#ig they're a different breed
the-illiterate-pirate · 11 months
Congrats on 1000 followers! How about some monster fucking headcanons with were Wes?
K so my brain blocked out the "were" part of this ask but uh idrc so I'm giving you werewolf Weather along with some of my other favorite monster imagines because it's my boyfriend and I get to do whatever I want w him thanks
1k special post! Still going btw! Send me requests so I don't have to finish my Blackmore and my Weather Report fics!
Monster boy Weather Report HCs ♡ (NSFW)
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• He'll be biting shit, getting saliva everywhere. Ofc he licks all of his bites better afterwards as a little apology
• Loves to mount you from behind ♡
• After he's fucked you good and barely conscious he turns into the biggest baby and begs for head/ear scratches. If you indulge him his tail turns into a weapon, so take caution.
• Speaking of his tail... give it a nice, gentle tug. Play with it a little.... he's a shaking mess
• Acts like he's addicted to eating you out and will overstimulate you with his tongue. Same goes for his dick too, obviously, so pick your poison ig
• Even if he's not going through a rut, or hadn't transformed yet, he's so easy to turn on, just grab his tail, itch behind the ears, give him some belly rubs, and he's immediately turned on.
• He's soo fucking hairy oh god
• Let's out the biggest "Awoo" when he comes inside you
Minotaur/Bull hybrid!Weather
• This bitch will fuck you on every surface he can; barn wall, a truck, literally anywhere there's no out of bounds.
• His fav position is to hold you up and bounce you on his cock because he likes to show off how strong he is.
• He's a rather gentle dom, but he has moments where he'll fuck you rough, it's mostly spurred on by jealousy
• He can get soo possessive over you if you spend too much time with the other farm monsters. But dw he'll fuck you good to remind you who your mate is
• He's a rescue from a breeding barn, so... due to his history his cock is pretty sensitive. He's a mooing mess if you try to give him head.
• That being said... would you even be able to fit that thing in your mouth? It's huge ... maybe just use your tongue so you don't pop your jaw out of socket. Yeah. He likes it like that, anyway.
• His tits are huge, but they're just for show. Dw he's got a different special milk you can have instead 😏😏
• He'll cum buckets inside you, then use his cock to plug you up. He'll stay like that for hours if he's got to. EVEN IF YOU CAN'T GET PREGNANT, HE WILL FORCE YOU TO STAY LIKE THAT FOREVER
• When I tell you to use his horns to steer him deeper into eating you out, I MEAN IT. HE THINKS IT'S HOT
• Hey, did you know snakes have TWO
• Double the pp double the cum. It gets everywhere
• Double penetration is almost a must, he can be persuaded into only using one. But are you really not going to let him keep both of his dicks warm?
• He likes to wrap you up in his tail while he fucks you. Don't ask how it works it just does
• Likes to use his tongue to tease you
• I don't think a snake tongue would feel too good... but he's eager to please
• Don't worry the teeth are retractable
• Speaking of which 😏😏😏 no gag reflex
• I'm running out of ideas but hell yeah snake sex
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
Oh you're Brazilian, correct? *saw ur bio*
I was wondering if there's anything I should or shouldnt do when making a Brazilian OC.
Oh hi!
First of all, thank you for the ask :) I'm very happy you decided to make a brazilian oc, whatever is the reason (if any at all lol) 👍 Keep up the good work.
Now, generally, what you should avoid are the most common stereotypes assossiated with latin people in general (like the Latino Lover stereotype), and some specifically assossiated with us a lot:
The Soccer Player ("every brazilian [black] guy obv plays soccer"), the Samba Dancer ("every brazilian black girl dances samba"), the Sexy Brazilian (everybody has their preferences ig but try to step away from fetishization--also falls into the latino lover a little) and the Carnival Party Person ("brazil is a very big carnival party all of the time") are some examples of stuff you should avoid.
Some things I would advise you to consider aside from this are A. Their race, B. The area they're from and C. Cultural differences (I'm gonna list them in a bit).
I mention race here because a very common thing in Brazil, actually (at least if you don't consider the South/South East) is the miscigenation phenomena. Long story short, some centuries ago, the colonizers had an... "idea" of toning down the population of black people in the country, so interracial relationships were very incentivated to "breed" lighter skinned black people. Results: On this day, most brazilian people in the Northern areas are not 100% black, but very very mixed (like me). A lot of people have dark skin, though.
Now, the area where they are from would also play a big factor in the things you want to consider, because Brazil is big, so we generally divide it into five areas (this division was made in 1969 i think, by the IBGE--the brazilian institute of geography and statistics): The North, North East, Central West, South East and South. If you search for a map with this categorization you'll be able to see it.
Culturally, these areas are very different, but I'll go through them briefly here.
North - most of the indigenous folk are concentrated here (for many historical reasons) and here is also the Amazonic forest (a bit of it is in other countries' territorries but I don't remember exactly which). The demographic density (which is the amount of people per say, mile) is very sparse, and despiste it being the largest area out of the five it isn't the most populated. Indigenous cultural heritage is the strongest here.
Nort East - warmest area in the country. The majority of people here are black or brown (for a lot of other historical reasons i unfortunately can't go on about here but they are very interesting if you wanna search up) and African cultural heritage is the strongest here.
Central West - has a very little amount of states here, and also the Federal District--aka the capital, Brazilia (fun fact: Brazilia isn't localized in any state, like the capital used to be, it is separated, so that's why we say Brazil has 26 states + one federal district). I don't know a lot about this one, so I'm gonna rely on Google a little, but basically:
That's the only area that is not bathed by the Atlantic, so no sea here at all, and back in Colonization Days, it was a very explored area for mineration (one of the states here, Minas Gerais, was named because of that, fun fact). Most of the population here is white (50,5%) and brown [mixed race] (43%) source (wikipedia page for the Central West in portuguese).
