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melblur · 1 year ago
well. in honor of the halloween spirit. i would like to formally reintroduce everyone to the only good tweet i ever made
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(& CoolBoxArt posted a tribute to it a year later)
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doshmanziari · 4 months ago
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Just a few edits I'd made of screenshots from Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, and which I found lying around in a folder.
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fredccassar · 2 years ago
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aria of sorrow
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marluxialarxene · 1 year ago
Because Millenial1992 truly died… Millenial1992 didn’t make it.
I hope there is no castlevania in the future, in the pasts that both Castlevania and Street Fighter Ex ruined my life, I hate to suffer, distress, and rougher life.
The ugly house boy wants to kiss my admin, Fucking Kaneto Shiozawa!! 💢🔪
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weirdunclegamer · 6 months ago
Replaying Aria of Sorrow and I love that this and Mega Man Zero were two GBA games that each had a line of their "dark hero" motif MC telling a "light hero" motif'd opponent "naw, the real you is better then that".
The context of the two lines is totally different, but that's a sort of moment in fiction I love, it's not even like a backhanded compliment sort of thing, it's just the ultimate call out. This "you" can't win, shame shame shame. Now if the real "you" had been fighting...
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tsuki-sennin-creations · 1 year ago
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Miriam, of the wonderful smash hit indie franchise Bloodstained! Although I had no means of backing it myself, it was easily my most anticipated game of last decade since I first saw several of my favorite YouTubers at the time talk about its Kickstarter campaign.
...and let me tell you, if even a rough Switch port still managed to be an immensely enjoyable experience before patching, you've got a damn fantastic game on your hands. Please give it a shot if you haven't already. ...or y'know, buy the Circle of the Moon games if you love retro action games, they'll scratch that itch real good.
And, for the sake of letting you know that I'm genuinely improving with my art and preserving it, here is a previous Miriam piece I did in 2020. It's uh... not especially good, but never mind that!
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rosellabascomacapinlac · 1 year ago
Shirase Mizugami and Leon Belmont was there everytime shits on my life, shit on my life, shit on my job, and shit on my body I mean attempted shit on my virginity that they want me to give birth a super shit.
The tragic incident about the pregnant stray cat, that same stray cat have kittens, she entered my house then brought many of her kittens into the spaceless room, and too hard to find the stray cat family where they hid then phishing shitty man who needed to get paid that that he will do his job, that's a big waste of time, money, and hygiene. Then Shirase Hokuto was there then Leon Belmont thwarted my self-defense in vain, what a big waste of time with those cursed monsters who were so obsessed with me.
野良妊娠中の悲惨な事件猫、その野良猫には子猫がいます、彼女は私の家に入り、それからスペースのない部屋にたくさんの子猫を連れてきました、そして彼らが隠れた野良猫の家族を見つけるのはあまりにも困難でした、そして、そのためにお金を受け取る必要のあるクソ男をフィッシングしました彼の仕事、それは時間、お金、そして衛生面の大きな無駄です。 そして白瀬北斗がそこにいて、レオン・ベルモントが私の正当防衛を無駄に妨害しました。私に執着していた呪われた怪物たちとのなんて時間の無駄でした。
They said the super low quality men should touched my body or should be my date and they must take my virginity. Shit, thats a waste of body and virginity, they want me that I will give birth a monster, lazy, untalented, brainless, and ugly. They want me to have an offspring 🧌
彼らは、超低品質の男たちが私の体に触れるべきか、デートすべきであり、私の処女を奪うべきだと言いました。 くそー、それは体と処女の無駄だ、彼らは私が怠け者で才能がなく、頭脳がなく、醜い怪物を産むことを望んでいます。彼らは私に子孫を残したいと思っています🧌
Shirase and Leon Belmont wants me to date with a shit, kissed by the shit, smelled by the shit, touched by the shit, hugged by shit, flirted by shit, seduced by shit, fucked by shit and pregnant by shit.
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verumleonhart · 2 months ago
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
This feels like Iga & his team used everything they've learned from Castlevania and condensed that all into one title. While I do wish it was a proper 2d game I still had a blast exploring and defeating bosses while humming to the great music.
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shujinacademyvgmclub · 1 year ago
It's time for a new BONUS episode! Listen to 2 and a half hours of Castlevania tracks on my newest show: Every Drop You Drink II, or The Spooky Castlevania Leftovers. Find it at on Podbean or wherever your podcasts are sold except Spotify for reasons.
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beevean · 1 year ago
I love how fans of Circle of the Moon (no offense to all of them of course, you know what I mean) will cite its bosses as one of its strongest points, especially against the other Igavanias which are too easy, while I'm standing here waiting for some youtuber to make a video titled "The thematic relevance and depth of not getting healed after Hugh's fight and dying trying to make your way back to the Warp Room"
"it has high points in the form of its bosses" yeah, they sure are high! So high they can't even fit in the screen and you can't see what the fuck they're doing! Am I right Zombie Dragons you pieces of shit? :'D
Sorry guys, while it's true that HoD and AoS have mindlessly easy bosses, it doesn't mean that CoTM's unfairness is automatically better. Hell, most of them don't even have a particular strategy that makes them interesting! It's just a matter of luck!
Also yeah go ahead and defend me the choice of not healing you after a boss when it's been a staple of the series since day 1. Go on. Tell me where's the fun in that.
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clownkiwi · 2 years ago
rewatching egoraptor's video on castlevania (because im watching the 7 hour long castlevania retrospective and they referenced. avgn. because when you think of simon's quest who else do you think of but avgn) and i've noticed something. arin Really Doesn't Like metroidvanias...
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loborundas · 8 months ago
Rebel Transmute finished today, it was a bit disappointing ngl, I expected more Metroid and less Hollow Knight, But Scifi (I liked Hollow Knight but it's NOT my preferred variant of the search-action/metroidvania gente)
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somajean · 1 year ago
Posting now so I don't forgor! I'll be racing Bloodstained Ritual of the Night rando at 3 PM Eastern on Twitch.TV/Bobbeigh. I am looking forward to getting solidly 2-0'd and my ass knocked directly to the depths of the loser's bracket.
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foxstens · 1 year ago
about halfway through the game and suddenly i really wanna drop it
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radicalapollo · 7 months ago
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Hello once again everyone!
With my return to the internet at large, I'm also going to try streaming again on a fairly regular basis, almost definitely on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from this point on.
I'm also re-debuting as a PNGtuber that I've been working on for a little bit!
If you're interested in checking out my steam, go head over to https://www.twitch.tv/radicalapollo and give me a follow if you haven't already!
In the next week I'm going to be playing Castlevania Revamped, a remake of the original Castlevania for the NES, with modern teaks and a more Igavania styled gameplay.
We're also going to check out Megaton Musashi W: Wired, a action RPG about piloting giant robots with just as giant weapons in a world that isn't what it seems.
Love yall, hope to see you there!
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maximkischin-e · 1 year ago
Favourite IGAVania poll is linked below!
*I know CoTM isn't dir. by IGA but I included it regardless.
Feel free to explain why in notes!
[Link to Favourite poll]
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