal @yelenacbelova @immoral-rose @bloodybunnyuwu @princessxkenobi @mythandmagik @i-cant-hear-you16 @pradahux @inukako @whyiminlove @cosmicsierra @dxnxdjarxn @voidmalfoy @darthkenobii @iamtracyz @chogisss @nectav @disastereyebags @hellolitty @stareyeddie
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peppersonironi · 4 years ago
So, I have seen so many people writing Duke incorrectly, and I wanted to do something about it. In fanon, he is described as the sane bat, who would rather stay home and safe, and absolutely never join in shenanigans. Now, I know there are a lot of things wrong with canon, but Duke is one of the better parts! He is an interesting character who is actually just as chaotic as the rest of the gotham vigilantes. And so it it is quite unfair to his character to say he is the 'Arnold from the Magic Schoolbus' of the group. He's really not.
So I decided to make a list of ten instances in the comics where he disobeys Bruce, acts reckless, or is just a bat! (also for a Batfam Group Chat I’m a part of, someone asked for these) I hope this helps people understand his character better, and maybe even inspire them to write more about him? Seriously, Tag me if you do. I'm starved for good Duke content!
Feel free to add more in the comments, these are just what I could think of off the top of my head! (Hence the kinda weird order, sry)
1. He's a vigilante
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Okay, so this is a bit obvious, but I still think it needs saying. You think that a guy who dresses in bright yellow and patrols the most crime-ridden city in the world during the day is 100% sane?
2. We Are Robin
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Also obvious, but still. This guy joins a group of untrained teenage robins who just want to make a difference. And they do! It's still pretty reckless, though. 
3. He tried to take on the Riddler
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In case you didn't know, in the beginning of New 52 (Zero year, specifically) the Riddler essentially held Gotham Hostage. He had some spiel about someone giving him a riddle he couldn't solve, and letting the city go. You know who decided he would be that person? Duke Thomas! He trained in brain-teasers, and puzzles, tirelessly worked. He became quite the adept riddler (not the villain). The kick? He was a child! (Look at the above panels, isn't he cute?) Duke was young, yet determined. And if that's not a bat quality, I don't know what is.
4. He escaped the cops by jumping off a bridge.
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Oh no! Duke is in a police car! Oh no! He's on a bridge! What's he going to do?! Why, jump out and off the bridge while proclaiming "I am Robin" of course! Seriously, look at that panel and try to argue that he is the responsible goody-two-shoes of the family.
5. He talked down an enraged Damian
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Basically, Damian was manipulated into joining the court of owls. Duke, who refused to believe that Robin genuinely joined them, fought him and talked him down. Now, this is Damian we're talking about. Sure, the kid is absolutely adorable and can be incredibly caring (Fight me on this, I dare you. Also, frick you DC), but when he's on a rampage, there is little that can stop him. So of course Duke decides to take care of it!
6. He actively tries to have a relationship with Damian.
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Okay, so this one is a little weak, but I wanted an excuse to share those panels. Aren't those two great?! But seriously, Duke ignores that this tiny child could kill him in more ways than he could count, and even invites him to a movie! He also isn't afraid to tease the kid, unlike other members of the family. Knowing Damian can honestly be hard sometimes.
7. Comes back to the city when Bruce told him to get out.
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During the I Am Bane arc of Tom King's Batman (I'm shuddering. So sorry for invoking his name!) Bruce tells the batboys to get out of Gotham and STAY out. the others are like 'we're not gonna listen, right?' and Duke is all 'you can't ignore BATMAN!' and walks off saying he's gonna listen to Bruce. This seems like pretty damning evidence, right? He's actually sane? The others got attacked by Bane and hung, but Duke didn't. Well, then you look at the next panel! (it takes place later in the volume) There he is, disobeying Bruce, and hanging out in Gotham. Not just that, he's out in costume! No, Duke couldn't just hunker down in an apartment, he had to go out and take down crooks, and warn Jim Gordon. I think that's pretty self-explanatory
8. Goes out while Injured
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Those two panels are back-to-back in The Cursed Wheel (originally printed in All-Star Batman, later put into Batman and the Signal). As you can see, Bruce tells Duke to get rest. Duke was just attacked by Zsasz, and suffered multiple injuries. He wakes up, and the thing that would make the most sense would be for him to go to sleep, right? Well, he instead gets suited up and goes out to work on a case. Pretty much every bat has done this at some point. Not quite the smartest move, right? A touch reckless, wouldn’t you say?
9. That whole thing with Green Lantern
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(sry for the weird sizing, I don’t have the comic to take screenshots) 
So there are two parts to this. First of, you have Green Lantern flying into the batcave, looking around, and there’s no Batman present. So what does Duke Do? Well, he certainly doesn’t stay back and contact Bruce! Nope, instead he attacks a member of the Justice League, a member of the Green Lantern Corp. Later on, you know what he says? He thought he would be fine because his suit is bright yellow. That’s it. A bit crazy, right?
Secondly, he gets roped into exploring the cave with Hal (I thinks it’s Hal, been a bit since I read this though). The Lantern has some thing going on about stuff in the cave, but that’s not important. What’s important is that Duke went along with it. He was curious enough to ignore what Bruce would say (Call him, yet anything remotely green out of the cave), and joins in! He does’t say “this is a bad idea” or “we shouldn’t be doing this” nope!
9. When he ran off with Cass to test his powers
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Oh no, Duke got shadow powers! What’s he gonna go? Why, go off and have fun experiment of course! Duke and Cass head out to test and work on Duke’s newly presented abilities, and specifically don’t tell Bruce! This is information he would like to know, of course. It’s important to know if your newest protege gets more powers. But no, they go out of their way to sneakily test the extent of his powers. They get caught, of course, and then get chewed out (They get caught in costume, but the next panel they’re in civvies. I find that outrageously funny!). And here’s the kicker: they don’t really apologize! Sure, Duke gives a half-heart apology, but he doesn’t really mean it. Not even under the full extent of the Batglare™.
10. Rescuing Bruce with practically no training
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I’ll skip all the plotty stuff, so just know that Bruce was out alone and in some deep doo-doo. Duke was back at the cave, working stuff out with Alfred. He realizes that what Bruce is doing is a trap. Now, just so you know, this is back when Duke was JUST taken in by Bruce. He doesn’t even have a codename yet! Barely any training. So you know what he does? He heads out anyway, and rescues Bruce. Now, check out that music he’s playing. Later on, it’s revealed to be Duke’s fave band. You know the name of that band? “Batman’s @^$&@” I’m not even joking. (I’m not sure what bleeped out, though later on it’s referred to as “Batman’s #$%�� So I assume it’s ass?). So on top of being reckless, he plays a heavy metal band with a name that’s … special to say the least. He has guts, you gotta admit (Oh, and he seemed so gleeful when he told Bruce the name of the band!).
And there you have it! This list is far from complete, but I think it’s a good start. Feel free to reblog with your own, or any questions/comments! I absolutely love to talk about Duke, so don’’t be afraid to message me! Also, correct me if I wrote anything incorrect here. It’s been a while since I’ve read some of these, so I may have gotten some stuff wrong.
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tobesolonely · 5 years ago
more time with you
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a/n: hello everyone! here's some dad!harry for you all :-) i had a lot of fun writing it and am wondering if this family could be a little recurring thing?? lmk what you all think! i hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated!
warnings: fluff (super cute dad!harry!!!), oral (female receiving), fingering, dirty talk
word count: 2.5 k
my ko-fi! thank you :)
If you knew that getting your husband to take a break from all the late nights in the studio, the commitment to several different interviews a week, and the daunting possibility of a world tour within the near future, was by telling him you were ready for another baby, you would've done so way sooner.
Your daughter, Allison (or Ally, she reminded you every time you and Harry would get upset with her and call her by her full name), was nearly six years old. You knew that you and Harry wanted a big family, so it was a surprise to everyone that knew the two of you that you didn't have a house full of babies running around yet. Needless to say, you were ecstatic when Harry agreed he was also ready for another child. He immediately pushed back everything he had planned within the current year to the following year.
"Next album can come out a lil' bit later, m' sure everyone will understand." He reassured you when you asked him if he really had to cancel absolutely every single thing he had in the works. "Just wanna take some time off for you, Ally, and our second love bug. Loved the time off I spent with yeh and Ally when she was jus' a baby, 'member that?"
You smile at the memory of you and Harry being new parents, trying to care for a fussy baby that wouldn't sleep through the night for the life of you until she was nearly two years old. After that, Harry decided he was ready to get back to work, admitting that he wouldn't be as guilty leaving you with a baby that sleeps through the night versus one that wakes up every few hours.
"I remember," you sigh contentedly. "I can't wait to do it all over again. Also, can't wait to start trying…" You trail off, trying to slip your hand under Harry's t-shirt that he wore to bed the night before.
Harry tsks, giving you a cheeky look and moves your hand out from under the fabric of his shirt. "Not now, darling. Ally's football game is at ten, so we gotta wake her up soon."
Letting out a soft sigh, you cross your arms, knowing Harry was right. You were just excited by all that talk about expanding your family that you wanted to get started right away. If Ally was late to her football game, though, she'd be furious at the two of you because that would mean sitting out the first quarter. She hated not being able to play as much as she possibly could. "I'll go wake her up, and you can make her a bowl of fruit or something like that? Needs something light, so she doesn't complain about a stomach ache with all that running around she'll be doing."
"Oh yeah, wouldn't be good now, would it? Can't have a repeat of last time," he laughs at the memory of you frantically calling him during half time of your daughter's football game last year while he was at a meeting going over tour logistics to scold him for making her such a heavy, greasy breakfast, while he laughed and told Jeff about Ally's little incident. "I'll go get her breakfast started." He places a kiss on your cheek and swiftly gets out of bed. You get up shortly after him, tie your robe around your body, and head down the hall to your daughter's room.
"Ally," you knock gently on the frame of her door. "Time to get up, bug. It's half past 8, and your coach sent Mumma a message saying he wanted everyone there by 9:15. Up you go, sweetie."
Your daughter groans and pulls the covers up higher over her face. "M' sleepy, Mumma. Don' wanna go today." You smile at her and walk over to her tiny bed, sitting down on the edge.
"I'm sorry you're sleepy, bug. But your teammates need you! 'Member what Mumma and daddy told you about bein' a team player when you told us you wanted to play footie like all your friends in school? They're gonna be missin' you if you're not there with them today, sweetie."