South East - as we go down here, the areas start getting cooler and whiter. The biggest cities of the country are here: São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. White population, as I said before, is strongly concentrated here, because Back In Colonization Days, a lot of europeans (mainly italians and germans i think, although i might be wrong on this one) migrated to there and the South because the climate is more like in Europe than in the northern areas. This is probably what most people think when they say 'Brazil' (that or the amazonic forest, ofc), because media wise, it covers mostly carioca Carnival (Carnival from Rio de Janeiro) or the super urban city of São Paulo. Fun fact: One of the Seven World Wonders, the Christ The Redeemer statue is located there, in the RJ.
South - smallest area in the country. There are literally just three states here. It's also the coolest area out of the five, and there is even snow here! The European heritage is very strong here, also because of the migration from a few centuries ago.
If you want more insight on a certain specific area for your character, I'd be very happy to help! :) I myself am from the North East, so I have the most information about that, tho.
Now about the cultural differences in general.
A few important things that really differ are:
The culinary (depends of the area, though: up north it will have more african and indigenous dishes, down south there will be more european dishes and stuff)
The climate (if your character is from the northern areas, they will have a hard time adapting to any cool areas they might be in now--in the North East we're used to an average 25º C, or 70º F, for example, so if things go cooler they're gonna want to be very warm)
The measurements (celsius degreees vs farhenheit, miles vs kilometers, centimenters vs feet and inches, etc.)
The calendar: In the South Hemisphere, unlike in the North Hemisphere, summer is on the last and first months of the year and winter is in the middle. Basically, the seasons are inverted up there in relation to here
The school year also works a bit differenly, for that matter: Janurary and the first week of February are summer vacations, and then the year starts. A few weeks later, we have a few more weeks off for Carnival, so no school then too, and *then* you could say the year actually starts. In June (winter), we have a 10-day break for São João festivities (at least in the North East because São João is a cultural "festival"--if that's the right word), and then summer break starts around the end of November or the end or December, depending on the exact school.
Oh yeah, and one more big difference your character might find strange assuming they're in the US or a similar country now: In Brazil we have a thing called SUS - the Unique Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde), which is a free health service for everybody, funded by taxes. I heard that in the US all medical care is private, so I wanted to highlight that in Brazil we have free public healthcare and then also the private hospitals, so that could cause some cultural chock, lol
Same thing for college: There are a lot of public universities. There are actually many differences between usamerican and brazilian education system, but the main ones are that.
If you have any further asks, feel free to send them, I'd love to go deeper into one single thing if you want it. Good luck with your oc <2
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saltminerising · 3 months
I'm a but confused why I've seen people say that merrigan doesn't look anything like the official breed art? Like the mini guys yeah they're way different but Merrigan? Ig her jaws a little rounder but that could just be a her thing. I don't get it
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sushicha · 2 years
Let's be better about Shourtney/Shartney
Borrowing this Shourtney/Shartney rant from my IG! I originally made this when the evidence got super clear, and I was scared the ship was about to explode in popularity and people were gonna freak out 😬 that hasn't necessarily happened (yet), but I still want the advice out there:
This is kind of a semi-rant and word of caution about the shipping of Shayne and Courtney. Tumblr and IG are pretty much the only two places to talk about this.
So if you've been following the Shourtney hashtag on IG, or have seen evidence here on Tumblr, it's becoming increasingly clear that Shayne and Courtney are dating. With what's been brought to light, it's fairly certain.
I'm the first to admit that I've shipped these two for a while and that I was always curiously looking for proof. There wasn't much evidence prior to 2021, so that's likely around when they started actually dating. Even as the evidence was really pouring in and some of it was kinda stalkerish, I was still morbidly curious, and I know a lot of you did the same. Guilty as charged, I'm a lonely hoe... 😔
I'll start by saying the evidence is NOT from videos. I know a lot of you have tried to use their gazes and interactions in Smosh videos as "proof" for years, but body language is not evidence. There's a million ways to interpret a "gaze" or how they talk to and interact with each other. Courtney especially has that type of aura about her where she's very comforting and has great chemistry with others, so what people interpret as "flirting" is just her normal friendly behavior (it's very reminiscent of how men will sometimes misinterpret women just being nice to them as "flirting"). And despite the fact that they're likely in a relationship, nothing about how they interact now is tangibly different than previous years. They're professionals, they're actors, and Smosh is very self-aware that Shourtney drives up viewer engagement, so there's no doubt they've played it up at times.
But... regardless of how little evidence there is in videos, there's other stuff out there which makes it safe to say they're dating. Look for it yourself, I'll no longer be sharing that info.
To me, it appears like it's more of an "open secret" at this point, like a "if you know, you know" type thing. Courtney is more comfortable posting pictures in Shayne's clothes, Courtney's vlogging in their apartment now... I feel like they're at least at peace with the fact that SOME of us know, especially because the Shourtney fandom is still pretty underground and not a lot of people have seen the harder evidence.
Some might be asking, then, why don't they just go public and get it over with??? Damaige did, so why not them???
Why WOULD they, is the real question?
Public relationships are so complicated. All semblance of real privacy vanishes. Everyone suddenly has some opinion on your relationship. People still analyze the shit out of your body language. People still attribute the woman or fem-presenting person's success to the man. People become entitled to personal information. If you guys breakup, people make wild assumptions and take sides. It becomes a breeding ground for the worst aspects of parasocial behavior. Public relationships sound like a complete nightmare. Having to ignore all of the problematic comments while constantly looking over your shoulder sounds like a complete nightmare. People wanna live their lives privately and be known for their personal accomplishments and skills, not their relationship. Shayne and Courtney are both talented individuals BY THEMSELVES.
They have both expressed in videos and podcasts that neither want to have public relationships. They almost always go bad.
But the unfortunate reality is that their relationship being "exposed", even if it's at a relatively small scale, has been seemingly against their will. While Courtney said in a recent Q&A what she posts is intentional, that might not be the case for friends who accidentally exposed Shourtney. It must suck to have to be so careful about what you post and with who, especially at large parties and whatnot. So much is out of your control. Like, who the fuck wants to closely analyze reflections in windows and shit? Or have to tell someone you might barely know not to post a picture of you two?
Maybe they'll address it at some point. Maybe they won't. Making the comparison to Damien and Saige was always completely unfair because Damaige going public was their own personal decision. Shayne and Courtney are completely different people and may have a different line of thinking on the matter. That's not to mention, Saige has expressed a few times on her Twitch that she regrets going public with her relationship and it only made weird incels attribute her successes to Damien even more.
