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The Myth of the Annunaki

In the great annals of human history, ha, anal, mostly made up of fiction, few subjects stir the imagination and ad to the aluminum foil shortage as profoundly as the Annunaki. Shrouded in myth and enigma, these ancient deities from Mesopotamian lore have sparked debates, inspired theories, created fiction, and captivated minds across the centuries. From their origins in the fertile crescent of ancient Sumer to their role in modern speculative fiction, the Annunaki embody a rich tapestry of myth, history, and imagination. This exploration delves into their ancient roots, their controversial modern reinterpretations, the fascination evoked by our imagination, and our ability to want things to be real so bad, that we’ll just take as many liberties as possible; even if all the evidence and logic say a thing like this couldn’t be real. Or could it?
The Ancient Mesopotamian Origins of the Annunaki
Our journey begins in the cradle of civilization: ancient Mesopotamia, a region that flourished between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Here, the Annunaki first appeared in the mythologies of the Sumerians, who are considered the earliest civilization that could write. The term "Annunaki" itself is often translated as “those who came from the heavens” or “those of royal blood.” This intriguing terminology hints at their elevated status and their perceived connection to the divine or extraterrestrial. In Sumerian mythology, the Annunaki were a pantheon of deities, or the gods of a people, who played crucial roles in the creation of our world and the regulation of its life. They were seen as powerful and unpredictable beings, with the ability to both bestow blessings and wreak havoc upon humanity. The mythological texts from this period reveal that the Annunaki were not abstract concepts but tangible entities with distinct personalities and roles. One of the key sources for understanding the Annunaki is the “Enuma Elish,” the Sumerian creation epic. This ancient narrative describes the primordial chaos from which the world emerged. This myth reflects the Sumerians' worldview, where divine power maintained the balance between chaos and order. The Annunaki's role in Sumerian society extended beyond mere mythology. They were believed to oversee the natural world and human affairs, acting as intermediaries between the gods and the people. Their stories served to justify the divine authority of kings and priests, reinforcing the idea that the rulers were chosen by the gods to maintain cosmic balance from the chaos. This divine connection legitimized the socio-political structures of ancient Mesopotamian civilization.
The Annunaki Reimagined: From Gods to Aliens
In the 20th century, the Annunaki transitioned from divine beings of ancient myth to subjects of modern speculation and conspiracy theories. This transformation was spearheaded by figures like Zecharia Sitchin, whose works have left a permanent mark on how we perceive these ancient myths. Sitchin’s ideas are detailed in his book “The 12th Planet,” where he presents the Annunaki as extraterrestrial visitors from a distant planet named Nibiru. Sitchin’s hypothesis posits that the Annunaki arrived on Earth approximately 450,000 years ago (447,976 BCE). According to his theories, their primary mission was to mine gold, which they needed to repair the failing atmosphere of their home planet, Nibiru. There is some scientific data out there that gold particles can help build up a planet’s atmosphere. There are some intriguing parallels in scientific discussions about the potential uses of gold in atmospheric engineering. Gold is a highly reflective metal with excellent conductive properties, making it suitable for various technological applications. Some we know of and use while others are still in the planning stages. Research has suggested that dispersing gold nanoparticles in the upper atmosphere could theoretically increase a planet's reflectivity, or albedo, thereby reducing the amount of solar energy absorbed and mitigating global warming. Additionally, gold's conductive properties might enhance the electrical conductivity of the ionosphere, potentially stabilizing atmospheric conditions and protecting against solar radiation. While Sitchin's narrative lacks actual real concrete proof, the concept of using gold to address planetary environmental challenges taps into ongoing scientific exploration of innovative geoengineering solutions. Sitchin’s interpretation of ancient texts suggests that the Annunaki’s arrival marked the beginning of human civilization. He argues that these beings not only influenced early human societies but also engineered Homo sapiens through genetic manipulation. This theory, while compelling to many, is highly contentious. Sitchin’s methods and interpretations have faced substantial criticism from the academic community. It's important to note that Zecharia Sitchin lacked formal training in ancient languages and archaeology. His educational background was in economics and journalism, not in the fields relevant to his claims about Sumerian texts and ancient history. This lack of formal expertise has led many academics to criticize his translations and interpretations as speculative and unsubstantiated. His methodology and conclusions have been scrutinized for deviating from established scholarly standards, which is why his work is often labeled as pseudoscience. Pseudoscience literally means science with made-up methodologies and made-up facts. Archaeologists and historians argue that there is no credible evidence supporting the existence of Nibiru or the extraterrestrial origins of the Annunaki. His translations of Sumerian texts are flawed and his theories often stretch the evidence beyond credible limits. Despite this, Sitchin’s ideas have captivated a broad audience, fostering a popular narrative that blends ancient mythology with science fiction. His theories have become a cornerstone of the ancient astronaut hypothesis, which suggests that extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in ancient times and influenced human development. This concept resonates with our fascination with the possibility of life beyond Earth and our desire to explore the unknown or at the very least have an answer where one cannot possibly exist or be factual.
Sitchin’s Controversial Claims: Ancient Astronauts or Misinterpreted Texts?
Sitchin’s theories, particularly those presented in “The 12th Planet,” offer a provocative reimagining of the Annunaki. Sitchin suggests that Nibiru, the Annunaki’s home planet, follows a long, elliptical orbit that brings it close to Earth every 3,600 years. This periodic return, according to Sitchin, allowed the Annunaki to visit Earth and influence human civilization. Sitchin’s narrative begins with the Annunaki’s arrival on Earth, where they established the city of Eridu as their base of operations. Eridu, according to Sitchin, was the first city ever built by these ancient astronauts, serving as a center for their gold mining operations. Over time, the work on Earth became increasingly burdensome and dangerous for the Anunnaki, leading to a significant labor shortage. The Anunnaki’s own workers, who were initially tasked with these duties, were becoming overworked and dissatisfied. We will talk about the Igigi a little bit later. The idea was to create a new species that could handle the manual labor on Earth while the Anunnaki themselves could focus on more critical tasks or return to Nibiru. This led to the concept of bioengineering a creature that would serve as a workforce. The Anunnaki began experimenting with the DNA of the indigenous hominid species, Homo erectus. Through advanced genetic techniques, they combined their own DNA with that of Homo erectus to create a new hybrid species. This genetic manipulation was intended to produce beings with intelligence and physical capabilities suitable for labor. The first attempts at creating this new species were, according to Sitchin, less successful than anticipated. These early hybrids were described as "hideous creatures," struggling to meet the Anunnaki’s requirements for both labor and functionality. These early beings were likely flawed, either in their physical form or in their ability to perform the tasks required of them. Undeterred by their initial failures, the Anunnaki refined their genetic experiments. After several iterations and adjustments, they succeeded in creating a more viable and efficient version of their hybrid creation: Homo sapiens, the modern human. These beings possessed the intelligence, strength, and adaptability necessary for the laborious tasks demanded by the Anunnaki. Once successful, the Anunnaki established Homo sapiens as their labor force, overseeing them and guiding their development. This new species was tasked with performing the menial and physically demanding work that the Anunnaki had initially sought to avoid.
