#ignore me im putting all my thoughts together for season 2
yourmomni · 1 year
Jake thoughts...💭
Yall enjoy 😇
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Argument pt2
This is another situation and how jake and you get into a serious argument
We all know when Jake does something he puts his whole heart into it no matter what it is . But I feel like he would be to invested into one thing that he forgets about the one thing that actually matters
Like he's trying his best for you but you're missing him physically
You slammed the door in his face kicking your shoes off your feet
He opened the glaring at the back of my head
" real fucking mature y/n" you completely ignored him slamming your clutch on the counter by the door and storming farther into the house
Jake isn't known to egg on an argument but in this situation he wanted all the smoke
He followed after you hot on your heels
" I can't believe you acted like such a dick especially in front of my family." You swugged opening the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water
" I couldn't decline a work call especially when we're in our business season."
You huffed and poured the water in a glass. " All I asked was for an evening with my husband, a calm peaceful non-working evening."
To be honest you've never been this mad at him before for as long as y'all been together
" and instead he decided to sneak off into the man's room and hold a meeting." You threw the bottle in the trash
" Babe I know you're mad but -" you cut him off " You think I'm mad jaeyun Im way past mad okay mad is letting you sleep on the couch I'm freaking furious with you right now I'd rather you sleep outside then anywhere else." You snatched the cup and began walking up the stairs to your room
" Okay you definitely overreacting." You flung around staring him dead in the eyes. " overreacting." You started walking down the stairs and he started backing up
" I spent months trying to have my parents here to have my husband OFF of work so they can spend time together."
He visibly swallowed his spit. " and my husband literally leaves to handle some business for not 1 not 2 but 3 damn hours." He looked away from you clenching his jaw
" Then that's not even the icing on the cake " You pushed his shoulder. " You have the nerve to compare me to the other wives you argued with my father and brother and you completely ignored my mother ."
Jake huffed " it was just to make conversation and I didn't-" you stopped him again
" Jake, I don't know what you think this is." You motioned towards him and you." But I'm your wife, I'm not your girlfriend, I'm not your side hoe or whatever I'm your wife. You made an oath to me when I walked down that aisle that you would protect me from anything and everything and to also appreciate me for who i am today, I didn't feel protected nor appreciated."
You whipped your eyes quickly " you humiliated me in front of my parents and in front of our friends."
He scoffed. " I'm the only one making the money in this house so I'm sorry if I jump at every opportunity that's thrown at me. I do it for you. I do it so you can live in this beautiful house and wear designer clothes and be able to plan as many parties as your little heart desires"
You gasped. " I never wanted this!" I cried out. " your the money hungry one so don't spin it on me you're the one who couldn't see that i would have been with you no matter what. You're the one that decided to take over your dads company" The tears were now pouring out of my eyes.
" All I wanted was a life with you, that's it, nothing more. I just wanted to be with you."
He was biting the inside of his cheek. " now i can't even look at you." You ran up the stairs to your room slamming the door leaving jake on the stairs.
He huffed grabbing the railing and sitting down on the steps. She'll get over it. He thought
Oh he was so wrong
When y/n said they were furious she meant it.
That night Jake slept on the couch but not the one in the living room, the one in the guesthouse that was outside.
Y/n meant what she said, he was lucky enough she allowed him to even sleep on the couch
When Jake woke up he was still wearing his dress shirt from the night before and boxers. She wouldn't even let him back into the main house to take a shower
Jake knew he was fucked.
He stretched and felt the pain in his back hurt more with ever reaching. He got up and walked towards the main house he rushed pass the pool and too the slide door pulling on it but it didn't move
" She has to be joking right now."
She locked him out.
He was wearing a shirt and some boxers and his wife locked him outside at 8 o'clock in the morning
The worst part of all was that he could see through the house from where he was standing and the kitchen was in full view
And so was his wife
Standing their all pretty making herself some coffee in an oversized shirt and panties
Was she teasing him right now?
" Baby open the door."
She looked at him with the most innocent glance sweetly waving to him
" Good morning babe I would ask how you slept but I can see it all over you."
She smirked leaning on the counter with 2 mugs in her hand sitting one beside her
On it read " I'm the boss." It was Jake's mug
" Do you think it's funny to lock me out of my own house?" She nodded
" I find it very humorous." She sipped the coffee out of her mug that had a picture of him and her on it from their honeymoon
Thunder was heard over him and he looked up at the sky. It was a soft Gray which meant rain would come any second
" Okay okay what do you, you want the Prada bag I said no to last week or that Black BMW."
I rolled my eyes. " Jake, you still haven't learned anything. You can't buy me."
He anxiously looked up at the sky." No no I listened i did but you don't understand honey it's going to rain and I have an Important meeting today at 3 that I have to make and I'm no help if I'm sick."
You groaned, slamming your mug on the table. " See your job is still your number 1 priority you learned nothing from last night"
You crossed your arms looking at him. He was biting his lips. " Yeah figure out how to get inside yourself I'm going back to sleep."
His eyes widded "Wait baby no don't go please" She walked up the stairs disappearing from his view sending him a flying kiss as she closed the door to the room
" No no no no." He slammed his fist to the door. His forehead rested on the glass cursing himself for being such an idiot
His blonde locks covering his eyes now as he looked up at the sky and felt the first drop of rain hit his cheek
Then it started pouring
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ardentpoop · 2 months
Im curious so I got to ask you what do you think about the whole sam not looking for Kevin thing? Is it in character or out? Is it just poor writing? Do you hold Sam accountable for that to an extent? I personally found the writing to be contrived and that it was just put there for conflict. But I do think Sam did make mistake, and I think Sam knows it to. But it is understandable to some extent because Sam literally had no one to help take on the literal ruler of hell and it’s not like he intentionally ignored Kevin’s calls. My personal gripes with the whole not looking for Kevin is that the fandom blows it out of proportion and it’s just always endlessly brought up. But in the show it’s really no big deal. Kevin forgives Sam very easily and doesn’t seem that bothered by it. He understands and they move on quickly.
doesn’t do much for me one way or another lol. the fandom is, as usual, thoughtless, and buying dean’s biased perspective on everything uncritically. dean used sam forgetting abt kevin as one reason to berate him bc what he was actually angry at sam for was him Selfishly Running Away from hunting (read: leaving the murder cult when he thought dean was dead after he DID try looking for him but had no reason to suspect he was stuck in purgatory.)
like you’re telling me dean suddenly genuinely cares abt kevin’s well-being at the precise moment he’s furious w/ sam for returning to a version of his pre-series mindset where walking away from hunting(/dean) is a viable option that he’s actually motivated to take? DEAN???? dean “when’s that little idiot gonna stop running from us” winchester, who responded to sam’s “well you did try to kill his mother” with “she was possessed! it’s different.” and who encouraged and enabled kevin to burn himself out translating the tablets because “play through the pain”? ok fandom. whatever.
anyway I have no interest in defending sam for not helping kevin while dean was gone because it is 1) not compelling to me outside of it being used by dean - and by extension the fandom - to punish sam, and 2) it is kind of the point that anyone who gets close to these two by “joining the hunt” gets royally fucked over. like it’s an intentional part of the story. it is even outright stated through dialogue numerous times. AND 3) to be clear kevin shouldn’t have forgiven sam OR dean he would’ve been right to hate them viciously for what they did to him together. I personally am more disapproving of dean’s role than sam’s bc as usual for mid-to-late-seasons supernatural sam’s role was passive and dean’s was active. but it was all bad - this is key.
ultimately though I fucking loathed this discourse when it was popping up everywhere after the season originally aired and I fucking loathe it today given ppl are still regurgitating the same empty talking points to bash sam while praising dean. my bigger concern is with understanding sam’s mindset shift over the course of s8 because it is fascinating and heartbreaking and one of the most thoroughly misinterpreted arcs in the show.
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risibledeer · 2 months
sorry but this isnt a req but what are your top 5 animes/mangas?
*tucks hair behind my ear* why i thought you'd never ask
!. COFFEE JELLLY SUPREMACY (even tho i hate coffee hahaha) Saiki k ofc, there's a reason he's my pfp loll.
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2. Komi can't communicate -i fell in love with anime on this one, like i watched it occasionally before that but KCC is perfection.Also helps that i'm also pretty socially awkward lol. i really wishe we'd get another season so we can see manbagi animated.
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3.MHA! This is a very basic starter anime but the chisaki fight is a core memory for me alright? also spoilers but the newest episode ripped my heart out even tho i've read the manga lol. Im a multi shipper for this one, like i really like bkdk but also tddk is cute but izuocha is my first love and we're still going strong and then also tho tsuchako?? and kacchako?? but ig my favourite pairing is shinjirou (i still like shinkami and momojirou tho)
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4. i would say spy x family, but it seems wrong putting it in fourth place its just so freaking good. let's just say this is the only anime that i want merch for desperately, i've read the manga way too many times lol. also franky and nightfall should get together. who said that?
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5.Blue period-it's just really good tbh, and i related to it a lott, cuz all Yatora does is cry, paint, study and feel insecure lol.