So what should the fans do???
Not be fucking assholes and creeps. Not be misogynistic. Call out assholish, creepy, misogynistic behavior. Not make wild speculations, or become entitled to their personal lives. Don't send Shayne or Courtney (or anyone they know) weird DM's about it. That type of thing. Keep it chill, talk among us Shourtney stans if you must, and live your fucking life, man. Find your own relationship 😅
I know most of the Shourtney stans have been pretty respectful, all things considered. A few bad apples, stalkers, etc. But whatever weird shit that happened on that (now shutdown) Shourtney Discord server should stay in digital hell.
Shayne and Courtney are gonna share what they wanna share. I make this post foreseeing that they may eventually feel the need to say something, but if I'm wrong and they say absolutely nothing, so be it. They've both said shipping is okay because it's content and mostly harmless, but clearly there's a line. And if you see someone crossing it, call them out!
That's all 🙏 I probably won't post much Shourtney content from here on out, but I'll be around. Feel free to discuss it or ask me stuff. ☺️
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sadistpet · 7 months
A, C, D, M?
smut headcanons
A - Affection: How affectionate are they during sex? Is it different with people they're romantically involved with? Can they sleep with people they aren't?
it depends ! i think for the most part when he's like, making love, he's very affectionate. lots of kissing and gay little "i love you"s and generally being very touchy and grabby and getting as close as possible. canonically at least he's only ever sleeping with volgin, who he is romantically involved with, and i'd imagine he's often very affectionate with him unless they're being a bit more bdsm-y. because oh wow can raikov dom if he wants to. but yeah, he's very affectionate :3 he's the clingy type, he can never get close enough to someone, he's always got his legs wrapped around volgin's waist or hips or thrown over his shoulders, always digging his nails into his back or fisting his hands in his hair.
he can and has slept with people he's not romantically involved with, but he by far prefers sleeping with someone he is. he struggles with viewing himself solely as a sex object, so having someone who can be affectionate with him during sex is quite important to him -- even if it's just little things like praising him or complimenting him, stuff like that :3
C - Chatter: Do they like to talk during the act? If so what do they like to talk about? Is it just dirty talk or something different?
oh, he loves dirty talk. loves saying it, loves hearing it. granted, it's often a little difficult for him to actually speak during sex because ( gestures at volgins overall size and ferocity and electricity ) thats a bit physically taxing to be subjected to ! but he's also fucking annoying and extremely talkative anyway and every thrust knocking the breath out of him isn't gonna stop him ^-^ sorryyyy sorry
kind of following on from the other question too, he's very affectionate -- lots of little "i love you"s and such, the general begging of more, harder, deeper, come inside, breed me, please let me come -- yk how it are. if he's domming or power bottoming yk he never shuts the fuck up. he loves giving praise and demanding bc hes ANNOYING.
D - Dominance: Are they into those types of power dynamics? Or do they like to stick to whose topping and bottoming? If they are into it why? If they aren't why not?
GRINS YES. for the most part i think he's usually the one bottoming / receiving, because he's a pillow princess, and he's usually taking the submissive role because he enjoys that ! but he does love being more dominant at times ; he will absolutely be a power bottom if he wants to be, and i know he's topped a few times. he loves his role as volgin's precious pet and he will gladly play with that in the bedroom
plus i mean . we all know volgin gets on his knees for raikov. and raikov is 100% taking advantage of that devotion DHFJGFH he wants to muzzle and dominate that man so bad and make him beg to fuck him. ik he LOVES riling volgin up and teasing him because he knows volgin is completely and utterly incapable of waiting patiently and he LOVES when he torments him enough that volgin just throws him on the bed and pins him down JDFHDJFGR he thinks its fun. and he loves being worshipped
i think he enjoys being in control because he loves being listened to and being able to order people around, getting them frustrated and making them beg for him. on the contrary, he enjoys being submissive because he loves being able to give up control to somebody he trusts, being able to be toyed with and manhandled knowing he can just lie back and enjoy it. plus he definitely enjoys being praised and teased and a little bit degraded and humiliated ^-^ plus theres a kind of. secret authority to it ig. like he is ultimately the one in control even when he's being submissive, and he enjoys having that power
M - Masturbation: Is it a part of sex for your muse? Or is it something completely different? Do they enjoy watching their partner or being watched?
HMM. i think yes, but not often. usually only when volgin's away from groznyj grad and he's a sad little freak all alone, ik he's the phone sex type kjfhrgkhg but i don't think it's a regular thing for him. i actually think he finds masturbating a little awkward without having another person with him, either over the phone or physically, just because he's not used to it. he would definitely enjoy watching his partner masturbate, and being watched while doing so -- he's a little bit of an attention whore, after all, and he would love commanding attention like that using his body.
i don't think either of them are the type to do mutual masturbation or much of watching each other masturbate unless it's taking a direct role in what they're currently doing. otherwise they mostly seem the types to just... have sex rather than masturbate skjhf but yeah, as sexual as raikov is, i don't think he actually masturbates all that much
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theresatvjoe · 2 months
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I thought I'd introduce to you guys to my newest original character, Anastasios!
✍️: artofhafi on IG
This is a little different than what I normally post, some of you already know about these guys, and for those who don't;
I've been wanting a lil guy, a lil fella creature to claim as "mine" recently. I was inspired by art from @mewitti and my mind created Anastasios! (Which is apparently Greek, meaning Resurrection)
This adorable lil Cerberus-like pup is a Doberman breed, with one normal head, one zombie-like head, and one skeleton head! I got it commissioned from artofhafi on IG, who did such a great job! They're absolutely adorable, I can't thank you enough! I love them so much ;w;
Some facts about them:
Middle one:
- a little mischievous, a bit of a trickster/prankster, a tease, but it's all in good fun
- loves to tell jokes
- confident
- laughs a lot due to those jokes
- a silly goober
- sometimes clueless on what's going on
- peacekeeper
- always happy
- ironically the one who appreciates life and loves nature the most
- don't upset him
But all in all they're all happy-go-lucky and sweet (: (and they scare easily lmao)
They play fetch with one of their ribs from time to time as well
I have already gotten a ton of other commissions done of them from other artists to support small businesses, and I'll probably be getting more in the future! I'm figuring out how I'll be posting the rest of the commissions, cause there are a lot 😂
I also have plans to make them into a pin at some point, and I've already made them into stickers!