While there are some intriguing gaps and mysteries in human evolution, like missing fossils and sudden advancements in early cultures, scientists believe these are just natural parts of a long, gradual process rather than evidence of any external intervention. One fascinating example is the emergence of our 23rd chromosome, which resulted from the fusion of two ancestral chromosomes that our primate relatives still have as separate chromosomes. This fusion is visible in our DNA through the presence of telomere sequences and a vestigial centromere in the middle of chromosome 2, showing a natural evolutionary change rather than a direct “kick-start” from another species. However, it does bring up more questions than it does answers that all of a sudden this change occurred with no rhyme or reason. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” - Arthur C. Clarke. Sitchin’s theories also include a dramatic account of the great flood from the bible, which he attributes to the gravitational effects of Nibiru’s orbit. This flood, he argues, was foreseen by the Annunaki, who warned a human named Ziusudra (or Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh and/or Noah from the Great Flood of the Bible.) to build a boat to survive the deluge. After the flood, Sitchin posits that the Annunaki played a role in the rebirth of human civilization, teaching essential skills such as agriculture and animal husbandry; which is just a fancy term for focusing on the breeding and care of animals raised for farming and construction. While these ideas are intriguing, they have been met with skepticism from mainstream scholars. Critics argue that Sitchin’s theories lack rigorous academic support. Despite this, Sitchin’s work has had a significant cultural impact, inspiring a new wave of interest in ancient astronaut theories and alternative history. It also has become a business, which opens up its own can of worms on the subject.
The Modern Legacy of the Annunaki: From Books to Podcasts
The Annunaki mythos continues to capture the imagination of contemporary audiences through a variety of media. One prominent figure in this modern exploration is Billy Carson, whose work delves into ancient civilizations and the Annunaki’s role in shaping human history. Carson’s insights, particularly as discussed on “The Joe Rogan Experience (#2160),” explore how ancient myths might reflect actual historical events involving advanced beings. Carson argues that the Annunaki myths could be more than mere stories, suggesting that they might represent a blend of historical events and spiritual beliefs. His theories offer a contemporary perspective on the Annunaki narrative, examining how ancient myths might encode real encounters with extraterrestrial visitors. Carson’s discussions with Joe Rogan explore the idea that ancient texts from Sumerian culture, and other ancient civilizations, might document actual interactions with advanced beings. This perspective aligns with the broader ancient astronaut hypothesis, which suggests that myths of gods descending from the heavens could reflect historical contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Billy Carson's theories are derived from Zecharia Sitchin's work. So take it with a grain of salt.
The Igigi in Annunaki Lore
The Igigi, as envisioned in contemporary speculative fiction, are often compared to the Greys of UFO lore—those mysterious, otherworldly beings who have captivated the imaginations of some and terrified others. Here, we encounter a striking physical resemblance that underscores their role within the Annunaki’s grand design. A concurred race from an early Annunaki invasion, these tall, slender beings, their forms reminiscent of the Greys with their short stature and large, almond-shaped eyes. Their skin, a subtle gray hue, reflects an alien quality, hinting at a nature that is both familiar and profoundly otherworldly. Their appearance serves as a visual manifestation of their role as intermediaries between the Annunaki and the cosmos. Dressed in functional, utilitarian garments, the Igigi’s attire speaks to their subservient status. These simple, perhaps even austere outfits might be adorned with symbols or insignia, marking their place within the Annunaki’s hierarchical system. Their clothing, devoid of adornment, reinforces their role as laborers rather than equals. The Annunaki and the Igigi are often mentioned as being one in the same but are actually two distinct separate alien species. At least as far as the lore goes.
• Tools of the Trade: Often depicted wielding advanced, enigmatic technology, the Igigi’s tools and equipment hint at a civilization far more advanced than that of humans. These artifacts, sleek and enigmatic, serve as symbols of the Annunaki’s technological prowess and the Igigi’s role in maintaining their dominion over Earth. Some say the tools leftover after the Annunaki left helped build the first, really large pyramids. The more present-day we get with the pyramids the less technologically advanced they are. Where the farther back we go, the bigger and more extravagant the pyramids become. The Igigi are often envisioned as the Annunaki’s labor force, tasked with monumental projects from the construction of grand temples to the maintenance of celestial machinery. This portrayal aligns with ancient mythological themes of divine beings employing subservient races to fulfill their plans.
• Subordinate Yet Significant: Within this narrative, the Igigi occupy a space that is subordinate yet distinctly advanced. They are positioned as beings with greater skills or knowledge than humans, suggesting a complex, multitiered structure of existence in which they play a crucial role in the Annunaki’s rein.
• Cultural Reflections: The Igigi physical form, their role in the Annunaki hierarchy, and their place in modern speculative fiction all serve as lenses through which we can explore deeper existential questions. The Igigi invites us to reflect on the nature of servitude, the structure of divine power, and our own place in the grand scheme of existence. We find ourselves drawn into cosmic feelings and thoughts that challenge and inspire us. It also scares us to our core foundation that we may just be an insignificant race of worker ants.
The Enuma Elish and Its Cosmic Significance
The Enuma Elish is an ancient Mesopotamian/Sumerian creation epic that dates back to the late second millennium BCE, (2000 BCE to 1001 BCE.) This epic is more than a religious text; it is a reflection of the Sumerians' understanding of the universe and their place within it. In the Enuma Elish, the universe begins in a state of primordial chaos, where Tiamat, the goddess of the saltwater ocean, battles the god Marduk, who represents the forces of order and creation. Marduk’s victory signifies the establishment of the cosmos, with the world being created from Tiamat’s body. This mythological narrative embodies the Sumerians' view of the divine as a force that imposes order upon chaos, a theme that echoes throughout Mesopotamian religion and governance. The epic also illustrates the Sumerians' concept of divine kingship. Marduk’s ascension to supremacy among the gods symbolizes the divine right of kings to rule over the human realm. The Annunaki’s role as divine judges and rulers reflects this belief, showing how mythology was intertwined with political and social structures in Sumerian society.
The Great Flood: Myth and Reality
One of the most enduring aspects of the Annunaki narrative is the story of the Great Flood, which appears in various ancient myths, including the Epic of Gilgamesh. According to Sitchin, this flood was a cataclysmic event caused by Nibiru’s orbit and was a pivotal moment in human history. The flood story serves as a metaphor for both destruction and renewal. It represents the cyclical nature of existence, where the end of one era leads to the beginning of another. This mythological theme is reflected in other ancient cultures, such as the biblical flood narrative of Noah’s Ark, highlighting a shared human fascination with the idea of divine intervention in shaping history. This also gives insight that other branches of humanity survived the Great Flood. Not many pockets, but some did. There was not much left. Pockets of survivors here/there. The Annunaki began to help humanity rebuild, but in a limited way. Showing humans some science but leaving much of it in the dark. We turn the light switch on, but don’t know why it works. Just that it works and we have some idea how to fix the switch when it breaks, but we cannot literally build a new one as they did. Just our badly back-engineered knowledge of the thing. This seems even more prevalent today.