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OH wait! KOTARO LIVES ALONE- It's actually awesome GO WATCH IT NOW please
oh gosh, ok wait i just remembered Little witch Academia, i can never choose between diakko and andrakko, love them both. and sucy is me irl lol. this was my baby's first anime btw lol. i lied i want merch for this too.
I loved violet evergarden, course the whole age gap thing is weird imo but i could ignore it, I watch this when I wanna cry lol.
honestly you're asking me to choose between my kids, and im incredibly indecisive T-T but y'know love is infinite there's enuf for everyone, and I don't have a favourite child. saiki
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genderqueeradrien · 1 year
ADRIEN AGRESTE BPD CODED? explain pls <- going O.O slash pos
ok so !!! this turned into an ESSAY i'm so sorry i've been thinking about this for ages and haven't put my thoughts on paper together yet so this is me doing that. also disclaimer irl at least in the us people usually cant get diagnosed with bpd until theyre atbut this is a french kid's show about magic superheroes so i'm ignoring a bit of real-world logistics for the sake of analysis. also, i'm starting with things that ARENT kuro neko specific but trust me we'll get to her.
warning: really long post. actual warning: there's mentions of self harm, talk of suicide and metaphorical suicide, and some discussion of canonical abuse + coping mechanisms. generally lots of mental illness stuff
(also in case the readmore breaks at some point im putting this here bc i want to have it saved Somewhere)
[blank paragraph in case the readmore eats the first paragraph. i love this website]
some bpd symptoms i see in adrien/chat noir:
identity disturbance, markedly/persistently unstable self-image/sense of self: there's been several times here adrien talks about wondering whether adrien or chat noir is his "true self," which is super interesting to me bc i (dissociative disorder haver) used to angst about that exact thing (though his situation is definitely different on account of being a superhero lol). there's also the fact that he doesn't have any idea who he is or what he wants to do with his future, and his mind goes blank whenever he thinks about it, which aligns with the difficulties in committing to goals/jobs often seen in bpd
potentially self-damaging impulsive behavior: he's always sacrificing himself for ladybug- here's 2 minutes straight of him doing it in timebreaker, dark cupid, zombizou, chameleon, gorilla, and gamer 2.0. he also does it in lies, reverser, and the shangai special, and probably several more. imo as well as showing an intense attachment to ladybug, it also shows a lack of regard for his own health and wellbeing :( not to mention all the times he runs to fight akumas with no plans or tries to fight them on a broken ankle or other general recklessness
suicidal or self harming behavior: i know this is a stretch but this is a kid's show so we're probably not going to like. see any of that onscreen in a literal sense. but i do feel like some of the times where he sacrifices himself over and over could count. because no matter how much he trusts ladybug there's no guarantee she'll be able to fix everything, and he's immediately willing to die/be teleported into a shadow realm/turned into a kissing zombie/despawn/etc despite that. also he tried to cataclysm himself during guiltrip, tho that was bc of an akuma (although akumas do generally amplify preexisting emotions)
inappropriate/intense/difficult to control anger: trying to cataclysm kim because he played a mean prank on marinette is the first thing i think of. i feel like he definitely tends to suppress anger until it bubbles up and explodes, like in representation when he's going off on his dad about his parenting being shitty, which, while justified, definitely put him in more danger of being hurt. also i know it was in an alternate timeline + he was akumatized but he DID kill everyone in the world that one time. i support him though. he's allowed to do that because i love him
a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships, splitting: prefacing this with i dont think ladybug + chat noir are in an unhealthy relationship, but i do think that sometimes the way he sees ladybug can be unhealthily idolizing, in a way that's very reminiscent of favourite persons in bpd. most of season 4 is him being in love with ladybug but feeling pushed aside, until he splits on her in kuro neko (which i'm getting to i promise. this post is way longer than i thought it'd be). there's also desperada where he spends months in a time loop trying to save her despite presumably knowing he's not the person who should be saving her right now.
stress-related paranoid ideation or dissociative symptoms: tbh i dont know much abt paranoid ideation so i won't speak on that too much, but i do think his worst fear in sandboy being ladybug being upset with him despite having never acted that way before might fall into that category? as for dissociative symptoms, aside from the identity thing i mentioned earlier, i guess the scene in kuro neko where he's sitting on his couch doing nothing except running his video game character into a wall could be him dissociating? also apparently (i havent read/seen this myself but ive heard abt it) astruc said chat noir is resistant to akumas because he's so used to disappointment, which could suggest a level of emotional numbing
when i first was watching miraculous i was kinda thinking abt adrien having bpd but i didn't have anything super solid to explain it. but it's fun for me to analyze characters' mental states and nothing explicitly contradicts it so whatever. BUT THEN. KURO NEKO.
when ladybug snaps at him he immediately jumps to the conclusion that she hates him/is tired of him (splitting, paranoid thinking)
he decides to leave, which may seem contradictory to "frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment," but pushing people away and essentially abandoning someone before they abandon you (whether or not that was actually going to happen) is a super common result of that symptom and it's what he's doing here. he thinks she doesn't need him, so before she can tell him this he leaves
he leaves his miraculous behind where someone couldve grabbed it because he felt rejected (impulsive behaviour)
then he goes home and tries to destroy all the traces of his love for ladybug, getting rid of his pictures of her on his phone and physical pictures as well (splitting, difficulty controlling anger)
when he wakes up he lies in bed, skips school, doesn't change out of his pajamas, and spends his time running his video game character into a wall. to me it looks like he's completely shut down (dissociation)/in a depressive episode
the show from the beginning sets up that being chat noir is an escape for adrien, and the beginning of season 4 really hammers that point home. we see adrien having an awful day and only finally perking up when he gets to see ladybug. so when adrien gives up his ring that's him giving up on not only himself but on a huge part of his life and one of the only parts that brings him happiness. the way he talks about giving up his ring ("i just can't do this anymore. i give up. on everything") sounds like something a suicidal person would say. this is also something he's expressed before, in syren, when he says "no one'll know if I quit. no one'll care!" (not for nothing, this also comes after him feeling rejected by ladybug). to me it feels like he's been balancing on this metaphorical-suicide metaphorical-ledge for a very long time and kuro neko is him giving up, and then realizing that giving up isn't the way to feel better. (suicidal ideation, fear of abandonment)
adrien doesn't hesitate at the idea of completely changing his personality to be who he thinks marinette wishes he was. the need to make himself into whoever he thinks will be wanted has been a running theme through his life (his childhood dream was to be whoever his parents wanted him to be), and it doesn't fully end with kuro neko- the same insecurities about not being good enough are still shown in the later half of season 5, with him telling marinette he's not worthy of her love and telling ladybug making jokes is all he was ever good for (both in revolution). (low self-esteem, fear of abandonment)
catwalker in general makes me go insane. i think a lot of catwalker comes from the persona he puts on when he's acting as adrien agreste, gabriel agreste's golden child. and i think the constant deference is also something he learned from the abuse from his father. he leans into the "fawn" coping mechanism (adapting to an abuser's wishes to appease them, denying your own needs for those of others) because it's what he's learned to do his whole life because of his father.
catwalker is like a personified fawn fear response. he's the personification of adrien's frantic attempts to avoid abandonment. he's loyal to a fault and would do whatever ladybug asked him to just to try and be good enough for her to stay. he doesn't realize that he's already good enough as adrien/chat noir, that ladybug needs him to be himself or her magic literally doesn't work. she can't do it on her own. she needs him but he's so scared she'll leave that he tries to leave first and then tries to mold himself into someone new who she could love. when he was already loved fully the whole time. aough.
some other smaller examples of his low self esteem & desperation to avoid abandonment:
trying to get good grades to impress his father and earn his love
staying friends with people and trusting them for far longer than is logical (chloé and lila)
feeling like he's not worthy of marinette's love or ladybug's partnership, feeling like he's not worthy to be a miraculous holder or that he's not helping the team, etc
the shocked relief in his eyes when ladybug says she won’t abandon him :(
when gabriel says to chat noir that his son is precious and chat/adrien looks at him Like That. yeah .
SO. YEAH. this post kinda got away from me a little bit as i defended my agresteology dissertation or whatever.
TLDR: he's impulsive and loyal to a fault, yet terrified of abandonment to the point where he tries to sabotage his relationships himself. he idolizes ladybug until he feels rejected by him, when he splits on her and becomes convinced she doesn't care about him. he has low self-worth and places a lot of his perceived worth on how (he believes) others think of him and is always striving towards that ideal even when that ideal is something he can't reach, or something that hurts him to try to reach. also i want to give him a hug and some milk and a blanket. he deserves it
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lildashofheaven1 · 2 months
“Love me Instead”
Jamie Campbell Bower x female y/n
Jamie confesses his love for y/n on the ‘happiest day of her life’
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Todays the day, im marrying mathew.
We met while i was working on sweeney todd where i played Johanna. Recently im part of the stranger things season 4 cast where i get to work with one of my best friends, Jamie Campbell bower.
Its not secret that we have a past together, we dated during filming of Sweeney Todd then we broke up after two years. We’ve kept in touch as friends however I’ve always had a thing for him.
“Knock knockkk” i heard from the other side of my hotel room door, everyone invited to the wedding has been staying at the venue which is also a hotel.