Btw, if anyone wants to draw them for fun, you have my permission as long as you tag me!
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kevyeen · 4 months
Now I'm curious how do your finals work?
Before explaining that, I think I should explain our school years.
INTRO (ig)
We don't actually say primary school or high school; It's first grade (6-7 years old) to twelfth grade (17-18 years old). First to sixth grade is like primary school I believe, not very high stakes, no numeric grade only very good to unacceptable. Then seventh to ninth grade is also generally low-stakes, doesn't impact your future etc. Then tenth to twelfth grade is when shit gets real; until this year, only your twelfth year grade impacted your chances of getting into uni but they're slowly changing it so that your grades from tenth to twelfth grade impact it. For me, only my twelfth year grades matter. But to someone who is in eleventh year this year, next year both their 11th and 12th year grades matter. To someone who is in their 10th year this year, all three years matter when they reach their 12th year. (Sorry if it's too jumbled or confusing we were confused too).
There are also two semesters, semester one's grade don't matter and it's all in the second semester.
now that that's out of the way, all schools take different finals from their students. Like, if we had two schools, let's say A and B, none of the exams would be the same in any of the schools. School A has their own teachers who model their own exams and B has their own teachers.
But that's only true if either it's for the first semester finals OR it's not a transitional exam. By transitional I mean, going from 6th grade to 7th grade OR 9th to 10th OR, the most important one, 12th to university. Those final exams are all the same for each yearmate and come directly from the Education Department and are modeled by select teachers which we call 'coordinated finals'.
They're usually modeled in a way to make sure most students pass (they don't) but only the 'good' students get to ace them. They try to make it equal for all, but we all know that's not the case. The ones that we need cards for are only the ones after 10th grade. It used to be only 12th year but this year the 11th year kids are having coordinated finals too.
The Final subjects aren't the same for all people above 10th grade. You see, when we are moving up from 9th grade to 10th grade we get to choose a 'field of study'. It's two branches: A) theoretical branch and B) vocational branch.
A has three sub branches; Science, Math, and Human studies. How it works is that if you go to Science branch you get to be a doctor (or jobs like that), Math an engineer (or similar jobs), Human studies a lawyer (or similar jobs). Their university entrances and study material are naturally different BUT science and math kids share A LOT. Only math kids have more math stuff and science kids have biology and geology. Human studies kids are just a different breed and study so much I'm scared of their sheer ability to go through so many books. (which just makes it even weirder to know people used to think 'lazy' kids went to human studies. <- the new gen don't think that though. Also most kids are in science branch, then math, then human studies. thanks parents.)
B is well, anything and everything practical I suppose. And this is how you get to Art school or Music school or any creative and fun but painful schools. But since society hates artists, no one deems kids who choose B to be 'smart' (ridiculous, I know) and nine times out of ten, the kids had to fight their families to choose this branch. And most don't win (don't think for a second that I'm talking from experience hahaha ha.) But yeah. All parents want their kids to be in A and most kids (me included) wanted to be in B.
Well, this turned into a rant. My bad lmao. Let me know if you have more questions, I love explaining. (even if I can get a bit confusing with my over explanations hehe)
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⭐Our Great Glory⭐ for the 'fanfic writer director's cut' as it is absolutely one of my favorite fics of yours!
oh my god this took me too long (to all the requests in my inbox - guys i'm trying i promise) sorry about that. that being said, here's my directors cut for our great glory:
@ilikeitbetterangsty i hope you enjoy!
first of all, since the reader is commonborn, i wanted to highlight the circumstances of that life in King's Landing, especially during Aegon II's coronation. it ended up being around 50% of the chapter, but i really enjoyed delving into that aspect of the world of asoiaf...
also, this is really long, but i enjoyed the chance to talk about my writing a bit.
okay let's get into the writing:
There was always something disgusting or disturbing in each room that you had to clean, and you felt for the whores that had to endure through these things in the first place. All you wanted was to finish your job and then go out in search for a bowl of brown.
Your cleaning was interrupted by the madam standing in the doorway.
“What is it?” you asked.
“There’s people at the door. Go take care of them, I need to look after Janei for a bit, she had a rough night.”
Okay, so starting off with something pretty rough - asoiaf doesn't have good circumstances for any woman, especially not in KL, and even though the reader isn't a sex worker, her proximity to them makes it impossible to escape that world, and the disgusting customers that come with it. i did this to kind of make the relationship betweent he reader and criston more ~complex~
Criston is literally a white knight, in shining armor. he's supposed to be a beacon of purity - something which already stands in contrast to the regular expectations towards men in the world of hotd and got. but then he drops that facade with the reader, someone who is constantly in the thick of other people's perversions. it makes their relationship even more complicated, bc he's not pure towards her, and just reinforces her expectations towards men, and yet, he really wants to be.
An older woman stood next to you, her demeanor and stance completely out of place. She walked with the other common folk as if she owned the stones she touched, but you pretended not to notice her nobility.
So, the reader is walking next to Princess Rhaenys without knowing it, but she does understand that they're in different... tax brackets ig. i kind of stole this line from game of thrones, where varys tells tyrion that everyone knows he's nobility bc he walks like he owns the ground he walks on. the reader ignores that this other person is noble for a good reason - this other woman definitely has power over her, so if the reader calls her out, she could be in deep shit. at the same time, she kind of sets the events in the dragonpit in motion. had the reader called her out, rhaenys possibly never would have made it there.
You’d barely been more than a child when Prince Daemon had pulled the criminals into the streets, watching with wide eyes as carts of heads, limbs and eyes rolled past.