The Fascination with the Annunaki
We question our understanding of the past and explore the possibilities of what lies beyond our world, our understanding. The Annunaki’s legacy is not confined to academic study or historical research. They continue to inspire a wide range of creative works, from books and documentaries to podcasts and films. Some intended to be works of fiction while others try to paint the picture as this really did happen in our distant past. This ongoing fascination reflects a deep-seated human desire to connect with the mysteries of existence and to explore the unknown.
Embracing the Enigma - “You Are Bugs…”
The Annunaki’s story, rooted in the myths of ancient Mesopotamia and reimagined through modern theories, offers a rich and multifaceted narrative that invites us to explore the boundaries of our knowledge and imagination. As we delve into the history and speculation surrounding the Annunaki, we confront not only ancient mysteries, but also the limits of our perception and the possibilities of what might lie beyond. Whether viewed as gods, aliens, or metaphorical figures, the Annunaki challenge us to embrace the enigma of our origins and to seek out the answers to the great questions of existence. The Annunaki’s journey from ancient Mesopotamian myths to contemporary theories highlights the enduring allure of these celestial beings. Their story encourages us to explore the unknown and to question the narratives that shape our understanding of the universe. The Annunaki stand as a testament to the power of myth and the endless possibilities of the human imagination.
If beings like the Greys, Anunnaki, and Igigi are real, the implications for mankind could be deeply terrifying and unsettling. The existence of such advanced entities would create a profound power imbalance, leaving humanity vulnerable to their superior technology and intellect, which might challenge our beliefs about our own significance and place in the universe. The fear of being controlled or manipulated by these beings could evoke a sense of existential dread, as we might question the very meaning of our existence, existence in general, and the potential for extinction or enslavement of our species. Historically, the idea that these beings might have shaped our civilizations and beliefs from the shadows would undermine our understanding of our past and cast doubt on our sense of free will and autonomy as the dominant species on this planet. The terror of the unknown—where their intentions are indecipherable and could involve invasive experiments or even global invasions—would stir fears of being watched, violated, or destroyed. This fear would also have a global psychological impact, leading to anxiety, paranoia, and a crisis of identity as we confront the reality that we might be insignificant in the grand cosmic scheme. “You are bugs…” ~Liu Cixin, The Three-Body Problem. Philosophically, the existence of such beings would provoke deep questions about our own morality of our collective behavior in the past 3,000 years, the morality of their actions, and our own role in the universe. Challenging our beliefs about existence and ethics. This realization of the Greys, Anunnaki, and Igigi as real entities would force us to face an unsettling truth about our vulnerability, the reliability of our historical narratives, the very nature of our existence in the cosmos, and that God exists and created us in its own image. Perhaps to just hear our screams. Even God cannot hear bugs scream, in space.
All the information here was derived from the main outline below. If anyone wanted a very short telling of this tale via a basic timescale outline, there is one below.
"I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there, and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, couldn't get away. I'd lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies." ~Whitley Strieber, “Communion” 2/25/1987
The Myth of the Annunaki by David-Angelo Mineo 7/1/2024 3,336 Words
Outline: Ancient Timeline of Earth
The Annunaki Myth, Religious Myths, and Modern Innovations
Ancient Timeline of Earth and Mankind: The Annunaki
Pre-Earth Events
Primordial Era
The Enuma Elish describes the creation of the world starting with the primordial gods Apsu (freshwater) and Tiamat (salt water). Their mingling leads to the birth of younger gods, including Ea (Enki), who defeats Apsu and later Tiamat, establishing order from chaos.
Arrival of the Annunaki
Circa 450,000 years ago
According to Sitchin’s "The 12th Planet," advanced beings called the Annunaki arrive on Earth from their home planet, Nibiru. Nibiru’s elongated orbit brings it into the inner solar system approximately every 3,600 years.
Establishment of Eridu
Circa 445,000 years ago
The Annunaki establish Eridu, the first city on Earth, in southern Mesopotamia. Enki, the god of wisdom, water, and creation, oversees the development of Eridu as a base for mining operations.
Gold Mining and the Creation of Man
Circa 300,000 years ago
The Annunaki face labor shortages and hardships in their gold mining operations. Enki and the goddess Ninhursag create Homo sapiens by genetically modifying Homo erectus with Annunaki DNA. The first humans, known as "Lulu," are created to serve as workers for the Annunaki.
The Deluge (Great Flood)
Circa 13,000 years ago
The Epic of Gilgamesh and Sitchin’s writings describe a great deluge caused by the gravitational pull of Nibiru passing near Earth. Enki warns Ziusudra (Utnapishtim and/or Noah) to build a large boat to save himself, his family, and various species from the flood.
Post-Flood Reconstruction
Post-Flood Era (circa 10,000 BCE)
The Annunaki help humanity rebuild civilization after the flood. Agriculture, animal husbandry, and advanced knowledge are shared with humans. Key cities such as Ur, Uruk, and Nippur are established and flourish.
Rise of City-States and Kingship
Circa 3,000 BCE
Sumerian city-states rise to prominence, each with a patron god or goddess. Kingship is seen as a divine institution bestowed by the Annunaki. Inanna (Ishtar) becomes a significant deity, known for her power, beauty, and political influence.
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Circa 2,600 BCE
The historical King Gilgamesh of Uruk embarks on a quest for immortality. The epic narrative includes interactions with gods and mythical creatures, reflecting the close relationship between humans and the divine.
Decline of Annunaki Influence
Circa 1,000 BCE and onward
The direct influence of the Annunaki wanes as human civilizations grow more independent. The memory of the Annunaki becomes mythologized in various cultures, giving rise to numerous legends and religious narratives.
Comprehensive Timeline: Annunaki Myth, Christian Bible, and Western Civilization
Ancient Mythological and Religious Accounts
Early Sumerian Civilization (c. 4500-1900 BCE)
The Annunaki are a group of deities linked to the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. They are depicted as judges of the underworld and creators of mankind. Primary sources include Sumerian texts such as the Enuma Elish and the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Ancient Mesopotamian Mythology (c. 1900-539 BCE)
The Annunaki myth expands in Babylonian and Assyrian mythology. The Annunaki are positioned below higher gods like Anu, Enlil, and Ea/Enki.
Egyptian Civilization
Old Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2686-2181 BCE)
Egyptian mythology includes gods like Ra, Osiris, and Isis. Creation myths often involve gods emerging from primordial chaos. Construction of pyramids, including the Great Pyramid of Giza.
New Kingdom of Egypt (c. 1550-1070 BCE)
Heightened worship of gods like Amun-Ra. Pharaohs are considered divine or semi-divine. Cultural achievements include the expansion of the empire, construction of temples, and advancements in art and literature.