At this, Ally peaks her head out from under her covers, sleep still in her eyes. You continue on. "And besides bug, daddy's gonna be at your game today! He hasn't seen you play very often, has he?" Ally's eyes immediately light up when you remind her that Harry would be in attendance. He was a wonderful husband and dad, but he wasn't perfect. Sometimes he'd forget about her games and practices and already have things scheduled that he just couldn't cancel at the last minute. Although your daughter understood that her daddy was very busy, she hasn't quite grasped the magnitude of exactly how famous Harry actually was. Therefore, she wasn't quite sure why he wasn't able to make it to every single one of her events.
"Daddy's gonna watch? He's gonna see my whole game!" Ally all but squeals, kicking her covers off. "Where's daddy? We can go now!"
You grin at your daughter's enthusiasm, thrilled that she was so excited for her daddy to watch her play. "Slow down, babe. I'll get your uniform out of the dryer, and you can go down and eat breakfast with daddy. How's that sound?"
Ally nods and quickly runs out of her room, ignoring you calling out to her and asking her to please stop running. Shaking your head, you get up from her bed and retrieve her football uniform. You hear her talking a mile a minute downstairs to Harry, telling him how excited she is that he was gonna get to see her play and get to see all her 'cool friends'. Ally was a daddy's girl for sure, and you loved every minute of it. After getting her uniform from the dryer, you lay it out on her bed and go downstairs to join your family.
"...and I can run so fast, Mr. Coach says I run fast like a road-runner! You'll think it's so cool, daddy, I promise!" You walk in on Ally enthusiastically telling Harry what to expect when he's at her game.
"Is that so, bub? Are you the fastest one on your team?" Harry entertains the conversation, setting a bowl of oatmeal in front of your daughter.
"Yeah, daddy! And I don't even trip and stuff over the ball anymore like I used to! Mumma says I'm more 'co-ordinated'!"
You and Harry let out a giggle at your daughter's pronunciation of the word 'coordinated'. Yet, she doesn't notice, hurriedly stuffing her breakfast into her mouth.
"I'm proud of you for being more coordinated, bub," Harry ruffles her hair. "C'mon and let's finish up so Mumma can help you get ready for your game, don't wanna be late, do ya?"
"That's my girl, Ally! Go- oh, wrong way, poppet! Other way!"
You watched amusedly from one of the folding chairs you and Harry brought. He's eagerly yelling to your daughter on the field who was now about to score a goal for the opposing team because she was running in the wrong direction. She kicks the ball to one of her teammates, and Harry claps loudly, causing her to stop and wave at him.
"Nice kick, Ally! Pay attention!"
The other parents are looking amused at Harry, some knowing who he is, you assumed, based on how they had their camera phones out. Harry turns to look at you unbothered, a proud grin on his face.
"My daughter is a football star! Gonna go pro, that one is."
"Our daughter," you jokingly tell him. "And sit down, Harry! You're distracting her. She has looked over this way at you probably a dozen times already!" Harry playfully rolls his eyes at you but sits down anyway, knowing you're right. He settles down for the rest of the game, cheering loudly for her but staying seated so she doesn't get distracted by him.
As soon as the game is over, Ally immediately runs over to her dad and starts talking excitedly. "Did ya see how good I played, daddy? Did ya? I told you I can run fast! Did you see how fast I run? I'm fast, do you think so?"
Harry lets out a loud laugh, hoisting your daughter upon his shoulders. "I saw indeed, poppet. Really startin' to think yeh the fastest lil' bug I've ever seen in my life." Ally's eyes widen at this statement, and you snicker as you fold the chairs you and Harry were sitting in back up. The three of you are getting ready to leave when one of Ally's teammates and her mother comes up to you with smiles on their faces.
"Great game, Ally! You're such a good little striker!" Ally beams at this compliment, as does Harry.
"Whadya say when someone tells yeh something nice, bug?" He gently reminds her. Ally lets out a timid 'thank you,' and Harry gives her a little squeeze on her leg.
"Can Ally come to my house and eat pizza with me? And we can play with my toys, and we can watch a movie!" Ally's friend looks between you and Harry, a pleading look in her eyes. "My Mumma said it's okay with her if it's okay with you!"
"Oh, we wouldn't want to intrude…" you start, but Ally's friend's mother waves her hand.
"S'not a problem at all! I'd love to have Ally over, lil' angel she is. She's always welcome over at mine." She tells you and Harry truthfully. You look at Harry and shrug, non-verbally telling him if he's okay with it, then you are. Ally's been over to her friend's house before and always has a great time, and you had no plans as a family for the remainder of the day.
"Okay yeah, that'll be fun won't it, bub?" He asks your daughter, lifting her off his shoulders and setting her back down. He reaches into his pocket and pulls his wallet out. "Let us at least pay for food and some desserts too, if the girls want. I'm sure they will, though." He winks at Ally and her friend, and they giggle and go to kick the ball back and forth to each other while the adults talk. Her mother thanks him profusely but tells him it isn't necessary, but Harry, being the kind person he is, insists and gives her a few bills to cover the girls' day together. He never liked sending your daughter with someone else's parents without money because he thought it was rude to expect them to pay for his kid. He usually ended up paying for all parties involved as a 'thank you' for having your daughter as company. After telling your daughter to be good and have fun, you and Harry walk hand in hand back towards the car.
"Got the whole rest of tha day to ourselves, don't we?" He asks, rubbing his thumb over yours. You hum in acknowledgment and turn to look at him. He has a cheeky grin on his face, and you immediately know what he's thinking.
"Think we should get started on that baby, then?"
As soon as the two of you are through the front door of your house, Harry has his hands all over you- one on your neck, the other gripping your ass.
"Harry," you moan out breathlessly. "M'not gonna conceive our baby next to the front door."
"Well lucky fo' you, I wasn't plannin' on takin' yeh next to the front door, hmm," he says against your neck, placing a wet kiss on it. "Jump."
You wrap your legs around Harry as he walks you to your couch. "Wasn't really thinkin' 'bout the couch either you goof, but I guess it's better than the floor."
Harry huffs in annoyance and lifts his head to look you in the eyes. "Wan' me to put this baby in yeh or not?"
"Course I do," you retort, reaching in between you to unbutton your jeans. "Been thinkin' about it since this morning."
Harry hums in response and lifts up your shirt, kissing his way down from right below your breasts until he's at your hips. "Gonna let me have a lil' taste first? Make sure you're all nice an' wet fo' me, pet?"
You nod quickly, lifting your hips so Harry could have an easier time getting your bottoms off. He yanks them off and flings them over his shoulder. Harry runs a calloused finger over your underwear, causing you to shudder. "Lets get these off, yeah? That alright with you?" You whimper, bucking your hips up against Harry's hand ghosting over your core.
"Gotta let me hear you say it Y/N, yes or no?" He has the most shit-eating grin on his face, and you know he's just trying to get you all hot and bothered.
"Yes Harry, please get these panties off of me," you all but beg. "Need to feel your tongue on me."
That's all Harry needs to hear before he's hooking your underwear in his fingers, shoving it to the side. He flattens out his tongue and licks slowly up your folds, moaning against you. "Always taste so good, pet. Love havin' my head between yeh thighs like this."
Letting out a rather loud moan, your eyes squeeze shut as you tangle one hand in Harry’s hair, the other gripping the side of the couch. He takes your clit in his mouth and hallows his cheeks, suckly gently. “Feel good, Y/N? Let me know when I’m makin’ yeh feel good, gotta hear it.” You nod, feeling yourself growing close already even though Harry hasn’t been at this for more than three minutes.
“Need your fingers, H,” you breathlessly tell him. “Make me come, please.”
You don’t have to tell Harry again. He sucks on his middle finger and slowly slides it in you, curling it up and searching for that sweet, spongy spot he’s so good at finding. His finger curls against it and you yelp in pleasure, grabbing onto his hair even tighter. “Feels s’good, baby. Fuck, don’t stop please. Whatever you do, don’t fuckin’ stop.” Harry speeds up, sucking even harder on your clit to help you reach your first orgasm of the day.
“Can feel your tight pussy throbbin’ round my finger, know yeh gonna come, Y/N. S’tha feel good?” You move your hands onto your chest, pushing your bra up and rolling your nipples between your fingers. Harry moans at the sight and flicks his tongue on your clit, middle finger moving nimbly inside your cunt. Without warning, your orgasm washes over you, and Harry helps you ride it out, not stopping his licks against your clit. He gradually slows down his movements against your pussy and lifts his head, a big dimpled grin on his glistening face. “Always taste delicious, but I think I wanna feel ya come around m’cock now. I mean, I am on a mission to put another baby in yeh, after all.”
You beam, knowing this was just the start of having Harry to yourself a lot more often.
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descendantofthesparrow · 4 years ago
Regained Passion - Harry Hook x Reader - Part 2 - proper meeting
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Harry let out a slow breath as he stared into the void in his history class, it had been a full week since he started the dance classes, and almost every day Bert mentioned putting him into a higher experienced class due to his flexibility and the fact that Harry was already a good dancer. But again, Harry wasn’t into the dance class that much, he liked dancing, it's just he didn't like being forced to dance.
His counselor had tried to ask about his first week but Harry was stubborn as usual, even glaring at her during it. She had sighed and rubbed her nose “I can't help you if you don’t open up to me Mr. Hook” Harry had only glared again, he didn’t want or need her help, yeah, he was a little fucked up in the head but if he wanted therapy or a consular, he would get it, not something FG forced on him.
After history finally ended, Harry grabbed his backpack and walked out of the room, sighing in relief as he realized he only had one class left, and it was his favorite, history of sailors and the seven seas. It talked all about pirates and sailors, particularly one of his favorite pirates, Jack Sparrow. One of the few pirates that had escaped isle imprisonment, due to him being pardoned of his crimes after it was discovered that his branding of a pirate had been connected to his freeing of hundreds of slaves.
Harry froze as a now very familiar face stepped into the hall he was walking in, she was looking down at her book, her black backpack hanging off her shoulder, bringing her denim jacket down with it off her shoulder, revealing her gray t-shirt. She suddenly looked up, her sparking (e/c) eyes once again locking with his.
Harry felt the butterflies flood his body again and he ducked into the next hall, away from his class, and pressed himself against the wall, sliding down as he closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands ‘what am I doing?’ he thought, gritting his teeth ‘hiding from a pretty girl? What the hell?’
“Are you hiding from me?” Harry jumped and slammed his head against the locker behind him, looking up to see the girl, who had covered her mouth in shock from Harry's sudden motion “Are you okay?”
“Me? Hiding? No-no I don’- I don’t hide” Harry laughed off his embarrassment, standing from the floor and rubbing the back of his head, wincing slightly “I don’ hide from anyone” the girl smirked and rose her brow as she tilted her head.
“I looked up and as soon as I made eye contact you leaped behind the wall, and then stayed there until I came around the corner, I think that classifies as hiding.” Harry pouted at her, his heart going crazy as she laughed. “Now why would you hide from me? Im, not my brother mind you” Harry rose his brow at that.