I open the door to see my bridesmaids, Maya Hawke, Millie Bobby Brown, and two childhood friends called emma and grace, as the girls walked in i saw joseph quinn and joe keery also walk in with jamie trailing behind similar to how a toddler acts when not given a toy.
“You excited?” Millie beemed up at me, throughout filming season 4 we have all become so close and i see millie as a little sister at this point.
“Yeah mathews great, i cant wait” i smiled at her as i resumed getting my and make up done.
“Never heard more bullshit” jamie scoffed to which he was met with all of us to look at him.
“Im just gonna go” jamie mumbled and left the room, why is he being so pissy?!
“Ignore him y/n, we have no clue whats up with him” joseph said smiling at me.
For a second i pondered the idea of Jamie being jealous of me and mathew, sureley not right? We broke up two years ago.
After i had gotten ready my bridesmaids left to get ready for the wedding, before the others left i said
“Joseph, would mind if i had a word?” He smiled at me and nodded while everyone else left
“Whats up?” He smiled and sat on the bed.
“Weve known each other for a while right” i said to which he nodded
“And you know how my dad isnt here today?”
“I was wondering, if you would walk me down the aisle?” I said nervously looking down at my hands
He stood up next to me and hugged me
“I would honoured to y/n, you ready for this?” He asked
“Yeah, i think, am i doing the right thing? I mean jamie always says that mathews gonna disappear as soon as he looses interest, and that hes using me and i.. i just” i cut myself off with a sigh.
“Y/n, dont let jamie decide for you, this is entirely your decision, you want me to tell you your beautiful then shove you down the aisle? Your beautiful now start walking or else, you want me to phone someone just to yell? Im your guy, you wanna freak out and call it off and run away? I have my car keys ready, this is a big decision y/n whatever you want to do, ill back you 100%” i smiled at me.
“Im ready” i said confidently and got ready to go to the ceremony
Meanwhile-Jamies pov
“ Im just gonna go” i muttered and left the room.
I walked along the hallyways until i saw my dad walking out of his room, seeing as me and y/n were so close, she grew close with my family.
“You okay son?” He asked me
I wasnt facing him,
“I love her” i blurted out, tears in my eyes
Dad just sighed,knowing the pain
“Why didnt i let her love me? I kept my gaurd up and she never felt like i heard or saw her, if she could just give me another chance, i can show her that shes my biggest priority and that i will never put work before her ever again” i ranted as he put his hand on my shoulder.
“I love her dad, please tell me its not too late” i said as he hugged me.
“You love someone, you tell them, doesnt matter if you think its going to make things 100% worse and like itll make the world explode, you love them you tell them” dad said to me as i sat and thought about what i can do.
I caught a glimpse of my watch and said “shit it starts in 2 minutes” we near enough ran to the ceremony.
Me and my dad searched to find where mum and sam were sat, we sat down with them.
“Yalright mate?” Sam asked me as i sat next to him.
I just nod, im not letting this happen.
Y/ns pov
All of the bridesmaid and groomsmen had been down the aisle and now its me and joseph turns to me
“Your ready?” I nod back as he held hands and began to walk down the aisle.
As i walked in, everyone stood up and looked towards me as i walked down in my long white dress, it was the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen, lace and sweetheart neckline with sparkles dotted through the skirt. I walked calmly while smiling, i turned slightly and saw Jamie on the seat closest to the aisle, his eyes held so much pain and hurt, and almost longing.
I looked forward and saw mathew stood looking almost bored?
I looked at jamie one more time as i got to the altar, i tried to show him that i was happy but that man knew me like the back of his hand, he could see through my charade.
“Take care of her yeah? She means so much to so many of us” joseph said sternly at Matthew, i gave him a hug as he went to sit on front row.
“If anyone has any rightful excuse as to why y/n m/n l/n and Mathew Jean Robinson shouldnt me united in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your piece” as the preacher said this jamie stood up.
Everyone looked at him and he obviously had moved before his brain caught up.
“Sit down you bastard, were happy thats all that matters!” Mathew snapped at him, as he said this i smelt the alcohol on his breathe, i looked at jamie, unable to read him.
As jamie sat back down the preacher repeated himself. “Or for ever hold your pie-“.
“I love you, y/n”
Jamie stood again and was met with everyone staring at him and gasps where heard
“I love you, i love everything about you
Even the things i dont necesarily like, i love
And i want you to be with me” his eyes watered and his voice broke slightly
“I love you since the day i met you and i will love you for for ever more”
“I love you for all the reasons that you dont love yourself. When i think of you marrying him, it breaks my heart. Lifes too short not to say that you are with the person you love”
“ i promise you, i swear to you, my love for you will never falter”
“I love you and i think that you love me?” He added
Everyone started looking at me.
I looked down but looked back up at him when he said
“Do you? Do you love me?” He said looking me in the eye, tears began falling on both of our sides.
I felt an unsteady hand shove me aside as mathew walks towards jamie saying
“Your that selfish you cant let people be in love, me and y/n are meant to be so why dont you take yourself and g-“
“ I love you Jamie!!” I yelled over mathews arguing.
Mathew swayed about next to jamie, how had no one noticed how drunk he was?!
“I love you! I love you!” I said again to jamie as he ran towards me and picked me up.
After i was in his arms he span us around while kissing.
“You bitch!! I was that close! Just marry you, divorce and i would be minted!!” Mathew yelled having an actual tantrum. Joseph looked disgusted as he and Joe Keery went to Mathew and dragged him out of the ceremony, they were later followed by Mathews family and friends.
I looked up to see Jamie’s piercing blue eyes full of love.
“Ive loved you since we were 17” i whispered to him.
“And i will love you forever more” he whispered back to me.
We kissed at the altar and Jamies dad and brother stood up cheering first.
“Shall we?” Jamie asked, nodding to the door at the back of the room.
“We shall” i smiled at him as he held his hand out for me.
We both ran out the ceremony laughing and smiling.
I texted the wedding group chat saying the after part was still on, i was getting into my second outfit, a shorter one meant for the party.
I was stood looking in the mirror when Jamie came behind me, still in his white shirt and black trousers with his black tie from earlier, and wrapped his arms snaked around me and he smiled and whispered into my neck.
“Cant wait to plan out wedding my love, thank you so much for giving me another chance”.
I looked up and said “what convinced you to speak up”.
“You love someone, you tell them, doesnt matter if you think its going to make things 100% worse and like itll make the world explode, you love them you tell them”.
We walked hand in hand to the after party, ready to spend the rest of our loves together.
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emilee-has-legs · 1 year
that one really cool sim tag thats been going around.
wasn't tagged by anyone in particular, but @loafysims and @ravensccfindss both mentioned me in this tag recently so i thought i'd give it a shot. also my need for attention is a bottomless pit so.
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1.) What’s your favourite sims death?
honestly, the classic, putting a sim in a pool and then taking out the ladder. theres no common sense to the action it's just genuinely so funny.
2.) Alpha CC or Maxis Match? 
technically im maxis mix, but i tend to lean very hard to maxis match clothing.
3.) Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
no not really. if i want them to loose weight i'll have them work out
4.) Do you use move objects?
if you dont use moveobjects, i think legally we can consider you clinically insane.
5.) Favorite mod?
this is so hard... ummmmm, probably like better build buy. i spend a good amount of time in build mode and use debug/live edit objects a ton when i build, so it's pretty useful.
6.) First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
i think it was get to work, i even bought it in a physical case thingy and i still have it lying around somewhere. (as well as seasons.)
7.) Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
LIVE mode.
8.) Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
you're asking me to pick a favorite? out of all my children?? i honestly can't pick a favorite, but here's layla, and i love her.
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9.) Have you made a simself?
yeah, i've tried on multiple occasions, but none of them have ever really captured my essence all that well. eventually i gave up and just started using my mascot sim, Nellie, for my quote-on-quote "branding"
10.) What sim traits do you give yourself?
im gonna go ahead and give myself five traits assuming we all have the "more traits in cas" mod:
creative, goofball, loves-outdoors, squeamish, foodie.
11.) Which is your favorite EA hair color?
the darkest brown swatch is my go-to.
12.) Favorite EA hair?
ima be so real rn i dont use EA hairs at all.
13.) Favorite life stage?
young adult. might be biased because that's around my age-frame
14.) Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
builder. i have the most fun in either buildmode or cas.
15.) Are you a CC creator?
not offically, but i've converted defaults and skin details for personal use before, and i've even released some load screens.
16.) Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
yeah baby, check these amazing people out.
17.) What’s your favorite game?
i cant decide, it's between the sims, halo 3, minecraft, stardew valley, and splatoon. i want to play zelda: tears of the kingdom as well, but its just not in the budget rn sadly.
18.) Do you have any sims merch?
19.) Do you have a YouTube for sims?
yeah actually, if you can ignore my 13 y.o sounding voice, check me out
20.) How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
omg so much. here are some side by side comparisons of my different eras/progression.
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(its the way the first sim looks like she could be a trademarked lego piece that gets me)
21.) What’s your Origin ID?
pretty sure its just emilee-has-legs. i have a couple of builds on the gallery if you wanna check me out, i just never posted them on here because that was before my simblr era.
22.) Who’s your favorite CC creator?
dogsill, softerhaze, greenlamas, ceeproductions, sentate, serenity and simstrouble take the cake for me
23.) How long have you had a simbIr?
i've had my blog for a minute but i only became an active simblr like a couple months ago.