Greek Civilization
Classical Greece (c. 508-323 BCE)
Greek mythology features gods like Zeus, Hera, and Athena. Creation myths include the Titans and Olympians. Contributions by Socrates, Plato, Aristotle lead to the development of early scientific thought.
Hellenistic Period (c. 323-31 BCE)
Greek culture spreads throughout the Mediterranean and Near East following the conquests of Alexander the Great. Syncretism leads to the blending of Greek and local deities and myths.
Roman Civilization
Roman Republic (c. 509-27 BCE)
Roman gods parallel Greek deities, e.g., Jupiter (Zeus), Venus (Aphrodite). Political developments include the establishment of the Republic and the codification of Roman law.
Roman Empire (27 BCE-476 CE)
Emergence and spread of Christianity, including the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (c. 30 CE). Cultural achievements include extensive road networks, architectural marvels like the Colosseum, and legal advancements.
Development of Europe
Early Middle Ages (c. 476-1000 CE)
Christianity becomes dominant in Europe. Monasticism and the establishment of the papacy. Development of feudalism and manorialism.
High and Late Middle Ages (c. 1000-1500 CE)
The Crusades: Religious wars aimed at reclaiming the Holy Land. Cultural revival includes Gothic architecture, universities, and scholasticism.
Renaissance (c. 1300-1600 CE)
Rebirth of classical knowledge: Revival of Greek and Roman knowledge. Advancements in art, science, and exploration. Humanism focuses on human potential and achievements.
Formation of Modern Western Culture
Reformation and Enlightenment (c. 1500-1800 CE)
Martin Luther’s 95 Theses (1517) sparks the Protestant Reformation. Scientific developments by Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton. The Enlightenment emphasizes reason, individualism, and skepticism of authority.
Formation of England and Modern Europe (c. 800-1800 CE)
Formation of early English kingdoms. The Norman Conquest (1066) establishes Norman rule. The development of modern nation-states in Europe.
Industrial Revolution and Modern Era (c. 1800-Present)
Technological advancements, urbanization, and economic changes. Influence of Western culture globally, driven by economic, technological, and cultural factors. Continued advancements in science and technology. Widespread debunking of pseudo-scientific theories like Sitchin’s Annunaki hypothesis.
Integration of Annunaki Myth and Christian Bible
Modern Interpretations and Pseudo-scientific Theories (1976 onwards)
Zecharia Sitchin proposes that the Annunaki are extraterrestrial beings from the planet Nibiru, influencing early human history. Sitchin’s theories are widely discredited by scholars and scientists.
Cultural Impact and Ongoing Beliefs (2000s-Present)
Annunaki and Nibiru myths influence books, movies, and online discussions. Christian themes remain prevalent in Western culture, influencing literature, art, and media. Despite scientific debunking, belief in Sitchin’s theories persists in some communities.
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Yall ever start a post and then go holy shit this is taking a MILLION TIMES LONGER THAN EXPECTED but u keep going
Like I'm working on a masterpost of the Mesopotamian Pantheon(s) and holy shit my eyes hurt from reading and my thumbs hurt from typing
But I can feel these deities with me and their appreciation for what I'm doing, even if information about them is scarse. I feel bad for some of them, as there is little to no information about them, or conflicting information, but I can feel them next to me telling me it's not my fault and that they appreciate the effort, even though it's bearing no fruits.
#witchblr#witchcraft#deity work#deity devotion#deity witchcraft#deity worship#mesopotamian mythology#igigi#anunnaki#mesopotamia
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My Heavenly 1946 ATLANTEAN [HA = HARRELL] Father's SHAMBALLAH House of 1994 esharra.tech... BEE Many Lunar Energy MANSIONS on Astronomical PLUTO [MAP] of SUPERGIANT BLACK CARBON [B.C.] SKY PLANET TIWAWAT.com Coordinate Communication [TCC] Towers of SIRIUS quantumharrell.tech Industry [Qi] Networks @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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EYE MICHAEL LUNA HARRELL Jr. of My Heavenly 1946 ATLANTEAN [HA = HARRELL] Father's SHAMBALLAH House of 1994 esharra.tech @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
iBuilt Many [IBM] Lunar Energy MANSIONS on Astronomical PLUTO [MAP] of SUPERGIANT BLACK CARBON [B.C.] SKY PLANET TIWAWAT.com @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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OH 1968 Gen X michaelharrelljr.com LAW'D of ANU [L.A.] GOLDEN 9 ETHER SKY MONARCHICAL ÆGIPT [ME] from 2223 MU ATLANTIS5000.com [MA]!!!
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eye bee ancient hi:tekemeticompu_tah [ptah] of SIRIUS BLACKANUNNAQI.tech cryptography from atlantis5000.tech @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000

we still here...
eye ain't lost

eye found moor ancient [ma] esoteric [me] secrets @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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Shhh... IGIGI Cloaked in the Skies
© 1968-2223 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH LLC All LOST ANCIENT [L.A.] ATLANTEAN DNA [A.D.] DotCom [A.D.] + DotTech [A.D.] + Pre 1698quantumharrellgov.tech of quantumplanetX.tech Domain Name Rights Reserved.
eye original 9 ether quantumplanetX.tech @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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La verdad oculta de la Raza Humana. Motivos por los que fuimos creados

Vamos a desvelar una de las verdades más incómodas, la que nadie quiere escuchar pero que, cuando la oigas, te cambiará para siempre. Si crees que tu vida es lo que ves, si crees que nuestra existencia es producto de la casualidad o el destino, estás profundamente equivocado. Lo que estamos a punto de revelar es la verdadera razón por la que la raza humana fue creada. Y, te lo advierto, no es lo que te han contado.
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué estamos aquí? ¿Por qué parece que, a pesar de los avances tecnológicos y científicos, seguimos siendo peones en un tablero que no controlamos? Este video es para aquellos que quieren salir de la ignorancia y mirar más allá del velo que nos han puesto desde que nacimos. Porque lo que vas a escuchar ahora no lo vas a encontrar en los libros de historia, ni en los medios. Prepárate para descubrir lo que siempre te ocultaron.
Lo que voy a contarte a continuación podría parecer una locura, pero no te confundas, porque todo tiene sentido. Si crees que la raza humana es una creación divina para alcanzar la perfección, estás a punto de recibir un golpe de realidad. Lo que somos, y por qué existimos, tiene mucho más que ver con el control, la obediencia y la explotación, que con cualquier otra teoría que te hayan vendido. Esto es solo el principio. Lo que viene, te va a volar la cabeza.