“Who’s yer brother?” Harry asked, smirking as she made a sour face.
“Chad” Harry grimaced, relaxing a bit as she laughed again.
“I’m so sorry” her eyes widened a bit and she laughed even harder.
“I accept your condolences, he’s not a fun person to be related to, it took me a month to convince half the school that Chad and I are very different even though we're twins” Harry looked at her up at down, she didn’t look like Chad? “I know, fraternal twins though”
Harry hummed, nodding along, he remembered a couple of sets of twins on the isle, and even when they were “identical” twins, they didn’t look exactly like each other sometimes. “You’re Harry Hook, right?” Harry nodded again, ignoring the flutter of his heart as she said his name “I’m (y/n), (y/n) Charming” (y/n) held out her hand, giving Harry a warm smile.
“Dinne think yeh would even say hi ta me, considering wha’ yer brother has probably told yeh ‘bout meh” he took her hand, stilling for a moment as he felt a small shock ran up his arm and through his body. Shit what the hell was going on with him!?
“Well,” (y/n) laughed, once again sending butterflies through his gut “after almost 18 years of dealing with his dumbass, I've learned to not trust his word, if he says you’re a ‘filthy pirate’ then you aren’t all that bad” Harry smirked and shook his head, not seeing (y/n) freeze for a moment and stare at his lips.
“Yer somethin’ else I’ll tell yeh tha’” he laughed, biting the inside of his cheek as (y/n) looked away from him and fixed her backpack strap. “What’s yer next class?”
“Um-“ (y/n) started, pursing her lips a bit as she thought “Oh! History of sailors and the seven seas!” Harry couldn’t help the smile that grew on his lips.
“Same ‘ere, shall I escort yeh yer highness?” (y/n) gave him a look, then smiled.
“You may” (y/n) laughed, taking his arm as he offered it and they chatted quietly as Harry walked them both to class.
Harry threw his pencil on his table as he finished his English homework, leaning back in his chair and sighing. “Hey, Harry?” Uma started, looking up from her magic homework (a new class that FG had made for the magic endowed vks that needed to learn how to control their magic safely)  “You made goody-goody with Chad's sister right?” Harry looked over his shoulder to her, raising his brow.
“Aye? Why?” a devious look overcame Uma’s face, and Harry sat up “Uma” Harry started, a warning tone to his voice, they had just gotten to Auradon two months ago, at the start of the school year, and he loved Uma with all his heart but if she was trying to plan to overtake Auradon by using (y/n) he would have to put his foot down (which he didn’t know why he would defend the girl so eagerly, even turning against his oldest friend like that)Auradon was a lot nicer than they thought and he’d rather not lose the comfy bed and fresh food he had just gotten.
“Oh chill!” Uma scoffed, waving her hand and rolling her eyes “I’m not planning any takeovers or whatever, I wanted to know if she gets along with her brother or not” Harry mentally sighed in relief and leaned back in his chair again.
“Um, no, I said sorry to her that she was his sister and she accepted my condolences, called him a dumbass too” Uma smirked again, a glint in her eye…he knew that glint, it was the glint of pranks “Oh! Do yeh want me ta-“
“Yes,” Uma interrupted him, rubbing her arms together as he saw a plan forming in her mind “ask her if she wants to help us prank Chad, fucker decided to ‘accidentally” Uma used finger quotes “spill grape juice all over my new jacket, and we all know that shit stains, didn’t even apologize either” Harry grit his teeth. Chad, one of the very few teens at Auradon prep that still harassed the vks, he was a bully and a thief, something Harry could respect on the isle but even on the isle you didn’t bully Uma without getting Harry’s hook to your face.
“I’ll ask ‘er when next time I see ‘er, we don’ have a lot of classes together, and her dance class ends after mine” Uma smirked at that, leaning into her hand.
“How are those going by the way?” Harry just let out a raspberry, and Uma fell back on Gil’s bed, laughing away.
The next day, after Harry's dance class, he waited outside (y/n)s room, standing awkwardly and out of place as others passed by him, some looking at him oddly while others ignored him or simply glanced at him.
There were one or two flirtatious looks but Harry ignored those, continuing to wait for (y/n). about fifteen minutes of waiting, the class finally ended, and as (y/n)s fellow dancers exited the room, many of them stared at him, whispering amongst themselves for a moment before one turned to him. “(y/n)s talking to Esmerelda, she’ll be in there for a moment” She had a strong French accent and Harry nodded in thanks, the group finally moving on as the girl who had spoken up pushed them away from the room.
After a couple more moments of waiting Harry got impatient, walking up to the door and peeking in, seeing (y/n) standing in front of Esmerelda, looking down at her feet “(y/n) your posture is perfect, your leg is always perfectly straight during the Penché, everything you do during practice is perfect but…there's just no…passion (y/n), where is it? You are only doing the steps, you aren’t feeling the music, where is the love, the sorrow, the yearning? This is a dance to convey two people falling in love (y/n), and I don’t see any of it coming from you” Harry felt his chest hurt as Esmerelda sighed, looking away from (y/n) who stayed silent. “(y/n) if you can't find the passion I need for the piece…I’m going to have to switch you out, I’m sorry” (y/n) looked up at that, and Harry couldn’t see her face but he could tell there were tears in her eyes “You are one of my best dancers (y/n), but without passion, you are doing nothing but following the steps.” (y/n) nodded slowly. Esmerelda smiled and took her chin “You just have to find your spark again, I know you can do it…I’ll see you tomorrow” (y/n) nodded again, turning to grab her bag.
Harry ducked out of the doorframe and went back to lean against the wall, looking down at his converse as he waited for (y/n). “Harry?” he looked up, (y/n) walking toward him from the door and tilting her head “What are you doing here?”
Harry smirked, it turning to a smile as (y/n) smiled back. Good, that meant she wasn’t super down from her talk with Esmerelda. “I was wonderin’ if yeh wanted ta help Uma n’ I prank Chad~” Harry had hardly finished his sentence before (y/n) grinned, stepping even close to him.
“Hell yes!” Harry shared her grin and offered his arm again, walking her out of the building and back to the dorms to Uma’s room, where Uma would tell them her plan.
Two days later, Chad’s hair was puke green. And he didn’t suspect a damn thing, even as (y/n) held her laughter as she stood next to him, sharing a sly thumbs up with Harry and Uma as they cackled at him.
“You’re definitely cut from a different fabric princess” Uma chuckled, Harry moving to the side of the bench he and Uma were sitting on as you walked over to them when Chad bolted off screaming after realizing his hair was green (for someone who stared at himself almost all day it took him a while to notice his hair) (y/n) grinned in thanks and plopped down next to Harry, not noticing Uma’s smirk as Harry scooted closer to (y/n).
“I’ll take that as a compliment” (y/n) laughed, leaning against the table and looking towards the door “How long do you think it’ll be before Chad suspects us?”
“Three days” Gil decided, suddenly appearing and sitting down next to Uma. And as usual, holding a bowl of grapes “I give it three days”
(y/n) hummed at that, tapping her fingers on the table “Well Chad is smart,” (y/n) laughed a bit at Uma and Harry's look of ‘really?!’ “I know shocking…well less smart more cunning, but I say he’ll either figure it out by the end of the day or he’ll bolt up in the middle of the night and then figure it out, can't say which or when, but it’s one of those”
“By the way,” Gil interrupted (y/n), pointing his finger right at her “who are you?” Gil had been out of the room every time (y/n) came over to Uma or Harry and Gil's room to plan for the plank, so oddly enough he had yet to meet (y/n) before today.
“Gil!” Harry hissed through his teeth, Uma smirking once more at his reaction. (y/n) laughed and held out her hand.
“I’m (y/n), (y/n) Charming, Chad’s sister” Gil took her hand and shook it, giving her a sympathetic look.
“I’m so sorry” (y/n) laughed again, unknowingly sending a flurry of butterflies through Harry again.
“Harry said the same thing a couple days ago, I accept your condolences” Gil released (y/n)s hand and went back to his grapes as Uma intertwined her hands and looked at (y/n)
“So you and Harry go to the same dance school, right? Do you ever dance together?” Harry felt his cheeks turn red at the question and he pouted at Uma, not really wanting to bring up the topic of the classes he hated so much.
“I guess? Different classes but same building, I’m a ballet dancer, been one since I was a kid. Harry, I think is still in the beginner class but Harry?” He glanced at (y/n) with a raised bro and a hum “You said Bert’s thinking of upgrading your placement?” Harry huffed and leaned on his hand.
“Aye, somethin’ bout me being a higher level than beginner, I dinne kae I din’ listen more than tha’” both Uma and (y/n) hummed at that. “I din’ even wan’ ta do the damn classes in the first place so I don’t see why I should level up or whatever” Harry grumbled, pouting at nothing.
Uma forced the grin off her face. Harry, ever since he had made friends with (y/n), started to be more…enthusiastic when going to the studio, no longer dragging his feet. And after the first time he picked up (y/n) from her class he did it the next day, and the next. Uma knew Harry and she knew he was catching feelings for the princess, even if he himself didn’t realize it yet.
Harry had only known the princess for about a month now, but Uma could tell when Harry liked someone, and he really-really liked (y/n), he wouldn’t admit it until he knew what words to connect his feelings yet but, Uma could wait.
Now, Uma wouldn’t do anything to push Harry and (y/n) together yet, she didn’t know if (y/n) shared any feelings about Harry, but once Uma did find out? Oooh, it was going to be fun.
But for now? Uma watched (y/n) and Harry talk, smiling behind her hand at the sparkle within Harry's eye, she would sit and watch their relationship bloom.
-end of part 2-
part 2~ hope yall enjoyed and like (y/n) so far, and i do want to put a *sprinkle* of angst in this so it'll come with (y/n)s struggle to show feeling in her dance and maybe some Chad shenanigan's anyway~ yeah i think this will be a 10 part series at most, and im liking where its going atm.
anyway im gonna draw a blue ballgown now because i don't like any of the designs i found on google or Pinterest
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @rintheemolion​
@imtryingthisout​ @verboetoperee​ @jatp-rules-my-life​
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bluejayblueskies · 4 years ago
hello! i hope it's okay to ask, i was wondering if you have any good merfolk/selkie tma au fic recs? i've been looking for them on ao3 but apparently i'm not very good at filtering because i can't really find anything aside from the 3 or 4 i've read already. feel free to ignore this if you don't have any or just don't feel like answering! thank you either way<3 (also i just wanted to say i love your tma fantasy week fics, i read most of them at 3am and they made me so ridiculously happy)
 thank you so much! 💛💛💛 i’d be happy to give some recommendations!
i’m not sure what you’ve already read, so i’ll just include everything!