24.) How do you edit your pictures?
i dont really edit except for a few touchups in picsart, and also srwe.
26.) What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
probably get together, never got around to purchasing that pack and there's a couple things i want from the ep.
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tagging: anyone who wants to have some fun. it was nice to chill on call with friends and fill this out. cya besties ily.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
you know something that interests me so much, is how Jordan’s perspective is unreliable. Just by the nature of him having an edited pov makes him an unreliable narrator to the audience.
The best example I have of this is why capsize thought they were together. In his pov it comes out of left field, like it makes no sense that she would consider that. But if you go to Tom’s episode, you can see that she literally thinks that because Tom says in chat that him and Jordan are fucking. Like, honestly the comparison of Jordan’s “Girl Problems” ep and Tom’s 81st episode is the best example of that because it frames Capsizes character in a certain light depending on who you watch and because people will usually only watch Jordan’s (because it’s shorter) then it’s a bit of a one sided view.
And I bet you there are season 2 examples but I’d have to rewatch it from someone else’s perspective first before I give an example.
The unreliable narrator of Jordan's POV is really super interesting because actually like!! you could lore wise outside the meta of edited content ooc interpret it as an intentionally crafted story, where ye!! The whole bit about capsize thinkin thems boyos were together without the context of Tom's comment (which I gen only caught bc I paused Jordan's ep to read the chat when he opened it) makes her out to be a completely different person versus if ya saw it in Tom's POV- in the sense of her to Jordan trying to deflect away from a supposed truth versus her just obvs playin off what Tom was together and them zombiecaptains bein silly
In a way, if ya follow the headcanon from DSMP that chat is personified as an in-universe entity of sorts around the character (like Ranboo's ender particles, the voices of the Blood god to Techno, or Phil's crows); like Jordan got little sparkles floating around him only he can see/hear, the fact that we only see bits of his POV could be like him trying to appeal to them (aka them rampant shippers- show his dynamic with Capsize as they expect which is what leads to the inconsistency in her character) As he goes on he starts to learn to ignore them and just roll how he rolls
(in all honesty i like to abide by the headcanon that the whole "im in love w/ capsize" shenanigans was actually cJordan's dumbass way of deflecting off not wantin to admit he was in love with cTom and was egged on by chat but thats a ramble for another day LMAO)
Also!! thats so true too like I havent watched any other S2 POVs but we kinda actually see it in Isles a lil 👀 Ive been hoppin back n forth between Tom and Jordan's povs for fun during my watchthrough where while the edited v. uncut has been flipped, while you can see all of Tom and Karl's shenanigans uncut in Jord's POV, it still doesnt make any sense the motivations for stuff like him joining Team Ianite unless u can see those interactions he has privately with Dianite (who is also so two totally different people between the two povs). But whats interesting is how like Isle!Tom's kind of unreliable narrator is different in nature from S1!Jordan, where its like the intent between the kind of story either is trying to tell has different motivation behind it ig? ye :D ty for this brainrot btw note I Will put lore to everything and. yeah anyhoozers
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
2/2 Emmett just popped up on screen with that black eyeliner look ‘OKAY EMMETT! LOOK AT HIM! This might be the only good part of this fucking episode’ Em/Ted tell Brian he must be sad over the break up ‘of course he’s sad! And i am too! Finally someone acknowledges his feelings! (Brian says he’s not devastated and theyre not sorry) you know he might be onto something there besides that one little lie. Why is Emmett being passive aggressive towards Brian about Blondie? Bri Bri isnt gonna be happy about Mike and Ben. Fuck them both. This is partly their fault’ And we are now at the Lindsay dinner scene ‘what the actual fucking fuck is happening this season?! Did i have a fucking stroke? What the fuck is happening?! SEE I TOLD YOU HER MOM IS A BITCH’ And we are at the second worst scene aka Brian/Mikey ‘Brian! And he’s drunk. Fuck you Ben! He has every right to want some answers. CALL HIM OUT BRIAN! FINALLY! Whats wrong with enjoying clubbing at 30…..5? TELL HIM BRIAN! EXACTLY BRIAN! HE WAS PERFECTLY HAPPY! Yes, he was happy! What the fuck would you know Mike?! Oh Mike is still upset because Brian never told him he loves him in that way?! (Mikey says Justin left because of Brian) *gasp* what the fuck? (Mikey says who wouldnt) *bigger gasp* WHAT? (It shows Brian’s face) you can tell mike is the last person he thought would say that. Punch him again please. He looks completely broken(It shows Justin) *even bigger gasp* oh i just lost a very tiny bit of love for him because why would you allow him to say all that? What the fuck? *looks at me with teary eyes* why would they say that to him? Who would write such horrible things? Why is everyone okay with people talking that way to him’ Lindsay comes on ‘oh get lost with your bad haircut! I need Brian to make sure he’s okay’ ‘BRIAN! Ignore what Mike said, he doesn’t know anything. (It shows Brandon getting head on the dance floor) HA HA he’s getting kicked out. Fuck you baywatch’ Ben shows up on screen ‘i will pay to never see Ben and Mike again’ and we are at the scene with Jen/Justin and his loft(?) ‘This is an infection waiting to happen. I MISSED JEN! He wants to live here?! (Justin says jen wasnt happy when he moved in with brian) but now they are best friends and that’s all that matters. EXACTLY JEN I ALSO WISH THEY WORK IT OUT! And they will! So he is fully aware of everything Brian did for him but it somehow isnt love? And he still allowed Mike to say all that to him?’ Justin says thats not love it’s sacrifice *long pause* ‘damn it, i hate that he’s right BUT Blondie’s change came out of fucking nowhere this season and Brian’s change doesn’t count cause clearly writers are on drugs.’ And the Brian/Brandon scene is up ‘fuck off Baywatch. HE IS THE HOTTEST GUY! THATS RIGHT! Were? Brian hit him with the stick, i am begging you! Baywatch, on your best day, you are still less hot than Brian on his worst. Theyre gonna bet? Im confused (Mikey pops up on screen) man, fuck you’ ‘i dont wanna sound rude but why is the show political again? Cant we focus on Brian and Justin? I get it was real life cause I remember that…kinda..but we kinda did this already’ and the Britin scene is up again ‘BRIAN! JUSTIN! Please make up! Im begging you. (Brian says hes not rage and justin looks away) okay but why does everyone expect him to save the world all the time? (Brian asks if Justin is okay) no, he isnt! He lives in a dump! Hepatitis C waiting to happen!’ *he pauses the episode after justin says he has to go and they just look at each other and he puts his cast to his face* ‘look at them! Look how theyre looking at each other! LOOK AT BRIANS FACE! That is not a person who is okay. He looks broken.’ *you are my sunshine starts playing and he immediately gets teary eyed* ‘DO THEY THINK THIS IS A FUCKING JOKE?! HES HIS SUNSHINE AND THEY TOOK HIM AWAY! WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH?!’ He then looked at me and just went ‘i can’t continue this shit if they dont get back together in the next episode. I cant do this, man.’ And then he got up and went outside
Sure Brian's not devastated. I mean he does just want Justin to be happy even if it's at his expense but also god forbid he even think about what he wants (in terms of a relationship, obviously when it comes to material possessions Brian is in the Donna and Tom camp of "treat yo'self.")
His commentary about the Brian/Mikey scene is completely and totally correct. It is such a heartbreaking scene. And yet everyone can look at Brian and somehow still believe he has no heart and that it cannot break.
Jen defending Brian this season is everything! I am glad we get that AT LEAST.
Blondie’s change came out of fucking nowhere this season and Brian’s change doesn’t count cause clearly writers are on drugs. <- I need that on a t shirt, thank you.
OHHHH AND BROTHER'S HEART IS BROKEN with that last scene. I am so sorry.
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capnmarvell · 5 years
I’m bored and of course I decided to look through my Fruits Basket manga and decided to post the second half of this post where I summarized what I thought the episode outlines would be for season 2. This would be the second cour, so episodes 14 - 25 of season 2.
Doing this also has me believing that the rumor that there will be only 63 episodes isn’t true, because since they’ve been going on 2 chapters an episode I tried to follow a similar method and this ends part way through volume 16. That still leaves 7 volumes to go, so I think they’ll be another 20 episodes at least. Maybe they can squeeze it into 16 episodes, but I don’t think they could pull of the final season of this story with only 13 episodes.
But we’ll see. Below the cut is some spoilers to the manga, so don’t look if you don’t want spoilers. I’m posting this solely so I can come back and see how off I was when the season is over lol
Episode 14: Chapter 68 & 69
Starting off the second cour with Kyo and Kagura’s final date. Followed by Tohru’s grandpa’s back problems, and Yuki, Rin, Haru conflict - it just feels like a lot to pack into one episode. Perhaps they’ll include the part with Kyo coming home from the date, and Tohru finding out about her grandpa and Shigure volunteering to go with her to the parent teacher conferences, the kids at school, and then end it with Yuki running into Kagura and running after Rin.