I think people love to forget a) how far these events apart and b) how this was probably extremely traumatizing to a whole generation of children in Flea Bottom. Yes, the ppl living there are horrible, but a horrible place breeds horrible people. those criminals were definitely parents/siblings/caretakers/etc. it's well within the possible that the reader lost someone that day, either via execution or due to the consequences of such violent punishments. also wanted to call daemon out on being a medieval cop.
Had they brought you here to burn you all?
again, a small throwback to game of thrones + targaryen madness. this fear is, later in the fic, proven as not that unreasonable.
King Viserys was dead, and if this was a coronation, war was on the horizon.
commoners are not stupid!!!! this is what i wanted to highlight here!! why do people always portray the nobles in asoiaf as smart and commoners as stupid? girl be fr most of us would be commoners if we went back in time. but idt that the commoners witnessing aegon's coronation were ignorant to the fact that war was on the horizon. they all knew what was coming - F&B SPOILERS COMING UP!! maybe this was a part of what heated up agressions leading up to the bread riots.
You knew that if you stood closer to him, you would be able to see the white of his knuckles, his thumb moving over the grip of his sword impatiently.
This is a reference to rhae rhae's wedding, where mans was grabbing his sword so tightly that it's a wonder his hand didn't explode.
Immediately, people began pushing towards the exit, trying to get away from the beast. Mere meters away from you, a man thudded against a pillar, before landing on the ground motionless.
okay, so this is the typical violence we know from asoiaf. since the focus was on the commoners in the dragon pit here, i wanted to highllight that, in a situation like this a crowd panic/crushes/collapses are bound to happen. they're in an enclosed space with a dragon. i can't believe that this wasn't highlighted in hotd, even though the show itself isn't about the commoners. in general, i'm just kinda sad that their (commoners) perspective is never really highlighted/sympathized with.
“What is your name?” you asked him, still out of breath.
“Gaemon.” The boy said faintly, and you wondered briefly if you had accidentally taken a Targaryen prince with you.
of course, there won't be some random targ kid in the bottom of the dragonpit. the reader rescues this child because it's a split second decision, and the right thing to do. it's a wonder she makes it out with a child on her shoulders, but she does make it. now, if she'd accidentally taken a real targ child with her, i think the reader would have been in deep shit, even if she'd returned him to the red keep. nobility can accuse her of whatever, so gaemon being a bastard was a massive relief for her.
Turmoil was still in the air, but already, whores were flaunting their figures.
the grind never stops in the street of silk ig... jk. or well, not really. istg if i was in flea bottom, i don't think i could take it mentally. there's a constant 180 between violence and everyday business (sex work) which is also deeply connected with violence.
The boy buried his face in your leg, and you picked him up, allowing him to look away as you walked further into the establishment.
okay, here's the thing. gaemon is a child. children don't understand things like this, but instinctually, they deeply dislike surroundings that promote violence. this can be seen in surroundings with high drug consumption/extreme poverty/etc etc while still being likely to become a perpetrator of them when they grow up. and while gaemon hates the surroundings - so does the reader, so it's again instinctual from her to make such a futile attempt at protecting him from this world he's stuck in anyway.
Essie turned to you, Gaemon on her hip. “Thank you.” She said sincerely.
“Of course.”
“Take care. And thank you for saving my son again. I cannot repay you, ever. I’ll ask the madam if there’s still a job for you here. You could make as much money as a merchant’s daughter.”
“I’m only a cleaner.” You explained.
“Still, it’ll pay better than at any other place in the Street of Silk.” She promised, giving you a small hug. You nodded, patting Gaemon on the shoulder before you made to leave again.
Essie doesn't have any money, or much other means to pay the reader back. I think in Flea Bottom and KL in general, there's a mentality of each for their own, but saving someone's child - there is bound to be gratitude, and this is what Essie can offer. a better shot at this whole each for their own thing.
You almost let out a scream as you saw the hooded figure across from you, but the man had already crossed the room, hand over your mouth.
honestly this is just criston being a hoe for drama.
“I know. I’m poor, not an idiot.” You said.
this was inspired by vikings. ivar says something along the lines of 'i'm a cripple, not an idiot' - which doesn't make that much sense since his brothers know he's smart. it does make sense in this situation, i think. it's another reference of nobility looking down on commoners, despite criston being born barely above those commoners.
“Don’t run away when this doesn’t go to plan, or I’ll gut you like my mother did to my father.” You threatened. He nodded, grabbing your hand in his own and pulling you after him.
okay, this is brutal. it's a brutal thing to do to your partner/husband. i didn't flesh out a clear backstory for the reader, but i did want to include this. it may or may not be true, but it's a desperate attempt to appear strong. that she's a person that can stand on her own two feet. if it is true, her mother prolly killed her father while he was drunk/intoxicated in some other way. realistically, the reader wouldn't stand a chance in a fight with criston, and she knows that.
“I love this side of you. I’ve never seen it, and I want more of it.” You replied.
this is another reference to just that. she doesn't quite love criston yet. he's been unkind to her. it's not a simple relationship, but she can see that there's a possibility of happiness. so, instead of lying to ser criston and saying i love you, she chooses that route.
You won’t believe how cheap everything here is.
this is just bc criston hasn't been to a grocery store in like. ten years.
“This is a manse, not a house.” You laughed, staring at the garden that bloomed around you. Terracotta tiles lined the path in front of you, leading to the house that was apparently yours.
the house is deeply inspired by mediterranean, and especially, italian houses. i'm not sure what they're called, but it's those houses in the countryside that my family would go to for the holidays. the time i spent in those houses was always some of the happiests weeks in my life. i guess it's also an ode to italy and spain, and the experiences i've made there. ofc, i've only ever been on holiday, but in general, people are more friendly and welcoming than in my homecountry germany, and many big cities in southeast asia, where i grew up in. not to mention the absolutely mouthwatering cuisine. ig that's what i wanted for the reader. she's been through enough lol.