(list begins below the cut)
The Sea Calls Me Home | jonmartin, rated T | Ao3: mothjons | tumblr: @mothjons
When Martin Blackwood takes a job working at Peter Lukas's estate, in the highlands of Scotland, he meets an odd man down by the shore, who looks at him like no one ever has. This man proves to be another secret Martin Blackwood must keep, for more reasons than one.
To be so sure of a love the world denies is a heavy burden to bear. But bearing it was, and will always be, a choice. And it's one that Martin has chosen.
Mer!Jon, Historical AU! One of my favorite TMA fics. Heavy on the angst but has a happy ending, and the writing is beautiful!
What Belongs to the Sea | jonelias, lonely eyes, jonmartin, rated M | Ao3: TwoDrunkenCelestials, WhyNotFly | tumblr: @twodrunkencelestials, @apatheticbutterflies
“My grandmother taught me about selkies,” said the tattooed man.  “Said it’s good luck for them to grace your ship.  To treat ‘em right, and they’ll guide you safe.”
It had seemed like a reasonable thing to believe.
Selkie!Jon, angst with happy ending. Has darker themes, so be sure to heed content warnings! The endgame ship is jonmartin.
Breathe in the Salt | jonmartin, rated T | Ao3: SqueeneyTodd
Martin Blackwood works in a lighthouse that echoes too much against a sea he doesn't care for.
The lighthouse isn't meant to have people in it.
Selkie AU focsed around mystery! Martin’s mother is a selkie and he works at a lighthouse that has some very strange happenings. Jon, Tim, and Sasha come to investigate.
as the clouds roll by | jongeorgie, jonmartin, rated T | Ao3: PitViperOfDoom | tumblr: @pitviperofdoom
If Jon had a penny for every time someone stole his coat and told him it was for his own good, he would have two pennies. It wasn't a lot, but it still happened twice.
Selkie!Jon, angst and hurt/comfort. Featuring terrible person Jurgen Leitner and Kitsune!Georgie. This is the prequel to and i won’t let you choke which is also excellent!
kith, kin and tread softly | jonmartin, timsasha, rated G | Ao3: bibliocratic | tumblr: @bibliocratic
Jon is 100%, bonafide human being before Beholding gets its hands on him.
This is not entirely true for the other members of his team.
Their existence narrows into endurance, survival. Knowing how hard every day is going to be and surviving it anyway, hand in unlovable hand.
Or: Despite everything, the OG Archive crew live through season 4.
Fantasy AU where Tim is a phoenix, Sasha is a mermaid, and Martin is a selkie. Featuring hurt/comfort, found family, and averted apocalypse
A Box of Sea-Scented Memories | jonmartin, rated G | Ao3: ArtificialDaydreams | tumblr: @artificialdaydreamer
When Martin was a child he moved to a small town by the coast and his best friend just also happened to be a seal who loved tuna fish sandwiches, headpats, and bringing him gifts. The shoebox of treasures was practically all he took with him when he left a year later.
Jonathan Sims' childhood friend has just returned after almost twenty years spent apart. Sadly Martin doesn't recognize him, and it's not like Jon can tell him about being a selkie. It's a good thing Martin has a lot of experience talking with seals, and Jon's an excellent listener.
Selkie!Jon, childhood friends AU. Very very cute, and seeing this plot bunny come to fruition has been lovely!
It Will Set You Free | jonmartin, rated G | Ao3: cinnamoniic | tumblr: @cinnamoniic
He’s heard the stories. He knows his mother wouldn’t take another step on land if she could help it, not anymore. It took a long time for him to feel comfortable walking alone on the beach without anticipating torches and pitchforks at his first footfall, skin-thieves and scoundrels looking to steal him away.
Martin’s supposed to avoid humans, but he’s never been great at resisting temptation. In the aftermath of a dreadful storm, he finds himself and his sealskin coat trapped in the home of his mysterious human crush, Jon.
Selkie!Martin, hurt/comfort. My favorite part of this fic is Martin not really understanding human things!
and, just to include some of mine:
to take the road less traveled by | polyarchives, rated G
Once upon a time, in a land divided by water and mountains and the hands of men into fourteen kingdoms, there was a prince. His name was Prince Timothy of the House of Stoker, ruling over the land of the fae, and though he was neither fae nor human, he would do as a prince should, even if his heart lay beyond, in the kingdom of ever-watching eyes.  So when his father commanded him to venture beyond the land of the fae and into the spiraling forests of the Twisting Deceit, wherein lay a tower so high it was thought to touch the stars, and rescue a trapped princess from that tower, Prince Timothy donned the lightest of leather armors, plucked his bow from the armory, and left his kingdom behind in the glow of the rising sun.
Of Prince Timothy, his lovers, and a princess trapped in a tower.
Fantasy AU with Selkie!Martin (and others). A fairytale-style fic with multiple character perspectives coming together over the span of the fic.
delphinus | jonpeter, rated T
Three and a half weeks ago, Peter had packed enough supplies for four months, set sail from port, and had breathed in the salt of the sea with a relief that was as palpable upon his tongue as the taste of brine. He would cast a net over the side of his ship and inspect its contents for anything that might spark his interest (or, on occasion, make a sum of money). More often, though, he simply released the mass of wriggling fish back into the sea and settled for watching the sun dip below the horizon, with only the gentle rocking of the boat to keep him company.
Two and a half weeks ago, Peter had pulled the net over the side of his fishing boat, straining at the weight of it, and found a pair of sharp brown eyes staring back at him.
Mer!Jon, no fear entities AU. In which Peter is not as terrible as he is in canon and there is an approximation of fluff.
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starr-fall-knight-rise · 4 years ago
HASO, “In the Ambience.”
Had a conversation on discord last night where I became aware that I left Sunny and Adam’s interactions at a place where it was sort of nervous and awkward. So thank you DZ for talking that through with me.
I am not really well versed in writing relationships, and I didn’t want it to overshadow the rest of my writing, so I pulled back from it, but I think I pulled back too hard. So if you care about the Sunny/Adam dynamic, I wrote a story this morning to acknowledge that. Hope you like it, and I hope you all have a great day. 
She got up in the dark, with only the dim ambience of soft blue lighting to accompany her. She stretched all four arms, and rolled her neck. It struck her as mildly interesting in that moment, how something so small could connect them to humans, The thought was fleeting as she took another step forward to kneel down on the floor. There, in a little alcove in the wall, she had set a volcanic rock from Anin, dried moss, and other paraphernalia from her home world. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath resting her hands together.
Praise and respect to the spirits of Anin. Praise the fathers and mothers of war gone to their rest below the moss and the earth. Praise their spirits that watch from the sky and peer through the ether down upon us.
She continued the slow mantra in the style of Prayer learned from Naktan and pulled her concentration to her core ignoring anything and everything around her. A deep state of meditation overtook her. She would never have done this if she  thought there were any chance that she was in danger, but below she knew Earth glowed like a sphere before their orbiting ship. There was no worry of invasion.
She thought she heard something at one point, but chose to ignore it as she continued her mantra.
Eventually, and after an unknown amount of minutes, she stood and turned slowly to find-
She stopped, and crossed her arms over her chest.
“What are you doing.”
Adam burrowed his way further down into her blankets nuzzling his head up against her pillow, “So warm, and comfy!”
She tried not to smile, “You dumbass.”
He pulled the blankets tighter around himself, “You know, I did come here to talk to you, but I actually really am comfortable, so come back in two hours.”
He closed his eyes and pretended to snore loudly.
She rolled her eyes as she watched him theatrically pretend to sleep. She looked around mildly for a moment before picking up another pillow and glancing at the door. She casually walked over, dropped the pillow on his head and then held it down as if she intended to smother him.
That got him up and moving.
Before long the two of them were grappling for the upper hand, him trying to put her in a choke hold, and her using her lower arms to pinch him.
He yelped, “Ouch! Pinching is illegal.”
He clamped his legs around her lower arms pinning them in place. SHe struggled for a minute and then went limp.
SHe could feel his smug smile, “I win, I beat the saint of Anin. Everyone bow at my feet.”
“You say that, but if this were a real fight, you’re the one with a self destruct button.”
“Self-destruct button…?”
“Meaning if this were a real fight, I would have punched you in the balls.”
“Please don’t”
Finally he let her go, leaving the two of them to lay on her bed, sheets scattered on the floor around them, and her pillows in disarray. Adam put his hands behind his head and sighed.
She glanced over at him, “I don’t suppose you came to just hang out. Here on Admiral-ly business?”
He groaned pulling one of her pillows over his face, “Please smother me for real this time.”
SHe leaned up on one of her elbows, “Why?”
“I don’t wanna be an adult anymore,” She tilted her head to the side watching in amusement as he attempted to throw a childlike tantrum, but only really had the energy to kick his feet once, “It’s boring and lame and they wont let me wear heelies to important meetings…. Children don’t have to pay taxes.”
She laughed, pulling the pillow from his face, “Adam you are many things, but ‘adult’ is not one of them.”
He grinned slightly, “True enough.” He sighed again and rested his head back against the pillows, “I just want to get back to what we are supposed to be doing, exploring the universe and making cool alien friends.” He threw up his hands in frustration, “But Suddenly I find myself embroiled in stupid annoying politics that I don’[t understand, being used by people who are, lets face it, WAY smarter than me, constantly finding myself getting manipulated.”
She huffed, “They aren’t smarter than you Adam, they’re just manipulative, and you aren't.”
He sighed, “Fair enough.” Then he looked at her, bright green eyes reflecting the soft ambient blue light, “I just, I miss this, I miss us, I miss hanging out and doing stupid shit, and all of the things I could do when I wasn’t so important and this operation was smaller.”
She smiled rather sadly reaching one hand over for his, lacing the four of her fingers through the five of his, “Well someone has to do the hard things, who better than you.” 
He glanced over at her raising an eyebrow, “Or you, miss saint”
She rolled her eyes again, “Can’t seem to get you off of that. I’m still the same person I used to be.”
“But with power.”
She elbowed him gently and he grinned, “But really, I am proud and impressed and…. Let's be honest super super smug that ‘I’ know you personally.”
“I know, I am pretty terrific.”
The two of them laughed for a minute before settling down again. He glanced over to her little shrine on the wall, “What were you doing just then?”
She looked up at the ceiling, following the lines of metal and rivets with her eyes, “Praying to the spirits of Anin.”
Embarrassed, he shifted, “I didn’t know you were….. Well I didn’t think you were all that religious?”