Punto 1: La humanidad como granja de alimentación
Empezamos con algo básico, pero crucial: ¿y si fuéramos simplemente ganado? Sé que suena duro, pero ponte a pensar. Desde el momento en que nacemos, somos parte de un sistema que se alimenta de nuestra energía, tanto física como emocional. ¿Te has dado cuenta de cómo estamos inmersos en un ciclo interminable de trabajo, consumo, y estrés? Nos bombardean con noticias aterradoras, distracciones vacías, y problemas que parecen no tener fin. Cada emoción intensa que experimentamos, ya sea miedo, ira o incluso placer, parece ser aprovechada por algo más grande que no podemos ver.
Hay teorías que sugieren que nuestra energía emocional, sobre todo el miedo y el sufrimiento, es recolectada por entidades superiores, que se nutren de ella como si fuéramos una granja de emociones. ¿Te parece descabellado? Entonces explícanos por qué vivimos en una sociedad que parece diseñada para mantenernos en un estado constante de ansiedad. ¿Por qué los medios de comunicación insisten en infundirnos miedo a través de crisis continuas? Somos presas en una jaula emocional, y estamos siendo drenados.
Pero, ¿cómo nos manipulan a este nivel? A través de todo lo que nos rodea. La tecnología, las redes sociales, el entretenimiento, todo está calibrado para mantenernos distraídos y agotados. Nunca se trata de que te detengas, pienses y te liberes. Es más fácil controlarte cuando estás agotado, confundido y emocionalmente drenado. Y, al final, toda esa energía se va a algún lugar, y no es en tu beneficio.
Punto 2: Humanos como mano de obra – Mineros del oro según la mitología sumeria
Este punto nos lleva a uno de los relatos más antiguos y sorprendentes: la mitología sumeria. En las tablillas de arcilla de los sumerios, se narra la historia de los Anunnaki, una raza extraterrestre que necesitaba extraer oro para salvar su propio planeta. Cuando los Igigi, los trabajadores originales de los Anunnaki, se rebelaron por las duras condiciones de trabajo, los Anunnaki decidieron crear una nueva raza: los humanos. ¿Te das cuenta de lo que esto significa? Fuimos creados, según estos textos, como esclavos para realizar el trabajo sucio que otros no querían hacer.
Piénsalo bien. Desde que tenemos registro de la historia, el ser humano ha estado obsesionado con la minería y el oro. En culturas de todo el mundo, el oro ha sido venerado y deseado, pero ¿por qué? ¿Por qué algo tan difícil de obtener, que apenas tiene utilidad práctica para la vida diaria, ha sido considerado tan valioso? Los sumerios ya tenían la respuesta: fuimos creados para extraerlo. Somos la herramienta perfecta para un trabajo que, de otra forma, nunca habríamos elegido.
Y no solo eso. La conexión con el oro se extiende más allá de la mitología. En la historia moderna, los imperios y las civilizaciones han sido construidos y destruidos en su búsqueda. Desde la fiebre del oro hasta la colonización del Nuevo Mundo, siempre ha habido un interés desmesurado en este metal. ¿Será porque fuimos programados, a nivel genético, para desearlo y buscarlo sin descanso? La manipulación que sugiere la historia sumeria no termina con la creación de la raza humana; continúa hasta hoy. ¿Hasta cuándo seguiremos siendo esclavos de ese legado?
Punto 3: Un ejército para guerras
Si creías que la explotación humana acababa en las minas de oro, prepárate, porque esto se pone peor. Hay teorías que afirman que además de ser mineros, también fuimos creados como soldados, un ejército biológico diseñado para luchar en guerras que ni siquiera comprendemos. Desde el principio de los tiempos, los humanos hemos sido enviados a luchar y morir por causas que no entendemos, por órdenes de líderes que rara vez sufren las consecuencias. ¿Te has preguntado por qué el conflicto es una constante en la historia humana? Porque somos peones en una guerra más grande de lo que creemos.
A lo largo de la historia, las guerras han sido utilizadas para mover masas, cambiar fronteras y redistribuir poder. ¿Pero y si te dijera que la verdadera razón de tantas guerras no es solo política o territorial, sino que fuimos creados para este propósito? Fuimos diseñados, programados incluso, para responder a la llamada del conflicto. Y no es casualidad que tantas culturas antiguas, desde los sumerios hasta los griegos, hablen de batallas entre dioses que requerían la intervención humana.
La teoría se extiende hasta hoy. ¿Por qué seguimos luchando guerras en nombre de ideologías que apenas comprendemos? Porque estamos condicionados para hacerlo. Nos han vendido la narrativa de que la guerra es inevitable, que es parte de la condición humana, pero ¿y si no lo es? ¿Y si simplemente estamos cumpliendo con un rol que nos fue impuesto desde el día en que fuimos creados? Un rol del que aún no hemos despertado, porque seguimos siendo parte de ese ejército invisible, de esa maquinaria bélica.
Punto 4: El concepto de dios y la obediencia – Religión como herramienta de control
Finalmente, llegamos al núcleo del control: la religión y el concepto de dios. Desde las antiguas mitologías hasta las religiones monoteístas modernas, el ser humano siempre ha sido sometido a la idea de obedecer a una autoridad superior. ¿Te has preguntado por qué? Porque la obediencia es la clave para mantenernos bajo control. El pecado original, esa noción de que nacemos con una deuda hacia un dios y que debemos obedecerle o sufrir las consecuencias, no es más que un mecanismo de control.
Volvamos a los sumerios. En sus textos, cuando los Igigi se rebelaron, los Anunnaki no dudaron en reemplazarlos con una raza que no solo fuera más eficiente, sino también más obediente: nosotros. Si los humanos no cumplían con su función, también serían reemplazados. ¿No es este el mismo mensaje que encontramos en el Génesis bíblico? El pecado original no es más que la imposición de la obediencia absoluta a una deidad que exige sumisión, de lo contrario, seremos castigados.
Las religiones, lejos de ser una fuente de liberación espiritual, han sido utilizadas a lo largo de la historia para mantener a las masas sometidas. Nos enseñan a obedecer, a no cuestionar, a aceptar nuestro destino. Pero, ¿y si todo esto fuera parte de un sistema más amplio de control? Si la desobediencia significa el caos y el castigo, entonces la obediencia es la herramienta perfecta para quienes realmente están en el poder. Estamos atados a un concepto divino que ni siquiera entendemos, pero que nos ha mantenido en línea durante milenios.
Ahora que ya sabes la verdad, ¿qué vas a hacer con ella? Te lo dije al principio, este video no es una llamada a la acción, es una llamada a la reflexión. Si no te ha movido algo dentro, si no estás replanteándote tu propia existencia, es que no has prestado atención. Lo que hemos hablado hoy es solo la punta del iceberg. No podemos permitirnos seguir en la ignorancia mientras somos usados y manipulados.
La historia que te han contado es una mentira. Fuimos creados, sí, pero no para la gloria ni para la perfección, sino para ser esclavos, soldados, y herramientas. Y hasta que no abramos los ojos y empecemos a cuestionarlo todo, seguiremos siendo parte del rebaño. Pero tú puedes ser diferente. Tú puedes despertar.