“You will. Leaving that place saved you.”
with that place, the reader means the red keep specifically. no one there is happy. sansa is obviously not okay due to the abuse she had to endure. jaime connects most of his trauma to the red keep. cersei sits in the red keep, dreaming of home, of casterly rock (this is in the books, mostly). and why shouldn't they? literally not one character enjoys living there. same thing goes for hotd. rhaenyra leaves it due to rumors catching up to her, and the constant harassment about her sons. alicent's life is just... pretty shit. it's also due to the red keep. had she stayed in oldtown, she never would have been forced to marry viserys, abandoned by her own father and surrounded by people that were out to get something from her. daeron, who is literally alicent's only somewhat normal child, is also the only one that grew up outside the red keep. viserys is killed by living in the red keep and sitting on the iron throne (not that i have much sympathy for him).
now, there's this theme in asoiaf with the corruption through power, and how the iron throne embodies that, but i think that that also extends to the characters in the red keep. either, they're victims of people that seek power (helaena, sansa, tommen, etc) or, they're people made miserable BECAUSE they seek that power (cersei, daemon, kevan, etc).
okay that was A LOT. but yeah, these were kind of my thoughts on the fic and the lines behind it. i hope you enjoyed :)))
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darkangel1117 · 1 year
hi so what do you think of the Addison vs Swatch debate? personally I feel like both could be arguable options for best creature in the dark world. Personally, I'm more of a fan of the Swatchlings because they have the subtle varsities. While Addisons might be like different horse breeds, Swatchlings are all unique in their own way, like how each zebra has its own unique pattern of stripes. I feel like you also have more freedom with swatches tbh? At least for what could be headcanoned. The could all he different sizes n stuff and like could maybe have different amounts and patches of white in their faces. tbh you could see the same thing for Addisons, but seeing an Addison as ripped as a Swatchling just somehow doesn't feel right.
Also the fact that Swatchlings are just large, fluffy bird things are so pleasing. I love fluffy bird creatures. And I agree that Addisons are probably fluffy too, they're more like spiky boys so. (and no one can't pull wearing a suit so good like a swatchling can so)
Aanyways just wanted to get your opinion on which silly creature is better. =]
man ive never heard of the addison vs swatch debate but im ⏃ bit biased bc spamton is an addison so... addisons it is ig :)
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wigglepiggle · 1 year
fun facts about my creature designs bc idk anymore
this was only supposed to be about journal and TC i got a little too silly this is pretty long
journal's paper feathers can't really be written on in the same way as his pages can (this is a hc but i think he can just think of something and just write things in himself with his mind), he has to use an actual pencil to draw the patterns himself. objects that have feathers like this will opt to use whatever drawing thing to draw with
It's sorta like nail polish ig how it slowly goes away over time and has to be replaced a lot, as the pencil will rub off smudge whatever in high contact areas like his arm feathers. the pencil marks can obv be removed with erasers. I think he would like to change his patterns a decent amount to whatever he was interested in that day so he probably wouldn't want to draw on himself with pen
journal used to be on top of making sure his feather patterns were clean looking until his mental health started to decline so as of now they're probably decently deteriorated by now
journal is a great horned owl, because i saw one picture of an owlet sleeping flat on his face and for some reason it reminded me of him faceplanting twice
treasure chest's scales are actually straight up gold, to fit with his theme of treasure he is also the treasure heh. it's probably kind of heavy but whatever he can handle it he probably sounds like a bunch of coins jingling when he moves around
I'm not sure what all of his scales would be worth but i wouldn't recommend trying to steal them from him that would hurt him
tc has probably had many occurrences of objects pulling on his scales and asking if it's actual gold
tc is a gold dust molly, because gold and also it can live in saltwater which is what I was aiming for
paint palette was actually supposed to be a wolf literally wearing wool, like in lockdown she wouldn't be wearing the sheep wool but she'd put it on in lockout
but i didn't like that it felt a bit too cliché ig so she's just a sheep but she still has the vibe
unlike journal notebook's creature features are not made out of typical paper they're made out of cardboard like a notebook cover no reason for this i just felt like it
notebook is a dino specifically bc that one scene in sob where they just go "RAAARGGGH" after being provoked sometimes i put deep thought into the animals for my creature objects and other times it's literally just one thing that speaks to me /silly
bucket can make really interesting noises considering he's a mix of a cat and a dog/kittydog, he might not do that in front of random people but when he's alone/with his friends
I don't know what sounds kittydogs make i just assume they make noises like a mix of noises from both animals (like a meowbark??? I made that up idk)
now that i think of it i can't remember why bucket's a kittydog anyway but i like it so it stays
rook being a guinea pig is because of the guinea pig's history in being pets that different royalty had
he also has a blue earring on his ear, this references shieldy
idk where he got that earring from tbh on the ground somewhere maybe??
shieldy has a gold one to match rook, along with being the same breed of guinea pig iirc (abyssinian) i can't remember if that breed specifically was a breed that royalty had maybe it was
I remember the earring connections being unintentional i think but by the time I designed shieldy i did make it intentionally
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tuxalfredo · 2 years
Some info dumping and traditional concept arts of my OCs!!
Doodle of my fursona to welcome you down this trail of blabbering if you so choose to continue onwards:D
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These first few sketches are concept pieces for practicing different shapes. I plan to make my OC story a comic, so of course posing and shape consistency is very key:]
They're not rlly specific characters, just good ol' practice.
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Some form of disclaimer ig: the bits of worldbuilding of my story that I am introducing in this post may be similar to Warrior Cats in a way, I definitely take inspiration from WC with this all, but these are not WC OCs in any way.
The 4 "divided" groups call themselves Septs, each group is made of a different breed of an original species I made called "grimalkin" (feline esc animals but each breed has special physical characteristics)
The 4 subspecies of grimalkin who divide themselves are ryfons, koas, lampyridae, and kimaira ("kimair" is the non-plural). They all have different physical characteristics, such as ryfons possess feathery fur and tend to grow larger than the others ; koas have more of a squirrelly and round look to them ; kimaira possess venomous fangs (works similar to a snakes fangs, can sheathe and unsheathe) ; lampyridae are very fox-like in looks rather than feline-esc like the others are. Their Sept is also the only Sept with a monarchy ruling system. (More on the lampyridae Sept, the inner workings of their Sept is very key to the plotline of my story;)
Fun little note as well ~ lampyridae and kimaira have black eyes--or, fully one-colored eyes with no pupils/scleras; like how rodent eyes are:]
~ breakoff from topic baby name lore cus yes ~
- ryfon babies are called "kits"
- koa babies are called "fawns"
- kimair babies are called "cubs"
- lampyridae babies are called "nymphs"
That's the most notes I will share of the worldbuilding. Now onto some character introductions:D
This rapscallion below is a ryfon by the name of Taika (he/him). He's the main antagonist of my story.