SHe shrugged, “Don’t feel bad, it’s sort of a new thing. Back before all this, it was sort of just stories to me. Like I believed it because that was what everyone believed, but I didn’t really accept it, or feel it the way I do now. After everything with my mother, it was hard to feel connected to something I felt I wasn’t a part of….. But then after visiting my mother, after becoming a saint for a religion I never really followed…. Well it started to make more sense. It feels real now in a way that it never did.” She turned to look at him, finding him watching her, the UV blue stripes in his skin glowing blue.
“I believe in the spirits of Anin more than I ever have.”
He smiled at her and squeezed her hand, “I’m glad to hear it.”
They lapsed into silence for a long moment staring up at the ceiling before, inevitably he broke it, “So this makes you like, space Moses.”
She frowned and turned to look at him, “What is a Moses?”
He grinned, “A guy from one of the Earth Religions. You know guy follows god’s directions to lead his people away from slavery, climbs a moutain, recieves the word of god, comes down to give it to the people, that sort of thing.”
Sunny tilted her head slightly to the side, “Are you religious?”
He paused, frowning, “I…. well I…. don’t really know. My family has been some flavor of Christian for a long time.”
“Uh yeah, The general idea is that there is one all powerful deity who created everything. He has rules and laws that you are supposed to follow, The general tenants of this specific religion mostly boil down to, love everyone and don’t be a dick, which humans are notoriously bad at. You sin you go to hell, a very bad place after you die, and if you are a good person you go to heaven. Problem is everyone is a sinner and breaks the rules, so really no one was going to get into heaven.”
“That sounds bleak….”
“Well that's where the other stuff comes in. Basically this all powerful deity sent down his son in human form to live a perfect life, so when he was martyred he took on the sins of all of humanity and paid for them in the greatest act of mercy to open the gate for the rest of us into heaven.”
Sunny shifted as he tilted to the side to lay in the crook of her arms, “Of course that is just one religion among tons on earth, we aren’t really as cohesive in our beliefs as Drev are….. As for me…. I’m not really sure.”
She tilted her head to the side, cheek resting against his hair, “After seeing space, I become more and more convinced of some….. Thing that created everything, but beyond that it's sort of a tossup.”
She ran one hand through his hair, course but still soft somehow.
“You know my name comes from that religion.”
She turned her head to look at him, “Oh.”
“Adam was the first man.”
“WHat do you mean.:”
Adam shrugged, “He was supposedly the first man that god created, from the dust of the earth…. I think?”
She gave him a sidelong glance, “Look, and you get to be the first idiot in space.”
He snorted and poked her in the ribs.
“There were PLENTY of idiots in space before me, believe you me.”
“Mmm I don’t know, you are pretty dumb.”
He laughed, grabbing a pillow and hitting her with it. She rolled over so she was lying on top of him and then went limp.
He struggled, “Get your big ass off me.”
“Oh no, I have been attacked by a sudden acute case of the, my spine doesn't work anymore disease.”
“If you don’t move, you’ll suddenly find yourself with a case of fist in your face disease.”
She laughed and rolled off him, making su7re the hard parts of her carapace were sticking down for maximum discomfort. 
He grunted.
They returned to lying down next to each other in the half darkness. Sunny reached over and turned on some quiet music in the background as the two of them sat and talked, and laughed.
“I can’t wait to get back to deep space.” He closed his eyes and hummed softly at the thought, “Just the crew and the darkness and nothing ahead of us but an endless frontier.”
Surprisingly, she found the thought to be more than a little comforting, and closed her eyes thinking about the vast reaches of blackness and the endless spinning galaxies. 
“And while we are out we can drop Conn into a pulsar.”
He snorted,
“That billowy bastard would survive and you know it.”
She huffed, “Still though, if I have to hear one more smug lecture how he has a child with you, I’m gonna wring his scrawny neck.”
He grinned teeth flashing blue in the light, “Is someone;.... Jealous?”
Sunny laughed, almost tipping him off the bed and onto the floor with her mirth, “Yes Adam, I am totally jealous, really I am. I mean who wouldn’t want to have a child with YOU, big dumb, dork. Really the perfect place to put my superior genes.”
“Superior genes, says someone who can’t reach the top shelf.”
She kicked him foot clanging off his prosthetic, “I am a foot taller than you.”
He placed his hand next to his ear, “What was that, I can’t hear you over how short you are.”
Sunny shook her head, “At least I have binocular vision and both my knees.”
“And weird neck nostrils, don’t forget about those.”
“Oh yes so I can house them on my face like you and your bigass nose.”
“Low blow, low blow.”
“There are…. Lower things…. I could make fun of.”
He snorted, “Can’t make fun of it if you’ve never seen it. You on the other hand, walking around in the nude.”
“You’re welcome. Who wouldn’t love.” Sse gestured to herself, “This.”
“Mmm yes,.... chitin , very sexy.”
“I am a gift to the universe, and should be appreciated by everyone.” He brushed a hand through his hair, “Well I find that real gifts are gift wrapped, so jot that down.”
“Oh yeah, like a prank gift when you put something lame in a box for something cool.”
He frowned at her, “You wound me,. My feelings are so very very hurt. I might even cry.”
“I drink human tears.”
“That, that’s really gross.’
She laughed and then they lapsed into silence. She could hear him breathing quietly next to her in the darkness, his chest rising and falling under the ambient blue light. She looked across the room to where her saint armor was hanging in it’s climate controlled case illuminated to a pearly sheen.
“You know I’m just kidding about calling you dumb riught.”
“Yeah I know.”
“I’m proud of what you’ve been doing.”
Adam turned to look at her rather incredulous, “Me, of what? I haven’t been doing shit.”
“So we are just going to ignore you overthrowing a maniacal politician while simultaneously piloting a 2,000 year old spacecraft?”
“That was more Conn and Eris than it was me,”
“It was your idea.”
“Lets not forget Admiral Kelly.”
Sunny pulled him closer, “I am sorry, I will not be accepting anything other than you acknowledging that you did a good job.”
“Screw you.”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you.”
He sighed, “You’ve been talking to Ramirez WAY too much.”
She was only slightly smug as she rested her head back against the pillow, “I really should get up and train.”
“We should.”
Neither of them movies.
“Alternatively we could just…. Lay here…. All day and do… nothing .”
She looked up at the ceiling for a long moment and pretended to be in deep contemplation before “Well it’s official, you have convinced me. You and your silver tongue.”
“I am a master negotiator.”
He shifted position putting one arm behind his head, “Think about it, by this time tomorrow we will be back to space exploring and doing what we should have been doing all along. I can’t wait.”
“That makes two of us.”
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skiller0dani · 4 years ago
Disobedient | Levi Ackerman
M A S T E R L I S T AOT Masterlist
smut requests info
just started watching attack on titan. Levi is the love of my life (okay so is Eren). also lets say our smol bean Levi is like 5,9″ or maybe 5,10″ instead of 5,2″??? they made him too short in my opinion. 
this one is short and sweet, I have other much longer ideas too. It’s just late where I live and I wanted to post something for you guys :) I’m almost to 900 followers. Thank you all so much. 
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The morning light trickled in through the window, successfully arousing you from your sleep. You snuggled further into the soft sheets you found yourself tucked into, but when your hand reached over and felt nothing but cool sheets beside you, you finally peaked an eye open. You weren’t surprised to see the bed empty next to you, and the door leading to a private office cracked open. You stretched with a yawn and slipped on one of Levi’s dress shirts to cover your bare skin as you stood. The sleeves fell past your hands and the curves of your breasts were on display. You were too lazy to button it shut, so the front was open. You pulled your silk panties up your legs before you stood and slowly made your way to his office. You leaned against the doorway, watching as Levi scribbled strategies on a blank piece of paper, trying to come up with the best formation for the upcoming mission.  
“Morning.” Your voice was quiet, unsure. You always felt nervous interrupting him when he was working. Levi says nothing, but he lifts an arm, silently beckoning you to come sit in his lap. Your cheeks darken as you quietly make your way over to him, nervously sliding onto his lap- his gaze never wavering from the papers in front of him. His arm curls around you to reach his desk, almost completely ignoring you. You settled against his chest, your cheek resting on his shoulder. Your relationship with Levi was fairly new, and you honestly were still trying to figure him out. It was obvious he wasn’t outwardly affectionate, he preferred to show you what you meant to him in more subtle ways. You know he cares about you, even if it’s sometimes hard for you to see. 
You nibble on the inside of your cheek, your eyes widening when Levi turns his head to look at you. His face remains expressionless but he reaches up and tenderly brushes a piece of hair behind your ear. “Good morning.” His voice is professional, practiced sounding. You brush the tip of your nose against his briefly before he’s turning back to his work. You cuddle into his chest as his left hand drops from the desk to rest on your bare thigh. A soft sigh escapes your lips when his thumb begins to mindlessly draw patterns into your bare skin, and by his lack of reaction you assume the sound escaped his notice. You were thankful your quarters were already close to Levi’s, so it was easy for you to sneak over. Even though you and Levi weren’t trying to hide your relationship, you were still certain that nobody knew. Which in it’s own way, was sort of comforting. 
When Levi’s thumb brushed over your thigh again, it was closer to the hem of your panties this time. He definitely noticed. 
You shift as casually as you can, trying to put some distance bewteen your core and Levi’s wandering fingers. He needs to focus. You try to slide of his lap, but Levi’s arm curls around you tighter, “I didn’t say you could stand.” His voice is calm, but it brings a flush rising to your cheeks. Last night was the first time you and Levi had slept together, you were still pretty shy around him. You swallowed a lump in your throat, “sorry Captain.” You said instinctively, you were on his squad after all. You hear him hum softly, his eyes still focused on the work in front of him. His left hand had other ideas it would seem. 
His palm drifted down your thigh, and his thumb carefully brushed over your aching clit on the outside of your panties. You bite down on your lip, your back pressing to his chest more firmly. Levi leans forward casually, and presses his lips to your neck as you keen back into him. His fingers continue to brush over your clothed slit and tease you until your thighs are trembling and soft whimpers are escaping your lips. “Levi please,” You gasp, your hips wriggling to follow his light touches. Levi merely raises a questioning brow and hums softly against your neck. You feel a wet gush of arousal dampen your panties and Levi does nothing more than tease you. His fingers drag along the hem of your panties, his right hand still scribbling notes on his attack strategy. How can he possibly focus on anything? 
This is a stark difference to the lover you had last night, so gentle and full of passion. He continued dragging his fingers lightly over the skin of your inner thighs, you remain teetering on the edge of pleasure and it was absolutely maddening. “L-Levi!” You begged again, tears springing behind your eyes as you attempt to grind into his hand. Finally he turned to look at you, but pulled his hand away to cup your cheeks much to your dismay. “I have to work now, go in the bedroom and wait for me to finish.” Levi instructs, pressing one chaste kiss to your lips before pulling his arms from your body completely. You stand, your core throbbing as you begrudgingly head back into Levi’s bedroom to wait for him to be done. You close the door behind you, groaning in frustration. 