Episode 15: Chapter 70 & 71
I think they’ll start the episode off with the beginning part of chapter 69, with Yuki’s flashback with Rin and Haru. Then Yuki catching up to Rin and confronting her about always protecting Haru, and Rin and Haru’s reunion, and Tohru visiting her grandfather. Ending the episode with parent teacher conferences
Episode 16: Chapter 72 & 73
A very Yuki centric episode with Yuki’s parent teacher conference and his confrontation with Kakeru and realizing that Kakeru isn’t that bad of a guy to hang around with after all.
Episode 17: Chapter 74 & 75
Tohru arrives at the Sohma estate and meets Momo! She has her first encounter with Ren, Akito’s mother, and confronts Kureno about Uo. And we get that sweet moment of Kyo and Tohru on the roof
Episode 18: Chapter 76 & 77
It’s the class trip episode! Lots of class trip fun with the whole gang, Tohru wondering if Kyo would ever push her away, and Yuki bonding more with Kakeru and Kimi. Also learning that Kakeru has a girlfriend - Komaki!
Episode 19: Chapter 78 & 79
Ahhhh, Rin’s backstory. This whole story is filled with tragic backstories, but Rin is like Top 3, right there with Yuki and Kyo. We get Hiro, Kisa, and Hiro’s mother in the beginning, a nice reminder that Hiro’s going to be a big brother soon. And it also highlights why Hiro seems so protective of Rin before revealing at the end of the episode that Hiro witness’s Akito attacking Rin. Big episode for Rin and Haru going into their relationship and how Haru stood up to her parents for her when she couldn’t.
Episode 20: Chapter 80 & 81
We get Rin’s confession that she hasn’t found anything to help break the curse, and Tohru and Rin’s little fight with each other before Rin breaking down and finally letting Tohru “in”. We also get more student council fun with the reveal that Kakeru and Machi are half-siblings, and Machi tearing the classroom apart.
Episode 21: Chapters 82 & 83 - possibly chapter 84
Tohru visiting Rin in the hospital and discussing the curse, with Rin’s reveal that she’s never considering Kureno “one of us.” We also have Tohru’s nightmare about her mother, and the class revealing they will do Cinderella for their class play. The episode will either end with Yuki beginning to open up to Kakeru about his feelings for Tohru, like how chapter 83 ended - or they’ll try to fit more of Yuki’s backstory in to it. either way, his backstory will take two episodes, so we’ll see what they try to fit in.
Episode 22: Chapter 84 & 85
Complete deep dive into Yuki’s past, which is already so tough because 3 episodes earlier was Rin’s backstory, which is just as hard.But you get nearly all the answers to your questions. You learn just how awful the abuse Yuki faced was, you learn about 95% of The Hat storyline, and Yuki finding Tohru and bringing her home and how that helped him survive Akito’s abuse.
Episode 23: Chapter 86 & 87
We get the very final bits of Yuki’s backstory with Yuki telling Kakeru that he doesn’t want to be with Tohru in the way that would be Normal for kids their age, that he wanted to be with someone that he could provide for, just as much as they gave him too. That it was equal. And the episode ending with chapter 87, with Kyo and Yuki arguing and Kyo telling Tohru he would “give in” and participate in the play.
Episode 24: Chapter 88 & 89
The play!!! Now this could be a good season finale, and there are plenty of episodes above that could easily be split in 2. But they’ve been pretty steady with covering 2 chapters per episode, sometimes squeezing in 3 like they did with episode 25 of season 1. In fact, I could even see them cutting down on some things, and making the play Episode 23, instead of Episode 24. Solely because, I think the next few chapters are REAL season finale potential.
Episode 25: Chapter 90 & 91 & 92 & 93
IT’S CRAZY. I know! That’s soooo many chapters crammed into 1 episode. But, if they did decide to cut some previous storylines down, and cram 3 chapters into 1 episode (like Yuki and Rin’s episodes), Kyoko’s backstory would be the big finale of season 2, ending it with Kyo’s nightmare and the final shot of the season being that panel in the manga of Kyoko and Katsuya smiling at each other and the quote “Everyone has to lose their way once. It’s the only way they learn. Everyone.”
Also Natsuki Takaya stated in that message to the viewers when season 2′s release date was announced that everyone has lost their way this season. SO ending the season with this quote would be very meaningful, and it’s like Takaya is giving us a hint too.
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number1bylerstan · 2 years
very long rant about volume 2 (SPOILERS)
im just going to start out by saying that my hopes were VERY high for volume 2. I couldn't sleep last night because I was just thinking about canon byler. instead what we got was a messy plot and ZERO character development for will, mike and el. I'm going to break it down using those 3 characters. remember these are MY THOUGHTS. also going to to be talking about social media posts also that contributed to the queer baiting.
firstly, im so over the gay pining trope omg my best friend is straight and he'll never love me back. it's one thing if mil even was put back together this season (it's repetitive and boring and annoying but whatvever) but using a queer person's experiences to further plot lines? a big no no. and even the fact that will's painting was hyped up to be such a big deal and relate to will's sexuality (which the duffer brothers LITERALLY stated in an interview) and it just turning out to be something to help mike tell eleven that he loves her. which if he did, why didn't he say it in their argument where she was literally crying? example number 1 of lazy writing. the coded conversation with Jonathan in the pizza shop was such a let-down. ALSO WHY CANT THEY SAY THE WORD GAY. ITS NOT A DIRTY WORD. and its clear the Jonathan knows but of course they have to keep it discreet and "up to interpretation" for their homophobic audience. don't even get me started on the cabin scene which would have been a perfect opportunity to parallel season 2 and have mike hold will's hand. but of course not. then they had that lame ass shot at the end of all the couples standing next to each other just to hint at the queer audience that "omg this is the byler scene" and then to leave it at that. I mean the cast wasn't wrong when they said we would need time to process what happened after it finished because literally what the fuck was the mess that is volume 2.
sigh. what have the duffers reduced his character to at this point. seriously, what point does he serve in the plot other than el's boyfriend? it seems as if the writers love to introduce new characters just to kill them off (rip Eddie) and simultaneously ignore their characters development that has been built up throughout the seasons. the fact that he couldn't say I love you to el in the bedroom when she was crying, but only say it in the heat of the moment when she was almost dead USING WILLS GUIDANCE. this is literally just a repeat of season 3 where he uses all of his friends, but this time will instead of Lucas, to help fix his own relationship. it's like he's not even his own person anymore. it also makes no sense that he would be awkward with will in the airport and argue with him and stuff if he has no feelings for him? he also hugged dustin in the previous episode? like what. im so angry because the writers had the best chance ever to make mike wheeler one of the best representations of internalized homophobia but they took the easy route instead so that the casual viewers and general audience don't riot and say that "it came out of nowhere" he feels like a completely different person than he was in season 1 and 2. lastly the fact that he said it was the best day ever when he found eleven on the DAY WILL WENT MISSING??? fuck you mike, but more importantly fuck the duffer brothers.
im only going to say one thing: the fact that she had the most character development when she was AWAY from mike speaks volumes to me. that's it. why does she need someone so that she can believe that's she's worth something? someone who doesn't treat her very well, mind you
aside from the Netflix geeked posts, Noah really disappointed me. and before y'all start, because I know one of you will, I know Noah does not write the show. but if he knew we were getting literal minuscule crumbs of byler content, why would he tweet that? it makes no sense. and all of them getting giggly in interviews and stuff. and the fact that Finn and Noah had no interviews together, yet they were in the same plot line? bye.
at this point the only explanation is that the duffers cut content from the episode bc it was originally supposed to be 2 hr and 30 min but its 2hr and 21 on Netflix. so, yeah.
in conclusion, fuck the duffer brothers. fuck Netflix. fuck stranger things. I don't even know if im going to continue posting or being a fan of this show because I am genuinely so upset and not even excited for season 5. this show should've ended at the second season
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Here have this dinfeld idea i cant get out of my head despite me not having seen s2 in over a year
So its post season 2 finale but some slight changes: they didnt leave Mayfeld on Morrak, Luke didnt show up for Grogu, and idk what to do with the darksaber so im just not going to address it
So everyone's flying "home". Bo-Katan and Koska took the cruiser with them and everyone else is on Boba's ship
And it takes a few days to get to wherever their destination is (Tatooine?). Everyone (cough Din cough) is recovering. And Mayfeld watches everyone else vaguely resemble a family
Now no one (still) wants to answer any of Mayfeld's questions, so he doesnt actually know this is the first time this crew has ever run together. The big difference from Mayfeld's last crew is #1 everyone is actually respecting one other (well, now that Bo-Katan is gone) and #2 that its pretty quiet
The most anyone really talks is when they all play sabacc
So Mayfeld watches these interactions. Fennec and Cara cleaning their equipment together. Boba and Din saying the occasional thing in Mando'a. Fennec and Boba's silent communication and the way Din and Cara can exist in each other's space comfortably. And, of course, how everyone takes turns entertaining or caring for Grogu.
Mayfeld interacts with Grogu too. What is he supposed to do, ignore a baby? What if he starts crying?