Al final, la decisión es tuya. Puedes seguir viviendo en la comodidad de la mentira o empezar a rascar la superficie. Porque una vez que veas la verdad, ya no hay vuelta atrás. ¿Estás listo para salir de la Matrix? Porque todo lo que has creído hasta ahora podría estar basado en la mayor farsa de la historia.
Bibliografía recomendada:
Sitchin, Zecharia - The 12th Planet (1976). El libro clave sobre los Anunnaki y la teoría de que los humanos fueron creados por extraterrestres para la minería de oro.
Von Däniken, Erich - Chariots of the Gods? (1968). Un clásico sobre la teoría de los antiguos astronautas que sugiere que los dioses de la antigüedad eran visitantes de otros planetas.
Goodman, Martin - A History of Judaism (2018). Un libro esencial para entender cómo la religión ha moldeado las civilizaciones, y cómo el concepto de obediencia es clave.
Hancock, Graham - Fingerprints of the Gods (1995). Investiga las huellas de civilizaciones antiguas y cómo estas teorías podrían encajar en un relato más amplio sobre la humanidad.
Heiser, Michael S. - The Unseen Realm (2015). Explora la interpretación bíblica de la creación humana y el control espiritual.
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Early sketch of the Igigi People who staged an uprising against the Anunnaki Maputo base.
#anime#ufos#aliens#scifi#extraterrestrials#animation#ancient aliens#comic books#fantasy#manga#igigi#hyrids#anunnaki#nibiru
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Capricornus Occultus Talon Abraxas “Beloved Pan and all ye other gods who haunt this place, give me beauty in the inward soul, and may the outward and the inner man be at one.” - ― Socrates King of Wisdom, maker of intelligence. Far-famed leading goat, adornment of 'the House of the Deep.' Enlilbanda, the skilled, the protecting angel. Valiant one of Eridu, advisor of the Igigi. To the great gods thou givest counsel. O Ea, by thy incantation of life, raise the dying!
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you know what it is. first ten attacks of art fight are in the books
persephone - @peachiipiie
charlie - m0ss_munch3r
inanna - miorjah
ione - sagawolf
kukła - hexie
igigi-bal-ptesh - thatdarnmo
polaris - @bytevamp
europa - @lionraeart
sage - @they-thespian666
solana - @minkhano
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The Annunaki And The Paradise
While the Sumerian texts primarily focus on a singular Eden, the concept of multiple Edens is a plausible interpretation. Various ancient texts and interpretations suggest that different "Edens" or similar paradisiacal environments might have existed in other regions, serving as multiple experimental grounds for the Anunnaki's creation of humans. Each Eden could have been tailored to suit specific purposes or conditions, ensuring the success of Anunnaki's overarching plans.
The creation of Eden by the Anunnaki was a deliberate and strategic move to alleviate the Igigi's burdens and create a race of beings capable of maintaining the Earth and serving the gods. The collaborative efforts of Enki, Enlil, and Ninhursag were crucial in this endeavor, blending their divine powers and wisdom to shape a paradise where humanity could flourish under divine guidance. Eden was not merely a garden but a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of the Anunnaki, whose legacy continues to intrigue and inspire.
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Does that "iltam sumra" meme sound effect has a real translation?
Silim, and I found it!
The original audio appears to come from this video, with people narrating text in several ancient languages. The section labeled "Sumerian" is... not in Sumerian. It's an Akkadian quote, from the start of Hymn to Ishtar A, approximately iltam zumrā rašubti ilātim / litta'id bēlet nišī rabīt igigī / ištar zumrā rašubti ilātim / litta'id bēlet iššī rabīt igigī. This section is translated in e.g. Metcalf 2012 (pp. 65-66) as "Sing of the goddess, awe-inspiring among the goddesses, let the mistress of the people, great among the Igigi, be praised. Sing of Ishtar, awe-inspiring among the goddesses, let the mistress of the women, great among the Igigi, be praised!"
You can find another recording of this audio by Doris Prechel (labeled properly as Akkadian, and including the whole hymn) in the SOAS audio library here. Enjoy!
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Want you to know by the way that the flying mouths in that last screenshot are just the segments of a single Daemon who is also sweet and nice and maybe one of the raddest designs I've seen in anything at all
He even changes color!!! His name is Igigi :) If you want to know the overall plot first, "daemons" are things that began spreading all over the world after a nuclear meltdown and are utterly despised by almost all humans, even most of those who use them like Pokemon, as they only do so with cruel electroshock control devices and consider them nothing but mindless weapons in the war against their feral cousins. Most people overlook constant cues that daemons have intelligence, feelings and various ways they're always trying to communicate with us, all except of course this one little boy. ...And surprisingly also his mom, who's portrayed as wonderfully supportive of her son's different outlook! Nothing bad ever happens and everyone is happy, and nobody would probably cry at the finale or anything. Don't worry about it.
I'm going to review it in more depth but please watch My Daemon if you want to see a sweet touching series with a perfectly paced 13 episode story arc and the maximum sickest possible creature designs. Sad how many people I see dismiss it already because they knee-jerk hate "that CG anime style," probably the top best things I've ever seen were this style, you gotta get over it guys
look what you miss out on
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Mesopotamian Pantheon Explained
Hello! My name is Red, I am a devotee of the Mesopotamian Goddess Inanna, and it makes me sad to see that not a lot of people know about her, let alone the rest of her pantheon, so I thought I'd make a post about everyone, or at least, everyone I can. I've made a masterpost about her, and I really enjoyed it, as it gave me an "excuse" to learn about her, and this is the same. In this post I will be naming the gods and their domains and their relations with each other. If prompted, I would love to do a deep dive on every deity in this pantheon I can. Unfortunately, there are over a thousand deities across all Mesopotamian cultures, so this is by no means a complete list or anything similar.
So, first, what is Mesopotamia? Mesopotamia means "land between the rivers", the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, and it is the term to define the whole region and the various cultures that lived there. This includes Sumer, Akkadia, and Babylon. Despite culture being different, they shared similarities in written language, religion, and attitude towards women. The gods may have had different names at different points, but they were the same deity to all, often referred to interchangeably. This region gave birth to about 50 firsts of man.
But, on to the Gods!
The first thing to know about the Pantheon and how people worked with them, is that mortals believed them to be coworkers with the deities, and that they worked together to maintain order. (*edit: this fact is disputed, the idea that humans were seen mostly as servants seems to be more popular*) Due to differences in cultures, each civilization viewed the deities differently, so Marduk might have been king of the Gods in Babylon, Enlil was king of the Gods in Sumer. The heavenly Gods were referred to as Igigi, and occasionally Anunnaki, though in some sources Anunnaki was the older or "major" Gods, and the Igigi were the lower ranking Gods.
We are going to start with the Seven Divine Powers, the oldest Sumerian deities. (*edit: largely thought to have been manufactured later in history*)
Anu - sky god
Enki - god of wisdom
Enlil - lord of the air, sumerian king of the Gods.