You lay back against the bed, Levi’s shirt having been pulled from your body. You felt a soft throbbing in your core and your hands quickly drifted down your stomach. You can’t believe he got you so worked up just to make you wait! Your fingers found your aching clit but your frantic rubbing did nothing to ease the uncomfortable arousal coating your thighs. You need Levi. But he turned you away so he could work on battle strategies. You feel anger bubbling in your chest as you stand, pulling on a pair of your black pants along with Levi’s white dress shirt. Except you button it this time before heading out into the hallway- you need to go for a walk. 
The breeze is refreshing as you step outside. You look around the grounds of HQ, seeing new recruits practicing, and some cleaning the stables. You stretch in the morning light, trying to convince yourself that the dull throbbing between your legs will go away any second now. It doesn’t. You decide to go for a small walk anyway, greeting people as they pass by and feeling completely and utterly puzzled by some of the envious looks on other girls faces. You try to ignore them as you continue walking, the subtle pounding between your legs never quite going away. “Good Morning Y/N.” Another scout solider says, Ian. You and Ian joined at the same time a few years ago but you hardly ever spoke. 
“Oh, hi.” You greet politely, shifting uncomfortable under his inquisitive gaze. His eyes roll down your body, making you feel as though you need to cover yourself even though you’re fully clothed. He raises a brow, “nice shirt.” He compliments and you blink in confusion. 
“It’s just an ordinary dress shirt...” 
“It’s Captain Levi’s dress shirt.” Ian adds and all the color drains from your face. How did he know? Does everyone know? Ian chuckles once he notices the horrified expression on your face. 
“It has the Captains personal insignia stitched into the collar.” He explains and when you glance at the collar of Levi’s shirt your eyes widen. Sure enough there is an insignia you’ve never seen before stitched in plain sight. You swallow thickly, your cheeks burning hot. Ian takes another step closer to you, backing you into the wall of the building behind you. You glance around, but you see nobody in sight. “You screwing the Captain Y/N?” Ian asks, a dark glint in his eyes as he towers over you. He’s nearly 6,2″. Your brain tried to scramble for an explanation but it kept drawing blanks. “O-of course not!” You stammered in defense, all your hairs standing on end as Ian took another step closer. Your mouth went dry as a sly smile slid onto his face, “maybe if you let me have a taste of that sweet pussy of yours I can help you fix this. Half the HQ has seen you in his shirt by now Y/N.” 
“N-No that’s okay Ian, Levi was just lending me a shirt. C-Captain Levi I mean!” You stammered, your entire body shaking as you desperately searched for an exit. Titans you can handle but people? You didn’t want Ian making up some story if you hurt him, you could be executed for treason. Ian takes yet another step closer, leaning down to drag his nose along the nape of your neck. “There better be a damn good explanation for this-” You hear a voice snap. Ian quickly pulls away from you and to your horror, you lock eyes with Levi. His voice trails off as his eyes land on you. A pained expression crosses onto Levi’s face as his eyes flicker between you and Ian briefly before the pain is masked by the emotionless look he usually dons.  
“I saw her wearing your shirt Captain! I came to question her about it as I suspect she stole it. In order to silence me, she attempted to kiss me sir.” Ian said, and your jaw dropped. You looked at Levi in horror, and the dark look in his eyes did little to tell you how he was currently feeling. “You, get back to work.” Levi barked at Ian, who quickly scrambled away. You lock eyes with Levi, your body trembling. You feel panic turning in your gut as he takes one slow step towards you. “Do you wanna tell me what the hell I just walked in on?” Levi asks, his voice steady, despite the waves of panic rising in his chest. You weren’t about to cheat on him, he knows you weren’t. You couldn’t have been, there’s an innocent and logical explanation for this, there has to be. 
You immediately reach forward to take his hand, “Levi he saw me wearing your shirt and cornered me. H-He tried to blackmail me into having sex with him! I swear nothing happened baby!” You gasp, your cheeks going red at the pet name that accidentally slipped out. Levi merely rose a brow, his expression unreadable. In the next second he’s stepping forward and effectively trapping you against his body and the wall. The throbbing between your legs returns quickly, pounding as Levi’s knee slides in between your legs. “I thought I told you to stay in our bedroom?” Levi hums lowly, and your body heats up. You don’t miss how he says ‘our’ bedroom. “I-I’m sorry Levi.” You squeaked and Levi tutted softly. He gently grinds his knee up into you, causing you to gasp softly. 
Levi’s hands are planted on the wall on either side of your head and when he looks up at you, you see the genuine fear in his eyes. The fear that you were about to cheat on him. “I’d never cheat on you Levi.” You say softly, and you see the fear slowly melt out of his gaze. A smirk makes it’s way onto his face before he’s yanking your body against his. “Good girl,” He purrs softly, quickly lifting your body over his shoulder. You squeal in surprise as he carries you back inside, your cheeks blood red at the thought of someone catching Levi carrying you back inside over his shoulder. “You had me worried sweetheart.” Levi says, his voice tense as he turns towards the hallway his bedroom and office is located in. 
He pushes the door open, and kicks it shut behind him before dropping you onto the bed. “I just needed to get some work done, then me and my cock were all yours.” You rubbed your thighs together to try and relieve some of the pressure between your legs, but Levi’s heated look continued to send arousal through every nerve ending. “But instead you decided to go get what you needed elsewhere, is that it?” He asks, stalking up the bed towards you, his pupils lust blown. You quickly shook your head as you swallowed thickly, your head resting against the pillows. “Because instead of finding you in here, laid out on the bed and spread wide for me I see you being pressed up against the wall by somebody else.” Levi seethes, jealousy and anger seeping into his tone. 
“I-I’m sorry Levi.” You whisper again as he hovers above you. 
“I don’t know if you deserve it now.” He muses, his left hand drifting between your bodies and underneath the waistband of your pants. His fingers quickly find your clit and begin to rub circles onto it. You moan wantonly, your back arching up into Levi. “Please Levi, baby please.” You beg shamelessly, your eyes squeezed shut. Levi’s fingers pinch your clit, causing you to cry out as your hands wind around his shoulders. Levi’s right arm winds around your waist as you cry out and writhe underneath him. Quickly he slides 2 fingers into your wet pussy, and you released a high pitched cry as he began to roughly thrust his fingers into you. “Tell me what you want Y/N, tell me what you need.” Levi says, still managing to keep his composure. 
“Y-You Captain! I need your cock Levi, please.” You beg, tears springing in your eyes as he continues to thrust his fingers into you. Leave leaned back on his heels as he pulled away from you, his hands reaching down to his belt. Your body buzzed in anticipation as Levi pulled his belt from his pants, his hand reaching in to free his cock. You quickly wriggle out of your pants, your entire body screaming to have his cock inside you right now. You spread your thighs open for him, “are you ready for me?” Levi asks and you frantically nod, wriggling your hips and clenching around nothing. You desperately need to be filled and stretched open with his cock. “Yes Levi, hurry please baby.” Levi bites back a groan upon hearing your desperate pleas for him. 
Levi lines himself up with your entrance, gently sliding his head inside you. You still grit your teeth at the stretch as he gently works himself inside your tight heat. “Oh God Levi,” you gasp as you wind your arms around his chest, burying your face into his neck. Levi groans softly upon feeling your tight heat clamp around him and squeeze him tightly, even though he just fucked you open last night, he still forgot how tight you are. Your mouth hangs open as Levi bottoms out, your hands clawing at his back and your teeth gently sinking into his shoulder. Levi pulls his hips back and slides back into you, picking up speed as you moan softly. “Fuck Levi, I would never dream of cheating on you. I can’t live without your cock,” You cry out, and Levi smirks smugly as he continues to drill into you. 
Levi reaches down to thumb your clit and as soon as he does you’re coming undone around him, pushing him to his own release. You clamp tightly around him as he thrusts into you, to ride out both of your orgasms. Levi’s forehead rests against yours for a second before he pulls out of you with a wince. Levi presses a long kiss to your forehead before a knock on his office door draws his attention. A smirk slides onto his face as he stands, and tucks himself back into his pants. He gently lays a sheet over you, his heart swelling when he sees you asleep already. Your bare back is still exposed as he heads to his office, being sure to leave the door open. When Levi opens his office door, Ian is stood on the outside. 
“You summoned me Captain?” He asks and Levi waves him inside. In an instant, Ian’s eyes land on your half-naked sleeping body, curled on Levi’s bed. “If you ever attempt to force her to do anything again I will personally execute you myself is that understood?” Levi said lowly, a dark look crossing onto his face as he glowers at Ian. Ian nodded quickly, his face pale as he did his best to keep his eyes focused straight ahead at Levi and not at you, sleeping naked in his bed. “Good, now if you don’t mind- I have some other business to attend to.” He says casually, turning back into his bedroom and closing the door to his office behind him. 
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pagesoflauren · 5 years ago
The Highest Bidder Ch. 3 (Ransom Drysdale x reader; sugar daddy!AU)
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Summary: A graduate-level education is a costly pursuit. When you move out of state to study in Boston, expenses pile up, leading you to auction off what is apparently your most valuable asset: your virginity. It goes to the highest bidder…who happens to be Ransom Drysdale.
There are no major spoilers for Knives Out. Consider this as an alternate timeline. There will be references to the movie/its characters. This chapter contains some dynamics of the Thrombey family that are revealed in the movie, which--as someone who has seen the movies multiple times--I personally consider to be very minor spoilers. Please read at your own risk.
Warnings: loss of virginity, explicit sexual content/smut, angst, sugar daddy/baby arrangement, dark elements, dubcon, cliffhangers, minor spoilers for Knives Out, swearing, Ransom is an asshole (more to add and if you spot any that I’ve missed, please kindly let me know!)
A/N: Thanks for being super patient while I worked on this! This one’s mostly plot, so I promise the next one will be smutty 😏
Series Masterlist
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Ransom slams the door of his car as he sits in the driver’s seat.
His fucking family.
There was meant to be a “pleasant Sunday brunch-adjacent get-together” for the release party of Harlan’s newest book. His family is never pleasant no matter what day they gather, so Ransom should’ve known it would’ve turned into a shitshow. 
Walt had been parading around boasting about how proud he was of “his and dad’s new book” to anyone outside of the family who would listen. Ransom’s father decided to pick a little fight with him, despite his mother’s urging not to. 
“But they aren’t your books, are they Walt?” Richard taunted, “They’re Harlan’s books.”
Ransom had parked himself right at the refreshments table, nudging the platter of breakfast pastries closer to himself. He idly picked up a croissant and nibbled as he watched everything unfold. “Shit stirring prick,” Meg muttered as she grabbed a cup of coffee. 