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This lil guy is a koa by the name of Chiryo (he/him). He's close to the main character of my story and a major main side character throughout the story (will probably have an individual post for my MAIN guy. He's a doozie.)
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This ball of chronic anxiety and heavy insecurity problems is Fawn (he/they ; prefers pronoun shifting)! They're a lampyridae, and of the royal bloodline in his Sept.
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This ones a bit of a rushed sketch, but it's the only one I have of a kimair character. I kinda neglect them a lot lmao even tho I truly love em sm.
This is Goose (she/her), a kimair. She's the youngest of the main characters in my story and is very young throughout the main story so of course this is her as an adult lols. Big buff girlboss, I love her❤️
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I have a LOT more characters than just these guys ofc, this is just an introduction post to get people connected to my OCs. I've been working a lot on these guys for a long while, and the stories coming together so nicely. It's gone through TONS of changes throughout it's lifetime, and I'm very content with where it is now. I hope to soon, in the soon far future at least, finally start putting this universe into production.
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fuck it im doing nsfw kinky posts
including but not limited to: jean x jeremy x neil x kevin x andrew, trans male character (hint its the lil guy from my icon), unsafe sex, breeding kink, gangbang ig
beware the cum inflation and belly bulge kinks came out of nowhere, suddenly they were just there
this is just the idea, no full fleshed out fic obviously but just
neil getting fucked and getting a creampie from all his boys <3
just dirty unsafe fucking from jean, jeremy, andrew and kevin, them taking turns with fucking his different holes, or playing with each other, just not cumming anywhere else but inside neil's pussy bc they're breeding that boy so well his belly is bulging out with how full of cum he is
after the last of them cums in him, hes so full the cum just oozes out of his pussy but one of them just fingers it all back inside and places his legs in a raised position so that the cum has nowhere to go but back inside
they have to plug him eventually bc the cum just keeps falling out and it wouldn't be an accurate breeding session if he wasn't actually bred by the end of the night (bonus bc since they all came inside him, no one would know who the father actually was so the baby would be all theirs <3)
afterwards they cuddle and shit yeah
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antmimicry · 1 year
it's not like a bad thing or even really that notable but the group of "cougars have a breeding population in the northeastern us/new england (and fish and wildlife/similar groups are intentionally covering it up)" people is so fascinating to me. idk sometimes I will just like look for a news article abt it and read the comments or find a facebook page for it and it's just. so interesting to me. I don't even necessarily think that 100% of sightings are misidentifications (though I mean.. probably most of them are) but the sheer confidence is so fascinating? idk. I've always wondered what I'd do personally if I ever saw an animal that I was completely convinced was a cougar (as in, got a clear look at it and also specifically saw the tail, because ofc the tail is a crucial factor lol), if I'd become one of the 'truthers' or not. something something human 'eyewitnesses' + memories are notoriously unreliable and all but like I am definitely sympathetic to "no, I saw this animal and I KNOW what I saw", it's definitely not.. easy to convince yourself that you're fooling yourself!
I will say though it's really really funny seeing people insisting they know so much about cougars and other animals and they'd never make a mistake etc. but then those same people will start talking abt black cougars (the black cougars thing is def a fun subset of this. 'giant black cat' sightings are such a Thing like.. everywhere..and I find it interesting although not surprising how here they get wrapped up into cougar sightings despite that being like. not a thing.)
or they'll be like responding credulously to or sometimes they themselves will post stuff like a repeatedly debunked piece of historical 'evidence', or grainy trail cam pic of literally a bobcat, or like a video of a feral cat ("I don't care what the so-called 'experts' say, no house cat has proportions like those, that's a cougar for sure!!") or, v funny one that I just saw, a pic from a trail cam that was just the top part of the head of a coyote!
it's also funny when they have a bit more integrity I guess and they DO push back against these things and start a fight within a group (just read a bunch of fascinating conversations among several people who all believed cougars live here but the point of contention was black cougars specifically, it got a bit heated lmao)
one of my favorite comments that I see over and over and over is people talking about "I've heard about lots of black cougars in (area) in particular" and I've seen this repeatedly in conversations about all sorts of different areas, like I think literally every single page or article I read about many different places all had a comment like this! and the reason for it is not because there are lots of black cougars (<- not a thing) in every single one of these areas but because giant black cat sightings are . sort of popular everywhere lol.
ugh ik this is a bad habit and I always start to feel a bit bad when I get too absorbed in something that's basically.. reading something to point and laugh. but idk it's also not like I'm directly linking to these people or responding to them or telling others to go mock them etc. as far as 'reading about people being silly on the internet' goes ig this is a pretty benign example but it's still something I try not to do too often. and admittedly like I said I AM somewhat sympathetic to a lot of these people/sort of understand where they're coming from! but anyways yeah idk why I find these particular conversations soo fascinating but I do. definitely part of it is bc it's possible to find conversations concerning the specific area where I live, it's still like.. interesting when it's about a place I'm not familiar with but it's substantially more fascinating when people are talking about like. places I've seen in real life, roads that I've been on before, or even neighboring towns/in one case the tiny little town that I live in.
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nohiketoosmall · 1 year
been thinking about snake laws a bit recently, and how they could interact with like, morphs and different species and etc.