Mayfeld breaks the silence with questions. Most go ignored. Most of it is mundane chatter, he does ask why does Boba take his helmet off but Mando cant, and he pokes fun at Cara and Din's "relationship"
Mayfeld figures out they arent dating but that doesnt stop him. He makes comments about their sex life and how Cara is Grogu's mom and yadda yadda
He's watching them one day in the cockpit. Cara is reclining and dosing off in one of the chairs, Grogu asleep on her chest. Din comes up, dressed in a combination of his flight suit and bandages, and sits next to her. And what happens is so domestic. Din looks at them for a minute (and Mayfeld tries not to imagine his face, a face Mayfeld now knows, looking fond) before touching Cara's shoulder. She makes a sleepy noise, turns towards him, and they have a quiet conversation (like parents). Eventually Din takes Grogu, and Cara stands up. Din has his hand on her back as he steers her towards the ladder. And Mayfeld feels his black heart shrivel up. Because they may not be a couple, but they're gonna be
He's wrong obviously but the angst
Eventually Mayfeld's trip through slow social torture ends when they finally dock. Turns out they're dropping Cara (and carbonite Gideon) off. It was decided that they wont send Mayfeld back to prison, as a thank you. Cara will have it put into the system that he died on Morak. So the plan is to drop Cara off, and everyone else is going to Tatooine; for Din to help Boba and Fennec with a "job" and for Mayfeld to either find a life in the desert or catch his own ride off planet
Theres a goodbye of course. Cara grasps forearms with Boba, shakes hands with Fennec, tells Grogu to be good for his dad, and hugs Din before they tap "foreheads" (Cara's forehead, Din's helmet)
They make it to Tatooine in the next day or so
Now either Mayfeld fades into Tatooine's background: becoming a bounty hunter or another criminal type or he ends up in a village as remote and off the maps as Mos Pelgo is
But he hears Fett took over Mos Espa. Maybe he hears Fett is looking for henchmen, and thinks he wouldnt be a horrible guy to work for and maybe he can get the chance to see Mando again...
Anyways his path eventually crosses with Din's again, either through Fett's group or during/the aftermath of one of the Pyke battle(s)
Maybe Grogu is there maybe he's with Luke. I havent thought this far yet im winging it now
And now Mayfeld flirts all the time with him
Din is dying inside that helmet
Mayfeld tries not to give himself hope but he's not wasting a chance
Boba and Fennec are (unofficial) partners and that includes wingmaning/torturing their good friend Din. Mayfeld soon finds him and Mando getting paired up a lot
???? Then Cobb comes out of the tank?? And Cobb flirts with Mando. Mando doesnt stop him. Worse even, Mando is attempting to be friends with him in his awkward way. And apparently, him and Cobb have "history"
History involves Cobb having his village volunteered without his permission to work with their long time enemies to kill a unkillable dragon who Mando then personally exploded. Cobb might let Mayfeld assume they've got more than that though
Ummmmmmm Din is the one to take Cobb back home to Mos Pelgo Freetown, says he's gotta see a mechanic in Mos Eisley and thats on the way so he'll be back tomorrow night
Mayfeld gets drunk at the bar in the throne room. Employees get 40% off and he's using it. Mayfeld is sitting there spiraling about how Din was actually single but the story about the mechanic has to be a cover up (and oh gods was that Mando's way of being considerate of Mayfeld's feelings?) because he's gonna sleep with Cobb and then he wont be single anymore. Fett attempts to comfort him he thinks? He remembers that Fett showed up at one point and sat next to him and then for some reason (something about Cobb and armor) he started imaging Din with a mando spouse and yeah he woke up pretty hungover. That makes him feel extra pathetic
Din shows up in his new fancy remodeled Naboo Starfighter to show off to Boba and Fennec and Mayfeld. Mayfeld finds out he's been working with someone named Peli to fix it up for the last month. Mayfeld realizes Din was actually with a mechanic yesterday.
Hungover and sunburnt Mayfeld decides to make his move right there in the hot suns
Later Din asks why, since Mayfeld hated the fact he wouldnt show his face before he actually saw it and always makes helmet comments when insulting Din's sex life
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garrothromeave · 4 years
let’s talk about minecraft diaries rebirth.
and why it’s literally amazing. (warning: this will contain spoilers. lots of them. also, long post ahead.)
i think a lot of people hate mcdr because they were expecting a remake; but the point of rebirth is for jess to rewrite it. it wasn't supposed to be exactly the same.
honestly i went into mcdr with a closed mind. as an og mcd fan, i thought that this was going to suck ass and that i'd rant about how bad it was to my friends later. but actually watching it, i just... couldn't help but immediately fall in love with it.
ik im probably the only motherfucker that likes mcdr, but honestly how could i not? for one, garroth and zenix actually have personalities at the beginning. AND; the villagers? actually amazing. donna made me smile, visher made me laugh and cry, brendan was just bein as good as ever. like... i even didn't despise emmalyn with every ounce of my soul like i usually do?? the characterizations of them were GOOD, man.
and honestly, aphmau like--the way she spoke, her whole thing. it was reallyyy well done in my opinion. she was oblivious to things, but it wasn't overdone and wasn't done in a way to make her annoying. she's a very appealing character in mcdr, a main protagonist i do not mind following along with. her dynamics to the characters are really cool and all very unique.  gonna cut it here so i don’t clog y’all’s feed cuz i got a lot to say :)
the early use of aphmau’s powers was actually pretty cool as well, it also really showed how clueless aphmau really was to everything going on around her. AND UH, THE FACT THAT SHE THOUGHT THAT GARROTH FELT FAMILIAR? GOLDEN. absolutely golden.
AND GENE OH BOY, the early introduction of gene? ik a lot of people are upset about it, but god DAMN i love it so much. his role in the story is very important in original, and i cannot express how much joy this brought me learning that he was actually getting the proper attention for it. and the fact that gene and aphmau were working together?? i mean ik gene was just trying to use her to get back to the "shadow abyss" (pretty pog replacement for the nether, gg) but god DAMN i loved every moment of it. i found their dynamic to be pretty fuckin funny to be honest, would absolutely love to see more of it.
i might be biased considering gene is one of my absolute favorite characters, but i honestly think that introducing gene this early on in the story was a good move. again, he's literally the right-hand man to the shadow lord. it makes you really wonder why he didn't have as much of an important role in season 1 or even 2 of the original mcd plotline. also, we get some of that good-ol-fashioned exposition with seeing early on how vylad and gene interact. vylad’s at a very strange point in the story right now; his motives are unclear, even to the side he’s ‘supposed’ to be taking (aka, a shadow knight.)  another early introduction to a character is zane! this, my friends, is good. really good. i’d say that zane is the main antagonist of season 1 in the original series--and he wasn’t even introduced until like, episode 50. it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but him being introduced this early on really gives the audience a better understanding of what threats are out there and what our protagonist will have to encounter in the future. in the original series, there’s not much explanation as to why lords are disappearing/dying left and right--and while yes, that was supposed to be the mystery of it, having some of that early information is a better move in terms of writing. 
AND IVAN?? BEING A PART OF THE JURY OF NINE?? I COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR ANYTHING MORE LIKE GOD DAMN that was a very pleasant surprise i'll just say that, thank you jess :)
and no i did not loop the 4 minutes of screentime laurance got in that one episode haha who would do that i would never do that anyways
SPEAKING of laurance, im so glad jess actually wrote him in this early :) she totally could have just waited for the first time aphmau visits meteli and meets him there, but no! she put him in an early episode. i dont even care if she did it just to shut up the fans about laurance but man that made me so happy seeing him, even if it was only for a bit.