Inanna - goddess of love, fertility, and war, queen of the heavens
Nanna - goddess of the moon
Ninhursag - mother goddess
Utu/Shamash - god of the sun
Other popular deities include
Assur/Ashur - supreme god of the Assyrians
Ereshkigal - goddess of the underworld
Gula - goddess of health and healing
Marduk - babylonian king of the gods
Nabu - god of writing
Nanshe - goddess of social justice
Nergal - god of war
Ninkasi - goddess of beer and brewing
Nisaba - goddess of agriculture, turned to writing and accounts
Dumuzid/Tammuz - god of shepherds
Enkimdu - god of farmers, seen as the personification of the irrigation system
Geshtinanna - goddess of scribal arts and dream interpretation (theorized)
Bau - mother goddess, healing
Ishkur - god of storms and rain
Ištaran - god of divine justice
Nanaya - goddess of love
Nanshe - goddess of divination
Ninazu - associated with the underworld, though his role is disputed
Ninlil - wife of Enlil, thought to be "artificially created" as Enlil's equal
Ninshubur - god(dess) attendant of Inanna (in some sources she is masculine, and others feminine)
Zababa - war god
Alammush - god attendant of Nanna
Sherida - goddess of dawn
Apsu - primeval freshwater
Tiamat - primeval sea
The Mesopotamians had many different tellings of the creation of the world, most likely due to the cultural differences. Atra-Hasis, Eridu Genesis, and Enuma Elish are the most common, as we have physical copies of them today. They, among other sources, depict a different family tree, but with key similarities.
Atra-Hasis: Anu, Enlil, and Enki cast lots to determine who rules what. Anu the sky, Enlil the earth, and Enki the sea. Enlil assigned minor gods to farm, but after many years the minor divines refused. Enki suggested to make humans to do the labor. Mother goddess Mami fashions humans out of clay, flesh, and blood of a slain god, and all the gods spit on the clay. After ten months, humans emerged from a specifically made womb. After many years, humans have overpopulated, so Enlil sends famine and drought every 1200 years. Enlil decides to destroy humanity by flood. Enki goes to hero Atra-Hasis and tells him of the plan, instructing him to demolish his house and build a boat. He does, and he brings his family and his animals and seals the door. When the flood comes it stays for seven days and even the gods are afraid. It ends and Enlil is furious with Enki for breaking the vow of silence but eventually the two agree to find other means of controlling the human population.
Eridu Genesis: the beginning of this has been lost to time. The surviving portion starts with Nintur, the goddess who birthed humanity, where she calls for them to he sedentary and civilized. Then more is missing. It resumes with humanity still being nomadic and barbaric. Nintur is stilling planning to provide kingship to the mortals. Then cities emerge, are named, and become distributional economies. Humans begin to annoy the gods, Enlil was unable to sleep, and made the brash decision to destroy humanity with a flood. Enki tells Ziusudra, a human, and tells him to build a boat to save himself and one couple of every animal. Ziusudra does as he is told and the flood comes. Humanity survives, but the rest is lost to time.
Enuma Elish: at the beginning, Apsu and Tiamet existed, co-mingled. From them came Lahmu and Lahamu. Then Anshar and Kishar, and from Anshar came the god Anu and from Anu came Nudimmumd/Ea. These new gods made noise that annoyed Apsu, who called to Mummu to speak with Tiamat, who proposed to destroy them, but Tiamat was reluctant. Mummu advised Apsu to destroy them. The new gods were worried, but Ea crafted a spell to lull Apsu to sleep. Mummu couldn't wake him. Ea took the halo from Apsu and wore it, slew Apsu and chained Mummu, living in Apsu with his wife, Damkina. Together, in Apsu, they created Marduk. Other gods made fun of Tiamat for not doing anything as Apsu was killed. Tiamat made monsters to fight the gods, eleven chimeric monsters with weapons, lead by her new consort Kingu, and gave him the tablets of destinies. Ea heard of the plan and went to his grandfather Anshar, who proposed Marduk as their champion. Marduk said he would win against Tiamat but that he would need to be king of the Gods if he did so. The others were wary but eventually relented. Marduk was given a throne and many supplies to fight Tiamat. He won and split her body in two, fashioning the sky from one half, places for Anu, Enlil, and Ea in it. He made likenesses of the gods in the stars, and from that he made the days of the year. He made night and day and the moon, he made storms and wind and rain, and gave the tablet of destinies to Anu. Marduk told Ea that he was going to use his blood to create man to serve the Gods, but Ea said that another should be chosen as sacrifice. Kingu was chosen, so man was made using his blood.
So... where do these other gods fit into the family tree?
Great question.
An and Ki had Enlil and Enki.
Enlil and Ninlil had Nanna, Nergal, Ninazu, and Enbilulu.
Enlil and Ninhursag had Ninurta.
Nanna and Ningal (in some sources) had Ereshkigal, Inanna, and Utu. In other sources, Enlil, An, or Enki were their parents.
Ereshkigal and Anu had Nungal.
Ereshkigal and Gugalanna had Ninazu. In other sources, Enlil and Ninlil, or Nanna were his parents.
Utu and Aya had Mamu, Kittum, Ishum, and Sisig.
Enki and Duttur had Dumuzid and Geshtinanna.
Either Sin, Urash, or Anu, and Inanna, had Nanaya.
Dumuzid and Inanna were married, but bore no children together.
Thank you for reading this major info-dump and lmk if you guys want any specifics or deep dives on someone! <3
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(🐍 Baizhu & Changsheng to Mehar 🩺) Sumeru has been known for its variety of plant species, all with different uses. One of them was the Nilotpala Lotus, and Baizhu sought out the location of these said flowers in the Avidya Forest. In the way, he couldn't help but notice the Bimarstan, a hospital governed by the Akademiya, and it is said that it provides free healthcare to all Sumeru residents. He was rather curious to see what kind of healers they had there, so he decided to stop by... When he was reading the Bulletin Board, he heard the scene of a nurse being rude to one of the patients. Changsheng, the white snake wrapped around his neck, hissed in dismay. "It would seem that this nursse has not mastered the art of bedside mannerss."
"Changsheng, be nice... We are only guests here." The Doctor attempted to calm his snake down with a smile.
”No, Mr. Igigi, the doctors haven’t cleared you for leave just yet.” Mehar says bluntly as she helps a patient back to bed. “I can go check on your wife for you on my break if it will ease your worries.”
“Just let me leave, it’s not like you lot are doing anything.” The patient replies, shooting a glare at Mehar.
She rolls her eyes slightly. “We are doing our jobs, it’s just that some patients are more stubborn then a sand storm. Now rest while I go get you some water.” She quickly walks away to get the aforementioned water, nodding to Baizhu and Changsheng in greeting as she moved past them.