In illinois, you need a permit to own any native species, but you don't need a permit for something like a burmese python. In fact, the law specifically states no laws can be passed prohibiting pythons or boas from being kept. And on one hand I get it: this isn't florida, nonnative tropical species aren't going to survive in illinois. I assume theres been lobbying to allow people to keep snakes.
but like, there's no guidelines as to how to keep these animals. ball pythons are kept in tiny boxes and need humidity and get stressed easily. there are corn snakes, which are safer starter snakes, and also not native (more southern). but both get >4ft and most people aren't shelling out for bigger cages.
but then! garter snakes and hognoses are both littler species that are at least as reasonable to keep as a ball python, but you can't keep more than a couple so I don't think people breed/sell them here. and as a conservationist who knows of snakes that were stolen from the wild im like that's with good reason! we need a way to prevent snakes from being stolen from the wild! but also like... it feels like if we had a more robust system of permit keeping you should be able to keep more native species, but esp if they're morphs, since then its like proof they're captive bred.
ig its just wild that you're not restricted to keep these large, nonnative species who really deserve a lot of space, but its harder to get a small, more reasonably kept species, who also are going to need less climate control since they're native to the region. i mean im pro-permit in both cases I just think permits mean people aren't breeding for eg hognoses in this state. they are stealing them out of the wild though, i know that for sure.
from a conservation perspective I'm not even sure restricting ownership helps that much with their wild populations because, western hogs are considered "threatened" in the state but its not because of overcatching its because of habitat destruction? and its all habitat destruction in the farmland area of the state? bc they only even live in the western half of illinois.
in conclusion: you can breed all the pythons you want in tiny boxes and sell them, because at least they're nonnative so you're not taking them from the wild in illinois (because we only care about wild caught things if they're from our state, feel free to ship in captured wild animals from like, other countries or whatever). you can't get a native snake, even if its been captive bred for multiple generations and from another state, without a permit and even then you cant have more than 4, so no breeding, so more people can take them from the wild and sell them rather than having a legal system where you maintain captive populations.
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
saw ur reblog about the dogs and fun fact! small dogs are generally more likely to hurt you than big dogs :D a terrior will go for your face, a retriever will sit on you and go to sleep. this is because big dogs generally do not have to worry about threats because of their large size therefore they are very chill, but small dogs face many threats so have to be as psychotic as possible :) so there's no need to be sketched out by the big ones. of course some breeds are different and some big dogs are just as feral as small dogs and some small dogs are the chillest dogs you ever did see so... know the dog ig. anyway dogs cool my favourite is borzoi and not just because of the let me do it for you meme
(Post in question)
Yes, that is very fair. Apparently, there's a survey that found that out of 33 breeds, the most aggressive dog? The Dachshund. A little doggo that people like to compare to hot dogs. (To be fair, they are meant to hunt badgers but these days the most burrowing they get up to is in your bed sheets.) Though, I wouldn't describe little dogs as psychotic, as that is very ableist towards folks with psychotic disorders. Maybe a better way to phrase that would be they're hostile/anxious, since that is your meaning. 😊
TBH, my beef with large dogs is pretty much only strange dogs I don't know. If it's some random stray dog or some dog in a park I don't know, yeah, I'm going to be wary.
Yes, dogs are great! My favorites are Dachshunds, Corgis, and Australian Shepherds (you're not even Australian!)
Borzois are very cool looking!
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junikshanasar · 3 years
Tokyo Manji Revengers - Read it!
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Okay, so I feel this manga series is only just starting to blow-up, cause the anime came out?? Well that’s definitely how I found out about it - saw a clip on YouTube of a character called Mikey and I was like darn, I like this character, lemme try this series. The summary was way surprising when I read it for the first time, but let me tell you, I absolutely love reading this manga!
Came for Mikey, stayed for everyone else (especially Chifuyu, love that guy).
Basically, our mc, Hanagaki Takemichi (I put last names first, it just feels right when the names are Japanese), finds out on the news that his ex-girlfriend and her brother, Tachibana Hinata and Tachibana Naoto, have died because of the Tokyo Manji Group, a huge, powerful, and no-good gang. Just before getting run over by a train, he finds himself sent back 12 years into the past, where a careless remark to Naoto ends up changing the future, to one where Naoto survives.
From there, Takemichi makes it his goal to save Hinata, through altering the past in order to change the course of the future. How? By entering the ranks of the Tokyo Manji Group!
Okay so, I got sucked into this almost right away. You can’t help but cheer for Takemichi, and his relationship with Hinata is adorable. Everyone, and I mean everyone is likeable. The bad guys are irritating and menacing, and the fights are so badass!
Of course, it is shounen, so everyone is all about getting strong and making comrades. The story is rather dramatic, with some corny parts here and there, and you kinda got to remind yourself these are all kids. Like, middle schoolers and high schoolers. 
But the manga does not at all shy away from the darker sides of the world. It takes itself seriously. The artstyle fits the mood perfectly, and looks good.
And wow, the relationships between the characters are heartwarming and emotional. Backstories are actually interesting, and you can see where everyone is coming from. Watching Takemichi grow to care for everyone is done so wonderfully that the typical “I’m going to save everyone” mindset is one you understand, and really want him to accomplish. 
The emotion and tension is poignant, and I legit couldn’t stop reading to the point that I binged the entire 200+ chapters available in a little under two days  (o′┏▽┓`o) 
The series is still ongoing, and I read it weekly. The only other manga I read weekly instead of bookmarking and wait for chapters to pile up is Boku no Hero Academia, so that should be an indicator of how much fun I had reading it. Going through all the ups and downs with Takemichi and experiencing everything he experiences ensures your heart soars when things go right, and pains when things don’t. 
I know a couple people who have dropped it? A lot of them are people who dislike Takemichi as an mc, because he’s very emotional, essentially a crybaby, and not physically strong compared to other characters in fights. That’s basically his entire character though, so don’t go expecting him to become some op guy who beats everyone up and always gets his way. Personally, I really like the way he is, and that his character changes are not physical, but mental and emotional. Underdogs are much more inspiring, after all.
I’m glad he never has any real ‘training arcs’ that all of a sudden make him super powerful. All his strength comes from his heart, and that’s what makes him so appealing and charismatic not only to me, but to the people around him as well.
There are also a couple of people upset with the newest arc/development in the story (which starts around chapter 200+, which is where I’ve caught up), but I kinda saw it coming. I don’t want to include any spoilers in this review, so I might make a separate post later on why I saw this arc coming.
Anyway, I hope this review made you even a little curious! It’s obviously not everyone’s cup of tea, nothing truly is, but I super recommend it!
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