okay i kinda wanna go over the guards real fast firstly; garroth. ignoring how weird the helmet showing emotions is, i really like how garroth is portrayed. he's under a lot of pressure because the village is putting a lot of the blame on him for malik's death, and he's trying his hardest to keep things running. the fact that garroth utterly refused the to take up the position of lord and even got a little snappy about it was actually really cool to see as well. and while he doesn’t have that same “reserved, quiet, observant” feel as the original mcd version of him had, this version of garroth is absolutely awesome. he’s more direct and blunt, is significantly more sarcastic, and isn’t as stiff or as much as a pushover as he is in the original. he even has a sense of humour. also, no homo, but he’s kinda adorable.  plus, the desperation that he goes through during the whole thing is just--it’s really cool to see how hard he’s trying to prove himself and help the village. my rating for mcdr garroth? 9/10. the helmet... the helmet is the main thing throwin me off, i can’t lie. next, zenix. oh BOY do i have a lot to say about this man. first of all, his and garroth’s dynamic is incredible. when i saw how the interacted with each other, my first thought was: father and son. zenix has this immaturity to him that is so fucking fun and interesting to watch, and seeing how garroth scolds him is so fuckin good man. and! seeing how he interacts with the rest of the village... honestly, if jess ever picks this story up again, i would probably cry when zenix (literally) backstabs garroth. HELL, i hope that’s something that still happens, it’d be heartbreaking to witness this character that we’ve come to love hurting his mentor, the man who took him in. he’s just a really good character all in all, and much more appealing than the original mcd zenix. ...except season 3 zenix. no zenix can be better than that one.  either way, zenix is amazing written to be the comic relief and he’s just an all-out lovable character in this series.  finally, dale and brian. yes i’m going to group them up because there’s not much to say regarding them, but i do want to address them. for starters, we have brian; who’s already 16 when the story starts. good on jess for doing that, because in the original aphmau watched brian be born and age INCREDIBLY quick, haha. THOUGH i do feel like there’s a slight connection lost there--one of the hardest things about brian’s betrayal in the original series in the fact that we watched him grow up in phoenix drop. we were there from the moment he was born, to the second he betrayed phoenix drop. BUT OF COURSE, this version is a lot more realistic, so it’s understandable. i just think that if it’s brian who’ll be betraying phoenix drop again (if it even goes down that same route), it won’t hit as hard unless jess really takes the time to grow the connection between brian and aphmau.  as for dale; gotta admit, love it. and like, i think one of the main things about how good of a call it was to make him a drunkard from the beginning is considering how much the village is struggling. the fact that the second-in-command is literally drunk all of the time really conveys the message of, “yeah. this village needs help.” plus, he’s another good comic relief character. i loved seeing molly and dale’s relationship too, it was very funny.  PLUS. we were blessed with a well scene, in which aphmau had to help villagers out of the well. i don’t know about you guys, but that was one of my favorite nods to the original series. i cannot thank jess enough for that, there was a smile on my face the entire time. another amazing thing--visher’s character. instead of just being introduced to this quirky lil merchant who only had one or two interactions with aphmau like in the first one, we got to sit there and really get a feel for someone worth remembering and worth mourning over. we had a reason to be sad over his death, it wasn’t just some npc getting blown up suddenly. this was different, and this hurt.  one of the major things that i hope is to come out of this is for jess to fix the major mistakes she had when writing the first series. she’d expressed how unhappy she was with some of the decisions she made, and i’m glad that she’s getting that second chance to undo the things she didn’t like. this series also gives her a second chance to really, really dig into characters and their motives. like, gimme laurance backstory in better detail. or like, garroth and zane’s relationship from back when they were kids? or how vylad died and who killed him? etc etc. she’s already done an excellent job so far, and i can’t wait to see where this goes. that is, if she ever continues it. god, i wish there were more episodes so that i could seriously let you guys know how beautiful of a series this is. there’s so much i want to say about rebirth, but i think i’ll stop here. i might say some more shit about it later, but if there’s anything i’d want you to take away from this, it’s: give minecraft diaries rebirth a chance. there’s a lot of potential, and this is a chance for jess to really change things for the better! ... but again, that is if this ever is continued. 
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mariasversion · 3 years
my thoughts on young royals, a sequel (there are gonna be many annoying and pointless sequels): episode 2
• i’m glad to announce i now know my future wife’s name, madison mccoy. she’s so funny though and her outfits are so cool.
• oof when august and the other guys kept pushing wilhelm to stand on the chair and admit he’d hooked up with someone in the party and he started nervously laughing i felt kinda bad for him bc what was he supposed to say?
‘oh, no august. i didn’t hook up with anyone. i was too busy drunkenly and longingly staring at my crush who is very much a man and who i might be very much attracted to’?
it would’ve been funny though.
• that outfit in the intro. yeah, you know which one i’m talking about. i need more of that. i need more of those little stupid sunglasses. and how he stood up with his books and all.
• when felice left her friends to walk with wil to their next class and her friends just went ‘i mean we have the same next class bestie but go off i guess’ i lost it
• okay hear me out because their classrooms are so cute. they’re so mall and aesthetic and they just look so comfy? what is up with that
but the fact they have to stand up every time the teacher comes in just seems too strange to me. it’s just bc we’d never do that where i live but i couldn’t keep a straight face doing that. and bro, if i just sat down i’m sure as hell not getting back up because you came in.
• oh my god when sara took some pictures of felice with her horse and felice just thanked her looking all soft and shit, i ate that shit up (i adore their friendship and how it develops as the show goes on and i’d love it if they got together in a second season)
• i also loved when they’re finishing the rowing training (i think that was what it was) and wil starts giving simon some advice about it bc wilhelm went ‘oh, yea. flirting is not about pick-up lines anymore. it’s about unasked advice about rowing. thats what i call romance’. and honestly? good for him.
• plus wil not wanting to go to morning training but straight up sprinting to go when he saw simon was there? we love to see it. and how they just kept looking at each other the whole time (doing the planks and stuff)? that was everything.
it’s all about the looks. im telling you.
• and then when all the girls are studying/doing homework together and so are wilhelm and simon was so cute. plus i liked the background song.
and once again it was the little looks between them. those little glances wil was giving simon.
(yes i’m going to keep ignoring august’s whole relevance in most scenes bc i just don’t like him and he’s a little bitch)
but i will say it was very nice when my wife madison said ‘fuck you, august’. it was music to my ears.
• when wil messaged simon and immediately put the phone away bc he didn’t want to look, that was very much relatable. yes, i do that.
• it’s really nice how they actually feel like teenagers, in the way they act and talk. it feels very awkward and very relatable. for example when wilhelm and simon meet to go to the match and they just look at each other silently and then they both go ‘how are you?’
• and when ayub teases simon because he likes wilhelm and it’s so obvious to him, that was so sweet. plus when they’re all cheering for rosh,,, too wholesome
• one of my favorite scenes is definitely that scene where they’re all riding the motorbikes and wilhelm and simon keep trying to hold hands or just brush hands bc it’s so sweet and pure and fun. 10/10 loved it would do it again would watch it on repeat forever
• simon going back home after hanging out with wil and his friends all giddy and excited and telling sara about it melted my heart
• also this might be random but i really like the format(?) they use to show the messages on screen bc sometimes in many shows it’s just cringey but i liked it in this one
• i like the aesthetic of the library in the school. it’s a really pretty shade of green
• august: *giving a weird speech about simon and kissing his forehead*
wilhelm: oh, man. i don’t know what’s going on but you’re one crazy ass bitch
it was very much random and i loved how wil just lost it and how he and simon were looking at each other like ‘is this shit really happening? are you seeing what i’m seeing?’. august is an asshole but he’s so extra and it’s funny sometimes
• their pinkies touching during the film, the looks, the shyly holding hands had me screaming. that’s romance.
• but when wil leaves the room bc sara caught them holding hands and he’s doing his nervous tic (chewing on his thumb or biting it) and he looks at that plaque (?) that says they’re responsible for the legacy of the school or some shit like that it felt very ironic. bc i feel like what wil struggles with is the fact that if he’s with a man then he can’t have biological children and all that stuff about not being able to carry on the legacy.
and maybe i’m just reaching or misunderstanding the scene but then when you can see his anxiety is getting worse and he’s rubbing his chest i just felt like ‘yea, buddy. it’s rough, isn’t it?’ bc i think that sometimes it’s more difficult realizing you’re not attracted to the opposite gender than it is admitting you’re attracted to the same one (bc if you’re still attracted to the opposite one then you could have a “straight” relationship and stuff yk)
well that got deep huh
• once again i’m back on my bullshit, the looks in the first kiss scene. i live for the looks (though wil really looked ready to run for his life).
i just realized simon was wearing a looney tunes t-shirt in that scene. i love his graphic t-shirts.
okay it really isn’t my fault these are getting so long, each episode lasts 40-50 min and that’s a lot
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deep-sea-trashpile · 3 years
My Reactions to Above and Beyond
Wow kids are gonna grow up with this huh 🥲 (we're gonna ignore my childhood slipping away bc british animals make brain go brrr)
Paani reminds me of the "I am under the water, please help me" tiktok sound and i cant unhear it
The amount of times they say water jesus christ
Sending ur only doctor out into the desert may not be the best move yall
Okay Peso and Dashi girlbossing their way to the volcano
Where we droppin' boys
How- how does Peso's wrist band stay on?
127 hours reindeer edition
Im sorry this might be an unpopular opinion but i dont like paani i just-
Kwazii episode!!!
Calico jack my beloved 🥺
YAY! He's so happy to see his granddad!!
Peepaw to the rescue
NO! Not spiders :(((
Calico Jack is such a supportive peepaw i love him so much
Orange cat behavior
Did Kwazii try to give himself an ear piercing to be like Calico Jack but like- rip it out on accident? (I will just quietly add that to my headcanons)
So far this spinoff series has not been nice to my misophonia
M-m-milf spider???
Hes proud of him 🥺🥺🥺
Natquik my king
All of these episodes feel like the specials from the main series
Peso my beloved
(I cried the other day because i was scared they werent gonna dub peso im so sorry but i hate the british version i grew up with hispanic peso and i cant handle anything else)
Its been 3 minutes and i miss Kwazii
The animation is SMOOTH smooth huh
Peso rlly hanging out with the lesbians this series huh
More orange cat behavior
Tweak, Peso, and Dashi = Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss and Shellington, Barnacles, and Kwazii = Mansplain, Manipulate, Malewife
In that order ^
Okay that angle doe i appriciate the cinematography kwazii
I hate tornadoes so much this is 👁👄👁
Yes save the himbo and peepaw
What animal was I supposed to be learning about?
... i am under the water... please help me
Inkling i love you so much
Gatekeep and Girlboss to the rescue!!
Peso finally embracing his roots and going naked in the siberian wilderness
Grampie in his suit
Hes so cute i cant
... are we gonna be learning abt global warming again? (Im not gonna think abt our world slowly melting bc of giant corporations)
Is that deer supposed to be... Russian?