“This is all them, Meggy,” he said, his mouth full of soft, buttery croissant flakes. “I’m just getting a front row seat for the entertainment.”
Meg rolled her eyes and walked away. Walt had smiled simply before replying. “Of course, Richard. Just like how the real estate company is Linda’s, not yours.”
Linda then elbowed Richard, a hard signal to defend himself from her little brother’s jab like the “proud husband” he’s supposed to be.
“At least Linda was able to build something on her own.” Ransom rolled his eyes at that statement while his mother patted his father on the shoulder. 
“Only because dad was generous enough to loan her a million dollars to build that company.”
Ransom dipped his croissant into his coffee and smirked as he chewed. When his father didn’t say anything, his mother blew her cap at both of them. 
It started out relatively quiet before escalating into a full on spectacle. Across the room, Ransom saw Harlan exchange a look with Marta, his nurse, before completely ignoring the situation and returning to the conversation he was having with a guest. 
“You can’t say shit, Richard, you’re getting nothing from his family!”
Ransom laughed loudly at the truth in that declaration. The three pairs of eyes turned and fingers pointed at him before insults were spewed his way. 
Rolling his eyes, he let them at him, not caring what they were saying. It was all true. He was a little piece of shit, an entitled prick, he was all of it. 
Because of them.
Leaving his half eaten croissant in his coffee cup, he placed it on the table and coolly sauntered across the room, slander following him all the way until it was directed back within the group. 
Ransom had grabbed a copy of the book, given his granddad a nod of acknowledgement as a goodbye, then left. If he listened hard enough, he could hear the yelling all the way from the parking lot. Harlan looked a little disappointed as he left. 
What did Harlan ever do for him anyway, besides give him a generous monthly allowance? What did his parents ever do for him? His mother spent her days running a real estate company while his father devoted his time to doing everything he could to get his hands on some of that money. 
And where did Ransom fall in all of this? 
Nobody actually cared about him. They shut him up with money and invited him to parties to make him feel like he was part of something. In reality, his family was nothing to be a part of. There wasn’t anything to them. Just a pile of mystery novels that turned words into money and fed it to hungry beasts. And Ransom was one of them. 
That’s what he was, that’s what he was always meant to be. His mother never let him be a kid. When the grass was bright green after all the snow melted and Ransom rolled around, staining his crisp private school uniform with virescent splotches, she yelled at him. When she instructed her husband to continue the scolding, he gave a half-assed, “Don’t do it again.” The day was ruined after that. 
And somehow, in the moment when he breathed in your perfume, he remembered one of the few moments where he was content: watching the world spin as the sky was down and the ground was up and the conifers looked like stalactites in a strange cave. 
He loved remembering that. And it terrified him. The second he started remembering the brief golden moments of his childhood, he knew it was best to get himself off as soon as possible and take off. He’d hold on to memories of how you felt around his cock for when he couldn’t get between a girl’s legs. 
He’ll never admit to anyone how often he thinks of you and the time he spent sharing a bed with you. 
Shaking his head and starting the car, he pulled away from the party venue and drove through the city. At a stoplight, he picks up the hefty novel and flips it to the back cover.
He reads something about a statue and a dead art historian. Rolling his eyes, already disinterested, he throws the book back on the seat. 
Passing through the university area, Ransom decides to grab a cup of coffee. He pulls into a parking spot, ignoring the blinking red light of the meter as he gets out to enter the cafe. 
He does a double take when he sees you exiting with a man. You look completely different: your hair is in a messy ponytail and your makeup is more natural, focusing on accentuating your features instead of looking glamorous. You’re donning a sweater with the name of the university just across the street. 
He’s rendered immobile at the sight of you. His thoughts come crashing down on him like an avalanche.
It’s been nearly two months since that night. He’s filled the days and weeks between now and then with various girls, all of whom were confident and sexy and unafraid to match his pace in bed. He could have any one of them at his doorstep with a snap of his fingers. 
So why is he suddenly frozen, watching you and some guy walk down the street? 
It was ridiculous, really, how much he had dreamt of your encounter, tried to recall your smell and the taste of your skin. He hates that he never got a sample from between your legs. He’d been so caught up in how you felt around his finger that it went straight to his cock and he just had to be inside you. 
He’s never been so caught up on anyone before. 
When he drinks whiskey, he sees you, turning in your dress and heels. He wonders if maybe he could see you again, maybe you’d be more confident, maybe more experienced…
Have you slept with anyone since July? Have you slept with the guy you’re with now?
His wonder causes him to mindlessly follow after you, sights set on the bright scrunchie that keeps your hair together as he imagines you underneath the guy you’re walking with, crying out as he thrusts into you…
Ransom doesn’t like the idea of that. He hates it, shakes his head to dispel it from his brain. Then he stops suddenly. 
But what does it matter? You weren’t anyone to him, just some girl on a website who auctioned your virginity and he bought it. He didn’t buy you. You weren’t his to own.
He’d be lying if he said he felt he got his money’s worth though. 
When he thinks about that night, besides all the erotic images of your face and how you felt wrapped so tightly around him, there was something underneath the heat and lust he felt. He saw curiosity come across your face multiple times that night and he felt the same. 
He wanted to know what you’d look like on top. He wanted to know what you tasted like (he still hates himself for not taking the opportunity). He wanted to know what sounds you’d make when he went rough. He wanted to know how you sounded when you let yourself succumb to complete, unrestrained pleasure. 
He knew you were holding back, he saw the terror that came across your face when you looked at his size. You barely even touched him. God, how would you touch him? How would your hands feel on him, running over his skin? 
There were so many things he wanted to know about you, so many things he wanted to watch you do. 
It terrified him to remember the brief blissful moments of his childhood while he was with you, and that’s why he left so quickly. But one night with you wasn’t enough.
The thought propels him forward, stepping after you again once he spies your scrunchie again. 
You’re turning a corner; he needs to catch up. His pace quickens. 
When has he ever chased a girl before?
As he rounds the corner, Ransom sees you stepping into a shop, appearing to playfully curtsey as the man holds the door open for you. He slows down a little, wanting it to appear as if he’s casually walking around. When he reaches the shop, he realizes it’s a used bookstore. 
Maybe I can grab Harlan’s book and pretend I’m selling it.
He decides against it though. He doesn’t want to risk you getting away from him. He enters the shop and immediately goes for the taller shelves to conceal himself from plain view. Peeking between the tops of the books and the next shelf above it, he spots you. You’re near the back, looking at the large, brightly colored children’s books. 
Shit, did he get you pregnant?! 
Ransom shakes his head then smiles to himself; he remembers hearing you gasp when he rolled a condom onto himself. He feels his cock twitch at the memory. 
“God, it’s so ridiculous that we have to buy our own books for clinicals,” he hears you gripe. 
“Yeah, but it’s good practice for when we’re actually in the field,” the man nudges you with his elbow, “We’re gonna have to figure out which books will suit clients’ interest and all.” 
“Yeah, I guess. I just wish I didn’t have to do this before work tonight.”
“Don’t you work at eight, though?”
Work? Why are you working when he gave you so much money?
“Yeah, but it’s less time preparing for seminar tomorrow. Not to mention the paper for fluency. Ugh, being a grad student is so hard, Toby,” you moan, leaning your forehead on his shoulder.
A hot puff of air shoots out from Ransom’s nose.
“Oh, stop it, you big baby. C’mon. It’s barely past one. We’re gonna get this done, then go back to my place and study a little. And remember why we’re doing this?” he asks, turning so his front is facing you. Your head sags for a moment, having leaned the weight of your skull on him before your neck straightens. 
“To help kids become better communicators,” you say together, as if it’s a mantra. 
“Exactly,” the man--Toby--smiles. “Besides, it’s Sunday. I’m pretty sure the diner won’t be super crowded like it was for me last night. If anything, it’s crowded with people trying to cure their hangovers right now. Then, when the diner’s empty, you can study. It’s just on the next block over, anyway. They know you’re a student, so I don’t think they’ll kick up a fuss if you crack open a notebook. It’s just you and the cook, too, right?”
You hum in affirmation as you pick up a book and tuck it under your arm. 
“So, that just shows they know nobody’s gonna be there! You’re golden!” 
You giggle as you swat his hand away when he makes to pinch you. Ransom leans forward into the bookcase in an attempt to get closer to you, enchanted by the sound. 
What the hell has gotten into him?!
“Sir, can I help you find something?” a store associate startles him.
“What--no, no. Absolutely not,” Ransom spews, fumbling around with his hands trying to look inconspicuous. His leather jacket squeaks with his movements. The associate looks confused, tilting their head as they watch him. 
“I’m just leaving,” he shakes his head, making his way to storm out the door. 
He makes his way back to his car, taking note of the diner Toby was talking about. It really was on the next block over, hard to miss with a gaudy 50s-style neon green light-up sign and fluorescent pink lettering.
Ransom smiles to himself as he makes his way back to his car. He knows exactly what to do.
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The lighting in the diner is harsh against Ransom’s eyes and he blinks a little as he gets out of his car. It’s just before midnight and the streets are empty, save for a few students who are walking into the coffeeshop and drugstores around the block. Stepping in, checkered black and light gray tiles lay on the floor, though he’s certain the gray tiles are supposed to be white. There’s a counter with a bunch of red cushioned stools and booths all around the wall. 
“Evenin’ son,” the cook says as he peeks through the window on the wall beyond the counter. “You just take a seat right up here and our hostess will be right out.”
The man turns away and shouts your name.
Ransom smirks at the sound of your name, perching himself on a stool and immediately getting comfortable. The only thing that would make this better would be if the stools had backs so he could put his feet up. Instead, he rests his elbow on the counter and waits for you to come.
The kitchen door swings open.
“Sorry to keep you waiting--” your sentence stops short and he smiles deviously at you.
You’re in the same makeup and ponytail from earlier, though this time a pen is nestled where your hair is gathered, kept in place by the scrunchie you’ve been wearing. Instead of your university sweatshirt, you’re sporting a denim blue button up waitress dress, complete with a sewn on oval white patch with your name stitched into it. There’s a white apron tied around your waist. 
His smirk deepens more. If anything, this is almost like the start to a bad porn film. One where he’d bend you over the counter and--
“Hi, Ransom,” you greet him, interrupting his almost fantasy. 
“Hey,” he nods, so satisfied in your surprised expression. 
You awkwardly place the menu in front of him and wring your hands a little.
“Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee?”
Ransom hums, pink lips puckering before he answers, “Hot chocolate, actually.”
Your nod is a little perplexed. “Okay, right. I’ll go get that for you.”