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Los Anunnaki: La Verdad Detrás de Nuestros Creadores Extraterrestres 🌟🚀"
Los Anunnaki: El Pasado Oculto y el Futuro Inminente" Un Misterio Antiguo Imagina vivir en un mundo donde todo lo que sabes sobre tu origen es falso. ¿Y si los mitos y leyendas de civilizaciones antiguas no eran simples historias, sino fragmentos de una verdad oculta? Según textos sumerios descifrados, hace cientos de millas de años, una raza avanzada de seres conocidos como los Anunnaki llegó a la Tierra con un propósito específico: extraer oro para salvar su planeta moribundo, Nibiru. Pero eso no es todo…
Estos "dioses" no solo minaron recursos; manipularon nuestro ADN, creándonos para trabajar como esclavos. Somos, literalmente, sus creaciones. ¿Increíble, verdad? Pero esto apenas comienza… La Creación Humana Según los Anunnaki En el poema épico Atrahasis , se narra cómo los Anunnaki enfrentaron problemas cuando sus trabajadores divinos, los Igigi, se rebelaron debido al agotamiento físico. Fue entonces cuando decidió crear algo nuevo: una especie capaz de soportar largas jornadas de trabajo sin desfallecer. Usando tecnología avanzada, combinaron el ADN de un homínido primitivo con elementos de su propia biología para crear al Homo sapiens.
Esta teoría, popularizada por Zecharia Sitchin, sugiere que somos descendientes directos de esta ingeniería genética alienígena. No nacimos solo de la evolución natural, sino de una intervención deliberada. Y aunque suene como ciencia ficción, hay quienes creen que pistas de esta verdad están escondidas en nuestras estructuras megalíticas, textos antiguos y hasta en nuestro propio ADN. Los Legados Tecnológicos Perdidos ¿Cómo construyeron civilizaciones antiguas pirámides perfectamente alineadas con las estrellas sin tecnología moderna? ¿Por qué algunas culturas representaban figuras humanoides gigantes con cráneos alargados?
Según las teorías alternativas, los Anunnaki compartieron parte de su conocimiento con nosotros antes de partir. Desde métodos avanzados de construcción hasta sistemas de navegación astronómica, su legado está inscrito en ruinas monumentales como las pirámides de Giza, Teotihuacán y Stonehenge. Sin embargo, tras su partida, gran parte de este saber se perdió. Lo que queda son ecos de una era dorada en la que convivimos con dioses.
Pero aquí viene lo realmente intrigante: ¿y si aún quedaran restos de esa tecnología esperando ser redescubiertos? El Regreso Profetizado Algunas interpretaciones de las tablillas sumerias hablan de un evento inevitable: el regreso de los Anunnaki . Estos textos describen señales celestiales, cambios climáticos extremos y eventos globales que precederían su vuelta. Para algunos, fenómenos recientes como avistamientos OVNI, anomalías geológicas y avances científicos inexplicables podrían ser indicios de que ya están entre nosotros o próximos a llegar.
¿Qué harían al regresar? Algunos creen que buscarían evaluar si hemos sido dignos de continuar existiendo. Otros piensan que vendrían a reclamar lo que alguna vez les perteneció: nuestra lealtad, nuestros recursos… o incluso nuestra identidad como especie. ¿Estamos listos para enfrentarlos? Si los Anunnaki realmente existieron y regresaron, tendríamos que replantearnos todo: quiénes somos, de dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos. ¿Sería posible establecer contacto pacífico con ellos? ¿O deberíamos temerles como a creadores descontentos con su obra?
Mientras tanto, tribus como los Hopi y los Dogon han transmitido durante siglos profecías sobre seres estelares que regresarán para restaurar el equilibrio en la Tierra. Tal vez estas tradiciones sean advertencias. O tal vez sean invitaciones a prepararnos para lo desconocido.
Abre tu mente La historia de los Anunnaki no es solo un cuento antiguo; es un recordatorio de que nuestro pasado puede estar lleno de secretos extraordinarios. Si bien la ciencia convencional rechaza muchas de estas ideas, vale la pena preguntarse: ¿qué pasa si estamos equivocados?
El universo es vasto, y nuestra comprensión de él es limitada. Quizás algún día descubramos que no estamos solos… y que nunca lo hemos estado.
¿Te gustaría profundizar en cada uno de estos capítulos? Explora más sobre los Anunnaki, sus conexiones con otras culturas y las teorías que podrían cambiar tu perspectiva del mundo. Dale like, comparte y suscríbete para no perderte futuros episodios donde revelaremos aún más misterios ancestrales. 🌌✨
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Anunnaki beings: do they create humans?
The Anunnaki are a group of deities from ancient Mesopotamian mythology, primarily associated with the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. Their name is often translated to mean "princely seed" or "offspring of An," referring to their lineage from An, the god of the heavens, and Ki, the goddess of the earth.
Historical Context
The earliest references to the Anunnaki appear in Sumerian texts dating back to around 2100 BC during the reign of Gudea. They were considered among the most powerful deities in the Sumerian pantheon and were believed to play crucial roles in decreeing the fates of humanity. The Anunnaki's influence extended over various aspects of life, including agriculture, city-building, and governance.
Functions and Roles
The Anunnaki were initially associated with heavenly realms but later became linked to earthly affairs and the underworld. Their primary functions included:
Decreeing Human Fate: They were believed to determine the destinies of humans.
Judges of the Underworld: In texts like the Epic of Gilgamesh, they are depicted as judges who preside over the dead.
Cultural Advancement: Myths suggest they imparted knowledge and skills to humanity, such as agriculture and urban development. Notable Deities Among the Anunnaki
Some prominent figures within the Anunnaki include:
Enlil: The god of air and chief deity in Sumerian belief.
Enki: Known for his wisdom and role in creation myths.
Inanna: The goddess associated with love, war, and justice.
Marduk: A later addition who became a central figure in Babylonian mythology, overseeing many Anunnaki under his command.
Variations in Textual Accounts
Descriptions of the Anunnaki vary significantly across different texts. For instance:
In some accounts, they are depicted as a collective group responsible for overseeing human affairs.
In others, particularly during the Middle Babylonian Period, they are categorized more distinctly as underworld deities compared to their heavenly counterparts known as the Igigi.
Cultural Significance
The Anunnaki played a vital role in shaping Mesopotamian culture and religion. They were not worshipped collectively; rather, individual deities had their own cults and temples dedicated to them across various city-states. This reflects a complex religious landscape where each city honored specific gods while acknowledging the broader pantheon that included the Anunnaki.
The Anunnaki represent a significant aspect of ancient Mesopotamian mythology, embodying both divine power and cultural heritage that influenced early human civilization. Their stories continue to intrigue scholars and enthusiasts alike, contributing to our understanding of ancient belief systems.
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Capricorn Talon Abraxas King of Wisdom, maker of intelligence. Far-famed leading goat, adornment of 'the House of the Deep.' Enlilbanda, the skilled, the protecting angel. Valiant one of Eridu, advisor of the Igigi. To the great gods thou givest counsel. O Ea, by thy incantation of life, raise the dying!
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