Paani must feel real good being the tallest one rn
Did Peso suddenly forget how to surf or...?
Me too salamander me too
I cannot express the sheer amount of love I have for these round little animals
Yall its okay Inkling is an aquatic animal
Why- even put on the helmet then cant you hold ur breath for 20 minutes
Finally putting those great penguin race skills to use
Peso move ur gonna get hit by the stick
Paani rlly dont care abt them living or dying huh
Okay its like 3 am i only watched the first 5 episodes but uhh... not impressed so far. Living for the Peso and Dashi solidarity. And the Peepaw moments. Surprising lack of Captain Barnacles that idk how to feel about. But overall it feels super disconnected like they dont feel like a family anymore I guess. Also the marine biology obsessed child within me is screaming rn, but its not super bad. I'm more excited for season 5 whenever that's coming.
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sunatooru · 4 years
Hii, im sorry for bringing down the mood but can i rq an emergency ask? My mom always guilt tripping everyone who go against her. If anyone feels sad and cried about it, she'll either angry, spewing about 'kids were born to please and make parents happy' at us or pulling "it's because i love you and i care for you." Card then playing victim. Obviously it's wont always work, so when those 2 options didnt work. she'll give silent treatment for who knows how long.
What if ushijima found his s/o crying in the last week before holidays where all student went home to their own house (shiratorizawa seems like a boarding school based on season 4) because she didnt want to go home and deal with her mother. So he take her away and comfort her? at this point i dont even mad if he kidnap me lol
I'm sorry if this is too detailed
Hii, please no mood was brought down (imo). I detest parents like that, like am I the child or you??? Anyways, thank you for requesting and I hope this helps in some way. Sending you hugs xx
Did I perhaps self project? Maybe
Warnings: gaslighting mother, breakdown crying and feeling distraught 
He hadn’t sent you off for the holidays and weren’t sure why. Had you left already? Did you not want to see him before leaving? Were you in a rush? All those questions troubled his mind, so he decided to check your dorm.
He walks along the hall, thankful he was allowed to pass. The corridor was dark, only a small ray of light making it easy for him to make his way. He almost smiles when he realises it’s the light coming from your room, shoulders relaxing knowing you had not left yet. But all that tension returned as he saw you sitting on the floor, arms wrapped around yourself protectively as you weeped.
He slowly makes his way inside your room, he looks around and sees some clothes thrown in the corner, your phone screen lighting up with every new notification. He couldn’t understand what was wrong.
You feel his presence and lock your eyes with his. His heart clenched at the hurt in your eyes, the slight redness around your pupils showed that whatever happened was not good.
He carefully approaches you, awkwardly sitting next to you, not knowing what to say yet so he kisses your forehand.
“You can tell me what’s wrong.” He states, the deep tone of his voice somewhat softer, a deliberate change to calm you.
It makes you jump into his arms and they welcome you. He wraps them around your shaking body. Large hand gently patting your hair, heart pounding at the pain in your cries.
“She’s just too much. It’s like I can’t do anything right. Ushi...Why does she always have to fight and taunt and make me feel like it’s my fault?!” You burst out.
He might not understand but he listens. He nods at your words, humming in appreciation that you’re sharing.
“Can you tell me.. who?” He hesitates a bit but asks.
“My mother...I- she asked why I decide not to go home. She said how I’m upsetting her by choosing not to come home...”
You hiccup, fresh tears pouring as you finally speak about the feelings you’ve pent up.
“... and I can’t even tell her it’s because of her. Because of how she makes me feel because then she’ll just blame me again. It’s so hot and cold, she claims is her love language and that it’s for my better good. But how is it good if I feel like this? I can’t go home Ushijima...I can’t...” you trail and now he’s fully away of the situation.
He cups your jaw and wipes your tears away with his thumbs. He kisses your forehead, lips ghosting over your nose and reaches your lips. He rubs your neck softly as he kisses you, the saltiness of your tears mixing. He pulls away and frown.
“Come with me.” He demands.
“I understand you don’t want to go home and that you don’t have a strong relationship with your mother, so let me take you to my home instead? Or we can stay here together?” He suggests, cleaning your tear stains.
“I’m here for you. I may not be able to sort all your problems but I won’t let you burden them alone. It’s not good for you and I can’t have you feeling like this. Thank you for telling me. Remember, I love you and will always try to protect you.” He confesses.
He moves around and stands up, pulling you lightly onto your feet. He hold your hand and leads you out the room. You stare at your hand in his as he walks. You finally look up when crisp air hits you.
He’s brought you to the flower patch in the school yard. The soft colours of the petals illuminating under the shy moon. He seats you at the near bench, letting you rest your head on his shoulder and warm your hands with his.
“I thought you might like some air.,” he’s a little nervous, he didn’t mean to remove you from the comfort of your room but he knew how much a breather could help.
“Thank you” you whisper, getting closer to him that he puts his arm around your shoulder, not before shrugging off his school jacket to cover you.
“It’s okay, and please know I’m honest about taking you with me. If that’s what you want.”
And you agree. The next day you pack and join him on his way home. A single message sent to your mother, ignoring anything else except the time with your boyfriend.
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elleloquently · 2 years
stranger things volume 2 spoilers. this is not going to be cohesive whatsoever, just some thoughts put together because i was really loving volume 2 but then it felt spoiled and im still mad so here we are
i hate what happened to max. like to my core i absolutely hate what happened to her and i just cannot imagine why she needed to end up in a fucking coma. we have the dear billy episode, which was so fucking beautiful and incredibly well done and max did it! she escaped from vecna! only to almost be killed 200 more times and ultimately end up in a coma??? it feels like they couldn't decide if they should kill her or keep her alive and putting in her in that horrid state and then frozen in a coma just feels so frustrating.
eddie. i knew from the beginning that eddie wasn't going to survive this season but i loved him anyway and totally sobbed when he died. he died a hero, and no one besides dustin even acknowledged. everything about it was devastating. so why on earth did no single person have any emotional reaction to his death except for dustin??? why did everyone seem fucking fine?? that seemed so out of character for me.
nancy and steve and nancy and jonathan. from the very beginning i shipped nancy and jonathan, i think they have such a good dynamic together and work so well together and im really rooting for them to work things out. what i dont love is how they keep alluding to steve and nancy getting together. i genuinely feel like that will ruin so much for me, it feels backwards even though they've grown as characters... i LOVE nance but her starting to have feelings for steve again while IN A RELATIONSHIP with jonathan is borderlining on ruining her character for me. nancy is amazing, i hate her whole story being around which guy she'll end up with. fix her relationship with jonathan or leave her single.
vickie. im so sorry but instantly i cannot stand her. im sososososo relieved that robin beat the death allegations !!!!!!!!!! and i have the softest spot for her but god.... i hope vickie doesnt stick around. i HATE when a character is introduced solely to be a love interest and that.... feels exactly what vickie is. she's boring and all they did was attempt to give her the same personality as robin, like come on. if you want our girl in a relationship, let the story build into one naturally, don't just force her into one with some random character. i really didn't want to see vickie on my screen making sandwiches, i would've preferred idk,,, someone acknowledging dustin's feelings???
steve harrington is like the love of my life and i was so scared for his life but he SURVIVED and i feel nothing but relief but also,, did he seem different to anyone else too?? i feel like over the seasons hes had the most amazing character development, he cares so much about the kids and he has such strong friendships with dustin and robin and its all very loveable and consistent until this volume?? i feel like he spent the majority of the time with nance, like he ignores everyone else when she's around but not in a good way and its one of the reasons why i wish they would retire that damn ship. it feels like they can only pick one between steve, the well rounded and developed character or steve with nancy..,,, like his personality and friendships don't exist when they're teasing a relationship with nancy and i hated it . a lot. the steve harrington we know and love would be absolutely devastated about what happened to max. the steve harrington we know and love would have acknowledged eddie, and been there for dustin and comforted him and hugged him??? yeah, it couldve happened offscreen, but thats... not good enough. it didn't feel true to his character. he had like no response to anything (except nancy!) and genuinely that spoiled so much for me.
there's probably so many errors and grammar issues but im typing this fast and i havent slept but yeah there's a lot of issues that kinda ruined it for me???? there were a lot of moments i loved too but these parts felt icky to me and kinda spoiled the ending like the last 30 minutes ruined any positive feelings i had??? kinda wish we could've seen a moment of the whole group just being together and comforting each other esp bc steve's distance from dustin just didn't make sense to me ): he loves those kids and he would've been upset about max being in a coma too. it just felt weird and maybe im being picky idkidk feel free to let me know ur thoughts as well if anyone actually read this???
also i thought it was pretty obvious byler wasnt going to be a thing but ive seen a lot of ppl really angry about it which i understand but people are hating on mike and el for .loving each other? i adore and love will and he deserves the world and hes so kind do you really think he wants el, his friend and sister to be unhappy??? that he just wanted mike to immediately dump el to be with him instead?? no it does not make sense and i thought all of their scenes were very sweet and touching and well done
also everyone was split up so much, I live for the moments they all reunite I really wish we could’ve had a bigger/longer moment of everyone together ):
there's so much more honestly but my brain feels so scrambled and i am tired but i just had to get some thoughts out okay bye
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