You turn to the espresso machine behind you and Ransom likes the view of your ass he’s treated to as he opens the menu. Once he’s decided, he looks up, seeing your back still turned to him as you watch hot chocolate trickle into a mug. He knows it can’t be that interesting.
“Hey,” he calls, disrupting your focus.
You whirl around, ponytail whipping about with the movement of your head. “Huh?”
“I’m ready,” he says, holding up the menu.
“Oh,” you reach into the pocket of your apron and pull out a notepad before plucking the pen from your hair. “What’ll it be?”
He multitasks, reciting his order and watching you at the same time. You seem to be avoiding looking at him, even when you ask him to clarify what bread he wants for his toast. Your eyes briefly dart up from your notepad to his face when you repeat his order.
When he hums in affirmation that you got his order correct, your movements seem to buffer. 
Got her, he thinks. 
You rip the sheet from the pad and hand it to the cook.
“Man, Monte Cristo crepes? At this time of night?”  the man whines.
Ransom gives an apathetic shrug.
“Well, alright then. You better tip our little miss here well so that she can split it with me.”
Ransom watches as you press your palm into your forehead, probably cringing at the idea of him tipping you after he paid you $50,000. 
You turn back to the espresso machine and grab the mug, carefully carrying it to him.
“Whipped cream?” you offer, taking out the silver canister from the fridge underneath the counter. 
“No,” he shakes his head, “I’d prefer having that in the bedroom.” 
You seem to huff a laugh at that and you put the canister back where it belongs. 
He takes a sip, then his face scrunches. 
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Is this imported?” 
It appears you can’t help the bewildered smile that comes across your face. “Um, I don’t know where it’s from, but I don’t think it’s imported.”
“Oh.” He gives an experimental sip, holding the liquid in his mouth before he swallows.
“Is it okay?” you ask.
So you’re a people pleaser… or you’re just a waitress trying to make sure your customer’s satisfied.
“Yeah, it’s acceptable.”
“Oh, good,” you smile, relieved. 
He only nods and turns his attention to the rest of the diner. It really is only the three of you there. Again, the idea of this situation being like a bad porno crosses Ransom’s mind. 
When he looks at you again, you’re cleaning the coffee machine.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Cleaning the coffee machine.”
“No, what are you doing here?”
You turn to look at him. “I’m working…?”
“Well, I can see that, but I gave you fifty grand.” 
Your head whips to look over at the cook. Ransom’s eyes follow, seeing he’s occupied at the stove. He didn’t appear to hear anything. “Fifty grand’s not nothing. Did they not send you the payment?”
“You know, I could ask you what you’re doing here, too. I didn’t pin you as someone who lived in the university area,” you say, changing the subject. 
“I don’t live around here.”
“Then what are you doing here?”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
Your eyes narrow. He can see you’re strategizing. 
“If I answer your questions, will you answer mine?”
“Sure,” Ransom relaxes as much as he can, though he has to be honest, the stool doesn’t give him that much lounging real estate. 
“They sent me the payment.”
“So, why are you working?”
“I go to school across the street. The money you gave me is enough to pay for the tuition costs not covered by financial aid. But I need to pay for books and rent and groceries. And it’ll be four more semesters until I finish my degree, so I’ll need a little more than what you gave me to keep my head above water.”
So that’s why you thanked him. He helped pay for your education. 
He nods, sipping his chocolate. As a plot forms in his head, he has to admit, for some cheap, unimported trash, it’s growing on him. Said plot would involve him getting what he wants from you and you no longer needing to work in this dump. He goes to open his mouth and you turn with a smile of your own. 
“You said if I answer your questions, then you’d answer mine.” 
“And if I don’t answer your question?” he challenges. 
You smile. “Then this conversation is over.”
You raise your eyebrows expectantly at him and he shakes his head, giving a half-shrug. 
“Just here to grab some Monte Cristo crepes and kill a craving,” he lies. Maybe the craving part is true, though. 
You hum in acknowledgement, though he’s not sure you fully accept his answer. Taking the towels you used to clean the coffee machine, you disappear into the back. When you return, you’re holding a notebook. 
“How long have you been working here?” 
“Why do you care?”
“Just trying to make conversation,” he feigns innocence.
“You don’t strike me as the kind of man who does that.”
Ah, so suddenly you have the ability to get a read on people? What other things does he not know about you? Your encounter at the hotel made him think you were some naive young woman who was sheltered all her life. In the fifteen minutes he’s been here, you’re showing him you’re anything but.
What else is there to discover about you? he wonders.
“I’m just asking because I might be able to help you. Financially.”
“Ransom, I have nothing else left to offer,” you say. 
So you think.
“And your payment was more than generous.”
The cook calls to you and places a plate on the kitchen window sill. You grab it and set Ransom’s order in front of him.
“Anything else I can get you?”
“Nothing...for now,” he remarks suggestively. 
You nod once and open your notebook. As Ransom revels in the cheesy goodness of the crepes in front of him, he watches you quickly jot down things onto the paper and listens to you mutter to yourself. 
As he scarfs down all the greasy morsels and chases each bite with hot chocolate, he considers badgering you more. But seeing how stressed you look, he decides to back off. 
If you were his mother, on the other hand…
When he’s done, he snaps his fingers at you. You look unamused at the gesture but clear his plate anyway. You bring it back to the kitchen. He hears some chatter and the sink running before you return and stand at the register. He’s again treated to a view of your ass as you shift from one foot to another while processing the transaction. 
“I’m taking fifteen,” the cook calls to you.
“Alright,” you shout back, tearing away his receipt and Ransom’s ready with a couple bills. 
“Just keep the change,” he winks at you. “Well, maybe give some of it to your grumpy cook.”
He likes the way you laugh at his comment. 
“Thanks,” you smile at him again. “See you...whenever, I guess.”
“Actually,” he begins, “about that help I can give you…”
You sigh. “I already told you, there’s nothing else I can offer you. You,” he watches as you pause and laugh humorlessly,” You paid for my virginity and you got it. Unless you have a kid who needs help with reading or writing, I don’t think--”
“I’m not paying you to tutor anyone.” Ransom bites the inside of his cheek as he smiles at himself. 
Maybe you can help Walt with some comprehension issues.
“I was thinking...you and I can come to some sort of arrangement.”
“‘Arrangement’?” You lean against the counter with the espresso machine, arms folded across your chest as you face him. 
“Yeah. You live with me, I cover whatever other living costs you need. And you,” he says, one corner of his mouth curls up wickedly as he leans his arms on the counter in an attempt to get closer to you, “You keep me entertained.”
The way your eyes widen slightly at the word “entertained” tells him you know exactly what he means. 
“I don’t think so,” you scoff, shaking your head and walking to retrieve your notebook.
Well, that wasn’t the answer he was expecting. 
“Excuse me?” he asks, appalled. His eyes follow your figure walking to the other side of the counter. 
“I don’t think so,” you repeat plainly.
What even is this? He’s never been rejected by a woman before. They fell at his feet all the time. There were some that played hard to get, but they always came crawling to him in the end. 
He has to admit, though, he does like this side of you. 
“Why not?” he presses.
You look around as if to check if anyone’s around to hear you. “I didn’t even orgasm, Ransom,” you laugh. “I’d rather rough it and have a job here instead of entering an arrangement where I’m not going to get something out of it.”
“You’re getting something out of it,” Ransom says, standing up to follow you across the counter. “I told you, I’ll cover your living costs.”
“I mean something pleasurable, you doofus.”
You turn to go into the kitchen. 
Normally, Ransom isn’t a man who begs. But he always gets what he wants. And hell, he wants you and all the memories you bring back to him. He wants to uncover you layer by layer until he reaches your very core and knows you inside and out.
God, what is this mushy stuff he’s thinking right now?
“Whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait,” he says. “You didn’t…? And because of that you don’t wanna do this?”
“Listen, I can make you cum,” he states firmly, index finger pressing into the countertop as if to make his point.
“You don’t need to get so worked up over this, Ransom,” he scowls when you laugh at him, “You’re a handsome guy. I’m sure there’s plenty of other girls who will gladly take you up on your offer.”
Somehow, you calling him handsome doesn’t stroke his ego. Rather, it feels insulting. This is you letting him down easy. 
Fuck no.
“I don’t want the other girls.”
“Is that to suggest you want me?” you inquire. 
“The arrangement isn’t going to benefit just me in bed,” he changes the subject. 
“Oh, it wouldn’t?” you say, unimpressed again. 
His smirk mirrors yours. 
If it’s a game you want to play, game on.
“How about a deal?” 
Your eyes narrow. “What kind of deal?”
He rests his forearms on the counter this time. “I make you cum, you enter this arrangement with me. If not, you never have to see me again.”
He can see the gears turning in your head.
“Three,” you say.
“Sorry, what?” he shakes his head, confused.
“I wanna cum three times,” you tell him. 
He chuckles to himself. He likes that you’re not afraid to say what you want. Besides, another night with you would mean he gets his $50,000 worth. 
“Well, then, Ransom, you got yourself a deal.” You offer your hand for him to shake.
Taking your hand, he yanks you towards him so you’re right up against the counter. He leans forward, your faces less than an inch apart. That glint of nervousness flashes in your eyes again and again, he chuckles.
“No. I got you.”
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Permatag: @caffiend-queen @fckdeusername @lou-la-lou @bangtan-serendipity
Chris tag: @onetwo3000 @patzammit
Ransom tag: @jeremyrennermakesmesmile
Highest Bidder Taglist: @imanuglywombat @sapphirescrolls @just-another-wretched-egg @ladynightshade30 @angstsfordays @icanfeelastormbrewing @buckysteveloki-me @what-is-your-plan-today @iloganjade @twittytelly @xoxabs88xox @an-awkward-human-1 @fanfiction-trashpile @jtargaryen18 @donutloverxo @meaganottiz02 @princess-evans-addict @kianifan @asiaaisa77 @kelbabyblue @my-emotional-self @saiyanprincessswanie @random-things-i-love @captainchrisstan @daugtherofthenight117 @buchanansebba @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @andiebell2023 @avengerraven1023 @dahkness @thatonefangirl111 @sllooney @sheerfreesia007 @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @suzieqsez @farremoved @edge-ofparadise @bellaireland1981 @myoxisbroken @tinystudentfirepurse @opheliadawnwalker3 @starstruckghostmoneyduck @siggy85 @thatweirdwalangpake @captain-asthmatic @mery-be @isaxhorror @everythingisoverrated @imboredat2am @tsunderebae009 @arseofrivia @alexakeyloveloki @rayofdawnworld @heyarely16 @empower-bi-women @buckaro0 @readermia @bubbaduck33 @ssworldofsw @woah-kanda @itgetsdarksometimes35 @pinkshenanigan @sweetwaterprincess​
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